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Helicobacter Pylori Infection: Ivth Brazilian Consensus Conference On

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CONSENSUS dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0004-2803.201800000-20

IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on

Helicobacter pylori infection
Luiz Gonzaga Vaz COELHO1, James Ramalho MARINHO2, Robert GENTA3, Laercio Tenório RIBEIRO4,
Maria do Carmo Friche PASSOS5, Schlioma ZATERKA6, Paulo Pimentel ASSUMPÇÃO7,
Alfredo José A BARBOSA8, Ricardo BARBUTI9, Lucia Libanês BRAGA10, Helenice BREYER11,
Aloisio CARVALHAES12, Décio CHINZON13, Marcelo CURY14, Gerson DOMINGUES15, Jorge Luiz JORGE16,
Ismael MAGUILNIK17, Frederico Passos MARINHO18, Joaquim Prado de MORAES-FILHO19,
José Miguel Luz PARENTE20, Celso Mirra de PAULA-E-SILVA21, José PEDRAZZOLI-JÚNIOR22,
Ana Flávia Passos RAMOS23, Heinrich SEIDLER24, José Nonato SPINELLI25 and José Vitor ZIR26

Received 19/2/2018
Accepted 22/2/2018

ABSTRACT – Significant progress has been obtained since the III Brazilian Consensus Conference on H. pylori infection held in 2012, in Bento Gonçalves, Brazil, and justify
a fourth meeting to establish updated guidelines on the current management of H. pylori infection. Therefore, the Núcleo Brasileiro para Estudo do Helicobacter pylori e
Microbiota (NBEHPM), association linked to Brazilian Federation of Gastroenterology (FBG) held its fourth meeting again in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil, on August
25–27, 2017. Twenty-six delegates, including gastroenterologists, endoscopists, and pathologists from the five regions of Brazil as well as one international guest from
the United States, participated in the meeting. The participants were invited based on their knowledge and contribution to the study of H. pylori infection. The meeting
sought to review different aspects of treatment for infection; establish a correlation between infection, dyspepsia, intestinal microbiota changes, and other disorders with a
special emphasis on gastric cancer; and reassess the epidemiological and diagnostic aspects of H. pylori infection. Participants were allocated into four groups as follows:
1) Epidemiology and Diagnosis, 2) Dyspepsia, intestinal microbiota and other afections, 3) Gastric Cancer, and, 4) Treatment. Before the consensus meeting, participants
received a topic to be discussed and prepared a document containing a recent literature review and statements that should be discussed and eventually modified during the
face-to-face meeting. All statements were evaluated in two rounds of voting. Initially, each participant discussed the document and statements with his group for possible
modifications and voting. Subsequently, during a second voting in a plenary session in the presence of all participants, the statements were voted upon and eventually
modified. The participants could vote using five alternatives: 1) strongly agree; 2) partially agree; 3) undecided; 4) disagree; and 5) strongly disagree. The adopted consensus
index was that 80% of the participants responded that they strongly or partially agreed with each statement. The recommendations reported are intended to provide the
most current and relevant evidences to management of H. pylori infection in adult population in Brazil.
HEADINGS – Helicobacter pylori. Helicobacter pylori infection. Helicobacter pylori treatment. Helicobacter pylori diagnosis.

INTRODUCTION in knowledge of resistance to commonly used antimicrobials

with a significant impact on patient therapy, the recognition
Infection with Helicobacter pylori (HP) is one of the most that chronic gastritis secondary to Helicobacter pylori infec-
common chronic bacterial infections in humans and causes tion is an infectious disease with an indication for antimicro-
several digestive problems, including chronic gastritis, peptic bial therapy regardless of the presence of symptoms(4), and
ulcer, and gastric cancer (GC). As a strategy to optimize the progress in the study of the gut microbiota and its potential
management of this infection in Brazil, three consensus meet- interactions with HP demonstrate the need for another con-
ings organized by the Brazilian Nucleus for the Study of Heli- sensus meeting on the subject. Therefore, the NBEHPM held
cobacter pylori, recently renamed to Brazilian Nucleus for the its fourth meeting in Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul,
Study of Helicobacter pylori and Microbiota (Núcleo Brasile- Brazil, on August 25–27, 2017. Twenty-six delegates, including
iro para Estudo de Helicobacter pylori e Microbiota–NBEH- gastroenterologists, endoscopists, and pathologists from the
PM), were held in 1995(1), 2004(2), and 2012(3). Recent advances five regions of Brazil as well as one international guest from

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto Alfa de Gastroenterologia, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8721-7696. 2 Universidade Estadual de Ciências
da Saúde de Alagoas, Departamento de Doenças Infecciosas, Maceió, Al, Brasil. 3 Miraca Life Sciences, GI Pathology, Irving, Texas, United States. 4 Hospital Universitário Prof. Alberto Antu-
nes, Divisão de Endoscopia, Maceió, Al, Brasil. 5 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Medicina, Departamento de Clínica Médica, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. 6 Universidade
de Campinas, Disciplina de Gastroenterologia, Campinas, SP, Brasil. 7 Universidade Federal do Pará, Núcleo de Pesquisas em Oncologia, Belém, PA, Brasil. 8 Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Faculdade Medicina, Anatomia Patológica, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. 9 Universidade de São Paulo, Hospital das Clínicas, Gastroenterologia, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. 10 Universidade
Federal do Ceará, Medicina Interna, Gastroenterologia, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil. 11 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Hospital de Clínicas, Endoscopia, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. 12 Hos-
pital São Lucas, Endoscopia, Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. 13 Universidade de São Paulo, Hospital das Clínicas, Gastroenterologia, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. 14 Clínica SCOPE, Endoscopia
avançada, Campo Grande, MS, Brasil. 15 Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Gastroenterologia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. 16 Consultório Médico, Gastroenterologia, Florianópolis, SC,
Brasil. 17 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Medicina Interna, Endoscopia, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. 18 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Hospital das Clínicas, Instituto Alfa de
Gastroenterologia, Minas Gerais, BH, Brasil. 19 Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina, Disciplina de Gastroenterologia, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil. 20 Universidade Federal do Piauí,
Gastroenterologia, Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. 21 Consultório Médico, Gastroenterologia, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. 22 Universidade São Francisco, Farmacologia Clínica, Bragança Paulista, SP,
Brasil. 23 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Hospital das Clínicas, Instituto Alfa de Gastroenterologia, Minas Gerais, BH, Brasil. 24 Universidade Católica de Brasília, Patologia, Brasília,
Distrito Federal, Brasil. 25 Endovídeo, Gastroenterologia, Endoscopia Digestiva, João Pessoa, PB, Brasil. 26 Consultório Médico, Gastroenterologia, Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil.
Work performed by: Núcleo Brasileiro para Estudo do Helicobacter pylori e Microbiota
Corresponding author: Luiz Gonzaga Vaz Coelho. E-mail: lcoelho22@gmail.com

Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun • 97

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

the United States, participated in the meeting. The participants with large families, and population groups with poor hygiene
were invited based on their knowledge and contribution to the and sanitary conditions; in these cases, transmission occurs
study of HP infection. The meeting sought to review different directly from person to person(19,25). In developed countries,
aspects of treatment for infection; establish a correlation be- transmission occurs mainly via the oral-oral route, and the
tween infection, dyspepsia, gut microbiota changes, and other gastro-oral route may predominate among institutionalized
disorders with a special emphasis on GC; and reassess the epi- individuals and children in day-care centers(17,26).
demiological and diagnostic aspects of HP infection. Epidemiological studies in Brazil have shown that the prev-
alence rates of HP infection are high in urban and rural areas
METHODS and that infection starts in childhood(27-29). The prevalence of
infection is high in the first 2 years of life among individuals
Participants were allocated into four groups according to residing in urban or rural areas as well as areas with poor liv-
the main area of interest/practice as follows: Epidemiology ing conditions, low income, and limited health resources. In
and Diagnosis; Dyspepsia, Gut Microbiota Changes and other these regions, HP infection affects up to 50% of children aged
Disorders; Gastric Cancer; and Treatment. A rapporteur was 2 to 5 years. In children aged ≤10 years, the prevalence rate can
assigned to each group. Before the consensus meeting, all par- reach 70%–90%, and this percentage is similar in adults(27,30).
ticipants received a topic to be discussed and prepared a docu- In contrast, studies involving individuals with a higher educa-
ment containing a recent literature review and statements that tion, children whose parents were more educated, families with
should be discussed and eventually modified during the face- a better socioeconomic status, and individuals living in cities
to-face meeting. All statements were evaluated in two rounds with better sanitation and housing conditions demonstrated
of voting. Initially, each participant discussed the document that the prevalence rates of HP infection were lower than those
and statements with his group for possible modifications and in populations with worse living conditions(27-30).
voting. Subsequently, during a second voting in a plenary ses-
sion in the presence of all participants, the statements were vot- Statement 2
ed upon and eventually modified. The participants could vote The 13C-urea breath test is the gold standard method for non-in-
using five alternatives: 1) strongly agree; 2) partially agree; 3) vasive diagnosis of HP infection. The stool antigen test using
undecided; 4) disagree; and 5) strongly disagree. The adopted monoclonal antibodies is a good alternative. However, the avail-
consensus index was that 80% of the participants responded ability of these two methods in Brazil is limited.
that they strongly or partially agreed with each statement. The Level of evidence: 1A Grade of recommendation: A
levels of evidence and the strength of the recommendation were
defined according to the Guidelines of the Brazilian Medical The 13C-urea breath test (13C-UBT) is the gold standard
Association/Federal Council of Medicine (Associação Médica test for non-invasive diagnosis of HP infection, with excellent
Brasileira/Conselho Federal de Medicina – AMB/CFM)(5). The accuracy, low cost, and easy execution(31-35). In addition, this
recommendations are reported below. test has been validated in Brazil for adults and children aged >6
years(36-38). It is considered the first-choice for eradication con-
GROUP 1 – EPIDEMIOLOGY AND DIAGNOSIS trol of HP and implementation of the test-and-treat strate-
gy(32,39,40). Despite its excellent accuracy, use of the 13C-UBT
Statement 1 has not been incorporated into daily practice in Brazil to date
In Brazil, the risk factors for acquiring HP infection are inade- due to national authorities restrictions to acquire the sub-
quate living conditions, sanitary status, and socioeconomic sta- strate. The recent development of the 13C-urea isotope in
tus. There is no well-established evidence on the dynamics of the Brazil may facilitate the dissemination of this test(41).
prevalence of HP infection in Brazil. The need to determine the fasting period before under-
Level of evidence: 3B Grade of recommendation: B going 13C-UBT is controversial because of the possibility of
false negative results(32,42,43). Although the dose of labeled urea
Humans are the only reservoir and primary source of described in the pioneering study by Graham et al.(31) was 5
transmission of HP(6-9). Childhood is considered the period of mg/kg body weight, the current dose of 75 mg for adults is the
highest risk for acquiring this pathogen because of the higher most recommended and adopted in clinical trials and com-
interpersonal contact at this life stage(10-15). The most import- mercial kits(43-45). Ascorbic acid (e.g., orange juice) or citric
ant risk factors for transmitting HP are a large number of acid is used as a vehicle for 13C-urea to accelerate the hydro-
people living in the home, bed-sharing between children and lysis of urea and delay gastric emptying, favoring the distri-
adults, unhealthy environments, and precarious conditions bution of the substrate in the stomach(32). Despite small vari-
in the domicile and peridomicile. Other contributing factors ations in the methodologies used by different research groups,
include the absence of basic sanitary facilities (drinking wa- the sensitivity and specificity of 13C-UBT are >95%(35).
ter supply, adequate disposal of household waste and sewage Considering that the absolute values for 13C-UBT depend
or septic tanks), inappropriate personal and family hygienic on urease activity in the stomach, its importance as a semiquan-
practices, lack of adequate food preservation systems, and titative or quantitative measurement of gastric colonization
parents low educacional level or of other adults living in the has been speculated(46,47). A large study in Brazil confirmed the
house(16-24). The mode of interpersonal transmission of HP is results of previous population studies(48-50), demonstrating that
unknown, but it may occur by the fecal-oral, oral-oral, and 13C-UBT values in women were mildly but significantly higher
gastro-oral routes(6,9). The fecal-oral route predominates in than those in men, suggesting a higher density of infection in
countries with low socioeconomic conditions, households women(51). More studies are needed to confirm these findings.

98 • Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

The stool antigen test (SAT) by enzyme-linked immu- Statement 4

nosorbent assay (ELISA) is another good option when The screening of HP after eradication therapy should be
13C-UBT is not available(52), provided that monoclonal anti- performed at least 4 weeks after the end of treatment. The
gen is used as the reagent(53-56). Although less accepted in some 13C-UBT test and SAT with monoclonal antibody are the meth-
countries, the SAT has been validated for the initial diagnosis ods of choice. Histology is an alternative invasive method.
of infection and eradication therapy (ET) in adults, and its Level of evidence: 1A Grade of recommendation: A
sensitivity and specificity are >92%(54,57-59). Brazilian studies
have also shown the effectiveness of SAT in the adult and pe- The screening of HP after ET requires special attention
diatric populations(60-62). because of the possible loss of sensitivity in some cases. For
instance, use of the RUT is not recommended after eradica-
Statement 3 tion because the sensitivity is significantly decreased. Nishi-
For the study of HP using the rapid urease test (RUT), is rec- kawa et al.(76) compared the sensitivity of two RUTs (Helico-
ommended a collection of one biopsy from antrum and one from check™ and PyloriTek™) before and after ET and found that
corpus. For histological examinations, collection of two biop- the sensitivity of both tests was 91% and 92% before ET and
sies from the antrum and two from the corpus is recommended 60.5% and 60.5% after therapy, respectively. The sensitivity
because it allows morphological analysis of the mucosa. RUT of the tests increased when biopsies of the corpus and an-
alone is not recommended for eradication therapy control. trum were combined compared with the use of biopsies from
Level of evidence: 1A Grade of recommendation: A each region separately. In contrast, sensitivity and specificity
of histological diagnosis are maintained before and after ET,
For patients with an indication for upper gastrointestinal as confirmed by Yoshimura et al.(77), wherein the sensitivity
endoscopy, the RUT is an inexpensive, rapid, easy to perform, of histology after ET in children was 100%. Therefore, his-
and highly accurate invasive test for initial diagnosis of HP tology is used as a control for determining the sensitivity of
infection(63). In most cases, the specificity and sensitivity are other tests. During ET testing, special care should be taken
approximately 95% and 87%–95%, respectively(64). The num- about the maintenance of the use of PPIs after administer-
ber of analyzed stomach biopsies can increase the sensitivity ing antimicrobials because they may affect the sensitivity of
of the test, and previous studies have demonstrated that col- the tests. Graham et al.(78) demonstrated that PPIs affected the
lection of biopsies from the antrum and corpus increases the sensitivity of 13C-UBT, which presented a false negative rate
accuracy of the test, reduces false negative results due to the of 33% when performed 3 days after treatment suspension.
low density and segmental location of HP in the gastric mu- Moreover, the sensitivity of the test began to increase after
cosa, and increases the reaction time of the test(65,66). 4 days of discontinuation of PPIs and was highest 14 days
Histology is considered the gold standard method for de- after treatment suspension. Similar results were observed by
tecting HP infection and allows evaluation of morphological Gatta et al.(79), wherein the sensitivity of 13C-UBT and SAT
changes in the gastric mucosa(65). Its accuracy is affected by sev- were decreased during PPI use. However, antacids did not af-
eral factors, including location and number of biopsies, staining fect the sensitivity of the tests. Yoshimura et al.(77) reported,
technique, use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and antibiotics, with respect to the above recommendations, a high sensitivi-
and level of experience of the pathologist. Antrum and corpus ty of 13C-UBT for confirmation of ET. Similarly, Kuloglu et
biopsies are usually recommended in clinical practice, although al.(80) found that the sensitivity of 14C-UBT one month after
the most sensitive strategy consists of obtaining two antrum bi- ET, with suspension of PPIs, bismuth, and antibiotics during
opsies and two corpus biopsies from the small and greater cur- this period, was 100%. Shirim et al.(81) performed 13C-UBT
vature of the stomach(67). Corpus biopsies are important for di- to confirm eradication control 7 and 14 days after ET and
agnosing HP in cases of atrophic gastritis(66). With respect to the observed that the sensitivity was 76% and 83.9%, respectively.
staining technique used in histology, immunohistochemistry is The attempt to anticipate the confirmation of eradication to 7
the most sensitive and specific method for detecting HP, but it is days after completing ET yielded a false negative rate of 7.3%.
time-consuming and expensive. Thus, hematoxylin-eosin (HE) Therefore, eradication should be confirmed 4 to 6 weeks after
staining is the most commonly used technique in clinical prac- completing ET(6). Systematic reviews and meta-analyses indi-
tice. Among the additional staining techniques used to facilitate cated that 13C-UBT had good accuracy in all age groups(35,38).
bacterial identification, Giemsa is the preferred method because The SAT is also a robust test for diagnosing HP infection
it is simple, sensitive, and inexpensive(63,68). and eradication control. The sensitivity of the SAT is main-
Recently, with the technological advancement of endoscopic tained by storing stool samples at room temperature for a
imaging, there has been increasing interest in the real-time iden- maximum of 24 hours or at 4 °C for up to 72 hours. This
tification of HP infection during the endoscopic procedure with- storage procedure and suspended use of antibiotics and bis-
out biopsies, resulting in cost reduction and early diagnosis of muth for 30 days and PPIs for 14 days before the test yielded
infection(69). The Japanese school divides the status of the gastric good sensitivity. The sensitivity with monoclonal antibodies
mucosa into three categories based on endoscopic findings: nor- was significantly higher than with polyclonal antibodies(82).
mal gastric mucosa without HP infection (absence of gastritis), The sensitivity of 13C-UBT was higher than that of SAT.
active HP infection (active gastritis), and previous HP infection Perri et al.(83) compared the sensitivity of 13C-UBT and SAT
(inactive gastritis). The endoscopic classification of Kyoto for using monoclonal antibodies and obtained similar results.
endoscopic gastritis lists 19 endoscopic findings to characterize Gisbert and Pajares(84) conducted a systematic review to
gastric mucosa inflammation and the presence of HP infection determine SAT sensitivity and concluded that this test had
with high accuracy, depending on the methods used(70-75). good accuracy for confirming HP eradication after 4 weeks

Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun • 99

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

of treatment, and the results were slightly better when per- Serological tests are based on the detection of anti-HP
formed after 8 weeks of treatment. IgG antibodies and are non-invasive, widely available, inex-
The choice of HP eradication test should be based on low pensive, easy to perform, and widely accepted by patients(92,93).
invasiveness and high accuracy. The non-invasive 13C-UBT The most used serological tests are enzyme immunoassays
and SAT are good alternatives for eradication control with a (ELISAs), immunochromatographic assays (rapid tests), and
slight advantage for 13C-UBT. immunoblot assays. ELISA is the most commonly used assay
because of its higher accuracy compared with rapid tests(63,94).
Statement 5 Immunoblotting, despite its higher specificity than ELISA
Molecular tests may be used to assess HP antimicrobials resis- without the loss of sensitivity, is more expensive, requires
tance after second or third treatment failure. However, the lack greater expertise for interpretation, and is not widely available
of availability of bacterial cultures and antibiograms limits the in clinical laboratories(95).
use of these tests. The accuracy of the serological tests depends on the an-
Level of evidence: 4 Grade of recommendation: C tigen used in the commercial kit and prevalence rate of the
HP-specific strain used as the antigen source. The heteroge-
One the most important causes of eradication failure is neity of HP strains is well known, and the prevalence of spe-
the increasing resistance to clarithromycin and levofloxa- cific strains varies significantly in different regions. Therefore,
cin(85). Resistance to nitroimidazoles is considered the most the success of these test depends on the use of antigens from
common type of resistance(86). Resistance rate to amoxicillin HP strains found in the population in question(96,97). A previ-
and tetracycline is considered low and stable(87). ous study compared the accuracy of 29 commercially avail-
Resistance to clarithromycin is caused by mutations in the able kits and indicated that the variability was high (66.7% to
rrl gene encoding two nucleotides of rRNA 23S: 2142 and 91.3%). In turn, the accuracy of rapid tests was lower (66.7%
2143. A2142G and A2143G are the most common mutations, to 91.3%) than that of ELISA (73.9% to 97.8%). Four ELISA
whereas the A2142C mutation is less common. Other muta- kits presented excellent results and sensitivity, specificity, pos-
tions have been described, but their clinical importance is un- itive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) >90%(94).
known. Quinolones resistance involves genes encoding DNA Similarly, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of serolog-
gyrase (gyrA and gyrB) at gyrA positions 86, 87, 88, 91, or 97. ical tests using high-molecular-weight antigens, recombinant
The most common mutations are in positions 87 and 91(86). A antigens, and higher immunogenicity antigens were >90%(98-
rate of resistance to clarithromycin <15% was adopted by the 100)
. Ideally, locally validated tests with an accuracy >90% are
European Consensus for therapies without previous assess- recommended(40). Studies performed in Brazil evaluating sero-
ment of resistance(40). logical tests by ELISA and immunoblot found a sensitivity of
Several methods for evaluating resistance based on phe- 93.9%–97.4% and specificity of 88.9%–100%(101-103).
notype (culture and antibiogram) and genotype (molecular Serology is primarily indicated for screening HP infection
biology) are available. Phenotypic methods, including bacte- in epidemiological studies. Its main limitation is the inability
rial culture and antibiogram, allow determination of the min- to distinguish between active and past infections because the
imum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antibiotics and are serum levels of anti-HP IgG antibodies may remain high for
considered the gold standard. In addition to discrepancies in long periods, even after HP eradication. Thus, serology can-
terms of the methodology and use of different MICs for some not be used for eradication control after treatment(63,92). Sero-
compounds, the small number of laboratories that perform logical tests, particularly highly accurate and locally validated
these test limits the use of such methods in clinical practice. tests, may be used as initial non-invasive tests for screening
Molecular biology-based genotypic tests are fast, reproduc- HP infection and should be especially considered in clinical
ible, easy to standardize, and do not depend on the presence situations involving a low gastric bacterial load, such as gas-
of live bacteria. These tests can assess resistance to clarithro- trointestinal bleeding, atrophic gastritis, gastric mucosa-as-
mycin, levofloxacin, and tetracycline and are commercially sociated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma, and gastric
available for levofloxacin and clarithromycin; however, they cancer (GC), because the sensitivity is not altered, and false
are not yet available for amoxicillin and metronidazole be- negatives are not produced in these situations(40,93,104-106).
cause of the lack of knowledge of the mechanisms of resis-
tance to these antimicrobials(86,87). Statement 7
Two meta-analyses and two studies evaluating ETs in geo- The use of PPIs should be discontinued up to 2 weeks before
graphical areas with high resistance to antibiotics reported performing diagnostic tests for HP infection, except serology.
that therapies based on antimicrobial susceptibility tests were The use of antibiotics and bismuth salts should be discontinued
superior to empirical therapy(88-91). up to 4 weeks before using the diagnostic tests.
Level of evidence: 2B Grade of recommendation: B
Statement 6
Locally validated serological tests are the methods of choice for PPIs may yield false negative results in the RUT, 13C-UBT,
population-based screening studies. Serology may be used as the SAT, and histological diagnosis because these drugs have mod-
initial test for diagnosing HP infection, especially in the pres- erate anti-HP activity, leading to a reduced bacterial load and
ence of gastrointestinal bleeding, atrophic gastritis, gastric mu- inhibition of urease activity(78,79,107-113). A few discordant studies
cosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and gastric cancer. found that 13C-UBT accuracy was not significantly affected
Level of evidence: 2A Grade of recommendation: B by a short-term PPI pantoprazole use(110) and that PPIs did not
significantly affect SAT using monoclonal antibodies(111). Molec-

100 • Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

ular studies with more sophisticated techniques can detect the and histology performed in urgent care, and they observed
presence of HP in patients treated with PPIs(114,115). that the second test was positive in 79% of the participants.
Considering this evidence, the adequate interval between
PPI use suspension and diagnostic tests performance is 14 GROUP 2 – DYSPEPSIA, MICROBIOTA,
days, except when serological tests are requested, which are AND OTHER DISORDERS
not affected by PPIs(63,111,116-120). Antibiotics and bismuth salts
use should be discontinued 4 weeks before performing di- Statement 9
agnostic tests(63,117,119). H2 blockers have minimal effects on The test-and-treat strategy is recommended for patients aged
the results of breath tests, and antacid drugs do not affect <40 years with dyspepsia not yet diagnosed with HP and with-
the sensitivity of breath tests or the detection of stool anti- out alarming signs. The test of choice for diagnosis and treat-
gens(79,121,122). ment control is the 13C-UBT.
Level of evidence: 1B Grade of recommendation: A
Statement 8
Endoscopy indication for upper gastrointestinal bleeding pa- The test-and-treat strategy using a non-invasive test
tients turns histology the recommended test in patients with an should be considered for adult patients aged <40 years with
indication for HP screening. Breath tests are an alternative. A dyspepsia but without alarming signs, including unintention-
new diagnostic screening of HP should be conducted in patients al weight loss, dysphagia, persistent vomiting, palpable mass
with negative results in the first test. in the abdomen, jaundice, gastrointestinal bleeding, and ab-
Level of evidence: 4 Grade of recommendation: C sence of history of gastric cancer in first-degree relatives. As
previously recommended in the last Brazilian Consensus(3),
The diagnosis of HP infection in patients with upper gas- 13C-UBT and SAT are recommended as non-invasive tests
trointestinal bleeding (UGIB) has specific characteristics that for diagnosis and eradication control, with a preference for
should be considered. The occurrence of bleeding in the gas- the former. Several prospective studies support the use of this
tric cavity decreases the accuracy of endoscopic tests (RUT, strategy, particularly in regions with a high rate of infection
histological diagnosis, culture, and PCR), and the bactericidal like Brazil(40).
effect of human plasma on HP may explain the decrease in
the sensitivity of these tests(123). Different studies have shown Statement 10
a significant sensitivity decrease of the RUT and culture in Dyspepsia is very common and is classified as investigated and
patients with UGIB(124-128), and a few studies have present- uninvestigated. After investigation, dyspepsia is now classified
ed discordant results(129). A prospective case-control study as organic, HP-associated, or functional.
demonstrated that RUT sensitivity was decreased in UGIB Level of evidence: 1C Grade of recommendation: A
history patients with or without gastric cavity bleeding(127).
Lee et al.(130) suggested that increasing the number of biopsies Dyspepsia is defined as persistent or recurrent pain and/or
might increase the sensitivity of the RUT, although the sen- discomfort in the central and upper abdomen (epigastrium)
sitivity remained low. The use of molecular tests (PCR) us- (141)
. The prevalence of this condition is high worldwide, with
ing gastric mucosa biopsies presented conflicting results(131,132) an estimated rate of 10% to 30%(142), and most patients do not
and increased costs. These results suggest that the use of present organic changes that justify the symptoms(143). A study
invasive tests for HP diagnosis in UGIB patients is not the conducted in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, reported
ideal choice and non-invasive tests are recommended in these that the prevalence of complaints compatible with dyspepsia
cases. The sensitivity and specificity of SAT are decreased was 44.4% in the study population(144).
in UGIB patients(133-135). In contrast, 13C-UBT consistently Dyspepsia is classified as investigated or uninvestigated.
presents good sensitivity and specificity for HP diagnosis in After screening, dyspepsia is classified as organic, HP-asso-
UGIB patients(136-138). A systematic review and a meta-analysis ciated, or functional(4,145). Upper gastrointestinal endosco-
compared invasive and non-invasive tests and concluded that py with HP screening should be performed in patients aged
invasive tests (RUT, histology, and culture) had lower sensitiv- >40 years with uninvestigated dyspepsia; patients who do not
ity in patients with UGIB(139). Among the non-invasive tests, respond to empirical treatment with H2 blockers, PPIs, or
SATs have lower sensitivity while 13C-UBTs have higher ac- prokinetics, among others; and patients of any age with alarm
curacy in these patients. signs(145). Three classifications are possible after endoscopic
Therefore, the best test for HP screening in patients with examination and HP screening: 1) patients with dyspepsia
UGIB is 13C-UBT. Nonetheless, this test is not widely avail- who present endoscopic changes that justify the symptoms
able in Brazil to date. It is also evident that endoscopic exam- are considered as having organic dyspepsia (e.g., peptic ulcer
ination should be performed for diagnosing and/or treating and GC); 2) patients with dyspepsia with normal endoscopy
UGIB cause. Therefore, in this context, histological examina- and without HP infection are considered as having functional
tion is recommended and/or RUT and 13C-UBT in cases in dyspepsia; and 3) patients with dyspepsia with normal endos-
which the results of the first two tests are negative. If the 13- copy and HP infection. In the latter situation, patients should
UBT test is unavailable, HP screening should be repeated at be treated for bacterial eradication. The diagnosis when
least 1 month after bleeding is resolved to confirm the results. symptoms improve steadily after treatment (6 to 12 months) is
Güell et al.(140) conducted a retrospective study to evaluate the HP-associated dyspepsia. Patients with continued complaints
results of HP retesting in patients with gastric or duodenal of dyspepsia, despite confirmed eradication, are considered to
ulcer who presented with UGIB but were negative in the RUT have functional dyspepsia.

Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun • 101

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

According to the Rome Consensus IV, functional dys- Statement 12

pepsia is a clinical syndrome that impacts activities of daily HP and the drugs used in ET affect the physiology of the gastric
living and is characterized by the presence of recurrent and and intestinal microbiota and may modify the microbiota with
chronic dyspepsia in the absence of underlying structural severe consequences to overall health.
or metabolic lesions detected in clinical routine (including Level of evidence: 5 Grade of recommendation: D
endoscopy) capable of justifying the clinical picture. Func-
tional dyspepsia is confirmed by meeting the following di- HP is part of the stomach microbiota and can modify the
agnostic criteria(145): 1) recurrent complaints of dyspepsia gastric physiology and vice versa. HP initially infects the an-
in the past 3 months that began at least 6 months prior; 2) trum and increases gastrin production in this region. Gastrin
the presence of one or more of the following symptoms: a) stimulates the secretion of pepsin by enterochromaffin-like
postprandial indigestion, b) early satiety, c) epigastric pain, (ECL) cells and promotes hyperplasia and hypertrophy in
and d) epigastric burning; and 3) the absence of structural oxyntic cells. The increased secretion of pepsin prevents bac-
lesions on digestive endoscopy that justify the symptoms. terial overgrowth in the stomach and intestine and directly
For better therapeutic orientation, patients with func- stimulates the release of secretin, which in turn increases the
tional dyspepsia should be classified into two syndromes release of pancreatic enzymes. A low pH also triggers the re-
according to the main symptom: a) postprandial discomfort lease of cholecystokinin (CCK), which regulates biliary flow
syndrome (meal-related symptoms), especially postprandial and gallbladder contraction(149). Bile salts and pancreatic
indigestion and/or early satiety at least 3 times a week in the enzymes help maintain the balance of the intestinal micro-
past 3 months; and/or b) epigastric pain syndrome (symp- biota(150,151). Intestinal motility may be indirectly regulated by
toms not necessarily related to meals), predominating mod- the effects of HP on ghrelin, GLP-1, GLP-2, PYY, and mel-
erate to intense intermittent pain and/or epigastric burning atonin(152-155). Gastric and intestinal chemoreceptors are also
at least once a week in the past 3 months. Of note, the two affected by pH changes, directly affecting the gut-brain axis
syndromes may be present in the same patient(145). and ultimately the whole organism(156).
Some regions of Brazil present a high rate of intestinal HP eradication may affect all these factors, causing chang-
parasitic infections, particularly those caused by Ascaris es in the stomach, intestine, pancreas, biliary system, and oth-
lumbricoides, Strongiloides stercoralis, and Giardia lamblia. er systems.
Parasitological examinations of stool should be requested The existing eradication strategies use drugs that decrease
serially (in at least three samples), and the execution of lar- gastric secretion (usually PPIs) and antimicrobials, which are
val concentration methods (Baermann method modified by administered together in most cases. The impact of many an-
Moraes and its variations) and direct stool examination are tibiotics on the microbiota is evident. First, these drugs have
essential, especially for the detection of giardiasis and stron- broad-spectrum activity and therefore affect microorganisms
gyloidiasis. The World Health Organization (WHO) recom- other than HP, including commensal bacteria. This problem
mends the use of antiparasitic drugs at regular intervals for may be aggravated with repeated antimicrobial treatments,
populations at high risk of developing intestinal parasitic and the modified microbiota may require months to years to
diseases(146). This consensus maintains the recommendation recover. Some arqueas are unable to recolonize the digestive
of the previous Brazilian Consensus related to the execution system. During the initial stages, dysbiosis may be due to mild
of parasitological stool examination or empirical use of an- or severe changes in bowel habits (post-antibiotic diarrhea)
tiparasitic drugs together with the criteria established by the and conditions such as pseudomembranous enterocolitis,
Rome Consensus IV for diagnosing functional dyspepsia(3). which are fatal in some cases. The gut microbiota is known
to modulate different body systems, and the potentially de-
Statement 11 finitive microbiota imbalance may be transmitted to future
Patients with dyspepsia and HP should be subjected to eradi- generations and may have a significant impact on our descen-
cation treatment. dants(157-161).
Level of evidence: 3A Grade of recommendation: B Some strategies may be used to minimize this problem, in-
cluding reviewing HP treatment indications, using HP-specif-
Standard ET is indicated after confirming the presence ic antibiotics, optimizing initial treatment as much as possible
of HP either by endoscopy or non-invasive tests(145). The di- by avoiding retreatments, and supplementing with probiotics.
agnosis in cases with sustained improvement of symptoms Therefore, probiotics may play an important role by increas-
(6 to 12 months) is HP-associated dyspepsia(4,145). This new ing eradication rates and minimizing intestinal adverse effects
guideline of the Kyoto Consensus(4) confirmed by the Rome (post-antibiotic diarrhea, pseudomembranous enterocolitis,
Consensus IV(145) and Maastricht V(40) has been consoli- and inflammation of the gastric mucosa). Moreover, probiot-
dated by several studies and meta-analyses demonstrating ics may have positive effects via bactericidal activity (compe-
that HP eradication is better than placebo in relieving the tition for nutrients and receptors, production of bacteriocins,
symptoms of dyspepsia and results in a therapeutic gain of and modulation of urease function of HP strains), immuno-
4%–14%(147,148). The main justification for eradicating HP modulatory activity through pattern recognition receptors,
in patients with dyspepsia is symptom relief in a subset of and anti-inflammatory activity by modulating the production
patients, lower risk of late development of clinical sequelae and scavenging of free radicals in the stomach. As previously
(e.g., peptic ulcer and GC), and interruption of HP trans- reported, HP and ET may strongly affect gastric physiology,
mission. and changes in the gastric region affect different body systems
in various ways.

102 • Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

Statement 13 ciency anemia of obscure etiology and found that the levels of
Probiotics use associated with ET is an attempt to optimize HP hemoglobin and ferritin were increased after HP eradication
eradication and minimize adverse events, rebalancing the mi- in adults and children(174,177,178), and these findings have moti-
crobiota. Further studies are needed to better define the strain, vated international guideline to recommend ET to treat iron
amount, time, and period of supplementation. deficiency anemia of obscure etiology(179).
Level of evidence: 4 Grade of recommendation: C With respect to ITP, some nonrandomized studies, and
randomized studies with small sample sizes, have suggested
In theory, prebiotics, probiotics, and symbiotics can re- that platelet counts are increased in adults after HP eradica-
establish the gut microbiota, competing for nutrients with tion(180-1820); however, the evidence in the pediatric population
pathogenic bacteria, inhibiting the activity of toxins, and was weaker(183). A systematic review involving 25 studies sug-
performing immunomodulatory functions(162). Experimental gests that bacterial eradication tends to cause an increase in
animal studies have shown that surface proteins in probiotic platelet counts(184). The response is usually stronger in patients
strains limit the colonization of the stomach by HP(163). Strains with a mild degree of thrombocytopenia and patients from re-
of Lactobacillus salivarius and L. casei may inhibit HP urease gions with high infection rates(173,174,176,184,185). The mechanisms
activity (by producing lactic acid) and synthesize cytokines, underlying HP infection and ITP have not been fully elucidat-
which are involved in inflammatory processes(164). Therefore, ed. One of the most studied mechanisms is molecular mimicry
these species of Lactobacilli may reduce the HP load, muco- involving HP CagA protein and platelet glycoproteins, partic-
sal inflammation (by inhibiting IL-8 production), and gastric ularly GPI and GPII(186).
hyperacidity(165). Some studies have observed that HP infection decreases
Some probiotics containing Lactobacillus, Bifidobacteri- the absorption of vitamins, especially vitamin B12, leading
um, and Saccharomyces boulardii exert anti-HP activity in vi- to the accumulation of serum homocysteine(185,187). Pangas-
tro and reduce antibiotics associated side effects (particularly tritis induced by HP infection with strong involvement of
diarrhea and nausea) administered during ET with PPIs and the oxyntic mucosa may promote achlorhydria or hypoch-
antibiotics(166). lorhydria and decrease pepsinogen levels, compromising the
Although some authors found promising results using absorption of cobalamin. A study demonstrated that HP
pre- and probiotics as adjuvant therapy in anti-HP regimens, eradication might increase cobalamin levels and decrease se-
most clinical trials found that this association did not improve rum homocysteine levels in elderly patients with vitamin B12
eradication rates, bacterial colonization, gastric inflammation deficiency in Brazil(188).
scores, and side effects(165-167). A prospective, randomized, dou- Other studies have evaluated a possible association be-
ble-blind, placebo-controlled study in Brazil evaluated the tween HP infection and cardiovascular events. Ultrasound im-
role of an anti-HP regimen combined with probiotics (Lac- ages of the intima-media thickness of the carotid wall, which
tobacillus acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, is considered an indirect marker of clinical or subclinical ath-
and Streptococcus faecium) in eradicating HP and decreasing erosclerosis, showed an increase in thickness in patients with
the number of adverse events. The eradication rate and ad- HP infection, particularly those infected with positive CagA
verse effects in the group treated with the antibiotic regimen strains(189). A recent meta-analysis of prospective studies pub-
and probiotics were not significantly different from those in lished from 1992 to 2014 analyzing the association between
the placebo group(168). HP infection and the risk of coronary disease found that HP
Recently, three important consensus meetings on the use infection increased the risk of coronary disease by 11% (RR:
of probiotics for the treatment of HP considered that, despite 1.11; 95% CI: 1.01–1.22)(190). Other studies found promising
some encouraging results, probiotics appeared to increase associations—but without sufficient evidence of causality—
bacterial eradication rates by reducing the adverse effects as- for other diseases, including Parkinson’s disease and Alzhei-
sociated with antimicrobial treatment and not by a possible mer’s disease(191,192). In contrast, other studies reported nega-
direct effect on the bacterial strains(40,169,170). Additional ran- tive associations between HP infection and diseases such as
domized, double-blind, and controlled trials are necessary to asthma and other atopic conditions, including eosinophilic
define the strain, concentration, optimal time, and period of esophagitis(193,194).
probiotic use. In addition, routine use of probiotics in ET is
not recommended. Statement 15
There is no evidence for an association between HP infection and
Statement 14 gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Bacterial eradication
There is evidence of an association between HP infection, iron usually does not lead to the onset of GERD symptoms. Epide-
deficiency anemia of unknown etiology, immune thrombocyto- miological evidence indicates a negative correlation between HP
penic purpura (ITP), and vitamin B12 deficiency. In other ex- infection, Barrett’s esophagus, and adenocarcinoma of the distal
tra-gastroduodenal conditions, there may be negative and posi- esophagus.
tive associations with no proven causality. Level of evidence: 3A Grade of recommendation: B
Level of evidence: 3A Grade of recommendation: B
The relationship of HP infection, gastroesophageal
The role of HP in iron deficiency anemia, ITP, and vita- reflux disease (GERD), and Barrett’s esophagus (BE) has
min B12 deficiency is well established, and baseline disease is been controversial. However, for adequate distinction of
improved with bacterial eradication in both adults and chil- the associations within the context of GERD, it needs to be
dren(171-176). Three recent meta-analyses evaluated iron defi- subclassified into non-erosive reflux disease, erosive reflux

Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun • 103

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

disease, BE, and adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus NSAIDs are one the most commonly used drugs world-
(ADE). Therefore, the collective odds ratio of a meta-anal- wide. These drugs are effective, but they have many adverse
ysis for the association between HP infection and GERD in effects. The most common adverse events affect the digestive
Europe was 0.97 (0.75–1.27), not statistically significant(195). tract and include dyspepsia, heartburn, abdominal discom-
This analysis included only studies in which GERD was fort, and duodenal ulcer and its complications, especially
defined by erosive esophagitis or abnormal esophageal life-threatening bleeding(208). By contrast, HP infection is the
pH-metry results. A case-control study involving 65,363 pa- most important etiologic factor of gastroduodenal ulcer(209).
tients in Europe revealed that HP infection alone was not Huang et al.(210) analyzed 16 studies involving 1,625 NSAID
associated with a lower risk of developing GERD-relat- users and observed that uncomplicated ulcer was more com-
ed symptoms. Moreover, there was a negative association mon in HP-positive patients (341/817, 41.7%) than in HP-neg-
of GERD symptoms in patients with reduced pepsinogen ative patients (209/808, 25.9%) (OR=2.12). In five controlled
levels and atrophic gastritis (OR: 0.2; 95% CI: 0.8–1.5)(196). studies, ulcer was significantly more common in NSAID users
Similar results were found in a study in the United States, (138/385, 35.8%) than in controls (23/276, 8.3%), but it was
in which GERD symptoms were not associated with HP not significantly correlated with HP infection. A compari-
infection regardless of the virulence of the strains (CagA son between HP-negative individuals not using NSAIDs and
status)(197). A case-control study involving more than 5,000 HP-positive individuals using NSAIDs indicated that the risk
patients in Korea found a negative correlation between HP of ulcer was 61.1 times higher in the latter. The use of NSAIDs
seroprevalence and the risk and severity of erosive esopha- alone (OR=19.4) and HP infection (OR=18.1) increased the
gitis (OR: 0.44 [0.39–0.49])(198). risk of ulcer. In NSAID users, HP infection increased the risk
The studies that sought to evaluate the association be- of ulcer by 3.53-fold. The risk of bleeding complications was
tween HP, BE, and ADE found a high variability in the increased 1.79-fold in HP-infected patients and 4.85-fold in
methods, selection bias, and characterization of the study NSAID users. The risk was increased 6.13-fold in HP-posi-
population(199,200). A meta-analysis reported that the rel- tive patients treated with NSAIDs. This meta-analysis indi-
ative risk of BE in patients with HP infection was 0.46 cated that HP infection and NSAIDs were independent risk
(0.35–0.60); i.e., there was a strong negative association factors for ulcer and its complications. However, this associ-
between HP and BE(201). Another prospective case-control ation significantly increased the risk of uncomplicated ulcer
study confirmed the negative association between HP and and ulcer bleeding. Lanas et al.(211) observed that in patients
BE, particularly for CagA-positive strains (OR: 0.36 [0.14– using low doses of ASA, HP was an independent risk factor
0.90])(197). Anderson et al.(202) prospectively analyzed the ef- for ulcer bleeding (OR=4.7). Uemura et al.(212) evaluated 1,454
fect of gastric atrophy and suggested a negative association Japanese individuals with high-risk cardiovascular disease
between HP infection, BE, and ADE in cases of oxyntic receiving ASA (75–325 mg/day) and found that the rate of
mucosal atrophy. These findings indicate that BE and ADE gastroduodenal ulcer was 6.5%. Moreover, HP infection was
primarily occurred in patients with non-atrophic gastric an important risk factor for gastroduodenal ulcer (OR=1.83;
mucosa. Wang et al.(203) demonstrated that there was no P<0.0082). In addition to HP, an age >65 years (P=0.0246)
difference in HP infection in patients with BE and control and current smoking (P<0.0321) increased the risk of gas-
individuals from a blood donor population and individuals troduodenal ulcer. Kono et al.(213) analyzed 245 patients who
with normal endoscopic findings. The comparison between were chronically using NSAIDs and observed that an age >75
patients with BE and individuals with normal endoscopy years and HP infection were important risk factors for severe
revealed that BE was associated with a lower rate of HP gastric mucosal damage. Iijima et al.(214) used the levels of
infection. pepsinogen I and pepsinogen I/II ratio to estimate hyperchlo-
A large number of prospective studies and meta-analy- rhydria and observed that hyperchlorhydria was an important
ses evaluated the relationship between HP eradication and risk factor for severe gastric mucosal damage (OR=34.0) and
GERD. Most of these studies found that ET was not associ- gastric ulcer (OR=10.2) and recommended that these patients
ated with the rate of reflux or reflux esophagitis. In addition, should be treated in advance to prevent mucosal damage.
ET did not aggravate symptoms in patients with pre-existing The effect of HP on the risk of ulcer and/or bleeding in
GERD(40,204-207). patients using low doses of ASA has been controversial. Sost-
res et al.(215) found no additive or potentiating effect of HP
Statement 16 and ASA on the risk of ulcer or ulcer bleeding, although both
In patients infected with HP, the use of nonsteroidal anti-in- conditions were independent risk factors.
flammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or acetyl salicylic acid (ASA), Antiplatelets other than aspirin and anticoagulants(216),
even at low doses, increases the risk of ulcer and its complica- including recently developed drugs(217,218), increase the risk of
tions. Anticoagulants (coumarin, clopidogrel, and new oral an- ulcer bleeding. The Maastricht V/Florence Consensus con-
ticoagulants) may increase the risk of ulcer/bleeding in HP-in- cluded that the use of ASA or NSAIDs increased the risk of
fected patients. ulcer bleeding in HP infected patients(40).
In patients at high risk of developing ulcers, before the initia- Other risk factors for gastroduodenal ulcer in users of
tion of long-term treatment with NSAIDs or ASA, even at low NSAIDs/ASA included an age ≥65 years, smoking, previous
doses, HP should be screened and eradicated. However, eradi- history of ulcer/UGIB, current smoking, combination of
cation alone does not prevent the recurrence of ulcer/bleeding. NSAIDs, and concomitant use of antiplatelet or anticoagu-
Level of evidence: 1B Grade of recommendation: A lant agents. Gabriel et al.(219) analyzed 16 studies (9 controlled
studies and 7 cohort studies) and concluded that the risk of a

104 • Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

severe gastrointestinal event in NSAID users was 3-fold high- In conclusion, in patients at high risk of ulcer and ul-
er than that in non-users (OR=2.74). In addition, the follow- cer bleeding, including those who intend to start treatment
ing risk factors were identified: age >60 years; concomitant with COX-1 and/or COX-2 inhibitors, HP infection should
use of corticosteroids; and period of exposure to NSAIDs <1 be screened and eradicated. However, eradication alone does
month (OR=8.00), 1–3 months (OR=3.31), and >3 months not prevent recurrence of the ulcer and its complications, and
(OR=1.92), without significant differences between sexes. therefore, the use of PPIs is mandatory.
Laine et al.(220) evaluated 8,076 rheumatoid arthritis patients
aged >45 years who were randomized to treatment with either GROUP 3: GASTRIC CANCER
rofecoxib or naproxen, and they found that patients at high-
er risk of severe events (ulcer bleeding, perforation, obstruc- Statement 17
tion, symptomatic ulcer) in the naproxen group were aged ≥75 Gastric cancer has an intermediate incidence in Brazil and is
years and/or had a history of gastrointestinal complications. one of the five main causes of cancer mortality in the country,
The use of low-dose NSAIDs or aspirin in HP-infected and its incidence exhibits regional differences.
patients has become increasingly common. The interactions Level of evidence: 2C Grade of recommendation: B
between these associations may have a significant impact on
the digestive tract. The symptoms caused by NSAIDs/ASA GC is the most common epithelial gastric neoplasm, rep-
usually appear during the first days of treatment, although resenting 95% of the malignant tumors that affect the human
some studies suggest that the risk of complications is high- stomach. Although the incidence of GC has decreased in re-
er in the first 2 months. Current evidence indicates that the cent decades, it is the second leading cause of cancer death
risk of complications is the same during treatment in patients worldwide, with more than 900,000 new cases per year(228). The
treated with NSAIDs for either short or long periods(221). rate of GC is usually 2 to 3 times higher in developing coun-
Chan et al.(222) conducted a prospective study to assess the tries than that in developed countries and is higher in men
effect of HP infection on the risk of ulcer bleeding in three than in women. The National Cancer Institute of the Min-
different groups, of which two groups had a history of ulcer istry of Health of Brazil(229) estimated that there were 20,520
bleeding. The first group included patients with ulcer bleed- new cases of GC in 2016, including 12,920 cases in men and
ing (n=249) who resumed aspirin use after HP eradication. 7,600 cases in women. These rates correspond to an estimat-
The second group consisted of patients who were not infected ed risk of 13.04 new cases per 100,000 men and 7.37 cases
with HP who presented ulcer bleeding due to low-dose ASA per 100,000 women. There are regional differences in Brazil:
(n=118). The third group included patients who started to use without considering non-melanoma skin cancer, GC in men is
ASA without a previous history of ulcer (n=537). None of the second most common cancer in the north (11.62/100,000)
the patients from the analyzed groups received antisecretory and northeast (10.67/100,000) and occupies the fifth place in
drugs, and the study was terminated in cases of occurrence the southeast region (13.79/100,000). The mortality due to
of ulcer bleeding. In the patients with eradicated HP, the rate GC has been decreasing worldwide, including in Latin Amer-
of recurrence of ulcer bleeding with the use of ASA was low, ica(230,231). In Brazil, despite a mild decrease, mortality is high,
whereas the risk of recurrence of ulcer bleeding was high in and the survival rate during the first year of disease is esti-
patients treated with aspirin without past or current HP in- mated at 32% and decreases to 9% at the end of 5 years(232-234).
fection. The authors concluded that it was useful to evaluate
the presence of HP to identify patients at high risk of ulcer Statement 18
bleeding among ASA users. HP eradication is associated with a decrease in the rate of GC.
The guidelines of the Italian Consensus advised eradicat- Level of evidence: 1A Grade of recommendation: A
ing HP to decrease the risk of complicated or uncomplicated
ulcerative disease, emphasizing that eradication was more ef- Epidemiological and experimental evidence have demon-
fective in prevention when performed before initiating treat- strated that HP infection plays a role in GC(235), leading the
ment with NSAIDs(223). World Health Organization (WHO) to recognize HP as the
Scarpignatto et al.(221) indicated that although the role of only carcinogen for this type of cancer in group I(236). Recent
HP and the benefit of HP eradication in the potential risk studies have validated previous evidence demonstrating that
of gastrointestinal complications are controversial, eradica- HP eradication interrupts the sequence of events known as
tion is beneficial in patients with risk factors (age ≥65 years, Correa’s cascade(237) in cases in which the intervention occurs
previous history of ulcer and/or ulcer bleeding, concomitant before the establishment of pre-neoplastic lesions such as
use of anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents) provided that metaplasia or dysplasia(238). There are controversies concern-
eradication is performed at the beginning of treatment with ing the efficacy of HP eradication in preventing GC in the
low-dose NSAIDs or ASA. HP eradication in patients who presence of gastric atrophy(238-240).
initiate treatment with low-dose ASA or NSAIDs reduced the The role of HP eradication for preventing a second pri-
risk of ulcer to an extent similarly to that of treatment with mary tumor is controversial. Studies examining this potential
PPIs. However, eradication alone was not sufficient to prevent benefit after endoscopic or surgical resection indicate mod-
the relapse of ulcer and/or ulcer bleeding(224). erate efficacy, insufficient follow-up periods, and conflicting
The use of PPIs is necessary to decrease the risk of ulcers results(238-240).
and ulcer bleeding in high-risk patients, even in those using Although it is impossible to demonstrate, with high levels
coxibs, which are known to be less gastrotoxic than standard of evidence, the benefit of HP eradication in the presence of
NSAIDs(40,219-221,225-227). pre-neoplastic lesions or after a gastric tumor, some consider-

Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun • 105

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

ations are necessary to form a decision matrix: i) pre-neoplas- screening in Japan and less often in other countries(249-255). It is
tic lesions affect only part of the mucosa, and extensive areas important to emphasize that the predictive value of measuring
of the mucosa exposed to HP may benefit from HP eradica- pepsinogens can be low in cases in which atrophy is restricted
tion; ii) the field cancerization theory states that carcinogenic to the gastric antrum(256). In addition to infection with HP and
effects act in areas that are more extensive than those restrict- its various phenotypes, other factors may affect the serum lev-
ed to the tumor, justifying the occurrence of a second primary els of pepsinogens, including geographical region, race, age,
tumor in the same organ or region; iii) HP should be erad- gender, height, body weight, BMI, smoking, and use of alco-
icated in relatives of GC patients because of their possible hol(257-258). Therefore, the efficacy of pepsinogen and PGI/PGII
exposure to the same bacterial strains and presence of similar ratio (PGR) measurement remain controversial, particularly
genetic backgrounds, indicating that the potential benefits of for determining the best cut-off point of the PGR for the diag-
eradication to the gastric mucosa of the relatives are similar nosis of gastric atrophy. PGI levels ≤70 ng/mL and PGR ≤3 are
to those of individuals who have or had gastric tumors or the most acceptable values for detecting gastric atrophy, and
pre-neoplastic lesions; and iv) most metaplasias do not evolve the sensitivity and specificity of these markers were found to
to GC(241). Therefore, HP eradication is recommended in indi- be 66.7%–84.6% and 73.5%–87.1%, respectively(250,259,260). Stud-
viduals with pre-neoplastic lesions, endoscopy-treated gastric ies have shown that the main commercial tests available for
tumors, or partial gastrectomy. measuring serum levels of pepsinogens have good agreement
Despite the number of indications for HP eradication by with each other(261).
different institutions, including this consensus, critical reflec- The accuracy of the non-invasive diagnosis of gastric at-
tions and analyses are important: (i) experimental evidence rophy may be improved by including biomarkers other than
for the role of HP in GC was obtained using a cancer model pepsinogens. A study in Asia demonstrated that the associa-
that is applicable only to intestinal cancer, including Correa’s tion of the serological quantification of anti-HP antibodies
cascade of events, which do not occur in diffuse cancer; (see with the level of pepsinogens (ABCD method) might help
also statement 20) (ii) despite the lower exposure to HP due identify healthy adults at higher risk of developing GC(262).
to improved sanitary conditions and higher rate of eradica- Another combination of biomarkers (GastroPanel®) using a
tion, the expected decrease in the GC rate is restricted to the single blood sample allows the measurement of pepsinogens
intestinal histological type according to Lauren’s classifica- and gastrin 17 (for diagnosing antral atrophy) and quantifying
tion(242-244); and iii) the role of the stomach microbiota, the anti-HP antibodies by serology. Two recent meta-analyses
effects of the antibiotic therapy used to eradicate HP(245), and evaluated this panel. Syrienen(263) analyzed the results of 8,654
prolonged use of drugs that modify the gastric pH are gaps in patients from different countries and found that the sensitivi-
knowledge that need to be filled. ty and specificity for diagnosing atrophic gastritis were 70.2%
and 93.9% in the gastric body and 53.8% and 84.1% in the
Statement 19 gastric antrum. Zagari et al.(264) analyzed 20 studies involv-
Serological analysis of gastric atrophy using pepsinogen I ing 4,241 participants and found that the sensitivity for diag-
(PGI) and pepsinogen II (PGII), combined with antibodies nosing atrophic gastritis in the gastric body and antrum was
against HP and gastrin 17, can be used to identify populations 70.4% and 65.4%, respectively. However, few studies to date
at risk of GC. However, further studies are necessary to validate have measured the levels of pepsinogens for diagnosing gastric
this instrument in Brazil. atrophy in Latin America(265) and Brazil(266). Therefore, well-de-
Level of evidence: 3A Grade of recommendation: B signed studies with a large sample size are necessary to define
the performance of this panel in this region.
Pepsinogens, which are pro-enzymes of pepsin, are clas-
sified into two types according to their biochemical and im- Statement 20
munological properties: PGI and PGII. Both types are pro- Epidemiological, experimental, molecular, and clinical studies
duced by the gastric mucosa, but in different regions. PGI is have confirmed the role of HP as a risk factor for gastric cancer.
produced exclusively by chief and mucosal cells of the gastric Level of evidence: 1A Grade of recommendation: A
body, whereas PGII is produced by these cells and by mucous
cells of the cardiac region, pyloric glands, and Brunner glands Epidemiological, laboratory, molecular, and bacterial
in the duodenal mucosa. Both types are excreted primarily eradication studies in humans have confirmed that HP is con-
into the gastric lumen, but approximately 1% diffuse into the sidered the major etiological factor for GC(267). It is estimated
bloodstream and can be measured(246-247). that approximately 80% of malignant gastric tumors are asso-
The levels of PGI and PGII increase according to the de- ciated with HP infection(268). The risk of GC due to HP is sim-
gree of chronic gastritis associated with HP infection. Howev- ilar in the diffuse and intestinal subtypes(267). HP eradication
er, when atrophic changes in the gastric body are accompanied may decrease the risk of GC(269). Clinical trials demonstrated
by the loss of cells in the oxyntic mucosa, including cells that that the incidence of GC might be decreased by 30%–40% in
secrete PGI, serum levels of PGI are decreased while serum the eradicated bacteria patients group. The groups at risk of
levels of PGII remain high or stable. However, in some cases, developing GC, including first-degree relatives of GC patients
mucosal inflammation associated with HP infection may in- and immigrants from regions with a high rate of GC, should
crease PGI and PGII levels, leading to normal PGI levels even be screened and treated(270-273). Treatments at the population
in the presence of atrophy(248). To overcome this limitation, the level (screening and treatment) are recommended in regions
PGI/PGII ratio, which is currently considered the best sero- with a high rate of GC(269). Asian countries are implementing
logical marker of gastric atrophy, is used for gastric cancer this strategy with promising results(274,275).

106 • Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

Role of HP in proximal GC: HP infection was believed t(11; 18) (p21; p21) chromosomal translocation in patients
to be associated only with distal GC. However, detailed stud- who are unlikely to respond to therapy with antibiotics(284-287).
ies taking into account the differentiation between proximal
GC, esophageal cancer, and junctional cancer found that the Cancer staging
prevalence of HP in proximal GC was similar to that of dis- During its natural history, MALT lymphoma can evolve
tal GC(276-278), and thus, HP was also associated with proximal with infiltration of the deep layers of the gastric wall and dis-
GC. As a result, HP is now considered a risk factor for both semination to lymph nodes, other regions of the body with
types of GC. MALT, regions favorable for the development of MALT
lymphoma, and bone marrow. Disease staging evaluates the
Statement 21 natural history of the disease, classifies disease spread and is
The diagnosis of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma positively correlated with the prognosis and prediction of the
is based on the histopathological and immunohistochemical eval- response to therapy. Disease spread can be staged using dif-
uation of gastric biopsies together with HP screening. ferent classification systems. The most common staging sys-
Level of evidence: 1A Grade of recommendation: A tems are Ann Arbor and Lugan(288,289). The recently developed
Paris system accurately assesses the depth of gastric wall infil-
MALT lymphoma of the stomach is characterized by the tration(290). The initial staging of MALT lymphoma is based
clonal expansion of lymphocytes from the extra-nodal mar- on the clinical history and physical examination (including
ginal zone of lymphoid follicles, in which morphological, im- peripheral lymph nodes and Waldeyer ring), laboratory tests
munophenotypic, and MALT behavioral characteristics are (standard biochemical analysis, complete blood count, lactic
reproduced(279). Therefore, diagnosis is based on the identifi- dehydrogenase, beta2-microglobulin, protein electrophoresis,
cation of these characteristics for determining the nature and in addition to serology for HIV, HBV, and HCV), and comput-
staging of the lesion when assessing the natural history of the ed tomography of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Endoscopic
tissue. ultrasound should be performed during the initial staging to
assess the depth of gastric wall infiltration and regional lymph
Diagnosis node infiltration. Bone marrow biopsy is recommended in cas-
Gastric MALT lymphoma affects primarily middle-aged es in which the lymphoma does not regress after HP eradica-
and elderly patients of both sexes(280). These lymphomas are tion and before initiating cancer treatment. Colonoscopy can
slow-growing, primarily superficial—located in the mucosa be considered(284,285).
and submucosa—with a low incidence of mesenteric lymph
node involvement and extra-nodal dissemination(281). The most Statement 22
common presentation symptoms are nonspecific complaints The follow-up of patients with MALT lymphoma after HP
of dyspepsia, which usually lead to endoscopy(281). Endoscopic eradication requires periodic histopathological evaluations. The
changes are nonspecific in most cases and present as flat, ir- GELA system is an adequate morphological method for fol-
regular, granular, or nodular mucosa with minimal ulceration. low-up.
Mass formation is rare and favors the suspicion of high-grade Level of evidence: 4 Grade of recommendation: C
lymphoma(282). The diagnosis is based on the histopatholog-
ical evaluation of gastric biopsies(283-285). Samples should be Since a clear majority of primary gastric marginal zone B
collected from abnormal and normal areas and fixed in sep- cell lymphomas (MALT) arise in Helicobacter (H. pylori or
arate flasks. Histological analysis reveals a dense lymphoid H. heilmannii) infected stomachs, it is widely accepted that
infiltrate composed of small, morphologically heterogeneous the elimination of Helicobacter would likely prevent most, if
B lymphocytes, which infiltrate the marginal zone of lym- not all, these lymphomas. Likewise, the eradication of Heli-
phoid follicles, extend into the interfollicular region, invade cobacter results in the complete remission of at least 70% of
the germinal centers of the follicles, and infiltrate the epithe- MALT lymphomas diagnosed in infected stomachs(291), and
lium in most cases, forming lymphoepithelial lesions(279,282). also in a sizable percentage of patients in whom Helicobacter
Although no immunophenotypic marker specific for MALT could not be demonstrated(292,293).
lymphoma is available to date, immunohistochemical evalua- Once the MALT lymphoma is diagnosed and Helicobacter
tion (using a marker panel including CD20, CD10, CD5, and pylori infection is eradicated, it is crucial to follow up the pa-
cyclin D1) is essential for disease diagnosis and classification tient and evaluate how the lymphoid proliferation responds
and allows characterization of the cell population in the lym- to treatment. No clear guidelines for the frequency of the fol-
phoid tissue(282,285). Diagnosis should be based on the current low up endoscopies have been issued, but a sensible approach
WHO classification and confirmed by review by an expert in would suggest that the first follow-up endoscopy be performed
hematopathology(279,285). HP infection is considered the main 3-6 months after eradication, and then, in patients with a
risk factor for MALT lymphoma, and disease regression oc- complete response, every 12 months since an elevated risk for
curs in most patients after HP eradication(286). Therefore, the gastric carcinoma has been reported in patients with MALT
diagnosis of HP is mandatory. The analysis should be com- lymphoma, especially when intestinal metaplasia or dysplasia
plemented by immunohistochemistry, RUT, the breath test, or are found(285). The biopsy protocol should be extensive, since
serological tests in cases in which HP is not evidenced by HE lymphomas are patchy and may be easily missed, particularly
staining(284,285). In addition to routine histology and immuno- when in partial remission. The evaluation of monoclonality,
histochemistry, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and particularly during the first year after eradication, is discour-
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may be used to identify the aged because it tends to yield many false positive results(294).

Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun • 107

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

Pathologists should familiarize themselves with the GELA The same phenomenon occurs with the classification of the
classification for the histopathologic evaluation of the follow different degrees of gastric atrophy. The diagnosis of mild and
up biopsies(295). A simplified version of the classification is de- moderate atrophy is inconsistent among different observers,
picted in TABLE 1. A more recent set of guidelines for the limiting the diagnosis of possible regression in patients with
diagnosis, treatment, and follow up of gastric marginal zone B eradicated HP(314,315). Similar difficulties are also evidenced in
cell lymphomas (MALT) of the gastrointestinal tract has been the histological diagnosis of low-grade dysplasia. This diagno-
recently published(296). sis should be confirmed by at least two experts in pathology.
New histological classifications such as OLGA and
Statement 23 OLGIM attempt to solve the problem of precancerous le-
Staging of pre-neoplastic lesions should be based on at least sions(316-318). Although the histological diagnosis of IM (OL-
four endoscopic biopsies (two antrum biopsies and two corpus GIM) is more reliable than that of gastric atrophy (OLGA),
biopsies) using the OLGA system for histological staging of the two systems seem to complement each other in the staging
gastritis. Patients staged as OLGA III or IV should undergo en- of chronic gastritis(319). These classifications attempt to catego-
doscopic follow-up every 2 years. rize patients across the spectrum of risk of GC, and different
Level of evidence: 2C Grade of recommendation: B follow-up schemes are proposed depending on the classifica-
tion of patients in this spectrum(320).
HP colonizes the gastric mucosa and induces the secretion The natural history of gastritis, with its progression to
of cytokines and free radicals during active inflammation, metaplastic atrophy and the establishment of fields of cancer-
leading to the development of mucosal lesions and possible ization prone to further molecular and phenotypic changes,
mutations in target cells(297,298). These factors, which are directly possibly resulting in the development of cancer, provides the
or indirectly related to the presence of the bacterium, may act clinicopathologic rationale for primary and secondary cancer
as the initial trigger in the carcinogenic process(299). At some prevention strategies. Helicobacter pylori infection is, by far,
point in this process, the carcinogenic changes may continue the most common etiologic agent of this inflammatory chang-
regardless of the presence of the bacterium. This possibility es and, consequently, the most common cause of non-syn-
reinforces the need for follow-up in patients with these lesions, dromic gastric cancer, often referred to as environmental
even in the absence of HP. These lesions can be categorized cancer. The primary prevention of H. pylori infection and its
into (a) gastric atrophy, usually subdivided into mild, moder- timely eradication (before extensive atrophic changes develop)
ate, or severe; (b) intestinal metaplasia, usually subdivided into are currently considered as the most effective cancer prevent-
complete and incomplete; and (c) gastric dysplasia, subdivided ing strategies(321). Secondary prevention is founded on the ear-
into low-grade and high-grade(300-302). ly detection and management of its precursor. Most gastric
Gastric atrophy during its evolution is associated with in- adenocarcinomas (typically the intestinal-type variant most
testinal metaplasia (IM) in most cases, and both lesion types commonly arising in the distal stomach) are the ultimate step
usually present a multifocal distribution(303). The histological of a cascade of phenotypic changes occurring in the gastric
diagnosis of IM is relatively common in endoscopic biopsies. mucosa, triggered by non-self-limiting inflammation. This ap-
The prevalence of IM varies from 10% to 60% in non-selected proach requires the complementary competences of gastroen-
patients infected with HP(304). It is believed that the location of terologists, oncologists, and pathologists be amalgamated into
IM foci, especially in the incisura angularis, are more closely a common strategy of health policy, which must be tailored to
related to gastric carcinogenesis(305). Of note, the glandular at- country-specific gastric cancer incidence, socioeconomic, and
rophy when restricted to the gastric body may not adequately cultural factors.
fit the evolutionary aspects of GC(306-308). Complete and incom- Since both extension and topographic distribution of gas-
plete IM are described based on the histological pattern and tric atrophy parallel the risk for gastric cancer, histological
secretion of mucins. Incomplete IM has been more closely cor- staging-systems to rank the risk for gastric cancer have been
related with gastric carcinogenesis, particularly in cases in which proposed and have become widely used. The OLGA system(322)
sulfomucins characteristic of the colon are secreted(241,309,310). In ranks patients in progressive stages (0 to IV) based on exten-
practice, the identification of sulfomucins in histological sec- sion and topography of the atrophic metaplastic changes. Pa-
tions is impractical. However, relevance as pre-neoplastic le- tients with stages III and IV have been designated as high-risk
sions has been attributed to the extent of the areas of gastric and dedicated follow-up has been recommended. The OLGIM
atrophy and IM(311). The practical effects of using different IM system, based on similar principles, has restricted the assess-
types in prognosis are limited and controversial(312,313). ment to intestinal metaplasia(318). The prognostic value of both

TABLE 1. A simplified histologic classification of the different levels of remission following the treatment of MALT lymphomas. Modified from
Copie-Bergman et al. (2003)(295)

Score Infiltrate LEL Mucosa

Complete remission None No Normal or atrophic
Minimal residual Disease Lymphoid aggregates or nodules No Normal or atrophic
Responding with residual disease Scattered aggregates or nodules Yes Focally atrophic
Not responding Diffuse or nodular Yes Unchanged
MALT: mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue; LEL: lymphoepithelial lesion.

108 • Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

these gastritis staging systems has been documented in several in Recife (2010)(336), 8% in São Paulo, state of São Paulo(337),
studies involving series of patients in diverse populations. 2.5% in Marília, state of São Paulo (2013)(338), 13% in Porto
Several international guidelines suggest that patients with Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul (2014)(339), 12.5% in Belo
extensive atrophic gastritis be entered in endoscopic surveil- Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais (2016)(240), and 16.9% in a
lance protocols(4,223,320). These guidelines recommend that pa- national multicenter study (2016)(341). For fluoroquinolones,
tients with antrum-to-corpus spreading gastric atrophy have a the observed rates were 23% in São Paulo(337), 5% in Porto
surveillance endoscopy with biopsies at 3-year intervals. How- Alegre(339), 11.1% in Belo Horizonte(340), and 13.4% at the na-
ever, recent evidence gathered from a 5-year follow-up of 1,755 tional level(341). With regard to resistance to metronidazole, an
patients in an area of moderate to high incidence of gastric analysis of seven national studies confirmed the previous re-
cancer indicates that the majority of neoplastic lesions were sults, indicating consistently high rates (approximately 54%)
detected between 1 and 3 years from the initial OLGA staging (342)
. The analysis of double resistance to clarithromycin and
evaluation(323). This finding supports the recommendation that metronidazole at the national level suggested that the rates
the 3-year endoscopy-interval for patients with antrum-to-cor- varied from 7.5% to 10%. A previous study reported that the
pus spreading gastric atrophy recommended by some interna- rates of resistance to amoxicillin, tetracycline, and furazoli-
tional guidelines is too long. Therefore, based on this evidence done were usually lower than 5%(342).
and on expert opinion, this Brazilian Consensus recommends
that these patients be followed at 2-year intervals. Statement 25
The duration of HP eradication therapies should be 14 days, es-
pecially for the standard triple therapy, to achieve high rates of
GROUP 4: TREATMENT eradication.
Level of evidence: 2A Grade of recommendation: B
Statement 24
Despite the increasing rates of resistance to clarithromycin and The rates of HP eradication with first-line regimens have
fluoroquinolones in Brazil, their use is still recommended for been decreasing in the past few years, especially with the use
treating HP. Despite the high in vitro resistance of HP to nitro- of triple therapy for 7 days(343). Meta-analyses have consistent-
imidazoles, these drugs may be prescribed in specific situations, ly demonstrated higher eradication rates in 14-day triple ther-
doses, and periods. apies containing clarithromycin than 7-day therapies(344-348).
Level of evidence: 2C Grade of recommendation: B These studies also showed a higher eradication rate using a
10-day therapeutic regimen than a 7-day regimen by approx-
The rate of bacterial eradication using the standard triple imately 4%; the 14-day regimen had an increased rate by ap-
regimen has progressively decreased(324,325). The factors respon- proximately 5%–6% compared with the 7-day regimen. Other
sible for the decrease in therapeutic efficacy include life habits, studies have confirmed these results(349-352), and a recent Co-
baseline disease, poor adherence to treatment, smoking, CY- chrane review showed that irrespective of the type and dose of
P2C19 genetic polymorphism, high gastric acidity, previous antibiotics, increasing the duration of triple therapy with PPIs
use of antimicrobials, and especially resistance of HP to an- from 7 to 14 days significantly increased the rate of eradica-
timicrobials, including clarithromycin, fluoroquinolone, and tion of HP (45 studies, 72.9% vs. 81.9%)(348). Considering this
metronidazole(326-331). Antibiotic resistance can be investigat- evidence, extension of the duration of triple therapies contain-
ed in the laboratory using phenotypic or genotypic methods. ing clarithromycin for 14 days was incorporated into the main
Bacterial culture and measurement of the minimum inhibito- guidelines on anti-HP therapy(40,353-355). However, it should be
ry concentration (MIC) of antibiotics (phenotypic method) is noted that resistance to clarithromycin remains the main cause
infrequently used in clinical practice because of the difficulty of failure of triple therapies, and the duration of treatment
associated with collecting and transporting samples, fastidious does not affect the high rates of resistance to clarithromycin in
bacterial growth, and need for appropriate growth media for the general population (see below).
culturing(52). More recently, molecular techniques (genotypic Quadruple therapy containing bismuth is used for treating
method), particularly PCR, have been progressively used to and retreating HP infection. The duration of the bismuth-con-
detect bacteria and identify point mutations, which is the main taining therapies remains controversial, but a study reported
mechanism of antimicrobial resistance(332). These methods are that eradication rates using a 7-day regimen were low(356). Most
faster and allow the analysis of mixed strains, which is not al- studies suggest a duration of 10 to 14 days(357-361), and a 14-day
ways possible with culturing; furthermore, these methods can regimen is recommended in areas with high rates of resistance
be performed directly in endoscopic gastric biopsies, thus pre- to metronidazole (including Brazil), where 14-day therapies
cluding previous bacterial culture(332,333). Commercial kits used can overcome resistance(85). It is of interest that randomized
for determining genotypic resistance to clarithromycin and studies using capsules containing a combination of bismuth,
fluoroquinolones are widely available, and studies comparing metronidazole, and tetracycline combined with omeprazole
genotypic and phenotypic methods have shown a good cor- for 10 days found eradication rates during the initial treatment
relation(332-335). and retreatment of infection >90%(362-364).
However, few studies to date have evaluated the resistance Some studies showed that the rate of eradication using
of HP to antimicrobials in Brazil. From 2010 to 2016, six na- a 14-day concomitant therapy without bismuth was higher
tional studies were conducted, of which only one multicenter than that using shorter regimens, particularly those using sec-
study evaluated the resistance of HP to clarithromycin. The ond-generation PPIs(365,366). Park et al. conducted a prospec-
results indicated that the rate of primary resistance was 16.5% tive randomized study comparing sequential and concomitant

Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun • 109

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

therapy for 10 and 14 days and observed that the eradication

rates with the concomitant regimen were 94.2% and 98.5% in Statement 27
these periods, respectively(367). Triple therapy consisting of the combination of PPIs, amo­
Studies evaluating the efficacy of 10- and 14-day sequen- xicillin, and clarithromycin for 14 days is recommended as the
tial therapies reported different results depending on the geo- first-line treatment. Alternatives include quadruple therapy with
graphic region and types of medications used. The eradication bismuth for 10–14 days and concomitant therapy for 14 days.
rates using the 10-day schedule were 94.2% in Slovenia(368), Level of evidence: 2A Grade of recommendation: B
91.7% in Korea(369), and 80.0% in India(370). Two systematic re-
views and meta-analyses compared 10-day and 14-day sequen- Among the factors that may affect the success of anti-HP
tial therapies with other therapies for HP and concluded that therapy (adherence to treatment, smoking, altered immuni-
the 14-day therapy was the most effective(371,372). ty, hypersecretory states, high bacterial load, and associated
diseases, among others), antimicrobial resistance is consid-
Statement 26 ered the primary contributor to therapeutic failure. Polymor-
Using PPIs after HP eradication for healing duodenal pep- phisms associated with cytochrome CYP2C19 and previous
tic ulcer is unnecessary. In cases of gastric ulcer or com- use of macrolides may also affect bacterial eradication when
plicated gastroduodenal ulcers, treatment with PPI for 4 classic triple therapy is used(326,378). During the past 20 years,
to 8 weeks after eradication treatment is recommended. triple therapy with PPI + clarithromycin + amoxicillin ad-
Level of evidence: 2C Grade of recommendation: B ministered for 7 days was the most widely used regimen.
However, there has been a marked decrease in efficacy in sev-
Patients with gastric ulcer (GU) or duodenal ulcer (DU) and eral countries in recent years, with success rates lower than
HP as the only lesion-triggering factor usually receive ET with 80% due to a significant increase in the rates of resistance
antimicrobials associated with a PPI for 7–14 days, and then a to antibiotics, particularly clarithromycin 325). In Brazil, the
2–4-week course with an antisecretory drug such as PPI to pro- higher resistance of HP to antimicrobials has become an in-
mote ulcer healing. Claessens et al.(373) reported that 75% of the creasing problem. From 2010 to 2016, six national studies
evaluated ulcer patients continued to receive PPIs after ET. In were conducted, of which one multicenter study evaluated
2005, Gisbert and Pajares(374) conducted a systematic review and the resistance of HP to different antimicrobials and reported
meta-analysis on this subject and found high rates of ulcer heal- a rate of primary resistance to clarithromycin ranging from
ing using ET without additional use of PPIs after antimicrobial 2.5%–16.9% (see statement 24). These observed values, in
withdrawal. A total of 24 studies and 2,342 patients were an- some studies, reached the suggested threshold of resistance
alyzed, and the rate of healing with 1-week ET was 86%. The to clarithromycin of 15%, where the rates higher than this
healing rate was increased to 95% when considering only the threshold would preclude the use of this antimicrobial as
patients who achieved HP eradication. The authors concluded first-line empirical therapy for HP(40).
that in patients with DU caused by HP, the healing rate of triple Recent studies have been conducted to optimize triple ther-
therapy without extending the use of PPIs to heal ulcers was apy. The results of a meta-analysis indicated that increasing
91%, compared with 92% in those who prolonged the use of the duration of triple therapy for 14 days slightly but consis-
PPI for variable periods. The authors concluded that further tently increased the rate of HP eradication (see statement 25).
use of PPIs was recommended only in patients who presented Similarly, the recommended use of high doses of PPIs, prefer-
symptoms. Of note, Higuchi et al.(375) randomly allocated 120 ably rabeprazole or esomeprazole, in classical triple therapy in
GU patients infected with HP to receive either ET or PPI for Europe and North America [where the prevalence of extensive
8 weeks and concluded that ET complemented with PPI for a or rapid metabolizers of PPIs is high (56%–81%)] increased
specific period might be necessary in patients with GU >10 mm. bacterial eradication rates(379-381). In Brazil, a few regional stud-
Gisbert et al. (2012)(376) conducted an observational study ies also found a high prevalence of extensive and rapid me-
and followed-up 1,000 patients who presented UGIB second- tabolizers in the general population(382-384); further studies are
ary to peptic ulcer and observed that ulcerations and new needed to clarify this finding. Considering these results and
complications did not occur in patients with eradicated HP, despite the absence of controlled studies, the consensus rec-
indicating that maintenance of antisecretory therapy after ommends the maintenance of standard triple therapy for 14
eradication was not necessary. In 2016, the Cochrane group days as the first treatment option, preferably using high dos-
published a systematic review conducted by Ford et al.(377) on es of PPI formulations that are effective in patients who are
this subject and concluded that ET for 1–2 weeks was effective extensive or rapid metabolizers of PPIs (TABLE 2). Further
for healing DU. However, the quality of the studies on GU randomized controlled studies are needed to validate these
was poor, and thus, there is little scientific evidence to date therapies in Brazil.
demonstrating that ET alone is sufficient for healing GU. The recommended alternatives to 14-day standard triple
Considering this evidence, isolated therapy with ET in pa- therapy include quadruple bismuth regimens (PPIs, bismuth,
tients with GU or DU and infected with HP should use the tetracycline, and metronidazole) for 10–14 days or concomi-
regimen with higher local eradication capacity. The inclusion tant therapy (PPI, amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and metronida-
of antisecretory drugs may be beneficial to patients with large zole or tinidazole) for 14 days(385) (TABLE 2). The use of met-
GUs (>10 mm) or persistent symptoms after ET. In cases of ronidazole in both regimens may be problematic because of
UGIB, the same therapeutic strategy can be used, reinforcing the high levels of resistance of HP to this medication. Howev-
the importance of HP screening and initiation of treatment er, the increase in treatment duration and increase in imidaz-
during hospitalization. ole dosage may overcome the resistance detected in vitro(85).

110 • Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

TABLE 2. Drugs, dosage, and duration of first-line treatments of infection with Helicobacter pylori

Recommended Drug Drug Length of treatment

PPI* Full dose at 12/12 h
Standard triple therapy Clarithromycin 500 mg at 12/12 h 14 days
Amoxicillin 1.0 g at 12/12 h
PPI Full dose at 12/12 h
120 mg at 6/6 h or 240 mg at
Colloidal bismuth subcitrate
Quadruple therapy with bismuth 12/12 h 10–14 days
Tetracycline hydrochloride** 500 mg at 6/6 h
Metronidazole 400 mg at 8/8 h

PPI Full dose at 12/12 h

Concomitant therapy without Amoxicillin 1.0 g at 12/12 h
14 days
bismuth Clarithromycin 500 mg at 12/12 h
Metronidazole or tinidazole 500 mg at 12/12 h
*PPIs: proton pump inhibitors. Studies indicated that the use of second-generation PPIs (rabeprazole and esomeprazole) in this situation might
increase eradication rates(379-381). Full dose: omeprazole 20 mg, lansoprazole 30 mg, pantoprazole 40 mg, rabeprazole 20 mg, dexlansoprazole 60 mg,
vonoprazan 20 mg, or esomeprazole 40 mg. **Tetracycline hydrochloride, if not available, may be replaced with doxycycline 100 mg at 12/12 h(3).

Recommended as an alternative to the standard triple ther- Statement 28

apy in areas of high resistance to clarithromycin (>15%), In cases of failure of triple therapy with clarithromycin or con-
the efficacy of the concomitant regimen is determined by comitant quadruple therapy, the recommended strategies are tri-
the rates of double resistance of HP to clarithromycin and ple therapy with levofloxacin or quadruple therapy with bismuth,
nitroimidazoles, and it is accepted that the rates of cure can both for 10–14 days. In cases of failure of one of the two recom-
reach approximately 90% in cases in which the double resis- mended second-line regimens, the other regimen should be used
tance rate does not exceed 15%(40,386-388). In Brazil, considering as third-line therapy.
a rate of resistance to metronidazole and clarithromycin of ap- Level of evidence: 2A Grade of recommendation: B
proximately 54%(342) and 16.9%(341), respectively, the estimated
rate of double resistance to both antimicrobials ranges from Bacterial resistance is considered the main factor associ-
7.5%–10.0%(40). However, no controlled studies to date have ated with therapeutic failure, particularly resistance to clari-
evaluated these therapeutic options in Brazil. Quadruple regi- thromycin. Therefore, simple repetition of the standard triple
mens containing bismuth and employing furazolidone in place scheme is not recommended because the cure rates achieved in
of metronidazole have shown good results in Brazil(3). Howev- this situation are less than 50%(392).
er, suspension of the commercialization of furazolidone and The anti-HP regimen with PPI, amoxicillin, and levoflox-
the recent unavailability of bismuth salts in Brazil has limited acin is one of the most commonly used regimens worldwide
the use of this therapeutic option. From a practical stance, it for retreating HP infections after failure of the first-line regi-
is important to note that, in quadruple bismuth therapy, tetra- men using clarithromycin, and a meta-analysis found that the
cycline can be replaced by amoxicillin with similar results(389). eradication rates were close to 80%(392). The anti-HP regimen
This finding is especially relevant because of the irregular with PPI, amoxicillin, and levofloxacin is well tolerated and
availability of tetracycline in Brazil. Sequential therapy with may cause mild gastrointestinal adverse events. This regimen
PPI and amoxicillin for the first 5 days followed by mainte- is cheap and is available in kits, optimizing adherence to treat-
nance of PPI associated with clarithromycin and tinidazole for ment. As a limitation, recent studies have called attention to
another 5 days is no longer considered a first-line option. This the increasing rate of resistance of HP to quinolones(324). A
therapy is complex, highly variable in different regions, and recent multicenter study in Brazil found that the rate of resis-
the results are similar to those of concomitant therapy and 14- tance of HP strains to fluoroquinolones was 13.4%(341), which
day triple therapy(390). In Brazil, a study comparing sequential is similar to the rate found in 18 European countries (14%)(327).
therapy showed that the rate of eradication of HP (86%) was Although the duration of treatment was 10 days in most stud-
similar to that of standard triple therapy for 10 days(391). Fur- ies, a comparative study reported higher rates of eradication
thermore, data on the outcomes of hybrid therapy (PPI asso- using 14-day compared with 10-day regimens(393). The dose of
ciated with amoxicillin for 5–7 days followed by PPI, amoxicil- 500 mg daily (or 250 mg twice daily) of levofloxacin was better
lin, clarithromycin, and metronidazole for another 5–7 days) tolerated, the efficacy was similar to that of higher doses, and
as the first-line option are limited and inconsistent(40). the dose increase could not overcome drug resistance(394-397). To
increase the success rates of quinolone triple therapies, some

Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun • 111

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

studies have added bismuth salt to the regimen, which provid- Considering the failure of the second treatment using
ed good results for eradication(398,399). triple therapy with levofloxacin, a third treatment using
Quadruple bismuth therapy (PPI, bismuth, tetracycline, quadruple therapy with bismuth and vice versa is recom-
and metronidazole) is usually recommended during retreat- mended. In cases in which the first-line regimen did not
ment, with eradication rates approaching 80%(392). Although include clarithromycin, the standard triple regimen with
it constitutes the oldest anti-HP regimen, there is variability clarithromycin for 14 days is recommended as second-line
in the optimal doses of the constituents suggested by differ- therapy.
ent consensuses(40,353). A meta-analysis subanalysis compared The main regimens recommended as the second or third
retreatment with PPI, levofloxacin, and amoxicillin for 10 option in cases of failure of standard triple scheme are
days with quadruple therapy with bismuth and demonstrat- shown in TABLE 3, and other therapeutic regimens used
ed that triple therapy with levofloxacin was more effective for retreating HP infection are shown in TABLE 4.
(89% vs 66%; OR=4.22; 95% CI=2.84–6.26)(392). The limiting
factors of quadruple therapy with bismuth include its com-
plexity, large number of tablets to be ingested, and the vary- Statement 29
ing availability of tetracycline. A single capsule containing Treatment after three therapeutic failures should be restricted
a combination of bismuth, tetracycline, and metronidazole to special cases and guided by phenotypic or genotypic tests of
with good initial results in different countries (see statement antimicrobial susceptibility. The use of rifabutin, when available,
27) was introduced to the pharmaceutical market, but it is may be an alternative.
not yet available in Brazil. The objective of this therapy is Level of evidence: 3A Grade of recommendation: B
to optimize the dosage of quadruple therapy with bismuth.

TABLE 3. Drugs, dosage, and duration of the main regimens recommended as the second- or third-line regimen in cases of failure of standard triple therapy
Drug Dose Length of treatment
PPIs* Full dose at 12/12 h
Triple therapy with levofloxacin Amoxicillin 1.0 g at 12/12 h 10–14 days
Levofloxacin 500 mg at 24/24 h
PPIs Full dose at 12/12 h
Colloidal bismuth subcitrate 120 mg at 6/6 h or 240 mg at 12/12 h
Quadruple therapy with bismuth 10–14 days
Tetracycline hydrochloride** 500 mg at 6/6 h
Metronidazole 400 mg at 8/8 h
*PPIs: proton pump inhibitors. Full dose: omeprazole 20 mg, lansoprazole 30 mg, pantoprazole 40 mg, rabeprazole 20 mg, dexlansoprazole 60 mg,
vonoprazan 20 mg, or esomeprazole 40 mg. **Tetracycline hydrochloride, if not available, may be replaced with doxycycline 100 mg at 12/12 h(3).

TABLE 4. Drugs, dosage, and duration of alternative regimens used as the second- or third-line regimen for eradicating Helicobacter pylori in cases of
failure of the first regimen
Drug Dose Length of treatment
PPIs** Full dose at 12/12 h
Amoxicillin 1.0 g at 12/12 h
Quadruple therapy with furazolidone(3)* 10–14 days
Furazolidone 200 mg at 12/12 h
Colloidal bismuth subcitrate 240 mg at 12/12 h
PPIs Full dose at 12/12 h
Quadruple therapy with levofloxacin and Colloidal bismuth subcitrate 240 mg at 12/12 h
bismuth (398,399)*** 14 days
Levofloxacin 500 mg at 24/24 h
Amoxicillin 1.0 g at 12/12 h
PPIs* Full dose at 12/12 h
Standard triple therapy with Clarithromycin 500 mg at 12/12 h 14 days
Amoxicillin 1.0 g at 12/12 h
*Doxycycline 100 mg at 12/12 h can replace amoxicillin. Eradication rates close to 80%(3). **PPIs: proton pump inhibitors. Full dose: omeprazole
20 mg, lansoprazole 60 mg, pantoprazole 40 mg, rabeprazole 20 mg, dexlansoprazole 60 mg, vonoprazan 20 mg, or esomeprazole 40 mg. ***Few
studies, with intention-to-treat eradication rates of 85%–90%. ****Recommended as a second regimen when the first regimen was quadruple the-
rapy with bismuth or triple therapy with levofloxacin and as a third regimen when the first treatment was quadruple therapy with bismuth and the
second treatment was triple therapy with levofloxacin.

112 • Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

Treatment after failure of three previous treatments is an Authors’ contribution

exception and should be used in patients known to be adher- Coelho LGV: designed the meting, conceived the initial
ent to treatment and in situations in which HP eradication is statements, writing one statement, discussion and voting all
critical, such as patients with MALT lymphoma, GC resection, the statements, and manucript writing. Marinho JR: designed
or a family history of GC. The choice of the antibiotic scheme the meting, writing two statements, discussion and voting all
should, whenever possible, be guided by sensitivity studies (cul- the statements. Genta R: writing two statements, discussion
ture or molecular genetic tests) of antibiotic resistance. Previous and voting all the statements. Ribeiro LT: writing two state-
knowledge of earlier regimens also helps in establishing therapy. ments, discussion and voting all the statements. Passos MCF:
Rifabutin (not available in Brazil to date) is an antibiotic with writing two statements, discussion and voting all the state-
high anti-HP activity, a mean HP resistance rate of only 1.3%, ments. Zaterka S: writing one statement, and discussion and
and a mean eradication rate of 73%(400). A systematic review of voting all the statements. Assumpção PP: writing one state-
21 trials using rifabutin to retreat HP infection indicated that the ment, and discussion and voting all the statements. Barbosa
eradication rates were 79% when used as second-line therapy and AJA: writing one statement, and discussion and voting all the
66%–70% when used as third-line therapy or higher, with glob- statements. Barbuti R: writing two statements, and discussion
al mean eradication rates of 73% (95% CI: 67%–79%)(401). The and voting all the statements. Braga LL: writing one state-
most widely used therapeutic regimen included a combination ments, and discussion and voting all the statements. Breyer H:
of full-dose PPIs, rifabutin 150 mg, and amoxicillin 1.0 g twice writing one statements, and discussion and voting all the state-
daily for 10 days(400,401). A study using this dosage as the fourth- ments. Carvalhaes A - discussion and voting all the statements.
line treatment in 190 patients found that the eradication rates Chinzon D: writing two statements, and discussion and voting
were 52% (95% CI: 45%–59%)(402). The most common adverse all the statements. Cury M: writing one statement, and dis-
event was reversible myelotoxicity at the end of treatment(400). cussion and voting all the statements. Domingues G: writing
one statement, and discussion and voting all the statements.
Statement 30 Jorge JL: writing one statement, and discussion and voting all
The recommendation for individuals with allergy to amoxicillin the statements. Maguilnik I: writing one statement, and dis-
is PPI 2x day + clarithromycin 500 mg 2x day + levofloxacin cussion and voting all the statements. Marinho FP: writing
500 mg 1x day for 14 days; or IBP 2x day + doxycycline 100 mg one statement, and discussion and voting all the statements.
2x day; or tetracycline 500 mg 4x day + metronidazole 500 mg Moraes Filho JP: writing two statements, and discussion and
3x day + bismuth 240 mg 2x day for 14 days. voting all the statements. Parente JML: writing one statement,
Level of evidence: 4 Grade of recommendation: C and discussion and voting all the statements. Paula e Silva
CM: writing one statement, and discussion and voting all the
The actual prevalence of penicillin allergy in the popu- statements. Pedrazzoli Júnior J: writing two statements, and
lation is controversial. Although some studies reported that discussion and voting all the statements. Ramos AFP: writing
3%–10% of the population of Japan and the United States are one statement, and discussion and voting all the statements.
allergic to penicillin, other studies found that approximately Seidler H: writing one statement, and discussion and voting
90% of these patients had negative skin tests and could tol- all the statements. Spinelli JN: writing one statement, and dis-
erate penicillin without hypersensitivity(354,403,404). To date, few cussion and voting all the statements. Zir JV: discussion and
studies with adequate sampling have determined the best ther- voting all the statements.
apeutic regimen in the impossibility of use of amoxicillin. A
recent prospective study reported that the eradication rate Conflicts of interest
using quadruple therapy with PPI, bismuth, tetracycline, and Coelho LGV: consultant from EMS; Marinho JR: consul-
metronidazole in patients allergic to penicillin was 75% com- tant from EMS and Farmoquímica; Passos MCF: consultant
pared with a triple regimen consisting of PPI, metronidazole, from Apsen, EMS, Farmoquimica, and Mantecorp; Zaterka
and clarithromycin (59%; P<0.05). The most effective regimen S: consultant from Takeda, and EMS; Barbuti R: consultant
as a second treatment or retreatment option was the combina- from Ache, and EMS; Chinzon D consultant from Takeda,
tion of PPI, clarithromycin, and levofloxacin(405). and Mantecorp; Pedrazzoli Júnior J: consultant from EMS;
Marinho FP consultant from EMS, and Farmoquímica; Par-
Source of funding ente JML; Genta R, Assumpção P, Barbosa AJA, Braga LL,
The Núcleo Brasileiro para Estudo do Helicobacter pylori Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Cury M, Domingues G, Jorge JL,
e Microbiota had grant support from EMS, Ache, and Far- Maguilnik I, JP Moraes Filho, Paula e Silva CM, Ramos
moquímica. The fundings source had no role in the study de- AFP, Ribeiro LT, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV: no conflicts
sign, conduct, data collection, statistical analysis, manuscript of interest.
preparation, interpretation or decision to submit the manu-
script for publication.

Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun • 113

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A,
Chinzon D, Cury M, Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula e Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos
AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV. IV Consenso Brasileiro sobre a infecção por Helicobacter pylori. Arq Gastroenterol. 2018;55(2):97-121.
RESUMO – Os avanços significativos ocorridos desde o III Consenso Brasileiro sobre H. pylori realizado em 2012, em Bento Gonçalves, justificam este
quarto consenso. O evento foi organizado pelo Núcleo Brasileiro para Estudo do Helicobacter e Microbiota, associação vinculada à Federação Bra-
sileira de Gastroenterologia, tendo sido realizado novamente em Bento Gonçalves, RS, nos dias 25 a 27 de agosto de 2017. Participaram 26 delegados
provenientes das cinco regiões brasileiras incluindo gastroenterologistas, endoscopistas e patologistas, além de um convidado internacional (EUA).
Os participantes foram convidados pelo conhecimento e contribuição ao estudo da infecção por H. pylori. O encontro buscou rever diferentes aspec-
tos relacionados ao tratamento da infecção, suas inter-relações com a dispepsia, microbiota e outras afecções, com ênfase especial ao câncer gástrico,
além de promover uma reavaliação dos aspectos epidemiológicos e diagnósticos desta infecção. Os participantes foram alocados em quatro grupos, a
saber: 1) Epidemiologia e diagnóstico, 2) Dispepsia, microbiota e outras afecções, 3) Neoplasias gástricas, e 4) Tratamento. Previamente à reunião do
Consenso, os participantes receberam um tema a ser discutido e elaboraram texto com uma revisão recente da literatura, contendo uma assertiva de
sua revisão. Todas as assertivas foram avaliadas em dois turnos de votação. Inicialmente, cada participante apresentava sua compilação e assertiva ao
seu grupo, para eventuais modificações e votação. Posteriormente, em uma segunda votação, agora em sessão plenária, as assertivas eram novamente
votadas e eventualmente modificadas. As votações obedeceram a cinco alternativas: 1) concorda fortemente; 2) concorda com reservas; 3) indeciso;
4) discorda e; 5) discorda fortemente. O índice de consenso adotado para cada afirmativa foi de 80% dos votantes respondendo que concorda forte-
mente ou concorda com reservas. As recomendações aqui apresentadas foram baseadas nas evidências científicas mais relevantes para o manuseio da
infecção por H. pylori na população adulta no Brasil.
DESCRITORES – Helicobacter pylori. Infecções por Helicobacter. Infecções por Helicobacter, terapia. Infecções por Helicobacter, diagnóstico.

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114 • Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55 nº 2 abr/jun

Coelho LGV, Marinho JR, Genta R, Ribeiro LT, Passos MCF, Zaterka S, Assumpção PP, Barbosa AJA, Barbuti R, Braga LL, Breyer H, Carvalhaes A, Chinzon D, Cury M,
Domingues G, Jorge JL, Maguilnik I, Marinho FP, Moraes Filho JP, Parente JML, Paula-e-Silva CM, Pedrazzoli Júnior J, Ramos AFP, Seidler H, Spinelli JN, Zir JV.
IVth Brazilian Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection

34. Ferwana M, Abdulmajeed I, Alhajiahmed A, Madani W, Firwana B, Hasan R, et al. 61. Raguza D, Machado RS, Ogata SK, Granato CF, Patrício FR, Kawakami E. Validation
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