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III Semester: Sl. No. Subject Code Subject Credits

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III Semester

Sl. No. Subject Code Subject Credits

1 UMAXXXC Engineering Mathematics III 4.0

2 UEC312C Electronic Devices and Measurements 4.0
3 UEC313C Digital Electronics and Logic Design 4.0
4 UEC314C Network Analysis 4.0
5 UEC315E Electronic Circuits 3.0
6 UEC316E Human Resource Management I 3.0
7 UEC317L Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab 1.5
8 UEC318L Digital Electronics Lab 1.5
9 UMAXXXM Advanced Mathematics I ---
Total 25
Course Title: Electronic Devices and Measurements Course Code: UEC312C
Credits: 4 Teaching Hours: 52 Hrs Contact Hours: 4 Hrs/Week
(13 Hrs/Unit)
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100

Unit I

Passive components: construction, specification and application of resistors, capacitors and inductors.
Switching diodes: introduction construction, operation and characteristics of tunnel diode, Schottky diode.
Introduction to JFET, N-channel, P-channel, drain characteristics and transfer characteristics, introduction
to JFET biasing: Gate bias, self-bias, voltage divider bias. Thyristors: Introduction, construction, operation
and characteristics of SCR, TRAIC, UJT.

Unit II

Opto Electronic Devices: Light units, construction, operation and applications of LED, LCD,
photoconductive cells, photodiode, solar cells, phototransistors, opto coupler photo multiplier tube and
laser diode.

Unit III

Qualities of Measurements: Introduction, performance characteristics, static characteristics, error in

measurement, types of static error, sources of error, dynamic characteristics, statistical analysis, standards
of measurement. Digital Voltmeters: Introduction, Ramp technique, Dual slope integrating type DVM,
resolution and sensitivity of Digital. meters. Microprocessor based ramp type DVM.

Unit IV

Bridges: Introduction, Whetstones bridge, Kelvin’s bridge, Maxwell’s bridge, Hay’s bridge. AC bridges:
Shearing bridge, Wien’s bridge, Resonance bridge. Signal Generators: Introduction, fixed and variable
frequency AF oscillator, square wave and pulse generator, random noise generator, sweep-marker

Text Books:

1) David Bell, “Electronic Devices & Circuits” 5th Edition, Oxford Publication.
2) H. S. Kalsi, “Electronic Instrumentation” 2nd Edition, Mc Graw Hill Publication.
Reference Books:

1) M. H. Rashid, “Power Electronics” 2nd Edition, PHI Publication.

2) William Cooper, “Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques”.
Course Title: Digital Electronics and Logic Design Course Code: UEC313C
Credits: 4 Teaching Hours: 52 Hrs Contact Hours: 4 Hrs/Week
(13 Hrs/Unit)
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100

Unit I

Principles of combinational logic: Definition of combinational logic, canonical forms, generation of

switching equations from truth tables, K-map simplification for 3 and 4 variables, incompletely specified
functions (don’t care terms), simplifying maxterm equations, Quine-McCluskey minimization technique,
Quine-McCluskey method using don’t care terms, reduced prime implicant tables, map entered variables.

Unit II

Analysis and design of combinational logic: General approach, decoders-BCD decoders, encoders, digital
multiplexers as Boolean function generators, adders and subtractors, cascading full adders, look ahead
carry, binary comparators. Sequential circuits 1: Basic bistable element, latches, SR latch, application of
SR latch, switch debouncer, the SR Latch, gated SR latch, gated D latch.

Unit III

Master-slave SR flip-flops, master slave JK flip-flop, Edge triggered flip-flop, Positive edge triggered D
flip-flop, negative edge triggered D flip-flop. Sequential circuits 2: Characteristic equations, registers,
counters, binary ripple counters, synchronous binary counters, counters based on shift registers, design of
synchronous counters, design of asynchronous counter using clocked JK, D, T and SR flip-flops.

Unit IV

Synchronous sequential circuits: Introduction to Mealy and Moore models, state machine notation,
synchronous sequential circuit analysis, construction of state diagrams.

Text Books:

1) John M. Yarbrough, “Digital Logic Applications and Design”, Thomson Learning 2001.
2) Donald D. Givone, “Digital Principle and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
3) Robert L Morris and John R Miller, “Designing with TTL Integrated Circuits” McGraw
Reference Books:

1) Charles H. Roth, Jr: “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, Thomson learning, 2004.

2) Meno and Kim,”Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals”, Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2001.
3) Morris Mano, “Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals”, 4th Edition, PHI.
4) Malvino and Leech, “Digital Principles & Applications”, PHI.
5) Thomas L. Floyd , “Digital Fundamentals”, 9th Edition , PHI.
Course Title: Network Analysis Course Code: UEC314C
Credits: 4 Teaching Hours: 52 Hrs Contact Hours: 4 Hrs/Week
(13 Hrs/Unit)
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100

Unit I

Basic concepts: Concept of voltage, current and power, ideal and practical representation of energy
sources, source transformation, network reduction using star-delta transformation, mesh and node analysis
with dependent and independent sources for AC and DC networks, concept of super mesh and super node.

Unit II

Network theorems: Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Millaman’s and Maximum power
transfer theorems. Network topology: Graph of a network, concept of tree and co-tree, incidence matrix,
cutset matrix, tieset matrix, analysis of networks, network equilibrium equations.

Unit III

Resonant circuits: Series and parallel resonant circuits, frequency of resonance, frequency responses, Q-
factor, bandwidth. Two port network parameters: z, y, h, transmission parameters, and relationship
between parameters.

Unit IV

Laplace transformation: Basic theorems, transforms of signal waveforms, application of Laplace transform
to RL and RC circuits. Attenuators: Symmetrical T, PI, bridge T, Lattice attenuators, Asymmetrical T, L,
and PI attenuators. Equalizers: Two terminal series and shunt equalizers.

Text Books:

1) Roy Choudhary, “Networks and systems”, 2nd Edition, New Age International Publications, 2006.
2) G. K. Mithal, “Network Analysis”, Khanna Publishers, 1997.

Reference Books:

1) Hayt, Kemmerly and Durbin, “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, 6th Edition, TMH, 2006.
2) M. E. Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”, 3rd Edition, PHI/Pearson Education, 2002.
Course Title: Electronic Circuits Course Code: UEC315C
Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 40 Hrs (10 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100

Unit I
Diode applications: Load line analysis, series diode configurations, parallel and series-parallel configurations,
AND/OR gates, clippers, clampers, voltage doublers, triplers and quadruplers, practical applications. Transistor
biasing and thermal stabilization: Introduction, operating point, causes of shift of quiescent operating point,
transistor biasing methods, stabilization against variations in Ico, Vbe & β. Biasing techniques for Linear
Integrated Circuit.

Unit II
Low frequency transistor amplifiers: Graphical analysis of CE-amplifier, two-port network parameters, transistor
hybrid model, graphical determination of h-parameters from static characteristic curves, analysis of transistor CE
amplifier using h-parameters. High frequency transistor amplifiers: Introduction, hybrid-п model of CE amplifier,
hybrid-п conductance’s interms of low frequency h-parameters, hybrid-п capacitances.

Unit III
Multistage amplifiers: Classifications, distortion in multistage amplifiers, frequency response of an amplifier, CE-
CC amplifier, RC-coupled amplifier. Large signal amplifier: Classifications, class A-large signal amplifier,
harmonic distortion, push pull amplifier. Feedback Amplifier: Introduction, feedback techniques, general
characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers, effect of negative feedback on input and output resistances.

Unit IV
Power Electronic Circuits: Introduction, Types of power electronic circuits, Control Rectifiers: Introduction,
principle of phase controlled converter operation, single-phase semiconductors, single-phase full converters,
problems. DC Choppers: Introduction, principle of step down operation, step up operation, chopper classification,
problems Inverters: Introduction, inverter classification, series inverter, parallel inverter.
Text Books:
1) G. K. Mithal, “Electronic Devices & Circuit”, Khanna Publishers.
2) Nashelesky & Boylestead, “Electronic Devices& Circuit Theory”, Pearson, 10th Edition.
3) M.H.Rashid, “Power Electronics”, 2nd Edition, PHI.
4) M. D. Singh, K. B. Khanchandani “Power Electronics”, TMH.

Reference Books:
1) D. A. Bell, “Electronic Devices & Circuits”, 4th Edition, PHI.
2) Allen Mottershed, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, PHI.
Course Title: Human Resource Management Course Code: UEC316C
Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 40 Hrs (10 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100

Unit I
Unit II

Unit III

Unit IV
Course Title: Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab Course Code: UEC317L
Credits: 1.5 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100

List of Experiments

1) V-I characteristics of silicon diode and its application.

2) Frequency response of RC coupled amplifier.
3) Oscillator circuits (RC and LC oscillators).
4) V-I characteristics of SCR and TRIAC.
5) V-I characteristics of MOSFET.
6) Controlled full wave rectifier using RC Triggering circuit and using modules.
7) Voltage (impulse) commutated chopper -both constant frequency and variable frequency
8) Parallel/ series inverter.
9) SCR turn off circuits using LC /Auxiliary commutation.
10) Speed control of AC/DC motor.

1) DC excitation of RL, RC, and RLC- circuits.
2) AC excitation of RL, RC, and RLC- circuits.
3) Rectifier circuits.
4) Amplifier circuits.
5) Oscillator circuits.
Course Title: Digital Electronics Lab Course Code: UEC318L
Credits: 1.5 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100

List of Experiments

1) Simplification, realization of Boolean expression(s) using basic logic gates.

2) Implementation of Boolean expression(s) using universal gates.
3) Realization of full- adder and full-subtractor using basic logic gates.
4) Realization of
a) Parallel adder / subtractor using 7483 chip
b) Decoder chip to drive LED display
5) Design and implementation of code converters (any two).
6) Implementation of three variable Boolean expression(s) using
a) 8:1 MUX
b) 4:1 MUX.
7) Implementation of three variable Boolean expression(s) using 3:8 decoder and
8) Design of two-bit comparator using basic logic gates and study of 7485 magnitude
9) Truth table verification of flip-flops:
(a) Master Slave JK flip-flop implementation using only NAND gates
(b) JK flip flop using 7476.
10) Design of
a) 4-bit asynchronous counter using JK flip-flop (7476)
b) Mod-n asynchronous counter (7476) (n <= 4)
11) Design of
a) UP counter using 74193
b) DOWN counter using 74193
12) Design of shift registers using 7495 viz. SIPO, SISO, PISO, PIPO shift right, shift
13) Simulate any 6 experiments covering both combinational and sequential circuits
using circuit simulator- PROTEUS VSM.

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