Championing A Faith That Works: Be Ye Doers of The Word and Not Hearers Only..
Championing A Faith That Works: Be Ye Doers of The Word and Not Hearers Only..
Championing A Faith That Works: Be Ye Doers of The Word and Not Hearers Only..
Be ye doers of
the Word and
not hearers
James 1:22
In This Issue:
“Taming the Tongue” - Austin Hege
“Resurrection Power” - Andrew V. Ste. Marie
“On The War Front: Fishing for Men in Chile” - Jeff Byler
“The Importance of the Resurrection” - Milo Zehr
“Call To Service: Salt & Light, USA” - Clyde Zimmerman
Letter from the Editor
“Has not the Lord gone ahead of you?” – Judges 4:14 NIV
With each issue of Anabaptist Voice we realize how much we are dependent on the power of the Lord. If God
has not gone ahead of us, the issue will come together only with our own measly efforts. But if the Lord answers
our prayers as he did the trembling fears of Gideon with the words, “I will be with you” (Judges 6:16), we too can be
assured that our efforts will be blessed by God.
With this issue we have launched a trial review effort to help us improve AV before it goes to print. Various ones
involved in the production process are invited to fill out sheets for items of their choosing. Here are the seven questions
we are asking on the review sheet:
1. Will most people read it?
2. Is it positive? Does it show the right way?
3. Does it appeal to the Bible as the final authority?
4. Does it encourage biblical obedience?
5. Does it have practical applications?
6. Is the meaning clear? (What is the purpose of the article?)
7. Does the article interest you?
Help us better serve the Lord and our readers by answering these seven questions on a particular item in this issue
and send it to us. You may add any comments you feel are appropriate.
A new feature included in this issue is “Round Table Discussion.” The aim is to foster open exchange where different
views of an issue can be discussed (pg. 34).
Doctrinal articles full of practical applications in this issue will challenge you to live out your faith.
• “Taming the Tongue.”
• “The Importance of the Resurrection.”
• “Resurrection Power.”
The power of the resurrection and a living faith is not meant to be hidden under a bushel basket, but is meant to
be many beacons of light shining throughout the world. In this issue we are happy to feature three articles about the
ongoing witness of Anabaptists.
• “Turning the Other Cheek,” a past witness from Manitoba, Canada.
• “Fishing for Men in Chile,” a witness far, far south.
• “SALT & LIGHT, USA,” a witness in the USA.
We had hoped that most of you would have received this issue before Easter Sunday. We did not make it. But we
are assured that the focus on the resurrection in this issue is timely every Lord’s Day of the year when we celebrate
this central event of our faith with a day of rest and worship.
James G. Landis
Send all responses, articles and questions to: Send donations and/or subscription info to:
AV Editor AV Production Team
5282 Highway 56 South 3287 Hwy. 201
Waynesboro, GA 30830 Due West, SC 29639
Table of Contents
The symbol indicates a recurring feature in Anabaptist Voice.
Sound and Singing ago, he suggested a lot easier solution: Put a large sign at
the front of the auditorium that reads “SING LOUDER.”
I am writing in response to the question in AV11, page 20, That may actually work for a smaller room with austere
“What factors make good acoustics for a meeting room?” surfaces, but probably not for what we had. In our case, we
From the article that produced this question I had to change a few distances and smooth out a number
understand that by “good acoustics” we are talking of rough and textured surfaces—or continue to lose our
about acoustics that are good for singing. The meeting voice to our surroundings. We chose to make the changes.
house in Virginia where I attended as a child was good R.M. | California
for singing with its hard, high ceiling and its hard,
smooth walls and floor and benches. But as soon as the
closing prayer was over, the room erupted with happy
noises. I appreciate meeting rooms where acoustics
favor singing, but some prefer rooms where the drop of Inspiring
every baby bottle and the cry of every baby are subdued. We enjoy every copy of AV, and are sharing them with
If better singing is the goal, your suggestions to rip others in the Netherlands. We would love to continue to
out the carpet and make a hard ceiling are excellent. receive our copy, and therefore would like to inform you
As a rule the thicker, the harder, and the smoother of our address change.
the surface, the better for singing. It is hard to beat We express much gratitude for the effort you put into
concrete for a good surface, but for thinner and less getting such inspiring material to us.
rigid surfaces like drywall and paneling, what lies
behind the surface is also important. Two layers of 1/2” T.C.M. | Netherlands
drywall are better than a single layer, and 16” framing
is better than 24”. This is because the thinner panels,
when allowed some flexibility, absorb much of the bass
through vibrating, as do larger panels of window glass. Open Dialogue
And if you must use carpet, the thinner the weave the
We appreciate the open dialogue in AV. If we are
better, and the less padding underneath the better.
earnestly seeking the truth, we will never be intimidated
High walls and ceilings make for better singing for a by someone else’s contribution.
different reason. When our song travels ten to fifteen
The Atonement in 100 Words
feet from mouth to wall or ceiling, then back to the ear,
it fuels our subconscious singing by telling us where The atonement of Christ’s blood is the means toward
we are at and how we are doing. And it’s better if the an end, not an end in itself. The process of reconciliation
feedback is not all straight back but mixed with voices begins with faith, repentance, and baptism on the part
from across the room—hence the preference for a vaulted of the sinner. After obedience, the Lord pours in His oil
ceiling to provide more of a “group” feedback. Ideally of healing, which is the blood of the Lamb, by the power
12-foot walls with an 18-foot ceiling center would be best. of the Holy Spirit.
But if I had to choose between proper distances God does not waste one drop of blood on non-
with soft surfaces versus austere surfaces with low walls repentant unbelievers. However, the efficacy of the
and ceiling, I would choose the latter. Experience propitiation is made actual for anyone in the whole world
suggests that closer distances are more likely to be who would believe.
“sung through” by joyful voices than are soft surfaces. Reconciliation places man back at the beginning
When I showed our local electrician the changes to our where Adam was before the fall.
ceiling and wall height we were planning a little over a year K.H. | Indiana
Different Voices Heard writer misses the point that the first day of the week began
For the last three-and-a-half years I have been reading at sunset on the Sabbath evening.
AV. I come from an Anabaptist setting. I have enjoyed We are not understanding something correctly if we
reading the different voices being heard. I know I don’t think Jesus was not literally in the tomb for three days
have the answers on some of the different things I read. and three nights (AV09, page 41). “Easter Amiss” gives a
One thing I do know is that I love Jesus and want to keep possible explanation of how Jesus could have been in the
serving Him! tomb for exactly 72 hours. This is an important point if
My wife and I are moving to Indiana to be closer to we believe in the exact fulfillment of the Scripture.
my children, so I wanted to give you the new address. D.H. | Ohio
Issue #11 was the last one I got. Thank you in advance.
A.H. | Virginia
Thank you! Those ideas (Zionism, for instance, and the whole
Sabbath-keeping application) we could leave alone, and
B.K. | Indiana agree to disagree. That way the reader can write what
he likes; then AV can print the “opposing” viewpoints
faithfully and verbatim.
It can be very cumbersome to attempt to print only
Good Point exact “party line” material, especially when there are
differences in the party!
On page 13 of AV 12, the author lists six ways from the
Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 where Jesus raised A.R. | South Carolina
the bar in His new kingdom. Related to verse 33, he says,
“Do not swear falsely.” Was that not the standard in the
Old Testament, while Jesus’ new command was to “swear
not at all...”
Know History
O.M. | Arkansas
Thank you, brother, for your pleasant response to the
article I submitted to AV.
I will be looking for a chance to purchase those new
books you mentioned. May God raise up many more
who will take up the pen and provide literature that is
Informative beneficial to the rising generation. Politically correct
We would like to be put on your mail subscription list. society attempts to rewrite history to fit their agenda,
but we as believers need to know our past so as to better
We are very new at being Mennonite and we have
equip us to serve the present age.
found this very informative. It is also refreshing to see
others who believe in our same way. Thank you so much R.F. | Tennessee
for providing us with good literature! Anabaptist Voice: The brother is referring to “The
T.P.F. | Arkansas Conquest Series: American history through Indian eyes."
Currently five books in the series are available from T.G.S.
International. For more information call (330) 893-4828.
See story on pg. 32.
Varied Perspectives
I have been blessed by Anabaptist Voice. I normally
like to read through the entire magazine. Some sections
are more appealing to me than others, but I value the
varied perspectives and have found the magazine to be Thought-Provoking
an inspiration. I really enjoyed reading Betty Heatwole’s report “On
I also appreciate the quality materials and layout of the The War Front: In Iraq” (AV12, page 22). “The Practical
magazine. The magazine is both durable and aesthetically Side: New Stories” – “No Rules,” and “Extra Power
pleasing. We like to keep our old magazines around for Darkness” are both very practical and thought-provoking
rereading and reference later. (AV12, page 40).
M.S. | South Carolina M.C.B. | Virginia
“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” The Chilean people are respectful, generally educated,
– Matthew 4:19 and for the most part have maintained more traditional
Greetings from Chile in the name of Him who loved values than we see in Western civilizations. The high
us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, our Andes mountains to the east,1 the driest desert in the
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. world to the north, the vast Pacific to the west, and the
Antarctic to the south have left this land relatively isolated
Jesus told His disciples that He would make them until modern times. Chilean law first allowed for divorce
fishers of men. Fishing is an interesting analogy for around 2006 and abortion is still not legalized.
evangelism. Sometimes fishing is good and sometimes
it is not so good. Roman Catholicism is still the predominant religion,
but according to polls, has lost almost half of its
Fishing for fish requires patience, technique, and then credibility. Abuses and cover-ups by priests and even
more patience. Even children can be good fishermen, higher leadership have left many adherents disillusioned
but catching that really big one can take a lot of wisdom. with religion. Even though about a quarter of the Chilean
Trout fishing even requires some subtlety and you better population is evangelical, they have failed to gain the
be ready for that once-in-a-lifetime chance to set the confidence of the majority of the people due to the advent
hook. of the “money gospel”
I have noticed that and inconsistent living.
people who catch a Over twenty percent
lot of fish go fishing of the population is
more frequently than I non-religious and a
do. I should fish more significant portion of
often, especially when this group is probably
it comes to fishing for agnostic or atheistic.
men. Not all fishing Our church is
holes are the same; located in the largest
the fishing is better city in our region,
in some spots than Coyhaique (co’ ya cay),
others, which gives which has more than
me the opportunity to 50,000 inhabitants. The
introduce our “fishing” The Andes mountain range in Chile church here in Chile is
spot—Chile, South ten years old and has
America. just reached a point where we are thinking of starting a
If I am not mistaken, we have the honor of being the sister church. As of yet we have not settled on a definite
southern-most Mennonite church in the world. Southern location where we want to start a new congregation, but
Chile, where we are located, lies below the 45th latitude. we are thinking of somewhere within an hour’s driving
We live at about the same distance from the equator as time so we can share our school facility.
Portland, Oregon or Montreal, Canada. Since we are Our congregation appears to have reached some level
relatively close to the ocean—about 50 miles in a straight of stability. This stability comes from the base of sincere
line—we normally do not have extreme temperatures. Chilean and American brothers in the congregation,
Our lowest winter temperature has been about zero the unity of our goals, and our focus on practicing the
degrees Fahrenheit and the highest temperature has been teachings of the New Testament as closely as possible
about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Winter temperatures can without adding to or subtracting from them.
be as warm as 50°F and summer nights can be as cold
as 30°F. We get a lot of wind because very little land lies
below our latitude. Several feet of snow usually fall every 1 The highest peak in the Andes is Aconagua in Argentina at
year, but one year we had a full four feet. 22,838’ above sea level. The highest peak in the Rockies is Mt.
Elbert in Colorado at 14,440’ above sea level.
Issue 13 - Spring 2019 On the War Front: Fishing for Men in Chile | 13
unique platform to present the gospel that is not given to Christian bookstore. The rest of us live in the country,
people of the same culture. Jesus said, “A Prophet is not some thirty minutes from church and town. Families
without honor except in his own country.” Quite possibly earn their bread by construction, farming, welding, and
many American Anabaptists can be more effective in a working in the café. We have five American families,
foreign country than their own; our experience in Chile three Chilean families, and some singles who attend our
has confirmed this. church regularly. Church attendance is usually a little
My question: Is this new short-term model for missions over fifty people.
based on actual long-term proof on a mission field, or is We are very grateful for the café because it has been
it based on the length of terms most mission groups are a blessing in many ways. The café was started to put
able to get commitments for? In some places where we a daily “face” to our church. We have had numerous
served years ago, local people seemed to have developed compliments on the Christian environment. It sparks
a cynicism toward friendships with volunteer workers a lot of questions about our beliefs and gives quite a
because they came to few opportunities
understand that these for inviting people to
relationships were very our church services.
temporary and soon It also provides a
forgotten. I believe the meeting place for
job of a mission worker those of us who live in
is to mentor and the country and need
enable local people; to pass time in town
one should become between shopping or
their brother, not their until church services
superior. Assuming begin. The café has
that staying long-term shelves of books and
hinders the work of Bibles for sale with a
God is an inaccurate large portion being
belief. Instead, it can written by Anabaptist
give a stabilizing and authors. Then there are
Fellowship over food, a key ingredient in community
visionary role for God’s the coffee, doughnuts,
work. cinnamon rolls, soup,
One desire I have in writing this article is to challenge sandwiches, and other trifles that attract those with more
Anabaptist people to consider settling a new area of the culinary interests.
world for the purpose of evangelization. This is necessary What is it like living in Chile long-term and what are
to keep the Anabaptist vision and belief vibrant and the challenges? I suppose the biggest challenge is finding
practical as well as to fulfill the great commission. Not social life for our youth. Thankfully, the café has brought
only is evangelization an offensive Kingdom work but it a number of youth to Chile from various parts of the USA
also helps keep up our defense against worldliness and to help serve. Nevertheless, we are very isolated from
spiritual atrophy. other Anabaptist churches; the next closest church to us is
One of our goals here in Chile is to develop relationships a full-day journey north in Puerto Octay. Tickets to Chile
and wait for the opportunity to present Christ. 1 Peter are very expensive and the journey usually takes over
2:12 says, “Having your conduct honorable among the twenty-four hours, so we do not get many visitors from
Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, the States. The fact that we live a half hour from town
they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify makes even fewer social opportunities for our family of
God in the day of visitation.” We are watching and praying four boys aged 12 through 20. (We have one married
for that moment of visitation when the ground is ready daughter in Idaho and their family plans to move here
to receive the precious seed. While we watch and pray, in August.)
we are developing relationships with Chileans as we go Another challenge here is the weather which is
about our work and looking for the times when hearts rather windy and chilly, no pun intended. Long winter
are open to the gospel. evenings and colder temperatures leave us battling with
Ted Byler and family live in town while Eli Shetlers the winter blues at times. But our Christian Chilean
live ten minutes out of town and manage the café/ brothers constantly encourage us with their faithfulness
and sincerity.
Issue 13 - Spring 2019 On the War Front: Fishing for Men in Chile | 15
Daniela’s Letter of Praise & Thanksgiving
Daniela’s story as told in a letter to the sister church in Idaho. - Jeff Byler
Jesus said, “Go and tell John the things which you hear consisted of “ring implants.” We got a quote for the
and see: The blind receive their sight …” operation but discovered it was far beyond our means.
– Matthew 11:4-5 This finding was very difficult for me; it was even
more difficult for my husband. Israel wanted to give
I want to tell you some of my story. My name is
me everything I needed so that I could see well, but his
Daniela and I am 31 years old. Israel and I have now
salary was not enough for the operation. After realizing
been married for 10 years and have a family composed
I needed the expensive operation, we postponed all our
of three children—Javiera is nine years old, Dante is five
projects. Israel worked hard and we tried to save up
years old, and Grace is one year old.
money for the operation, but it wasn’t enough.
At the age of 16, I started to have vision problems.
At the end of the year, we resigned ourselves to
I did not take it seriously because my mother did not
postpone the operation and have another child. In 2014
have the resources to take me to the doctor and buy
Dante was born. He, along with our daughter, made life
lenses. Years passed and I met Israel at work in 2008.
a joy.
A friendship started and he told me he was a Christian
and believed in God, even though he was away from the The operation was no longer a priority and we just
church. His beliefs were not an issue to me since I did enjoyed our family. In 2015 we decided to choose a better
not know God. But when he told lifestyle for our children and move
me of his experiences with Christ, I away from Santiago, the capital
always listened very carefully; I was of Chile. Israel’s father lived in
convinced that God was real. Coyhaique and he offered to help
us move there. In March of 2016
We were married in 2009 and
we made the three-day overland trip
our daughter Javiera was born.
south and settled in Coyhaique.
Right away we had many projects
to do. One project was to get a house Before we moved, we visited
to give our daughter a home. Little the Coyhaique area on vacation.
by little we started to buy our things During that visit we first met Ted,
for the house. Jeff, and all his family. When we
lived in Coyhaique we visited them
One year later Israel noticed that
a number of times and went to
I had a hard time seeing. Through
church with them. We felt God was
my husband’s cousin I got my Daniela, Israel, and their family calling us to come to Him.
first optical glasses. My eyesight
improved but it still was not as it should have been. I had It was through God testing us and speaking to our
vision check-ups once a year so I could renew my glasses, hearts that we gave our lives in obedience to Christ. From
but the lenses never managed to improve my vision a that moment on, we began to attend church. Jeff offered
lot. Israel and I continued our life together, enjoying to disciple us and we agreed to study God’s Word with
each other and our daughter. We did not let my vision him. After the church learned of my illness, they began
problems ruin our life. praying for me.
In 2013 we decided to go to a private doctor who A few weeks passed and bishop William Byler and
realized I had a bad formation in my corneas and his wife from Idaho arrived. Jeff asked if I wanted to be
requested that I have a lot of exams done. The exams anointed with oil and ask God to heal me. I accepted this
revealed that I had a disease called keratoconus. This offer. When the day of anointing came, I must confess I
disease slowly changes the round shape of the cornea was very nervous and was hoping that God would heal
into a conical shape. me.
The doctor who diagnosed my problem then referred God healed the most important thing in my life that
me to a specialist in corneas. He told me the disease had day. At that time, I understood that it was not my sight,
no cure and the only solution was an operation which but my heart and my mind that needed healing. From
A sample of God’s beautiful creation that Daniela was able to see clearly with her contacts!
“If Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still By contrast, Anabaptists believe Christ’s resurrection
in your sins!” is an essential part of salvation. Christ’s death and
- I Corinthians 15:17 resurrection changes a person from a sinner to a saint
and creates a new person. Through the resurrection, God
I was 39 years old, had graduated from Liberty Baptist delivers the sinner from the condition of being a sinner,
College, and was in my first year of a graduate program rescues the sinner from the dominion of the devil, and
when I heard the most shocking statement I ever heard in transplants the sinner into Christ’s Kingdom (Colossians
my life concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ from 1:21-29).
the dead. Prior to this, Bible and theology professors
had fed me a steady diet of the common Protestant Romans 6 teaches that both the death and resurrection
understanding of justification and salvation, and although of Christ are essential to a New Testament understanding
I had been able to identify several unbiblical themes, I of salvation, and to a life of righteousness after conversion.
still had not heard any clarifying statement that made the Paul’s teaching in these verses is crystal clear: the person
issues crystal clear to me. who is “baptized into Christ” is co-buried and co-raised
with Christ. This means that the person who is “baptized
The shocking statement occurred on the day the into Christ” experiences the same death to sin and
professor asked one of the students to close the classroom resurrection to life in his or her body of flesh that Jesus
door. After the door was closed, the professor said, “The experienced in His body of flesh.
Protestant view of justification and salvation does not need
the resurrection of Christ.” This one sentence followed by The believer is co-buried and co-raised with Christ.
an explanation of its meaning became the turning point Those who are “baptized into Christ” have died and been
in my journey toward a fuller understanding of salvation buried, and have been raised from the dead with Christ.
and the value of Christ’s resurrection. The person who is in Christ stands and lives and walks
on resurrection ground.
I asked the professor to repeat the statement and
explain why he said it. The rule and power of sin inherited from Adam has
been broken in the death and resurrection of Christ.
He responded by saying, “The Protestant view of Therefore, the rule and power of sin is broken in those
salvation says the sins of sinners are imputed (transferred) who co-die and co-rise with Christ. They are no longer
to Christ on the cross and the righteousness of Christ is in bondage to sin and death.
imputed (transferred) to the sinner who trusts Jesus. This
imputation formula of sins being transferred to Christ God performs this operation of “dying and raising”
and Christ’s righteousness being transferred to the person inside us, in our hearts and minds, at regeneration. In
who trusts Christ, requires the death of Christ but does other words, this dying and rising takes place inside us
not require the resurrection of Christ.” and is not simply something God does on the books of
The professor’s explanation means a person can be
justified and go to heaven whether or not Christ arose Paul is clear that the person who has been buried
from the dead. According to this popular Protestant view, and raised with Christ “should walk in newness of life”
entrance into heaven depends solely on God’s acceptance (Romans 6:4). The believer “should” and will “walk in
of the perfect life and death of Christ as a substitute for newness of life” because “if we have been planted together
the practical holiness God requires of believers. in the likeness of His death, we shall be also united with
Him in the likeness of His resurrection” (Romans 6:5).
In this common teaching, when the sinner trusts in
Christ, God simply transfers the righteousness of Christ “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things
to the sinner’s account in heaven. This transferred which are above” (Colossians 3:1).
righteousness becomes the basis for God’s declaration M.E.Z. | Virginia
that the sinner is now righteous and is a saint in God’s
eyes. Although good works should follow, good works Review Question:
are unrelated to the believer’s final salvation. Why is the resurrection an essential part of salvation?
“Therefore, we are buried with him by baptism into is bound to her husband as long as she
death, that just as Christ was raised up from the dead by lives (verses 2-3). The Old Covenant Law
the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in bound to itself all those who were under
newness of life.” that covenant. But there was a problem—
– Romans 6:4 (AVU) no one could perfectly fulfill the terms of
that covenant. No one could live up to its
In approximately A.D. 33, Jesus of Nazareth was standard. The apostle Peter called it a yoke
crucified by the Roman authorities ruling over the Jewish “which neither our fathers nor we were able
people. He was buried by some of His friends in a stone to bear” (Acts 15:10). Worse yet, as Paul
tomb, and His dead body was guarded by Roman soldiers. explains in Romans 7:7-13, the Law actually
But within three days of His crucifixion, death lost its hold stirred up and increased sin! Was there a
on Him. Angels pushed back the stone before the tomb, way to God apart from the Law? Yes—by
the guards fell down like dead, and the Son of God—the the death and resurrection of Jesus, and
firstfruits of the resurrection of the righteous—stepped our spiritual participation in that death and
forth, alive. resurrection. Paul tells us that “you also
As the word of Jesus’ resurrection went forth, God have become dead to the law by the body
was powerfully glorified by this miracle. Jesus appeared of Christ, that you should be married to
to more and more people, and the apostles preached the another, even to him who is raised from
message of the resurrection. Men and women repented the dead, that we should bring forth fruit to
of their sins, worshipped Jesus as the Son of God, and God” (Romans 7:4). This is accomplished
obeyed Him as the Monarch of the Kingdom of God. by the death of our fleshly natures; while
we were held by the fleshly nature, the Law
worked to bring forth sin. “But now we
The Old Man Must Die have been delivered from the law, being
What does Jesus’ death and resurrection mean for dead to what once held us [the flesh], that
believers today? The Apostle Paul taught that Jesus’ death we should serve in newness of spirit and
and resurrection were events which we participate in, and not in the oldness of the letter” (Romans
are united to, when we become Christians and surrender 7:6).
ourselves to God. In Romans 6:3, Paul tells us that when
• To the world. This is a double crucifixion!
we were baptized, we were baptized into Christ’s death.
“But God forbid that I should glory except
Jesus, of course, died physically on the cross. While
in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by
Christians do not die physically in baptism, they do die
whom the world is crucified to me and I to
spiritually when they are baptized and become Christians.
the world” (Galatians 6:14). Not only am
What do they die to? I dead to the world, but the world is also
• Sin and our old sinful nature. In the same dead to me. By the death of Jesus, we are
passage in Romans 6, Paul says that it is set free from the world and its lusts, which
“our old man” who was crucified with are the lusts of the eye and flesh and the
Christ, so that “we should no longer serve pride of life (I John 2:16). The world and
sin.” A dead person, Paul says, is free from its lusts are doomed to destruction, but
sin. “Therefore, do not let sin reign in your those who have been freed from the world
mortal body, that you should obey its lusts” to serve and love God and do His will shall
(verse 12). live forever (I John 2:15-17).
• The Old Covenant Law. “Do you not
know, brethren (for I speak to those who Christ Was Raised to Life in Power
know the law), how the law has authority Jesus died by crucifixion; when we die with Christ, we
over a man as long as he lives?” (Romans die to our sinful selves, to the Law which stirs up sinful
7:1). Paul compares this to a wife, who
20 | Resurrection Power
desires, and to the world with its lusts. But though He we stop loving the world and the things of the world;
died in weakness, He was raised by the power and glory we put to death the sinful habits and desires of the flesh
of God (II Corinthians 13:4; Romans 6:4). He rose from (verse 5). Instead, we love the things which God loves,
the grave because death was not powerful enough to hold the “things above.” We put on the new man, “which is
Him (Romans 6:9). When He burst from the realm of the being renewed in the full knowledge after the likeness of
dead back to life, He led captivity captive (Ephesians 4:8) the one who created him” (verse 10). In this new man,
and the power of God was manifested as many other dead human pride and prejudice crumbles; barriers between
men came out of their graves as well (Matthew 27:52-53). people of different races, economic status, and religious
Like the spoils of victory, Jesus came bearing gifts to give upbringings crumble. Among believers, “Christ is all,
to men—to those who would follow Him (Ephesians 4:8). and in all” (verse 11b).
The psalmist tells us what these gifts were: “thou hast With a renewed and transformed mind, we can test
received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that and discern God’s good and perfect will (Romans 12:2).
the LORD God might dwell among them” (Psalm 68:18)! We can live out His will on earth and bring glory to Him.
“God is to us a God of deliverance. To Yahweh, the
Lord, belongs escape from death” (Psalm 68:20 WEB).
Resurrected with Jesus, we can live in triumph over
Raised to Life by Christ’s Power sin, the devil, our own flesh, and the world, showing the
Just like Christ was raised from the dead by the glory lost what redeemed humanity is meant to be, bringing
of the Father, so also we are raised up to a completely new glory to God and showing that the grace and glory of
life. This life is the life of God Himself, the Holy Spirit of God are at work. While living in victory and fellowship
God, Who inhabits every true believer. By this new and with God, we look forward to the ultimate resurrection
spiritual life, we yield ourselves and our bodies to God of the body at the end of time, when “we will be like him;
to live in a way which brings Him glory—to live above for we will see him as he is” (I John 3:2b).
sin, to live righteously (Romans 6:10-14).
“If you then are risen with Christ, seek those things “Indeed, I consider all things loss…That I may know
that are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship
God. Set your affection on things above, not on things of his sufferings, being made conformable to his death;
on the earth. For you are dead, and your life is hid with If by any means I might attain to the resurrection of the
Christ in God” (Colossians 3:1-3). Living in this reality, dead” (Philippians 3:8a, 10-11).
" “The regenerate, therefore, lead a penitent and new life, for they are
renewed in Christ and have received a new heart and spirit. Once they
were earthly-minded, now heavenly; once they were carnal, now spiri-
tual; once they were unrighteous, now righteous; once they were evil,
now good; and they live no longer after the old corrupted nature of the
first earthly Adam, but after the new upright nature of the new and
heavenly Adam, Christ Jesus, even as Paul says: 'Nevertheless, I live; yet
not I, but Christ liveth in me.' Their poor, weak life they daily renew
more and more, and that after the image of Him who created them.
Their minds are like the mind of Christ, they gladly walk as He walked;
they crucify and tame their flesh with all its evil lusts. In baptism they
bury their sins in the Lord’s death and rise with Him to a new life.”
—Menno Simons
J. C. Wenger (editor), The Complete Writings of Menno Simons, Herald Press, p. 93.
22 | Did He Rise?
Call to Service: Salt & Light, USA
Anabaptist Voice interviews Clyde Zimmerman
While many Anabaptists are familiar with Christian AV: How did you become involved in the SALT
Aid Ministries and some of its 40-plus programs, in this program and what is your focus?
issue we would like to focus on the SALT1 Microfinance
Solutions program in the USA. For the past ten years, the CZ: Our congregation started a mission in Bangladesh
SALT program has been reaching out to people living in in 2009 at the conclusion of a CAM rebuilding project
material poverty. The goal of this program is to provide following a deadly cyclone in which over 3,000 souls
Christ-centered teaching and to enable people to provide perished. A high-ranking government official from
for themselves instead of depending on aid. This program the Foreign Ministry of Bangladesh invited us to teach
has now grown to over 30,000 people and is operating in spoken English in the secondary schools.
more than 15 countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. After a number of years of teaching English, building
Over the past few years, the SALT team has been relationships with the indigenous people, and facing
working on developing a new element within the SALT many serious needs, we began asking ourselves: “Are we
program that is tailored for reaching out to neighbors in actually helping the needy families?” Or worse, “Is it
North America. This new aspect of SALT is called “Salt & possible we may be creating dependencies and harming
Light” and was released last December. Recently we had the very people we are endeavoring to help?” These are
an opportunity to ask the Salt & Light coordinator, Clyde hard questions, and in many cases, there are no clear
Zimmerman, questions about the SALT program in general answers. Watching these people face serious poverty
and more specifically, the new Salt & Light aspect. and numerous unmet medical needs, we began looking
at the SALT program, since we knew it focused on
AV Editor sustainability as well as helping the poor better provide
for their families.
In 2014, we decided to proceed with SALT in
Bangladesh, and I was appointed, along with the
assistance of the SALT team at CAM, to implement the
program. Starting a new program takes time and effort.
Many times, there is a lot to learn about how it functions
in different contexts. In looking back, it seems like God
prepared the way for us, and SALT Savings Groups have
1 SALT is an acronym for Shared Accountability Lending and become a very effective tool. These groups are not only
Teaching. for helping the poor utilize their God-given resources
more effectively and better provide for the needs of their
families; a primary focus is to share Truth in a country
that is 90% Muslim and 9% Hindu. Today there are over
6,000 people enrolled in the SALT Savings Groups as
well as hundreds more in sewing/tailoring classes and
computer vocational training centers. Praise be to God,
the SALT program has also proven to be very effective in
spreading the gospel in a restricted setting, and numerous
underground house churches have sprung up in some
rural villages in Bangladesh.
In November of 2015, I joined the SALT team at CAM
as a Country Supervisor. Today I focus on Southeast
Asia. In addition to Bangladesh, I am CAM’s SALT
representative for India, Myanmar, Cambodia, and
Indonesia. In the past few years I also focused on the
development of the Salt & Light program, and now serve
The SALT program in Bangladesh as coordinator of this new element of SALT.
AV: What are some of your responsibilities and how It is true there can be a lot of travel involved; balancing
does your family fit into the travel requirements? that with family commitments can be challenging. We
do need wisdom from God, and work well together as
There are a number of Country Supervisors within a SALT team to support each other and give each other
the SALT program, and each of us endeavors to support direction in this area. As I reflect on each country and
each country that operates the SALT program, to help the teams who are working faithfully, my heart warms.
them be successful and to meet their goals. While CAM I am glad to visit each year to learn from them, assist
does operate SALT on some of its foreign bases, most of where I can, and be an encouragement. The normal trip
the SALT programs are operated by Anabaptist Missions lasts about 10 days; if it is longer than two weeks, typically
as franchises. There is regular ongoing communication our wives will travel with us. The past four years, we as a
between the Country Supervisor and the SALT field family have lived in Bangladesh three months each winter
staff to share best practices in operations, to help solve serving as house parents for an English teaching team and
challenges, and to give prayer support. Each Country working closely with the native SALT team in the country.
Supervisor makes an annual field visit, as well as meets
with the stateside mission board to help everyone stay
together in vision, goals, and practice. AV: Why did CAM develop the Salt & Light aspect?
Recently SALT implemented the “Barnabas Team” CZ: Many times, when working in foreign countries, I
teaching program in which Anabaptist volunteers who are am inspired to see how God is moving people to use their
inspired about the goals and vision of SALT travel to the resources more effectively to provide for their families.
field annually for a few days of intense biblical teaching. Even more importantly, I praise God when they begin
These men provide encouragement and exhortation for responding to gospel teaching.
the indigenous SALT staff. A highlight of being a Country
Supervisor is walking with sincere, godly men who have However, upon returning home, many of us in the
not previously heard instruction on living out Jesus’ SALT program developed a burden for our neighbors,
teaching, but through the Barnabas Team efforts, now right in our own communities. Why are so many
have this opportunity. One of the goals of the Barnabas Anabaptists not being intentional gospel missionaries
Team teaching effort is to ensure that wherever SALT is in their own neighborhoods? Has the Anabaptist
operating, the indigenous men leading the program are community accepted the lost around us as normal? Are
living what they are teaching. the outreach methods of the past still being effective in
CZ: Please see the Facilitator Orientation Seminar Who leads the Salt & Light course?
schedule for 2019 (page 42). The seminar provides an CZ: Anabaptist churches with a vision for helping
in-depth review on the Salt & Light curriculum and how their neighbors initiate the course. They explore long-
to practically use the course while also covering broader, term sustainable solutions for financial needs and build
related topics, such as: relationships with people to work toward long-term
• Do I Know My Neighbor? biblical change. Facilitator(s) from the local Anabaptist
• Analyzing Worldviews church will lead the course.
• The Impact of Culture How long is the course?
• Adapting to Changing Conditions CZ: It is a 12-week, one-night-a-week course.
• Learning to Categorize Needs What does the course consist of?
• Emulation of a Real-Life Salt & Light Course
CZ: The course consists of slides for the facilitator
• Consensus Building in Your Home and a Participant Guide for people from the community.
Congregation The 12 lessons in the Participant Guide coincide with
• And much more! the slides.
We held our first Facilitator Orientation Seminar in How many participants can attend each course?
December to equip interested brothers and sisters from CZ: It is up to the local church, but 5 to 20 people are
the Anabaptist community to use Salt & Light. Over 40 the norm. Many times the participants live unstructured
attendees from eight states participated. lives and having all participants attend all meetings can
We at the SALT team are excited about the potential be challenging. In some of our field trials, we had people
and are hopeful that Salt & Light can be an effective tool from the local Anabaptist church also take the course
for Anabaptists to reach out to their neighbors, to show as participants but it’s important not to outnumber the
the love of Christ, and to share truth. Do you and your participants from the local community.
congregation feel the same burden for the lost around Do facilitators need to take training?
you and are each of us willing to be missionaries at home?
CZ: Before purchasing the course material and
starting the program in a community, facilitators will
need to enroll in a Salt & Light Orientation Seminar.
The seminar, which spans several days, will equip the
facilitator and his congregation to use Salt & Light as a
way to reach out.
How does a local church get started and where can I
purchase the course material?
CZ: If you are interested in starting the Salt & Light
program, contact the CAM home office by calling
330.893.2428 or emailing
You will receive an information packet introducing
the program including an excerpt of the Salt & Light
Participant Guide. The information packet includes a
“Self-Assessment Questionnaire” which may be useful
Facilitator from a local Anabaptist church leads the course in helping your congregation to determine if the Salt &
Light program is a good fit for your community.
“There are very few people who ever led a soul to Christ who did not plan to do it.”
– Dale Heisey at Kingdom Fellowship Weekend, PA
“A person who looks at the sun sees nothing but a bright light. So it is with those who look at
Christ; they are blind to the things of this world.”
– A servant of the Hutterian Brethren, MT
“When you make a small directional change toward the world, you have done something with
the Scriptures which you cannot humanly stop. The world is a package deal; accept part of the
world and it all comes in.”
– James Miller at Shalom Church, IN
“God is constantly making a way of escape for us to flee from our temptations. If we fail, we
need to acknowledge that we didn’t take the escape route God made available for us.”
– Clay Zimmerman at Shekinah Mennonite, MO
“What God says is not a suggestion, but a ‘Thus saith the Lord!’”
– John Mark Yoder at Faith Mission Fellowship, VA
“True repentance looks on the past with a tearful eye and on the future with a watchful eye.”
(Given at a baptismal service)
– Leroy Lapp at Fincastle Mennonite Church, VA
“If you are asking God to open a door, don’t go to the other corner and read a book. Put your
shoulder against the door and wait for vibrations.”
– Allen Petre at Lenawee Mennonite Church, MI
“Knowing what is right is knowledge. Doing what is right is wisdom.” (Mother’s Day message)
– Nathan Yoder at Faith Mission Fellowship, VA
Share your rubies and diamonds with AV readers. Send in the quote, the name of the speaker and the name of
the place where it was given. We would also like to have the name and address of the person sending in the quote.
In the incident with the golden calf, Moses wanted b) the Substitutionary Theory – This theory teaches
to substitute himself for Israel’s sin. When Laban made that Jesus Christ suffered crucifixion as a substitute
Nabal angry, Abigail wanted to substitute herself in place for sinners. Included in the theory is the idea that
of her foolish husband. Jesus died to pay humanity’s moral debt to God.
A few passages show us substitutionary atonement. c) the Penal Substitution Theory – This theory argues
Paul said, “For He hath made him to be sin for us, who that Christ, by His own sacrificial choice, was
knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness punished in the place of sinners, thus satisfying the
of God in Him.” Peter said, “For Christ also hath once demands of justice so God can justly forgive sins.
suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring 2. In what way do any or all of these theories add
us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened words to the Scripture?
by the Spirit.”
R.G. | Saskatchewan
28 | Atonement Responses
Wheat and Nonresistance
by Peter Hoover, adapted by AV
Turkey Red Hard Winter Wheat owes its presence involved spring wheat which was not well suited to the
in America to the Mennonites. These farmers were climate. The wheat was planted in the spring, as its name
originally Germans who had moved to Ukraine in the suggests. In theory, it was to be harvested in late summer.
1700s to avoid being drafted into the German military. In practice, it rarely lived that long, usually withering
However, a change in Russian policy promised to destroy early due to heat and drought.
their military exemption again. In the 1870’s, thousands Turkey Red, on the other hand, was planted in the
of Mennonites moved to the Kansas plains where they fall, lay dormant over the winter, and was harvested
counted on military exemption and a nonresistant life in late spring or early summer. In short order, Turkey
of peace. Red proved it could thrive in the Great Plains climate.
When the Mennonites came to America, they brought This wheat produced a complex root system that could
with them wheat seeds to sow on their Kansas farms. scavenge nutrients from even poor soils. Furthermore,
Some leaders had scouted the area earlier and determined Turkey Red resisted many of the diseases that other
the climate and terrain in Kansas was similar to the varieties succumbed to.
steppes of their homeland. They believed their wheat Whatever other varieties of wheat the Mennonites
would grow well on these plains; the variety some of them may have brought and tried, Turkey Red was the one that
brought was Turkey Red Hard Winter Wheat. survived. Kansans of all backgrounds quickly adopted
Attempts had been made to raise wheat in Kansas Turkey Red and by the 1900s the state of Kansas produced
before the Mennonites arrived. However, these attempts more wheat than most foreign countries.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ Johannes offered to contribute $200 to the American
sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Red Cross and the Salvation Army, but this contribution
– Matthew 5:10 fell short of the mob’s expectations. They ordered
Johannes to salute the flag and to lead them in a parade
Turkey Red Wheat was a great gift to the world. A through downtown Burrton; he refused to take part.
beautiful harvest! But wheat was not the only thing these
believing immigrants in Kansas brought with them. They, A flag was shoved into his hand, but it fell to the
including a man called Johannes Schrag, brought a living ground because he refused to grip it. The crowd started
faith, a witness, that still touches hearts today. shoving Johannes and accused him of having stepped on
the flag. A bucket of yellow paint was poured and rubbed
On November 11, 1918, the day World War I ended, over his body, but Johannes didn’t resist in any way.
people in the town of Burrton, Kansas, called a holiday
and held a big victory celebration. Five carloads of men The mob got angrier and prepared to hang Johannes
drove from Burrton to the Johannes Schrag farm near from a nearby tree. Tom Roberts, the head of the Burrton
Alta Mills to try to force Johannes [57 years old] to finally Anti-Horse Thief Association, intervened to get Johannes
buy war bonds. He had repeatedly refused to buy Liberty into the Burrton jail where he was protected from the
Bonds, because he believed that to buy the bonds was to mob until the Harvey County Sheriff could come from
support the war, which he strongly opposed. Newton and take him to the county jail.
The Burrton citizens decided to bring John to court on
charges of violating the Espionage Act. That national law,
which was later declared unconstitutional, made it a crime
to show disrespect to the American flag. Five Burrton
citizens presented fifty typewritten pages of evidence to
prove his disloyalty to the flag. After a hearing in Wichita,
a federal judge ruled that there was not enough evidence
to bring Johannes to trial.
The evidence that Johannes had slandered the flag was
not convincing because he had been calmly nonresistant
during the entire ordeal. Everything he had said that day
was in the German language and none of his accusers
could speak or understand German. Johannes’ lawyer
tried to convince him to press charges against those who
prosecuted him, but Johannes refused, stating that it was
against the Mennonite principles of nonresistance.
The Burrton Graphic, The Newton Kansan-Republican,
Johannes Schrag (1861-1957) and the Hutchinson News carried articles about the
Johannes Schrag, a Swiss-Volhynian immigrant incident saying that Johannes should have been punished.
from Russia, settled with his wife Elisabeth Stücki On December 27, 1918, The Newton Evening Kansan-
on a farm near Alta, halfway between Burrton Republican, frustrated by the acquittal of this “bull-
and Moundridge, Kansas, after their marriage in headed” man, had this to say about the case: “This
the mid-1880s. The Lord blessed Johannes and hearing should certainly make plain to any thinking
Elisabeth, the daughter of their minister Jakob
person the viciousness that exists in the encouragement
Stücki and his wife Anna Walter, with twelve
children: Anna, David, Johannes, Reinhold, Josef, of the German language as a means of communication in
Peter, Andreas, Adam, Jakob, Daniel, Samuel, and America. [...] The melting pot cannot exercise its proper
Hermann. functions when such things are allowed.”
Not only did Johannes and Elisabeth raise their The Hutchinson News wrote, “A petition was being
large family with thrift and vigor, they taught them circulated to have Schrag deported to Germany, his native
by words and actions how to follow Christ.
Twenty years ago my friend Peter Hoover and I were visiting. Peter
made a proposal: “I like to do research, but I do not write stories well.
I’ll dig up the story material and you write them out.” I was willing
to try.
Peter sent me some trial stories he had uncovered. To me the
material Peter sent me lacked the elements of a good story—action,
tension, conflict, excitement, heroism. Then I told Brother Peter,
“You have the makings of a great story in your book, The Secret of
the Strength when you told about Glikkikan. In that story Glikkikan
Vol. 5
as a faithful hero overcame the many temptations and difficulties he
faced, yet remained faithful to God until the end.”
“Go for it,” Peter unselfishly declared. Then he took me to War Chief Conquered
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in his van and introduced me to the history “The peace of God surpasses all human
of the Moravian church in America and the Moravian Indian missions. understanding.” – Philippians 4:7
Brother Peter overwhelmed me with a continuous stream of events In War Chief Conquered, the young
and characters during the eight hours we were together. My small Moravian missionary, John Heckewelder,
brain was in no way equal to his seemingly photographic mind. prods Glikkikan into telling his life story.
Despite my lack of prior knowledge, I became interested. But the famous Indian chief is wary of the
White man’s corrupted treaties and requires
On this same journey Peter stopped at a store in Nazareth, Heckewelder to write his story exactly as he
Pennsylvania. I told of my interest in writing a book about tells it.
Glikkikan, and then bought some crumbling leaflets telling of older
Historically accurate and filled with
Moravian synods and a book or two about Heckewelder (published emotion, War Chief Conquered brings the
by Wennawoods Publishing). I distinctly remember a young clerk reader close to the heart of a powerful war
who asked me, “How long do you think it will take you to write this chief, showing his struggle as he attempts
story? I had a friend who wrote a book about this stuff and it took to lead the Delaware Indians to a secure
him seven years.” homeland.
I confidently and naively answered him, “About two years.” That Would overcoming their English and
was twenty years ago and the last two of the seven books in the series Iroquois enemies in battle bring security to
are written but not yet published. the Delaware Indians? Glikkikan learns that
war and murder only increases bitterness and
As a parting gift, Peter gave me his copy of The Life and Times hatred, and he yearns for something better.
of David Zeisberger written by a Moravian minister, Edmund De
When Glikkikan confronts the Christian
Schweinitz and published in 1870. I sat on a lawn chair in the Indians who refused to join in the warfare, he
blueberry patch that spring to shoot pesky robins—if you kill a few is confident that he can overcome them with
early in the season it helps keep their wireless network from spreading his carefully prepared arguments. Instead,
the word—and read De Schweinitz. I could not believe some of the the Great Glikkikan finds himself speechless.
history I read was true. Was this just a Moravian preacher writing Then he declares to his fellow warriors, “These
a slanted account of events that happened 100 years ago? Or was it Christians have the truth! Listen to them!”
for real? Precisely when Glikkikan is convinced he
I had to find out more. I started buying more books from has found the path to truth and happiness, a
Wennawoods Publishing and many other sources. I traveled to Dublin, difficult choice confronts him. Must he love
his enemies to serve the Savior?
Pennsylvania—my boyhood home—and searched for documents
relating to the “Walking Purchase.” There I made connection with the Witness Glikkikan’s struggle to overcome
books and doctoral dissertation of Francis Jennings. His writings were the bitterness of his warring past by allowing
the Savior to conquer his heart.
to be an important backup for all the secular side of “The Conquest
Series.” Visit or call
330.893.4828 for purchase information.
The following pages are meant to encourage interaction between Anabaptist Voice and our readers. If you have
questions or thoughts and would like to hear a response from AV, this section is for you. Write to us.
AV Editor
If one needs to borrow money for a business venture, There is no doubt that God’s covenant with Israel
it is best to borrow from a brother or a brotherhood- included the keeping of the Law of Moses and the Ten
sponsored group such as Anabaptist Financial. This does Commandments. But to say that the Ten Commandments
away with the need for life insurance and opens one to the were exclusively for the Children of Israel does not accord
counsel of brethren who are especially concerned with with the judgments of God upon the ancient world by
your life and your standing before God. the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the fear of Pharaoh
Go Easy
by Fore Gotten
I have a thought on “No Rules” The writer did the best thing—eliminate a source of
(AV12, page 40). conflict. It would have been very easy to escalate it!
People under the influence “Love the sinner, hate the sin.”
of alcohol tend to become Behavior can be a sign of what is happening inside.
argumentative and, at times, even Remember that we have Christians in our midst that were
violent. To help keep situations once slaves to alcohol or drugs. “Bobby” could someday
calm, perhaps you can remind yourself that it’s the alcohol join them. The next time Con sees Bobby, he can act like
talking, or the drugs, or it is a misunderstanding of a nothing happened—there’s a very good chance Bobby
situation. will have no memory of this altercation.
Spirit and Life concluded the same thing. Here is where they came out
by Atlee Rest on that question: “Certain which went out from us have
troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying,
My heart aches for the dear writer ‘Ye must be circumcised, and keep the Law: to whom we
troubled by Jesus’ teaching that gave no such commandment’” (Acts 15:24). It is difficult
“Whosoever therefore shall break to get more specific and lucid than that, so along with
one of these least commandments, Jesus’ approach I rest in their understanding.
and shall teach men so, he shall
be called least in the kingdom of “So then, brethren, we are not children of the
heaven: but whosoever shall do and bondwoman, but of the free” (Galatians 4:31). May it
teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom really be so!
of heaven.” It is no fun to find oneself in a moral corner,
and yet it is right to be downright serious about what
Jesus said. May God bless this writer with a resolution to
this matter (See “Dead End,” AV12, page 38). Set Apart
I have found rest in relation to this verse by examining by Standly Firmer
Jesus’ teaching that surrounds it. Jesus’ very next sentence
I have a reply to “Extra Power
is, “For I say unto you, ‘That except your righteousness
Darkness” (AV12, page 41).
shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and
Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of I thought it was very good the
heaven.’” Seeing that Jesus says our righteousness must writer sought additional counsel
surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees, how will we about the electrical requirements
ever get there by taking the exact same approach to the for the building. (In addition to a
Law they took? light source, the electricity could provide heat on cooler
Jesus’ approach to the Law in the rest of this same
passage is hardly characteristic of the scribes and Despite the fact that marijuana is legal in many states
Pharisees. He addressed some of the most important now, it does not mean that Christians should go along
parts of the Law, and every time in essence He said, “The with something we deem unethical. For example, we
Law doesn’t deal with the root of the matter; you must do not promote the sale of alcohol or tobacco products.
go deeper than that.” Does the Law say, “Thou shalt not There are many things that are legal in the world that
kill?” Only reconciliation and love will deal with what we choose not to participate in. Let this be one more
causes people to kill. thing that sets us apart from the world.
Does the Law say, “Thou shalt not commit adultery?”
If you want real righteousness, get serious about your
thoughts and those freedoms that cause you to stumble!
“Perform to the Lord your oaths?” An eye for an eye?
Alms? Prayers? Fasting? These are all commandments
Bad Motives, Bad Results
of the Law that Jesus addressed in the same sermon.
by Happy E. Nuff
Jesus’ burden to get to the heart of the Law undergirds
His teaching all the way through. Our righteousness Bad decisions before a marriage
will exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees only as we plant seeds for divorce. I tell the
adopt His approach to the Law and keep the spirit of the following to warn young people to
commandments from the depth of our hearts. be careful.
Surely Peter himself—who stood near Jesus when Jesus I have a cousin who went to his
spoke those words that so easily trouble us—surely Peter church college in Michigan. One of
understood what Jesus had in mind when He said to “do the persons he met was Sandy. After college they both
and teach” even the “least important” commandments. went back to their home areas.
Yet Peter called the requirement to keep the Law “a
Sandy got engaged to another man in her home area,
yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our
but then her boyfriend broke the engagement. My cousin
fathers nor we were able to bear” (Acts 15:10). And there
should have heeded some of the warning signs about
were others with Jesus that day who, along with Peter,
Sandy’s character.
Issue 13 - Spring 2019 The Practical Side: The Rest of the Story | 39
The Practical Side: New Stories
Real world situations met by today’s Anabaptists.
Register for upcoming training seminars. There are two seminars scheduled:
Ephrata Business Center, Ephrata PA Haven Fellowship, Plain City, OH
Apr. 25, 26, and 27, 2019 Sept. 26, 27, and 28, 2019
(Thurs. evening, Fri., and Sat. morning) (Thurs. evening, Fri., and Sat. morning)
Registration Deadline: April 1 Registration Deadline: Sept. 3
42 | Upcoming Events
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Proverbs Illustrated
The book of Proverbs teaches many memorable lessons with word pictures. Anabaptist Voice would like to include
in “Proverbs Illustrated” your original sketch illustrating some of the great truths found in this book of wisdom.