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Analog Communication Solution For 2nd Test

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Analog communication

Solution scheme for 2nd test


S (t) - modulated wave

Cos 2πfl (t) - oscillator freq to which modulate wave has to be
Spectrum of DSB-SC wave translated downwards in freq

S (t) = m (t) cos 2πfct

V1 (t) = m (t) cos 2πfct. cos2πflt
= 1/2 m (t) cos 2π (fc-fl) t + 1/2m (t) cos 2π (fc+fl) t
V2 (t) = 1/2 m (t) cos 2π (fc-fl) t
= 1/2 m(t) cos (2πf0t)

The device used for fre translation of a modulated wave is called mixer.
This is constructed by using non-linear or switching devices.

Mixing is linear operation & it preserves the relation of the S.B's of the
incoming modulated wave to the carrier.

When number of independent message signals are Txed over a common

channel such that the signals are kept apart so that they do not interfere with
each other. If this separation is based on fre division, then the process is said
to be as fre division multiplexing.


Basic Elements of an AM receiver of the super heterodyne

• Signal received by an antenna is in the form of
electromagnetic waves. RF section selects wanted
signal and reject others. It reduces the effect of
• Mixer mixes fRF and fLO and difference
frequency components fRF-fLO is selected and
others are rejected.
• To maintain constant difference, ganged tuning
is used.
• IF signal is then amplified by one or more
stages. Sensitivity and selectivity of receiver don’t
change with incoming frequency.
• IF signal is detected by detector to recover the
modulating signal.


Aspect ratio:-

It is the ratio of width of the picture to height of the


Kell Factor:-

Gives the effective number of horizontal scanning

lines those can be scanned because of practical

Band width:-

B= K/2 (b/a) [N-2Nvr/ T-Thr]

B- video bandwidth
K- Kell Factor 0.6 to 0.7
b/a - Aspect Ratio 4:3
N - Total lines/ Frames 525
Nvr – Vertical Retrace
T - Total line time
Thr – Horizontal retrace time


If either phase or frequency of the carrier is

varied in accordance with the message signal, keeping
amplitude of carrier as constant, then it is called angle

S (t) = Ac cos [θ (t)]

Ac- Amplitude of the carrier maintained constant.

θ (t) - Angular argument varied by a message signal m(t).

Fi (t)= fc + Kf m(t)
θ (t)= 2πfc (t) + 2πkf 0∫ m(t) dt

S (t) = Ac cos [2πfc (t) + 2πKf o∫ m(t) dt ]

S(t)= Ac cos [θ(t)]

θ(t)= 2πfc(t) + Kpm(t)

S(t)= Ac cos [ 2πfc(t) + Kpm(t) ]

Ac- Amplitude of the carrier maintained constant

θ(t)- Angular argument varied by a message signal
m (t) - Message signal

3b .

Envelop of FM wave is constant; so that average

power of such a wave dissipated in 1Ω resistor is also

P= ½ Ac2

P= ½ Ac2 ∑ Jn2 (β)

∑Jn2 (β) ≈1
P= ½ Ac2 There fore


S1 (t) = A1 cos [2πf1 (t) + Φ1 (t)]


Φ1 (t) = 2πK1 o∫ m (t) dt

If angle Φ1 (t) is small compared to 1 radian

Cos [Φ1 (t)] = 1 and sin [Φ1 (t)] = Φ1 (t)

S1 (t) = A1 cos 2πf1 (t) cosΦ1 (t) – A1 sin 2πf1 (t). sinΦ1 (t)

= A1 cos 2πf1 (t) - A1 sin 2πf1 (t) [2K1 0∫ m(t) dt]

Importance of selection of β≤0.3 has to be written

S2(t) = a1S1(t) + a2S12(t) + …………….


S (t) = Ac cos [2πfc (t) + 2πKf 0∫ m(t) dt]

Kf = nK1
5. Explain the detection process of FM signals using balanced frequency discriminator
with relevant

H1(f)={j2 c+B/2) , fc – B/2<=f<=fc+B/2

j2 c+B/2) , - fc – B/2<=f<=-fc+B/2
0 , elsewhere}

H1(f-fc)=H1(f) f>0
H1(f)={ j2 B/2) , – B/2<=f<=+B/2
0 , elsewhere }
S(t)=Ac cos( m(t) dt)
ŝ(t) =Ac m(t) dt)
ŝ1(f)={ j2 B/2) ŝ(f) – B/2<=f<=+B/2 ,
0 elsewhere
ŝ1(t)a[d(ŝ(t)/dt +jπBŝ(t)]
s1(t)=πBaAc[1+2kf/B m(t)] cos(2 πfct+ m(t)dt+π/2]
І2kf/B m(t)І<1
Іŝ(t)І=πBaAc[1+2kf/B m(t)]

Іŝ(t)І= πBaAc [1-2kf/B m(t)]

6. Explain FM detection using PLL for non linearised model

VCO has 900 Phase shift w.r.t. unmodulated carrier

S(t)= AC sin[2πfct +φ1(t)]
Φ1(t)=2πkf m(t) dt
r(t) =Av cos[2πfct +φ2(t)]
s(t) r(t)= higher and lower frequency component
Higher frequency component km Ac Av sin[4πfct +φ1(t) +φ2(t)]
Lower frequency component km Ac Av sin[φ1(t)- φ2(t)]
Km------multiplier gain/ volt
e(t)= km Ac Av sin[ φe(t)]
φe(t)= φ1(t)- φ2(t)
V(t)= ∫ e(τ) h(t-τ) dτ
h(t) impulse response of filter
dφe(t)/dt = d φ1(t)/dt - 2πk0 ∫sin[φe(τ)] h(t-τ) dτ
k0 = km kv Ac Av
7. Derive an epression for spectrum of FM wave with sinusoidal modulation
S(t) = Ac cos [2πfct +β sin 2πfmt]
=Ac{cos 2πfct cos(βSin2πfmt) – sinπfct sin(βsin 2πfmt)}
SI(t)=AC Cos[β Sin(2πfmt)]
SQ(t) = ACSin[β sin(2πfmt)]
Ŝ(t) = AC ejβ sin 2πfmt
S(t) = Re[ ŝ(t) ej2πfmt]
ŝ(t) =Σ Cn ej2πnfmt
Cn =fm +1/2fm∫-1/2fm ŝ(t) e-j2πnfmt dt
= AC fm +1/2fm∫-1/2fm ejβSin2πfmt – j2πnfm t dt
X= 2πfmt
Cn =AC/2π π ∫-π ej(β sinx-nx) dx
Jn (β) = 1/2π π∫-π ej(βsin-nx) dx
Cn =AC Jn (β)
S(t) =Σ Ac Jn(β) ej2πnfmt
S(t) =ACΣJn(β) cos[2π(fc+nfm)t]
S(f)=AC/2 Σ Jn(β) [σ(f-fc-nfm) + σ(f+fc+nfm)]
J-n(β)={ jn (β) n even
-jn(β) n odd
Fig. Of plot of Bessel function of first kind
8. A modulating signal 5 cos 2π(5*10^3 t) angle modulates a carrier Acos wct.
Find the modulation index and the bandwidth of the FM system . Determine the
change in the band width and the modulation index if FM is reduced to 5
KHZ.what is the conclusion of these two results?
Sol. m(t)= 5 cos 2π 15*103 t
C(t)=A coswct
S(t)=AC cos[2πfct + 2πkf ∫0t m(t) dt]
=Ac cos [2πfCt + 2πkf ∫0t 5 cos 2π15*103 t]
= Ac cos [2πfCt + 2πkf (5 sin 2π( 15*103) t55)/15*103]
= Ac cos [wCt + 2π(5kf) ( sin 2π( 15*103) t)/15*103]
Δf=Am kf
=5 kf Assume kf=1
β= Δf/fm
B.w=2Δf+ 2fm
=30.010 KHZ

When m(t) is (5*103) KHZ

S(t)= Ac cos [wCt + 2π(kf) ( sin 2π( 5*103) t)/5*103]
Δf=Am kf
Δf=1 Assume kf=1
β= Δf/fm
B.W.= B.w=2Δf+ 2fm
As the modulating frequency and amplitude of modulating wave is reduced ,
its modulation index and also Band width reduces.

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