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New York and Geneva, 2008
of competition enforcement can often be indistinguishable from that of
other economic policies in increasing efficiency and competition.
Nonetheless, this publication upholds the view that competition law and
policy are supportive of the overall process of economic development by
curbing anti-competitive practices that negatively impact consumers and
increase costs to business.
Supachai Panitchpakdi
Secretary-General of UNCTAD
Margaret Levenstein and Valerie Suslow (2001), Private International Cartels
and their Effect on Developing Countries, Background Paper for World Bank’s
World Development Report 2001, available at
effects of anti-competitive practices, on the one hand, and, on the other,
studies demonstrating/emphasizing the benefits of competition law and
policy, through establishing links between competition and other cross-
cutting issues. Part A deals with the interaction between competition
and consumer policies. Part B focuses on competition law and policy
and on poverty eradication. Part C discusses competition issues in
commodity markets. Part D is devoted to lessons learnt from
competition policy and law enforcement; experiences of developing as
well as developed countries from both national and regional
implementation perspectives. Lastly, Part E deals with specific anti-
competitive practices, such as cartels, abuse of dominance and patent
policy, which have a bearing on competition in the market.
UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection, United Nations, New York and
Geneva, 2001, available at: http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/poditcclpm21.en.pdf.
This increases competition between firms and results in efficiency
and/or quality improvement, which in turn benefits consumers. In this
publication there are studies that quantify benefits to consumers from
competition in different sectors of the economy as well as those that
quantify the adverse effects of anti-competitive practices on consumers
(Sections 1, 2 and 3). These studies illustrate the strong link between
competition and consumer protection. Other studies use econometric
models to demonstrate the contribution of competition law to alleviate
the costs of cartels incurred by consumers. Some competition
authorities have even estimated the rate of return in terms of consumer
welfare on each dollar spent on competition law enforcement (Section
Common Fund for Commodities: Basic Facts 2007. 2007 available at:
that developments in commodity sectors have implications for poverty
need to develop an operational competition regime in developing
specific sectors, legal certainty, enforcement enhancement and reform
could be learnt.
on various actors in the economy, such as consumers and small and
medium enterprises, as well as on their development prospects.
Alper Karakurt is Case Officer at the Turkish Competition
Authority, and PhD student in Public Administration at Ankara
University, Turkey.
Alexander J. Kububa is Director and Chief Executive Officer of
the Competition and Tariff Commission of Zimbabwe. He is also a
member of the Board of Commissioners of the COMESA Regional
Competition Commission.
James H. Mathis is Academic coordinator of the LL.M. in
International Trade and Investment Law, and also lecturer of the
Department of International Law of the University of Amsterdam, The
Pradeep S. Mehta is the founder Secretary General of the
Jaipur-based Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS International),
Siddhartha Mitra is the Director of Research at CUTS
International, India.
Gheorghe Oprescu is President of the Romanian Competition
Ussal Şahbaz is Case Officer at the Turkish Competition
Authority, and PhD student in Economics at the Middle East Technical
University, Turkey.
Joseph Wilson is Member of the Competition Commission of
Mao Xiaofei is a Research Fellow in International Law at the
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Special thanks are due to all the authors for their generous
contributions to this book.
Table of Contents
The Interface between Competition and Consumer Policies
3. Restrictive business practices....................................................... 82
4. Interface between competition and consumer laws and policies.. 85
5. Anti-competitive practices and their adverse effects on
consumer welfare........................................................................91
6. The Zimbabwean experience........................................................ 97
7. Conclusion .................................................................................. 128
Contribution of Competition to Poverty Eradication
Lessons from Competition Policy and Law Enforcement
- CASE STUDY – ROMANIA ......................................................... 409
Abstract ........................................................................................... 409
1. Do we really need competition policy? ....................................... 410
2. Role of competition policy and law in the regulatory reform ....... 437
3. Conclusions................................................................................. 459
Dealing with Specific Anti-competitive Practices
DEVELOPMENT............................................................................. 571
Abstract ........................................................................................... 571
1. Introduction ................................................................................. 572
2. The scope of the prohibition of abuse of a dominant position .... 574
3. Why should developing countries and countries in transition
consider abuse of dominance? ....................................................... 587
4. Cross-country differences and their implications for developing
countries.......................................................................................... 594
5. Best practices from the US–EU discussion regarding abuse of
dominance....................................................................................... 617
6. Recommendations ...................................................................... 624
References...................................................................................... 629
Vinod Dhall*
1. Introduction
The author is Member and Acting Chairman of the Competition Commission of
India. These are his personal views. E-mail: dhall.vinod1@gmail.com.
2. The economics of competition law4
This section is based on the chapter “Overview: Key Concepts in Competition
Law” by Vinod Dhall in Dhall, Vinod (ed.) Competition Law Today: Concepts,
Issues and the Law in Practice, (2007), Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
See Doern. G. Bruce and Stephen Wilks (2001): Comparative Competition
Policy – National Institutions in a Global Market, Oxford University Press.
Quoted in Whish, Richard (2005): Competition Law, Oxford University Press,
5 Edition, p. 1.
Glossary of Terms used in EU Competition Policy, Director General for
Competition, Italy. (2002), available at
8 th
See Whish, Richard (2005), Competition Law, Oxford University Press, 5
Edition. For another definition, see: Consumer International (2003): The
Consumer Guide to Competition: A Practical Notebook, March 2003.
deregulation. As they do so, the forces of competition come increasingly
onto the centre stage of the economy.
Liebenstein (1966): Allocative Efficiency vs. X-Efficiency (1966) 56 American
Economic Review 392–415 quoted at p. 5, Whish, Richard (2005) ibid. at note
A weakness of the competition theory, however, is that in the
real world neither perfect competition nor a perfect monopoly exists.
Perfect competition is based on assumptions (mentioned above) that
are unlikely, if not impossible, to be found in real life, where the situation
is likely to be somewhere between these two poles of perfect
competition and a monopoly. Nevertheless, perfect competition is a
model that is still useful to demonstrate the concept of productive and
allocative efficiency and as a benchmark against which to measure the
actual situation in the market. Short of perfect competition, therefore,
other more realistic concepts have evolved over the years. For example,
some economists have settled for the concept of “workable
competition”, evolved by Clark in 1940 . This concept considers it
worthwhile to aim to produce the best competitive arrangements that are
practically attainable. Some economists have advanced the theory of
“contestable market” according to which firms are constrained by
competitive forces, provided entering into the market is free and exit is
costless; that is, the incumbent enterprise must be wary of a ‘hit-and-
run’ entry by competitors. The EC competition law uses the expression
“effective competition” though what is meant by effective competition
does not appear to have been spelt out.
Clark (1940): Towards a Concept of Workable Competition (1940) 30
American Economic Review 241–256 quoted at p. 14, Whish (2005) ibid. at note
Mason and J.S. Bain. According to this school, the market structure
influences conduct, which, in turn, influences performance.
Concentrated markets are regarded as quite susceptible to economic
power and its exercise. Antitrust law is regarded as an important tool to
protect the market. This school gives to competition law a more
interventionist role and places less confidence in the markets. According
to this view, competition policy should be mainly concerned with
structural remedies rather than with behavioural remedies.
Both the ‘Harvard’ and ‘Chicago’ schools have left their stamp
on antitrust thinking. However, recent years seem to have witnessed a
rapprochement between the two. It is being increasingly recognized that
while economics may provide the tools for analysis and it may also
indicate what questions to ask, it does not always yield definitive
answers, and it does not provide space for society’s values to be taken
into consideration.
Robert Luke, J. (1997): Economic Deregulation and Customers Choice:
Lessons for the Electricity Industry, George Messing University Centre for
Market Process”, quoted in Crampton , Paul (2003) Competition and Efficiency
as Organizing Principles for all Economic and Regulatory Policy Making, OECD-
IADB, April 2003.
OECD (2005): The Relationship between Competition Authorities and
Sectoral Regulators, Document No. DAF/COMP/GF (2005) 2 for Global Forum
also quotes a study that estimates that pro-competition policy
developments in New Zealand and the United Kingdom have added
around 2.5 percentage points to their employment rate over the 1978–
1998 period; countries with more modest reforms, such as Greece, Italy
and Spain added only 0.5–1 per cent to the employment rate . Another
study finds that “reforms promoting private governance (i.e.
privatization) and competition tend to boost productivity. In
manufacturing, gains to be expected from lower entry barriers are
greater the farther a given country is from the technology leader” .
WTO, Trade Policy Review – Report by the Secretariat: INDIA[2007], WTO
Document No. WT/TPR/S/182. p. 96.
had seen a price-fixing conspiracy during the 1990s . Those imports
represented 6.7 per cent of the imports and 1.2 per cent of the GDP in
the developing countries and an even larger proportion of trade in the
poorest developing countries for whom the 16 products in question
represented 8.8 per cent of the imports . The OECD’s Global Forum on
Competition, 2001, contains a list of 26 cartel and bid rigging cases
reported by 12 developing countries . However, there are only a few
examples of global cartels being successfully penalized in developing
countries; the reasons for this are well known, such as limited capacity
of the domestic competition agencies to investigate and unearth
evidence, difficulty in securing cooperation of the corresponding
agencies in industrialized countries, and limitations in the law.
Levenstein, Margaret and Valerie Suslow (2001): Private International Cartels
and their Effect on Developing Countries, Background Paper for World Bank’s
World Development Report 2001, available at
OECD (2001): Global Forum on Competition: Summary of Cartel cases
described by invitees, available at
The Competition Act, 2002, later amended by the Competition (Amendment)
Act, 2007. May be found on the website of the Competition Commission of India:
India, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto”. Section
18 of the Act further states that: “It shall be the duty of the Commission
to eliminate practices having adverse effect on competition, promote
and sustain competition, protect the interests of consumers and ensure
freedom of trade carried on by other participants, in markets, in India.”.
Box 1
Competition advocacy
common aim of improving consumer welfare and naturally complement
20 21
each other” . The FTC’s statement of purpose declares :
The Interface of Competition and Consumer Protection, prepared remarks of
Timothy J. Muris, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission, at The Fordham
Corporate Law Institute’s Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference on International
Antitrust Law and Policy, New York City, October 31, 2002.
agreements, in particular hard-core cartels and abuses of dominant
positions, but also in the control of concentrations and state aid
granted by Member States” .
5. Trade-offs
Cseres, Katalin Judit, Competition Law and Consumer Protection, 2005,
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, p. 324.
For a treatment of the efficiency trade-offs, see ibid. pp. 311–313.
consumers may not gain anything. Competition authorities, therefore,
have to be increasingly aware of the welfare-maximizing gains from
dynamic efficiency vis-à-vis static efficiency.
Box –2
Anti-cartel enforcement
In India, the cement industry, which had been under price and
distribution control for many years, was de-controlled in early 1989.
Some time thereafter there were allegations that the industry was
manipulating prices and indulging in cartelization and that this was being
done through the involvement of the trade association, the Cement
Manufacturers Association of India. An enquiry was initiated by the
Monopolistic and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission (MRTPC)
under the Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969.
Howells, Geraint and Stephen Weatherill, Consumer Protection Law, (second
ed.), [2005], Ashgate, Hants, p. 568.
Association had a role in determining prices during the control regime
and the same apparatus continued after the de-control. The
Commission concluded that all the respondents, except three, were
indulging in restrictive trade practices and acting in concert. The
Commission issued a “cease-and-desist order” and directed the
respondents not to indulge in any arrangement directly or indirectly
through the instrumentality of the Association, or otherwise, in fixing
The MRTP Act suffered from the weakness that it did not give
the MRTPC the power to impose penalties and thereby lacked
effectiveness. On the other hand, the new Competition Act, 2002
contains more effective provisions, particularly against cartels. It
provides for a high penalty up to 10 per cent of the turnover or three
times the profit for each year of the cartel activity. It also has a leniency
provision providing for lenient treatment to a party to a cartel that
discloses the cartel activity, provides full, true and vital evidence and
cooperates with the Commission in the proceedings against the cartel.
The Competition Commission is also vested with sufficient powers of
investigation and collection of evidence. It is expected that the
Competition Act 2002, will thereby provide a more effective framework
for action against cartels.
Further, in the definition of dominant position itself, consumer
interest figures prominently; it is defined as a:
“position of strength, enjoyed by an enterprise, in the relevant
market, in India, which enables it to:-
(i) ---
(ii) affect its competitors or consumers or the relevant market in its
Howells, Geraint and Stephen Weatherill, Consumer Protection Law, (second
ed.), [2005], Ashgate Hants, pp. 549, 550.
Ibid. p. 550.
For the determination of dominant position, the test laid down by
the European Court of Justice in United Brands v Commission has
served as the standard ever since and it makes a specific reference to
Case 27/76 United Brands v Commission [1978] ECR 207, [1978] I
Howells, Geraint and Stephen Weatherill, Consumer Protection Law, (second
ed.), [2005], Ashgate Hants, p. 550.
Decision 2000/12/EC [2000] 0J.L5/55, referred to in Ibid. p. 550.
respond to consumer demand”. For example in RTE, BBC, ITP three
television companies printed separate guides to future programmes,
using copyrights which they held over their own listings to prevent the
appearance of a single, integrated publication . A consumer was thus
forced to buy three separate guides. The firms were obliged by the
courts to make their listings available to third parties, subject to payment
of a reasonable fee. The protection of the consumer interest is explicit in
this decision, which imposes consumer choice on unwilling firms. The
courts observed that the companies had abused the economic power
they enjoyed under their copyright by unjustifiably preventing the
appearance of a new product for which there was potential consumer
demand. The same principle has been reiterated by the European Court
of Justice in the Magill case and recently reconfirmed in the IMS
Health case by stating that a new product must not be denied to
consumers because of the refusal to license by the dominant enterprise.
Cases T-69, T-70, T-76/89 [1991] ECR II-485,535,575 referred to in Howells,
Geraint and Stephen Weatherill, Consumer Protection Law (2 ed.) [2005],
Ashgate Hants, p. 551.
See European Court of Justice Joined cases C-241/91 P and C-242/91 P
Radio Telefís Éireann (RTE) and Independent Television Publications Ltd (ITP)
v. Commission (Magill) [1995] ECR 743.
See European Court of Justice Case C-418/01, IMS Health GmbH & Co.
OHG v. NDG Health GmbH & Co. KG, [2004] ECR I-5039.
Decision 79/68 OJ 1979 L16/9, [1979] 1 CMLR 448.
Case T-37/92 [1994] ECR II-285.
Howells, Geraint and Stephen Weatherill, Consumer Protection Law, (second
ed.), [2005] Ashgate Hants. p. 535.
should have been taken seriously . A consumer group may also be
permitted to intervene in proceedings before the court. In Fordwerke AG
and Ford of Europe Inc v Commission , BEUC had complained to the
Commission about Ford’s practices which involved suppression of
imports into the UK, and the court upheld the right of BEUC to intervene
in support of the Commission’s case.
Case 229 and 288/82R [1982] ECR 3091.
Waller, Spencer Weber, In Search of Economic Justice: Considering
Competition and Consumer Protection Law, (Vol. 36), [2005], Loyola University
Chicago Journal, Chicago, p. 636.
competition law, and is also reflected in several orders passed by the
courts or the competition authorities. But competition law is neither
designed to, nor can it, protect all aspects of consumer interest. The
main thrust of the competition law is to protect and maintain the process
of competition in markets so as to make markets work better and
thereby result in the benefits of higher efficiencies, innovation and
increase in consumer welfare. Competition law has a broader role and is
part of the institutional framework for the management of the economy.
It is therefore part of the economic reforms process in many economies
that are liberalizing and migrating to market-based economies.
Competition law may be designed to serve various objectives apart from
protecting and maintaining the process of competition. These could be
gains in economic efficiencies (productive efficiency, allocative
efficiency and dynamic efficiency), preventing a high level of
concentration of economic power and its consequent abuse for
economic or even for political purposes, maintaining the freedom of
trade or occupation and protection of small and medium enterprises. In
the EU, an important aim is to protect the common market. In the midst
of these various objectives, consumer interest features as one of the
elements, albeit an important one, and therefore it would be unrealistic
to expect that competition law can protect consumer interest in its
Verma S.K., M. Afzal Wani, A Treatise on Consumer Protection Laws, 2004,
Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, 2004, pp. 18–21.
alia, to direct its policy towards securing that the ownership and the
control of the material resources of the community are so distributed as
best to subserve the common good, and the operation of the economic
system should not result in the concentration of wealth and means of
production to the common detriment. The state is also obligated to
secure for all workers, work, a living usage, and conditions of work
ensuring a decent standard of life in the same way as the ILO is
promoting the interests of workers as consumers. Regarding public
health, the State is required to take steps to raise the level of nutrition
and the standard of living to improve public health and to prohibit the
consumption of intoxicating drugs or drugs that are injurious to health.
As part of the fundamental rights, the constitution guarantees freedom
of profession, trade or business, thereby ensuring that a citizen cannot
be restrained from carrying on a business except by a law imposing a
reasonable restriction in the interest of the general public. For example,
restrictions can be placed on a harmful trade or a dangerous trade.
or suppliers ensured that the balance of advantage continued to lie with
the latter.
According to Cseres , “market failures were manifold. Freedom
of contract resulted in a weak or inexistent bargaining position for
consumers, freedom of competition made price fixing, restrictions of
competition and misleading trade practices possible and equality of
rights and duties meant that there was no place for special consumer
rights or any form of positive discrimination. The asymmetrical and
unilateral structure of communication, namely the knowledge and
information advantage held by the producer disadvantaged or even
damaged consumers. Further, the lack of safety, barriers to access to
justice and representation called for some kind of interference to help
consumers. The measures which tried to correct and remedy these
market failures form an important part of the active consumer protection
Cseres, Katalin Judit, Competition Law and Consumer Protection, 2005,
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, p. 153.
Cseres, Katalin Judit, Competition Law and Consumer Protection, 2005,
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, pp. 154–155.
caused by market failures and to provide remedies. This was realized
through granting consumers certain basic rights”.
Cseres, Katalin Judit, Competition Law and Consumer Protection, 2005,
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, p. 320.
Cseres, Katalin Judit, Competition Law and Consumer Protection, 2005,
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, p. 321.
An OECD paper points out that recent advances in
“behavioural economics” have argued that even when markets are
reasonably competitive and search and information costs are not
especially high, the consumer is not always able to make a rational
choice suggesting that increased competition to the extent to which it
leads to a proliferation of choices available to consumers, could yield
only small, or in some instances even negative, welfare gains .
“Behavioural economics” argues for an even more “paternalist”
approach in respect of consumer protection policy. The OECD paper,
however, argues against this approach and in favour of primary reliance
on competitive markets as the means of empowering consumers, further
stating that a more interventionist approach to consumer policy could
involve substantial costs including the costs of regulatory errors that are
inevitable under a paternalistic approach. Thus, competition and market
forces may be important ways of addressing concerns about the efficacy
with which consumers make complex choices, because firms in
competitive markets have incentives to offer consumers “solutions” that
allow potential gains from trade to be more fully realized.
Background Note for Global Forum on Competition 2008, Round Table on the
Interface between Competition and Consumer Policies, OECD document No.
DAF/COMP/GF(2008) 4.
8. The interface between competition law and consumer
8.1. Synergies
Cseres, Katalin Judit, Competition Law and Consumer Protection, 2005,
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, p. 326.
Background Note for Global Forum on Competition 2008, Round Table on the
Interface between Competition and Consumer Policies, OECD document No.
DAF/COMP/GF [2008] 4.
examples to support this argument. It refers to the case of “confusopoly”
– apparently deliberate attempts by firms to offer consumers choices
that are confusing, for example by offering prices that are difficult to
compare. But other firms may compete by cutting through the maze and
offering price packages that are simple and easy to understand. The
telecommunications and airlines industries are examples where
“confusopoly” abound. In the telecommunications industry, firms have
been announcing pricing plans that are both difficult to understand and
to compare with each other. In the airlines industry, firms offer low fares,
but these may be bounded by restrictions on days of use or minimum
stay restrictions. But recent trends demonstrate the incentive for
competing firms to announce simpler, easier to understand price
According to the OECD paper “This reduces the burden that
would otherwise fall on consumer policy in terms of enforcing product
and service standards, as firms will have incentives of their own to meet
and exceed customer expectations. In that sense, ensuring that a
market is effectively competitive can help one of the central concerns of
consumer policy”. It further states that firms that operate in effectively
competitive markets, and hence can hope to attract the customer away
from rivals, will have incentives to reduce those customers’ switching
costs, both by informing them of the gains from shifting and by helping
them to bear the one-off costs that shifting involves. The result of firms
investing in reducing the switching costs incurred by each other’s
customers can be both to make competition more vigorous and to
diminish the need for consumer policy interventions aimed at reducing
switching costs.
Background Note for Global Forum on Competition 2008, Round Table on the
Interface between Competition and Consumer Policies, OECD document No.
DAF/COMP/GF [2008] 4.
a more effective discipline (thus directly strengthening competition) and
will force firms to compete on their merits (rather than on the basis of
fraudulent or misleading claims or of unfair contract terms) . Equally,
product standards, by facilitating comparisons between products,
increasing the ease with which products from one supplier can be
replaced by products from another, and concentrating competition on
performance rather than on features that are inessential to it, can
directly improve both consumer choice and the competitive process.
European Commission (2004), Identifying and tackling dysfunctional markets,
Note submitted to OECD for discussion at the joint meeting of the Competition
Committee and the Committee on Consumer Policy, 13 October 2004, at pp. 2–
3. referred to in Background Note Background Note for Global Forum on
Competition 2008, Round Table on the Interface between Competition and
Consumer Policies, OECD document No. DAF/COMP/GF [2008] 4. p. 5.
Neil W. Averett & Robert H. Lande Consumer Sovereignty: A Unified Theory
of Antitrust and Consumer Protection Law, 65 ANTITRUST L.J.713 [1997],
referred to in Waller, Spencer Weber, In Search of Economic Justice:
Considering Competition and Consumer Protection Law, (Vol. 36), [2005],
Loyola University Chicago Journal, Chicago, p. 632.
observation that “Many consumer problems are actually micro-
competition problems. A poorly informed consumer who is not aware of
alternative choices and who might be subject to the seller’s
discrimination is in fact subject to monopoly power. Or a consumer
entering a contract with unfair contract terms is subject to the
exploitation of market power” . Deceit by one group of sellers may lead
consumers to doubt the integrity of an entire industry or to distrust
markets generally. Therefore, competition is not simply fundamental to
consumer policy but, as the chairman of the OFT remarked, “much
consumer policy is competition policy” . Thus competition and
consumer policy seem to be truly complementary.
8.2. Tensions
Cseres, Katalin Judit, Competition Law and Consumer Protection, 2005,
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, pp. 326–327.
Vickers, J. Economics for Consumer Policy, British Academy Keynes Lecture,
29 October 2003, pp. 7, 16.
Ibid. p. 17.
Cseres, Katalin Judit, Competition Law and Consumer Protection, 2005,
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, p. 327.
prices might be realized at the expense of quality or creating information
problems”. Cseres cites the examples of telecommunications and
energy markets where deregulation and liberalization have increased
competition and lowered prices for consumers, but have also led to
additional costs, for example, the difficulty in coping with the complex
calculations involved in making product choices. In electricity, while it
has provided better prices and choices for large users, it has raised
difficulties for consumers to exercise their choices.
See Background Note for Global Forum on Competition 2008, Round Table
on the Interface between Competition and Consumer Policies, OECD document
No. DAF/COMP/GF(2008) 4. p. 14
See Ibid.
particularly to assess the quality before the service has been delivered.
For the consumer, the result of making a wrong selection can be serious
damage in certain cases, for example in selecting a wrong surgeon for a
brain surgery or selecting a wrong architect or engineer for a complex
bridge. Thus, regulatory rules are imposed to assure consumers of
adequate quality of service, such as by prescribing minimum
qualifications for surgeons who can perform brain surgery or for
architects and engineers who can provide architectural or engineering
designs for complex bridges. These regulatory rules substitute the need
for information gathering and assessing by consumers themselves.
However, such regulations also reduce competition within the
professional services. This may be even more true in the case of
restrictions such as those placed on advertising, restrictions on the
number of professionals who shall be allowed to qualify each year,
restrictions on professionals having foreign degrees who will be allowed
to practise and so on. In some cases, these restrictions may actually
extend into areas such as price fixing and collective boycott, which are
patently anti-competitive.
therefore, require the specific tools provided by consumer protection
law. This would provide for a more cost-effective approach towards the
solution of problems and would avoid unnecessary or excessive
intervention in the market through the medium of the consumer law. The
OECD paper recommends a tightly coordinated combination of the two
disciplines: consumer policy tools while seeking approaches that
effectively protect consumers should not unduly or unnecessarily restrict
competition, and competition policy should be brought to bear to ensure
that, subject to appropriate consumer protection safeguards being in
place, competition should be allowed to work where it can, including by
the elimination of any unjustified restriction on entry and on competitive
Background Note for Global Forum on Competition 2008, Round Table on the
Interface between Competition and Consumer Policies, OECD document No.
DAF/COMP/GF(2008) 4. p. 14
part of their agenda. Waller has observed that, though the FTC has a
dual responsibility, it is organized in a way that tends to emphasize the
separateness of the two fields rather than their common elements .
Waller, Spencer Weber, In Search of Economic Justice: Considering
Competition and Consumer Protection Law, (Vol. 36), [2005], Loyola University
Chicago Journal, Chicago, p. 634.
Case Lucknow Development Authority v M.K. Gupta, (1994) 1 Supreme Court
Cases 243.
related cases it is neither necessary nor possible to replicate a
mechanism of this size and reach.
Box –3
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 in India
The new Competition Act, 2002 in India provides that the MRTP
Act, 1969 would be repealed and the MRTPC would be dissolved. It
would continue for two years to dispose of pending cases but no new
cases under that Act would be entertained as once the enforcement
provisions of the Competition Act, 2002 were brought into force, new
competition-related cases would be entertained only by the Competition
Commission of India, and new consumer complaints would be heard
only by the redressal agencies set up under the Consumer Protection
Act, 1986, thus effectively separating the two institutional bodies.
There are both pros and cons of integrating the two disciplines
into one authority. The obvious advantage of the integration is that the
knowledge of both domains can be jointly brought to bear in dealing with
a particular case. A broader range of tools would be available to the
authority and it could select the application of that particular tool that is
the least costly and most effective. Thus, if in a particular case the
economics-based approach indicates that the issue can be resolved by
the markets themselves, no intervention may be necessary. If the issue
can be addressed through the remedies provided by the competition law
then a remedy can be found under that discipline. But if the issue is
such that it could be remedied only through the application of the
consumer law then the agency could do so.
Cseres, Katalin Judit, Competition Law and Consumer Protection, 2005,
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, p. 343.
Howells, Geraint and Stephen Weatherill, Consumer Protection Law, (second
ed.), [2005], Ashgate, Hants, p. 534.
more structurally competitive than they would otherwise be; moreover,
policies that seek to “de-concentrate” oligopolistic markets, either
through forced divestments or by subsidizing or otherwise assisting
entry, are often contentious and seem likely to impose costs that are
considerably greater than the benefits. In that sense, competition
authorities may have few means to alter the supply side of markets so
as to make rivalry a more effective discipline. However, in those cases,
action on the demand side of the market may provide an effective
alternative: for example, if better consumer information, or reduced
switching costs, make the demand each firm faces more elastic, that will
usually create incentives for each firm to price more aggressively for any
given market structure . Thus, by making available a broader range of
remedies to the integrated authority responsible for both laws, this
institutional arrangement will enable a more cost-effective choice of
According to the OECD paper , there may also be benefits of
integration in terms of public support and public accountability. By
linking the authority’s competition policy activities to its consumer
protection agenda and extending the linkages between its competition
policy decisions and the promotion of consumer interest, the authority
can enhance public acceptance of competition policy. This may be
especially important in countries where competition law is a recent
development and its importance, role and substance have not yet been
fully understood. In respect of accountability, it notes that competition
policy is economy-wide in its reach and the individual actions and
decisions of the competition authority are of broad interest to the
business, legal and academic communities, as they are seen as
precedents that may extend beyond the firms and industries directly at
issue. Hence, the decisions of the competition authority are subject to
greater outside scrutiny. On the other hand, consumer law is seen as
more industry specific and involves decisions that individually have low
stakes in absolute, economy-wide terms. This results in lower public
interest and less monitoring of consumer law authorities. The absence
of close monitoring could lead to regulatory failure, with the agency
See Background Note for Global Forum on Competition 2008, Round Table
on the Interface between Competition and Consumer Policies, OECD document
No. DAF/COMP/GF(2008) 4. p. 17.
being captured either by the ideology of consumer protection without a
proper appreciation of the costs regulation can impose or by the
regulated firms or entities, which have an interest in using consumer
protection to create barriers to the entry and expansion of new players.
These risks are likely to be less if the consumer protection authority
were integrated with the competition law authority which is subject to
greater scrutiny.
Background Note for Global Forum on Competition 2008, Round Table on the
Interface between Competition and Consumer Policies, OECD document No.
DAF/COMP/GF [2008] 4. p. 22.
policy developments that have material competition implications, and
within the government there should be an entity that has a
comprehensive oversight of consumer protection.
10. Conclusions
Generic competition law may be based on one of two
approaches: (i) the paternalistic approach that considers the consumer
as a relatively helpless entity requiring an interventionist approach from
the state for protecting his interest; or (ii) the liberal approach which is
less interventionist and has greater faith in the ability of well-informed
consumers to protect their own interest. The competition law and the
generic consumer protection law, each serves consumer interest but in
different ways and through different instruments. Generally, the two laws
are complementary and even mutually reinforcing. Competition law
creates a pro-consumer environment and provides consumers with a
choice of competing products and services, while consumer protection
law enables the consumers to exercise that choice effectively free from
inhibiting factors such as fraud, coercion, deception or false information.
1. Introduction
Secretary General, CUTS International (psm@cuts.org and
Director (Research), CUTS International (sm2@cuts.org).
Policy Analyst, CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment and Economic
Regulation (cd@cuts.org).
and consumer protection policies is explored from a developing country
perspective. It analyses areas of potential conflict and
complementarities between the two, discusses methods for
measurement of costs to the consumers from anti-competitive practices
and the impact of competition policies on such costs.
Section 2 presents a brief discussion on the basics of
competition law and policy, while an overview of consumer policy is
provided in Section 3. The interface between the two policies is
discussed in Section 4. Section 5 discusses the conflicts between the
attainment of competitive markets and consumer interests. Costs of
anti-competitive practices, possible methods that can be used to
quantify the damage to consumers and the estimation of benefits
conferred by competition laws are discussed in Section 6. Section 7
looks at the efforts by consumers in developing countries to further their
interests. Concluding remarks and observations are reserved for
Section 8.
2.1. Merger control
manufacturer) imposes contractual obligations on its agent (the retailer)
when delegating responsibility for selling its goods . This includes
resale price maintenance (where a manufacturer and its distributors
agree that the latter will sell products of the former at certain prices at or
above/below a price floor/ceiling) and exclusive dealing (where a retailer
or wholesaler is ‘tied’ to purchasing from a supplier).
For further reading, see Verouden (2005).
3. Basic tenets of consumer policies
See United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection (as expanded in
1999) at http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/publications/consumption_en.pdf.
policies through which manufacturers recall defective and
hazardous products for replacement or modification, as well
as provide for adequate compensation to the consumer.
(ii) Government policies should seek to enable consumers to
obtain optimum benefit from their economic resources by
resulting in adherence to satisfactory production and
performance standards and the use of adequate distribution
methods, fair business practices, informative marketing and
effective protection against practices that adversely affect
consumer welfare and freedom of choice in the market place.
(iii) Governments should encourage and ensure the availability of
facilities to test and certify the safety, quality and performance
of essential consumer goods and services.
(iv) Governments should consider adopting specific policies to
ensure the distribution of essential goods and services where
this distribution is endangered, as could be the case in rural
areas. Such policies could include assistance for the creation
of adequate storage and retail facilities in rural centres,
incentives for consumer self-help and better control of the
conditions under which essential goods and services are
provided in rural areas;
(v) Governments should undertake legal and/or administrative
measures to enable consumers to obtain redress through
formal or informal procedures that are expeditious, fair,
inexpensive and accessible. Enterprises should be
encouraged to resolve consumer disputes in a fair,
expeditious and informal manner and to make information on
redress and other dispute-resolving procedures available to
(vi) Governments should develop or encourage the development
of general consumer education and information programmes,
including information on the environmental impact of
consumer choices and behaviour and the possible benefits
and costs of changes in consumption. In this exercise the
government should take into account the cultural traditions of
the people concerned. The aim of such programmes should
be to enable consumers to be capable of making an informed
choice of goods and services, and become conscious of their
rights and responsibilities.
(vii) Governments, in partnership with business and relevant
organizations of civil society, should develop and implement
strategies that promote sustainable consumption through a
mix of policies that could include regulations, economic and
social instruments, sectoral policies with regard to land use,
transport, energy and housing, information programmes to
raise awareness of the impact of consumption patterns,
removal of subsidies that promote unsustainable patterns of
consumption and production, and promotion of sector-specific
environmental management best practices.
Competition law can also help consumers to attain most of their
basic rights. With the aim of ensuring fair competition, competition law
ensures lower prices than those obtained under unregulated conduct.
This implies that competition can make basic needs more accessible to
the poor . Moreover, it also ensures the right to choice. In pure and
simple terms, the right to choose means there should be a range of
varieties available to consumers, which is precisely what competition
law aims at through the removal of behavioural and structural barriers to
See Mehta (2005).
advantage over rivals. This is a major characteristic of a competitive
market, which consumer policy can help to attain.
The other source of conflict stems from the fact that competition
also caters for a market that is not normally a focus under consumer
laws – the market for intermediate goods. In addition to considering the
market for final goods, competition law also deals with intermediate
markets that have little direct relationship to the final consumer. In such
markets, the customer is often a firm or retailer who has to further add
value to the product before it is made available to the consumer. Testing
competition law objectives against consumer welfare as a deciding
factor for the benefit of the law may not be appropriate in this case.
Sahebdin (2006).
consumer protection authorities often result in anti-competitive
outcomes as compliance may result in significant operation costs
affecting the viability of firms. This is particularly true for interventions on
prices; although based on the noble realization that allowing market
forces to determine prices in most developing countries often results in
monopolistic prices due to the high incidence of market failure. Most
price control structures unfortunately have a huge bias against
producers in favour of consumers. Prices are often controlled to levels
that are below the competitive level, thereby reducing incentives for
expansions and entrance into the industries. This may be at variance
with the objectives of competition policy.
See Organisation for Competitive Markets newsletter, March 2005 at
characteristics of the product than consumers. Examples are restaurant
food or used cars. Because information is costly to produce and
disseminate it is difficult to safeguard consumer interests under such
conditions in competitive markets, particularly in the case of developing
countries. Given that it is time consuming or costly for consumers to
evaluate complex information about products or services (e.g. medical
therapies) they expect the government to intervene and regulate to
ensure that minimum quality standards are met. As a result, competitive
markets are not highly regarded as far as consumer interest issues are
By drawing on some empirical studies however, various estimates can
be made regarding the costs of cartels to consumers. Recent research
has indicated that the harm caused by cartels, particularly international
cartels amounts to billions of dollars annually . For example, the
median cartel overcharge was 17-19 per cent for domestic cartels, and
30-33 per cent for international cartels. For most types of cartels there
have been modest downtrends in cartel mark-ups over time. In
particular, it should be emphasized that since 1990 the average
overcharges of discovered cartels has fallen to 25 per cent for
international cartels. However, anti-competitive practices discovered in
different countries around the world have reaffirmed the significant
damage caused by them to consumers.
Sweeney (2006).
estimated costs of cartels for consumers, with the conclusion that
consumers spread across the globe have lost billions of dollars as a
result of cartel activities.
Unless otherwise specified, the examples have been extracted from Jenny
(2006). The report had also extracted the cases from databases dealing with
African countries, Asian countries and Latin American countries, prepared by
Fredric Jenny, Simon Evenett and Julian Clark.
producers and their association. Eleven producers were found to have
ended a price war through a price-fixing agreement and the association
had made recommendations about the price of bread. In Malawi, where
the industry consists of a few giants (notably Press Bakeries and
Portuguese Bakeries) and many small baking firms, the Master Bakers
Association fixed prices, and hence there was no competition until
consumer organizations started a boycott and the Minister of Trade
intervened to prohibit price collusion among the bakeries. In Turkey,
several price-fixing cases among bakers were investigated by the
General Directorate of Consumer and Competition Protection before
1997 and since then by the Competition Authority.
Jain, Sunil (2005) in chapter on “Competition Issues in Transportation
Sectors” in Towards a functional competition policy for India, CUTS and
Academic Foundation, Mehta, P.S. (Ed.).
Adhikari, Ratnakar and Dhrubesh Regmi (2001) in “Anticompetitive Practices
in Nepal”, CUTS and SAWTEE referred to in the Chapter on Nepal by Navin
Dahal (2006) in Competition Regimes in the World – A Civil Society Report,
CUTS and INCSOC, Mehta, Pradeep S. (Ed.).
The oil sector is also not spared from cartelization. In Zambia, in
1999, nine oil-marketing companies were prosecuted for participating in
a price-fixing conspiracy involving the supply of refined petroleum
products. The companies had acted collectively in making price
adjustments since 1997, after holding regular meetings where
exchanges of information regarding sales volumes and prices took
place. The cartel leaders also forced other companies to comply with
standard behaviour on prices. In Malawi, when the government
eliminated price controls on petroleum products, all or most of the oil
companies concerned formed a joint company called Petroleum
Importers Limited, through which they jointly monopolized the
importation of all oil products into Malawi, and colluded on prices. When
a new petroleum importer emerged on the market and introduced new
fuel prices different from (and lower than) those of the cartel it was
persuaded to join the cartel.
a very significant portion of their budget, given the multiplier effect on
the production and value chains
following a price-fixing cartel’s demise on being discovered by the
regulatory authorities. This reveals the price increases that can be
attributed to the cartel by simply subtracting the new price after the
demise from the price before detection of the cartel. Estimation of the
total damage caused by international cartels in developing countries
involves determination of the total value of exports of the cartel to
developing countries. The total overcharge can be calculated by
following the approach used by Yu (2003):
Cartelprice − Actualprice
Total Overcharge = Imports *
where Cartelprice is the actual price paid with the cartel being present,
Actualprice is the estimated price that should have been obtained in the
absence of a cartel, and Imports refer to the total value of imports from
the cartelized industry.
1,000,000 * =
Total Overcharge= 140 $ 164,000
Two approaches can also be used under this method. The first
involves taking the price as an independent variable and regressing it
using ordinary least squares and a dummy variable, which indicates the
presence of a cartel. Thus, if we have time series data for a country we
can run the econometric model
ln Pt = α + β t + λDt + u t (1)
where the variable “t” denotes the time period and t equals 1 for any
year in which a cartel exists and 0 for others. The coefficient
β gives
the long-run secular rate of change of prices without the effect of cartels
and e denotes the “overcharge per unit”. These two coefficients can
be estimated by the ordinary least squares method. If we have a panel
data set (multiple countries and multiple time periods) then we can use
a fixed effects model which can be presented as follows:
ln Pit = α i + β t + λDit + u it (2)
where the notation is the same as that before except that the subscript i
is used to depict data pertaining to country i. By permitting a different
intercept for each country we are allowing for the fact that the starting
competitive price (i.e. price at t=0) is different for each country. Such
panel regressions enable the use of data across countries. This results
in an increase in the number of observations used. Such an increase in
the data used greatly enhances the reliability of regression results.
In both cases the researcher needs to check for the statistical
significance and positive sign of λ in order to establish that cartels do
give a significant upward push to prices. It is only then that the
magnitude of e can be considered to be a measure of the “overcharge
per unit”. Of course, it must be kept in mind that the reliability of any
statistical method is conditional on the use of a sufficient number of
observations. In this case we require at least 20 observations on prices.
In Figure 1
p̂ is the competitive price and p is the cartelized price.
The triangle defined by the horizontal line from point , the vertical axis
and the demand curve is the consumer surplus under competition
d it ( Pjt , Yit )
We might be able to get market data on the quantity transacted.
Alternatively, the estimated reduction in the overcharge and the
given cartel price in the presence of competition law can be used to
predict the cartel price in the absence of competition law. The latter
price is higher and the difference in the consumer surpluses
corresponding to the former and latter price should be an estimable
positive amount that shows the increase in consumer welfare brought
about by the introduction of a competition law. This amount divided by
the expenditure of the competition enforcement agency yields the
consumer surplus saved per unit expenditure on competition facilitation
and is an indication of how useful competition laws and related
expenditures are in promoting consumer welfare.
7. Consumer participation in developing countries
8. Conclusion
Mehta (2006).
the first step should be to ensure that the competition and consumer
policies are designed to try and meet the expectations of all
stakeholders rather than being biased towards one particular player, i.e.
business or consumers. Consumer interests should be explicitly
recognized in the designing of competition policy, and advocacy should
be included as a tool for awareness promotion among consumers. At
the same time, however, the promotion of efficient markets as an
objective need not be necessarily compromised.
For more information on this, see Mehta et al. (2007).
implement competition laws and have successful competition
commissions. Such differences in political will can lead to diversity in
efficiency and welfare outcomes emanating from the same set of
competition laws. Big businesses in developing countries might also
exercise their lobbying powers with political groups to paralyse the
working of competition commissions in some cases, thus contributing to
diversities. Any econometric cross-country exercise carried out
exclusively for developing countries that reports a statistically
insignificant effect of competition laws on consumer welfare should not
be taken at face value, i.e. it should be interpreted as meaning that
there are implementation problems, due to poor political will or political
capture, in most countries.
Clarke, Julian L. and Simon J. Evenett (2002), The Deterrent Effects of
National Anti-Cartel Laws: Evidence from the International Vitamins
Cartel, Working Paper 02-13, AEI Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory
Sylvan, Louise (2006), The Interface between Consumer Policy and
Competition Policy, paper presented at the Consumer Affairs Victoria
Lecture, Melbourne, in honour of Professor Maureen Brunt AO.
Alexander J. Kububa∗
1. Introduction
Mr Kububa is the Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Competition and
Tariff Commission of Zimbabwe. The views expressed in this essay are,
however, solely his own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Commission.
What might still need further study, particularly in developing
countries, is the extent in quantitative terms of the adverse effects on
national economies, in general, and on consumers, in particular, of the
lack of effective competition regimes.
Definition of ‘consumer’ in terms of Article 1 of the Competition Regulations of
the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
Consumer Protection Act, 1998.
According to Rachagan (2003) , the term ‘consumer welfare’
refers to the benefits that are derived by individuals from the
consumption of goods and services. Rachagan also noted that
individual consumers are not only concerned with product price, choice
and quality, but also more critical to them are issues of employment,
sustained development and equity. Consumer welfare therefore means
the same as ‘consumer interests’. In this essay therefore, consumer
welfare includes everything that the consumer desires for his/her well-
S. Sothi Rachagan, Competition Policy and Law in the Consumer and
Development Interest, a paper presented as a communication from Consumers
International to the Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts
(IGE) on Competition Law and Policy, held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 2–4 July
According to Fourie and Smit (1999) , there are a number of
different uses, definitions and concepts of the term ‘competition’
depending on who one is and for what purpose one wants to use the
definition. The ordinary consumer view of competition is that of rivalry
between contestants, as in sport. Under this view, there is a winner, and
someone “gets the bone”. This view is sometimes referred to as the
intuitive view. The typical business person’s view of competition is
similar to the intuitive view of rivalry, but with more intense challenges of
trying to gain an advantage over other competitors. Competition is taken
as a process whereby firms strive against each other to secure custom
for their products, i.e. it represents the active rivalry of firms for
customers: thus the nature of competition is such that enterprises
compete to outsmart their competitors .
Frederick C.v.N. Fourie and Minette Smit, Industrial Economics for
Competition Policy, lecture delivered at the Competition Policy and Law
Inaugural Southern Africa Course, organized by the Competition Commission of
South Africa and held in Pretoria, South Africa, during the period 14–25 June
CUTS Monograph on Investment and Competition Policy #6, All About
Competition Policy & Law For the Advance Learner, CUTS Centre for
International Trade, Economics & Environment, Jaipur, India, 2000.
linkage between the three different concepts of structure, conduct and
performance is that the structure (i.e. the number of players, ease of
entry, etc.) of a market explains or determines to a large degree the
conduct (e.g. pricing policy, advertising, etc.) of the participants in the
market, and the performance (i.e. efficiency, technological progress) of
the market is simply an evaluation of the results of the conduct . The
structure-conduct-performance relationship has been further developed
to take into account the reverse effect of conduct on the structure since
it has been found that conduct can sometimes “feedback” to change
structure. For example, a firm can reduce its production costs to a point
where it can profitably price its competitors out of the market. Shepherd
(1997) also noted that a firm that is superior in efficiency or innovation
so that it obtains high profits will generally increase its market share,
thus affecting the market structure. A firm can also strategically engage
in exclusionary practices (e.g. predatory pricing) that drive its weaker
competitors out of the market. Decisions by firms in direct competition to
merge also alter market structures. Government policies also can affect
both market structure and conduct. Conduct in a market can also
influence government policies.
W. Kip Viscusi, John M. Vernon and Joseph E. Harrington, Jr., Economics of
Regulation and Antitrust, Second Edition, The MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1998.
89 th
William G. Shepherd, The Economics of Industrial Organisation, 4 Ed.,
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1997.
Figure 1: The structure-conduct-performance model
Competition Regulation
W. Kip Viscusi, John M. Vernon and Joseph E. Harrington, Jr., Economics of
Regulation and Antitrust, Second Edition, The MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1998.
Box 1: OECD definition of competition
Competition is a situation in a market in which firms or sellers
independently strive for the patronage of buyers in order to achieve a
particular business objective, e.g. profits, sales and/or market share.
Competition in this context is often equated with rivalry. Competitive
rivalry between firms can occur when there are two firms or many firms.
This rivalry may take place in terms of price, quality, service or
combinations of these and other factors which customers may value.
It has however been found that firms have natural inclinations to
acquire market power, that is to obtain discretionary control over prices
and other related factors determining business transactions. Such
market power may be gained by limiting competition through: (i) the
erection of barriers to commerce; (ii) the conclusion of collusive
agreements and arrangements to restrict output and increase prices;
and (iii) engagement in other anti-competitive business practices. This
imperfect competition is generally viewed as market failure that results
in inefficient allocation of resources, and adversely affects industry
performance and economic welfare. Such market failures enable sellers
to deliberately reduce output and charge higher prices at the expense of
consumers and society in general, hence the need for regulation in the
form of competition policy and law.
As observed by Vinod Rege in his presentation on Trade and Competition
Policy Issues Facing Commonwealth Developing Countries at the
Commonwealth Working Group Meeting on Trade, Competition Policy and Law,
held in London, United Kingdom, on 25 July 2000.
As stated by CUTS International (2000) , the main objective of
competition policy is to preserve and promote competition as a tool to
ensure efficient allocation of resources in an economy. This would result
in the maximization of real income in an economy. Further, from the
consumer perspective, it would result in the best possible choice of
quality, reasonable prices and adequate supplies. The pursuit of these
objectives would lead to controlling the concentration of economic
power, encouraging innovation, protecting and promoting social welfare
and in particular the interests of consumers.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) summarized some socio-
economic objectives of competition law, as listed in Box 2.
CUTS Monograph on Investment and Competition Policy #6, All About
Competition Policy & Law For the Advanced Learner, CUTS Centre for
International Trade, Economics & Environment, Jaipur, India, 2000.
Competition laws of most countries deal with enterprise
behaviour by prohibiting such RBPs as monopolization and anti-
competitive agreements and mergers.
W. Kip Viscusi, John M. Vernon and Joseph E. Harrington, Jr., Economics of
Regulation and Antitrust, 2 Ed., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
Robert Anderson, Timothy Daniel and Alberto Heimler, “Abuse of
Dominance”, in A Framework for the Design and Implementation of Competition
Law and Policy, The World Bank, Washington D.C., and Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, 1999.
are: (i) exploitative abuses (in which a firm takes advantage of its market
power by charging excessively high prices to its customers,
discriminating among customers, paying low prices to suppliers, or
through related practices); and (ii) exclusionary abuses (in which a firm
attempts to suppress competition, for example by refusing to deal with a
competitor, raising competitors’ costs of entering a market, or charging
predatory prices) . Abusive practices also include raising rivals’ costs,
and various forms of vertical restraints.
Peter Bamford, David Elliot, Russell Pittman and Margaret Sanderson,
‘Mergers’, in A Framework for the Design and Implementation of Competition
Law and Policy, The World Bank, Washington, D.C., and the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, 1999.
collusive and cartel-like behaviour between competing firms. Since
vertical mergers combine firms at different stages in the production and
distribution process, they may also have harmful effects on competition
if they give rise to risk of markets becoming foreclosed to third parties.
Conglomerate mergers present the least danger to competition since in
the case of pure conglomerates there is no functional link whatsoever
between the merged firms . Such mergers can however be potentially
anti-competitive if they are considered in the context of the additional
financial strength (or ‘deep pockets’) they give to the parties involved,
which the parties can use against actual or potential competitors in their
combined markets through cross-subsidization.
Richard Whish, Competition Law (Fourth Edition), Butterworths, London, UK,
product safety and product information and unconscionable (or grossly
unfair) conduct.
Ray Steinwall, Annotated Trade Practices Act 1974, 2002 Edition,
Butterworths, Australia, 2002.
of goods and services knowing that the firm would not be able to supply
the goods and services), harassment and coercion (using physical force
or undue harassment or coercion in connection with the supply or
possible supply of goods or services, and pyramid selling (e.g. purchase
of certificates for a particular dollar value, with the newest entrant
starting at the bottom of the pyramid and obliged to sell the certificates
to progress up the pyramid).
Malawi The objective of the Competition and Fair Trading Act, 1998,
(Cap. 48.09) is “to encourage competition in the economy by
prohibiting anti-competitive trade practices; to establish the
Competition and Fair Trading Commission; to regulate and
monitor monopolies and concentrations of economic power; to
protect consumer welfare; to strengthen the efficiency of
production and distribution of goods and services; to secure the
best possible conditions for the freedom of trade; to facilitate the
expansion of the base of entrepreneurship ...”.
Why is a Competition Law Necessary in Malawi?, CUTS Centre for
Competition, Investment & Economic Regulation, Jaipur, India, 2003.
Zambia The objectives of the Competition and Fair Trading Act, 1994,
Chapter 417 are “to encourage competition in the economy by
prohibiting anti-competitive trade practices; to regulate
monopolies and concentrations of economic power; to protect
consumer welfare; to strengthen the efficiency of production and
distribution of goods and services; to secure the best possible
conditions for the freedom of trade; to expand the base of
entrepreneurship; and to provide for matters connected with or
incidental to the foregoing”. The Act is administered by the
Zambia Competition Commission (ZCC).
A Competition Policy Model for the Southern African Development
Community, a report by Dr Arthur Pryor and Dr Martin Howe, consultants to the
Commonwealth Secretariat, 2006.
Zimbabwe The Competition Act, 1996, [Chapter 14:28] has the objective “to
promote and maintain competition in the economy of Zimbabwe;
to establish an Industry and Trade Competition Commission and
to provide for its functions; to provide for the prevention and
control of restrictive practices, the regulation of mergers, the
prevention and control of monopoly situations and the prohibition
of unfair trade practices; and to provide for matters connected
with or incidental to the foregoing”.
COMESA Member States include Angola, Burundi, D.R. Congo, Djibouti,
Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan,
Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The regional competition law also deals extensively with
consumer protection, since it was recognized that competition law and
consumer protection law are complementary in that they deal with
different kinds of market failure. A variety of practices that can be
detrimental to consumers are prohibited. These include “false or
misleading representation of goods or services, unconscionable conduct
in consumer and business transactions, and supply of unsafe goods”.
Product safety and product information is also of primary concern in the
Simon J. Evenett and Frederic Jenny, in a presentation titled An Inventory of
Allegations of Anti-Competitive Practices in Sub-Saharan Africa delivered at the
Centre for Regulation and Competition (CRC) 3 International Conference: Pro-
Poor Regulation and Competition: Issues, Policies and Practices, held in Cape
Town, South Africa, 7–9 September 2004.
Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South
Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
farmers; and (iii) those that excluded and hurt other businesses.
Examples of such practices are given in Table 2.
While it is extremely difficult to accurately quantify the adverse
effects of most anti-competitive practices on the consumer because
other economic factors may simultaneously be involved, considerable
progress has been made in quantifying the effects of cartel behaviour.
S. Sothi Rachagan, Competition Policy and Law in the Consumer and
Development Interest, a paper presented as communication from Consumers
International to the Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts
(IGE) on Competition Law and Policy, held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 2–4 July
As reported in CUTS Briefing Paper No. 5/2006 on Private International
Cartels – An Overview. CUTS Centre for International Trade, Economics &
Environment, Jaipur, India, 2006.
The term collusion, on the other hand, has been used to refer to
informal agreements, arrangements or conspiracies that seek to achieve
what cartels do. The economic effects of cartels and collusive behaviour
are however the same.
Simon J. Evenett, Can Developing Economies Benefit from WTO
Negotiations on Binding Disciplines for Hard Core Cartels?, UNCTAD Series on
Issues in Competition Law and Policy, United Nations, Geneva, 2003.
Jenny (2004) reported on how Brazil lost US$500 million to
an international cartel from its privatization of Eletropaulo Metropolitana,
a Government-owned electricity distribution company. The privatization
of the electricity company was done through floating a tender, with the
reserve price that was publicly announced before the bids being
US$1.78 billion. Three bidders were allowed to participate in the
auction: (i) Enron, a US energy trader; (ii) the Light Energy Consortium
(comprising AES, a large US energy group, Electricité de France,
Houston Industries, and CSN, a Brazilian steel company); and (iii) VBC,
a Brazilian group. Just before the auction took place, AES, a member of
the Light Energy Consortium, approached Enron with an offer that for
not bidding for Eletropaulo Metropolitana, Enron would be allowed to
build a power plant with AES to supply Eletropaulo, as well as operate
the plant and provide all the fuel (the Light Energy Consortium had
considered a similar deal with VBC but had decided against it on advice
from its lawyers). At the auction, the Light Energy Consortium came
armed with two bid envelopes: one offering US$1.78 billion and another
offering an extra US$500 million. When it became apparent that Enron
and VBC, who were both at the auction, were not submitting bids, the
Light Energy Consortium submitted the lower bid for US$1.78 billion.
Frederic Jenny, Detection and Repression of Anti-competitive Practices in
Developing Countries: A Case Study, a presentation at the Sixth Session of the
Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Competition Law and Policy, held
in Geneva, Switzerland, on 8–10 November 2004.
It has also been observed that businesses will have less
incentive to trade fairly when competitors can obtain a short-term
advantage by misleading consumers, supplying unsafe goods or acting
in a grossly unfair way. The costs of such short-term advantages will fall
on both consumers and legitimate traders, often to the long-term
detriment of consumers as the increased risks of doing business
discourages changes to entrenched buying and investing behaviour.
unintentionally inconsistent . Competition policy within the context of
the structural adjustment program should thus be designed to: (i)
provide government and citizens with confidence that the ESAP would
not be manipulated by special interests; (ii) ensure that the benefits of
the ESAP are broadly shared among both businesses and consumers;
and (iii) further promote a switch to production for export markets.
Consequently, the main principles of competition policy were to lower
barriers to entry, and reduce RBPs, particularly monopolistic tendencies.
Report on Study of Monopolies and Competition Policy in Zimbabwe,
prepared for the Government of Zimbabwe by Implementing Policy Change
(IPC), September 1992.
Box 3: Initial Government suggestions on the adoption of
competition policy and establishment of a competition authority in
the Commission has clear directions on how to set prices.
4. Price determination
There is a need to establish a mechanism whereby monopoly prices
are regulated. In some countries the Monopoly Commission would
not act until a monopolist had set prices. The Commission then
reviews those prices (by holding hearings) to decide on their
appropriateness. In still other cases (particularly for public utilities)
the corporation would have to apply to the Commission for any rate
change. Given that the definition of monopoly is yet to be decided, it
is necessary to establish the most appropriate approach to pricing.
Such issues as how costs and the appropriate rate of return on
capital, as well as the capital base to be used in such computations,
have to be fully explored.
5. Any other pertinent issues
The approach envisaged is in two stages. First, there is need for a
team to study the Zimbabwe situation in light of the above issues. Its
report should take, say, four months to complete and should provide
information on what exactly are the current monopoly areas and
how best to deal with them while maintaining efficiency. The
personnel required is a team of three experts in regulation of
The team’s report, when approved, should be the basis for
constituting the Commission’s terms of reference, scope of work
and operational method as well as preparing the necessary legal
framework. Because of its importance, the Government would retain
the right to ask for a proposal submission from the team put forward
to do the study. It is suggested that the Government moves
Source: Ministry of Industry and International Trade, Zimbabwe.
with monopolistic practices, particularly those that lead to high prices of
consumer goods .
The idea of having a ‘Monopolies and Prices Commission’ in Zimbabwe
along the lines of the Kenyan model was later dropped for an ‘Industry and
Trade Competition Commission’ with a wider mandate of dealing with all forms
of restrictive business practices at the recommendation of the IPC Study Team
on monopolies and competition policy in Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe however has a number of consumer protection legislations that
address particular concerns, such as the Consumer Contract Act [Chapter 8:03],
and which are not under the direct administration of the CCZ.
arrangements between competitors; (vii) predatory pricing; (viii) resale
price maintenance; and (ix) exclusive dealing.
Part I of the study dealt with the impact of the examination of mergers and
acquisitions. The report on that part of the study was released in November
2006. Part II of the study, the report of which is currently at the final stages of
drafting, deals with the impact of the investigation of restrictive and unfair
business practices.
generation of increased export earnings; (vi) promotion of foreign direct
investment; (vii) continued availability of goods and services on the
domestic market; and (viii) indigenization or localization of control of
strategic economic activities.
• that the merged party should dispose of its surplus
cigarette making machinery to third parties interested
and able to enter the cigarette manufacturing industry
within a reasonable period of time; and also
• that the merged party should not increase the prices of
its cigarettes without first justifying the price increases to
the competition authority, as long as the monopoly
situation created in the cigarette manufacturing industry
remained in existence.
The introduction of the new Remington Gold and Oxford
cigarette brands on the local Zimbabwean market gave
consumers a wider choice of products. It also brought fierce
competition to the dominant BAT Zimbabwe cigarette
brands, which was to the benefit of consumers, such that
BAT Zimbabwe lodged a complaint to the Competition
Commission that its market share was being eroded by Cut
Rag Processors’ engagement in unfair business practices
(see outline of the case in Box 6 below on preliminary
investigation into allegations of restrictive and unfair
business practices in the cigarette distribution industry).
Botswana and Malawi.
The major post-merger benefit of the transaction to the
consumer is that Porthold’s Unicem brand of cement is still
being offered to the Zimbabwean consumers as a
competitive choice to the Lafarge cements. In the five years
from the time of the merger in 2001, Porthold increased its
cement production from about 260,000 metric tonnes to
about 350,000 metric tonnes, of which 70 per cent is for the
domestic market. The employment levels in the company
however decreased from 730 to 620, a direct consequence
of the horizontal nature of the merger and other
macroeconomic constraints facing Zimbabwean companies
as a whole.
While it was noted that the transaction did not raise serious
competition concerns in the form of substantially lessening
competition in the relevant markets, it was however also
noted that Zimtile had a practice of tying its supply of roof
tiles to the consuming public to the use of its own tile-
mounting enterprise. The consumer was therefore prevented
from using other cheaper tile mounters of his/her choice. It
was therefore felt that if that practice was to be extended
after the merger to include the supply of PG Merchandising’s
roof timber, the consumer would be vulnerable to
It can be assumed that by not accepting the Competition
Commission’s merger approval conditions, which were
aimed at removing the likely anti-competitive practices that
were inherent in the transaction, the merging parties were
bent on increasing their market share through engagement
in such practices. It is therefore highly likely that had the
merger been allowed to proceed without the intervention of
the Competition Commission, its likely competition concerns
could have adversely affected consumer welfare and
protection: (i) the merged entity could have unabatedly
exploited its acquired market power in the vertically
integrated market, from cattle selling to cattle slaughter to
meat processing and retailing, by excessively pricing its
goods and services to the disadvantage of the consumer; (ii)
the merged entity could also have foreclosed supplies of
cattle and processed meats to its competitors, again to the
disadvantage of the consumer; and (iii) the merged entity
could have abused its dominance of the integrated market
by engaging in exclusionary practices aimed at removing or
deterring competition to the disadvantage of the consumer.
lucky in that the relevant association of dry-cleaners, the Dry Cleaning
and Laundry Employers Association of Zimbabwe, actually admitted
during the investigation’s public hearings that it set prices for its
members and periodically circulated to the members detailed price lists
on the various items of clothing and fabric that require dry-cleaning or
laundry. The Association also supplied copies of minutes of its
meetings, which gave details of workings and formulae used in arriving
at the uniform prices. The competition authority was lucky in that case to
have easily obtained the evidence proving the existence of the cartel
from the perpetrators themselves only because the Association thought
that what it was doing was normal business , and was not aware, at
that stage, that the practice of price fixing was in serious breach of the
country’s competition law.
That was hardly surprising since during the pre-ESAP times of price controls,
the Government of Zimbabwe actually encouraged industries to form
associations for the purposes of members agreeing on uniform prices for price
control determination.
As noted by R.S. Khemani and D.M. Shapiro in Glossary of Industrial
Organisation Economics and Competition Law, compiled for the OECD in 1991,
“Collusion does not necessarily have to involve an explicit agreement or
communication between firms. In oligopolistic industries, firms tend to be
interdependent in their pricing and output decisions so that the actions of each
firm impact on and result in a counter response by the other firm(s). In such
circumstances, oligopolistic firms may take their rivals’ actions into account and
coordinate their actions as if they were a cartel without an explicit or overt
Box 4: Full-scale investigation into complaints of restrictive and
unfair business practices in the cement industry
The competition impact study found that abusive practices of
firms in monopoly or dominant positions have had profound adverse
effects on Zimbabwean consumers.
Box 5: Full-scale investigation into allegations of restrictive and
unfair business practices in the coal industry
The allegations that were brought to the attention of the Commission were that:
(i) WCC was putting barriers to entry into the coal distribution industry by not
applying its requirements for appointment as a Coal Merchant in a fair and
transparent manner; (ii) WCC was unfairly allocating coal, particularly the
popular ‘washed peas’ grade, amongst the appointed Coal Merchants; and (iii)
WCC was abusing its monopoly position in the supply of coal on the local
market by arbitrarily imposing exorbitant coal price increases.
The investigation found that WCC was indeed abusing its monopoly position in
the coal supply industry. While the Colliery had clear criteria and guidelines on
the appointment of Coal Merchants, it was allowing the bad blood created
between its management and RAE (Pvt) Limited to influence its treatment and
determination of that company’s application. The requirements placed on RAE’s
applications were more stringent than those in the guidelines and those placed
on the applications of other recently appointed Coal Merchants. WCC had also
incorporated zoning provisions in its Memorandum of Agreement with the
appointed Coal Merchants that divided the Zimbabwean market amongst the
merchants, thus allowing them to effectively operate as monopolists in their
allocated markets. It was also selling its popular ‘washed peas’ coal grade on
condition that buyers also buy the other less popular grades that they did not
On the basis of its findings, the Commission ordered WCC: (i) to resume and
complete within 30 days its consideration of RAE (Pvt) Limited’s application for
appointment as a Coal Merchant on the basis of its Requirements for
Appointment as Coal Merchant already submitted to RAE (Pvt) Limited; (ii) to
remove the anti-competitive zoning provisions in its Memorandum of Agreement
with the appointed Coal Merchants; and (iii) to cease and desist from the
restrictive practice of tied and conditional selling of its coal products.
Box 6: Preliminary investigations into allegations of restrictive and
unfair business practices in the cigarette distribution industry
The Commission found that the health warning on Cut Rag Processors’
cigarette packs was not misleading, nor did it place Cut Rag Processors
in an unfair competitive position vis-à-vis BAT Zimbabwe. The warning
was stronger than the one agreed in 1995 between BAT Zimbabwe and
the Ministry of Health, and correctly informed the consumer of the health
consequences of smoking cigarettes. It was also noted that BAT
Zimbabwe itself was distributing on the local market imported cigarettes
with a health-warning clause similar to the one being used by Cut Rag
Processors, which had been approved for international use.
On the other hand, the Commission found that BAT Zimbabwe was
using the Ministry of Health’s directive on the health-warning clause,
and abusing its position as the major supplier of cigarettes on the local
market to persuade retailers to remove Cut Rag Processors’ cigarettes
from the shelves. That constituted attempts at predation aimed at driving
Cut Rag Processors out of the market. The predatory actions against
Cut Rag Processors were also seen as BAT Zimbabwe’s subtle
attempts at nullifying the conditions attached to the Commission’s
approval of the BAT/Rothmans merger in 2000. In that regard, it was
noted that BAT Zimbabwe had reluctantly agreed to the condition. At
that time, the Chief Executive Officer of BAT Zimbabwe had been heard
to comment that he should “not be expected to assist in the formation of
a competitor”.
for its price and quality, and also a strong foothold in the South African
export market.
The exit of Cut Rag Processors from the market would also
have returned BAT Zimbabwe to the monopoly position it used to hold,
thus depriving the consumer of the benefits of competition.
The final consumers of the fabric offcuts, i.e. poor workers who
buy the material to make clothes, including school uniforms, and
bedding materials for themselves and their children, were therefore
short-changed by the resultant higher prices of the otherwise cheap
waste product.
Box 7: Full-scale investigation into allegations of restrictive and
unfair business practices in the textile fabric offcuts industry in
the Kadoma area
Textile fabric offcuts are by-products from the manufacture of fabric and
are regarded as waste material after failing to meet the necessary
quality and specification standards. The offcuts however have
commercial value since some of them are large enough, or can be
sewed together, to make garments or other fabric products.
It was also found that the practice was spreading, with some of the fake
products being distributed in other towns throughout the country.
Another woman was also arrested by the police for the practice, and
again charged under the Brands Act.
Since penalties under the Competition Act for unfair business practices
such as misleading advertising are harsher, and therefore more
deterrent, than those under the Brands Act, the Commission submitted
its findings and the evidence gathered during the investigation to the
Attorney General’s Office to strengthen the cases against the arrested
The misleading advertising case involving food relish mix that
was investigated by the competition authority of Zimbabwe had serious
implications for consumer protection and welfare. The investigated
practice harmed consumers not only in terms of poor quality product,
but also, more seriously, in terms of threats to human health. The fake
product was produced in an unhygienic environment using unspecified
and untested ingredients. The discarded Nestlé packaging that was
used for packing the product was also picked up from the rubbish
7. Conclusion
Contribution of Competition to
Poverty Eradication
Thulasoni Kaira*
1. Introduction
The author is the Acting Executive Director of the Zambia Competition
Commission. He has worked at the Commission since 1998 and has risen
through the ranks to his current position. The author is gratefully indebted to Mr
John Preston of DFID and Emily Mburu of UNCTAD who made very insightful
and inspiring comments, and Mr George Lipimile of UNCTAD, Chilufya Sampa,
Wesley Kalapula and Kelvin Kamayoyo of the Zambia Competition Commission
for their useful comments (e-mail: zcomp@zamtel.zm (corporate);
Thulasonikaira@yahoo.com (private)).
so in Africa. Evidently, the way to a poor man’s mouth is through a rich
man’s hand.
Living Conditions in Zambia, Zambia Central Statistical Office, 1998.
Income perspective: A person is poor if his/her income falls below a
defined moneymetric poverty line, e.g. $1 a day.
Basic needs perspective: A person is poor if he/she falls short of the
material requirements for minimal acceptable fulfilment of human
needs. This concept goes beyond the lack of income.
Capability perspective: A person is poor if he/she lacks certain basic
capabilities to function. Such ‘functionings’ range from physical ones
such as adequate food, clothing, and shelter to more complex social
achievements such as participation in the life of the community. The
merit of the capability approach lies in its ability to reconcile the
notions of relative and absolute poverty. Relative deprivations in
incomes and material requisites can lead to absolute deprivation in
Human Development Report, United Nations Development Programme,
location, what is being done to address poverty, and how competition
law and policy has and/or can be used to address poverty, before
presenting conclusions.
remedies for market structures and business practices that weaken the
degree of inter-firm rivalry in markets .
OECD Conference, Investment for Development: Making it Happen,
Background Information in Support of the Global Forum on International
Investment Putting the Policy Framework for Investment into Action – a Policy
Framework for Investment: Competition Policy, 25–27 October 2005, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, Hosted by the Government of Brazil. Organized by the OECD
Investment Committee in partnership with the World Bank.
Prof Eleanor Fox, Economic Development, Poverty and Antitrust: The Other
Path, New York University Public Law and Legal Theory Working Papers, Paper
57, 2007.
and resisted liberalization where inconvenient. Fox attempted to link
deep systemic poverty to inequality in world trade.
R. S. Khemani, Competition Policy and Promotion of Investment, Economic
Growth and Poverty Alleviation in Least Developed Countries, Occasional Paper
19, the World Bank, FIAS, 2007.
Competition Assessment Framework – An operational guide for identifying
barriers to competition in developing countries, Department for International
Development, Zambia, January 2008.
that competitive markets can make to economic growth and to poverty
Kristin Hallberg, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises: A Framework for
Intervention, Small Enterprise Unit, Private Sector Development Department,
The World Bank, May 21, 1999.
On the other hand it may be argued that although materially poorer, those in
rural areas, in the absence of drought and animal disease, are better off in that
they are spared the squalor of urban settlements which are often incubation
spots for disease and societal rot.
of their economic lifelines, e.g. crop yield and livestock rearing may be
susceptible to drought and disease.
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Total GDP 3,950.2 5,140.2 6,027.9 7,477.7 10,071.9 13,132.7 16,260.4 20,479.2 25,997.4 32,456.3 38,676.5
at current
Total GDP 2,328.1 2,404.9 2,360.2 2,412.7 2,499.0 2,621.3 2,707.9 2,846.5 2,999.2 3,155.9 3,343.3
GDP per 444,059 564,127 645,869 782,201 1,028,587 1,301,621 1,562,085 1,906,038 2,344,290 2,836,723 3,278,034
capita at
GDP per 261,707 263,935 252,886 252,384 255,213 259,806 260,138 264,930 270,450 275,830 283,365
capita at
GDP 6.9 3.3 –1.9 2.2 3.6 4.9 3.3 5.1 5.4 5.2 6.2
rate at
Source: CSO, National Accounts Statistics.
With the growth rate, the poverty levels appear to have also
diminished, as shown in Table 2:
Table 2: Poverty trends 1991–2006
Total/Residence 1991 1993 1996 1998 2004 2006
Zambia 70 74 69 73 68 64
Rural 88 92 82 83 78 80
Urban 49 45 46 56 53 34
Source: CSO, Living Conditions Monitoring Survey V (2006).
At his inaugural Presidential speech in January 2002, current President Levy
Mwanawasa, enunciated “New Deal” policies that he promised his government
would follow in order to change the economy and reduce poverty levels.
statistics show some good news – the figures would appear to still be far
from the reality on the ground in so far as extreme poverty levels are
concerned. A consideration of those that are poor shows that they are to
be found somewhere in the
At the time that the PRSP was being drafted and finalized (in
2002), the economic reality of Zambia was uninspiring in many ways.
This was perhaps true at the time of formulation of the PRSP, when the
economy was marginally growing. The trend has been different since
2002. For now, this has been sustained above 5 per cent and it is hoped
that policy stability shall continue. However, much of the growth is
attributed to the discovery of new mines and the increased copper
prices as a result of the high Chinese demand. Bottlenecks such as
HIV/AIDS continue to be a toll on the human capital although there has
been a drastic reduction.
Figures on http://www.zamstats.gov.zm/extern.php captured on 3 March
high level of inequality. Rural-urban, interprovincial, and inter-social
strata disparities are already evident from the tables presented so far.
Another crucial conclusion of empirical research has been that a
historically unequal situation might perpetuate itself unless changed by
government policy, such as asset redistribution.
Considering that not more than three years ago the country had
an external debt of over US$6 billion (ZK24 trillion), a reduction to US$1
billion (K4 trillion) lays good ground for using resources for development
rather than for debt serving.
Table 4: External debt 2006–2007
External debt December December End-period exchange rate
2007 2006 Dec. 2007: US$1=ZK3,845
(ZK (ZK Dec. 2006: US$1=ZK4,407
billion) billion)
Total debt 3,923 4,350
Official debt 3,496 4,077
Multilateral 2,392 2,336
Bilateral 1,104 1,741
Private debt, 427 273
Source: adapted from CSO, Zambia National Summary Data Page, External Sector
The absence of growth and the huge debt burden have made
external funding a necessity. External funding constituted, for instance,
89 per cent and 84 per cent, respectively, of the total spending in the
water and sanitation sectors in 1995 and 1996, compared to 31 per cent
in 1990. In 2001, 53 per cent of the national budget was expected to be
funded from outside.
4.5. Other causes
United Nations, Zambia Country Profile, Johannesburg Earth Summit, p. 89,
Section 9 of the Competition and Fair Trading Act, CAP 417 of the Laws of
In the 2006 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (V),
households were asked to indicate which developmental projects they
would like provided or improved in their communities. The results show
that 30 per cent of the respondents desired projects related to road
infrastructure. Provision or improvement of education facilities was the
second preferred project with 18 per cent of the households followed by
health facilities with 13 per cent. The least desired projects were credit
facilities, employment issues, police/security facilities, and sanitation at
one per cent each (CSO, The Monthly, 2007).
market to ensure fair trading practices and prevent market domination
through the Competition Commission .
United Nations, Zambia Country Profile, Johannesburg Earth Summit,
Country Profile Series, CP2002-Zambia, p. 79, 2002.
Competition Policy has been given prominence in a revised Draft Industrial,
Commercial and Trade Policy, which is yet to be adopted. At the time of writing
this report, the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry had set up a
committee to draft a distinct and comprehensive national competition policy.
Per 2004 Industrial, Commercial and Trade Policy.
Promote investments in both urban and rural areas that
primarily utilize local raw materials.
Encourage output and employment expansion in the sector by
promoting growth in manufactured exports especially in areas
where Zambia has comparative advantage.
Promote growth in small- and medium-scale enterprises.
Promote an enabling environment and even the playing field
with respect to competing imports, efficient utilities in energy,
transport and telecommunications, skills training, science and
technology development, and a legal and regulatory framework
that is conducive to the growth of manufacturing.
An acknowledgment made in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, 2002.
One of the statements in the preamble to the Competition and Fair Trading
Act, 1994.
constraints, efficient allocation of resources is absolutely essential to
enable optimum utilization of limited resources .
World Bank & OECD, A Framework for the Design and Implementation of
Competition Law and Policy, Washington D.C., 1999.
In Competition Assessment Framework – An operational guide for identifying
barriers to competition in developing countries, January 2008, at page 42, DFID
has recognized that contract farming is not necessarily either good or bad for
farmers, or for competition. The system can be mutually beneficial to the farmer
and the company purchasing the output. It can be particularly useful for higher
multinational companies stole their money during the 2005/2006 cotton-
marketing season by reducing the price of grade A cotton from the
previous ZK1,220 per kilogram to ZK850 .
value crops, and can provide the farmers with access to reasonable terms for
finance, technical information and markets. However, there are sometimes
situations where the terms imposed by the buyer are unnecessarily restrictive.
Women are reckoned to account for 51 per cent of the population in Zambia.
US$1 = ZK4,000.
among small farmers and agribusiness firms in key agricultural
production regions of the country . The subsequent report by the Food
Security Research Project (FSRP) under the Ministry of Agriculture,
Food and Fisheries revealed that cotton production in Zambia has
doubled since the dismantling of the cotton parastatal monopoly
LINTCO and the introduction of outgrower programmes supported by
private agribusiness firms in the mid-1990s. In spite of these
achievements, the cotton sector was still faced with the following key
Key Challenges and Options Confronting Smallholder, Agribusiness and
Government Leaders in Zambia's Cotton Sector, Food Security Research
Project (FSRP) Team 2000.
the crop and do what is in their power to recover their cost. However,
such recoveries do not appear to be effected in an equitable manner.
The ginners ruthlessly attempt to recover all their fixed and variable
costs as well as ensure a profit even where the farmers themselves are
left with nothing. To attain this, the ginners engage court-certified bailiffs
to salvage the little chattels that the farmers may have and/or threaten
them with blacklisting them from future financing arrangements .
The world prices for cotton are an important element in the pricing of the
seed cotton at the local level. James Tefft in his paper entitled Building on
Successes in African Agriculture; Mali’s White Revolution: Smallholder Cotton
from 1960 to 2003 has noted thus “subsidies to cotton farmers in the United
States currently depress world prices by about US$0.11 per pound. If these
subsidies were removed and the price increase transmitted to Malian farmers,
the typical farm would increase earnings”.
Business Post , Tuesday 14 November 2006, “Dunavant Raises 2006/2007
Pre-Planting Cotton Price”.
government to come up with a better crop marketing strategy for the
2006/7 farming season .
Mr. Laurin is reported to have admitted that in 2005 Dunavant had announced that
they would buy a kilogram of seed cotton at ZK1,220 but after the kwacha
appreciated, the price of cotton came down to ZK850. The paper reported that Mr.
Laurin admitted this and said that it was his personal failure. Mr Laurin apologized to
the farmers for the situation.
Source: The Business Post, Tuesday, 12 December 2006.
Saturday Post of 18 November 2006.
Zambia Competition Commission, Report on Competition & Fair Trading
regarding Outgrower Cotton Farmers, August 2007 (Case Officer – Willard
United Nations Development Programme; Millennium Development Goals.
The Commission reviewed the imbalance of power in the
negotiation of prices of cotton in outgrower schemes. Multinational
entities such as Dunavant and Cargill Cotton were actually
disproportionately benefiting, compared to the farmers, whose economic
gains were stagnant against the huge profits that the merchants were
making. Not surprisingly, the cotton association and Dunavant could
well afford to offer ZK 1,120 per kilogram of grade seed cotton this
marketing season . The offer price of ZK1,120 included an additional
ZK50 per kilogram premium for deliveries up to 14 July 2007.
In the same period, Cargill Cotton also took steps to correct its
pricing system. The input prices for the 2006 planting season were
reduced by 28 per cent year on year making Cargill’s complete input
package cheaper than that of any other ginner. This dramatic reduction
in input costs was part of a conscious effort by Cargill Cotton to offset
the impact of low global cotton prices on the incomes of small-scale
Zambian farmers. In line with its previously stated strategy to pay a
competitive seed cotton price, Cargill Cotton announced a buying price
for the 2007 crop of ZK1,120/kg, an increase of 32 per cent over the
previous year. Considering the reduced input cost, Cargill Cotton
reported that their farmers were to enjoy the largest increase in net
revenue in comparison to other cotton farmers throughout the country.
This was to give the average farmer an additional net income of 75 per
cent compared to the previous year . It was a desirable outcome that
the ginners were finally using higher promised returns to the farmers as
a competitive advantage.
Post, Friday, 11 May 2007: “CAZ, Dunavant sign agreement”.
The Post, 13 June 2007: “Cargill Cotton Information Bulletin”.
The Post, Wednesday, 27 June 2007 “Continue growing Cotton, CAZ
appeals to farmers”.
cotton production and enforce sanctity of contract with a stated goal to
eradicate the practice of side-marketing.
At the time of writing this report, all the parties had reached
what appeared to be a “win-win” arrangement where principally the
ginners were not to pass on their losses to the farmers, notably the
smallholder “peasant” farmers. The Commission has continued to
monitor the situation through information links with the cotton
association and the Zambia National Farmers Union. It is likely that with
the formation of distinctive formal associations to represent their
interests, the cotton farmers will have a better platform through which to
express and/or channel their grievances.
At the time, Chalimbana was reported to be a start-up company with the
major shareholder being Plantation and General Investments Plc (UK) (P&G)
and Arthur Gregory Barnes of Khal Amazi Farm of Lusaka as the minority
shareholder. P&G is majority owner of Khal Amazi Limited - a rose-growing farm
in Lusaka. In Malawi, P&G is involved in horticultural, floricultural products, dairy
farming, wheat and maize farming. Chalimbana shall engage in similar activities
in Zambia.
Agriflora Limited started operating in 1994. By 2001/2002 it had 22 hectares
of roses and 1,000 hectares of vegetables. Agriflora had processing factories
with 7000 tonnes capacity of fresh produce per year, drip irrigation systems and
a refrigerated transport fleet. It had an outgrower scheme that had over 3,000
workers. There are about 25 players in the market. Agriflora had the largest
market share of 80 per cent while the second was York Farm. The market share
for the other competitors including York Farm was 20 per cent. 60 per cent of
Agriflora was mainly involved in the growing of fresh vegetables
and flowers for the export market. In the case of The Acquisition of the
Assets of Agriflora by Chalimbana Fresh Produce Limited , the
Commission authorized the takeover of the assets of Agriflora by
Chalimbana on the basis of assurances from Chalimbana that the
takeover was envisaged to provide the continuity of the viable and
lucrative business of Agriflora, with supply linkages to the small to
medium scale farmers. Agriflora needed to be revitalized in order to
revamp the business and assure the continuity of the outgrower
scheme. Therefore, the takeover was necessary to keep the vibrant
business going, with the assurance that:
the produce for Agriflora was vegetables while flowers accounted for 40 per cent
of Agriflora’s exports.
Zambia Competition Commission, Staff Paper No. 211, February 2005.
The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) of the World Bank
issued a US$3.6 million guarantee to the Industrial Development Corporation of
South Africa Limited (IDC), of South Africa, to cover its US$4 million equity
investment in Zambia's Agriflora, the second largest food production company in
the country, Keith Nuthall, June 2003, http://www.just-
Table 6: Irrigation technology: small-scale farmer enters international
export business
On retirement from the Zambian Civil Service in 1988, Mike Phiri settled on his
four-hectare smallholding just 60 kilometres from the capital, Lusaka. Since any
type of pension is negligible in Zambia, Mike cultivated his land during the rainy
season producing enough corn to feed his family. Occasionally, he grew
vegetables for subsistence. He lived simply, well aware that given the low local
maize prices, he would be losing money if he tried to grow maize or other crops
for the local market. In March 2000, everything changed. Under a new loan
scheme, the Zambia Agribusiness Technical Assistance Centre (ZATAC) would
supply irrigation equipment for the production of baby corn, runner beans, and
mangetout peas. The vegetables would be contracted for sale to the
country's largest horticultural exporter, Agriflora Ltd. The firm, near the
Lusaka International Airport, had over the years exported a wide range of
fresh vegetables to Europe. Interested in expanding production beyond its
own farms, Agriflora saw the attractiveness of working with various
smallholders in the vicinity of its pack house located just outside the
airport. This would only be possible if the small producers overcame the
constraint of rain-dependent agriculture and were organized by some
other organization to act as a group. At ZATAC's request, CLUSA, with their
group-mobilizing techniques, began working with the small farmers.
Within three months, Mike's drip irrigation equipment was installed by ZATAC
while Agriflora Ltd. installed a small refrigeration warehouse next to his house.
By September 2000, nine months after his irrigation equipment was installed,
Mike had delivered 1.3 tons of fresh vegetables to Agriflora and received
US$1,500 payment for the produce. Over the next 12 months Mike's net income
target was US$4,000. Mike remarked, "Things have moved very fast. We are
very happy with ZATAC. Both my neighbours and I have been occupying this
land for over a decade. We did not know that we would one day be in the
international export business. The vision of ZATAC and Agriflora in mounting
this project is simply phenomenal. We have now broken clear of the vagaries of
seasonal agriculture. We grow crops all year round for the European market and
we receive an all year round income".
In an effort to encourage citrus fruit production, Fresh Pikt Limited has just
signed a contract with farmers in Mwinilunga for the supply of 40 tonnes of
pineapples to its Lusaka plant on a weekly basis. The development would
enable more than 1,000 farmers in the area to expand both the pineapple
production and earnings from their produce.
Choice Nuts Zambia Limited, a sister company to Fresh Pikt, has set up a
network to access the abundant groundnuts from Eastern Province which it
exports after treatment at its Lusaka plant. The company will this season
export over 2,000 tonnes of raw dried groundnuts worth approximately US$2
Both Fresh Pikt and Choice Nuts are companies that have shown a practical
approach to a quick way of tackling poverty in the rural areas.
Times of Zambia, Monday, 3 March 2008.
6.3. Poultry sector
Times of Zambia, 14 November 2007, quoting Matthews Ngosa, Chairman of
the Poultry Association of Zambia. See also quoted at
Which states that: “Any category of agreements, decisions and concerted
practices which have as their object the prevention, restriction or distortion of
competition to an appreciable extent in Zambia or in any substantial part of it are
declared anti-competitive trade practices and are hereby prohibited”.
Zambia Competition Commission, Annual Report, 2000.
(chickens) and the goodwill of the business and the premises subject to
anti-competitive terms. The Commission was concerned that Hybrid
Poultry required Galaunia to only purchase day-old chicks from itself.
Further, Galaunia was also required to offer Hybrid Poultry right of first
refusal should it intend to resell Mariandale Farm. Galaunia was also not
allowed to raise any type of poultry at the farm, apart from broiler
chickens, including the provision not to go into the business of a chicken
hatchery. The parties also agreed that Galaunia was to be accorded the
right of first refusal in the event that Hybrid Poultry sold some of its
shares. In return, Hybrid Poultry was given the first right of refusal to
participate in an outgrower scheme in the event that Galaunia came up
with one. These are highlighted in Table 8 below:
Table 8: Salient clauses from the sale and purchase agreement between
Hybrid Poultry Farms Limited (HPF) and Galaunia Holdings Limited:
Clause 11: The consideration, selling price, Hybrid Poultry property was
US$250,000 for the goodwill, chattels, chickens and premises, payable on
Clause 13: That Galaunia would not raise any type of poultry on Mariandale Farm
other than broiler chickens.
Clause 14: That Galaunia and any subsidiary or associate company would not
enter into the business of a chicken hatchery or breeder broiler production in
Clause 15: That Galaunia would only procure its day-old chick requirements
exclusively from Hybrid Poultry.
Clause 16: That Galaunia shall purchase DOC from Hybrid Poultry at short notice.
Clause 17: That Galaunia shall have the exclusive right to collect all chicken
manure from HPF chicken houses located in the Lusaka-Chisamba area at a cost
of US$0.30 per 90-kg bag.
Clause 19: That Galaunia should give Hybrid Poultry the right to first refusal to
purchase, within five years of completion date, should it decide to sell the
Clause 21: Should Galaunia develop and implement an outgrower scheme to
grow broiler chickens, Hybrid Poultry shall be given the first refusal to participate
Source: The Sale and Purchase Agreement between Hybrid Poultry Farms Limited and Galaunia
Farms Limited.
processing factory and that in the event that Galaunia intended to sell
the factory, Hybrid Poultry was to be accorded the right of first refusal.
The poultry processing factory was viewed as a third-stage downstream
operation after the Hybrid Poultry hatchery and the broiler farms under
Galaunia. This was a vertically integrated and restrictive arrangement
that had been a complete foreclosure of the Zambian poultry market.
These are highlighted in Table 9 below:
Clause 11: The purchaser agrees that should it within five years of the completion
date wish to dispose of the business then it will give the Vendor right of first refusal
to purchase the Business at cost plus the value of any improvements that the
purchaser has made to the Business such value to be mutually agreed failing which
to be assessed by a registered valuation surveyor mutually appointed by the head
of the Valuation Surveyors Institute of Zambia. Should the Vendor not exercise its
right to purchase the Business within 30 days then the Purchaser will be at liberty
to dispose of the Business to any other person.
Clause 12: In the event that the Management buy-out (MBO) wishes to sell its
shares to the vendor then the Purchaser shall be accorded the right of first refusal
to purchase the shares from the MBO. Should the Purchaser not exercise its rights
to purchase the shares within 30 days then the MBO will be at liberty to sell the
shares to any other party.
Clause 13: The Vendor hereby agrees that it and its subsidiaries and associates
will not at any time in the future in Zambia enter into the business of processing or
selling of frozen chickens of any type except in collaboration with the Purchaser as
mutually agreed in writing.
Galaunia was by far the most important customer for day-old
chicks in the country. Hybrid Poultry’s exclusive deal was a source of its
dominance to which Galaunia was tied. These agreements led to higher
prices of day-old chicks for Galaunia, and affected the operations of
Tamba Chicks and effectively constrained entry both upstream and
Poultry Association of Zambia, 2008.
Ibid., 2007.
Zambia Competition Commission, A Study of Competition in the beef, poultry
and dairy retail sector in Zambia (financed by the International Development
Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada), January 2007.
Table 11: Day-old chicks market shares - 2007
predominantly under the control of one dominant firm, Zambeef. As
observed in a recent Commission report, the Zambian beef sector has
large economic potential for the country. Not only has it been a major
source of employment in the formal context, but it has also been a
source of income for the informal sector .
Table 13: Overall and extreme poverty by residence and province, Zambia, 1998
Overall poverty Extreme poverty
Rural 83 70
Urban 56 36
Central Province 77 63
Copperbelt Province 65 47
Eastern Province 80 66
Luapula Province 81 69
Lusaka Province 52 34
Northern Province 81 67
North-western Province 76 63
Southern Province 76 60
Western Province 89 78
Source: CSO: Living Conditions in Zambia, 1998.
Chindo Hicks, The role of Zambian cattle populations in socio-economic
development, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Department of
Animal Science and Animal Health, Bülowsvej 13, 1870 Frederiksberg C.
concern when taking into account that the growth that entities such as
Zambeef have achieved from buying cattle from the same provinces,
notably in Southern Province and Western Province, where poverty
levels are relatively higher . Furthermore, the market shares in
processed beef show the imbalance of economic power even amongst
the market players, as shown in Table 14.
Which posted a 26 per cent growth in turnover in 2006 with US$55 million,
with a net profit of US$8 million (which increased by 78 per cent from 2005). For
Zambian-owned companies, this is in the blue-chip category. Source: Zambeef
Annual Report 2006.
Zambeef Products PLC Group is a major agribusiness whose core activity is
the production, processing, distribution and retailing of beef, chickens, eggs and
dairy products through its own retailing network throughout Zambia and Nigeria.
It has since expanded into Ghana (trading under the name “Master Meats”). The
conglomerate controls key abattoirs in major cow-belts. It slaughters 60,000
cattle per annum and produces 12,000 grain-fed cattle per annum from its
feedlots. It had a turnover of US$56 million (ZK223 billion) in 2006 – 2006
Annual Report.
Graph 2: Prices of selected beef products 1993 to 2007
Zambia Competition Commission, Staff Paper No. 267.
Zambeef was alleged then to have monopolized the cattle trade by
insisting that all cattle slaughtered at the only abattoir in the area (which
it controlled) had to be sold to them. The carcasses were then
transported by Zambeef in refrigerated trucks for processing. Other
commercial competitors would also be put in a difficult position to deal
with a vertically integrated operator who had first access to the best
cattle brought for slaughter.
Table 15: Undertakings given by Zambeef Products PLC to the Zambia
Competition Commission
4. The first priority for slaughter and storage of carcasses in the cold room will
always be for Zambeef cattle. However, Zambeef will make efforts to
consider third-party slaughter and storage as provided above.
5. Zambeef shall appoint a senior management official within its ranks who
shall be the “Trade Practices Compliance Officer” and who shall liaise with
the Commission from time to time on matters of compliance with the
undertakings and/or the Competition and Fair Trading Act, 1994, CAP 417
of the laws of Zambia.
Source: Memorandum of Undertakings given by Zambeef Products PLC to the Zambia
Competition Commission, February 2007.
6.5. Tobacco sector
Case File ZCC/CO/383.
meant that the farmers would have no choice of contract between the
two, despite the presence of other alternative merchants already
existing in the market. The Commission further argued that the merger
of Stancom and Dimon would definitely result in the removal of a
vigorous competitor from the market. Apart from Stancom (40 per cent)
and Dimon (15 per cent), the rest of the market (45 per cent) was made
up of a fragment of small to medium-sized leaf tobacco dealers who
were not likely to offer effective competition to the merged entity.
7. Conclusions
Practices Act 1974 of Australia. For developing countries, the growth of
the micro and small businesses into medium, larger and perhaps even
into more formalized business organizations would provide a better
base for industrial renaissance. Competition law and policy may be
effectively used in this regard, contemporaneously with other pro-
business/pro-consumer policies.
Appendix 1
Antitrust, Economic Development and POVERTY:
The Other Path
Eleanor M. Fox∗
Eleanor Fox is the Walter J. Derenberg Professor of Trade Regulation at New
York University School of Law. This chapter is based on Economic
Development, Poverty and Antitrust: The Other Path, first printed in 13
Southwestern Journal of Law & Trade in the Americas 211 (2007). The chapter
is dedicated to, and is in memory of, my dear friend, colleague and co-author,
Lawrence A. Sullivan, a great humanist who always cared about the less
fortunate people on this earth. The author thanks Dennis Davis, John
Fingleton, Frederic Jenny, Wolfgang Kerber and D. Daniel Sokol for their helpful
comments. She thanks the members of the symposium in honour of Lawrence
Sullivan sponsored by Southwestern Law School. She thanks Gauri Chhabra
and Meredith Laitner for their research assistance. Also, she is grateful to the
Filomen D’Agostino and Max E. Greenberg Foundation for its generous
research support.
Reforming Economic Systems In Developing Countries 3 (Dwight H. Perkins
& Michael Roemer, eds, 1991).
Davids against Goliath, it may and should be used to empower Davids
against Goliath by opening paths of mobility and access. Indeed,
enhanced mobility tends to produce efficiencies in societies in which the
economic opportunity of masses of people has been suppressed. An
antitrust law for developing countries that values mobility, access and
efficient development of the economy, while not protecting small firms at
the expense of consumers, is ‘The Other Path’ of this study, which
articulates principles, factors and strategies that give content to the
other path.
1. Introduction
Ground-breaking work has been done by William Kovacic. For example,
William Kovacic, Capitalism, Socialism, and Competition Policy in Vietnam, 13
Antitrust 57 (1999); Getting Started: Creating New Competition Policy
Institutions in Transition Economies, 23 Brook. J. Int'l L. 403 (1997); The
Competition Policy Entrepreneur and Law Reform in Formerly Communist and
Socialist Countries, 11 Am. U.J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 437 (1996); Designing and
Implementing Competition and Consumer Protection Reforms in Transitional
Economies: Perspectives from Mongolia, Nepal, Ukraine and Zimbabwe, 44
DePaul L. Rev. 1197 (1995); Competition Policy, Economic Development, and
the Transition to Free Markets in the Third World: The Case of Zimbabwe, 61
Antitrust L. J. 253 (1992); William E. Kovacic & Robert S. Thorpe, “Antitrust and
the Evolution of a Market Economy in Mongolia”, in De-Monopolization and
Competition Policy in Post-Communist Economies 89 (Ben Slay, ed., 1994).
Spokespeople for developing countries often express the need
for an antitrust paradigm different from that of the developed world .
Spokespeople for the developed world tend to argue for universal
norms . Moreover, they commonly describe antitrust as “for
efficiency” , meaning no antitrust enforcement unless the transaction
is, by some measure, inefficient.
See Ajit Singh, U.N. Conf. On Trade & Dev., Competition and Competition
Policy in Emerging Markets: International and Developmental Dimensions
See, e.g., Makan Delrahim, The Long and Winding Road: Convergence in
the Application of Antitrust to Intellectual Property, Remarks at George Mason
Law Review Symposium (Oct. 6, 2004), in 13 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 259 (2005)
(“consensus-based antitrust enforcement is vital to global business and
consumer welfare”).
By one common formulation, antitrust is only for efficiency. One common
formulation of the efficiency standard is that antitrust law should proscribe only
that which does a disservice to consumers and is inefficient, as judged by output
limitation. Business conduct other than hard-core cartels is presumed efficient; it
is argued that, apart from cartels, the law should proscribe only conduct that has
an output-limiting outcome and is not a legitimate business response to
consumers. There are alternative ways to regard efficiency and how to achieve
it. One major alternative focuses on preserving the structure and forces of
competition, positing that the process of competition is most likely to create
incentives to compete and invent. Diversity and openness are thought to
promote knowledge and experimentation and to function as a feedback
mechanism that facilitates adaptation and dynamic change. See Wolfgang
Kerber, Competition, Experimentation, and Legal Rules and Institutional
Framework (Dec. 2, 2006) (unpublished manuscript, on file with author); see
also Eleanor Fox, What is Harm to Competition? Exclusionary Practices and
Anticompetitive Effect, 70 Antitrust L. J. 371 (2002).
Mark Dutz and R. Shyam Khemani wrote on the “tyranny of predatory vested
interests”: These factors (high market concentration, high barriers to entry, high
ownership concentration and weak corporate governance) tend to reinforce one
another and give rise to inflexible, inefficient industrial and financial market
structures. They also have adverse implications not only for fostering effective
competition and competitiveness, but also for governance at both the state and
foundational perspective on which to formulate antitrust law? In
particular, would this cohort of countries be best served by a
foundational principle that trusts liberalization and free enterprise (“first
model”), or would it be served by a foundational principle that centrally
takes account of the opacity, blockage and political capture of markets,
and includes some measure of helping to empower people economically
to help themselves (“second model”)? There are, of course, other
formulations. There are also formulations within the formulations .
Both the United States and the European Union have launched commissions
or projects to consider how competition law should be modernized. Moreover, in
the United States, successive Supreme Court opinions have narrowed the
purview of US antitrust law. See, e.g., Leegin Creative Leather Prods., Inc. v.
PSKS, Inc., 2007 WL 1835892 (US June 28, 2007); Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Ross-
Simmons Hardwood Lumber Co., Inc., 127 S. Ct. 1069 (2007); Volvo Trucks N.
Am., Inc. v. Reeder-Simco GMC, Inc., 546 US 164 (2006); Tool Works Inc. v.
Independent Ink, Inc., 547 US 28 (2006).
This is the case even while the standards of the United States and Europe
are changing, as institutions in both jurisdictions embark on “modernization”
projects, and as the United States Supreme Court successively narrows the
scope of the law. Yet with the economic rise of China and India, one might
expect the American and Euro-centric centre of gravity to shift, and to do so in
ways not predictable today.
2. The choice
Compare A.E. Rodriguez and Mark D. Williams, The Effectiveness of
Proposed Antitrust Programs for Developing Countries, 19 N. C.J.Int’l L. & Com.
Reg. 209 (1994) (arguing that antitrust law is largely inappropriate for
developing countries and that the liberal effects of the law will be overwhelmed
by interest-group politics procuring protection), with Craig W. Conrath and Barry
T. Freeman, A Response to “The Effectiveness of Proposed Antitrust Programs
for Developing Countries,” 19 N.C.J .Int’l L. & Com. Reg. 233 (1994) (arguing
that antitrust law and advocacy will benefit consumers).
Efficiency is usually seen as the measure of antitrust benefits. At this point I
do not raise differences between consumer welfare and total welfare in
measuring efficiency. I stress aggregate concepts – whether defined in terms of
all consumers or all consumers and producers: Do the winners win more than
the losers lose? And if so, should we disregard distributional consequences?
tendency of free-market policies to disproportionately advantage the
already advantaged in every game played .
This does not imply that antitrust for developing countries would
or should look dramatically different from a developed country’s
antitrust. There are reasons why it might look much the same, as I
develop below; but there are also reasons why the perspective might
differ from the neo-liberal one that currently informs many antitrust laws
of developed countries – a perspective that has “relatively little
resonance for the great majority of the population that is poor” .
3.1. Introduction
See Nancy Birdsall, Inequality Matters: Why Globalization Doesn’t Lift All
Boats, Boston Rev., Mar.–Apr. 2007, at 7; Francis Fukuyama, Keeping Up with
the Chavezes, Wall St. J., Feb. 1, 2007, at A17; Peter Sutherland, The Doha
Development Agenda: Political Challenges to the World Trading System — A
Cosmopolitan Perspective, 8 J. Int’l Econ. L. 363 (2005).
Fukuyama, supra note 12.
A third option – among others along the continuum – is a combination of
competition and industrial policy. Some commentators argue that industrial
Hernando de Soto, in The Other Path, eloquently demonstrates
the benefits of tearing down barriers to free market participation. He
catalogued and studied the barriers, such as dense licensing
requirements, that excluded the poorest Peruvians from Peru’s market
system, relegating them to their own informal economy. Alienated by the
exclusion and their dismal lives, many joined the terrorist organization
Shining Path. To counter the Shining Path and its destructive forces, de
Soto proposed another path (“el otro sendero”) that would tear down the
barriers to participation in the recognized economy, give people hope
and opportunities, and enable the poor to participate in markets on their
own merits. Regarding matters of government regulation, The Other
Path is a blueprint for building the ladder of mobility. It envisions a
society that values mobility; that opens the door to inclusion, from the
policy in Japan and Korea put those nations on a sound footing before they fully
exposed their businesses to the winds of competition. Others observe, however,
that vibrant competition within the borders of both nations co-existed with
government-managed external competition; and these commentators credit the
countries’ successes to the market and not to its suppression. See Working
Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy, Study of
Issues Relating to a Possible Multilateral Framework on Competition Policy, pp.
168–257, WT/WGTCP/W/228 (May 19, 2003), available at
http://www.jmcti.org/2000round/com/doha/wg/wt_wgtcp_w_228.pdf; see also Ajit
Singh, Multilateral Competition Policy and Economic Development: A
Developing Country Perspective on the European Community Proposals (paper
presented at the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on
Competition Law and Policy, Geneva, July 2–4, 2004, available at
http://www.networkideas.org/feathm/aug2003/MCP.pdf (developing countries
often query whether they should follow the model of Japan and Korea).
Free markets are regarded with some scepticism by the new left in several
South American countries, wherein the populace complains that it has not seen
the benefits of liberalization. The economic, social and political reforms in Latin
America beginning in the 1980s had not delivered their promises of economic
growth and there was resentment among the people because the reforms had
not reduced poverty and inequality. This produced a populist shift towards
socialism, returning more power to the state and rolling back whatever
achievements were made. See Jorge Castañeda, Latin America’s Left Turn,
Foreign Affairs, May–June 2006, at 28.
Hernando de Soto, The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the Third
World (1989).
poorest up; and it proposes to do so for the pragmatic reason of building
a better society.
Not only do the poor suffer from prices that are too high, but they suffer from
suppressed growth. “[T]he rest of the country suffered from [Telmex’s] favored
position. In a modern age when businesses need low-priced, high-quality
telecommunications to compete in a global economy, Mexican growth has borne
the cost of Mr. Slim’s privilege. Any genuine effort to help the poor necessarily
requires more healthy competition, starting in the telecom market.” See Mary
Anastasia O’Grady, A Telecom Monopoly Cripples Mexico, Wall St. J., Feb. 10,
2006, at A19.
See Eleanor Fox, The WTO’s First Antitrust Case – Mexican Telecoms: A
Sleeping Victory for Trade and Competition, 9 J. of Int’l Econ. Law 271 (2006).
See Paul Collier, The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing
and What Can be Done About It (2007). See also Pascal Lamy, Dir. Gen., WTO,
Making Trade Work for Development: Time for a “Geneva Consensus”, Emil
Noel Lecture, New York University School of Law (Oct. 30, 2006) (transcript
Pascal Lamy recounts the bias in the prior trade rounds against developing
countries. He notes the persistence of “economic colonization” and the
developing countries’ “bitter” “potion” of intractable adjustment problems.
Developing countries’ problems of adjustment to the onrush of free trade are
also allows cronyistic governments to block upward mobility and
entrench the condition of the poor.
3.3.1. Mobility
particularly serious “because [trade openings] often hit larger parts of the
population and because the countries have little capacity to handle the much
needed accompanying policies to assist the victims of globalization.” Id. at 6, 7,
10. Moreover, developing countries usually lack safety nets, and the lack of
safety nets means that job loss causes severe hardship. Further, the promised
benefits of market openings are harder to capture: the time and costs to market
(e.g. trucking goods to a port) can overwhelm gains.
It is important for an antitrust agency to identify and target anti-competitive
acts that shrink the pie. I do not imply the contrary.
See Eleanor Fox, What is Harm to Competition? Exclusionary Practices and
Anticompetitive Effect, 70 Antitrust L. J. 371 (2002).
Protecting mobility and opportunity on the merits need not and should not
imply protecting inefficient competitors from competition or handicapping
efficient firms. See Eleanor Fox, We Protect Competition, You Protect
Competitors, 26 World Competition 149 (2003); see also Dutz & Khemani, supra
There are good reasons why mobility factors should play a role
in the antitrust laws of developing countries. The countries look to the
marketplace to give firms, including smaller and younger firms, a fair
chance to compete on the merits of their products and services, free
from artificial and unnecessary foreclosing restraints by powerful firms.
Empowerment to engage in markets free of unnecessary business
restraints by firms with substantial market power is the counterpart to de
Soto’s vision of empowerment to engage in markets free from
unnecessary and unjustified government restraints. Undue market
restraints, whether public or private, retard efficient development. They
also tend to harm allocative efficiency and surely do not advance it. To
the extent that “efficiency” as the goal of antitrust implies disregard of
distributional values, this may be a contradiction in terms in developing
countries, where severe distributional inequities are depriving the
marketplace of the talents and energies of the majority of the population.
Aggregate efficiency, turning its back on maldistribution and severe
economic inequities, is probably not the centrepiece that most
developing countries are likely to choose.
note 6. See Michael Boudin, Antitrust Doctrine and the Sway of Metaphor, 75
Geo. L. J. 395 (1986), for a discussion as to the power of metaphor.
The two clauses need a link. Does the outsider claim that the law is needed
to solve negative externalities visited on the outsider, as in pollution: “Your
smokestacks are polluting us”? Does the outsider claim that its businesses pay
a cost and to be fair the insider’s businesses should pay the same costs? Does
the outsider claim: “If only you will make your laws like ours, our businesses will
find it easier to make more money in your backyard”? Or is the outsider
altruistic; a paternalistic Good Samaritan: “We know this is good for you; we
“offer” it to you”?
See Daniel Berkowitz, Katharina Pistor & Jean Francois Richard, Economic
Development, Legality, and the Transplant Effect, 47 Eur. L. Rev. 165 (2003),
groupings of like countries, to take stock; to assemble the facts: who
within the country is harmed by what practices? How can such harm be
prevented? And at what cost?
for a discussion of the problems of legal transplants when the law is not adapted
to the country’s conditions.
dominant firms deny small firms access to essential facilities
such as telecom and electricity infrastructure .
Press stories add to the data daily. In Mexico, half of the people live on
US$4 or less a day, and many survive on tortillas and beans. From
December 2006 to January 2007, the price of corn soared, and the price
of the tortilla rose by 35 cents a pound. The New York Times reported:
“The crisis has hit hardest for the poorest Mexicans, who may spend
more than a quarter of their daily salaries on tortillas” . It has displaced
poor tortilla makers, who have lost up to 40 per cent of their business,
since the people are compelled to buy and eat less. While the price
shock arose first from extraneous causes, the giant Mexican tortilla
See Frederic Jenny, Anticompetitive Practices in Developing Countries:
Lessons from Empirical Evidence (May 23–24, 2005) (unpublished paper
presented at First National Competition Seminar, Amman, Jordan) (on file with
author); Frederic Jenny, Anti-Competitive Agreements: Meaning and Examples,
Caribbean Dialogue, July–Sept. 2004, at 1 (anti-competitive practices in Trinidad
and Tobago, Kenya, Lebanon, Indonesia and other smaller economies; Kovacic,
supra note 2; Simon J. Evenett, U.K.’s Dep’t for Int’l Dev., Links between
Development and Competition Law in Developing Countries (2003), available at
http://www.evenett.com/reports/dfidpaper.pdf; Ana Maria Alvarez, Simon J.
Evenett & Laurence Wilse-Samson, “Anti-Competitive Practices and the
Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals: Implications for Competition
Law Enforcement and Inter-Agency Cooperation”, in Implementing Competition-
Related Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements: Is It Possible to Obtain
Development Gains? 60 (2007). The latter chapter documents numerous other
specific restraints in health, education, financial services for low-income earners,
infrastructure and housing, and food. Id. at 65–77. See also Pulling
Up Our Socks (Consumer Unity and Trust Society Centre for Competition,
Investment & Economic Regulation, Rajasthan, India), Feb. 2003 (report based
on the 7-Up Project analysing competition problems in seven developing
countries – Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and
India); Pradeep S. Mehta & Nitya Nanda, Competition Policy, Growth and
Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries, http://www.competition-
regulation.org.uk/conferences/southafrica04/mehta&nanda.pdf (last visited June
30, 2007). For examples of abuse of dominance violations in Latin American
countries, see Russell W. Pittman and Maria Coppola Tineo, Abuse of
Dominance Enforcement under Latin American Competition Laws, March 2006,
available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=888186.
James C. McKinley Jr., Cost of Corn Soars, Forcing Mexico to Set Price
Limits, N.Y. Times, Jan. 19, 2007, at A12.
makers took advantage of the situation “hoarding supplies to drive
prices up even more”, according to Mexican officials .
3.3.3. A perspective
Jorge Castañeda, Mexico Needs to be Freed from Unhealthy Monopolies,
Fin. Times, Feb. 5, 2007, at 13.
manufacturing industry with potential for growth. We have cotton and
lumber. Our citizens are extraordinary craftspeople. Most of our people
do not have enough food to eat. State-owned monopolies dominate our
infrastructure industries. The education system is poor and sometimes
barely existent. Disease and corruption are rampant. A decade ago in
an expanding economy we glimpsed possibilities to move up the ladder
so that at least our children could have a better life. After opening our
markets, the richest two per cent have better lives. A fraction of others
who have had sufficient education and training now fortunately embrace
opportunities opened by globalization, including opportunities from
outsourcing. But the overwhelming majority of our people have seen no
gains. They see a bigger wealth gap: no ladder and a wider moat .
What do we want?
Of course we want food, medicine, necessities at lower prices,
education and training, and infrastructure. We want a better chance to
fend for ourselves; to participate in the economic enterprise; to have a
real opportunity to make a living. Do we need and want antitrust? And if
so, what type of antitrust? We want to explore what antitrust can do for
us, assuming that we have enough money and trained people to staff
the office and enforce the law.
See Lamy, supra note 18. There may be gains but they are not perceptible to
the majority of the poor; and the gains are unequally distributed to the wealthy or
the otherwise (e.g. educationally) advantaged.
exist. Moreover, our country’s economy is run by monopolists more than
See Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Ross-Simmons Hardwood Lumber Co., Inc., 127
S. Ct. 1069 (2007); Verizon Commc’ns Inc. v. Law Offices of Curtis V. Trinko,
LLP, 540 US 398 (2004).
See R. Hewitt Pate, “The Common Law Approach and Improving Standards
for Analyzing Single Firm Conduct”, in 2003 International Antitrust Law & Policy:
Fordham Corporate Law Institute, Chap. 12, p. 195 (Barry Hawk, ed. 2004)
(supporting the minimalist approach).
See Report and Recommendations of the Antitrust Modernization
Commission (April 2007), especially Chap. 1.C. Exclusionary Conduct.
540 US 398 (2004).
deregulated the market and invited local competition into each
geographic area. Rivals entered. They needed access to the local loop,
which a federal statute required the incumbent to assure. Verizon,
however, wanted to keep its own customers from defecting to the new
entrants. Therefore it interrupted its rivals’ access to the local loop so
that it – by definition – would provide better service . The Supreme
Court held that the conduct did not violate the antitrust laws .
Before the Court, plaintiffs had argued that Verizon was guilty of
strategic manipulations accomplished by many “small” acts, such as
disrupting local loop connections, and that in this way Verizon
“threatened [the rivals] with ‘death by a thousand cuts’” . This is a
metaphor sometimes used in civil rights cases to describe the
thousands of everyday slights that work synergistically to keep the
marginalized marginalized.
The US Supreme Court embraced the metaphor and turned it
against the plaintiffs:
The Court assumed these alleged facts to be true because the case before
the Court arose on Verizon’s motion to dismiss the complaint.
The Court would have preferred to leave the problem to the regulatory
agency, and to the regulatory statute that prohibited the conduct, but the statute
declared that antitrust law was not pre-empted. Therefore, by necessity, the
Court’s opinion went beyond the regulated industry context. The Court
expressed a general principle of non-interference with the monopolist’s freedom
of action
Brief for the State of New York et al. as Amici Curiae, in Support of
Respondent at 10, Verizon Commc’ns Inc. v. Law Offices of Curtis V. Trinko,
LLP, 540 US 398 (2004) (No. 02-682).
The Court held that a dominant firm’s use of leverage to gain advantages in,
but not to monopolize, the local telephone market was not an antitrust violation.
“Mere” leveraging by a monopolist that will not lead to a new monopoly is not of
US antitrust concern. Trinko, 540 US at 414, n. 4.
Verizon’s everyday abuses were put beyond the reach of
For developing countries, death by a thousand cuts would seem
to be a reason for antitrust accountability, not against it. The concept
describes the perpetuated condition of the powerful against the
For example, we might choose a principle that must not harm consumers
through antitrust enforcement.
Law that protects the openness of markets and access of market players on
merit does not inherently protect inefficiencies, and law that ignores the values
of openness and access can protect the power of the dominant firm. See
Eleanor Fox, Monopolization, Abuse of Dominance, and the Indeterminacy of
Economics: The US/EU Divide, 2006 Utah L. Rev. 799 (2006).
and control. Whether the intervention is through state
measures, state-owned enterprises, or enterprises licensed or
privileged by the state, these enterprises are likely to run on
principles of privilege, preference, and cronyism . These
factors have major implications regarding error costs. If the
competition agency is relatively independent, resourced, and
capable, more intervention, especially against market blocking
and discriminatory action by state-owned or state-privileged
enterprises, might promise more gains and fewer costs than
abuse-of-dominance intervention in developed economies .
See Dutz & Khemani, supra note 6.
I refer to discrimination in favour of cronies and against outsiders.
See John Fingleton, “De-Monopolizing Ireland”, in European Competition
Law Annual 2003: What is Abuse of Dominant Position? 53, 65 (Claus Dieter
Ehlermann & Isabela Atanasiu eds, 2006); see also John Vickers, Competition
Law and Economics: A Mid-Atlantic Viewpoint, The 10th Burrell Competition
Lecture (Mar. 19, 2007) (explaining that historically monopolized economy and
weak “self-righting mechanisms” may require more interventionist policies
towards abuse of dominance).
Cal. Dental Ass’n v. F.T.C., 526 US 756 (1999) (holding that dentists’ rules
against the advertisement of price discounts and quality do not inevitably lessen
the output of dental services, and that the probability of output limitation must be
the subject of detailed inquiry).
See the dissenting opinion of Justice Breyer, relying on experience and
theory to conclude that rules against advertising discounts raise prices. Id. at
782. See also Justice Breyer’s dissent in Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc.,
v. PSKS, Inc., supra note 8.
3. In view of insufficient resources and expertise, and faced with
putative violators much bigger than their own country, the
agency may be tempted to rely on presumptions in its favour,
e.g. that a certain high market share presumptively proves
dominant or substantial market power. Presumptions that shift
a burden to the putative violator are very helpful and indeed
important when the basis for inference is a good proxy and
when the respondent gets a fair chance to rebut. Thus, if the
market is well defined, the next good constraint is far from the
market boundary, and the respondent has occupied 80 per
cent or more of the market for many years (implying barriers
to entry), a simple presumption and shift of the burden makes
sense , and may enable the agency to get on with its project
to prove abuse. However, a much lower share (e.g. less than
40 per cent) does not by itself tend to support an inference of
substantial market power. The agency – to do its job – must
examine other factors, and must listen sympathetically to the
respondent’s story that it has no power.
This is so even if developed countries’ laws require the agency to engage in
an all-factors economic analysis of market power at the first stage. In fact, in
most jurisdictions these facts would give rise to a presumption and cause a shift
in the burden of proof or burden of production of evidence. See Antitrust Law
Developments, vol. 1, pp. 234–36 especially at note 39 (5th ed. 2002). This
problem – proof of substantial market power – is currently under discussion in
the International Competition Network.
or of the European Union, to avoid intervening against low
This is a challenge that South African law explicitly embraces. See Mondi
Ltd. & Kohler Cores and Tubes v. Competition Tribunal, Competition Appeal
Court, 2003 (l) CPLR 25(CAC) (S. Afr.). Gesner Oliveira and
Cinthia Konichi Paulo add the following differences and concerns that
developing countries must take into account when implementing competition
law: 1) the large informal sector, which does not comply with law and may lead
to overestimation of market power; 2) the size of the market, which for Brazil is a
medium-sized economy with many prominent multinationals; 3) the magnitude
of expected efficiency gains, which often are larger for transitional than
developed economies; 4) precariousness of the infrastructure; 5) higher
transaction costs, which can prevent new entrants from contesting quasi-
monopolies; and 6) more severe political market failure. “In sum, developing
countries have more competition problems and fewer resources.” Gesner
Oliveira & Cinthia Konichi Paulo, The Implementation of Competition Policy in
Developing Countries: The Case of Brazil (May 2006) (prepared for the
workshop, The Development Dimension of Competition Law and Policy:
Economic Perspectives in Cape Town, South Africa).
7. Insufficient resources and expert staff are likely to be
complicated by political pressures to refrain from doing what is
right (e.g. sue to enjoin an anti-competitive joint venture that is
half-owned by the government or the president’s friend).
Agencies in all nations face political pressures, but those
faced by agencies in developing countries are likely to be
exponentially more severe, and the independence and ability
of the agency to resist them are likely to be low. The question
here is not one of law by practical politics. The prescription is:
learning how best to deflect the anti-market and harmful
political demands – a subject on which agencies – mature and
young – should engage .
5. Correlatives
See remarks of US FTC Commissioner William Kovacic at DOJ/FTC
hearings on Technical Assistance, Feb. 6, 2008.
These considerations and conditions have been well
articulated by others. See, e.g., William Kovacic, Getting Started: Creating New
Competition Policy Institutions in Transition Economies, 23 Brooklyn J. Int’l L.
403 (1997); Designing and Implementing Competition and Consumer Protection
Reforms in Transitional Economies: Perspectives from Mongolia, Nepal, Ukraine
and Zimbabwe, 44 DePaul L. Rev. 1197 (1995); Clive S. Gray, “Antitrust as a
Component of Policy Reform: What Relevance for Economic Development?”, in
Reforming Economic Systems in Developing Countries 404 (Dwight H. Perkins
& Michael Roemer eds, 1991); R. Shyam Khemani, Competition Policy and
Economic Development, Policy Options, Oct. 1997, at 23, available at
First, exemptions must not be overly broad. Antitrust operates
only within the area carved out for it. Exemptions and immunities,
including untouchable market actors who may be favoured by the state,
can so shrink this area as to lose most of antitrust law’s promised
benefits. In that spirit, including within the coverage of antitrust law
regulated industries and state enterprises that operate in a commercial
capacity can be significantly advantageous to developing countries.
Often the industries most important to the people are regulated and
each is dominated by a state-owned monopolist. These industries
include infrastructure industries such as energy, communications, and
transportation. Exclusion of the market actors in these markets from
antitrust is not only a recipe for cronyism and exploitation , but it is
also a recipe for a tiny antitrust domain .
See Fox, supra note 17.
Likewise, antitrust should not be crowded out by protectionist
measures that serve the entrenched interests. See Dennis Davis & Eleanor Fox,
“Industrial Policy and Competition – Developing Countries As Victims and
Users”, in 2006 International Antitrust Law & Policy: Fordham Corporate Law
Institute, Chap. 8, p. 151 (Barry Hawk, ed., 2007).
See Roumeen Islam & Ariell Reshef, Trade and
Harmonization: If Your Institutions Are Good, Does it Matter If They Are
Different? (World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper No. 3907, 2006). The
choice in developing countries, however, is often a grim choice. The quality of
institutions cannot be expected to approach the ideal.
Fourth, advocacy is a critical tool. Commonly, the most serious
restraints are government measures, often procured by vested interests.
Moreover, “corporate elites . . . [tend to] resist policy reforms…” . The
competition agency can play an important role in calling attention to anti-
competitive and unproductive state measures and their costs to society.
It can be the nation’s “strongest public voice on promoting competition
and articulating the competition perspective” .
Dutz & Khemani, Competition Law & Policy, supra note 6, at
Id. at 28. Dutz and Khemani noted: “[E]ffective competition
advocacy can help create an environment where, over time, enforcement
strengthens the role of markets by reducing government interventions and
concomitant regulatory burdens. Thus advocacy may not just be a complement
to enforcement, but an essential first step in expediting full, effective
competition. Given that competition authorities typically lack sufficient political
capital and reputation in their early years, and that policy-generated obstacles to
competition are often maintained by support from powerful vested interests,
initial advocacy efforts should focus on public restraints whose removal is
subject to less debate, or [on projects] that directly benefit entrepreneurs,
exporters, and other stakeholders who can be counted on to provide strong
backing and support. Special attention should be paid to initiatives that directly
or indirectly benefit as broad a base as possible”. Id. at 28–29.
See Frederic Jenny, “Globalization, Competition and Trade Policy: Issues
and Challenges”, in Towards WTO Competition Rules 3 (Roger Zäch, ed.,
These anti-competitive practices launched from distant shores
are likely to be beyond the practical reach of developing countries. To
solve this problem, the European Union has proposed a helpful
framework , which could be (or might have been) implemented in the
context of the WTO, but could also be implemented as a stand-alone
Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy,
World Trade Organization, Communication from the European Community and
Its Member States, WT/WGTCP/W/184 (Apr. 22, 2002).
It has been estimated that for 19 selected products, the value of cartel-
affected imports to developing countries in 1997 was US$51.1 billion, and that
the price of these imports by reason of the price-fixed overcharge was elevated
by at least 10 per cent. Margaret Levenstein & Valerie Y. Suslow, Contemporary
International Cartels and Developing Countries: Economic Effects and
Implications for Competition Policy, 71 Antitrust L. J. 801, 813–16 (2004).
See Eleanor Fox, Testimony Before the Antitrust Modernization
Commission, Hearing on International Issues in Washington, D.C. (Feb. 15,
2006), available at www.AMC.gov; see also Special Committee on International
Antitrust, ABA Antitrust Section, The Special Committee’s Report 83–90 (Sept.
1, 1991).
Mar. 22, 1989, 1673 U.N.T.S. 125.
Failing that, the United States and other developed countries
should amend their antitrust laws to provide jurisdiction for the discovery
of documents and testimony from knowledgeable people regarding
lawsuits against them and other nationals launched abroad. This should
include subpoena power when the developed country’s citizens are the
alleged victimizers of the people of developing countries .
7. Networks
222 223
Networking is a new world order . Antitrust networks exist .
They tend to be dominated by developed nations because developed
nations’ experience is deeper and longer; developed nations are likely to
be heavier users of networks ; they have more resources – people
and money – to devote to the project; and the network may provide a
virtual forum to export their law. As a result, the agendas tend
predominantly to reflect the interests of developed countries .
8. Conclusion
for developing countries is, however, also on the agenda. See International
Competition Network Home Page,
http://www.internationalcompetitionnetwork.org (last visited June 30, 2007).
See UNCTAD, 2007: Implementing Competition-Related Provisions in
Regional Trade Agreements: is it possible to obtain development gains? United
Nations. New York and Geneva.
UNCTAD is one important forum that has specific regard for the interests of
developing countries. Competition law is one of its many missions.
See Paul Collier, The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing
and What Can be Done About It (2007) (distinguishing the conditions and the
plight of the poorest 20 per cent of the world).
Joseph Wilson229
Member, Competition Commission of Pakistan. The views expressed in this
study are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Competition Commission of Pakistan or any of its individual members. The
author wishes to thank Ms. Shasita Bano, Ms. Syeda Batool and Ms. Hina
Sarafaraz for their research assistance.
1. Introduction
See http://www.henciclopedia.org.uy/autores/Laguiadelmundo/Usury.htm
(The practice of usury – lending money and accumulating interest on the loan –
can be traced back 4,000 years. But it has always been despised, condemned,
restricted or banned by moral, ethical, legal or religious entities).
Joseph Wilson, Globalization and the Limits of National Merger Control
Laws, at p. 65 (Kluwer Law International, 2003). The first antitrust law was
passed by the State of Maryland. (footnotes omitted).
UN HDR, 2003.
World Summit for Social Development Programme of Action – Chapter 2:
Eradication of Poverty (Para. 19) (accessed 2 March 2008) (also available as a
PDF in report A/CONF.166/9 – Report of the World Summit for Social
Development): ( It occurs in all countries: as mass poverty in many developing
countries, pockets of poverty amid wealth in developed countries).
United Nations Millennium Declaration, A/RES/55/2, (18.9.2000)
Since then national governments, both at national and
international levels, international donor agencies, non-governmental
organizations and the private sector have taken initiatives to combat
poverty. Any policy to eradicate poverty, argues Amartya Sen, “must
focus on creating environments in which people have the opportunities
to ‘lead the lives they have reason to value and to enhance the real
choices they have’” . Coincidentally, enhancing real choices is also a
core element of “consumer welfare”, which is the rationale (put
simplistically) of competition policy and law , and of classical trade
theory .
Mary-Ellen Boyle and Janet Boguslaw, Business, Poverty and Corporate
Citizenship: Naming the Issues and Framing Solutions, 6/22/07 J. Corp.
Citizenship 101; 2007 WLNR 13760904 quoting Amartya Sen, Development as
Freedom at 293 (Anchor Books/Random House, New York, 1999).
Robert H. Bork, The Antitrust Paradox, 61 (Basic Books Inc., New York,
1978); (Consumer welfare as defined by Judge Robert Bork, means all things
that are good for consumers, such as low prices, innovation, and choices.)
Erik Johansen, I Say Antitrust; You Say Anticompetitive: Why Bridging the
Divide Between U.S. And EU Competition Policy Makes Economic Sense, 24
Penn St. Int’l L. Rev. 331 at 335 ( 2005):
(It is choice. It is access to information. It is the availability of consumption
alternatives; the ability, if one is so inclined, to walk to the corner store and to
choose from among 200 different types of cheese. Quoting: Raj Bhala,
International Trade Law: Theory & Practice 1–6 (2nd ed. 2001); and Economics
Focus: Chasing the Leader, Economist, Feb. 8, 2003, at 70.)
Fox, Eleanor M., Economic Development, Poverty, and Antitrust: The Other
Path. Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas, Vol. 13, 101 at
108–9, 2007. (Market tools are a very important part of the panoply of tools
needed to address world poverty and should be used liberally. These market
tools include market-freeing measures that reduce prices. They also include
antitrust priority setting that targets conspiracies that raise the price of staples,
such as milk, bread, transportation and utilities, helping the poor as well as
those who are better off.)
With the accession of Ukraine on 16 May 2008, the membership of the WTO
will reach 152.
the globe . The phenomenon of globalization marked by trade
liberalization and foreign direct investment, among others, can be
harnessed and used efficiently only if there is sound competition policy
and law in place.
http://www.wto.org./english/thewto_e/whatis_e/inbrief_e/inbr00_e.htm; (The
goal is to improve the welfare of the peoples of the member countries).
William E. Kovacic, Institutional Foundations for Economic Legal Reform in
Transition Economies: The Case of Competition Policy and Antitrust
Enforcement, 77 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 265, 281 (2001).
Boyle and Boguslaw, supra note 11, provide an account of definition by
various scholars, e.g. Poverty occurs because of restricted/inadequate access
to the opportunities and resources necessary for health, safety, and well-being
(Shapiro and Wolff 2004). The conditions that characterize the impoverished
status are not limited to insufficient income; also lacking are social and public
broadly to include “lack of income and productive resources sufficient to
ensure sustainable livelihoods; hunger and malnutrition; ill health;
limited or lack of access to education and other basic services;
increased morbidity and mortality from illness; homelessness and
inadequate housing; unsafe environments; and social discrimination and
exclusion” . It defines “absolute poverty” as a “condition characterized
by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe
drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and
information. It depends not only on income but also on access to social
services” . In 2001, the World Bank in its annual World Development
Report included vulnerability and exposure to risk as well as
voicelessness and powerlessness in the concept of poverty .
Boyle and Boguslaw, supra note 239, quoting Nef (1999); Mani (2004); and
Page and Simmons (2000).
Id. developing on the model by Jeffrey Sachs, (2005: 20): See also Chronic
Poverty Research Centre:
Reporting on the causes of poverty in Pakistan, an ADB report
of 2002 noted that poor governance was the key underlying cause of
poverty during the 1990s . Poor governance had contributed to the
“declining competitiveness of the Pakistan economy in the increasingly
skill-based global economy” . The report also noted that there are
“strong linkages between pro-poor growth on the one hand, and human
development [and] good governance” on the other. To promote pro-poor
economic growth, it recommended “structural reforms in key sectors
through promoting deregulation, privatization, and the creation of an
enabling environment for private sector foreign investments” . While
the deregulation and privatization processes were started in the early
1990s in Pakistan, the enabling environment encouraging foreign
investment requires a sound and well-entrenched competition regime –-
which ensures free entry and exit, and a level playing field for foreign
investors –- came into being only in 2007 through the promulgation of
the Competition Ordinance, 2007.
Governance is defined as the manner in which power is exercised in the
management of a country’s social and economic resources in development.
Asian Development Bank, 1995: Governance: Sound Development
Management Policy, Globalization and Poverty.
Poverty in Pakistan: Issues, Causes and Institutional Responses, at p. 2
(Asian Development Bank, July 2002; Publication Stock No. 070302).
Id. at p. 3.
Id. at p. 5.
UN 2000.
December 2003, the final Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)
was completed and published . The PRSP was based on four pillars:
(i) achieving high and broad-based economic growth while maintaining
macroeconomic stability; (ii) improving governance; (iii) investing in
human capital; and (iv) targeting the poor and vulnerable. To implement
the Strategy, the Ministry of Finance set up a PRSP Secretariat, which
is responsible for implementing and monitoring the progress made
under the PRSP. The PRSP Secretariat is assisted by a research centre
called the Centre for Research on Poverty Reduction and Income
Distribution. Additionally, the Planning Commission of Pakistan also
provides support to the Ministry of Finance in meeting the obligations
under the PRSP .
Accelerating Economic Growth and Reducing Poverty: The Road Ahead.
Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan, December 2003.
Id. at p. 138.
the financial institutions are directed to offer credit to female
entrepreneurs to encourage small and medium enterprises.
Pakistan Economic Survey, 2006–07 at p. 53. available at
Akhtar Mahmood, “Linkages between Trade, Development and Poverty
Reduction: The Case of Pakistan”, at 135 in Trade-Development-Poverty
Linkages Vol. I (Jaipur Printers, Jaipur); CUTS International, 2008.
Id. at p. 136.
Pakistan Economic Survey, supra note 263, at 53.
The three additional principles added in the PRSP II are i)
crafting a competitive advantage, ii) financial deepening and economic
development, and iii) world-class infrastructure. Effective governance,
among others, is a principle which continues to be part of PRSP I and II.
An important section in the governance structure is the efficient and
well-crafted competition policy and law. Under the PRSP I, the
government of Pakistan designed a new competition policy and
Competition Ordinance, 2007, which was promulgated on 2 October
2007. The Competition Ordinance is discussed more in detail in Section
Kevin C. Kennedy, Foreign Direct Investment and Competition Policy at the
World Trade Organization, 33 Geo. Wash. Int’L. Rev. 585 (2001); see also
OECD, Trade and Competition Policies: Exploring the Ways Forward (1999);
WTO Secretariat, Synthesis Paper on the Relationship of Trade and
Competition Policy to Development and Economic Growth, WT/WGTCP/W/80
(Sept. 18, 1998); Michael J. Trebilcock, Competition Policy and Trade Policy,
Mediating the Interface, 30 J. World Trade 71 (1996).
Prof. Kennedy has succinctly described the relationships between international
trade, foreign direct investment and competition polices: “These three policies
can be mutually reinforcing when pursued with the common goal of encouraging
cross-border competition. For example, a liberal trade policy has as its goal the
elimination or lowering of barriers to trade in goods, opening foreign markets to
goods from abroad, and bringing competition to bear on domestic producers. A
liberal trade policy thus can have a significant impact on competition and on
markets. To the extent trade liberalization reduces entry barriers to foreign
markets, it gives domestic firms less ability to engage in anti-competitive
behavior. Similarly, to the extent that domestic firms tie up channels of
distribution in local markets and thereby block market access to imports, a
liberal investment policy can eliminate such anti-competitive practices by
permitting foreign firms to own distribution networks in the local market. In
theory, then, trade, investment, and competition policies ought to work in
harmony. Their shared goals and objectives suggest teaming rules against
private anti-competitive behavior with rules on the elimination of government
the link between trade and poverty, one study concludes that: “while
there is no simple one-to-one relationship between trade and poverty,
the evidence seems to indicate that trade liberalization is generally a
positive contributor to poverty alleviation — it allows people to exploit
their productive potential, assists economic growth, curtails arbitrary
policy interventions and helps to insulate against shocks” .
Lessons to be Learnt from the Experiences of Young Competition Agencies,
Competition Policy
Implementation Working Group, International Competition Network, Annual
Conference, Cape town, South Africa, 3–5 May 2006.
The World Bank Group, Report No. 35718-PAK, at p. 26
While Pakistan established the Pakistan Procurements
Regulatory Authority (PPRA) to regulate all public sector procurements,
a sound antitrust enforcement is essential to curb the bid rigging and
other above-mentioned anti-competitive practices, which affect
consumers, more so those living close to the poverty line.
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control and Prevention)
Ordinance, 1970 (Pakistan) (Published in the Gazette of Pakistan,
Extraordinary, Feb. 26, 1970) [hereinafter MRTPO]. For a commentary on the
MRTPO see Joseph Wilson, At The Crossroads: Making Competition Law
Effective in Pakistan, 26 NW. J. Int’l L. & Bus. 565 (2006).
Competition Ordinance, 2007 (Pakistan) (Published in the Gazette of
Pakistan, Extraordinary, Oct. 2, 2007) [hereinafter “CO 2007”].
Preamble and Section 3 MRTPO supra note 275.
of Finance, under the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper put forward for
legislation a competition Bill, which was promulgated by the President of
Pakistan as the Competition Ordinance on October 2, 2007. The
objective of the Competition Ordinance is “to provide for free
competition in all spheres of commercial and economic activity, to
enhance economic efficiency and to protect consumers from anti-
278 279
competitive behaviour” . While the term competition is not defined in
the Ordinance, and rightfully so , it means promoting business rivalry,
as enhancing economic efficiency and protecting consumers are
separately mentioned. The triad mentioned in the preamble holistically
captures the norms and objectives of contemporary competition
Preamble, CO 2007, supra note 276.
For definitions of competition, see Webster’s New World Dictionary of the
American Language (College ed. 1968) (defining “competition” as “striving for
the same object, position, prize ... usually in accordance with certain fixed
rules") and Black's Law Dictionary 278–79 (7th ed. 1999) (defining “perfect
competition” as “a completely efficient market situation characterized by
numerous buyers and sellers, a homogeneous product, perfect information for
all parties, and complete freedom to move in and out of the market. Perfect
competition rarely if ever exists, but antitrust scholars often use the theory as a
standard for measuring market performance.”).
Defining the term “competition” would have narrowed the scope of the
CO 2007, supra note 276, Section 3.Abuse of dominant position.- (1) No
person shall abuse dominant position. (2) An abuse of dominant position shall
be deemed to have been brought about, maintained or continued if it consists of
practices which prevent, restrict, reduce or distort competition in the relevant
market. (3) . ...
Id., Section 4.
4. Prohibited agreements.-(1) No undertaking or association of undertakings
shall enter into any agreement or, in the case of an association of undertakings,
shall make a decision in respect of the production, supply, distribution,
acquisition or control of goods or the provision of services which have the object
or effect of preventing, restricting or reducing competition within the relevant
market unless exempted under Section 5 of this Ordinance. (2) . . . (3) Any
deceptive marketing practices . The Ordinance introduced pre-merger
notification, and a two-phased merger clearance regime . The
substantive test for merger clearance is the substantial lessening of
competition by creating or strengthening a dominant position in the
relevant market .
The Ordinance provides for the establishment of a Competition
Commission of Pakistan (CCP) . The CCP is comprised of five
members including the Chairperson . Apart from implementing the
substantive provisions of the Ordinance, the functions of the
Commission includes conducting studies of different sectors with a view
to promoting competition, and engaging in competition advocacy for
promoting a competition culture .
In a short span of less than four months since the CCP was
constituted, the Commission has initiated suo moto actions, and has
acted on complaints, which have direct impact on consumers.
(c) holding open hearings on any matter affecting the state of competition in
Pakistan or affecting the country’s commercial activities and expressing publicly
and opinion with respect to the issue; and
(d) posting on its website all decisions made, inquiries under review and
completed, merger guidelines, educational material and the like.
Id., Section 41.
Id., Section 38.
The NEWS, 5 November 2007.
fixing profit rates, which prima facie violates Section 4 of the
Ordinance .
On April 10, 2008, the CCP issued its order against the bank
cartel requiring PBA to desist from collusive price-fixing and imposed a
penalty of Rs. 30 million on it and Rs. 25 million each on seven leading
banks . Fixing the interest rates, apart from killing the competition,
directly impacts the account-holder’s potential to save, and thus
enhances his/her vulnerability. Such conduct is clearly adversely
affecting the efforts to alleviate poverty in the country. It is hoped that
the order of the CCP will restore competition in the market for small
depositors, thereby giving them a choice to opt for banks offering high
interest and low lending rates.
See footnote 282, for the text Section 4; Competition Commission Warns
Banks of Heavy Penalties,
22-2-2008_pg5_1; http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=97538.
Banks’ profit up despite odds, http://www.dawn.com/2008/03/04/ebr8.htm.
Habib Bank, National Bank, Muslim Commercial Bank, United Bank, and the
Allied Bank.
Bahria University Forcing Students to Buy Old Laptops,
around Rs.40,000.00 (US$650.00) whereas the university is charging on
a lump-sum basis Rs.56,000.00 (US$903.00) or in the case of payment
by instalment it costs Rs.17,000.00 (US$275.00) per semester for four
semesters (a total of US$1,100.00) or Rs.10,650/- (US$171.00) per
semester for eight semesters (a total of US$1,374.00). The University
intends to continue this practice while the stocks last .
The CCP took notice of this practice, after picking it from the
press, and initiated an inquiry as the practice is violating Section 3(3)c of
the Ordinance, which prohibits “tie-ins”, that is where the sale of goods
or services is made conditional on the purchase of other goods or
This information is obtained by the Commission in the process of initiating
the inquiry.
agreements by restricting competition indirectly restrict an undertaking’s
potential to grow thereby limiting potential employment opportunities, in
addition to limiting choices to consumers. Competition law by prohibiting
agreements restricting competition indirectly ensures that opportunities
for growth and potential employment are not stifled, and thus contributes
towards alleviating poverty.
The price-fixing behaviour by cement companies first came to the surface in
1998, and keeps recurring time and again.
See Sections 34, 35 and 39 of the CO 2007.
the offices of All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association (APCMA)
in Lahore on 24 April, 2008 and recovered reasonable evidence against
APCMA for its alleged role in price fixing and output restrictions. The
CCP has issued notices the office bearers of APCMA, and the case is
now under investigation .
This was the first time that the Commission has forcibly
inspected the offices of an association. The forced inspection has sent a
strong signal to businesses to desist from anti-competitive practices,
which hitherto were considered normal business practice.
non-availability of LPG directly affects their source of earning, forcing
them to live on their savings, if any, and thus pushing them towards
Under Sections 4(c) and 6(f) of the 1996 Act, it is the function of
the Authority to promote and protect the interest of the consumers .
Pursuant to Section 4, the Protection of Telecom Consumers Regulation
2006 was promulgated with the aim of making efficient use of the
benefits of a competitive environment, where a consumer is free to
choose among operators and their services. Regulation 4 and other
provisions of the Consumer Regulation proscribe the operators from
colluding, engaging in anti-competitive practices and abusing the
dominant power that would undermine consumer interests, thereby
discouraging investment and/or the provision of quality services.
Section 3 of the Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-organization) Act, 1996
(XXX of 1996) (7 March, 1996, No. F. 2(1)/96 pub.).
Section 4, Id.
and competitive telecommunication services throughout Pakistan”.
Section 6(e) complements the duty to promote competition by requiring
the Authority to ensure that “fair competition in the telecommunication
sector exists and is maintained”. In 2006, the Act was amended by
giving the Federal Government powers to make rules for “preventing,
prohibiting, and remedying the effects of anti-competitive conduct by
licensees” . The rules are, however, yet to be made.
Section 57(2)(ad), Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-organization)
(Amendment) Act, 2006.
Rule 17 of the Pakistan Telecommunications Rules, 2000.
¶ 5.10, Mobile Cellular Policy, 2004.
Agreement on Telecommunications Services (Fourth Protocol to the General
Agreement on Trade in Services), Feb. 15, 1997, 36 I.L.M. 354 (1997).
World Trade Organization Concludes Agreement on Telecommunications
Market Liberalization, Satellite Engineer: Online Magazine, Scientific Atlanta
(visited Sept. 9, 1997) <http://www.satengineer.com/wto.html>.
Total Foreign Direct Investment in Telecom Sector
(US$ millions)
4000 60
3500 50
2500 32.4 40
2000 21.8 30
1500 20
500 1.3 1.7 10
0 0
2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06
Total FDI FDI in Telecom Telecom Share (%)
100000 183063
2004-05 2005-06
In 2005, two new mobile service providers, Telenor and Warid,
launched their operations and investment by them resulted in significant
job creation in the sector. In 2005–06, 183,063 jobs were created which
were in addition to the 417,135 created in 2004–05. The figures indicate
both direct and indirect employment generated each year. The telecom
sector has contributed Rs.77.1 billion to the national exchequer in 2005–
06. This figure is 15 per cent higher than that of the previous year. The
contribution to the government coffers is increased by 100 per cent
since the liberalization took place in 2003–04. The telecom sector is still
attracting large investments and is contributing to the economy through
the creation of employment thereby alleviating poverty.
230 The jurisdiction of CCP over regulated sectors
The above two instances highlight the role that the CCP is
playing in arresting and preventing anti-competitive activities in the
regulated sectors.
In June 2002, the Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) was
divested to create a new company, Tribal Electric Supply Company Limited
(TESCO), for supply to tribal areas of PESCO. As of now there are nine DisCos.
unbundled and corporatized electric power sector, the National Electric
Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) was established in 1997.
Electric power is the lifeblood for an economy and its development. The
recent power crisis has affected the whole of the economy, and stalled
the development processes. The poor supply of electricity has adversely
affected the manufacturing industry. The increase in production costs of
electricity has increased the manufacturing costs. Furthermore,
electricity has not reached all parts of Pakistan. There is a considerable
rural area where there is no electricity. The non-availability and/or
expensive electric power have affected the whole range of poverty-
alleviating activities.
4. Conclusion
Poverty in all its shapes, sizes and scope is prevalent all around globe.
It “is the worst form of violence” against mankind. The world’s nations
have recognized this evil, and have come together on various occasions
Quote by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi,
to form strategies to fight it. The Millennium Declaration’s primary goal is
to eradicate poverty. Pakistan designed its Poverty Reduction Strategy
and is now in its third phase. There has been a considerable increase in
the pro-poor expenditure, and the number of people living below the
poverty line has decreased from one-third of the total population to less
than one-fourth . Good governance remains the primary principle
guiding poverty-alleviation programmes. In order to improve
governance, Pakistan reformed its competition regime by enacting a
new law and establishing a new Competition Commission − a
commendable step.
With the competition law now in place in Pakistan, and the Competition
Commission becoming active by taking actions against cartels, and
other anti-competitive practices, it is hoped that the new regime will lend
support to the poverty alleviation programmes and activities thereby
enhancing their efficacy in reducing poverty.
Pakistan Economic Survey, supra note 263, at p. 53.
A Chinese proverb seems fitting here: give a man a fish, you feed him for a
day; teach a man to fish; you feed him for a lifetime. The underlying
presumption, however, is that the person knowing how to fish will actually go
and fish for himself!
Competition Issues in
Commodity Markets
Bruno Dorin*
1. Introduction
Final report translated from the original version in French.
Economist at Centre de coopération internationale en recherche
agronomique pour le développement, Avenue Agropolis, 34398
Montpellier Cedex 5, France. Tel: +33-(0)4-67615800.
might be derived by African producers from respecting the
standards or specifications that we were to propose.
This 7-month study thus set out to analyse price
transmission and value sharing throughout the cocoa-
chocolate commodity chain, beginning here in the Côte
d'Ivoire and ending in France. This first stage, which was novel
in itself since there were no references on which to base it,
was however not followed by the suggested second stage: we
barely touch upon the subject of standards and quality, and
even less so simulate the effect of possible changes in the
matter. Yet, this was not for want of delving into the subject,
but due to three major obstacles that discouraged us from
spending any more time on these issues. The first was
technical: it was impossible in the allotted time to obtain price
differentials (or readiness to pay) depending on various
qualities, a prerequisite for any serious quantitative study on
the subject. Mere acquisition of series of prices for the few
products manufactured along the cocoa-chocolate commodity
chain was already no mean feat. The second obstacle was
more to do with intuition, shared by numerous economists, to
which this study might have finally devoted itself to developing
and demonstrating: a proactive quality policy involves specific
costs (characterization, organization, promotion, certification,
control, etc.) whose importance is often considerably
underestimated, and which restricts it a priori to environments
that are predisposed or clearly limited in size. Lastly, and
especially, the following question: what better quality for a
cocoa from the Côte d'Ivoire, with which western industrialists
and consumers seem to be perfectly happy at the moment,
since it is by far the most imported cocoa bean in the world, to
From 19 August 2002 to 18 February 2003, with funding from the
Ecopol programme (CIRAD's AMIS department), and from 10 March
to 9 April 2003, with funds from USDA/ARS for support to the "Global
Cocoa Programme" made available to the CIRAD cocoa programme
(Tree Crops Department) and to IPGRI. It should also be noted that
the armed conflict that broke out in the Côte d'Ivoire on 19 September
2003 ruled out any possibility of local surveys.
produce a "generic" chocolate earmarked for mass
consumption? Moreover, without this Ivorian reference, could
other chocolates (and beans) be distinguished between and
fetch a higher price from a minority of consumers ready to pay
for "something else"?
effectively bolster the incomes of small farmers such as
Ivorian cocoa producers. As we shall also see later, this is
without taking into account the fact that a quality policy in
agriculture can be considerably limited by a competition policy:
another reason to show a keen interest in the latter before
designing and implementing the former.
2. Cocoa basics
beans are roasted, then ground and cleaned to give a "liquor"
("mass", "paste"), part of which is used, after pressing and
alkalizing, on the one hand to make chocolate powder (for
breakfast products, ice creams, etc.) from the oilcakes
obtained, and on the other hand to make cocoa butter. Cocoa
butter mixed with cocoa liquor during conching gives – with
sugar or even milk – "couverture" chocolate. When this so-
called "couverture" (dark or milk) is not manufactured by
chocolate makers themselves, they rework it (tempering,
moulding or coating with or without the addition of vanilla,
hazelnuts, raisins, etc.) to make the many chocolate products
now available on the market.
Figure 1: The chocolate flow chart
COCOA GROWER Thinning + Partial burning (family plantation option)
Felling + Plantain or other (modern plantation option)
Planting (sowing, grafting or cutting) under temporary food crop shade
with (option) coconut, areca palm, oil palm, pulses, etc.
(middlemen, wholesaler, exporter…)
GRINDER Cleaning
Mixing of origins (option)
Shelling (after roasting for chocolate)
Alcalizing (powder option)
(before or after roasting-grinding)
Breakfasts Tablets
DISTRIBUTOR Ice creams Pharmaceuticals Bars
CONSUMER Flavouring bases Cosmetics Sweets
…/… …/… …/…
2.2.1. Supply
Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon). Today, the entire continent
provides two-thirds of the world supplies (almost 2 out of 3
million tonnes), with the Côte d'Ivoire alone providing over 40
per cent of world supplies (it overtook Ghana as the world's
leading producer in 1977). However, a third major production
zone has been thriving in south-east Asia since 1990, with
estates in Malaysia, but especially Indonesia (Figure 2). The
position of this third major zone could be strengthened in the
coming decades through the development of new plantations
in Vietnam.
Over the last 20 years, world supply and demand
have virtually doubled, in a context of highly volatile prices
(Figure 3). With intensified production in the 1980s, particularly
in south-east Asia, there was surplus production in the
commodity chain for some time (22 out of the last 30 years),
but the current concern is rather the opposite : farming
systems exploiting new forest zones have reached their
growth limit, the current plantations are tending to age rather
than being renewed, diseases are developing, whilst demand
remains strong in the European Union and the USA (Figure 4)
and new markets, such as those in Eastern Europe and the
Far East, are becoming established.
Measured here as the volume of ground beans. It is also possible
to use consumption statistics published by certain organizations
(FAO, CAOBISCO, etc.), but they would not effectively represent
cocoa consumption in its entirety (with biscuit making, dairy products,
etc.). Foreign trade statistics can also be used, but the conversion
coefficients that have to be used in that case are arguable; with those
of the FAO, and with net import volumes for cocoa beans (IC), liquor
(IL), butter (IB), oilcake and powder (IP): Consumption = IC + (1.25 x IL)
+ (1.33 x IB) + (1.18 x IP).
According to ED&F Man, in 2002/03 there was apparently a
production shortfall again (of 110,000 t) compared to grindings, for
the third year running.
Figure 2: Bean production by country (1961–2001)
Source: data from FAO (2002).
3000 Indonesia
2500 Cameroon
th o u sa n d to n n e s
Côte d'Ivoire
2.2.2. Demand
"Fillings" which themselves fall into various categories: "fondant"
(mixture of sugar dissolved in a little water and glucose syrup, which
may be coloured or flavoured with vanilla, orange or lemon), "praline"
(mixture of sugar, finely ground roasted almonds or hazelnuts, to
which a small quantity of cocoa and cocoa butter is added),
"ganache" (mixture of melted chocolate, cream, butter and full-fat
milk, flavoured or not with vanilla or alcohols).
widely appreciated. For instance, the Spanish are particularly
fond of drinking chocolate, whilst the Germans and Italians are
great consumers of chocolate spreads. In France, where the
preference is (unlike in the USA or the UK) for products
somewhat richer in cocoa than in other ingredients such as
sugar, it is the tablet that reigns supreme: in 2000, chocolate
tablets alone generated a turnover of 4.6 billion francs ,
almost half of which was for milk chocolate (Figure 5).
Chocolate consumption is also seasonal, with major peaks at
festive times such as Christmas, Saint Valentine's Day, Easter
or Halloween . Lastly, it is not limited to food uses, since
chocolate now seems to be used for skincare (Brieu, 2002) .
It is true that cocoa butter is already used to make soaps and
cosmetics , and also in traditional medicines such as
remedies for burns, chills, dry lips, fevers, malaria,
rheumatism, snake bites and other wounds (CNUCED, 2003).
For their part, the husks and pulp obtained further upstream in
the process can be used as animal feed, or for fertilizer,
alcohol, or pectin production .
Household chocolate and sugar confectionery consumption
reached 33.6 billion francs the same year, though no distinction could
be made between the shares of these two sectors, which INSEE
groups under the NAF code 15.8K.
The Halloween confectionery market alone apparently amounts to
2 billion dollars in the USA (35 per cent of annual sales).
Some Parisian beauty parlours apparently now propose 100%
chocolate treatments for the face and hands. In Hershey,
Pennsylvania, a town entirely devoted to chocolate, a spa centre was
opened in 2001, proposing a range of original treatments: cocoa and
whipped cream baths, coating in chocolate lotion, cocoa butter
massage, etc.
1% of cocoa butter production apparently went to the cosmetics
industry at the end of the 1990s
See in particular www.icco.org/questions/byproducts.htm.
Figure 3: Bean supply and demand (1950–2001)
Source: data from ED&F (2002) and ICCO (2002b).
Closing Stock
World Crop (Net)
World Grindings
Price (ICCO)
th ou s an d to n n e s
1950/51 1955/56 1960/61 1965/66 1970/71 1975/76 1980/81 1985/86 1990/91 1995/96 2000/01
=> Others OCEANIA
=> Japan
=> Others
thousand tonnes (bean equivalent)
=> Brazil
=> USA
=> Others
=> Russia
=> Italia
=> France
=> UK
=> Germany
1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01
Figure 5: French production of chocolate end products (1999–
Source: data from XERFI (2001).
50% "Smarties"
Boxes of and others
chocolates 13%
Eggs with
30% asurprise
FF3.65 billion 9%
20% confectionery
10% 49% Rochers
Table 2: World consumption of chocolate-based products (1998)
Source: based on Aryal (2000:78-79).
concentrated in Africa (10.5 million) , primarily in the Côte
d'Ivoire (3.6 million on at least 600,000 farms) . Whilst large
estates can be found in countries such as Malaysia or Brazil,
most producers are smallholders, since 90 per cent of world
production apparently comes from farms of under 5 hectares
(De Lattre-Gasquet et al., 1998): on these small family farms,
labour remuneration (the main cocoa production cost) is much
more flexible than on estates (Hanak Freud et al., 2000), as
Malaysia realized too late when prices slumped at the
beginning of the 1990s .
For a breakdown of this estimate by country, see
Which apparently provides a livelihood for 6 million Ivorians, i.e.
40% of the population.
The cocoa trees, which were also attacked by pod borers, were
finally pulled up to make way for new rubber and oil-palm plantations.
It is consequently on the savannah highlands in the north (where
most of the country's Muslim population is settled) that most of the
Ivorian sorghum and cotton are grown.
According to Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Ivorian President from 1960
to 1993, "la terre appartient à celui qui la met en valeur" (land
belongs to the person who develops it).
productivity gain, and the increase in Ivorian cocoa production
is primarily down to the incorporation of increasing quantities
of land and labour (Daviron et Losch, 1997). There are various
explanations for these low Ivorian yields (around 500 kg of
beans/ha/year, whereas hybrids can produce at least double
or three times that figure with fertilization and irrigation):
smallness of the farms (84 per cent of production comes from
farms of under 5 ha), ageing producers (80 per cent are over
55 years old), limited adoption of, or training in, new
techniques (for replanting, pest control, post-harvest
processing, etc.), difficult access to cheap credit, volatile
prices from one year to the next, neglect of the plantation
when prices are too low, etc.
In the Côte d'Ivoire, beans are collected and
transported by cooperatives (or GVC), which may export
directly (COOPEX, PMEX, etc.), but particularly, and
increasingly (82 per cent in 2000/01 as opposed to 68 per cent
in 1998/99) by middlemen (pisteurs in French), who are
frequently of Lebanese origin , working for wholesalers
(traitants in French) often of the same origin, who provide
them with vans and with cash to pay producers for their crop.
Particularly dynamic in the east and centre-south zones, where
their collection share was 48 per cent and 27 per cent, respectively,
in 2000/01.
Or Malian, or Burkinese.
A dissident organization, UNOCC, was founded in 2000/01.
where necessary, etc. If quality proves to be inadequate, such
purchases may be subject to discounts .
Too high a number of beans per 100 g (i.e. over 100), moisture
content over 8 per cent, lack of fermentation, or too many defective
beans (notably mouldy).
Chocolate makers such as Nestlé also grind large volumes of
beans, though they are not specialized in this activity.
In the Côte d'Ivoire, the first processing factories had
been set up, with Government encouragement, to process
"off-standard" beans or small beans (primarily mid-crop). In a
fiscal environment that remains propitious to such local
processing (BNETD, 2001), these capacities (350,000 t at the
end of 2002) have been strengthened with international
groups that have embarked upon vertical integration, buying
up trading firms, and buying and installing factories in
producing countries.
Bean-processing capacities at the end of 2001, apparently
employing barely more than 900 people (Jacquet, 2001):
100,000 t/year for SACO (Barry-Callebaut), 100,000 t/year for MICAO
(Cargill), 75,000 t/year for UNICAO (controlled by ADM's SIFCA) and
75,000 t/year for CEMOI Côte d’Ivoire.
2000/01 exports (April to March) from the Côte d'Ivoire according
to ICCO (2002): 122,924 t of mass, 56,360 t of powder and press
cake, 45,018 t of butter and 3,900 t of chocolate, local production of
the latter being sold more on the domestic market, since it remains
difficult and costly for a bean-producing country to supply chocolate
incorporating various origins to meet the various tastes of the main
consumer countries.
Figure 6: Bean grinding per region (1993–2001)
Source: data from ED&F Man (2002).
3500 ASIA
- Côte d'Ivoire
3000 - USA
- European Union
(Côte d'Ivoire
thousand tonnes
& Others)
(USA &
1500 Others)
(EU & Others)
1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02F
Peter's Chocolate Company (Nestlé group) and Valrhona
(CNUCED, 2001).
111 companies employing more than 20 people each and/or with
a turnover of more than 35 million francs in 1999, i.e. 5.2 per cent of
the total turnover of the agrifood industries in France, and 5.6 per
cent of salaries in the branch (XERFI, 2001). Alongside these
companies, there are SMEs that, unable to compete with the major
brands through advertising, capitalize on the good reputation of
French products representative of a certain lifestyle. It remains that
the French chocolate-making industry stands out on the whole
through the increasing share accorded to semi-finished products,
which seem today to account for half the tonnages. Indeed, through
its geographical position, France is a worthwhile production rear base
for foreign groups.
Table 3). In fact, colossal advertising budgets are necessary
for their promotion, particularly as supermarket own brands,
such as Carrefour or Auchan, are now coming to the fore
(more than 15 per cent of the French market value for
chocolate tablets in 2000).
In 2000 for example, Ferrero spent no less than 222 million francs
on communication: a winning strategy since the Italian chocolate
maker's turnover jumped by 10 per cent. Likewise, Nestlé reaped the
benefits of its support for the Lion brand (37 million francs), since
sales increased by 6 per cent on the chocolate snack market in 2000
(XERFI, 2001).
Table 3: Groups dominating the French chocolate and
confectionery industry (2001)
Source: according to XERFI (2001).
Figure 7: Market shares of the chocolate distribution circuits in
France (2000)
Source: data from XERFI (2001),
Tobacconist s
2.3.6. Traders
3. From stabilization to liberalization
The domestic stabilization of prices and internal
securing of purchases/sales that these systems allowed, went
hand in hand – as with CAISTAB in the Côte d'Ivoire – with
systems of territorial equalization, quality control and export
management (futures sales, regulation between exporters and
conditioning units, etc.), along with operating aid and
investment in the commodity chain, be it through credit (to
cooperative structures in particular), the creation and
maintenance of roads or tracks, or the funding of technical
assistance or research organizations (SATMACI, IRCC,
IDEFOR, etc.). These systems also made it possible to apply
sometimes extremely large levies: the Ivorian CAISTAB
supplied up to 30 per cent of the State's special investment
budget up to the end of the 1970s (Daviron et Losch, 1997:14-
3.2. International stabilization agreements
March 1998 (CCI, 2001:148-154). In reality, that agreement
heralded the one concluded in 2001, to which the European
Union and 40 cocoa-importing or -exporting countries adhered
(except Indonesia): the forsaking of any ambition to intervene
on the market in the short term, in favour of a sort of forum
that monitored market trends, in order to ensure a balance
between supply and demand in the medium and long terms. In
2001, this capitulation led to the announcement of the
following objectives: (1) promote international cooperation in
all sectors of the world cocoa economy; (2) provide an
appropriate forum for the discussion of all issues concerning
all sectors of that economy; (3) help to strengthen the national
economies of member countries; and (4) contribute towards
the balanced development of the world cocoa economy,
notably by promoting a sustainable cocoa economy, research
and application of its results, collection, analysis and
dissemination of relevant statistics, and consumption of
chocolate and cocoa-based products (CNUCED, 2001).
Of course, STABEX has evolved since the first Lomé
Convention. It only intervenes today in the form of donations,
with the so-called "principle of reconstitution" by the ACP
States being abandoned in 1990. Moreover, it was in return for
the abrogation of that principle that the European Union
obtained the same year the concession that the way resources
were used would be subject to an agreement with each ACP
Government. This framework of "mutual obligations" also
involves suspensive clauses whose respect by the ACP States
governs the different instalments ("tranches"). This was a
major change signifying the end of direct, undifferentiated,
non-negotiated transfers, which is not without causing
tensions alongside those linked to the inadequate amounts
available in periods of severe price depreciations. In fact,
these frameworks of "mutual obligations" extended not only to
supporting agricultural producers , but also the privatization
of commodity chains and the restructuring of national
compensation bodies, in other words the development of the
free-market economy in ACP countries (Simon, 1999).
In the Côte d'Ivoire, STABEX has thus facilitated access to the
banking system for around a hundred producer organizations, or, in
Cameroon, the distribution of "farmer cheques".
blocks (SOLAGRAL, 2002). In other words, it involves setting
up free-trade areas, a new development paradigm that has
been pushed to the fore for the last 20 years or so.
Nevertheless, the question of projects to secure
agricultural income remained. In 2001, the Ivorian national
coffee and cocoa producers association (ANAPROCI)
suggested the restoration of a stabilization system based on
the calculation of a Mean Forward Sale Price (PVAM – Prix de
Vente Anticipé à la Moyenne) , maybe not having completely
realized that forward sales have strongly diminished since
liberalization: by increasingly integrating upstream operators,
the main buyers need less and less to turn to futures markets.
In a document dated 23 July 2002, the Ivorian BCC proposed
for its part a new trading system that is in practice similar to
the one that existed before 1999, except that it does not
include any programme on futures sales made after the main
cocoa crop . This system was to be completely in place by
"Sales are forward sales (even before the product is available).
Sales are spread over 33 months. For the first 21 months, these are
futures sales, and the final 12 months are given over to spot sales
(depending on the state of the market when the transaction takes
place). In this way, prices are smoothed for producers, whose
remuneration does not vary. However, the BCC could benefit from
any improvements, such as an upturn in world prices, to fund
foregone earnings in the case of a price drop" (Le Jour, N°1946,
The following was thus proposed (Dow Jones Newsletter,
14/08/2002): (1) a Minimum Farm-gate Price (MFP) fixed by an inter-
professional committee of experts within the BCC (the 2001/02
season was thus marked by the introduction of such a price: see
Section 4.2.1); (2) a Reference CIF Export Price (REP), which is the
MFP incremented by collection and transport costs; (3) a Safety
Reserve, fixed at the beginning of each season by various
representatives of the profession, with a fixed share, and a variable
share provided by exporters when the REP is higher than the MFP
(or even by levying a "variable reserve tax" on production); (4) an
Intervention Mechanism which could take various forms when the
market price tended to fall below the REP: a) introduction of
preventive insurance against the price risk, by using the futures and
options markets, for example, b) adjustment of the level of fixed
reserves, or of variable reserves, c) payment (via exporters) of
compensation or a subsidy to cocoa farmers when the REP falls
below the MFP; (5) a Guarantee Fund intended to improve access to
October 2003, but a year earlier, on 19 September 2002, a
deep and bloody crisis broke out in the country , which it is
tempting to link to the over-radical liberalization of the Ivorian
economy, notably in the cocoa sector. Whilst the issue is
worth investigating (Losch et al., 2003), one certainty remains:
this liberalization has discouraged rather than encouraged
systems to secure agricultural income, apart from one, the
futures and options markets, to which Ivorian small-scale
cocoa producers do not yet have direct access.
These futures contracts and markets transfer the price risk
(unexpected rise or fall between the order and delivery) from
those who do not accept it ("arbitrage dealers": traders,
processors, chocolate makers, cocoa producers, etc.) to those
who accept it and are called "speculators". The latter in fact
wager on the market in line with the elements at their disposal,
hoping to gain more than they lost in "arbitrage" operations
(purchases and sales on paper that might lead – in 1% of
cases at the most in normal circumstances – to delivering or
taking delivery of the product) and "compensation"
operations (payment of the difference between the market
value and the transactional value), which, all in all, means that
to each loss there corresponds a gain (zero sum game).
Purchasing options ("calls") and sales ("puts") completed this
system for cocoa at the end of the 1980s. These are
conditional futures contracts enabling an operator to reserve
the option to request the performance of an agreed operation,
or its cancellation, subject to the immediate payment of a
premium (known as the "option price").
negotiated between the different buyers and sellers, based on
standard contracts or market rules pre-established by
international cocoa trading associations (CAL, CMAA, FCC).
Conversely, the futures market is a restricted market (only the
least attractive cocoas for users are supplied to the
exchange), on which an individual must use the services of a
middleman to buy or sell commodities. This involves a
standard contract that can be bought or sold at a given place
(NYBOT or LIFFE), during predetermined price quotation
times, on the trading floor (NYBOT) or in front of computer
screens (LIFFE since the end of 2000). In the futures contract,
only the price and delivery month (March, May, July,
September or December) are negotiable, as all the other
elements are standardized and not negotiable (quantity by 10-
tonne batch, delivery to the warehouse of the port on the
consumer market, quality in compliance with the classifications
established by each exchange, transactions in US dollars for
NYBOT and pounds sterling for LIFFE, etc.). Moreover,
futures contract trading assumes the availability of sufficient
financial means to honour contractual obligations (obligations
first of all involving payment of a security deposit, an "initial
provision" generally equivalent to 10 per cent of the contract
market value). These means must be made available to a
middleman ("broker" or "commission agent", who is a member
of the clearing office), who takes responsibility for contract
performance (reverse operation or delivery) on behalf of the
operator in respect of the other party (CCI, 2001:73-85).
one Antony Ward was recently accused of, may still more or
less severely affect the smooth functioning of the markets.
However, this guarantee of efficiency and transparency entails
a certain number of limits or drawbacks: (1) in the short term,
the futures market can increase instability, even though it does
not modify long-term price trends; (2) producers always find
themselves in the role of speculators, since they can choose
at any moment to sell or not to sell: they optimize their
speculation but do not eliminate it all the same; (3) resorting to
arbitrage is not free of charge (registration fees, brokerage,
exchange taxes, etc.); and (4) the options system encourages
traders and industrialists to speculate, which somewhat
amplifies the role of futures markets, increasing its
disadvantages. We are tempted to add a fifth point to this last
list: futures markets do not locally encourage the production,
differentiation and recompense of quality, since in order to
function they rely on the maximum homogenization of batches
(by national origin as this is difficult on a world scale, hence
premiums by batches – positive or negative – depending on
the producing country), which, moreover, is done more to
meet a low rather than a high standard (only the least
attractive cocoas are delivered to the exchange).
Antony Ward, alias "Chocfinger", 42 years old, former director of
Phibro, has run the Armajaro trading company (London) for the last
four years with Richard Gower. He apparently took delivery of large
quantities of cocoa beans over the last two years, at a time when
prices doubled (from £stg600/t to around £stg1,300/t). After his
purchase in the summer of 2002 of at least 150,000 tonnes of cocoa
(over 5 per cent of world production and three-quarters of the
quantities supplied in July 2002 to the London futures market), he
seemingly possessed 15 per cent of world stocks. Suspected of
operating a "squeeze" (forcing prices to rise and selling at the high
price to pocket a gain estimated in this case at US$90 million ), or
even of funding the conflict that broke out in the Côte d'Ivoire on 19
September 2002 to multiply his stake, he is apparently backed by the
American insurer AIG, or the Commodity Arbitrage Fund AIG DKR.
instrument, reproducing market facts much like a barometer.
The ideal of price stability can always be dreamt of. As that
ideal is very far off, theoretical and even utopian, price
instability has to be lived with, given the continual instability
between supply and demand. In this context of instability, the
existence of a representative futures market is undeniably a
positive factor. Though it can no doubt seem paradoxical that
the world cocoa price is determined by speculators on markets
in which only paper circulates. Nevertheless, let us not forget
that old traders' saying "physical is always right!".
We have already begun them by noting that the development of
futures markets is not neutral towards the production and delivery of
quality products. We could continue in another register: a "squeeze",
like the one by Antony Ward – be it real or the figment of a very
extravagant imagination, shows that it cannot be ruled out that such
an operation may – in its extreme limits – lead to the abrupt
destructuring of the economy of a country such as the Côte d'Ivoire,
which is definitely not neutral towards worldwide cocoa supply and
demand, in the short and long terms.
See Section 4.4.3 to carry on this discussion.
downstream companies – often multinationals (ADM, Barry-
Callebault, Mars, Nestlé, etc.) – conceal rather than divulge
their recipes, costs and marketing prices; (2) upstream
producing countries – primarily developing countries – do not
usually have any sophisticated economic observatories. All
this is combined with the unfortunately well-known fluctuation
in cocoa prices, hence the ambiguity of working on annual
means. In short, the exercise we are attempting here is as
daring as it is novel, and we hope it will provoke reactions and
suggestions likely to come closer to reality than here.
Under current French legislation, where the normal VAT rate is
19.6 per cent (20.6 per cent from 1 August 1995 to 31 March 2000),
products earmarked for human consumption are subject – as
authorized by the sixth European Directive on VAT – to the reduced
rate which stands in France at 5.5 per cent since 1982 (at least 5 per
cent according to the European Directive). However, this principle
includes exceptions, for 2 per cent of food products (Biron et
Boucher, 2000) which, apart from alcoholic drinks, are chocolate,
confectionery, margarines and caviar. However, for chocolate, there
is an exception to the exception (i.e. the possibility of applying the
reduced rate): (dark) chocolate and household (dark) chocolate, if in
bar or stick form (e.g. the "Napolitain" dark chocolate square is taxed
at 5.5 per cent, but if it is round it is taxed at 19.6 per cent), along with
household milk chocolate, if presented in the same forms.
chocolate economy. Lastly, it is based on the following
More detailed data than UNCTAD's TRAINS data: HS to 8 figures
rather than 6.
Between +25% (1992 and 1999) and –11% (1997) for butter
(average of +5% from 1992 to 2001), between +44 per cent (1995)
and –3 per cent (2001) for powder (average of +18 per cent over the
period in question).
Variable Source Estimation method
HS 18010000: cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted.
HS 18031000: cocoa paste (excl. defatted).
HS 18040000: cocoa butter, fat and oil.
HS 18050000: cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other
sweetening matter.
Variable Source Estimation method
HS 17019910: white sugar, containing in dry state>= 99.5 per cent
sucrose (excl. flavoured or coloured).
HS 18062010: chocolate and other food preparations containing
cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars weighing > 2 kg or in liquid, paste,
powder, granular or other bulk form, in containers or immediate
packings of a content > 2 kg, containing >= 31 per cent, by weight.
to December, hence the average price paid by each of these
two operators over the calendar year can be estimated by Pn =
(0.40*Pc) + (0.60*Pc–1);
• levies (taxes) are mostly deducted at the export stage, for
which payments are better distributed throughout the year: Pn
= (0.30*Pc) + (0.70*Pc–1).
It should be noted that this operation backs up another
hypothesis we put forward, and which is fairly conventional in
economics, namely virtually instantaneous price transmission,
which with a time period of one year, and futures and options
markets that are also well developed, is far from being totally
aberrant (thus, it is considered here, for example, that an
increase in bean price in 1999 can lead to an increase in the
price of a tablet of chocolate the same year).
(3) The Côte d'Ivoire does not gain value through local
processing of beans into liquor, butter and powder, which is
not true in reality, since it now processes a quarter of its beans
locally, though primarily via multinationals (see Sections 2.3.3,
(4) A study of chocolate value formation/distribution
requires that the various prices or taxes be expressed in the
same unit , and the ECU (now the euro) proves to be a good
compromise when compared to practices , as well as for
The term "value" used here should be understood to mean
"commercial value", along with values that are incorporated or not in
that commercial value: an old and vast economic debate, for which J.
Généreux provides a few elements in his bestseller (Généreux,
Unfortunately, the lack of data prevents us from applying the
surplus accounts method here (see in particular Dorin et al., 2001:
Formation and distribution of productivity gains in Indian agriculture,
Economie Rurale, 263, May–June), though it would have enabled a
more complete and less limited analysis than what was actually
carried out.
Prior to 1999, according to the French trader Touton, French
Ivorian bean purchases were mostly paid for in French francs, and
probably in pounds sterling or US dollars for other European
limiting the effect of European currency exchange rates prior
to 1999: when data are not expressed in this unit (particularly
Ivorian data), the conversion rates provided by EUROSTAT
(2002) are used to convert them.
countries; since 1999, the euro has taken over for African cocoa
purchases, except in cocoa-importing countries such as the UK
(which have not been included in the scope of our study for that
reason, among others), and exporting countries such as Ghana
(which apparently receives payment increasingly in US dollars rather
than in pounds sterling).
For CFA franc conversion into euro, we used the ECU/French
franc conversion rate, multiplied by 50 up to 1993, then by 100 from
1994 onwards (devaluation in January 1994).
Which is not always the case (tablet manufactured directly with
mass, without added cocoa butter, unless it is meant to be "fondant"),
but this assumption makes it possible to enhance the analysis, by
bringing out the value added through couverture manufacture, without
affecting the final price of the chocolate in any way.
Itself containing 50 per cent cocoa butter.
butter (Table 6), themselves made from beans of
exclusively Ivorian origin.
i.e. a total of 36 per cent cocoa butter, with the legislation allowing
the name "couverture" for products whose cocoa dry matter content
exceeds 35 per cent (ditto for dark chocolate) with more than 31 per
cent butter (18 per cent for dark chocolate).
- of which levies (the Côte V’Levies = (VLevies / 0.8) * 0.61
Liquor and butter V’Grinding = ((0.11*PButter) +
production (Europe): (0.50*PLiquor)) – ((PImport / 0.8) *
Sugar (Europe) V’Sugar = PSugar * 0.39
Couverture production V’Couverture = PCouverture –
(Europe): ((0.11*PButter) + (0.50*PLiquor) –
Tablet manufacture and V’Tablet = PTablet – PCouverture
distribution (France):
VAT: V’VAT = PTablet * 0.055
Nielsen’s data, for example, would probably make it possible to
specify this value a little more precisely. In mid-December 2002, in a
hypermarket in Montpellier, tablets at 51–52 per cent cocoa
fluctuated between €6.65 (Meunier) and €8.60 (Lindt Noir) per kg
inclusive of tax, and those at 72 per cent between €8.10 and €12.40,
with Cemoi organic chocolate at 60 per cent cocoa costing €9.40.
countries considered (Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands)
(CAOBISCO, 2002:21), and high, since no European tax is
levied on imported beans.
The INSEE general consumer price index (CPI) could also have
been used, but on the organization’s internet site at least, the CPI
base 100 in 1998 was not calculated prior to that date, and the base
100 for 1990 was not calculated after December 1998.
4.2. Results and comments
In fact, this CIF price is not specific to the Côte d'Ivoire, even less
so for a delivery to Amsterdam as we subsequently considered
(Section 4.2.2). This CIF value considerably affects the estimation of
the share of conditioning factories and exporters, since that share is
calculated by deducting from the value all the compulsory levies,
along with the factory gate price. For the latter, it should also be
noted that its value fluctuated in the pages of the last two BNEDT
reports for the 2000/01 season: between 415 and 423 CFA francs/kg;
we have opted here for 415.
504 CFA francs per kg in 1998/99, 275 in 1999/00, and 522 in
2001/02. A few days after the end of the 2001/02 season, a record
(over the previous 17 years) of US$2,405/t was reached on the New
York futures market on 11 October 2002. However, between 14 and
18 October 2002, the closing price for cocoa fell suddenly from
US$2,338 to US$1,910/t, i.e. a drop of 18.3 per cent in 4 days.
price according to the collection circuit (middlemen or
cooperatives), the harvesting zone and the month of the
year. For instance, in 2000/01, the average farm-gate
price for that season did not exceed 255 CFA francs/kg in
the western zone (middleman price), whereas it rose to
395 in the south-western zone (cooperative price).
Likewise the farm-gate price for beans was 550 CFA
francs/kg in February for cooperatives (all zones
combined), whereas middlemen were only offering 300 in
June. According to BNETD, the coefficient of variation for
prices (over 20 per cent) declined slightly during the
2001/02 season, which was marked by the introduction of
a minimum price to producers per three-month period .
However, BNEDT concluded by highlighting the problem
of price labelling and the problem of minimum price
payment by buyers purchasing directly from farms.
325 CFA francs per kg from October to December 2001, 475 from
January to March 2002, and 600 from April to June.
in prefunding by exporters who sought to limit their
financial risks and costs, cooperatives tended only to pay
producers once they themselves had been paid by the
exporter (70 per cent of payments in 2000/01 as opposed
to 34 per cent in 1999/00). This delay was all the more
regrettable in that the operators who paid at the
warehouse entrance now offered a premium (5 to 7 CFA
francs in 2001) compared to the few dealers who still
granted prefunding against the product (Jacquet, 2001).
Fortunately, during the 2001/02 season, the gradual
resumption of operations by FGCCC (0.95 billion in credits
allotted), and above all the provision of revolving credits by
exporters, enabled the cooperatives to increase their
market share from 18 to 25 per cent, thereby returning to
the 1999/00 level (BNETD, 2002:11-14).
This export tax, levied on beans and on other types of exported
cocoa-based products, was suspended from 1989 to 1993.
4. However, the share of conditioning factories (“traitants”)
and exporters – deduced by difference – has clearly
shrunk over the last season: after fluctuating at around 17
per cent of the ICCO CIF price since 1995/96, it suddenly
fell to 10 per cent in 2001/02. The same trend can be seen
using the CIF Amsterdam value adjusted to calendar
years (see Section 4.2.2), which confirms substantial cost
savings at that level, with the major downstream operators
(ADM, Cargill, Barry-Callebault, etc.) increasingly
integrating the upstream operations of the commodity
chain (buying out or sidelining local operators), thereby
achieving major economies of scale (big-bag or bulk
loading, access to international funding that is generally
more advantageous than local credits, better knowledge of
the international market, etc.).
Figure 8: Distribution of ICCO bean CIF value (1995/96–2001/02)
1050 Levies
1000 - Profession
- State
950 Factories & Exporters
900 Midllemen & Cooperatives
850 Cocoa growers
CFA francs per kg (current prices)
1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02
1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02
(tempering, moulding, coating, etc.) in France . With our
price estimations and method (Section 4.1), the breakdown of
the commercial value of one tonne of dark couverture
chocolate (Figure 9) prompts the following comments.
Such trade within Europe is therefore more of a matter of trade
within firms, where the prices – which we are measuring here – are
somewhat minimized in theory. However, the latter incorporate
transport costs, since CIF values are involved. The same applies for
our liquor, butter and powder prices, which may explain, for the last
two products, why our estimations are greater on average than the
ED&F Man price series (Section 4.1).
More strictly, the Netherlands and Germany (see Table 4).
The ED&F estimations, unlike our own, show a price rise for 2001
Figure 10).
products is growing, are apparently importing more and
more to supply their chocolate factories.
Grinders for whom the income derived from butter and powder
sales has been barely estimated in this study, if at all.
Figure 9: Distribution of couverture value (1992–2001)
2 200
2 100
2 000
1 900 Manufacturing of
1 700
1 600 SUGAR (Europe)
euros per ton (current prices)
1 500 Manufacturing of
1 400 LIQUOR and
1 300 BUTTER (Europe)
1 200
1 100 LEVIES
1 000 (Ivory Coast)
800 & EXPORT
700 (Ivory Coast
=> Amsterdam)
400 (Ivory Coast)
(Ivory Coast)
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Figure 10: European current prices of beans, butter and powder
4 500
Source : data from ED&F Man
4 000
3 500
pounds sterling per tonne
3 000
2 500 (Top four Dutch )
2 000 (Spot price,
Ghana, London )
1 500
1 000
500 Powder
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
in Germany where BDSI publishes a retail price index
for milk chocolate tablet, the upward trend is even greater,
but only since May 1996 (Figure 12). Prior to that, the
price of a German tablet of milk chocolate was tending to
fall, probably due to the upheaval of restructuring in the
country after reunification between West and East in
1990 . In terms of supply and demand, this upward
consumer price trend is not surprising, at least in the most
recent years. In fact, the intensification of cocoa
production in the 1980s (notably in south-east Asia) had
long left the commodity chain in a situation of surplus
production, while that is no longer the case today: since
2000, there has been a production shortfall (tapping into
stocks to meet demand) and, as that shortfall is somewhat
set to increase in the coming years (cf. Section 2.2.1),
prices are logically rising.
Bundesverband der Deutschen Sübwarebindustrie (Bonn),
association of the German confectionery industry.
Adaptation of West Germany to a lower buying power in East
Germany, but possibly also supplies of cheaper milk in the East. In
any event, German milk imports from the rest of the European Union
(EUROSTAT) occurred at virtually stable prices from 1992 to 2000:
between 0.32 and 0.34 ECU/kg for code HS 040120 (milk and cream
of a fat content by weight of > 1 per cent but =< 6 per cent, not
concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter)
which was the most frequently imported dairy product (614,150 t in
1990) (NB: there was a somewhat downward price trend for other
imported types of milk).
In December 2001, a (100 g) tablet of milk chocolate of the Milka
brand only cost 0.6 euro (apparently exclusive of tax).
the raw material is clearly falling (couverture and even
more so imported cocoa beans) (Figure 9). Must this be
blamed on the increasing costs of advertising and of
product differentiation that incites the consumer society, or
on the increasing profits of distributors, which we are
unable to measure here ? On this last point, it should be
noted that distributor profits are not apparently dropping,
and even seem to be rising since, according to BDSI,
German industrial prices (wholesale prices) for some
chocolate-based products rarely exceeded in 2001 the
record levels reached in 1998 or 1999, while retail price
inflation continues (Figure 13).
This distributor profit would currently seem to be fluctuating
between 19 and 33 per cent in France, but this remains to be
Figure 11: Distribution of chocolate tablet value (1992–2001)
8 500
8 000 VAT
7 500
7 000 and distribution o
6 500 TABLET
euros pet ton (current prices)
6 000
Manufacturing o
5 500
5 000 (Europe)
4 000 Manufacturing o
3 500 BUTTER (Europe
3 000
Collection and
2 500 export of
2 000 BEANS
(Ivory Coast
1 500 => Amsterdam)
1 000 Production of
(Ivory Coast)
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Figure 12: Current price indexes for beans and chocolate-based
products (Jan. 1990–Oct. 2002)
Index (100 = May 1998)
40 Beans
London & New York exchanges (source: ICCO)
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Unfilled chocolate
e u ro s p e r to n n e (c u rre n t p ric e s )
3 500
Unfilled chocolate
With fruits, cereals, nuts
3 000
2 000
1 500
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
3. The share of the tax-inclusive price of a tablet of dark
chocolate going to Ivorian cocoa producers has, in any
event, not increased: after descending below the 5 per
cent limit in 2000 (the lowest level over the decade
considered), it rose to almost 6 per cent in 2001, while it
managed to drag itself up to 7 per cent just before
liberalization (Figure 11). Which prompts further questions:
why is cocoa cultivation, which employs and provides a
livelihood for more people than in the rest of the
commodity chain, unable to capture a greater share of the
value of the end product, even after liberalization which
was primarily supposed to be of benefit to it? Moreover,
how is it possible to explain that research and public
authorities still concentrate virtually all their resources on
trying to improve the performance of cocoa cultivation,
when the prospects for improving income in that activity
(and thereby eventually its production techniques) lie more
surely in downstream reforms, since it is there that virtually
all the value is created and/or captured (more than 94 per
cent in 2001 taking the example of a dark chocolate
1. Might the decision to carry out the analysis in French
francs, rather than euro have affected our conclusions?
Apparently not, since in a comparison of value in euro
(Figure 14) with that in French francs (Figure 15) for a
given quantity of beans during various stages of its
processing – another way of expressing the results (see
Section 4.1 and Table 5) – there are very few perceptible
differences, the most notable being for the tablet, right at
the beginning of the period .
In US dollars, the trend of the curve is obviously very different, due
to larger annual exchange variations with the ECU (and the French
franc), and especially its virtually constant increase over the study
3. Another way of assessing operator losses or gains over
the study period is to adjust the prices of all foodstuffs in
1992 to 100, and total up to 2001 the respective price
decreases or increases compared to this base, after
deducting for each iteration (year) the cost of cocoa-
based ingredients used in the foodstuff in question . It
can then be seen that since 1992, when international
bean prices were particularly depressed (Figure 10),
farm-gate beans accumulated a price "disadvantage" of –
22 up to 2001, entailing just as many "advantages" for
imported beans which totalled a gain of +181. In the
same way, this price advantage for imported beans
becomes a disadvantage for products made with them.
However, with the price rise seen for the latter, this
disadvantage is more or less well absorbed: loss of –19 in
10 years for liquor, –88 for butter and powder (combined),
and –71 for couverture. At the end of the chain, the
chocolate tablet accumulates an advantage of +114. The
main gains therefore appear between the farm-gate bean
and the imported bean, precisely where grinders have
concentrated their efforts over recent years. If grinders
indeed prove to have benefited most from this advantage
(the strategy of capturing it for oneself is logical in any
case), their downstream disadvantages (liquor, butter,
powder, or even couverture manufacture) would be
considerably reduced, leaving cocoa producers with the
Calculation of a sort of "advantages", by referring to the surplus
account method, with the following differences: (1) the values here
are not deflated by a general price index, since it is ambiguous to
choose one when working with products manufactured in different
countries, (2) it is assumed here that each operator produces the
same quantities each year, with the same quantities of inputs (no
productivity gain), and (3) the inputs here are limited to cocoa-based
products, though many others ought to be included (labour, etc.). This
therefore amounts here, as in the example of couverture, in deducting
from the price of the latter the prices for liquor and butter, multiplied
respectively by the coefficients of composition adopted in this study
(0.50 for liquor and 0.11 for butter, as couverture is assumed to
contain 61 per cent cocoa).
weakest bill. The line-up in decreasing order of gains
through simple price variations over the decade would
then be as follows: distributors and chocolate makers,
then grinders, and lastly, with losses, agricultural
producers: a further illustration – if any were needed
here – of the ability of some distributors and industrialists
in the North to impose on the South what strongly
resembles a market power, a power which liberalization –
all in all – merely seems to have exacerbated.
Figure 14: Value derived from one tonne of beans in current euro
10 500
10 000
9 500
9 000
8 500
8 000
e u ro s p e r to n n e (c u r re n t p ric e s )
Tablet (France)
Couverture (Europe)
40 Butter + Powder (Europe)
35 Liquor (Europe)
Imported bean (Europe)
Farm-gate bean (Côte d'Ivoire)
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Figure 16: Kilogram of beans and chocolate at constant prices
500 Farm-gate bean, in current CFAF 50
Farm-gate bean, in 1992 CFAF
450 Tablet, exclusive of VAT, in 1992 FF 45
400 40
350 35
300 30
250 25
200 20
150 15
100 10
50 5
0 0
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
500 2500
CFA franc per kilogram
400 2000
300 1500
200 1000
100 500
0 0
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
5. Call for a less restrictive competition policy
This practice consists in billing the supplier for the service that the
major distributors consider they are providing by selling the product in
question (and ensuring a more or less good position) on their
shelves. Legally, the product is therefore not sold below its invoicing
price (which would be a blatant case of dumping, which is strictly
forbidden and severely punished), whereas in practice, it amounts to
that, reducing the supplier's margin so much that he may finally not
even cover his production costs.
producers: their European turnover fell at the time from 250
million euro in 1995 to 120 million in 1998 (Pénard, 2003),
which provides an idea of the profits that can be derived today
from dominating certain markets.
It should be noted here that in the USA an individual can call in the
competition authorities directly, whereas in France, this can only be
done via a consumer association.
in several countries. In other words, illicit agreements or
collusion between firms can still bring rich rewards, and
therefore still be practised: for the lysine cartel that was
dismantled, the total cost of its formation and management
was estimated at under US$15.7 million , i.e. 4 to 8 per cent of
its assumed profits (Connor, 2003).
In the case of a natural monopoly, production costs are such –
continual economies of scale – that a single producer proves in the
end to be more efficient than a multitude (example often quoted: rail
The dismantling of cartels or other forms of collusion
on prices and quantities therefore seems today to be the
preferred approach taken by national authorities. The success
of such an approach – in fact less contested than others –
nonetheless remains restricted by some application difficulties,
apart from that linked to the financial and human resources
required for its effective implementation. The first of these
difficulties is to delimit in advance the "relevant market" on
which the behavioural analysis will be carried out, both
geographically (regional, national, world scale, etc.), and in
terms of products (Glais, 2003). For example, should butter
and margarine be considered as two separate markets? Is it
on the cola market or the vast drinks market that the case of
Coca Cola should be studied? Dividing economic activity up
into "industries" as proposed by Marshall (1920), and by
reference to a product that is representative of a generic need,
is unfortunately not particularly helpful, insofar as such
"economic markets" (geographical zone and range of products
within which prices are linked to each other by the arbitrage
phenomenon) perfectly tolerate the exertion of a market power
(with arbitrage enabling at most a reduction in that power). Yet
it is precisely areas likely to be affected by a market power
that competition policies do not tolerate. In order to identify
these particular areas, new market concepts have developed
on either side of the Atlantic.
led the European authorities to prefer a more qualitative
approach to delimit reference markets. This approach discards
potential competition from the outset, since it attempts to
evaluate at a given moment the possibilities (or not) of
substituting a product or service, from the demand side, but
sometimes also from the supply side (particularly where
distribution is involved). In this framework, it delimits the
relevant zone by combining various pieces of information,
derived in this case from four analyses (alongside the
conventional analysis of market shares) (Glais, 2003): (1)
analysis of functional inter-exchangeability, by comparing the
physical, technical or even taste characteristics of products;
(2) analysis of reactive inter-exchangeability, to assess – after
consumer surveys and/or econometric tests – to what extent
variation in the price of one product might influence that of
another; (3) analysis of "natural" barriers to substitution, in
other words of very high investments and/or transaction costs
that the activity could entail; (4) analysis of geographical
delimitations, be it in terms of ingredient regulation, production
quotas, public markets, the bulk-related or unstockable nature
of the product, substantial price differences, special
distribution methods, etc. In short, in the USA as in Europe,
delimitation of the relevant markets is far from being a simple
matter, and leads in all cases to stormy discussions despite
the increasing sophistication of the methods intended to limit
disagreements on this subject.
way of agreeing on a market share (as in American air
transportation), competition policies do not extend to such
cases. They settle for more formal, more "explicit"
agreements, the problem then being to gather the evidence.
But in fact that did not turn out to be difficult for the French
Label Rouge (Red Label), an example that clearly illustrates
what competition laws can condemn today. Despite its
recognition by French and European decrees, this Label
Rouge in the poultry sector was in fact challenged for the four
following reasons (Raynaud et Valceschini, 2003): (1) quantity
restrictions through entry regulations/barriers; (2) price
agreement from abattoirs to distributors; (3) non-competition
clause between abattoirs; (4) cumulative functions as far as
certification is concerned. As these practices did not arise from
the application of some legislation or regulation, an attempt
was then made to show that they contributed to economic
progress (production of better quality goods): the competition
authorities conceded that, but were not convinced by the
simulation intended to demonstrate at the same time that the
free market could not lead to the same result. This example
illustrates a given reasoning. It also strengthens a series of
questions on current competition policies.
5.3.1. What competition policy for developing
Marrakech agreements, this international governance was
extended to agriculture, a sector that had until then been
exempted from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), due to specificities that we can appreciate today were
not all assumed. Indeed, the expansion of GATT to agriculture
meant, among other things: (1) resorting to scientific proof to
justify the introduction of barriers or regulations in a market,
which leads to major problems and disagreements when the
scientific community is unable to demonstrate that certain
substances such as animal growth hormones or MGOs are not
harmful for human health or ecosystems; (2) taking an
approach by product (and brands), and not by manufacturing
process, whereas it is through the latter that "organic" or "fair-
trade" products are differentiated and appreciated, as well as
some other products that integrate certain qualities that are
not restricted to those (phytosanitary) defined by the Codex
To our knowledge, since the liberalization of the cocoa commodity
chain in 1999 in the Côte d'Ivoire, only one measure has been taken
to limit abuses of dominant position: for the 2001/02 season, ARCC
fixed a tonnage ceiling for all cocoa exporters, a ceiling that was
raised from 42,000 to 50,000 tonnes in mid-December 2002 (BNETD,
inherent to the Ivorian cocoa bean export market: (1)
uniformity of goods (only one export quality), firm symmetry
(an oligopsony of multinationals), concentration of supplies
(three-quarters of cocoa supplies are provided by a few
African countries), entry barriers (for bean grinding and
especially the manufacture of highly diverse chocolate-based
products), information exchanges (professions much better
organized downstream than upstream); (2) regularity and
transparency of transactions (via the London and New York
futures markets), dispersion, regularity and growth of demand
(current characteristics of the world market for chocolate-
based products), multi-market contacts (multinationals trading
in or manufacturing other products). The "collective dominant
position" concept used by European competition authorities in
the case of the Nestlé–Perrier merger shows that those
authorities are well aware that certain market structures are
apt to favour collusion (duopoly, dispersed demand, weak
technical progress, high entry barriers). But it can be doubted
that they will one day use the same concept to demonstrate
that a similar market structure would affect Ivorian cocoa
smallholders, firstly because the scope of application of Article
82 that inspires it (UE, 2002) is limited to the markets of EU
Member States.
Article 82: "Any abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant
position within the common market or in a substantial part of it shall
be prohibited as incompatible with the common market in so far as it
may affect trade between Member States. Such abuse may, in
particular, consist in: a) directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase
or selling prices or other unfair trading conditions; b) limiting
production, markets, or technical development to the prejudice of
consumers; c) applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent
transactions with other trading partners, thereby placing them at a
competitive disadvantage; d) making the conclusion of contracts
subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary
obligations which, by their nature or according to commercial usage,
have no connection with the subject of such contracts".
5.3.2. What policy against oligopsony powers?
Like setting up a cocoa plantation.
To solve this problem, the solution would then consist, according
to the authors, in rebalancing contracts, and stepping up sanctions in
cases of violation of the commitments. This is perfectly realistic for
the particular case of French fruit and vegetable producers, but barely
so for the more universal case we are examining: agricultural
producers far from major distributors, not only vertically (numerous
processes and numerous middlemen before the end product) but also
horizontally (production in developing countries of foodstuffs
consumed in industrialized countries), i.e. a case in which the
possibilities of contractualization, and applying sanctions are severely
limited, or even ruled out.
those that are currently firing the lively debate on the
multifunctionality of agriculture).
test" rather than a "hypothetical monopolist test". Like the
standard economic theory (neo-classical), they may also
thereby realize in future that productive efficiency does not
necessarily rhyme with allocative efficiency and innovative
efficiency, and that the latter two types of efficiency also have
good reasons to be encouraged, in a mindset that does not,
moreover, almost systematically condemn every form of
agreement on prices or quantities.
"The provisions of paragraph 1 may, however, be declared
inapplicable in the case of: any agreement or category of agreements
between undertakings, any decision of category of decisions by
associations of undertakings, and any concerted practice or category
of concerted practices, which contributes to improving the production
or distribution of goods or to promoting technical or economic
the Label Rouge shows how difficult it remains for agricultural
producer organizations to benefit from mitigating
circumstances, even when it involves improving the quality of
a product, or highlighting and guaranteeing a collective know-
how for consumers. In fact, the reinforced application of this
principle has clearly led to a retreat in the French and
European models of stakeholder coordination (cooperatives,
protected designations of origin, labels, etc.) which, it is true,
can also smack of neo-corporatism.
A second criticism of the principle, which is more
fundamental but also less acceptable in the standard theory
since it undermines its foundations, is based on the major
question taken up today by so-called "neo-institutional"
economics: are economic activities (and should they be) solely
coordinated by the market or within integrated undertakings?
Are there not, between these two modes of coordinating
transactions (the company on one side, the market on the
other), some "hybrid" forms (such as producer groups, etc.)
that may sometimes prove to be at least as efficient in
minimizing costs (and, at the same time, countering
oligopsony powers)? As Ménard (2003) points out, for the last
15 years or more (1985) there has existed a model for carrying
out such an analysis, that proposed by Williamson, who
attests to the existence of relatively high transaction costs
(TC) (in any case not zero) depending on the uncertainty (U)
surrounding a transaction, the frequency (F) of the latter, and
the degree of specificity (S) of the investments (assets) it
requires: TC = f(U,F,S). By only considering the last factor
(specificity of assets) Ménard was led to explain that when
competition authorities forbid a hybrid arrangement (
There is a wide diversity of arrangements involving agreements
between legally autonomous units which, on the one hand, develop
transaction networks coordinated by mechanisms other than the price
system and, on the other hand, pool a set of resources without
automatically combining their ownership rights, notably networks of
subcontractors/enterprises/franchises, collective brands,
partnerships, as practised for example by major Anglo-Saxon
chambers of lawyers. This diversity leads Ronald Coarse to say that
the hybrid form is no doubt the dominant form of transaction
organization in market economies (Ménard, 2003).
Figure 18), or impose restrictions on the parties to such an
arrangement (Figure 19 – move from k2 to k2’), in both cases a
zone is given up (between k1 and k2) where the hybrid form
proved to be more effective than the firm or the market in
reducing transaction costs. In other words, public intervention
here leads to an increase in transaction costs, which, as a last
resort, is passed on to consumers. It can therefore be
wondered why competition policies distinguish so much
between all types of organization that cannot be assimilated
into a single enterprise (such as producers or inter-
professional groups) and those that can be (such as
multinationals), particularly as they do it whilst denouncing the
coordination methods actually used by both. Entry selection,
internal disciplinary rules, quantitative restrictions and internal
resale price controls effectively structure the organization of
production just as much within multinationals. That does not
mean that they and their subsidiaries are accused of
"collusion", or of "concerted practices in contradiction of Article
85 of the Treaty of Rome". Lastly, on the pretext of
encouraging competition, are not current policies under that
name doing the opposite by discouraging any organizational
form likely to compete with integrated enterprises? In any
event, as can be seen, the boundaries between monopoly and
the exploitation of synergy to reduce costs – an old economic
science issue – are far from being clarified, which is not
without its consequences for small agricultural enterprises,
and for competition policies which are now required much
more than in the past to structure their environment.
In reality, competition policies are implemented with greater
flexibility than transpired here. Notably, they remain subjected to the
major European economic development policies (like Common
Market Organizations), or to the modulations suggested relatively
firmly by governments (case of the Red Label).
Figure 18: Case where the hybrid organizational form is not
Source: Ménard, 2003.
Markets Hybrids
k2 Specific
k1 k’1 Assets
k1 k’2 k2 assets
5.3.4. What price stabilization policy?
Daviron and Voituriez start their demonstration with
several observations: (1) the post-war Keynesian or "self-
centred" development model, which subjugated foreign trade
to domestic stability objectives, has been succeeded by an
export-driven growth model; (2) in this move towards trade
liberalization, collective risk management through stabilization
has given way to individual and private management through
financial instruments such as futures or options contracts; (3)
the crisis seen since 1998 on the cocoa, coffee, rubber, wheat,
and soybean markets – which are theoretically complete since
they have acquired insurance institutions and risk transfer
financial markets – shows, however, that the efficiency of such
instruments is arguable in the case of an extended price
depression: the market price may drop below the marginal
cost of the most efficient producer, whilst no private
mechanism guarantees remuneration equivalent to the cost of
production, unless in return for payment of a premium at too
prohibitive a cost; (4) the allocation problem arising from
persistent instability on the markets is combined with that of an
unequal distribution of its costs, which are primarily borne by
developing countries.
decades: between deterministic and stochastic trends,
between randomness and chaos, agricultural price series do
not reveal any marked particularities. Uncertainty and
controversy remain, at least between economists since, as
quite rightly emphasized by Daviron and Voituriez, political
debates on the subject are prominent through their absence,
whilst technically they are required and demanded.
6. Concluding summary
for beans. But for how many years will that continue? Indeed
for some time now, cocoa cultivation has been in crisis,
whereas demand for chocolate has continued to grow
worldwide. Chronic price instability is now combined with
increasing competition from south-east Asia, the difficulty of
ensuring continued production by farming on newly cleared
forest, the growing threat of diseases and resistance to
pesticides, quite rough liberalization of the commodity chain in
1999, a European directive authorizing the use of cheap
substitutes for cocoa butter in chocolate, an American drive to
certify cocoa and chocolate "free of child slavery", dubious
events on the London and New York futures markets and,
lastly, on 19 September 2002, the outbreak of a civil war
dividing the country in two either side of what still remains the
world's largest cocoa reserve.
Ivorian exporters, dealers and middlemen) to secure their
supplies and counter the shrinkage of their unit margins.
(4) On the French market, chocolate makers (Mars, Nestlé…)
and/or distributors (Carrefour and others) are, on the other
hand, gaining increasingly more from a tablet of chocolate:
between 1992 and 2001, unlike the ingredients (bean, liquor,
butter, couverture, sugar, etc.) its price rose steadily in current
euro (+2.6 per cent per year on average, i.e. +1,550 euro per
tonne in 10 years).
(5) Finally, in 2001, over 70 per cent of the French tax-
inclusive price for a tablet of dark chocolate with 61 per cent
cocoa went to chocolate makers and distributors (63 per cent
in 1992), as opposed to less than 6 per cent to Ivorian
producers (7 per cent in 1992), a share which is not even
equal to the taxes levied throughout the commodity chain (8
per cent in 2001), in the Côte d'Ivoire and, above all, in Europe
(5.5 per cent VAT).
their own competition policy, and more essentially to ensure
that it is respected. Indeed, the WTO is limited to promoting
just one very rudimentary form of competition (free circulation
of goods), yet it is towards competition that it is supposed to
work fully, and it is on competition that all its legitimacy is
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Production of Beans (the 6.9% 6.8% 6.4% 5.4% 5.2% 5.8% 7.2% 6.2% 4.4% 5.9%
Côte d'Ivoire)
Collection and Export of 5.2% 4.2% 6.9% 7.9% 7.4% 8.1% 7.8% 7.2% 5.6% 4.5%
beans (to Amsterdam)
- of which Collection (the 0.7% 0.8% 1.2% 1.3% 1.0% 1.2%
Côte d'Ivoire)
- of which Wholesalers & 2.5% 2.9% 2.9% 3.3% 2.2% 0.4%
- of which Levies (the 4.2% 4.4% 3.7% 2.6% 2.3% 2.8%
Côte d'Ivoire)
Manufacturing of Liquor 5.7% 6.9% 6.8% 6.4% 5.8% 4.1% 4.7% 4.6% 4.6% 4.3%
and Butter (Europe)
Addition of Sugar 2.7% 4.4% 4.0% 3.9% 3.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.1% 2.9% 3.0%
Manufacturing of 11.3% 9.1% 6.9% 7.1% 7.8% 6.5% 5.1% 6.0% 7.7% 6.6%
Couverture (Europe)
Moulding & Distribution 63.1% 63.4% 63.8% 64.1% 65.2% 67.0% 66.7% 67.7% 69.6% 70.4%
of tablet (France)
VAT (Europe) 5.2% 5.2% 5.2% 5.2% 5.2% 5.2% 5.2% 5.2% 5.2% 5.2%
Total: 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
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Kamala Dawar392
1. Introduction
University of Amsterdam Law School. February 2007.
Defined here as non-reported economic activities.
there is no obligation to conform to either domestic or international
regulations and standards, or offer consumer protection .
It has been argued that one of the root causes of this type of
informality is ill-designed and overly stringent product standards, which
result in more harm than good . In the case of Egypt, for example, the
ongoing imposition of obsolete quality standards on food products,
rather than minimum health regulation has resulted in more than 80 per
cent of the food being produced informally by low-productivity small-
scale providers. Inappropriate and expensive business legislation
discouraged small entrepreneurs from becoming formal, limiting the
number of new entrants to the formal market particularly in high-
productivity export sectors . These barriers to entry can compromise
the level of competition in these markets.
Palmade (2005).
See for example, the Consumer Council of Zimbabwe: The Cost of Living Up
Again. 6th February 2007. http://www.ccz.org.zw/news/details.php?news_id=10.
Despite these difficulties, it is clear that appropriately set
standards can facilitate trade by reducing transaction costs and risks
and generally improve intra-firm and industry linkages. Well-defined
standards and regulations can also enhance social and consumer
welfare. The difficulty is that while standards may be designed to
promote trade and meet important social objectives that are not
automatically addressed by the private sector, the motivations for using
trade measures to regulate an imported product’s process and
production methods (PPMs) also include competitiveness. Certain PPM
requirements mask comparative advantage and are imposed for
protectionist gain. This can undermine the success of any pro-poor
trade and development objectives. In the context of widespread poverty,
serious policy issues emerge if these measures lock small producers
out of the more dynamic export markets, leaving them to supply the less
lucrative local and informal markets.
UNCTAD (2007).
See for example: EUREPGAP: Harmonized standards and procedures for
global certification of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) (i) developed by a
coalition of retailers; (ii) now 275 members from farm to fork; (iii) business-to-
business (not communicated to consumers); (iv) independent audits and
certification to measure compliance; (v) 35,000 producers certified in 62
countries; (vi) Protocol includes Integrated Crop Management (ICM), Integrated
Pest Control (IPC), Quality Management System (QMS), Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Points (HACCP), worker health, safety, welfare and
environmental pollution and conservation management; (vii) Horticulture: 210
Control Points (Food Safety, Environmental, Social).
World Bank research indicates increased difficulties for
horticultural exporters and associated smallholder outgrowers in East
Africa to comply with EU regulations and private standards. For
example, horticultural exports in East Africa grew at an average of 33
per cent per annum, with over 99 per cent of horticultural export
products in Uganda and over 70 per cent in Kenya coming from
smallholder producers. This sector represents a major source of income
and livelihood to smallholder farmers. Yet the poor infrastructure and
services available to smallholder farmers reduces their ability to meet
the private standards especially as regards traceability, and social and
environmental requirements, which is compounded by lack of effective
organization and coordination among the various stakeholders.
See Wilson and Abiola (2003), Czubala et al. (2007).
World Trade Organization (2007).
Fulponi (2007).
meet new retailer standards could no longer supply the market and were
marginalized because only those that could remain tightly integrated
with large exporters through contracts remain linked to the lead retailer
trade .
See Andrew et al. (2003).
significant as previously thought . While these may be voluntary
standards set by retailers in response to developed country consumer
preferences for particular conditions to be met along the production
chain, the primary producer has little choice but to meet them.
Gandhi (2006).
Ibid. See Consolidated Metal Products, Inc. v American Petroleum Institute,
846 F2d 284 (5th Cir. 1988) and Allied Tube and Conduit Corp. v Indian Head,
Inc., 484 US 814.
affected, there are other policy responses to maintain competitive
environments. Finally, identified are appropriate policies for
governments to respond effectively to the challenges that private
standards pose at the international level, including the need to advocate
the formal and transparent regulation of nPR-PPMs.
3.1. Annex 1 and Article 2 of the TBT Agreement
The non-discrimination provisions under the TBT Agreement
are closer to the non-discrimination clauses of Articles I and III of the
GATT and therefore an analysis of the consistency of a PPM-based
measure with the TBT Agreement is likely to hinge upon a ‘like product’
test. However, the TBT Agreement offers no exceptions to these
obligations akin to Article XX. These Article XX considerations are
consumed in the balancing test provided by TBT Article 2.2.
This chapter does not include an analysis of GATT Article XI.
‘like products’ include: i) ‘end use’; ii) product characteristics; iii) tariff
classification; and, iv) consumer tastes and habits. If a government has
implemented a standard in response to legitimate consumer
preferences and has adjusted its tariff lines appropriately, a WTO panel
would assess whether the criterion of consumer tastes and habits in the
marketplace was a sufficient basis on which to differentiate the products
according to the PPM. However, because there has not been a WTO
dispute based on consumer tastes and habits in a like-product case,
there is no ruling that consumer tastes is a factor that clearly applies in
Article I cases or on the link between consumer tastes and PPM
specific provisions for distinguishing between traded products based on
criteria that are not physically embodied in the products nPR-PPMs.
This is with the exception of the use of prison labour, which is explicitly
covered under the provision of Article XX(e).
EC – Asbestos Appellate Body Report, Paragraphs 101–103.
The EC – Asbestos Appellate Body determination that ‘likeness’
under Article III:4 “is fundamentally a determination about the nature
and extent of a competitive relationship between and among
products” has been criticized by some for being too economically
oriented. It is argued that it leaves little policy space for Members to
distinguish between products based on non-market or non-economic
considerations and is unable to consider environmental or health
concerns arising from trade in certain products. However, from the
perspective of developing country governments, the emphasis on
competitive relationships and markets is in their favour should nPR-
PPMs be included within the remit of the Agreement. The comparative
advantage of most developing economy markets can be undermined by
standards governing the production process.
EC – Asbestos Appellate Body Report, Paragraph 99.
Japan – Alcoholic Beverages Appellate Body Report. Section H.1.a. (1996).
to ensure that ‘like’ imported products are not taxed at all ‘in excess’
of ‘like’ domestic products and secondly, but equally importantly , to
subject ‘directly competitive or substitutable products’ to similar levels of
taxation. Crucially, if they are not similarly taxed, they must be assessed
to see whether the different rates of taxation are applied ‘so as to afford
protection to domestic production’. While the scope of ‘directly
competitive or substitutable products’ is broad, it is governed by the anti-
protectionist thrust of Article III:1 by examining whether it is ‘so as to
afford protection’.
Any level of taxation imposed on imported products that exceeds the level
imposed on domestic ‘like’ products will likely be deemed inconsistent with the
first sentence of Article III:2 (Japan – Alcoholic Beverages (1996) AB report,
Section H.1.b.).
In Japan – Alcoholic Beverages (1996), the Appellate Body clarified that the
phrase ‘like products’ in Article III:2 must be interpreted narrowly so as to not
overshadow Article III:2’s second, broader category of ‘directly competitive or
substitutable products’ Ibid.
The ‘aims and effects’ test was advocated to help balance free
trade and domestic environmental and social policies. Yet it was finally
deemed unworkable partly because of problems in assessing ‘intent’
and because it deviated too far from an ordinary meaning of the text of
Article III. The Japan – Alcoholic Beverages (1996) Appellate Body
explicitly rejected the test, holding that a party need not demonstrate
any protective aim or application of the challenged tax.
The aims and effects test has not been used to assess
‘likeness’ under Article III since 1996, although clearly in the area of
private standard setting it could have a role. A 2003 OECD report
noted that private, voluntary standard-setting and product-certification
activities undertaken by private trade associations in the US have
historically been the object of antitrust scrutiny under US antitrust law. It
is thought that even voluntary standards when formulated collectively by
some dominant firms could quickly develop into industry standards and
be misused against competing firms for whom such standards become
a market requirement. However, since standard-setting and certification
activities by private trade associations may also benefit competitive
conditions in a marketplace, US courts typically evaluate the pro-
competitive benefits of a product standard against any anti-competitive
implications under what is termed the ‘rule of reason’ analysis . This
approach could be applicable to DSM deliberations.
Andrew et al. (2003).
See: Consolidated Metal Products, Inc. v American Petroleum Institute, 846
F2d 284 (5th Cir. 1988) and Allied Tube and Conduit Corp. v Indian Head, Inc.,
484 US 814.
with restrictions on domestic production or consumption.
Korea – Beef Appellate Body report, Paragraph 161.
Ibid., Paragraph 164
Elements of weighing and balancing are part of the
determination of whether an alternative GATT-consistent or less
inconsistent measure was reasonably available (Paragraph 166). It is
important to note also that in determining whether an alternative
measure was reasonably available, the Appellate Body in Korea – Beef
confirmed the Panel’s approach to consider factors such as the
domestic costs of an alternative measure (Paragraph 173).
conservation management . In the adopted Canada – Unprocessed
Herring and Salmon 1988 the Panel Report also “agreed with the parties
that salmon and herring stocks are “exhaustible natural resources”” .
In US – Tuna/Dolphin I and US – Tuna/ Dolphin II: the Panels of both
cases concluded that dolphins qualified as natural resources . The
Panel also determined that, first, clean air is a resource, second, it is
natural, and third, potentially could be depleted in 1996 US –
Reformulated Gasoline . Finally, in US – Shrimp/Turtle I, the Appellate
Body found that living resources are just as ‘finite’ as petroleum, iron ore
and other non-living resources .
US – Tuna and Tuna Products from Canada AB report, Paragraph 4.9.
Canada – Unprocessed Herring and Salmon panel report, Paragraph 4.4.
US – Tuna/Dolphin II panel report, Paragraph 5.13.
US – Reformulated Gasoline panel report, Paragraph 6.37.
US – Shrimp/Turtle I Appellate Body Report, Paragraph 128.
Ibid., Paragraph 152.
Ibid., Paragraph 155.
4. Private voluntary standards
Private voluntary standards are also sometimes known as Non-
Governmental Standards.
For example, the monitoring system for the foresty sector is the Forest
Stewardship Council, for the apparel sector it is hasthe Fair Labour Association,
for tourism includes it is the Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council, for
agriculture and food it is the Fair Trade Labelling Organization while fisheries
are monitored by the Marine Stewardship Council.
Fulponi (2007) op. cit.
change, stimulate investment, improve production efficiency, and
promote new industrial sectors and new market niches .
Processes and Production Methods (PPMs): Conceptual Framework and
Considerations on Use of PPP-Based Trade Measures OCDE/GD(97)137.
Fulponi (2007) op. cit.
measures are sometimes referred to as ‘producer characteristics
However, in the Tuna – Dolphin case the Panel found that the
provisions of a voluntary, federally promulgated, US eco-labelling
scheme did not violate Article I:1 of the GATT Agreement (MFN Clause)
because the Dolphin Protection Consumer Information Act (DPCIA) eco-
labelling scheme could not be said to constitute a market restriction
because it does not prevent a manufacturer from selling its product in a
marketplace without complying with the environmental requirement. This
implies that only ‘government-conferred’ advantages are subject to the
MFN requirements, and for a measure to restrict access to a market, it
must leave an exporter with no choice but to comply with it.
of issues related to standards and competitiveness. First, some
environmental and social standards in their export markets are not
always well publicized, or well understood or may not allow enough time
for producers to conform to these new production methods, especially
where there are many small-scale producers. Second, the standards
may be set at excessively high levels or require complex testing and
monitoring to ensure compliance.
In order to identify the criteria by which states should be held
accountable for the use and misuse of private voluntary standards, the
SPS and the TBT Agreements offer some different approaches. Article
13 of the SPS Agreement explicitly states that Members “shall not take
measures which have the effect of directly or indirectly, requiring or
encouraging…such non-governmental entities…to act in a manner
inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement”. The TBT Agreement
affixes gradual levels of state responsibility relating to the extent of
control that a state can exercise over a non-governmental body.
Argentina — Measures affecting the export of bovine hides and the import of
finished leather (DS155/R). 19 December 2000.
to an imported product should be determined by whether both imported
and domestic products are afforded an effective equality of competitive
conditions. In the case of developing country SMEs, it could be argued
that as long as the NGO standards result in discriminatory competitive
conditions which deny them effective equality, they could violate Article
See for example, Bhagwati and Srinivasan (1996).
measures are subject when the TBT or SPS Agreements do not apply,
and generally no regulation when the measures are private and
voluntary, is clearly not in developing countries’ interests.
President Mbeki. ANC Today, Volume 4, No. 47, 26 November-2 December
See Sethuraman (1976), Tokman (1978).
The Structuralist school sees the informal and formal economies as
intrinsically linked. To increase competitiveness, capitalist firms in the formal
economy are seen to reduce their input costs, including labour costs, by
promoting informal production and employment relationships with subordinated
economic units and workers. See Portes (1989). The legalists’ school focuses
on the relationship between informal enterprises and the formal regulatory
environment, not formal firms, while acknowledging that vested capitalist
interests collude with governments to set favourable rules for trade. See de Soto
operate in total isolation from formal firms. Most source raw materials
from and/or supply finished goods to formal firms either directly or
through intermediate – also often informal – firms.
For example, if an enterprise is required to have six official permits, for
example, but only has five, should it be considered informal even when the sixth
derives from a moribund regulation that most entrepreneurs ignore? It has been
seen that formality and informality are the opposite poles of a continuum with
many intermediate and mixed cases. See Chen (2007) op. cit.
Chen (2007) op. cit.
more effective to focus on creating incentives for voluntary formalization
rather than on enforcement activities.
6. Conclusions
These intermediaries are generally responsible for transmitting demand
specifications to all producers and frequently also for organizing, financing and
overseeing production and certifications of small-scale producers.
building at a grass-roots level. It is the SMEs and smallholders that are
most detrimentally affected by these regulations; therefore, their input in
setting standards is vital to ensure that the competitiveness of their
export markets is not discriminated against.
the political environment for including these criteria inhospitable, but the
provisions are ambiguous and risk assessment mechanisms
Given that the WTO DSM has been accused of enlarging the
remit of the WTO beyond what was originally intended by the
negotiating parties during its settlement of disputes, it is advisable that
the clarification of such issues of interpretation should be addressed by
the WTO membership itself and not left to rule making by judicial
interpretation during a potentially politically explosive dispute. The most
appropriate policy option identified here is to further utilize the TBT
Agreement’s ‘review’ mechanism, which was set up to provide the WTO
Members an opportunity to “review the operation and implementation of
this Agreement” at the Triennial Review of the TBT Committee with a
view to “recommending an adjustment of the rights and obligations of
this Agreement…to ensure mutual economic advantage and balance of
rights and obligations” .
See Article 15 of the TBT Agreement. Note: there is no equivalent provision
within the SPS Agreement.
The Triennial Review reports: G/TBT/5; GTBT/9 & G/TBT/13.
See for example, The Report to the 5th Session of the WTO Ministerial
Meeting at Cancun (WT/CTE/8, 11th July, 2003) under Paragraph 32(iii) on
Fliess, B. and Lejarraga, I., 2005. Analysis of Non-Tariff Barriers of
Concern to Developing Countries. OECD Trade Policy Working Paper
No. 16. TD/TC/WP(2004)47/FINAL. 7 November 2005.
Fulponi, L., 2007. Private Voluntary Standards and Developing Country
Market Access: preliminary results. OECD Communication to the WTO.
G/SPS/GEN/763. 27 February 2007.
Gandhi, S.R., 2006. Disciplining Voluntary Environmental Standards at
the WTO: An Indian Legal Viewpoint. Indian Council for Research on
International Economic Relations. Working Paper No. 181. June 2006.
Joshi, M., 2004. Are Eco-Labels Consistent with World Trade
Organization Agreements? Journal of World Trade 38(1): 69–92. Kluwer
Law International.
Maskus, K.E., Otsuki, T. and Wilson, J.S., 2005. The Cost of
Compliance with Product Standards for Firms in Developing Countries:
An Econometric Study. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
3590, May 2005.
McDonald, J., 2005. Domestic Regulation, International Standards, and
Technical Barriers to Trade. World Trade Review 4(2): 249–274.
OECD, 1997. Processes and Production Methods (PPMs): Conceptual
Framework and Considerations on the Use of PPM-Based Trade
Measures. OCDE/GD(97)137.
Palmade, V., 2005. Why Worry About Rising Informality? The Biggest
and Least Well Understood Impediment to Economic Development.
DRAFT. Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS) Washington, D.C.
May 2005.
Portes, A., Castells, M. and Benton, L.A. (eds), 1989. The Informal
Economy: Studies in Advanced and Less Developed Countries. Johns
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Reardon, T., Timmer, P. and Berdegue, J., 2004. The Rapid Rise of
Supermarkets in Developing Countries: Induced Organizational,
Institutional, and Technological Change in Agrifood Systems. Electronic
Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics, Agricultural and
Development Economics Division (ESA) FAO. 1(2): 168–183.
Sethuraman, S.V., 1976. The urban informal sector: Concept,
measurement and policy. International Labour Review 114(1): 69–81.
Tokman, V.E., 1978. An exploration into the nature of the informal-
formal sector relationship. World Development 6(9/10): 1065–1075.
Trebilcock, M.J. and Howse, R., 1999. The Regulation of International
Trade. Routledge, New York, NY.
UNCTAD, 2005. Trends In World Commodity Trade, Enhancing Africa's
Competitiveness and Generating Development Gains. UNCTAD
Ext/Exp/Trade/5 (a) (II).
UNCTAD, 2007. A Typology of Global Standards. UNCTAD
Communication to the WTO G/SPS/GEN/760. 26 February 2007.
Wilson, J.S. Otsuki, T., 2004. Standards and Technical Regulations and
Firms in Developing Countries: New Evidence from a World Bank
Technical Barriers to Trade Survey. See:
Wilson, J.S. and Abiola, V., 2003. Standards and Global Trade: A Voice
for AFRICA. The World Bank. Washington, DC.
Wilson, J.S. Otsuk, T. and Sewadeb, M., 2002. Dirty Exports and
Environmental Regulation. Do Standards Matter to Trade? Policy
Research Working Paper 28 06. The World Bank Development
Research Group. March 2002.
Executive summary
treaty. Institutional changes to the ECOWAS structure are necessary if
the integration objectives of the treaty are to be met. There is no simple
resolution to this other than to locate a middle ground of accommodation
and compromise between the ECOWAS objectives and the institutional
design in the treaty.
an ECOWAS Council Regulation provide for an express
declaration of direct effect. For competition law, this would
mean that the treaty practices listed as subject to the
prohibitions could be raised by a private party in a national court
in a lawsuit against other private parties or against the state and
its agencies. This would allow a national authority or court ruling
that an anti-competitive practice is inconsistent with the treaty
and that all agreements formed to give effect to such practices
are void and non-enforceable within that national legal system.
The Council has this power incumbent in its authority to
establish Community acts in the form of regulations.
1. Introduction: the elements of a competition law
444 On the theory of contestable markets and the function of competition laws, see, for example, Whish, R. (1993),
Competition Law, 3rd Edition, Butterworths, pp. 13–16.
445 There are of course ‘models’ for competition laws. See UNCTAD Model Law on Competition, TD/RBP/CONF.5/7, at
446 See OECD (1998), Recommendation of the Council Concerning Effective Action Against Hard Core Cartels
C(98)35/Final, adopted 25 March, 1998.
stated positive and negative conditions . Both the West African
Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and the draft Nigerian
competition law include positive and negative conditions for establishing
exemptions from the application of a prohibition on certain types of
agreements .
of a dominant firm, the risk of a single dominant foreign firm abusing the
market. This is not to say that inefficient domestic firms should survive
this new competition, but that the resulting firms in the market should
trade more competitively. Competition law plays a role in guaranteeing
that new entrants to the market play by the rules of fair competition and
in respect to the existing domestic firms as purchasers and consumers.
451 Generally, Nicolaides, P. (1997), “The Role of Competition Policy in Economic Integration and the Role of Regional
Blocs in Internationalizing Competition Policy”, in O. Hosle and A. Saether, (eds), Free Trade Agreements and Customs
Unions, European Commission and EIPA, Brussels, pp. 37–39. “But it is also possible that preferential trade
liberalization may stimulate cartelization even if an industry of at least one partner country does not have an oligopolistic
structure at the moment of liberalization.”, at p. 39.
the free internal movement for goods of origin, as well as duty-admitted
third-country goods, the focus is more on eliminating the underlying
trade distortions caused by anti-competitive practices.
if there is a competition law that can be invoked against anti-competitive
vertical restraints and which also guarantees a non-discriminatory right
of action on behalf of all complainants .
The EEC Rome Treaty, Article 91 treated dumping practices whereby
protective measures were permitted during the transition period until the EC
competition policy was in effect. Member States were also not permitted to
impose trade restrictions on the re-importation of goods.
with strong export potential but these exporter members refuse to enact
competition law. Nevertheless, it is possible that cooperation between
national authorities can be sufficient to support a customs union plan. If
the stronger export members are all willing to operate with a functional
national competition law, the more decentralized and intergovernmental
approach to ensuring that trade measures do not undermine the proper
functioning of the customs union is workable, although some institutional
overview by some overarching authority might also be necessary to
keep this lower level of cooperation functioning for the benefit of the
1.2.2. A regional law and a partially centralized authority
1.2.4. No regional law but criteria for national law and/or a duty to
2. Minimum requirements: establishing a regional law
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Treaty was
signed by the 15 Member States on 24 July 1993 and is available at
http://www.sec.ecowas.int/index.html. It was circulated to other WTO members
by communication to the Committee on Trade and Development on 6 July 2005
as WT/COMTD/54, 26 September 2005.
This broader scope of jurisdiction is already seen in the
WAEMU arrangements where the region is treated as a whole (as a
single territory), just as this would be expressed in a single national law
where practices affecting competition ‘in the territory’ are commonly
treated . The EC Treaty applies the more traditional ‘affecting trade’
expression although this has also been explicitly expanded to an
‘affecting territory’ dimension for the purposes of merger control. The EC
external agreements uniformly apply the ‘affecting trade’ standard. An
expression treating practices affecting the ‘territory as a whole’ is not a
prerequisite for a regional competition policy. A standard based upon
‘affecting trade between the members’ is a prerequisite for a regional
legal expression that sets a field of play for a regional law and legal
action against any anti-competitive practices affecting trade.
1994 Agreement for the West African Economic and Monetary Union, signed
by eight Member States, and as revised in 2003 (UMOA and UEMOA). The
1994 Agreement was circulated to WTO members via the Committee on Trade
and Development as WT/COMTD/23, 23 February 2000. The 2003 revised
treaty is dated 29 January 2003 and is provided on the WAEMU web site
(French) available at http://www.uemoa.int/index.htm.
over time as a result of the cases and interpretations made by the
authorities and the courts. There are always cases where an ‘affecting
trade’ and an ‘affecting the national territory’ standard both apply. And
there are a number of jurisdictions (regional and domestic) where
remedies taken in one system do not preclude action and remedies
being taken in the other. The United States is one example where there
is often a concurrent action taken by an individual state (affecting
competition in the territory of the state) while the federal power is also
being applied according to either an ‘affecting trade between the states’
standard or with respect to the larger US territory.
scope of a regional zone of jurisdictional action for regional competition
law application.
expressions for the anti-competitive practices to be treated should be a
‘given’ .
Nigeria summary drawn from HB 70, as published in the Nigeria Official
Gazette, Vol. 92, Vol. 42, 10 June 2005. An English summation of the WAEMU
competition law can be found at, OECD, Global Forum on Competition,
Submission by WAEMU, 13 February 2004, CCNM/GF/COMP/WD(2004)31.
treaty should not distort the field between private or public practices and
nor should it distort it between cartels and associations.
2.4.2. Dominance and abuse
Two areas that require further consideration are state aids and
public practices, including government enterprise schemes and
governmental grants of special and exclusive rights. Unfortunately, they
are beyond the scope of this study and there is no shorthand
prescription to deal with the considerations for any of these subjects.
The issues that would have to be taken into account in the relationship
between a regional law and domestic industrial policies include
enterprise activities (special and exclusive rights) and state aids.
as purely private practices. Any other treatment at the treaty level will
distort the types of measures and practices being undertaken in the
Community where private arrangements can be shifted to governmental
and quasi-governmental arrangements. By clearly providing application
of Community law at the treaty level from the outset to all practices and
agreements, the legal basis is clarified for later regulations to reflect the
considerations of the members regarding exemptions and exceptions.
These can be developed in a process of transparent inventory
(disclosure) and classification of what activities the Member States are
engaged in that may actually detrimentally affect trade within the region.
This is essentially a negotiating terrain that also touches directly upon
economic development activities. However, it should be engaged within
the context of Community law application at the outset. Public and
private practices should be equally addressed without distinction in the
law of the treaty.
there is a need for greater flexibility for exempting subsidies (in relation
to regional development, poverty alleviation, environmental concerns,
etc.), than is currently provided for in the WTO agreement , then the
Council Regulation can define the terms of agreement between the
members as to the types of subsidies that should be made non-
actionable or adjust the burden of proof in such cases as they wish.
respond to new concentrations that affect their legitimate legal domains
in the same manner as such systems operate to inform developed
country authorities.
For a similar proposal as applied to MERCOSUR, see Mathis, J. (1998),
Issues in Regional Merger Control, Journal of World Competition, 21/3, pp. 29–
Although a regional merger control approach may not be viewed
as a first priority within a regional competition law, the groundwork
should be laid by cooperative action of the Member States that is both
substantive for dealing with current mergers that affect the region, and
that works prospectively with a view to recommendations for a regional
system of merger control.
ECOWAS Treaty as cited above. Binding effects on Member States are set
out in Article 9 for Authority Decisions, Article 12 for Council Regulations, and
Article 15 for Court judgments.
two aspects also raise questions on the application of a regional
competition law:
The EC Treaty does not provide for direct effect of its regional
competition law either. This development occurred (early on for
competition law provisions) by the action of the European Court of
Justice interpreting the treaty provisions as they were raised in actual
disputes, and then ruling that the competition provisions conferred direct
rights for individual action. The ECOWAS Community Court has this
incumbent (inherent) power to interpret the treaty and reach the same
result. Arguably, so do the national courts, which also have a duty to
apply Community law and could rule on an issue of direct effect if and
when presented in a case.
The various combinations possible suggest that the level of
direct effect that is to be granted to individuals within the region should
be done without regard to the existence of national competition laws, or
the means by which they are implemented by the national systems. This
would mean that where a state has not passed a national law
whatsoever, a private party could still assert (and defend) a claim based
on an ECOWAS regional law in the courts of that state. Similarly, where
a state has chosen to have an exclusive agency model (all competition
complaints must be made solely to the authority), one can still not
discount the possibility of defences being raised in private national court
actions that seek to invoke Community law. That is, direct effect should
be granted in respect of all courts and authorities within the Member
States and not be limited solely to competition authorities alone or to
those states that have competition authorities.
The ECOWAS Treaty does not provide for a right of access to
the regional court for any party other than a Member State acting
individually or collectively by the Authority. If this limitation cannot be
revisited in the context of developing regional competition law, then the
emphasis has to be placed on a preliminary opinion procedure. The
ECOWAS Council already has this right secured by the treaty (for the
purpose of ‘advisory opinion’), and what is proposed here is that this
should be extended to the national courts for any case where a treaty
article or a Council legal act is raised in a national proceeding. For the
purposes of judicial efficiency, this power to request preliminary opinions
should not be limited to the highest national court but the lower courts
should also be able to obtain the regional court’s interpretation and then
insert that opinion into the domestic legal proceeding. A preliminary
opinion procedure within the ECOWAS is therefore a minimum
requirement to ensure the uniform application of regional law.
ECOWAS Treaty as cited above, Article 76, Settlement of Disputes.
The Council is given the right by the ECOWAS Treaty to request advisory
opinions from the court. Article 10(3)(h).
This existing structure strongly suggests that the substantive
treaty rights being created by the ECOWAS are essentially only being
granted to the Member States and not to the firms that are seeking to
trade in the ECOWAS regional market, nor to the ECOWAS institutions
that have some limited mandate to make effective the treaty rules and
the Council Regulations . While this approach preserves the maximum
amount of sovereignty for the members in the execution of the
ECOWAS regional plan, it does not bode well for the ability of ECOWAS
law to obtain a sufficient degree of independence from national law or to
develop a system of recourse for continuing violations of the regional
The powers of the ECOWAS Commission (formerly entitled the Executive
Secretary) are provided in Article 19 of the ECOWAS Treaty. Subsection 3(a)
states that the Commission has the duty of ‘execution of decisions taken by the
Authority and application of the regulations of the Council’. We do not read this
provision as granting the Commission the power to make a claim against a
Member State in the regional court. The Council itself (the higher legislative
authority) is only granted power to request an advisory opinion from the court.
We do not offer an opinion on whether a regulation that did convey such a
power to the Commission would be in violation of the Treaty provisions.
court of final jurisdiction to the Community Court. This should be
provided by a treaty provision or by a decision of the authority of the
Heads of State.
effective in addressing exclusionary practices and abuses of supply
chain dominance where complainants can more easily identify the
contractual practice that is affecting their commerce and bring that
practice before a court or authority for a legal assessment and action. A
system of private rights can also capture many of the minor actions that
otherwise fall below the ‘radar screen’ of competition authority attention.
This is positive for building and reinforcing a set of market rules and
principles that contribute to economic development where smaller
players and markets create local economic and commercial growth.
Many developing (and developed) countries have long provided for such
types of private actions at the lowest possible court levels where claims
for the ‘refusal to supply’ or ‘unfair contract terms’ overlap the subject
areas of competition law.
enumerated powers listed below are drawn from the original
enforcement regulation of the EEC, Regulation 17/62. According to the
regulation and operation of Community law, all powers enumerated are
made subject to review on appeal by the European Court of Justice.
• Investigations:
• Remedies:
play. Another difference shown between a competition and a trade
regime is that the realm of investigatory power is enlarged in the
competition field. For governmental trade measures that may violate the
commitments of the treaty, there is not the same need to build evidence
of the practices involved or for the need to compel documents or
testimony in order to disclose the practice and prove a case.
system touching upon elements that also include rule making
(legislative) as well as judicial (adjudication) aspects.
recognized potential to assist in the allocation of particular cases or to
facilitate cooperation (information sharing) instruments as these may be
these LDCs would fall below the regional turnover thresholds for
application of Community law or fall within the exemptions for small and
medium-sized enterprises.
Here the MERCOSUR example is unfortunately but necessarily
raised. This intergovernmental ministerial approach to regional
competition law has not been implemented, due to the failure of
individual members to pass national laws, and the absence of effective
regional competition remedies has contributed to a degrading of the
free-trade schedules for this common market. This example is too close
in point to the ECOWAS situation, and far more so than the other ACP
arrangements that are operating with higher degrees of institutional
treaty independence such as the COMESA or possibly the CARICOM.
EU–South Africa Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement,
http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/en/archive/1999/l_31119991204en.html. Article 37,
‘Appropriate Measures’.
the ECOWAS Treaty, and in view of the benefits that flow to all
members if the implementation system was made effective. If this
recourse procedure is included in the scheme, the likelihood of
successful implementation of national laws should be increased and it is
possible that the alternative procedure need not be utilized or only be
called upon in rare cases.
The call for regional investigatory power also relates to
developing the capacity to address international practices that are
beyond the visible purview of domestic firms in the ECOWAS region. It
would allow the regional mechanism to survey international cartel
enforcement actions being taken abroad and consider the possibilities of
information collection within the ECOWAS. An authority with this power
can also derive the basis to extend its investigatory powers abroad,
including the potential to develop international cooperation
arrangements with other developing regional authorities (within the
African Union or the ACP group for example) and with other developed
country authorities. The international dimension also supports the
argument that the investigatory powers of an advisory panel should not
be limited to dealing only with actual received complaints. There is no
reason why an advisory panel should not be able to follow its own leads
and determine its own basis for referrals. Rather, limiting the panel to
investigate only received complaints would seem to inhibit the potential
for the ECOWAS to deal with international anti-competitive practices –
an area where no single Member State is likely to have sufficient power
to successfully play.
4.4. Other considerations, notification systems and
cooperation instruments
4.4.1. Notifications
requesting country
• positive comity, a request by one agency for another to assess
and take action on a possible anti-competitive practice that is
occurring in the requesting” country’s territory .
5. Conclusions
These instruments as drawn from OECD (1995), Recommendation and
Guiding Principles for Anti-competitive Practices Affecting International Trade,
C(95)130/Final, Revised Recommendation, 27 & 28 July, 1995. These
techniques are commonly recited in bilateral cooperation agreements and in
rather ambitious integration objectives, and in light of a regional
competition law. An independent law at the regional level can and
should be established at the treaty level. Furthermore, this law should
have a general applicability and be binding upon the authorities and the
courts of the Member States. These elements are the fundamental
building blocks of regional integration that can act simultaneously as a
point of balance between state sovereignty and regional authority. It is
clear that these elements also underlie a system of diffuse individual
rights of action that relies upon a regional authority to address
infringements of regional law.
the ECOWAS setting where the treaty does not even accord competition
policy the status of a regional activity. In contemplating the likely
requirements that will emerge in the negotiation framework for the EPA
agreements, it is perhaps helpful to identify the interests of foreign firms
in the establishment of regional competition law for the ECOWAS. From
the perspective of the EC, any foreign firm trading or doing business in
the Community has the individual right to complain and seek redress for
a violation of regional competition law. From a narrow and more
mercantilist perspective, the reciprocity that can be expected from an
ECOWAS arrangement is for a legal structure capable of responding to
similar complaints when raised by an EC firm. In other words: “How will
OUR firms address private and public exclusionary practices that
threaten to undermine the market access commitments that have been
bargained for in the EPA tariff schedules?”.
economy. It concludes that law enforcement, competition advocacy and
institutional effectiveness represent essential components and,
therefore, key priorities for effective implementation of competition
entry into force of the Agreement. Accordingly, the Romanian
Competition Law was adopted even earlier, in 1996, and entered into
force in 1997.
operational. Since its entry into force in 1997, competition legislation has
required adjustments in order to adapt the national economy to the
requirements of accession to the European Union.
It was crucial to make the competition authority totally
independent. The main characteristics of such an independence were:
the competition authority had to have the appropriate legal instruments
to act against companies and public institutions that breached the
competition rules; the authority’s decision-making body had to be
approved so as to ensure that no political pressure was exercised over
its actions; and the staff of the authority had to be highly qualified and
sufficiently motivated.
Since the very beginning of its activity, the RCC has made full
use of its legal powers, including the power to carry out dawn raids, and
has concentrated its resources on the most serious distortions of
competition. Thus, 3,302 decisions were issued from 1997 to 2007, of
which 42.2 per cent represented merger decisions (Table 1, Graph 1).
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total
Total number 44 138 520 559 510 423 482 248 161 154 63 3,302
of decisions
Economic 6 45 140 200 169 157 247 165 115 106 45 1,395
Complaints 10 15 11 32 23 48 26 18 11 8 4 206
Negative 5 6 9 9 5 6 16 5 4 0 4 69
Individual 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 6
Block 4 19 312 256 163 119 22 2 0 0 0 897
Sanctioning 4 9 13 16 64 42 114 50 25 25 3 365
Other types of 15 48 40 60 147 81 126 52 26 37 9 641
1 7.9% 3 9.0 %
1 0.2 %
25 .1% 5 .8%
0.2% 1.9 %
E c on o m ic con cen tra tion s C om p lain ts N e gativ e clea ran ce d ecision s
In d iv id u al exe m p tion s B lock ex em p tion s S an ction in g d ec ision s
O th er typ es of d ec ision s
These refer to sanctions for both substantive and procedural infringements.
In the work of the Romanian competition authority, the gradual
transformation and re-concentration of the partially privatized market
structure became apparent in 1998. This was partly attributable to global
effects, as some of the mergers reflected the results of concentrations
abroad on the Romanian market, while others were essentially
Romanian phenomena, irrespective of the owner being Romanian or
foreign. This was reflected in the notable merger wave in Romania
between 2000 and 2006. This wave covered a major part of the
economy, for instance, the energy sector, public services, metallurgy,
the chemical industry, food and beverages, telecommunications, the
banking sector and trade. All types of concentration were present at this
stage, with horizontal concentration dominating, but there were also
some vertical and conglomerate-type concentrations.
Table 2: Evolution in the amount of fines imposed by the Competition
Council in 1997–2007*
main substantive elements of the law are provided by Art. 5 – anti-
competitive agreements – and Art. 6 – abuse of dominant position.
Art. 5 of the Romanian competition law no. 21/1996, which is similar to Art.
81 of the EC Treaty, prohibits any express or tacit agreements between
undertakings or associations of undertakings, any concerted practices or
decisions by the associations, which have as an object or as an effect the
restriction, prevention or distortion of competition in the Romanian market or in a
part of it. The most serious infringements are the cartels, allocation of market
power and other practices that prevent the proper functioning of the market. The
Competition Council may grant, by decision, exemption for individual cases of
agreements, association decisions or concerted practices, and establish (by
regulations/guidelines) exemptions for certain categories of agreements,
association decisions or concerted practices.
Art.6 of the Romanian Competition Law, which is similar to Art.82 of the EC
Treaty, prohibits certain unilateral conduct that jeopardizes competition.
According to this article, any abuse of a dominant position held by one or more
undertakings in the Romanian market or in a substantial part of it, by resorting to
anti-competitive deeds, which have as an object or may have as an effect the
distortion of commerce or the prejudice of consumers, is prohibited.
A concentration is subject to the Competition Council's control and it must be
notified if the aggregated worldwide turnover of the parties to the concentration
exceeds EUR 10 million and the turnover in Romania of at least two of the
participating undertakings exceeds EUR 4 million. The economic concentrations
may be authorized if, when analysing them pursuant to the criteria provided for
in the Competition Law, they are compatible with a normal competition
environment, and if the involved undertakings prove that they fulfil cumulatively
certain conditions such as increase of the economic efficiency and of the
competitiveness of exports, and benefits for consumer through reduced real
merger or through a direct or indirect acquisition of control over one or
more undertakings – are prohibited to the extent that they create or
consolidate a dominant position and lead to or are likely to lead to a
significant restriction, prevention or distortion of competition in the
Romanian market or in a part of it.
Art. 9(1) Any actions by the central or local public administrative body that
have as an object or may have as an effect the restriction, prevention or
distortion of competition are prohibited, especially when:
a) making decisions that limit the freedom of trade or the undertakings’
autonomy which are being exercised under the law;
b) setting discriminatory business conditions for undertakings.
none of those contracts referred to the photos required for the newly
introduced driving licenses.
Harm on competition:
The Competition Council found that Tuingdor, Mitsubishi and
RASP infringed the provisions of Article 5(1) of the Competition Law by
concluding and implementing an anti-competitive agreement, having as
its purpose to eliminate competition from other photographers; oblige
photographers to acquire only a certain type of equipment and supplies;
limit the access of other distributors to the market, as well as to limit
parallel imports.
relevant market, by indirectly setting retail prices, especially through the
price of the “Mitsubishi seal”; tying sales, forcing photographers to
acquire service and maintenance, beside equipment and supplies;
exploiting the dependency of its clients, as it had the right to unilaterally
extend or denounce the contract when photographers did not hold
similar contractual rights.
Enforcement measures:
Tuingdor, Mitsubishi and RASP were sanctioned with fines. The
Competition Council decided also that Tuingdor had to give the State
budget the profits it obtained as a result of anti-competitive behaviour.
The decision of the Competition Council annulled both the contract
regarding the photos for the driving licenses and the contracts between
Tuingdor and the photographers.
Appeal proceedings:
The involved parties appealed the decision. The Bucharest
Court of Appeal, as the first instance court, ruled by entirely rejecting the
Competition Council’s decision. In its judgment, the Bucharest Court of
Appeal stressed that the decision was issued before the infringement of
the provisions of competition law had been adopted and signed by the
entire Plenum of the competition authority, as the law stipulated. Also,
the ruling stated that Tuingdor and Mitsubishi did not infringe Article 5
since there was no anti-competitive agreement because, at the time
when the contract was concluded, the competition law was not in force.
competition from other photographers and to oblige photographers to
acquire only a certain type of equipment and supplies.
Harm on consumers:
This is a case where the award of exclusive rights by a State
authority to a single company affected not only the companies operating
on the downstream level but also the consumers through tying sales
and higher prices than those that would have been established in
conditions of competition. Also, despite the presence of the corruption
issue in this case and the non-responsibility of the Romanian
Competition Council to produce such evidence, it strove, however, for
the opening of the respective markets to competition for the benefit of
At that time, according to the specific legal framework , the
RSR was bound to transfer to other independent private register
companies the shareholder lists, within a five-day period from the day of
registering the company’s request. The transfer should have been
executed unconditionally, except in the case when the issuer company
is bound to pay to the register company the charge for the services
provided by it. If contractual relations were binding the issuer company
and the register company, the transfer had to be executed
unconditionally and without the imposition of a charge for that service.
Harm on competition:
From the analysis carried out on this market, the Council found
that in 1997, the RSR held a dominant position, determined by its
market share, i.e. 100 per cent, and in the following year, the RSR held
a market share of 96.4 per cent. The RSR owed its high market share to
the circumstances of its establishment mentioned above.
The regulation of this market is accomplished by the Romanian National
Securities Commission (RNSC).
RASDAQ (The National Securities Market was officially launched in October
1996, in order to address the need for a transparent, institutional and technical
trading environment dedicated to companies that had become public following
the Mass Privatization Programme).
conclude a contract in order to have their shareholder lists transferred.
Moreover, the RSR ceased charging for the services performed for the
companies that consented to enter into a contract. If client companies
did not follow through with their intention to transfer, the RSR wrote off
their debts.
Thus, the Competition Council found that the RSR abused its
dominant position by imposing unfair contractual terms in contracts
concluded with beneficiaries. The abuse consisted also in the refusal to
deal, namely by refusing to transfer shareholder lists to the independent
private register. The RSR’s action of imposing conditions on the
transfer’s execution with the payment for services allegedly performed
prior to the conclusion of the contract resulted in either the foregoing of
the transfer and entering into an agreement with the RSR, or the
transfer’s execution, but at a higher cost and in a longer period of time.
The Competition Council also found that the RSR applied a
discriminatory treatment to the issuer companies.
1.2.3. National Agency of Mineral Resources/National Company of
Mineral Waters/APEMIN, Decision no. 575 [2000]
The competition legislation in force at the time of the infringement provided
for two competition authorities, namely the Competition Council as the
autonomous investigation and decision-making authority and the Competition
Office, the governmental body entrusted only with investigative powers.
privatization process but maintained their object of activity.
• Through this separation, a new market was created, having as
its objective the trade of the extracted mineral water between
RAMIN and the bottling companies.
• The reform evolution, mirrored also in the legislation, triggered
the privatization of RAMIN and its subsequent conversion into a
trade company (the NCMW) in December 1997.
• State interests in the mineral resources field are represented by
the National Agency of Mineral Resources (NAMR).
• Mineral water resources are considered State public property
and the extraction activity can only be licensed or given into
administration by the NAMR to companies extracting mineral
Harm on competition:
c) The NAMR permitted the concession of the mineral water
sources exclusively to a single company, the NCMW, without organizing
a public tender. This was contrary to the letter and spirit of the law that
stipulated that the concession should be granted to the winner of a
public tender. This led to the perpetuation of the existing monopoly in
the market of mineral water as a raw material, for a period of time
difficult to assess, given that the NCMW’s water sources represented
approximately 96 per cent of the exploited sources.
Enforcement measures:
The Competition Council decided that both the vertical and
horizontal agreements infringed the provisions of Article 5(1) of the
Competition Law, ordered the cessation of the anti-competitive practices
and sanctioned with fines the NCMW and the 19 bottling undertakings
that were members of APEMIN.
The Competition Council also decided that the NAMR infringed
the provisions of Article 9(1) of the Competition Law by directly allowing
the concession of mineral water sources to the NCMW (with no tender
being held) and establishing discriminatory conditions for the
undertakings involved in the concession of sources on aspects
concerning the payment of royalties.
increase in the price of extracted mineral water, which would have
eventually triggered higher prices for consumers. Moreover, the
enforcement measures taken against the decision of the state
authorities at that time to award the mineral water concession to a single
company, the NCMW and not, for example, to each bottling company,
and to establish discriminatory conditions for the undertakings involved
in the concession of sources on aspects related to the payment of
royalties, had also a positive indirect impact on consumers. The
concessionaire companies, other than the NCMW, were acting in the
market of trading the mineral water for direct consumption, in
competition with NCMW clients and they were required to pay a royalty
approximately 30 times higher than the NCMW. Accordingly, this higher
royalty converted itself into a price increase of bottled mineral water that
put the burden on consumers.
Harm on competition:
All three undertakings were accused of infringing Art. 5(1)(a) of the
Competition Law. The evidence showed that the activities of the three
undertakings (in the period analysed, 2000 – 1 quarter 2004), had as
scope (respectively as “object”) and had as a result (“effect”) the
restriction, prevention and/or distortion of competition in the Romanian
cement market.
In addition to the written evidence on the illegal agreement , evidence
on the market irrefutably showed the real effects of these activities:
A holographic copy of a note from Holcim’s country manager in that period.
This note proves the existence of a common strategy, a collusive agreement
between all cement producers, with a view to coordinate the market shares by
price-fixing practices.
Enforcement measures:
In May 2005, the Competition Council decided to impose fines of over
27 million euro on the three cement producers, considering that all three
undertakings were members of a price-fixing cartel in the Romanian
The investigation also found that HOLCIM infringed the provisions of the
Law for the non-fulfilment of the obligations and the conditions imposed
through the conditional authorization Decision no. 221/08.05.2000
issued by the Competition Council. Holcim was sanctioned with a fine of
1 per cent of the total turnover achieved in the previous financial year.
Harm on consumers:
It is worth noting that companies that are members of the groups that
operate in the Romanian cement market behaved in an anti-competitive
manner in other countries. For instance, in 1994, the European
Commission levied fines of 248 million euro on six companies and the
cement manufacturers’ association. The parties involved used the
European Association of Cement (Cembureau) as a vehicle for market
allocation and exchange of information on prices. In judicial appeals
finally decided in January 2004, the fine was reduced by 140 million
euro, and the fine on the trade association was quashed. These six
included Lafarge and Holcim. Lafarge was fined 187 million euro by the
EC in 2003 for participating in another cartel, the third largest fine ever
levied for being a regular offender. In Germany, the competition
authority sanctioned a cartel in the cement market, in which companies
of the Lafarge and Heidelbergcement Groups were involved. The Italian
Competition Authority applied fines to the same companies for anti-
competitive behaviour in the concrete market, including price fixing and
illegal exchange of information. The list is endless and only goes to
prove that the reiteration of this kind of behaviour is possible and even
occurred in the Romanian market. Cement enterprises are the most
favoured of competition authorities around the world because they
almost always collude as a cartel and fix prices, thus adversely affecting
consumers and other businesses.
Apart from the sanctions applied, the impact of the RCC’s intervention in
such an important market for the development of the Romanian
economy had immediate and positive effects: the price fell by 6 per cent,
even if the construction materials sector had an upward trend.
CFR Marfa is a spin-off owned by the State, set up after the reorganization of
the former National Company of Romanian Railroads, operating freight railway
in the locomotive depots), and all the other activities required for the
proper functioning of railway freight transportation.
Entry barriers:
Access to the relevant market was regulated, in the sense that it
required a license to be obtained from the Romanian Railway Authority.
In addition, the locomotive shedding required a depot; the same
requirement was applied for the provision of the locomotive personnel’s
access to bedrooms, as for the personnel accommodation in other types
of space that would have contravened the specific legal framework.
Harm on competition:
Examining the behaviour of the two undertakings acting in the same
product market, CFR Marfa and CFR Calatori, the Competition Council
found that the tariffs charged by CFR Calatori were the same for all its
beneficiaries, while CFR Marfa was charging differentiated tariffs laid
down in an internal regulation, based on the beneficiary’s ownership
(State-owned or private railway operators). Following CFR Marfa’s
refusal to conclude contracts with private operators, the concerned
services continued to be provided by CFR Calatori in areas where it
possessed depots and sheds.
comparison with this benchmark, the tariffs charged by CFR Marfa for
private operators were, until the contracts expired, from 5 to 20 times
Since the acquirer OMV has joint control over Rompetrol Group N.V.
Holland, a real overlap existed between the activities of Petrom that
were presented above, and the activities of OMV and Rompetrol in
Romania, only regarding the following activities: oil refining and
processing, distributing and selling petrol products, selling lubricants,
producing and selling petrochemical products.
Harm on competition:
Analysing these four activities and the associated markets, the Council
found that the concentration OMV/Petrom restricted competition only in
two of these markets, as a result of the important market shares held by
the parties involved: the oil refining and processing market (Petrom and
Rompetrol) and the market for the distribution and sale of petrol
products (OMV, Petrom and Rompetrol).
In order to avoid restricted competition in these two affected markets,
OMV submitted to the Romanian Competition Council proposals of
commitments. Thus, OMV committed itself to relinquish joint control in
Rompetrol Group N.V. Holland, by selling its minority participation. Also,
until the sale of its shares, OMV was not to participate in decisions
regarding the daily activities of Rompetrol Group N.V. Holland, which
might have an impact on the competitive behaviour of this undertaking.
1.2.7. Azomures/Chimpex, Decision 113 [2005]
Harm on competition:
The only competitor of Chimpex was SC Socep SA, which rented an
installation from SC Transocep Terminal SA. Azomures had joint control
at Transocep, together with other shareholders. These facts gave
Azomures the possibility to get involved in the activity of Socep, in the
segment of port operations for chemical fertilizers. After acquiring a
majority of the stock in Chimpex, Azomures would have been able, to a
considerable degree, to behave independently towards its customers
and competitors, a fact that might have led to a significant restriction,
prevention or distortion of competition in the relevant market.
• the transaction’s implications for the Romanian fertilizers market
due to the vertical integration stemming from the merger;
• the transaction’s effects on the relevant market affected by the
proposed merger, i.e. the stevedoring operations of the solid
fertilizers Romanian market.
It was found that the entry to the relevant market depended both on the
obtaining of a license of an administrative nature and the observance of
certain compulsory norms. So, the total entry costs were considered as
medium in terms of financial investment.
In order to avoid the prohibition of the proposed acquisition, Azomures
submitted commitment proposals to the Romanian Competition Council,
in order to make the operation compatible with a normal competitive
environment. Thus, Azomures took upon itself to relinquish the joint
control in SC Transocep Terminal SA, by selling the 20 per cent
participation held in this undertaking.
2. Role of competition policy and law in the regulatory reform
electricity, gas, transport, construction, the steel industry, postal
services, public procurements and commercial distribution.
recent Green Paper , the Romanian process of restructuring its
electricity sector moved through successive stages that envisaged the
vertical unbundling of generation, transmission and distribution systems
and the horizontal unbundling of some generation companies holding a
dominant position in the market. Even if it did not generate competition,
the vertical unbundling of production from transmission and distribution
was an important step in reforming the Romanian electricity sector that
provided for administrative transparency and non-discriminating access
to the network.
European Commission Green Paper. A European Strategy for Sustainable,
Competitive and Secure Energy, EC (2006).
The privatization that took place in the distribution system has
also played an important role in the restructuring of the Romanian
electricity sector. It upheld the financial development of the distribution
system, covering investment needs and promoted profit-oriented normal
market behaviour and the improvement of a competitive environment.
Regarding generation, the market structure offers a starting
point from which to judge the possible competitiveness level of the
electricity market. According to the economic theory, the following
market concentration indicator may be defined:
9.4% 27.8%
Source: ANRE.
On the other hand, privatization of the generation sector has not
advanced and remains almost entirely State owned. The most attractive
generators, such as the hydro-generation power plants and the energy
complexes that could have been of interest for private investors are still
withheld from privatization, as they are considered of strategic
importance. On the contrary, the thermoelectric power plants that were
listed for sale several times did not attract investor interest due to their
age, outdated technology and a significant need for investment.
Nonetheless, it is planned that privatization will start in the short or
medium term with the first major power plant most likely to be the
Turceni and Rovinari lignite-fired thermal power complex, following the
reorganization of the State-owned generation player Termoelectrica.
However, when eligible consumers are migrating, it is less likely
for suppliers to relinquish high price quantities or to contract additional
low price quantities. In such circumstances, the additional costs or
incomes incurred by the suppliers caused by the adjustment of the
electricity quantities in the acquisition contracts are considered ex-post,
the next calculation of the regulated tariffs for captive consumers.
Table 3: Evolution in electricity consumption and in the number of
consumers supplied by the competitive system from November 2006 to
November 2007
environmental standards. Still, the government is expecting that the
financial gap will be filled by the private sector.
Chart 3: Structure of the energy provided in terms of types of resources,
November 2007
Solid fuels Hydro fuels Nuclear fuels Gas fuels Liquid fuels
Source: ANRE.
fixed telephony operators were reluctant to enter the market, which
required important infrastructure investment. However, towards the end
of 2005, the market share of the former monopolistic provider started to
decrease considerably, while other operators were gaining significant
slices of the telecom “pie”.
The new entrants made considerable investments in innovative
technologies so as to reduce the cost of infrastructure development.
This reduced the dominant operator’s market share and forced it to
reinvent itself. The former monopolistic operator thus needed to react to
the powerful wave of competition by investing significantly in its own
infrastructure. The end result was a reduction in the costs for the
maintenance and operation of infrastructure and higher quality
connections to its clients. In the increased competition from the new
entrants, the incumbent had to significantly reduce its prices. It even
started to provide free calls within its network, which was inconceivable
when there was no competition.
From 2002, the sector was given a totally new legislative and
regulatory framework in line with the latest EU standards. During recent
years the Romanian National Agency of Telecommunication
Regulations (ANRC) delivered a competition-oriented set of secondary
legislation, which offered investors easy access to the market, fair rules,
based strictly on economic grounds, and protection from potential
abuses of those attempting to take unfair advantage of their position.
Nowadays clients are expecting much more from their
telephone line: broadband Internet, interactive and multimedia content
and new services. From 2003 to 2006, there was a constant rate of
increase in the number of fixed telephony providers. Thus, in only 4
years the number of alternative providers increased by over 1.6 times
whereas the providers of telephony services using Internet connections
recorded an average annual rate of increase of over 6.7 per cent for the
period 2003−2006 (Chart 4).
Chart 4: Evolution of the number of alternative providers and of providers
of telephony services supplied through the Internet
80 80
60 59
50 49
20 14
10 3 3 3 4 5
dec.03 mar.04 iun.04 sep.04 dec.04 mar.05 iun.05 sep.05 dec.05 mar.06 iun.06 sep.06 dec.06
Number of alternative providers Number of providers of telephony services supplied through internet
The highest expectation in the next few years is the emergence
of full competition on all fixed telephony segments. Beside the national
operator, there are currently few operators who could provide fixed
telephony based on their cable network.
mid 2004 end 2004 mid 2005 end 2005 mid 2006 end 2006
two more 3G licenses were granted for the providers S.C. Telemobil
S.A. and S.C. RCS&RDS S.A.
Because consumers have had the chance to choose between
fixed and mobile telephony, the total number of users increased
significantly, from 7 million (2003) to 19.5 million (2007). The penetration
rate practically tripled, as shown in Table 4.
Chart 6: Romania’s position compared to EU-15 Member States as
regards the penetration rate of mobile telephony services
140 138 137
120 118
113 114 113 111 110 110 109
108 107
100 95 90,5
D a nd
Po e c e
R um
xe lia
G g
Ir 5
Sw y
Fr a
A k
G ain
Fi n
B e nd
Br l
N lan
re tug
Lu Ita
Source: ANRCTI.
Chart 7: The evolution of users of prepaid cards
Source: ANRCTI.
In 1999, SNT Romtelecom SA (Romtelecom) filed a complaint
to the Competition Council about the non-compete clause provided by
the statute of SC Global One Communications Romania SA (hereinafter
GOCR), of which Romtelecom was a shareholder. Romtelecom alleged
that it was prevented from carrying out activities or capital investments
in the package data transmission market (where GOCR was active),
and invoked the provisions of Art. 54 of the Competition Law.
Harm on competition:
Analysing the GOCR statute, the Competition Council found
that the contracting parties (Romtelecom and GOCH) were not allowed
to compete with GOCR if they held shares and for a period of five years
from the termination of their activity as shareholders.
According to Art. 54, any contractual clauses referring to an anti-
competitive practice banned by Art. 5 are null and void.
preventing the two parent companies of GOCR from entering the market
Commuting packages represents a way to improve the network capacity and
consist in splitting data sequences in «packages», commuting the packages
towards the intended destination and then reassembling them in order to get the
original data sequences.
the data transmission market. Under the circumstances of an oligopoly
market, with substantial investments and being strictly specialized, the
association of two companies, together with the analysed non-compete
clause, clearly constituted an artificial entry barrier; this barrier
prevented the two potential competitors from entering the market,
seriously limiting competition.
Enforcement measures:
In its Decision, the Competition Council’s Plenum sanctioned
Romtelecom and Global One Communications Romania for having
breached the provisions of Art. 5(1) of Competition Law, by concluding
an association agreement in setting up a new company, Global One
Communications Romania SA, and for the stipulation of a non-compete
clause in the company’s statute.
Appeal proceedings:
The decision was appealed before the Bucharest Court of
Appeal (“Court”), which dismissed the complaint and maintained the
decision as legal and well founded. The Bucharest Court of Appeal
decision was further appealed before the High Court of Cassation and
Justice. In their appeal the parties (Romtelecom and Global One
Communications Romania) requested the annulment of the decision
claiming that the competition authority’s decision did not respect their
rights of defence. The parties also claimed that the decision infringed
upon the principle of non-retroactivity of the competition law because
the agreement and the establishment of the new company took place
long before the competition law was enforced, and thus the alleged
infringement of Article 5(1) of Competition Law no. 21/1996 exceeded
the limitation period. The Supreme Court upheld that the limitation
period of the infringement was not exceeded because it was a
continuous infringement, which ended only with the competition
authority’s investigation. The High Court of Cassation and Justice
upheld the Bucharest Court of Appeal decision.
Another interesting case where Romtelecom was again involved
was brought to the attention of the RCC in 2004, after the liberalization
of the fixed-telephony market. This case shows that ex-ante regulations
must be applied together with legislation in the field of competition in a
complementary manner, in order to promote effective competition in the
regulator intervene. However, this does not mean that we can overlook
the fact that there are particular circumstances that trigger the
application of competition law even if access and interconnection come
under the ambit of sector-specific regulation.
• where one of the parties finds that it does not have the
competence provided by law to investigate or settle a certain
dispute, but it considers that the dispute may fall under the other
party’s competence – it shall send the other party the relevant
information, notifying the interested persons;
• the party receiving the information shall make its stand on the
• one party may investigate acts or deeds that have been
authorized or imposed by the other party, requiring the other
party to take a stand regarding that matter, and it shall consider
the respective answer in the process of making a decision;
• the parties shall provide each other with the information they
have, in order to exercise their legal attributions;
3. Conclusions
Romanian economy. This could also serve as a model for countries with
an economy in transition or still at the developmental stage.
International experience has shown that anti-competitive
practices tend to be less prevalent in economies where the effective use
of national competition law and policy acts as a deterrent. If correctly
implemented, competition policy can protect producers and consumers
from anti-competitive practices that increase costs and prices and
reduce production. At the same time it can promote transparency and
enhance the attractiveness of an economy to foreign investment, and
also reinforce and maximize the benefits of such investment.
Deborah Healey*
1. Introduction
2. The breadth of Australian competition law and policy
The 1974 TPA was the first really serious competition law in
Australia and was modelled on provisions contained in both the US and
EU statutes operative at that time. There were, however, a number of
important areas of business to which it did not apply.
* LLM (Hons) (Syd.), Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of New South
Wales and Solicitor.
References to legislative provisions are to the Trade Practices Act 1974 unless
otherwise stated.
The Australian Industries Preservation Act 1906 was declared to be
unconstitutional under a now-discredited view of Constitutional interpretation.
The 1965 Trade Practices Act was also declared to be unconstitutional and was
replaced by the 1971 Trade Practices Act, which had a more limited application
and was constitutionally uncontentious. It was superseded by the 1974 TPA,
which is the current law.
Under the 1971 TPA, in order to avoid prosecution, a company could simply
register an agreement and in 1974 there were some 14,000 registered
agreements. See Productivity Commission, Review of National Competition
Policy Reforms, Productivity Commission Inquiry Report, No 33, 28 February
2005 (the “Productivity Commission Report”).
Specifically trading, financial and foreign corporations: Constitution of
Australia, section 51(xx); TPA, Section 4(1).
Trade or commerce power: Constitution, Section 51(i); TPA, Section 6(2).
There are some other Constitutional provisions of more limited relevance but
those mentioned provide the major platform for the law.
Bodies that are not trading, financial or foreign corporations, or are not
engaged in Constitutional trade or commerce, are not within
Constitutional power. This means that the Australian Parliament itself
lacks power to legislate with respect to other bodies, and they cannot be
prosecuted under the TPA.
Under the TPA itself the Australian Parliament could also enact laws
exempting particular conduct and certain bodies from the operation of the TPA
without giving reasons.
Section 2A.
Under the Constitution, however, there is no power for the
Australian Parliament to make laws that bind the States, so State bodies
were not caught by the TPA even where they were carrying on
Report by the Independent Committee of Inquiry into National Competition
Policy, 1993, AGPS, Canberra (the “Hilmer Report”).
Productivity Commission Report at p. xiv.
2. Unjustified regulatory restrictions on competition;
3. Inappropriate structures of public monopolies;
4. Denial of access to certain facilities that are essential for
effective competition;
5. Monopoly pricing; and
6. Competitive neutrality when Government businesses compete
with private firms .
The Hilmer Report stated that the competition law should apply
to all entities carrying on business and that any exemptions or immunity
should be of limited nature and implemented only after a transparent
process. It found a number of categories of conduct that were exempt
from the application of the TPA, including conduct by bodies outside
Constitutional limitations, and those that were entitled to the “shield of
the Crown” (or Crown immunity). In particular the Hilmer Report
Hilmer Report at p. 7.
See Competition Principles Agreement; Conduct Code Agreement;
Agreement to Implement National Competition Policy and Related Reforms. A
National Competition Council was established as part of these reforms to
provide advice about competition policy matters and make various
recommendations in relation to the statutory access regime contained in Part
IIIA of the TPA. See Productivity Commission Report.
There were also a number of other bodies such as statutory marketing
bodies and the professions. Other groups could be exempted by the laws of the
recommended that Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) should
not enjoy any advantages when competing against their private-sector
counterparts and that the TPA should apply to State and Territory GBEs
in the same way that it already applied to Commonwealth GBEs.
States and Territories in a non- transparent way. Other conduct could be given
administrative approval after a more transparent process. So, for example,
those engaged in professional activities such as doctors or lawyers were not
generally caught by the TPA prior to these amendments due to constitutional
limitations they were not incorporated and did not engage in interstate or
overseas trade or commerce, i.e. Constitutional trade or commerce.
They also agreed to maintain the mirror legislation in a uniform way going
forward in the interests of creating one main competition statute for the whole of
the country.
The ability of the Commonwealth, the State and Territory
Parliaments to exempt particular bodies or specific conduct was
significantly curtailed by the introduction of transparency and a more
rigorous process of evaluation.
See Hilmer Report at p. 108, and Sections 172(2); 51(1)(b),(c),(d);51(1C),
51AAA. As part of the process, the States and Territories must notify the ACCC
of the legislation, which must have a sunset period of two years.
Authorization, which is an administrative sanction, may also be granted by
the ACCC for most Part IV conduct on the basis of individual application if it can
be justified on public benefit grounds see Section 88ff. This process is outside
the scope of this study.
An “authority” of a State or Territory is a body corporate established for a
purpose of the State or Territory, or such an incorporated company in which a
State or Territory has a controlling interest.
In Australia, for the purpose of determining whether a
government body is subject to the TPA it is necessary first to determine
whether it represents the Crown or not, and then secondly to see
whether or not it is carrying on business.
The incorporation test asks whether or not the body has been
incorporated and the way in which this has been done. The fact that the
Government has decided to create a separate body to perform a
particular activity is an indication that it is not meant to be the Crown. To
determine whether an incorporated body is the Crown it is necessary to
look to the legislation establishing it to ascertain the intention of the
legislators. If the legislation setting up the body is silent on the issue of
whether or not it is part of the Crown, it is likely that it is not. The courts
generally require clear wording indicating that a body forms part of the
Crown for this to be the case. If a body is set up under the general
Corporations Act, for example, it is unlikely that the body represents the
See, for example, NT Power Generation Pty Ltd v Power and Water Authority
& Anor [2004] HCA 48 (“NT Power case”) where the subsidiary of PAWA was
incorporated under the Corporations Act, not the statute setting it up.
A test called the control test applies and a government body is
entitled to the Crown immunity if a Minister of the Crown exercises
control over it, in the sense of control and direction of activities. Control
for the purposes of the test refers to the right to control, not necessarily
the actual exercise of control. The test was summarized in the NT
Power case, discussed further below, where the High Court stated:
In that case the High Court found that the mere giving of
guarantees by the government was not sufficient to suggest that Gasgo
should have immunity from the TPA on the basis of its connection with
the Crown or PAWA, which had Crown immunity.
NT Power case at para. 126.
2.7. Is the Government body carrying on business?
Section 4(1).
See J.S. McMillan Pty Ltd v Commonwealth (1997) 77 FCR 337 (“McMillan
McMillan case, op. cit.; GEC Marconi Systems Pty Ltd v BHP Information
Technology Pty Ltd (2003) 128 FCR 1.
carrying on business for the purposes of Section 2C and the similar
State provisions:
• Inviting tenders to sell off part of an existing business;
• Running immigration detention centres for profit;
• Managing a national park;
• Running the Trade Practices Commission (the predecessor of
the ACCC);
• Operating a public hospital providing services to public patients
through a contractor;
McMillan case, op. cit.
Corrections Corporation of Australian Ltd v Commonwealth of Australia
(2000) 104 FCR 448.
Easts Van Villages v Minister Administering the National Parks and Wildlife
Act [2001] ATPR (Digest) 46-211.
Thomson Publications Pty Ltd v TPC (1979) 40 FLR 257.
ACCC v Australian Medical Association (WA) Inc. [2003) FCA 686.
Bradken Consolidated Limited v Broken Hill Pty Co Limited (1979) 145 CLR
The first case considers what happens when a government
body not previously exposed to competition and traditionally performing
a public service is faced with a competitive threat; when a government
body entitled to Crown immunity is “carrying on business”; the extent to
which the TPA applies to the refusal of such a body to enter a new
business area or to assist others to do so and whether a subsidiary is
entitled to Crown immunity.
The High Court found that PAWA was carrying on business and
using the infrastructure as a significant part of its business. This was
despite the fact that PAWA had never before allowed anyone to use the
[2004] HCA 48.
infrastructure. PAWA had an express duty under its legislation to act in
a commercial manner, and itself described its transmission and
distribution facilities as “business products” in its own documentation.
The High Court said that the actual refusal was conduct that advanced
PAWA’s business and that it had taken the decision not to supply NT
Power because of the negative impact that this would have in the short
term on its business of selling electricity. The fact that PAWA had not
supplied the access before was not relevant to the point. Ultimately the
High Court found that PAWA had breached Section 46, Misuse of
Market Power, in refusing to allow NT Power to use the infrastructure.
The High Court found that Gasgo was not entitled to Crown
immunity nor was it entitled to derivative Crown immunity. The finding
on derivative Crown immunity was on the basis that financial prejudice
was not enough to justify the immunity. The High Court said that in order
to benefit from derivative Crown immunity it is necessary for a body
seeking the immunity to demonstrate that the application of the TPA to
the party would adversely affect a more tangible right such as a legal
prerogative, or a statutory, proprietary, contractual or other legal or
equitable right or interest belonging to the Government.
The High Court overruled the decisions of the Federal Court and the Full
Federal Court on appeal.
Relying on earlier High Court authority.
The issue of derivative Crown immunity was also considered in
ACCC v Australian Medical Association (WA) Inc. where the court
reviewed the issue of Crown immunity in a complex situation that arose
after the Hilmer amendments. There were two aspects to the case but
only one will be referred to here. The State Government entered into
contractual arrangements with Mayne Nickless Limited (MNL) under
which MNL would provide medical services free of charge to public
patients on behalf of the State and thereby the Minister would discharge
his statutory obligations to the community. The ACCC alleged that the
Australian Medical Association (WA) (AMA(WA)) and MNL made an
understanding containing a price-fixing provision, namely that MNL
would contract doctors to provide services to public patients at rates
prescribed by the State fee for service rates controlled under a relevant
state agreement.
The Federal Court found that there had been no price fixing.
However, even if there had been, the Court stated that MNL would have
been entitled to derivative Crown immunity. The State of WA was not
carrying on a business in operating a public hospital. The TPA thus did
not apply to the State. MNL was entitled to derivative Crown immunity
on the basis that the Crown had been heavily involved in the negotiation
of all of the arrangements and that the interests of the Crown would
have been prejudiced if the TPA had been applied to the contractual
[2003] FCA 636.
(2003) 199 ALR 423.
[2007] HCA 38.
the bundled products was much cheaper than the prices for the
individual products under the contract tenders submitted by Baxter. The
products were supplied to the State-purchasing authorities for public
hospitals in a number of States.
In doing so they felt compelled to following existing authority on the point.
TPA Section 2.
(1979) 145 CLR 107.
By the addition of Section 2B, discussed earlier.
Bropho v Western Australia (1990) 171 CLR 1.
“A conclusion that, in carrying on dealings with a government in
the course of its own business, it enjoyed a general immunity not
available to the government when the government was carrying on
business itself would be remarkable. Such a conclusion would be
impossible to reconcile with the object of the Act as now declared in s2.
Further such a conclusion would go far beyond what is necessary to
protect the legal rights of governments, or to prevent a divesting of
proprietary, contractual and other legal rights and interests.”
The Productivity Commission Report also looked at the issue of ongoing
competition policy reform.
Productivity Commission Report at p. xix.
Productivity Commission Report at p. xx.
had stimulated business innovation, customer responsiveness and
choice. In summary, the Productivity Commission stated:
“In contrast with the 1970s and 1980s, Australia’s recent
productivity growth has also been strong by international standards.
That rapid overall growth has been sustained despite a decade of
economic stagnation in Australia’s largest export market (Japan) and
the financial crisis which struck that country and other key Asian trading
partners in 1997.
While many factors can influence productive growth, a number
of analytical studies indicate that microeconomic reforms – including
NCP – have been a major contributor to Australia’s productivity surge in
the 1990s and to the economy’s increased resilience in the face of
economic disturbances. The reforms have achieved this by increasing
the pressures on both private and government businesses to be more
productive, through increased competition, while simultaneously
enhancing their capacity to respond through more flexible work
arrangements, the removal of unnecessary red tape and the like. Other
suggested causes of the productivity surge, such as recovery from
recession or unsustainable increases in work intensity, have not
withstood analytical scrutiny.”
Priorities for reforms going forward included strengthening the national
electricity market, building on the national water initiative, developing integrated
national strategies on efficient and integrated freight transport services, and an
overarching review of the health system.
Productivity Commission Report at p. xvii.
mobile phone, post letters , you are benefiting from competition policy
Willet, E., Commissioner, Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission, The ACCC’s role in promoting competition and protecting
Australian consumers, speech to Australian Bankers Association at Banking
Regulation Forum, 24 August 2007, at p. 1.
The Constitutional issues relating to its application have been discussed
Part IIIA.
See Part V, Consumer Protection, Part VA, Product Liability.
There have been far more consumer protection cases taken under the TPA
than cases involving restrictive trade practices. In 2005–2006, for example, 87
per cent of total enforcement outcomes related to breaches of Part V. See
Samuel, G., Chairman, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, The
foundations of good consumer protection policy: strong law, vigorous
enforcement and the educated consumer, Speech to National Consumer
Congress, 15 March 2007 at p. 1.
• conduct that is in blatant disregard of the law;
• conduct that is by a person, business or industry with a history
of previous contraventions of competition law, including
overseas contraventions;
• conduct that causes significant detriment to consumers and/or
business, and/or a significant number of complaints or has
disproportionate effect on disadvantaged groups;
• conduct that is of major public interest or concern; or
• a situation that has the potential for action to have a worthwhile
educative or deterrent effect and achieve a likely outcome that
would justify the use of the resources.
The ACCC may take a matter to the Federal Court and seek
civil pecuniary penalties. These penalties are currently set at the greater
of A$10 million, three times the value of the benefit from anti-competitive
conduct, or 10 per cent of the turnover of the body corporate and all its
related bodies corporate during the period of 12 months ending at the
end of the month during which the act or omission occurred.
Individuals involved in conduct are liable for pecuniary penalties for up
to A$500,000. Penalties are levied in respect of “each act or
omission”, so that the cumulative total of penalties may theoretically
be much higher than the levels set for an individual breach. There is
currently a well-advanced proposal to introduce criminal penalties for
serious cartel conduct.
See Samuel, G., op. cit. These views have been expressed by the ACCC on
many occasions over the years.
Private remedies are also available to parties under the TPA.
Section 76(1), 76(1A), 76(1B). The Crown is immune from pecuniary
penalties: Section 2B (2).
These are not criminal provisions. Contraventions must be proven on the
balance of probabilities and have been characterized as “quasi-criminal” due to
the size of the potential pecuniary penalties. Draft legislation is currently being
circulated for discussion to introduce criminal liability for “hard-core cartels”.
Factors relevant to penalty setting are set out in Section 76(1) and additional
factors have been set down in cases such as TPC v CSR Ltd (1991) ATPR 41-
076 at p. 52,152–3.
Both sides of Parliament have committed to the proposal and draft legislation
has been circulated for comment.
The ACCC may seek injunctions restraining future similar
529 530
conduct, and other orders. It has the ability to reach binding
agreements called enforceable undertakings, which settle court
proceedings. In this context, or where respondents admit liability,
penalties may be negotiated and an agreed figure on penalty is
sometime presented to the court.
Section 80.
Section 87.
Section 87B.
Parties may also take proceedings in relation to breach of Part IV of the TPA,
and have access to relief such as injunctions, other orders and damages under
Section 82 for loss or damage flowing from a contravention.
ACCC, Annual Report 2005–2006 at p. 43.
Section 155.
ACCC v Abbco Iceworks (1994) 52 FCR 96.
notices. It is, however, permissible to refuse to provide information
and documents that are subject to legal professional privilege.
Section 155(5).
Daniels Corp International Pty Ltd v ACCC (2002) 213 CLR 543.
Section 154D, 154E.
Sections 155(5).
155(2)). These statistics underscore the utility of the provisions for
information gathering, which add significantly to the enforcement law
arsenal of the ACCC.
ACCC, Annual Report 2005–2006 at p. 43.
See, for example, ACCC v Neville [2007] FCA 1583, where a real estate
agent was fined A$2160 and given 200 hours of community service for giving
false evidence in breach of Section 155(5). See also Samuel, G, Chairman
ACCC, The enforcement priorities of the ACCC, Competition Law Conference,
Canberra, 12 November 2005.
Section 45A.
Section 4D.
Industries as diverse as major construction, the express
545 546
freight industry, the pre-mixed concrete industry, the vitamin
547 548
industry and the power distribution transformer industry have been
the subject of major litigation, sometimes on more than one occasion.
Most of the behaviour in these cases had been going on for significant
periods of time. Importantly, each of the areas mentioned above has the
capacity to significantly impact on consumers. The express freight
industry case, for example, added costs to many deliveries of goods
paid for by retailers. Consumers bore the brunt of increased costs when
the costs were passed on in the retail purchase price. In the power
distribution transformer case, the costs were ultimately passed on to
consumers when they paid for their electricity.
A recent high profile cartel case pursued by the ACCC was the
Visy case.
It involved two Australian companies, Visy and Amcor, which
together during the relevant period held 90 per cent of the corrugated
fibreboard packaging market in Australia. The two companies engaged
in price fixing between 2000 and 2004 in breach of Section 45 of the
TPA. Amcor received conditional immunity from the ACCC. The price fix
was revealed to lawyers acting for Amcor during unrelated legal
proceedings and Amcor approached the ACCC and received conditional
immunity under the ACCC Immunity Policy.
ACCC v CC (NSW) Pty Ltd (1999) 92 FCR 375 (collusive tendering and
market sharing by industry participants); A$200,000 penalty for CC (under lower
maximum penalties).
TPC v TNT Australia Pty Ltd (1995) ATPR 41-375 (price fixing in freight
forwarding); A$4.1m against TNT (under old limits); A$6m against Mayne
ACCC v Pioneer Concrete Pty Ltd (1996) ATPR 41-740 (price fixing); agreed
penalties of A$6.6m for each corporate respondent and A$50,000 for each
individual respondent.
ACCC v Roche Vitamins Australia Pty Ltd (2001) ATPR 41-809 (price fixing
re vitamins) fines of almost A$23m in total.
ACCC v ABB Transmission and Distribution Ltd (2001) ATPR 41-815.
ACCC v Visy Industries Holdings Pty Limited (No.3) [2007] FCA 161 2
November 2007 (Heerey J.).
The behaviour included an overarching agreement to fix prices
and maintain market shares (including compensation where customers
were lost to the other), understandings to increase prices from time to
time and annually, and related understandings on price with customers.
The arrangements were agreed at almost 50 meetings, and the
overarching agreement was reinforced by the CEOs of the two
companies, one of whom was Mr Pratt, at a lunch meeting.
This was a very high penalty for an individual under the TPA, imposed
because of his seniority and level of involvement.
At para. 312, 315.
He also described a statement made by Mr Pratt on behalf of
the company in relation to the decision to admit liability in the matter as
being “…hardly consistent with a frank admission of wrongdoing” , and
noted that the cartel in effect operated for Mr Pratt’s “personal benefit
via his ownership” of Visy”.
The size of the penalties in this case, and the publicity given to
it in the media given the high profile of the company and its owner,
illustrate the importance of such cases for protection of consumers and
also as a deterrent to others contemplating similar arrangements. A
class action has also been launched on behalf of persons suffering loss
because of the conduct, who are reportedly claiming A$700 million from
Visy and Amcor on the basis of additional packaging costs paid.
Other parties affected by the conduct have reportedly launched
additional, individual actions. Visy and Amcor supplied many of
Australia’s leading food companies such as Nestlé, Coca Cola Amatil
and Goodman Fielder.
At para. 324.
At para. 326.
Washington, S. and Wood L., Visy customers claim $700 m damages,
Sydney Morning Herald, 10 October 2007. The immunity granted to Amcor by
the ACCC will not protect it from third-party actions for damages.
Section 4D.
conduct. The two were Australia’s retailers and substantial retailers of
liquor. The conduct arose out of similar arrangements made by
Liquorland and Woolworths individually with applicants for liquor
licences in local areas. Under the state legislation, existing retailers of
alcohol in an area could object to the grant of additional licences by the
NSW Liquor Administration Board on various grounds. Liquorland and
Woolworths had existing retail outlets in the areas under consideration.
In each case Liquorland and Woolworths had lodged objections to the
granting of the licences to small applicants. Small applicants up against
the resources of very large retailers did not really have the resources to
deal with the objections. In each case there would have been a
contested hearing for the licences but Liquorland and Woolworths
agreed to withdraw objections to the applications on condition that the
applicants accept restrictions on their liquor licences. The agreements
were evidenced in various Deeds signed between Liquorland and
Woolworths and the various parties. The types of restrictions contained
in the agreements were:
Woolworths did not admit the conduct and was ultimately found
to have contravened the TPA. The Federal Court found that the
agreements between Woolworths and the small retailers contained
unlawful exclusionary provisions, and they also had the purpose of
substantially lessening competition. The Federal Court imposed
penalties totalling A$7 million.
ACCC v Liquorland (Australia) Pty Ltd (2006) ATPR 42-123.
ACCC Press Release 22 December 2006.
ACCC Press Release, December 2006, outlining judgment of Allsopp J.
In levying this penalty, the Federal Court (Allsopp J.) made the
following comments:
“Lying at the heart of the Act is the competitive process. A subjective
purpose of a substantial commercial entity of substantially affecting
competition is of the utmost seriousness. This is especially so when
experienced senior officers undertook such conduct deliberately to
ensure that licences did not become any form of competitive platform or
threat. Whilst no particular effect was proved, I should approach the
matter on the basis that the conduct was seen as relevantly important to
protect Woolworths' interest by ensuring the absence of a competitive
platform. It was of relevant commercial significance to Woolworths and
should be viewed in that light".
489 Case studies
The Safeway case involved a consideration of issues
including misuse of market power in the context of that company’s
acquisition of bread for sale in its stores. Safeway adopted a “deletion
policy” under which it imposed a term of trade on three bakers who
supplied bread to it. Under this term, if they sold bread to competitors of
Safeway at a price less than their price to Safeway they must offer
Safeway the same price. If they refused to do so, Safeway would not
display any of their bread products in its store and would stop
purchasing further supplies. This was found to fall within the misuse of
market power provision by the Federal Court. Safeway had a substantial
degree of market power in the market, and both the trial judge and a
majority of the Full Federal Court found that it had taken advantage of
that power in four instances where it removed all or most of the baker’s
products from one of its supermarkets. The conduct was directed at the
supply of discount bread to a competitor, and a firm without market
power would have been commercially compelled to stock the full range
of products in order to satisfy consumer demand. Safeway had also
introduced “fighting brands” of different bakers to achieve its outcome.
The majority (Heerey and Sackville J.J.) characterized the conduct as:
“…the use of the leverage it had in the market to inflict pain on the plant
baker concerned and thereby dissuade it from continuing to supply
discounted bread to Safeway’s’ local competitor”
Penalties totalling A$8 million were imposed on Safeway in respect of
this conduct.
ACCC v Australian Safeway Stores (2001) FCR 1; (2003) FCR 339.
Commonly called a “most favoured customer” provision.
Op. cit. at para. 329.
(2006) ATPR 42-094 (Keifel J.).
conditions, and the refusal to deal without acceptance of those
conditions, are prohibited. Third line forcing conduct is prohibited per se
or absolutely.
The conditions concern such things as customer and territorial
arrangements, tying contracts and requirements contracts.
The actual Universal conduct was engaged in by PolyGram, which
subsequently became part of the Universal group.
[2001] FCA 1800.
retailers who parallel imported its recordings. Threats were made to
discontinue certain discounts. Other threats were made to cease supply
where parallel importing took place. Warner engaged in similar conduct.
The conduct was said to constitute an offer to supply goods and
services to retailers on condition that they agreed not to acquire goods
of a particular kind or description, namely imports consisting of non-
infringing copies, directly or indirectly, from a competitor.
Sections 48, 96–105.
founder, Dr Jurgen Klein. Dr Klein was ordered to pay a penalty of
A$200,000 personally as well as A$20,000 in costs. The penalties were
large because the conduct went on for a long time and involved the
most senior executives of the company. In another recent decision
penalties totalling A$1.36 million were imposed on Navman Australia
Pty Ltd, a company supplying car, marine and personal navigational
equipment, and its employees. The company sought to ensure that
there was no discounting in its products and in some cases cut off
supply where discounting took place. In levying the penalty the judge
commented that the conduct was not merely deliberate but was
systematic and pursued in an aggressive and high-handed manner by
senior managers of the company. In commenting on the outcome, the
Chairman of the ACCC noted that consumers like to shop around to get
the best deal on GPS and other electronic equipment, encouraging
competition and enabling consumers to buy at lower prices.
3.2.6. Mergers
ACCC v Jurlique International Pty Ltd & Ors. [2007] FCA 79 (8 February
ACCC v Navman Australia Pty Ltd [2007] FCA 2016 (21 December 2007).
See Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Press Release
Navman penalised $1.2 million for resale price maintenance, 21 December
Section 50.
See ACCC, Merger Review Process Guidelines, July 2006. As to the
approach of the ACCC to examining such proposals, see ACCC, Merger
Guidelines, July 2006.
and the outcome does not protect the parties to the merger from action
by third parties.
See Part VII Division 3.
Section 95AZH. This process was previously undertaken by the ACCC.
Delays arising from the process, including the ability to appeal to the Tribunal,
made the process unworkable and it was amended in 2006 to its current form.
There are no decided cases as yet.
But see Qantas Airways Limited [2004] ATPR 42-027; 42-065; Re Qantas
Airways Limited [2005] ATPR 42-065 where the original rejection of
authorization by the ACCC was overturned by the Tribunal on review. This was
before matters went straight to the Tribunal, and also involved other areas of the
See ACCC Annual Report 2005–2006.
3.2.7. Conclusions
It can be seen from the Case Studies that the ACCC takes
particular note of the potential impact of conduct on consumers when
making decisions on enforcement priorities. All of the cases mentioned
have a significant consumer impact. The tangible effect of the
curtailment of offending conduct in all cases was increased competition
and ultimately reduced costs for consumers. The broad powers given to
the ACCC to investigate and enforce the provisions of the TPA
significantly assist and are essential to the effective prosecution of
competition law cases under the TPA.
Mao Xiaofei*
1. Introduction
Research Fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
It was promulgated on 2.9.1993 and took effect on 1.12.1993.
It was promulgated on 29.12.1997 and took effect on 1.5.1998.
The competition review on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) was
attached with no great importance until the issue of takeovers of
domestic enterprises by foreign investors, in particular its impact on
Chinese industries, raised notable concerns of policy makers. In 2003,
the first merger review was provided for in the Interim Provisions on
Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors
(Interim Provisions), which put only M&A involving foreign enterprises
under control. A third authority – the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM)
– was entrusted, together with the SAIC, to carry out competition
Therefore, not only was the legal framework for antitrust issues
fragmented but also the competence for implementation was granted to
different administrative bodies. In the following, the enforcement
practices by respective bodies will be addressed. Part 2 explores the
crackdown of price cartels as the most pernicious form of anti-
competitive behaviour. After reviewing the cases dealt with by the SAIC
in sanctioning abusive conduct of public enterprises and undertakings
with legal monopoly status (Part 3), the focus will be turned to merger
control by the MOFCOM and the SAIC (Part 4). In Part V, abuse of
administrative power impeding competition, a special feature of the
Chinese anti-monopoly practice, will be addressed. A brief comment on
the transition from the past anti-monopoly practice to the implementation
of the AML will be given at the end of the analysis.
2. Restrictive agreements
It was enacted on 2.1.2003 and took effect on 12.4.2003.
cartel case in 2001. It lasted until July 2007 when the draft of the AML
was discussed in the People’s Congress. The SAIC and its local offices
seem to be more active, according to the cases and the statistics
disclosed to the public. However, their competence is controversial,
which thus leads to an inconsistency in the practice of different local
SAIC offices. As far as rig bids are concerned, there was a structural
change conceived in 2000 as the Chinese Tender Law was
promulgated. This greatly reduced the power of the SAIC.
By virtue of the Price Law, the NDRC and local price bureaus
are the government authorities that are authorized to investigate abuse
in pricing activities including cartels. Most of the cases are handled by
local price bureaus and only important ones with a significant effect on
the whole Chinese market are to be dealt with by the NDRC. Compared
to other kinds of unlawful pricing practices condemned by the
authorities, cartel prohibition is rare in practice.
The first notable case is the price collusion among sellers of
gold jewellery in Shanghai in 2001. After the abolition of the price control
over pure gold jewellery by the state, gold jewellery sellers in Shanghai
started to reduce their sales prices. Facing such a “price war”, the
Shanghai Industrial Association for Diamond and Jade and the
Shanghai Gold & Jewellery Trade Association, upon the request of
several members, called for a meeting with the participation of 13
undertakings, amounting to 80 per cent of the total market share in
Shanghai. As a result of the conference, the participants agreed on a
minimum price for pure gold jewellery. This action was made public in a
joint statement released by the participants claiming that an
From 1999 to June 2005, there were 14 price cartels investigated by the local
SAIC offices, whereas there were only two cases investigated by local price
bureaus of the NDRC at the same period of time. For details of cases and
国国国国国国国国总国国国国国国 中国中中中国国中中中中中中
statistics regarding the SAIC, see
SAIC/CASS[ / ], Fan Long Duan
Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected Anti-
《 反垄反反反反反反中国反垄反垄中垄垄》
monopoly Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese
Administrative Anti-monopoly Enforcement ],
MAO Xiaofei (ed.), 2007, p. 216.
unreasonable price war among them would only destroy their own
existence. The Price Bureau of Shanghai initiated an investigation over
the issue and concluded that the concerned practice constituted a price
collusion infringing Article 14 of the Price Law.
The participants contested the decision by arguing that the price
coordination was aimed at curbing the destructive price war among
them since a ruinous pricing under cost would only destroy the market
order, consequently to the detriment of consumers. Moreover, there
were no formal agreements concluded. No coercive measures had been
taken by associations to enforce the minimum price agreed. It was
absolutely up to the participants whether or not to implement the pricing
scheme. Therefore, there was no intention of collusion and price
manipulation for violation of Article 14 of the Price Law. Besides that, it
was argued that the minimum price was supposed to protect 95 per cent
of the small and middle-sized enterprises in the industry that had to pay
a higher purchase price for gold as a raw material for production, which
was still under the control of the central government. Only a few
companies with special rights could acquire gold directly from the
People’s Bank of China. They were capable of saving production costs
and could sell at a lower price. A price competition on such a basis was
unfair to those small and middle-sized competitors. A minimum price for
pure gold jewellery would, to a certain extent, offset the negative effects
of the unequal distribution of raw materials and improve the competitive
strength of the small and middle-sized firms. The most disputed issue in
the case was whether or not the associations who were involved in the
price conference should be responsible for the conduct since the
administrative decision was merely addressed to the undertakings. Most
controversial was whether or not the self-regulation of prices by
industrial associations fell under the legal activities of associations who
are supposed to establish codes of conduct for member enterprises.
The appeal was brought to the administrative review office of Shanghai
Municipality. Finally, the Price Bureau revoked its decision on the
SAIC/CASS[国国国国国国国国总国国国国国国 中国中中中国国中中中中中中
/ ], Fan Long
Duan Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected
Anti-monopoly Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese
Administrative Anti-monopoly Enforcement 《 反垄反反反反反反中国反垄反垄中垄垄》 ],
MAO Xiaofei (ed.), 2007, p. 112.
Ibid., p. 113.
grounds of procedural defects. Thus, the first effort by the Price Bureau
could more or less be regarded as having failed.
Shanghai Zai Qi Jin Jia Zi lü Zhi Zheng [The Resurge of the Dispute over the
Self-regulation of Gold Prices in Shanghai“ 上海再起金价自律之争 ”], available at
ml, last visited on 2.3.2008.
“Mai Ji Song Yi” Jiang Dan Chu Beijing Ru Pin Shi Chang [“Buy More One
Free” will fade out of the Market for Dairy Products in
买几送 将淡出北京乳品市场
Beijing“‘ 1’ ”], Xin Jing Bao [New Beijing Newspaper
《新京报》 ], 20.7.2007, available at http://finance.jrj.com.cn/news/2007-07-
20/000002447213.html, last visited on 2.3.2008.
Enterprises that have special access to the raw material are indeed
privileged in competition. Nevertheless, the price cartel cannot be
justified on this ground because it doesn’t function as an adequate
instrument for solving the real problem. The disadvantaged producers
may set forth a higher price by establishing a cartel, but since this price
is higher than that of the privileged producers, the cartelists are still less
competitive in the market. Or, both the disadvantaged producers and
the privileged agree on a cartel price so that the disadvantaged may
also survive in the market by acquiring monopoly profits. However, such
a cartel leads to a lessening of price competition, which functions as a
key instrument in selecting those competitors who survive based on
better business merits. In other words, inefficient producers may
continue their production resulting in a waste of economic resources
and a significant loss of consumer welfare. The price cartel is unable to
drive out the privileged producers who are inefficient as well. Unfair
competition as such can only be effectively resolved by a structural
approach that eliminates unequal treatment in the distribution of
resources. In the case in question, this justification was upheld by the
sellers of pure gold jewellery rather than the producers, which
demonstrates an obvious misuse by the cartelists since they were not all
affected by the unfair distribution of resources.
Ge Shuo Ge De Li “Shanghai Jin Jia Zi lü” Feng Zheng Yi Ran [Each
Insisting on its Viewpoint, Dispute over the “Self-regulation of Gold Prices”
continues 各说各的理
“ 上海金价自律 纷争依然
‘ ’ ”], available at
http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2002-02/05/content_268817.htm, 06.02.2002,
last visited on 2.3.2008.
Chinese context, industrial associations could include representatives of
undertakings. In many cases they were viewed as an external
administrative body of the government facilitating the implementation of
certain administrative measures by means of imposing compulsory
obligations upon their members. Hence, they have been variously
entitled “second government”, “half government”, and “new ‘mother-in-
law’ for enterprises”. Consequently, it is hard to make a clear
distinction as to whether they are acting for member companies or are
taking action on behalf of the government. In the latter case,
undertakings are left with little latitude to make their own decisions. This
is why the undertakings were arguing that they were in fact organized by
associations, and therefore “innocent” in the case.
Hang Ye Xie Hui: Guo Hao Zheng Fu Guan He Qi Ye Guan [Industrial
Associations: Overcome the Hurdles set by the Government and Enterprises
“ : ”], available at http://www.snet.com.cn/news/sdbd/200302/Index.htm,
last visited on 2.3.2008.
Ibid. available at http://www.snet.com.cn/news/sdbd/200302/Index.htm, last
visited on 2.3.2008.
Ge Shuo Ge De Li “Shanghai Jin Jia Zi lü” Feng Zheng Yi Ran [Each
Insisting on its Viewpoint, Dispute over the “Self-regulation of Gold Prices”
continues “ ‘ ’ ”], available at http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2002-
02/05/content_268817.htm, 06.02.2002, last visited on 2.3.2008.
Art. 2 and Art. 7(4) of the Temporary Provisions for Industrial Associations in
Shanghai, enacted by Shanghai People’s Government, 2002.
With regard to the case in question, though the influence of
industrial associations was noticeable, it was still not enough to argue
that the participating firms were obliged by the associations to enter into
the cartel. In contrast, there are sufficient facts proving that the price
conference was initiated by the associations upon the request of some
of the jewellery sellers. Furthermore, the agreement maintaining a
minimum price was concluded by the participants themselves. The
liability of the participants is well grounded by the Price Bureau,
regardless of the liability of the involved associations. As to the legality
of the associations, the Price Bureau in Shanghai found it difficult to
assess the nature and the scope of the self-regulation in pricing
activities by industrial associations provided for in Article 17 of the Price
Law. However, the majority of the commentators from academic circles
condemned it as anti-competitive. Indeed, Article 17 of the Price Law
obliges industrial associations to comply with the Price Law and the
relevant rules and to reinforce the self-regulation in pricing. Obviously,
the self-regulation by associations is to be construed in the context of
disciplining the pricing activities of member enterprises so as to conform
to the Price Law. By virtue of a supervisory obligation, industrial
associations shall in fact not only themselves refrain from any
engagement in price cartels but also prevent their members from cartel
practices, which is nevertheless the contrary in this case. It was a flaw
that the negative finding was solely addressed to the undertakings
without carrying out any investigation regarding the associations’
responsibility for the infringement. Even more questionable was that the
initial decision of the Price Bureau was subsequently revoked by it
because of some procedural defects during the administrative review.
The defeat of the Price Bureau of Shanghai in the first cartel
case shadowed the later administrative actions against price cartels in
China. In 2004, the Shanghai Gold & Jewellery Trade Association, the
Shanghai Huang Jin Shi Pin Qi Ye Lian He Xian Jia De Long Duan Xing Wei
Zao Dao Chu Fa [Sanctions on Concerted Price Fixing as Monopoly Practice by
Enterprises selling Gold Jewellery in Shanghai
“ ”, available at
http://economy.enorth.com.cn/system/2001/12/25/000226861.shtml, last visited
on 2.3.2008.
Hang Ye Xie Hui Neng Bu Neng Gao “Jia Ge Xie Yi”[Can Industrial
Associations make “Price Agreements” “ 行业协会能不能搞 价格协议 ‘ ’”], available
at http://www.ica.gov.cn/llyj/llyj2002/llyj0205-1.htm, last visited on 3.2.2008.
same association involved in the above-mentioned case – again issued
a statement on the self-regulated prices for gold jewellery in which a
standard price, adjustable weekly to the estimation of the Association,
was proposed. The sellers of gold jewellery could set forth their prices
without exceeding the 3 per cent limit of the standard price. For the sake
of supervision, a hotline was established for complaints. The concerned
distributors could be sanctioned in case of non-compliance. The Price
Bureau of Shanghai didn’t take any action on this occasion, though the
responsible official held personally that such a price restriction by the
association, in particular the minimum price, might curb the free
reduction of prices by enterprises which could be a matter of price
collusion. Whether or not the self-regulation by associations may violate
the freedom of undertakings in their pricing activities is another issue,
which is irrelevant for the discussion here. It won’t be explored in further
detail at this point.
Shanghai Zai Qi Jin Jia Zi lü Zhi Zheng [The Resurge of the Dispute over the
Self-regulation of Gold Prices in Shanghai “ 上海再起金价自律之争 ”], available at
ml, last visited on 2.3.2008.
Shang Jia Lian He Gao Ti Jia Bei Zhi Zhi, Zhu Zhou 20 Duo Jia Mi Fen
联商商上商商商株株 多商多多多商查查
Chang Bei Cha Chu [The Annulment on undertakings jointly increasing Prices,
over twenty Producers for Rice Flour were punished “ 20 ”],
available at http://finance.news.tom.com/1001/1005/2004313-46619.html, last
visited on 2.3.2008
Xie Che Ye Ji Ti Zhang Jia She Xian Long Duan [The Collective Increase of
Prices in the Car Wash Sector leads to suspicion of Monopoly Behaviour
“ ”], available at
68JAD9H09AFAGC9CJ0.html, last visited on 2.3.2008.
Guo Nei Hang Kong Gong Si Da Cheng Jia Ge Lian Meng, Ji Piao Jia Ge Pu
国国国国国国国国上国国国 机机上国机机上机
Bian Shang Zhang [Domestic Airlines agreed on Price Collaboration, Prices for
Flight Tickets are increasing“ ”], available at
http://finance.sina.com.cn/chanjing/b/20050404/07401484238.shtml, last visited
on 4.4.2005; “Jia Ge Tong Meng” Neng Zou Duo Yuan? [How far can the “Price
Collaboration” go? “‘ ” ”] available at
http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2002-04/30/content_378737.htm, last visited
The turning point occurred while the draft AML was being
discussed at the People’s Congress. In July, several key producers in
the instant noodles industry, together with the China Branch of the
International Ramen Manufacturers Association, hereinafter referred to
as “IRMA (China)”, announced a joint increase in prices for their
noodles, which aroused great public concern. Upon complaints from
consumers, the NDRC carried out an investigation and found that the
IRMA (China) had organized three meetings with the participation of
major producers to increase prices for instant noodles in different quality
categories from 2006 to 2007. The conference memos were printed in
the periodical so that information on prices was made available for all
undertakings. The producers involved subsequently raised their prices.
The NDRC requested the IRMA (China) to correct its excessive
practices, make an open statement to eliminate the negative effects and
annul the decision regarding the collective price increase agreed in the
conference memos.
车商榕上国国国 ,
alleged“Price Collaboration’in the Market for Second-hand Cars in Rong
(“ ‘ ’”) available at http://www.fjxf315.com/news2.asp?unid=23725, last
visited on 2.3.2008; MAO Xiaofei, Xiao Fei Zhe Bu Neng Wei Hang Ye Zi lü Mai
上费 《新新报》
Dan [Consumers shall not pay the Bill for the Self-regulation in Industries
“ ” ], Xin Jing Bao [New Beijing Newspaper ], 22.07.2007.
NDRC [ ], Guo Jia Fa Gai Wei Dui Fang Bian Mian Jia Ge Chuan
Tong An Diao Cha Qing Kuang Tong Bao [A Notice concerning the Investigation
of the Price Collusion for Instant Noodles on 16.8.2007
“ 2007/08/16”], available at
http://www.ndrc.gov.cn/xwfb/t20070816_154142.htm, last visited on 2.3.2008.
Fa Zhan Gai Ge Wei Gong Bu Jia Ge Chuan Tong, Hong Tai Wu Jia He Jia
Ge Qi Zha Dian Xing An Li [The NDRC published Typical Cases of Price
Collusion, Malicious Price Increase and Price
Cheating“ ”], available at
http://www.gov.cn/zxft/ft38/content_729143.htm, last visited on 2.3.2008.
price collusions to the detriment of consumers imposed great social
pressure on the government to take action. The occurrence of cartel
cases was coincident with a rapid increase in the price of food products
where the standard of living for the average person was significantly
affected. As the NDCR noted, the price increase even incurred a rush to
purchase among consumers in some areas. Unlike the case of gold
jewellery, the decision by the NDRC was addressed directly to the
concerned association but not to the enterprises, which implies a
tougher attitude toward associations playing an unfavourable role in the
most pernicious anti-competitive practices. Ultimately, an explicit
provision was incorporated into the AML (Article 16) to obstruct the
involvement of the associations in cases of cartels as well as other
monopoly agreements.
Fang Bian Mian Ji Ti Zhang Jia, Bei Zhi Yi Jia Ge Long Duan [The Collective
Price Increase for Instant Noodles suspected as Monopoly
方便面集体涨价 被质疑价格垄断
Pricing“ ”], available at
http://info.yidaba.com/economics/cjzx/227985.shtml, last visited on 2.3.2008.
NDRC[ ], Guo Jia Fa Gai Wei Dui Fang Bian Mian Jia Ge Chuan
Tong An Diao Cha Qing Kuang Tong Bao [A Notice concerning the Investigation
of the Price Collusion for Instant Noodles on 16.8.2007
“ 2007/08/16”], available at
http://www.ndrc.gov.cn/xwfb/t20070816_154142.htm, last visited on 2.3.2008.
The rule was passed on 25.8.2000 and took effect on 1.12.2000.
other practices impairing fair competition by means of contracts,
agreements, proposals, etc. Fines were imposed on the participating
国国国国国国国国总国国国国国国 中国中中中国国中中中中中中
The Law was passed on 17.03.1996 and took effect on 1.10.1996.
SAIC/CASS [ / ], Fan Long
Duan Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected
《 反垄反反反反反反中国反垄反垄中垄垄》
Anti-monopoly Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese
Administrative Anti-monopoly Enforcement ],
MAO Xiaofei (ed.), 2007, pp. 116–117.
Art. 64(2) of the Legislative Law, passed on 15.03.2000 and took effect on
国国国国国国国国总国国国国国国 中国中中中国国中中中中中中
SAIC/CASS [ / ], Fan Long
Duan Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected
《 反垄反反反反反反中国反垄反垄中垄垄》
Anti-monopoly Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese
Administrative Anti-monopoly Enforcement ],
MAO Xiaofei (ed.), 2007, p. 117.
The overlap of the authorities’ competence in some respects is
well displayed in this case. The legality of the SAIC in treating hard-core
cartel cases, in particular those with relevance to price collusion, is
questionable, though the courts in the city confirmed the competence of
the local SAIC office. The problem is to be understood against the
background of the complicated legislative structure in China. As we can
see, both the central and local governments have the power to make
laws and regulations. Local rules are subordinate to those issued on the
central level. However, in the absence of upper laws and regulations,
local governments may enact special provisions to adapt to the regional
circumstances. In this case, there was no comprehensive Anti-monopoly
Law available on the central level, and the regulation on anti-monopoly
issues contained in the LUC is not exhaustive. Indeed, local
governments have the right to stipulate specific rules according to
“specific circumstances of the region and the factual necessities”. It is
debatable whether this condition of Article 64(2) of the Legislative Law
was fulfilled in the given case. Another restriction on the legislative
power of local governments in this regard is that local governments are
not authorized to regulate issues reserved for the legislation of the
central government, provided for in Article 8 of the Legislative Law.
According to No. 8 of Article 8, issues concerning the fundamental
economic system are to be regulated by laws of the People’s Congress.
Differing legal opinions could be held on the point of whether the content
of Article 18 UCR<Zhejiang> is concerned with the fundamental
economic system or not.
well. Therefore, it would have been adequate to have a general
provision proscribing hard-core cartels. A fragmented legal framework is
always prone to generate potential conflicts.
This case raised, on the one hand, the dispute over the
competence of the SAIC in this regard; on the other hand, it created in
fact an alternative for combating cartels in practice. However, due to
the legal ambiguity stated above, the practice of the local offices of the
SAIC is inconsistent. The local office in City X, after its first decision was
confirmed by the local courts, continued its efforts in punishing cartel
behaviour, while other local offices remained inactive.
Before the year 2000, rig bids were completely banned by the
LUC. The SAIC and its local offices were therefore the authorities
having the exclusive right to deal with such cases. However, the Tender
Law was promulgated in 2000, which also embodies a prohibition of rig
bids in Article 32. Different administrative agencies are responsible for
its enforcement, depending upon in which sector the concerned
collusion in bidding occurred. In most cases, the power rests with the
respective ministries for various industries such as construction, railway,
telecommunication and post, etc. Hence, institutional tension between
the SAIC and other ministries surged as the Tender Law took effect. As
a response to the problem, the Commission Office of the Central
Communist Party for Institutional Arrangement released a decision,
whereby it is made clear that the undue practices in tendering, including
rig bids, shall be handled by the administrative agencies in the related
industries that are affected by the alleged practices. Where there is
Ibid., p. 217.
Art. 15 of the LUC.
Zhong Gong Zhong Yang Bian Zhi Wei Yuan Hui Ban Gong Shi [The
Commission Office of the Central Communist Party for Institutional Arrangement
中央机构编制委员会办公室 ], Guan Yu Guo Wu Yuan You Guan Bu Men Shi Shi
Zhao Biao Tou Biao Huo Dong Xing Zheng Jian Du De Zhi Ze Fen Gong De Yi
Jian [An Opinion of the State Council for the Supervision of Tendering Activities
on the Allocation of Responsibilities to Relevant Authorities
“ ”], distributed
by the Secretary of the State Council [ ], State Council Official File
no sector regulator, the SAIC and its local offices are responsible. Along
with this structural change, the power of the latter is reduced on a large
scale. It is illustrated in a sudden decline in the number the cases of rig
bids – falling from 229 to 131 for all of China in 2001 and 2002. But it
didn’t cause the complete withdrawal of the SAIC and its local offices
from this area. In some cases, they currently seek to cooperate with the
relevant sector authorities to carry out investigations.
3. Abusive practices
[2000]No. 34, in KONG Xiangjun [ ]: Zhong Guo Xian Xing Fan Long Duan
Fa Li Jie Yu Shi Yong [An Understanding and Application of the current Chinese
Anti-monopoly Law ], 2001, pp. 368–369.
国家工商行政管理总局公平交易局 中国社会院国家法学研究中心
[ / ], Fan Long
Duan Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected
Anti-monopoly Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese
Administrative Anti-monopoly Enforcement
], MAO Xiaofei (ed.), 2007, p. 213.
lawmakers. In contrast, it was well acknowledged that strong market
power may be misused by undertakings to distort competition. The
Legislative Affairs Commission (LAC), an influential working group in the
legislative process which is affiliated to the People’s Congress, pointed
out that “the meaning of this provision [Article 6] is that public
enterprises or other undertakings with legal monopoly status shall
refrain from abusing their superiority to impair fair competition of other
undertakings. An abuse of such a superior position refers to the
situation where such undertakings may engage in unfair competition
due to their positions, but others (customers) are not capable of leaving
or challenging them. For instance, if one wants to get telephone access,
one is obliged to buy devices provided by the telecommunication
supplier. Or, if one wants to get hot water, one must purchase the
particular appliance required by the gas supplier. Thus, it was
presumed under Article 6 that public enterprises and undertakings with
legal monopoly status have superior market power compared to their
competitors and trading partners. As shown in the following analysis, in
most cases, no serious efforts were made to investigate the market
power of the concerned enterprise when ascertaining abuses, with a few
exceptions. In other words, the presumption has been treated almost as
irrebuttable. As a result, instead of the concept of “market dominance” in
modern antitrust law, “public enterprises” and “undertakings with legal
monopoly status” constitute the central elements relating to the sanction
of abusive practices in China.
LAC, Zhong Hua Ren Min Gong He Guo Fan Bu Zheng Dang Jing Zheng Fa
《 中国中中中中国反中中中竞中中竞竞》
Shi Yi [Interpretation ofthe Law Against Unfair Competition of the People’s
Republic of China ], HU Kangsheng (ed.), 1993,
p. 18.
It was issued on 24.12.1993.
transportation, etc. This definition is in line with the perception of the
LAC. Public enterprises are characterized by the nature of their
business activities and their involvement in supplying public utilities. The
public utilities sectors are illustrated by examples that are not
exhaustive. In practice, the SAIC adheres to the listed examples without
extending the scope. In cases where an alleged undertaking may not fall
under the catalogue, the SAIC seeks to construe them as “undertakings
with legal monopoly status”, which will be explored at a later point.
In the interpretation by the LAC, public enterprises are also categorized as
companies engaged in providing public utilities such as water suppliers, gas
companies and electricity suppliers, etc. See LAC, Zhong Hua Ren Min Gong
He Guo Fan Bu Zheng Dang Jing Zheng Fa Shi Yi [Interpretation of the Law
《 中国中中中中国反中中中竞中中竞竞》
Against Unfair Competition of the People’s Republic of China
国国国国国国国国总国国国国国国 中国中中中国国中中中中中中
], HU Kangsheng (ed.), 1993, p. 18.
SAIC/CASS [ / ], Fan Long
Duan Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected
《 反垄反反反反反反中国反垄反垄中垄垄》
Anti-monopoly Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese
Administrative Anti-monopoly Enforcement ],
MAO Xiaofei (ed.), 2007, p. 30.
tobacco, which are nevertheless not very illuminating for the
application. The SAIC has adopted essentially a case-by-case approach
in practice.
In 1997, the SAIC was confronted with the first case on this
issue, upon the request of the local SAIC office of Sichun Province. The
local SAIC office initiated an investigation against a credit cooperative in
the town of Lidian in Muchuan County. It was alleged that the Lidian
credit cooperative granted loans, designed for agricultural use, to
applicants under the condition that the latter had to purchase fertilizer
from an appointed supplying company. Instead of receiving cash, the
applicants were given loan certificates issued by the credit cooperative,
with which they had to buy all their fertilizer from the appointed supplier.
The key question at issue was whether the concerned credit cooperative
could be construed as an undertaking with legal monopoly status under
Article 6 of the LUC. The SAIC confirmed the monopoly status of the
concerned party by arguing that credit cooperatives were special
financial institutions established and regulated by financial laws. They
had an exclusive position in managing loans for agricultural use. The
constraint imposed on applicants to purchase fertilizer violated Article 6
of the LUC. Pertaining to the reply of the SAIC, the local office
LAC, Zhong Hua Ren Min Gong He Guo Fan Bu Zheng Dang Jing Zheng Fa
《 中国中中中中国反中中中竞中中竞竞》
Shi Yi [Interpretation of the Law Against Unfair Competition of the People’s
Republic of China ], HU Kangsheng (ed.), 1993,
p. 18.
KONG Xiangjun, Zhong Guo Xian Xing Fan Long Duan Fa Li Jie Yu Shi
Yong [Understanding and Application of the Current Chinese Anti-monopoly
《中国现行反垄断法理解与适用》 ], 2001, pp. 71–75.
SAIC, Guan Yu Xin Yong He Zuo She Xian Ding Dai Kuan Ren Gou Mai Qi
Zhi Ding Jing Ying Zhe De Shang Pin De Xing Wei Ding Xing Chu Li Wen Ti De
Da Fu [Reply to the Question on How to Deal with the Trust Association Forcing
《 关于于于于于中于于关于中关关于于于关关于于国于于国关于于关国关关于于关》
Loanee to Purchase Products Provided by the Appointed Undertakings
, SAIC Official
国国国国国国国国总国国国国国国 中国中中中国国中中中中中中
File [1997] No. 170, in: SAIC/CASS
[ / ], Fan Long Duan Dian Xing
An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected Anti-monopoly
《 反垄反反反反反反中国反垄反垄中垄垄》
Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese Administrative Anti-
monopoly Enforcement ], MAO Xiaofei (ed.),
2007, p. 309.
imposed a fine of 50,000 RMB. The Lidian credit cooperative appealed
to the local court, but the court upheld the SAIC’s decision.
KONG Xiangjun, Zhong Guo Xian Xing Fan Long Duan Fa Li Jie Yu Shi
Yong [Understanding and Application of the Current Chinese Anti-monopoly
《中国现行反垄断法理解与适用》 ], 2001, p. 73.
SAIC, Guan Yu You Xian Dian Shi Tai Shi Shi Qiang Zhi Jiao Yi Xing Wei
Ding Xing Chu Li Wen Ti De Da Fu [Reply to the Question on How to Deal with
《 关于于关关关于关于强于国国国关于于关国关关于于关》
the Cable Television Station Conducting Forced Dealing
国国国国国国国国总国国国国国国 中国中中中国国中中中中中中
[ / ], Fan Long Duan Dian Xing
An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected Anti-monopoly
《 反垄反反反反反反中国反垄反垄中垄垄》
Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese Administrative Anti-
monopoly Enforcement ], MAO Xiaofei (ed.),
2007, p. 309.
SAIC, Guan Yu Zhong Bao Cai Chan Bao Xian You Xian Gong Si Ning Xia
Fen Gong Si Zai Bo Li Puo Sui Xian Li Pei Zhong Zhi Ding Shi Yong Fu Yao Bo
Li Shi Fou Gou Cheng Bu Zheng Dang Jing Zheng Xing Wei Wen Ti De Da Fu
[Reply to the Question on Whether the Ningxia Subsidiary of the China People’s
Property Insurance Co. Ltd. Limiting Consumers to Use Glass Provided by
《 关于中于关关于关于于国于于于于国于于于于于关国赔中于于理于理理于于理理理理中中中竞中国关
Fuyao in Insurance Claims can be Construed as Anti-competitive Practice
《 反垄反反反反反反中国反垄反垄中垄垄》
Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese Administrative Anti-
monopoly Enforcement ], MAO Xiaofei (ed.),
2007, p. 311.
that Article 6 would be applicable. The local SAIC office in Hubei
Province submitted the question to the SIAC.
SAIC, Guan Yu Ru He Ren Ding Qi Ta Yi Fa Ju You Du Zhan Di Wei De Jing
Ying Zhe Wen Ti De Da Fu [Reply to the Question on How to Identify
《 关于于于关于于于于中于于于于于于于关关于关关于于关》
Undertakings with Monopolistic Status
], SAIC Official File [2000] No.
国国国国国国国国总国国国国国国 中国中中中国国中中中中中中
48, available in: SAIC/CASS
[ / ], Fan Long Duan Dian Xing
An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected Anti-monopoly
《 反垄反反反反反反中国反垄反垄中垄垄》
Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese Administrative Anti-
monopoly Enforcement ], MAO Xiaofei (ed.),
2007, p. 318.
KONG Xiangjun, Zhong Guo Xian Xing Fan Long Duan Fa Li Jie Yu Shi
Yong [Understanding and Application of the Current Chinese Anti-monopoly
《中国现行反垄断法理解与适用》 ], 2001, p. 64.
KONG Xiangjun, Zhong Guo Xian Xing Fan Long Duan Fa Li Jie Yu Shi
Yong [Understanding and Application of the Current Chinese Anti-monopoly
Law, 《中国现行反垄断法理解与适用》 ], 2001, p. 67.
Primary and Middle Schools issued by the Chinese State Education
Commission (now the Ministry of Education) and the Administration of
Press and Publication, Xinhua bookstores were responsible for the
subscription and distribution of textbooks for primary and middle
schools. The rules enacted by the local government reinforced the
monopoly rights of the local Xinhua bookstores and banned any other
undertakings from carrying out this activity.
See SAIC, Guan Yu Ru He Ren Ding Qi Ta Yi Fa Ju You Du Zhan Di Wei De
Jing Ying Zhe Wen Ti De Da Fu [Reply to the Question on How to Identify the
《 关于于于关于于于于中于于于于于于于关关于关关于于关》
Undertakings with Monopolistic Status
国国国国国国国国总国国国国国国 中国中中中国国中中中中中中
], SAIC Official File [2000] No.
48, in: SAIC/CASS [ / ], Fan
Long Duan Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha
[Selected Anti-monopoly Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the
《 反垄反反反反反反中国反垄反垄中垄垄》
Chinese Administrative Anti-monopoly Enforcement
], MAO Xiaofei (ed.), 2007, p. 318.
KONG Xiangjun, Zhong Guo Xian Xing Fan Long Duan Fa Li Jie Yu Shi
Yong [Understanding and Application of the Current Chinese Anti-monopoly
《中国现行反垄断法理解与适用》 ], 2001, p. 67.
Compare the case “X Subsidiary of X Airline Co. Ltd. restricting Competition”
with the case “X Gas Co. Ltd. in Shanghai selling Insurance by Tie-Ins”, in
SAIC/CASS [ 国国国国国国国国总局公平交易局 中中中中中中中中中中中中中 / ], Fan Long
Duan Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected
Anti-monopoly Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese
Administrative Anti-monopoly Enforcement
《 反垄断典型案例及中国反垄断执法调查》 ], MAO Xiaofei (ed.), 2007, pp. 33 and
3.2. Abusive practices
LAC, Zhong Hua Ren Min Gong He Guo Fan Bu Zheng Dang Jing Zheng Fa
《 中中中中中中中反中中中竞中中竞竞》
Shi Yi [Interpretation of the Law Against Unfair Competition of the People’s
Republic of China ], HU Kangsheng (ed.), 1993,
p. 18.
SAIC, Guan Yu Dian Xin Ju Dui Bu Cong Gai Ju Gou Mai Shou Ji Ru Wang
Zhe Duo Shou Ru Wang Fei De Xing Wei Shi Fou Gou Cheng Bu Zheng Dang
Jing Zheng Xing Wei Wen Ti De Da Fu [Reply to the Question on Whether the
Post and Telecommunication Bureau Charging Consumers Using Cell Phones
《 关于关于于关中于关于关关于于于于于于于于于关于于关于于于于中中中竞中于关关关于于关》
from Other Providers a Higher Network Fee is an Anti-competitive Practice
中中国国于国国国总于国国国国于 中中中中中中中中中中中中中
SAIC Official File [1999] No. 190, in: SAIC/CASS
[ / ], Fan Long Duan Dian Xing
An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected Anti-monopoly
Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese Administrative Anti-
public enterprise providing mobile network access in Shangdong
province was found to be involved in a discriminatory practice. For
authorization of access to the mobile network, it charged its customers a
fee of 1,000 RMB for cell phones provided by its company, but 2,500
RMB for cell phones that customers bought from other suppliers.
Thereby, unequal treatment was qualified as a form of restriction. In
practice, several typical restrictive measures have been established
which will be explored below.
《 关供关供对强于于供中关于供于关供于关供供对对关关于于关》
How to Deal with the Electricity Supply Department Charging Unreasonable
Price ], SAIC Official File
中中国国于国国国总于国国国国于 中中中中中中中中中中中中中
[2001] No. 175, in:
SAIC/CASS[ / ], Fan Long Duan
Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected Anti-
《 反垄反反反反反反中中反垄反垄中垄垄》
monopoly Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese
Administrative Anti-monopoly Enforcement ],
MAO Xiaofei (ed.), 2007, pp. 13–16 and 323.
Therefore, the additional prices imposed by the concerned company
were abusive.
(ii) Tying
A typical case of tying is that the local SAIC office in City X of
Liaoning province sanctioned a local company as a wholesaler for
cigarettes and tobacco in 2001. The concerned company was
condemned for obliging the retailers for cigarettes and tobacco in the
region to purchase cigarettes of certain brands which were not required
by the latter. Since the concerned company was the only authorized
supplier for cigarettes in the local market, this means that it had a
monopoly status, and the customer was in fact forced to buy the tied
products. Such a practice not only impeded competition in the local
cigarette market but also caused harm to consumer welfare.
the Price List of Car Windows jointly issued by the Chinese Property Co.
Ltd. and Fuyao. There were no disputes over the point that Ningxia
Property Insurance Company was an undertaking with legal monopoly
status under Article 6 of the LUC in the local market of Ningxia, since its
parent company monopolized the whole Chinese insurance market for
property pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations. The measure
adopted by the local subsidiary was aimed at bundling the insurance
service with the sale of car window glass provided by Fuyao. It was anti-
competitive because customers had no other alternative but to choose
glass from Fuyao, as otherwise the damages would not be
compensated by the insurance company. Other producers of car
window glass were virtually restricted in competition as a result of the
restrictive measure. As noted above, the concerned practice was not
benefiting the car insurance service provided by the company but
facilitating the sale of car window glass by Fuyao. The bizarre
phenomenon as such can only occur in a monopolized market where
the monopolist has no fear of losing customers when carrying out
restrictive measures.
3.3. Problem with the current transition to the concept of
market dominance
This issue was discussed in the case where the decision of the
local SAIC office in Shanghai was challenged in the local court. The
local SAIC office made a finding that the concerned gas company was a
public undertaking since it engaged in supplying gas, which falls under
public utilities. From 1997 to 2000, the gas company sold insurance for
gas cans to its customers as it provided liquefied gas to the local
residents, which was held as restrictive by the SAIC office in Shanghai.
The gas company contended that it shouldn’t be construed as a public
enterprise in the meaning of Article 6, which requires that an enterprise
shall have a monopoly position in the relevant market. On the contrary,
there were still six other liquefied gas companies in the same area
competing with this company. It had no market strength to force its
customers to buy any insurance service. The court favoured the general
approach applied by the SAIC through the years. However, it was
indeed worth considering whether the non-economic assessment would
even impose restrictions on new entrants entering into the markets for
public utilities. Regardless of this, the local SAIC office lost the case on
the other point.
LIN Ping [林国], Zhong Guo Qi Ye Jian Bin De Fan Long Duan Kong Zhi [The
《 中中中业中中于反垄反中中》 ], in WANG Xiaoye [王晓晓], Jing Ji Quan Qiu Hua Xia
Anti-monopoly Control on M&A of Enterprises in China
OECD, Zhong Guo Kua Guo Bing Gou Zheng Ce Bao Gao [Investment
assessment in this regard is necessary. Little attention has been paid to
M&A among private domestic enterprises, since the transaction volumes
in most cases appear to be relatively low. On the contrary, merger
activities of foreign enterprises are noteworthy due to the high volumes
of transactions, which may give rise to serious concerns of competition
threats particularly to domestic competitors.
The Provisions on the Merger and Division of Enterprises with Foreign
Investment, enacted by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on
YE Jun [ ], Wai Zi Bing Gou Zhong Guo Qi Ye De Fa Lü Fen Xi [An
《 外资中关中中中业于中外外外》
Analysis of Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign
Investors – From a Legal Perspective ], 2004, p. 318.
It was enacted on 2.1.2003 and took effect on 12.4.2003.
The four authorities are the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation (later the Ministry of Commerce), the State Administration of
Taxation, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the State
黄黄 ,
Administration of Foreign Exchange.
HUANG Yong [ ] Wo Guo De Qi Ye Bing Gou Fan Long Duan Gui Zhi
我中于中业中关反垄反业中关关中中 , 史史史
Wen Ti Yan Jiu [A Study of the Anti-monopoly Regulations on M&A of
Enterprises in China “ ”] in SHI Jiansan [ ]
《 中中中关中购中》
(ed.), Zhong Guo Bing Gou Fa Bao Gao [A Report on Chinese M&A Laws
], Vol. 2007, 2007, p. 33.
merger control were kept intact. Indeed, there is unequal treatment
with regard to the effects of M&A on competition since anti-competitive
harm may be incurred by merger activities, regardless of the national
identity of the enterprises. The Interim Provisions illustrate the Chinese
government’s concern about the foreign enterprises’ deep involvement
in the Chinese market. The different treatment has been abolished in
the newly enacted Chinese Anti-monopoly Law, which is, indeed, a
great improvement and one to be welcomed. As the phenomenon of
oligopoly markets is becoming noteworthy with the proceeding of the
restructure of SOEs, considerable importance shall be attached to the
acquisitions by giant SOEs, which may increase the anti-competitive
danger subject to this kind of market structure. Furthermore, with the
growth of private undertakings, their business operations also turn out to
be influential on the market.
The amended Interim Provisions system was issued jointly by the Ministry of
Commerce, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of the State Council, the State Administration of Industry and
Commerce, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the State
Administration of Foreign Exchange on 8.8.2006 and took effect on 8.9.2006.
Merger control is provided for in Articles 51 to 54 of the new Interim Provisions,
while it was dealt with in Articles 19 to 22 in the old version.
there is an inconsistency in the notification practice among foreign
Shang Wu Bu Guan Yuan Jie Du Fan Long Duan Fa [MOFCOM Official
reading the Anti-monopoly Law “ 商务部官员解读反垄断法 ” ], available at
http://finance.jrj.com.cn/news/2007-10-08/000002754887.html, last visited on
Chuang Xin Zhi Fa Li Nian, Yan Ge Yi Fa Xing Zheng, Fan Long Duan Fa
Cheng Guo Xian Zhu [New Perceptions for Enforcement Work, Strengthening
新新新新 严格格新格格 反反新
the Rule of Law in Administration, Significant Achievements in the Anti-
monopoly Enforcement “ ”, available at
http://www.gov.cn/gzdt/2007-07/05/content_673503.htm, last visited on
Carlyle cuts its stake to 50 per cent in Xugong takeover bid, 19.10.2006,
China Daily, available at
003455893.html, last visited on 2.3. 2008; Guo Mei Yong Le He Bing Reng Zai
Shen Cha Zhong [The Acquisition of China Paradise by Come still being
reviewed “ ”], available at
http://finance.sina.com.cn/chanjing/b/20061107/00303053948.shtml, last visited
on 2.3.2008; Gome Finances Acquisition of Rival Dazhong, available at
1205286998.html, last visited on 2.3.2008.
HUANG Yong [ ] Wo Guo De Qi Ye Bing Gou Fan Long Duan Gui Zhi Wen
业业垄业业业我, 史史史
Ti Yan Jiu [A Study of the Anti-monopoly Regulations on M&A of Enterprises in
China “ ”] in SHI Jiansan [ ] (ed.), Zhong Guo Bing Gou Fa Bao
Gao [A Report on Chinese M&A Laws ], Vol. 2007, 2007, p. 33.
“For the purpose of the Provisions, mergers and acquisitions of
a domestic enterprise by foreign investors shall mean that foreign
investors, by agreement, purchase equity interest from shareholders of
domestic enterprise with no foreign investment (hereinafter referred to
as the "Domestic Company") or subscribe to the increase in the
registered capital of the Domestic Company with the result that such
Domestic Company changes into a foreign investment enterprise
(hereinafter referred to as "Merger and Acquisition by Shares"); or the
foreign investors establish a foreign investment enterprise and then,
through such enterprise, purchase the assets of a domestic enterprise
by agreement and operate such assets, or the foreign investors
purchase the assets of a domestic enterprise by agreement and use
such assets as investment to establish a foreign investment enterprise
to operate such assets (hereinafter referred to as "Merger and
Acquisition by Assets").”
Art. 18 of the Rule on Implementing the Law on Chinese-foreign Equity Joint
Ventures, approved by the State Council on 7.8.1995, promulgated by Order
No. 6 of the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on 4.9.1995;
Art. 4 of the Law on Foreign-Capital Enterprises, enacted on 1.7.1979, last
amended on 3.15.2001.
The second form, “M&A by Assets”, sets no substantial
condition for the notification. It means that even a minor purchase of
assets of a domestic undertaking by foreign investors, for example
buying merely some products from the domestic enterprise, could be
qualified for a notification, albeit no negative effects on competition in
the relevant market can be expected. This may lead to an excessive
merger review, which not only produces unnecessary administrative
costs for enterprises but also an overload for the authorities.
Furthermore, it is criticized that other forms of acquiring control
of one enterprise over the other, such as by appointing key members in
the board of the latter as well as other contractual means, are not
encompassed in the definition. The reason for the inadequacy lies
mainly in that the definition in the Interim Provisions is not designed for
merger control, but for a general scrutiny of foreign investment in China.
HUANG Yong [ ], Wo Guo De Qi Ye Bing Gou Fan Long Duan Gui Zhi
Wen Ti Yan Jiu [A Study of the Anti-monopoly Regulations on M&A of
我国的企业并购反垄断规制问题研究 ,
Enterprises in China “ ”] in SHI Jiansan
[ ] (ed.), Zhong Guo Bing Gou Fa Bao Gao [A Report on Chinese M&A
], Vol. 2007, 2007, p. 31.
Article 51 provides that in case of any of the following occurrences in
connection with the merger or acquisition of a domestic enterprise by foreign
investors, the investors shall submit notification to the MOFTEC and the
SAIC: (1) the revenue of a party to the merger or acquisition in the domestic
market for the current year exceeds RMB1.5 billion; (2) the foreign investors
have merged with or acquired more than ten domestic enterprises in aggregate
engaging in the related businesses within one year; (3) the market share of a
party to the merger or acquisition in the domestic market has reached 20 per
cent; or (4) the market share of a party to the merger or acquisition in the
domestic market will reach 25 per cent as a result of the merger or acquisition.
Even without the above occurrences, the MOFCOM or the SAIC may still
require the foreign investors to submit notification upon the request by any
competing domestic enterprise, relevant functional department or industrial
association, if the MOFCOM or the SAIC finds that the merger or acquisition will
involve a huge market share, or if there is any other material aspect of the
53). The reason for the different treatment is that the Chinese
government seeks to review those merger activities taking place outside
the territory of China that could impede competition in the domestic
market. It has been the international practice that merger control by the
national competition authority can be extended to overseas transactions
that may affect the national market. This is known as the effect doctrine.
Since the Interim Provisions system as a whole is not extraterritorially
applicable, a special provision permitting the review of offshore M&A
was introduced. However, Article 53 doesn’t stipulate any requirement
for a noticeable effect of the concerned merger in the domestic market
but merely requires the notification where at least one of the conditions
listed is satisfied by the parties involved. Consequently, a great number
of M&A, which may not even affect the Chinese market, would have
been notified to the Chinese authorities. For example, Coca-Cola,
whose turnover in the Chinese market exceeds ca. US$208.3 million
in the current year, could purchase a local vodka producer in Russia
merger or acquisition that might severely affect market competition, the national
economy or people's livelihood and national economic security. The above-
mentioned "party to a merger or acquisition" shall include any affiliated
enterprise of foreign investors.
Article 53 provides that in case of any of the following occurrences in
connection with an offshore merger or acquisition, any party to the merger and
acquisition shall, prior to its public announcement of the plan for the merger or
acquisition or together with its application to the regulatory authorities of the
country where it is located, submit to the MOFCOM and the SAIC the plan for
the merger or acquisition. The MOFCOM and the SAIC shall examine whether
the merger or acquisition might cause over-concentration of the domestic
market, impair fair competition in the domestic market or damage the domestic
consumers' interests, and decide whether to approve the plan:
(1) the assets owned by a party to the offshore merger and acquisition within
China exceeds RMB 3 billion;
(2) the sales of a party to the offshore merger or acquisition in the domestic
market for the current year have exceeded RMB 1.5 billion;
(3) the aggregate market share in the domestic market by a party to the
offshore merger or acquisition and its affiliated enterprises has reached 20 per
(4) the aggregate market share in the domestic market by a party to the
offshore merger or acquisition and all of its affiliated enterprises in the domestic
market will reach 25 per cent as a result of the offshore merger or acquisition; or
(5) as a result of the offshore merger or acquisition, a party to the offshore
merger or acquisition will hold, directly or indirectly, equity of more than 15
foreign investment enterprises engaging in the related businesses within China.
The exchange rate applied for the calculation is 1US$ to 7.2 RMB.
that has no sales in China. Under the Interim Provisions, such an
acquisition scheme would be submitted for approval. Nevertheless, a
review on notification wouldn’t make any sense since the impact of the
transaction can be almost ruled out at the outset.
(i) Turnover
Both Article 51 and Article 53 embody the same turnover
standard. This means that when the turnover of one of the merging
undertakings reaches 1.5 billion RMB (ca. US$208.3 million), the
proposed merger shall be submitted to the responsible agencies for
approval. The turnover is generally applied as a filter for merger
notification in many antitrust regimes, albeit the instrument itself is not
perfect. The critique, in particular by overseas commentators, focuses
on its application to offshore transactions. As stated above, without
the requirement for noticeable effects of the concerned merger in the
Chinese market, the turnover requirement alone brings excessive
control on overseas M&A, which may have no relevance to the
competition situation in China.
(ii) Asset
The asset standard is only provided for in No. 1 of Article 53 for
offshore transactions. Should the assets owned by a party for the
offshore merger with China exceed 3 billion RMB (ca. US$416.6
million), the proposed merger is to be notified to the MOFCOM and the
SAIC. This threshold results in the same problem as the turnover
standard since there is no noticeable effect in the Chinese market
required as well.
Moritz Lorenz, Chinesische Fusionskontrolle [Chinese Merger Control], WuW
12/2006, p. 1248.
mergers 10 domestic companies and offshore mergers 15. In cases of
onshore acquisitions, it is further required that the subsequent takeovers
shall succeed in one year, whereas there is no time limit for offshore
activities. It was pointed out by commentators that this threshold cannot
reflect the competitive circumstances in the market, and appears to be
“ill-grounded and unnecessary”.
HUANG Yong [ 黄黄 , ] Wo Guo De Qi Ye Bing Gou Fan Long Duan Gui Zhi
我中于中业中关反垄反业中关关中中 , 史史史
Wen Ti Yan Jiu [A Study of the Anti-monopoly Regulations on M&A of
Enterprises in China “ ”] in SHI Jiansan [ ]
《 中中中关中购中》 林国
(ed.), Zhong Guo Bing Gou Fa Bao Gao [A Report on Chinese M&A Laws
], Vol. 2007, 2007, p. 32. See also LIN Ping [ ], Zhong Guo Qi
《 中中中业中中于反垄反中中》 王晓晓
Ye Jian Bin De Fan Long Duan Kong Zhi [The Anti-monopoly Control on M&A of
Enterprises in China ], in WANG Xiaoye [ ], Jing Ji
《 经经全全全全竞中中于全经全》
Quan Qiu Hua Xia Jing Zheng Fa De Xin Fa Zhan [New Development of
Competition Laws under Globalization ], 2005, p. 27.
黄勇 ,
HUANG Yong [ ] Wo Guo De Qi Ye Bing Gou Fan Long Duan Gui Zhi
Wen Ti Yan Jiu [A Study of the Anti-monopoly Regulations on M&A of
我国的企业并购反垄断规制问题研究 ,
Enterprises in China “ ”] in SHI Jiansan
[ ] (ed.), Zhong Guo Bing Gou Fa Bao Gao [A Report on Chinese M&A
Laws ], Vol. 2007, 2007, p. 32.
extend the scope of merger control. The restriction of the qualification of
a complainant upon domestic competitors displays the attitude of the
lawmakers to give more attention to Chinese companies, since foreign
competitors who could also be affected by the merger as participants in
the Chinese market wouldn’t be granted the opportunity. As to the
involvement of the relevant regulatory bodies in this regard, it is held
critically that this power could be misused by local governments to
protect the fiscal interests of local enterprises. In practice, however,
there has been no single merger case that has been notified upon
LIN Ping [林国], Zhong Guo Qi Ye Jian Bin De Fan Long Duan Kong Zhi [The
《 中中中业中中于反垄反中中》 ], in WANG Xiaoye [王晓晓], Jing Ji Quan Qiu Hua Xia
Anti-monopoly Control on M&A of Enterprises in China
As to the impediment of fair competition, doubts were raised by
commentators as to whether it is an adequate standard for the
competition appraisal since the concept of “fair competition” is a term
conventionally applied in the LUC. It must be acknowledged that no
rigid distinction can be drawn between laws against unfair competition
and antitrust laws since in many competition regimes they are integrated
into one comprehensive competition law. However, there is a significant
difference between the two legal areas. That is, a practice is deemed as
unfair pursuant to the LUC if it acts “unduly” or “improperly” against
certain business customs without any reference to the market position of
the undertakings and the structure of the relevant market. By contrast,
anti-competitive conduct in the sense of antitrust laws must be generally
judged under the circumstances of the relevant market. In particular,
merger activities cannot be labelled as “fair” or “unfair” since most of the
mergers are pro-competitive. Some mergers are regarded as “bad.” But
“bad” mergers are not in themselves unreasonable; rather they are
“harmful” to competition in the context of the market circumstances
where they are embedded. Therefore, “unfair competition” in the
definition of the Interim Provisions is no other than the market status
where (effective) competition is restricted by M&A.
HUANG Yong [ 黄黄 , ] Wo Guo De Qi Ye Bing Gou Fan Long Duan Gui Zhi
我中于中业中关反垄反业中关关中中 , 史史史
Wen Ti Yan Jiu [A Study of the Anti-monopoly Regulations on M&A of
Enterprises in China “ ”] in SHI Jiansan [ ]
《 中中中关中购中》
(ed.), Zhong Guo Bing Gou Fa Bao Gao [A Report on Chinese M&A Laws
], Vol. 2007, 2007, p. 30; see also Moritz Lorenz, Chinesische
Fusionskontrolle [Chinese Merger Control], WuW 12/2006, p. 1250.
It was enacted on 31.10.1993.
It was enacted on 22.2.1993 and last amended on 8.7.2000.
See also HUANG Yong [ ] Wo Guo De Qi Ye Bing Gou Fan Long Duan
Gui Zhi Wen Ti Yan Jiu [A Study of the Anti-monopoly Regulations on M&A of
4.1.4. Justifications for exemption
A general rule for merger control is provided for in Article 52. It
simply sets a time limit of 90 days for a review by the MOFCOM and the
SAIC. A quick review, commonly 30 days or one month for cases that
are unlikely to raise competition concerns, is not stipulated in the Interim
Provisions. A hearing can be held by authorities with the involvement of
the relevant departments, organizations, enterprises and other related
The Guideline was issued on 8.3.2007 by the MOFCOM. There is no similar
document available by the SAIC.
Where the applicant isn’t informed of further scrutiny, the review will be
prolonged to 90 working days.
i. the application(s),
ii. the Identify Card(s) of the applicant(s) or the certificate of
iii. the authorization letter(s) for the law firm(s) and the introduction
letter(s) for the representing lawyer(s) issued by the law firm(s),
iv. the basic information on the parties to the merger,
v. the names and a brief introduction on the related enterprises of
the parties to the merger,
vi. certificates and business licences of the enterprises established
by the parties to the merger, the standing representative offices,
affiliated undertakings and other entities registered in the
territory of China,
vii. a description of the transaction(s),
viii. the definition of the relevant market(s),
ix. the turnovers and market shares of the concerned parties to the
merger in the last two accounting years,
x. the names of the five largest competitors in the relevant market,
xi. the supply and demand structure of the relevant market,
xii. the statement on the competition situation in the relevant
xiii. the M& A agreement(s),
xiv. the audited financial reports of the parties to the merger in the
previous accounting year,
xv. documents for the request of exemption if necessary,
xvi. information on the industrial associations in the relevant market,
xvii. the notification of the concerned merger in other jurisdictions,
xviii. other information that needs to be disclosed to the responsible
xix. the statement on the truthfulness of the information and the
accuracy of its sources.
Obviously, the MOFCOM Guideline provides more detailed
rules on notification, which improves the legal certainty for parties
involved in M&A to a great extent. Presumably, it will shed light on the
future enforcement of merger control in the AML.
4.2. “SEB/Supor”
Shang Wu Bu Qi Dong Supor Bing Gou An Fan Long Duan Shen Cha Cheng
Xu [The MOFCOM initiated the Anti-monopoly Review Procedure on the
Acquisition of Supor “ 商务部启动苏泊尔并购案反垄断审查程序 ”], available at
http://finance.sina.com.cn/chanjing/b/20061024/07463012759.shtml, last visited
on 2.3.2008.
CHEN, Yingming [ ], Wai Guo Zhan Lue Tou Zi Bing Gou Zhong Guo
Shang Shi Gong Si De Fa Lü Wen Ti [Legal Problems on the Acquisition of the
After the takeover was made known to the public, concerns on
competition rose among competitors and several related industrial
associations. It was feared that “the acquisition may create a monopoly
in the market and bankrupt most of the country’s cookware
manufacture”. The MOFCOM initiated the review procedure and held
a hearing with the participation of the concerned undertakings, related
industrial associations as well as representatives of local governments
on different levels.
Zhejiang Supor Co. Ltd. introducing overseas strategic Investors, No. 649
(2007) MOFCOM, 11.4.2007, available in CHEN, Yingming [ ], Wai Guo
Zhan Lue Tou Zi Bing Gou Zhong Guo Shang Shi Gong Si De Fa Lü Wen Ti
[Legal Problems on the Acquisition of the Listed Companies in China by Foreign
Investors by Means of Strategic Investment
《外国投资者战略投资并购中国上市公司的法律问题》 ], in SHI Jiansan [史建三 ]
(ed.), Zhong Guo Bing Gou Fa Bao Gao [A Report on Chinese M&A Laws
《中国并购法报告》 ], Vol. 2007, 2007, pp. 70–71.
In this case, two issues were intensively discussed. The first
one is the definition of the relevant market. However, neither definition
for relevant market nor a formula for the calculation of market shares is
stipulated in the Interim Provisions.
OECD, Zhong Guo Kua Guo Bing Gou Zheng Ce Bao Gao [Investment
Policy Reviews CHINA ], 2006, pp. 33–34.
The data are based on the result of a survey on the sales of pressure
cookers in 70 per cent of all department stores in 15 large and middle-sized
cities throughout China.
there is no official statement by the MOFCOM available on this critical
point. Therefore, it is unclear how the authority had made the
evaluation. The finial decision shows us that the argument by
SEB/Supor could have been accepted since the merger was approved
just as notified. But as stated above, the broad definition by SEB/Supor
is questionable.
Bing Gou Shi Min Zu Pin Pai Xue Zang Hai Shi Zeng Qiang, Yi Kou Guo De
“Zhan Zheng” [Acquisition of National Brand Names Means a Snow Freezing or
a Power Gear, a “War” on a Cooker “ 并购是民族品牌雪藏还是增强
一口锅的 战争 ‘ ’”], available at
http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2006-09/10/content_5072317.htm, last visited
on 2.3.2008.
Supor Jing Bao: Wai Zi Bing Gou Chu Ji Fan Long Duan Jie Xian [Supor
Warning: the Takeover by Foreign Investors challenges Anti-monopoly limits
“ ”, available at
http://finance.sina.com.cn/chanjing/b/20060903/16362880303.shtml, last visited
on 2.3.2008.
scope of such acquisitions and their potential negative effects on the
competitive process in the related sectors as well as the influence on
brand names of the privately owned companies. This “danger” was
viewed by supporters of the merger as “a narrow-minded nationalism in
the economic sense”. “Even the issue of ‘a cooker’ would have affected
national securities; there will be then no way for China to proceed with
the reform and opening policy”.
Supor Chu Rang Fa Guo SEB Zhe She Min Qi Di Er Dai Xuan Ze [Takeover
of Supor by French SEB reflects the Choice of the Second Generation of
Private-owned Enterprises “ 苏泊尔出让法国 折射民企第二代抉择
SEB ”, available
at http://finance.sina.com.cn/g/20060906/08402888867.shtml, last visited on
中中国国于国国国总于国国国国于 中中中中中中中中中中中中中
SAIC/CASS [ / ], Fan Long
Duan Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha [Selected
《 反垄反反反反反反中中反垄反垄中垄垄》
Anti-monopoly Cases and the Investigation and Analysis of the Chinese
Administrative Anti-monopoly Enforcement ],
MAO Xiaofei (ed.), 2007, p. 207.
public housing loans to buy insurance from the local subsidiary of the
People’s Insurance Corporation when submitting applications. The
insurance fee consists of property insurance, liability insurance and
guarantee insurance. The local SAIC office in the city ascertained that
the Center involved was a governmental body of the city that was
authorized to manage public housing funds – an administrative
responsibility of the government. The restriction it imposed on applicants
had anti-competitive effects because it curbed other insurance
companies from providing the same services. As a result, competition in
the insurance market was distorted by this administrative measure. The
local SAIC office informed the Municipality of City X about the issue.
The latter asked the Center to annul the anti-competitive policy.
6. Conclusion
1. Introduction
The authors are case officers at the Turkish Competition Authority (TCA).
The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the TCA. The authors are grateful to Ebru Gökçe of
UNCTAD, Gülin Yurdakul, Yaşar Tekdemir, Ümit Görgülü and Meltem Bağış
Akkaya of the TCA.
Corresponding author. Contact details: Rekabet Kurumu, Bilkent Plaza,
Bilkent 06800, Ankara, Turkey. E-mail: ussal@rekabet.gov.tr
The decision of the TCA has been criticized on various grounds. However in
this chapter there is no attempt to take a position regarding whether or not an
anti-competitive practice exists. Given the decision of the TCA, this study
intends to quantify the damage caused by the practice in question.
assessment tool. Finally, Section 8 provides policy recommendations
and the concluding remarks.
Massimo Motta. Competition Policy. Cambridge University Press (2004) See
the same source for discussion of other objectives.
It is difficult to asses whether a consumer welfare standard is preferred over
a total welfare standard in application, or whether it should be preferred;
however, this does not result in a major change in the consequences of the
economic analysis that are discussed below.
The OD-model follows the seminal paper of Gary Becker ,
which proposes that a conduct should be deterred if and only if the
social cost of conduct is higher than the gains from the conduct plus the
enforcement cost. In parallel, the OD-model suggests that penalties for
anti-competitive conduct should equal “the net harm to persons other
than the violator” . Any increase in prices due to a cartel or to
monopoly pricing brings two types of cost to consumers: the overcharge
and the deadweight loss. Assume that, in Figure 1, as a result of a cartel
agreement, the price increases from P1 to P2. In this case, the area
P1TRP2 represents the overcharge, which is transferred from the buyer
to the cartel members or monopoly. On the other hand, the area RTS
represents the deadweight loss. This cost occurs because some buyers
discontinue buying the product at the cartel (monopoly) price. The
deadweight loss is lost by consumers, and does not represent a gain to
producers. It is a net social loss.
Gary Becker. Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach. 76 J. of
Political Economy 169 (1968).
William Landes. Optimal Sanctions for Antitrust Violations. 50 U. Chi. L. Rev.
652 (1983).
Figure 2: Overcharge, deadweight loss and efficiency
estimate it as being lower than 20 per cent . In this case, optimal
penalty can be assessed using the following formula , which results
in a higher magnitude than the sum of overcharge and deadweight loss:
optimal penalty = 1 × net harm to the persons other than the violator
probabilit y of conviction (1)
Gary Becker. Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach. 76 J. of
Political Economy 169 (1968).
The detection possibility for cartels is estimated as 13-17 per cent for the US
[P.G.Bryant and Eckard E. Woodrown. Price Fixing: The Probability of Getting
Caught, 73(3) The Review of Economics and Statistics 531-536 (1991)] and
12.9-13.3% for the EU [Emmanuel Combe, Contance Monnier and Renauld
Legal. Cartels: The Probability of Getting Caught in the European Union.
http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1015061 (2007)].
Robert Cooter and Thomas Ulen. Law and Economics. Addison Wesley
Longman (2000, 351). Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell. Punitive
Damages: An Economic Analysis. 111 Harvard Law Review 869 (1998).
For an application to cartel cases, see John Connor. Optimal Deterrence and
Private International Cartels. Department of Agricultural Economics. Purdue
University (2005).
In recent decades, private damage actions constitute more than 90% of
antitrust suits filed in the United States [Herbest Hovenkamp Federal Antitrust
Policy: The Law of Competition and Its Practice. Second Edition. West Group.
593 (1999)].
See the recent Green Paper Damages actions for breach of the EC antitrust
rules, published by the Commission of the European Communities, “this area of
the law in the 25 Member States presents a picture of total underdevelopment”
(p. 4).
3. Legal framework in Turkey
4. Yeast case
The Act on the Protection of Competition (Date: 7 December 1994, No:
4054). http://www.rekabet.gov.tr/word/ekanun.doc
Article 16 of the Act.
Article 57 of the Act.
Article 58 of the Act. Although the wording of the Article is not clear, many
scholars support the view that treble damages can be awarded only in cases
where the fault of the infringer is severe.
customers are 15,000 bakeries in Turkey. Upon the complaint, an
inquiry was initiated, and as a result of a dawn raid and other
examinations, the TCA decided that, between February 2003 and
November 2003, the yeast producers raised their prices as a result of an
anti-competitive concerted practice. The four yeast producers were fined
by 1 per cent of their annual turnover. The fines for these undertakings
are as follows (thousand YTLs):
Pakmaya 1,217
Özmaya 906
Maurimaya 134
Akmaya 455
TOTAL 2,712
Source: Bakeries Federation of Turkey
Decision Date: 23.9.2005, No: 05-60/896-241
There had been four investigations that penalized bakery cartels [İstanbul
Ekmek (Date: 04.08.1999, No: /99-37/376-241), Kütahya Ekmek (Date:
17.08.2004, Number: 04-54/750-187), Ankara Ekmek (Date 18.01.2005, No:
05-06/52-21), Gaziantep Ekmek (Date: 07.01.2005, Number: 05-02/18-9)]
recommended level, which is announced by the local chambers and
is usually calculated on a cost basis. Therefore it is fair to assume that
any increase in yeast prices will in turn be reflected in bread prices. With
this assumption, in addition to computing the amount overcharged in the
next section, the financial burden on bread consumers resulting from the
anti-competitive practice in the yeast market will be demonstrated.
Another reason for the selection of the yeast case is that it is
one of the rare cases that data necessary for damage calculation have
been collected during the investigation. It should be emphasized that
these data have been collected not for damage calculation, but for the
analysis of oligopolistic interdependence. As damage calculation is not a
standard part of fining procedure in Turkey, after the investigation is
over, it is hard to find related data for many anti-competitive practices.
5. Damage estimation
Article 62 of the Act Numbered 5362 and Article 12 of the Act Numbered
Story Parchement Co. v. Paterson Parchment Paper Co., 282 U.S. 555, 563
Hobart Brothers Co. v. Malcolm t. Gilliland, Inc., 471 F.2d 894, 903 (1973).
The Supreme Court’s relaxation of standard of proof stems from
its position that “the vagaries of marketplace usually deny us sure
knowledge of what the […] situation would have been in the absence of
[…] antitrust violation” . Moreover, it is recognized that “if there is
uncertainty, the defendant should bear the burden of uncertainty
because his unlawful actions created it” .
J. Truett Payne Co., Inc. v. Chrysler Motors Corp., 451 U.S. 557, 566 (5th
Cir. 1981).
Malcolm v. Marathon Oil Co., 642 F.2d 845, 864 (5th Cir. 1981).
For a detailed explanation about these methodologies and their applications
in the US, see William Page. Proving Antitrust Damages: Legal and Economic
Issues. American Bar Association (1996).
Figure 3: Yeast prices (YTL/kg, Pakmaya June 2002 = 100)
40 Özmaya
20 Akmaya
Au 2
Ju 3
Au 3
Fe 3
O 2
D 2
Ja 2
M 3
Ap 3
O 3
N 2
N 3
Se 2
Se 3
M 3
l- 0
l- 0
The methodologies developed to estimate damages are only
useful for estimating the overcharge. However, there exists no standard
methodology for estimation of the deadweight loss as it is not
recoverable . Its estimation requires knowledge about actual and but-
for prices and quantities along with the shape of the demand curve
between R and S (in Figure 1). Various methodologies have been
developed for an accurate estimation of deadweight loss , but they
have extensive data requirements. Leslie proposes that for damage
calculation purposes, in line with the “just and reasonable inference”
standard, it may be reasonable to presume that the demand curve is
linear from R to S in Figure 2. If demand and supply curves are perfectly
linear, the monopoly overcharge is equal to twice the deadweight
loss . If the demand curve is concave, which is the case in many
markets, then damages will be greater. While estimating deadweight
loss, it is assumed that the demand curve is linear. Hence the estimates
in this study constitute a lower threshold.
Id. at 195.
Jerry A. Hausman, Exact Consumer’s Surplus and Deadweight Loss, 71
American Economic Review 662 (1981); Vincent Requilart and Michel Simioni,
Welfare Losses Due to Market Power: Hicksian Versus Marhallian
Measurement, 83 American Journal of Agricultural Economics 157 (2001).
Christopher R. Leslie. Antitrust Damages and Deadweight Loss. 51 The
Antitrust Bulletin. 521-568 (2006).
Hovenkamp, supra note 11, at 653.
The results of the panel data regression to predict but-for prices
are shown in Table 1. But-for prices in the violation period are predicted
using these estimates. The price predictions are shown in Appendix 1.
95 per cent confidence intervals for price predictions are also calculated.
Source: Bakeries Federation of Turkey.
overcharge is fully passed on to bread prices, average overcharge of
bread is 0.0158 YTLs (0.0286 x 0.552 = 0.0158). The average price of
bread during the conduct was 1.2 YTL. Therefore the price of bread
increased by around 1.3 per cent due to the conduct (0.0158 / 1.2 =
Damages Fine
Pakmaya 12,670 1,217
Özmaya 11,393 906
Maurimaya 4,009 134
Akmaya 5,264 455
TOTAL 33,337
Optimal penalty 50,006 2,712
Minimum wage was around US$160 per month at the time of the
For fines to be a deterrent, the magnitude of fines should be
linked to damages. Although the Act mentions the severity of potential
damage as a factor in assessing the magnitude of fines, this is not
standard procedure in practice in Turkey. Nevertheless, even if the legal
maximum fine of 10 per cent of turnover is imposed, the total fine would
be 27,120 YTL, still lower than the damages. Therefore, to attain optimal
deterrence, the administrative fines should be accompanied by other
measures against infringers.
See Green Paper, supra note 12.
Damage calculation capacity, development of which is among the purposes
of this study, is not adequately present in the competition enforcement agencies
as well.
A class action is a procedural device used in litigation to determine the rights
of and remedies for large numbers of people whose cases involve common
questions of fact by aggregating a large number of individualized claims into one
representational lawsuit. In antitrust damage class actions, injured parties from
an infringement seek for damages as a class. Class actions avoid "the problem
that small recoveries do not provide the incentive for any individual to bring a
solo action prosecuting his or her rights", Amchem Prods., Inc. v. Windsor, 521
U.S. 591, 617 (1997).
buyers are bakeries, whereas the damages were borne by bread
consumers. Hence, the market where the violation occurred is different
to the market where the damages appeared. Because of these two
facts, households did not respond to the competition infringement in the
yeast market. It is obvious that competition authorities operating in
developing countries need an instrument to make the micro-damages
resulting from infringements visible to a large number of consumers.
“Market assessment,” which is a component of competition advocacy, is
one of the instruments that can be employed in generating awareness
and responsiveness among consumers to competition restrictions
caused by undertakings.
6. Market assessment
Market assessment , seeking to analyse the market structure
from a competition perspective, serves in determining the current
competition level in the market, uncovers the results of limited
competition, and demonstrates the ways that possibly enhance
competition. Furthermore, market assessment drives the attention
towards competition and strengthens it by giving local market examples.
It is very important for an antitrust authority to raise awareness among
stakeholders on gains resulting from competition. As such assessment
seeks to define the causes and consequences of competition
restrictions, the natural outcome would be that the affected parties
become more sensitive to competition restrictions and tend to take
action against them. In this way, it may be possible to establish a local
mass that reacts to competition infringements and supports antitrust
Market assessment is different from competition assessment. The aim of
competition assessment is to focus on public policies that distort or prevent
competition in the market.
It appears that, so far, a very limited number of general and comprehensive
templates have been publicized to guide competition assessments. The 2007
report of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
entitled Institutional Options for Competition Assessment sheds light on
competition assessment, based on government regulations, rules and/or laws
that hinder competition in the market. Recently, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT)
(2007) published an outstanding template, entitled Completing Competition
Assessments in Impact Assessments, for policy makers to help them assess
whether or not the proposed policy is likely to have a significant impact on
competition. In contrast to the OECD’s report, the OFT focuses on the scope
and structure of the relevant market to some extent. But mainly, the OFT
struggles to identify the impact of existing legislation on competition as well. In
the light of these studies, it can be claimed that competition assessment is
directly related to rules and regulations that have the potential to restrict
competition in the market.
It is also apparent that both documents mentioned above have a narrow
approach, which considers competition assessment as a tool that enables
antitrust authorities only to evaluate other public policy instruments that deter or
impede competition. On the contrary, market assessment examines the full
range of restrictive factors regardless of their sources. Both public-policy-
originated and market-oriented restrictions fall under the scope of market
assessment. Therefore, market assessment has a broader scope than
competition assessment.
In this context, two points are noteworthy. First of all, it should
be recognized that the creation of public opinion about the importance of
competition is not an easy task. Therefore, any action or instrument
contributing to this process merits attention. It should be kept in mind
that if a competition authority fails to create strong public opinion that
supports its work, undertakings subject to competition cases or firms
whose interests are adversely affected by competition advocacy will
divert public opinion on competition.
Margaret S. McMillan, Dani Rodrik and Karen Horn Welch. When Economic
Reform Goes Wrong: Cashews in Mozambique. NBER Working Paper No.
W9117 (2002).
This example demonstrates that market assessment may
produce meaningful indicators that should be taken into consideration
by the decision makers in designing an appropriate policy for a given
sector. In many cases, it is observed that the outcomes of public policies
have been influenced by the competition landscape of the given market.
Public policies established without taking the market structure into
consideration may bring about undesired outcomes .
Market assessment may generate another benefit. As long as any antitrust
authority has a strong position in terms of institutional capacity, advocacy
conditions evolve in favour of an antitrust authority. Market assessment displays
talents and in-depth knowledge of the authority about markets. Comprehensive
assessment carried out by an antitrust authority is an indicator of mastery of the
market and so gives credibility to the antitrust authority from an institutional
R.J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i Martin. Economic Growth. Cambridge: MIT
Press (2004).
The real per capita gross domestic product in the United States grew by a
factor of 10 from US$3,340 in 1870 to US$33,330 in 2000. This increase
corresponds to a growth rate of 1.8 per cent per year.
value of US$33,330 in 2000. Then, instead of ranking second in the
world in 2000, the United States would have ranked 45th out of 150
countries. To put it another way, if the growth rate had been lower by
just 1 percentage point per year, the US per capita GDP in 2000 would
have been close to that in Mexico and Poland.
innovation markets also have special positions in marking out the
competitive environment.
The relevant technology market includes technologies that are regarded by
licensees as interchangeable with or substitutable for the licensed technology,
by reason of technologies, characteristics, their royalties and their intended use
(Commission Regulation (EC) No 772/2004 of 24 April 2004 on the application
of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to the categories of technology transfer
agreements). An innovation market consists of research and development
directed at particular new or improved goods or processes, and the close
substitutes for that research and development (Department of Justice and
Federal Trade Commission, 1995 Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of
Intellectual Property).
J.E. Stiglitz. Whither Socialism. Cambridge: MIT Press (1996:222).
There are a number of firm-based factors that should be borne
in mind in making market assessment. One of them, relying on the
structure of firms and connections between undertakings, has an
importance in the process that aims to uncover the competitive structure
of the market. For instance, if the number of competitors becomes
relatively small and their market position (size, costs, R&D potential,
etc.) is rather similar, this market structure may increase the risk of
collusion. On the other hand, if firms have any connection such as a
joint venture in any part of the market, the likelihood of getting a
competitive market structure becomes less. The study done by
UNCTAD, in this context, is a great example unveiling the importance of
connections among market players . UNCTAD believes that the global
water market has been controlled by three big groups and these actors
can be dominant alone or collectively in a bidding process after a reform
process. Joint ventures established by these three global actors lead to
a lower number of potential bidders. According to UNCTAD, failures of
water privatizations have been resulting from this specific trait of the
water provision market.
Another firm-based factor is the concentration level. It is one of
the most informative indicators that should be utilized when examining
the market structure. While highly concentrated markets do not
necessarily imply a shortage of competition in the market, it is generally
agreed that market concentration is one of the most important
determinants of competitiveness. For example in the banking sector, the
relationship between market concentration and competitiveness has
been examined in detail for many countries, and the results indicated
that high concentration tends to reduce competitiveness in this sector .
Although most of the empirical works in the literature are built on data
from developed economies, some other studies related to the banking
sector arrive at the same conclusion for developing economies.
UNCTAD. FDI and Development: The Case of Privatization-Related Services
FDI: Trends, Impact and Policy Issues. United Nations Trade and Development
Board. TD/B/COM.2/EM.14/2 (2003).
Richard J. Gilbert. “Patents, Sleeping Patents and Entry Deterrence”, in
Strategy, Predation and Antitrust Analysis (1984:223-255).
I. Khawaja and Musleh-ud Din, Determinants of Interest Spread in Pakistan,
PIDE Working Papers 22 (2007).
characteristics of the banking sector in Pakistan, such as the lack of
financial intermediaries, it was concluded that the inelasticity of deposit
supply to banks works as a determinant of interest spread. Another
important finding is that concentration does not have a positive and
significant impact on interest spread.
Federal Trade Commission. To Promote Innovation: The Proper Balance of
Competition and Patent Law and Policy. England. (2003:35).
Sri Krishna Sankaran. Patent Flooding in the United States and Japan. 40
IDEA 393 (2000).
relationships with bakeries. Under these market conditions, each yeast
producer has the potential to easily control the price offered by its rivals.
OECD. Competition and Regulation in the Water Sector. Paris: Working
Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation. DAFFE/COMP/WP2/WD(2004)1.
D. Helm and T. Jenkinson. The Assessment: Introducing Competition into
Regulatory Industries, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 13. (1997:1-14).
make a comprehensive market assessment that provides the decision
makers with useful and critical information about the market structure.
8. Concluding remarks
Appendix 1. Price prediction for infringement period
Figure A1. Predicted prices for Pakmaya (price Feb 2007 = 100)
actual price
but-for price
Jan-03 Mar-03 May-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 Oct-03 Nov-03
Figure A2. Predicted prices for Özmaya (price Feb 2007 = 100)
actual price
but-for price
Jan-03 Mar-03 May-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 Oct-03 Nov-03
Figure A3. Predicted prices for Maurimaya (price Feb 2007 = 100)
actual price
but-for price
Jan-03 Mar-03 May-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 Oct-03 Nov-03
Figure A4. Predicted prices for Akmaya (price Feb 2007 = 100)
actual price
but-for price
Jan-03 Mar-03 May-03 Jun-03 Aug-03 Oct-03 Nov-03
such public interest issues, but it is crucial that the law gives clear
guidance on how these objectives should be balanced against other
objectives such as efficiency. The comparison of the EU and the US
regarding abuse of dominance shows that significant differences exist
even among developed countries. One reason for the disparity is
differing assumptions about what types of conduct are harmful and how
difficult it is to differentiate them from other conduct. The 'access to
market principle' of the EU arises from the assumption that restrictions
of market access are harmful to the economy and that a harmful
conduct can be distinguished from other, not harmful, conduct. On the
other hand, the 'non-intervention principle' of the US is based on the
assumption that the distinction of such conduct is difficult, that there is
great danger of prohibiting behaviour that is efficient and that the
unnecessary prohibition of efficient conduct is severe. One conclusion
from the comparison is that these assumptions should be analysed and
be grounded on the economic reality. How likely and severe errors of
competition authorities are can, for example, be assessed in an analysis
of past decisions and their effects on the economy. Support of
developing countries' competition authorities in analysing their own
cases and the impact of their decisions on the economy would therefore
be valuable.
1. Introduction
precisely the prospect of enjoying some market power (i.e. of making
profit) that pushes firms to use more efficient technologies, improve their
product quality, or introduce new product varieties.” . But welfare is
reduced if a firm abuses its dominant position to keep more efficient
competitors away or exploit its costumers. Maximizing the efficiency
therefore requires a careful trade-off between providing incentives and
limiting abuses. Given that market structures are different in developed
and developing countries, the outcome from this trade-off is likely to be
different across countries and regions. For example, higher barriers to
entry, less developed capital markets and asymmetries of information
reduce the opportunities of firms and thus the dynamic of competition
particularly in developing countries . Authorities in these countries may
choose to adopt a stricter approach towards dominant firms. On the
other hand, investments in production made by established firms are
important for less developed economies, this being an argument for
developing countries to be more in favour of dominant firms than
developed countries. Laws on abuse of dominance are also crucial for
the distributional aspects of competition. Many developing countries
may find it important to include rules that focus on reducing the
foreclosure of markets. The objective of such an approach can be to
give better opportunities to small firms often representing poorer parts of
society to engage in the economy and to increase the income of their
owners and employers.
Motta (2004: 64).
Anderson and Heimler (2007: 61).
2. The scope of the prohibition of abuse of a dominant
Box 1: Section D.4 of The United Nations Set of Principles and Rules on
Enterprises should refrain from the following acts or behaviour in a relevant market
when, through an abuse or acquisition and abuse of a dominant position of market
power, they limit access to markets or otherwise unduly restrain competition, having or
being likely to have adverse effects on international trade, particularly that of developing
countries, and on the economic development of these countries:
UNCTAD (2000).
of such restrictions is to maintain artificially high prices;
(f) When not for ensuring the achievement of legitimate business purposes, such as
quality, safety, adequate distribution or service:
(i) Partial or complete refusals to deal on the enterprise's customary commercial terms;
(ii) Making the supply of particular goods or services dependent upon the acceptance of
restrictions on the distribution or manufacture of competing or other goods;
(iii) Imposing restrictions concerning where, or to whom, or in what form or quantities,
goods supplied or other goods may be resold or exported;
(iv) Making the supply of particular goods or services dependent upon the purchase of
other goods or services from the supplier or his designee.
UNCTAD: The United Nations Set of Principles and Rules on Competition. United
Nations. Geneva. 2000.
Case 322/81, Nederlandsche Banden-Industrie Michelin N.V. v Commission,
1983 E.C.R. 3461, [1985].
See Section 5.
Lipimile (2004: 199, 201).
dominant companies and to invoke a special responsibility of dominant
Box 2: Market definition in the EU
The basic principles for the market definition are for example laid down in the EU
Commission Notice on the Definition of Relevant Market for the Purpose of
Community Competition Law (Official Journal C 371, 09/12/1997 p. 5-13). According
to Paragraph 2, market definition is a tool to identify and define the boundaries of
competition between firms. Market definition is not an end in itself but is an analytical
Paragraph 13 states that firms are subject to three main competitive constraints:
1. demand substitutability
2. supply substitutability
3. potential competition.
For the purpose of market definition, it is demand substitutability that is significant.
One way of making this determination can be viewed as a speculative experiment,
postulating a hypothetical small, lasting change in relative prices and evaluating the
likely reactions of customers to that increase (the so-called SSNIP Test – Small but
Significant Non-transitory Increase in Price).
Paragraph 25 relates to the evidence to be used in order to define the relevant
market. There is a range of evidence permitting an assessment of the extent to which
substitution would take place. In individual cases, certain types of evidence will be
determinant, depending very much on the characteristics and specificity of the
industry and products or services that are being examined. The same type of
evidence may be of no importance in other cases. In most cases, a decision will have
to be based on the consideration of a number of criteria and different items of
evidence. The Commission follows an open approach to empirical evidence, aimed at
making an effective use of all available information which may be relevant in
individual cases. The Commission does not follow a rigid hierarchy of different
sources of information or types of evidence. Evidence of substitution in the recent
past, the views of customers and competitors, studies and consumer surveys, barriers
and costs associated with switching demand to potential substitutes and the different
categories of customers and price discrimination are factors that can be taken into
dominant if the market is defined broadly. The key concept for the
market definition is substitutability. A market should not simply be
defined as a collection of similar goods, but of goods that can be used
for the same purpose and thus exercise a competitive constraint on
each other . Other factors that have to be considered here are, for
example, functional characteristics of the product or transportation
costs . All these factors are reflected in the willingness of the
customers to switch to other products. It is therefore a straightforward
way to define a market by investigating whether customers change to
other products when the price of the product they normally purchase
increases. This test is used in areas of antitrust such as merger
control . However, in the case of abuse of dominance, the test can be
misleading, because the consumers' willingness to change supplier can
be considerably influenced by the abusive conduct under consideration.
If a firm has in the past undertaken abusive conduct such as excluding
direct competitors, it is likely to have a dominant position and to be able
to set higher prices. The consumers who are faced with this high price
may switch to imperfect substitutes if they would have to pay an even
higher price (which is hypothetically assumed in the test). This substitute
would consequently be included in the market and, on this broadly
defined market, the firm under consideration may appear to not even
have market power . Consequently, this test will be biased towards
defining markets too broadly in abuse of dominance cases . The
assessment of dominance in cases of abuses is difficult and authorities
will have to rely more than in other cases on the products’
characteristics and their interchangeability in the individual case and
they will have to take the distortions in observed prices into account.
This reflects a more behavioural approach to dominance, which looks at
the firm’s ability to act to some extent independently from other market
Motta (2004: 102).
Anderson et al. (1999).
This is referred to as the Hypothetical Monopolist Test or the Small But
Significant Non-transitory Increase in Price (SSNIP) Test. See Motta (2004:
This is referred as the Cellophane Fallacy. See also Motta (2004: 105).
However, the test can still be used in a negative way. Evidence that two
products are substitutes at current prices does not prove that they are in the
same relevant market, but the failure to show that two products are substitutes
at current prices does prove that they are not in the same market. See National
Economic Research Associates (NERA) (2001: 24).
forces, as opposed to the structural approach, which looks at the market
conditions .
For the discussion of the behavioural and structural definition of dominance,
see Section 4.3.3.
Motta (2004: 117).
Anderson et al. (1999: 71).
Motta (2004: 115).
complicated and demands a certain quality and quantity of data. The
traditional indirect approach, which focuses more on the market
structure (such as concentration), is therefore still widely used in
practice .
This was shown in International Competition Network (ICN) (2007: 43).
Box 3: Case 1 – Collective dominance in the Zimbabwean cement
In December 1998, the Competition Commission commenced a preliminary probe into
various allegations of restrictive and unfair trade practices in the cement industry,
which were leading to shortages and excessive prices of cement on the local
Zimbabwean market. The allegations came from complaints made to the Commission
by the cement trade and the general public, as well as from newspaper reports.
Four companies were involved in the production and distribution of cement in
Zimbabwe: (i) Portland Holdings Limited (Unicem) of Bulawayo, (ii) Circle Cement
Limited of Harare, (iii) Zimbabwe Cement Company (Pvt) Limited (ZimCement) of
Norton’ and (iv) Techniks (Pvt) Limited of Gweru. Only Unicem and Circle Cement
were involved at all stages of cement production, from the quarrying of limestone to
the final product. The other two companies were more involved in blending
operations. A new cement manufacturing plant, under a joint venture between China
and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), was nearing completion in
Lalapanzi. The cement industry was found to be highly concentrated, with a
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) of 4,602. The two largest players in the industry
(Unichem and Circle Cement) controlled a combined market share of over 90%.
The evidence gathered confirmed some of the allegations levelled against Unicem
and Circle Cement, and others which came up during the course of the investigation,
such as: (i) restricting the distribution of cement; (ii) enhancing or maintaining the
price of cement; and (iii) supporting or promoting the distribution of cement by
inefficient and uneconomical means. No evidence was found to support the
allegations of: (i) prevention or restriction of entry into the cement industry; (ii) undue
refusal to distribute cement; and (iii) collusive arrangements between the cement
producers. With regards to allegations of collusion between Unicem and Circle
Cement, it was found that the fact that Unicem was a more efficient producer than
Circle Cement was clearly reflected in that company’s lower retail prices on the
market. It was also found that even though the two companies had natural markets in
the northern and southern parts of the country, because of high transports costs of
distributing their products, the companies’ products were sold in either of their
‘natural’ markets.
The Commission therefore ordered Unicem and Circle Cement, in terms of Section 31
of the Competition Act, to discontinue and terminate the identified restrictive practices.
The Commission’s investigation also identified other public interest concerns in the
distribution of cement on the local Zimbabwean market, such as lack of transparency
in the distribution of the product, lack of distribution outlets in remote rural areas, high
import duties on cement raw materials and discriminatory sales tax regime in favour
of large buyers. The Commission made appropriate recommendations to the relevant
authorities and parties on the alleviation of the concerns.
Quoted from: UNCTAD: Review of Recent Experiences in the Formulation and Implementation of Competition Law
and Policy in Selected Developing Countries: Thailand, Lao, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe. United Nations. New
York and Geneva. 2005.
Defining when a collective dominant position exists is a difficult
task. The case law in the EU has developed a rather specific definition
that may be helpful for the treatment of collective dominance cases in
developing countries as well. According to this definition, collective
dominance exists if two independent firms act as a collective entity on
the market and are as this entity not subject to substantial competition
from other companies. Collective dominance exists mostly in
oligopolistic markets and is therefore of special interest for developing
countries, where markets are often highly concentrated. However, the
existence of an oligopoly in itself is not enough to assume that collective
dominance exists .
According to the case law of the EU Court of Justice, three conditions have
to be met:
1) The market has to be transparent enough for every member of the
oligopoly to be able to quickly inform itself of the conduct of the other
2) There must be an incentive for tacit and permanent coordination between
the members of the oligopoly. This means that all members must know that
unilateral moves of one member with the objective of trying to increase its
market shares - e.g. by cutting prices - would immediately provoke the same
measure or sanctions by the other members, so that it would make no
sense for the individual member to make moves of this kind.
3) The oligopoly is not faced with substantial competition from outside the
group so that members can be sure that customers will not switch to other
providers easily.
ECJ, Judgment of 16 March 2000, Compagnie maritime belge, Joined cases C-395/96 P and C-
396/96 P, ECR 2000 Page I-01365.
Another crucial issue is the role of the state, which may allow, facilitate or
even create dominant companies. This issue will be discussed in more detail in
Section 4.5.
certain good or service . On the other hand, the local economy is often
characterized by a large number of small business units that create
employment for most of the population but lack economic power.
Survival in the markets by these small, often newly created, companies
is made difficult if dominant players abuse their dominant position in
order to prevent market entry and competition by other players. In order
to create a more level playing field and to protect smaller local
companies from such abusive practices, rules on abuse of dominance
are essential for developing countries.
Lipimile (2004: 199, 201).
Anderson et al. (1999: 72).
Box 5: Case 2 – Preliminary investigations into allegations of
predatory pricing in the clear beer brewing and distribution industry in
In December 1999, Nesbitt Brewery (Pvt) Limited of Chiredzi complained to
the Competition Commission that National Breweries Limited was engaged
in predatory pricing, having drastically reduced the price of its clear beer in
Chiredzi to levels that were unprofitable, with the intention of driving Nesbitt
Brewery out of the market. The investigations conducted by the Commission
revealed that the clear beer industry in Zimbabwe is highly concentrated
with an HHI (Hirschman-Herfindahl Index) concentration index in excess of
8,000. Nesbitt Brewery was a new entrant into the clear beer market
challenging the long-standing monopoly position of National Breweries,
which held a market share of 90%. National Breweries has a national
distribution network while Nesbitt Brewery only operates in Chiredzi. The
investigations further revealed that the National Breweries had run a beer
promotion in Chiredzi from May 1999 to April 2000 when the Competition
Commission started gathering information on the case. The promotion
included free snacks and T-shirts, lucky-draw tickets, free beers and
substantial price reductions. The promotion was only held in Chiredzi where
Nesbitt Brewery is based and sells the bulk of its beer. The National
Breweries retail prices for its beer in Chiredzi during the promotion period
were below its normal landed prices in that town. The Commission found the
alleged practices to be predatory within the terms of Section 2 of the
Competition Act. Although National Breweries stopped the practices as soon
as it became aware that the Competition Commission was investigating it,
the Commission compelled it to formally undertake that it would desist from
future practices aimed at driving Nesbitt Brewery out of the market.
Quoted from: UNCTAD: Review of Recent Experiences in the Formulation
and Implementation of Competition Law and Policy in Selected Developing
Countries: Thailand, Lao, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe. United Nations. New
York and Geneva. 2005.
Box 6: Case 3 – The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC)/Zambia Bottlers (ZB)
exclusive dealing arrangements
ZB notified its exclusive dealing arrangements to the Zambia Competition
Commission (ZCC). The Board observed that ZB had in place both
distributorship and cooler hire contracts into the trade. It was also found that
ZB owned the distribution containers, the Strategic Sales Depots (SSDs),
and appointed operators for public service after purchase of merchandise.
ZB also had cooler hire contracts with retailers along with conditions not to
sell competing products. The Board approved the exclusive dealing
arrangements in so far as the SSDs are owned by ZB, on condition that they
are devoid of price fixing, abuse of dominant position and that the cost of
cooler repairs be met by ZB since maintenance fees are being paid. These
conditions have also been made an essential part of the compliance
programme regarding the takeover of Cadbury Schweppes (CS) brands by
TCCC. The compliance programme will be monitored by ZCC.
Quoted from: Zambia Competition Commission: Annual Report 1999.
Lusaka. March 2000.
Secondly, it was feared that the tie-in sales would significantly undermine
consumer interest. Using dominance, Microsoft virtually forced consumers
to purchase WMS, WMP, and Windows Messenger, even when they did not
wish to do so. This is an infringement of the consumer’s right to choice.
Lastly, in the tied product markets, Microsoft's tie-sales constituted unfair
business practices, as they restricted competition from competitors and
consequently forced consumers to purchase the PC OS bundled with WMS,
WMP or Windows Messenger.
The KFTC concluded that the company's tie-in sales were in violation of
Articles 3-2 and 23 of the MRFTA ban on abuse of market dominance and
unfair business practices that work against consumer interests and restrict
or hinder competition in related markets.
On 7 December 2005, the KFTC imposed a series of corrective measures:
(i) a surcharge of 33 billion Won (US$ 31 million); (ii) with regard to the tie-in
of WMS, the KFTC ordered the company to strip WMS from the PC Server
OS within 180 days from the date when the corrective order was imposed;
(iii) for the bundling of WMP and Windows Messenger, the company was
ordered to provide two different versions of the PC OS, whereby one version
would have WMS and the Messenger programme removed from the PC OS
while the other would keep WMP and Windows Messenger and allow
customers to download competitors' products; and (iv) to ensure compliance
with the decision of this case, the KFTC was to appoint a Supervisory Board
composed of members nominated by the KFTC, the Minister of Information
and Communication and Microsoft. The board was to be tasked with the
responsibility of determining the specifics of the remedies and overseeing
their implementation, while Microsoft was to bear all costs associated with
the running of the Supervisory Board.
3. Why should developing countries and countries in
transition consider abuse of dominance?
Lipimile (2004: 177).
As to the high market concentrations, e.g. in the beer brewing and
distribution and the cement distribution sectors, see the cases cited in Lipimile
(2004: 199, 201).
and apply laws on abuse of dominance that allow them to tackle the
anti-competitive behaviour of such firms to protect competition in their
markets and, as a result of this, consumers. It is in this context that
especially the EU approach, which attributes a "special responsibility" to
a dominant company, suits rather well the interest of developing
countries to gain control over dominant firms and keep their markets
open to competition.
Fox (2003: 163).
Economic theory predicts that the optimal pricing of a monopolist usually is
above the welfare maximizing level.
Motta (2004: 73).
This situation has for example been observed lately in Albania.
dominance should be chosen, but it is clearly valuable to understand
why there is no entry. Firstly, if the dominant position is unchallenged
because of anti-competitive practices by incumbent firms or because
obstacles to competition remain even after liberalization, then a stricter
approach is appropriate . Secondly, if dominant firms are not
challenged simply because not enough profits can be made in the
market, it would most likely be counterproductive to restrict incumbent
firms and thereby reduce their incentives to invest in the development of
the market.
Related to this issue is the discussion about natural and state-created
monopolies and how liberalization should be managed. It is important that the
consequences for competition are considered when planning and implementing
liberalization. See also Section 4.5.
Acemoglu et al. (2006).
It may be difficult to switch out at the right time of the setting that protects
dominant firms, because those who have profited from the monopolization will
use their economic power to influence the political process. This raises the
A special case of the trade-off between investment and
competition is infrastructure. This is particularly relevant for
governments with low budget resources, because they may rely on
private firms to finance and build infrastructure such as roads and ports.
Given that the infrastructure would not come into existence if not
financed, owned and used by a private enterprise, it may be a crucial
driver for development. But at the same time, the firm can strengthen its
dominant position and exclude competitors if the infrastructure is an
essential facility that is necessary for all other industry participants and
is not easily duplicated . As in the case of intellectual property,
governments need to calculate carefully how much ownership they want
to transfer to firms in order to give sufficient incentives to invest. It must
be assessed for what sectors a monopoly should be allowed, how broad
it must be, for what period it is granted, and if concessions can be
renegotiated after a certain time or when circumstances have changed.
related issue of linkages between political and economic power and we will
come back to this in Section 3.3.
Motta (2004: 66). For example, a government can give a logistics enterprise
the licence to build and maintain a port on a certain part of the coast. If this port
cannot be duplicated nearby and if other firms need the port in order to
compete, then the incumbent can exclude competitors by refusing them access
to the essential facility.
Box 8: Buyer power of oligopsonistic cocoa traders vis-à-vis
Abuse of market power may occur in the upstream market at the
farmers' level. Local farmers do not have bargaining power vis-à-vis
an "oligopsony" of cocoa traders as buyers. The buyers have
enough buyer power to set cocoa prices at a level below what would
be set under competitive market conditions. Economic analysis has
shown that the abusive behaviour of firms with excessive buying
power tends to disadvantage sellers while the excessive profit made
due to such behaviour is not passed on to consumers in the
downstream market to which these firms sell, regardless of the
degree of competition in this market. Thus, in the context of cocoa
producers, the question would rather be how to deal with the buyer
power of cocoa traders and processors.
Peter C. Carstensen, Competition, Concentration and Agriculture. Statement to the
Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Agriculture Concentration
and Competition Hearing, 27 April 2000.
Quoted from UNCTAD, Cocoa Study: Industry Structures and Competition. United
Nations, forthcoming 2008.
The discussion of South Africa and Indonesia in Boxes 9 and 10 is based on
Fox (2000).
Box 9: South Africa
During the apartheid regime in South Africa, the white minority had political
and economic power. Markets were extremely concentrated and cartels and
monopolies largely controlled the economy . When the apartheid regime
ended in the mid-nineties, the process of democratization was accompanied
by reforms of the competition law in order to reduce discrimination and
inequality, but also to foster efficiency. For the most part, the competition
law adapted rules and principles that were already successfully applied in
developed countries . But besides the common objective of efficiency, the
new policy also wanted to “(…) ensure that small and medium-sized
enterprises have an equitable opportunity to participate in the economy; and
(to) promote a greater spread of ownership, in particular to increase the
ownership stakes of historically disadvantaged persons” . However, these
objectives are balanced against the impact on competitiveness so that the
additional clauses are only likely to be decisive in cases where there is
doubt as to whether a conduct is efficient.
OECD: Competition Law and Policy in South Africa. An OECD Peer Review. OECD. Paris. 2003.
at p. 10.
UNCTAD: Handbook on Competition Legislation. Note by the UNCTAD Secretariat.
Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy. 2007.
Ibid. p. 6.
3.5. The balance between different objectives
What becomes clear from the study of the two countries is that if
competition policy should play a role in reducing inequality in developing
countries, there needs to be clear guidance on how to balance efficiency
and equality . The two cases of South Africa and Indonesia also show
that the current political environment strongly influences the competition
law. In both countries there was, in the beginning, a politically or
economically powerful minority that had every reason to protect its
position and to allow its enterprises to dominate the economy and
restrict smaller competitors. Once the political situation changed and the
links between political and economic power broke, politicians’ incentives
may have moved towards protecting the smaller businesses of their
supporters. Good political institutions are needed to make sure that
there are incentives to follow long-term goals in both political
Fox (2000: 594).
Microsoft v Commission, T-201/04 [2007]. Judgement under:
the US reaction to it have highlighted again that within the developed
world also there are significant differences as to the treatment of
dominant market players . On the other hand, there are also areas of
convergence. In this context, the International Competition Network
(ICN) identified several issues that merit further research and
cooperation : objectives of unilateral conduct laws, assessment of
dominance, and state-created monopolies.
Vickers (2007).
Parts of the discussion below are based on International Competition
Network (ICN) (2007).
European Commission (2005).
then at the market structure and the abusive behaviour in question,
which were relevant criteria in the traditional European approach to
unilateral conduct .
Dreher and Adam (2006: 259 et seqq.).
Gerber (2007: 707, 721).
The notion that domestic firms should be protected until they are able to
compete against foreign competition leads to an industrial policy that wants to
foster national champions. Section 4.5 discusses the relationship of industrial
policy and competition policy in greater detail.
In the majority of countries the finding of dominance serves as a
first filter for separating conduct that has anti-competitive effects from
conduct that does not. However, it is not dominance itself that is
prohibited, but the anti-competitive unilateral conduct of dominant firms.
The underlying assumption is that such a conduct would not harm
competition if exercised by a non-dominant firm or that such a firm
cannot even enter into the conduct. Some countries do not use the
existence of a dominant position as a filter, but the existence of a
dominant position is nonetheless often a criterion in the assessment of
the conduct .
Marsden (2006: 292).
International Competition Network (ICN) (2007: 60–61).
Microsoft had unlawfully harmed Netscape’s Internet Navigator
browser in order to protect the monopoly position of its Windows
operating system (monopolization) or to leverage the monopoly
position of Windows to the browser market (attempt to monopolize) .
Brazil and Chile contain a general prohibition of restrictive trade
practices. The French competition law sanctions abuses of economic
dependence on the basis of reputation, access to essential facilities or
the structure of the business relationship. Similarly, the German law
prohibits that one undertaking hinders another without objective
justification if it has relatively more market power than the other one.
An example would be sales under costs or under acquisition prices.
Also, the Japanese law does not require dominance when prohibiting
unfair trade practices, e.g. unjust refusals to deal.
United States v Microsoft, 253 F.3d 34 (D.C. Cir. 2001). Section 5.2. will look at the US approach
in more detail. For the above also see UNCTAD: Model Law on Competition. UNCTAD Series on
Issues in Competition Law and Policy. United Nations. New York and Geneva. 2007.
See discussion on ‘hypothetical monopolist test’ in Section 2.1.
There is little doubt that structural criteria have an advantage in
the practical application . It seems easier for competition authorities to
observe a current situation such as the market structure than to look at
the behaviour of actors in the market. This concern of practicability is
especially important for competition authorities in developing countries,
because their means to assess dominance are more limited. On the
other hand, the behaviour approach to defining dominance is
theoretically more exact, because it focuses on the target variable,
which is the actual and potential behaviour of firms. The downside of
this approach is that it requires more case-specific analysis.
Table 1 shows that structural criteria are important for the assessment
of dominance in most jurisdictions.
The first three criteria are also those most often mentioned as
being among the most important criteria. However, this is not the case
for some large jurisdictions such as the UK, the US and Japan .
Dreher and Adam (2006: 259 et seqq.).
This observation will be discussed further in Section 5, which concerns the
US and EU laws.
Market shares:
Market shares are a relevant criterion for the assessment of
dominance, because they are a close approximation of how a firm
stands vis-à-vis its competitors. It is not a perfect approximation for
market power because the latter depends on a number of other factors.
Even a firm that has more than a 50% market share may have little
market power if there is only one buyer or many possible entrants.
Therefore, the significance of a certain market share depends on the
characteristics of the market.
capita are more likely to have market share thresholds, but they are not
necessarily higher or lower than in developed countries .
Our sample consists of countries referred to in the ICN report, the UNCTAD
model law, and one additional country. Two identical thresholds do not
necessarily imply the same treatment, because some jurisdictions make them
dependent on other conditions.
Table 2: Market share dominance
Dominance Safe Dominance Safe
Country presumption harbours Country presumption harbours
Australia* Lithuania** 40%
Brazil* 20% 20% Mexico*
Bulgaria* 35% 20% Mongolia** 50%
Canada* 80% 35% Netherlands*
Chile* New Zealand* 20%
Croatia*** 40% Pakistan* 33%
Republic** 40% Poland** 40%
Estonia* 40% Portugal** 40%
EC* Romania* 40%
France* Russia* 50% 20%
Germany* 33% Singapore*
Hungary* 20% Slovakia*
India* South Africa* 45% n.a.
Indonesia** 50% Spain*
Ireland* Sweden* 40%
Israel* 50% Switzerland*
Italy* Turkey*
Jamaica* 50% Ukraine* 35% 35%
Japan* Kingdom*
Republic of
Korea* 50% 10% United States* 70% 50%
Latvia* 40% Zambia** 40%
Data: *ICN (2007), **UNCTAD (2007), ***country legislation.
Barriers to entry:
consideration. Entry barriers can for example be legal barriers in the
form of licences or structural in the form of high sunk costs that make
entry either more costly or more risky . If such barriers exist, the firms
already in the market are protected from potential competition and thus
enjoy more market power. Most agencies look not only at the theoretical
possibility of entry, but also at whether entry is likely, timely and
sufficient. Some respondents stated that barriers must be put into a
dynamic perspective, where the changes in barriers are observed over
Buyer power:
The profitability of a firm is not only threatened by its
competitors who take away its costumers, but also by the costumers
themselves, because buyers bargain with the sellers to get lower prices.
If the bargaining power of a buyer is high, for instance if there is only
one buyer but many potential sellers, the sellers have to lower the price
until it only covers costs .
The ICN survey shows that buyer power is one of the most
important criteria for competition authorities in the assessment of
dominance. The EC stressed that strong buyers can discipline the
dominant seller if they actually switch to new entrants when the
incumbent offers bad deals. In doing so, they ease the entry of new
firms that are willing to sell at lower prices and therefore also benefit
other, smaller, buyers. Competition authorities in developing countries
should pay special attention to this, because small and poor buyers are
likely to suffer from the abusive conduct by dominant firms.
Sunk costs can arise when a firm must make an investment, e.g. in
infrastructure, to enter a market, but cannot recoup the investment if the market
entry fails. This is especially the case if the investment cannot be used for other
This is conceptualized in Porter’s five forces analysis. See Besanko (2003).
enable fewer firms to be large enough to produce at the efficient scale
and consequently there will be higher levels of concentration in small
Monopolies can for example be inefficient because they set prices too high or
do not innovate enough.
Alesina et al. (2000).
The definition of the market is crucial here. When economies are open and
their markets expand beyond their political borders, the market should be
defined accordingly and concentration levels will be lower.
International Competition Network (ICN) (2007: 58).
4.3.6. Examples of dominance assessment in developed and
developing countries and countries in transition
competition.” (United States v E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 351 US 377, 391
(1956)). The market share is not the only factor considered in determining whether
monopoly power exists. Other factors, such as the absence of entry barriers, may
indicate that a firm does not have monopoly power even if it does account for a large
share of the relevant market.
The Indian Competition Act 2002 defines, ‘dominant position’ as a position of
strength, enjoyed by an enterprise, in the relevant market, in India, which enables it
to: (i) operate independently of competitive forces prevailing in the relevant market; or
(ii) affect in its favour its competitors or consumers or the relevant market. The
Competition Commission of India, while inquiring whether an enterprise enjoys a
dominant position or not, has due regard to all or any of these factors.
The legislations of Mongolia and the Ukraine consider that dominance exists when a
single entity acting alone or a group of economic entities acting together account
constantly for over 50% of supply to the market of a certain good or similar goods,
products or carried out works and provided services.
In Zambia, under Section 7 (2) of the Act, an enterprise is considered to be dominant
if it has a level of market power that allows it to behave independently of competitive
pressures (e.g. pricing and distribution strategies). An important but not conclusive
factor in determining dominance is the share of the market that the undertaking has.
An undertaking is unlikely to be dominant if its market share is less than 40% –
although this rule will largely depend on the circumstances of the case.
The Saudi Arabian Implementing Regulations on Competition Law state in Article 1
that dominance exists where an entity or group of entities are in a position to influence
the prevailing price through controlling a specific percentage of the total supply. A
specific threshold is not mentioned.
The Indonesian Competition Law (Law No. 5) defines dominance in Article 25 as a
situation in which one business actor or a group of business actors controls over 50%
of the market segment of a certain type of goods or services; or if two or three
business actors or groups of business actors control over 75% of the market
The Competition Act of Trinidad and Tobago defines in Section 20 monopoly power in
a market as a situation in which an enterprise, by itself or together with an
interconnected body corporate, occupies a position of economic strength that will
enable it to operate in the market without effective constraints from its competitors or
potential competitors. The Act contains no threshold for the positive presumption
of dominance, but states in Section 22 (2) that the Commission should not investigate
cases unless it is satisfied that the enterprise controls 40% of the market or more or
such percentage as the Minister may by order prescribe. This can be labelled as a
"negative presumption".
Source: UNCTAD: Model Law on Competition. UNCTAD Series on Issues in Competition Law and Policy. United
Nations. New York and Geneva. 2007.
4.4. Examples of abusive practices
Box 14: Case 5 – Predatory pricing in the Zambian beer brewing
On 8th June 2001, the Official agents of the Zambian Breweries lodged a
complaint, with the Commission alleging that MetPress Zambia Limited, t/a
Metro Wholesalers was wholesaling the Zambian Breweries “Mosi” and
“Castle” clear beers at prices lower than the manufacturer’s, i.e. predatory
pricing. This conduct was allegedly forcing members out of business. It was
observed that the firm was actually taking over business in various parts of
Lusaka. The complainants alleged further that the local distributors did not
have the financial power to compete with such pricing strategies from Metro.
Metro is part of the Metro Cash & Carry, which operates in at least 15
countries. The conduct by Metro appeared to be in breach of Section 7(2)(a)
of the Competition and Fair Trading Act (the Act), which requires enterprises
to refrain from predatory behaviour towards competition including the use of
cost pricing to eliminate competitors.
Metro was a new entrant in the market and was growing at a fast rate aided
by its below-cost pricing (which was used as a market penetration strategy).
It purchased its clear beer from Zambian Breweries as did other distributors.
However, it appeared that its selling price was below the purchase price and
there appeared to be no objective justification for the conduct. Zambian
Breweries confirmed that they had no unique “trade arrangement” with
Metro. The selling price from Zambian Breweries was uniform.
The Commission considered that while Metro was not a dominant player, its
pricing strategies had an effect on the smaller distributors, hence the
intervention. Although the Competition and Fair Trading Act provides that
any form of price resale maintenance is anti-competitive it was in this
situation found to be special to justify its continuity. A resale price
maintenance was proposed (the “minimum price”) to avoid future breaches.
As noted already, the business relies heavily on volume sales and small
disparities in price can and do have significant effects on other players. The
favourable credit period awarded to Metro by Zambian Breweries was
ordered to be discontinued and or be extended to all the other distributors.
Quoted from: UNCTAD: Review of Recent Experiences in the Formulation
and Implementation of Competition Law and Policy in Selected Developing
Countries: Thailand, Lao, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe. United Nations. New
York and Geneva. 2005.
Box 15: Case 6 – Abuse of dominance cases in Jamaica
The FTC (…) considered, under the abuse of dominance provisions, three
complaints regarding predatory pricing. In its decision regarding price
reductions of Super Plus Food Store, it found that the list of items for
promotion was limited and the duration of the sale was short such that
predation did not occur. With regard to the allegation that Tank-Weld Metals
Limited (TWM) was selling nails at predatory prices, it concluded that TWM
was dominant but, except for one month, its prices were above average
variable costs. It thus found there was no evidence of predation. The last
case involves an advertisement by Telstar Cable Ltd. for three months of
free cable service to subscribers who switch from another cable company
within the month of December 1999. The FTC found that the pricing was not
below costs and the duration of the offer was not long enough to have an
appreciable effect on competition.
prohibited if competition between Member States is affected.
See Business Elecs. Corp. v Sharp Elecs. Corp., 485 U.S. 717, 720, 724
For the above see UNCTAD: Model Law on Competition. UNCTAD Series
on Issues in Competition Law and Policy. United Nations. New York and
Geneva. 2007.
4.4.3. Exclusive dealing
4.5. State-created monopolies and national champions
International Competition Network (ICN) (2007: 64). This report only covers
state-created monopolies, not natural monopolies.
The table provides a non-exhaustive list of sectors where state-created
monopolies existed or still exist.
Table 3: Sectors with state-created monopolies
Sector Countries
Hospitals Germany
Pharmaceuticals Sweden
TV/Radio centres Russia
Motor industry/automobile
production Serbia
Table from ICN (2007).
Table 4: Objectives of creating monopolies by the state
Objective Country
Public interest: government intervention is Netherlands
warranted if the private sector fails to produce the
desired outcome
Insuring traffic security in air, space, naval Russia
transportation; meteorological service, including its
satellite component
Table from ICN (2007).
Section 4.5.2 has shown that there are also industries without a
natural monopoly justification, but where the state still intervenes and
European Commission (2007a).
creates a monopoly in order to reach other political or economic goals.
One such goal can be the creation or protection of ‘national champions’.
This is subject to a lot of debate and is often related to the infant-
industry argument for developing countries. Those in favour of such
protection argue that certain national firms must – at least for a certain
period – be protected in order to become internationally competitive. It is
often suggested that firms with small domestic markets have a
disadvantage because they cannot exploit economies of scale and that
they should be protected until they reach the critical size that allows
them to compete globally against firms with larger home markets. A
second argument is that some sectors are strategically important or that
they produce positive externalities – such as innovation spillovers or
supply capacities – on other sectors. One counter-argument is that
competition on domestic markets is the best condition for firms to
become internationally competitive, because they are forced to be
innovative in order to succeed. Having incentives to become competitive
is likely to be more important for productivity and growth than only
having the ability to do so based on government protection. Secondly, it
is difficult for governments to choose the sectors and firms that may
deserve protection. In particular those firms that already receive support
are likely to use their influence to get government assistance. Thirdly,
the support that one country gives to its national champions generates
pressure on other countries to also support their businesses. If every
national champion receives support from its government, the relative
positions between these firms remain the same, but resources are lost
at the expense of private citizens and consumers. When all this is taken
together, it becomes clear that the risks and costs that the support of
national champions involves are often greater than the benefits .
Paul A. Geroski: Competition Policy and National Champions. March 2005.
International Competition Network (ICN) (2007: 87).
Box 19: Case 9 – Preliminary probe into allegation of abuse of
dominant position in the steel sheet industry in Thailand
In 2002, there was a complaint lodged by end-users of steel sheet products
that the alleged party and its wholesalers raised the price of their hot-rolled
steel sheet every week and certain hot-rolled steel sheet products were not
available on the market. Those end-users who tried to import such products
were threatened by the alleged party that the supply would be cut off. The
investigations conducted by the officials at the office of the Competition
Commission revealed that the alleged party distributed its steel sheet
through three channels. The first one was through its distributors (12%). The
second one was through wholesalers (26%) and the third one was the direct
sale to end-users (62%). During August 2002-December 2000, the alleged
party adjusted its price up and down below the controlled-price ceiling (steel
sheet is a “controlled product” under the Price Control Act of 1999). The
price adjustment of the alleged party led its distributors, wholesalers, to do
the same thing. The officials concluded that the price adjustment conduct of
the alleged party did not violate the Price Control Act of 1999 because the
price was below the controlled-price ceiling for steel sheet. Also, there was
no evidence to support the allegation of abuse of market dominance by
setting an unjustly high price.
Quoted from: UNCTAD: Review of Recent Experiences in the Formulation and Implementation of
Competition Law and Policy in Selected Developing Countries: Thailand, Lao, Kenya, Zambia,
Zimbabwe. United Nations. New York and Geneva. 2005.
5. Best practices from the US–EU discussion regarding
abuse of dominance
Vickers (2007).
United States v Microsoft, 253 F.3d 34 (D.C. Cir. 2001) and Microsoft v
Commission, T-201/04 [2007].
International Competition Network (ICN) (2007). See also Section 4.3, which
concerns the assessment of dominance.
Well-developed capital markets provide an example for this. It is more
accurate to trust in the well functioning of competition if access to capital is
relatively easy because it enables the creation and expansion of firms that can
enter into the market. See Anderson and Heimler (2007: 71).
Table 5 illustrates the features that the US and EU laws have in
common and where they differ:
The following discussion is based on Fox (2003: 149 et seqq., 2006a).
Vickers (2005: 247).
5.2.1. The US view
Fox (2006b: 69). Leveraging market power means that the dominant position
in one market is used to exercise power in a related market. For example, a firm
that has market power in one market can tie its product for this market to a
product that it sells in another market where it initially does not have market
Bloch et al. (2005: 331).
United States v Microsoft, 253 F.3d 34 (D.C. Cir. 2001). For a description of
the case, see Motta (2004: 511). The case not only involved tying, but also
monopolization and attempted monopolization.
Fox (2006a: 737).
5.2.2. The EU view
This is expressed in the case law of the European courts, but there is
currently a discussion about a re-orientation of the European rules in the sense
of a ‘more economic approach’. See Dreher and Adam (2006: 259 et seqq.,
Microsoft v Commission, T-201/04 [2007]. The case also involved the refusal
to supply interoperability information.
in the US and the EU are illustrated in Table 6. The US authorities tend
to assume that if a conduct does not directly harm consumers, it is only
harmful to competitors, not to competition. Harm to the competition
process is not investigated if there is no harm to consumers. The
European authorities on the other hand are concerned with the
foreclosure of markets and thus harm to the competition process. But
harm to the competition process is difficult to distinguish from harm to
competitors and there is a risk that they unnecessarily prohibit a conduct
that is not harmful.
Kovacic (2007: 70).
Fox (2006b: 76).
exclusionary practices and to quantify the dynamic losses from harm to
the competition process .
This is another question addressed by a study on the quantitative effects of
anti-competitive practices in developing countries, which is currently being
undertaken by UNCTAD.
Kovacic (2007: 71). Such an error-cost framework must constantly be
updated to take into account that the investigation techniques of the authorities
are improving and the economic environment changing.
Table 7: Error costs of competition enforcement
Harm to Competition Harm to Competitors
(should be illegal) (should be legal)
Incorrectly prohibit conduct
Declared Correctly prohibit conduct that that does not harm
illegal harms competition competition, but only
Correctly allow conduct that
Declared Incorrectly allow conduct that
doesn't harm competition, but
legal harms competition
only competitors
Evans and Padilla (2004).
6. Recommendations
The difficulty here is that the same conduct may be harmful or efficient,
depending on the individual case.
Secondly, large firms play a different role regarding their
investment activity in developing countries than they do in more
developed economies. Established and possibly dominant firms can be
important for less developed economies to have a sufficiently high level
of investment in production. Long-term relationships and profitability
make it easier for incumbent firms to invest. If there was fierce
competition with constantly new firms entering the market and
established, but less efficient ones leaving it, then the currently existing
firms would not be able or willing to make sufficient investments. The
dominant positions may have a negative impact on innovation, but since
less developed countries generally operate in sectors with less
advanced technology, they can use existing technology and innovation
is not as important for them. Therefore, it may be less important for
them to have the most innovative and efficient firms, but rather to have
large incumbent firms that can make investments more easily. In less
developed economies, the benefits of increased investments are more
likely to outweigh efficiency losses that arise from a dominant position,
because investments in production are relatively more important. As
economies become more developed, it is increasingly crucial that the
competition process selects those firms that are the most efficient and
innovative. Countries therefore need to switch out of the more protective
setting at the right time and expose their firms to more competition.
guidance on how these objectives should be balanced against other
objectives such as efficiency. Comparing this to the investment
argument above shows that there are justifications for more but also for
less strict standards in developing countries. These justifications
naturally contradict each other and therefore necessitate a sound
there is direct harm to consumers. The legal standards in the two
jurisdictions differ considerably, but how much their approaches differ in
practice depends crucially on how the above-mentioned terms are
defined and interpreted. Harm to the competition process for example is
prohibited in the EU because it is assumed that the outcome of a sound
competition process is generally favourable to consumers. But the harm
to the competition process may also involve a strengthening or creation
of a dominant position and consumers may be hurt directly, which are
the necessary conditions in the US, so that the two standards overlap in
many respects. A reason for the disparity are differing assumptions
about what types of conduct are harmful and how difficult it is to
differentiate them from other conduct. The 'access to market principle' of
the EU probably arises from the assumption that impediment to this
access is severe and that it can be distinguished from other, not
harmful, conduct. On the other hand, the 'non intervention principle' of
the US is rather based on the assumption that the distinction of such
conduct is difficult, that there is great danger of prohibiting behaviour
that is not harmful, and that the unnecessary prohibition of efficient
conduct is severe. One conclusion from the comparison is that such
assumptions should be analysed and be grounded on the economic
reality. How likely and severe errors of competition authorities are can,
for example, be assessed in an analysis of past decisions and their
effects on the economy. The impact of decisions should be assessed ex
post in order to know if the rules need to be revised. The resulting
country-specific error-cost framework can be an important input for
competition authorities in developing countries, because it allows basing
the rules on empirical evidence. Support of competition authorities in
analysing their own cases and their impacts would therefore be
European Commission, 2007b: DG Competition Report on Energy
Sector Inquiry. 10 January 2007.
Evans, D. and Padilla, J., 2004: Designing Antitrust Rules For
Assessing Unilateral Practices: A Neo-Chicago Approach. CEMFI
Working Paper No. 0417. September 2004.
Fox, E., 2000: Equality, Discrimination, and Competition Law: Lessons
from and for South Africa and Indonesia. Harvard International Law
Journal. Vol. 41.
Fox, E., 2002: What is Harm to Competition? Antitrust Law Journal. Vol.
Fox, E., 2003: We Protect Competition, You Protect Competitors. World
Competition. Vol. 26, No. 2.
Fox, E., 2006a: Monopolization, Abuse of Dominance, and the
Indeterminacy of Economics: The U.S./E.U. Divide. Utah Law Review.
No. 3.
Fox, E., 2006b: “Abuse of Dominance and Monopolisation: How to
Protect Competition Without Protecting Competitors”. In: Claus-Dieter
Ehlermann and Isabela Atanasiu (eds). European Competition Law
Annual 2005: What Is An Abuse of A Dominant Position? Hart
Fox, E., 2007: Economic Development, Poverty and Antitrust: The Other
Path. Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas. Vol. 13.
Gerber, D., 2007: Competition Law and the WTO. Journal of
International Economic Law. Vol. 10, No. 3.
Geroski, P., 2005: Competition Policy and National Champions. March
International Competition Network (ICN), 2007. Report by the Unilateral
Conduct Working Group. Presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the
ICN in Moscow. May 2007.
Kovacic, W., 2007: Intellectual DNA of Modern U.S. Competition Law for
Dominant Firm Conduct: The Chicago/Harvard Double Helix. Columbia
Business Law Review. No. 1.
Lipimile, G., 2004: “Competition Policy as a Stimulus for Enterprise
Development”. In: UNCTAD, Competition, Competitiveness and
Development: Lessons from Developing Countries. pp. 199, 201.
Marsden, P., 2006: Handbook of Research in Trans-Atlantic Antitrust.
Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.
Motta, M., 2004: Competition Policy: Theory and Practice. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
National Economic Research Associates (NERA), 2001: The role of
market definition in monopoly and dominance inquiries. Economic
Discussion Paper 2. Office of Fair Trading.
OECD, 2003: Competition Law and Policy in South Africa. An OECD
Peer Review. OECD. Paris.
UNCTAD, 2000: The United Nations Set of Principles and Rules on
Competition. United Nations. Geneva.
UNCTAD, 2004: Competition, Competitiveness and Development:
Lessons from Developing Countries. United Nations. New York and
UNCTAD, 2005: Review of Recent Experiences in the Formulation and
Implementation of Competition Law and Policy in Selected Developing
Countries: Thailand, Lao, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe. United Nations.
New York and Geneva.
UNCTAD, 2007a: Handbook on Competition Legislation. Trade and
Development Board. Intergovernmental Group of Experts on
Competition Law and Policy.
UNCTAD, 2007b: Model Law on Competition. UNCTAD Series on
Issues in Competition Law and Policy. United Nations. New York and
Geneva. 2007.
UNCTAD, 2007c: Recent important competition cases involving more
than one country. Report by the UNCTAD Secretariat. Geneva.
Vickers, J., 2005: Abuse of Market Power. The Economic Journal. Vol.
UNCTAD, Cocoa Study: Industry Structures and Competition. United
Nations, forthcoming 2008.
Vickers, J., 2007: Competition and Economics: A Mid-Atlantic Viewpoint.
European Competition Journal. Vol. 3, No. 1.
Zambia Competition Commission, 2000: Annual Report 1999. Lusaka.
March 2000.
Thomas K. Cheng*
1. Introduction
must be mindful of their own unique policy considerations. The main
justification for protecting IPRs, especially patents, is to generate
incentives to innovate. This justification is persuasive in developed
countries, where most of the potential inventors in the world are located.
It carries much less weight in developing countries, most of which
possess limited capacity to innovate. In resolving the conflict between
competition law and IPRs, developing countries must recalibrate the
balance struck by developed countries.
Although all the major IPRs grant their owners some proprietary
rights, the focus of this research is primarily on patents. Of the three
major types of IPR — patents, copyrights and trademarks — patents
grant the strongest protection. A patent gives a patentee the exclusive
right of exploitation, which entitles the patentee to exclude others from
copying or commercializing an invention that falls within the scope of the
patent. Patents are also more likely than copyrights and trademarks to
endow their owners with substantial market power. As will be discussed
in greater detail later, whether an IPR creates market power, and hence
potentially raises competition law issues, crucially depends on the
availability of substitutes for the product incorporating the protected
intellectual property . In the absence of substitutes, the producer of
such a product will wield substantial market power. An example will
illustrate this point. Assume that a patentee has obtained a patent on a
new drug that cures a rare disease. The patented drug is currently the
only cure for that disease. Under these circumstances, the patentee will
possess substantial market power in the market for treatment for that
rare disease. In practice, it is not altogether rare for a patented
technology to be the only one capable of performing a certain function
or possessing a unique quality desired by consumers. Patent protection
of such a technology would create market power and raise competition
law issues.
The focus here is on competition law issues in product markets incorporating
intellectual property, and not on technology markets and innovation markets.
While the latter two are undoubtedly important, the economics literature and
legal thinking on them still remain to be developed. Moreover, these two types of
markets are likely to have less salience for developing countries.
In many ways, software is different from other types of materials that are
copyrightable in that software is mostly valued for its functionalities and not its
due to the fact that copyrights offer a narrower scope of protection .
While a patent prohibits an unauthorized third party from replicating a
protected technology, even if that is done with no assistance from the
patentee or with no knowledge of the patentee’s know-how, copyright
protection poses no bar to independent creation of protected content.
Copyright law merely prohibits a third party from copying and
reproducing the content created by the copyright holder. Moreover,
copyright-protected materials rarely constitute the only product in a
relevant market. Even in the case of most popular fiction, a novel such
as The Da Vinci Code is but one of many popular adult thriller novels in
the market. If the price of The Da Vinci Code doubled, some readers
might switch to other novels, or to other forms of entertainment, such as
films or music, altogether.
At this juncture, it is important to clarify the scope of this
research. It does not address the relationship between competition law
and economic development. The question of whether competition law
enforcement may promote economic development has received
considerable attention in recent years. It has been argued that by
improving consumer welfare and encouraging domestic enterprises to
become more efficient, competition law enforcement helps developing
countries to progress economically. It is certainly possible that the
balance between competition law enforcement and patent policy may
have general implications on development, and that possibility is itself a
worthwhile object of research. However, the scope of this research is
narrower. It is confined to how developing countries should strike a
balance between competition law enforcement and patent protection as
a matter of sound competition policy, taking into account both allocative
and dynamic efficiency considerations. The perspective adopted is one
of competition law, and not one of development.
In Michelin, the ECJ stated that a dominant firm “has a special responsibility
not to allow its conduct to impair genuine undistorted competition” in the market.
generally given dominant firms greater freedom of action, it is
nonetheless true that in U.S. antitrust jurisprudence, there exists a class
of competitive conduct that a firm without market power is free to
pursue, but which may ran afoul of competition law when undertaken by
a dominant firm . Meanwhile, by granting a patentee the exclusive
right to exploit an invention for a certain period of time, a patent may
give rise to market power. The existence of market power must be
determined on a case-by-case basis. As discussed earlier, one of the
main determinants is whether there are close substitutes for a patented
product. Early U.S. case law suggested that patent ownership created a
presumption of market power on the part of the patentee . This
presumption had long been criticized by economists and competition
law scholars as being inconsistent with economic reality. In 1995, the
U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission
announced in the Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual
Property that they would not, as a matter of enforcement policy, apply
this presumption to a patentee . Finally, in 2006, the U.S. Supreme
Court adopted the same view in the Illinois Tool Works case . After
elucidation of the fundamental cause for the conflict between
competition law enforcement and patent policy, what follows is a review
of the divergent approaches suggested by commentators to resolve the
the patentee arising from the conditional use measures the patented
product’s competitive superiority over substitutes” . This test favours
patent policy by giving a patentee enormous freedom of action. Under
this test, “a licensee’s or buyer’s willingness to accept a restriction as a
condition” to a patent licensing transaction is treated “as affirmative
evidence of legitimacy” . In fact, according to Kaplow, Bowman’s test
is so permissive that “pure horizontal cartelization is virtually the only
behavior he would prohibit” .
Bowman, supra note 786, at x; see id. at 88.
Kaplow, supra note 785, at 1849–50.
Régibeau & Rockett, supra note 789, at 524.
Id. at 523.
Id. at 524.
2.2. Competition law enforcement trumps patent policy
Baxter, supra note 786, at 313.
Kaplow, supra note 785, at 1853–54.
Eastman Kodak v. Image Tech. Servs., 504 U.S. 451, at 480, n. 29 (1992).
Case T-201/04, Microsoft v. Commission [2007] ECR 00, [2007] 5 C.M.L.R.
11, para. 283–290.
Id. at para. 290.
the refusal “is unjustified”, and third, the refusal excludes “any
competition on a secondary market” . Two observations of this
judgment are in order. First, even though the IPR at issue in the IMS
case was a copyright and not a patent, the ECJ did not limit its
conclusions to copyrights. The ECJ spoke of IPRs generally in the
judgment . The ECJ’s characterization of an intellectual property that
may be subject to a special duty to supply is also more reminiscent of a
patent than of a copyright. The ECJ asserted that only an intellectual
property that is indispensable to competitors’ ability to compete with the
dominant firm is subject to this duty . The ECJ defined indispensability
by the following two criteria: “whether there are products or services
which constitute alternative solutions, even if they are less
advantageous, and whether there are technical, legal or economic
obstacles capable of making it impossible or at least unreasonably
difficult for any undertaking seeking to operate in the market to create,
possibly in cooperation with other operators, the alternative products or
services” . Copyrighted materials rarely enjoy such a degree of
indispensability; patented subject matter is more likely to do so.
Therefore, the ECJ’s statements in IMS are likely to apply with equal
force to patented products. The CFI’s invocation of the IMS criteria in
the Microsoft case, which involved patent and trade secret protection,
corroborates this view.
Case C-418/01, IMS Health GmbH v. NDC Health GmbH [2004] ECR I-5039,
[2004] 4 C.M.L.R. 28, para. 38.
Id. at para. 23, 25.
Id. at para. 28–29.
Id. at para. 28.
SULLIVAN & GRIMES, supra note 790, at 848–53.
2.3. Striking a balance by weighing allocative efficiency
losses against dynamic efficiency gains
While there are some merits to the views that either competition
law enforcement or patent policy should reign supreme, these are
nonetheless overly simplistic. Kaplow has insightfully pointed out the
deficiencies in Bowman’s and Baxter’s tests, which will not be repeated
here . Moreover, the assertion by Régibeau and Rockett that
competition law should not be concerned with balancing static efficiency
with dynamic efficiency is plainly mistaken. Competition law regularly
takes into account the effects of a business practice on innovation, and
balances dynamic efficiency against static efficiency. Merger review is
one prime example. It would be untenable to argue that competition law
should ignore dynamic efficiency considerations only in its interface with
patent policy, which is arguably the area of competition law in which
these considerations are the most important. These commentators fail
to take into full account the fact that both competition law and patent law
incorporate allocative efficiency and dynamic efficiency considerations.
A sensible resolution of the competition law–patent conflict would
require a careful balancing of these considerations.
See Kaplow, supra note 785, at 1845–55.
For a more detailed discussion of this issue, see id. at 800–07.
deemed to be the necessary price that must be paid to induce
innovations. The balance to be struck in patent policy is how to offer
potential inventors sufficient incentives without incurring excessive
losses in allocative efficiency. Therefore, both bodies of law balance
allocative efficiency against dynamic efficiency, which forms a useful
starting point for the resolution of the conflict between them.
With respect to the second dimension, the fewer and the more
lax are the restrictions imposed by competition law on patent
exploitation, the greater is the patentee reward from an invention, and
therefore the greater is the inducement to potential inventors. With
respect to the first dimension, the net social benefits of patent protection
are maximized when the difference between the total social benefits and
the total social costs of patent protection is the greatest. This difference
is maximized when the marginal social benefit of patent protection
equals its marginal social cost. The social benefits of patent protection
include the consumer welfare derived from the emergence of a new
The following discussion is based on Kaplow’s article, “The Patent-Antitrust
Intersection: A Reappraisal”. Unless otherwise indicated, the ideas are attributed
to pp. 1821–1845 of that article, supra note 785.
Although he does not discuss the possibility, Kaplow’s model presumably
can be used to determine other dimensions to the scope of patent protection,
such as the breadth of the patent misuse doctrine.
product or the improvement of an existing product, and the possible
future inventions that are built upon the current invention. The most
important social cost of patent protection is the deadweight loss
resulting from the exclusive exploitation of a patent. Exclusive
exploitation is likely to result in production below the competitive level.
Whenever that happens, society suffers a loss in allocative efficiency,
known as the deadweight loss.
Once the optimum patent life has been set, what the ratio test
seeks to answer is “whether the total reward to the patentee implicit in
the optimal patent life can be achieved at a lower cost” . The answer is
obtained by comparing the ratio associated with a particular patent
exploitation practice with the optimal ratio. A patentee reward–monopoly
loss ratio can be computed for every patent exploitation practice . The
optimal ratio represents the most cost-effective way in which society can
induce inventions by adjusting patent life. If the ratio for a particular
patent exploitation practice is lower than the optimal ratio, the practice
Kaplow, supra note 785, at 1831.
Strictly speaking, there is a ratio associated with every patent exploitation
practice for every patent, because patentee reward depends on “a number of
factors, including the market value of the invention, the structure of the market
involving the patented process or product, and the attributes of the patentee
(such as marketing and production capacities) that determine its range of
options within that market.” Id. at 1823. However, for ease of application, it is
assumed that there is a generalized ratio for every type of patent exploitation
should be prohibited. Society would be better off prohibiting the practice
at issue and keeping the last incremental year of patent life. If the ratio
for a particular patent exploitation practice is higher than the optimal
ratio, the practice should be allowed, subject to the requirement that
patent life should accordingly be shortened. Society would be better off
obtaining the incremental patentee reward by allowing a particular
patent exploitation practice than by granting the last incremental year of
patent protection.
Id. at 1833–34.
Id. at 1842.
the case of a pure transfer, the patentee reward may increase
substantially without a corresponding increase in monopoly loss.
Therefore, all else being equal, a patent exploitation practice that results
in a pure transfer is to be preferred to one that does not.
recall that one of the basic premises of Kaplow’s framework is that
patentee reward induces potential inventors to engage in research and
development. The ratio test compares patentee reward against
monopoly losses resulting from allowing a particular patent exploitation
practice. The underlying policy judgment is that some static efficiency
loss in the form of monopoly loss should be sustained to generate
patentee reward to induce innovative activities. However, depending on
the country at issue, what is a sound policy decision in the context of a
developed country may not be so in a developing country. As noted by
Correa, “the static-dynamic efficiency rationale applicable to a
developed country does not necessarily hold in low income
countries” . In the case of least developed countries, “the present
sacrifice of static efficiency finds no justification in future gains of
dynamic efficiency as domestic innovation is unlikely to occur and
foreign innovation depends on larger markets in developed
countries” .
Carlos M. Correa, Intellectual Property and Competition Law—Exploring
Some Issues of Relevance to Developing Countries, ICTSD INTELLECTUAL
essential facilities doctrine, as is advocated by Correa . Such a policy,
which favours competition law enforcement, will enhance a developing
country’s imitative capacity. Adopting a contrary policy in the name of
promoting dynamic efficiency will hurt domestic imitative capacity.
Whether this is a relevant consideration depends on the extent of
imitation taking place in a particular developing country.
Correa, supra note 822, at 8–13.
Carlos A. Prima Braga and Carsten Fink of the World Bank distinguish
between production capabilities and innovative capacity. See The Relationship
Between Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment, 9 DUKE J.
COMP. & INT’L L. 163, 167 (1998). Economists have distinguished between
imitative and innovative capacities. See, e.g., Carmelo Pierpaolo Parello, A
North-South Model of Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Skill
Accumulation, 85 J. OF DEV. ECON. 253 (2008); Yongmin Chen & Thitima
Puttitanun, Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation in Developing Countries,
78 J. OF DEV. ECON. 474 (2005); Edwin Lai, International Intellectual Property
Rights Protection and the Rate of Product Innovation, 55 J. OF DEV. ECON. 133
(1998); Yong Yang, Why do Southern Countries Have Little Incentive to Protect
Northern Intellectual Property Rights?, 31(4) CANADIAN. J. OF ECON. 800 (1998).
meaning of the first and the last capacities should be apparent.
Regarding the second capacity, economists have observed that
imitation itself requires considerable know-how and human capital.
Therefore, some developing countries may only have the technical
capacity to produce and not to imitate.
World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO Patent Report: Statistics on
Worldwide Patent Activity (2006 Edition), available at
and the incentive to innovate in developing countries. However, based
on stylized models, economists have studied the impact of heightened
IPR protection on the incentives to imitate and innovate in developed
and developing countries. Heightened IPR enforcement will render it
more difficult for competitors to imitate a protected technology, hence
increasing patentee reward. Even though this body of literature does not
directly address the competition law–patent balance, it is nonetheless
highly relevant. Recall Kaplow’s insight that adjusting the length of
patent life and modifying the scope of permissible patent exploitation
under competition law are two means to the same end . Stated more
generally, as long as a policy decision raises patentee reward, whether
it is made in the realm of patent policy by lengthening the patent life or
by intensifying patent enforcement, or in the realm of competition law by
adopting more permissive standards on potentially anti-competitive
patent exploitation practices, that policy decision will boost incentives to
Kaplow, supra note 785, at 1831–37.
Parello, supra note 825, at 255.
Id. at 260.
Id. at 255, 265–66.
Id. at 255.
One key analytical step in Parello’s model is that improved IPR
protection affects producers in developing countries by raising the costs
of imitation . The causal link between improved IPR protection and the
costs of imitation is likely to be strong. Even though the causal link
between adopting more permissive standards for patent exploitation
practices and the costs of imitation may not be as strong, it is
nonetheless substantial. For example, as mentioned earlier, by making
it harder for domestic producers to obtain a compulsory licence from a
foreign patentee, a developing country raises the costs of technology
transfer to its producers and hence the costs of imitation. Moreover, by
allowing a developed country patentee to use exclusive dealing
arrangements to foreclose imitating domestic competitors, a developing
country similarly raises the costs of imitation by making it harder for its
domestic producers to market their products. The costs of imitation
determine the ease and likelihood of imitation by a developing country
producer. In Parello’s model and other models considered below, once
a developing country producer successfully imitates a foreign
technology and produces the same product to compete with the
developed country patentee, the patentee’s profit from his invention
falls. The patentee reward diminishes, thereby reducing a potential
inventor’s incentive to innovate. Therefore, favouring patent policy in the
competition law–patent balance has a similar effect to raising IPR
protection in Parello’s model. The fact that the variable at issue is
different does not undermine the relevance of his conclusions.
Id. at 261.
Lai, supra note 825, at 134.
Id. at 135.
enhanced IPR protection in developing countries . The difference in
results is due to the fact that in the former case, heightened IPR
protection in developing countries will induce inventors in developed
countries to invest in more innovation, raising their demand for skilled
labour in their countries . Wages for these workers rise raising the
costs of innovation . This increase in costs will in fact overwhelm any
gains to the inventors from the enhanced IPR protection in developing
countries, causing the overall rate of innovation to drop . More
importantly, Lai concludes that, when technology transfer is
accomplished through both imitation and FDI, the rate of innovation in
developed countries and the rate of imitation in developing countries will
increase in response to improved IPR protection in developing countries
so long as certain conditions are met, including that the rate of FDI is
sufficiently high .
Id. at 147.
Yang, supra note 825, at 802.
inventors. In the ideal world, all the developing countries would
cooperate to offer IPR protection to developed country technologies.
Given the practical difficulties in achieving that goal, some of the
developing countries should form “cooperation coalitions” . Countries
within these coalitions offer higher protection than those outside of the
coalitions . In fact, non-coalition developing countries are likely to
lower their IPR protection to freeride on the effort of the coalition
countries . However, once the number of countries in these
cooperation coalitions is large enough, developed country inventors will
receive sufficient incentives to invest in technologies needed by
developing countries .
Id. at 807–10
Id. at 807.
Chen & Puttitanun, supra note 825, at 476.
firm in the import sector to imitate the foreign firm’s technology, thereby
reducing competition in that sector . The price of the good in the
sector increases and consumer welfare is harmed . On the other
hand, heightening IPR protection also increases incentives for the
innovative firm in the local sector to innovate, as it is now more difficult
for its domestic competitor to imitate its technology . A developing
country must balance the effects in these two sectors and find an
optimum level of IPR protection.
Id. at 487.
developing countries individually, and not in the aggregate as
“cooperation coalitions” as suggested by Lai. It focuses on the domestic
welfare effects of a shift in the competition law–patent balance, in
particular, on how such a shift affects the domestic rate of imitation and
the domestic and foreign rates of innovation.
some developing countries should tilt the balance in favour of patent
protection. Recall that Yang offers no guidelines on how to decide which
countries should join the “cooperation coalitions”. The most one can say
for now with some confidence is that developing countries with large
economies are likely to offer the most substantial inducements to
developed country inventors, and hence should join these coalitions.
The least developed countries are likely to freeride on these large
developing countries’ effort. China, Brazil and India are probable
candidates for these cooperation coalitions.
easily. Such a policy obviously will have a significant impact on patentee
reward, as patentees now must face competition in the market for their
products. However, even under these circumstances, the extent of the
impact may be less than expected. As long as the licence fee is set at
such a rate that it compensates the patentee for its loss of profit from
increased competition in the supply of the product, the patentee reward
may not be drastically affected. In fact, the licence fee could be set at
such a rate that the patentee is indifferent between commercializing the
patent itself and licensing it to developing country producers. In that
case, the patentee reward will not be reduced at all. One may question
how likely it is that a developing country intent on providing easy access
by its domestic producers to a patented foreign technology would set
the licence fee at such a high level. The point remains that the causal
link between adjusting competition law restrictions on patent exploitation
practices and patentee reward is more tenuous than the effect of
altering the level of IPR protection in the economic models examined in
the previous section.
Kaplow, supra note 785, at 1838.
developed countries for imposing more stringent competition law
restrictions on patent exploitation practices.
Kaplow, supra note 785, at 1833.
Id. at 1833–34.
question whether such general economic factors should determine the
outcome of a case. Prohibiting a particular patent exploitation practice
on the grounds that the dominant mode of technology transfer in that
country is imitation may justifiably cause uneasiness.
5. Conclusion