Range Measurements of Radiation Patterns
The antennas coordinate system is typically defined with
respect to a mechanical reference on the antenna.
A means of establishing the mechanical reference should be
The standard spherical coordinate system used in antenna
To completely characterize the radiation field of an antenna, one
shall measure its relative amplitude, relative phase, polarization, and
the power gain on the surface of a sphere the center of which is
located at the antenna under test.
A representation of any of these radiation properties as a function of
space coordinates is defined as a radiation pattern, or antenna
pattern, of the test antenna.
Since the distance R from the antenna under test to the measuring
point is fixed, only the two angular coordinates are variables in a
given radiation pattern.
Usually the radio frequency of operation is treated as a parameter,
with the radiation pattern being measured at specified frequencies.
For some antenna applications it is necessary to make frequency a
variable. If frequency is varied continuously, such a procedure is
called a swept-frequency technique.
It is impractical to measure the radiation pattern of an
antenna completely, and therefore it is necessary to
resort to sampling techniques.
For example, with the frequency of operation and
polarization fixed, the coordinate can be varied
incrementally, and for each increment the desired
antenna property can be measured continuously over
the range of .
If the increments are small enough, then for all practical
purposes the complete antenna pattern is obtained.
The resulting patterns taken for all increments of are
usually referred to as a set of radiation patterns.
Pattern Cuts
A direct method of measuring the radiation pattern of
a test antenna is to employ a suitable source
antenna, which can be positioned in such a manner
that it moves relative to the test antenna along lines of
constant and constant .
The loci of constant directions describe cones;
hence measurements made with as the variable
and as a parameter are called conical cuts or
Those made with as the variable and as a
parameter are called great-circle cuts or cuts
Note, however, that the conical cut for = 90 is also
a great-circle cut.
Principal-plane cuts refer to orthogonal great-circle cuts which
are through the axis of the test antennas major lobe.
For this definition to hold, the beam axis shall lie either in the
equator of the spherical coordinate system (= 90) or at one of
the poles ( = 0 or = 180).
If the positioner system is designed to provide and cuts,
then the alignment of the axis of a pencil-beam antenna along
the poles is usually avoided. This is because the cut for the
= 0 orientation yields only a polarization pattern.
Range Design
The ideal incident field for measuring the radiation
characteristics of the test antenna is that of a uniform
plane wave.
In practice it is only possible to approximate such a field.
Attempts to do this have led to the development of two
basic types of ranges:
1) Free-space ranges: This type of range is designed
in such a manner that all the effects of the
surroundings are suppressed to acceptable levels.
e.g. the elevated range, the compact range, and most
anechoic chambers.
2) Reflection ranges: This type of range is designed
to judiciously use reflections in order to produce an
approximated plane wave.
Range Design Criteria
To establish the design criteria for either basic range
type, one must consider the following:
the coupling between source and test antennas
the transverse and longitudinal amplitude taper of the
illuminating wave front
the phase curvature of the illuminating wave front
spatial variations in the illuminating wave front caused
by reflections
interference from spurious radiating sources
Effect of Mutual Coupling Between Source and Test Antennas
The total field of any antenna consists of a radiation part and
a reactive part. The radiation field decays as the reciprocal of
the distance from the antenna, whereas the reactive field
decays at least as rapidly as the reciprocal of the square of
the distance from the antenna.
Usually the spacing between source and test antennas is
large enough so that the level of the reactive field of the
source antenna is negligible.
However, practical situations do arise for which this may not
be the case. In these cases the test antenna will couple to the
reactive field, and for some types of measurements this
produces an error.
Such effects are considered negligible when the spacing is
greater than about 10 wavelengths.
Based upon calculations made for a very short dipole antenna
at 10 wavelengths from the antenna, the level of the inductive
field (which is the part of the reactive field that would couple)
will be 36 dB below that of the radiation field.
In addition to the reactive field coupling, the reradiative
coupling or mutual coupling between source and test
antennas is also of concern.
For this case, part of the energy received by the test
antenna is reradiated toward the source antenna. In turn,
part of the energy received by the source antenna is
again reradiated toward the test antenna.
While this level is quite low, it can cause a measurable
error in the level of the signal observed near the peak of
the test antennas major lobe. The effect on the side-lobe
levels is usually negligible.
Compact Range
The compact range, is one in which the test antenna is
illuminated by the collimated energy in the aperture of a
larger point or line focus antenna.
For example, a precision paraboloidal antenna can be
used to collimate the energy as shown.
The linear dimensions of the reflector is usually chosen
to be at least three times that of the test antenna so that
the illumination at the test antenna sufficiently
approximates a plane wave.
An offset feed for the reflector is recommended to
prevent aperture blockage and to reduce the diffracted
energy from the feed structure which may contaminate
the field in the test region.
To further reduce the effects of the diffraction from the feed
structure and also to suppress any direct radiation from the
feed antenna in the direction of the test region, the reflector
can be designed with a focal length long enough that the feed
antenna can be mounted directly below the test antenna.
If this is done, then high-quality absorbing material can be
placed between test and feed antennas to absorb the
unwanted radiation.
The use of a relatively long-focal-length reflector has the
additional advantage that for a given size reflector the
depolarization effect associated with curved reflectors is
Diffraction from the edges of the reflector can be reduced by
designing the reflector with serrations about the edges.
Anechoic Chambers
There are two basic types of anechoic chambers, the
rectangular and the tapered types.
The rectangular anechoic chamber is usually
designed to simulate free-space conditions. High-quality
absorbing material is used on surfaces that reflect
energy directly toward the test region in order to reduce
the reflected energy level. Even though the sidewalls,
floor, and ceiling are covered with absorbing material,
significant specular reflections can occur from these
surfaces, especially for the case of large angles of
incidence. One precaution that can be taken is to limit
the angles of incidence to those for which the reflected
energy is below the level consistent with the accuracy
required for the measurements to be made in the
Often, for high-quality absorbers, this limit is taken to be a
range of incidence angles of 0 to 70 (as measured from the
normal to the wall). For the rectangular chamber this leads to
a restriction of the overall width or height of the chamber such
W (R/2.75)
where R is the separation between source and test antennas
and W is the overall width or height of the chamber.
The actual width and height chosen shall depend upon the
magnitude of the errors that can be tolerated and upon the
measured characteristics of the absorbing material used to
line the walls.
Additionally the room width and the size of the source
antenna should be chosen such that no part of the main lobe
of the source antenna is incident upon the sidewalls, ceiling,
and floor.
The tapered anechoic chamber is designed in the
shape of a pyramidal horn that tapers from the small
source end to a large rectangular test region.
This type of anechoic chamber has two modes of
operation. At the lower end of the frequency band for
which the chamber is designed it is possible to place the
source antenna close enough to the apex of the tapered
section so that the reflections from the sidewalls, which
contribute directly to the field at the test antenna, occur
fairly close to the source antenna.
Using ray-tracing techniques, one can show that for a
properly located source antenna there is little change in
the phase difference between the direct-path and the
reflected-path rays at any point in the test region of the
tapered chamber.
The net effect is that these rays add vectorially in such a
manner as to produce a slowly varying spatial interference
pattern and hence a relatively smooth illumination amplitude
in the test region of the chamber.
It should be emphasized that the source antenna shall be
positioned close enough to the apex for this condition to exist.
The position is best determined experimentally, although a
useful way of estimating its required position can be obtained
by drawing an analogy between the tapered anechoic
chamber and the ground-reflection range.
By use of this analogy the perpendicular distance h
from the
source antenna to the chamber wall should satisfy the
where is the wavelength, R is the separation between
source and test antennas, and h
is the perpendicular distance
from the fixed test antenna to the chamber wall.
Range Instrumentation
The instrumentation required for an antenna test range can be
classified into five subsystems:
1) source antenna and transmitting system
2) receiving system
3) positioning system
4) recording system
5) data-processing system
The extent of the instrumentation required depends upon the
functional requirements imposed by the measurements to be
The instrumentation may range from very simple systems
designed for making only principal-plane patterns of simple
antennas to highly automated systems in which computers
are programmed to control all aspects of the measurement,
including the data processing for the complete
characterization of highly complex antennas.
Source Antennas for Antenna Ranges
With the exception of a few highly specialized installations,
antenna test ranges are designed to operate over a wide
band of frequencies.
This means that they shall be equipped with a family of
source antennas and transmitters covering the entire band.
The antennas shall, of course, have the beamwidths and
polarization properties consistent with the measurements to
be performed on the range.
For frequencies below 1.0 GHz, log-periodic arrays are often
used, and for frequencies above 400 MHz families of
parabolas with broad-band feeds are most often used.
In some cases large horn antennas have been utilized. A
means for controlling the polarization is usually required.
Transmitting Systems
The selection of the transmitter depends upon several system
Frequency control
Frequency stability: Frequency variations of the order of 0.01 to
0.1 percent are usually acceptable. But for more precise
measurements, a frequency stability of one part in 10
or better
may be required.
Spectral purity: Some types of oscillators are rich in harmonics
which, if transmitted, would contaminate the desired signal.
Power level: Typical detectors used in antenna instrumentation
systems have sensitivities on the order of -50 to -65 dBm. If a
receiver is used, this figure may be improved as much as 30 to
60 dB. Power levels provided by typical antenna-range signal
sources range from 0 to 33 dBm. Since most antenna tests are
amplitude measurements, it is important that the output of the
signal source be relatively constant.
Near-to-far Field Transformations for Compact
The field amplitude, phase and polarization are measured in
the near field of the AUT, which is in radiating mode. The
near-field data is transformed to far-field patterns via
analytical techniques.
The magnitude and phase of the tangential electric field are
measured at regular intervals over a well-defined surface: a
plane, a cylinder, or a sphere, located close to the AUT.
The sampled E field is used to calculate the angular
spectrum of the plane, the cylindrical or the spherical wave.
This spectrum matches closely the radiated field angular
distribution. This is called modal expansion of the radiated
The field is measured at the nodes of the mesh of the
respective surface
It can be shown that the far-field radiation pattern of
any aperture (surface) is the Fourier transform of the
aperture field distribution.
The acquisition of the planar near-field data is done by a
computer controlled probe antenna (typically a
waveguide horn or an open waveguide), which is moved
to each grid node over the measurement aperture by a
high precision positioning system (positioner).
The probes axis is held stationary and normal to the
measurement aperture. The probe must be linearly
polarized so that separate measurements of the two
tangential field components E
and E
become possible.
As the probe location changes, its pattern orientation
with respect to the AUT changes. The probes partial
directivities in the direction of the test antenna must be
taken into account using probe compensation
Polarization measurements
A complete description of the antenna polarization is given by
the polarization ellipse (the axial ratio and the tilt angle), as
well as the sense of rotation (clockwise, or counter-
In general, the polarization of an antenna depends on the
observation angle. That is why, often, many measurements
are required according to the desired degree of polarization
The polarization measurement methods are classified into
three general categories.
Partial methods give incomplete information about the
polarization but are simple and require conventional
Comparison methods yield complete polarization
information; however, they require a polarization standard.
Absolute methods yield complete polarization information;
and, they do not require a polarization standard.
The polarization-pattern method is a common partial
method. It produces the polarization ellipse parameters (the
axial ratio and the tilt angle) in a given direction of radiation.
It cannot determine however the sense of rotation. The AUT
can be either in transmitting or in receiving mode. The other
antenna (the probe) must be linearly polarized, e.g., a dipole,
and its pattern must be accurately known.
The signal at the output of the probe depends on two factors: the
polarization of the test antenna and the angle of the probes rotation.
The signal level is recorded and plotted versus the angle of rotation.
Thus, a polarization pattern is obtained for the considered direction
of radiation.
Let us assume that the probe is initially in such a position that it is
polarized along the z-axis. If the AUT is linearly polarized along the
z axis, where z z, then the polarization pattern is a cos function
of the probes rotation angle with respect to the z-axis.
In general, if the AUT is linearly polarized, the polarization
pattern will be the same as the cosine pattern shown above
only tilted with respect to the polarization axis of the probe.
The polarization pattern is then cos( -
), where
is the
angle between the polarization axes of both antennas
If the AUT is circularly polarized, the polarization pattern is a
circle regardless of the initial mutual orientation of the probe
and the AUT.
In the general case of elliptically polarized test antenna, the
polarization pattern is a dumb-bell contour, which allows for
the direct calculation of the axial ratio and the tilt angle tof the
polarization ellipse.
The polarization-pattern method cannot provide
information about the sense of rotation.
However, this can be easily established by the use of
circularly polarized probes (e.g. spiral antennas): one of
a clockwise polarization, and the other one of a counter-
clockwise polarization. Whichever receives a stronger
signal will determine the sense of rotation.
Another partial method is the axial-ratio pattern method.
The arrangement is very similar to that of the polarization-
pattern method. The only difference is that now the AUT
(which is usually in a receiving mode) is rotated in a desired
plane by the antenna positioning mechanism.
The probe rotates with much larger angular frequency than
the AUT because it should complete one full turn at
approximately every degree of rotation of the test antenna.
As a result of the measurement described above, a 2-D pattern is
obtained, which allows the calculation of the axial ratio of the
polarization at any direction of the measured 2-D pattern. An
example (in dB) is shown below.
From the plot, it is obvious that the
axial-ratio pattern has an inner
envelope and an outer envelope.
The ratio of the outer envelope to the
inner one for a given angle gives the
axial ratio of the field polarization in
this direction.
For example, the pattern above
shows that the test antenna is nearly
circularly polarized along its axis ( =
0), i.e., its axial ratio is close to one.
At greater observation angles,
however, its polarization becomes
elliptical of increasingly large axial
A powerful absolute polarization measurement method is the
three-antenna method. It yields full polarization information
for all three antennas.
The only a-priori knowledge required is the approximate tilt
angle of one of the three antennas.
The method requires the measurement of the amplitude and the
phase of the normalized received voltage in three experiments,
which involve: 1) antenna #1 and antenna #2; 2) antenna #1 and
antenna #3; and 3) antenna #2 and antenna #3.
All three experiments must use the same measurement set-up.
The three complex voltage phasors are measured as a function
of the angles and _ , which are the angles of rotation of the
antennas about the antenna-range axis (usually, this is the line-
of-sight between them).
First, the AUT#1 is scanned for | [0 to 360] usually with a
step of A| = 1. Then, the angle of AUT#2 is incremented by
A_ (usually, 15 ), and AUT#1 is scanned again.
This is repeated until the angle _ sweeps the whole range
from 0 to 360 .