An Attempt To Recognize Handwritten Tamil Character Using Kohonen SOM
An Attempt To Recognize Handwritten Tamil Character Using Kohonen SOM
An Attempt To Recognize Handwritten Tamil Character Using Kohonen SOM
-------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------------------
This paper presents a new approach of Kohonen neural network based Self Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm for
Tamil Character Recognition. Which provides much higher performance than the traditional neural network.
Approaches: Step 1: It describes how a system is used to recognize a hand written Tamil characters using a
classification approach. The aim of the pre-classification is to reduce the number of possible candidates of unknown
character, to a subset of the total character set. This is otherwise known as cluster, so the algorithm will try to group
similar characters together. Step 2: Members of pre-classified group are further analyzed using a statistical classifier
for final recognition. A recognition rate of around 79.9% was achieved for the first choice and more than 98.5% for
the top three choices. The result shows that the proposed Kohonen SOM algorithm yields promising output and
feasible with other existing techniques.
Keywords: Handwritten character, SOM, Baseline, Statistical, Structural, Crux, Meticulous and Sobel edge detection.
Date of Submission: August 08, 2009 Revised: November 11, 2009 Accepted: November 18,2009
Text area from the document, which may consist of multi
lines, is extracted and the segmentation step is followed.
Further, each line is segmented into individual words, and
finally ach word is segmented into individual characters.
The method is based on horizontal projection profile Fig.2 Crux and Exhaustive character
corresponds to the horizontal gaps between text lines. Each
text line is identified using two-reference line known as So the characters are categorized into two groups where the
upper line and lower line. They correspond to the minimum characters of the first group lie in the two baselines are
and maximum zero value positions adjusting a text line categorized into crux characters group. On the other hand,
respectively. (See Fig. 1) First derivative of the horizontal the character that cross the base line as Exhaustive group.
projection profile is calculated for each segmented text line. Again this exhaustive group is further divided into two sub
The lines drawn across the two peaks in Fig. 1 indicate the groups for easy recognition.
two baselines.
Int. J. of Advance d Networking and Applications 190
Volume: 01 Issue: 03 Pages: 188-192 (2009)
Sample Data
handwriting recognition”, IEEE Trans. on pattern Anal.
Mach. Intell., vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1039-1045, Oct. 1996.
Tested 639.0 104.0 32.0
Number 800