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Vivaldi Antenna

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Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2014 ISSN: 2277 128X

International Journal of Advanced Research in

Computer Science and Software Engineering
Research Paper
Available online at: www.ijarcsse.com
Design and Development of a Tapered Slot Vivaldi Antenna
for Ultra-Wide Band Application
N.Vignesh G.A.Sathish Kumar R.Brindha
Second Year M.E Communication System, Professor, ECE Dept. Second Year M.E Communication System,
Sri Venkateswara College of Engg, Sri Venkateswara college of Engg, Sri Venkateswara College of Engg,
Chennai, India Chennai, India Chennai, India

Abstract— Ultra Wideband (UWB) has a number of applications that make it attractive for a variety of applications
such as microwave imaging, wireless communications, ground penetrating radars, remote sensing and phased arrays.
This paper offered the design of a tapered slot Vivaldi antenna for ultra-wideband application using FR4 substrate
which has relative permittivity of 4.4. The Vivaldi Antenna is designed to cover ultra-wideband (UWB) from 3.1 to
10.6 GHz by using CST Software. In order to improve the bandwidth and the return loss characteristics of the emitted
signal, UWB is discovered. The simulation results show that the return loss is better than -10dB within the preferred
frequency range. Therefore the designed antenna will be useful for ultra-wideband application.

Keywords— UWB, Microwave imaging, wireless communications, Ground Penetrating Radar, Remote Sensing,
Phased Arrays, Tapered Slot Vivaldi Antenna.

The Vivaldi antenna is the most popular directive antenna for commercial UWB applications due to its simple
structure and small size. The Vivaldi antenna was first introduced by Gibson in “The Vivaldi aerial" [1] which comes
under the Tapered Slot Antenna (TSA) with an exponentially tapered profile etched on a thin metallization [2,3]. Since
then, it is widely used in different applications such as microwave imaging, wireless communications and ground
penetrating radars.
In Vivaldi traveling wave propagate on the inner edges of the flares which is the main mechanism for radiation.
A traveling wave propagating along the surface of the slot with a phase velocity less than the speed of light (i.e., vph ≤ c)
results in an end fire radiation [3]. The dual exponentially tapered slot antenna DETSAs have wider bandwidth and
improved radiation pattern characteristics compared to TSAs.

Figure 1: Tapered Slot Vivaldi Antenna

But the major drawback is typical DETSA dimensions which are generally greater than 10 cm, than those of
other compact UWB antennas [4]. Although Vivaldi antennas have been extensively used in many applications,
especially in ultra-wideband systems [5-8], the original layout has suffered from several design problems mostly related
to poor and inconsistent gain, limited operational bandwidth and large dimensions.
Several design approaches have been proposed in the literature in order to improve the bandwidth, directivity
and to obtain more compact dimensions. These have been recently widely investigated and developed by many
researchers and institutions. A micro strip-to-slot transition adopting a quarter-wave circular slot and a quarter wave

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Vignesh et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 4(5),
May - 2014, pp. 174-178
radial strip line stubs was introduced in order to achieve a wider bandwidth than the one obtained with the straight stubs
[9, 10], Vivaldi antenna arrays for see through dry wall and concrete wall UWB applications [11], and miniaturization of
antenna [12-14]. In [13] the traditional micro strip-to-slot line feed transition of a Vivaldi antenna was replaced with a
micro strip-to-parallel strip line. The Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna (AVA) obtained this way overcomes the practical
limitations of a conventional Vivaldi antenna exhibiting a very wide operation bandwidth. However, the antipodal nature
of the antenna gives rise to not only very high levels of cross-polarization, but also severe polarization tilt as the
frequency of operation is increased.
To overcome these problems, by adding another dielectric layer and an extra layer of metallization, the electric
field in the slot region is oriented parallel to the metallization, namely balanced antipodal Vivaldi antenna is formed,
which has smaller cross- polarization level of -15 dB for 6 GHz-18 GHz [11,12]. Recently, several approaches have been
suggested in improving end-fire radiation pattern of balanced Vivaldi antenna, i.e., introducing a dielectric director in
radiation aperture [16].
Various AVA and BAVA designs with more compact size and better radiation properties have been proposed in
the literature [15].Compared to other wideband antennas, the TSAs have moderately high directivity, planer structure,
low profile, and symmetric beam in both E- and H-plane. Also, it is inexpensive to fabricate and easy to integrate. All
those characteristics make the TSA a good candidate for phased array, remote sensing, and short-rage communication.
The aim of this paper was to design an ultra-wideband Vivaldi antenna that was lightweight, compact and conformal,
with approximately constant gain characteristics from 3.1-10.6GHz.


The parametric study and design of single element Vivaldi antenna is calculated in three different models:
stripline model, stripline-slotline model and antenna model. Stripline model contains the selection of the substrate
material, substrate thickness and the stripline width. Stripline stub length, slotline stub length, slotline width, antenna
length, antenna width and backwall offset are the factors to be determined in the stripline-slotline model. At last, the
antenna model is built identifying the uniform slotline length, taper length and taper rate, mouth opening and the edge
As the electrical length of the antenna increases with frequency the gain increases. The length of antenna will
be the addition of taper length, balun length, feed length, backwall offset and width must be equal to λ0, where λ0 is the
free space wavelength at the low frequency. The exponential taper profile is determined by the opening rate and two
points p1(x1, y1) and p2(x2, y2) shown in Figure 1.

The resulting exponential relation explains the taper section

𝒴 = 𝒞1 ℯ ℛ𝒳 + 𝒞2 (1)

c1, c2 are constants and R the opening rate of the exponential taper. Note that (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the
coordinates of the origin and end of flare curve, respectively and the taper length L = x2 - x1. An exponentially tapered
slot line rather than an elliptically antipodal tapering structure was exploited to make the antenna simulation easier.

The selection of a dielectric substrate is one of the most essential features of the design of a Vivaldi antenna.
The important features of a substrate material are its dielectric constant, loss tangent, and the thickness of the dielectric.
The FR4 substrate with a dielectric constant of 4.4 is selected. Effective thickness of the dielectric substrate (teff) need to
be defined as follows [17]

𝑡𝑒𝑓𝑓 𝑡
= ( 𝜀𝑟 − 1) (2)
𝜆𝜊 𝜆𝜊
Where, λ0 is the free space wavelength at the center frequency, t is the thickness and εr is the dielectric constant
of the substrate. The essential criteria for a TSA to possess travelling wave antenna characteristics is [17]

0.005 ≤ ≤0.03 (3)
In order to achieve a transition that has low return loss over a wide frequency band, the impedances of the micro
strip line and the slot line must be matched to each other to reduce the reflections. The characteristic impedance of a slot
line increases with increasing slot width, so the width of slot line must be selected to be as small as possible to achieve an
impedance value close to 50Ω. The width, characteristic impedance and guided wavelength of slotline are calculated with
procedures suggested in [18].
The stripline feed used in a Vivaldi antenna is either connected directly to the transmitter/ receiver circuitry or is
fed by a coaxial cable attached to a connector. The stripline width and guided wavelength is calculated using formulas
given in [19]. Hence the antenna parameters calculated are given in Table I.

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May - 2014, pp. 174-178
Table I: Calculated Antenna Parameters All Units are in: mm


Low Frequency (GHZ) 3.1
High Frequency (GHZ) 10.6
Total Length 123.51
Total Width 96.77
Taper Length 96.77
Taper Width 48.39
Strip Length 5
Strip Width 1.3068
Slot Width 0.4113
Offset of Strip Length 7.38
Backwall Offset 5
Balun Length 7.38
Balun Width 7.38
Substrate Thickness 1.6


An optimum antenna design is achieved by the adjustment of the following parameters: flare angle and throat
width to reduce the antenna ringing as much as possible.
For the 3.1–10.6 GHz operation, a tapered slot antenna design was developed. The design parameters of the
proposed TSA and the fabricated parts are shown in Figure 1. The manufactured TSA was fabricated on FR4 material
with a relative dielectric constant of 4.4, thickness of 1.6 mm and a loss tangent of 0.025. The top layer shows the
microstrip line used for feeding the tapered slot antenna. The bottom layer indicates the exponential taper profile which is
defined by the opening rate R and it is determined by the first and last point of the antenna.

The validity of the proposed design methodology is verified using CST simulator which is based on finite
differential time domain and method of moments.

Figure 2(a): Front View of Vivaldi antenna

Figure 2(b): Back view of Vivaldi antenna

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Vignesh et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 4(5),
May - 2014, pp. 174-178
Figure 3 displays the simulated return loss versus frequency for the Vivaldi antenna. A return loss less than or
equal to -10 dB is acceptable for operation. It is this -10 dB threshold that determines the operational bandwidth. For the
Vivaldi antenna, the operational bandwidth extends from 3.5 GHz to 10.6 GHz and the return loss is above -10 dB.

Figure 3: Simulated Return Loss of Tapered Slot Vivaldi Antenna

By further fine-tuning flare angle and throat width the bandwidth and return loss characteristics can be
Then figure 4 displays the simulated voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) versus frequency for the Vivaldi antenna. A
VSWR must be less than 2.1in the specified frequency bands for the acceptable operation of an antenna. For the designed
antenna VSWR is less than 2.1 for the frequency range of 3.5 to 10.6 GHz.

Figure 4: Simulated VSWR of Tapered Slot Vivaldi Antenna

In this paper the design of tapered slot antenna for use in ultra-wideband applications has been given. A small
tapered slot Vivaldi antenna is designed on a FR4 substrate with a dimension of 123.51 mm (L) * 96.77 mm (W). The
designed antenna operates across the entire UWB spectrum with few locations that might cause problems if the
dimensions were not precisely tuned. Backwall offset is the extra metallization fixed at the opening of the slotline. An
increase or decrease in the backwall offset parameter result in abrupt changes in the return loss characteristics of the
antenna. But the above condition is true only for certain values of backwall offset parameter. Antenna length must be
greater than a free space wavelength at the lowest frequency of operation. This condition assures equally well gain and
beamwidth performance.
The width of an antenna must be greater than the half wavelength. Any change in width results a change in the
bandwidth of an antenna. Also the width controls the lower frequency of operation.

I express my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor Dr.G.A.Sathish Kumar, professor, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, for his immense and timely help given during
this project work. I also thank our entire department faculty members and friends for their valuable suggestions and

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May - 2014, pp. 174-178
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