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(D. El. Ed.) : Diploma in Elementary Education Second Year (New Course) Exam., 2018

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SCL (709)

[ 18–HDGPKAC–DL2Y (N) ]

Diploma in Elementary Education Second Year (New Course) Exam., 2018

( D. El. Ed. )

Course Code—13 : School Culture, Leadership and Change

Full Marks : 40

Time : 2 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following questions as directed : 1×4=4

[>ÏÉ¢≈‡>Âô‡⁄„ t°∫π ö¯≈óŒ≥Ë“π l°¸v°π [∫JA° :
(a) In Montessori method, sense training of the child is given priority.
( Write True or False )
[≈«°π “¸[ñɯ⁄ ö¯[≈¤°ot° ≥Ïñi°·π„ öá˝°[t°Ï⁄ "N¯‡[ãA°‡π [ÉÏ⁄°˙
( «°á˝° Î> "«°á˝° [∫JA° )

(b) The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) was established in _____.
( Fill in the blank )
≥Âv°˚° [§É∏‡∫⁄ [≈¤°‡π π‡ °ˆ„⁄ ">ÂÀ°‡> (NIOS) ö¯[t°À°‡ Ì“[·∫ _____°˙
( J‡∫„ k°‡“¸ öËπ A°πA° )

(c) Write the meaning of ‘non-verbal communication’.

ë"Ï≥Ô[JA° Îô‡K‡Ïô‡Kíπ "=¢ [∫JA°˙

(d) Write the main purpose of Jan Sikshan Sansthans.

\> [≈¤°o Œ}—LJ>π° ö¯ã‡> l°¸ÏÑ≈∏Ïi°‡ [∫JA°°˙

/330 ( Turn Over )

( 2 )

2. Choose the correct answer from the options given below each question : 1×5=5
ö¯[t°Ïi°‡ ö¯≈óπ t°∫t° [É⁄‡ l°¸v°πŒ≥Ë“π öπ‡ «°á˝° l°¸v°πÏi°‡ §‡[· l°¸[∫؇*A°° :

(a) “Society is the web of social relationship.” Who said it?

ëëŒ≥‡\ Ì“Ï· Œ‡≥‡[\A° Œ¥¨fiÍ°π \‡∫—¨πÍ°ö°˙íí A°=‡»‡π ÎA°‡Ï> ÌA°[·∫?

(i) J. F. Cumber (ii) Giddings

Î\. &Û°. A°¥¨‡π [K[l°}W°
(iii) MacIver and Page (iv) Thomson
Î≥A°"‡“¸Æ°‡π "‡πÁ° Îö\ =≥·>

(b) The prime duty of the pedagogic leader is

[≈¤°‡É‡> Ì≈∫„≥Ë∫A° Î>t°‡π ö¯ã‡> A°‡ô¢ Ì“Ï·

(i) the creation of conducive classroom environment

Î≈¯o„ÏA°‡k°‡t° ">ÂAË°∫ ö[πϧ≈ Œı[ ° A°π‡

(ii) the preparation of note for students

[≈¤°‡=¢„π §‡Ï§ Îi°‡A°‡ ö¯—Òt° A°π‡

(iii) the management of daily administrative work of the school

[§É∏‡∫⁄π ÌÉ>[ñÉ> ö¯≈‡Œ>„⁄ A°‡≥A°‡\ϧ‡π ÎW°‡Ø‡-[W°t°‡ A°π‡

(iv) None of the above

*öππ &i°‡* >“⁄

(c) Operation Blackboard was launched in the year

"ö‡ÏπW°> Χ√A°Ï§‡l¢° "‡ÚW°[>J> "‡π¥± Ì“[·∫

(i) 1988 (ii) 1987

1988 W°>t° 1987 W°>t°
(iii) 1991 (iv) 1995
1991 W°>t° 1995 W°>t°

SCL (709)/330 ( Continued )

( 3 )

(d) Braille method is related with the learning of

Χ¯“¸∫„ öá˝°[t°Ïi°‡
(i) blind learner
"fiÍ° [≈¤°‡=¢„π [≈¤°oπ ∫Kt° \[ÿl°t°
(ii) deaf and dumb learner
≥ËA°-§[ãπ [≈¤°‡=¢„π [≈¤°oπ ∫Kt° \[ÿl°t°
(iii) mentally retarded learner
≥‡>[ŒA°Æ°‡ÏØ ö¯[t°§fiÍ°„ [≈¤°‡=¢„π [≈¤°oπ ∫Kt° \[ÿl°t°
(iv) slow learner
Î∫Ï“≥„⁄‡ [≈¤°‡=¢„π [≈¤°oπ ∫Kt° \[ÿl°t°
(e) In which year was the National Literacy Mission launched?
π‡ °ˆ„⁄ Œ‡¤°πt°‡ "[Æ°ô‡> ÎA°‡> W°>t° "‡π¥± A°π‡ Ì“[·∫?
(i) 1995 (ii) 1988
1995 1988
(iii) 1991 (iv) 1998
1991 1998

3. Answer any three from the following questions (each in around 100 words) :
t°∫t° [É⁄‡ [ô ÎA°‡Ï>‡ [t¡[>i¡à ö¯≈óπ l°¸v°π [∫JA° (ö¯[t°Ïi°‡ ö¯‡⁄ 100 ≈¶π [Æ°t°πt°) :
(a) Mention any three objectives of pre-primary education forwarded by the
Indian Education Commission, 1964-66.
Æ°‡πt°„⁄ [≈¤°‡ "‡Ï⁄‡ÏK (1964-66) "‡K§Ïÿn°‡Ø‡ [ô ÎA°‡Ï>‡ [t°[>i°‡ ö¯‡AÙ°-ö¯‡=[≥A° [≈¤°‡π
∫¤°∏ l°¸Ï¿J A°πA°°˙
(b) Why is school called as social institution?
[§É∏‡∫⁄A° [A°⁄ Œ‡≥‡[\A° ">ÂÀ°‡> §Â[∫ ÎA°‡Ø‡ “⁄?
(c) State the concept of school effectiveness in your own words.
[§É∏‡∫⁄π ŒÛ°∫t°‡ ã‡πo‡Ïi°‡ "‡Ïö‡>‡π [>\π Æ°‡»‡t° §o¢>‡ A°πA°°˙
(d) State briefly about the two dimensions of equity in education.
[≈¤°‡t° Œ≥t°‡π Τ°yt° =A°‡ ÉÂi°‡ [É≈π [§»Ï⁄ W°≥ÂÓA° §o¢>‡ A°πA°°˙

SCL (709)/330 ( Turn Over )

( 4 )

4. Answer any three from the following questions (each in around 150 words) :
t°∫t° [É⁄‡ [ô ÎA°‡Ï>‡ [t¡[>i¡à ö¯≈óπ l°¸v°π [∫JA° (ö¯[t°Ïi°‡ ö¯‡⁄ 150 ≈¶π [Æ°t°πt°) :
(a) Write a short note on school management.
[§É∏‡∫⁄ ö[πW°‡∫>‡π *öπt° &i°‡ W°≥ Îi°‡A°‡ [∫JA°°˙
(b) “Education is a mutual exercise of different groups of people.”
In view of the above statement, explain why the coordination of all the
groups are essential for successful educational exercise.
ëë[≈¤°‡ “í∫ [§[Æ°ƒ É∫π Î∫‡A°π ≥‡\t° W°∫‡ ö‡π—ö[πA° A°W°A°‡Ø‡\π A°‡ô¢°˙íí
*öππ l°¸[v°˚°Ïi°‡π [Æ°[v°t° &A° ŒÛ°∫ Ì≈[¤°A° A°‡ô¢ŒËW°„ πÍ°ö‡⁄ot° ŒA°Ï∫‡ É∫π ≥‡\t° Œ≥fi⁄π
[A°⁄ ö¯Ï⁄‡\>, §∏‡J∏‡ A°πA°°˙
(c) Discuss any four major problems of secondary education in India.
Æ°‡πt°π ≥‡ã∏[≥A° [≈¤°‡π [ô ÎA°‡Ï>‡ W°‡[πi°‡ ö¯ã‡> Œ≥Œ∏‡ Œ¥öÏA¢° "‡Ï∫‡W°>‡ A°πA°°˙
(d) How a teacher as a leader can bring effective changes in an educational
institution? Discuss.

&\> [≈¤°ÏA° Î>tı°Œ [É ÎA°Ï>ÓA° &J> [≈¤°‡>ÂÀ°‡>Ó∫ A°‡ô¢A°π„ ö[πØt¢°> "‡[>§ ö‡Ïπ,
"‡Ï∫‡W°>‡ A°πA°°˙

5. Answer any one from the following questions (in around 400 words) : 10
t°∫t° [É⁄‡ [ô ÎA°‡Ï>‡ &i¡à ö¯≈óπ l°¸v°π [∫JA° (ö¯‡⁄ 400 ≈¶π [Æ°t°πt°) :
(a) How does the process of communication help in the classroom situation?
Discuss the various factors which are usually affecting your classroom
communication. 5+5=10
Îô‡K‡Ïô‡K ö¯[y˚°⁄‡“¸ Î≈¯o„ÏA°‡k°‡π ö[πϧ≈t° ÎA°Ï>ÉÏπ Œ“‡⁄ A°Ïπ? "‡Ïö‡>‡π Î≈¯o„ÏA°‡k°‡π
Îô‡K‡Ïô‡KA° ŒW°π‡W°π ö¯Æ°‡[Øt° A°π‡ [§[Æ°ƒ A°‡πA°Œ≥Ë“π [§»Ï⁄ "‡Ï∫‡W°>‡ A°πA°°˙
(b) What are the new initiatives of the Central Government in respect of
elementary education in India? How far do they help in realising the goal
of universalization of elementary education? Discuss. 5+5=10
Æ°‡πt°π ö¯‡=[≥A° [≈¤°‡π Τ°yt° ÎA°ñɯ„⁄ W°πA°‡Ïπ Î∫‡Ø‡ >t°> öÉϤ°öϧ‡π [A° [A°? ö¯‡=[≥A°
[≈¤°‡A° Œ‡§¢\>„> A°π‡π ∫¤°∏ "\¢>t° &“¸ öÉϤ°öϧ‡π [A°≥‡> Œ“‡⁄A° Ì“Ï·, "‡Ï∫‡W°>‡

SCL (709)/330 8HK—17000

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