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The Effectiveness of Single Minute Exchange of Dies For Lean Changeover Process in Printing Industry

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MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01064 (2018)

ICET4SD 2017

The effectiveness of single minute exchange of dies for lean

changeover process in printing industry
Sri Indrawati*, Mentari Endah Pratiwi, Sunaryo, and Abdullah ‘Azzam
Industrial Engineering, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Abstract. The changeover time is a factor that greatly affects the lean production implementation in industry
with make to order system. Large product variations and unpredictable quantity of orders will trigger some
kind of production wastes if changeover time is done in a longer time. One industry with make to order system
is printing industry. In general, to produce several types of products such as books takes quite a long time
because of long production changeover process. The general problem faced is the delay in book’s production
completion. Based on this problem, changeover time reduction is needed to overcome the delay of book’s
production completion using single minute exchanges of dies (SMED) method. The SMED method is the
method that separates the changeover activity into two, i.e. internal setup and external setup. The research
shows that changeover time for printing workstation is 18 minutes 29 seconds, which consists of internal
setup activities 14 minutes 37 seconds and external setup 4 minutes 33 seconds. By converting 45% of the
internal setup activity into an external setup, then the setup time can be reduced. The initial setup activities
performed when machine is stop, now can be done when the machine is running. In addition, a changeover
process improvement also done using 5S method in workstation tools area so the internal setup time is reduced
46% becomes 7 minutes 59 seconds. Under these conditions, the printing industry can increase production by

1 Introduction work processes so that production time can be reduced

[7]. SMED implementation allows for changeover time
The growth of industrial competition and customer reduction, through reorganization of the industry's
demand are influencing every industry with a make-to- internal resources without requiring significant
order system to improve production performance in investment [8].
fulfilling customer demand. Fast order completion time By changeover time reduction, an industry can save
and short delivery time are key to today's industry production costs and increase sales by 2% [9]. The SMED
competition [1]. If an industry does not increase the speed method can be integrated with other methods such as
of production, then the industry cannot compete with Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). The
other industries. Because customers will prefer industries integration of these two methods can reduce the
that fulfil orders quickly. changeover time from 240 minutes to 32 minutes in the
To increase the speed of customer order fulfilment, the intel technology production process [10].
industry must analyse several factors that affect its The SMED method can be used to reduce non value
productivity. Factors influencing the productivity of added activity. A total of 75 internal set up and 2 idle
newspapers printing industry are changeover time, activities can be identified through SMED
information flow, machine condition, quality, production implementation in injection mold machine [11]. SMED is
rate and workers [2]. Changeover time and process time implement in the automotive industry with the result of a
greatly affect the cycle time of producing a product. To 30% reduction in production cost and 97 seconds in
improve the speed, every industry should be able to production time [12]. The SMED method is one of lean
minimize the changeover and processing time, so that tools that used to reduce production waste in current value
customer satisfaction will be achieved [3]. Changeover stream map [13]. Using SMED method, activity that does
time is a preparation time for processing new lots or new not add value to the product can be reduced [14]. The
products [4]. Changeover time can be reduced by using reduction of some non-value added and non-necessary
the single minute exchange of dies (SMED) method [5]. non value added activities can improve production
SMED implementation of critical components efficiency [15].
replacement in Extrusion machine can reduce One industry with make to order system is printing
replacement time by 19 minutes and 25 minutes for caster industry. This industry is mainly producing books, but
machine [6]. SMED also successfully applied with metal there are also other products, i.e. calendars, invitation
forming objects in the automotive industry to improve cards and notes. In general, the production process is done

Corresponding author: sriindrawati@uii.ac.id
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01064 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815401064
ICET4SD 2017

according to the number of orders by customers. To fulfil Determine all setup activities and identify the internal
the customer's order, it is required to complete orders and external setup. Internal setup is an activity that
based on customer specification. The problem faced is the should be done when machine stopped. External setup
delay in production completion that lead to delivery is an activity that can be done when the machine still
lateness. It is caused by a different changeover time of producing parts.
each workstation. For cutting ± 5 minutes and printing ± c. Convert internal setup to external
18 minutes. Since a long changeover time appear in The main goal of reducing setup time is to reduce
production, it will cut the available time for production. internal setup time. This process is done by analyzing
That will shorten production time, so production quantity each internal setup activity and determine the
will be less. In fact, to complete one order, sometimes it possibilities to convert it into external setup activity.
takes more than a day. With a long changeover time, it is d. Reduced internal activity
necessary to make improvement so the production process This process is done by simplifying movement,
can be completed on time by reducing changeover time. reducing movement and elimination of movement.
Changeover time consist of internal setup and external 50% of setup reduction usually determined as SMED
setup. Reducing changeover time can be done using implementation target for many industry [21].
SMED method.
3 Research Framework
2 Basic Theory
This research is conducted at printing and publisher AB
Single minutes exchange of dies (SMED) is one of located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This printing and
improvement methods for lean manufacturing publishing industry is producing books, brochures,
implementation. In lean manufacturing, all production calendars, tabloids and invitation cards. Research begins
wastes are being eliminated through a systematic by collecting data of production time, setup time,
approach [15]. Changeover time is one form of waste in production cost, product types and production process.
the lean concept that must be eliminated because it is not The data then being verified with statistics, i.e. sufficiency
provide an added value to customers and result in and uniformity data test. Then it is subsequently used to
inefficient process. The SMED method can be used to calculate cycle time, normal time and standard time to
reduce changeover time. This method can be implemented analyze the production process time. The SMED analysis
for all types of industries and all types of machines [16]. is then performed by identifying setup activities and
Single minute does not mean that setup time takes only separating the internal and external setup activities.
one minute, but takes under 10 minutes or single digit Identification of several factors affecting the production
minute [17]. setup activities is done to find out some potential internal
The setup time is defined as a certain time to prepare setup activities that can be eliminated. Simplification of
production process and system required in production movement and lean improvement of changeover process
[18]. In setup time there are organizational time such as is done based on the results of previous process
machine stoppage and maintenance, equipment setup, evaluation. Further, a comparative analysis of initial and
machine set up, changeover and startup, adjustment and final production quantity is done to determine the
production trials. Changeover time is the time to prepare effectiveness of SMED implementation in lean
production process with new type of product or lot size as changeover process.
seen in Figure 1[4].
4 Discussion
There are four workstations used in the book production
process, i.e. printing, cutting, drafting and bending. The
standard time of the book production process on each
workstation is measured using time study method. Based
on statistical testing, the data already sufficient and
uniform. The largest standard time is on printing
workstation, 83,88 sec./ unit with production capability of
Fig 1. Changeover process [19] Changeover time should be 300 units/ day. For production process on cutting and
reduced so the production process will be more efficient. drafting workstation have no significant standard time
difference that is equal to 74,2 and 75,47 sec./ unit with
There are four major stages in SMED method, i.e. [20]: production capability equal to 339 and 334 units/ day.
a. The documentation process While bending time is the smallest that is equal to 47,18
The process of recording all setup activities is done in sec./ unit with a largest production capability of 534 units/
this stage. The setup activities consist of removal, day.
installation of new equipment on machine and others. Potential production bottleneck is printing
The documentation process can be done by recording workstation with largest standard time. So production
all activities and time during the set up process using activities in printing workstation needs to be analyzed by
a stopwatch and recorded on a worksheet. SMED method. Observations on changeover process in
b. Identify internal and external activities printing workstation is done to classify internal and

MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01064 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815401064
ICET4SD 2017

external setup elements. The internal setup element is an reduced 46% becomes 455,55 seconds or 7 minutes 59
activity that can only be done when the machine stops, seconds. It can increase production quantity by 2% per
while external elements can be performed while machine day.
is working. The results of changeover process
documentation and its classification indicates that there Researchers thank to the support of Industrial Engineering
Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas
are 41 types of book production changeover activities
Islam Indonesia.
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MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01064 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815401064
ICET4SD 2017

Appendix 1. Lean Changeover Process for Printing Industry

No Activity Time (s) Internal External

1 Arranging the plate 3,46 √
2 Take a ruler and plate 13,78 √
3 Measure the plate 59,52 √
4 Preparing the paper 116,09 √
5 Loading paper 61,28 √
6 Set the paper position 85,1 √
7 Set the place of printed paper 33,76 √
8 Running paper 52,02 √
9 Take the paper 13,78 √
10 Take the plate 32,96 √
11 Take a screwdriver 8,68 √
12 Rotate the bolt 73,15 √
13 Returns the screwdriver 2,66 √
14 Placing the plate 55,69 √
15 Take a screwdriver 6,54 √
16 Rotate the bolt 15,64 √
17 Returns the screwdriver 2,17 √
18 Setting up ink 25,59 √
19 Cleaning plate and roller 37,9 √
20 Insert ink 29,08 √
21 Adjust the ink volume 15,59 √
22 Rotate the machine to flatten the ink 46,26 √
23 Try printing 18,14 √
24 Checking print results 30,5 √
25 Set the paper size 31,23 √
26 Giving lubricant 35,53 √
27 Set the ink 5,6 √
28 Try printing 20,33 √
29 Checking print results 20,74 √
30 Ensure the paper position 43,67 √
31 Try printing 4,55 √
32 Checking print results 31,82 √
33 Set the paper 14,69 √
34 Try printing 9,58 √
35 Checking print results 25,42 √
Total 1082,5 455,55 626,95

Corresponding author: sriindrawati@uii.ac.id

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