Laws and Institutions Relating To Environmental Protection in India U. Sankar
Laws and Institutions Relating To Environmental Protection in India U. Sankar
Laws and Institutions Relating To Environmental Protection in India U. Sankar
U. Sankar
1. Introduction
Revised version of the paper presented at the Conference on The Role of Law and Legal Institutions in
Asian Economic Development, held at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, November 1-4, 1998. The
author is grateful to the participants and the editors of the volume for comments and suggestions. This
research was supported in part by the World Bank under the India: Environmental Management Capacity
Building Technical Assistance Project.
will tend to bring about equality in the value of the marginal private net products of
resources invested in different ways But when there is a divergence between these two
sorts of marginal net products, self-interest will not, therefore, tend to make the national
dividend a maximum; and, consequently certain specific aspects of interference with
normal economic processes may be expected not to diminish but to increase the
dividend(p.172). He notes that divergences between private and social net products that
come about through the existence of uncompensated services and undischarged services
can be removed via bounties and taxes. He adds that sometimes, when the interrelations
of the various private persons affected are highly complex, the Government may find it
necessary to exercise some means of authoritative control (p.194).
Coase(1960) notes that the application of Pigouvian approach to the problem of
smoke emission by a factory leads to the conclusion that it would be desirable to make
the owner of a factory liable for the damage caused to those injured by the smoke, or
alternately to place a tax on the factory owner varying with the amount of smoke
produced and equivalent in monetary terms to the damage it would cause, or finally to
exclude the factory from the affected area. He argues that the suggested courses of action
are inappropriate, in that they lead to results which are not desirable. According to him
the problem is reciprocal in nature.
damaging business is liable or not for the damage caused since without the establishment
of this initial delimitation of rights there can be no market transactions to transfer and
recombine them. But the ultimate result (which maximises the value of production) is
independent of the legal position if the pricing system is assumed to work without cost.
This proposition is known as the Coase Theorem.
Coase advocates a role for the state in defining and enforcing property rights for
environmental resources and in mitigating transaction costs but rules out government
intervention in the form of specifying standards or levying a tax to correct the externality.
It is difficult to define property rights for natural resources like air, water in lakes, rivers
and oceans, and scenic spots. The transaction costs in reaching a negotiated settlement
between polluters and pollutees can be high when the number involved is very large and
polluters and pollutees are widely dispersed and measurement of the value of damages is
highly uncertain. When the transaction costs become very high markets cease to exist.
There are many problems in designing and implementing the Pigouvian tax.
Baumol and Oates (1987) identify problems such as existence of non-convexity in the
production set in the presence of detrimental externalities, the possibility of multiple
maxima and enormous information requirements in the valuation of environmental
damages. Therefore they suggest a second-best approach to pollution prevention and
society's problem is to achieve the standards at least cost. Here, the criterion is cost
minimization or cost effectiveness. Even in this approach there is a choice among policy
instruments ranging from command and control (CAC) type of instruments to economic
or market based instruments.
developed countries, relied heavily on CAC type of instruments. Since the seventies
many developed countries have been using market based instruments (MBIs). There is
also a perceptible difference even in the choice among MBIs. The United States seems to
prefer tradable emission permits presumably because of its faith in the allocative
efficiency of markets while many countries in Europe seem to prefer fiscal approach to
solve the pollution problem presumably because of their commitment to the concept of a
welfare state3.
Two international conferences on Environment and development one at
Stockholm in 1972 and another at Rio de Janerio in 1992 have influenced
environmental policies in most countries, including India. Many countries and
international agencies have accepted the polluter pays principle, the precautionary
principle and the concept of intergenerational equity as guidelines for designing
environmental policies.
India adopted the socialist pattern of society in 1954 as a framework for social
and economic policies. This framework articulates that public policy decisions must
enable the society to maximise social gain and not private profit. This framework also
See Anderson and Carlin (1997) and OECD (1994) for recent surveys of use of economic instruments in
OECD Countries. Policy prescriptions for management of exhaustible resources and common property
resources also range from state control to reliance on markets. See for example, Hotelling (1931) and
Hardin (1968). There is also growing evidence on successful management of local commons by local
communities based on customs and social norms. See for example, Wade (1988) and Ostrom (1990).
envisages a catalytic role for the State in the social and economic transformation of the
country. The Constitution of India provides a number of Directive Principles of State
Policy. Indian Five year Plans have also stressed goals such as rapid economic growth,
employment generation, poverty alleviation and balanced regional development. Since
June 1991 there has been a tilt in economic policy towards economic liberalisation and
globalisation. The importance of sustainable development is also being stressed as an
objective of public policy.
This paper deals with the evolution of laws, institutions and polices relating to
environmental protection in India. It considers the following questions : (a) whether the
laws are evolved indigenously or influenced by external factors?, (b) how have the mixed
economy model and the stage of development influenced the design of policies for
internalisation of the externalities?, (c) how is liability allocated? (d) how are the laws
enforced?, and (e) what is the scope for using non-market non-government institutions
for achieving environmental sustainability?.
Section 2 deals with the evolution of environmental laws and policies. We
consider four policy periods: (i) pre-independence period to 1947, (ii) from independence
to the Stockholm Conference, 1947 1972, (iii) from the Stockholm Conference to
Bhopal disaster, 1972-1984, and (iv) Bhopal Tragedy to 1998. In the first two periods,
there were no major legislations relating to environmental protection. The Stockholm
Conference on Environment and Development exerted great influence on environmental
policymaking leading to an amendment of the Constitution, passage of important
legislations such as the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and creation of institutions such as
Central and State Pollution Control Boards for implementing the provisions of the Acts.
The Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984 triggered the passage of comprehensive environment
legislation in 1986 and Public Liability Insurance Act in 1991. The new economic policy
initiated in 1991 favours decentralisation, debureaucratisation and globalisation.
Constitutional amendments were made in 1994 to facilitate devolution of powers and
resources to local bodies. The Policy Statement on Pollution Abatement issued in 1992
advocates the need for combining regulatory instruments with market-based instruments
and various supportive measures to deal with environmental protection.
Section 3 is devoted to implementation of the laws, rules and policies relating to
environmental protection. Problems in the determination and enforcement of sourcespecific standards are considered. It describes the active role of the courts not only in
enforcing the laws and rules but also in giving directions to the central and state
governments on creation of new authorities and policy matters. Section 4 deals with
some issues in the transition from a state-allocative closed economy policy regime toward
a market-oriented open economy policy regime. Section 5 contains some concluding
2. Evolution of Legal Framework for Environmental Protection
Pre-independence period
The ancient Indian religious literature, for example, Vedas, Upanishads, Smiritis
and Dharmas preached a worshipful attitude towards earth, sky, air, water, plants, trees,
and animals and enshrined a respect for nature and environmental harmony and
conservation. It regarded sun, air, fire, water, earth and forest as God and Goddesses.
Many animals, birds, trees and plants were associated with the names of God and
The Indian Penal Code 1860, enacted during the British rule, contains one chapter
(Chapter XIV) on offences affecting public health, safety, convenience, decency and
morals. Section 268 covers public nuisance. Sections 269 and 272 deal with adulteration
of food or drink for sale and adulteration of drugs respectively. Section 277 lays down
that, whoever, voluntarily corrupts or fouls the water of any public spring or reservoir, so
as to render it less fit for the purpose for which it is ordinarily used shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 months, or with a fine which may extend
to Rs.500, or with both. Section 278 lays down that whoever voluntarily vitiates the
atmosphere so as to make it noxious to the health of persons in dwelling or carrying on
business in the neighbourhood or passing along a public way shall be punished with fine
which may extent to Rs.500. Sections 284,285 and 286 deal with negligent conduct with
Union List
State List
Water, that is to stay, water supplies, irrigation and canals, drainage and
embankment, water storage and water power subject to the provisions of
Entry 56 of Union List
Concurrent List
Article 248 gives the centre the residual power to legislate on any subject not covered in
the three lists. Articles 251 and 254 state that a central law on any subject in the
Concurrent List generally prevails over a state law on the same subject. Article 249
states that the centre can legislate in the national interest on any subject in the State List
provided it can obtain a two-thirds majority in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of
Parliament. Article 252 states that the centre can also pass laws on state subjects if two
or more state legislatures consent to such legislation.
Parliament to make any law for the whole or any part of the territory of India for
implementing any treaty, agreement or convention with any other country or countries or
any decision made at any international conference, association or other body. These
provisions of the Constitution of India give a dominant role for the central government on
matters relating to environmental protection.
Even though many entries in the three lists deal with location-specific subjects
which generally come under the jurisdiction of local bodies viz, municipalities and
panchayats, until 1992, they were not given the necessary powers to deal with these
subjects. Part IV (Directive Principles of State Policy), Article 40 provides that the
State shall take steps to organize village panchayats and endow them with such power
and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self
government. These are only guidelines for policy formulation. Until the 73rd and 74th
amendments to the Constitution in 1992, the Constitution did not assign powers to the
local bodies; local government was simply treated as a subject in the State List.
Some important legislations relating to environmental protection enacted by the
Parliament during this period were:
The Factories Act, 1948
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
The River Boards Act, 1956
The Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957
The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958
The Atomic Energy Act, 1962
The Insecticides Act, 1968
The Factories Act, 1948 provides that the liquid effluents, gases and fumes
generated during a manufacturing process should be treated before their final disposal to
minimise the adverse effects. During this period the focus of economic policy was on
planned economic development in a mixed economy framework. The dominant policy
objectives were economic growth, employment generation, balanced regional
development and equity. Environmental considerations did not play major role in policy
A National Committee on
Constitutional Amendments
The 42nd Constitution Amendment Act, 1976, inserted specific provisions for
environmental protection in the form of Directive Principles of State Policy and
Fundamental Duties. Article 48A (Directive Principles) enunciates that the state shall
endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wild
life of the country. Article 51A(g) (Fundamental Duties): To protect and improve the
natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, wildlife and to have compassion for
living creatures. Two entries 17A Forests and 17B Protection to wild animals and
birds were added in the Concurrent List.
The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
This Act was enacted under the provisions of Article 252 to prevent the decline of
wild animals and birds. It prohibits the poaching of certain animals except for the
purpose of education or scientific research. In respect of certain wild animals, license is
made a prerequisite for their hunting. It provides that a state government may declare
any area to be a sanctuary or as a national park if it considers that such area is of adequate
ecological, faunal, floral, geomorphological, natural or zoological significance for
protecting, propogating or developing wild life or its environment.
clause 19 of Article 252, passed this legislation5. It defines pollution such contamination
of water or such alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of water of
such discharge of any sewage or trade effluent or of any other liquid, gaseous or solid
substance into water (whether directly or indirectly) as may, or it is likely to create a
nuisance or rend such water harmful or injurious to public health or safety, or to
domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other legitimate uses, or to the life and
health of animals or of aquatic organisms.
This Act paved the way for the creation of Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)6. The main function of the CPCB
shall be to promote cleanliness of streams and wells in different areas of the states. The
term stream includes river, watercourse, inland water, subterranean waters, and sea or
tidal waters to such extent or such point a state government may specify in this behalf.
The Board may perform functions such as
(a) lay down, modify or annul in consultation with the state government
concerned, the standards for a stream or well;
(b) plan and cause to the executed a nationwide programme for the prevention,
control and abatement of water pollution;
(c) collect, compile and publish technical and statistical data relating to water
pollution and the measures devised for its effective prevention and control and
prepare manuals, codes or guides relating to treatment and disposal of sewage
and trade effluents and disseminate information connected therewith;
(d) advise the central government on any matter concerning the prevention and
control of water pollution;
(e) coordinate the activities of the SPCBs and provide technical assistance and
guidance to the SPCBs; and
It is worth noting that a few industrially advanced states like Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu did
not pass the enabling legislations even though the need for such a legislation was felt as early as 1961.
Tamil Nadu passed the necessary legislation only in 1982 and set up the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control
Board in 1984.
This Act mentions Central Board and State Boards. Later on these names were changed to Central
Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Boards.
(f) carry out and sponsor investigation and research relating to problems of water
pollution and prevention, control or abatement of water pollution.
The SPCBs have similar functions within their areas. The Act gives powers to the
SPCBs to take samples of effluents from any source and lays down the proceedure to be
followed in connection therewith.
The rules made by the central government and state governments must be laid before the central and state
legislatures respectively and the suggested modifications should be incorporated in the rules.
It may be noted that in most states electricity supply undertakings and water supply agencies are state
The functions of the SPCBs also include inspection of any control equipment,
industrial plant or manufacturing process and to give, by order, such directions to such
persons as it may consider necessary to take steps for the prevention, control or
abatement of air pollution. The units belonging to the list of polluting industries should
obtain consents before their establishment or/and continuing their operations.
The SPCBs, in consultation with the state governments, wherever necessary, can
exercise the following powers:
(a) declare any area or areas within the state as air pollution control area; prohibit
the use of certain fuels or appliances in this control area; prohibit the banning
of any material (not being fuel) which may cause air pollution;
(b) give instructions for ensuring standards for emission from automobiles;
(c) restrict use of certain industrial plants;
(d) disallow discharge of the emission of any air pollutant in excess of the
standards laid down;
(e) make applications to court for restraining persons from causing air pollution;
(f) power of entry and inspection into the premises of the polluters;
(g) obtain information from the polluting units and take samples of air or
emission; and
(h) direct the closure, prohibition or regulation of any industry, operation or
process; or the stoppage or regulation of supply of electricity, water or any
other service.
For failures to comply with the restriction on use of certain industrial plants,
discharging emission of air pollutants in excess of the standards laid down by the SPCBs,
and non-compliance with directions relating to closure, prohibition or regulation of any
industry, operation or process or the stoppage of utility services, the penalties are
imprisonment for a term between 18 months and 6 years and with fine; and in case the
failure continues, with and additional fine which may extend to Rs.5000 for every day
during which such failure continues after conviction for the first such failure. If the
failure continues beyond one year after the date of conviction, the offender shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term between 2 years and 7 years and with fine.
The penalties for certain acts such as obstruction of any person acting under the
orders of SPCBs, failure to intimate the occurrence of the emissions in excess of the
standards, giving false information for obtaining consent to operate, are imprisonment for
a term which may extend to 3 months with fine which may extend to Rs.10000 or both.
As in the case of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the central
and state governments can make rules. As in the Water Act, company officials may be
exempted from liability if they establish due diligence and lack of knowledge about the
Also, the victims cannot go to the courts to frame charges against the
(f) environmental impact assessment (EIA) not only be a prerequisite for industry
to start, but also must be repeated periodically.
protection during this period were influenced by domestic events, shift in economic
policy and international events. The Bhopal gas tragedy and the difficulties faced in
claiming compensation from the company and disbursing compensations to the victims
necessitated the need for a comprehensive environmental legislation, rules relating to
storing, handling and use of hazardous wastes and a law to provide immediate
compensations to the victims of industrial accidents.
Since June 1991, the Government of India announced a series of reform measures
to liberalise and globalise the Indian economy.
See Mehta, Mundle and Sankar(1993/1997) and National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (1997)
activities such as water supply, public health and sanitation, solid waste management and
environmental protection which the municipalities can undertake. These grass root level
institutions can facilitate greater participation by the people in local affairs, promote
better planning and implementation of developmental and environmental programmes
and be more responsive to the needs of the people.
The Supreme Court and the High Courts have played an active role in the
enforcement of constitutional provisions and legislations relating to environmental
protection. The fundamental right to life and personal liberty enshrined in Article 21 has
been held to include the right to enjoy pollution free air and water. In R.R. Delavoi v.
The Indian Overseas Bank case, 1991, the Madras High Court pointed out: Being aware
of the limitations of legalism, the Supreme Court in the main and the High Courts to
some extent for the last decade and a half did their best to bring law into the service of
the poor and downtrodden under the banner of Public Interest Litigation. The range is
wide enough to cover from bonded labour to prison conditions and from early trial to
environmental protection. This is a new remedy available to public spirited individuals
or societies to go to the court under Article 32 for the enforcement of the fundamental
right to life (including clean air and water) contained in Article 21.
The Environment (Protection) Act 1986
This Act was enacted in the aftermath of the Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984 claiming
more than 3000 lives. The Statement of Objects and Reasons of this Act refers to the
decisions taken at the Stockholm Conference in June 1972 and expresses concern about
the decline in environmental quality, increasing pollution, loss of vegetal cover and
biological diversity, excessive concentrations of harmful chemicals in the ambient
atmosphere, growing risks of environmental accidents and threats of life system.
According to this Act environment includes water, air and land and the
interrelationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and human beings,
other living creatures, plants, micro organism and property.
It defines hazardous
(h) carrying out and sponsoring investigations and research relating to problems
of environmental pollution;
(i) inspection of any premises, plant, equipment, machinery, manufacturing or
other processes, materials or substances and giving, by order, of such
directions to such authorities, offers or persons as it may consider to take steps
for the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution;
(j) establishment or recognition of environmental laboratories and institutions;
(k) collection and dissemination of information in respect of matters relating to
environmental pollution; and
(l) preparation of manuals, codes or guides relating to the prevention, control and
abatement of environmental pollution.
The central government may constitute an authority or authorities for the purpose
of exercising such of the powers and functions under this Act.
The central government may make rules covering the following matters:
The standards of quality of air, water or soil for various areas and
The proceedures and safeguards for the prevention of accidents which may
cause environmental pollution and for providing for remedial measures for
such accidents.
Handling) Rules 1989; Manufacture, Storage, and Import of Hazardous Chemicals, Rules
1989, Chemical Accident (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules,
1996; Bio-medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 were framed using
the powers given in this Act. Under Rule 14 of the E.P. Rules 1986, the government
evolved guidelines for submission of yearly environmental audit/statement by units
requiring consent under the Water Act, Air Act and authorization under Hazardous
Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules11. However, submission of an environmental
statement by polluting units seeking consent under the Water Act 1974 or the Air Act,
1981 or both and authorization under the Hazardous Wastes Rules, 1989 to the concerned
SPCBs was made mandatory only in 1992.
Khan (1998) notes that the definition of environmental pollutant in this Act does
not include heat energy, sound and nuclear radiation or even pollution caused by
deforestation and unrestricted development. This Act gives wide range of powers to the
central government. Padia (1996) suggests a suitable entry in the Concurrent List in
respect of environmental pollution by specially referring to air, water and land pollution
in all forms, prevention of hazards to human beings, other living creatures, plants,
microorganism and property.
Act, 1986, and exceeding such quantity as may be specified, by notification, by the
central government.
As per this Act the owner shall be liable to pay relief as specified in the Schedule:
The claimant shall not be required to plead that the accident was due to any
wrongful Act. The owner is also liable to pay other compensation, if any.
This Act stipulates that every owner shall take out before he starts handling any
hazardous substance, one or more insurance policies and renew it or them from time to
time before the expiry of validity. As per Rule 10 notified in May 1991, the extent of
liability is Rs.50 million / one accident or Rs. 150 million per year for a number of
accidents. Rule 11 states that an owner shall contribute to Environmental Relief Fund a
sum equal to premium.
Every application for claim should be filed to the Collector within 5 years of the
occurrence of accident. The Collector should decide the amount and inform the parties
within 15 days. The insurer shall pay within 30 days. The Collector shall have the power
of Civil Court and the case should be disposed off within 3 months.
This law is comparable to the laws enacted by the Member States under the
Council of European Communitys Directive on Civil Liability for Damage caused by
waste since 1991. Article 3 of the Directive states that the producer of waste shall be
liable under Civil law for the damage and injury to the environment caused by the waste,
irrespective of fault on his part.
The Public Liability Insurance (Amendment) Act, 1992 states that the 1991 Act
could not be implemented on account of the insurance companies not agreeing to give
insurance policies for unlimited liability of the owners. This Amendment limits the
liability of insurance companies to the amount of insurance policy but the owners
liability shall continue to be unlimited under the Act. It provides for creation of an
Environment Relief Fund with the additional money collected from the owners having
control over handling of hazardous substances.
Rio Conference
The U.N. Conference on Environment and Development held at Rio in 1992
specifies the following objectives of environment policy: (i) to incorporate environmental
costs in the decisions of producers and consumers..and to pass these costs on to the
other parts of society, other countries or to future generations; (ii) to move more fully
towards the integration of social and environmental costs into economic activities, so that
prices will appropriately reflect the relative scarcity and total value of resources and
contribute towards the prevention of environmental degradation; and (iii) to include,
wherever appropriate, the use of market principles in the framing of economic
instruments and policies to pursue sustainable development.
between the macro goals of our environmental policy and the micro nature of operational
provisions for enforcement of the policy. Hence, though standards have been laid down
for ambient air and water quality, actual enforcement relates mostly to source standards
laid down for individual polluters, factories, transport vehicles and so on. Furthermore,
the ambient and source standards are laid down independently, unrelated in terms of the
volume of pollution generating activities. Hence, it is quite conceivable that the quality
of the environment could continue to deteriorate despite of high degree of compliance
among individual polluters. It is also possible, of course, that the degree of compliance
itself is poor, adding to the adverse effects of the policy hiatus (pp 1-2). This paper
focuses on issues in the determination of and enforcement aspects of the source-specific
Determination of Standards
Under Rule 3A of Environment Protection Rules 1986, the Government of India
notified on May 19, 1993 that emission or discharge of environmental pollutants from
industries, operations or processes shall not exceed the relevant parameters and standards
According to the Annual Report of MoEF for 1997 98, the water quality monitoring network
established by the CPCB in collaboration with SPCBs consisted of 480 stations. This network covers 14
major, 12 medium and 9 minor river basins, 16 other small rivers, 35 lakes, 24 groundwater, 3 creeks, 2
canals, 2 tanks and 1 pond. The National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme consisted of 290
stations covering over 92 towns / cities spread over 24 states and 4 union territories.
specified in Schedule VI14. There are three types of effluent standards. The general
standards for discharge of effluents cover more than 40 parameters including colour and
odour, suspended solids, dissolved solids, pH, BOD, COD, various chemicals and metals.
The permissible limits vary depending on where the effluents are charged viz. inland
water surface, public sewers, land for irrigation and marine coastal areas.
The E.P.Rule came into force on 16, February 1987. The standards specified in the Schedule came into
effect on 1, January, 1994.
The state governments and the SPCBs can prescribe tighter standards taking into
consideration the assimilative capacity of the local environments.
The central
Rule 5 mentions the following considerations which may be taken into account on this
decision: (i) standard for quality of environment, (ii) maximum allowable limits for
various pollutants, (iii) likely emission or discharge of pollutants from the industries,
(iv) topographic and climatic features of the area, (v) biological diversity,
(vi) environmentally compatible land use, (vii) net adverse environmental impact likely
to be caused, and (viii) proximity to protected areas like ancient monument, sanctuary,
national park, game reserve, closed area under Wile Life Protection Act and proximity to
human settlement.
We have already noted that the CPCB and the SPCBs have powers of
examination of such manufacturing processes, materials and substances as are likely to
cause environmental pollution. The polluting industries coming under the Water Act, Air
Act and Environmental Protection Act are required to get consent certificates from their
respective SPCBs for starting an industry or continuation of production. They are also
required to submit environmental audit statements in prescribed format to their SPCBs
Some questions have been raised about the basis of arriving at the standards and
their relevance to the whole country.
considerations are important: (i) the impact of the release of pollutants into the
environment on human health, plant and animal life and eco-system and (ii) the technical
and economic feasibility of prevention, control and abatement of pollution.
cost analysis be performed for all major regulations. See, for example, Cropper and
Oates (1992) and Opschoor and Vos (1989). In USA, the standard setting exercise is a
transparent process and an opportunity is given to all the parties, including the polluters,
to participate in the standard determination process.
In India, the standards are determined mainly on the basis of comprehensive
industry studies undertaken by technical institutions at the initiative of the CPCB. These
studies provide estimates of pollution generation industry-wise, assess available
abatement technologies and give tentative estimates of costs of abatement for different
levels of abatement. The polluting units are not given an opportunity to air their views on
this matter. During our discussions with owners and mangers of the polluting industries,
we heard two types of complaints: (i) the standards have been borrowed from developed
western countries without assessing their relevance to Indian conditions. In the case of
water pollution, they stress the self-cleansing properties of major Indian rivers and the
tropical climate with sunshine for half day most of the days in a year. Hence, they argue
that the standards for BOD5 at 20oC of 30 mg/litre on land for discharge into inland
surface water and 100 mg/litre on land for irrigation are too stringent. (ii) Standards for
certain parameters have been fixed without considering the availability of least-cost
abating technologies. This issue arose when Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board fixed a
totally dissolved solids (TDS) standard of 2100 mg/l for effluent discharged into land or
inland surface water. The tanneries and textile dyeing units argued that meeting this
standard was not feasible because the water used for tanning and dyeing in many areas
had already TDS levels in the range 5000 to 10000 mg/l. The Supreme Court had
directed the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute to examine the
feasibility of achieving the standards15.
Another issue at the implementation level is whether or not a nation-wide uniform
effluent or emission standard is desirable. Critics of nation-wide uniform standards point
out that the carrying capacities of different regions differ and the trade-off between
In our Study on Environmental Problems in Tanneries and Textile Bleaching and Dyeing Units we found
that, as on December 31, 1997, none of the common or individual effluent treatment plants had the facility
for TDS removal. Our analysis of the cost of TDS removal based on normative costing approach indicates
that TDS removal by reverse osmosis process is cost effective only for large CETPs. NEERI has suggested
high rate transpiration system as an alternative. See Sankar (1998/2000) for details.
environmental quality and other goals such as growth and employment also differ in
different regions. At present, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and
the Environment Protection Act, (1986) give powers to the central and state governments
to restrict or prohibit certain activities in certain areas on the basis of considerations
mentioned earlier. But the rules do not permit any state government or SPCB to lower
the standards fixed by the central government in any region.
argument favours uniform standards throughout the country because in the absence of
such standards, state governments may lower the standards in order to attract new
industries. For a discussion of this argument and its relevance to India, see Gupta (1996).
The standards prescribed for most industries are concentration-based standards.
In case of effluents, a polluting unit can meet the standards by dilution of effluents by
adding water. With growth of the industry aggregate amount of pollution can increase
even when there is compliance at the plant level.
Enforcement of Standards
When the standards are the same for many industries or even when industryspecific standards are applied to all firms in the same industry, the aggregate costs of
compliance with the standards will not be minimized. The reason is that the marginal
abatement costs even for firms within an industry vary from firm to firm because of
variations in factors such as vintage of the firm, technology used, quality of input used,
product mix, size of the firm etc. When a regulatory agency puts restrictions on the
process used or prescribes input-output norms or imposes other physical standards, the
firms choices in the minimization of abatement costs are constrained.
Effective enforcement of the standards involves costs to the SPCBs.
In the
absence of metres which can record the quantities of and concentrations of pollutants in
the effluents, the SPCBs can monitor the firms behaviour only by inspection and
sampling. The Acts provide powers to the SPCBs to inspect the premises of the polluters
and take samples in the manner prescribed. Recognized laboratories must test the water
quality and report the results.
permissible levels, the SPCBs can issue show cause notice. The polluting units are given
an opportunity to go to the Appellate Court. Meanwhile, the state governments can also
autonomous bodies, the members owe their positions to the state governments and the
Boards depend on the state governments for financial support. Many state governments
are under pressure to delay or stop proceedings against the erring units because of fear of
loss of output or/and employment.
Poor enforcement of the laws/rules occurs due to the following reasons. First, the
pollution control authorities do not have reliable information regarding the quantities of
effluents/emissions/solid wastes and their characteristics.
There is information
asymmetry: the polluters know more about the sources, magnitudes and concentrations of
pollutants as well as the costs of controlling pollution than the regulators. It is very
difficult and perhaps there is no motivation on the part of the regulated agencies to
acquire and process the information from thousands of units dispersed in their regions.
Second, the regulators face budget constraints.
technical facilities and skilled manpower for monitoring the polluting units and filing
charges against the units violating the standards. Third, the fines are fixed in nominal
terms and are independent of the extent of violations. Penalties such as imprisonment of
officials, stoppage of water and electricity and closure of units can impose hardships on
the affected firms, but in a weak enforcement regime with principal agent problem
collusion between regulators and regulated units are possible. Dispute settlement by
going to the courts is a cumbersome process and involves considerable delays. This
situation creates an opportunity to indulge in rent-seeking activities.
As on July 31, 1995 of the 6214 cases under the Water Act and Air Act, decisions
were made on 2758 cases and 3456 cases were pending. Of the 2758 decisions, 1010
were against the Boards. 821 cases were either dismissed or withdrawn. See Gupta
Until recently, the CPCB and the SPCBs concentrated their efforts on enforcing
compliance with the standards by large and medium size units. They have classified the
units under three categories Red, Orange and Green, in terms of their pollution
intensities. They have identified 17 highly polluting industries. According to the Annual
Report of the MoEF for the year 1997-98, out of the total number of 1551 industries
belonging to the 17 categories of highly polluting industries, 1261 industries have already
installed adequate pollution control facilities to comply with the stipulated standards.
125 units have been closed down and the remaining 165 are in the process of installing
the requisite pollution control facilities (p.66). However, it does not mean that the 1261
industries comply with the standards. Fiscal incentives such as rebates on customs
duties/excise duties on pollution control equipments and accelerated depreciation
allowances on certain investments in pollution abatement plants as well as the belief that
erection of an abatement plant is the first necessary step in meeting the requirements of
the SPCBs have encouraged the units to set up the abatement plants. But the firms have
an incentive to operate their plants on their own only when the net operating cost, that is,
the gross operating cost less the value of products recovered is negative; otherwise
continuous or at least random monitoring with the expected penalty for non-compliance
higher than the cost of compliance is necessary to ensure compliance16.
The authorities can experiment with alternative means such as adverse publicity
for non-compliance by units, higher probability of inspection or/and sampling of units
with poor compliance records, or/and seeking the assistance of NGOs and other local
residents in detecting the violations.
In February 1991, the MoEF launched a scheme of labelling of environment
friendly products with ECOMARK. Under this scheme, any product which is made, used
or disposed of in a way that significantly reduces the harm it would otherwise cause to
the environment would be considered as environment friendly product. Many large
industrial units which are desirous of exporting their products are obtaining ISO 9001
certificates to get market access to the European Union, USA and other countries.
Small-Scale Industries
Pollution problems in small scale industries such as leather tanning, textile
bleaching and dyeing, aquaculture, dairy, foundries, coke-coal based activities, chemicals
etc. have received public attention in recent years. Most of the units are organised under
single proprietor or partnership form of organisation. They are dispersed and labour
The survey articles by Cropper and Oates (1992) and Opschoor and Vos (1989) indicate higher
compliance rates by large firms in USA and some European countries even when the expected penalties are
lower than the compliance costs because punishments for non-compliance and the resulting adverse
publicity can affect the goodwill of the firms.
intensive but their pollution intensities are generally higher than those of the
corresponding medium and large units partly because of the use of obsolete technologies
and poor management practices and partly because they do not come under the orbit of
regulatory authorities. Certain industries such as leather and garment making received
boost from the Government of India since 1970 because of their significant contributions
to export earning. The state governments and the SPCBs did not pay much attention to
the pollution generated by these activities because of the difficulties in monitoring the
units, the high costs of pollution abatement for small units compared with large units, and
the possible adverse impact of enforcement of the standards on outputs and employment
of these industries.
Judicial Activism
The interpretation of Article 21 of the Constitution to include the right to clean air
and water by the Supreme Court and the High Courts, the remedy available to any citizen
to go to the court under the banner of public interest litigation for the enforcement of the
right to clean air and water, and the growing public awareness evident in the formation of
NGOs and welfare organisations for the promotion of environmental quality, radically
altered the situation in the nineties. We present a summary of selected Supreme Court
judgements below17.
In Rural Litigations and Entitlement Kendra v. State of Uttar Pradesh, the
Supreme Court directed the closure of mining operations though blasting in the Doon
Valley. It held that closure would cause hardship to the affected parties, but it was a price
that had to be paid for protecting and safeguarding the rights of the people to live in
healthy environment with minimal disturbance of ecological balance. It further directed
the affected areas to be reclaimed and afforestation and soil conservation programmes to
be taken up so as to provide employment opportunities to the affected workers18.
For details reference may be made to All India Reports, Supreme Court, for different years. Summaries
of court decisions are published in Down to Earth.
In M.C. Mehta v. Union of India case, the Court directed the stopping of the
working of tanneries which were discharging effluents in River Ganga and which did not
set up primary effluent treatment plants. It held that the financial incapacity of the
tanners to set up primary effluent treatment plants was wholly irrelevant. The Court
observed the need for (a) imparting lessons in natural environments in educational
institutions, (b) group of experts to aid and advise the Court to facilitate judicial
decisions, (c) constituting permanent independent centre with professionally public
spirited experts to provide the necessary scientific and technological information to the
Court, and (d) setting up environmental courts on regional basis with a right to appeal to
the Supreme Court.19.
In Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum v. Union of India and Others, a writ petition
was filed in 1991 and after many hearings and directions, the Court delivered judgement
on August 29, 1996. After citing the Stockholm Declaration of 1972, the constitutional
and statutory provisions, and common law to protect a persons right to fresh air, clean
water and pollution free environment, it endorsed the concept of sustainable development
and endorsed the precautionary principle and the polluter pays principle. It directed
the central government to constitute an authority under Section 3(3) of the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 to implement the two principles. It said: the authority shall, with
the help of expert opinion and after giving opportunity to the concerned polluters assess
the loss to the ecology/environment in the affected areas and shall also identify the
individuals/families who have suffered because of the pollution and shall assess the
compensation to be paid to the said individuals/families. The authority shall further
determine the compensation to be recovered from the polluters as cost of reversing the
damaged environment.
The authority shall lay down just and fair proceedure for
completing the exercise. It imposed a fine of Rs.10,000 on each of the 700 tanneries in
Tamil Nadu and asked them to instal individual effluent treatment plants(IETPs) or
become members of CETPs.
constitute a special Bench, Green Bench to deal with this case and other environmental
See A.I.R. 1987 S.C. 965, 1086 and 1988 S.C.1037 and 1135
See the Supreme Court judgement on Writ Petition (c) No.914 of 1991 dated August 28, 1996
Some other important decisions of the Supreme Court in 1996 resulted in orders
for closure of 69 foundries in Howrah for their failure to install pollution control devices;
shifting of 513 industries out of Delhi for having damaged the health of Delhis citizens;
closure of 39000 illegal industrial units operating in residential areas in Delhi; closure of
aquaculture farms within 500 metres of the coast along Indias 6000 km, coastline by
March 31, 1997 and payment of six years compensation to the employees in lieu of loss
of employment; and shifting of 550 tanneries located in east Calcutta by September 30,
1977 and setting up of environmental pollution fund, with each unit paying Rs.10000 as
fine, to be used for restoring the pollutant riddled Hooghly.
It is clear from the above directions, that the Court has played a very active role in
the enforcement of legislations and rules relating to environmental protection.
compliance with the various Supreme Court Orders, the MOEF has constituted several
authorities under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
It is obvious that the Court has taken quasi-legislative and quasi-administrative
functions. While the judgements have been helpful in pressurising the non-complying
polluting units to comply with the legislations, in reminding the responsibilities of the
enforcing agencies and also in awakening public awareness of the environmental
problems, they have generated some issues for public discussion. First, the existing
information base and the capacity of the regulatory agencies for monitoring and enforcing
the regulations are weak. Second, the judicial process is time-consuming. For example,
the writ petition relating to the Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum versus Union of India and
others on the tannery pollution case was filed in 1991 and the judgement was delivered in
Section 3(3) of the Environment Protection (Act), 1986 before September 30, 1996 to
assess the loss to the ecology in the affected areas, and to identify the individuals/families
who have suffered because of the pollution to assess the compensation to be paid to the
said individuals/ families.
assessment has not yet been completed. Even when the assessment is done, many
litigations would arise at the time of disbursement of the compensations to the said
individuals / families21. Third, there is lack of sufficient legal expertise to deal with
environmental cases particularly those involving valuation of the damages. Hence, there
is a need to develop the expertise. It is also worth exploring the feasibility of using
prelitigatory remedial measures such as community participation and special forums to
resolve environmental conflicts and also to reduce the excessive burden imposed on the
court system.
Even in the case of Union Carbide Bhopal tragedy which occurred in 1984, the victims or their agents
have not received compensations for the damages
power of pumpsets (implying zero marginal price of electricity) in other states have not
only worsened the financial position of the State Electricity Boards but also resulted in
indiscriminate exploitation of groundwater and consequent lowering of ground water
levels and decline in water quality. Irrigation charges in many states have not been
revised for two decades and the revenues do not cover even one-third of the operation
and maintenance costs. In most states, the irrigation charges are unrelated to the crop
sown or the season. Subsidy for nitrogenous fertilizers has not only affected the NPK
balance in agriculture and caused environmental problems but also discouraged the use of
organic fertilizers and increased the subsidy burden to the central government. There are
political obstacles to setting these prices right, but a transparent public discussion on the
costs and benefits of the pricing policies and distribution of the benefits among different
users along with estimates of the fiscal burden and an assessment of the long-run
environmental damages resulting from the policy is needed to undertake the price
reforms. The reform package can be worked out in such a manner that the price increases
are spread over a period of time and subsidies being targeted to reach the poor.
India's pollution control regime may be seen as a "standard and regulation"
regime. The CAC polices do not take into account the private information available with
the polluters regarding pollution prevention and control; they are not cost effective. The
penalties for non-compliance with the standards are unrelated to the costs of compliance.
Further the judicial process is time consuming.
Economic instruments provide an opportunity to the polluters to make use of their
private information in finding least cost means of complying with the standards. Given
the standards, a pollution charge system wherein the pollution charge for each pollutant is
equal to the marginal abatement cost at the prescribed standard provides an incentive to
internalise the negative externality. Since the marginal abatement cost is an increasing
function of the level of abatement most polluters would prefer to undertake pollution
abatement than pay the charges. However, there are many conceptual, information and
econometic problems in getting reliable estimates of the marginal abatement costs22. We
For a discussion of these problems and suggestions for policy action see Sankar (2000)
need better data base, more empirical studies in this field and perhaps some
experimentation before we can implement the pollution charge system23.
In fact even the pollution charge systems in many European countries and in the
United States are not designed in such a way that the charges reflect the marginal
abatement costs of different pollutants.
mechanisms such as ecolabelling of products, adverse publicity for the erring units, and
enforcement procedures such as placing frequent violators under the category where the
probability of inspection is higher than for the complying units.
The case for designing pollution / user charges for locally provided services such
as drinking water supply, sanitation and solid wastes disposal is very strong. The 73rd
and 74th constitutional amendments of 1992 assign the above subjects to the local bodies.
Most local bodies do not have the resources to carry out the tasks. At present these
services are either provided free or at rates independent of the volume of and quality of
the services. A user charge system will enable the local bodies to find resources to
provide these services and also make them financially independent of state governments
to some extent. The user charge system will also signal the users about the costs of the
services provided by the local bodies.
In fact there is an enormous scope for converting the wastes into valuables
recycled after treatment and so on. At present most municipal towns do not have sewage
See Mehta, Mundle and Sankar(1993/1997) for suggestions relating to the experiments
See NIPFP( 1997), OECD (1994) and Andenson and Carlin (1997).
people. Examples of such actions are management of common property and common
pool resources such as grazing lands, forest lands, and fisheries, and common effluent
treatment plants for polluting units in industrial clusters. In such cases, the government's
role may be confined to providing the legal framework for establishing and operating the
institutions, provision of technical expertise and perhaps initial lumpsum subsidies.
When the stakeholders are convinced that these institutions can provide permanent
income streams they have an incentive to cooperate and design rules and norms for
sustainable management of these resources. Rawlsian principles of fairness, efficiency
and stability can be applied in the design and management of each such institution.
Social justice has been one of the cherished goals in India's socio-economic
policies. The dependence of the poor on environmental resources such as clean air, clean
water and forest products is greater than that of the rich. Also, the poor do not have the
resources to undertake pollution averting measures. Dasgupta (1993) illustrates how the
erosion of common property resources can come about 'in the wake of shifting
populations and the consequent pressure on these resources, technological progress,
unreflective public policies, predatory governments and thieving aristocracies'. He points
out the need for increased decentralisation of rural decision making but stresses the role
of governments in providing infrastructure and credit and insurance facilities, and also in
ensuring that the seat of local decisions is not usurped by the powerful'.
Apart from the role of creating and enforcing property rights for environmental
resources wherever feasible, the government has to act as a trustee of natural resources
whose non-use values such as option values and existence values are high. There may be
conflicts among preservation, conservation and preservation options with respect to a
natural resource. The choice cannot be made purely on the basis of market signals or
even on the basis of anthropogenic valuation of the resource. If there is great uncertainty
associated with the use and non-use of values of an ecological resource and if the
development option can result in irreversible damage to the ecosystem, then a CAC type
of policy of reservation or restricted access may be in the public interest.
5. Concluding Remarks
Market failures provide a justification for government intervention in markets. In
the area of environmental protection, markets do not exist for some environmental
resources, such as air and water in river because these resources possess the
characteristics of public goods. Hence when the social goal is economic efficiency, even
Coase would assign a role for the state in the assignment of property rights to the
resources and in undertaking measures to reduce the transaction costs to facilitate
bargaining between private parties. The Coasean approach also presupposes a court
system to deal with cases when bargaining between two or more parties does not result in
a mutually beneficial solution. Pigou advocates state intervention in the form of a tax on
the polluting units. The Pigouvian prescription has now taken the form of the polluter
pays principle.
Equity considerations are also important in environmental policy making. When
the distribution of income is highly skewed and about one-third of the population live
below the poverty line intragenerational equity must be of social concern. The reason is
that the poor are the victims of environmental degradation even though their contribution
to environmental degradation is proportionately less than that of the rich. Further, the
poor do not have the means to undertake averting expenditures to protect them from
various environmental hazards.
Intergenerational equity has been accepted by both international agencies and
many countries as an operational principle of sustainable development. The government
must function as a trustee for the unborn. The precautionary principle suggests that when
there are great uncertainties about the magnitudes of option and existence values of an
ecological resource, preservation or conservation may be a better policy option than
making during the last three decades reveals that government failures do occur under a
CAC regime.
When the economy is being liberalised and globalised the environmental policy
must also change.
As the resources are limited and the central, state and local
governments face severe budget constraints, cost benefit analysis of environmental laws
and regulations should be made mandatory. Wherever feasible, greater reliance should
be placed on the use of economic instruments for environmental protection because, if the
instruments are well designed, they can signal the users of environmental resources about
the social scarcity values of these resources and at the same time generate revenues to the
governments. The government can also provide an enabling environment to community
based organizations to participate in the management of local commons and in the
enforcement of environmental laws and rules. The government must make a transparent
and conscious assessment of the trade off between efficiency and equity in the matter of
environmental policy.
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