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An Attempt To Recognize Handwritten Tamil Character Using Kohonen SOM

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Int. J.

of Advance d Networking and Applications 188

Volume: 01 Issue: 03 Pages: 188-192 (2009)

An Attempt to Recognize Handwritten Tamil

Character Using Kohonen SOM
R.Indra Gandhi
Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Mother Teresa Women’s University,
Kodaikanal - 624 102, TN, India
Email: shambhavi.rajesh@gmail.com
CSIR Emeritus Scientist, School of Physics,
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai – 625 02, TN, India
Email: iyakutti@yahoo.co.in

-------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------------------
This paper presents a new approach of Kohonen neural network based Self Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm for
Tamil Character Recognition. Which provides much higher performance than the traditional neural network.
Approaches: Step 1: It describes how a system is used to recognize a hand written Tamil characters using a
classification approach. The aim of the pre-classification is to reduce the number of possible candidates of unknown
character, to a subset of the total character set. This is otherwise known as cluster, so the algorithm will try to group
similar characters together. Step 2: Members of pre-classified group are further analyzed using a statistical classifier
for final recognition. A recognition rate of around 79.9% was achieved for the first choice and more than 98.5% for
the top three choices. The result shows that the proposed Kohonen SOM algorithm yields promising output and
feasible with other existing techniques.

Keywords: Handwritten character, SOM, Baseline, Statistical, Structural, Crux, Meticulous and Sobel edge detection.
Date of Submission: August 08, 2009 Revised: November 11, 2009 Accepted: November 18,2009

Structural techniques use some qualitative measurements as

1. INTRODUCTION features. Statistical techniques use some quantitative
measurement. In hybrid approach, these two techniques are
combined at appropriate stage first representation of

D uring the last four decades, the field of character

recognition has been receiving significant attention,
from research workers in diverse disciplines such as
characters and utilizing them for recognition. In this paper
we use hybrid techniques, in which structural properties of
the text line are used for the first stage of preliminary
conversion of handwritten of printed document to an classifications. A statistical classifier recognizes the
editable soft format, recognition of postal addresses for unknown character as one of the members of the pre-
automated postal system, data and word processing, data classified group.
acquisition in bank checks, processing of archived
institutional records. Most of the work done in the field of 2. TAMIL LANGUAGE
character recognition is confined to Roman [1], English
[2,3], Urdu [4,5], Chinese / Japanese languages [6,7,8]. Tamil is one of the 16 major national languages spoken by
Now a day some efforts have been reported in literature for the South Indian. Most Tamil letters have circular shapes;
Devanagari [9,10], Bangla [11,18], Telugu [12,13,14], partially due to the fact that they were originally carved
Tamil [15,16,17] scripts. Most of the character recognition with needles on palm leaves, a technology that favored
techniques are problem-oriented. Techniques are devised rounded shapes. The writing of Tamil is a combination of
for the recognition of a particular script depending upon the alphabetical and syllabic systems. The Tamil script is used
nature and complexity of the character. Broadly speaking, to write the Tamil Language in Tamil Nadu state of India,
the features can be physical, topological, mathematical or Sri Lanka, Singapore and parts of Malaysia as we as write
statistical in nature. These strategy used for recognition can minority languages such as Badaga [19]. Compared to other
be broadly classified into structural, statistical and hybrid.
Int. J. of Advance d Networking and Applications 189
Volume: 01 Issue: 03 Pages: 188-192 (2009)

Indian language it has a relatively small number of pure

consonants and vowels.
The Tamil alphabet has thirty basic letters of which 18 are
consonants and 12 are vowels. In addition 216
combinations of consonants and vowels, which are either,
compound letters or syllables. In character recognition
point of view, only 67 symbols have to be identified to
recognize all 247[17]. We have considered 67 symbols of
the Tamil Alphabet for our study.
Fig.1 Reference Line Identifications
Most of the recognition systems are composed of two basic A pre-formatted paper for the collection of handwriting was
subparts: Feature extraction and classification. Feature used to guide the writer and simplify the process of
extraction deals with the basic operations like acquisition, reference line extraction. Each document has the four
noise reduction, scaling, segmentations etc., On the other references line printed on it. However, these lines are
hand, classification can be said as recognition. The aim of completely eliminated during the binarization of the image
preliminary classification is to reduce the number of and have no effect on the segmentations. After the
possible unknown character, to a subset of the total references lines have been found, words and characters are
character set. extracted using the vertical projection profile of each text
line. Word boundaries and character boundaries are
4. DATA COLLECTION distinguishable since the former are much wider than the
latter. One all the characters have been segmented, the
Data samples were collected from different writers on any minimum-bounding box of each character is identified
sized documents. First of all, the input data are resized to eliminating the while space around it. Upper and lower
250 X 250 pixels to satisfy procedure, regardless of whether boundary values of the minimum boundary box, along with
it’s an image of a single character or a word. The system the four reference lines, are sent to the next stage for
was trained with both computer-generated images and preliminary classification.
scanned images of text; may it be a single character or a
word. In preprocessing, noise is removed from the image by 6. PRELIMINARY CLASSIFICATION.
a spatial filter. It should be noted that no skew correction
was done, so the scanning process is expected to be a high Aspiration of this classification is to reduce the number of
quality. Quality of the image is a great factor for the possible characters for an unknown character, form the
performance of the system. known one refer Fig 2.

Text area from the document, which may consist of multi
lines, is extracted and the segmentation step is followed.
Further, each line is segmented into individual words, and
finally ach word is segmented into individual characters.
The method is based on horizontal projection profile Fig.2 Crux and Exhaustive character
corresponds to the horizontal gaps between text lines. Each
text line is identified using two-reference line known as So the characters are categorized into two groups where the
upper line and lower line. They correspond to the minimum characters of the first group lie in the two baselines are
and maximum zero value positions adjusting a text line categorized into crux characters group. On the other hand,
respectively. (See Fig. 1) First derivative of the horizontal the character that cross the base line as Exhaustive group.
projection profile is calculated for each segmented text line. Again this exhaustive group is further divided into two sub
The lines drawn across the two peaks in Fig. 1 indicate the groups for easy recognition.
two baselines.
Int. J. of Advance d Networking and Applications 190
Volume: 01 Issue: 03 Pages: 188-192 (2009)

ii) K =Maximum (X (k) ), for iteration step k=1...K, get an

input vector X (k) randomly or in order.
iii) Calculate Distance = X(k),  k = 1…n
1…n refers to neuron nodes.
iv) Select the winner output neuron j * with minimum
v) Update weights  W j ( k+ 1) to neurons j * and its
Table 1. Primary Classification of Two groups neighborhood:

“Ascending exhaustive characters” which cross the upper W j (k + 1) = W j ( k) + α (k + 1) ∩ ( j , j*

base line and “Descending exhaustive characters” are the ( k+1) , ( k + 1) ) [ X ( k + 1) − W j (k) ],
one that cross the lower base line. Table 1. Lists all the j = 1…L,
characters under this consideration, classified into the above
vi) If k= K go to step (ii).
pre-classification groups. Characters belonging to other
groups like numbers and Sanskrit based characters are
assumed to be invalid matches and are not considered for In this algorithm, α ( k ) is a step function that decreases
the recognition. monotonically with k ∩ ( j… j*(k), k as neighborhood
function. It is formulated as follows:
This feature extraction is a most important part of the d j*k(k)
character recognition procedure. Here creation of vectors ∩ A ( j , j*(k), k) = - exp
from the image (binary images) is carried out. All the 2
2σ (k)
segmented characters images are then scaled into a common
height and width (32 X 32 pixels) using a bilinear
Where σ (k) defines the width of the neighborhood which
interpolation technique. Usually some unwanted portions
are included in the image. This can be corrected by Sobel decreases in time monotonically, and d2j*k ( k) is Euclidean
edge detection algorithm, using Sobel mask. The process metric distance between the neuron to be adjusted to the
makes the feature detection process easier. Moreover winner neuron j* .
Median filtering made the sample that increases the
efficiency of the process. 9. TENTATIVE RESULT
Experimental data is divided into two distinct sets: a
8. RECOGNITION PROCESS training set of 200 samples and a testing set of 800 samples.
Lots of activities in pre-processing stages helps to process In experiment, total 100 text lines were subjected to
this stage very easy. Self-organizing feature maps (SOFM segmentation and reference line identification. We
or SOM) are unsupervised machine learning that learns by conducted several test by various portion of the training
self-organizing and competition [20]. The main idea for this data, to see how well the system represents the data it has
is to make it simple and acceptable for Kohonen SOM. It been trained on. In all the cases, every character in each text
reduces a remarkable amount of time. SOM is clustering the line was correctly segmented. The reference line
input vector by calculating neuron weight vector according identification was almost 98.5% accurate resulting only 1%
to some measure (e.g. Euclidean distance), thus weight pre-classification error. Results of the recognition process
vector that closet to input vector comes out as winning are given in Table 2.
neuron. However, instead of updating only the winning
neuron, all neurons within a certain neighborhood of the Kohonen SOM shows very good promise indeed, especially
winning neuron are updated using the Kohonen rule [20]. as compared to Neural network based ones. Not only is the
accuracy rate consistently higher, the time performance to
The algorithm is described as follows, suppose the training train and recognize are better as Kohonen networks do not
set has sample vectors X, trains the SOM network has have hidden layers.
following steps:

i) Firstly, all neuron nodes weights, defined as

W j (1), j = 1…L, are initialized randomly.
L is the number of neurons in the output layer.
Int. J. of Advance d Networking and Applications 191
Volume: 01 Issue: 03 Pages: 188-192 (2009)

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Sample Data



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%Tested 79.9 92.9 96.9

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%Trained 89.5 97.0 98.5

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