Gender Inequality
Gender Inequality
Gender Inequality
Law Articles
Man and woman are both equal and both plays a vital role in the creation and
development of their families in a particular and the society in general. Indeed, the
struggle for legal equality has been one of the major concerns of the women’s
movement all over the world. In India, since long back, women were considered as an
oppressed section of the society and they were neglected for centuries. During the
national struggle for independence, Gandhi gave a call of emancipation of women. He
wrote – :I am uncompromising in the matter of women’s rights. The difference in sex
and physical form denotes no difference in status. Woman is the complement of man,
and not inferior". Thus, the first task in post-independent India was to provide a
constitution to the people, which would not make any distinctions on the basis of sex.
The preamble of constitution promises to secure to all its citizens- "Justice- economical,
social, and political".
The constitution declares that the equality before the law and the equal protection of
laws shall be available for all . Similarly, there shall be no discrimination against any
citizen on the ground of sex . Article 15(1) guarantees equalities of opportunities for all
citizens in matters of employment. Article 15(3) provides that the state can make any
special provisions for women and children. Besides, directive principle of state policy
which concern women directly and have a special bearing on their status directly and
have a special bearing on their status include Article 39(a) right to an adequate means
of livelihood; (d) equal pay for equal wok both men and women, (e) protection of
health and strength of workers –men, women, children and Article 42 provides for just
and humane conditions of work and maternity relief.
It is really important to note that though the Constitution of India is working since Top
more than fifty-seven years – the raising of the status of women to one of equality,
freedom and dignity is still a question mark.
In India, since independence, a number of laws have been enacted in order to provide
protection to women. For instance the Dowry prohibition Act 1961, The Equal
Remuneration Act 1986, The Hindu Marriage Act 1956, The Hindu Succession Act 1956,
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986, the commission of Sati
(prevention) Act 1987, Protection of the Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, etc.
But, the laws have hardly implemented in their letter and spirit.
The sense of insecurity, humiliation and helplessness always keep a women mum. Our
whole socialisation is such that for any unsuccessful marriage which results in such
violence or divorce, it is always the woman, who is held responsible. Cultural beliefs
and traditions that discriminate against women may be officially discredited but they
continue to flourish at the grass root levels. Family relations in India are governed by
personal laws. The four major religious communities are – Hindu, Muslim, Christian
and Parsi each have their separate personal laws. They are governed by their
respective personal laws in matters of marriage, divorce, succession, adoption,
guardianship and maintenance. In the laws of all the communities, women have fewer
rights than that of man in corresponding situations. It is really that women of the
minority communities in India continue to have unequal legal rights and even the
women of the majority community have yet to gain complete formal equality in all
aspects of family life. This is basically the problem of gender inequality. But what is this
problem and how this can be solved.
As An Concept
Gender Inequalities refers to the obvious or hidden disparities among individuals
based on the performance of gender. This problem in simple term is known as Gender
Bias which in simple terms means the gender stratification or making difference
between a girl and a boy i.e. a male or a female. In making biasness among the gender
India has 10th rank out of 128 countries all over the world which is shameful for us .
But this problem is increasing although government has banned the pre-natal sex
examination. In India (in the older times) this problem is mainly seen in the rural areas
because many rural people think that the girl child is burden on them. But now this is
also being seen in the urban areas i.e. in offices, institutions, schools and in society.
The afflicted world in which we live is characterised by deeply unequal sharing of the
burden of adversities between women and men. Gender Inequality exists in most part
of the world, from Japan to Morocco, or from Uzbekistan to United States of America
(as stated earlier).
However, inequality between men and women can take very many different forms.
Indeed, gender inequality is not one homogeneous phenomenon, but a collection of
disparate and interlinked problems. The issue of gender inequality is one which has
been publicly reverberating through society for decades. The problem of inequality in
employment being one of the most pressing issues today. In order to examine this
situation one must try to get to the root of the problem and must understand the
sociological factors that cause women to have a much more difficult time getting the
same benefits, wages, and job opportunities as their male counterparts. The society in
which we live has been shaped historically by males.
However, in many parts of the world, women receive less attention and health care
than men do, and particularly girls often receive very much less support than boys. As
a result of this gender bias, the mortality rates of females often exceed those of males
in these countries. The concept of missing women was devised to give some idea of
the enormity of the phenomenon of women's adversity in mortality by focussing on Top
the women who are simply not there, due to unusually high mortality compared with
male mortality rates. In some regions in the world, inequality between women and
men directly involves matters of life and death, and takes the brutal form of unusually
high mortality rates of women and a consequent preponderance of men in the total
population, as opposed to the preponderance of women found in societies with little
or no gender bias in health care and nutrition. Mortality inequality has been observed
extensively in North Africa and in Asia, including China and South Asia.
There are many kinds of gender inequality or gender disparity which are as
1. Natality inequality: In this type of inequality a preference is given for boys over girls
that many male-dominated societies have, gender inequality can manifest itself in the
form of the parents wanting the newborn to be a boy rather than a girl. There was a
time when this could be no more than a wish (a daydream or a nightmare, depending
on one's perspective), but with the availability of modern techniques to determine the
gender of the foetus, sex-selective abortion has become common in many countries. It
is particularly prevalent in East Asia, in China and South Korea in particular, but also in
Singapore and Taiwan, and it is beginning to emerge as a statistically significant
phenomenon in India and South Asia as well.
3. Ownership inequality: In many societies the ownership of property can also be very
unequal. Even basic assets such as homes and land may be very asymmetrically
shared. The absence of claims to property can not only reduce the voice of women, but
also make it harder for women to enter and flourish in commercial, economic and
even some social activities. This type of inequality has existed in most parts of the
world, though there are also local variations. For example, even though traditional
property rights have favoured men in the bulk of India.
4. Household inequality: There are often enough, basic inequalities in gender relations
within the family or the household, which can take many different forms. Even in cases
in which there are no overt signs of anti-female bias in, say, survival or son-preference
or education, or even in promotion to higher executive positions, the family
arrangements can be quite unequal in terms of sharing the burden of housework and
child care. It is, for example, quite common in many societies to take it for granted that
while men will naturally work outside the home, women could do it if and only if they
could combine it with various inescapable and unequally shared household duties.
This is sometimes called "division of labour," though women could be forgiven for
seeing it as "accumulation of labour." The reach of this inequality includes not only
unequal relations within the family, but also derivative inequalities in employment and
recognition in the outside world. Also, the established fixity of this type of "division" or
"accumulation" of labour can also have far-reaching effects on the knowledge and
understanding of different types of work in professional circles.
5. Special opportunity inequality: Even when there is relatively little difference in basic Top
facilities including schooling, the opportunities of higher education may be far fewer
for young women than for young men Indeed gender bias in higher education and
for young women than for young men. Indeed, gender bias in higher education and
professional training can be observed even in some of the richest countries in the
world, in India too. Sometimes this type of division has been based on the superficially
innocuous idea that the respective "provinces" of men and women are just different.
This is the issue which needs some investigation. The problems out coming are
as follows:
(1) Under nourishment of girls over boys: At the time of birth, girls are obviously no
more nutritionally deprived than boys are, but this situation changes as society's
unequal treatment takes over from nature's non-discrimination.
There has, in fact, been plenty of aggregative evidence on this for quite some time
now. But this has been accompanied by some anthropological scepticism of the
appropriateness of using aggregate statistics with pooled data from different regions
to interpret the behaviour of individual families. However, there have also been some
Detailed and concretely local studies on this subject, which confirm the picture that
emerges on the basis of aggregate statistics. One case study from India, performed in
1983, involved the weighing of every child in two large villages. The time pattern that
emerged from this micro study, which concentrated particularly on weight-for-age as
the chosen indicator of nutritional level for children under five, brings out clearly how
an initial condition of broad nutritional symmetry turns gradually into a situation of
Significant female disadvantage.
The detailed local studies tend to confirm rather than contradict the picture that
emerges from aggregate statistics. In interpreting the causal process, it is important to
emphasise that the lower level of nourishment of girls may not relate directly to their
being underfed vis-à-vis boys. Often enough, the differences may particularly arise
from the neglect of health care of girls compared with what boys get. There is, in fact,
some direct information of comparative medical neglect of girl’s vis-à-vis boys in South
Asia. Indeed, when In a study, admissions data from two large public hospitals in
Bombay (Mumbai), it was very striking to find clear evidence that the admitted girls
were typically more ill than boys, suggesting the inference that a girl has to be more
stricken before she is taken to the hospital. Under nourishment may well result from
greater morbidity, which can adversely affect both the absorption of nutrients and the
performance of bodily functions.
(3) Prevalence of low birth weight: In South Asia, as many as 21 per cent of children are
born clinically underweight (in accepted medical standards) - more than in any other
substantial region in the world.17. The predicament of being low in weight in
childhood seems often enough to begin at birth in the case of South Asian children. In
terms of weight for age, South Asia has around 40 to 60 per cent children
undernourished compared with 20 to 40 per cent under nourishment even in sub-
Saharan Africa. The children start deprived and stay deprived.
(4) High incidence of cardiovascular diseases: South Asia stands out as having more
cardiovascular diseases than any other part of the third world. Even when other
countries, such as China, have greater prevalence of the standard predisposing
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conditions, the Indian population seems to have more heart problems than these
other countries have. It is not difficult to see that the first three observations are very
likely causally connected. The neglect of the care of girls and of women in general and
the underlying gender bias that they reflect would tend to yield more maternal under
nourishment, and through that more foetal deprivation and distress, underweight
babies, and child under nourishment. But what about the last observation - the higher
incidence of cardiovascular diseases among South Asian adults? In this it has been
shown that low birth weight is closely associated with higher incidence, many decades
later, of several adult diseases, including hypertension, glucose intolerance, and other
cardiovascular hazards.
Focusing on India
While there is something to cheer in the developments I have just been discussing, and
there is considerable evidence of a weakened hold of gender disparity in several fields
in the subcontinent, there is also, alas, some evidence of a movement in the contrary
direction, at least in one aspect of gender inequality, namely, natality inequality. This
has been brought out particularly sharply by the early results of the 2001 decennial
national Census of India, which are now available. Early results indicate that even
though the overall female to male ratio has improved slightly for the country as a
whole (with a corresponding reduction of the proportion of "missing women"), the
female-male ratio for children has had a substantial decline. For India as a whole, the
female-male ratio of the population under age 6 has fallen from 94.5 girls for hundred
boys in 1991 to 92.7 girls per hundred boys in 2001.
While there has been no such decline in some parts of the country (most notably
Kerala), it has fallen very sharply in others, such as Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat and
Maharashtra, which are among the richer Indian States. Taking together all the
evidence that exists, it is clear that this change reflects not a rise in female child
mortality, but a fall in female births vis-à-vis male births, and is almost certainly
connected with increased availability and use of gender determination of foetuses.
Fearing that sex-selective abortion might occur in India, the Indian Parliament banned
some years ago the use of sex determination techniques for foetuses, except when it is
a by-product of other.
Necessary medical investigation. But it appears that the enforcement of this law has
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been comprehensively neglected. This face of gender inequality cannot, therefore, be
removed, at least in the short run, by the enhancement of women's empowerment and
agency, since that agency is itself an integral part of the cause of natality inequality.
Policy initiatives have to take adequate note of the fact that the pattern of gender
inequality seems to be shifting in India, right at this time, from mortality inequality (the
female life expectancy at birth is by now two years higher than male life expectancy in
India) to natality inequality. Indeed, there is clear evidence that traditional routes of
changing gender inequality, through using public policy to influence female education
and female economic participation, may not serve as a path to the removal of natality
A sharp pointer in that direction comes from countries in East Asia, which all have high
levels of female education and economic participation. Despite these achievements,
compared with the biologically common ratio across the world of 95 girls being born
per hundred boys, Singapore and Taiwan have 92 girls, South Korea only 88, and China
a mere 86. In fact, South Korea's overall female-male ratio for children is also a meagre
88 girls for 100 boys and China's 85 girls for 100 boys. In comparison, the Indian ratio
of 92.7 girls or 100 boys (though lower than its previous figure of 94.5) still looks far
less unfavourable.
However, there are more grounds for concern than may be suggested by the current
all-India average. First, there are substantial variations within India, and the all-India
average hides the fact that there are States in India where the female-male ratio for
children is very much lower than the Indian average. Second, it has to be asked
whether with the spread of sex-selective abortion, India may catch up with - and
perhaps even go beyond - Korea and China. There is, in fact, strong evidence that this
is happening in a big way in parts of the country.
There is, however, something of a social and cultural divide across India, splitting the
country into two nearly contiguous halves, in the extent of anti-female bias in natality
and post-natality mortality. Since more boys are born than girls everywhere in the
world, even without sex-specific abortion, we can use as a classificatory benchmark the
female-male ratio among children in advanced industrial countries. The female-male
ratio for the 0-5 age group is 94.8 in Germany, 95.0 in the U.K., and 95.7 in the U.S., and
perhaps we can sensibly pick the German ratio of 94.8 as the cut-off point below which
we should suspect anti-female intervention. The use of this dividing line produces a
remarkable geographical split of India. There are the States in the north and the west
where the female-male ratio of children is consistently below the benchmark figure,
led by Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Gujarat (with ratios between 79.3 and 87.8), and also
including, among others, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir, and Bihar (a tiny exception is Dadra and
Nagar Haveli, with less than a quarter million people altogether).
On the other side of the divide, the States in the east and the south tend to have
female-male ratios that are above the benchmark line of 94.8 girls per 100 boys: with
Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Assam (each between 96.3 and 96.6), and
also, among others, Orissa, Karnataka and the north-eastern States to the east of
Bangladesh (Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh). One
significant exception to this neat pattern of adjoining division is, however, provided by
Tamil Nadu, where the Female-male ratio is just below 94, which is higher than the
ratio of any State in the deficit list, but still just below the cut-off line used for the
partitioning (94.8). The astonishing finding is not that one particular State seems to
provide a marginal misfit, but how the vast majority of the Indian States fall firmly into
two contiguous halves.
Classified broadly into the north and the west, on one side, and the south and the east,
on the other. Indeed, every State in the north and the west (with the slight exception of
the tiny Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli) has strictly lower female-male ratio
of children than every State in the east and the south (even Tamil Nadu fits into this
classification), and this indeed is quite remarkable.
It would also be important to keep a close watch on whether the incidence of sex-
specific abortions will significantly increase in States in which they are at this time quite
uncommon. It was never meant to be an elitist idea. It has come and assumed from
the grassroots level. The women parliamentarians have been able to make many
changes to address the state of women in India. But one can never say enough has
been done for women.
In India, this problem is mainly in work places i.e. related to Sexual Harassment and
Wage Payment and related to inheritance. Although, judiciary decided in favour of the
deceased i.e. the suffered parties. There are many landmark and famous cases of
gender discrimination in work place like that of Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan it was
held that a woman was brutally gang raped in the village of Rajasthan. The incident
reveals the hazards to which a working woman may be exposed and the depravity to
which sexual harassment can degenerate; and the urgency for safeguards by an
alternative mechanism in the absence of legislative measures. In the absence of
legislative measures, the need is to find an effective alternative mechanism to fulfil this
felt and urgent social need. So, a writ of Mandamus was filed in Supreme Court under
Article 32 of the Indian constitution.
Later the Supreme Court decided that direct that the certain guidelines and norms
would be strictly observed in all work places for the preservation and enforcement of
the right to gender equality of the working women. These directions would be binding
and enforceable in law until suitable legislation is enacted to occupy the field.
Since Article 15(3) itself hints substantive approach, its application for giving special
educational facilities, for giving representation in local bodies and for protection in
places of work has a substantive dimension. Upholding a service rule that preferred
women in recruitment to public employment to the extent of 30% of posts, the
women in recruitment to public employment to the extent of 30% of posts, the
Supreme Court stated in Government of A.P. v. P.B. Vijayakumar: "To say that under
Article 15(3) job opportunities for women cannot be created would be to cut at the
very root of the underlying inspiration behind this Article. Making special provision for
women in respect of employments or posts under the state is an integral part of Article
Also, In Mackinnon Mackenzie & Co. Ltd v. Audrey D'Costa The Court observed that
there was discrimination in payment of wages to lady stenographers and such
discrimination was being perpetuated under the garb of a settlement between the
employees and the employer. The Court finally not only made it mandatory to pay
equal remuneration to lady stenographers as their male counterparts but also
observed that the ground of financial incapability of the management cannot be a
ground to seek exemption from the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.
Andhra Pradesh's Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act 1986 is a piece of legislation that
ought to be replicated in all our states. The Act confers equal rights of inheritance to
Hindu women along with men, thus achieving the constitutional mandate of equality.
An important measure undertaken to thereby eradicate the ills brought about by the
dowry system while simultaneously ameliorating the condition of women in Hindu
But now after the decision of the Supreme Court in Gurupad Khandappa Magdum v
Hirabai Khandappa Magdum and that till such time, such ascertained share is
handed over, the Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) would continue to be treated as the
owner of such assets, notwithstanding the ascertained shares of such female heir as
part of the corpus of the Hindu family, even as held in State of Maharashtra v
Narayan Rao Sham Rao Deshmukh. And also after the amendment of Hindu
Succession Act in September 2005 under Sec. 3(2), the right of a Hindu widow to get
the full share of her late husband in coparcenary property (with limited interest — later
enlarged to absolute right) continues or has been curtailed now. It means that From
September 2005, daughters also have become coparceners.
So, these are some landmarks where the legislature and judiciary had performed a
well job i.e. by serving in favour of the deceased or victim in a way that the truth or
right should not to fail.
Every problem has its own solution elsewhere or what ever the problem is? Like this
phenomenon this problems has many measures out of which some of the simple one
are stated below (except legislative and judicial Solutions).
2. Changes at State level Mechanism: Similarly, like District level mechanism there
should be State level machinery at the State level in which there should be special
entry for those cases which needs prompt actions. This institution will make a full
control over the district level machinery. So that there should nit be any corruption or
fraud with innocent persons.
3. Law of Torts: An area of civil wrong is tort law. Tort law is probably one of the most
underutilised areas of the law with respect to the problem of gender injustice. The
torts that are directly applicable are:
Unlawful imprisonment
Tort of harassment
Tort of Medical pre- natal test
It means that there can be punishment under tort law also.
4. Sensitization of Criminal Justice system: The police officers, prosecutors, and judges
at all levels of hierarchy need to be exposed to the gender equality education which
would enlighten them on existing assumptions, myths and stereotypes of women and
how these can interfere with fair and equitable administration of justice. Judicial
system should comprise of all types of officers i.e. from judiciary i.e. judges, police
officers and which should take immediate action in serious cases.
5. Family Law: Another of wrong is family law also. In this accused can be punished
under Domestic Violence Act, 2005 and Dowry Prohibition Act, 1987 other laws relating
to family disputes. The suit/ case can be filed for domestic violence or any other
household wrong.
The most significant factor in continued use of law to enforce patriarchal privilege is
that men still control not only the legal process and the interpretation of laws, but also
the subject matter and vantage point of law. If the subject matter of law is male
concerns and if the perspective employed within the legal process are those of men,
then women should actually have no reason to expect that mere reform of existing law
will materially improve the condition of women. This is particularly true when attempts
to improve the statutes of women are made through incremental reforms that are not
grounded in an understanding of how women’s oppressions are constructed. Reforms
of rape law will not materially improve the status of women when the point of rape
laws is their no enforcement.
It has been shown that law is strictly restricted in it capacity to deliver gender justice,
which in itself is contingent on the nature of law and its functioning. In this connection
it is worthwhile to recall that the law itself is not a monolithic entity, which simply
progresses or regresses.
Historically, the development of law has been an uneven one. That is to say, more than
not, what law promises on paper cannot carry through in reality. That is why law-as- Top
legislation and law-in-practice are most of the time in contradiction with each other. To
cite an example, the Indian constitution explicitly enshrines formal equality for women.
However, the lives and experiences of India women relentlessly continue to be
characterized by substantive inequality, inequity and discrimination.
Gender justice may not be then that much of a caste in the sky. Finally, one must at
least clearly suggest what ought to be done. The present feminist analysis is such a
modest endeavour which not only attempts to understand the reality but also tries to
explain how to change it.
"Fight for gender equality is not a ght against men. It is a ght against
traditions that have chained them – a ght against attitudes that are ingrained
in the society – it is a ght against system – a ght against proverbial laxshman
Rekha which is di erent for men and di erent for women. The society must rise
to the occasion. It must recognize & accept fact that men and women are equal
partners in life. They are individual who have their own identity".
- Dr. Justice A.S. Anand
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