AGBS SEM 1 Syllabus
AGBS SEM 1 Syllabus
AGBS SEM 1 Syllabus
-------------------------------------------------------------Amity Global Varsity-----------------------------------------------------
First Semester
Course Course Title Lectures Tutorials Practic Cred
Code (L) Hrs (T) Hrs al (P) it
per per Hrs per Unit
week week week s
MGBMK Marketing 3 1 - 4
10101 Management
MGBFN Accounting And 3 1 - 4
10101 Finance
MGBHR Human Resource 3 1 - 4
10101 Management
MGBIT Information 3 - 1 4
10101 Technology
MGBOM Quantitative 3 1 - 4
10101 Techniques and
MGBEN Business 3 1 - 4
10101 Economics
MGBBS Self 3 1 - 2
10101 Development &
MGBEG Business 2 1 2
10101 Communication
Table of Contents
SEMESTER 1..........................................................................................................................................................................4
Marketing Management.................................................................................................................................4
Accounting And Finance...............................................................................................................................8
Human Resource Management....................................................................................................................11
Information Technology..............................................................................................................................15
Quantitative Applications and MR..............................................................................................................18
Business Economics.....................................................................................................................................22
Business Communication ............................................................................................................................26
Self-Development And Interpersonal Skills................................................................................................28
Course Objective:
The course aims to provide students with an introductory understanding
of Marketing, with a special focus on the role of marketing in an
international business context. It provides the students with an
awareness and consideration of tools available to a marketer. It will
enable the students to realize the importance of customers and their
behavior in the context of marketing decisions.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Explain key concepts and elements of marketing management and
differentiate between marketing and sales
- Examine the 4Ps of Marketing and discuss different strategies
- Analyze consumer behaviour for various sectors and assess the STP
strategies of different multi-national companies.
Course Contents:
Examination Scheme:
Kotler.P and Keller.K, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning,
Implementation, and Control, 12th edition, Prentice-Hall, USA, 2005
Kotler.P, Marketing Management, 12th Edition, Pearson Education, Asia,
Hart, Norman A, The CIM Marketing Dictionary, 5th, Butterworth-
Heinemann, USA, 1998
Johannsen.H and Terry.G, International Dictionary of Management, Kogan
Page, India, 2002
Kotler.P, A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd , Prentice hall,
Kotler P, Armstrong G, Saunders J and V Wong, Principles of Marketing,
3rd European ed. Pearson Education, London, 2001
Harvard Business Review
Course Objective:
The course aims to develop an understanding of the importance,
language and techniques of Financial and Cost accounting along with
skills for preparation and analysis of financial statements for better
management planning and control. It aims to explain how the costing
techniques are useful in the process of managerial decision making.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course the students should be able to:
• Demonstrate an understanding of the double entry accounting system
and basic accounting concepts
• Prepare all major financial statements
• Develop skills to analyze the financial statements
• Understand the basic concepts of company accounts and process of
determination of cost, cost-sheets, process and marginal costing.
Course Contents:
Module 1: Introduction
Concepts of accounting, Users of accounting information, Scope of and
inter-relationship between financial, cost and management accounting,
Introduction to HR Accounting, Accounting records and books, Trial
Learning Methods
A series of lectures will impart information and be complemented by
interactive tutor-led and student-led discussion. Teaching consists of 3
hours per week. The unit has thus been designed to use a variety of
teaching methods that should help students to study the various aspects
of international financial business environment. Formative tasks and
presentations will enable students to build towards the completion of
their assignment during the delivery of the unit.
Examination Scheme:
• Rustagi R P, 2000, Graded Problems & Solutions in Financial
Management, Galgotia Publishing Co
• Nigam, B N Lall, Cost accounting :principles and practices, P.H.I.,
New Delhi,2005
• Horngren, Charles T, Introduction to management accounting,13th,
Pearson Education, New Delhi,2005
• Bhattacharya, Ashish K,Principal and practice of cost
accounting,3 ,P.H.I.,New Delhi,2005
• Wood's, Frank, Business Accounting 1,9th,Pearson Education, New
• Horngren, Charles T, Introduction to management
accounting,13 ,P.H.I., New Delhi,2005
• Beams, Floyd A, Advanced accounting,8th,Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
• Pahler, Arnold J, Advanced accounting : concepts & practice,8th
,Thomson South-western, Australia, 2003
Course Objective
To sensitize students to the various facets of managing people and to
create an understanding of the various policies and practices of Human
Resource Management.
Learning outcomes
By the end of these modules and the relevant readings, students should
be able to:
Describe the relationship between HRM and organisational performance
and be able to critically evaluate the empirical evidence.
Critically evaluate alternative perspectives on HR practices.
Analyse the relationship between HR practices and their outcomes for the
individual and organisation.
Evaluate the effectiveness of different HR practices.
Recognize the limitations of the theories covered.
Course Contents
Evaluation Scheme:
Text Books:
Garry Dessler - Human Resource Management, Pearson
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Proposed Syllabus: MBA
Academic Year 2008-09
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Reference Books :
• V.S.P. Rao - Human Resource Management, Excel Books
• W.F.Cascio - Managing Human Resources, TMH
• Aswathapa, - Human Resource & Personnel management, TMH
• Vnekat Ratnam-Industrial Relation, Oxford & IBH
• Mamoria and mamoria - Dynamics of Industrial Relation, Himalaya
Publishing 7. Sinha Sinha, Industrial Relations, Pearson.
• Gomez-Mejia, Balkin & Cardy-Managing Human Resources,
Pearson. 4. Subba Rao, Personnel & Human Resource Management,
Text and Cases, Himalaya Publication.
• Mathies and Jackson - Human Resource Management, Thomson
• Baron - Strategic Human Resources: Framework for general
Managers John Wiley
Course Objective:
The aim of this unit is to introduce the student to the evolution, role,
function and impact of Information Technology (IT) and Information
Systems (IS) in international business operations. It will develop the
students’ ability to identify sources of information and how these can be
used in the decision-making process by leveraging IT and networking.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Explain key concepts and elements of information technology and
information systems
- Examine the evolution, role, function and impact of IT & IS in global
business operation.
- Identify sources of information and assess how they can be used in
the decision making process by leveraging information technology
and networks.
Course Contents:
Learning Methods:
This course is based upon interaction between the students and the
teachers. Wherever possible a link should be made between the
academic underpinning and its practical application. Students will be
given time to develop skills and analyse the benefits and limitations of
the use of IS and IT in organisations. A ‘hands on’ approach will ensure
that students can use integrated programmes and have a wide range of
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Proposed Syllabus: MBA
Academic Year 2008-09
-------------------------------------------------------------Amity Global Varsity-----------------------------------------------------
Examination Scheme:
Laudon Kennith and Laudon Jane (2005) – Management Information
Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall of India.
Turban, McLean and Wetherbe (2004) – Information Technology for
Management 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons
Rober Murdic G. (1998) - Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall
of India
Jawadekar W.S. (1998) - Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to develop the understanding of the
various statistical models, used for decisions making in the functions of
the management of any organization and the basic tenets of research
methodology and report preparation. The course will focus on
quantitative and descriptive research methods and techniques that are
essential for the validity and reliability of the research process. The
course will identify and review the components essential for preparation
of research proposals, research reports, business proposals and feasibility
studies in order to develop report writing and formal presentation skills of
the research projects undertaken.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module students will have:
• Considered the nature of research methods and research
• Evaluated and justified the research methodologies to be employed
• Identified the components and problems/constraints underlying a
research project and report proposal
• Use statistical techniques to collect and analyze data
• Produce forecasts based on formalized procedures
• Apply quantitative techniques to business situations.
• Developed the ability to analyze, interpret and conclude research
findings and provide relevant recommendations
• Carried out a formal presentation on how to write a project report.
Course Contents:
Learning Methods:
A series of lectures will impart information and be complemented by
interactive tutor-led and student-led discussion. Teaching consists of 3
hours per week. The unit has thus been designed to use a variety of
teaching methods that should help students to quantitatively study the
various aspects of international business environment. Formative tasks
and presentations will enable students to build towards the completion of
their assignment during the delivery of the unit.
The class will be doing Cases throughout the semester. Students will
prepare three written cases in small groups of 4-6 students. There will be
presentations also in which the student have to collect, collate and
analyze the data.
Examination Scheme:
• Levin R.I. & Rubin S. R. 2002, Statistics for Management, 9th Ed.
Prentice Hall of India
• Gupta S P & Gupta M P, 2000, Business Statistics, 12th Ed. Sultan
Chand & Sons
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Proposed Syllabus: MBA
Academic Year 2008-09
-------------------------------------------------------------Amity Global Varsity-----------------------------------------------------
Course Objective:
The course aims to train the students with modern tools of micro
economics and macro economic analysis and to help them understand
and analyze the complexities of the real business world and also enhance
their ability for intuitive decision making.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Understand the application of basic micro-economic principles and
macro economic concepts for business decision making
- Develop a rational decision making perspective and analytical frame
work required for managerial decision making.
Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction
- Managerial Economics (Micro and Macro) nature and scope
- Circular flow of Economic Activity
- Objective of a Firm
- Constrained Decision Making
- Law of Supply
- Determination of Market Equilibrium
- Demand Forecasting
Learning Methods:
A series of lectures will impart information and be complemented by
interactive tutor-led and student-led discussion. Teaching consists of 3
hours per week. The unit has thus been designed to use a variety of
teaching methods that should help students to study the various aspects
of international economic business environment. Formative tasks and
presentations will enable students to build towards the completion of
their assignment during the delivery of the unit.
Examination Scheme:
Cris Lewis & Peterson, 2002, Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hill
Dwivedi,D.N.(2006), “Managerial Economics”, Vikas Publishing House.
Samulson, Paul A, Economics, 18th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005
Economics, 3rd edition, Sloman, Prentice hall of India, 2004
Mote, V L, Managerial Economics: Concepts and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill,
Chaturvedi, D D , Managerial Economics: Text and Cases, Brijwasi Book,
Gupta, A C, Business Economics, Rawat Publication, 2003
Branscon William H, Macroeconomic theory and Policy, 3rd edition, Harper
and Row, 1989
Sharma, Soumitra, Macroeconomic Management, Macmillan Publication,
Mathews, Kent, Economics and Politics of money- the selected essays of
Alan Walters, Edward Elgar, 1998
Dornbush, Rudiger, Macroeconomics, 9th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004
Mansfield,E.(1996), “Managerial Economics- Theory Application, and
Cases”, W.W. Norton and Co., New York.
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Proposed Syllabus: MBA
Academic Year 2008-09
-------------------------------------------------------------Amity Global Varsity-----------------------------------------------------
Course Objective:
One cannot ‘not communicate’. This course is designed to facilitate our
young Amitians to communicate effectively by emphasizing on practical
communication through refurbishing their existing language skills and
also to bring one and all to a common take-of level.
Course Contents:
Course Objective:
This course aims at imparting an understanding of:
Self and the process of self exploration
Learning strategies for development of a healthy self esteem
Importance of attitudes and their effect on work behavior
Effective management of emotions and building interpersonal
Course Contents: