Something To Know : Renewable Energy Sources Biomass
Something To Know : Renewable Energy Sources Biomass
Something To Know : Renewable Energy Sources Biomass
Kitchen scraps
Something to know…
Widely Available
Clean Energy
Reduce Wastes Long-duration global winds with varying
strengths= gale, storm, hurricane
Emits less carbon and sulfur dioxide than
fossil fuel Wind Power
Wind is the flow of gases on a large scale. Mechanical power can be produced from
wind flows or air current
On the surface of the Earth, wind consists of
the bulk movement of air Wind power is harnessed using mounted
turbines attached to towers with height
Winds are commonly classified by their ranging from 20m to 100m
spatial scale, their speed, the types of
forces that cause them, the regions in which A collection of individual wind turbines is
they occur, and their effect called a wind farm
Local winds - those that are created as a Wind farms are built onshore in flat areas,
result of scenery such as mountains, usually near coastlines
vegetation, water bodies and etc. Wind Resources
They usually change very often and the Dependent on latitude, elevation, and
weather forecast people talk about this kind
on the TV every day proximity to the coastline.
They can move from mild to extreme winds Hilltops, mountain ridges, and coastlines in
in just hours the northern and central regions of the
country are the best locations because of
Examples of local winds are sea breezes their excellent exposure to prevailing winds.
and land breezes, and mountain and
valley breezes Wind Turbine Types
Global Winds - really large air masses that are 6.4 m/s : Good
created mainly as a result of the earth’s rotation, 10 m/s : Excellent
the shape of the earth and the sun’s heating power.
Modern wind turbines fall into two basic
Short-duration; high-speed global wind= groups; the horizontal-axis variety, like
gust the traditional farm windmills used for
pumping water, and the vertical-axis
design, like the eggbeater-style Darrieus Use of Modern Technology
model, named after its French inventor.
Can be Built on Existing Farms
Most large modern wind turbines are
horizontal-axis turbines. Cons:
Wind Reliability
Effect on Environment
Expensive to Set Up
Hydroelectric Energy
Solar Energy
A collector field comprises many troughs in parallel • directly convert energy from sunlight into
rows aligned on a north-south axis. This electricity.
configuration enables the single-axis troughs to
track the sun from east to west during the day to • When sunlight strikes the PV module, made
ensure that the sun is continuously focused on the of a semiconductor material, electrons are
receiver pipes. stripped from their atomic bonds. This flow
of electrons produces an electric current.
Linear Fresnel Systems: PV modules contain no moving parts and
generally last thirty years or more with
Another option is the approximation of the parabolic minimal maintenance.
troughs by segmented mirrors according to the
principle of Fresnel. • Solar panels convert the sun's light in to
usable solar energy using N-type and P-
Most CSP designs can incorporate thermal type semiconductor material. When
storage—setting aside the heat transfer fluid in its sunlight is absorbed by these materials, the
hot phase—allowing for electricity generation solar energy knocks electrons loose from
several hours into the evening or during cloudy their atoms, allowing the electrons to flow
days. through the material to produce electricity.
This process of converting light (photons) to
electricity (voltage) is called the photovoltaic • Unlike the traditional cooking devices that
(PV) effect. Currently solar panels convert use electricity or gas, solar energy devices
most of the visible light spectrum and about use the most renewable and cleanest form
of energy. There are solar ovens also
half of the ultraviolet and infrared light
available for cooking that solely use solar
spectrum to usable solar energy. energy.
• Solar cooker:
• Solar energy is the best substitute for the • The temperature range can be between 150
devices like electric water F (66 C) to 400 F (204 C) if you have a well-
heaters and gas. Their made solar cooker. (You need at least 180
efficiency is nearly degrees Fahrenheit (82C) to be able to
15-30% more than the cook things.)
conventional heating
devices. Thus solar
energy can be easily
harnessed in daytime
and can be used for
water heating at
one’s convenience.
1. Cost
2. Weather Dependent