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2022 The Maastricht VI Florence Consensus Report Gut 2022

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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection: the

Maastricht VI/Florence consensus report

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Peter Malfertheiner  ‍ ‍,1,2 Francis Megraud  ‍ ‍,3 Theodore Rokkas  ‍ ‍,4,5
Javier P Gisbert  ‍ ‍,6,7 Jyh-­Ming Liou  ‍ ‍,8 Christian Schulz  ‍ ‍,1,9
Antonio Gasbarrini,10 Richard H Hunt,11,12 Marcis Leja  ‍ ‍,13,14 Colm O’Morain,15
Massimo Rugge  ‍ ‍,16,17 Sebastian Suerbaum,9,18 Herbert Tilg  ‍ ‍,19
Kentaro Sugano  ‍ ‍,20 Emad M El-­Omar  ‍ ‍,21,22 On behalf of the European
Helicobacter and Microbiota Study group

►► Additional supplemental Abstract H. pylori detection and antibiotic susceptibility

material is published online Helicobacter pylori  Infection is formally recognised as an with support for the role of antibiotic stewardship.
only. To view, please visit the
journal online (http://d​ x.​doi.​org/​ infectious disease, an entity that is now included in the The most effective empirical regimens are revised if
10.​1136/​gutjnl-​2022-​327745). International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision. individual antibiotic resistance is not available.
This in principle leads to the recommendation that A recent important evolution has taken place as
For numbered affiliations see
end of article. all infected patients should receive treatment. In the a consequence of the Kyoto consensus report on
context of the wide clinical spectrum associated with gastritis2 with the designation of H. pylori gastritis
Correspondence to Helicobacter pylori gastritis, specific issues persist and as an infectious disease. H. pylori gastritis as an
Professor Peter Malfertheiner, require regular updates for optimised management. infectious disease is now included as a nosological
Medical Department 2, LMU, The identification of distinct clinical scenarios, proper entity in itself in the new International Classifi-
Munchen, Germany; testing and adoption of effective strategies for cation of Disease 11th Revision (ICD 11), which
p​ eter.​malfertheiner@m
​ ed.​
ovgu.d​ e prevention of gastric cancer and other complications implies treatment of all H. pylori-­infected patients.
are addressed. H. pylori treatment is challenged by the This represents a paradigm shift, as the indication
Received 29 April 2022 continuously rising antibiotic resistance and demands for treatment is no longer reserved for patients with
Accepted 21 June 2022 for susceptibility testing with consideration of novel clinical manifestations of infection. Nevertheless,
molecular technologies and careful selection of first line the clinical scenarios of H. pylori gastritis-­related
and rescue therapies. The role of H. pylori and antibiotic diseases remain diverse with specific aspects that
therapies and their impact on the gut microbiota are also require critical re-­examination.
considered. New studies conducted to demonstrate feasibility
Progress made in the management of H. pylori infection and efficacy of primary and secondary gastric cancer
is covered in the present sixth edition of the Maastricht/ prevention strategies are presented and discussed in
Florence 2021 Consensus Report, key aspects related to their complexity at the individual and population
the clinical role of H. pylori infection were re-­evaluated level. Endoscopy-­based enhanced imaging is taken
and updated. Forty-­one experts from 29 countries note of for its contributions in early detection and
representing a global community, examined the new treatment of small neoplastic foci and surveillance.
data related to H. pylori infection in five working groups: The role of H. pylori infection has also been
(1) indications/associations, (2) diagnosis, (3) treatment, assessed for potential interactions with other
(4) prevention/gastric cancer and (5) H. pylori and the microbiota in the upper and lower digestive tract,
gut microbiota. The results of the individual working as the gut microbiome emerges as a critical player
groups were presented for a final consensus voting that in human health and disease.
included all participants. Recommendations are provided The aim of this consensus report is to provide a
on the basis of the best available evidence and relevance state-­of-­the-­art guide for the management of H. pylori
to the management of H. pylori infection in various infection and related clinical manifestations and as an
clinical fields. inspiration for new clinical research in the area. In the
current Maastricht VI/Florence Consensus Report,
41 experts from 29 countries convened for 2 days
for a face-­to-­face meeting after having been actively
Introduction involved in a previous Delphi process.
© Author(s) (or their The Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report was The working groups (WG) were set under the
employer(s)) 2022. No published in 20171 and substantial developments following topics: WG1: indications/associations,
commercial re-­use. See rights
and permissions. Published have ensued to necessitate an update that captures WG2: diagnosis, WG3: treatment, WG4: preven-
by BMJ. the progress and addresses the challenging clin- tion/gastric cancer, WG5: H. pylori and the gut
ical issues in the field of Helicobacter pylori. The microbiota.
To cite: Malfertheiner P,
increasing H. pylori resistance to previously effec-
Megraud F, Rokkas T, et al.
Gut Epub ahead of print: tive antibiotic treatments has become of great Methods
[please include Day Month concern and requires careful selection of thera- Meeting logistics and coordination
Year]. doi:10.1136/ pies and revision of therapeutic strategies. In this The evidence-­based Delphi process developed
gutjnl-2022-327745 edition, a new focus is set on molecular testing for consensus statements following proposals by
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745    1
designated coordinators. The process allowed individual feed- WG1: indications/associations
back and changes during the process guided by the coordina-
tors and the consensus chair. The principal steps in the process Statement 1: H. pylori infection always causes gastritis, irrespective of

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
were: (1) selection of the consensus group; (2) identification of symptoms or complications.
areas of clinical importance; (3) systematic literature reviews to Agreement 100% Grade A1
identify the latest and best evidence to support each statement,
draft statements and discussions specific to each statement. Two H. pylori infects more than half of the world’s population
rounds of voting were conducted. The groups were asked to and always causes chronic gastritis, that may progress to severe
choose one of the following ratings for each statement: complications such as peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarci-
►► Agree strongly. noma and gastric MALT lymphoma. In a majority of patients in
►► Agree with reservation. spite of structural and functional abnormalities due to chronic
►► Undecided. active inflammation of the gastric mucosa there are no apparent
►► Disagree. clinical symptoms.1 2 The Kyoto H. pylori consensus in 2015,
►► Disagree strongly. based on these objective pathological criteria, defined H. pylori-­
When fewer than 80% of the votes were for ‘agree strongly’ induced gastritis as an infectious disease regardless of clinical
or ‘agree with reservation’ the statement was rephrased, and symptoms and complications.2
the vote was repeated. Evidence-­based discussions with key The Kyoto consensus went on to propose an aetiology-­based
references were provided for each statement on which partic- classification for gastritis and now H. pylori gastritis is included
ipants voted. Consensus was required by 80% of respondents as a specific disease entity in ICD 11.
who (1) strongly agreed or (2) agreed with reservation. The Eradication of H. pylori is the first-­line treatment of H. pylori-­
level of evidence and strength of the recommendations were infected patients with dyspeptic symptoms previously defined
completed only after the individual WG meetings. Based on as functional dyspepsia (FD) as it can reduce symptoms in a
the type of studies, evidence levels and grade of recommenda- substantial subset of them, minimise the risk of serious compli-
tion were based on the Grades of Recommendations, Assess- cations of the infection and reduce gastric cancer risk.1 2 6 7
ment, Development and Evaluation system,3–5 which takes into
account the quality of evidence and strength of recommenda- Statement 2: H. pylori is a gastric pathogen. H. pylori gastritis is an
tions as follows. infectious disease.

Agreement 94% Grade A1

Quality of evidence In the absence of H. pylori the gastric mucosa does not
A High quality demonstrate signs of chronic active inflammation, neutrophils
Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the are absent and infiltration with mononuclear cells is minor.8–10
estimate of effect. Therefore, an agent causing such changes in the gastric mucosa
cannot be considered part of the normal microbiota and the fact
B Moderate quality that H. pylori has coinhabited mankind for millennia does not
Further research is very unlikely to have an important impact preclude its pathogenicity of today.11 Koch’s postulate for patho-
on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the genicity has been documented since the early days of H. pylori
estimate. discovery.12 Eradication therapy restores normal gastric mucosa
or halts progression to mucosal lesions13 and can reduce symp-
C Low quality toms, minimise complications of the infection and reduce gastric
Further research is very likely to have an important impact on cancer risk. Eradication of H. pylori is recommended even in the
our confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change absence of symptoms.1 2 6 There is an entity of H. pylori-­negative
the estimate. gastritis with characteristics similar to H. pylori gastrit but its
pathological relevance remains unclear.14
D Very low quality
Any estimate of effect is very uncertain. Statement 3: Test-­and-­treat is an appropriate strategy for uninvestigated

Agreement 94% Grade A1

Strength of recommendation
1 Strong recommendation Test-­and-­treat is a well-­defined strategy and refers to non-­
Strong recommendation for using an intervention. Strong invasive testing for H. pylori in patients with dyspeptic symp-
recommendation against using an intervention. toms and to eradication of the infection whenever detected. It is
distinct from the scope-­and-­treat strategy (Upper GI-­endoscopy
2 Weak recommendation followed by treatment) which is mandatory in defined clinical
Weak recommendation for using an intervention. Weak recom- settings outlined below.
mendation against using an intervention. The test-­and-­treat strategy will cure most cases of underlying
The final meeting was held on 27 September 2021–28 peptic ulcer disease and prevent serious consequences of gastro-
September 2021 in a hybrid format, that is, a mixture of face-­to-­ duodenal diseases associated with H. pylori gastritis. Eradication
face meeting in Florence (24 delegates) and teleparticipation (17 therapy will also benefit a subset of patients with H. pylori infec-
delegates). The statements were reviewed and presented to all tion associated dyspepsia in the absence of gross mucosal lesions,
delegates for final voting. (ie, FD).15 16
An overiew of all statements along, the level of evidence and Several prospective studies and decision analyses support
strength of recommendation is shown in table 1. the use of the test-­and-­treat strategy.17 18 These strategies are
2 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745

Table 1  Statements, Level of evidence, Strenght of recommendation

Grading Agreement

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
WG1: Indications/Associations
Statement 1 A1 100.00% H. pylori infection always causes gastritis, irrespective of symptoms or complications.
Statement 2 A1 94.00% H. pylori is a gastric pathogen. H. pylori gastritis is an infectious disease.
Statement 3 A1 94.00% Test-­and-­treat is an appropriate strategy for uninvestigated dyspepsia.
Statement 4 A1 92.00% Endoscopy is not necessary in the initial investigation of dyspepsia in low H. pylori prevalence areas.
Statement 5 A1 100.00% H. pylori gastritis is associated with increased, decreased or no overall change in acid secretion in the stomach.
Statement 6 A1 100.00% Overall, H. pylori eradication is superior to placebo or acid suppressive therapy for long-­term relief of dyspepsia, but the magnitude
of the benefit is small.
Statement 7 B1 100.00% H. pylori gastritis has to be excluded before a reliable diagnosis of functional dyspepsia can be made.
Statement 8 A1 100.00% The use of either aspirin or NSAIDs increases the risk of peptic ulcer disease and its complications in H. pylori infected subjects.
Statement 9 A1 100.00% H. pylori testing and treatment are advisable for high-­risk patients who are already on long-­term aspirin. H. pylori testing and
treatment are advisable for naïve patients starting long-­term NSAID therapy. Those at high-­risk may need additional PPI therapy.
Statement 10 A1 91.00% There is no evidence to suggest that anticoagulants (coumarins, direct oral and vitamin K antagonists) increase the risk of bleeding
in patients with H. pylori infection.
Statement 11 A1 94.00% Long-­term treatment with PPIs alters the topography of H. pylori gastritis.
Statement 12 A1 97.00% H. pylori eradication improves gastritis in long- term PPI users.
Statement 13 A1 97.00% H. pylori eradication is recommended for patients with unexplained iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), idiopathic thrombocytopenic
purpura (ITP) and Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Statement 14 A1 100.00% H. pylori eradication is the first-­line treatment for localised low grade gastric MALT lymphoma. H. pylori eradication therapy is also
recommended for cases without evidence of H. pylori infection and may provide benefit even for more advanced staged disease
Statement 15 D2 90.00% H. pylori has been positively and negatively associated with some extra-­gastroduodenal disorders. However, the causality of these
associations has not been definitively proven.
Statement 16 A1 86.00% The COVID-­19 pandemic has negatively impacted the management of H. pylori-­related diseases.
WG 2 Diagnostics
Statement 1 A1 97.00% In young dyspeptic patients (age below 50) with no specific risk and no alarm symptoms, non-­invasive testing for H. pylori infection
is recommended.
Statement 2 B1 94.00% In dyspeptic patients older than 50 years, upper GI endoscopy is required. Functional serology may be considered as complementary
diagnostic tool.
Statement 3 A2 100.00% When endoscopy is indicated it should: i) apply the best available technologies; ii) include biopsy sampling. Biopsy samples, as
obtained in accordance with validated protocols, should result in both aetiological diagnosis and gastritis staging. Any focal lesions
should be additionally sampled.
Statement 4 A1 87.00% UBT remains an important tool for H. pylori diagnosis before and after eradication therapy. Citric acid is an essential component of
the protocol.
Statement 5 A1 96.00% Monoclonal stool antigen test, if properly validated, is an appropriate test before and after H. pylori treatment
Statement 6 A1 98.00% Gastric functional serology (pepsinogens I-­II and gastrin levels), anti-­H. pylori antibodies, anti-­intrinsic factor and anti-­parietal cell
auto-­antibodies may provide clinically valuable information on the likelihood of gastric mucosal atrophy, including its aetiology.
Statement 7 A1 100.00% Molecular methods (in particular, real time-­PCR, whole genome sequencing and digital PCR) allow detection of H. pylori mutations
associated with resistance to clarithromycin, levofloxacin, tetracycline and rifampicin.
Statement 8 B2 100.00% Gastric biopsies recovered from rapid urease tests (RUT) can be reused for molecular testing by PCR.
Statement 9 A1 91.00% Clarithromycin susceptibility testing, if available through molecular techniques or culture, is recommended before prescribing any
clarithromycin containing therapy.
Statement 10 A1 96.00% In the short-­term post-­eradication (4–6 weeks) follow-­up, no antibiotics or bismuth should be used to permit optimum testing for H.
pylori. Proton pump inhibitors should be stopped 14 days before testing
Statement 11 A1 91.00% Tests for serum IgG antibodies against H. pylori can serve as a screening test in specific clinical situations.
Statement 12 A1 100.00% Gastric mucosal atrophy is defined as “loss of native glands.” Atrophy is the major determinant of non-­hereditary gastric cancer risk
assessed by endoscopy and histology, and it may be complementarily assessed by gastric serology.
Statement 13 A1 97.00% The histological assessment of atrophy should result in a conclusive gastritis staging (OLGA/OLGIM), which consistently ranks the
patient-­specific cancer risk. Histological staging makes IM subtyping clinically redundant.
Statement 14 B2 91.00% In H. pylori-­negative gastritis (primary or after eradication), clinically suspected autoimmune gastritis (AIG) requires testing for
gastrin, pepsinogens ratio, and auto-­antibodies to intrinsic factor and parietal cells. Clinical factors and functional serology may
provide the rationale for any further need for endoscopy/biopsy assessment.
Statement 15 B2 97.00% Currently, no large-­scale trials have provided evidence that molecular biomarkers can reliably predict the risk of non-­hereditary (ie,
non-­syndromic) gastric cancer.
Statement 16 B1 100.00% In H. pylori-­eradicated patients, low-­stage gastritis as properly assessed by endoscopy/histology, only requires clinical follow-­up.
Statement 17 B1 100.00% After successful H. pylori eradication, patients with high-­stage (III-­IV) gastritis and/or extensive endoscopic atrophy are still at risk
for gastric cancer. The timing of the endoscopic/biopsy surveillance is based on the gastritis stage as assessed at the last check-­up.
Statement 18 A1 100.00% Low- and high-­grade intra-­epithelial neoplasia requires: i) confirmatory histological assessment, ii) gastric mapping by high
resolution endoscopy and iii) targeted EMR or SBD, particularly for high grade, in tertiary endoscopy centres. Ablation does not
abolish metachronous cancer risk. H. pylori eradication and post-­ablation surveillance are both mandatory.
WG3 Treatment
Statement 1 D2 91.00% It is reasonable to recommend that susceptibility tests (molecular or after culture) are routinely performed, even before prescribing
first-­line treatment, in respect to antibiotic stewardship. However, the generalised use of such a susceptibility‐guided strategy in
routine clinical practice remains to be established.
Statement 2 B1 92.00% If individual susceptibility testing is not available, the first line recommended treatment in areas of high (>15%) or unknown
clarithromycin resistance is bismuth quadruple therapy. If this is not available, non-­bismuth concomitant quadruple therapy may be
Statement 3 D2 85.00% The treatment duration of bismuth quadruple therapy should be 14 days, unless 10- days effective therapies are available.


Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 3


Table 1  Continued
Grading Agreement

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Statement 4 B1 94.00% In choosing a non-­bismuth quadruple therapy, concomitant therapy (PPI, amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and a nitroimidazole
administered concurrently) should be the preferred choice given its proven reproducible effectiveness and less complexity compared
with sequential and hybrid therapies.
Statement 5 D2 100.00% The recommended treatment duration of non-­bismuth quadruple therapy (concomitant) is 14 days.
Statement 6 B1 94.00% In areas of low clarithromycin resistance, bismuth quadruple therapy or clarithromycin-­containing triple therapy may be
recommended as first-­line empirical treatment, if proven effective locally.
Statement 7 B1 100.00% The recommended treatment duration of PPI-­clarithromycin-­based triple therapy is 14 days.
Statement 8 C2 97.00% The use of high dose PPI twice daily increases the efficacy of triple therapy. It remains unclear whether high dose PPI twice daily can
improve the efficacy of quadruple therapies.
Statement 9 B2 100.00% Potassium-­Competitive Acid Blockers (P-­CAB) - antimicrobial combination treatments are superior, or not inferior, to conventional
PPI-­based triple therapies for first- and second-­line treatment, and superior in patients with evidence of antimicrobial resistant
Statement 10 D2 94.00% Empiric second line and rescue therapies should be guided by local resistance patterns assessed by susceptibility testing and
eradication rates in order to optimise treatment success.
Statement 11 C2 83.00% After failure of bismuth-­containing quadruple therapy, a fluoroquinolone-­containing quadruple (or triple) therapy, or the high-­dose
PPI-­amoxicillin dual therapy may be recommended. In cases of high fluoroquinolone resistance, the combination of bismuth with
other antibiotics, or rifabutin, may be an option.
Statement 12 C2 84.00% After failure of PPI-­clarithromycin-­amoxicillin triple therapy, a bismuth-­containing quadruple therapy, a fluoroquinolone-­containing
quadruple (or triple) therapy, or a PPI-­amoxicillin high-­dose dual therapy are recommended as a second-­line treatment.
Statement 13 C2 87.00% After failure of a non-­bismuth quadruple therapy, either a bismuth quadruple therapy or a fluoroquinolone-­containing quadruple (or
triple) therapy is recommended. PPI-­amoxicillin high- dose dual therapy might also be considered.
Statement 14 B2 86.00% After failure of the first-­line treatment with clarithromycin-­containing triple or non-­bismuth quadruple therapies and second line
with bismuth quadruple therapy, it is recommended to use a fluoroquinolone-­containing regimen. In regions with a known high
fluoroquinolone resistance, a bismuth quadruple therapy with different antibiotics, rifabutin-­containing rescue therapy, or a high
dose PPI-­amoxicillin dual therapy, should be considered.
Statement 15 B2 84.00% After failure of the first-­line treatment with clarithromycin-­containing triple or non-­bismuth quadruple therapies, and second-­line
treatment with fluoroquinolone-­containing therapy, it is recommended to use the bismuth-­based quadruple therapy. If bismuth is
not available, high-­dose PPI-­amoxicillin dual or a rifabutin-­containing regimen could be considered.
Statement 16 C2 90.00% After failure of first-­line treatment with bismuth quadruple and second-­line treatment with fluoroquinolone-­containing therapy,
it is recommended to use a clarithromycin-­based triple or quadruple therapy only if from an area of low (<15%) clarithromycin
resistance. Otherwise, a high-­dose PPI-­amoxicillin dual therapy, a rifabutin- containing regimen or a combination of bismuth with
different antibiotics should be used.
Statement 17 C2 85.00% In patients with proven penicillin allergy, for a first-­line treatment, bismuth quadruple therapy (PPI-­bismuth-­tetracycline-­
metronidazole) should be recommended. As second line therapy, bismuth quadruple therapy (if not previously prescribed) and
fluoroquinolone-­containing regimen may represent empirical second-­line rescue options.
WG 4 Gastric cancer & prevention
Statement 1 A1 100.00% H. pylori infection is the primary aetiological factor for gastric adenocarcinoma including proximal gastric cancer (PGC)
Statement 2 A1 94.00% H. pylori infection plays an aetiological role in a subset of adenocarcinoma of the Gastro-­oesophageal Junction zone.
Statement 3 A1 100.00% The influence of environmental factors is subordinate to the effect of H. pylori infection.
Statement 4 D2 100.00% Hereditary gastric cancer is a distinct entity. The role of H. pylori infection in the clinical course of the disease remains to be
Statement 5 A1 100.00% Severe atrophy (OLGA3/4) in the context of H. pylori gastritis carries a much higher risk for gastric cancer development as compared
with atrophy in the context of autoimmune gastritis.
Statement 6 C2 97.00% H. pylori infection and EBV are independent risk factors of gastric cancer. Whether coinfection of H. pylori and EBV is associated with
higher risk of gastric cancer than either one alone remains uncertain.
Statement 7 A1 100.00% H. pylori eradication eliminates a) the active inflammatory response in chronic active non-­atrophic gastritis and b) prevents further
progression to atrophy and intestinal metaplasia in chronic non-­atrophic gastritis.
Statement 8 A1 97.00% H. pylori eradication may reverse gastric atrophy and to some extent intestinal metaplasia and may halt the progression from
chronic atrophic gastritis to neoplastic lesions in a subset of patients.
Statement 9 A1 100.00% H. pylori eradication offers the chance for gastric cancer prevention at any age in adulthood. The magnitude of the benefit decreases
with age.
Statement 10 A1 100.00% H. pylori eradication is most effective for gastric cancer prevention before the development of severe chronic atrophic gastritis.
Statement 11 C2 89.00% Diagnostic tests used to screen H. pylori infection for the purpose of gastric cancer prevention should preferably be non-­invasive.
Statement 12 A2 91.00% If a serological method is used for H. pylori detection a further test (UBT, SAT) confirming current infection is required before
initiating therapy
Statement 13 C2 89.00% Endoscopy with biopsies is recommended in asymptomatic individuals with a family history of gastric cancer (does not refer to
hereditary gastric cancer) at age 45 and above.
Statement 14 A1 97.00% Asymptomatic individuals at age above 50 years are considered vulnerable and at increased risk of gastric cancer compared with
younger individuals.
Statement 15 B1 95.00% Population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat programmes for gastric cancer prevention require caution in the selection of antibiotics to
minimise development of antimicrobial resistance.
Statement 16 B2 84.00% Broad use of H. pylori eradication therapies for the purpose of gastric cancer prevention does not lead to an increase in other severe
Statement 17 A1 94.00% Population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat strategy provides additional benefits by preventing other gastroduodenal pathologies.
Statement 18 C2 81.00% Screening modalities for gastric cancer prevention (noninvasive or endoscopic) combined with colorectal cancer screening is an
Statement 19 A1 97.00% A population-­based H. pylori test and treat programme is cost-­effective in populations with intermediate or high incidence of gastric
Statement 20 B1 97.00% Follow-­up at regular intervals, and by use of endoscopic biopsy protocols, is mandatory in patients with severe atrophic gastritis
(OLGA 3/4).


4 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745


Table 1  Continued
Grading Agreement

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Statement 21 A1 100.00% Eradication of H. pylori is mandatory to reduce the risk of metachronous gastric cancer after curative endoscopic resection or gastric
subtotal resection of early gastric cancer.
Statement 22 C2 100.00% Medical and special dietary chemoprevention cannot in general be recommended in patients with severe gastric atrophy or
intestinal metaplasia (OLGA3/4) after H. pylori eradication.
Statement 23 D1 94.00% Population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat programmes should be targeted to special requirements at the regional level (ie, selection
of screening tool, use of eradication regimen, surveillance)
Statement 24 B1 94.00% Population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat programmes should be integrated into healthcare priorities, especially in regions with
intermediate to high gastric cancer incidence.
Statement 25 D2 100.00% The use of genetic and epigenetic markers for gastric cancer risk assessment and gastric cancer progression in clinical management
requires further validation.
Statement 26 A1 100.00% Image-­enhanced endoscopy (IEE) should be used in the endoscopy-­based screening for dysplasia and early gastric cancer.
Statement 27 C1 100.00% There is still demand for a prophylactic and/or therapeutic vaccine.
WG 5 Helicobacter pylori and the Gut Microbiota
Statement 1 B2 100.00% Early life antibiotic exposure has a long-­lasting effect on the intestinal microbiota.
Statement 2 A1 94.00% The human stomach is colonised by other bacteria beyond H. pylori, the so-­called gastric microbiome.
Statement 3 B2 91.00% Gastric bacteria other than H. pylori may also affect H. pylori related changes.
Statement 4 C2 91.00% Non-­H. pylori Helicobacter species can cause human gastric disease.
Statement 5 B2 89.00% H. pylori eradication therapy has the potential to select resistant strains of gut microbiota.
Statement 6 A2 89.00% Certain probiotics have been shown to be effective in reducing GI side effects caused by H. pylori eradication therapies.
Statement 7 B2 80.00% Certain probiotics may have a beneficial effect on H. pylori eradication therapy through reduction of antibiotic related side effects.
Statement 8 B2 97.00% Antibiotic treatment for other reasons might select resistant H. pylori strains.
Statement 9 A2 86.00% The oral cavity may contribute to the gastric microbiota composition.

recommended only in ‘young’ patients, with no ‘alarm’ symp- Gastric secretion is increased if the infection is predominantly
toms. For the initial management of dyspepsia, test-­and-­treat and confined to the antrum with relative sparing of the corpus. If the
empirical proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy perform equally infection significantly affects the corpus or there is pangastritis
well in terms of short-­ term symptom resolution. However, with gastric atrophy, acid secretion is decreased.26
those with H. pylori infection can obtain a durable effect of H. pylori positive duodenal ulcer (DU) patients have increased
cure following successful eradication.18–20 From previous meta-­ acid secretion rates (driven by low somatostatin, high gastrin)
analyses, prompt endoscopy confers a small benefit in terms that falls after eradication.27–29 Patients with severe body gastritis
of cure of dyspepsia. Endoscopy is generally associated with have low acid secretion rates that increase after H. pylori erad-
testing for H. pylori and if positive, its treatment leads to bene- ication. Patients without DU and severe body gastritis (most
fits. However, the cost of endoscopy as a first-­line approach for patients) have no change or a modest increase in acid secretion
management of dyspepsia in patients without alarm symptoms after H. pylori eradication.28–30 Patients with gastric ulcer, whose
argues against this in everyday practice.21 It is widely accepted acid secretion is generally lower, show higher acid secretion after
that endoscopy should be reserved for patients with symptom eradication.31
onset after 50 (45–55)years of age, those who have alarm
features and all patients who fail empirical antisecretory therapy Statement 6: Overall, H. pylori eradication is superior to placebo or acid
or test-­and-­treat strategy fails1 17–20 suppressive therapy for long-­term relief of dyspepsia, but the magnitude of
the benefit is small.
Statement 4: Endoscopy is not necessary in the initial investigation of
Agreement 100% Grade A1
dyspepsia in low H. pylori prevalence areas.

Agreement 92% Grade A1 Since the last Maastricht consensus conference,1 there has
been very little additional information regarding the long-­term
The prevalence of serious upper GI lesions in dyspepsia in the effects of H. pylori eradication on dyspepsia symptoms. This is
age groups below 50 (45–55), depending on geographical area, perhaps because the adoption of the test-­and-­treat strategy for
is very low. In a global meta-­analysis, the prevalence of gastric dyspepsia by national guidelines since the early 2000s has meant
cancer was only 0.4% and was even lower in those aged below that further dyspepsia trials without eradication of H. pylori
45. Consequently, it is expected that in a low H. pylori preva-
are deemed unethical and unnecessary.32 In a Cochrane meta-­
lence area, the rate of malignancy will be even lower. However,
analysis, the number needed to treat (NNT) to cure dyspepsia
caution is advised with regard to the geographical region and
was initially estimated to be 15.33 In further meta-­analyses the
age adjusted cut-­offs taken into consideration with selection of
significant improvement of symptoms in the H. pylori eradica-
diagnostic strategies. Additionally, it should be noted that in high
tion group was confirmed.16 34 The most recent metanalysis,35
gastric cancer incidence and high H. pylori prevalence regions,
including 29 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and 6781 H.
alarm symptoms for upper GI cancers may not be present.21–25
pylori-­positive patients with FD, confirmed that eradication
Statement 5: H. pylori gastritis is associated with increased, decreased or no
therapy was superior to any other treatment option for symptom
overall change in acid secretion in the stomach. cure (relative risk, RR of symptoms not being cured=0.91;
95% CI 0.88 to 0.94, NNT=14; 95% CI 11 to 21) and improve-
Agreement 100% Grade A1
ment (RR of symptoms not improving=0.84; 95% CI 0.78
to 0.91, NNT=9; 95% CI 7 to 17). A network meta-­analysis
(NWM) of management strategies in uninvestigated dyspepsia,
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 5
reported a significant effect of eradication therapy on epigas- 100 and more than 1000 patients to prevent one peptic ulcer
tric pain and burning (epigastric pain syndrome), but not on bleeding event. It seems reasonable to advise H. pylori testing
early satiety or postprandial fullness (postprandial distress and treatment only in high-­risk patients on low-­dose aspirin

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
syndrome).36 Furthermore, based on the NWM the comparison and consider additional PPI treatment, especially in those with
of management strategies in uninvestigated dyspepsia, showed previous peptic ulcer history.45–49
that the test-­and-­treat approach ranked first over acid suppres-
sion or prompt endoscopy for all or only H. pylori positive Statement 10: There is no evidence to suggest that anticoagulants
patients. A long-­ term follow-­up population-­ based screening (coumarins, direct oral and vitamin K antagonists) increase the risk of
bleeding in patients with H. pylori infection.
study reported no difference in reduction of dyspepsia symp-
toms in those screened (and treated) for H. pylori vs controls at Agreement 91% Grade A1
13 years37 which is contrast with the only other study with more
than 12 months follow-­up.38 The potential effect of H. pylori infection on the risk of GI
bleeding in patients taking anticoagulants has been poorly inves-
Statement 7: H. pylori gastritis has to be excluded before a reliable diagnosis tigated. Limited evidence from case control and cohort studies
of functional dyspepsia (FD) can be made. showed no increased risk of bleeding due to H. pylori infection
Agreement 100% Grade B1
in patients taking anticoagulants.50 More studies are needed
since the magnitude of bleeding risk with anticoagulants may
In H. pylori-­infected patients with dyspepsia, and where other mask the effect of H. pylori infection.
pathologies have been excluded endoscopically, symptoms can be
attributed to H. pylori gastritis if successful eradication therapy is Statement 11: Long-­term treatment with PPIs alters the topography of H.
pylori gastritis.
followed by sustained symptom remission. Patients with persisting
dyspeptic symptoms despite successful eradication therapy may be Agreement 94% Grade A1
considered as having ‘FD’.2 Therefore, H. pylori gastritis has to be
excluded before a reliable diagnosis of FD can be made.33 39–42 PPI use suppresses gastric acid secretion with resultant
persistent hypergastrinaemia in all. The gastrin levels are higher
(about 1.5-­fold) in patients colonised by H. pylori compared
Statement 8: The use of either aspirin or non-­steroidal anti-­inflammatory with uninfected patients. H. pylori-­positive patients show more
drugs (NSAIDs) increases the risk of peptic ulcer disease and its enterochromaffin-­ like (ECL) cell hyperplasia in the gastric
complications in H. pylori-­infected subjects. corpus than uninfected PPI users (OR for prevalence ~2.5, H.
Agreement 100% Grade A1 pylori positive vs H. pylori negative).51 Long-­term PPI treat-
ment is associated with the spread of gastritis from antrum to
NSAIDs, aspirin and H. pylori infection are independent risk corpus, and increased body atrophic gastritis (OR of 11.5 for
factors for peptic ulcer (gastric and duodenal) and their compli- RR of atrophy (95% CI 6.3 to 21.0) when comparing H. pylori
cations.43 44 Most, but not all, studies (observational studies, positive vs H. pylori negative cases), and an approximately 2–3
randomised clinical trials and meta-­ analyses) also show that H. fold increase in mean corpus atrophy score when comparing
pylori-­infected patients have an increased risk of peptic ulcer disease H. pylori positive versus H. pylori negative cases on PPIs.51
and its complications when compared with non-H. pylori-­infected Caveats concerning these studies of the effects of PPIs on the
patients when using NSAIDs, cyclo-­ oxygenase-­ 2 inhibitors or topography of H. pylori-­associated gastritis are that they were
aspirin. Some studies show a synergistic or at least an additional risk mostly conducted in Europe or the USA, and that there have
when both factors (H. pylori infection and NSAIDs or aspirin) are been no significant advances published on this topic since the
present compared with either factor alone.45–49 last Maastricht V in 2017.1 Because atrophy is an early stage in
the pathway to gastric cancer, the concern that PPI use increases
Statement 9: H. pylori testing and treatment are advisable for high-­risk gastric cancer risk in H. pylori positive patients was raised by
patients who are already on long-­term aspirin. H. pylori testing and early studies. This has been much debated in recent years, stim-
treatment are advisable for naïve patients starting long-­term NSAID therapy. ulated by several recent retrospective cohort and case–control
Those at high-­risk may need additional PPI therapy. studies identifying a possible association of PPI use with gastric
Agreement 100% Grade A1 cancer development.52 53 However, the literature is difficult to
interpret, due to confounding by indication for PPI use and in
The effect of eradication on occurrence of peptic ulcer or most cases unknown H. pylori status. Adding further complexity,
peptic ulcer bleeding has been studied in clinical trials more hypochlorhydria from PPIs or loss of parietal cell mass from
often with NSAIDs than with aspirin. Overall, H. pylori eradica- other causes (including H. pylori-­associated atrophy) has also
tion reduces the risk of peptic ulcer in patients taking long-­term been associated with changes in the non-H. pylori gastric micro-
NSAID therapy. This benefit is well documented in naïve patients biome.54 The precise relationships between changes in the gastric
starting NSAIDs but does not apply in patients already on long-­ microbiome, altered topography of gastritis and subsequent
term NSAIDs. High-­risk patients such as those with previous gastric mucosal atrophy and preneoplasia development (all of
peptic ulcer will also need continuing PPI therapy to reduce which correlate with persistent H. pylori infection) remain to be
further the risk of ulcer recurrence while on NSAID therapy. H. fully elucidated.
pylori increases the risk of peptic ulcer and peptic ulcer bleeding
in patients taking low-­dose aspirin, and eradication reduces the Statement 12: H. pylori eradication improves gastritis in long- term PPI users.
risk of peptic ulcer recurrence. However, the potential beneficial Agreement 97% Grade A1
effect of systematic H. pylori eradication in all aspirin users is
questionable due to the huge number of people taking low-­dose Long-­term PPI use shifts gastritis from an antrum-­predominant
aspirin worldwide, and the NNT being somewhere between to corpus-­predominant pattern and increases gastrin levels.
6 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745
H. pylori eradication improves gastritis in long-­
term PPI zone B-­cell lymphoma (the preferred WHO term), regardless
users.51–53 55–58 of stage67 due to the occasional response even in some cases of
disseminated disease.65 66 70–72 Unlike the association of Cag-­

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
carriage and VacAs1/m1/i1 type with gastric adenocarcinoma,
Statement 13: H. pylori eradication is recommended for patients with no specific H. pylori gene products are linked to lymphoma
unexplained iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), idiopathic thrombocytopenic development.73
purpura (ITP) and vitamin B12 deficiency.

Agreement 97% Grade A1 Statement 15: H. pylori has been positively and negatively associated with
some extra-­gastroduodenal disorders. However, the causality of these
associations has not been definitively proven.
There are recent meta-­ analyses representing the beneficial
effects of eradicating H. pylori infection in improving IDA and Agreement 90% Grade D2
ITP, although the results were heterogeneous. Concerning IDA,
meta-­analyses have shown that eradication improves anaemia Apart from few well-­ defined clinical conditions associ-
and increases haemoglobin levels in those with moderate to ated with H. pylori infection reported in statement 13 there
severe anaemia. Recent guidelines on the management of IDA remains uncertainty and frequent contradictory findings about
recommend eradication of H. pylori, where present, in patients the role of H. pylori as potential trigger for extragastrointes-
with recurrent IDA with normal upper GI endoscopy and colo- tinal diseases. Comprehensive reviews have extensively dealt
noscopy results. The main benefits for IDA are obtained in chil- with this intriguing issue reporting pros and cons.74–76 H. pylori
dren in contrast to adults.59–61 On the contrary the main benefits infection has been positively associated with cardiovascular
for ITP are achieved in adults. Thus, recent studies have shown diseases (acute coronary syndrome, ischaemic stroke), meta-
increased platelet counts in such patients treated for H. pylori bolic disorders (metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, diabetes
and furthermore increased response rates in countries with a high mellitus), neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s disease,
prevalence of H. pylori infection in the background population. Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis), migraine, chronic urti-
ITP patients with atrophic gastritis are more likely to respond to caria and rosacea. References on these associations are provided
H. pylori eradication therapy. Finally, some studies have shown in online supplemental table 5. Nonetheless, these associations
a link between chronic H. pylori infection and malabsorption are not sufficient to demonstrate a causal link which warrants H.
of vitamins, including deficiencies in the absorption of vitamin pylori eradication. Inverse (negative) associations have also been
B12, which results in the accumulation of serum homocysteine. described between H. pylori infection and a number of extra-­
However, the data on H. pylori eradication, concerning B12 defi- gastroduodenal disorders. For instance, declining rates of H.
ciency, are less robust.62–64 pylori infection in some countries have been suggested to inter-
fere with an increasing prevalence of asthma and other atopic
conditions, obesity and IBD.75 77–79
Statement 14: H. pylori eradication is the first-­line treatment for localised
low-­grade gastric MALT lymphoma. H. pylori eradication therapy is also Statement 16: The COVID-­19 pandemic has negatively impacted the
recommended for cases without evidence of H. pylori infection and may management of H. pylori-­related diseases.
provide benefit even for more advanced staged disease
Agreement 86% Grade A1
Agreement 100% Grade A1
COVID-­ 19 has negatively influenced the prevention and
The success of H. pylori eradication as the initial therapy for management of multiple conditions including H. pylori-­related
MALT-­lymphomas (marginal zone B-­cell lymphoma) results in diseases. Many cancer preventative and screening activities,
70%–80% long-­term remission and has since many years become including those for colorectal cancer, have been modified or
well established as standard of care.65–67 Caveats about cases even temporarily stopped, followed by more intensive catch-­up
with the 11:18 translocation being unlikely to respond to H. testing in periods of improvement of the epidemiological situa-
pylori eradication therapy persist. Close endoscopic follow-­up tion. The number of planned outpatient consultations have been
(3–6 months) to evaluate regression and surveillance for other decreased during the pandemic, including the number of gastro-
premalignant lesions is advisable, given the increased risk also enterology consultations.80 Breath testing has been stopped
of gastric adenocarcinoma in these patients. Recent European in many units across Europe, expecting to result in decreased
Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) guidelines emphasise quality of H. pylori diagnosis as less accurate tests may have
that H. pylori should be thoroughly sought in cases of gastric been used instead. There is a negative influence of COVID-­19
lymphomas (if negative in tissue, should then investigate by reported on the cancer detection rates.81 It must be noted that
serology, stool and breath tests). Post-­treatment testing to ensure by taking adequate care of hygienic and sterilisation techniques,
eradication is mandatory; second-­line treatments should be used the risk of COVID-­19 transmission when performing endoscopy
if infection persists. Endoscopic remission may take a year or was low.82
more to achieve.67 H. pylori negative cases deserve special atten-
tion. A meta-­analysis reports a 30% complete response rate even
in apparently H. pylori-­negative cases treated with eradication WG 2: diagnostics
therapy, supporting eradication therapy as initial treatment also
in H. pylori-­negative cases.68 This is congruent with a recent Statement 1: In young dyspeptic patients (age below 50) with no specific
US series published subsequently.69 ESMO guidelines67 support risk and no alarm symptoms, non-­invasive testing for H. pylori infection is
waiting 3–6 months after eradication to assess regression in H.
pylori-­negative patients before starting other treatment—usually Agreement 97% Grade A1
radiation for localised disease, chemotherapy for more advanced
cases. ESMO guidelines have now extended this recommenda- Several non-­ invasive tests are available that can detect H.
tion for H. pylori eradication to all cases of gastric marginal pylori infection with high sensitivity and specificity.83 These
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 7
include 13C urea breath test (UBT), stool antigen tests (SAT), and treatment. In order to overcome some of the challenges associ-
serological tests for IgG anti-H. pylori antibodies. IgG antibody ated with the test, and to improve accuracy and sensitivity, CA
tests do not differentiate between active and prior infections and has been suggested to be more favourable than other test meals,

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
are therefore not suitable to evaluate the success of eradication such as the standard semi liquid meal, semi-­fatty acid meal and
treatments. All tests have specific limitations in certain groups of orange or apple juice.16–18 98 99 CA helps slow gastric emptying,
patients. In regions/populations with low H. pylori prevalence, enhances gastric distribution of the substrate and increases its
the probability of false-­positive advises a confirmatory test. The contact time with H. pylori urease.99 100 The test meal may also
age threshold of 50 years may vary between 45 and 55 years inhibit antral motility and relax the gastric fundus. In addition,
depending on different countries and regions in relation to the CA is cheaper than other test meals and is more palatable when
age risk for gastric cancer. sweeteners are added.98 100 One report found an increase in
urease hydrolysis with CA which was not attributable to delayed
Statement 2: In dyspeptic patients older than 50 years, upper GI endoscopy gastric emptying.101 Studies performed in Asian populations
is required. Functional serology may be considered as complementary have reported a limited difference in the performances of UBT
diagnostic tool.
with or without CA.102 However other studies found particularly
Agreement 94% Grade B1 in conditions of atrophy that the use of CA test meal improves
C-­UBT sensitivity.103 104
The risk of gastric cancer increases with age.84 85 In dyspeptic
patients older than 50 (45–55) years, particularly with coexisting
risk factors, upper GI endoscopy is recommended. Gastric func- Statement 5: Monoclonal SAT, if properly validated, is an appropriate test
tional serology (ie, pepsinogen I–II, and gastrin 17) may provide before and after H. pylori treatment
complementary diagnostic information, potentially useful in
Agreement 96% Grade A1
patients’ follow-­up. In the non-­invasive assessment of corpus
atrophy, functional serology has shown high level accuracy Active H. pylori infection of the stomach results in shedding of
(96%) and very high negative predictive value (98%).86
bacterial antigens in the patient’s stool. Multiple tests can detect H.
pylori-­specific antigens (eg, catalase) in stool, providing a convenient
Statement 3: When endoscopy is indicated it should: (1) apply the best
available technologies; (2) include biopsy sampling. Biopsy samples, as
non-­invasive diagnostic tool102 that is suitable for patients before
obtained in accordance with validated protocols, should result in both and after eradication.103 104 Early tests relied on antigen detection
aetiological diagnosis and gastritis staging. Any focal lesions should be with polyclonal antisera, but more recent tests that use monoclonal
additionally sampled. antibodies are superior in comparative studies.102 Available SATs
Agreement 100% Grade A2
for H. pylori include both enzyme immuno assay (EIA) test kits for
use in laboratories, as well as rapid immunochromatography tests
Gastric endoscopic inspection combined with biopsy sampling is for near patient testing by the gastroenterologist or general practi-
the most reliable, sensitive and specific diagnostic procedure in the tioner.102 105 In most comparative studies, laboratory-­based EIA tests
assessment of patients with alarm gastro-­oesophageal symptoms.87–89 performed better than rapid tests,103 106 107 but the best rapid tests
Regardless of clinical indication(s),87–91 upper GI endoscopy should do have acceptable performance for clinical diagnostic use.108 109
accomplish specific quality requirements92: (1) washing of the Results vary substantially between the different available rapid tests.
mucosa (performed regardless of local constraints); (2) adequate For most tests, sensitivity was more problematic than specificity,
time of inspection; (3) endoscopic assessment of all the different and users should be aware of the limitations of the specific test
gastric mucosa compartments (oxyntic vs antral); (4) photographic used.105 106
recording. After proper training, high-­resolution endoscopy (imple-
mented by virtual chromoendoscopy) improves the diagnostic
performance and provides a reliable assessment of both inflamma- Statement 6: Gastric functional serology (pepsinogens I–II and gastrin
tory lesions, mucosal atrophy and focal abnormalities. Endoscopy levels), anti-H. pylori antibodies, anti-­intrinsic factor and antiparietal cell
auto-­antibodies (APCA) may provide clinically valuable information on the
enables obtaining biopsy specimens for either gastritis phenotyping/
likelihood of gastric mucosal atrophy, including its aetiology.
staging, and microscopic profiling of any focal lesion.90–95 At least
two biopsies should be obtained from both functional compart- Agreement 98% Grade A1
ments, antrum and fundus, and the samples should be submitted
in different containers.89–91 An additional biopsy obtained from Gastric mucosal atrophy, due to long-­ standing, non-­self-­
the incisura results in a biopsy-­set adapted to gastritis histological limiting mucosal inflammation, recognises two main aetiologies:
staging, that is, OLGA (Operative Link on Gastric Atrophy) and H. pylori and autoimmunity.2 The two conditions are distin-
OLGIM (Operative Link on Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia).95 96 guished by the topography of the inflammatory/atrophic lesions.
Additional tissue specimen(s) should be taken to assess the H. pylori Inflammation/atrophy due to H. pylori infection first involves
status.93 Focal lesions, potentially harbouring dysplasia, must be the distal stomach (antrum) and later spreads to proximal
separately identified and submitted for microscopic phenotyping (fundic) mucosa whereas by definition, autoimmune gastritis
and possible endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD).97 (AIG) is ‘restricted’ to the oxyntic (fundus/corpus) mucosa.
Gastric functional serology (pepsinogens I–II, and their ratio),
Statement 4: UBT remains an important tool for H. pylori diagnosis before gastrin 17 (primarily increased in autoimmune atrophy), and
and after eradication therapy. Citric acid (CA) is an essential component of APCA may reliably distinguish the two aetiological forms.110
the protocol. Pepsinogen serology and APCA are also useful in the follow-­up
Agreement 87% Grade A1 of AIG.111 Pepsinogen serology may differentiate autoimmune
from H. pylori gastritis, also providing useful information on the
The 13C-­ UBT is widely employed for the diagnosis of H. clinical profiling of the most advanced atrophic stages.112 Serum
pylori infection as well as to verify successful eradication after pepsinogens are useful for detecting AIG in patients affected by
8 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745
autoimmune thyroiditis.113 The clinical importance of intrinsic additional biopsies for PCR or other tests, those taken from
factor antibodies is limited due to possible occurrence of late-­ RUT can be reused125–128 for detection of H. pylori and of
stage seroconversion.114 APCA positivity levels do not correlate the mutations associated with clarithromycin resistance. The

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
with severity of atrophy,115 while they do fit with pepsinogen correlation observed between the reuse of gastric biopsies from
levels.110 111 RUT for molecular tests after storage at room temperature for
30 days was 93%.125 In patients with RUT negative samples,
Statement 7: Molecular methods (in particular, real time-­PCR, whole-­ reuse of RUT gastric biopsies for PCR testing will be partic-
genome sequencing and digital PCR) allow detection of H. pylori mutations
ularly helpful to confirm H. pylori infection. In addition, it
associated with resistance to clarithromycin, levofloxacin, tetracycline and
rifampicin. reduces cost and burden to both the physician and the patient.
Gastric biopsies reuse for PCR testing is also particularly useful
Agreement 100% Grade A1
in areas where H. pylori infections are prevalent and facilities
for culture and susceptibility testing.125
The prevalence of antibiotic resistance in H. pylori has steadily
increased over the last four decades.116
Statement 9: Clarithromycin susceptibility testing, if available through
The gold standard for antibiotic susceptibility testing are molecular techniques or culture, is recommended before prescribing any
phenotypical methods, that is, agar dilution testing, which clarithromycin containing therapy.
requires culture of the organisms and are time-­ consuming
Agreement 91% Grade A1
and labour-­intensive. There is a substantial need for culture-­
independent methods to predict antibiotic resistance. H. pylo-
The WHO and the European Union Council both advocate
ri’s mechanisms of resistance against antibiotics are now largely
known.117 prudent use of antibiotics to avoid development of bacterial
Detection of resistance against several antibiotics can now be resistance, one of the biggest threats to global health.129
achieved by detection of different mutations or other genetic Clarithromycin is currently a key antibiotic to eradicate H.
changes, such that the correlation between genotypes and pylori, but when resistance is present, the probability of treat-
phenotypes can be either relatively straightforward (eg, for clar- ment success is very low,130 that is, this antibiotic becomes useless
ithromycin and fluoroquinolones), or highly complex (eg, for but continues to induce resistance in other bacteria. One option
metronidazole). As a result, the accuracy of the molecular detec- is to avoid this antibiotic but that leads to the need for quadruple
tion methods for predicting antibiotic resistance varies widely therapies, which are effective treatments.131 However, this creates
between different antibiotics.118 adverse effects especially on the gut microbiota and resistance
Resistance against clarithromycin is, with very few exceptions, of other bacteria,132 because quadruple therapies include three
due to mutations in the 23S rRNA gene. Relatively few muta- antimicrobial drugs, consequences which were not considered in
tions (most importantly, A2143G, A2142G and A2142C) are the review mentioned before.131 To avoid this dilemma, a simple
responsible for almost all clinical resistance.117 Similarly, resis- method is to test for clarithromycin susceptibility. Indeed, anti-
tance to levofloxacin is mostly due to point mutations in the microbial susceptibility testing is performed for any infectious
gyrase gene gyrA, so that PCR or sequencing-­based tests can also disease when there is a risk of resistance. Furthermore, besides
predict quinolone resistance with good accuracy.118 119 the standard method including culture and antibiogram, we
Resistance to tetracycline is mostly due to mutations in 16S now have access to molecular tests, especially real-­time PCR kits
rRNA genes, and to rifampicin due to mutations in the RNA which are commercially available and provide excellent sensi-
polymerase gene rpoB.117 Fewer data are available for these two tivity and specificity to detect both H. pylori and its clarithro-
antibiotics, but molecular methods can also predict resistance mycin susceptibility.133 Such tests are also performed rapidly (in
against these in most cases. Importantly, resistance to metroni- a few hours) and do not necessitate special transport conditions,
dazole is highly complex. While some mutations (in particular in contrast to culture. The previous objection of non-­availability
in the rdxA gene) are highly predictive of metronidazole resis-
is no longer true given that, following the COVID-­19 pandemic,
tance, many other genes can also have an impact on metronida-
millions of real-­ time PCRs have been performed in virtually
zole susceptibility, such that the sensitivity of assays for specific
all laboratories. A recent systematic review and meta-­analysis
genetic changes is low with respect to the metronidazole resis-
pointed out that the pooled RR of eradication in patients with
tance phenotype. The situation is comparable for the rare cases
susceptible vs resistant strains to clarithromycin was 0.682 (95%
of amoxicillin resistance. Whole genome or focused next gener-
CI 0.636 to 0.731)134 and in another study the OR for failure
ation sequencing bears promise to permit more precise predic-
tion of antibiotic resistance phenotypes, including those with of clarithromycin-­containing regimens was 6.97 (95% CI 5.23
many contributing mutations, such as metronidazole or amoxi- to 9.28).135 A clarithromycin resistance threshold of 15% was
cillin resistance. First studies have been reported with promising proposed in the past1 but now this threshold has been exceeded
results120–124 in most WHO regions135 which is a plea for systematic testing. A
limit could be the need to perform an endoscopy which is consid-
Statement 8: Gastric biopsies recovered from rapid urease tests (RUT) can be ered unnecessary in young patients, with an age limit depending
used for molecular testing by PCR. on the regional risk of gastric cancer. Progress has been made in
Agreement 100% Grade B2
DNA extraction and, consequently, PCR on stool is possible. A
recent meta-­analysis found a sensitivity of 91% and specificity of
Rapid urease testing is widely used for the diagnosis of 97%.136 Applying a systematic detection of clarithromycin resis-
H. pylori infection. Most often, test tubes are discarded tance would allow the use of the optimised triple therapy for
after reading of results, and molecular tests are performed 60%–90% of patients, and therefore, limit the consequences of
using further biopsies. PCR-­based methods are widely used quadruple therapies.
to confirm diagnosis of H. pylori and so, instead of taking
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 9

Statement 10: In the short-­term posteradication (4–6 weeks) follow-­up, oxyntic vs the mucous secreting compartment, which should be
no antibiotics or bismuth should be used to permit optimum testing for H. submitted in separate containers).145–147 Atrophy score(s) estab-
pylori. PPIs should be stopped 14 days before testing lish the histological gastritis stage (OLGA or OLGIM). Histo-

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
logical gastritis staging is consistently recognised as a reliable
Agreement 96% Grade A1
predictor of the gastric cancer risk.148 149 Serum pepsinogens
H. pylori treatment suppresses the infection in many cases have a strong correlation with OLGA/OLGIM III/IV gastritis
even if eradication fails due to different factors, mostly related stage and provide reliable information concerning the presence
to antibiotic resistance. For this reason, absence of the bacteria at of severe atrophy. Their use in screening for severe atrophy or
the end of treatment was named ‘clearance’ while absence after for improving accuracy of the histological assessment if atrophic
a period of 4–6 weeks following treatment is defined as ‘eradica- changes have a patchy distribution is worth considering150–152
tion’.137 Such a drug-­free period is necessary to exclude recrudes-
Statement 13: The histological assessment of atrophy should result in
cence of the bacteria which may occur with such time delay and
a conclusive gastritis staging (OLGA/OLGIM), which consistently ranks
potentially leads to false negative test results. Consequently, any the patient-­specific cancer risk. Histological staging makes IM subtyping
drug having a negative impact on H. pylori growth,for example, clinically redundant.
antibiotics, bismuth (for at least 4 weeks) and PPI (for 14 days)
Agreement 97% Grade A1
must be avoided within the defined time frame. If pain relief is
necessary, drugs that do not impact on H. pylori, for example,
Gastritis staging is based on the average of the atrophy score
H2 Receptor Antagonist (H2 RA),138 gastric mucosal protective
values as separately obtained from the mucosa of the gastric
or antacid medications can be prescribed. Serology cannot be
antrum (distal mucus-­secreting stomach, including the angularis
used for testing the eradication success.
incisura) and the corpus/fundus (proximal oxyntic stomach).
OLGA staging includes the histological assessment of all atrophy
Statement 11: Tests for serum IgG antibodies against H. pylori can serve as a
screening test in specific clinical situations.
subtypes (ie, metaplastic and non-­metaplastic)153 while OLGIM
staging only considers IM.149 Both staging systems do not require
Agreement 91% Grade A1 IM subtyping.154 A meta-­ analysis of prospective case–control
studies has consistently demonstrated the significant association
Clinical conditions where serological tests can be of particular between the OLGA/OLGIM stages III/IV (ie, high-­risk stages)
value include bleeding peptic ulcers, gastric MALT lymphoma, and gastric cancer risk.155 OLGIM has been considered more
gastric cancer, atrophy, recent use of antibiotics or PPI.83 139–141 reproducible than OLGA; the OLGIM-­score, however, does not
Importantly, serology does not indicate an active infection, include the assessment of pseudo-­ pyloric atrophy (synonym:
because the antibodies decrease slowly after eradication of the SPEM), that has been claimed to be a precancerous lesion.156
bacteria and a positive test can still be observed after several In two cohort studies (218 patients), the RR of gastric epithelial
months. Therefore, serology is not suitable for posteradication neoplasia associated with OLGA III–IV was 27.70 (95% CI 3.75
confirmation. to 204.87); in another cohort study (125 patients) the RR of
Other limits are that H. pylori strains are diverse, and it is high-­grade dysplasia associated with the high-­risk OLGIM-­stage
necessary to use locally validated tests. Indeed, it has been shown was 16.67 (95% CI 0.80 to 327.53).155
that the tests using antigens from Western countries may lead
to poor results in Asian countries. It is also important to have a Statement 14: In H. pylori-­negative gastritis (primary or after eradication),
well-­validated cut-­off level for positivity. Despite that, equivocal clinically suspected AIG requires testing for gastrin, pepsinogens ratio and
results may still be obtained requiring a further follow-­up. auto-­antibodies to intrinsic factor and parietal cells. Clinical factors and
Several antigen combinations have been used to look for functional serology may provide the rationale for any further need for
endoscopy/histological assessment.
markers of evolution to gastric cancer but none can be recom-
mended for current use. Agreement 91% Grade B2

Statement 12: Gastric mucosal atrophy is defined as ‘loss of native glands’. The prevalence of autoimmune gastritis (AIG) ranges
Atrophy is the major determinant of non-­hereditary gastric cancer risk between 0.5% and 4.5% with significant variations according
assessed by endoscopy and histology, and it may be complementarily to geographical regions.157 AIG is mostly associated with auto-
assessed by gastric functional serology.
immune comorbidities, prevails in females and increases with
Agreement 100% Grade A1 age.157 By definition, ‘primary’ AIG, is topographically restricted
to oxyntic mucosa where it features either non-­atrophic or atro-
Longstanding H. pylori gastritis and AIG can both result in phic phenotypes. ‘Secondary’ immune-­mediated gastritis may be
loss of native gastric glands, that is, mucosal atrophy. Atrophy is triggered by H. pylori infection.158 The clinical suspicion of AIG
the cancerisation field of non-­hereditary/non-­syndromic gastric requires testing for anaemia and serology (pepsinogens, gastrin
adenocarcinoma. Glandular loss includes two main histological 17, autoantibodies against intrinsic factor and parietal cell).159
variants: (1) disappearance (ie, shrinking) of glandular units, In primary AIG, the risk of adenocarcinoma is controversial,
replaced by fibrosis of the lamina propria, (2) metaplastic replace- but it is consistently believed to be lower than in multifocal
ment of the native glands (2a) Intestinal metaplasia (IM)142; (2b) atrophy (involving antral and corpus mucosa) that results from
pseudopyloric metaplasia (spasmolytic polypeptide-­ expressing longstanding H. pylori infection.160 Solid evidence associates
metaplasia (SPEM)).142–144 Interobserver histological reproduc- AIG to the increased risk of neuroendocrine tumours, mostly
ibility of the atrophy assessment, as supported by morphometric Type I so-­called ‘carcinoids’.159 The initial assessment of gastric
studies, prompts the prioritisation of appropriate training.143 144 autoimmunity is based on symptoms which may include anaemia
The histological score of atrophy includes all atrophy micro- and comorbidities.157 Endoscopy includes biopsy sampling from
scopic subtypes, which should be scored as overall percentage both antral and oxyntic mucosa (according to Sydney or Kimura
occurring in the available biopsy specimens (distinguishing protocols), which strictly require submission in two separate
10 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745
containers.8 161 Histological diagnosis is based on the features Statement 18: Low-­grade and high-­grade intra-­epithelial neoplasia requires:
of oxyntic-­ restricted gastritis, with or without concurrent (1) confirmatory histological assessment, (2) gastric mapping by high
atrophy,157 and should include immunohistochemical assessment resolution endoscopy and (3) targeted Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR)

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of the ECL cells. The endoscopy follow-­up schedule of primary or Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD), particularly for high grade, in
(corpus-­restricted) AIG is usually recommended every 2–4 years. tertiary endoscopy centres. Ablation does not abolish metachronous cancer
risk. H. pylori eradication and postablation surveillance are both mandatory.
Serological follow-­ up (gastrin 17, pepsinogens I/II) can be
useful for monitoring the gastric oxyntic-­restricted atrophy.9 The Agreement 100% Grade A1
follow-­up schedule of ‘secondary’ autoimmune atrophic gastritis
(involving both antral and oxyntic mucosa in H. pylori eradi- Even after successful H. pylori eradication, intra-­ epithelial
cated subjects) is plausibly consistent with that recommended for neoplasia (synonym: dysplasia), poses a significant risk for
atrophic gastritis primarily due to H. pylori.94 115 162 progression to invasive cancer. H. pylori eradication always
has to be confirmed and a confirmatory endoscopic/histolog-
Statement 15: Currently, no large-­scale trials have provided evidence that ical assessment is advisable. In high-­grade dysplasia, the risk of
molecular biomarkers can reliably predict the risk of non-­hereditary (ie, non-­ cancer (either synchronous and/or metachronous) is very high,
syndromic) gastric cancer. and the endoscopy/histological follow-­up should be scheduled
Agreement 97% Grade B2
accordingly.181–183 Endoscopic mapping is mandatory (high-­
magnification endoscopy in tertiary endoscopy centres), and
While some observational studies163–167 as well as systematic each biopsy specimen must be topographically identified.
reviews168–170 have shown an increased risk for gastric cancer Dysplasia (presence and grading) requires a confirmatory
associated with some molecular polymorphisms/dysregulations, second opinion. EMR or submucosal dissection is the first ther-
no consistent evidence is available to suggest that genetic testing apeutic option (depending on the endoscopic characteristics of
will predict individual risk for gastric cancer. Molecular testing the lesion). Most dysplastic lesions occur against a background of
for hereditary gastric cancer is a notable exception. high-­stage gastritis (OLGA/OLGIM stage III/IV). After successful
ablation, the risk of metachronous cancer requires endoscopic
Statement 16: In H. pylori-­eradicated patients, low-­stage gastritis as
surveillance.183–186 The timing of endoscopic surveillance is
properly assessed by endoscopy/histology, only requires clinical follow-­up. based on the gastritis stage (endoscopy and/or histology).

Agreement 100% Grade B1

WG3: treatment
In the absence of risk-­factors for surveillance (high scores of Preamble
endoscopic assessment for IM/atrophy, AIG or family history The goal of any antimicrobial therapy is to cure reliably H. pylori
of cancer) low-­stage gastritis patients (OLGA 0-­I) as assessed infection in the majority (eg, ≥90%) of patients. This requires
the use of antimicrobials to which local infections are susceptible.
by proper work-­ up (ie, high-­quality endoscopic/histological
The physician gains knowledge about population antimicro-
assessment)89 171 are at very low risk of developing gastric
bial resistance by several methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility
cancer and they should not undergo prescheduled endoscopy
testing can be performed on H. pylori strains from infected
surveillance.163 172 Stage II gastritis in dyspeptic patients, and/
patients by molecular testing, most relevant for clarithromycin
or inadequate baseline work-­ up calls for reconsideration of
or by culture followed by antibiogram which concerns all of the
the diagnostic work-­ up. While functional gastric serology
antibiotics. A number of commercial kits are available that allow
(pepsinogen I–II, gastrin) should never be applied as a cancer-­
testing for clarithromycin (and possibly quinolone) susceptibility
screening test, it can be considered for support of the clinical
using PCR. PCR is now available in almost all hospitals making
this a simple procedure.
Another possibility, much less accurate, is to look at the prev-
Statement 17: After successful H. pylori eradication, patients with high-­
stage (OLGA/ OLGIM III-­IV) gastritis and/or extensive endoscopic atrophy
alence of clarithromycin (and quinolone) resistance in other
are still at risk for gastric cancer. The timing of the endoscopic/histological organisms in the community such as respiratory pathogens. The
surveillance is based on the gastritis stage as assessed at the last check-­up. third, widely available to all, is to look at the results of the eradi-
cation therapy which is routinely performed for all patients, and
Agreement 100% Grade B1
share the data. Treatment failure with an otherwise optimised
therapy provides a strong indication of the presence of resis-
H. pylori infection is consistently recognised as the most
tance and that therapy should no longer be recommended and
important risk factor for sporadic gastric cancer.1 2 However,
used unless local susceptibility is proven by culture or molecular
even after successful eradication patients found to have OLGA/
OLGIM stage III/IV174–177 and/or showing extensive endoscopic
atrophy,148 178–180 remain at increased risk of cancer progression.
Statement 1: It is reasonable to recommend that susceptibility tests
OLGA or OLGIM are corresponding histological staging (molecular or after culture) are routinely performed, even before prescribing
systems to assess the grade of atrophy severity. While IM is a first-­line treatment, in respect to antibiotic stewardship. However, the
component of atrophy and thus comprised also inside the OLGA generalised use of such a susceptibility‐guided strategy in routine clinical
staging system in the OLGIM staging IM is the only parameter. practice remains to be established.
OLGA therefore is the comprehensive definition of atrophy Agreement 91% Grade D2
(includes SPEM an IM) and may become apparent earlier. Both
systems allow to identify patients at increased risk for gastric Resistance of H. pylori to antibiotics has reached alarming
cancer and thus require surveillance. The timing of the follow-­up levels worldwide.135 Local surveillance networks are required
schedule should apart from specific personal conditions((eg, to select appropriate eradication regimens for each region.
familial gastric cancer risk) be 3 years as detailed in the European Tailoring treatment of H. pylori infection based on systematic
MAPS II guidelines.89 179 180 antimicrobial susceptibility testing is useful to limit the increase
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 11
of global antibiotic resistance by avoiding the use of unnecessary infection in first-­line if the most updated quadruple regimens are
antibiotics. However, whether patients should systematically empirically chosen.190
undergo an upper endoscopy for bacterial culture (or molec- These different studies, which have evaluated the cost-­

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
ular techniques such as PCR) before administering H. pylori effectiveness of H. pylori susceptibility-­ guided treatment in
eradication treatment in clinical practice remains a contentious the era prior to the availability of non-­invasive next generation
debate.188 The advantages and limitations of the susceptibility‐ sequencing of stools have shown contradictory results.131 An
guided and the empirical strategies are summarised in online eradication strategy based on culture or molecular susceptibility
supplemental table 2131 On one hand, local resistance patterns testing consists of several parts, each of which has a precise cost,
and the efficacy rates in the context of a specific environment including procedures and regimens.191 Also, H. pylori antibiotic
are essential for establishing a correct treatment of the infection resistance varies geographically, which may limit the applicability
in real-­world settings. Susceptibility testing has been proposed, of the results of the cost-­effective analyses in other populations.
especially for clarithromycin, by using molecular testing which Furthermore, savings of a strategy are linked with the character-
provides a result at the same time as H. pylori detection. Clar- istics of the specific practice setting; for example, performing
ithromycin resistance is all or none, such that if clarithromycin pretreatment susceptibility testing in patients with previous,
resistance is present, clarithromycin will not have any role for independent indication of upper endoscopy would be obviously
eradication. On the other hand, unfortunately, susceptibility to more cost-­effective.191 Finally, the cost-­effectiveness may vary
clarithromycin in vitro does not necessarily lead to eradication in according to the cost of care in a given country, and therefore
vivo because of a few other causes of eradication failure. Further- the same conclusion may not be applied to other settings.
more, endoscopy has several disadvantages: it is expensive and In summary, it is appropriate to recommend that susceptibility
uncomfortable. In addition, it frequently involves prolonged tests (culture or PCR) are routinely performed, even before
waiting times. Furthermore, since most endoscopy findings are prescribing first-­line treatment, in respect to antibiotic steward-
normal, they do not contribute to management. In summary, ship. This provides opportunity to evaluate the prevalence of
although performing an endoscopic evaluation of the upper GI antibiotic resistance in naïve patients and influence of any such
tract in all dyspeptic patients is a theoretical option, it is not resistance on the effectiveness of up-­to-­date first-­line eradica-
always possible in practice. tion treatments. Successful integration of susceptibility guided
Several diagnostic strategies have been proposed for selecting strategy will depend on the rapidity of the spread and accept-
patients with dyspeptic symptoms who are expected to benefit ability of these methods. Practical, economical and logistical
most from endoscopy. The ‘‘test-­ and-­treat’’ strategy is based issues will need to be evaluated and addressed according to the
on searching for H. pylori and its subsequent eradication when target population and the clinical situations to allow prescription
detected. Several decision analyses and prospective studies of the most effective first-­line H. pylori eradication treatments—
support the use of the test-­ and-­treat strategy for dyspeptic that is, those regimens that have been shown to achieve cure
patients, and it has been recommended by all international rates ≥90% in the local setting (figure 1) treatment algorithm.
consensus conferences.21 Considering that dyspepsia is the main This also necessitates monitoring H. pylori cure rates of our clin-
indication for H. pylori eradication, a contradiction exists in ical practice, should be continuously audited to confirm that we
recommending a susceptibility-­based strategy and the test-­and-­ always maintain a high success rate.
treat strategy, as culture (or PCR) if susceptibility testing requires
endoscopic evaluation to obtain biopsies. However, more Statement 2: If individual susceptibility testing is not available, the first-­line
recently, non-­invasive methods to evaluate antibiotic suscepti- recommended treatment in areas of high (>15%) or unknown clarithromycin
bility, such as stool samples, have recently been developed.188 resistance is bismuth quadruple therapy (BQT). If this is not available, non-­
bismuth concomitant quadruple therapy may be considered.
Several meta-­ analyses have compared cure rates for
susceptibility-­guided versus empirical therapy for H. pylori Agreement 92% Grade B1
line treatment, but all suffer significant limitations. The
first meta-­analysis focused specifically on first-­line treatment.189 If susceptibility testing is not yet available, the clinician has to
Only five RCTs were included, and the authors concluded that rely on the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in the population
culture-­guided triple therapy was more effective than standard being treated and current local cure rates of specific regimens.
triple therapy for first-­line treatment. The second meta-­analysis If this is unknown, a high prevalence of clarithromycin resis-
selected RCTs and analysed separately for first- and second-­line tance should be assumed. A high prevalence of clarithromycin
treatments. In first-­line treatment (nine studies), susceptibility‐ resistance would result in a high rate of eradication failure if
guided therapy was more efficacious than empirical 7–10 days using clarithromycin-­containing regimens. This is certainly the
triple therapy (which was the regimen prescribed in most case with clarithromycin-­containing triple therapy or sequential
studies). The third meta-­analysis included both RCT and non-­ therapy, where success was only 43% and 75%, respectively,
RCTs (nine studies in total).8 First-­line tailored therapy achieved against clarithromycin resistant strains.192
higher eradication rates than empirical regimens. Finally, an Non-­ bismuth quadruple concomitant therapy has superior
other meta-­ analysis, only assessed first-­ line treatments and outcomes when compared with sequential therapy in head-­to-­
better overall efficacy was seen with the susceptibility-­guided head trials against clarithromycin resistant strains (92% vs 62%,
strategy (although the results were borderline statistically signif- respectively).193 It also works well in metronidazole resistant,
icant).190 However, when prescribing only empirical first-­line clarithromycin susceptible cases because of its PPI-­amoxicillin-­
quadruple regimens (both with and without bismuth, excluding clarithromycin component. Indeed, concomitant therapy was
the suboptimal triple therapies) not based on CYP2C19 gene the only therapy other than BQT that consistently achieved
polymorphism, no differences in efficacy were found vs the eradication success in >90% in all the regions of Europe in
susceptibility-­guided group (online supplemental figure 1); this the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management
lack of difference was confirmed when only RCTs were included. (Hp-­EuReg).194 195 However, with this regimen, all patients are
Therefore, these authors concluded that susceptibility-­ guided exposed to at least one unnecessary antibiotic, be it clarithro-
treatment was not better than empirical treatment of H. pylori mycin in clarithromycin-­ resistant cases or metronidazole in
12 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1  Algorithm for empirical Helicobacter pylori eradication if individual antibiotic susceptibility testing is not available. Bismuth quadruple:
proton pump inhibitor (PPI), bismuth, tetracycline and metronidazole. Clarithromycin triple: PPI, clarithromycin and amoxicillin; only use if proven
effective locally or if clarithromycin sensitivity is known. Non-­bismuth quadruple (concomitant): PPI, clarithromycin, amoxicillin and metronidazole.
Levofloxacin quadruple: PPI, levofloxacin, amoxicillin and bismuth. Levofloxacin triple: the same but without bismuth. In cases of high fluoroquinolone
resistance (>15%), the combination of bismuth with other antibiotics, high-­dose PPI-­amoxicillin dual or rifabutin, may be an option. *High-­dose PPI or
P-­CAB (vonoprazan where available) plus amoxicillin may be another option. P-­CAB, potassium-­competitive acid blocker; PPI, proton pump inhibitor.

metronidazole-­resistant cases, which may contribute to global reducing pill burden with a >90% success rate in over 5000
antimicrobial resistance.196 patients in clinical practice.195 The widespread use of BQT is
BQT functions very well with consistent >90% eradication limited however because bismuth, tetracycline or Pylera are not
rates,194 195 as it avoids clarithromycin resistance and usually universally available.
overcomes metronidazole in vitro resistance, as demonstrated If individual susceptibility testing is not yet available, the
by its high efficacy in spite of significant metronidazole resis- first line recommended treatment for areas of high (>15%) or
tance in Europe. Although there are no unnecessary antibi- unknown clarithromycin resistance is BQT. If this is not avail-
otics administered with this regimen, there is a larger pill able, non-­ bismuth concomitant quadruple therapy may be
burden which can sometimes discourage patients. Pylera is a considered. Local success rates should be monitored to confirm
three-­in-­one capsule formulation of this combination aimed at that these were the correct choices.
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 13
The prevalence of H. pylori resistance to both clarithromycin to 92%, 21 studies) in first‐line therapy, 89% (95% CI 86%
and metronidazole (dual resistance) is also an important consid- to 93%, 12 studies) in second‐line therapy and 82% (95% CI
eration. Concomitant therapy is ineffective against dual resistant 78% to 87%, nine studies) in third‐line therapy, with no differ-

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
strains. A recent review found a success rate of only 79%, leading ences between the type or dosage of PPI used. In 8/30 studies,
to a suggestion that this combination should not be used if the the proportion of patients with metronidazole resistance was
prevalence of dual resistance is >15%.193 BQT was considered provided, and the therapeutic regimen showed a significant cure
the first line treatment for areas of high dual resistance in the last rate of H. pylori infection despite metronidazole resistance.202
European consensus report.1 Other regimens potentially useful The clarithromycin resistance rate did not have any impact.
in this situation would be high-­dose PPI-­amoxicillin dual therapy The Hp-­EuReg has recently analysed the effectiveness and
or rifabutin triple therapy as these avoid the issue of clarithro- safety of 10-­day single-­capsule BQT in real-­world use in Euro-
mycin and metronidazole resistance all together. Resistance to pean countries (mostly Spain, Italy and Portugal), where 2100
rifabutin or amoxicillin are very low. cases were studied: 64% in naive patients, 22% as second line
However, the success rates of these regimens have not been and 14% as subsequent attempts.195 The modified intention-­to-­
consistently above 90% (8). Although rifabutin-­ based regi- treat efficacy achieved was 94.6% (95% CI 93.2% to 95.8%) in
mens appear effective, bone marrow suppression, although not first-­line therapy, 89.3% (95% CI 86.2% to 92.3%) in second-­
common and seemingly always reversible, can occur with this line therapy and 91.9% (95% CI 79.5% to 88.4%) as rescue
drug.197–199 Further studies are required before a strong recom- treatments from third to sixth line.
mendation can be made for their use in first-­line therapy, but in Although culture to evaluate antibiotic resistance was
areas of high dual resistance (>15%), high-­dose dual therapy performed in only 48/2100 cases, single-­capsule BQT was effec-
can be considered as an alternative to BQT especially where tive (>90%) to eradicate the infection in those patients with
bismuth, tetracycline or Pylera are not available. Because of bacterial resistance to either metronidazole or clarithromycin (or
potential adverse events with rifabutin-­based regimens, further both). Compliance was considered excellent in 97% of cases.195
study is required before advocating them as a first-­line alter- A recent update of the Hp-­EuReg reviewed 5068 patients treated
native even in the setting of highly prevalent dual resistance. with single-­ capsule bismuth-­quadruple therapy.206 Overall, it
Fluoroquinolone-­ containing regimens should be reserved for achieved 92% modified intention-­to-­treat eradication rate, 94%
rescue treatment given the already high or rapidly rising preva- as first-­line treatment, 90% as second-­line treatment and 86% as
lence of quinolone resistance in the community and the possible rescue treatments, with a favourable safety profile.
adverse events observed. There are no direct comparisons between classical BQT and
three-­ in-­
one bismuth-­containing single capsule regimens lasting
Statement 3: The treatment duration of BQT should be 14 days, unless 10-­ 10–14 days, and more studies should be done in populations to
days equally effective therapies are available. better define the optimum duration of BQT where the pattern of
resistance is known.
Agreement 85% Grade D2
In summary, the treatment duration of BQT should be 14
days. However, 10-­day therapies have increasingly achieved very
Bismuth salts act locally and their bactericidal effects on H.
good and consistent results in different geographic areas.
pylori work through unclear complex mechanisms involving the
bacterial wall and periplasmic space, and inhibition by several Statement 4: In choosing a non-­BQT, concomitant therapy (PPI, amoxicillin,
enzymes of ATP synthesis, gastric mucosa bacterial adherence, clarithromycin and a nitroimidazole administered concurrently) should be
etc. No H. pylori resistance to bismuth has yet been reported.200 the preferred choice given its proven reproducible effectiveness and less
Bismuth subcitrate and bismuth subsalicylate are the two formu- complexity compared with sequential and hybrid therapies.
lations commercially available and there are no head-­to-­head Agreement 94% Grade B1
comparisons regarding their efficacy. Bismuth subcitrate salts,
available as monodrug or associated in a single (three-­in-­one) Non-­BQTs include sequential, concomitant and hybrid thera-
capsule, are the main available presentations available and two pies. The disadvantage of these regimens is that they all include
meta-­analyses have shown them safe and well tolerated for H. an unnecessary antibiotic, which would not be necessary if the
pylori eradication therapy.201 202 susceptibility profile of the bacterium was known. Such treat-
Several studies have evaluated the optimum duration of BQT ment should be considered if antimicrobial susceptibility testing
as well as the role of PPIs and metronidazole resistance in ther- is not available and BQT is also not available.
apeutic efficacy, considering that bacterial resistance observed The non-­ BQTs all work well against susceptible H. pylori
against tetracycline and bismuth remains negligible.203–205 A strains as do conventional triple therapies. Their advantage over
meta-­analysis evaluating the efficacy, adverse events, and adher- triple therapy therefore lies in the treatment of infections with
ence related to first-­line H. pylori quadruple eradication ther- unknown susceptibility profiles, or from regions with relatively
apies found that BQT for 1–3 days, 4 days or 7 days was less high rates (>15%) of clarithromycin resistance. Non-­ BQTs
effective than when given for 10–14 days.203 The combination of have acceptable eradication success in these settings.192 193 207 208
PPI, bismuth, metronidazole and tetracycline lasting 10–14 days They would not be ideal choices, for regions with high (>15%)
achieved ≥85% eradication rate, even in areas with a high prev- dual resistance, where concomitant quadruple therapy was only
alence of metronidazole resistance. Considering that metronida- successful in 68%–79% of cases.193 209
zole resistance is common, and the susceptibility testing is rare When comparing the different non-­ BQTs, one must consider
and sometimes showing controversial results, 14-­day therapy is patient compliance, adverse events and eradication success. Sequen-
usually recommended.1 187 204 205 tial and hybrid therapies are more complex than concomitant in that
Recently, a meta-­analysis involving 30 studies (6482 patients) they require a change in medication halfway through the treatment
evaluated the efficacy and safety of 10-­day BQT with a three-­ course. This can risk errors in prescribing or dispensing of the medi-
in-­one single capsule (Pylera) plus PPI to eradicate H. pylori.202 cation as well as reduce patient compliance, as shown in a meta-­
The intention‐to‐treat efficacy observed was 90% (95% CI 87% analysis comparing sequential to concomitant therapy.210
14 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745
A slightly higher occurrence of adverse events with concom- In summary, it may be concluded that the recommended treat-
itant therapy over hybrid or sequential therapies might be ment duration of non-­ BQT (concomitant) is 14 days, unless
expected given the longer treatment duration of some indi- 10-­day therapies are proven effective locally.

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
vidual antibiotics. There was no difference in comparison to
sequential therapy (risk difference=0.03; 95% CI=0.00 to Statement 6: In areas of low clarithromycin resistance, BQT or
0.06; 15 studies), but there was a higher rate of adverse events clarithromycin-­containing triple therapy may be recommended as first-­line
empirical treatment, if proven effective locally.
in comparison to hybrid therapy (risk difference=0.09; 95%
CI=0.02to 0.16; 5 studies).209 These differences seem minor Agreement 94% Grade B1
and within acceptable clinical standards208 211–213 As for anti-
biotic stewardship, there is no difference in the antibiotics Lacking susceptibility testing or in areas of limited healthcare
to which the patient is exposed with these three therapeutic resources, the physician must rely on evidence of local results
regimens. (ie, test of cure data). There are very few areas remaining with
With regard to efficacy, interpretation of results requires care, as low clarithromycin resistance. With few exceptions, worldwide
several studies compared different treatments using different dura- the presence of resistance prohibits empiric use of triple thera-
tions (eg, 10 days of treatment A vs 7 days of treatment B), and pies containing clarithromycin, metronidazole, or a fluoroquino-
longer duration is clearly a predictor of success. A meta-­analysis, lone. However, if locally one of these therapies proves effective
that considered this variable, included 12 studies (7 conducted in (ie, evidence that it reliably achieves ≥90% cure rates locally) it
Asia and 5 in Europe) with over 1200 patients treated with sequen- can be used. Thus, in areas of low clarithromycin resistance and
tial and over 1200 with concomitant, clearly demonstrating supe- locally confirmed evidence of effectiveness (≥90%), the stan-
riority of concomitant over sequential therapy achieving an OR of dard PPI-­clarithromycin-­containing regimen may still be recom-
1.49 (95% CI=1.21 to 1.85).193 There was also a tendency towards mended as the first-­ line treatment. Bismuth-­ based quadruple
increased differences with shorter treatment durations. An update regimens are also valid first-­line alternatives. Dual therapy with
on this meta-­analysis, including 19 studies of same treatment dura- high dose PPI and amoxicillin (±rifabutin, where available) may
be another option if it is confirmed effective locally.187 217–219
tion, also demonstrated superiority of concomitant versus sequen-
Vonoprazan dual therapy may be chosen as well where available.
tial therapy (risk difference=0.04; 95% CI=0.01 to 0.06).209
Concomitant therapy for 14 days was also the only therapy other
Statement 7: The recommended treatment duration of PPI-­clarithromycin-­
than bismuth quadruple to consistently have an eradication rate based triple therapy is 14 days.
of >90% in the Hp-­EuReg.194 This superiority may be related to an
increase duration of exposure to all the antibiotics during concom- Agreement 100% Grade B1
itant therapy. Although less studied, hybrid or reverse hybrid non-­
BQT seem to provide similar eradication success as concomitant Previous studies and meta-­analyses have justified the recom-
mendation of at least 14 days for triple therapy including PPI,
therapy.209 211 212 214
amoxicillin and clarithromycin (PAC) or metronidazole (PAM)
Given the superiority of concomitant therapy in eradica-
by different consensus conferences.1 60 The Hp-­ EuReg have
tion success over sequential therapy, the identical exposure to
analysed 21 213 first-­line empirical H. pylori treatments on real
number of antibiotics, similar side effect profile, and the reduced
clinical practice from 27 European countries during a 5-­year
complexity compared with sequential or hybrid therapies,
audit.194 PAC was the most commonly prescribed regime (8337
concomitant therapy should be the preferred non-­BQT.
patients, 39%), having its use declined over time from >50%
in 2013–2015 to 32% in 2017–2018. Overall, 81.5% modified
Statement 5: The recommended treatment duration of non-­BQT
(concomitant) is 14 days. intention-­ to-­
treat cure rate was observed (7 days: 82.7%; 10
days: 84.2%; 14 days: 86.2%). A recent update of this audit anal-
Agreement 100% Grade D2 ysed 29 634 first-­line empirical H. pylori treatment.220 Seven-­day
PAC, 10-­day PAC and 14-­day PAC achieved 82%, 83% and 87%
Among non-­BQTs, concomitant therapy (PPI, amoxicillin, clar- modified intention-­ treat eradication rate, respectively.220
ithromycin and metronidazole prescribed as the same time) is 14-­day PAC therapy remains effective until clarithromycin resis-
generally recommended. The last Maastricht consensus recom- tance exceeds approximately 15%, whereas 7-­ day therapy is
mended 14 days treatment, unless 10-­day therapies were proven compromised by clarithromycin resistance exceeding 5%.221
locally effective.1 The optimum duration of concomitant therapy PAM is used in countries, such as Japan, where metronidazole-­
is still under debate. A recent prospective randomised study from resistant rates are relatively low. To evaluate the efficacy of PAM
Greece compared, head-­to-­head, 10-­day and 14-­day concomitant as first-­line H. pylori therapy, a large meta-­analysis involving 94
therapy in 364 patients with newly diagnosed H. pylori infection. studies (8061 patients) was performed in areas with moderate-­
The intention-­ to-­treat eradication rates were similar: 87.9% vs to-­high resistance to clarithromycin.221 Primary metronidazole
87.4% for 10-­day and 14-­day treatment group, respectively, with resistance was reported in 26/94 studies and was present in 32%
similar compliance.215 An Italian real-­life study compared 10-­day of patients tested. Overall, it showed a mean intention-­to-­treat
and 14-­day concomitant treatment in 203 patients without previous eradication rate of 75% (95% CI 73% to 78%). Significantly
exposure to clarithromycin. Intention-­ to-­
treat eradication rates higher PAM efficacy was observed according to metronida-
were higher with the 14-­day (96.1%) than the 10-­day regimen zole susceptibility: 59% (55%–63%) eradication in patients
(80%) (p=0.001).216 The Hp-­ EuReg analysed 21  213 first-­
line harbouring metronidazole-­resistant strains vs 89% (87%–91%)
empirical H. pylori treatments in real clinical practice from 27 Euro- in metronidazole-­susceptible strains, the risk difference being
pean countries during a 5-­year audit.194 Concomitant therapy was 30%. However, in 14-­day schedules, this difference decreased
prescribed to 4164 patients. Modified intention-­to-­treat eradica- to 20%. Although this regimen is, overall, 30% less effective
tion rates observed in 10-­day and 14-­day treatment regimens were in metronidazole-­resistant strains, high-­dose 14-­day schedules
88.3% and 92.1%, respectively. can partially overcome the resistance effect.204 The Hp-­EuReg
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 15
analysed the duration of PAM H. pylori treatment in 463 Optimal eradication of H. pylori infection requires predictable
patients.194 Seven-­ day, 10-­ day and 14-­ day PAM treatment and long-­lasting inhibition of gastric acid secretion, especially
achieved 80.8%, 85.7% and 80% modified intention-­to-­treat throughout the night-­time hours. The target to be achieved is

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
eradication rate, respectively, remaining unable to achieve cure pH between 6 and 7, when the organism is in growth phase
rates≥90%. and especially susceptible to clarithromycin and amoxicillin.230
The length of other less effective first-­line PPI-­based triple ther- Currently available PPIs do not typically achieve this degree
apies has also been studied by Hp-­EuReg audit.194 The association or duration of acid suppression required over the full 24 hours
of PPI, clarithromycin, and metronidazole for 7 day, 10-­day and period to meet this target. However, the introduction of the
14-­day treatment achieved 84.4%, 66.7% and 67.9% modified P-­
CABs with their unique pharmacological profile are better
intention-­to-­treat eradication rates, respectively, in 903 patients. suited to combination treatment with one or more antimicrobial
In summary, it may be concluded that the recommended treat- agents.231 232 P-­CABs are characterised by a rapid onset of action,
ment duration of PPI-­clarithromycin-­based triple therapy is 14 a predictable antisecretory profile which is not dependent on
days unless shorter therapies are proven effective locally. the CYP2C19 genotype or activation of parietal cells. This
profile provides the opportunity to improve the management
Statement 8: The use of high-­dose PPI twice daily increases the efficacy of of H. pylori eradication treatments, particularly by simplifying
triple therapy. It remains unclear whether high dose PPI twice daily can
complex eradication regimens and potentially developing very
improve the efficacy of quadruple therapies.
effective dual therapy.232 233
Agreement 97% Grade C2 Vonoprazan is the P-­ CAB class leader and tegoprazan,
fexuprazan and linaprazan are in clinical development. A recent
PPIs have an in vitro bactericidal effect with minimum inhibitory review includes a section on the use of P-­CABs for H. pylori erad-
concentrations in the bismuth salts’ order of magnitude. Moreover, ication in combination regimens.233 An early meta-­analysis of 10
antisecretory drugs influence antibiotics efficacy against H. pylori studies found that vonoprazan based triple therapy was superior
in vivo by raising intragastric pH, which in turn affects antibiotics to PPI based triple therapy in first-­line treatment with similar
delivery to the gastric mucosa and to the mucus layer, their stability safety and patient tolerance.234 A more recent systematic review
and their antibacterial activity. H. pylori is more difficult to eradi- of 16 studies found superiority in both first line and second line
cate when gastric pH is low; by raising pH, bacteria enter the repli- treatments. A particular benefit was the high rates of eradication
cative state and become susceptible to antibiotics. Response to PPI in patients harbouring clarithromycin resistant strains.235
is strongly determined by the capacity of the patient to metabolise Four exploratory trials have evaluated vonoprazan dual
the drug, which is dependent of the cytochrome 2C19 polymor- therapy with 40 mg daily with amoxicillin 1.5 or 2.0 g/day as
phisms. These polymorphisms can affect the success rate of eradi- dual therapy in a total 261 patients.233 Eradication rates ranged
cation therapy; higher PPI doses, controlling gastric pH adequately,
from 63% to 100% and the pooled eradication rate was 85.6%
can be crucial for eradication in extensive metabolisers. Caucasian
with significant heterogeneity (I2=65%) The eradication rate in
subjects show a higher prevalence of high metabolisers compared
patients with clarithromycin resistance was 95.4% confirming
with Asian.222 Different PPIs can be used interchangeably based on
that clarithromycin was not needed in PCAB- triple therapy.
their omeprazole equivalency.223
Overall minor adverse events were reported in 26% of the
The role of PPIs is supported by many reports, where signifi-
patients.233 Furthermore, one retrospective trial explored the
cantly higher eradication rates were found with clarithromycin
use of vonoprazan based triple therapy in a susceptibility-­guided
and amoxicillin or metronidazole containing triple-­therapy regi-
management strategy and reported it as non-­inferior compared
mens with high-­dose PPI twice daily.194 204 224 High-­dose PPI
with PPI-­based triple therapy.236 The initial development and
means 40 mg of omeprazole (that is, double dose), or equiva-
clinical experience with vonoprazan based eradication regimen
lent (if other PPI is prescribed). Up to now, it remains unclear
has been largely limited to East Asian countries but equivalent
whether higher doses PPI can increase the efficacy of quadruple
therapies. For BQT, there is no significant difference in the rates of eradication to PPI based treatments have been reported
eradication efficacy among low-­dose, standard-­dose and high-­ in North American and European studies. But these have failed
dose PPI groups.194 Compared with low-­dose PPI group, higher to achieve a threshold of 90% at the doses studied.237 Dose
doses of PPI may improve the eradication efficacy of non-­BQT ranging studies and prospective comparative trials in western
(concomitant therapy and sequential therapy) and triple therapy countries offer important new directions and the prospect of
plus bismuth,194 204 but there are few relevant studies, and they simpler, dual therapies at a time when global resistance rates are
lack consistency.225 When lansoprazole, rabeprazole (10 mg) or a serious challenge to the successful management of H. pylori
esomeprazole (20 mg) are administered four times daily, a stable infection.238–240
and sufficient gastric acid suppression effect (percentage of time
with median intragastric pH above 6 or all-­day intragastric pH Statement 10: Empiric second-­line and rescue therapies should be guided by
local resistance patterns assessed by susceptibility testing and eradication
of ≥4 above 90%) could be obtained, regardless of cytochrome
rates in order to optimise treatment success.
2C19 polymorphism.226 227 Under this condition, amoxicillin
alone can achieve a good eradication efficacy provided the doses, Agreement 94% Grade D2
dosing and treatment duration are appropriate.228 229
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing provides the opportu-
Statement 9: Potassium-­competitive acid blockers (P-­CAB)—antimicrobial nity to tailor therapy and enables more rational use of antibi-
combination treatments are superior, or not inferior, to conventional PPI-­ otics, thereby minimising the emergence of future antibiotic
based triple therapies for first-­line and second-­line treatment, and superior resistance. However, until recently susceptibility tests requires
in patients with evidence of antimicrobial resistant infections. endoscopy to obtain samples for microbiology examination.
Agreement 100% Grade B2 Endoscopy is invasive, expensive and not readily available in
all health systems. Moreover, culturing of H. pylori is chal-
lenging. Several studies have shown that culture success falls
16 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745
below 80% in those who have already failed at least one H. one prior failed therapeutic attempt found an eradication rate
pylori eradication therapy,131 further limiting the number of 81%, being comparable to other recommended therapies.249
of patients for which tailored therapy was possible. Molec- Dosing frequency is essential for the efficacy of PPI-­amoxicillin

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
ular tests overcome the challenges of H. pylori culture. dual therapy, as amoxicillin has a time-­dependent bactericidal
Commercially available kits have been approved for clin- effect. A meta-­analysis including 15 RCTs found that adminis-
ical use for the detection of clarithromycin and levofloxacin tering PPI-­amoxicillin four times daily achieved a significantly
resistance.241 Evidence in support of tailored therapy over higher eradication rate than lower dosages (ie, 87% vs 73%).250
empirical therapy in those who have failed H. pylori treat- In case of high quinolone resistance, rifabutin might be an
ment is limited. Meta-­analyses of studies to date have shown option.198 199
no significant difference between susceptibility-­guided versus
empirical therapies.209 242 243 Also those who have failed two Statement 12: After failure of PPI-­clarithromycin-­amoxicillin triple therapy,
or more H. pylori therapies have shown similar eradication a bismuth-­containing quadruple therapy, a fluoroquinolone-­containing
rates between tailored and empirical therapies.244 245 A meta-­ quadruple (or triple) therapy or a PPI-­amoxicillin high-­dose dual therapy are
recommended as a second-­line treatment.
analysis that included four observational studies on the erad-
ication rate of tailored third line therapy reported a mean Agreement 84% Grade C2
eradication rate of only 72%.246 Finally, in an updated meta-­
analysis conducted in 2020, when all rescue-­therapies were After failure of PPI-­ clarithromycin-­ amoxicillin triple
included (13 studies, most as second-­line), similar results were therapy, either primary or acquired clarithromycin resistance
demonstrated with both strategies—empirical and tailored— should be expected, therefore repeating the same regimen
both when including all studies (RR: 1.09; 95% CI: 0.97 to must be avoided. Indeed, a pooled analysis of eight studies
1.22) and also when only RCTs were considered (RR: 1.15; showed a very low eradication rate of 46% when repeating
95% CI: 0.97 to 1.36).209 a clarithromycin-­ based therapy.251 Several meta-­ analyses
Given the current absence of strong data on tailoring have shown that, after failure of a first-­line eradication treat-
second line and rescue therapies and still limited access to ment with PPI-­ clarithromycin-­ amoxicillin triple therapy,
H. pylori culture or molecular testing, it will be some time a levofloxacin-­containing rescue regimen is at least equally
before routine testing can become the expected approach for effective, and better tolerated, than the bismuth quadruple
routine clinical use. With regards to empirical second line regimen.252 Higher cure rates have been reported with longer
therapy, recent data from the Hp-­EuReg reports eradication treatments (>10 to 14 days), and 500 mg levofloxacin daily is
rates of >90% using different regimens.247 Regularly moni- the recommended dose.252
toring eradication rates and local resistance patterns is key to However, an increased prevalence of primary levoflox-
guide the most appropriate empirical therapies. This infor- acin resistance has been reported, affecting the efficacy of
mation should be communicated to the Gastroenterology, levofloxacin-­based regimens.252 Some authors have evalu-
Family practice and Public Health communities. Currently, ated a combination of a triple therapy with a PPI-­amoxicillin-­
the evidence to support the routine use of susceptibility-­ levofloxacin but adding bismuth and thus converting this triple
guided therapy after H. pylori eradication failure is limited regimen into a quadruple one, with encouraging results (online
and therefore further studies are required to evaluate the supplemental table 3), generally better than those obtained
benefits of tailored therapy over empirical therapy. by previously published studies with levofloxacin triple thera-
pies.252 One of these levofloxacin-­bismuth studies was focused
Statement 11: After failure of bismuth-­containing quadruple therapy, specifically on patients with one previous.
a fluoroquinolone-­containing quadruple (or triple) therapy or the high-­ H. pylori eradication failure (the most common scenario for the
dose PPI-­amoxicillin dual therapy may be recommended. In cases of use of quinolones in clinical practice), achieving an eradication rate
high fluoroquinolone resistance, the combination of bismuth with other of 90% which may be considered encouraging, especially consid-
antibiotics or rifabutin, may be an option.
ering that this rescue regimen was prescribed empirically.253 In this
Agreement 83% Grade C2 respect, the levofloxacin-­ containing quadruple therapy (ie, PPI,
levofloxacin, amoxicillin and bismuth) administered for at least 10
In theory, any treatment could be used after failure of BQT, days proved to be the most effective treatment in a NWM including
including repeating the same BQT with longer duration and high 26 RCTs on second-­line therapies.253 254
metronidazole dosage. However, it seems wiser never to repeat a Warnings about serious adverse effects of fluoroquinolones
treatment that has already failed. A systematic review and NWM have been issued thus their use should be restricted to infections
including 54 RCTs found that quinolone-­based triple (ie, PPI, in which the therapeutic benefit outweighs the risks. Indeed, the
levofloxacin and amoxicillin) or quadruple therapy (ie, PPI, levo- Hp-­EuReg found that after failure of first-­line clarithromycin-­
floxacin, bismuth and amoxicillin or tetracycline) administered containing treatment, optimal eradication (ie, ≥90%) was
for at least 10 days, was more effective than bismuth-­containing obtained with bismuth-­containing quadruple therapy, with or
quadruple therapy as a second-­line treatment.248 Recent warn- without levofloxacin, but not with levofloxacin-­ based triple
ings about serious adverse effects of fluoroquinolones have been therapy.194 Therefore, bismuth-­containing quadruple therapy is
issued, restricting their use to infections in which the therapeutic a pivotal second-­line option for H. pylori eradication, especially
benefit outweighs the risks, and this should be the case. Using in areas with high quinolone resistance. In this respect, a recent
a clarithromycin-­containing treatment after failure of a BQT meta-­analysis showed that BQT achieved a pooled eradication
might not be practical since bismuth-­based therapies are usually rate of 76%, further increased to 82% for 10-­day or 14-­day
proposed as first-­line treatments for areas of high clarithromycin therapy.255 The PPI-­amoxicillin high-­dose dual therapy might
resistance. A PPI-­amoxicillin high-­dose dual therapy might be an be another option, given the 81% eradication rate achieved as
option, as it overcomes the issue of clarithromycin and metro- second-­line or further-­line treatment, being comparable to other
nidazole resistance. A meta-­analysis including 4 RCTs admin- recommended therapies.256 High efficacy is also documented
istering PPI-­amoxicillin dual therapy in patients with at least with vonoprazan-­amoxicillin therapy.239 240
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 17

Statement 13: After failure of a non-­BQT, either a BQT or a fluoroquinolone-­ Several studies have confirmed the efficacy of a third-­line combi-
containing quadruple (or triple) therapy is recommended. PPI-­amoxicillin nation of a PPI, amoxicillin and third generation quinolone, such
high-­dose dual therapy might also be considered. as levofloxacin and moxifloxacin, for eradication of H. pylori

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
infection as proposed by the Maastricht V Consensus confer-
Agreement 87% Grade C2
ence.252 268–270 Several studies have evaluated the efficacy of a third-­
Non-­bismuth quadruple regimens, including a PPI, amoxicillin, line combination of a PPI, amoxicillin, and levofloxacin after two
clarithromycin and a nitroimidazole (either sequentially or concom- eradication failures (first-­line with a PPI-­clarithromycin-­amoxicillin-­
itantly), are frequently used as first-­ line treatments. However, metronidazole, and second-­line with a bismuth quadruple regimen),
following eradication failure with these regimens, the best empir- which are summarised in online supplemental table 4. The addi-
ical rescue therapy remains a challenge. These patients have limited tion of bismuth to this levofloxacin-­containing triple regimen may
options for further therapy because they already have received three increase the effectiveness, mainly in the presence of levofloxacin
different relevant antibiotics such as clarithromycin, amoxicillin and resistance. However, the increasing antibiotic resistance to quino-
metronidazole. lones has affected quinolone-­containing therapies in recent years.
BQT (eg, PPI, bismuth, tetracycline and metronidazole) can be Specific patterns of gyrA mutation are the most sensitive markers
regarded as an effective second-­line treatment for H. pylori infection. for predicting successful eradication.271 Therefore, there is a
A systematic review and meta-­analysis including 30 comparative need to enhance the effectiveness of quinolone-­containing ther-
trials, 12 of which included patients with a previous failed thera- apies.271 272 275 Sitafloxacin, a fourth-­generation quinolone, and
peutic attempt, found that BQT achieved an 89% eradication rate as vonoprazan, a novel P-­CAB, are now available as more effective
second-­line treatment.202 Of note, among 11 studies in patients who treatment options.273 A BQT with different antibiotics (not previ-
had been previously treated with clarithromycin-­containing therapy, ously used) or a rifabutin-­containing rescue therapy should also be
the efficacy of BQT was 90%.202 considered.198 199 274
As an alternative, a quinolone-­containing triple or quadruple
therapy proved effective.257–260 A systematic review and meta-­ Statement 15: After failure of the first-­line treatment with clarithromycin-­
containing triple or non-­BQTs, and second-­line treatment with
analysis including 16 comparative studies found that 10-­ day
fluoroquinolone-­containing therapy, it is recommended to use the
levofloxacin, amoxicillin and PPI triple therapy achieved a bismuth-­based quadruple therapy. If bismuth is not available, high-­dose PPI-­
pooled eradication rate of 80%, similar to the 14-­day moxiflox- amoxicillin dual or a rifabutin-­containing regimen could be considered.
acin, amoxicillin and PPI triple therapy. 267 The same analysis
Agreement 84% Grade B2
found eradication rates over 90% for two studies investigating a
levofloxacin, bismuth-­containing quadruple therapy.267
BQT is not influenced by clarithromycin and fluoroquino-
An important caveat of levofloxacin-­containing therapy is that it is
lone resistance and may serve as successful third-­line eradication
markedly less effective in the presence of fluoroquinolone resistance.
therapy.282 A regimen of bismuth, metronidazole and tetracycline (as
The efficacy of levofloxacin-­containing therapy is decreasing, most
combination therapy or 3-­in-­1 single capsule: Pylera) with PPI offers
likely due to increased primary quinolone resistance. Bismuth has
an effective option of rescue therapy after failure of clarithromycin-­
a synergistic effect with antibiotics and overcomes clarithromycin
containing (first line) and levofloxacin-­containing (second line) ther-
and levofloxacin resistance.252 A quadruple regimen adding bismuth
apies.195 202 283–288
to levofloxacin (PPI, amoxicillin, levofloxacin and bismuth) showed
encouraging results.252 In patients randomly assigned to receive
Statement 16: After failure of first-­line treatment with bismuth quadruple
PPI, amoxicillin, and levofloxacin with or without bismuth for 14 and second-­line treatment with fluoroquinolone-­containing therapy, it is
days, the eradication rate was slightly higher with the bismuth-­based recommended to use a clarithromycin-­based triple or quadruple therapy
regimen (87% vs 83%); but in levofloxacin resistant strains, the only if from an area of low (<15%) clarithromycin resistance. Otherwise, a
bismuth combination was still relatively effective (71%) while the high-­dose PPI-­amoxicillin dual therapy, a rifabutin-­containing regimen or a
non-­bismuth regimen achieved H. pylori eradication in only 37% combination of bismuth with different antibiotics should be used.
of the patients.264 With a second-­line quadruple regimen containing Agreement 90% Grade C2
bismuth, levofloxacin, amoxicillin, and esomeprazole for 14 days
in patients who failed H. pylori eradication treatment, cure rates Since no clarithromycin has been used previously, a clarithromycin-­
were similar (90%).253 Therefore, the levofloxacin plus bismuth-­ based triple therapy (in areas of low clarithromycin resistance), a
containing quadruple therapy constitutes an encouraging second-­ combination of bismuth with different antibiotics not previously
line strategy not only in patients failing previous standard triple used274 or a rifabutin-­containing rescue therapy (in areas of high
therapy but also non-­bismuth quadruple ‘sequential’ or ‘concomi- clarithromycin resistance)198 199 280 289 are valid options. Rifabutin
tant’ treatments. has low rates of resistance, and optimised treatment duration and
Finally, PPI-­amoxicillin high-­dose dual therapy might be another dose of amoxicillin achieves acceptable H. pylori cure rates.198 199
option, given the 81% eradication rate achieved as second- or Cumulative effectiveness after several consecutive rescue therapies
further-­line treatment, being comparable to other recommended (including rifabutin as a third-­line regimen) was 99.8% in 1200
therapies.256 patients and 18 years of follow-­ up.280 Thus, eradication can be
achieved virtually in all cases by the administration of several consec-
Statement 14: After failure of the first-­line treatment with clarithromycin-­ utive empirical therapies.
containing triple or non-­BQTs and second line with BQT, it is recommended
to use a fluoroquinolone-­containing regimen. In regions with a known
Statement 17: In patients with proven penicillin allergy, for a first-­line
high fluoroquinolone resistance, a BQT with different antibiotics, rifabutin-­
treatment, BQT (PPI-­bismuth-­tetracycline-­metronidazole) should be
containing rescue therapy, or a high dose PPI-­amoxicillin dual therapy,
recommended. As second-­line therapy, BQT (if not previously prescribed) and
should be considered.
fluoroquinolone-­containing regimen may represent empirical second-­line
Agreement 86% Grade B2 rescue options.

Agreement 85% Grade C2

18 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745

The eradication of H. pylori in patients with penicillin allergy Statement 2: H. pylori infection plays an aetiological role in a subset of
(reported in about 5%–10% of individuals) represents a signif- adenocarcinoma of the Gastro-­oesophageal Junction (GOJ) zone (GOJZ).
icant challenge. Only a minority of patients presenting with a
Agreement 94% Grade A1

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
history of penicillin allergy have evidence of immune-­mediated
hypersensitivity. Negative allergy testing enables the use of
GOJ cancer, which was classified as a separate entity in the
penicillin so that these patients are not excluded from the best
IARC classification,310 is included into oesophageal cancer in the
new edition.306 It should be noted that neither ‘gastric cancer in
The substitution of amoxicillin with metronidazole in the
the cardia’ nor ‘cardia gastric cancer (CGC)’ is recommended as
standard clarithromycin-­triple therapy is not an effective option
a categorical naming in this classification, because the presence
for the first-­line treatment regimen in areas of high clarithro-
of genuine cardiac mucosa has been questioned or, if present, is
mycin and/or metronidazole resistance.288 Although eradica-
limited to a very narrow area mostly within 5 mm from the GOJ.
tion with PPI-­tetracycline-­metronidazole was effective,291 this
Thus, conventional CGC is now either classified as GOJ cancer
triple combination was better with the addition of bismuth
or PGC depending on the location of the tumour in relation to
(resulting in BQT), and should be preferred as the first-­ line
GOJ, namely those classified as Siewert type II as GOJ cancer
regimen in patients with penicillin allergy (especially in areas
and those of type III as PGC. H. pylori is the key risk factor also
with high clarithromycin and/or metronidazole resistance)288 292
in PGC.308 This fits in the new concept of GOJZ cancer which
PPI-­clarithromycin-­metronidazole combinations can be used if
addresses the adenocarcinoma occurring 1 cm proximal to and
bismuth is not available in areas with low clarithromycin and/or
1 cm distal to GOJ which clarifies the pathogenetic mechanisms
metronidazole resistance.
for cancer occurring at the GOJZ.311
For the second-­ line treatment in patients allergic to peni-
A number of studies have strongly indicated that there are at
cillin, after failure of PPI-­ clarithromycin-­
metronidazole triple
least two major aetiological factors for GOJ adenocarcinoma,
therapy, BQT may represent an empirical rescue option.288
one from inflammation caused by gastroduodenal reflux and the
Fluoroquinolone-­ containing regimens in various combina-
other from inflammation of junctional gastric mucosa including
tions (for example with clarithromycin) are also effective,288 293
cardiac-­type mucosa mainly by H. pylori infection.307 312–314
however, resistance to quinolones is acquired easily, and in coun-
tries with a high consumption of these drugs the resistance rate
Statement 3: The influence of environmental factors is subordinate to the
is relatively high. effect of H. pylori infection.
The possible strategies to increase eradication include adding
bismuth to PPI-­clarithromycin-­metronidazole,294 increasing Agreement 100% Grade A1
antisecretory potency with a P-­ CAB (eg, vonoprazan),295sub-
stituting amoxicillin with cefuroxime296 and using regimens H. pylori is the most important infectious cause of cancer
containing sitafloxacin or semisynthetic tetracycline (doxycy- worldwide. In case–control and cohort studies the attributable
cline or minocycline).288 297 298 risk fraction of H. pylori to gastric cancer worldwide is 89%
(79%–94%).315–317 Several studies show a detrimental effect of
cigarette smoking on gastric cancer risk in H. pylori infected318–320
WG 4: gastric cancer and prevention and a higher risk of gastric cancer is also reported in association
with ethnic minorities in the USA.320 Less robust associations
Statement 1: H. pylori infection is the primary aetiological factor for gastric were found for salt and meat consumption. The Eurgast-­EPIC
adenocarcinoma including proximal gastric cancer (PGC). cohort found that factors such as excessive salt intake and ciga-
Agreement 100% Grade A1 rette smoking had only a low ‘add-­on effect’ in the presence of
H. pylori infection.315 It must be noted that these associations
Based on a large number of epidemiological, experimental occur only among individuals that are simultaneously seropos-
studies and meta-­analyses of the outcomes of H. pylori eradi- itive for H. pylori. No significant interaction is reported with
cation therapies in humans,299–301 it is now firmly established alcohol consumption.320
that H. pylori infection is the most important aetiological factor Therefore, it can be concluded that H. pylori infection is a
for gastric adenocarcinoma. According to the IARC WG reports, necessary environmental factor in the aetiology of non-­cardiac
nearly 90% of gastric cancers are attributed to H. pylori infection gastric cancer in the vast majority of cases.321 Exceptions include
world-­wide.302 In some high-­risk countries such as Japan, even gastric cancers that arise in the setting of hereditary conditions
a higher rate, estimated to be more than 95%, was reported.303 or AIG. The role of infection with Epstein-­Barr virus (EBV)
Although there are some discrepancies between the prevalence deserves specific consideration presented in statement 6.
H. pylori infection and gastric cancer mortality, the so-­called Statement 4: Hereditary gastric cancer is a distinct entity. The role of H.
pylori infection in the clinical course of the disease remains to be elucidated.
African Enigma and Indian Enigma,304 305 H. pylori infection
remains the most important aetiological factor for distal gastric Agreement 100% Grade D2
adenocarcinoma irrespective of major histological types (both
diffuse and intestinal type).302 While the great majority of gastric cancers are sporadic,
PGC, which should be separated from oesophagogastric junc- familial aggregation occurs in about 10% of the cases and, of
tional cancer as defined by IARC,306 is also strongly associated these, only 1%–3% constitute hereditary forms. Hereditary
with proximal extension of gastric atrophy caused by H. pylori diffuse gastric cancers (HDGC) include syndromes such as
infection.307 308 However, in Mongolia, where gastric cancer HDGC, gastric adenocarcinoma and proximal polyposis of the
incidence is among the highest in the world, PGC without H. stomach, and familial intestinal gastric cancer. Gastric cancer has
pylori infection is predominant,309 indicating that other aetiolog- also been identified as part of other hereditary cancer syndromes
ical factors such as diet and gastric dysbiosis may also contribute such as hereditary non-­polyposis colorectal cancer, Li-­Fraumeni
to the PGC in this region. syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis and Peutz-­ Jeghers
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 19
syndrome. Recently, a comprehensive review was carried out In long-­term follow-­up studies, a significant risk of gastric
searching for total gastrectomies performed in asymptomatic cancer development was only documented in H. pylori gastritis
HDGC patients. In 174 CDH1 carriers, microscopic cancer with severe gastric atrophy but not observed in patients with

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
foci were detected in 95.3% of the cases. In this same series, H. AIG.148 160
pylori infection was reported in 23.4% of the cases, showing that The impact of these findings is reflected in the clinical manage-
at least in about 75% of the cases, cancer onset and development ment by endoscopic/histological follow-­ up of preneoplastic
occurred irrespective of H. pylori infection.322 Other reports on gastric changes.91 In populations with low H. pylori prevalence
the clinicopathological characteristics of hereditary gastric carci- the risk of AIG for the development of gastric cancer, particu-
noma show that H. pylori-­positive and –negative patients coexist larly in young females, has recently received much attention and
in these families. This contrasts with data showing that the vast AIG in this context is gaining great importance.332 For now, it
majority of patients with sporadic gastric carcinoma are H.
needs to be noted that cases with mild focal atrophy are often
pylori positive. Data corroborating that hereditary gastric cancer
grouped together with cases with severe atrophy. OLGA was the
is independent from H. pylori stems from genetically modified
first attempt to overcome this problem and showed that stages
animals with high prevalence of gastric cancer in the absence
III and IV in H. pylori infection bear a higher risk for gastric
of H. pylori infection.323 However, while there is compelling
carcinoma than AIG.
evidence that triggering of hereditary gastric cancer is indepen-
dent from H. pylori infection, at least in HDGC, little is known
Statement 6: H. pylori infection and EBV are independent risk factors of
regarding the role of H. pylori in those cases where the bacte- gastric cancer. Whether coinfection of H. pylori and EBV is associated with
rium is present.324–326 One cannot ignore that H. pylori infection higher risk of gastric cancer than either one alone remains uncertain.
is associated with epigenetic alterations and genomic instability
Agreement 97% Grade C2
in gastric epithelial cells, which have oncogenic potential.
In conclusion, hereditary gastric cancer develops in patho-
EBV is associated with gastric lymphoepithelioma-­like carci-
genic mutation carriers independently of H. pylori infection.
However, there is no evidence to claim that H. pylori does not nomas, which have a relatively higher frequency in proximal
influence the pathogenesis of hereditary gastric cancer and its location and diffuse histological subtype.333 A comprehensive
clinical phenotype. It is also recommended that H. pylori is erad- molecular characterisation further showed that EBV-­associated
icated if present. gastric adenocarcinoma displayed recurrent PIK3CA mutations,
extreme DNA hypermethylation, and amplification of JAK2,
Statement 5: Severe atrophy (OLGA III/IV) in the context of H. pylori gastritis PD-­Li and PD-­L2.334 A recent systematic review and meta-­
carries a much higher risk for gastric cancer development as compared with analysis of case–control studies showed that the pooled preva-
atrophy in the context of autoimmune gastritis (AIG). lence of EBV was 8.8% in 20 361 patients with gastric cancer.335
Agreement 100% Grade A1 Of the 20 studies with matched pairs design from 4116 gastric
cancer patients, EBV was associated with 18-­fold increased risk
Gastric atrophy results either from H. pylori gastritis or from of gastric cancer.335 Some case–control studies showed that coin-
AIG but considering the low prevalence of AIG as compared fection of H. pylori and EBV was associated with more severe
with H. pylori in the general population the magnitude of gastric inflammation and increased risk of gastric cancer336–338
gastric cancer incidence differs accordingly. The estimate of the However, evidence from cohort studies or nested case–control
frequency of AIG varies between 2%–5% of all gastritis forms.157 studies is lacking on this issue.
However gastric cancer in H. pylori gastritis with atrophy is
often not stratified according to the degree of severity and not Statement 7: H. pylori eradication eliminates (1) the active inflammatory
appropriately distinguished from atrophy in AIG. This leads to response in chronic active non-­atrophic gastritis and (2) prevents further
a difficult interpretation of existing data concerning the RR of progression to atrophy and IM in chronic non-­atrophic gastritis.
gastric cancer related to the two aetiologies. Studies with well-­ Agreement 100% Grade A1
defined AIG estimate the incidence rate of gastric adenocarci-
noma among this group as 14.2 cases per 1000 person-­years, Successful H. pylori eradication eliminates the active inflam-
compared with 0.073 per 1000 person-­ years in the general mation, that is, neutrophil infiltrates, in the antrum and corpus.
population.327 An overlap with H. pylori is not adequately Mild chronic inflammatory infiltrates (ie, lymphocytes) often
excluded. The estimated risk varies among populations and is persist for at least up to 1 year.13 339 340
related to the incidence of H. pylori infection.328 In Europe, a
The gastric mucosal inflammatory activity (ie, neutrophil
study from Sweden reports the risk of gastric cancer in AIG of
infiltration) in non-­ atrophic gastritis is completely reversed
7.4 vs 1.4 cases per 1000 patient years in the general popula-
as early as 2 weeks after starting eradication therapy.341 The
tion,329 and a study from Finland reports a similar magnitude
disappearance of neutrophils and the normalisation of the
of risk with a standardised incidence ratio of 5.0.330 The preva-
surface epithelium closely goes along with disappearance of H.
lence of AIG in patients with gastric cancer is low in study from
Germany.331 Furthemore prognosis in patients with AIG is much pylori.342 These data meet with all the empirical evidence accu-
better compared with those with severe atrophy in H. pylori mulated over decades that in most patients with non-­atrophic
gastritis OLGA stage III- IV.331 Earlier gastroscopy performed in gastritis the gastric mucosa is restored to normal following
patients with AIG due to an earlier onset of symptoms (ie, perni- H. pylori eradication and further progression is therefore
cious anaemia) may leads to earlier detection of gastric cancer. prevented.
Ultimately the increased gastric cancer risk in atrophic H. pylori The best evidence for H. pylori eradication therapy to prevent
gastritis is related to the extent of atrophy that involves both an entire community from progression to gastric atrophy was
the antrum and corpus while atrophy is limited to the corpus from the pioneering work performed on Matsu Islands with a
mucosa in AIG.157 77.2% prevention of atrophy.343 344
20 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745

Statement 8: H. pylori eradication may reverse gastric atrophy and to some application of machine learning models, patient’s age (usually
extent IM and may halt the progression from chronic atrophic gastritis to the group with more advanced lesions of H. pylori gastritis) and
neoplastic lesions in a subset of patients. presence of IM were confirmed as most relevant risk factors for

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
the progression to gastric cancer after H. pylori eradication.361
Agreement 97% Grade A1
Beyond histological characteristics of severe gastritits, endo-
Several meta-­analyses have been consistent in reporting the scopic criteria of severe atrophy also provided evidence for
effect of eradication therapy on the reduction of gastric atrophy the increased risk of gastric cancer development after H. pylori
but not of IM.345–347 The reversibility of atrophic changes in eradication.362 Several studies have reported on the reversibility
the gastric mucosa after H. pylori therapy was also confirmed of preneoplastic changes following H. pylori eradication.363 364
in patients who underwent endoscopic resection (ER) of early This consideration, and the fact and only a minority (approxi-
gastric cancer.348 349 In a large single-­ centre study, gastric mately 5%) of patients with severe atrophic gastritis may prog-
mucosal atrophy was shown to be significantly reduced half a ress to gastric cancer, justifies H. pylori eradication even at the
advanced stage of severe chronic atrophic gastritis.365 At present
year to 6 years after eradication. IM reversal was gradual and
endoscopic surveillance is required to follow up patients with
limited to the lesser curvature of the corpus 6 years after erad-
severe atrophic gastritis following H. pylori eradication but in
ication.350 Similar findings were reported in a large population
the near future the molecular characterisation of gastritis will
followed for 10 years after eradication351 and in a population
provide a more reliable assessment of patients who are cured or
where mass H. pylori eradication had been conducted with a
protected from progression to gastric cancer.366 367
decrease in presence and severity of atrophic gastritis as well as
of IM over time.343 344 A series of other studies have shown the
Statement 11: Diagnostic tests used to screen H. pylori infection for the
partial regression of IM after a long period of observation.352 purpose of gastric cancer prevention should preferably be non-­invasive.
Contrary to early reports in which gastric atrophy and IM
were considered as points of no return, a 53% gastric cancer Agreement 89% Grade C2
risk reduction was found in the population in which H. pylori
mass eradication had been performed and where also patients The accuracy of non-­invasive diagnostic tests for H. pylori
with atrophic gastritis had been included. The effect of halting infection is similar to that of invasive tests that require endos-
the progression of advanced atrophic gastritis to gastric cancer copy.83 368 However, invasive tests are more expensive and
becomes even more apparent with a 50% and 52% gastric cancer carry small but potential risks associated with endoscopy and
risk reduction from trials in patients who received ER of early-­ biopsy.368 Therefore, non-­invasive tests, such as UBT, are the
stage gastric cancer349 353 and in patients with premalignant tests of choices in average risk subjects receiving mass screening
lesions, respectively.354 programmes of H. pylori for gastric cancer prevention.369
However, subjects who have a high risk of gastric cancer, such as
Statement 9: H. pylori eradication offers the chance for gastric cancer those with positive family history of gastric cancer in first-­degree
prevention at any age in adulthood. The magnitude of the benefit decreases relatives, should undergo endoscopy to exclude the presence of
with age. gastric cancer or precancerous lesions.7 369
Agreement 100% Grade A1
Statement 12: If a serological method is used for H. pylori detection a
further test (UBT, SAT) confirming current infection is required before
The natural history of H. pylori gastritis is characterised by a initiating therapy
persistent active inflammation that may progress over decades
via a cascade of preneoplastic lesions to gastric cancer in a Agreement 91% Grade A2
subset of patients. Therefore, it is self-­evident that eradication
of H. pylori at a younger age is most cost-­effective in gastric UBT is the most accurate non-­invasive test for screening of H.
cancer prevention.355 356 There are additional benefits with the pylori infection. A recent systematic review and meta-­analysis
reduction of other H. pylori-­related disease manifestations and showed that the sensitivity of UBT was 94% (95% CI 89% to
complications that may increase during the prolonged course 97%) estimated at a fixed specificity of 90%, whereas the sensi-
of disease (ie, dyspepsia and peptic ulcer disease). Furthermore tivity of serology was 84% (95% CI 74% to 91%).83 Consid-
curing the infection in young adults, especially in young females ering that a serology test is more convenient and less expensive
than UBT, it can be an alternative test in mass screening of H.
before their motherhood, can contribute to reducing the major
pylori for gastric cancer prevention.368 369To serve the purpose
risk of intra-­familial H. pylori transmission to children.357 Taking
of screening rapid serology/blood tests with a high diagnostic
these aspects into account, it is never too late to eradicate H.
sensitivity that can be performed at the physician’s office would
pylori for the purpose of gastric cancer prevention and older age
be optimal ; these tests are currently awaiting further valida-
is not a limiting factor.358 359
tion.370 However, serology tests may remain positive years
after successful eradication of H. pylori. Therefore, providing a
Statement 10: H. pylori eradication is most effective for gastric cancer
prevention before the development of severe chronic atrophic gastritis. confirmatory test, such as UBT or SAT, in subjects with positive
serology may avoid unnecessary exposure to antibiotics in those
Agreement 100% Grade A1 with past H. pylori infection.369

In an early randomised controlled therapeutic trial only Statement 13: Endoscopy with biopsies is recommended in asymptomatic
patients without precancerous lesions (gastric atrophy, IM or individuals with a family history of gastric cancer (does not refer to
gastric dysplasia) on study entry did not develop gastric cancer hereditary gastric cancer) at age 45 and above.
during a 7.5 years observation period following H. pylori erad-
Agreement 89% Grade 2C
ication.360 This observation led to the notion of ‘the point of
no return’, beyond which H. pylori eradication may no longer
reliably prevent gastric cancer. In a recent article with the
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 21
Family history of gastric cancer encompasses both heredi- These studies can be used to generate data on local H. pylori
tary and non-­hereditary cases.371 372 It is important to make this antibiotic resistance patterns and quantitate any changes in the
distinction as hereditary cases need a different type of surveil- resistance rates during the implementation of the strategy344

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
lance, including endoscopic surveillance.41 91 It is well estab- while simultaneously monitoring the incidence of serious infec-
lished that individuals with family history of gastric cancer, that tions and mortality in the community.
is at least one first‐degree relative with a history of gastric cancer
diagnosed at any age, are at increased risk of developing gastric Statement 16: Broad use of H. pylori eradication therapies for the purpose
cancer.371 372 It is also known that endoscopy has the highest rate of gastric cancer prevention does not lead to an increase in other severe
of detecting gastric cancer compared with other gastric cancer
screening methods. Therefore endoscopy with the opportunity Agreement 84% Grade B2
of early gastric cancer detection combined with H. pylori erad-
ication is the most effective prevention strategy.373 However, At the origin of still ongoing debates related to a protective
there is no data in support of any specific age to start endoscopic effect of H. pylori from a variety of diseases that was observed
screening. was an increase of mild reflux oesophagitis following H. pylori
eradication observed in patients with DU disease.381 Early on,
Statement 14: Asymptomatic individuals at age above 50 years are several other studies based on sub-­analysis from therapeutic trials
considered vulnerable and at increased risk of gastric cancer compared with of H. pylori eradication reported discordant results. The claim
younger individuals. that H. pylori eradication leads to clinically relevant damage to
Agreement 97% Grade 1A the oesophagus was not based on consistent findings.382 383 In
particular, the concern of an increased incidence of oesophageal
The incidence of gastric cancer starts to rise substantially after adenocarcinoma in the absence of or following cure of H. pylori
the age of 50 years in the majority of countries, especially in infection has not been subtantiated.384 385
high incidence countries.374 The incidence of gastric cancer was A most recent meta-­ analysis in line with previous meta-­
higher than 20/100 000 at the age of 40 years in high incidence analyses reported a weak association of H. pylori infection with
countries, such as Korea, Japan and China.374 Therefore, asymp- decreased gastro-­oesophageal reflux symptoms and a weak nega-
tomatic individuals aged 50 years or greater are at higher risk of tive association with mild oesophagitis; a negative association
gastric cancer and should be listed as higher priority for gastric of H. pylori with Barrett’s oesophagus was not confirmed.386
cancer screening and prevention. Furthermore, in a nationwide population-­based study in Sweden
H. pylori eradication did not increase the risk for the develop-
Statement 15: Population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat programmes for ment of oesophageal adenocarcinoma.387
gastric cancer prevention require caution in the selection of antibiotics to In a recent meta-­analysis, a negative association between H.
minimise development of antimicrobial resistance. pylori exposure and Eosinophilic Oesophagitis was reported.388
Agreement 95% Grade 1B However no convincing mechanisms for a beneficial interac-
tion between H. pylori and Eosinophilic Oesophagitis and no
Globally, there is a trend of increasing prevalence of H. evidence of H. pylori eradication on this condition have been
pylori resistance.116 375–377 Clarithromycin-­resistant H. pylori is provided so far.
a high priority for research and development of effective drugs There continues to be controversy around the the effect of
according to the recommendation of WHO.378 There is an H. pylori eradication on body weight and metabolic syndrome.
alarming level of more than 15% of both primary and secondary The best documented and clinically most relevant evidence to
resistance of H. pylori to clarithromycin, metronidazole and date shows a rather beneficial long-­term effect of H. pylori with
levofloxacin in most of the WHO regions.135 The latest Euro- improvement in metabolic parameters.132
pean survey including 18 countries reported that the rate of In an analysis of data from the National Health Insurance
primary clarithromycin resistance has doubled in the past 20 Research Database in Taiwan, treatment for H. pylori infection was
years, suggesting limited treatment options for H. pylori infec- associated with a significant increase in the risk for autoimmune
tion unless novel treatment strategies are developed.116 disease, including IBD.389 Other reports did not provide evidence
For successful implementation of the population-­ based H. for H. pylori eradication therapy related to the onset of IBD.390
pylori search-­and-­treat programmes, selection of the optimal At present the published data on the effect of H. pylori eradica-
line eradication regimen that is highly efficacious and tion on immune-­mediated diseases are not conclusive. There are
affordable and that can at the same time minimise the potential currently no concerns to justify withholding H. pylori eradica-
antibiotic resistance development is a prerequisite. Considering tion therapy for gastric cancer prevention. A recent study from
that the global application of the H. pylori test and treat strategy Japan reports on a significant association of H. pylori with allergic
will unequivocally lead to increased consumption of antibiotics, diseases and in fact previous guidelines on H. pylori management
as estimated in Latvia,379 it is important that the treatment from Japan had included the advice to consider eradication in this
programmes are adapted relative to country/region-­ specific patient group (Sugano K personal communication).
resistance patterns wherever possible. For example, the choice
of antibiotic combinations should avoid, if possible, products Statement 17: Population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat strategy provides
that are essential for the treatment of life-­threatening infections additional benefits by preventing other gastroduodenal pathologies.
in the population (eg, clarithromycin)380 especially in areas of Agreement 94% Grade A1
high (>15%) clarithromycin resistance. In such regions, consid-
eration should be given to alternative regimens such as Bismuth, H. pylori eradication benefits patients with gastric and
Tetracycline with combination of Metronidazole and PPI. In this duodenal peptic ulcer, dyspepsia, gastric mucosa-­associated
context, community-­based studies with a long-­term follow-­up lymphoid tissue lymphoma and a series of defined extragastric
such as the cohort study on Matsu Islands are greatly needed. diseases.1 36 43 44 391 392
22 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745
Low-­dose aspirin intake and NSAID use are independent risk the test-­and-­treat strategy appears to be the most cost-­effective
factors for the development of peptic ulcer bleeding. While (524€/gastric cancer avoided/year) compared with upper GI
the risk of bleeding is 4.8-­fold increased with NSAIDs it rises endoscopy and a ‘symptomatic treatment’ strategy (respectively,

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
to 6.13-­fold in presence of H. pylori.393 Patients with both risk €716 and €696/gastric cancer avoided/year).21 The strategy in
factors have a fourfold increased risk for peptic ulcer bleeding.50 general is cost-­effective in populations with incidence of gastric
H. pylori eradication is current standard in these clinical condi- cancer higher than 15–20 per 100 000.7 Such a strategy is still
tions for prevention of peptic ulcer disease and bleeding compli- effective in populations with low incidence of gastric cancer but
cations (see WG 1 Statements 8 and 9). is associated with higher cost.7 It is noteworthy that the inci-
H. pylori-­positive patients on combined antiplatelet therapy dence of gastric cancer is higher than 20 per 100 000 in subjects
carry the highest risk for peptic ulcer bleeding, and H. pylori aged greater than 50 years even in western countries where the
eradication is a suitable option in this frequent clinical scenario. overall incidence of gastric cancer is low. In high incidence coun-
This is currently being tested in a large Scandinavian trial in tries, this strategy is more cost-­effective when the starting age of
patients with myocardial infarction.394 395 In the absence of H. screening is at 20–30 years than at older age.404
pylori infection, non-­aspirin antiplatelet agents do not increase
the risk of peptic ulcer bleeding. The demographic evolution Statement 20: Follow-­up at regular intervals, and by use of endoscopic
with the increase in the elderly population with comorbidities biopsy protocols, is mandatory in patients with severe atrophic gastritis
requiring multiple drugs with gastrotoxic potential also needs to
be considered in the context. Agreement 97% Grade B1
All these aspects should be taken into account when analysing
cost-­effectiveness in the adoption of H. pylori eradication for the Gastritis staging ranks the atrophy-­associated risk for gastric
prevention of gastric cancer. cancer into different degrees of severity and serves the inten-
tion in designing patient-­tailored endoscopy follow-­up proto-
Statement 18: Screening modalities for gastric cancer prevention cols aimed at the secondary prevention of gastric cancer.89 91 148
(noninvasive or endoscopic) combined with colorectal cancer screening is an H. pylori eradication prevents gastric cancer and leads in some
opportunity extent to regression of atrophic gastritis and IM.163 351 The long-­
Agreement 81% Grade C2 term follow-­up study of an epidemiologically stable cohort of
7436 patients demonstrated that OLGA staging is a reliable
In several Western countries colorectal cancer programmes predictor of the risk for gastric neoplastic lesions, including
start at the age of 50. At that time, approximately 10 % H. pylori-­ gastric cancer.148 Among H. pylori-­positive patients, even those
infected patients may already have gastric preneoplastic lesions with a low-­risk OLGA stage, the persistence of the infection
(atrophy, IM). The prevalence of advanced preneoplastic lesions may promote neoplastic progression, further supporting the
in Europe in the older age group is up to 19%.396–399 To reduce need for both eradication and the non-­invasive assessment of its
costs and to increase the compliance, a screen and treat approach success.155 405 Among patients with OLGA stage III/IV, the eradi-
for H. pylori infection could be combined with colorectal cancer cation of the H. pylori infection does not necessarily reverse the
screening in countries with intermediate and high gastric cancer cancer risk. In these patients, high-­resolution endoscopy with
risk. The best option for non-­invasive assessment of preneo- image enhanced modalities is recommended to reduce the risk
plastic changes in gastric mucosa is serological screening with of missing small neoplastic foci89 91 406 (Details on enhanced
the determination of serum pepsinogen I and II (sPG-­I and sPG-­ endoscopic imaging are reported in statement 26). Patients with
II), including the calculation of the sPG-­I/II ratio, in combination advanced stages of atrophic gastritis (severe atrophic changes or
with the analysis of anti-H. pylori antibodies. A systematic review IM in both antrum and corpus, OLGA/OLGIM III/IV) should
that enrolled 20 studies calculated a pooled sensitivity of 74.7% be followed up with a high-­quality endoscopy every 3 years
and specificity of 95.6%, respectively, to detect atrophic gastritis according to the European MAPS II guidelines.89 406
by these means.400 Eradication therapy should be offered to all
H. pylori positive patients2 combined with upper GI endoscopy Statement 21: Eradication of H. pylori is mandatory to reduce the risk of
for all patients with positive serologic biopsy (pepsinogen I/II<3 metachronous gastric cancer after curative endoscopic resection (ER) or
gastric subtotal resection of early gastric cancer.
and/or pepsinogen I<30 µg/L). Regular endoscopic surveillance
should be offered to those with OLGA/OLGIM II-­IV stage as Agreement 100% Grade A1
recommended by MAPPS II guidelines.89
Eradication of H. pylori can reduce the risk of gastric cancer
Statement 19: A population-­based H. pylori test and treat programme is after ESD or EMR of early gastric cancer.353 A meta-­analysis of
cost-­effective in populations with intermediate or high incidence of gastric five studies confirmed the initial report that H. pylori eradica-
cancer. tion significantly lowers the risk of metachronous malignancies
Agreement 97% Grade A1 after ER of gastric neoplasms (five studies, OR=0.392, 95% CI
0.259 to 0.593, p<0.001).348
The cost-­effectiveness of test-­and-­treat strategies for gastric The conclusive evidence was obtained from a recent RCT
cancer prevention is affected by the incidence of gastric cancer, from Korea. with 396 patients included in the modified
the estimated proportion of gastric cancer reduced by H. pylori intention-­to-­treat analysis (194 in the treatment group and 202
eradication, the age at screening, the prevalence of H. pylori in placebo group).349 During a median follow-­up of 5.9 years,
infection, and the costs of testing and for the treatment of metachronous gastric cancer developed in 14 patients (7.2%) in
gastric cancer.401–403 As an example, an earlier performed anal- the treatment group and in 27 patients (13.4%) in the placebo
ysis reported the incremental cost-­ effectiveness ratio would group (HR in the treatment group, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.26 to 0.94;
be <US$50 000 per life-­ years saved if the cancer reduction p=0.03; 3). In the most recent meta-­analysis of 11 retrospec-
rate is 15%.401 In an analysis modelled for conditions in Spain, tive cohort studies and 3 RCTs, robust evidence shows that
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 23
an important risk reduction of metachronous gastric cancer is that how to implement the strategy must hinge on local consid-
obtained in the H. pylori eradication group when compared with erations,302 incorporating regional specific requirements. Accu-
the non-­eradication group (HRs: 0.65, 95% CI: 0.50 to 0.86, rate H. pylori detection, high efficacy of the eradication regimen

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
p=0.002). Furthermore the occurrence of metachronous gastric and monitoring of the eradication success are among the key
cancer in the H. pylori eradication group was not significantly requirements to determine successful implementation of the
different from that in H. pylori negative group.407 Although H. programmes, however each choice requires the incorporation of
pylori eradication halts progression to metachronous neoplasia, local considerations. For example, various testing methods have
eradication is unable to reset the biological clock to zero. There- different advantages and disadvantages418 and the availability of
fore, patients with atrophic gastritis and IM are still at risk of accurate and affordable diagnostic tests may vary according to
gastric cancer and need endoscopic surveillance at regular inter- different settings.419 The choice of the regimen would require
vals.89 358 local data on the efficacy, adverse effects and costs to optimise
the performance of the programme. Follow-­up of the treatment
Statement 22: Medical and special dietary chemoprevention cannot in to confirm eradication success should be incorporated and needs
general be recommended in patients with severe gastric atrophy or IM
to be evaluated based on feasibility and cost-­ effectiveness at
(OLGAIII/IV or OLGIM III/IV) after H. pylori eradication.
the regional level. Results from ongoing large randomised clin-
Agreement 100% Grade C2 ical trials in China,420 the Republic of Korea421 and Latvia422
are eagerly awaited as they are expected to provide important
There is no equally effective alternative to H. pylori eradi- insights into the many details required for the population-­based
cation for primary prevention of gastric cancer. Studies with programme implementation. Additional demonstration projects
supplementation of dietary antioxidants had some minor effects in various community settings are encouraged.
in the reduction of gastric cancer incidence in a long-­ term
follow-­up trial.408 409 Vitamin supplements (beta-­carotene and/ Statement 24: Population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat programmes
or ascorbic acid) were significantly associated with regression should be integrated into healthcare priorities, especially in regions with
of precancerous lesions but this effect was lost at 12 years of intermediate to high gastric cancer incidence.
follow-­up.410 At present we do not know whether vitamins and
Agreement 94% Grade B1
other antioxidant supplements would be beneficial in preventing
the progression of preneoplastic changes (atrophy and IM). The In the latest meta-­analysis301 of seven RCTs with 8323 asymp-
case with medications is slightly different. Aspirin, Cox-­2 inhibi- tomatic healthy participants found that H. pylori eradication
tors, metformin and statins are all potential candidates to reduce therapy reduced incidence of gastric cancer (RR=0.54, 95%
the potential malignant progression of preneoplastic changes via
CI 0.40 to 0.72, NNT=72) and mortality from gastric cancer
well documented anti-­ proliferative mechanisms; however the
(RR=0.61, 95% CI 0.40 to 0.92, NNT=135). More importantly,
ultimate evidence from clinical trials is lacking.411 Non-­aspirin
the study suggested that 8 743 815 disability-­adjusted life-­years
NSAID use was not found to reduce the risk of gastric cancer
would be gained if population-­based test-­and-­treat programmes
among patients who underwent H. pylori eradication in a terri-
were implemented globally.301 As the best evidence-­based inter-
tory wide study.410 On a case-­by-­case scenario the risk-­benefit
vention that is currently available for gastric cancer prevention,
profile looks best for aspirin in gastric cancer prevention as its
population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat programmes have been
combined benefits include cardiovascular system protection as
recommended for gastric cancer prevention especially in high
well as colorectal cancer prevention.412 An increase in gastric
incidence areas1 7 302 418 and decision models consistently find the
cancer risk in patients on long-­term PPI after H. pylori eradica-
strategy cost-­effective in those regions.423 424 However very few
tion is controversial, but if real appears to be confined to those
public health intervention programmes have been established
with baseline preneoplastic lesions.411 413 No recommendation
for any putative chemopreventive natural substances and drugs to implement this strategy. Currently, evidence from a real-­life
can be made following H. pylori eradication. Surveillance at setting comes from Matsu Island, Taiwan, where six rounds
regular intervals for those at risk after H. pylori eradication is of population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat programmes were
the strategy of choice. Caution is required for those who need introduced from 2004 and continued until 2018 for a high-­risk
ongoing PPI therapy as more data have been published on the population aged 30 years or older infected with H. pylori.344
risk of long-­term PPI use on gastric cancer.414–416 Although an The programmes resulted in a significant reduction in H. pylori
increased risk of gastric cancer with PPI is not confirmed in all prevalence in the population (64.2%–15.0%) accompanied by
studies417 this remains an intriguing issue necessitating future reductions in the presence and severity of atrophic gastritis and
research. IM as well as gastric cancer incidence and mortality during the
chemoprevention period, without significant changes in the rates
Statement 23: Population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat programmes should of antibiotic resistance and other digestive tract cancers. Eradica-
be targeted to special requirements at the regional level (ie, selection of tion of H. pylori infection has additional health benefits beyond
screening tool, use of eradication regimen, surveillance) the prevention of gastric cancer such as reduction in ulcers,
Agreement 94% Grade D1 dyspepsia, iron deficiency, ITP. Based on the current evidence,
population-­based H. pylori test-­and-­treat programmes should
The latest summary of evidence supports H. pylori eradi- be immediately integrated into healthcare priorities, especially
cation for both healthy individuals and patients with gastric in regions with high gastric cancer burden (ASR greater than
cancer patients to reduce gastric cancer development.301 The 20/100 000). Similar efforts need to be made to prioritise and
IARC/WHO WG emphasised the importance of introducing the implement the programme in regions with intermediate gastric
population-­based H. pylori search-­and-­treat programmes with a cancer incidence (ASR 10-­20/100 000), especially in the context
scientific assessment of programme processes, feasibility, effec- of demonstration projects to be later scaled up to be integrated
tiveness, and possible adverse consequences, while cautioned into national healthcare systems.
24 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745
The H. pylori test-­and-­treat programmes should ideally target the second-­generation system, failed to be superior to conven-
a younger adult population, for example, 20–40 years of age, tional WLI in detecting early gastric cancer, suggesting further
before developing preneoplastic changes in gastric mucosa. This improvements are needed.436 437

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
also reduces infection transmission to their children.7 Locally
validated H. pylori serology with high sensitivity could be used Statement 27: There is still demand for a prophylactic and/or therapeutic
for detecting H. pylori and the infection then requires confir- vaccine.
mation by 13C-­ UBT. One month after the treatment, confir- Agreement 100% Grade C1
matory UBT should be provided to ensure treatment success.
For the older age group, for example, 40 years or older, the A vaccine against H. pylori would constitute the most powerful
programmes would benefit from additional inclusion of serum tool to prevent gastric malignancies and other severe H. pylori-­
pepsinogen testing, based on which individuals requiring endo- related complications. However an effective protective human
scopic surveillance can be identified. The programme is likely vaccine has still not been developed despite of the high efficacy
beneficial in reducing gastric cancer burden for subpopulations that was reported already some 30 years ago in animal exper-
such as immigrants or indigenous populations who are at higher iments followed also by a series of encouraging results from
risk of developing gastric cancer in the regions with low gastric studies conducted in humans.438 439
cancer risk (ASR 6-­10/100 000). For example, immigrants from The use of recombinant H. pylori antigens that were shown to
regions with a high incidence of gastric cancer living in regions induce a high specific humoral and cellular immune response in
of lower incidence maintain a higher risk of gastric cancer and healthy volunteers failed to confirm sufficient protection from
related mortality425 and could therefore be candidates for the H. pylori infection when tested in a human challenge model.440
programme. Implementation of the population-­based H. pylori In contrast to the negative H. pylori challenge study in adults
treat programmes in high gastric cancer incidence a large field trial conducted in Chinese children with the oral
regions would allow evaluation of its application to high-­risk administration of a recombinant (urease-­ subunit :ure-­
B) oral
groups in lower risk areas. vaccine provided strong evidence of protection,441 but the
study unfortunately had no follow-­ up. Given the epidemio-
Statement 25: The use of genetic and epigenetic markers for gastric cancer logical relevance of H. pylori infection, the burden of gastric
risk assessment and gastric cancer progression in clinical management cancer on the individual person’s life and on health economics,
requires further validation. an H. pylori vaccine may still merit consideration.439 Finally, in
Agreement 100% Grade D2 times of emerging antibiotic resistance development of a thera-
peutic H. pylori vaccine could provide an especially important
Gastric cancer is a heterogeneous disease and the end point contribution.
of a long and multistep process, which results from the stepwise
accumulation of numerous genetic and epigenetic alterations, WG 5: Helicobacter pylori and the gut microbiota
leading to dysregulation of oncogenic and tumour suppressor
pathways. Although several of the molecular mechanisms under- Statement 1: Early life antibiotic exposure has a long-­lasting effect on the
lying gastric cancer pathogenesis have been identified, there are intestinal microbiota.
currently no clinically validated biomarkers of gastric cancer risk
Agreement 100% Grade B2
or progression, except for those related with the diagnosis of the
different forms of hereditary gastric cancer.426 The use of molec-
Antibiotics have a major impact on gut microbiota.442–444 Life-
ular biomarkers is limited to predictive biomarkers for selection
long prospective studies of the antibiotic impact on gut micro-
of patients with advanced gastric cancer to therapy selection.
biota are lacking. However, data obtained from animal models,
These include HER2 amplification for anti-­HER2 therapy, and
in infants and children suggest that antibiotics induce changes
MSI status determination for immunotherapy. In the foreseeable
in microbiota composition and function that persist over many
future, screening for genetic and epigenetic alteration in blood
years. In infants, antibiotic exposure is associated with the initial
liquid biopsies for early diagnosis of gastric cancer is likely to
depletion of microbiota diversity and has an effect on the abun-
dance of several bacterial species. This effect could be measured
during the entire duration of the study (up to 2 years).442 Anti-
Statement 26: Image-­enhanced endoscopy (IEE) should be used in the
biotics, birth mode, and diet shape microbiome maturation
endoscopy-­based screening for dysplasia and early gastric cancer.
during early life. The impact of antibiotic use on the microbiota
Agreement 100% Grade A1 of healthy Finish preschool children (age 2–7 years) could be
shown even 24 months after antibiotic application, and the
In endoscopic examination, a systematic examination proce- impact of the change was more pronounced for macrolide than
dure to cover entire mucosal areas should be adopted with for penicillin(β-­lactam) type antibiotic.445 Microbiota change
photo- documentation. Recently, higher diagnostic yields have induced by macrolides was associated with increased risk of
been described with new modalities of IEE, such as blue-­laser asthma and antibiotic-­associated weight gain.445 Another study
imaging, linked-­colour imaging (LCI), as compared with conven- from the same group showed that when given to infants both
tional white light imaging (WLI).430–434 The main reason for this penicillin and macrolide antibiotics have a significant impact on
high diagnostic yield may be due to enhanced colour differ- the course of microbiota development.446 It could be shown that
ence obtained with LCI that facilitates detection of neoplastic multiple antibiotic treatments of children (followed until the age
lesions in the background of IM.430 435 At present, however, of 3) have a dramatic impact on gut microbiota composition. In
excellent results have been reported only from Japan and China, addition to the compositional shifts the microbiota of antibiotic-­
and therefore, the high diagnostic capability of LCI reported treated children had significantly more species dominated by a
from these countries should be validated in other countries. Of single strain. On the functional level, antibiotic treatment signifi-
note, another IEE modality, narrow band imaging even with cantly enriched antibiotic resistance genes.447 Of note, at age of
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 25
3, the total abundance of species belonging to Ruminococca- Thus far, only H. pylori has been demonstrated to be able to infect,
ceae and Lachnospiraceae as inducers of T regulatory immune adhere and persist in the human stomach.
cells was significantly reduced in antibiotics treated children.447

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
A study on premature hospitalised infants treated with antibi- Statement 3: Gastric bacteria other than H. pylori may also affect H. pylori-­
otics showed that antibiotics had a dramatic and rapid impact related changes.
on microbial diversity and composition.448 With increasing age, Agreement 91% Grade B2
microbiota of preterm infants despite the strong effect of hospi-
talisation and antibiotic treatment develops towards microbiota Over the past few years, several studies have reported altered
of full-­term infants. The difference between antibiotic-­naïve and gastric microbiome profiles that develop as a complication of
treated children decreases with age.448 Given that changes of H. pylori-­related gastritis. Reduced acid secretion in the atro-
microbiota following antibiotic course in children are evident phic stomach creates favourable conditions for the growth of
months after antibiotic application, a complete ‘reset’ of the a number of microorganisms that would otherwise not survive
microbiota composition towards ‘naïve’ composition is a highly in low gastric pH of healthy individuals. Although the concept
unlikely event, even if the developmental trends are similar in the of true gastric microbiome is still evolving,465 deregulation of
affected and naive ecosystems. Early exposure to macrolide-­type bacterial communities has been identified both in premalignant
antibiotics in animals induced long-­lasting changes of microbiota H. pylori associated gastric conditions and gastric cancer.464
and increased susceptibility to Citrobacter rodentium-­induced Gastric cancer microbiome profiling studies show that the most
colitis.449 Although low dose penicillin exposure did not induce enriched microbiota species are Lactobacillus spp461 466 467;
a long-­lasting change in gut microbiota composition in mice, the Streptococcaceae,467–469 Staphylococcus spp,466 470 Clostridium
treatment had long-­lasting metabolic consequences.450 Altering spp461 466 and Fusobacterium spp.466 467 471 Several species
the intestinal microbiota during a critical developmental window from the oral cavity are also frequently enriched in gastric
has lasting metabolic consequences. This suggests that even if cancer including Prevotella, Veillonella,466 471 Citrobacter and
compositional changes cannot be pinpointed, on a functional Rhodococcus.461 It is also worth pointing out that results from
level, microbiota communities are permanently changed. A different gastric microbiome profiling studies remain partly
meta-­analysis of different cohort studies showed that exposure conflicting.464 Furthermore,the clinical relevance of these find-
to different antibiotic classes was associated with different risks ings remains unclear, but a recent study showed that Fusobac-
for IBD development. Use of antibiotics is an important risk terium nucleatum is associated with worse prognosis in diffuse
factor for Crohn’s disease in children <18 years.451 type gastric cancer.472 The turning point of microbiome dereg-
ulation in the stomach due to H. pylori infection remains to be
Statement 2: The human stomach is colonised by other bacteria beyond H. defined. Interestingly, no differences in overall microbial profiles
pylori, the so-­called gastric microbiome. were found in patients with non-­atrophic and atrophic H. pylori
Agreement 94% Grade A1 gastritis.461 473 474 Meanwhile, decreased microbiome diver-
sity in IM was found in comparison with chronic gastritis.467
The human stomach harbours its own specific microbial Furthermore, a recent comprehensive study aimed to explore
community.452 Its composition depends on physiological condi- the possible microbial mechanisms in gastric carcinogenesis
tions in this unique ecological niche. H. pylori is the only resident and potential dysbiosis arising from H. pylori infection.471 This
component that has been thoroughly characterised, but other study showed strong complex interactions in gastric micro-
transient bacteria were characterised using culture-­independent biota between H. pylori and Fusobacteria, Neisseria, Prevotella,
molecular approaches (eg, 16S rRNA gene and transcripts Veillonella and Rothia species that were found only in patients
sequencing). Current data are based on 16S rRNA-­based next-­ with advanced gastric lesions and were absent in the normal/
generation sequencing approaches under healthy conditions and superficial gastritis group. In particular, this study emphasised
along malignant transformation of the gastric mucosa.453–455 the detected complex interactions of Neisseria and Prevotella
Several studies on the gastric bacteria indicate a distinct gastric species with H. pylori in gastric advanced preneoplastic lesions.
microbial pattern with Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Overall, H. pylori remains the major bacterial trigger of gastric
Fusobacteria and Proteobacteria as the dominating phyla, and diseases but an increasing number of studies suggest that other
Streptococcus as the most dominant genus.456 457 non-­Helicobacter micro-­organisms may contribute to H. pylori
The composition of the mucosal gastric microbiota differs induced changes in the stomach. However, the mechanisms and
significantly from the luminal composition which resembles the pathways of these interactions remain poorly understood.
oral cavity.458 This suggests the oral cavity as the main source of
gastric bacteria. H. pylori significantly impacts on the compo- Statement 4: Non-H. pylori Helicobacter species can cause human gastric
sition of gastric microbiota and represents the most abundant disease.
species in infected subjects.457–459 Agreement 91% Grade C2
H. pylori uninfected subjects have a significantly higher bacte-
rial enrichment of Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Many novel Helicobacter species other than H. pylori have been
Actinobacteria at phylum level compared with H. pylori-­infected identified.475 Most of the reported new Helicobacter species have
subjects.460 Changes in physiological conditions as acidity and the been identified in animals. Furthermore, some of these new species
appearance of gastric cancer lead to distinct changes of bacterial were also detected in humans including H. bilis, H. cinaedi, H.
communities.452 A decreased microbial diversity and a decreased fennelliae, H. caesarodunensis, H. burdigaliensis and H. labetoulli.
abundance of H. pylori was depicted in biopsies along the Correa Despite emerging data on non-H. pylori Helicobacter species and
cascade with increasing trends of Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, their role in human diseases, most of the reported associations are
whereas Bacteroidetes significantly decrease.461–464 These findings based on limited quality of evidence. Data on association between
indicate that the human stomach harbours a complex microbial non-H. pylori Helicobacter species and extraintestinal diseases come
community which is composed of resident and transient bacteria. from studies on extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma,476 477 Parkinson’s
26 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745
disease,478 colorectal cancer479 and many other clinical entities, overall positive findings. Some showed conflicting results.504–511
but solid associative evidence is lacking. Few case reports showed However, several meta-­analyses have pooled together data from
that H. cinaedi infections occur more often in immunocompro- studies differing by probiotic species/strain, length of therapy,

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
mised patients.480–482 In addition, cases of bacteraemia of non-H. dosages, risk, also incorporating assessments of bias.512 More
pylori Helicobacter species have been reported.483 484 Multiple recently, some meta-­ analyses have focused on specific probi-
non-H. pylori Helicobacter species have been linked with various otics. Meta-­analyses on Lactobacilli have overall shown that this
gastric conditions in patient cohorts, case series or case reports genus can be effective in decreasing side effects associated with
including dyspepsia,485 gastritis,486 487 peptic ulcer disease,488 489 H. pylori antibiotic therapy504 505 507 508 especially if the probiotic
gastric cancer490 and gastric mucosa-­ associated lymphoid tissue therapy is given for more than 2 weeks.505 Beyond Lactobacilli,
lymphoma.491 492 In addition, numerous case reports have been Saccharomyces boulardii has also been investigated in several
published revealing associations with gastroenteritis.493 494 One of meta-­analyses, with a risk reduction of overall adverse events
the remaining challenges is the correct identification of specific ranging from 0.44 to 0.47.509 512 513 In conclusion, certain probi-
non-H. pylori Helicobacter species that are sometimes still misclas- otics (some Lactobacilli and S. boulardii) have been shown to be
sified as ‘H. heilmannii’495 and difficulties in identification due to effective in alleviating adverse events associated with H. pylori
uneven colonisation of the stomach.496 Overall, despite several eradication therapy
reported associations, the role of non-H. pylori Helicobacter species A fermented milk containing L. paracasei CNCM I-­ 1518
in human gastric diseases requires further research and novel tech- and I-­3689 and L. rhamnosus CNCM I-­3690 did not improve
nologies including metagenomic sequencing, which might bring the antibiotic associated diarrhoea and GI symptoms in a selected
required progress in the field.497 498 population of young adults who underwent H. pylori eradica-
tion treatment for 14 days in a randomised trial.514 It may well
Statement 5: H. pylori eradication therapy has the potential to select depend which cohort of patients is included as side effects due to
resistant strains of gut microbiota. antibiotics intake are more likely to occur in fragile populations.
Agreement 89% Grade B2 Non-­viable L. reuteri DSM17648 could not improve H. pylori
eradication rates but reduced abdominal complaints. Both study
Antibiotics used for H. pylori eradication therapy might lead to medications seem to have the potential to induce a significant
the evolution of resistant strains in the gut microbiota. So far only faster recovery of GI microbiota.511 514 515
a very few studies have investigated this association. Jakobsson and
colleagues reported persistent macrolide resistance in the host’s Statement 7: Certain probiotics may have a beneficial effect on H. pylori
microbiota (eg, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, eradication therapy through reduction of antibiotic-­related side effects
Bacteroides spp.) after triple eradication therapy using omeprazole, Agreement 80% Grade B2
clarithromycin and metronidazole.499 A quadruple H. pylori erad-
ication therapy decreased alpha-­diversity of the gut microbiome Probiotics are known to inhibit H. pylori by multiple path-
and Bifidobacterium adolescentis abundance, whereas abundance ways. including the production of antimicrobial substances, or
of Enterococcus faecium increased.500 Furthermore, certain micro- the competition with H. pylori for colonisation and survival.
bial resistome profiles such as ermB conferring resistance to macro- Different meta-­analyses of RCTs have assessed the efficacy of
lides and tetQ genes to tetracycline were enhanced.500 Ampicillin probiotics in increasing the efficacy of H. pylori eradication ther-
and amoxicillin both lead to an increase in carbapenem-­resistant apies, showing overall positive findings,504–510 but subgroup anal-
Enterobacteriaceae via promoting transmission of the multidrug-­ ysis, has shown that this benefit only applies to specific strains,
resistant (MDR)-­ encoding plasmid bla New Delhi Metallo-­ beta-­ including different strains of Lactobacillus spp504 505 508 Bifido-
lactamasee−1 in the gut microbiome.501 Diet may have an additive bacterium spp,504 505 and S. boulardii.505 These data confirm
effect on antibiotic-­induced antimicrobial resistance. Experimental the bias that can arise from pooling together studies investi-
data suggest that a high fat diet alone leads to loss of Bacteroidetes gating different probiotics.511 Finally, in three meta-­analyses, S.
and the promotion of MDR pathobionts including CR extended-­ boulardii was shown to increase the H. pylori eradication rate,
spectrum beta-­lactamase-­producing Serratia marescens, an effect with respectively, an RR of 1.13 (95% CI 1.05 to 1.21),512 1.11
which was further enhanced by antibiotic usage.502 Widespread (95% CI 1.06 to 1.17),513 1.09.509 Despite these promising
use of antibiotics in food production has led to emergence of data, probiotics appear to increase H. pylori eradication rate by
commensal antibiotic resistant bacteria in the human gut and these reducing side effects related to eradication therapy, rather than
strains may act as a reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes and a through direct effects on H. pylori. Consequently, more data are
source of spreading antibiotic resistance. Human studies comparing still necessary to assess the direct efficacy of probiotics against
omnivores, ovo-­lacto vegetarians and vegans have shown that omni- H. pylori.
vores tended to have higher rates of antibiotic resistance compared
the latter two groups.503 In summary, more information is needed Statement 8: Antibiotic treatment for other reasons might select resistant H.
on how various H. pylori eradication strategies affect the promotion pylori strains
of resistant strains and resistome profiles of commensals and espe- Agreement 97% Grade B2
cially regarding the additional effects of cofounders such as diet.
Antibiotic treatments for other reasons may have the potential
Statement 6: Certain probiotics have been shown to be effective in reducing to select resistant H. pylori strains. The absence of significant
GI side effects caused by H. pylori eradication therapies. amoxicillin resistance among H. pylori strains after decades of
Agreement 89% Grade A2 treatment indicates the inability of the pathogen to adapt to peni-
cillin exposure. Despite the unknown cumulative doses of anti-
A growing number of systematic reviews and meta-­analyses biotics for different reasons and also the timepoint of H. pylori
of RCTs have evaluated the efficacy of probiotics in decreasing infection, associations between increased macrolide and quino-
side effects caused by H. pylori eradication therapies, with lone consumption and the proportion of H. pylori resistance to
Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 27
these drugs were shown in European studies.116 117 516 A possible Author affiliations
analogy can be seen in the development of increasing resistance Medical Department 2, LMU, Munchen, Germany
Department of Radiology, LMU, Munchen, Germany
rates after prior unsuccessful H. pylori eradication therapies 3
INSERM U853 UMR BaRITOn, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745 on 8 August 2022. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on August 10, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
with quinolones, macrolides and metronidazole in different 4
Gastroenterology, Henry Dunant Hospital Center, Athens, Greece
cohorts.194 517–519 Prospective trials capturing cumulative doses 5
Medical School, European University, Nicosia, Cyprus
of antibiotics on H. pylori resistance are lacking. Gastroenterology, Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Instituto de Investigación
Sanitaria Princesa (IP), Madrid, Spain
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas
Statement 9: The oral cavity may contribute to the gastric microbiota (CIBEREHD), Madrid, Spain
composition 8
Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Agreement 86% Grade A2 Partner Site Munich, DZIF, Braunschweig, Germany
Medicina Interna e Gastroenterologia, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Gemelli
IRCCS, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Roma,
Studies on bacterial communities in gastric fluid demon- Italy
strated significant concordance with microbial networks from 11
Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
the oral cavity. Distinct differences between mucosal and luminal Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
microbiota profiles were shown in the human stomach.458 459 Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Neighbouring ecological niches have been shown to harbour 15
Faculty of Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
overlapping bacterial communities based on permanent trans- 16
Department of Medicine (DIMED), Surgical Pathology & Cytopathology Unit,
port of substances such as saliva and sputum.520 Approximately University of Padova, Padova, Italy
600 swallowing acts per day lead to a transfer of oral bacteria Veneto Tumor Registry (RTV), Padova, Italy
Max von Pettenkofer Institute, LMU, Munchen, Germany
into the stomach.521 522 Disseminated bacteria from the oral 19
Department of Internal Medicine I, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Endocrinology &
cavity are associated with different GI disorders. Since gastric Metabolism, Medizinische Universitat Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
acid is a bottleneck for swallowed bacteria, several metabolically 20
Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical School, Tochigi, Japan
active bacteria from the saliva were detected in the stomach Department of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales,
and duodenum suggesting incomplete denaturation of transient Australia
School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
bacteria.458 523
Twitter Emad M El-­Omar @emadelomar

Acknowledgements  Menarini Foundation for unrestricted grant, Motivation

Looking forward Target for scientific organisation.
It has become usual for the quinquennial Maastricht H. pylori
Collaborators  European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group and Consensus
Guidelines Initiative to summarise the latest advances and panel: L Agreus: Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Department of
provide a consensus guidance for those in clinical practice to Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
implement the most effective and practical approach into their F Bazzoli: University of Bologna Policlinico di S Orsola, Bologna Italy. D Bordin:
everyday patient care and thus achieve optimal outcomes. Department of Pancreatic, Biliary and upper digestive tract disorders. A S Loginov:
Moscow clinical scientific center. L Coelho Instituto Alfa Gastroenterologia, Hospital
These are often challenging objectives and we are aware that das Clinicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. F Di
not all that is feasible for clinical practice in the academic setting Mario: Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy.
can be translated so readily to practice elsewhere, for reasons of M Dinis-­Ribeiro: Gastroenterology Department, Porto Comprehensive Cancer
logistics, health economics or differences in national healthcare Center (Porto.CCC) & RISE@CI-­IPOP (Health Research Network), Porto, Portugal.
systems. L Engstrand: Department of Microbiology, Tumour and Cell Biology, Karolinska
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; Clinical Genomics Facility, Science for Life Laboratory,
In the next 5 years, we face critical issues which we need to Solna, Sweden. C Fallone: Division of Gastroenterology, McGill University Health
address including, first, the mission of global prevention of Center, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. K L Goh: Gastroenterology and
gastric cancer. This we could achieve by providing a healthy Hepatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of
stomach for all. This would be a Helicobacter pylori free stomach Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. D Graham: Department of Medicine, Baylor
College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA; Department of Medicine,
achieved by adopting population based test-­and-­treat strategies Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. E J Kuipers:
which are designed to consider local prevalence, circumstances Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Erasmus University Medical
and needs. Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. J Kupcinskas: Department of Gastroenterology,
The second is better to understand and control antibiotic Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania; Institute for Digestive
resistance, which continues a dramatic increase. We are making Research, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania. A Lanas:
Digestive Diseases Service, University Clinic Hospital, Scientific Director, Aragón
considerable advances and it is clear that the selection of treat- Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón). J C Machado: i3S, Instituto de Investigação
ments will require the systematic use of molecular resistance e Inovação em Saúde, University of Porto; 4200-­135 Porto, Portugal; IPATIMUP,
testing which is now increasingly available in some centres. Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology, University of Porto; 4200-­135
These molecular tests are proving increasingly dependable in Porto, Portugal; FMUP, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto; 4200-­319 Porto,
Portugal. V Mahachai: Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn
gastric mucosal biopsies and stool samples both for accurate University, Bangkok, Thailand; The Liver and Digestive Institute, Samitivej Hospital,
diagnosis and also to detect resistance to various antibiotics but Bangkok, Thailand. B J Marshall: Helicobacter pylori Research Laboratory, School of
particularly clarithromycin. Biomedical Sciences, Marshall Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Training,
Third will be the improvements in potential treatments/ University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Australia. T Milosavljevic: General Hospital
combinations, including achievement of optimal acid suppres- "Euromedik,", Belgrade, Serbia. S F Moss: Department of Medicine, Division of
Gastroenterology, Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence RI 02903,
sion, where progress with the P-­CAB class of antisecretory drugs USA. J Y Park: Early Detection, Prevention, and Infections Branch, International
needs the exploration of drug dose and timing and the prospects Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization, Lyon, France. Y Niv:
of a dual therapy. Future studies are needed to optimise these Adelson Faculty of Medicine, Ariel University, Israel. M Rajilic-­Stojanovic: Department
possibilities, especially in non-­ Asian populations, where the for Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology and
Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia. A Ristimaki: Department of Pathology,
predominance of the data exist.
HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic Center, Helsinki University Hospital and University of
Finally, there is hope for novel antibiotics and as we better Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; Applied Tumor Genomics Research Program, Research
understand the role of the gastric microbiome, the administra- Programs Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. S Smith:
tion of selective probiotics may find a role. Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, NIMR, Department of Molecular Biology and

28 Malfertheiner P, et al. Gut 2022;0:1–39. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327745

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National Yang-­Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan; Division of Translational Research, 2 Sugano K, Tack J, Kuipers EJ, et al. Kyoto global consensus report on Helicobacter

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