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PetroMod 2D Software

Full petroleum systems modeling in two dimensions, plus time

PetroMod* petroleum systems modeling software combines seismic, Full 2D: A simulator to perform full 2D pressure, temperature, and matu-
well, and geological information to model the evolution of a sedimentary ration simulations to determine temperature and pressure distribution
basin. PetroMod software will predict if, and how, a reservoir has been on different scales (basin, prospect, and reservoir), including transient
charged with hydrocarbons, including the source and timing of hydro- effects and lateral inhomogeneities in facies and flow.
carbon generation, migration routes, quantities, and hydrocarbon type
in the subsurface or at surface conditions. Kinetics
To investigate source rock hydrocarbon generation, kinetics methodology
PetroMod 2D software is primarily applied in areas with sparse data— must be added to the input and simulation modules. For initial assess-
for example, if the data is only sufficient to construct a 2D geologic ments basic, two-component kinetics is offered. For more sophisticated
section. PetroMod 2D software is also routinely applied in areas with phase and property hydrocarbon predictions, multicomponent kinetics
dense data coverage, when rapid analysis is desired, and for should be chosen.
pressure prediction work. ■■ Two-component: Basic oil and gas kinetics (black-oil model) for
Modular software system modeling in areas with no direct source rock information or for fast
Configure the PetroMod software system that suits you best by screening work.
selecting the required modules in five steps: ■■ Multicomponent: Advanced kinetics for highest accuracy in petroleum
property predictions with user-defined numbers of components.
1. Select the 2D model builder to work with 2D data (cross sections).

2. Select the type of pressure temperature simulator, either multi-1D

for fast, quick-look work, or full 2D/3D for more accurate modeling.

3. Select the type of kinetics, either two-component kinetics (oil and

gas), which is often used if no direct source rock data is available or
for initial screening work, or multicomponent kinetics, which provides
accurate petroleum property predictions.

4. Select the type of petroleum migration simulator, either flow path for
fast high-resolution simulations for screening work, invasion percolation
for high-resolution simulations (e.g., in locally refined grids), or hybrid
for the most accurate method.

5. Select the optional add-on modules to address specific Hydrocarbons flashed to surface conditions; info box shows API gravity,
modeling tasks. GOR, and condensate gas ratio.

Model builder Petroleum migration simulators

PetroBuilder 2D: The basic PetroMod 2D module for building 2D, cross To complement the chosen kinetic module, PetroMod software offers
section–based petroleum system models. PetroBuilder is the funda- three migration modules: a flow path ray tracing-based module for fast
mental input module for defining properties (such as geometry, facies migration modeling that only takes buoyancy into account; an invasion
definitions, and boundary conditions) of a 2D PetroMod petroleum percolation module that is driven by a cell-based buoyancy and capillary
systems model. pressure; and a full hybrid migration module that combines flow
Pressure temperature simulation path-based migration in high-permeability materials and darcy
Two modules for pressure and temperature calculations are available migration in low-permeability layers, providing the most accurate
for PetroMod 2D modeling: PetroMod migration modeling.
■■ Multi-1D: A basic pressure and temperature module, enabling fast
multi-1D pressure, temperature, and maturation simulation engine for
screening work and basic assessments of the temperature history of
a petroleum system.
PetroMod 2D Software
■■ Flow path: Fast, high-resolution petroleum migration modeling ■■ Flow path: Simulates lateral petroleum flow, which occurs
used for screening work; also suitable for areas with clearly defined instantaneously on geologic time scales in high-permeability layers.
regional carrier systems. This can be modeled with geometrically constructed flow paths to
■■ Invasion percolation: Fast, high-resolution modeling in which inversion predict the locations and compositions of accumulations; the spilling
workflows have been applied to define high-resolution facies maps or between and merging of drainage areas is taken into account.
in which locally refined grids are used. ■■ Invasion percolation: Assumes that on geologic time scales, petro-
■■ Hybrid: Advanced migration modeling technology that uses multiple leum moves instantaneously through the basin driven by buoyancy
methods, including darcy to provide pressure control and flow path and capillary pressure to better model fluid flow in faults. The inva-
for efficient processing in good carriers. sion percolation method can use high-resolution facies maps (e.g.,
from seismic inversion workflows) or special controls to mimic
capillary pressure heterogeneity.
■■ PetroRisk* module: Enables rigorous risk and uncertainty analyses of
PetroMod data, with multiple uncertainties and a full set of statistical ■■ Hybrid (darcy, flow path, and invasion percolation): Enables
evaluation tools. detailed, high-resolution models to be processed with sophisticated
full-physics technology, accurately simulating the relationship
■■ TecLink: Loads paleo-sections or models from structural reconstruc-
between hydrocarbon column heights and seal breakthroughs.
tions, and then performs thermal history and petroleum migration
modeling in the most complex geological environments, such as fold Advanced technology
and thrust belts, with no functional limitations on the simulations. ■■ Facies refinement to directly incorporate high-resolution facies
■■ Parallel processing: Improves performance on multicore Linux® distributions, based on seismic data.
and Windows® systems. ■■ Most complete range of special modeling tools, such as salt
■■ 14-component phase kinetics: Developed in cooperation with the GFZ and igneous intrusion.
Potsdam research institute, improves petroleum phase predictions. ■■ Fully integrated 1D, 2D, and 3D interface and simulators.
■■ Geomechanics: Allows the definition of elastic properties of lithologies ■■ Consistent data formats on all platforms and operating systems.
to simulate the stress and strain field of the model. ■■ Ability to use multiple simulation methods on the same data model.
■■ Gas hydrates: Simulates and displays the stability zone of gas
hydrates through time. PetroMod software provides a standardized user interface across the
entire 1D, 2D, and 3D software suite. It uses the same simulators in 1D, 2D,
Prediction of petroleum generation and 3D; all technical features and tools are available and identical in all
PetroMod software uses a database of reaction kinetics to predict the dimensions, ensuring full compatibility across the suite.
phases and properties of hydrocarbons generated from source rocks
of various types. In addition, adsorption models describe the release of Specifications
generated hydrocarbons into the free pore space of the source rock. PetroMod software is available on all hardware platforms running
Microsoft® Windows XP Professional (32-bit), Windows Vista® (64-bit),
Advanced petroleum migration technology Windows 7 (64-bit), or Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 5.3 (64-bit) operating
■■ Fully PVT-controlled modeling of n-component/three-phase relation- systems. PetroMod software provides the same interface, functionality,
ships during the entire migration process—PetroMod software is the and binary data formats on all platforms so that input/output files can
only commercial system with this advanced tool. easily be transferred within mixed hardware systems.
■■ Advanced handling of component/phase relationships using
Schlumberger Information Solutions
flash calculation technology to deliver an improved understanding
Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) is an operating unit of
and prediction of petroleum properties and oil-versus-gas
Schlumberger that provides software, information management, IT,
probability assessments.
and related services. SIS collaborates closely with oil and gas
■■ Sophisticated source rock tracking—multiple source units can be companies to solve today’s tough reservoir challenges with an open
defined, and each unit can have unique kinetics and generate business approach and comprehensive solution deployment. Through
multiple components. our technologies and services, oil and gas companies empower their
Four migration simulation methods people to improve business performance by reducing exploration
■■ Darcy flow: Describes multicomponent, three-phase flow based on and development risk and optimizing operational efficiencies.
the relative permeability and capillary pressure concept. Migration
velocities and accumulation saturations are calculated in one step. E-mail petromod@slb.com or contact your local Schlumberger
representative to learn more.


*Mark of 2011 Schlumberger

Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-IS-0197

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