Holden Recruitment
Holden Recruitment
Holden Recruitment
Name: Bhairavi B
Module: Sales & Distribution Management
Submitted to: Aparna Kanchan
SAP ID: 80118180021
Q.1 Evaluate Holden’s recruiting program, suggesting whether or not the company should have continued its
college recruiting of sales engineers. (Give reasons for your decision).
➢ The company should continue with the college recruitment program as historically speaking
all Holden salespeople were recruited from twenty-five engineering colleges by district sales managers. The
general sales manager felt that the two hundred sales engineers currently working for Holden were an
excellent source of new recruits. They have the best resources in their company through recruitment
programs they have done in all the colleges. Although the entrance for sales personnel has dropped but
there are many colleges with possible candidates who will go for the opportunity to work with Holden
Electricals. If Holden choses any personal internally there would be a gap if the person is not having any
sales knowledge about non-selling division. As suggested by district managers, they should modify the
current program with few changes which will benefit Holden. There would be added cost if Holden looks
out for experienced candidate in the industry as the fresher candidate on boarding cost won’t be not as
higher as the experienced candidate. College candidate will have more willingness to learn and get trained
as early as possible as they have the fear of losing job so early, they will never compromise in putting more
efforts and bring more productivity in the given targets.
Since there is only gains which is benefited for Holden on a longer way they should not discontinue with
the college recruitment program.