Rules and Regulations of Basketball Tournament I. All Leagues
Rules and Regulations of Basketball Tournament I. All Leagues
Rules and Regulations of Basketball Tournament I. All Leagues
a. Each player on a team must play one continuous full quarter during the game. A
continuous full quarter is defined as the beginning of a quarter through its
b. If any team has more than 10 players at the game, they will be responsible for
playing 10 players one continuous full quarter (Start to finish of a quarter).
c. Late Arrivals: If a player arrives anytime during the first half they must meet the
regular requirement of playing one continuous quarter. If they arrive after the
start of the third quarter, they are not eligible to play for that game.
d. One (1) minute between quarters. Five (5) minutes between halves.
e. Five (5) minutes are allocated for team warm-ups prior to each game.
g. The game clock will stop only on shooting fouls, time-outs, and on each dead
ball in the final minute of the 1st three quarters and the final five (5) minutes of
the 4th quarter.
a. Participating teams may have twelve (12) players and all twelve (12) players will
be allowed to play in any game.
b. If the scores are tied, overtime periods of five minutes will be played until one
team has more points than the other (at the end of the 5-minute period).
b. Coaches may stand and move about in the vicinity of the bench but must leave
absolute control of the game to the officials. Coaches or team scorekeepers may
not stand near the scorer’s table or interfere with the official scorekeepers at any
time. Any questions about the score should be directed to the officials at the
proper time and proper way.
c. If a bench is issued a technical foul then all coaches must remain on the bench
for the remainder of the game.
a. Once the league schedule has been released no games will be rescheduled.
a. Any player, coach or manager who commits any of the enumerated acts of violence
or un-sportsman-like conduct shall be penalized with a technical foul and or a suspension
in the game depending upon the gravity of the violation/situation.
b. Players who are under the influents of liquor or any prohibited substance are not
allowed to play.
I. If the match is in progress is stopped in the 1st or 2nd period, the game shall be
reset to a new game with another playing date. The score will be back to zero and the
time will be reset.
II. In the game was stopped in the 3rd, 4th or overtime period, the game will be
resumed to another playing date adopting the score and the remaining time of the
game when it was stopped.
The following opportunity for a time-out shall be granted to each team during playing
Each team shall have five (5) time-outs during the regulation period broken down as
b. Number of fouls for each player except captain ball is five (5) fouls;
c. Captain ball has six (6) fouls;
d. Technical fouls by a player are player’s personal foul that do not involve contact
with an opposing player and is considered as behavioral in nature. Any overt
dissent either verbal or non-verbal by a player will not be tolerated. If any form
of disrespect or discredit is made by a player toward a referee about a referee’s
decision, a technical foul will be assessed. Every disapproving reaction that
incites the crowd or demean the referee will not be accepted. Players have been
told to amend their conduct as it reflects discredit on the game of basketball and
upon the PBL.
1. Delaying the game by deliberately touching the ball after it passes through the
basket or by preventing a throw-in from being taken promptly. However, touching
the ball immediately after a successful field goal or a successful last or only free
throw, if not flagrant enough, shall be given a prior warning before a technical
foul is called;
2. Any other delay-of-game acts which in the judgment of the game officials shall
place the opponent at a distinct disadvantage.
a. Any player who is found out using other’s identity shall be suspended and
automatically be blacklisted in any basketball competition as sanctioned by the
Barangay 626 SK Council, and all the game/s he played by the team he
represents shall be declared lost and the team shall be automatically out from
the league.
“Any rule, which is not covered by this undertaking, shall be announced by the
organizer as soon as the need arises.”