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The Effect of Solution Heat Treatment and Quenching Rates On Mechanical Properties and Microstructures in Alsimg Foundry Alloys

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The Effect of Solution Heat Treatment and Quenching Rates

on Mechanical Properties and Microstructures in AlSiMg

Foundry Alloys

Four common AlSiMg foundry alloys have been solution heat treated at 813 K, quenched, and
immediately aged at 423 K for up to 240 minutes. The mechanical properties are found to be related
to the amount of Mg and Si in the alloys. A high strength is obtained after only 60 minutes of solution
heat treatment, indicating that the solid solution is rapidly saturated on Mg and Si. The ductility is
very much related to the amount of silicon present and the refinement of the silicon crystals within
the eutectic areas, since silicon crystals are observed to crack when load is applied. Thus, a well-
modified structure is the best way to obtain high ductility. Reduced quenching rates after solution
heat treatment lead to a lower strength, since a lower number of hardening ␤⬘-Mg2Si precipitates are
formed. The ductility of alloys with 0.6 wt pct Mg is increased with a reduced quenching rate. A
more ductile matrix corresponding to the lower amount of hardening precipitates can explain this.
Alloys with 0.2 wt pct Mg remain relatively unchanged. A hypothesis that may explain this phenomenon
is the precipitation of brittle silicon or formation of coarse Mg2Si within the dendrites.


THE use of light-metal cast components in various appli- A. Casting of the Tensile-Test Bars
cations has increased during the last 10 years, partly as a
The experiments have been based on four main alloy com-
result of the increased amount of light metals being used
positions: Al-7Si-0.2Mg, Al-7Si-0.6Mg, Al-11Si-0.2Mg, and
for transportation purposes. One advantage is that light-
Al-11Si-0.6Mg. The Al-7Si-Mg alloys are based on an
metal components lead to an overall reduced weight and,
unmodified commercial alloy with a magnesium concentra-
thus, to reduced energy consumption. Another advantage,
tion of approximately 0.2 wt pct, supplied by Elkern Alumin-
which may be just as important from an environmental point
ium Mosjøen (Mosjøen, Norway). Magnesium was added
of view, is the fact that aluminum components may be recy-
in the form of pure 99.9 wt pct Mg to obtain a Mg concentra-
cled with relatively low energy demands. For such purposes,
tion of 0.6 wt pct. Hydro Aluminium Sunndalsøra (Sunndal-
alloys of the type AlSiMg are found to give good results
søra, Norway) supplied the unmodified Al-11Si-Mg alloys.
since they show a good castability, and the addition of Mg The alloys were modified by adding strontium, in the form
makes the alloys heat treatable. of an Al-10Sr rod, 5 minutes prior to casting. Samples for
The effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties is chemical analysis were cast in a steel “scissors mold,” type
well known for alloys of the AlSi7Mg type, for example, B, as described in ASTM E-716.[4] Three analyses were
A356 and A357, and has been described by, among others, taken from each sample, and the concentrations of the main
Ravi et al.,[1] Kashyap et al.,[2] and Shih and Shih.[3] The alloying elements are presented in Tables I and II.
main conclusion from these works is that increasing the Mg To obtain reliable measurements of the mechanical proper-
concentration leads to an increased strength and a reduced ties, it is important to control the amount of porosity in the
ductility, while an increase in the Si concentration mainly base material. This requires both removal of hydrogen from
reduces ductility. the melt and sufficient feeding of the melt into the casting
The present work focuses on how changes in the solution as solidification proceeds.
heat-treatment time affect the mechanical properties of Approximately 2 kg of the base alloy was melted in a
AlSiMg foundry alloys in the modified and unmodified con- refractory crucible at a temperature of 1033 K. A graphite
ditions. The mechanical properties are related to changes in probe was immersed in the melt, and argon passed through
microstructure, primarily to the morphological changes of the probe into the melt for 20 minutes. A flow meter was
the silicon crystals in the eutectic areas. The effect of various used to ensure that the same amount of gas was used in
quenching rates from the solution heat-treatment tempera- each alloy. The Sr was added after 15 minutes of degassing.
ture has also been examined for the modified alloys. The melt was stirred for about 30 seconds, and Ar continued
to flow through the melt during the last 5 minutes, when
dissolution of Sr took place. The Ar flow was stopped and
the slag was carefully removed from the top of the melt
L. PEDERSEN, Process Engineer, is with Elkem Aluminium Lista, 4550 before the metal was poured into the mold.
Farsund, Norway. L. ARNBERG, Professor, is with Department of Materi-
als Technology and Electrochemistry, The Norwegian University of Science The alloys were “semidirectionally” solidified to ensure
and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway. a good feeding of the material and, thus, to avoid shrinkage
Manuscript submitted June 28, 1999. porosity. The melt was poured into a cylindrical copper mold


Table I. Chemical Composition in the Unmodified Alloys
(All Concentrations are in Weight Percent)
Element AlSi7Mg0.2 AlSi7Mg0.6 AlSi11Mg0.2 AlSi11Mg0.6
Si 7.11 7.18 10.59 10.82
Fe 0.092 0.094 0.255 0.268
Cu 0.0007 0.0006 0.0023 0.0023
Mg 0.234 0.663 0.209 0.598
Ti 0.108 0.111 0.112 0.118
B 0.00025 0.00030 0.00121 0.00103
Na 0.0002 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000
Sr 0.0012 0.0011 0.0008 0.0008
Ca 0.0003 0.0003 0.0023 0.0028

Fig. 2—Ultimate tensile strength of unmodified alloys that have been solu-
Table II. Chemical Composition of the Modified Alloys tion heat treated at 813 K, quenched in water, and aged at 423 K for 4 h.
(All Concentrations are in Weight Percent)
Element AlSi7Mg0.2 AlSi7Mg0.6 AlSi11Mg0.2 AlSi11Mg0.6
Si 7.26 7.24 10.83 10.81 for 240 minutes. Three parallel samples of each alloy were
Fe 0.086 0.090 0.278 0.298 tested in each heat-treatment condition. The mechanical
Cu 0.0007 0.0006 0.0024 0.0024 properties in an as-cast material were measured for compari-
Mg 0.242 0.709 0.213 0.633 son. The quenching rate after solution heat treatment was
Ti 0.1098 0.1095 0.1639 0.1541 measured by mounting a steel-mantled thermocouple, with
B 0.0002 0.0003 0.0016 0.00178 a diameter of 1 mm, in the center of one “dummy” test bar.
Na 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000
Sr 0.0105 0.0106 0.0248 0.0254
The thermocouple was connected to a Campbell 21-times
Ca 0.0003 0.0004 0.0016 0.0021 magnification data logger, and the temperature was regis-
tered in intervals of 1 second. The quenching rate was esti-
mated by the equation
Tfur ⫺ 473
冢t 冣
⫽ [1]
dt cool ⫺ t473

where Tfur is the furnace temperature (in Kelvin), tcool is the

time when the sample was removed from the furnace (in
seconds), and t473 is the time at which a temperature of 473
K was reached.
The tensile testing was carried out on a MTS 880 tester
connected to a computer using the analysis program Test
Works. A strain rate of ␧˙ ⫽ 10⫺3 (s⫺1) was used. The strain
was measured by means of a longitudinal extensiometer.
Fig. 1—Dimension of tensile test bars. The elongation at fracture was, however, measured manually
with a slide gage as the difference in length before load
was applied and after fracture had occurred, according to
with a wall thickness of 33 mm, an i.d. of 71 mm, and an the equation
inner height of 220 mm. The bottom thickness was 45 mm.
The inside of the copper mold was insulated with an ⬃3-mm- lf ⫺ l0
thick layer of insulating material (Fiberfrax paper), while the ef ⫽ [2]
bottom was kept free from insulation to create a slightly
directional solidification from the bottom and, thus, a bet- where ef is the elongation at fracture, lf is the length after
ter feeding. fracture, and l0 is the length before load was applied. The
Round tensile-test bars, with dimensions as shown in Fig- measured elongations at fracture are presented in Figures 4
ure 1, were machined from the lower part of the cast cylinder. and 5 as a trendline drawn between the single measurements
The test bars were taken parallel to the cylinder axis, with and not as an average value with error bars. The reason
the lowest part 5 mm above the bottom of the cylinder to for this inconsistency compared to the presentation of the
ensure that the test bars were taken from a region where ultimate tensile strength (UTS) measurements in Figures 2
feeding had been sufficient. and 3 is that, for some of the time/cooling-rate combinations,
the elongation could be read with satisfactory accuracy in
only one or two samples. Presenting these data points with
B. Heat Treatment and Tensile Testing error bars would lead to several error bars with the value
The samples were solution heat treated in an air circulation “zero” indicating a very accurate measurement, while in
furnace at 813 K for 60, 240, and 1440 minutes and immedi- fact, these measurements would be the most inaccurate ones.
ately quenched in water at room temperature (⬃298 K). The One sample from each heat-treatment condition was
samples were then artificially aged in an oil bath at 423 K examined metallographically. A section was made through


Fig. 3—Ultimate tensile strength of modified alloys that have been solution Fig. 4—Elongation at fracture of unmodified alloys that have been solution
heat treated at 813 K, quenched in water, and aged at 423 K for 4 h. heat treated at 813 K, quenched in water, and aged at 423 K for 4 h.

shown in Figure 3. The solution heat treatment has been

the fracture surface in the longitudinal direction of the ten- followed by quenching in water and aging at 423 K for 4
sile-test bar. The sample was ground and polished mechani- hours. Each point on the graph is an arithmetic average of
cally to a fineness of less than 1 ␮m and then examined in the three examined samples, and the standard deviation is
an optical microscope. shown as error bars. The point zero on the time axis denotes
the as-cast condition. After 60 minutes of solution heat treat-
ment the maximum strength is obtained, and a prolonged
C. Deep Etching of Samples solution heat treatment does not lead to increased strength.
To obtain a more detailed impression of the silicon mor- The strength is mostly influenced by the Mg concentration
phology within the eutectic areas, the aluminum matrix was of the alloy. A Mg level of 0.6 wt pct leads to a markedly
removed by etching, so that only silicon was remaining. increased strength compared to the strength obtained in
These samples had been cast in a cylindrical graphite mold, alloys with only 0.2 wt pct Mg. This is, of course, related
with a lower cooling rate (typically 1 K s⫺1, with a dendrite to the formation of the hardening ␤⬘-Mg2Si precipitates, as
arm spacing (DAS) of ⬇50 ␮m) than the rates obtained in an increased amount of Mg in solid solution leads to a higher
the tensile-test bars (cooling rate not measured, DAS ⬇ 25 density of precipitates. The effects of increasing the Mg
␮m), but the heat-treatment sequences were the same as for content are well known and have previously been reported
the tensile-test bars. The slower cooling of the samples cast by Apelian et al.,[6] Ravi et al.,[1] and Kashyap et al.[2] The
in the graphite mold results in coarser Si particles and also agreement between results from different studies is very
in an increased secondary DAS, as mentioned previously. good as long as the alloy compositions and casting rates of
Consequently, the silicon particles in the tensile-test bars the various studies are similar. It is, furthermore, interesting
would respond more immediately to the heat treatment, i.e., to see that the strength of the alloys is nearly independent
the spheroidisation would take place more quickly. of the silicon level. The results reported by Kashyap et al.
A two-step etching procedure recommended by Stewart[5] indicate that, at low Mg levels (0.10 wt pct), a higher UTS
was used to remove the aluminum, as follows. can be obtained when the Si concentration is increased from
Etchant 1 consisted of 15 mL HCl, 10 mL HF, and 90 7 to 11 wt pct. When the Mg level in Kashyap et al.’s work
mL distilled water, while etchant 2 was a mixture of 25 was increased to 0.3 wt pct, only minor changes in the
mL HNO3 and 75 mL distilled water. The samples were UTS could be observed when the Si level was increased. A
immersed in etchant 1 for 55 minutes and immediately trans- comparison between the unmodified alloys in Figure 2 and
ferred to etchant 2 and kept there for 4 minutes. The samples the modified alloys in Figure 3 shows that the strength is
were rinsed in cold water and dried well before examination also unaffected by modification. The main requirement for
in a JEOL* 840 scanning electron microscope (SEM). The the duration of the solution heat treatment is that it be suffi-
ciently long to dissolve primary Mg2Si particles formed
*JEOL is a trademark of Japan Electron Optics Ltd., Tokyo.
during casting and to allow diffusion of elements from dis-
samples were covered with a thin layer of carbon to improve solved Mg2Si out into the aluminum matrix. The mathemati-
electrical conductivity in the SEM. cal model made by Rometsch et al.[7] also indicates that
dissolution of primary Mg2Si is completed within less than
1 hour of solution heat treatment.
A. The Effect of Solution Heat Treatment on the UTS B. The Effect of Solution Heat Treatment on Ductility
Long solution heat-treatment times do not affect the The solution heat treatment does not only affect the
strength of the alloys. This is clearly illustrated in Figures strength of the alloy but also the ductility, quantified as the
2 and 3, where the UTSs have been plotted as a function elongation at fracture, as can be seen from Figures 4 and 5.
of time at solution heat-treatment temperature. Figure 2 While the UTS was strictly related to the Mg level, the
shows the UTS measured in an unmodified alloy (without combination of Mg and Si affects the ductility. From Figure
Sr), while the UTS of the modified material (with Sr) is 4, it is obvious that a high level of silicon (11 wt pct)


impression of a structure that has undergone some spheroidi-
zation, but the two-dimensional image leaves out some infor-
mation. The silicon structure that appears in the deep-etched
samples in Figure 7 gives some additional information. The
structure that appears as separate particles in Figure 6 is, in
reality, a “network” of plates that are more or less connected
to each other. The initial solution heat treatment leads to a
rounding of the plates’ edges, and it must be assumed that
finer plates fragmentize. The more-coarse plates start to form
“bays,” which stretch from the periphery and into the plates.
These bays appear to form from ledges in the plates, i.e., at
sites where the total curvature is high. In Figure 7(c), the bays
have become quite deep, and rod-like areas have formed. It
is evident that a metallographic section across bays would
Fig. 5—Elongation at fracture of modified alloys that have been solution leave the impression of separate particles, while, in reality,
heat treated at 813 K, quenched in water, and aged at 423 K for 4 h. there would be a connection below the observed surface. In
the modified alloys, fine rods make up the structure even
before the heat treatment starts. This is clearly seen in Figure
leads to a reduced ductility, even after a long solution heat 7(d), where a well-modified part of the eutectic can be seen
treatment. A reduction of the silicon level to 7 wt pct leads in the upper-right corner, while the modification effect has
to an improved ductility after some heat treatment. The not been sufficient to transform the plate in the right-hand
multiple influence of silicon and magnesium are even more side of the image. It should be evident that the well-modified
pronounced in the modified alloys shown in Figure 5. The structure spheroidizes more rapidly than the coarse plates
combination of low Mg and low Si concentrations in the in the unmodified alloys. This assumption is confirmed by
Al-7Si-0.2Mg(Sr) alloy results in a elongation at fracture of the micrographs in Figures 7(e) and (f) where Figure 7(e)
approximately 15 pct. On the other end of the scale, the Al- shows a rather spheroidized structure with only some
11Si-0.6Mg(Sr) alloy has an elongation at fracture of only remaining rods, and Figure 7(f) shows a structure where
4 pct, slightly higher than the ductility observed in the some coarsening has taken place.
unmodified alloy. If one accepts as a fact that the silicon crystals are suscepti-
These effects are related to the increased amount of Al-
ble to cracking, two slightly different scenarios may lead
Si eutectic and, thus, to the increased amount of silicon
to fracture.
particles. Another important factor is the degree of modifica-
tion in the alloy. Figure 6 shows the microstructure near the
(1) Several silicon crystals within an area with high stresses
fracture surface in samples of an Al-11Si-0.2Mg alloy in
crack almost simultaneously, and the load-bearing area
the unmodified, as well as in the modified, condition. From
is immediately reduced.
the unmodified Si plate in Figure 6(a), it is evident that
(2) The crack is initiated in a point and propagates gradually
cracks occur in the brittle silicon crystals, and a close look
at the fracture shows that it follows a “path” of cracked through brittle silicon particles.
silicon particles. Powell[8] has previously reported similar
observations. Also, Lebyodkin et al.[9] have related the frac- The ductility of the material depends on the hardening
ture in Al-Si silicon alloys to the silicon particles, but they state and the silicon crystals’ size and morphology, indepen-
explained the effect in terms of decohesion between silicon dent of whether scenario 1 or 2 is the active mechanism.
plates and the matrix. It is reasonable to believe that cracking An unmodified eutectic structure with coarse silicon plates
of the silicon also takes place in the modified alloys, but, leads to a rapid reduction of the load-bearing area as the
due to the small crystals, this is difficult to verify from the plate cracks, and, since the plates are more or less intercon-
micrographs in Figure 6. Solution heat treatment of the nected, the crack can propagate rapidly through the structure.
foundry alloys leads to two more-or-less competing changes When the size of the silicon crystals is reduced and fragmen-
in the microstructure. First, microstresses resulting from the tation has taken place, the reduction of the load-bearing area
formation of metastable ␤⬘-Mg2Si precipitates lead to an is less instantaneous, as the crack has to propagate through
overall reduction in ductility in the aluminum. Second, the the more-ductile aluminum.
solution heat treatment leads to changes in the silicon crys- It has, so far, been shown that the mechanical properties
tals’ morphology. are highly influenced by the microstructure of the material,
In unmodified alloys, the silicon crystals are coarse and be it the coarse silicon plates or rods or the small hardening
relatively unaffected by the solution heat treatment. After precipitates. Consequently, the mechanical properties can be
short times of heat treatment, small silicon crystals may related to the duration of the solution heat treatment. There
fragment and the edges of the particles become more is, however, another effect that also must be taken into
rounded. These changes seem to compensate for the stresses consideration: the quenching rate after the solution heat treat-
created by the formation of ␤⬘-Mg2Si. Increasing the heat- ment. Laboratory-scale samples are often small, and the
treatment time from 60 to 240 minutes leads to a noticeable quenching rate does not vary much within the sample. A
increase in ductility in the Al-7Si-Mg alloys. This relatively real casting may have a geometry with thin and thick parts,
large increase is not fully understood, since the most detri- which quench at different rates and, therefore, obtain differ-
mental coarse silicon plates are quite unaffected by short ent mechanical properties. The influence of quenching rates
heat-treatment times. The micrographs in Figure 6 leave an after solution heat treatment at 813 K for 240 minutes on


(a) (b)

(c) (d )

(e) (f)
Fig. 6—Microstructure near fracture in AlSi11Mg0.2 alloys. The alloys have been solution heat treated at 813 K for various times: (a) through (c) unmodified
alloys and (d ) through ( f ) modified alloys. (a) and (d) As cast, (b) and (e) 240 min, and (c) and (f) 1440 min. As polished.

the UTS in various alloys is shown in Figure 8. The quench- to areas near the silicon crystals, where a low degree of
ing rates estimated by Eq. [1] for each quenching media can coherency is assumed.
be found in Table III. Several researchers, such as Kaczorowski,[12] Kovács et
The reduction is related to the lower density of hardening al.,[13] and Ceresara et al.,[14] have stated that increasing the
Mg2Si precipitates formed, which, in turn, can be related to silicon level above that required for stoichiometric formation
the amount of vacancies present. According to Lorimer and of Mg2Si increases the strength of AlSiMg alloys. According
Nicholson,[10] this is an important parameter for the forma- to Kaczorowski,[12] this can be explained by
tion of Guinier-Preston (GP) zones and hardening precipi-
tates. This point of view is supported by Panseri et al.,[11]
who relate the GP zones to formation of vacancy-solute (1) a greater driving force for precipitation related to an
clusters. A reduced quenching rate allows vacancies to move increased deviation from equilibrium,
and partly cluster within the ␣-Al and partly “disappear” (2) an increase in the number of the vacancy-solute clusters
out of the ␣-Al by diffusion to surfaces and probably also and a shortened diffusion path to the clusters, and


(a) (b)

(c) (d )

(e) (f)
Fig. 7—Silicon crystals in the eutectic region of AlSi11Mg0.6 alloys. The alloys have been solution heat treated at 813 K for various times: (a) through
(c) unmodified alloys and (d ) through ( f ) modified alloys. (a) and (d) As cast, (b) and (e) 240 min, and (c) and (f): 1440 min. The material has been deep etched.

(3) an increase in cluster stability, leading to a better disper- respectively. Dons et al.[15] have verified experimentally that
sion of GP zones. silicon diffuses from a solid solution to existing silicon crys-
The effect of excess silicon has mainly been investigated tals, and this effect is clearly illustrated in Figure 9 by
in wrought alloys. Microprobe analyses carried out across the microstructure of an Al-7Si-0.2Mg(Sr) sample that has
dendrite arms in the present work showed silicon concentra- undergone an extremely slow cooling. The micrograph
tions of approximately 1.1 wt pct and magnesium concentra- shows silicon that has precipitated within the ␣-Al. Further-
tions of approximately 0.2 and 0.5 wt pct in alloys with more, a clearly visible precipitate-free zone can be seen near
low and high Mg contents, respectively. (The values were the eutectic regions, illustrating that Si has diffused toward
observed in materials that had been solution heat treated at existing crystals.
813 K for 60 minutes and immediately quenched in water.) The amount of excess silicon in the aluminum matrix is,
If one assumes that ␤⬘-Mg2Si is formed stoichiometrically, therefore, reduced with reduced quenching rates, and this
these alloy concentrations yield 0.3 wt pct Mg2Si and an effect is larger in the Al-11Si-Mg alloys, since the eutectic
excess of 1 wt pct Si in the alloy with a low Mg concentra- fraction and, thus, the amount of silicon crystals that excess
tion. The corresponding values in the alloy with a high silicon can diffuse to, is larger too. The argument presented
Mg concentration are 0.8 wt pct Mg2Si and 0.5 wt pct Si, here is supported by the fact that the difference between the


the material. This is only partially true. As can be seen from
Figure 10, the alloys with the highest Mg concentrations
behave according to this hypothesis, but the effect on the
alloys with the lowest Mg concentrations is small. Zhang
and Zheng[16] have previously published an article describing
a similar effect on an A356 alloy. The present work contains
too few data to draw any conclusion on the subject, but a
hypothesis based on reported observations from other
researchers can be made. These observations are as follows.
(1) Silicon in excess of the amount needed to form Mg2Si
precipitates can be present in solid solution and increase
the deviation from equilibrium (Kaczorowski,[12]
Kovács et al.,[13] and Ceresara et al.[14]).
(2) Kovács et al.[13] claim that the clustering process begins
with the precipitation of Si, enhanced by the quenched-
Fig. 8—Ultimate tensile strength of modified alloys after heat treatment in vacancies. Furthermore, the segregation process in
at 813 K for 60 min, quenching in different media, and immediate aging dilute AlMgSi alloys is most likely to be a result of the
at 423 K for 4 h.
behavior of the silicon atoms in the supersaturated solid
solution, due to the lower solubility of Si in Al compared
to that of Mg in Al.
Table III. Quenching Rates Logged in the Middle of the (3) Precipitates of Si in ␣-Al have been observed in the
Tensile Test Bars during Quenching in Various Media at
Room Temperature
present work, as well as in work by Gustafsson et al.[17]
and Zhang and Zheng.[16]
Quench media (4) Zhang and Zheng[16] have observed a slight reduction
Air Quench Oil Water in ductility with decreasing cooling rates in an A356
alloy. A similar tendency can be seen in Figure 9 in the
Average quenching rate (K/s) 1.8 12 97 present work.
Number of measurements 4 4 3
Standard deviation (K/s) 0.1 1.9 19
(5) The present work and others, as, for instance, that of
Powell,[8] have shown that cleavage of silicon crystals
takes place when cracks propagate in Al-Si foundry
From these observations, there is reason to believe that
the ductility after quenching at different rates is related to
the amount of excess silicon in the ␣-Al. As stated pre-
viously, the low-Mg alloys have an amount of excess silicon
that is nearly twice the amount of excess silicon in the high-
Mg alloys. Rapid quenching leads to the formation of a large
number of vacancy-solute clusters.
Development of GP zones from these clusters can be
expected, but some of these may develop into silicon precipi-
tates. Due to the lower fraction of excess silicon in the high-
Mg alloys, the amount of pure silicon precipitates is low in

Fig. 9—Silicon precipitates within dendrites in AlSi7Mg0.2 alloy that has

been extremely slowly cooled from 813 K.

Al-7Si-Mg and Al-11Si-Mg alloys in Figure 8 appears larger

for the alloys with 0.2 wt pct Mg. In these alloys, the amount
of and, consequently, the effect of excess silicon must be
considered to be most important.
Not only the strength, but also the ductility, may be
affected by the quenching rate. This can be seen in Figure
10. A reduced UTS as a result of reduced quenching rates
should, in theory, be accompanied by an increased ductility, Fig. 10—Elongation at fracture in modified alloys after heat treatment at
since the lower amount of hardening precipitates combined 813 K for 60 min, quenching in different media, and immediate aging at
with less coherent precipitates leads to reduced stresses in 423 K for 4 h.


these alloys. After rapid quenching, the entire growth of the and spheroidize almost immediately during the solu-
precipitates takes place during the subsequent aging, and tion treatment.
the relatively low temperature results in Mg2Si and Si precip- 8. A reduction of the quenching rate leads to a reduced
itates of moderate size. strength but an increased ductility in alloys with a high
At lower quenching rates, a lower number of vacancy- magnesium concentration. The ductility of alloys with
solute clusters are formed. The material remains at high low magnesium concentrations is relatively unaffected
temperatures for a longer period, which enhances the diffu- by a reduction of the quenching rate.
sion of silicon and magnesium, and both Mg2Si and Si 9. Very low quenching rates lead to the precipitation of
precipitates start to grow immediately. Due to the increased silicon within the ␣-Al.
excess silicon concentration in the low-Mg alloy, either a
higher number of silicon precipitates or, even worse, an
increased coarsening of the silicon precipitates is expected, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and these precipitates continue to grow during the aging.
When load is applied in tensile testing, it may be expected This work has been financially supported by Elkem Alu-
that the largest silicon precipitates behave in a similar way minium, Hydro Aluminium, and The Norwegian Research
to the silicon crystals within the eutectic areas. They may Council.
crack and, thereby, reduce the ductility. In the high-Mg
alloys, this effect is suppressed by the reduction of stresses REFERENCES
as the ␤⬘-Mg2Si precipitates grow and become less coherent.
In the alloys with the lowest amount of Mg, the effect of a 1. M. Ravi, U.T.S. Pillai, B.C. Pai, A.D. Damodaran, and E.S. Dwarakadasa:
Int. J. Cast Met. Res., 1998, vol. 11, pp. 113-25.
reduced amount of hardening precipitates is “neutralized”
2. K.T. Kashyap, S. Murali, K.S. Raman, and K.S.S. Murthy: Mater. Sci.
by the increased amount of brittle silicon precipitates, and Technol., 1993, vol. 9, pp. 189-203.
the expected overall increased ductility is not observed. 3. T.S. Shih and K.S. Shih: Int. J. Cast Met. Res., 1998, vol. 10, pp.
There are, however, reported results that partly contradict 273-82.
the hypothesis presented previously. Zhang and Zheng[16] 4. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM E-716, ASTM, Philadelphia,
PA, 1997.
relate the reduced ductility of an Al-7Si-0.4Mg alloy to the 5. J. Stewart: Private communication, internet address: http://metallo-
fracture of brittle ␤⬘-Mg2Si rods with surrounding precipi- graphy.aasp.net, 1999.
tate-free zones. 6. D. Apelian, S. Shivkumar, and G. Sigworth: AFS Trans., 1989, pp.
7. P.A. Romctsch, L. Arnberg, and D.L. Zhang: Int. J. Cast Met. Res.,
IV. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 1999, in press.
8. G.W. Powell: Mater. Characterization, 1994, pp. 275-93.
1. The strength of AlSiMg foundry alloys is mainly related 9. M. Lebyodkin, A. Deschamps, and Y. Bréchet: Mater. Sci. Eng., 1997,
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