Employee Grievances
Employee Grievances
Employee Grievances
Grievances are symptoms of conflicts in the enterprise just like smoke could mean fire,
similarly grievances could lead to serious problem if it is not addressed immediately so
they should be handled very promptly and efficiently.
• Grievance may arise out of not one cause but multifarious causes.
When an employee is dissatisfied with his job, for genuine or factual reasons like a
breach of terms of employment, he is said to have factual grievance. Thus factual
grievances arise when the legitimate needs are unfulfilled. The problem that he has is real
and not virtual.
An employee may have dissatisfaction for reasons that are unknown to him. This may be
because of pressures and frustrations that an employee is feeling from other sources like
his personal life.
Exit interviews:
Gripe boxes:
These are boxes in which the employees can drop their anonymous
complaints. They are different from the suggestion boxes in which employees drop their
named suggestion with an intention to receive rewards.
It is normally said that if you want to progress in life, you should be close
to critics. These gripe boxes can perform the role of critics for the organization. The
management should carefully act upon the information thus gathered. The internal
customers of an organization should be satisfied if the external customers are to be kept
Opinion survey:
Open-door policy:
Some organizations extend a general invitation to their employees to
informally drop in the manager’s room any time and talk over their grievances. This can
be very effective because it can nip the evil in the bud. Management should remember
that employees need a patient hearing at tunes.
A grievance should be dealt with in the first instance at the lowest level, that is, an
employee should raise his grievance with his immediate superior. It may be simple to
settle it on the spot and that will be the end of it. Even if it can’t be settled at that level,
the man’s superior will know what is happening. This is necessary not only to maintain
his authority, but also to prevent him from being aggrieved, as he will certainly be, if he
is by-passed and hears of the complaint from his own superior.
It must be made clear to the employee what line of appeal is available. If he can’t get
satisfaction from his immediate superior, he should know the next higher authority to
which he can go.
Since delay causes frustration and tempers may raise and rumors spread around the work,
it is essential that grievances should be dealt with speedily. As it is said that a stitch in
time saves nine, similarly the problems of the employees should be taken care of by the
management least it should become a major for the management.
The grievance procedure should be set-up with the participation of the employees and it
should be applicable to all in the organization. The policies and rules regarding
grievances should be laid down after taking inputs from the employees and it should be
uniformly applicable to all in the organization.
2. Acceptability:
3. Simplicity:
4. Promptness:
• Time limit should be placed at each step and it should be conveyed to the
concerned parties.
5. Training:
6. Follow-up:
The personal department should review the working of the grievance procedure
periodically and necessary changes should be introduced to make it more effective. This
is generally ignored by the organization. A regular follow-up of the system increase the
fail of the people in the system. Therefore it is necessary that the grievance procedure
should be reviewed whenever it is required.
Superior should try to get at the root of the problem.
If grievances are real and their causes are located, attempts should be made to
remove the causes.
The mediator has been described as a confidential advisor and an industrial diplomat. he
performs a messengers service for the parties and neither imposes his will nor his
judgment up on them.
Kinds of mediators:
The eminent outsider
The board connected with some part of the governmental system of the country.
Mediation can be a made more effective and successful device if the following
measures are adopted.
Conciliation is the most important method for the prevention and settlement of industrial
disputes through third party intervention.
Conciliation may be described as “the practice by which the services of a neutral third
party are used in a dispute as a means of helping the disputing parties to reduce the extent
of their differences and to arrive at an amicable settlement or agreed solution. It is a
process of rational and orderly discussion of differences between the parties to a dispute
under the guidance of a conciliator.
Qualities of a conciliator:
A conciliator must have some qualities if he is to win the trust and confidence of the
1. Independence and impartiality are the two attributes which every conciliator should
possess. He should be independent enough not to be swayed or influenced by others. He
should be able to resist undue pressures or persuasion from powerful employers or
2. A conciliator should be physically and psychologically fit for the rigours of his task.
He must have a strong and deeply held conviction of importance and usefulness of
3. Because of the nature of his work, a conciliator must have the ability to get along well
with people. He must be honest, polite, tactful, self-confident even tempered and patient
in trying to achieve results.
4. A conciliator should have a friendly personality, sense of humor and have a gift for
relieving tensions at joint discussion.
5. He must have the ability and versatility to form judgements.he should therefore acquire
knowledge from personal experience and observation, besides getting knowledge of
social sciences, psychology, social institutions, group behavior and cultural changes.
6. A conciliator should be well acquainted with the law and regulations concerning
industrial relations and the settlement of industrial disputes.
Conciliation officer
According to the industrial disputes act 1947 the central and state
governments can appoint conciliation officer by a notification in the official gazette to
that effect.
The number of conciliation officers to be appointed is determined by
miscellaneous legislation of the appropriate government, taking into account the volume
of work and the number of industrial disputes that actually exist or may arise. his main
task is to go from one camp to another and find out the greatest common measure of
Conciliation proceedings
• Relating to public utility service
The conciliation officer has a special obligation where the dispute relates to a public
utility service. If an industrial dispute exists or is apprehended in such services the
conciliation officer must hold conciliation proceedings in the prescribed manner.
• In case of other industries, his power is discretionary i.e.; he may or may not
hold such proceedings. The act requires that ‘he may do all such things as he
thinks fit for the purpose of inducing the parties to come to a fair and amicable
settlement of disputes.
• The conciliation officer can only send a report but has no authority to pass a
final order.
The time for the submission of the report may be extended by an agreement in
writing of all the partner to the dispute, subject to the approval of the conciliation
Board of conciliation
If any party fails to recommend any name within the prescribed time, the
appropriate government shall appoint such persons as it thinks fit to represent that party.
Conciliation proceedings
The board has the power of a civil court regarding the following matters:
1. It can enforce the attendance of any person and examine him on oath.
Certain statutory restrictions have been placed on strikes in all industrial establishments
during the pendency of any conciliation proceedings before a conciliation officer or a
conciliation board and for 7 days after the conclusion of such proceedings.
A great many disputes for which bipartite solutions are not feasible, are referred for
conciliation and the conciliation offers succeed in bringing about a settlement in over 80
percent of the cases.
While evaluating the working of the conciliation machinery in India, the ncl
observes that the working of the machinery involves delay. Conciliation is not given any
importance by the parties, as both workers and management have no faith in its effective
To make conciliation more effective, the ncl recommended the conciliation
machinery to be made part of the industrial relations commission. This will serve the
purpose of making the conciliation free from external influence.
Measures of conflict resolution
Non-statutory Statutory
measure measures
Works Voluntary
Conciliation Adjudic
committee arbitration ation
Concili Nature
Conciliati Labour Industrial
ation tribunal
on board courts tribunals
officers s
Measures of conflict resolution
Effort to Union
remove manageme
sources of nt
conflict cooperation
Social groups
Social control
legislation labour
Industrial dispute handling
Preventive Settlement
measures measures
Welfare officer
Tripartite n officer
Board of
Works conciliation
Court of
Standing orders
Grievance arbitration
Code of conduct tribunal
The parties can select any person or persons as arbitrators including the presiding officer
of a labour court, tribunal or national tribunal.
o Arbitration is to be distinguished from conciliation not only by the fact that its
decision is binding on the parties but also by its different approach and spirit.
o The arbitrator enforces his own point of view on the contending parties and the
opinion of the disputants is given any predominance.
Award of arbitrator rests on equity and justice i.e; there is no scope for
compromise is the essence of mediation.
Arbitration often leads to termination of dispute but mediation may or may not
bring about this termination.
Types of arbitration
1. Voluntary
2. Compulsory
1. Voluntary arbitration implies that the two contending partners, unable to compose
their differences by themselves or with the help of the mediator or conciliator
agree to submit the conflict/dispute to an impartial authority, whose decision they
are ready to accept.
Under voluntary arbitration, the parties to the dispute can and do themselves refer
voluntarily any dispute to arbitration before it is referred to adjudication.
Compulsory arbitration
Compulsory arbitration is one where the parties are required to accept arbitration without
any willingness on their part.
When one of the parties to an industrial dispute feels aggrieved by an act of the
other, it may apply to the appropriate government to refer the dispute to adjudication
machinery. Such reference of a dispute is known as ‘compulsory’ or ‘voluntary’
reference, because reference in such circumstances does not depend on the sweet will of
both the contending parties and any party t the dispute.
Under compulsory arbitration, the parties are forced to arbitration by the state when:
2. When there is a national emergency which requires production continuation.
6. Parties are ill balanced i.e. where unions are weak, ill-organised and powerless.
7. Public interest and the working conditions have to be safeguarded and regulated by the
Compulsory arbitration leaves no scope for strikes and lockouts; it deprives both the
parties of their way very important and fundamental rights.
Qualifications of arbitrators
After the dispute has been referred to the arbitrator, he will hear both the parties.
Fair hearing, which demands that an opportunity should be given to both the
parties to be heard and cross-examined.
Principle of natural justice requires that a party should have due notice of
proceedings, and it must know what are the issues involved and what part it has to
Arbitrator should not rely on any document which is not shown and explained to
the other party and to which a reply has not been received.
Submission of award
Arbitrator after investigating the dispute has to submit his award to the government.
While writing his award, the arbitrator has to ensure that;
1. The award is in line with the term of reference and that it does not go beyond its
2. It must be precise and definite, that its, must be clear, unambiguous and without any
vagueness, and that it is not in any way capable of being misunderstood or
4. The award should contain a date or specific period for its implementation.
5. The award should not violate any provision of any existing law or settlement legally
arrived at.
6. The award should contain sufficient justification or reasons for the settlement arrived
at by the arbitrator.
The ultimate legal remedy for the settlement of an unresolved dispute is its reference to
adjudication by the government.
“It is a process of dispute settlement where in the government submits the case to a
competent authority and enforces its award on the parties.”
The procedure of adjudication involves compulsory attendance of witnesses, compulsory,
powers of investigation, enforcement of awards with penalties for breaches of these
The id act-1947 provides three-tier system of adjudication.
The act provides the machinery of adjudication, namely the 1.labour courts
2. Industrial tribunals
3. National tribunals
Under the provisions of the 1947 act, either the state government or central government
can constitute labour courts and tribunals.
Arbitration Adjudication
1. It is voluntary method of resolving id. It 1. It is compulsory and is the ultimate
is resorted before the dispute is referred to remedy for resolving industrial disputes
A labour court, industrial tribunal or provided by the id cat 1947.
national tribunal.
2. The appropriate government can issue 2. No such provision when a dispute is
notification to the parties who are not referred to labour courts/industrial
bound by the arbitration agreement but are tribunals/national tribunals.
concerned in the dispute to present their
case before arbitrator.
B.)Has been, for a period of not less than 3 yrs a district judge or
C.)Held any judicial office in India for not less than 7yrs.
D.)No person should be allowed to continue in the office of the labour court if he is not
an independent person or has attained age of 65 yrs.
Industrial Tribunals
The appropriate government may appoint one or more industrial tribunals for the
adjudication of industrial disputes relating to any matter whether specified in the
second or the third schedule. The industrial tribunal may be appointed for a
limited on an adhoc basis or permanently.
A.)Are or have been judge of a high court.
B.)Are or have been district judge for a period of not less than 3 yrs.
C.)Hold or have held the office of the chairman or any other member of the labour
appellate tribunal or any tribunal for a period of not less than 2 yrs.
7. Classification of grades.
8. Rules of discipline.
9. Rationalization.
National Tribunals:
A national tribunal shall consist of one person only to be
appointed by the central government, who:
B.)Has held the office of the chairman or any other member of the labour
appellate tribunal for a period of not less than 2 yrs.
Code of discipline:
Inspite of the fact that a large number of labour laws have been enacted
and the Indian labour scene is crowded with various complex judicial formalities
and legalities and the court has played a key role in rendering justice in industrial
relations, the industrial relations scene has not been peaceful.
• Any agreement which disturbs cordial industrial relations should be
• Both central and state government should rectify any shortcomings in the
machinery they constitute for the administration of labour laws.
• The code restrains parties from unilateral action, but it involves them to
make the best use of the existing machinery for the settlement of disputes
with the at most expedition.
• It enjoins upon the management to take prompt action for the settlement of
grievances and implementation of awards and agreements.
• Any action that stands in the way of cordial relations and is against the
spirit of the code on the part of both management and trade unions should
be avoided.
Neither party should adopt such unfair labour practices as go-slows, stay-
in-strike, or sit-down strike tactics and litigation.
1. To ensure that employers and employees recognize each others rights and
Industrial dispute
Disputes and conflicts waste valuable time, effort and money of the society. It is
of paramount importance that there should not be any conflict in the society.
Conflict is one of the central principles of organizational life. It is an expression
of disagreement.
3. between the work organization and union organization represented by
management and union leaders.
Categories of disputes:
Economic causes:
Wages and allowances
Conditions of work and employment
Working hours
Discharge, dismissal or retrenchment
Leave, holiday with pay
Work load
Incentive, fringe benefits
Delayed implementation of agreements, awards etc.
Non-economic causes:
Causes unconnected with industry
Fear of loss of job due to rationalization, in production of
new technology.
Non-recognition of trade unions.
Administrative causes
Ego clashes
Unsettled grievances
Political causes:
Sympathetic strikes
Bandhs for political reasons
Social causes:
Low morale
Deterioration of social values and norms
Psychological causes:
• Maladjustment
• Personality clashes
• Non-programmed intervention on disciplinary matters
Technological causes:
• Adoption of new technology/automation
• Computerization
• Rationalization
Market situation:
Accumulation of goods
Unhealthy competition
Import of goods
Many firms struggle to overcome disputes, and the costs of not doing so are surprisingly
Employees: employees suffer on all fronts payloss, mental agony, and bitterness in
society and so on.
Consumers: consumers get affected by the scarcity of goods and price like. After the
strike the burden of the cost is naturally passed on to the consumer by price rise.
Modes of pressure on management during industrial disputes or industrial actions:
employer workmen
Fails to get
Mutually settled
Failure to report to
appropriate govt
Award(binding for
atleast one year)
Social security:
In the post-independence period, provision of social security the working population has
been one of the Indian government.
Prior to independence, there was only one enactment in the area of social security,
namely, the workmen compensation act, 1923.after independence; several schemes for
the benefit of working population have been launched.
“The security that society furnishes through appropriate organization, against certain
risks to which its members are exposed.”
1. Social security protects not just the subscribers but also his/her entire family by giving
benefit packages in financial security and health care.
3. It acts as a facilitator-it helps people to plan their own future through insurance and
4. The success of social security schemes requires the active support and involvement of
employees and employers.
Major elements of social securities:
1. Social assistance:
A social assistance deal with the provision for the care of needy.it is closely associated
social work services in many countries.
S.A schemes are designed to help people who are in financial difficulties.
The assessment of the claimant’s financial status is known as the “means test”.
S.A represents the unilateral obligation of the community towards its dependent
It is provided by the society or the government to the poor and needy individuals.
S.A schemes are funded from general revenues rather than from individual
contribution, with statutory scales of benefit adjusted according to person’s
The whole cost of the programme is met by the state and local units of
In assessing need, persons other income sources are taken into account and certain
resources such as reasonable level of personal savings are disregarded.
The benefit grant is designed to bring persons total income up to a community
determined maximum, taking into account other factors such as family size and
unavoidable fixed Obligations such as rent.
Grants are not related to the applicant’s earnings or customary standards of living.
Social insurance:
Beveridge defined social insurance as the “giving in return for contribution,
benefits up to subsistence level, as of right and without means tests, so that an individual
may build freely upon it.”
The free dictionary by farlex defines social insurance as “government provision for
unemployed, injured or aged people, financed by contributions from employers and
employees as well as by government revenue.”
3. Contributions are accumulated in special funds out of which benefits are paid.
4. Surplus funds not needed to pay current benefits are invested to earn further income.
5. A person’s right to benefit is secured by his contribution record without any test of
need or means.
6. The contribution and benefit rates are often related to what the person is or has been
The two most important social insurance schemes at present in our country
1. The employees state insurance scheme.
1. Compulsory participation:
Most people participating in social insurance programmes do
so as a result of a legal requirement.
3. Contributory finance: mostly, the resources needed to run the programme are raised
through explicit contributions collected from the employer, or from both the employer
and the employee. A workers contribution is usually a fixed percentage of his/her wage
or income.
The ESI provides certain benefits to employees incase of sickness, maternity and
employment injury, and to make provisions for certain other matters in relation there to.
The ESI Act, 1948 sec 46 envisages following six social security benefits:
1. Medical benefit.
2. Sickness benefit.
3. Maternity benefit.
4. Disablement benefit.
5. Dependents benefit.
6. Funeral expenses.
1. Medical benefit:
The scheme provides full range of medical care to insured person and his family,
through a network of ESI dispensaries and panel clinics, diagnostic centers and esi
hospitals etc.the package covers all aspects of health care from primary to super-
speciality facilities for the families, this benefit has been divided into the following
The ESI Corporation has been undertaking provision for family welfare services to the
beneficiaries of the scheme.
Supply of special aids: insured persons and members of their families are provided
artificial limbs, hearing aids, wheel chairs as a part of medical care under the scheme.
Sickness benefit: it represents periodical cash payments made to an insured person during
the period of certified sickness occurring in a benefit period when insured person requires
medical treatment and attendance with abstention from work on medical grounds.
Insured persons suffering from long-term diseases experience great hardship even after
the expiry of 91 days sickness benefit. An insured person suffering from certain long-
term diseases is entitled to ESB, only after exhausting sickness benefit to which he may
be eligible.
3. Maternity benefit:
o Maternity benefit rate is double the standard benefit rate or roughly equal to the
average daily wage.
Disablement benefit:
Dependents benefit:
Funeral expenses:
Funeral expenses are in the nature of a lump sum payment up to a maximum of Rs.2500
made to defray the expenditure on the funeral of deceased insured person.
The amount is payable to the eldest surviving member of the family, or in his
absence to the person who actually incurs the expenditure on the funeral.
Wage and salary administration:
The wages and incentives paid on a rational basis are essential to achieve the goals of
higher productivity, through proper utilization of human resources
o Any remuneration payable under any award or settlement between the parties or
order of a court.
Wage policy:
The term wage policy refers to the legislation or government action undertaken to
regulate the level or structure of wages or both for the purpose of achieving specific
objectives of social and economic policy.
The ceilings on wages need to be fixed to save employees from the pinch of
inflationary tendencies that flow from uncontrolled price rise. The workers should get
a just share in the fruits of economic development and increased productivity.
3. Control over inflationary tendencies:
The controlling of inflationary pressures should be an essential element of wage
policy, for increasing prices workers real income, lower their standard of living and
ultimately cause industrial unrest. A wage policy should aim at stabilizing prices by
tying wage increases to productivity.
Salary is the remuneration paid to the clerical and managerial personnel employed on
monthly/annual basis.
Wage salary
Compensation to the employees where measurement of quantum of
For services rendered to the service is Difficult them consolidated
Organization Payment given is salary
There are several methods of wage salaries are paid uniformly generally on
payment Based on hours, no of units etc. monthly basis.
An incentive in general does not exist to Incentives are paid to salaried Employees
workers. along with salaries
Since 1948 several terms have acquired currency referring to wage levels, viz;