Case History
Case History
Case History
The human body is designed to be healthy. Throughout life, events Chiropractic provides three types of care. The first is Conditioned
occur which damage your health expression. This case history will Based Care, which corrects the most recent layer of Spinal and
uncover the layers of damage, especially to your nerve system, that Neurological damage (VSC). This care usually reduces or eliminates
have resulted in poor health. Following your exam, your chiropractor the symptoms. Then begins Corrective Care, which corrects the years
will outline a course of care to begin to correct these layers of damage of damage that occurred when there were few symptoms. And finally,
and recover your innate health potential. Chiropractic offers a genuine approach to Wellness Care. All of these
options will be explained at your report of findings. Then you’ll be
able to begin a course of care that fits your health goals.
2. Birth Process
Was the delivery long? __________________________ __________________________
Was the delivery difficult? __________________________ __________________________
Forceps? __________________________ __________________________
Caesarean? __________________________ __________________________
Breach/cephalic? __________________________ __________________________
Home Birth? __________________________ __________________________
Hospital Birth? __________________________ __________________________
Mother given drugs during delivery? __________________________ __________________________
Was labor induced? __________________________ __________________________
Other Symptoms:
Headaches Face Flushed Lights Bother Eyes Hands Cold
Neck Pain Neck Stiff Loss of Memory Stomach Upset
Sleeping Problems Pins & Needles in Legs Ears Ring Constipation
Back Pain Pins & Needles in Arms Fever Cold Sweats
Nervousness Numbness in Fingers Fainting Loss of Balance
Tension Numbness in Toes Loss of Smell Buzzing in Ears
Irritability Shortness of Breath Loss of Taste
Chest Pain Fatigue Diarrhea
Dizziness Depression Feet Cold
Major complaint: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Pains are: Sharp Dull Constant Intermittent Is condition getting progressively worse? Yes No
Is condition worse during certain times of the day? Yes No If so when? ________________________________________________
Is this condition interfering with (circle those that apply): Work? Sleep? Routine? Other: ____________________________________
Name: _________________________________________________ Social Security #: _______________________ Date: __________________
Gender: Male Female Date of birth: ____________ (Age: _______ ) If you were referred, by whom? _______________________
Have you ever been in an accident? Yes No Work Auto Other: ___________________________________________
Did you lose days at work as a result? Yes No How many? ____________________________________________________________