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Definitions of Curriculum

 curriculum as the total effort of the school to bring about desired outcomes in school
and out-of-school situations.
 It is also defined as a sequence of potential experiences set up in school for the purpose
of disciplining children and youth in group ways of thinking and acting.

3. Definition(s) of Curriculum

Curriculum – is a structured set of learning outcomes or task that educators usually call goals
and objectives. ( Howell and Evans 1995)

Curriculum – is the “what” of teaching. Curriculum – listings of subjects to be taught in school.


 A document which describes a structured series of learning objectives and outcomes for
a given subject matter area Includes a specification of what should be learned, how it
should be taught, and the plan for implementing/assessing the learning

5. Curriculum Planning

 A curriculum Plan is the advance arrangement of learning opportunities for a particular

population of learners.
 is the process whereby the arrangement of curriculum plans or learning opportunities
are created.
 It is the process of preparing for the duties of teaching, deciding upon goals and
emphases, determining curriculum content, selecting learning resources and classroom
procedures, evaluating progress, and looking toward next steps.

A Curriculum guide- is a written curriculum.

8. Curriculum Development

 It is defined as the process of selecting, organizing, executing, and evaluating learning

experiences on the basis of the needs, abilities and interests of the learners and the
nature of the society or community.

9. Curriculum Laboratory Curriculum laboratory is a place or workshop where curriculum

materials are gathered or used by teachers or learners of curriculum. Resource Unit is a
collection or suggested learning activities and materials organized around a given topic or area
which a teacher might utilize in planning, developing, and evaluating a learning unit.


11. Two Schools of Thought Predominated Throughout History of Curriculum Development: The
Essentialist School The Progressive School

12. The Essentialist School

 It considers the curriculum as something rigid consisting of discipline subjects. It

considers all learners as much as the same and it aims to fit the learner into the existing
social order and thereby maintain the status quo Its major motivation is discipline and
considers freedom as an outcome and not a means of education.
 Its approach is authoritative and the teacher’s role is to assign lessons and to recite
recitations. It is book-centered and the methods recommended are memory work ,
mastery of facts and skills, and development of abstract intelligence.
 It has no interest in social action and life activities.
 Its measurement of outcomes are standard tests based on subject matter mastery.

15. Traditional Points of View of Curriculum Body of subjects or subject matter prepared by the
teachers for the students to learn. Synonymous to “course study”. “ Permanent studies” where
the rule of grammar, reading, rhetoric, logic and mathematics for basic education

Most of the traditional ideas view curriculum as written documents or plan of action in
accomplishing goals.

16. The Progressive School

 It conceives of the curriculum as something flexible based on areas of interest. It is

learner-centered, having in mind that no two persons are alike. Its factor of motivation
is individual achievement believing that persons are naturally good.

17. The Progressive School The Role of the teacher is to stimulate direct learning process. It
uses a life experience approach to fit the student for future social life.

18. The Progressive School Constant revision of aims and experimental techniques of teaching
and learning are imperatives in curriculum development in order to create independent
thinking, initiative, self-reliance, individuality, self-expression and activity in the elarner.

19. The Progressive School Its measurement of outcomes are now devices taking into
consideration subject matter and personality values.
20. Progressive Points of View of Curriculum Listing of subjects, syllabi, course of study and list
of courses or specific discipline can only be called curriculum if these written materials are
actualized by the learner. Total learning experiences of the individual. All experiences children
have under the guidance of teachers. – Caswell & Campbell Experiences in the classroom which
are planned and enacted by the teacher, and also learned by the students. – Marsh and Willis

21. Different Theories Conflicting philosophies of education have influenced curriculum

principles and practices. A NUMBER OF “self-evident educational truths” in the past are now
seen to be rather educational myths; such as teachers know, children or learners don’t; all
learners should be treated alike.

22. Different Theories The fundamental concepts of some curricula have changed. In many
areas, new methodologies: programmed instruction, Computer Assisted Instruction, Tutorials,
Large and Small Group Instruction, and a variety of individualized instruction procedures have
been developed.

23. Different Emphases There is the curricular emphasis on the subject matter for the mind,
with priority in value to literature, intellectual history, ideas of religion, philosophy, studies.
There is the curricular emphasis on the observable facts, the world of things.

24. Different Emphases Another curricular emphasis is the school’s dependence on

Scholasticism, Another curriculum stresses the importance of experience – process.

25. Different Emphasis A recent curricular emphasis is that of existing choice. The learner must
learn skills, acquire knowledge, and make decisions.

26. Ralph Tyler Model: Four Basic Principle Purposes of the school Educational experiences
related to the purpose Organization of the experiences Evaluation of the experiences

27. Hilda Taba : Grassroots Approach 1. Diagnosis of learners needs and expectations of the
larger society. 2. Formulation of learning objectives. 3. Selection of the learning content. 4.
Organization of learning content. 5. Selection of the learning experiences. 6. Organization of
learning activities. 7. Determination of what to evaluate and the means of doing it.

28. Steps in Curriculum Development Tyler’s Questions of Curriculum Development will provide
4 steps: What educational purposes should the school seek to attain? What educational
experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes? How can these
educational experiences be effectively organised? How can we determine whether these
purposes are being attained?

29. Steps... In answering Tyler’s questions, we arrive the following basic steps of curriculum
development: Selection of aims, goals and objectives; Selection of learning experiences and
content; Organisation of learning experiences; and Evaluation of the extent to which the
objectives have been achieved. The 4 steps above are basic, because they can be more than 4

30. Curriculum Development Some curriculum experts like Tyler say that the steps are followed
in a sequence or a straight line. This model that assumes that curriculum decision making
follows a straight line is called linear model

31. Curriculum Development Other scholars argue that curriculum decision making is not a
simple linear process that necessarily starts with aims. One of them is Wheeler (1978) who
believes that curriculum decision making can start from any point and can come back to any of
the points e.g. like a cycle

32. Curriculum Development Kerr (1968) also believes that curriculum process is a very comlex
set of activities and decisions and they interact a lot. Changes made in content may necessitate
changes in experiences, which may again bring about changes in evaluation etc.

33. Selection of Aims and Objectives Every curriculum is aimed at developing in the learners
certain competencies or abilities. The curriculum process must therefore clearly identify the
aims that the curriculum is intended to achieve. Curriculum aims range from the very broad to
the more specific. In fact, that is why we use the terms aims, goals and objectives to refer to
them. Aims are broad statements which cover all of the experiences provided in the curriculum;
goals are tied to specific subjects or group of contents within the curriculum; while objectives
describe the more specific outcomes that can be attained as a result of lessons or instruction
delivered at the classroom.

34. Factors in Selecting Aims Analysis of our culture : we should take into account our cultural
values, norms and expectations when selecting aims, The present status of the learner : what
has the learner already known? What are his/her characteristics? What is he/she ready for? The
state of our knowledge of the subject matter or content : We should examine new
developments in knowledge to see if they contain things that are of real value to the learner
and society. Relevance to school’s philosophy of education : each nation has its own philosophy
of education which its schools try to implement. Nigeria’s philosophy of education is contained
in its National Policy on Education. We should ask whether the objectives we select are relevant
to this philosophy; Consistency with our theory of learning : at any time in any society, there is
a dominant conception of learning i.e. our understanding what learning is and how it takes
place. For instance, the National Policy on Education anticipates that the Nigerian child is active,
exploratory and imaginative.

35. Selection of Content & Learning Experiences Content is what we teach; learning experience
is an activity which the learner engages in which results in changes in his behaviour; We should
select those contents and learning experiences that will in attaining the goals of the curriculum;
There are some factors to consider in selecting both learning experiences and content. We shall
first examine those criteria for selecting learning experiences

36. Factors in Selecting Learning Experiences Validity : this refers to the relevance of the stated
learning experience to the stated goals of the curriculum; Relevance to life : learning experience
must be related to the learner’s real life situations in and out of school; Variety : learning
experiences must cater to the needs of different types of learners by providing different types
of experiences; Suitability : learning experiences must be suitable to the learners present state
of learning and characteristics:

37. Selection of learning experiences… Cumulation : even though experiences provided may be
different, they should all lead to the attainment of the same goal; subsequent experiences
should build on earlier ones; Multiple Learning : a single learning experience may bring about
multiple outcomes. Such learning experiences are important because of their multiple benefits.

38. Factors in Selecting Content Validity : means two things, is the content related to the
objectives, and is the content true or authentic; Significance : is the content significant or will
lead it to the more mastery or more understanding of the course or subject; Utility : here the
question is whether the content selected is useful i.e. will lead to the acquisition of skills and
knowledge that are considered useful by society? Interest : is the content interesting to the
learner? Or can the content be made interesting to learners? Learnability : is the content
selected such that learners can learn and understand given their present level/


40. Curriculum Development in the Philippines Touched on the religion, economic, political, and
social influences and events that took place in the country. Colonial rules in the Philippines
tailored the curriculum to serve colonial goals and objectives.

41. The Need for Curriculum Framework What learning objectives should be included? What
will be the bases for the choice of objectives? Will the choice be based on the learners’ needs
and interests, or rather on the needs of the society? Will the selection depend on tradition, the
nature of knowledge, or the learners’ characteristics? What philosophical and psychological
theories regarding the nature of learners as well as the learning process will underpin the
organization of the content? Will the choice of methodology be in line with accepted teaching-
learning principles? Will the evaluation procedure be able to measure the learning that is taking

42. The result of lack of Framework Sari-sari (hodgepodge) Pira-piraso (piemal) Tagpi-tagpi
(patchwork) Sabog (lack of focus) Malabo (vague) Lakas ng kutob (gutfeel) Hula-hula (hunches)
Gaya-gaya (patterned from an existing model) Bahala na (by chance) Patama-tama (non-

43. The Areas of Concern Cultural Values Knowledge of Learner Knowledge Of Teaching-
Learning Theories and Principles Body of Knowledge

44. Cultural Values Visible Rules Food Dress Language Music Dance Means of Livelihood
Political Behavior Family Community Norms Non-Visible Philosophy Beliefs Value System

45. Knowledge of the Learner Program for Decentralized Educational Development (PRODED) -
Content Based (not on the learner and learning process) The Basic Education Curriculum (BEC)
and Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP) – addresses the learner and learning

46. Determinants of Learning in Philippines Educational Development Project Implementing

Task Force(EDPITAF) – revealed that community and home variables have greater impact on
learning than school factors. Factors: Use of electricity Parental education Parents’ perception
of academic abilities and interests of the children Parents’ attitude Geography (Region) School
Type Socio economic status of the Family

47. Knowledge of Teaching-Learning Principles Behaviorism Cognitive Development Psychology

Cognitive Field Psychology The New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) and New Secondary
Education Curriculum (NSEC) - demonstrate ample evidence of the inclusion of behaviorist
psychological principles through the use of behavioral objectives, drills, practices, and
homeworks reinforces learning.

48. HISTORICAL CONTEXT Before 1521 – Education before the coming of the Spaniards 1521-
1896 –Education during the Spanish Regime 1896 -1898 – Education during Philippine
Revolution 1899 – 1935 – Education during the American Occupation 1935 – 1941 – Education
during the Philippine Commonwealth 1941 – 1944 – Education during the Japanese Occupation
1945 – 1946 – Education after WWII 1946 – present – Education under the Philippine Republic

49. The Pre-Spanish Curriculum The Filipino possessed a culture of their own. They had contacts
with other foreign peoples from Arabia, India, China, Indo-China, and Borneo. The inhabitants
were civilized people, possessing their systems of writing, laws and moral standards in a well
organized government.

50. The Pre-Spanish Curriculum As shown in the rule of Barangays, their code of laws –the code
of Kalantiao and Maragtas, their belief in Bathala, and the solidarity of the family were
obedience and respect had been practiced.
51. Pre-Spanish Devised-Cur The Spanish Missionaries aim to control of the Filipinos, both body
and soul. The curriculum then consisted of 3 R’s (reading, writing and religion) to attain goals
were the acceptance of Catholicism and the acceptance of Spanish rule.

52. The Spanish Devised Cur. The schools were parochial or convent schools. The main readings
were the catecismo. The method of instruction was mainly individual memorization.

53. AMERICAN Devised Cur. The motive of the Americans was to conquer the Filipinos not only
physically but also mentally. The curriculum was based on the ideals and traditions of America
and her hierarchy of values. English was the medium of instruction.

54. American Devised Cur. The primary curriculum prescribed for the Filipinos consisted of
three grades which provides training in two aspects: Body Training – physical education Mental
Training – English, Nature Study, and Arithmetic.

55. Commonwealth Curriculum (1935-1946) considered as the period of expansion and reform
in the Philippine curriculum. The educational leaders expanded the curriculum by introducing
course in farming, domestic science, etc.

56. Commonwealth Curriculum Commonwealth Act 586, also known as educational Act of
1940, recognized the elementary school system.

57. Japanese Devised Curriculum They devised a curriculum for the Filipinos to suit their vested
interest. They introduced many changes in the curriculum by including Nippongo, and
abolishing English as the medium of instruction and as a subject.

58. Japanese Devised Curriculum All textbooks were censored and revised. It caused a “black
out” in Philippine education and impeded the educational progress of the Filipinos.

59. Liberation Period Curriculum (1945) Steps were taken to improve the curriculum existing
before the war, some steps taken were to restore grade VII, to abolish the double-single
session, and most especially to adopt the modern trends in education taken from the U.S.

60. Liberation Period Curriculum The curriculum remained basically the same as before and was
still subject-centered.

61. Philippine Republic Cur. Great experiments in the community school and the use of
vernacular in the first two grades of the primary schools as the medium of instruction were
some of them.

62. Philippine Republic Cur. An experiment worth mentioning that led to a change in the
Philippine Educational Philosophy was that of school and community collaboration pioneered
by Jose V. Aguilar. Schools are increasingly using instructional materials that are Philippine-

63. Philippine Republic Cur. Memorandum No. 30, 1966 sets the order of priority in the
purchase of books for use in the schools were as follows: Books which are contributions to Phil.
Literature Books on character education and other library materials Library equipment and
permanent features


65. Curriculum Approaches 1. Technical – Scientific Approaches 2. Behavioral-rational Approach

3. System-managerial Approach 4. Intellectual –Academic Approach 5. Non-Technician / Non-
Scientific Approach 6. Humanistic – aesthetic Approach 7. Re-conceptualist Approach 8.
Reconstructionism 9. Eclectic Models

66. Technical – Scientific Approach The curriculum developers which may include specialists,
superintendents, principals and coordinators are likened to engineers and architects who use
instruments and empirical methods in preparing a blueprint with well defined elements
orderly-sequenced procedures, and quality control measures to increase the probability of
success in its implementation

67. Bases of Technical Scientific Approach 1. The curriculum will improve as the professional
competence of teachers improves. 2. The competence of teachers will improve when they
participate in curriculum development 3. When teachers share in shaping the goals and
selecting the content and method of instruction as well as evaluating results, their involvement
is assured. 4. When people interact during face-to-face sessions, they will better understand
one another.

68. Behavioral-Rational Approach It is a means-end approach. Curricula developed through this

approach become the actual blueprints which prescribe the roles of key figures in the educative
process. Viewing the curriculum as the means and instruction as the end is a behavioral

69. Systems-Managerial Approach 1. Motivate interest of all stakeholders 2. Encourage

participation and involvement of all stakeholders 3. Synthesize divergent viewpoints 4. Monitor
curriculum implementation 5. Create a climate of innovation and change

70. Intellectual- Academic Approach Emphasizes the importance of theories and principles in
curriculum planning. This model is influenced by the philosophy of John Dewey
71. Non-Technical / Non-Scientific Approaches Flexible and less structured without
predetermined objectives to guide the learning-teaching process Contends that not all ends of
education can be known nor indeed to be known in all cases.

72. Humanistic-Aesthetic Approach Argues that those who favor the rational approach miss the
artistic and personal aspects of curriculum and instruction. It is rooted in progressive
philosophy which promotes the liberation of learners from authoritarian teachers.

73. Reconceptualist Approach Criticizes the technocratic – scientific models as not sensitive to
the inner feelings and experience of individuals. Reflects on existentialist orientation. The aim
of education is not to control instruction in order to preserve existing order.

74. Reconstructionism The school is an institution of social reform. Criticizes the progressivists
for putting too much emphasis on the individual learner to the neglect of the needs of society.

75. Eclectic Models Oftentimes, Filipino educators, in particular, prefer eclectic models (halo-
halo) which are a combination of several approaches, rather than commit themselves to one
particular approach only. Eclectic models are not mere patchwork (pagtagpi-tagpi) but a
synthesis. (pagbuo o paghahabi) where desired features from several models are selected and
integrated into a new whole.

76. Curriculum Design The Subject-Area Design The Integrated Design The Core-Curriculum
Design The Child-Centered Design The Social Reconstruction Design The De-schooling Design

77. Subject – Centered Design FOCUS - A group of subjects or subject matter that represent the
essential knowledge and values of society that have survived the test of time. PHILOSOPHICAL
ORIENTATION – Essentialism PROPOENT / S – Adler, Hutchins

78. Integrated Design FOCUS - the integration of two or more subjects, both within and across
disciplines, into an integrated course. PHILOSOPHICAL ORIENTATION – Experimentalism
PROPONENT / S – Broudy, Silberman

79. Core Curriculum Design FOCUS – a common body of curriculum content and learning
experience that should be encountered by all students – The great books PHILOSOPHICAL
ORIENTATION – Perennialism PROPONENT /S – Goodlad / Boyer

80. Child-Centered Design FOCUS – Learning activities centered around the interests and needs
of the child, designed to motivate and interest the child in the learning process. PHILOSOPHICAL
ORIENTATION – Progressivism PROPONENT / S – Dewey , Eisner

81. Social Reconstructionist FOCUS – critical analysis of the political, social, and economic
problems facing society; future trends; social action projects designed to bring about social
change. PHILOSOPHICAL ORIENTATION – Social Reconstruction PROPONENT / S – Shane ,

82. Deschooling FOCUS – in-school experiences, primarily in the social sciences, designed to
develop the child’s sense of freedom from the domination of the political, social, and economic
systems; out of school experiences of equal value. PHILOSOPHICAL ORIENTATION – Social
Reconstructionism PROPONENT /S - Freire , Goodman


84. IMPLEMENTATION MODELS Overcoming Resistance to Change (ORC) Leadership Obstacle

Course (LOC) Linkage Model Organizational Development (OD) Rand Change Agent Model

85. ORC * Focuses on overcoming staff resistance to change that is present immediately before,
or at the time of the introduction of the innovation.

86. LOC Extends the ORC model and puts emphasis on the gathering of data to determine the
extent and nature of the resistance in order to deal with it appropriately.

87. The Linkage Model The linkage process involves a cycle of diagnosis, search, retrieval,
formulation of solution, dissemination and evaluation.

88. OD This model is an information-processing change strategy that enables the system to
improve its operations and the quality of interactions among its members to facilitate the
introduction of change.

89. Rand Model The Rand Model is based on the assumption that the success of the
implementation of new program depends on: A. The characteristics of the proposed change B.
Competencies of the teaching and administrative staff C. The support of the local community D.
The School organizational structure

90. Factors Affecting the Choice of Implementation Model Level of Resistance Type of desired
change Available expertise Available resources Urgency of the situation


92. DEFINITION OF EVALUATION Curriculum evaluation is a systematic process of determining

whether the curriculum as designed and implemented has produced or is producing the
intended and desired results. It is the means of determining whether the program is meeting its
goals, that is whether the measures / outcomes for a given set of instructional inputs match the
intended or pre-specified outcomes. (Tuckman, 1979)

93. Types of Evaluation Humanistic approach – goal free Scientific approach – purpose driven
94. Objectives of Evaluation Scope – (teaching –program-cost effectiveness) Timing –
(formative, summative, impact) Method – ( quantitative, qualitative) Level – (classroom, school,
national) Personnel involved – (individual teachers, committees, consultants)

95. Role of Evaluation in Cur. Dev

96. Evaluation Studies in the Philippines 1925 Monroe Survey 1959 Swanson Survey 1969
Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE) 1976 Survey of Outcomes of
Elementary Education (SOUTELE) 1982 Household and School Matching Survey 1991
Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) 1991 National Evaluation and Impact Study

97. MONROE SURVEY Administrative organization and supervision Elementary education

Secondary Education Higher Education Teacher education and training Language of instruction
Private education Finance Education of the non-Christians

98. SWANSON SURVEY Elementary education Secondary education Vocational education

Teacher training Organization and administration Financing the public schools The report
included a deterioration of performance in reading, language and arithmetic due to poor
instructional methods, large class sizes, and inadequate supervision

99. Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE) Analyze performance of the
educational system and its relevance to national developmental goals Ascertain the efficiency
of the system Identify areas which need more detailed investigation. The report included
findings on : Mismatch between educational services and manpower requirements Mismatch
between education priorities and the national development priorities Inequitable distribution
of educational facilities and resources across the regions Lack of systematic planning and

100. SURVEY OF OUTCOMES OF ELEM EDUCATION (SOUTELE) Battery of achievement tests

designed to measure the outcomes of elementary education General mental ability test of non-
verbal type designed to measure association Student’s attitude inventory aimed to measure
affective objectives Questionnaires in order to establish the profiles of pupils, teachers, school
heads, etc. The study revealed deficiencies of elementary education in terms of inputs
(resources), processes (curriculum and instruction), and outputs (students’ achievement). These
are affected by socio economic, school types, quality of teaching.

101. The Household and School Matching Survey (HSMS) The survey hypothesized that learning
is predicated on the antecedent academic, social, physiological variables. 2. The findings of the
investigation showed that home-related and community related variables have greater
influences on learning than school related factors such as cost per pupil and numbers of
textbooks per students.

102. The Congressional Commission on Education Study (EDCOM) Enhancing the internal
capability of the system to satisfactorily implement the constitutional provisions on education
Providing the system with necessary financial and other infrastructure support Strengthening
the system’s linkages with all sectors concerned in human resource development Assisting the
system to achieve its sectoral goals and targets through strategies that are consistent with the
nation’s development goals.

103. The National Evaluation and Impact Study of PRODED Teacher factor is crucial in the
success of the teaching-learning process There is a need to improve the pre-service and in-
service training of teachers that should include the development of skills in classroom
management, teacher-pupil interaction, and the use of instructional aids, etc.

104. Monitoring and Evaluation of RBEC Defines what levels of learning students of schools and
divisions meet at various stages of the basic education cycle based on the national curriculum.
Setting of minimum national standards for capabilities, structures, processes and output based
on a template for school improvement processes from planning to implementation to
monitoring and evaluation Nationally standardized student assessment, outcomes
measurement and reporting of basic school statistics

105. Presidential Commission on Educational Reform (PCER) Created through E.O. in 1988 to
define a budget feasible program of reform, and identify executive priority policy
recommendations and items for a legislative agenda on education. Comprised of multi sectoral
group Proposed the establishment of National Education Evaluation and Testing System
(NEETS) that assumes responsibility for educational assessment of all levels, including technical
and skills development


107. BILINGUAL EDUCATION Article 14, sect 7 of 1987 constitution – “for the purposes of
communication and instruction, the official languages of the Philippines are Filipino and until
otherwise provided by law, English.” DECS Order 52, s. 1987 – the policy of bilingual education
aims to make every Filipino competent in both Filipino and English at the national level DECS
defines bilingual as “separate use of Filipino and English as media of instruction in specific

108. Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Art 15, Sec 2, 1987 Phil. Cons. – recognizes
the “right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection
from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their
development.” UN Convention on the Rights of Child Education for All (EFA) agenda of DECS,
1990 envisioned 90% in 2000 of early childhood care and development either home-based
services or kindergarten / nursery classes

109. Other issues Access to pre-school education Private Pre-school education Global education
Environmental education

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