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Petrel Workflow Tools - : 5 Day Introduction Course

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Petrel Workflow Tools

5 Day Introduction Course





Zonation and

Edit Input Data





Well Design

Process Manager

Import data

Intro to Petrel

Data Import

Data Import
Learn About Import Options

Petrel import

Look at Data types

Learn How To Organize Input Data

Folders and subfolders

Wells and Well Tops
Copy and move data, to and from a reference project

Export options

Petrel Import
Open Project:
Relates only to already saved
Petrel projects (.pet files).
Remember that each .pet file has
an associated .ptd data folder!

Import file:
Used for importing all other data
(SEG-Y, points/lines, functions,
Bitmaps etc.)
Reference project tool:
Opens a reference project. Data
can be copied and moved
between the local project and the
reference project

Data Types



2D Grids



3D grids

Organization of Input Data

1. Folder types:
Most data can be imported into regular folders
(or subfolders); but some data types have a
special structure (e.g. Wells, Well Tops and
Interpretations) and must be imported into
predefined folders.
2. How to insert folders:
All folder types are available from the Insert
menu; select the folders to add to the project.
Folders can be renamed in the Settings.
3. Import (on selection):
It is recommended that all data are imported to
existing folders. Right-click and choose Import
(on selection) to import data

Import with Predefined Format

Predefined formats
After creating a folder, and choosing Import (on
Selection), the Import file dialog opens:

1. Find the data to import and select the

appropriate format. Press Open.

2. Specify the Template (e.g. Elevation Time or

Thickness depth).
3. Press OK For All if all the files have the
same format, and OK if they have different

Note! Petrel works in Negative Z-values.


Import General (Lines / Points)

No predefined formats available?

Check the List of available formats under the Help
menu, or use the drop-down menu Files of type
and look at the example format capture at the
bottom of the dialog box. If there isnt one, use a
General format:
1. Find the data and select the General
lines/points (ASCII) format. Press Open.

2. Specify the number of header lines (seen

from the Header info file capture).
3. Make sure X,Y and Z columns match with the
file (can be either space or tab delineated).
4. Data can be loaded as Points or Lines.



Import Wells Overview

Import well header

Import well path (deviation)

Import well logs

Import well tops

Import Wells Well Heads


A Well heads file: ASCII file defining the wells top

location (X-Y-Z) and name (path length (MD), well
symbol and Unique Well Identifiers are optional).
1. Create a well heads file using a text editor or Excel
and save as a .txt file. Columns can be space or tab
delimited. Import (on selection) into the Wells folder.
The format is Well heads.
2. Check that the column numbers match the Header
info capture at the bottom of the dialog window.
3. Each well can have only one name, specified in the
Well Header. When importing deviation and logs the
names must match. Wells can be identified by UWI or
Name (3A). Attributes can be added and removed (3B).


Import Wells Well Path (Deviation Survey)

1. Import (on selection) into the Wells folder.

4. Select correct survey type and define


2. Select the correct format.

3. Match the file name to existing well name.

5. Select well type (onshore/offshore)

adjust units if necessary.

Import Wells Well Path (Deviation Survey)

The deviation
survey can be
viewed in a

Right-click on the
well in the Input
pane and select

The Deviation
survey can be
edited after
import, but it is
Only white
columns are

Import Wells Well Logs

1. Import (on selection) into Wells folder
2. Select data files and the correct format
(e.g. ASCII or LAS)

3. Match the file name to the well trace name

4. Go to Input data tab and set appropriate

Data type. Also, if the log data was
exported from GeoFrame, make sure MD
decreases, GeoFrame style is selected.

Import Wells Well Logs


1. Select Autodetect or Specify

logs to be loaded (best for QC).
2. If the import dialog suggests
Create New under Global Well
Log, the log type has not been
imported before and a new
global well log will be created.

3. OK FOR ALL: PETREL will try
to find this log configuration for
all the imported log files.


4. The new logs are stored

under Global well logs in the
Wells folder (A). Each well has
the logs that belong only to that
well in a Well logs folder (B)

Import Wells Well Tops

Well Tops are otherwise known as
picks or markers. They can be
imported as Horizons, Faults or Other.

1- Insert a Well Tops folder.

2- Right-click on the Well Tops
folder and select Import (on
3- Select the files to import and the
correct format.
4- Check the units and attributes
and change if necessary. Click
OK for All.

Import Wells Well Tops Spreadsheet

1. The well tops are sorted by: Attribute, Stratigraphy

(+ Faults and Others) and by Wells.
2. Right-click on the Well Tops folder and select Spreadsheet.
This will list all well tops and their attributes
3. After import, additional well tops or well cuts can be added by
appending a new row in the Spreadsheet. Well tops can also be
copied from an Excel file (Ctrl+C/V)

Organization of Well Data


Organize wells in subfolders. This can be done in

two ways:

1. Manually (drag and drop): Right-click on the
Wells folder and select Insert Folder. Rename
the folder (A) and drag and drop the desired
wells into it (B). Use relevant names, e.g by
Platform name (B) or by Type of wells (C).
2. By Polygons: Draw a polygon from Make/edit
polygons process (A). Change the Line type
from Other to Boundary polygon and
rename (info tab). Right-click the polygon and
select Move wells inside this. All wells in
that area inside the polygon will be placed in
a new folder (B)



Well Manager
Collects all the information associated with each well bore and presents it in a user-friendly
spreadsheet format.
Each well in the project is represented as a row, with all associated attributes listed as columns.
Most of the fields are editable, allowing copy and paste actions from other spreadsheets

Loading Seismic 3D data

1. Insert a New Seismic
Main folder.

2. Right-click on the Seismic

main folder and choose
Insert seismic survey folder.

3. The Seismic main folder contains filters

and the new Survey 1 folder. Right-click it
and choose Import (on selection).
4. Locate the seismic volume of interest
and import it in the correct format. Specify
which vintage and remember correct
template on importing (QC).


Reference Project tool

After import there may still be data missing. An
easy way to regain or copy data is to access
another project and copying the data to your
current project.

1. Go to the File menu and select Reference

Project tool. A dialog window opens.

2. Open a project to copy from, or move data to.

3. Toggle on data of interest, copy it between
projects using the arrows, two way transfer.
4. By default, data filters are turned on, enabling
the user to view which objects are newer,
older, equal or non existing, according to
their counterparts in the other project. Filters
can be toggled off at the users discretion.
Note: A read-only reference project can NOT be
altered, make the chosen Reference project a
read-only to be sure of no edits .

Export Options
Most data can be exported. There is a very easy way to
export objects/folder:
1. Right-click on the object/folder and select Export.
2. In the export dialog box, Petrel will list ONLY the
available options for export; look at the Save as type
drop-down menu and select a format.


3. Type in the name of the file and click Save.

There are different options for special data types, for
example Wells.

4. Right-click on the Wells folder; selecting Export will

export the well heads.
5. Further down are options to export logs (All Logs) and
deviation surveys (All Wells).

Well Completion
data (I-J-K
wells) must be
exported from
the 3D Grid in
Models pane

Export Seismic Data


Right-click on a
seismic survey and
choose Export.


Choose SEG-Y or ZGY as the

format and specify the output file
name, then click Save.


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