IJPPR, Vol 6, Issue 2, Article 1
IJPPR, Vol 6, Issue 2, Article 1
IJPPR, Vol 6, Issue 2, Article 1
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2014; 6(2); 146-150
ISSN: 0975-4873
Research Article
Nature has gifted us more than 500 colour yielding plants. India is a major exporter of herbal dyes due to forbid on
production of some of synthetic dyes in developed countries due to environmental pollution problem. A survey in primary
school indicated that few children inadvertently ingested ink, currently it is observed that only synthetic ink are used which
may be harmful for children health. Hence for benefit of children, it was thought worth to prepare edible ink. Four herbal
inks were prepared from different biological sources such as Beta valgaris (Beet Root) Chenopodiaceae, Citrus limonene
(Citrus peel) family Rutaceae, Pentas lanceolata (Butterfly Flow petals) family Rubiaceae , Bauhinia purpurea (Butterfly
tree) family Caesalpiniaceae etc. The herbal inks were evaluated for several parameter such as Color, Odour, Taste,
Brightness, Drying time , Flow ability, Non-clogging nature, Viscosity, Permanency of colour, Stability. All inks were
found to edible, safe, easy to prepare and stable.
g No:2 Synthetic
1: based
Types on
of Inks
nature of chromophore Fig. 2: Synthetic Inks based on nature of
Biological source: Fresh Citrus peels of Citrus limonene a cool place away from sunlight.
family Rutacceae. Citrus is a common term Preparation of Red ink form Pentas lanceolata
and genus (Citrus) of flowering plants 9. Biological source: It consists of flowers obtained from
Materials: Citrus fruit peels -20g, Vinegar-5ml, Water- plants Pentas lanceolata of Family Rubiaceae.
500ml Materials: Pentas lanceolata flowers-20g, Alcohol -5ml,
Method: 20grams of citrus peels was grinded. To this Water-500ml
500ml of water was added and boil for 60 mins. The extract Method: 20 grams of Flower patels was grinded, to this
was filtered. Again it was concentrated to half of its 500 ml of water was added and boiled for 90mins, then it
volume by heating. To this final extract 5ml of vinegar was was filtered and concentrated for 45 mins. It was cooled
added. It was filtered and stored in air tight glass bottle in
Fig. 10 : Plant Source Fig. 11 : Grinded Citrus Peel Fig. 12 :Citrus Ink (Citrus limonene)
Fig. 13: Plant Source Fig. 14 : Grinded material Fig. 15 : Pentas lanceolata
Fig. 16: Plant Source Fig. 17: Grinded material Fig. 18: Extract
Fig. 19: Herbal Ink from A: Beet vulgaris ,B:Citrus limonene ,C:Pentas lanceolata, D:Bauhinia purpurea
Table 3: Evaluation parameters
Parameter Beet vulgaris ink Citrus limonene Ink Pentas Bauhinia purpurea Ink
lanceolata Ink
Flow ability Freely flowing Freely flowing Freely flowing Freely flowing
Clogging nature Non clogging Non clogging Non clogging Non clogging
Colour Maroon Yellowish Red Purple
Brightness Dark Light Dark Dark
Permanency of colour 3-8 days 3-8 days 3-8 days 3-8 days
Stability Stable Stable Stable Stable
Taste Pleasant and sour Characteristic Aromatic Characteristic
Drying time 7-9 sec 7-10 sec 7-9 sec 7-15 sec
and filtered till clear solution was obtained. Add 5ml of Biological source: It consists of flower obtained from
alcohol. Red dye obtained was stored in air tight glass plants Bauhinia purpurea of family Caesalpiniaceae.
bottle in a cool place away from sunlight. Materials: Flower-250g, Vinegar 5ml, Water-500ml
Preparation of purple colored ink from Bauhinia purpurea Method: 20 grams of Flower patels was grinded, to this
was filtered and concentrated for 45 mins. It was cooled environment, four Herbal Inks have been prepared and the
and filtered till clear solution was obtained. Add 5ml of preparation methods were standardized.
alcohol. Brown colour ink obtained is stored in an air tight
glass container away from sunlight. REFERENCES
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