Distance Educ
Distance Educ
Distance Educ
Pontevedra, Capiz
Alfred Aluad,
Angelica Basco,
Teaching and learning are no longer confined to the classroom or the school day. There are
many technologies that can offer a great deal of flexibility in when, where and how education is
distributed. Distances Education is rapidly becoming a strategic alternative delivery mechanism
in the global education landscape. As an educational strategy other than the traditional face- to-
face classroom setting, distance education has been adopted to reach out remote and diverse
independent learners.
A field of education that focuses on the pedagogy and andragogy technology, and
instructional systems design that aim to deliver education to student who are not
physically on site.
Education where teachers and students are separated in the place and time. They
communicate at times of their own choosing by exchanging printed or electronic media,
or through technology that allows them to communicate in real time and through other
online ways
Mode of educational delivery where teacher and learner are separated in time and space,
and instruction is delivered through specially designed materials and methods using
appropriate technologies and supported by organizational and administrative structures
and arrangements
Education that takes place when the instructor and student are separated by space and/or
time. The gap between the two can be bridged through the technology. A mode of
education in which students enrolled in a course do not attend the institution, but study
off- campus and may submit assignments by mail or email. Instructional programs or
courses in which the instructor and students need not be in the same physical place,
particularly those relying on computers, audio, or video technology as the medium for
delivery and, sometimes, for two-way interaction
Instructional programs or courses in which the instructor and students need not be in the
same physical place, particularly those relying on computers, audio, or video technology
as the medium for delivery and, sometimes, for two-way interaction.
“online learning can be a lifeline to those who have obstacles, such as geographical distances or
physical disabilities”.
DE is learner-centered. It is focused on the needs of the learner with the end goal of facilitating
independent and self-paced learning. For slow and quick learners this reduces stress and
increases satisfaction.
DE provides learning packages designed for self-directed learning utilizing various media,
multimedia and other new technologies prepared by academically qualified instructional
DE has an organization structure and clear institutional systems and procedures for managing
and ensuring academic supervision.
Key Players in Distance Education
Support staff
Thormond (2003) defined interaction as; the learners engagement with the course content,
other learners, the instructor, and the technological medium used in the course. Interaction is the
result in a reciprocal exchange of information.
Learner with the help of the teacher encounter new information and knowledge
Learner –Instructor
Instructor help the student to reinforce understanding of the material or elucidate meaning.
Learner –learner
Learner –Technology/system
Student’s experience with computers can affect their learning in distance education as well as
improve their computer skills.
Distance Education Technology
Print technology
Print material were mailed to students and returned to the teachers through the postal system.
Computer technology
With the increased popularity of internet, computer technologies are receiving more and more
attention as a means of delivering distance learning. It includes email, online collaborations, and
web based education.
Video technology
Ability to see and hear an instructor offers opportunities for behaviour modelling, demonstration
and instruction of abstract concept. Videotapes and DVDs offer popular, easy to use formats for
instructional materials.
Audio technology
Audio or voice technology offer cost-effective ways to enhance distance learning courses.