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Comparative Study of Seismic Analysis of Building With Light Weight and Conventional Material

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International Journal of Engineering and Management Research e-ISSN: 2250-0758 | p-ISSN: 2394-6962

Volume- 9, Issue- 2, (April 2019)

www.ijemr.net https://doi.org/10.31033/ijemr.9.2.21

Comparative Study of Seismic Analysis of Building with Light Weight and

Conventional Material
Sumit S. Khandare1 and Shyamali P. Jaiswal²
Student, B.E. Civil engineering, Jagadambha College of Engineering & Technology, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, INDIA
Student, B.E. Civil engineering, Jagadambha College of Engineering & Technology, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, INDIA
Corresponding Author: sumitskhandare122@gmail.com

ABSTRACT took a long time for the invention to be commercially viable

In recent decades, the lightweight materials are used and to be in wide use in a developing Economy like INDIA.
in construction instead of conventional material. Lightweight However, AAC blocks are widely used in Europe, Middle
construction is considered to be favourable due to the saving East, South East Asia, China and USA.
in construction cost and materials. AAC block is a lightweight AAC block is a light weight structural material
structural material with excellent acoustic and thermal
with excellent acoustic and thermal insulation properties.
insulation properties. Due to the use of lightweight material in
construction in seismic zone reduce the percentage of The main purpose of using autoclaved aerated concrete
damages. In this paper the attempt has been made to carry out blocks in construction is to make a light weight structure by
the project comparative study of seismic analysis of building reducing the dead load of infill walls and to increase the
with lightweight and conventional material. Structural model quality of structure, at the same time reduce the cost of
of multi storey building (G+3) and analysis is carried out in construction and material. As the impact of the earthquake
STAAD-Pro by RSM (Response Spectrum Method). Building is directly proportional to the weight of the building, the
using infill AAC (Autoclaved aerated concrete) block and building constructed using AAC blocks are more reliable
conventional clay brick masonry are designed for the same and safer.
seismic hazard in accordance with the applicable provisions
given in Indian codes. The analytical results of the buildings
will be compared. The project is also aimed at getting II. EFFECT OF INFILL
familiarity with STAAD-Pro.2008.
The stresses, in the infill wall, however, were
Keywords-- Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, Conventional found to increase with the increase in Young’s Modulus of
Brick Replacement, Lightweight Construction, Lightweight elasticity due to the increase in stiffness of the system,
Material attracting more forces to the infill.
• The infill wall enhances the lateral stiffness of the framed
structures; however, the presence of openings within the
I. INTRODUCTION infill wall would reduce the lateral stiffness.
• The fundamental period only slightly increases as the
A building can be defined as an enclosed structure infill wall thickness increases, since the increase in
intended for human occupancy. A building includes the thickness only increases the mass of the structure rather
structure and non-structural components (e.g. roofing, than its stiffness.
cladding, interior and partition walls, and ceiling). • The infill was assumed to crack once the stress in the infill
Sometimes it is required to reduce the weight of structure exceeded the ultimate compressive stress of the infill
instead of increasing in the strength, especially in heavy material
structures such as tall buildings and bridges where the
weight of structure is more dominating part in designing of III. ROLE OF INFILL
that structure. Nowadays, designers are facing more
problems related to the heavy weight of the structure due to Existence of infilling is noted to increase the
advanced and modern architectural requirement. ultimate lateral resistance of the system while resulting in
Nowadays, light weight structure system is also less ultimate lateral deflection for lower infilling. The effect
use to resist lateral load due to earthquake, wind, etc. The on both parameters is more pronounced for higher
light weight material reduced the self -weight of the percentages of infilling. Two phenomena arise through the
structure as compare to conventional material. Autoclaved stage of loading and result in the response nonlinearity.
Aerated Concrete technology was invented by a Swedish First is to find the stiffness degradation of the reinforced
scientist Mr. John Axel Ericson during 1920s. However, it concrete with load-induced orthotrophy depending on both

162 This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research e-ISSN: 2250-0758 | p-ISSN: 2394-6962
Volume- 9, Issue- 2, (April 2019)
www.ijemr.net https://doi.org/10.31033/ijemr.9.2.21

the applied dynamic load and the inherent deformational  Works: Hyderabad and Mumbai.
characteristics of the frame. Second is to find the Advantages of AAC Block as Lightweight Material
progressive strength reduction of either of the diagonal  Easy workable.
struts, which is supposed to be sequential according to level  Resistant to Pest and moisture.
of loading. Conventional half-brick wall infilling is noted to  It is durable.
affect nearly all of the dynamic parameters of reinforced  Being lightweight it reduces the dead load of the
concrete frames. Infill influence on the kinetic and structure, resulting in to reduction in reinforcement
kinematic coefficients related to lateral excitation is found and concrete on foundation structure work and
to depend on frame features such as number of stories and hence allows construction of taller buildings.
number of bays as well as infill amount and position. Lower  AAC’s lightweight saves on labour cost.
location yields the higher strength, stiffness, and frequency  Lightweight construction is more economical,
of the system. Nonlinearity of the behaviour is basically due easier and faster than conventional.
to stiffness degradation, which consequently results in  Reduction in waste at site.
frequency attenuation during the loading regime.  Minimum deterioration over prolong use.
 It requires minimum repair and retrofitting work
IV. METHOD OF ANALYSIS OF due to resistance to weathering.
BUILDING AS PER IS 1893 (PART I): 2002  Broken blocks of AAC are also usable
Disadvantages of AAC Block as Lightweight Material
Seismic codes are unique to a particular region or  The production cost is very high compare to red
country. In India, Indian standard criteria for Earthquake burnt bricks.
Resistant Design of Structures IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 is the  Number of manufacturer is limited. So, cost will
main code that provides outline for calculating seismic drastically in places far from the manufacturer and
design force. This force depends on the mass and seismic need to travel a long distance.
coefficient of the structure and the latter in turn depends on  It is not as strong as conventional material.
properties like seismic zone in which structure lies,
importance of the structure, its stiffness, the soil on which it
rests, and its ductility. The code recommends following
method of analysis:
1. Equivalent static analysis
2. Dynamic Analysis.

The autoclaved aerated concrete consists of:
 Sand, or pulverized fuel ash
 Lime
 Cement
 Water
 Aluminium powder or gas former
Autoclave Aerated Light Weight Concrete blocks
 Very light weight concrete blocks (550 600
kg/m3), 1/4th weight of normal bricks/blocks.
 Numerous advantages especially for high rise
buildings, -Reduction in dead weight.
 Saving in steel / concrete (>10% Steel and
Concrete Combined) °Increase in floor area due to
reduction in size of columns. °Better Thermal
/Sound Insulation.
 Easy to transport on upper floors.
 Time saving in construction.
1. Response Spectrum Analysis
 Technology obtained from M/s HESS of The method involves the calculation of only the
Netherland who are considered to be the best in maximum values of the displacements and member forces
the field. in each mode using smooth design spectra that are the
163 This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research e-ISSN: 2250-0758 | p-ISSN: 2394-6962
Volume- 9, Issue- 2, (April 2019)
www.ijemr.net https://doi.org/10.31033/ijemr.9.2.21

average of several earthquake motions. Response spectrum 1.3 Comparison of Maximum Shear Force
analyses allow the users to analyze the structure for seismic The maximum shear force has been evaluated for
loading. different numbers of stories of conventional and lightweight
1.1 Storey Displacement building. The below Figure suggest that the maximum shear
The storey displacement for (G+3) has been force in column of conventional structure is more than light
evaluated for conventional and lightweight structure. The weight structure.
storey displacement has been shown in Figure below. The
below graph show that displacement are varies with
increase in height. The displacement of conventional
structure is greater than the lightweight structure.

Fig 1.3 Maximum shear force

1.4 Comparison of Maximum Bending Moment

The maximum bending moment has been
evaluated for different numbers of stories of conventional
Fig 1.1 Storey displacement and lightweight building. The below Figure suggest that the
maximum bending moment in column of conventional
1.2 Comparison of Maximum Axial Force structure is more than light weight structure.
The maximum axial force has been evaluated for
different numbers of stories of conventional and lightweight
building. The below Figure suggest that the maximum axial
force in column of conventional structure is more than light
weight structure.

Fig 1.4 Maximum bending moment

1.5 Comparison of Total base Shear

The total base shear has been evaluated for
conventional and lightweight building. The below Figure
Fig 1.2 Maximum axial force

164 This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research e-ISSN: 2250-0758 | p-ISSN: 2394-6962
Volume- 9, Issue- 2, (April 2019)
www.ijemr.net https://doi.org/10.31033/ijemr.9.2.21

suggest that the total base shear of conventional structure is  The axial force in light weight structure is found to
more than light weight structure by 20% to 25%. be 15% to 20% less than conventional structure in
linear dynamic analysis.
 The shear force in response spectrum analysis is
also found to be less by 15% to 25% in lightweight
structure than the conventional structure.
 The maximum negative bending moment in
lightweight structure is found to be reduced by
20% to 25% than conventional building structure.
 According to this project the use of lightweight
material in construction in seismic zone reduce the
percentage of damages as well as reduce the
economy of construction.

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165 This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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