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Reinforcing Starch-Based Biodegradable Plastics

Using Imperata Cylindrica (Cogon)


Berbon, John Christian B.

Javier, Mark Angelo
Pria, Jeremy
Domanais, John Russel
Bonaobra, Enrico



According to Greenpeace (2017) as what’s generally known by the masses,

Philippines is considered to be the third worst offenders on plastic waste disposal.

Tons of plastic trash swirling in waterways, garbage clogging drainage canals and

huge stinking dump sites are among the most visible manifestations of the waste

crisis in the Philippines (Villa, 2018). The report also stated that the said country

generates 2.7 million tons of plastic waste annually and 20% or half a million tons

– of leaks into the oceans. According to Vila’s article (2018), Froilan Grate of the

Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives said that the absence of garbage

collection services in cities and many of the country’s smaller islands is largely to

blame for the overwhelming amount of plastics. Also, despite the existence of the

Republic Act 9003 or also known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act

of 2000 were presented, local governments in the Philippines still struggled to

implement its directives, Grate says. This is why the Philippines is working hard to

find ways to minimize the amount of plastic. From developing products to

encourage reuse, designing out of excess packaging and increasing the recycled

content of plastic bottles.

Also this issue concerning plastics has left other parts of the world with

countless existing – few of which are famous and novel solutions, alternatives and

innovations and inventions to provide a feasible, eco-friendly and sustainable

outlet to progress the end of the long-existing worldwide problem. For instance,

according to Howard et al. (2019) further describe that countries and other known

places like Peru, Canada, San Diego Washington D.C. and California have made

its mark on solving the issue by promoting the ban on single-use plastic and straws.

The current President of the United States of America, Donald Trump even signed

a bill to clean up ocean plastics according to an article by Howard et. al. (2019)

created in partnership with the National Geographic Society. By far, this list could

go on.

Another known solution that contributes to the list is the discovery that wax

worms can eat plastic as discovered by Federica Bertocchini, a developmental

biologist at the University of Cantabria in Spain. (Arnold, 2017). According to

Arnold’s article on National Geographic: “This study is another milestone discovery

for the research on biodegradation of plastics,” says Wei-Min Wu, an

environmental engineer at Stanford University.

But what’s been famously known everywhere, are biodegradable plastics or

commonly called as ‘bioplastics’ in short. It suggests that it will “degrade to little or

nothing over a period of time, posing less of a hazard to wildlife and the

environment,” according to Thomlinson (2019). However, it has been found out

from a recent research that these supposedly biodegradable plastics are not so

biodegradable even after three years. “The study’s authors, Imogen Napper and

Richard Thompson at the University of Plymouth, tested compostable,

biodegradable, oxo-biodegradable, and conventional polythene plastic bags in

three different natural environments: buried in the ground, outdoors exposed to air

and sunlight, and submerged in the sea.” Unfortunately, not one of the bags broke

down completely in all the environments tested (Thomlinson, 2019).

This leads to the suggestion from the same cited article, that there is a need

for us to switch from making them with the use of biological sources. However, the

researchers of this study opens the question: Why not make the existing starch-

based bioplastics more firm like the ‘eco-bags’ we commonly use nowadays by

using another biological source?

On this study the researchers will use starch, a natural polymer that can be

incorporated in various materials. Starch-based plastics can be used in a variety

of applications since they can be incorporated with various biopolymers to create

unique composite materials like plastic bags. Starch also helps reduce the carbon

footprint because they can replace petroleum-based polymers with natural ones.

It is also highly degradable, meaning it can be used alongside a compostable

polymer without interfering with the degradation process. But in order to diagnose

the durability of starch, the researchers will then be using a somewhat skeletal

biological support to be added from the starch-based bioplastic made from scratch

and then bonded with the dried and made to strips Cogon grass (Imperata

cylindrical). The researchers will use the leaves of Cogon grass as an additive to

improve the durability of a bio plastic bag. According to Miller (2009) it grows all

around the world, including the Philippines and is known for its massive spread

over large areas of the subtropics. The Philippines, utilize this primarily for crafts

such as baskets, bags like purses and a wide variety of decorative purposes. If

Cogon grass were to be harnessed as a form of handicraft, it will make bioplastics

more resilient and not to easily break. The blades can be woven through cross

stitching methods because it is stiff and tough enough and use the starch as a

coating to produce a durable bioplastic.

This is why the researchers came up with this study – to help recover plastic

waste through innovative recycling like making bioplastic using starch and Cogon

grass to reduce the problem of plastic waste that has continuously affecting the

planet and contaminating the environment at the same time. It is made with a

biological ingredient and can become durable and reusable. Moreover, it will help

countless communities that have excessive plastic pollution and consequently the

whole country itself. Therefore, the study aims to reduce plastic waste and the

effects of it in the environment and by generating stronger bioplastic products for

long-lasting use.


The study aims to determine the effectiveness of Cogon grass as a

reinforcing material for existing starch-based biodegradable plastic.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following:

1. What is the difference between the composite material and the starch-

based biodegradable plastic in terms of tensile strength?

2. Is there a significant difference in the life-span or reusability after using

cogon leaves for reinforcement?

3. What relative proportion of Cogon leaves to liquidized starch is needed in

order to attain the desired tensile strength of the starch-based plastic?


The study will be beneficial to the different sectors of the society such as

the following:

A. People

First and foremost, the most benefited ones will be the people specifically the

ones who have cogon grass in their yard. This study would find another use for the

invasive grass and can potentially be commercialized.

B. Societies or Communities

This sector will also be benefited for as individuals are benefited, then so as

well the society with a more improved healthy lifestyle of the people since it is about

creating alternative for plastic bag that would pollute the environment. The use of

the composite material will lessen plastic that is released to bodies of water and

even land therefore reducing the risk for animals to be affected by pollution.

C. National Government

This department would benefit from reduced use of petroleum-based

plastic; it would decrease trash intakes of dumpsites allowing it to manage its

waste more responsibly. This would improve the current trash situation in the

Philippines especially plastics on the streets therefore improving the sanitation of

the country.


The scope of this study is focused on combining leaves of Imperata

cylindrica, commonly known as Cogon grass, and existing starch-based

biodegradable plastic to create a strong composite material. The study is limited

to the use of Cogon leaves as the sole material in reinforcing existing starch-based

biodegradable plastic hence it will not cover neither the ingredients nor the process

of creating biodegradable plastic.

Humidity and other external factors are beyond researchers’ control.


H0: There is no significant increase in strength of the starch-based biodegradable

plastic after reinforcing it with Cogon leaves.


Biodegradable. The dictionary definition of biodegradable is “capable of

being broken down especially into innocuous products by the action of living

things (such as microorganisms)”. In this paper, the term biodegradable “is made

of molecules that can break down naturally that can be decomposed by the

action of living organisms”.

Plastic. The dictionary definition of the term plastic is “a synthetic material

that can be molded when soft and formed into a solid shape”. In this paper, the

term plastic is used to mean “any of numerous organic synthetic or processed

materials that are mostly thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers of high

molecular weight and that can be made into objects, films, or filaments”.

Tons. The term ton is defined as “is a unit of measure”. In this paper, the

term ton is used “to refer a number of units of volume of plastic waste”.

Absence. In some dictionary, the definition of absence refers “to the

period of time that someone or something is away or not present”. However, the

term absence in this paper is described as “lack of something or can also be a

lack of existence”.

Bioplastic. The word bioplastic is a “substance made from organic

biomass sources, unlike conventional plastics which are made from petroleum”.

In this research paper it is defined as “biodegradable plastic that is made or

derived from biological materials such as starch”.

Biological. The dictionary definition of the term biological is “relating to

biology or to life and living processes”. In this paper, the term biological is

explained as “connected by direct relationship”.

Starch. Starch is commonly described as “a substance that is found in

foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice and gives energy”. But in this

paper, it is defined by “a substance that is used for making cloth stiffer, especially

cotton and linen and for making crafts such as baskets and bags”.

Polymer. Polymer is known as “a very large, chain-like molecule made up

of monomers, which are small molecules. It can be naturally occurring or

synthetic”. The term polymer in the paper is defined as “a substance that has a

molecular structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a large number of similar units

bonded together, alternative name for plastics”.

Composite. The term composite is “made up of disparate or separate

parts or elements; compound”. While in this paper, the term composite is “the

product of two or more substances to create a new and superior material or

stronger product”.

Degradation. The term is defined as “an act of lowering something or

someone to a less respected state”. In this paper, the term degradation is “the

process in which the beauty or quality of something is destroyed or spoiled”.

Reinforcement. The dictionary definition of the word reinforcement is

defined as “the process of encouraging or establishing a belief or pattern of

behavior, especially by encouragement or reward”. In this paper, the term is

defined as “the act of making something stronger”.

Invasive. The term invasive is described as “tending to intrude on a

person's thoughts or privacy”. In this paper, it described as “something

undesirable which spreads very quickly and which is very difficult to stop from



Agence France-Presse (2017, September 23). Greenpeace: PH is third worst

plastic polluter of oceans. Retrieved from https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/932

Vila, A. (2018, October 18). Philippines plastic pollution: why so much waste
ends up in oceans. Retrieved from https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/

Howard, B.C., Gibbens, S., Zachos, E., Parker, L. (2019, June 10). A running list
of action on plastic pollution. Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeograph

Arnold, C. (2017, April 24). This Bug Can Eat Plastic. But Can It Clean Up Our
Mess? Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2017/04/
wax-worms-eat-plastic plastic-polyethylene-trash-pollution-cleanup/

Thomlinson, I. (2019, May 10). When biodegradable plastic is not biodegradable.

Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/05/when-

Miller, C. (2009, May 17). Cogon Grass. Retrieved from http://ecop.pbworks.com/


10 | P a g e



This chapter includes the review of related literature and studies both

foreign and local related to the synthesis state of the art and the gap bridge by the

study are incorporated in this chapter.


Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) is an invasive, non-native grass which

occurs in Florida and several other southeastern states. A pest in 73 countries,

and considered to be one of the "Top 10 Worst Weeds in the World" (“Cogon

Grass,” n.d.). In the Philippines it is almost everywhere, it is very abundant yet the

some of its potential is unused due to it being a weed.

According to the Future Market Insights (FMI) cited by Consulting Industry

News (2019), bio-based plastics adapt an increasing market growth rate. The

global bio-plastics market is expected to account for 43.8 billion Dollars by 2020.

An increasing growth rate leads the government support the adaptation of the

product thus creating a rising consumer acceptance. In this market expectation,

the starch based plastic reinforced with cogon leaves would be predicted its

effectiveness towards the application use in the industry hence, providing an ideal

market demand to consumer given its effectiveness.

According to European Bioplastics (2016), bio-plastics are considered to

possess advantageous characteristics such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions

11 | P a g e
by forty-two million tons that equates to ten million flights around the world per

year. Using the bio-plastics will lessen carbon dioxide in the atmosphere making it

stored by the bio-plastic product. It implies that the earth could be spared from the

extreme effects of global warming as it serves as environmentally and climate-


Nancy Loewenstein (n.d.), an invasive plant specialist along with the

Alabama Cooperative Extension System stated that Cogon Grass is among the

most dangerous invasive plants in Alabama. Considering cogon grass as one

big problem, it burns hotter than many other shrubs or grasses in Alabama and

of course in some other places. With the help of the study, the researchers seek

information about cogon grass as an alternative bio-plastic product to use

enough raw materials for production making the abundance lessen therefore

attaining fewer hazards and could turn it to a useful matter particularly the starch

based plastic reinforced with cogon leaves.

Commonly used plastics are produced form petrochemical products, but

there is a growing demand for eco-friendly plastics. The use of bio-based plastics

produced from renewable resources is degraded in the environment. On the other

hand, it will lead to a more sustainable society and help us solve global

environmental and waste management (Iwata T., 2015). Starch-based bioplastic

reinforced using cogon grass produced from renewable resources can create

changes in the environment like the storing of carbon dioxide which is stated in the

previous article. This article would help the researchers adapt an idea regarding

12 | P a g e
on the possible future effects of the final output to society including climate factors

and environmental conditions.

Plants naturally produce numerous polymers, including rubber, starch,

cellulose and storage proteins which are being exploited in biodegradable plastic

production. Plant-based biodegradable polymers have a potential to become

viable alternatives to petroleum-based plastics which eventually become as

environmentally benign source of polymers (Mooney B., 2009). Cogon grass

(Imperata Cylindrica) exists as an organism included in the kingdom plantae.

Considering cogon grass as a plant, it also develops polymers stated in the article

making the plant possesses properties possible for alternative product for

petroleum-based plastics.

Bioplastic is utilized as a holder that halfway comprises of common

materials, for example, starch, sustenance squander, and can even be made from

farming side-effects. This implies these bioplastics at last have indistinguishable

qualities from ordinary plastic and, in spite of their name, are not biodegradable.

Starch is a characteristic biopolymer that is made generously out of various

polymer sorts of glucose which is amylose and amylopectin. It assumes a

beneficial job in the public eye concerning the generation incorporate its

inexhaustibility, great oxygen obstruction in dry territories, wealth, reasonableness

and biodegradability (Tabil et. al., 2007). The similarities of the examination and

study incorporates the creation and arrangement of biodegradable packs. Both

includes the utilization of starch as one of the essential materials in delivering

biodegradable bags.

13 | P a g e

According to the Philippine Medicinal Plants (n.d.), cogon grass or known

as speargrass is one of the most dominant and noxious weeds in both agricultural

and non-agricultural fields. Throughout the Philippines, in driest lands often form

extensive cogon grasslands called cogonales having an altitude of 2,300 meters,

implying that other uses can be derived from the said specie of grass.

Cogon grass is certainly not an endangered species because of its

extremely fast reproductive nature (Miller M., 2009). In the Philippines, cogon

grass has been used primarily as crafts such as baskets, bags, like purses and for

decorative purposes (Miller M., 2009). Locals use the cogon grass for some

purposes knowing that it brings a rigid property making it an appropriate material

to produce bags, baskets and for other purposes. In this article, the researchers

would be able to adapt ideas and concepts regarding cogon grass as the primary

material used in creating useful objects particularly bioplastics. The researchers

would be able to test the effectiveness of its properties by conducting the

experimental study.

The classic production of plastics involves distillation and refining of fuel or

natural gas, breaking down hydrocarbons. Monomers or building block of complex

molecules in producing plastics is known as polymers (scientific name for plastics).

Five polymers are considered to be 71 percent of global plastics consumption. This

include polyethylene which is found above all in single-use packaging and

polystyrene used also for packaging, insulation panels, and yogurt pots (France-

14 | P a g e
Presse A.,2018). Cogon grass is known to be composed of three main polymer

components such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. They show improvement

of biodegradability by replacing synthetic fibers in bioplastics. In this statement, the

researchers would be able to know more about the properties of main material

used in production of bioplastics.



Deeneshwaran, M., et. al. (n.d), “Production of Biodegradable Plastic from

Banana Peel,” the study used banana peel as the main component of the bio-

plastic because it is a waste material that is rich of starch according to

Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (2016). This study concluded

that the product of banana peel starch had potential application to be used as food

packaging because it can enhance the food quality and at the same time can

protect the environment. Moreover, the use of the banana peel increased the

biodegradability and tensile strength of the bio-plastic.

The study by Deeneshwaran, M., et. al. and this study both seeks to find

viable alternative to petroleum-based plastics but on the other hand, the

researchers of this study focuses on using a non-waste source of starch and will

incorporate cogon grass to add tensile strength of the composite material.

Chaiwat, R., et. al. (n.d), “Cogon Grass Fiber-Expodized Natural Rubber

Composites,” the study showed that Cogon grass fiber can be an effective

reinforcing fiber in Expodized Natural Rubber composites. The addition of the said

natural fiber widely enhanced the mechanical properties of Natural Rubber (e.g,

15 | P a g e
elongation & resilience). With increasing fiber content, tensile strength of ENR

composites were significantly increased while elongation at break of ENR

composites was not significantly changed.

As for the similarities with the current study, both incorporates cogon in the

composite for added tensile strength but differs in the handling and treatment of

the said material. The current study will rely on the stickiness of the starch based

plastic in liquid form to form bond with cogon grass; any sort of chemical treatment

or alterations will be avoided except for the possibility of drying the leaves first

before creating the composite.

Kassim, A.S.M., et. al. (2016 February), “Potential of Cogon Grass

(Imperata Cylindrica) as an Alternative Fiber in Paper-Based Industry,” the study

revealed that Cogon grass has an abundant long fiber of cellulose and

hemicellulose that are randomly distributed on the surface of its hand sheet. The

study concluded that I. Cylindrical is an alternative resource in producing fiber for

paper production. In addition, Cogon grass fiber contains high felting rate which

greatly increased its strength properties. The fiber length is directly related to

tensile strength, which means the length determines how sturdy the fiber will be.

In contrast, the current study focuses on incorporating ‘raw’ cogon grass in

providing the composite more tensile strength.

Gadhave, R.V., et. al. (2018), “Starch Based Bio-Plastics: The Future of

Sustainable Packaging,” the study proposes renewable source of materials used

for packaging and suggests the following methods: starch blends with compostable

16 | P a g e
polymers, antimicrobial packaging film, starch based nanocomposite films, heat

sealing packaging, and starch grafted emulsions for packaging.

As for the current study, none of the suggested methods are to be used by

the researchers because of lack or equipment thus, the study will only focus on the

bonding of gelatinous starch and cogon leaves.

Reddy. R.L., et. al. (2013 May), “Study of Bio-plastics as Green &

Sustainable Alternative to Plastics” the study concluded that Bio-plastics have

many advantages such as - 100% biodegradable, produced from natural

renewable resources, able to be recycled, reused, composted or burned without

producing toxic byproducts, etc. making it an excellent alternative to traditional

plastic products.

As for the similarities with the present study, both contains biodegradable

polymers which shows a large range of properties and can compete with non-

biodegradable thermoplastics in different fields (packaging, textile, biomedical,

etc.). The present study uses cogon grass as an independent treatment to

strengthen the starch-based bio-plastic on the contrary, Bio-plastic contains Poly

Lactic Acid (PLA) and Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) which are kinds of environment

friendly polymers.

According to the study conducted by J.J. Muchovej, O.U.

Onokpise and S.K. Bambo, cogon grass (Imperata Cylindrical) is one of the most

aggressive weed as it extremely spread by an extensive rhizome system. Growth

of cogon grass rhizomes and provides for a mechanism in which cogon grass is

17 | P a g e
able to perforate other plant organisms was being studied by the cited researchers.

In this study, the cogon grass was being observed how it affects other species of

plants. The determination of length and weight of rhizomes and roots is being


The similarity of both studies includes the process of determining the

physical properties of the cogon grass if then fitted to the study. In contrast, the

study cited only discuss about the characteristics of the cogon grass. While the

researchers study relies on the properties of cogon grass to identify its feasibility

of being a component in production of bioplastics.


Manrique, C.R. (n.d.), “Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) as an Effective

Component for Biodegradable Plastics,” the study determined the effectivity of

using Cogon grass as main component for biodegradable plastic by extracting

starch and adding plastic resin glue to improve bending and tensile strength.

Both this study and the study done by Manrique use cogon as one of the

main component in creating a composite material. Manrique grounded cogon and

extracted its starch then mixes resin in order to create a strong bond and add a bit

of water resistance. On the contrary, this study is focused on the raw state of cogon

leaves therefore it does not cover chemical processing of the said material.

Duran, K., et. al. (n.d.), “Cassava starch as a major component

in making biodegradable plastic,” the study used cassava as the source of starch

for bio-based plastic because of its abundancy therefore will cut production cost of

18 | P a g e
the composite. It concluded that using cassava resulted in a good quality in terms

of transparency.

In contrast, this study concentrates on starch as main component as a

binding material and unprocessed cogon grass for better tensile strength of the

product composite material.

Managing waste that is hard to breakdown is one of major concerns on

every part of the world. Materials that are produced from petroleum-based plastics

could also bring harmful effects. A study is about to show whether cogon grass as

primary component of the product is effective material in making paper pulp for

cardboard food packaging production. The material is melted into pulp using wood

or recovered paper and the fibers are separated regardless of pulping process

used. The pulp produced is made into white paper by using paper machine then

ready to use directly (Lin-Zheng., et. al, n. d.). Cogon grass produces polymers

which makes the product rigid and efficient to use as main component for

production of materials and for different purposes. The use of cogon grass in

producing packaging materials would greatly make changes being alternative

material for petroleum-based plastics.

The similarity of both studies contains process of producing the product and

both uses cogon grass as primary component for production of packaging material.

On the other hand, the cited study uses cogon grass in producing cardboard

material for packaging purposes. While the researchers use cogon grass as

primary component for production of packaging material which is the starch-based

bioplastic reinforced with cogon grass.

19 | P a g e
One of the improvements that a society needs to adapt it to lessen

environmental problem, and one logical solution would be the use of biodegradable

or recyclable materials. The feasibility of cogon grass (Imperata Cylindrica) as a

substitute for food packaging is being studied in a research project by Philippine

Science High School students. In this study, the process includes cutting, boiling

and crushing in order to get the pulp which then undergoes different treatments

before turning it to a cardboard-like material Gabieta V., et. al., (n. d.). As stated,

cogon grass can produce a material needed for the production of the product. The

cited study would help the researchers by providing statistical data regarding the

components produced from the materials.

The similarity of both studies include the feasibility of cogon grass as an

environment-friendly packaging material. In contrast, the study investigates the

feasibility of a cogon grass as substitute for cardboard food packaging. The

researchers’ study uses cogon grass for bioplastic production. Another difference

would be in terms of the production process, different process in both studies



In this review of literature and studies the researchers gathered various

concepts related to the study of reinforcing Cogon grass on the starch-based

biodegradable plastic

Loewenstein along with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System and

Philippine Medicinal Plants stated that Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) is an

20 | P a g e
invasive and noxious weed in both agricultural and non-agricultural field of grass

and considered to be one of the "Top 10 Worst Weeds in the World” (“Cogon

Grass”). Cogon grass is certainly not an endangered species because of its

extremely fast reproductive nature, locals use the cogon grass for some purposes

knowing that it brings a rigid property making it an appropriate material to produce

bags, baskets and for other purposes (Miller, 2009). Kassim, et. al. (2016)

concluded that I. Cylindrical is an alternative resource in producing fiber for paper

production because of abundant long fiber of cellulose and hemicellulose and

(Chaiwat et. al.) is an effective reinforcing fiber in Expodized Natural Rubber

composites. Moreover, Cogon grass exists as an organism included in the

kingdom plantae. Considering cogon grass as a plant, it also develops three main

polymer components such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin Mooney, (2009)

and France-Presse (2018). Cogon grass is known to be composed of three main

polymer components such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin to use as main

component for production of materials and for different purposes.

The study conducted by Deeneshwaran, et. al. and Duran, et. al. as well as

Gadhave, et. al., (2018) both dealt with Starch Based Bio-Plastics that used

renewable materials and non-waste source of starch to increase the

biodegradability and tensile strength.

Bio-plastics has many advantages such as -100% biodegradable, produced

from natural renewable resources etc. making it an excellent alternative to

traditional plastic products (Reddy, et. al.,2013) and earth could be spared from

21 | P a g e
the extreme effects of global warming as it serves as environmentally and climate-

friendly (European Bioplastics, 2016). One study most likely appeared to be similar

with the present study but only differ with the method. According to Manrique, the

study determined the effectivity of using Cogon grass as main component for

biodegradable plastic by extracting starch and adding plastic resin glue to improve

bending and tensile strength. Bio-based plastics adapt an increasing market

growth rate and cogon grass as an alternative treatment of the bio-plastic

products could turn it to a useful matter particularly the starch based plastic

reinforced with cogon leaves.


Based from the presented related literatures and study, the idea of

incorporating raw cogon grass has not been done by any study although some

have the same materials to be used, the methodology of creating composite

material varies therefore the final product also vary to the one’s aimed by the

current study.

Cogon Grass. (n.d.). Retrieved from Florida Department of Agriculture and
Consumer Services: https://www.freshfromflorida.com/Divisions-

22 | P a g e
Global Bio-plastics Market estimated to be valued at US$ 7.5 billion by 2020.
(2019, June 28). Retrieved from Consulting Industry News:

Do bioplastics have a lower carbon footprint than fossil based plastics? How is
this measured?. (2016, March 2). Retrieved from European Bioplastics:

Loewenstein, N. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.al.com/news/2017/08/this_


Iwata, T. (2015, January 12). Biodegradable and Bio‐Based Polymers: Future

Prospects of Eco‐Friendly Plastics. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.

Mooney, B.P. (2009). The second green revolution? Production of plant-based

biodegradable plastics. Retrieved from http://www.biochemj.org/content/

Fabunmi, O.O., Tabil J.r., L.G., Panigrahi, S., & Chang, P.R. (2007). Retrieved
from Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/242221295

Bambo, S.K., et. al. (n.d.). Characteristics of Cogon Grass Rhizomes and its
Perforation of a Maiden Cane Rhizome. Retrieved from

Philippine Medicinal Plants (n.d.) Kogon. Retrieved from


Miller, C. (2009, May 7). Cogon grass. Retrieved from http://ecop.pbworks.com/


Presse, A.F. (2018, July 8). Plastic is light, versatile and here to stay — for now.
Retrieved from https://news.mb.com.ph/2018/07/08/plastic-is-light-

23 | P a g e
Deeneshwaran, M., et. al. (2016). Production of biodegradable plastic from
banana peel. Journal of Petrochemical Engineering Department. Vol 1.

Ruksakulpiwat, Chaiwat & Wanasut, Wasaphon & Singkum, Apikiat &

Ruksakulpiwat, Yupaporn. (2013). Cogon Grass Fiber-Epoxidized Natural
Rubber Composites. Advanced Materials Research. 747. 375-378.

Kassim, A.S.M, et. al. (2016, February). Potential of Cogon Grass (Imperata
Cylindrica) as an Alternative Fiber in Paper-Based Industry. Asian
Research Publishing Network. Vol. 11, No. 4.

Gadhave, R.V., Das, A., Mahanwar, P.A. and Gadekar, P.T. (2018, May 30)
Starch Based Bio-Plastics: The Future of Sustainable Packaging. Open
Journal of Polymer Chemistry, 8, 21-33.

Reddy. R.L., et. al. (2013 May). Study of Bio-plastics as Green & Sustainable
Alternative to Plastics. International Journal of Emerging Technology and
Advanced Engineering. Vol. 3, Issue 5.

Manrique, C.R. (n.d.). Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) as an Effective

Component for Biodegradable Plastics. Retrieved from https://www.scribd.
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The study adopted the Quasi-Experimental Research to evaluate the

efficacy of the treatment by manipulating the number of Cogon leaves and amount

of starch used in producing biodegradable plastic. The design of this study is Non-

Equivalent Group Design in which the treatment has not been randomly

administered to different setups. A product of a starch-based biodegradable plastic

with cogon leaves is compared to another setup of starch-based bioplastic but is

free of cogon, the two setups are compared and tested.


Data presented in the study comes from and will be derived from primary

and secondary sources. Primary sources will come from the result of the

experiment conducted by the researchers.

As for the secondary sources of data, it is based on related literatures and

studies to increase integrity of the study and confirm the reliability of data being



For the setup of the experiment:
-20 pieces of cogon leaves
-Vernier caliper
-spring balance

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Tensile Strength

The composite product would be subjected to tensile strength test in order

to measure the maximum load the material could handle. We are going to attach

the Bioplastic composite material to the spring balance then the lower part (tail

part) of the material will be glued on to a cloth that can handle higher amount of

load than the composite material. Weights will be then added (gradually increasing

load) to the cloth by attaching it with a nylon tie. The minimum and maximum

payload will be recorded.


After gathering data from the experiment, Analysis of variance will be used

to determine if there is a significant difference among the 3 setups that varies in

the number of leaves of cogon used.


The main objective of this study is to further improve the durability of starch-

based plastics that would help in further acceptance and adaptation of the

environment-friendly alternative.

Preliminary research will be conducted in order to have the fundamental

concepts about how biopolymers work. Gathering of related literatures and studies

help in further understanding of the concepts in creating the composite material.

In creating the biopolymer, first, starch should be mixed with water then

boiled and mixed until it becomes gelatinous in texture. Next, cogon leaves should

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be weaved in order to acquire more tensile strength and will put in a mold in order

to maintain constant thickness. The gelatinous starch would then be spread

throughout the surface of the weaved cogon leaves until its completely surrounded.

It will be put aside to dry.

The resulting composite product will be divided into three setups and will be

tested for its strength using a spring balance that will measure its minimum and

maximum load. ANOVA will be used to determine if there is a significant difference

between each setup.


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