Low-Volume High-Intensity Interval Training Reduces Hyperglycemia and Increases Muscle Mitochondrial Capacity in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Low-Volume High-Intensity Interval Training Reduces Hyperglycemia and Increases Muscle Mitochondrial Capacity in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Low-Volume High-Intensity Interval Training Reduces Hyperglycemia and Increases Muscle Mitochondrial Capacity in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Little JP, Gillen JB, Percival ME, Safdar A, Tarnopolsky MA, exercise training in T2D. The utility of HIT for improving
Punthakee Z, Jung ME, Gibala MJ. Low-volume high-intensity disease outcomes has been demonstrated in patients with met-
interval training reduces hyperglycemia and increases muscle mito- abolic syndrome, heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmo-
chondrial capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes. J Appl Phys- nary disease (reviewed in Ref. 7). However, the potential
iol 111: 1554 –1560, 2011. First published August 25, 2011;
benefits of HIT on disease parameters in T2D have yet to be
doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00921.2011.—Low-volume high-intensity
interval training (HIT) is emerging as a time-efficient exercise strat- established.
egy for improving health and fitness. This form of exercise has not We (8, 14, 16) and others (1, 21) have shown that HIT elicits
been tested in type 2 diabetes and thus we examined the effects of physiological remodeling comparable to moderate-intensity
low-volume HIT on glucose regulation and skeletal muscle metabolic continuous training in healthy adults, despite a substantially
capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes. Eight patients with type 2 lower time commitment and reduced total exercise volume. As
diabetes (63 ⫾ 8 yr, body mass index 32 ⫾ 6 kg/m2, HbA1C 6.9 ⫾ little as six sessions of low-volume HIT over 2 wk increases
0.7%) volunteered to participate in this study. Participants performed skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity (8), which may be of
six sessions of HIT (10 ⫻ 60-s cycling bouts eliciting ⬃90% maximal clinical relevance for T2D given that reduced content (22) or
heart rate, interspersed with 60 s rest) over 2 wk. Before training and biogenesis (18) of mitochondria have been implicated in insu-
from ⬃48 to 72 h after the last training bout, glucose regulation was
lin resistance and T2D. Two weeks of low-volume HIT has
assessed using 24-h continuous glucose monitoring under standard-
ized dietary conditions. Markers of skeletal muscle metabolic capacity also been shown to improve glucose tolerance (1) and enhance
were measured in biopsy samples (vastus lateralis) before and after insulin sensitivity (21) in healthy adults. These findings are
(72 h) training. Average 24-h blood glucose concentration was re- intriguing because they suggest that low-volume HIT may
duced after training (7.6 ⫾ 1.0 vs. 6.6 ⫾ 0.7 mmol/l) as was the sum result in many of the same health benefits as traditional
of the 3-h postprandial areas under the glucose curve for breakfast, exercise training with substantially reduced exercise volume
lunch, and dinner (both P ⬍ 0.05). Training increased muscle mito- and time commitment. Low-volume HIT may, therefore, rep-
chondrial capacity as evidenced by higher citrate synthase maximal resent a potent, time-efficient exercise strategy to improve
activity (⬃20%) and protein content of Complex II 70 kDa subunit skeletal muscle metabolic control and glycemic regulation in
(⬃37%), Complex III Core 2 protein (⬃51%), and Complex IV patients with T2D.
subunit IV (⬃68%, all P ⬍ 0.05). Mitofusin 2 (⬃71%) and GLUT4
The primary purpose of this pilot investigation was to
(⬃369%) protein content were also higher after training (both P ⬍
0.05). Our findings indicate that low-volume HIT can rapidly improve examine the effects of low-volume HIT on glucose regulation
glucose control and induce adaptations in skeletal muscle that are and skeletal muscle metabolic capacity in individuals with
linked to improved metabolic health in patients with type 2 diabetes. T2D. On the basis of accumulating evidence indicating that
postprandial hyperglycemia plays a predominant contributing
exercise; continuous glucose monitoring; mitochondria; GLUT4; gly- role in diabetic complications (5), we used continuous glucose
cemic control
monitoring (CGM) to examine the effects of HIT on overall
glycemic exposure and postprandial glucose fluctuations. We
REGULAR EXERCISE IS AN EFFECTIVE strategy for the prevention hypothesized that 2 wk of low-volume HIT would reduce
and treatment of type 2 diabetes (T2D; 6). Most studies hyperglycemia and increase mitochondrial capacity and
examining the therapeutic effects of exercise in T2D involve GLUT4 content measured in skeletal muscle biopsy samples.
continuous, low- to moderate-intensity exercise such as walk-
ing, jogging, or cycling for ⱖ30 min/session (reviewed in Ref. METHODS
6). Although the optimal strategy has not been established,
higher intensity exercise may be more effective for improving
glycemic control in patients with T2D (2, 25). Recently revised Participants were recruited through local diabetes clinics, commu-
guidelines from the American Diabetes Association advocate nity diabetes information sessions, and poster advertisement. All
at least 150 min of moderate to vigorous exercise per week (6). participants were diagnosed with T2D at least 3 mo prior by a
High-intensity interval training (HIT), which involves repeated clinician according to standard criteria, including a fasting glucose
bursts of vigorous exercise interspersed with periods of rest, ⱖ7.0 mmol/l and/or 2-h oral glucose tolerance test blood glucose
may be an attractive option to implement higher intensity concentration ⱖ11.1 mmol/l, were not taking insulin, and had no
history of end-stage liver or kidney disease, neuropathy, retinopathy,
hypertension that could not be controlled by standard medication,
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: M. J. Gibala, Dept. cardiovascular disease, or other contraindication to exercise. Eight
of Kinesiology, Ivor Wynne Centre, Rm 219, McMaster Univ., 1280 Main St. individuals [mean age 62.5 ⫾ 7.6 yr, body mass index 31.7 ⫾ 5.8
West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada (e-mail: gibalam@mcmaster.ca). kg/m2, hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) 6.9 ⫾ 0.7% (range 6.4 – 8.5%)]
1554 8750-7587/11 Copyright © 2011 the American Physiological Society http://www.jap.org
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volunteered to participate in this study. Six participants were seden- within a total time commitment of 75 min/wk, including warm-up,
tary, which was defined as less than or equal to two exercise sessions cool-down, and the recovery interval between high-intensity efforts.
of 30 min/wk. Two participants reported engaging in ⬃30 min of Posttesting. CGM data were collected for a 24-h period starting
low-intensity walking exercise on 3–5 days/wk, in accordance with ⬃48 h after the final training session. Diet was controlled to be the
guidelines provided from their diabetes care team. Six subjects were same as pretraining. Resting muscle biopsy samples were obtained
taking blood glucose lowering medications but had HbA1C values ⬃72 h following the final training session. Approximately 2– 4 days
ⱕ8.5% and were not on exogenous insulin therapy. Four patients were after the biopsy, the walk test (performed at the same speed as
treated with metformin only, one patient with gliclazide only, and one pretraining) and maximal exercise test were performed using the same
patient with a combination of metformin, pioglitazone, sitagliptin, and procedures as baseline testing. Perceived enjoyment of low-volume
repaglinide. Due to the short duration of the intervention, participants HIT was assessed by asking participants how enjoyable they would
did not adjust their medications and were instructed to maintain their find engaging in 1) a single bout of HIT (10 ⫻ 1 min) and 2) HIT at
typical dietary and activity patterns throughout. All participants pro- least 3 times/wk for the next 4 wk using a 9-point Likert scale ranging
vided written informed consent. The study protocol was approved by from 1 (not enjoyable at all) to 9 (very enjoyable).
the Hamilton Health Sciences/McMaster University Faculty of Health
Sciences Research Ethics Board. Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Average blood glucose concentration and area under the glucose
Experimental Design curve were calculated from CGM data for a 24-h period before and
after training. CGM data were also used to analyze the 3 h postpran-
The experimental design consisted of 1) medical clearance and dial areas under the glucose curve for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. On
familiarization, 2) baseline testing, 3) a 2-wk training intervention, CGM data collection days, participants consumed their habitual
and 4) posttesting. breakfast but were provided with standardized snacks (e.g., almonds,
Medical clearance and familiarization. Height and weight were fruit, vegetables) based on their personal preferences and habits.
recorded, and a maximal exercise test on a recumbent cycle ergometer Lunch and dinner were standardized for all participants by providing
(Corival, Lode BV, Groningen, The Netherlands) was performed with vouchers to a local sandwich restaurant. Subjects completed detailed
pre- and postexercise 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) collection to dietary logs to record the timing and quantity of all food consumed
confirm the absence of any underlying contraindications to vigorous during the pretraining day. For posttesting, these dietary logs, along
exercise participation. The test started at 30 W and increased by 15 with all snacks and vouchers for lunch and dinner were provided with
W/min until volitional exhaustion. Peak power output (Wmax) and instructions for diet replication under free-living conditions over the
maximal heart rate (HRmax) were recorded. Following ECG clearance 24-h CGM data collection period. As per manufacturer’s recommen-
by a study physician, participants completed one to two familiariza- dations, capillary blood glucose samples were obtained at four points
tion sessions to become acquainted with low-volume HIT. These during the day at a time when blood glucose would be expected to be
sessions were also used to determine the interval power output that stable (i.e., upon awakening, before lunch, before dinner, and before
elicited ⬃90% HRmax. bed) and were automatically stored in the glucose meters provided to
Baseline testing. Prior to training, participants performed a 15-min participants. These four values were used during CGM downloading
walking test to examine the cardiovascular response and ratings of to construct 24-h blood glucose curves based on interstitial glucose
perceived exertion (RPE) during exercise. Speed was self-selected by recordings averaged every 5 min by the CGM device using the
each participant during an initial 5-min warm-up. Heart rate was associated software algorithm (Solutions Software, Medtronic,
measured by telemetry (Polar), and RPE was measured using the 0 –10 Northridge, CA). CGM data were exported and analyzed using Sigma-
continuous/interval scale. Plot (Statsoft, Chicago, IL). Reproducibility of the CGM device in our
At least 2 days after the walk test, participants reported to the lab was verified in five volunteers who wore the monitor on two
laboratory for CGM device insertion (CGMS iPro, Medtronic, occasions separated by 1 wk under identical dietary conditions. The
Northridge, CA). Participants were given a glucose meter (OneTouch coefficient of variation for the 24 h blood glucose measurements was
UltraMini, Lifescan, Milpitas, CA) with instructions for both calibra- 2.8% (data not shown).
tion and capillary blood sampling and individualized control diets.
The following day served as a dietary control day for 24-h CGM data Muscle Analyses
collection. Subjects returned to the laboratory 2 days later for removal Citrate synthase enzyme activity. One piece of muscle (⬃20 mg)
of the CGM device and collection of a resting skeletal muscle biopsy was homogenized using a glass tissue grinder (Kimble/Kontes
sample as we previously described (8). Briefly, muscle samples were 885300 – 0002) in 10 volumes of buffer containing (in mM) 70
obtained under local anesthesia (1% Lidocaine) from the vastus sucrose, 220 mannitol, 10 HEPES (pH 7.4) supplemented with pro-
lateralis using a Bergstrom needle adapted with suction. Muscle tease inhibitors (Complete Mini, Roche Applied Science, Laval, PQ,
samples were quickly blotted to remove excess blood, sectioned into Canada) and used to determine the maximal activity of citrate syn-
several pieces, and placed in separate vials before snap freezing in thase (CS) as we previously described (8, 16). Protein concentration
liquid nitrogen for subsequent analyses. of homogenates was determined using a commercial assay (BCA
Training. Approximately 5 days after the muscle biopsy procedure, Protein Assay, Pierce, Rockford, IL), and enzyme activity is ex-
subjects commenced training. The HIT protocol involved a total of six pressed as millimoles per kilogram of protein per hour wet weight.
supervised sessions over 2 wk (Monday, Wednesday, Friday each Western blotting. A second piece of muscle (⬃30 mg) was homog-
week). Each session consisted of 10 ⫻ 60-s cycling intervals inter- enized in RIPA buffer for Western blot analyses using techniques
spersed with 60 s of recovery based on our recent work (14). Training described previously (8, 16). Briefly, protein concentration of homog-
was performed on a cycle ergometer (LifeCycle C1 or R1, Life enates were determined as above and equal amounts of protein (5–20
Fitness, Schiller Park, IL) set in constant watt mode at a pedal cadence g) were prepared in 4⫻ Laemmli’s buffer and heated to 95°C before
of 80 –100 revolutions/min. Individual workloads were selected to being separated by 10 –12.5% SDS-PAGE and electrotransferred to
elicit a heart rate of ⬃90% HRmax during the intervals. During nitrocellulose membranes. Ponceau S staining was performed follow-
recovery, participants were allowed to rest or pedal slowly against a ing transfer to visualize equal loading and transfer. Following 1 h
resistance of 50 W. Each training session included a 3-min warm-up blocking in 5% fat-free milk Tris-buffered saline 0.1% Tween 20
and 2-min cool-down at 50 W, for a total of 25 min. Therefore, the (TBS-T), membranes were incubated in primary antibodies overnight
training protocol involved a total of 30 min of high-intensity exercise at 4°C or at room temperature for 2 h in 3% fat-free milk TBS-T or
0.01). Area under the 24-h blood glucose curve was also lower
following HIT (pre: 11,066 ⫾ 1,703 vs. post: 9,572 ⫾ 995
mmol·l⫺1·day⫺1, P ⫽ 0.02). The sum of the 3-h postprandial
area under the glucose curves for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
was significantly lower posttraining (pre: 965 ⫾ 483 vs. post:
679 ⫾ 437 mmol·l⫺1·9 h⫺1, P ⫽ 0.01). Pre- and posttraining
24-h blood glucose curves for a representative subject are
shown in Fig. 2B.
Adaptations in Skeletal Muscle
The maximal activity of CS was elevated following training
(Fig. 3A, P ⫽ 0.04). Training also increased skeletal muscle
mitochondrial protein content as evidenced by changes in
Complex II 70 kDa subunit (P ⫽ 0.03), Complex III Core 2
protein (P ⫽ 0.04), and COX subunit IV (P ⫽ 0.02) measured
by Western blotting (Fig. 3B). The protein content of CS
Fig. 1. Characterization of high-intensity interval training protocol. Training (⬃57%; data not shown), NDUFA9, COX subunit II (⬃53%;
intensity expressed as a percentage of peak workload (bars), peak heart rate data not shown), and ATP synthase ␣-subunit also increased,
(solid line), and rating of perceived exertion (dashed line) averaged across all but did not reach statistical significance (P ⫽ 0.06 – 0.12; Fig.
6 sessions for all subjects. Values are means ⫾ SD (N ⫽ 8). RPE, ratings of
perceived exertion.
3B). The protein content of Mfn2 was elevated following post: 124 ⫾ 37 W, P ⫽ 0.03). Training reduced heart rate
training (⬃71%, P ⫽ 0.02; Fig. 4), as was total GLUT4 protein (pre: 73 ⫾ 7 vs. post: 66 ⫾ 6%HRmax, P ⬍ 0.001) and RPE
(⬃369%, P ⫽ 0.003; Fig. 5). (pre: 2.4 ⫾ 0.7 vs. post: 1.3 ⫾ 1.2, P ⫽ 0.01) during the
walk test.
Functional Exercise Performance
Maximal workload achieved on the ramp cycling test was
increased by ⬃10% following training (pre: 111 ⫾ 36 vs.
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