Hindustan Dorr Oliver LTD: Corporate Presentation
Hindustan Dorr Oliver LTD: Corporate Presentation
Hindustan Dorr Oliver LTD: Corporate Presentation
Corporate Presentation
1. Executive Summary
2. Organization Overview
2A. Design Engineering Division
2B. Manufacturing Division
2C. Turnkey EPC Division
3. Indian Market Overview
4. Future Strategy
5. Win‐Win Partnership
1. Executive Summary
Executive Summary (1/2)
Hindustan Dorr Oliver Limited (HDO) is one of the most preferred EPC companies in India in Mineral
beneficiation, Chemical and Fertilizers, Water & Waste Water management, Nuclear Power and Pulp & Paper
HDO has strong capabilities across design engineering, process equipment manufacturing and execution of
turnkey EPC projects.
Approved by most of the leading global project management consultants including UDHE, TOYO, LINDE, EIL,
JACOBS, PDIL, Samsung, Technimont ICB, etc.
Successfully executed several prestigious projects for clients such as IOCL, ONGC, BPCL‐Kochi, BPCL‐Mahul,
BINA, HPCL, GAIL, GNFC, RCF, GSFC, IFFCO, PPL, Haldia Petrochemicals, HPCL Mittal Energy, Vedanta
Resources, NALCO, NMDC, SAIL, NPCIL, etc.
At a glance
Manufactures heavy and complex engineering components such as pressure vessels, heat exchangers etc. for
various industry segments, and other proprietary equipment for its own turnkey EPC projects.
Current order book stands at INR 9,000 mn (USD 150 mn). Of this orders of INR 7,500 mn (USD 125 mn) are
held by the EPC Group and the balance INR 1,500 mn (USD 25 mn) by the Manufacturing division.
In the past acquired a UK‐based engineering firm having expertise in design, manufacturing and fabrication of
heavy and complex engineering components and assemblies.
HDO is part of a large business conglomerate which is currently under stress, due to the slowdown of the
Indian economy during 2012‐2014.
HDO is listed on National Stock Exchange of India and Bombay Stock Exchange. The Promoter Group holds
55% equity stake and the balance is with the general public.
HDO has pan India presence with offices in major cities such Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi and
Ahmedabad supported by 850+ employees.
Manufacturing facility in Ahmedabad spread across 16 acres, with built up area of 160,000 sq. ft. The facility
is among the top five leading engineering manufacturing facilities in the country.
Strictly Private & Confidential 3
Executive Summary (2/2)
Company’s Debt was restructured in 2013. The cash flow mis‐match, however, continues and the company is
still facing some financial stress as the Debt/Equity structure is skewed. In order to be back on a growth
trajectory HDO has now chalked out a revival plan with clear cut strategies.
Future HDO has recently bid for several projects and is expected to win projects of around INR 6,000 mn (USD 100
Strategy mn) shortly.
HDO would now like to partner with a global strategic player who can leverage on the company’s Brand and
diversified capabilities in Design, Engineering and Execution, to scale up operations and become a world
player of quality and substance.
(USD mn) FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 E FY16 E FY17 E
Revenue 87 145 160 142 55 54 114 184 229
Snapshot ‐
Consolidated EBITDA 10 18 18 1 (19) (7) 6 21 27
EBITDA % 11% 12% 11% 1% (34%) (13%) 5% 11% 12%
Investment Promoter group intends to exit as HDO’s business is not part of the Group’s core activity.
Opportunity The investor can have a clear majority stake in HDO.
USD = INR 60
Strictly Private & Confidential 4
2. Organization Overview
Incorporated in 1974, Hindustan Dorr Oliver Ltd (HDO) was acquired by IVRCL Group in
Over the last few years, HDO has transformed itself from a reputed equipment
manufacturer to a leading provider of Engineering focused turnkey EPC projects and
Recognized as a global engineering company, HDO undertakes complete spectrum of
activities from feasibility study, design and planning of the project to its execution.
HDO has been able to provide its clients the best and most cost effective integrated solutions due to is in‐house Engineering &
Manufacturing capability
It operates through three business divisions – Design Engineering, Manufacturing and Turnkey EPC Project divisions. The first two
activities are carried out by HDO’s wholly owned subsidiary ‐ HDO Technologies Private Limited
It has a pan India presence, with offices in every major city in India ‐ Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi and
It has a talented workforce of about 850 people of which more than 80% are engineers or hold an equivalent degree
The manufacturing facility at Ahmedabad follows international codes and standards and employs world reputed third party
inspection agency
Company has obtained international certifications for Quality, Safety and Environment Management Systems.
HDO works as “Engineering for Sustainable Growth of the Global Community” and is committed towards contributing positively
to the society at large.
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Business Segments
HDO Technologies Private Limited (100% subsidiary of HDO) Hindustan Dorr Oliver Limited
Strictly Private & Confidential 7
2A. Design Engineering Division
Design Engineering ‐ Overview Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Less than 5
Over 15 years
18% 17%
30% 35%
10 – 15 years
5 – 10 years
Strictly Private & Confidential 9
Engineering Capabilities Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Industry Focus
Engineering • Mineral Beneficiation
(Alumina, Uranium, and other Minerals)
• Environmental
Process Extended (RWTP, ETP, STP, RO, DM, UF)
Engineering Engineering
• Fertilizers & Chemicals
• Oil and Gas
(Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels)
• Power
(Balance of Plant)
HDO • Pulp and Paper
Piping Mechanical • Material Handling
Engineering Engineering
Other Engineering Services
• Feasibility Study & DPR / DTR
• Technology Evaluation
Civil & • Plant Layout
• FEL / CAC reports
Engineering • Hazop study
• Project management and scheduling
• Relocation of plants worldwide
Strictly Private & Confidential 10
Select Completed Projects (1/2) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Order Value Completion
Name of Client Design Engineering Details
(USD mn) Date
HDO In‐house Project : Uranium
Basic design and Detail Engineering for 3000 TPD Uranium Ore Processing
Corporation of India, Kadappa, 2.25 Dec 2009
Andhra Pradesh
Minerals & Metals
HDO In‐house Project : Vedanta Basic design and Detail Engineering for 3.0 MTPA Alumina Refinery
1.8 July 2009
Aluminium Ltd , Lanjigarh, Orissa Project.
HDO In‐house Project : NMDC Basic design and Detail Engineering for 1.8 MTPA Iron Ore Beneficiation
1.0 Mar 2010
Ltd., Donimalai, Karnataka Plant.
Gold and Mineral LLC, Saudi Extended Basic Engineering Design and Budget Estimate for 1.5 Million
0.1 Feb 2014
Arabia TPA Gold Processing plant.
Green star Fertilizer Ltd., Extended Basic design and Detail Engineering for Revamping of Phosphoric
0.5 Oct 2013
Chennai Acid Plant.
Paradeep Phosphate Ltd., Orissa Extended Basic design and Detail Engineering for Gypsum Pond ‐ II 0.12 Apr 2014
USD = INR 60
Strictly Private & Confidential 11
Select Completed Projects (2/2) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Order Value Completion
Name of Client Design Engineering Details
(USD mn) Date
HDO In‐house Project :HPCL Basic design and Detail Engineering for 130 MLD Raw water Treatment
Mittal Energy Ltd., Bhatinda , plant, 12 MLD Effluent treatment Plant, 20.4 MLD RO‐DM and 3.6 MLD 2.4 Nov 2009
Punjab Condensate Polishing unit
Wa t e r & Wa s t e Wa t e r Tr e a t m e n t
USD = INR 60
Strictly Private & Confidential 12
2B. Manufacturing Division
Manufacturing ‐ Overview Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Strictly Private & Confidential 14
Product Range Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
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Infrastructure Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
HDO has established state of the art manufacturing facility spread across 16 Key Facilities
acres, with built up area of 160,000 sq. ft. for manufacturing heavy and
complex engineering components and equipments for various industry Clean room facility
segments. Heat treatment facility
The facility is accredited with U‐stamp certification from ASME (USA) and X ray Room
National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors (USA) and ISO Automated painting shop
9001:2008 certification 400 tonnes of cranes capacity in a Bay
State of Art Equipments at site
The facility is capable to manufacture & fabricate equipment up to 350 tons • Plate sheering machine
• Submerged Arc welding machine
Vatva, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) • CNC Plasma Cutting machine
• CNC Tube sheet drilling machine
• Tube Expansion machine
• 5 parallel bays 60 x 300 ft
• Crane facility of 50 + 50 and 20 + 20
Strictly Private & Confidential 16
Certifications & Approvals Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Strictly Private & Confidential 17
List of Major Completed Orders (1/2) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Weight Delivery
Name of Client Equipment Name
(MT) Span
Oil & Natural Gas Corp Ltd LPG Dryer 111 12 months
HPCL‐Mittal Energy Ltd Water Seal Drum 229 18 months
HPCL‐Mittal Energy Ltd Spent Cyclist Hoppers 220 18 months
Bharat Oman Refineries Limited HP Air Receiver 140 12 months
Reliance Industries Ltd Reaction Blow Down Drum 20 9 months
Reliance Industries Ltd BRF Absorber Column + Deflouridation Column 83 12 months
Reliance Industries Ltd Cladded Stripper vessels 110 9 months
Oil & Gas
Weight Delivery
Name of Client Equipment Name
(MT) Span
Nuclear Power Corp of India Ltd ECCS Light water Accumulator 89 24 months
USD = INR 60
Strictly Private & Confidential 19
Select Prestigious Orders (1/3) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Equipment : Pressure Leach Autoclave (2 nos)
Design Pressure : 12.33 Kg/cm2
Design Temp : 140 degree Celsius
Shell Dia. : 5262 mm
Length : 36123 mm
Shell Thickness : 50 + 6 mm
Weight : 350 MT each
Client : Uranium Corporation of India Ltd
Completion Year : 2010
Equipment : Water Seal Drum
Design Pressure : 3.5 Kg/cm2
Design Temp : 220 degree Celsius
Shell Dia. : 7700 mm
Length : 12500 mm
Shell Thickness : 20 mm
Weight : 229 MT
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Select Prestigious Orders (2/3) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Equipment : Spent Cyclist Hoppers
Design Pressure : 5.27 Kg/cm2
Design Temp : 427 degree Celsius
Shell Dia. : 6400 mm
Length : 25600 mm
Shell Thickness : 34 mm
Weight : 200 MT
Equipment : HP Air Receiver
Design Pressure : 34 Kg/cm2
Design Temp : 65 degree Celsius
Shell Dia. : 4500 mm
Length : 17850 mm
Shell Thickness : 50 mm
Weight : 140 MT
Client : Bharat Oman Refineries Ltd
Completion Year : 2011
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Select Prestigious Orders (3/3) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Equipment : CO2 ABSORBER
Design Pressure : 0.20 Kg/cm2
Design Temp : 100 degree Celsius
Shell Dia. : 4800 mm
Length : 41600 mm
Shell Thickness : 20 mm
Weight : 120 MT
Equipment : Purge Column
Design Pressure : 4.4 Kg/cm2
Design Temp : 125 degree Celsius
Shell Dia. : 6000 mm
Length : 29380 mm
Shell Thickness : 23 mm
Weight : 120 MT
Strictly Private & Confidential 22
Current Order Book Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Name of Client Product Order Value
Date (Est.)
Passive Decay Heat Removal System, Emergency
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd Condensers, Inventory Addition & Recovery System USD 9 mn 2015
Heat Exchangers
Knockout Drums, Regenrator, Reboiler, HWB
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd USD 9 mn 2014‐15
Exchangers, Stripper reboiler
OTHERS USD 3.4 mn ‐‐
USD = INR 60
Strictly Private & Confidential 23
2C. Turnkey EPC Division
EPC ‐ Overview Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
HDO has emerged as a major Engineering EPC player, assimilating new FY14 EPC Revenue Breakup
technologies and providing the best, most cost effective and integrated Paper & Pulp
turnkey solutions for the process industries
Nuclear Power
Company offers single source for everything it requires to design, build, 5%
commission & operate world class process plants 10% Minerals &
It has been involved in major industrial projects in areas of Mining and 40%
Water & Waste
Minerals, Water and Wastewater, Fertilizers and Chemicals and Pulp and 20%
Water Treatment
It has done water management and effluent treatment for all major
refineries in India 25%
Chemical &
Company has an excellent presence in Uranium ore processing from Fertilizers
supplying equipment to the first uranium mill in Jagududa to now
providing the complete uranium ore processing plant at Tummalapalle in
Current EPC Order Book Breakup
Andhra Pradesh.
90% of phosphatic fertilizer plants in India are installed by HDO. Others
It has the capability of providing the entire pulp mill which none of the
Nuclear Power 20%
Indian EPC company possess even today.
HDO has strategic Tie‐ups with global players to add on to its EPC
capabilities 10% Minerals &
HDO has an outstanding track record of completing each and every
project undertaken by it and all its created facilities are operating 9%
smoothly Water & Waste 30%
Water Treatment
Chemical &
Strictly Private & Confidential Fertilizers 25
Strong Technical Expertise Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Environmental Paper & Pulp
• Uranium Ore Processing
• Industrial Process water
• Alumina Refinery & • Complete EPC execution • Raw material wet • Primary Piping Package
treatment plants
Smelting of DAP Plants cleaning plant
• Sewage treatment • Common Services
• Iron ore Beneficiation & • Continuous digesters
plants • Rotary Equipments viz. Package
• Industrial Effluent plants Granulator, Dryer, • Brown‐stock washers
• Field Instrumentation
• Copper Refinery Cooler
• Desalination plants • Oxygen delignification Package
• Chrome Ore • Zero Liquid Discharge • Scrubbers & Cyclones system
Beneficiation • Balance of Turbine
• Demineralisation Plant • Over size Pulverizer • Bleach washers Island Package
• Sand Washing and
• Condensate Polishing • Recausticizing plant
• Pulp mill effluent
• Raw Water & Drinking treatment plants
water treatment plants
Success Ratio in winning bid orders
• Apart from above industry verticals, HDO has the capabilities to undertake
and execute EPC projects for any process industry such as oil & gas, • Fertilizer & Chemicals : ~70%
petrochemicals, breweries, textiles, paints, etc • Minerals & Metals : ~50%
• HDO is recognized for adopting any technology as desired by the client and • Water Treatment : ~25%
executing the project based on that technology effectively • Paper & Pulp : ~90%
• Nuclear Power : ~20%
Strictly Private & Confidential 26
Marquee Clients Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
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Technology Partners Globally Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Minerals and Metals Fertilizer & Chemicals
Alfa Laval, Sweden (Evaporation Plants in Alumina Refinery) Prayon Technologies, Belgium (Phosphoric acid)
Baateman, - Tenova South Africa (Alkai Leach Process for Kemira, Finland (Formic Acid Plant, Inorganic Coagulant)
Uranium Ore Processing & Iron Ore Beneficiation)
Espendasa, Spain (Pipe Reactor Tecnology)
Fives Solios , France (Fume Treatment Technology for
Alumina Smelter)
GLV Inc., USA/Indis (pulp mill projects with capacity greater Dewa, Finland (Non-metallic API mechanism and GBT)
than 250 TPD)
Strictly Private & Confidential 28
Major Projects Executed (1/3) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Project Completion
Client Name /Project Location Project Details
Value Year
Uranium Ore Processing Plant. Project Capacity : 3,000 TPD.
Uranium Corporation of India
The major operations involved Alkali Leaching, Thickening, Filtration, USD 75 mn 2010
Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh
Lime Handling System and Product Packaging system.
Alumina Refinery Project. Project Capacity : 3.0 MTPA
Vedanta Aluminium Ltd
Minerals & Metals
The major Package involved Settler and Washers Package, Evaporation USD 55 mn 2010 #
Lanjigarh, Orissa
and Milk Of lime packages
The major operation involved Granulation with Pipe Reactor technology, USD 14 mn 2008
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Drying, Cooling, Screening, Coating and Product packaging system
# 97% complete. Project on Hold
USD = INR 60
Strictly Private & Confidential 29
Major Projects Executed (2/3) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Project Completion
Client Name / Project Location Project Details
Value Year
USD = INR 60
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Major Projects Executed (3/3) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Project Completion
Client Name / Project Location Project Details
Value Year
Unbleached Paper Mill. Project Capacity : 158 TPD. The plant was
designed to have the flexibility of using two local raw materials – wheat
Yash Papers Ltd
straw and baggase as feed to the pulp mill. In addition, a pulp bleaching USD 1.2 mn 2008
Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh
street was required to supply pulp to a 70 TPD paper mill producing
specialty paper and white & coloured poster paper
USD = INR 60
Strictly Private & Confidential 31
Select Prestigious Projects ‐ Alumina Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Project Name : Mineral Beneficiation Plant
In 2004, Vedanta Aluminium Limited started work on a major Greenfield Location : Lanjgiarh, Orissa
Alumina Refinery with ore processing capacity of 1.4 MTPA at Lanjigarh,
Orissa. HDO successfully delivered its first complete EPC project in Client : Vedanta Aluminium Ltd
Alumina industry within agreed performance guarantees. HDO was Project Value : USD 25 mn
awarded the EPC for following three packages:
1. Settler‐Washer package Completion Year : 2008
HDO used the latest technology hi‐rate thickeners for mud settling Technology Partner : Dorr‐Oliver Eimco Germany
and washing circuits. Causticization package and Oxalate Removal
System were part of this package as side streams. HDO did onsite
fabrication of ten deep cone thickeners of 20 meter diameter for the
Settler‐Washer package. These are the largest deep cone thickeners
ever used in any alumina refinery in India. Nearly all equipment
sourced in‐house from HDO manufacturing facility at Vatva,
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60
Select Prestigious Projects ‐ Alumina Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60
Select Prestigious Projects ‐ Uranium Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Project Name : Mineral Beneficiation Plant
HDO has executed its largest order for 3000 TPD ground uranium ore Location : Tummalapalle, Andhra Preadesh
processing plant which included 17 sub packages. For the first time in
Client : Uranium Corporation of India
India, HDO has built the Uranium ore processing plant with “Alkaline
Leaching” technology. Project Value : USD 75 mn
Completion Year : 2010
Scope of the Project :
Technology Partner : Bateman Engineering, SA
• Detailed Engineering, Procurements, Supply, Erection &
Performance Testing of 3000 TPD ore processing plant
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60
Select Prestigious Projects ‐ Total Water Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
For this project, HDO made technology tie‐ups with following renowned
global companies:
SFC Austria for SBR technlogy
GE Zenon Canada for , MBR technology
Aquatech USA for , High Efficiency Reverse Osmosis
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60
Select Prestigious Projects ‐ Waste Water Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Project Name : Sewage Treatment Plant
For the first time HDO utilized advanced Cyclic Activated Sludge Location : Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
process / Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) for biological treatment of Client : CIDCO
the sewage
Project Value : USD 13 mn
The entire plant is automated (PLC based) requiring minimum
manual intervention. Completion Year : 2008
Technology Partner : SFC, Austria
Project Name : Effluent Treatment Plant
Location : Mumbai, Maharashtra
Client : HPCL
Project Value : USD 20 mn This project required constructing Integrated ETP utilizing the latest
SBR, MBR and RO technologies
Completion Year : 2010
HDO built the first Volatile Organic Control (VOC) system for refinery
Technology Partner : SFC Austria, GE Zenon Canada, ETP in India
Aquatech USA, Dewa Finland First time non‐metallic API separator was used in any ETP in India
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60
Select Prestigious Projects ‐ Waste Water Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Project Name : DM & CPU Plant
Client : Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
HDO was awarded for Wastewater treatment and re‐cycling plant by Project Value : USD 18 mn
IOCL for their Haldia Refinery on turnkey basis.
Completion Year : 2009
This is biggest recycling plant using Reverse Osmosis Technology in
any refinery in India Technology Partner : Doshion, India
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60
Select Prestigious Projects ‐ Fertilizers Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Project Name : ANP Granulation Plant
Through international competitive bidding, HDO along with Incro Location : Mumbai, Maharashtra
Spain as technology partner, was awarded this project on a
Client : Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers
complete EPC turnkey basis.
Project Value : USD 14 mn
Till 2005, client was using prilling tower to manufacture Ammonium
Nitro Phosphate (ANP). But due to the hazardous nature of this Completion Year : 2008
process it decided to replace the prilling tower with a granulation Technology Partner : Incro S.A., Spain
This is the first ANP granulation plant in India
Most equipment for the granulation plant including rotary
equipment like granulator, cooler, dryer and static equipment like
cyclones, scrubbers and pre‐neutralizer were manufactured HDO
manufacturing facility in Vatva, Ahmedabad
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60
Select Prestigious Projects ‐ Paper Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Project Name : Paper Mill Plant
The project consisted of two production lines designed to use two Location : Yaslik, Turkmenistan
local raw materials – wheat straw and cotton linters to provide feed
Client : GAP INSAAT(Çalik Holding)
pulp to the paper machine.
Project Value : USD 8 mn
HDO was responsible for the entire the wheat straw based pulp fiber
Completion Year : 2005
line and recausticizing plant on turnkey basis comprising of:
Raw material wet cleaning plant Technology Partner : ‐‐
Continuous digester system
Brown stock washing system
Screening and cleaning system
Oxygen delignification system
Oxygen preparation plant
Total chlorine free (TCF) bleaching system
Recausticizing plant
HDO was able to provide major cost savings to the client as 80% of
the equipment supplied was proprietary HDO equipment and was
manufactured and transported from the HDO manufacturing facility
at Vatwa, Ahmedabad.
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60
Ongoing Projects (1/2) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Nuclear Power
Field Instrumentation ‐ Supply,
Corporation of India Kota, Rajasthan USD 30 mn USD 29 mn 2015
Nuclear Power
Kakrapar, Heavy Water Upgrading (UGP) & Waste
Corporation of India USD 8 mn USD 8 mn 2015
Gujarat Management Plant (WMP) Package
Gujarat State Fertilizer Vadodara,
60 MTPD Water Soluble Fertilizer Plant. USD 6 mn USD 4 mn 2015
& Chemicals Ltd Gujarat
Gas Authority of India Vijaipur
Special Project – Civil Works USD 18 mn USD 4 mn 2015
Ltd Madhya Pradesh
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60
Ongoing Projects (2/2) Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
NMDC Ltd Mineral Beneficiation Plant USD 21 mn USD 6 mn 2015
Effluent Treatment Plant . (Oil separation process
ONGC Petro Additions
Dahej, Gujarat , Activated Sludge process and Ultra Filtration USD 29 mn USD 4 mn 2015
Technology )
70 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant
CIDCO (Activated Sludge Process by using SBR USD 11 mn USD 2 mn 2015
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60
Select Ongoing Projects Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
NPCIL Field Instrumentation Package (Nuclear Power)
Project Name : Field Instrumentation Package
In 2012, HDO bagged an order from Nuclear Power Corporation of
Location : Kota, Rajasthan India Ltd for the supply of ‘field instrumentation package’ for the
Client : Nuclear Power Corporation of 2x700 MW ‘pressurized heavy water reactors’ for the Rajasthan
India Ltd Atomic Power Plant at Kota, Rajasthan.
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = INR 60 42
Intellectual Capital
Human Assets (as on 30th Sept 2014) Employee Strength Qualification #
Design Engineering 120
Manufacturing 230
EPC 300 Professionals
Services 12% 5%
Marketing / Business Dev 20
Finance 35
Supply Chain 20
Quality Assurance 12 83%
HR / Admin 25
Information Techonlogy 5
Others 33 150
# excluding Workforce
Attrition Rate
• Senior Level : 2 ‐ 3%
5 ‐ 10 years
• Mid Management Level : 6 ‐ 7%
• Labor / Workforce : 8 ‐ 10% 25%
2 ‐ 5 years
Strictly Private & Confidential 43
Organization Structure
Board of Directors
Executive Director
Strictly Private & Confidential 44
Key Management Personnel (1/2)
• Has more than 45 years experience in the field of mining and related activities
• Recognized as a leading management practitioner in India
Ram Tripati
Chairman • Earned honors in Bachelors of Science in Mining Engineering from Indian School
of Mines, Dhanbad, Bihar.
Strictly Private & Confidential 45
Key Management Personnel (2/2)
• Has been with HDO for last 20 • Associated with company since
years last 35 years
• Responsible for the complete • Rich experience in the fertilizer
marketing activities and various industry vertical and heads the
EPC jobs executed by the process engineering division
• Chemical Engineer from Harcourt
P K Mishra • Chemical Engineer from Birla A K Gupta
Butler Technological Institute,
COO Institute of Technology and Vice President –
Process Engineering Kanpur
Science, Pilani
Strictly Private & Confidential 46
ISO9001:2008 certified for Quality Management Plans to have a strategic partnership with a global
2009 system 2014 multinational
Shareholding Pattern (as on 30th Sept 2014)
Shareholders No of Shares % Stake
Promoter & Promoter Group
Public Shareholding
Strictly Private & Confidential 48
3. Indian Market Overview
Indian Economy
India GDP Growth Rate
• India’s economy is the world’s third largest by purchasing power 12.0%
parity (PPP) and 11th largest by nominal gross domestic product 10.3%
(GDP). India holds a 6.4% share of global GDP on PPP basis 10.0% 9.3% 9.3%
• The country is one of the G‐20 major economies, a member of 8.0%
BRICS and a developing economy that is among the top 20 global
traders according to the WTO 6.0%
4.7% 5.0%
• India is the second‐fastest growing economy, after China 4.0%
Strictly Private & Confidential Source : Industry Research 50
Minerals & Metals ‐ Industry Overview
Untapped mineral Potential
• India is ranked 4th amongst the mineral producer countries, behind
China, United States and Russia, on the basis of volume of production Unproven ‘resources’ are more than twice the proves ‘reserves’
% of Total resources
minerals, 10 metallic minerals, 47 non‐metallic minerals, 3 atomic
minerals and 23 minor minerals
• India’s spend on mineral exploration is less than 0.5% of the global
spending on exploration in 2010, much below its fair share given the
size of mineral resource potential
• The Mining sector contributed about 2% to the GDP in 2012‐13. Given
the availability of mineral wealth in India, the Ministry of Mines,
Government of India aims to increase share of mining and quarrying in
GDP to 5% of GDP over the next 20 years
Expected changes in Government Policies
Forthcoming Project Opportunities
• Many industrials like Anrak, Nalco, Hindalco, Vedanta, JSW etc • The new government is expected to take steps
have lined up huge investments in Alumina Projects for clearing pending proposals, give
• Uranium Corporation Of India has plans to have additional environmental clearances and take decisions on
facility for increasing Uranium production land acquisitions and restrictions on mining.
• Similarly SAIL, NMDC, Jindals, Tatas have major plans for Iron • Policy decisions is expected to be taken for
Ore Beneficiation and Pellet plants mining mineral ore, iron ore and utilization of
• Coal India Ltd and other private players are coming up with coal down‐stream power from coal, against costly
handling and washery project. imported coal.
Tones (in 000)
occupation 30000
• There are 57 large and 72 medium and small fertilizer production units 25000
manufacturing extensive range of phosphatic, nitrogenous and 20000
complex fertilizers. 15000
• Indian fertilizer industry has reached international levels of capacity 10000
utilization by adopting various strategies for increasing the 5000
productions of fertilizers 0
Expected changes in Government Policies
Forthcoming Project Opportunities
• The new government is working on to have a
• Transparent fertilizer policy and clarity on gas price is expected effective and long‐term policies pertaining to gas
to give a boost to fertilizer industry in India in coming days allocation and reducing price gap between urea
and NPK fertilizers
• Many fertilizer companies such as RCF, IFFCO, Indo Gulf, GNFC, • Focus is have a stable policy framework to
GSFC, KRIBHCO etc are looking for capacity expansions and have minimize the uncertainties and help the industry
plans for Ammonia, Urea and phosphatic fertilizer projects plan their investments better
• Municipal and domestic water demand is projected to double by 2030,
to 108 billion m3 while demand from industry is projected to 20000
quadruple to 196 billion m3
• India has a long coastline of 7,600 kilo meters and is poised to witness
high growth ratios in desalinating water in the future. 0
FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11
Expected changes in Government Policies
Forthcoming Project Opportunities
• Municipal bodies in most of the Tier II cities in India have • The New government has recently established a
realized the importance of clean water and are now opting to special Fund and is executing CLEAN GANGA
set up water treatment and sewage treatment plants Project at a fast pace which requires setting up
ETP / STP plants in over 118 towns
• CLEAN GANGA project which is planned to run for 18 years will
call for massive investment • Regulations for disposing waste water by
polluting industries is expected to become more
• Expansion by refineries and other process industries offers huge
opportunity for ETP, STP, DM plants and water treatment plants
Expected changes in Government Policies
Forthcoming Project Opportunities
• The new government has recently signed a
• As per the XII Five Year Plan (2012 ‐ 17), Nuclear Power nuclear cooperation agreement with Australia to
Corporation of India Ltd has proposed to launch 8 new projects sell uranium to India
across 8 states with cumulative capacity of 16,100 MW. These
comprise of four projects (5600 MW) of twin units of 700 MW • The government is contemplating of amends the
Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act (CLNDA),
indigenous PHWRs and four LWR projects (10,500 MW) of twin 2010 which has not impacted sales of nuclear
units of 1000 MW or higher unit sizes. reactors from the US, but from other major
suppliers as well
Total Income (Last 6 years) EBITDA (Last 6 years)
180 20
160 15
140 10
USD million
USD million
120 5
80 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 @ FY 13 # FY 14
20 ‐15
0 ‐20
FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 @ FY 13 # FY 14 ‐25
Strictly Private & Confidential USD = 60 INR @ 15 months # 9 months 56
Future Strategy
Implement a business revival plan to turnaround the company and make it profitable again
Focus on project execution and completion of existing projects on priority basis
Manage the cash flows more effectively
Selectively bid and win EPC projects with good profit margins
Undertake more orders for design engineering job and manufacturing equipment business vertical
Enter into a strategic partnership with a global major
Strictly Private & Confidential 57
Select Projects Bid For Design Eng. Manufacturing Turnkey EPC
Project Expected
Client Name Location Project Details
Value Award Date
Wa t e r
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd Uran, Maharashtra Modernization of ETP Plant USD 25 mn Feb 2015
Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Dahej, Gujarat 50,000 MTPA PAC Plant USD 25 mn Jan 2015
NMDC Ltd Jammu, J&K 100 TPD Dead Burnt Magnesia Plant USD 50 mn Dec 2014
# Under Bid submission
USD = INR 60
Strictly Private & Confidential 58
Thank You
Hindustan Dorr‐Oliver Limited
Dorr Oliver House, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai ‐ 400 099 | Tel: 91‐22‐28359400