Hints Reverse Engineering
Hints Reverse Engineering
Hints Reverse Engineering
This document highlights the reverse engineering process in Petrel 2011. For explaining the new
functionality in Petrel 2011.1, comparisons are made with conversion in 2010.2. Other related documents
are as follow.
RMB (right mouse button) in CASE tab: Import (on tree): select .DATA file
Import ECLIPSE/FrontSim run panel: Choose simulator: check files found and OK for import
Select coordinate reference system (CRS), select Null or Continue spatially unaware, Save
RMB “convert to Petrel case”: Guided schedule section conversion: automatic: OK (if
WCONINJE is present in your data deck for prediction data or no WCONPROD is present,
please refer to “Case conversion key points” in the online help to see why to use guided
Message log: (examples are found at the end of this document)
Not converted: (e.g. entire SUMMARY section, unsupported keyword are left as user
Ignored: (e.g. ECLIPSE deck section names)
Partially converted: additional information is provided about items or arguments that
have not been converted
Cloned: copied from original deck into :Schedule keyword rule” in the converted
Development strategies
Converted: fully converted
Review the message log carefully and apply manual edits if appropriate. Below you will find
some examples of keywords handle different than in 2010.2.