4211 Slides 2
4211 Slides 2
4211 Slides 2
• So we would say a state is specified when we know all the position and
momenta coordinates.
• Difficulty in counting such states since p and q vary continuously; there would
be an infinite number of states in any region of phase space.
Our Philosophy
• We shall write the size of a Δp Δq cell as h. At this stage its size will be un-
determined. Later, by comparing results with those calculated by quantum
statistical mechanics, we will identify this h as Planck’s constant.
− − no pi − −
↓ ↓
− E ( q1 ...qi ...qN , p1 ..... pN ) kT
∫ i dpi ∫ e
− Ei
E e kT
d 3 N q d 3 N −1 p
Ei =
∫ e − Ei kT
dpi ∫ [same integral as above - no pi ]
∫ i
− Ei kT
E e dpi
Ei =
− Ei kT
e dpi
Use the beta trick: β = 1/kT….
• Gas of particles (only p contribution): CV = R per mol.
S = −k ∫ ρ ln ρ d n p d n q = −k ln ρ
where ρ ( pi ,qi ,t) = density of points in phase space.
1 2
1 2
evolves to which
appears as
Z = zN .
n1 ! n2 ! n3 !......
so that for a given distribution {ni} the partition function for identical
indistinguishable particles is
n1 ! n2 ! n3 !...... N
Z= z .
This is N times the Helmholtz free energy for a single particle plus an
extra term depending on T and N. So the second term can be ignored so
long as we differentiate with respect to something other than T or N.
Thus when differentiating with respect to volume to find the pressure,
the result is N times that for a single particle.
h ⎣ −∞ ⎦.
V h
z= 3, where Λ= .
Λ ( 2π mkT )
⎡⎛ 2π mkT ⎞3 2 kTe5 2 ⎤
S = Nk ln ⎢⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣⎝ h ⎠ p ⎥⎦
S = Nk ln T − Nk ln p + Nks0