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Grade 10 Science Reviewer

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Grade 10 Science Reviewer  Accoording to plate tectonics, lithosphere is

made up of plates
SCIENCE PROCESS SKILS  The objection that critiques Wegener’s idea
1. Observation- Noting the properties of is that the continents that were capable of
objects and situations using the five sense: moving was physically impossible
Seeing, Hearing, Touching, Smelling, Tasting  The following observations are
2. Classifying- Relating objects and events instrumental in formulating the hypothesis
according to their attributes which may of seafloor spreading:
involve classifying: Places, Objects, Ideas, 1. The depth of the ocean
Events 2. Magnetization of the oceanic crust
3. Measuring- Expressing the amount of an 3. Thickness of seafloor spreading
object in quantitative terms, or comparing  NOT the result of tsunami is the mortality
an object to a standard: Length in Meters, rate increase in the next 5 years
Volume in Liters, Mass in Grams, Force in  The Earth has a constant surface area, thus,
Newtons, Temperature in Degrees Celsius when new land is created at the ridge
4. Communicating- Process of describing, between plates, the same amount of land
recording, and reporting experimental created must be absorbed into the earth at
procedures and results to others: subduction zone
Oral, written, or mathematical, Organizes  Convection current in the mantle is the
ideas using appropriate vocabulary, graphs, driving forces that facilitate the movement
other visual representations, and of the lithospheric plates
mathematical equations.  The following increases with the distance
5. Inferring- Giving an explanation for a from a mid-ocean ridge
particular object or event 1. The depth to the sea floor
6. Predicting- Forecasting a future occurrence 2. The age of oceanic lithosphere
based on past observations or the extension 3. The thickness of the lithosphere
of data  Through the continuous movement of the
7. Interpreting- Arriving at explanations, lithospheric plates over the asthenosphere,
inferences, or hypotheses from data that has one can infer that the islands of the
been placed in a data table or graph Philippines will become scattered all over
8. Experimenting- Testing a hypothesis the world.
through the manipulation and control of  The oceanic crust is pushed from the ridge
independent variables and noting the effects that’s why oceanic crust sink beneath the
on a dependent variable continental crust
 Mountain ranges are formed when plates
collide and fold under enormous pressure
 The highest mountain and volcano in the  How to locate the epicentre of a recent
Solar System is on the planet Mars. It is earthquake:
called Olympus Mons which is three times 1. Obtain data from three different
higher than Mt. Everest. seismological stations
 Alfred Wegener proposed the Continental 2. Determine the difference in the arrival
Drift Theory time of S and P waves recorded from
 Sliding Process describes the process of each of the seismological stations
subduction 3. Determine the distance of the epicentre
 The scientists discover that rocks farther from the station
away from the mid-ocean ridge were older 4. Use the triangulation method to locate
than those near it by determining the age of the center
rock samples obtained by drilling on the sea  This is the correct sequence of the different
floor arrivals
 When a continental plate collides with an FIRST- P Waves
oceanic plate, the oceanic plate sinks into SECOND- S Waves
the mantle LAST- Surface Waves
 Iceland is an example of Divergent  You can determine the location of the
Boundary epicentre by having a data showing the
arrival time of the P and S waves recorded
from three stations
 If S wave was to go from solid to a liquid, its
velocity will decrease

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