III Semester: Sl. No. Subject Code Subject Credits
III Semester: Sl. No. Subject Code Subject Credits
III Semester: Sl. No. Subject Code Subject Credits
Unit I
Passive components: construction, specification and application of resistors, capacitors and inductors.
Switching diodes: introduction construction, operation and characteristics of tunnel diode, Schottky diode.
Introduction to JFET, N-channel, P-channel, drain characteristics and transfer characteristics, introduction
to JFET biasing: Gate bias, self-bias, voltage divider bias. Thyristors: Introduction, construction, operation
and characteristics of SCR, TRAIC, UJT.
Unit II
Opto Electronic Devices: Light units, construction, operation and applications of LED, LCD,
photoconductive cells, photodiode, solar cells, phototransistors, opto coupler photo multiplier tube and
laser diode.
Unit III
Unit IV
Bridges: Introduction, Whetstones bridge, Kelvin’s bridge, Maxwell’s bridge, Hay’s bridge. AC bridges:
Shearing bridge, Wien’s bridge, Resonance bridge. Signal Generators: Introduction, fixed and variable
frequency AF oscillator, square wave and pulse generator, random noise generator, sweep-marker
Text Books:
1) David Bell, “Electronic Devices & Circuits” 5th Edition, Oxford Publication.
2) H. S. Kalsi, “Electronic Instrumentation” 2nd Edition, Mc Graw Hill Publication.
Reference Books:
Unit I
Unit II
Analysis and design of combinational logic: General approach, decoders-BCD decoders, encoders, digital
multiplexers as Boolean function generators, adders and subtractors, cascading full adders, look ahead
carry, binary comparators. Sequential circuits 1: Basic bistable element, latches, SR latch, application of
SR latch, switch debouncer, the SR Latch, gated SR latch, gated D latch.
Unit III
Master-slave SR flip-flops, master slave JK flip-flop, Edge triggered flip-flop, Positive edge triggered D
flip-flop, negative edge triggered D flip-flop. Sequential circuits 2: Characteristic equations, registers,
counters, binary ripple counters, synchronous binary counters, counters based on shift registers, design of
synchronous counters, design of asynchronous counter using clocked JK, D, T and SR flip-flops.
Unit IV
Synchronous sequential circuits: Introduction to Mealy and Moore models, state machine notation,
synchronous sequential circuit analysis, construction of state diagrams.
Text Books:
1) John M. Yarbrough, “Digital Logic Applications and Design”, Thomson Learning 2001.
2) Donald D. Givone, “Digital Principle and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
3) Robert L Morris and John R Miller, “Designing with TTL Integrated Circuits” McGraw
Reference Books:
Unit I
Basic concepts: Concept of voltage, current and power, ideal and practical representation of energy
sources, source transformation, network reduction using star-delta transformation, mesh and node analysis
with dependent and independent sources for AC and DC networks, concept of super mesh and super node.
Unit II
Network theorems: Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Millaman’s and Maximum power
transfer theorems. Network topology: Graph of a network, concept of tree and co-tree, incidence matrix,
cutset matrix, tieset matrix, analysis of networks, network equilibrium equations.
Unit III
Resonant circuits: Series and parallel resonant circuits, frequency of resonance, frequency responses, Q-
factor, bandwidth. Two port network parameters: z, y, h, transmission parameters, and relationship
between parameters.
Unit IV
Laplace transformation: Basic theorems, transforms of signal waveforms, application of Laplace transform
to RL and RC circuits. Attenuators: Symmetrical T, PI, bridge T, Lattice attenuators, Asymmetrical T, L,
and PI attenuators. Equalizers: Two terminal series and shunt equalizers.
Text Books:
1) Roy Choudhary, “Networks and systems”, 2nd Edition, New Age International Publications, 2006.
2) G. K. Mithal, “Network Analysis”, Khanna Publishers, 1997.
Reference Books:
1) Hayt, Kemmerly and Durbin, “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, 6th Edition, TMH, 2006.
2) M. E. Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”, 3rd Edition, PHI/Pearson Education, 2002.
Course Title: Electronic Circuits Course Code: UEC315C
Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 40 Hrs (10 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100
Unit I
Diode applications: Load line analysis, series diode configurations, parallel and series-parallel configurations,
AND/OR gates, clippers, clampers, voltage doublers, triplers and quadruplers, practical applications. Transistor
biasing and thermal stabilization: Introduction, operating point, causes of shift of quiescent operating point,
transistor biasing methods, stabilization against variations in Ico, Vbe & β. Biasing techniques for Linear
Integrated Circuit.
Unit II
Low frequency transistor amplifiers: Graphical analysis of CE-amplifier, two-port network parameters, transistor
hybrid model, graphical determination of h-parameters from static characteristic curves, analysis of transistor CE
amplifier using h-parameters. High frequency transistor amplifiers: Introduction, hybrid-п model of CE amplifier,
hybrid-п conductance’s interms of low frequency h-parameters, hybrid-п capacitances.
Unit III
Multistage amplifiers: Classifications, distortion in multistage amplifiers, frequency response of an amplifier, CE-
CC amplifier, RC-coupled amplifier. Large signal amplifier: Classifications, class A-large signal amplifier,
harmonic distortion, push pull amplifier. Feedback Amplifier: Introduction, feedback techniques, general
characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers, effect of negative feedback on input and output resistances.
Unit IV
Power Electronic Circuits: Introduction, Types of power electronic circuits, Control Rectifiers: Introduction,
principle of phase controlled converter operation, single-phase semiconductors, single-phase full converters,
problems. DC Choppers: Introduction, principle of step down operation, step up operation, chopper classification,
problems Inverters: Introduction, inverter classification, series inverter, parallel inverter.
Text Books:
1) G. K. Mithal, “Electronic Devices & Circuit”, Khanna Publishers.
2) Nashelesky & Boylestead, “Electronic Devices& Circuit Theory”, Pearson, 10th Edition.
3) M.H.Rashid, “Power Electronics”, 2nd Edition, PHI.
4) M. D. Singh, K. B. Khanchandani “Power Electronics”, TMH.
Reference Books:
1) D. A. Bell, “Electronic Devices & Circuits”, 4th Edition, PHI.
2) Allen Mottershed, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, PHI.
Course Title: Human Resource Management Course Code: UEC316C
Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 40 Hrs (10 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Course Title: Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab Course Code: UEC317L
Credits: 1.5 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100
List of Experiments
1) DC excitation of RL, RC, and RLC- circuits.
2) AC excitation of RL, RC, and RLC- circuits.
3) Rectifier circuits.
4) Amplifier circuits.
5) Oscillator circuits.
Course Title: Digital Electronics Lab Course Code: UEC318L
Credits: 1.5 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week
CIE Marks: 50 SEE Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100
List of Experiments