Project Titles For PG Students - June 2014: Department of Electrical Engineering COE Pune
Project Titles For PG Students - June 2014: Department of Electrical Engineering COE Pune
Project Titles For PG Students - June 2014: Department of Electrical Engineering COE Pune
The attention of the students is also invited towards one important project the department is
presently engaged in. Its MHRD supported project of establishing the Centre of Excellence in
Smart Renewable Energy Systems. A lot of funding and professional support for PG /Ph.D
students is available. A vibrant group of 20 UG students are already working on a project of
establishing the Migro-Grid at COEP. It is unique project and all equipment / software /
components needed to establish this are being procured. This Hercules task is divided in
several projects and a group of 2 /3 UG students are expected to work with 1 PG student
under the mentorship of faculty member. The entire working group will be professionally
advised by external industry advisors and IIT faculty. Tailor made training programs will
also be shortly arranged. The facilities such as real time system simulator enabling students
to work on HIL simulation of power electronics based control for energy systems, coupled
with high end instruments, tailor-made power conditioners will provide a great working
environment in 2-3 months.
15 BNC1 D Design and Simulation of Linear Induction Motor (LIM) for BBNC & A
Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) RU (DRDO)
16 BNC2 Design and Simulation of Power Supply System for BNC &
Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) AU
There is a huge requirement of energy (hundreds (DRDO
of Mega Joules) to launch an aircraft from an electric warship.
In general the power generating capacity of a warship is only a
few MW. Therefore to fill the gap, it is essentially required to
store the energy. The first task is to design the energy storage
system for the required power and compare it with other energy
storage systems. The second task is to design the alternator
integrated with converter-inverter system for quick release of
energy. A suitable control strategy will be developed for
control of power. Thermal modeling and analysis of the system
will be carried out.
17 UMM1 Control of three phase Induction machine output power for wind
power applications and its real time implementation: UMM
Slip ring induction machines when supplied with a variable voltage
and frequency supply on rotor side are widely used in wind power
applications. A variety of literature is available in this particular area.
The modeling of the induction machine connected to the grid is to be
done using Matlab simulink platform. Direct power control method is
to be employed for different speeds. Simulation results may be
verified in real time on hardware using dSPACE platform.
18 UMM2 A control strategy for limiting the dc link voltage fluctuations for UMM
the doubly fed induction wind generator: & VNP
A back to back converter is connected in the rotor circuit of an
induction machine for wind power applications. To keep the dc link
voltage constant, a vector control strategy is employed for the grid
side converter. The control behavior under constant grid voltage and
under voltage dip conditions will be simulated using Matlab simulink
platform. The scheme may be implemented on hardware. dSPACE
platform may be used for getting the control signals.
19 UMM3 An improved direct power control of the real and reactive power UMM &
output of three phase inverter for renewable power applications DBT
and its real time implementation:
Three phase inverters are widely used in renewable energy
applications. The inverter needs to supply real /reactive power
depending on the requirements of the grid. Various methods to
control output power of the inverter have been published in the
The modeling of three phase inverter connected to the power grid
should be done using Matlab simulink platform. The standard PI
controller equipped with improved direct power control method is to
be used. Simulation for different real and reactive power references is
to be carried out. The simulation results may be implemented in
practice using hardware. dSPACE/other platforms may be used for
getting the control signals for the hardware.
20 VSR1 EMI/EMC detection and filter design for high frequency VSR
DC-DC converter
21 VSR2 Design and prototype development of multilevel scalable VSR
converter for grid interface of PV.
22 VSR3 Design of controller for three phase BLDC motor VSR
23 SVU1 Distance protection schemes in presence of distributed resources. SVU
24 SUV2 Unbalanced circulating currents of double circuit lines and its SVU
effect on protection relaying.
25 SVJ1 Neural Network based Control of Drive based on Permanent SVJ
Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM)
The project includes:
-Study of control algorithms : Vector Control and Direct Torque
Control for PMSM and their simulations for performance
- Simulation of Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Control for DTC of
- Real time implementation of the system using dSPACE and
35 DBT1 Design and development of motor less auto maximum power DBT
tracking system
36 DBT2 Design and development of micro-DIL fuel cell DBT
37 AVT1 Design of Control system -1 AVT
38 AVT2 Design of Control system -2 AVT
39 VBB1 Implementation of modified DTC algorithm using d-space VBB
40 VBB2 Implementation of vector control algorithm using d-space VBB
41 SMK1 Signal Processing techniques for detection, classification and SMK+S
diagnosis of faults in power system for Smart Grid SD
We are aware that, power systems frequently experience the
transmission network faults and other abnormal conditions. Over
the past decade, new signal processing techniques are reported
which can be used for detection, classification and diagnosis of
faults in power system to ensure reliable and stable operation of
power systems. This project aims to choose appropriate signal
processing techniques, develop the new algorithms and
implement the same for detection, classification and diagnosis of
faults in power system. Understanding of signal processing,
power system simulation, Smart Grid, Matlab and RTDS system
is desirable.
42 SMK2 Developing WAM System with NI hardware for Smart Grid SSD+S
applications: MK
WAM promises to solve most of the protection and control
issues of Smart Grid (and complex large power system) in
deregulated scenario. In order to tackle operational challenges,
‘Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMs)’ can be used to
monitor, operate, protect and control power systems spread over
widely geographical area. WAM combines the functions of
sensing, metering devices with the abilities of communication
systems. The overall capability of this system is that time
synchronized data of the entire system can be obtained in real
time which can be used to run various analytics. Implementation
of such WAM system using CRIO/RIO platform of NI is the aim
of this project.
43 SSD1 Real time Digital Simulation of Smart Grid: SVU+SS
Smart grid, which is a set of enabling technologies, is seen by D
experts as very promising vision that has the potential to
encounter the challenges of next-generation power grid. Smart
grid consists mainly of power and communication networks. In
order to analyze the behavior of a network, real time digital
simulation of smart grid using a closed loop system, is an
important approach as it allows to study normal and critical
situations that can happen in the grid. Development and
evaluation of complex smart grid applications would benefit
from efficient simulation environment. In this work, the design
and implementation of different smart grid components is to be
carried out in the real time simulation environment.
44 SSD2 A Novel SVPWM Control Stand-alone Three-phase PV SMK+S
Power System Based on TMS320F28335 SD
The rapid trend of industrialization of nations and increased
interest in environmental issues has made photovoltaic power
generation a wide range of applications. In order to improve dc-
link voltage utilization and reduce total harmonic distortion
(THD), the SVPWM scheme of Stand-alone Three phase PV
power system based on TMS320F28335 is to be designed in this
55 BNC4 Title: A single phase hybrid excited transverse flux generator BNC
Permanent magnet generators have a constant field excitation
hence terminal voltage control is not possible. To overcome this
difficulty hybrid excited generators are used, i.e field flux is
produced by permanent magnets as well as excitation coil. To
maintain the machine brushless in spite of being hybrid excited
remains a challenge. This project relates to a single phase hybrid
excited transverse flux generator which is brushless. Project will
involve design, optimization and prototype development of the
machine. Application of this machine is low power rating
generator for wind turbine.
Literature survey reveals that this new topology which will be
developed is un-attempted and hence might fetch a patent.
Patent is already applied. The project comes under Centre of
Excellence Smart Renewable Energy Systems [CoE-SRES] and
hence will be completely funded by the centre
56 BNC5 Title: An E-core transverse flux machine BNC
Permanent magnet machines are usually classified as: Radial flux
machines (RFM), axial flux machines (AFM) and transverse flux
machines (TFM). The main advantage of TFM over RFM and AFM
is its high torque density. TFMs have been studied in greater
detail since 1988, but in past two years research in the field of
TFMs is being accelerated. This project relates to an E core
transverse flux machine. The topology of this machine is similar
to the one described in project title 1 except that the machine
has E-shaped core. Advantage of E-shaped laminations is that
they are easily available in market for transformer application.
Also, E-core TFMs are fault tolerant machines. Design of fault
tolerant machines is another important area in the field of
machine design. Project will involve design, optimization and
prototype development of the machine. Applications of this
machine will be electric bicycle, cooler, motor for water
pumping etc. Literature survey reveals that this new topology
which will be developed is un-attempted and hence might fetch
a patent. Patent draft is in progress. The project comes under
Centre of Excellence Smart Renewable Energy Systems [CoE-
SRES] and hence will be completely funded by the centre