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24 Arabic

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Series #CDBA SET-4

Q.P. Code 24
Candidates must write the Q.P. Code
Roll No.
on the title page of the answer-book.

= Please check that this question paper contains 11 printed pages.

= Please check that this question paper contains 14 questions, from Section A, B,

C & D.

= Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written

on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.

= Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book

before attempting it.

= 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question

paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the

candidates will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on

the answer-book during this period.


‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺎت‬٣ : ‫اﻟوﻗت اﻟﻣﺳﻣوح‬ ٨٠ : ‫أﻗﺻﯽ اﻟﻌﻼﻣﺎت‬

Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

224 123 Page 1 P.T.O.

General Instructions :
(i) Question paper is divided into Four (A, B, C, D) Sections.
(ii) It has total 14 questions.
(iii) Section A : 1 Question No. 0 to 1.
(iv) Section B : 4 Question No. 2 to 5.
(v) Section C : 4 Question No. 6 to 9.
(vi) Section D : 5 Question No. 10 to 14.
(vii) Attempt questions as per specific instructions.
(viii) Write question no. in answer book before attempting it.

óð]ˆqœ oÖž è×ò‰¢] Ñ]…æœ ÜnŠÏi Üi (i)

Ÿ]©‰ o× ØÛjŽi ±âæ (ii)
oÖž àÚ (Ÿ]©‰ V ÿ ðˆq (iii)
oÖž àÚ (è×ò‰œ V ðˆq (iv)
oÖž àÚ (è×ò‰œ V ðˆq (v)
oÖž àÚ (è×ò‰œ V ðˆq (vi)
ó^ãe è‘^íÖ] l^Ûn×ÃjÖ] gŠu è×ò‰¢] o× gqœ (vii)
óän× èe^q¦] ØfÎ Ù]©ŠÖ] ÜÎ… gjÒ] (viii)

Note : Unless otherwise required in a question, the answers may be written either

in Urdu or in English or in Hindi or in Arabic.

èmˆn×rÞ¦] æœ èm恅¢] ±Ê ^Úùž èeçq¢] gjÓi ᜠàÓÛnÊ h]çrÖ] èÇÖ ‚ùvi ÜÖ ]ƒž
óän× èe^q¦] ØfÎ Ù]©Š×Ö ØŠ×ŠjÖ] ÜÎ… gjÒ] óène†ÃÖ] æœ èm‚ßãÖ] æœ
X M Y ‘ ~ !² c ~y Ô~môZ ÔzŠgZ ]!ZŽ ~ ]gßÅ äƒ : { Å y!i
Xì ~gz¢ r¬ Ð ™ [ZŽ g Zz Ÿ » wZÎ
224 Page 2 P.T.O.
SECTION - A (10 Marks)
Reading Skills
1. Read the following paragraphs carefully and attempt any two of
them, by filling the blanks with appropriate words given in the
brackets. Each qustion carries 1 mark :
2 5 = 10
l^Û×ÓÖ^e l^Æ]†ËÖ] £Ûe (¼Ï³Ê ^³ãß³Ú è×ò‰œ à gqœæ èm^ßÃe ènÖ^jÖ] l]†Ï³Ë³Ö] œ†³Î]
V èÚ¡Â Ù]©‰ ØÒ ØÛvm æ (àn‰çÏÖ] àne 遅]çÖ] l^Û×ÓÖ] àÚ èf‰^ßÛÖ]
‰ bŠ~ ' ] !ZŽ Æ ] ÑZÎÆ ËgzZ Û 7 Ð y·Š Ã ]‚ ½Z sf zgq
: ì »  wZÎCÙ XÙ ÉÐ ~ p ÖZ

[ kÎçÖ] ͆Ãm ÌnÒ V ‚Ö^ì
±ãÊ †ŽÂ ±Þ^%Ö] ÜΆÖ] oÖž †nfÓÖ] gΆÃÖ]æ †nÇ’Ö] h†ÏÃÖ] Ø‘æ ‚Î †¿Þ] V ‚Ú^u
h†ÏÃÖ]æ ‚u]çÖ] ÜΆÖ] oÖž †nÇ’Ö] h†ÏÃÖ] Ø‘æ ]ƒžæ ó醎 ènÞ^³%Ö] á¤]
oÖž †nŽm †nÇ’Ö] h†ÏÃÖ] óé‚u]çÖ] èÂ^ŠÖ] ±ãÊ †ŽÂ ±Þ^³%Ö] o³Öž †³nfÓ³Ö]
èÊ^ŠÚ †nÇ’Ö] h†ÏÃÖ] Ä_Ïm æ èÏn΂Ö] oÖž †nŽm †nfÓÖ] h†ÏÃÖ]æ óèÂ^³ŠÖ]
†nfÓÖ] h†ÏÃÖ] Ä_Ïm æ (†ì ÜÎ… oÖž ÜÎ… àÚ Ø‘æ ]ƒž é‚u]æ èÂ^‰
óànÛÎ… àne Ðñ^΁ ‹Ûì èÊ^ŠÚ
ó±Þ^%Ö] ÜΆÖ] oÖž ______ h†ÏÃÖ]æ †nÇ’Ö] h†ÏÃÖ] Ø‘æ ‚Î (i)
D†nfÓÖ] (†nfÒ (†nÇ‘E
DèÂ^ŠÖ] (Ðñ^΁ (èÏn΁E ______ oÖž †nŽm †nÇ’Ö] h†ÏÃÖ] (ii)

D†nfÓÖ] (†nÇ’Ö] (é†nfÓÖ]E óèÏn΂ùÖ] oÖž †nŽm ______ h†ÏÃÖ]æ (iii)

Dh†ÏÃÖ] (h†Ï (h†Î¢]E óé‚u]æ èÂ^‰ èÊ^ŠÚ †nÇ’Ö] ______ Ä_Ïmæ (iv)

DÐñ^΁ (ànjÏn΁ (l^Â^‰EóànÛÎ… àne ______ ‹Ûì †nfÓÖ] h†ÏÃÖ] Ä_Ïm (v)

224 Page 3 P.T.O.

o× ‹×q ó^ãe |†Ê æ ^✆ÏÊ óäÏm‚‘ èÖ^‰… ‚qææ äe^e xjÊ óäfjÓÚ oÖž ‚ÛvÚ g³âƒ
V ^ãÚù¢ kÖ^Îæ ^ãj×nÚ‡ ÄÚ ^ãjne èÛ›^Ê k×ì óäÏm‚‘ oÖž gjÓm œ‚e æ än‰†Ò
Ùçu àãßne &m‚vÖ]…] óÙ^fÏj‰Ÿ] è栮 ±Ê àŠ×qæ Ý¡ŠÖ] ^ãÚùœ lù†Ê ÜÓn× ݡŠÖ]
óènÖæ‚Ö]æ ènß›çÖ] è‰^nŠÖ]
DäfjÓÚ oÖž (äjne oÖž (艅‚ÛÖ] oÖžE [ ‚ÛvÚ g⃠àmœ (i)
DäÏm‚‘ (änìœ (äneœE ______ èÖ^‰… ‚qææ (ii)
D‚Ûuœ (‚ÛvÚ (‚Ú^uE [ èn‰†Ò o× ‹×q àÚ (iii)
DèÛ›^Ê (èÛ›^Ê kìœ (èÛ›^Ê ÝœE ÜÓn× ݡŠÖ] V kÖ^Î àÚ (iv)
DÝ^Ã_Ö] è栮 ±Ê (Ù^fÏj‰Ÿ] è栮 ±Ê (ÝçßÖ] è栮 ±ÊE [ àâ àŠ×q àmœ (v)
Ä•æ (^ãi…^m‡ ±Ê gƆm çâæ ó±ãց oÖž ¼Î†Ê^Šm ÜÖ çâæ (¨^³ß³Ó³Ö ±³Ê à³Ó³Šm سnfÞ
]çqçÚ …^_ÏÖ] á^Ò ó‚q^‰ †nÇ’Ö] änìœ ÄÚ …^_ÏÖ] è_vÚ oÖž Ø‘æ æ †ËŠ×Ö ^rÚ^Þ†³e
óåçìœæ ØnfÞ gÒ†m ^ÛÖæ …^_ÏÖ]…^‰ è_vÛÖ] oÖž ^ÛãÖç‘æ…çÊ æ Ìn‘†Ö] o×Â
V ‚q^‰ Ù^Î ±ãց oÖž ¡‘æ ^Ú ‚ß (^fÒ…æ änÖž ^†‰ªÊ
±ãց ±Ê l^Þ]çnvÖ] èÏm‚u (l^Þ]çnvÖ] èÏm‚u …懜 ᜠ‚m…œ ܳm†³Ó³Ö] ±³ìœ V ‚³q^³‰
ó÷]‚q é†nfÒ
D°^fÛÚ (¨^ßÓÖ (±ãցE ______ ±Ê ØnfÞ àÓŠm (i)
D†Ê^‰œ ÜÖ (†Ê^Šm ÜÖ (†Ê^‰ ÜÖE ó]‚eœ ±ãց oÖž ______ çâæ (ii)
Dänìœ (äÏm‚‘ (äneœE ______ ÄÚ …^_ÏÖ] è_vÚ oÖž ØnfÞ Ø‘æ (iii)
D‚Ú^u (‚q^‰ (ØnfÞE [ †nÇ’Ö] ØnfÞ ïœ Ü‰] ^Ú (iv)
D^e…‚nu (±ãց (¨^ßÓÖE ó]‚q é†nfÒ ______ ±Ê l^Þ]çnvÖ] èÏm‚u (v)
224 Page 4 P.T.O.
SECTION - B (10 Marks)

Writing Skills

2. Write a paragraph in about 50 words in Arabic on any one of the

following topics : 4

V ènÖ^jÖ] l^Âç•çÛÖ] àÚ Åç•çÚ ±Ê èÛ×Ò 50 ±Ê ène†ÃÖ^e é†ÏÊ gjÒ]

/ŸÀÉ~ !²sZ¤ Zc qZ Œ6 pÖZ 50 ã½6
: õG ËÐ ~ ]¬çñsf zgq
±jne (i)

l^Þ]çnvÖ] èÏm‚u (ii)

°ƒ^j‰œ (iii)


Write an application to your School Principal in Arabic for two days


óànÚçm é‡^q¦ ène†ÃÖ] èÇ×Ö^e Ôj‰…‚Ú †m‚Ú oÖž ^f×› gjÒ]

/ŸÀÉ„ ZpgŠ qZ ~ ! ²Å ”Å yŠ zŠ x * Æ ±6 Æ wjZ LZ
X õG

3. Make two sentences with any two words from the following : 2
V ènÖ^jÖ] l^Û×ÓÖ] àÚ ànjÛ×ÓÖ] Ý]‚íj‰^e ànj×Ûq áçÒ
:  ¯ ¿ B‚ Æ V/ ÌËÐ ~ sf `gŠ
èßm‚Ú (i)

é…çfŠÖ] (ii)

Õ^f (iii)

è‰]†Ò (iv)

224 Page 5 P.T.O.

4. Fill any two of the following blanks : 2
V ènÖ^jÖ] l^Æ]†ËÖ] àÚ ¡Ú]
%N Ã V» à { Å sÜÐ ~ sf `gŠ
: Ù æF
DàjÞœ (ÜjÞœ (^ÛjÞœE ól¡nfÞ ______ (i)

Dçâ (kôÞœ (àvÞE ó‡çr ______ (ii)

Dàâö (^Ûâ (çâE óá^vÖ^‘ ______ (iii)

DàvÞ (^Ûâö (kôÞœE óð^ŠÞ ______ (iv)

5. Correct any two of the following sentences : 2

V ènÖ^jÖ] ØÛrÖ] àÚ xvù‘
: Ù „gŠ ¿ Ð ~ VÓ sf zgq
ó†nfÓÖ] èq¡$ Üâ‚ß (i)

óè’’ùíÛÖ] àãßÒ^Úœ ±Ê h¡_Ö] kŠ×q (ii)

ó]‚q è×㉠Ù]©ŠÖ] áž (iii)

ó^÷e^jÒ ±Þ^Û$ l„ìœ (iv)

SECTION - C (20 Marks)

Grammar And Translation

6. Define and illustrate any one of the following with the examples :
1 5=5
V è×%Ú¢] ÄÚ ä×%ùÚ æ ènÖ^jÖ] l]…^níÖ] àÚ Í†ùÂ
: Ù sŸz Æ Vß V ì Å ËÐ ~ wf zgq

Ø’ËßÛÖ] †nÛ–Ö] (i)

^ãi]çìœæ áùž (ii)

óæ‚ÃÛÖ]æ ‚ÃÖ] (iii)

224 Page 6 P.T.O.
7. Choose any five correct answers from the brakcets : 5 1=5
V àn‰çÏÖ] àne èvnv’Ö] èeçq¢] àÚ °œ†jì]
: , ™ [ NZ » ] !ZŽ „gŠ ÌËÐ ~ '
DÔ×i (ÔÖƒ (å„âE ó‚m‚q h^jÒ ________ (i)

DØnÛq (ĉ]çÖ] (†nfÓÖ]E ó________ kne ±Ö (ii)

DàvÞ (Ÿæ¢] (Ù^q†Ö]E óá^‰‚ßãÚ ________ (iii)

Dèfm†Î (‚nÃe (gm†ÎE ó‚rŠÛÖ] àÚ ________ ±j‰…‚Ú (iv)

Dàne^jÒ (h^jÒ (gjÒE ó________ ‚ÛvÚ œ†Î (v)

DØnÛq (èßn⃠(ènÒƒE óè×nÛq ±Úœ æ ________ ±ìœ (vi)

D…ö^Ç’Ö] (†Ç‘¢] (†nÇ’Ö]E óáçfŸ ________ öŸæ¢] (vii)

D÷]‚Ö^ì (‚õÖ^ì (‚ºÖ^ìE ó________ kne oÖž kf⃠(viii)

8. Translate any five of the following into English : 5 1=5

V èmˆn×rÞ¦] èÇ×Ö] oÖž èni¤] ØÛrÖ] àÚ Üq†i

: Ù ÀF ~ ~ môZ » VÓ ËÐ sf `gŠ
óé…^nŠÖ] lð^q (i)

óá]‚nÛÖ] oÖž gâ„Þ àvÞ (ii)

óÔÃÚ ‹×qœ ^Þœ (iii)

[ Ôjne ±Ê ±ìœ Øâ (iv)

[ ð^΂‘œ ðŸ©âœ / [ l^Ïm‚‘ ðŸ©âFœ (v)

ógnf› ‚m‡ çeœ (vi)

󌅂Ö] Ü×ùÃÛÖ] gjÓm (vii)

óèÛ×ÃÚ äjqæ‡ (viii)

224 Page 7 P.T.O.
9. Translate any five of the following into Arabic : 5 1=5

: ène†ÃÖ] èÇ×Ö] oÖž ènÖ^jÖ] ØÛrÖ] àÚ °œ Üq†i

: Ù ÀF ~ ! ² » VÓ ÌËÐ ~ sf `gŠ
(i) She is your friend.
(ii) We went to Agra.
(iii) Is this a hospital ?
(iv) This is an old school.
(v) She bought three pens.
(vi) Please come and sit here.
(vii) They are good people.
(viii)These are my books.

SECTION - D (40 Marks)

Literature - Prose & Poetry

10. Translate any two of the following passages into English or Urdu :
2 5 = 10

V èm…¢] æœ èmˆn×rÞ¦] oÖž ènÖ^jÖ] l^Ã_ÏÖ] àÚ Üq†i

: Ù ~ zŠg Z c ~ môZ ÀF » Ð ~ ]‚ ½Z sf zgq

änÊ †Òƒ °„Ö] äe^_ì oÏÖœæ 艅‚ÛÖ] †m‚Ú Ý‚Î ^u^f‘ 醍^ÃÖ] èÂ^³ŠÖ] ±³Ö]ç³uø ±³Ê
ó^ãñ^ŽÞž îm…^i æ 艅‚ÛÖ] l]‡^rÞž
˜Ãe l‚ŽÞœ æ è’ùßÛÖ] oÖž èfÖ^› kÚ‚³Î óènÊ^³Ï³%Ö] l^³›^³Žß³Ö] lœ‚³e ÔÖƒ ‚³Ã³e
^Û¿Þø oÏÖœ æ ‹Ú^íÖ] Ì’Ö] àÚ gÖ^› Ý‚Î Ü$ óç³×³u æ سnÛ³q lç³’³e l^³ne¢]
æ èÎ…^e á]çÖœ l]ƒ è×mç› ^e^f×q ànŠeŸ ]çÞ^Ò Ÿæ œ †ã¾ ÔÖƒ ‚Ãeæ óÜnì†Ö] äiç’e
XXóèÃjÛÚ ènu†ŠÚ ]çÚ‚ùÎ èf×_Ö] ðŸ©â
224 Page 8 P.T.O.
óÔÖƒ o× ^jÏÊ]æ á^i†‰¢] óäm‚Ö]æ àÚ áƒ¦] gø×› غÒæ ÔÖƒ o× ^³Î^³Ë³i] á^³ß³$Ÿ]
äjìœ æ ØnӍ °»‚øÖ]æ àÚ èöÂçÛrÛÖ] å„â k×ÓŽi óÄm†ŠÖ] …^³_³Ï³Ö^³e †³Ë³ŠÖ] á^³Ò
(Õ^fŽÖ] gÞ^re äqçÖ ^ãqæ á]‚Ö]çÖ] ‹×q ó‚nÛu æ ØnӍ__ ànÏm‚’Ö]æ é†nÇ’Ö]
äÞ^m†m^Ú o× á^Ï×ùÃmæ (èm‚m‚vÖ] ÔÓŠÖ] o× †ñ^ŠÖ] …^_ÏÖ] àÚ t…^íÖ] oÖž á]†¿³ß³m
oÖž kãqùçiæ é…^n‰ 醉¢] l†qªj‰] °^fÚçÚ è_vÚ oÖž Ùç‘çÖ] ‚Ãe óÐm†_Ö] ±³Ê
óØnӍ Üù kne
±Ê á牅‚m æ ±×⁠çnÞ ±Ê é‚u]æ ènßÓ‰ é…^u ±Ê ‚Ûuœ æ ‚Ú^u æ ‚ÛvÚ àÓ³Šm
‚ÛvÚ œ‚e èu]†j‰Ÿ] é†jÊ Ù¡ì Ýçm ±Ê óÜãi…^u àÚ h†ÏÖ^e èÃÎ]æ 鳂³u]æ 艅‚³Ú
àÚ ^–Ãe ]æœ†Ê ó艅‚ÛÖ] á]‚nÚ oÖž ‚Ûuœæ ‚Ú^u ÄÚ äqçiæ ^òn ØÒªm ÜÖ æ ^–m†³Ú
oÊ Õ†jŽm ÜÖ ‚ÛvÚ àÓÖæ ÜãnÖž ‚Ûuœ æ ‚Ú^u Ü–Þ] óÝ‚ÏÖ] é†Ò áçfÃ׳m h¡³_³Ö]
‚ÛvÚ ÄÎæ kÎçÖ] àÚ Øn×Î ‚Ãe óànf¡Ö]æ gÃ×Ö] o× t†ËjnÖ ^fÞ^q ÌÎçÊ ógó׳Ö]
óá]‚nÛÖ] èn•…œ o× än× ^nŽÇÚ

11. Read the following passage of question 10 part (C) and answer
any four of the following questions : 4 2=8

V ènÖ^jÖ] è×ò‰¢] àÚ èÃe…œ °œ o× gqœ æ 10 ÜÎ… Ù]©ŠÖ] àÚ é†ÏËÖ] œ†Î]

: K[ZŽ Æ VßZÎ Ìˉ bŠ ~ sf `gŠ gzZ ³7 Ã Æ 10 wZÎ

[ ±×⁠çnÞ ±Ê ‚Ûuœ æ ‚Ú^u æ ‚ÛvÚ àÓŠm àmœ (i)
[ Üãj‰…‚Ú ÄÏi àmœ (ii)
[ Ý‚ÏÖ] é†Ò áçfÃ×m h¡_Ö] àÚ ^–Ãe pœ… àÚ (iii)
[ gÃ×Ö] ±Ê Õ†jŽm ÜÖ àÚ (iv)
[ á]‚nÛÖ] èn•…œ o× än× ^nŽÇÚ ÄÎæ àÚ (v)

224 Page 9 P.T.O.

12. Choose any four suitable answers : 4 1=4

V èf‰^ßÛÖ] èeçq¢] àÚ °œ †jìž

: Ù [NZ » ]!ZŽ ƒ o Ð ðÃ
ó݆jvÚ ƒ^j‰¢] áž (i)
݆jvÚ is .....
In this sentence
hç’ßÚ áž †fì (c) ÅçÊ†Ú áž †fì (b) ÅçÊ†Ú áž Ü‰] (a)

óá^jvÖ^‘ á^jße ^ÛjÞœ (ii)

In this sentence ^ÛjÞœ is .....
ÅçÊ†Ú Ø’jÚ †nÛ• (a)
ÅçÊ†Ú Ø’ËßÚ †nÛ• (b)
hç’ßÚ Ø’ËßÚ †nÛ• (c)

óoËŽjŠÛÖ] ±Ê ð^f›œ Üâö (iii)

In this sentence Üâ is .....
gñ^Æ †Ò„Ú ÄÛq †nÛ• (a)
†•^u &Þ©Ú ÄÛq †nÛ• (b)
gñ^Æ &Þ©Ú ÄÛq †nÛ• (c)

óá^Ò‚Ö] àÚ ànÛ×Î köm†j] (iv)

In this sentenceànÛ×Î is .....
hç’ßÚ änß%i (c) …æ†rÚ änß%i (b) ÅçÊ†Ú änß%i (a)
óh]çeœ èÊi ÑçŠÖ] ±Ê (v)

In this sentence h]çeœ is .....

æ‚ÃÚ (c) ÅçÊ†Ú (b) Í^ – Ú (a)

224 Page 10 P.T.O.

13. Explain any five of the following verses : 5 3 = 15

V ènÖ^jÖ] l^ne¢] àÚ |†]

: Ù ô=Å g ÃZ Ð g ÃZ sf `gŠ

Ý^ÏÛÖ] ÅçÊ†Ú å^rÖ] ˆ³mˆ³Â ^Ûm†Ò ]†q ]†Ë¿³Ú l$ ‚³Âöæ (i)

Ý^¿ßÖ]æ é…^–vÖ] ±Ê Ðm†Â ‚nrÚ î³m…^³i l]ƒ Ձ¡³e (ii)

Ý¡¿Ö] gru ^â ð^n• |]‡œ l^ËŠ×Ëe ànÛÖ^³Ã³Ö] ‚³Úœ (iii)

Ý^ ØÒ ±Ê ^ãʈ³Þ ÔnÖž ±Þ^ãjÖ] oÒ‡œ ^ßÎ ^ÛÂœ à³Û³Ê (iv)

Ý^n’Ö] ÜÖœ àÚ å^‰^Î ^Úæ X°‚Þ^ÆZ ^ãq ÄnÛrÖ] ͆ ‚ÏÖ (v)

Ý^’íÖ] „fÞ oÖž 傳…œæ ±ì«jøÖ] oÖž Ün¿ÃÖ] gÃŽÖ]^ (vi)

14. Write the central idea of any one poem of the following : 3

V ènÖ^jÖ] l]…^níÖ] àÚ Ü¿ßÖ èmˆÒ†ÛÖ] é†ÓËÖ] gjÒ]

/ŸÀÉwì ~œ% »
: õG ËÐ ~ sf `gŠ
Ü×ÏÖ] Ì‘æ (i)

èßrÖ] …çË’Â (ii)

gm†ÇÖ] ^m^ßu àÚ (iii)


224 Page 11 P.T.O.

224 123 Page 12

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