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Unit 35 Multicam Lab Lac-2

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The first meeting, me and the team discussed the roles we are going to take on for the interview
with media industry editor Dominic Strevens. We’d discussed what roles would be best suited to
each person and made sure everyone was happy with their role, my role is the Graphics
Director and I’m tasked to create graphics for the multi-camera footage in post production. Tom
is the presenter/interviewer who will be talking to Dominic, Joe is the Director, Chloe is the script
supervisor, Shaquille is the vision mixer, the cameramen are Sam, Finley and Harvey and
Tommy is the sound engineer.

In this meeting we also discussed what questions we will be asking Dominic Strevens, we did
this in a collaborative document, members of the crew added questions to the collaborative
document and only the best questions were picked.

In this meeting we discussed the questions we will be asking Dominic Strevens in further detail,
deciding what questions were appropriate and which were not as a lot of the questions were
about Line of Duty we thought that we should not ask too many questions about Line of Duty
however we will be asking some, we will also ask about his other projects e.g. Broadchurch,
Marcella and Humans.

We will be asking how he got started in the media industry and how he became an editor, we
will also ask what his favorite production was to work on. I will ask him for advice for someone
wanting to get into the media industry.

In this meeting we will be finalising the questions for Dominic Strevens. We will also be planning
for the interview this includes: finding out what equipment we need, floor planning, where the
cameras will be placed, getting permission to film in a location etc.
Name  Aaron Tuong  Date    Event  Multicam  

Position  Graphics Director  Venue/s  Recording Studio   Descripti  


Organizat Thomas tallis  Contact  mobile:  Ref:#   

ion  school  info.  07960855300 
The Risk  Likelihoo Consequence Level of Risk  Pre-emptive  Response 
d  s 

eg. Burn from hot  unlikely  moderate  L - Low  provide gloves  First aider on 
lights  M - moderate  for use with  hand 
Risk  lights 
H - high 
E - extreme 

spilling liquids  unlikely  could be  high  don’t take  try to clean up 
severe  liquids in the  before it gets 
studio  near electrics 

tripping over wires  likely  not much  moderate  making sure  get a first 
however head  wires are tidy  aider if 
could hit  necessary 

knocking over  likely  broken glass,  moderate  being careful  first aider, 
lights  loss of  and sensible  potentially 
equipment   ambulance  

lights setting on fire  not likely  Fire, could be  high  don’t leave the  potential fire 
if used  damage to  lights on or  brigade call 
correctly  equipment,  unattended. 
could cause 
severe burns 

electrocuted   not likely  damage to  extreme  no liquids or  A&E visit, 
equipment  metals near  ambulance 
and potential  studio or  etc. 
death.  equipment 
Multicam Script (Tom looks at the camera and says)

Presenter: Good Morning, Welcome to Tom Talks, I’m Tom Rees and today we are here with Mr
Dominic Strevens who we are going to be interviewing about his career in the film and television
editing industry. (9 Seconds)

Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to get into editing?

A: …

Q: What was your favourite project to work on and why?

A: …

Q: How did you get into the editing industry?

A: …

Q: How long have you been in the editing industry for?

A: …

Q: Have you always wanted to be in the film and television editing industry?

A: …

Q: What is the difference between editing something big like Line of Duty in contrast to smaller
projects you have worked on?

A: …

Q: How long does the editing process normally take?

A: …

Q: What is the most important aspect of editing to you?

A: …

Q: What was your most favourite project to work on?

A: …

Q: What is your favourite type of genre to edit/ work on?

A: …
Q: Which job did you work in before you got into the editing industry?

A: …

Q: Many people here may want to get into the editing industry. What can you say to them about
first starting off in this business?

A: …

For my multicam production role, I was given two roles as: the Graphics Director and the VT
Operator. During filming on set, I was tasked and managed to hit record when the director
begins the countdown to film. Since I was the only person behind the scenes that can hear the
audio of the interview, I made sure that the Director, Vision Mixer and everyone behind the
scenes are aware of where the interview is at on the script and if the audio is in sync. If the
audio wasn’t in sync I would have let the Director know so that he can communicate with the
Sound Engineer who was on set. While we were filming, myself as a team player communicated
with the Director and the Vision Mixer and gave them suggestions to better our shots and
changing it up a bit so that the shots were not in idle which would make uninteresting for the
viewers. Prior to the beginning of the recording and before the interviewee Dominic Strevens
arrived, I began helping by setting up the lights with the Lighting Operator and gave her my
opinions on the lighting so that we can make sure it is clear and appropriate for the type of
interview that we are doing. I had also volunteered to help out with taping down the cables on
the floor to prevent any hazards that can come from it and allows the Camera Operators to
smoothly glide the tripod if needed be.

For my role as Graphics Director, I had previously done some research on several news
interviews and other types of interviews to further my understanding on what graphics should
appear on-screen. The more I looked into it the more I have realised that most interviews don’t
have much graphics to display on-screen as it is outdated and rarely used other than the logo
on the top or bottom corner. I wanted to create a news-like interview for the multicam production
because of the formality of it regarding the ‘editing industry’, therefore I created a black bar on
the bottom that relayed recent events for the viewer while the interview continued. As stated
before, there is always a logo that would be present on-screen so I played around with the font
and design to my satisfaction and the appropriation for the subject of the multicam interview. I’d
finally created the logo which was suitable for the situation and included the Thomas Tallis
School logo inside the text of “Tom Talks”. The beginning of the interview, the interviewer would
introduce Dominic Strevens so I created a white bar that would slide up from the black bar with
the interviewee’s name for the viewers to see. Lastly, I’d applied the time for a news-like effect
seen in all news broadcasts and I made sure that the colon between blinks per second.

In conclusion, I believe that the communication within the production team and myself was good
and effective in creating a fantastic interview. I had done the best of my abilities at the time but
also believe that it could be better if minor issues were solved.

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