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AGBS SEM 1 Syllabus

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Master of Business Administration

Duration – 2 Years Full Time

Programme Structure and Curriculum

Semester I: Academic Session 2008


-------------------------------------------------------------Amity Global Varsity-----------------------------------------------------

First Semester
Course Course Title Lectures Tutorials Practic Cred
Code (L) Hrs (T) Hrs al (P) it
per per Hrs per Unit
week week week s

MGBMK Marketing 3 1 - 4
10101 Management
MGBFN Accounting And 3 1 - 4
10101 Finance
MGBHR Human Resource 3 1 - 4
10101 Management
MGBIT Information 3 - 1 4
10101 Technology
MGBOM Quantitative 3 1 - 4
10101 Techniques and
MGBEN Business 3 1 - 4
10101 Economics
MGBBS Self 3 1 - 2
10101 Development &
MGBEG Business 2 1 2
10101 Communication

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Table of Contents

SEMESTER 1..........................................................................................................................................................................4
Marketing Management.................................................................................................................................4
Accounting And Finance...............................................................................................................................8
Human Resource Management....................................................................................................................11
Information Technology..............................................................................................................................15
Quantitative Applications and MR..............................................................................................................18
Business Economics.....................................................................................................................................22
Business Communication ............................................................................................................................26
Self-Development And Interpersonal Skills................................................................................................28

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Course Code: MGBMK 10101 Credit

Units: 04

Course Objective:
The course aims to provide students with an introductory understanding
of Marketing, with a special focus on the role of marketing in an
international business context. It provides the students with an
awareness and consideration of tools available to a marketer. It will
enable the students to realize the importance of customers and their
behavior in the context of marketing decisions.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Explain key concepts and elements of marketing management and
differentiate between marketing and sales
- Examine the 4Ps of Marketing and discuss different strategies
- Analyze consumer behaviour for various sectors and assess the STP
strategies of different multi-national companies.

Course Contents:

Module 1: Marketing - Managing Profitable Customer

- Introduction to Marketing
- Differentiation between Marketing and Selling
- Marketing Management
- 5 Ps – product, promotion, place, price, placement
- Management orientations
- Customer relationship management and strategies
- Challenges for Marketing Managers
- Important concepts- BCG matrix, Green marketing , Services
marketing, Direct marketing, Rural marketing (only basic concepts)

Module 2: Marketing Environment, Marketing Information System

and Marketing Research
- Factors affecting marketing Environment- Macro and Micro Factors
- Marketing Information System- concept and importance
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- Marketing Research- introduction and process

Module 3: New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle

- Product Attributes
- New Product Development strategies- Idea generation to
- Product Life Cycle strategies- different marketing strategies for
different stages
- Branding, packaging and labeling.

Module 4: Marketing Channels and Supply Management

- Marketing channels- concept , importance
- Retailers Vs. Wholesalers
- Integrated supply chain management

Module 5: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy

- Tools of marketing communication mix
- Process of IMC
- AIDA Model and L and S model
- Advertising
- Sales Promotion
- Personnel Selling

Module 6: Consumer Markets, Consumer Buyer Behavior and

Demand Forecasting
- Definition of consumer market
- Decision Making Process
- Types of buying decision behavior
- Factors influencing consumer buyer behavior
- Adoption and diffusion process for new products
- Demand forecasting- concept
- Methods of estimating future demand

Module 7: Building the Right Relationships with the Right

- Market Segmenting- Understand the major basis for segmenting
consumer and business markets
- Market Targeting. - Identify attractive market segments and device
a target marketing strategy
- Positioning for competitive advantage

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Module 8: Pricing Considerations and Approaches

- New product pricing Strategies
- Product mix pricing strategies
- Price – Adjustment Strategies
- Price Change

Teaching and Learning Methods

The assessment programme will be student driven, requiring the student

to develop his/ her communication skills by presentation and debate.
Critical participation of students is expected in each of the assessment
programme. The class lectures will focus on an International context to
understand the environment in which decisions have to be made and
learning of tools of decision-making in marketing. To achieve the
aforesaid, a mixed pedagogy will be followed including lectures, profusely
illustrated by case examples of Indian and International companies. The
students will form a group and each group will pick up any one major
product category and select a non Indian company. It will study, and then
write about, the marketing strategy followed by this company. Case
studies will be discussed by the instructor and accompanied by group
presentations - written and oral - by the students under the supervision of
the faculty.

Examination Scheme:

Component P1 C1 CT1 EE1

Weightage 10 10 20 60

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Text & References:

Kotler.P and Keller.K, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning,
Implementation, and Control, 12th edition, Prentice-Hall, USA, 2005

Kotler.P, Marketing Management, 12th Edition, Pearson Education, Asia,
Hart, Norman A, The CIM Marketing Dictionary, 5th, Butterworth-
Heinemann, USA, 1998
Johannsen.H and Terry.G, International Dictionary of Management, Kogan
Page, India, 2002
Kotler.P, A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd , Prentice hall,
Kotler P, Armstrong G, Saunders J and V Wong, Principles of Marketing,
3rd European ed. Pearson Education, London, 2001
Harvard Business Review

Helpful Web Sites


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Course Code: MGBFN 10101 Credit

Units: 04

Course Objective:
The course aims to develop an understanding of the importance,
language and techniques of Financial and Cost accounting along with
skills for preparation and analysis of financial statements for better
management planning and control. It aims to explain how the costing
techniques are useful in the process of managerial decision making.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course the students should be able to:
• Demonstrate an understanding of the double entry accounting system
and basic accounting concepts
• Prepare all major financial statements
• Develop skills to analyze the financial statements
• Understand the basic concepts of company accounts and process of
determination of cost, cost-sheets, process and marginal costing.

Course Contents:

Module 1: Introduction
Concepts of accounting, Users of accounting information, Scope of and
inter-relationship between financial, cost and management accounting,
Introduction to HR Accounting, Accounting records and books, Trial

Module 2: Final Accounts

Preparation of Profit and Loss account and Balance Sheet, Inventory
valuation and the matching of revenue and expenses, Fixed assets and
depreciation, Analysis of a Company’ s Balance Sheet.

Module 3: Analyzing of Financial Position

Financial ratios analysis: Liquidity, activity, financial structure,
profitability and share investment ratios, Analysis of Financial

Module 5: Company Accounts

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Accounting for Business Combinations; Introduction to stocks, shares and

stock markets.

Module 6: Cost and Management Accounting

Introduction to cost and management accounting, Cost sheet, Material
Cost, Process Costing, Marginal costing and Cost Volume – Profit

Learning Methods
A series of lectures will impart information and be complemented by
interactive tutor-led and student-led discussion. Teaching consists of 3
hours per week. The unit has thus been designed to use a variety of
teaching methods that should help students to study the various aspects
of international financial business environment. Formative tasks and
presentations will enable students to build towards the completion of
their assignment during the delivery of the unit.

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Examination Scheme:

Component P1 C1 CT1 EE1

Weightage 10 10 20 60

Text & References:

Tulsian P C, 2004, Financial Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill

• Rustagi R P, 2000, Graded Problems & Solutions in Financial
Management, Galgotia Publishing Co
• Nigam, B N Lall, Cost accounting :principles and practices, P.H.I.,
New Delhi,2005
• Horngren, Charles T, Introduction to management accounting,13th,
Pearson Education, New Delhi,2005
• Bhattacharya, Ashish K,Principal and practice of cost
accounting,3 ,P.H.I.,New Delhi,2005
• Wood's, Frank, Business Accounting 1,9th,Pearson Education, New
• Horngren, Charles T, Introduction to management
accounting,13 ,P.H.I., New Delhi,2005
• Beams, Floyd A, Advanced accounting,8th,Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
• Pahler, Arnold J, Advanced accounting : concepts & practice,8th
,Thomson South-western, Australia, 2003

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Course Code: MGBHR 10101

Course Objective
To sensitize students to the various facets of managing people and to
create an understanding of the various policies and practices of Human
Resource Management.

Learning outcomes

By the end of these modules and the relevant readings, students should
be able to:
Describe the relationship between HRM and organisational performance
and be able to critically evaluate the empirical evidence.
Critically evaluate alternative perspectives on HR practices.
Analyse the relationship between HR practices and their outcomes for the
individual and organisation.
Evaluate the effectiveness of different HR practices.
Recognize the limitations of the theories covered.

Course Contents

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Module-I : Human Resources Management In Perspective

• Concept, Nature and scope of Human Resource Management,
• Growth and development of Human Resource Management in India,
• Emerging trends of HM in Globalized economy.
• The Challenge of Human Resources Management
• Strategy and Human Resources Planning

Module-II : Developing Effectiveness In Human Resources

• Expanding the Talent Pool: Recruitment and Careers . Employee
• Training and Development
• Appraising and Improving Performance
Module-III : Meeting Human Resources Requirements
• Equal Employment Opportunity and Human Resources Management
• Job Analysis, Employee Involvement and Flexible Work Schedules
Module-IV : Introduction To Compensation Management
• Wages & Salary concepts
• Methods of wage determination in India
• Executive compensation
• Incentive based pay system
• Emerging trends of compensation management
Module- V : Industrial Relations
• Concept, values and scope, Approaches to Industrial relations
• Trade Unionism
• Collective bargaining

Evaluation Scheme:

Component Codes CT-1 CT-2 H-1 + EEI

Weight age planned 15 15 10 60

Text Books:
Garry Dessler - Human Resource Management, Pearson
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Reference Books :
• V.S.P. Rao - Human Resource Management, Excel Books
• W.F.Cascio - Managing Human Resources, TMH
• Aswathapa, - Human Resource & Personnel management, TMH
• Vnekat Ratnam-Industrial Relation, Oxford & IBH
• Mamoria and mamoria - Dynamics of Industrial Relation, Himalaya
Publishing 7. Sinha Sinha, Industrial Relations, Pearson.
• Gomez-Mejia, Balkin & Cardy-Managing Human Resources,
Pearson. 4. Subba Rao, Personnel & Human Resource Management,
Text and Cases, Himalaya Publication.
• Mathies and Jackson - Human Resource Management, Thomson
• Baron - Strategic Human Resources: Framework for general
Managers John Wiley

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Course Code: MGBIT 10101 Credit

Units: 04

Course Objective:
The aim of this unit is to introduce the student to the evolution, role,
function and impact of Information Technology (IT) and Information
Systems (IS) in international business operations. It will develop the
students’ ability to identify sources of information and how these can be
used in the decision-making process by leveraging IT and networking.

This course requires the students to develop practical applications ability

and knowledge as well as the ability to recommend how IS and IT should
be used in global business. Students will also demonstrate their
understanding of fundamental business issues of the Information Age
Enterprise through in-class discussion of real-world business cases.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Explain key concepts and elements of information technology and
information systems
- Examine the evolution, role, function and impact of IT & IS in global
business operation.
- Identify sources of information and assess how they can be used in
the decision making process by leveraging information technology
and networks.

Course Contents:

Module I: Information Technology in Management

• Fundamentals of Information Technology in management
• Organizations, Environments, IT & IS
• E-business/E-commerce in global scenario: Role in transforming
business and management in organizations with focus on IB
• Use of communication systems in information management

Module II: Information Systems within Business Management

• Introduction to common used system and models

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• Relationship between IS, organizations and business

• Types of IS(TPS, OAS, MIS, DSS, ESS and SIS)
• Information management and decision making
• Managing international Information systems

Module III: Knowledge based systems

• Intelligent support systems & concepts of Artificial
• Data Mining & Data warehousing
• Emerging trends in Information management systems

Module IV: Managerial implications of IT/IS in Global business

• Planning, Organizing and controlling
• Information Security, Tools and techniques
• Legal and Ethical issues
• Future of Information management

Module V: Practical aspects and applications of IT/IS

• Introduction to MIS packages and tools
• Working with MS-WORD
• Creating, Editing, Formatting Documents
• Working with tables
• Mail Merge
• Introduction to spreadsheet packages: MS-Excel
• Building a spreadsheet – basic functions
• Application, conditional calculation and plotting graphs
• Making presentations with MS-PowerPoint
• Introduction to Database Management System
• Web interface and techniques
• Introduction to ERP & CRM solutions

Learning Methods:
This course is based upon interaction between the students and the
teachers. Wherever possible a link should be made between the
academic underpinning and its practical application. Students will be
given time to develop skills and analyse the benefits and limitations of
the use of IS and IT in organisations. A ‘hands on’ approach will ensure
that students can use integrated programmes and have a wide range of
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knowledge of different applications. The practical knowledge can be used

to develop an awareness of how IT and IS can be adopted by
organisations to improve business efficiency. This will be achieved via a
tutor-developed case study, an evaluation of a local organisation, guest
lectures and industry visits. Part of the learning process will also be
producing a paper (in groups) on a relevant topic.

Examination Scheme:

Component P1 C1 CT1 EE1

Weightage 10 10 20 60

Text & References:

Laudon Kennith and Laudon Jane (2005) – Management Information
Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall of India.

Turban, McLean and Wetherbe (2004) – Information Technology for
Management 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons
Rober Murdic G. (1998) - Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall
of India
Jawadekar W.S. (1998) - Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw

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Course Code: MGBOM 10101 Credit

Units: 04

Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to develop the understanding of the
various statistical models, used for decisions making in the functions of
the management of any organization and the basic tenets of research
methodology and report preparation. The course will focus on
quantitative and descriptive research methods and techniques that are
essential for the validity and reliability of the research process. The
course will identify and review the components essential for preparation
of research proposals, research reports, business proposals and feasibility
studies in order to develop report writing and formal presentation skills of
the research projects undertaken.

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students will have:
• Considered the nature of research methods and research
• Evaluated and justified the research methodologies to be employed
• Identified the components and problems/constraints underlying a
research project and report proposal
• Use statistical techniques to collect and analyze data
• Produce forecasts based on formalized procedures
• Apply quantitative techniques to business situations.
• Developed the ability to analyze, interpret and conclude research
findings and provide relevant recommendations
• Carried out a formal presentation on how to write a project report.

Course Contents:

Module 1: Research Methodology and Research Methods

• Objective, significance and types of research
• Research Methods vis-à-vis Methodology
• Research Process and criterion for good research
• Ethics in Business Research

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Module 2: Research Problem and Research Design

• Defining and Identifying the Problem
• Formulation of Hypothesis
• Techniques involved in defining the Problem
• Meaning and features of Research Design
• Types of Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Research
• Developing a Research Plan: Industry Specific Research Proposals

Module 3: Sampling Design and Scaling Techniques

Census and sample survey
Criteria for selecting a sampling procedure
Measurement and Scaling techniques
Classification and importance of Scaling techniques
Market Specific Sample survey

Module 4: Interpretation and Analysis of Data

Methods of Data collection: Primary and Secondary Data
Constructing Questionnaires: Guidelines
Elements / Type of Analysis of Data
Quantitative Decision Making, Application in Business & Management.
Classification of Data, Diagrammatic & Graphical Presentation of Data
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion
Processing Operations
Usage of Statistical Software such as SPSS
Problems of accuracy in interpretation of data

Module 5: Testing of Hypothesis

• Z-test
• F-test
• T-test
• Chi-Square Test

Module 6: Forecasting Techniques

Correlation & Regression Analysis, Time Series Analysis – Trend Analysis,
Cyclical Analysis, Seasonal Analysis, Irregular Variation

Module 7: Design and Analysis of Experiments

• Analysis of Variance
• Completely Randomized Design
• Factorial Design ( 22 Factorial Experiment , 23 Design)
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Module 8: Report Writing

• Significance of Report Writing: Market Research and Experience
Based Reports
• Mechanics and Steps in writing a Research Report
• Techniques and Interpretation of Research Process
• Salient aspects of Oral Presentation

Learning Methods:
A series of lectures will impart information and be complemented by
interactive tutor-led and student-led discussion. Teaching consists of 3
hours per week. The unit has thus been designed to use a variety of
teaching methods that should help students to quantitatively study the
various aspects of international business environment. Formative tasks
and presentations will enable students to build towards the completion of
their assignment during the delivery of the unit.
The class will be doing Cases throughout the semester. Students will
prepare three written cases in small groups of 4-6 students. There will be
presentations also in which the student have to collect, collate and
analyze the data.

Examination Scheme:

Component P1 C1 CT1 EE1

Weightage 10 10 20 60

Text & References:

Rao AB, 2004, Quantitative Techniques in Business, Jaico Publishing
House, Ist Edition
Dr .S. Shajahan ( 2004) , Research Methods for Management 2nd Edition,
Jaico Publishers

• Levin R.I. & Rubin S. R. 2002, Statistics for Management, 9th Ed.
Prentice Hall of India
• Gupta S P & Gupta M P, 2000, Business Statistics, 12th Ed. Sultan
Chand & Sons
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• Sharma J K, 1997, Operations Research: Theory & Application, Mac

Millan India. Ltd.
• Hooda, R P,(2003),Statistics for business and economics,3rd,Macmillan
Publication,New Delhi
• Richard C. Grinold And Ronald N. Kahn, Active Portfolio Management:
Quantitative Theory And Applications, 1995
• Edward E. Qian, Ronald H. Hua, And Eric H. Sorensen, Quantitative
Equity Portfolio Management: Modern Techniques And Applications
Chapman & Hall/Crc Financial Mathematics Series, 2007
• Kothari C R, (1990) Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques ,
Wishwa Prakashan Publisher
• Cooper, Donald R and Schindler, Ramela (2000) Business Research
Methods, Tata Mc Graw Hill
• Levin & Rubin (2004), Statistics for Management, 8th Ed, Prentice Hall
of India
• Srivastava, Shenoy and Sharma (2002)., Quantitative Techniques for
Business Decisions, 4th Ed , Allied Publishers

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Course Code: MGBEN 10101 Credit

Units: 04

Course Objective:
The course aims to train the students with modern tools of micro
economics and macro economic analysis and to help them understand
and analyze the complexities of the real business world and also enhance
their ability for intuitive decision making.

Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Understand the application of basic micro-economic principles and
macro economic concepts for business decision making
- Develop a rational decision making perspective and analytical frame
work required for managerial decision making.

Course Contents:

Module I: Introduction
- Managerial Economics (Micro and Macro) nature and scope
- Circular flow of Economic Activity
- Objective of a Firm
- Constrained Decision Making

Module II: Basic Concepts

- Concept of Economic Profit, Opportunity Cost and Accounting Profit
- Functional Relationship – Total, Average and Marginal
- Equi-Marginalism
- Time Perspective in Decision Making

Module III: Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium

- Determinants of Market Demand
- Law of Demand
- Deamand Function and its relationship with Total and Marginal
- Elasticity of Demand – Price Elasticity, Income Elasticity, Cross
- Using Elasticity in Decision Making
- Determinants of Market Supply
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- Law of Supply
- Determination of Market Equilibrium
- Demand Forecasting

Module IV: Production Analysis

- Production Function
- Production Function with one variable input – short run analysis
- Production Function with two variable input – long run analysis
- Economies of Scale

Module V: Cost Analysis

- Economic concept of cost
- Opportunity Cost
- Explicit and Implicit Cost
- Marginal, Incremental and Sunk Cost
- Short run Cost function
- Long run Cost function
- Contribution Analysis, Break Even, Operating Leverage
- Estimation of Cost Function

Module VI: Market Structure

- Price output under Perfect Competition
- Price output under Monopoly
- Price output under Monopolistic Competition
- Price output under Oligopoly
- Barrier to Entry and Strategic Behavior leading to Imperfection

Module VII: Indicators of Economic Growth

- National Income, Real National Income, Per Capita Income
- Human Development Index, Physical Quality of Life Index
- Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product, Net National

Module VIII: Monetary Policy

- Bank Rate Policy
- Open Market Operation
- Cash Reserve Ratio, SLR

Module IX: Fiscal Policy

- Revenue Budget & Capital Budget

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- Surplus Budgeting and Deficit Budgeting

Learning Methods:
A series of lectures will impart information and be complemented by
interactive tutor-led and student-led discussion. Teaching consists of 3
hours per week. The unit has thus been designed to use a variety of
teaching methods that should help students to study the various aspects
of international economic business environment. Formative tasks and
presentations will enable students to build towards the completion of
their assignment during the delivery of the unit.

Examination Scheme:

Component P1 C1 CT1 EE1

Weightage 10 10 20 60

Text & References:

Cris Lewis & Peterson, 2002, Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hill
Dwivedi,D.N.(2006), “Managerial Economics”, Vikas Publishing House.

Samulson, Paul A, Economics, 18th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005
Economics, 3rd edition, Sloman, Prentice hall of India, 2004
Mote, V L, Managerial Economics: Concepts and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill,
Chaturvedi, D D , Managerial Economics: Text and Cases, Brijwasi Book,
Gupta, A C, Business Economics, Rawat Publication, 2003
Branscon William H, Macroeconomic theory and Policy, 3rd edition, Harper
and Row, 1989
Sharma, Soumitra, Macroeconomic Management, Macmillan Publication,
Mathews, Kent, Economics and Politics of money- the selected essays of
Alan Walters, Edward Elgar, 1998
Dornbush, Rudiger, Macroeconomics, 9th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004
Mansfield,E.(1996), “Managerial Economics- Theory Application, and
Cases”, W.W. Norton and Co., New York.
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Koutsoyiannis,A.(1979), “Modern Microeconomics”, Macmillan, London.

Ivan Png(2004), “Managerial Economics”, 2nd Edition, Blackwell
RH Dholakia and A.N Oza(1997), “Microeconomics for Management
Studies”, Oxford University Press.
Brownong, E.K. and Brownong, J.M., “Microeconomic Theory and
Application”, Scott Foresman and Co., London.
Allen, R.G.D.(1956), “ Mathematical Analysis for Economists”, Macmillan,
Salvatore,D.(1989), “Managerial Economics”, McGraw Hill, New York.
Parl R Ferguson,Glenys J Ferguson(2000), “ Business Economics”,
Macmillan, London.
K. E. Boulding(1948), “ Economic Analysis” Harper and Bros., New York.
Pindyek & Rubinfield(2004), “ Microeconomics”, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
Shapiro, Edward, “ Macroeconomic Analysis”, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
New York.
Prabhat Patnaik(1997), “Macroeconomics”, Oxford University Press.
Bhole, L.M.(2004),“Financial Institutions and Markets: Structure, Growth
and Innovations”, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New
Gupta, Suraj B. (1999), “Monetary planning for India”, Oxford University
Press. New Delhi.
Economic Survey (2007-08)
Bhatia, H.L., “Public Finance”, Vikas Publishing House.
H.G. Mannur(1999), “ International Economics”, Oscar Publications.
Sawyer & Sprinkle (2004), “International Economics”, Prentice Hall of

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Course Code: MGBBS 10101 Credit

Units: 02

Course Objective:
One cannot ‘not communicate’. This course is designed to facilitate our
young Amitians to communicate effectively by emphasizing on practical
communication through refurbishing their existing language skills and
also to bring one and all to a common take-of level.

Course Contents:

Module I: Fundamentals of communication

Relevance of communication
Effective communication
Models of communication
Effective use of language

Module II: Tools of communication

Proficiency in English – The international
Language of business
Building vocabulary
(Denotative & connotative)
Extensive vocabulary drills
(Synonyms / Antonyms / Homonyms)
One Word substitution
Idioms & phrases
Mechanics and Semantics of sentences
Writing sentences that really communicate
(Brevity, Clarity, and Simplicity)
Improving the tone and style of sentences

Module III: Barriers to Effective use of language

Avoiding clichés
Removing redundancies
Getting rid of ambiguity
Code switching

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Note: 2 tests of 20 marks of one hour duration each will be conducted

over and above the teaching hours. They will have to be programmed

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Course Code: MGBBS 10102 Credit

Units: 02

Course Objective:
This course aims at imparting an understanding of:
Self and the process of self exploration
Learning strategies for development of a healthy self esteem
Importance of attitudes and their effect on work behavior
Effective management of emotions and building interpersonal

Course Contents:

Module I: Understanding Self

Formation of self concept
Dimension of Self
Components of self
Self Competency

Module II: Self-Esteem: Sense of Worth

Meaning and Nature of Self Esteem

Characteristics of High and Low Self Esteem
Importance & need of Self Esteem
Self Esteem at work
Steps to enhance Self Esteem

Module III: Emotional Intelligence: Brain Power

Introduction to EI
Difference between IQ, EQ and SQ
Relevance of EI at workplace
Self assessment, analysis and action plan

Module IV: Managing Emotions and Building Interpersonal

Need and importance of Emotions
Healthy and Unhealthy expression of emotions
Anger: Conceptualization and Cycle
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Proposed Syllabus: MBA
Academic Year 2008-09
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Developing emotional and interpersonal competence

Self assessment, analysis and action plan

Module V: Leading Through Positive Attitude

Understanding Attitudes
Formation of Attitudes
Types of Attitudes
Effects of Attitude on
Time Management
Effective Performance
Building Positive Attitude

Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal

Viva based on personal journal

Assessment of Behavioral change as a result of training
Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer

Text & References:

• Covey, R. Stephen: Seven habits of Highly Effective People, 1992

Edition, Simon & Schuster Ltd.,
• Khera Shiv: You Can Win, 1st Edition, 1999, Macmillan
• Goleman, Daniel: Emotional Intelligence, 1995 Edition, Bantam Books
• Brian Tracy, Maximum Achievement: Strategies And Skills That Will
Unlock Your Hidden Powers To Succeed, 1995
• Kevin Eikenberry, Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership
Potential One Skill At A Time, 2007

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Proposed Syllabus: MBA
Academic Year 2008-09

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