Signals and Systems
Signals and Systems
Signals and Systems
Dr. Mohammed Gulam Ahamad
Salmanbin Abdulaziz Universiry
Signals and Systems 1
Lecture # 2
Introduction to Signals
EE 327 fall 2002
1. Classification of Signals
1. Deterministic and Stochastic signals
2. Periodic and Aperiodic signals
3. Continuous time (CT) and Discrete time (DT)
4. Causal and anti-causal signals
5. Right and left sided signals
6. Bounded and unbounded signals
7. Even and odd signals
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. Deterministic -
Predictive (An example is
sin wave, square wave)
2. Stochastic Non
predictive (An example is
noise signal or human voice)
EE 327 fall 2002
1. Periodic and Aperiodic Signals
Periodic signals have the property that
x(t+T)=x(t) for all t.
The smallest value of T satisfies the definition is
called the period.
Shown below are aperiodic signal (left) and a periodic signal (right).
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. Periodic Signals
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. Aperiodic
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. For both exponential CT ( ) and DT( )
signals, x is a complex quantity. To plot x, we can choose
to plot either its magnitude and angle or its real and
imaginary parts- whichever is more convenient for
2. For example, suppose s= jt/8
3. and ,
4. then the real parts are:
}. 8 / cos{ } { )} ( {
}, 8 / cos{ } { )} ( {
8 /
8 /
n e n x
t e t x
n j
t j
= 9 = 9
= 9 = 9
8 /
t j
e z =
z n x = ) (
e t x = ) (
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. Continuous-time (CT) and discrete time (DT)
2. CT signals take on real or complex values as a function of an
independent variable that ranges over the real numbers and
are denoted as x(t).
3. DT signals take on real or complex values as a function of an
independent variable that ranges over the integers and are
denoted as x[n].
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. For example, consider the image shown on the left and its DT
representation shown on the right.
The image on the left consists of 302 - 435 picture elements
(pixels) each of which is represented by a triplet of numbers
{R,G,B} that encode the color. Thus, the signal is represented
by c[n,m] where m and n are the independent variables that
specify pixel location and c is a color vector specified by a
triplet of hues {R,G,B} (red, green, and blue).
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. Real and complex signals
2. Signals can be real, imaginary, or complex.
3. An important class of signals are the complex exponentials:
4. - the CT signal where s is a complex number,
5. - the DT signal where z is a complex number.
6. Q. Why do we deal with complex signals?
7. A. They are often analytically simpler to deal with than real
e t x = ) (
z n x = ) (
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. Causal and anti-causal signals
2. A causal signal is zero for t < 0 and
3. anti- causal signal is zero for t > 0.
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. Right- and left-sided signal
2. A right-sided signal is zero for t < T and a left-
sided signal is zero for t > T where T can be
positive or negative.
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. Bounded and unbounded
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. Even and odd signals
2. Even signals xe(t) and odd signals xo(t) are defined as
xe(t) = xe(-t) and xo(t) = - xo(-t)
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
1. Any signal is a sum of unique odd and even signal.
2. x(t) = xe(t) + xo(t) and x(-t) = xe(t) - xo(t)
Yields and
)) ( ) ( (
) ( t x t x t x
)) ( ) ( (
) ( t x t x t x
+ =
EE 327 fall 2002
Classification of Signals
Measuring Signals
1. Measure Amplitude
peak to peak amplitude
mean amplitude (r.m.s.)
2. Measure Period and Repetition
duration of 1 cycle (s)
number of cycles per second (Hz)
3. How to measure shape?
EE 327 fall 2002
Signal Analysis
1. Simple Periodic Signals
called sinusoidal signals
only need to know 3 things:
period (or frequency), amplitude & phase
EE 327 fall 2002
Representation of signals
Building-block signals;
1. We will represent signal as sums of
building-block signals.
2. Important families of building-block
signals are the eternal (everlasting ),
complex exponentials and the unit
impulse functions.
EE 327 fall 2002
Building-block signals;
1. Eternal, complex exponentials
2. These signal have the form
3. for all t and for all n,
where X, s, and z are complex numbers.
4. In general s is complex and can be written
as s = o + je,
5. where o and e are the real and
imaginary parts of s.
Xe t x = ) (
EE 327 fall 2002
Xz n x = ) (
Building-block signals;
1. Eternal, complex exponentials- real s
2. If s = o is real and X is real then
3. ,
4. And we get the family of real exponential functions.
5. Eternal, complex exponentials- imaginary s
6. If s = je is imaginary and X is real then
9. and we get the family of sinusoidal functions.
Xe t x
= ) (
EE 327 fall 2002
), sin (cos ) ( t j t X Xe t x
t j
e e
+ = =
Building-block signals;
1. Eternal, complex exponentials- complex s
2. If s = o + je is complex and X is real
3. And we get the family of damped
sinusoidal functions.
EE 327 fall 2002
), sin (cos ) (
) (
t j t Xe Xe t x
t t j
e e
o e o
+ = =
Building-block signals;
1. For is
plotted for different values of s superimposed on
the complex s-plane.
t Xe t x Xe t x
t t s
cos )} ( { , ) ( = 9 =
EE 327 fall 2002
Building-block signals;
1. For is plotted
for different values of s superimposed on the
complex s-plane.
EE 327 fall 2002
t Xe t x Xe t x
t t s
sin )} ( { , ) ( = 9 =
Eternal complex exponentials- why are they
1. Almost any signal of practical interest can be
represented as a superposition (sum) of eternal
complex exponentials.
2. The output of a linear, time-invariant (LTI)
system (to be defined next time) is simple to
compute if the input is a sum of eternal
complex exponentials.
3. Eternal complex exponentials are the
eigenfuntions of characteristic (unforced,
homogeneous) responses of LTI systems.
EE 327 fall 2002
Building block signals Unit impulse definition
1. The unit impulse o(t), is an important signal of CT systems. The Dirac delta function,
is not a function in the ordinary sense. It is defined by the integral relation
And is called a generalized function.
1. The unit impulse is not defined in terms of its values, but is defined by how it acts
inside an integral when multiplied by a smooth function f(t). To see that the area of
the unit impulse is 1, choose f(t) = 1 in the definition. We represent the unit impulse
schematically as shown below; the number next to the impulse is its area.
. ) ( ) ( ) ( dt t f t f t o t =
EE 327 fall 2002
). ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 ( t d t f f o t
Unit impulse- narrow pulse approximation
1. To obtain an intuitive feeling for the unit impulse, it is often
helpful to imagine a set of rectangular pulses where each
pulse has width c and height 1/c so that its area is 1.
The unit impulse is the quintessential tall and narrow pulse!
EE 327 fall 2002
Unit impulse- intuiting the definition
1. To obtain some intuition about the meaning of the
integral definition of the impulse, we will use a tall
rectangular pulse of unit area as an approximation to
the unit impulse.
2. As the rectangular pulse gets taller and narrower,
) 0 (
) 0 (
) ( ) ( lim
dt t t f = -
c c
EE 327 fall 2002
Unit impulse- the shape does not matter
1. There is nothing special about the rectangular
pulse approximation to the unit impulse. A
triangular pulse approximation is just as good.
As far as out definition is concerned both the
rectangular and triangular pulse are equally good
approximations. Both act as impulses.
EE 327 fall 2002
Unit impulse- the values do not matter
1. The values of the approximation functions do not matter either. The
function on the left has unit area and takes on the arbitrary value A
for t=0. The function on the right, which we shall encounter
frequently in later lectures, has the property that it has non-zero
values at most of its values, all but a countably infinite number of
points, nut still acts as a unit impulse
What all these approximations have in common is that as c gets small the area of
each function occupies an increasingly narrow time interval centered on t=0.
EE 327 fall 2002