Export Automatically Grid Properties and Combine .GRDECL Files in One File Using The Workflow Editor
Export Automatically Grid Properties and Combine .GRDECL Files in One File Using The Workflow Editor
Export Automatically Grid Properties and Combine .GRDECL Files in One File Using The Workflow Editor
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file using the Workflow Editor
Export grid properties and combine in one *.GRDECL file
Petrel exports each grid properties (selected in the Workflow Editor) individually in one
*.GRDECL file; this workflow will automate the process to combine several *.GRDECL files
in one single file, in this case users will have one include file for simulation purposes.
The System Command option inside the Workflow Editor is used to merge the files
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containing the grid property (exported from Petrel using the Workflow Editor) in one file.
Look for the directory where all files are saved and use the following command: COPY
*.GRDECL TARGET.GRDECL; this will merge all the text files in that directory and create a
new file named TARGET.GRDECL.
Note: The workflow can be transferred using the Reference Project Tool and users can
easily take advantage of a workflow that is already created in another project.
Export grid properties and combine in one *.GRDECL file
1 Select the properties which will be exported and type the directory where files will be stored
2 Type the command COPY *.GREDCL TARGET.GRDECL in one line, as it showed in the workflow
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