Bulldozer - 5E0: Serial Numbers and Up
Bulldozer - 5E0: Serial Numbers and Up
Bulldozer - 5E0: Serial Numbers and Up
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SEN00988-11 00 Index and foreword
01 Specification SEN00990-01
Specification and technical data SEN00991-01
40 Troubleshooting SEN01004-02
Failure code table and fuse locations SEN01867-02
General information on troubleshooting SEN01868-02
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1 SEN01869-01
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2 SEN01870-01
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3 SEN01871-01
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4 SEN01872-01
2 D375A-5E0
00 Index and foreword SEN00988-11
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SEN00988-11 00 Index and foreword
Table of contents 1
00 Index and foreword
Index SEN00988-11
Composition of shop manual....................................................................................................... 2
Table of contents ......................................................................................................................... 4
01 Specification
Specification and technical data SEN00991-01
Specification drawing................................................................................................................... 2
Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 3
Weight table ................................................................................................................................ 8
Table of fuel, coolant and lubricants ............................................................................................ 10
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00 Index and foreword SEN00988-11
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00 Index and foreword SEN00988-11
40 Troubleshooting
Failure code table and fuse locations SEN01867-02
Failure codes table ...................................................................................................................... 2
Fuse locations ............................................................................................................................. 12
General information on troubleshooting SEN01868-02
Points to remember when troubleshooting.................................................................................. 2
Sequence of events in troubleshooting ....................................................................................... 3
Check before troubleshooting ..................................................................................................... 4
Classification and procedures for troubleshooting ...................................................................... 5
Information in troubleshooting table ............................................................................................ 8
Connection table for connector pin numbers .............................................................................. 10
T-branch box and T-branch adapter table ................................................................................... 46
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1 SEN01869-01
Failure code [1380MW] Lockup clutch slip.................................................................................. 3
Failure code [1500L0] Transmission clutch dual engagement .................................................... 4
Failure code [15E0MW] Transmission clutch slip........................................................................ 5
Failure code [15SAL1] When forward clutch oil pressure command current is OFF,
fill signal is ON ..................................................................................................................... 6
Failure code [15SALH] When forward clutch oil pressure command current is ON,
fill signal is OFF ................................................................................................................... 8
Failure code [15SBL1] When reverse clutch oil pressure command current is OFF,
fill signal is ON ..................................................................................................................... 10
Failure code [15SBLH] When reverse clutch oil pressure command current is ON,
fill signal is OFF ................................................................................................................... 12
Failure code [15SEL1] When 1st clutch oil pressure command current is OFF,
fill signal is ON ..................................................................................................................... 14
Failure code [15SELH] When 1st clutch oil pressure command current is ON,
fill signal is OFF ................................................................................................................... 16
Failure code [15SFL1] When 2nd clutch oil pressure command current is OFF,
fill signal is ON ..................................................................................................................... 18
Failure code [15SFLH] When 2nd clutch oil pressure command current is ON,
fill signal is OFF ................................................................................................................... 20
Failure code [15SGL1] When 3rd clutch oil pressure command current is OFF,
fill signal is ON ..................................................................................................................... 22
Failure code [15SGLH] When 3rd clutch oil pressure command current is ON,
fill signal is OFF ................................................................................................................... 24
Failure code [1800MW] Power train clutch slip ........................................................................... 26
Failure code [2201L1] When right steering clutch oil pressure command current is OFF,
fill signal is ON ..................................................................................................................... 28
Failure code [2201LH] When right steering clutch oil pressure command current is ON,
fill signal is OFF ................................................................................................................... 30
Failure code [2202L1] When left steering clutch oil pressure command current is OFF,
fill signal is ON ..................................................................................................................... 32
Failure code [2202LH] When left steering clutch oil pressure command current is ON,
fill signal is OFF ................................................................................................................... 34
Failure code [2300NR] Brake thermal load abnormality ............................................................. 36
Failure code [2301L1] When right steering brake oil pressure command current is OFF,
fill signal is ON ..................................................................................................................... 38
Failure code [2301LH] When right steering brake oil pressure command current is ON,
fill signal is OFF ................................................................................................................... 40
Failure code [2301NR] Right steering brake thermal load abnormality....................................... 42
Failure code [2302L1] When left steering brake oil pressure command current is OFF,
fill signal is ON ..................................................................................................................... 44
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Failure code [2302LH] When left steering brake oil pressure command current is ON,
fill signal is OFF.................................................................................................................... 46
Failure code [2302NR] Left steering brake thermal load abnormality ......................................... 48
Failure code [6001ZK] Failure code for design ........................................................................... 48
Failure code [A000NS] Engine overheat ..................................................................................... 49
Failure code [AA10NX] Air cleaner clogging ............................................................................... 50
Failure code [AB00MA] Alternator malfunction ........................................................................... 51
Failure code [B@BAZG] Engine oil pressure low........................................................................ 52
Failure code [B@BAZK] Engine oil level reduction ..................................................................... 53
Failure code [B@BCNS] Engine coolant overheat...................................................................... 54
Failure code [B@BCZK] Radiator coolant level reduction........................................................... 55
Failure code [B@BEBF] Water in engine fuel ............................................................................. 56
Failure code [B@BFZK] Fuel level reduction .............................................................................. 57
Failure code [B@CENS] Power train oil overheat....................................................................... 58
Failure code [B@CHZG] HSS charge oil pressure reduction...................................................... 59
Failure code [B@CHZK] Power train oil level reduction.............................................................. 59
Failure code [B@GAZK] Battery electrolyte level reduction........................................................ 60
Failure code [B@HANS] Hydraulic oil overheat .......................................................................... 60
Failure code [B@HAZK] Hydraulic oil level reduction ................................................................. 61
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2 SEN01870-01
Failure code [CA111] Engine controller internal abnormality....................................................... 4
Failure code [CA115] Engine Ne/Bkup speed sensor abnormality.............................................. 6
Failure code [CA122] Charge pressure sensor abnormally high level ........................................ 8
Failure code [CA123] Charge pressure sensor abnormally low level.......................................... 10
Failure code [CA131] Throttle sensor abnormally high level....................................................... 12
Failure code [CA132] Throttle sensor abnormally low level ........................................................ 14
Failure code [CA135] Engine oil pressure sensor abnormally high level .................................... 16
Failure code [CA141] Engine oil pressure sensor abnormally low level...................................... 18
Failure code [CA144] Coolant temperature sensor abnormally high level .................................. 20
Failure code [CA145] Coolant temperature sensor abnormally low level.................................... 22
Failure code [CA153] Charge temperature sensor abnormally high level................................... 24
Failure code [CA154] Charge temperature sensor abnormally low level .................................... 26
Failure code [CA187] Sensor power supply 2 abnormally low level............................................ 27
Failure code [CA212] Engine oil temperature sensor abnormally high level............................... 28
Failure code [CA213] Engine oil temperature sensor abnormally low level ................................ 30
Failure code [CA221] Ambient temperature sensor abnormally high level ................................. 32
Failure code [CA222] Ambient temperature sensor abnormally low level................................... 34
Failure code [CA227] Sensor power supply 2 abnormally high level .......................................... 36
Failure code [CA234] Engine overspeed..................................................................................... 38
Failure code [CA238] Ne speed sensor power supply abnormality............................................. 40
Failure code [CA263] Fuel temperature sensor abnormally high level........................................ 42
Failure code [CA265] Fuel temperature sensor abnormally low level ......................................... 44
Failure code [CA271] PCV1 short circuit..................................................................................... 46
Failure code [CA272] PCV1 disconnection ................................................................................. 48
Failure code [CA273] PCV2 short circuit..................................................................................... 50
Failure code [CA274] PCV2 disconnection ................................................................................. 52
Failure code [CA322] Injector #1 system disconnection or short circuit...................................... 54
Failure code [CA323] Injector #5 system disconnection or short circuit...................................... 56
Failure code [CA324] Injector #3 system disconnection or short circuit...................................... 58
Failure code [CA325] Injector #6 system disconnection or short circuit...................................... 60
Failure code [CA331] Injector #2 system disconnection or short circuit...................................... 62
Failure code [CA332] Injector #4 system disconnection or short circuit...................................... 64
Failure code [CA342] Engine controller data mismatch .............................................................. 66
Failure code [CA351] Injector drive circuit abnormality ............................................................... 68
Failure code [CA352] Sensor power supply 1 abnormally low level............................................ 70
Failure code [CA386] Sensor power supply 1 abnormally high level .......................................... 72
Failure code [CA441] Power supply voltage abnormally low level .............................................. 74
Failure code [CA442] Power supply voltage abnormally high level............................................. 74
8 D375A-5E0
00 Index and foreword SEN00988-11
Failure code [CA449] Common rail pressure abnormally high pressure 2.................................. 75
Failure code [CA451] Common rail pressure sensor abnormally high level ............................... 76
Failure code [CA452] Common rail pressure sensor abnormally low level ................................. 78
Failure code [CA553] Common rail pressure abnormally high pressure 1.................................. 79
Failure code [CA554] Common rail pressure sensor in-range abnormality ................................ 80
Failure code [CA559] Supply pump low pressure 1 .................................................................... 81
Failure code [CA689] Engine Ne speed sensor abnormality ...................................................... 86
Failure code [CA731] Engine Bkup speed sensor phase abnormality ........................................ 88
Failure code [CA757] Engine controller all data loss .................................................................. 89
Failure code [CA778] Engine Bkup speed sensor abnormality................................................... 90
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3 SEN01871-01
Failure code [CA1228] EGR valve servo abnormality 1.............................................................. 3
Failure code [CA1625] EGR valve servo abnormality 2.............................................................. 4
Failure code [CA1633] CAN communication error (Engine controller)........................................ 6
Failure code [CA2185] Throttle sensor power supply abnormally high level .............................. 8
Failure code [CA2186] Throttle sensor power supply abnormally low level ................................ 10
Failure code [CA2249] Supply pump low pressure 2 .................................................................. 11
Failure code [CA2271] EGR valve lift sensor abnormally high level ........................................... 12
Failure code [CA2272] EGR valve lift sensor abnormally low level ............................................ 14
Failure code [CA2351] EGR valve solenoid drive short circuit.................................................... 16
Failure code [CA2352] EGR valve solenoid drive disconnection ................................................ 18
Failure code [D110KA] Battery relay hold line disconnection...................................................... 20
Failure code [D110KB] Battery relay hold line short circuit ......................................................... 22
Failure code [D130KA] Neutral safety relay disconnection ......................................................... 24
Failure code [D130KB] Neutral safety relay short circuit............................................................. 26
Failure code [D161KA] Backup alarm relay disconnection ......................................................... 28
Failure code [D161KB] Backup alarm relay short circuit ............................................................. 30
Failure code [D182KZ] Preheater relay disconnection or short circuit ........................................ 32
Failure code [D190KA] Engine controller ACC signal cut relay disconnection ........................... 34
Failure code [D190KB] Engine controller ACC signal cut relay short circuit ............................... 36
Failure code [D5ZRKA] Snap shot switch disconnection ............................................................ 38
Failure code [D5ZRKB] Snap shot switch short circuit................................................................ 39
Failure code [DAFRKR] Machine monitor CAN communication error......................................... 40
Failure code [daFRKR] Machine monitor CAN communication error.......................................... 42
Failure code [dAFRKR] Machine monitor CAN communication error ......................................... 44
Failure code [DAQ0KT] Transmission controller internal abnormality......................................... 46
Failure code [DAQ1KK] Transmission controller main power supply voltage reduction ............. 48
Failure code [DAQ2KK] Transmission controller load power supply voltage reduction .............. 50
Failure code [DAQ5KK] Transmission controller sensor 5V power supply (1)
voltage reduction.................................................................................................................. 52
Failure code [DAQ6KK] Transmission controller sensor 24V power supply voltage reduction ... 54
Failure code [DAQ7KK] Transmission controller sensor 5V power supply (2)
voltage reduction.................................................................................................................. 56
Failure code [DAQ9KQ] Transmission controller model selection signal disagreement ............. 58
Failure code [DAQRKR] Transmission controller CAN communication error.............................. 60
Failure code [DAQSKR] Transmission controller S-NET communication error........................... 62
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4 SEN01872-01
Failure code [DB2RKR] Engine controller CAN communication error ........................................ 4
Failure code [dB2RKR] Engine controller CAN communication error ......................................... 6
Failure code [DB30KT] Steering controller internal abnormality ................................................. 8
Failure code [DB31KK] Steering controller main power supply voltage reduction ...................... 10
Failure code [DB32KK] Steering controller load power supply voltage reduction ....................... 12
Failure code [DB35KK] Steering controller sensor 5V power supply (1) voltage reduction ........ 14
Failure code [DB36KK] Steering controller sensor 24V power supply voltage reduction ............ 16
Failure code [DB37KK] Steering controller sensor 5V power supply (2) voltage reduction ........ 18
Failure code [DB39KQ] Steering controller model selection signal disagreement ...................... 20
Failure code [dB3RKR] Steering controller CAN communication error ....................................... 22
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Failure code [DH22KA] Work equipment pump oil pressure sensor 1 disconnection ................. 60
Failure code [DH22KB] Work equipment pump oil pressure sensor 1 short circuit..................... 62
Failure code [DH23KA] Work equipment pump oil pressure sensor 2 disconnection ................. 64
Failure code [DH23KB] Work equipment pump oil pressure sensor 2 short circuit..................... 66
Failure code [DHE5KB] (or VHMS LED display "n332") Engine blow-by pressure sensor
system disconnection........................................................................................................... 68
Failure code [DHE5KY] (or VHMS LED display "n331") Engine blow-by pressure sensor
system short circuit .............................................................................................................. 70
Failure code [DHT3KX] (or VHMS LED display "n614") Transmission oil pressure sensor
input signal out of range....................................................................................................... 72
Failure code [DK10KA] Fuel control dial disconnection .............................................................. 74
Failure code [DK10KB] Fuel control dial short circuit.................................................................. 76
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 6 SEN01874-00
Failure code [DK30KA] Steering potentiometer 1 disconnection ................................................ 4
Failure code [DK30KB] Steering potentiometer 1 short circuit .................................................... 6
Failure code [DK30KX] Steering potentiometer 1 input signal out of range ................................ 8
Failure code [DK30KZ] Steering potentiometer 1 disconnection or short circuit ......................... 9
Failure code [DK30L8] Steering potentiometer 1 analog signal disagreement ........................... 10
Failure code [DK31KA] Steering potentiometer 2 disconnection ................................................ 12
Failure code [DK31KB] Steering potentiometer 2 short circuit .................................................... 14
Failure code [DK40KA] Brake potentiometer disconnection ....................................................... 16
Failure code [DK40KB] Brake potentiometer short circuit........................................................... 18
Failure code [DK55KX] Direction potentiometer input signal out of range .................................. 20
Failure code [DK55KZ] Direction potentiometer disconnection or short circuit ........................... 21
Failure code [DK55L8] Direction potentiometer analog signal disagreement ............................. 22
Failure code [DK56KA] Direction potentiometer 1 disconnection ............................................... 24
Failure code [DK56KB] Direction potentiometer 1 short circuit ................................................... 26
Failure code [DK57KA] Direction potentiometer 2 disconnection ............................................... 28
Failure code [DK57KB] Direction potentiometer 2 short circuit ................................................... 30
Failure code [DK60KA] Acceleration sensor disconnection ........................................................ 32
Failure code [DK60KB] Acceleration sensor short circuit............................................................ 34
Failure code [DKH1KA] Pitch angle sensor disconnection ......................................................... 36
Failure code [DKH1KB] Pitch angle sensor short circuit ............................................................. 38
Failure code [DKH1KX] Pitch angle sensor input signal out of range ......................................... 39
Failure code [DLF1KA] Torque converter output speed sensor disconnection ........................... 40
Failure code [DLT3KA] Transmission output speed sensor disconnection 1 .............................. 41
Failure code [dLT3KA] Transmission output speed sensor disconnection 2 ............................... 42
Failure code [DLT3KB] Transmission output speed sensor short circuit ..................................... 43
Failure code [DV00KB] Alarm buzzer short circuit ...................................................................... 44
Failure code [DW59KA] Blade dual selector solenoid disconnection.......................................... 45
Failure code [DW59KB] Blade dual selector solenoid short circuit ............................................. 46
Failure code [DW59KY] Blade dual selector solenoid hot short.................................................. 47
Failure code [DW5AKA] Blade pitch selector solenoid disconnection ........................................ 48
Failure code [DW5AKB] Blade pitch selector solenoid short circuit ............................................ 49
Failure code [DW5AKY] Blade pitch selector solenoid hot short ................................................ 50
Failure code [DW7BKA] Fan reverse solenoid disconnection..................................................... 51
Failure code [DW7BKB] Fan reverse solenoid short circuit ........................................................ 52
Failure code [DW7BKY] Fan reverse solenoid hot short............................................................. 53
Failure code [DWN3KA] Sudden stop prevention solenoid disconnection.................................. 54
Failure code [DWN3KB] Sudden stop prevention solenoid short circuit ..................................... 56
Failure code [DWN3KY] Sudden stop prevention solenoid hot short.......................................... 58
Failure code [DWN5KA] Fan pulley solenoid 1 disconnection .................................................... 60
Failure code [DWN5KB] Fan pulley solenoid 1 short circuit........................................................ 62
Failure code [DWN5KY] Fan pulley solenoid 1 hot short ............................................................ 64
Failure code [DWNCKA] Fan pulley solenoid 2 disconnection ................................................... 66
Failure code [DWNCKB] Fan pulley solenoid 2 short circuit ....................................................... 68
Failure code [DWNCKY] Fan pulley solenoid 2 hot short ........................................................... 70
Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 7 SEN01891-00
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00 Index and foreword SEN00988-11
E-14 The hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally ....................................... 34
E-15 Indication of the fuel gauge is abnormal............................................................................. 35
E-16 Indications of gear speed and engine speed are abnormal................................................ 36
E-17 Indication of the shift mode service meter is abnormal ...................................................... 36
E-18 The switch module cannot be operated.............................................................................. 37
E-19 The warning lamp does not flash or does not go out.......................................................... 38
E-20 The alarm buzzer does not sound or does not stop ........................................................... 39
E-21 Auto shift down is not possible or is not released............................................................... 40
E-22 The alarm buzzer cannot be cancelled............................................................................... 41
E-23 The operator mode cannot be operated ............................................................................. 42
E-24 The service mode cannot be operated ............................................................................... 44
E-25 The back-up alarm does not sound .................................................................................... 46
E-26 The night light, the headlamp, the working lamp and the rear lamp on the panel do not
come on ............................................................................................................................... 48
E-27 Air conditioner does not operate......................................................................................... 54
E-28 Orbcomm terminal does not operate normally (Data are not transmitted).......................... 58
E-29 Fan does not reverse.......................................................................................................... 60
E-30 Gear cannot be shifted ....................................................................................................... 62
E-31 Electric priming pump does not operate or does not stop automatically ............................ 64
Troubleshooting of hydraulic, mechanical system (H-mode) SEN01876-01
Information in troubleshooting table ............................................................................................ 3
H-1 No force (no drawbar pull).................................................................................................... 4
H-2 No travel (at 2nd or 3rd speed) ............................................................................................ 6
H-3 No travel at all gear speeds.................................................................................................. 8
H-4 Machine travels only in one direction forward or in reverse ................................................. 10
H-5 Large time lag at gear speed shifting or forward-reverse shifting......................................... 11
H-6 Steering is not possible ........................................................................................................ 12
H-7 Steering is possible only on one side ................................................................................... 13
H-8 Steering overrun occurs ....................................................................................................... 14
H-9 Brake does not work............................................................................................................. 15
H-10 Torque converter is not lock-up .......................................................................................... 16
H-11 Power train oil overheats .................................................................................................... 17
H-12 All work equipment operates slowly ................................................................................... 18
H-13 All work equipment does not operate ................................................................................. 19
H-14 Blade lift speed is slow or lacks power ............................................................................... 20
H-15 Blade tilt speed is slow or lacks power............................................................................... 20
H-16 Ripper lift speed is slow or lacks power ............................................................................. 21
H-17 Ripper tilt speed is slow or lacks power ............................................................................. 21
H-18 Excessive hydraulic drift of blade lift................................................................................... 22
H-19 Excessive hydraulic drift of blade tilt .................................................................................. 23
H-20 Excessive hydraulic drift of ripper lift .................................................................................. 24
H-21 Ripper pin puller cylinder does not work (giant ripper attachment machine)...................... 25
H-22 Blade pitch does not work (dual tilt attachment machine) .................................................. 26
H-23 Abnormal sound comes out from around work equipment pump ....................................... 27
H-24 Fan speed is abnormal (Sound and/or vibration are abnormally large or
engine over heats) ............................................................................................................... 28
Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode) SEN01877-01
Method of using troubleshooting chart ........................................................................................ 3
S-1 Engine does not start easily ................................................................................................. 6
S-2 Engine does not start............................................................................................................ 8
S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly (follow-up is poor) .......................................................... 12
S-4 Engine stops during operation .............................................................................................. 13
S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly (hunting) ........................................................................... 14
S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power).................................................................................... 15
S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (Incomplete combustion)................................................................ 17
S-8 Oil is consumed much (or exhaust gas color is blue) ........................................................... 19
S-9 Engine oil becomes contaminated quickly............................................................................ 20
S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive........................................................................................... 21
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SEN00988-11 00 Index and foreword
D375A-5E0 Bulldozer
Form No. SEN00988-11
© 2009 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-09
18 D375A-5E0
D375A-5E0 1
SEN00989-04 00 Index and foreword
Safety notice 1
(Rev. 2008/08)
Important safety notice
Proper service and repair are extremely important for safe machine operation. The service and repair
techniques recommended by Komatsu and described in this manual are both effective and safe.
Some of these techniques require the use of tools specially designed by Komatsu for the specific
To prevent injury to workers, the symbol k is used to mark safety precautions in this manual. The
cautions accompanying these symbols should always be followed carefully. If any dangerous situa-
tion arises or may possibly arise, first consider safety, and take the necessary actions to deal with
the situation.
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00 Index and foreword SEN00989-04
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00 Index and foreword SEN00989-04
q If the load is unstable or the wire rope 13) If the hoist stops because of a power fail-
or chains are twisted, lower the load ure, turn the power switch OFF. When
and lift it up again. turning on a switch which was turned OFF
q Do not lift up the load slantingly. by the electric shock prevention earth
13) When lifting down a load, observe the fol- leakage breaker, check that the devices
lowing. related to that switch are not in operation
q When lifting down a load, stop it tem- state.
porarily at 30 cm above the floor, and 14) If you find an obstacle around the hoist,
then lower it slowly. stop the operation.
q Check that the load is stable, and 15) After finishing the work, stop the hoist at
then remove the sling. the specified position and raise the hook
q Remove kinks and dirt from the wire to at least 2 m above the floor. Do not
ropes and chains used for the sling leave the sling installed to the hook.
work, and put them in the specified
place. 7. Selecting wire ropes
1) Select adequate ropes depending on the
5. Precautions for using mobile crane weight of parts to be hoisted, referring to
a Read the Operation and Maintenance the table below.
Manual of the crane carefully in advance
and operate the crane safely. Wire ropes
(Standard “Z” twist ropes without galvanizing)
6. Precautions for using overhead hoist crane (JIS G3525, No. 6, Type 6X37-A)
k When raising a heavy part (heavier Nominal
Allowable load
than 25 kg), use a hoist, etc. In Disas- diameter of rope
sembly and assembly, the weight of a mm kN ton
part heavier than 25 kg is indicated 10 8.8 0.9
after the mark of 4. 12 12.7 1.3
1) Before starting work, inspect the wire 14 17.3 1.7
ropes, brake, clutch, controller, rails, over 16 22.6 2.3
wind stop device, electric shock preven- 18 28.6 2.9
tion earth leakage breaker, crane collision 20 35.3 3.6
prevention device, and power application
25 55.3 5.6
warning lamp, and check safety.
30 79.6 8.1
2) Observe the signs for sling work.
40 141.6 14.4
3) Operate the hoist at a safe place.
4) Check the direction indicator plates (east, 50 221.6 22.6
west, south, and north) and the directions 60 318.3 32.4
of the control buttons without fail.
5) Do not sling a load slantingly. Do not move a The allowable load is one-sixth of the
the crane while the slung load is swinging. breaking strength of the rope used
6) Do not raise or lower a load while the (Safety coefficient: 6).
crane is moving longitudinally or laterally.
7) Do not drag a sling.
8) When lifting up a load, stop it just after it
leaves the ground and check safety, and
then lift it up.
9) Consider the travel route in advance and
lift up a load to a safe height.
10) Place the control switch on a position
where it will not be an obstacle to work
and passage.
11) After operating the hoist, do not swing the
control switch.
12) Remember the position of the main switch
so that you can turn off the power immedi-
ately in an emergency.
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SEN00989-04 00 Index and foreword
8. Precautions for disconnecting and con- a Example of O-ring (Fitted to every joint of
necting hoses and tubes in air conditioner hoses and tubes)
1) Disconnection
k For the environment, the air condi-
tioner of this machine uses the
refrigerant (air conditioner gas:
R134a) which has fewer factors of
the depletion of the ozone layer.
However, it does not mean that you
may discharge the refrigerant into
the atmosphere as it is. Be sure to
recover the refrigerant when dis-
connecting the refrigerant gas cir-
cuit and then reuse it.
a Ask professional traders for collecting a For tightening torque, see the precautions for
and filling operation of refrigerant installation in each section of "Disassembly
(R134a). and assembly".
a Never release the refrigerant (R134a)
to the atmosphere.
k If the refrigerant gas gets in your
eyes or contacts your skin, you
may lose your sight and your skin
may be frozen. Accordingly, put
on safety glasses, safety gloves
and safety clothes when recover-
ing or adding the refrigerant.
Refrigerant gas must be recovered
and added by a qualified person.
2) Connection
1] When installing the air conditioner cir-
cuit hoses and tubes, take care that
dirt, dust, water, etc. will not enter
2] When connecting the air conditioner
hoses and tubes, check that O-rings
(1) are fitted to their joints.
3] Check that each O-ring is not dam-
aged or deteriorated.
4] When connecting the refrigerant pip-
ing, apply compressor oil for refriger-
ant (R134a) (DENSO: ND-OIL8,
VA L E O T H E R M A L S Y S T E M S :
ZXL100PG (equivalent to PAG46))
to its O-rings.
6 D375A-5E0
00 Index and foreword SEN00989-04
q Some attachments and optional parts in this shop manual may not be delivered to certain areas. If one
of them is required, consult KOMATSU distributors.
q Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
q Shop manuals are divided into the “Chassis volume” and “Engine volume”. For the engine unit, see the
engine volume of the engine model mounted on the machine.
01. Specification
This section explains the specifications of the machine.
40. Troubleshooting
This section explains how to find out failed parts and how to repair them. The troubleshooting is
divided by failure modes. The “S mode” of the troubleshooting related to the engine may be also
explained in the Chassis volume and Engine volume. In this case, see the Chassis volume.
90. Diagrams and drawings (chassis volume)/Repair and replacement of parts (engine volume)
q Chassis volume
This section gives hydraulic circuit diagrams and electrical circuit diagrams.
q Engine volume
This section explains the method of reproducing, repairing, and replacing parts.
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SEN00989-04 00 Index and foreword
3. Filing method
File by the brochures in the correct order of the form number printed in the shop manual composition
q Revisions
Revised brochures are shown in the shop manual composition table.
4. Symbols
Important safety and quality portions are marked with the following symbols so that the shop manual will
be used practically.
Weight of parts of component or parts. Caution necessary when
selecting hoisting wire, or when working posture is important, etc.
Tightening Places that require special attention for tightening torque during
torque assembly.
Oil, coolant Places where oil, etc. must be added, and capacity.
Drain Places where oil, etc. must be drained, and quantity to be drained.
5. Units
In this shop manual, the units are indicated with International System of units (SI). For reference, con-
ventionally used Gravitational System of units is indicated in parentheses { }.
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Standard size Tolerance
Standard size
Shaft Hole
–0.030 +0.046
–0.076 +0
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3) Disconnections in wiring
If the wiring is held and the connectors are
pulled apart, or components are lifted with
a crane with the wiring still connected, or a
heavy object hits the wiring, the crimping
of the connector may separate, or the sol-
dering may be damaged, or the wiring
may be broken.
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2) Connecting connectors
1] Check the connector visually.
Check that there is no oil, dirt, or
water stuck to the connector pins
(mating portion).
Check that there is no deformation,
defective contact, corrosion, or dam-
age to the connector pins.
Check that there is no damage or
breakage to the outside of the con-
a If there is any oil, water, or dirt
stuck to the connector, wipe it off
with a dry cloth. If any water has
got inside the connector, warm
the inside of the wiring with a
dryer, but be careful not to make
it too hot as this will cause short
a If there is any damage or break-
age, replace the connector.
2] Fix the connector securely.
Align the position of the connector
correctly, and then insert it securely.
For connectors with the lock stopper,
push in the connector until the stop-
per clicks into position.
3] Correct any protrusion of the boot and
any misalignment of the wiring har-
For connectors fitted with boots, cor-
rect any protrusion of the boot. In
addition, if the wiring harness is mis-
aligned, or the clamp is out of posi-
tion, adjust it to its correct position.
a If the connector cannot be cor-
rected easily, remove the clamp
and adjust the position.
q If the connector clamp has been
removed, be sure to return it to
its original position. Check also
that there are no loose clamps.
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3) Heavy duty wire connector (DT 8-pole, 12- q Disconnection q Connection (Example of
pole) incomplete setting of (a))
Disconnection (Left of figure)
While pressing both sides of locks (a)
and (b), pull out female connector (2).
Connection (Right of figure)
1] Push in female connector (2) horizon-
tally until the lock clicks.
Arrow: 1)
2] Since locks (a) and (b) may not be set
completely, push in female connector
(2) while moving it up and down until
the locks are set normally.
Arrow: 1), 2), 3)
a Right of figure: Lock (a) is pulled
down (not set completely) and
lock (b) is set completely.
(1): Male connector
(2): Female connector
(a), (b): Locks
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4. Handling controller
1) The controller contains a microcomputer
and electronic control circuits. These con-
trol all of the electronic circuits on the
machine, so be extremely careful when
handling the controller.
2) Do not place objects on top of the control-
3) Cover the control connectors with tape or
a vinyl bag. Never touch the connector
contacts with your hand.
4) During rainy weather, do not leave the
controller in a place where it is exposed to
5) Do not place the controller on oil, water, or
soil, or in any hot place, even for a short
time. (Place it on a suitable dry stand).
6) Precautions when carrying out arc welding
When carrying out arc welding on the
body, disconnect all wiring harness con-
nectors connected to the controller. Fit an
arc welding ground close to the welding
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3. Sealing openings
After any piping or equipment is removed, the
openings should be sealed with caps, tapes, or
vinyl bags to prevent any dirt or dust from
entering. If the opening is left open or is
blocked with a rag, there is danger of dirt
entering or of the surrounding area being
made dirty by leaking oil so never do this. Do
not simply drain oil out onto the ground, but
collect it and ask the customer to dispose of it,
or take it back with you for disposal.
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6. Flushing operations
After disassembling and assembling the equip-
ment, or changing the oil, use flushing oil to
remove the contaminants, sludge, and old oil
from the hydraulic circuit. Normally, flushing is
carried out twice: primary flushing is carried
out with flushing oil, and secondary flushing is
carried out with the specified hydraulic oil.
7. Cleaning operations
After repairing the hydraulic equipment (pump,
control valve, etc.) or when running the
machine, carry out oil cleaning to remove the
sludge or contaminants in the hydraulic oil cir-
cuit. The oil cleaning equipment is used to
remove the ultra fine (about 3 m) particles that
the filter built in the hydraulic equipment can-
not remove, so it is an extremely effective
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