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Effect of Using Texting On Vocabulary Instruction For English Learners

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Language Learning & Technology June 2019, Volume 23, Issue 2

ISSN 1094-3501 pp. 43–64


Effect of using texting on vocabulary instruction for

English learners
Jia Li, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Jim Cummins, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto


This article reports on a study that examined the effectiveness of an intervention using text messages to
enhance the academic vocabulary acquisition of English language learners (ELLs). With a random control
trial design, we compared students’ learning gain of target vocabulary (direct effect) and its subsequent
impact on academic vocabulary learning (transfer effect) with and without the intervention treatment. The
study included 108 undergraduate ELLs in a large Canadian university in Ontario. The intervention was
aligned with the lesson plans of two comparable content-based courses on English for academic purposes
required for the ELLs and aimed at teaching frequently used academic words embedded within the assigned
course readings. The results indicated that, with the intervention, students learned significantly more target
words. However, there was no difference between the treatment and control groups on academic
vocabulary post-test performance measuring the transfer effect. The pedagogical implication of the findings
and suggestions for future research are discussed.
Keywords: English Language Learners, Text Messages, Academic Vocabulary Acquisition, Intervention
Language(s) Learned in This Study: English
APA Citation: Li, J., & Cummins, J. (2019). Effect of using texting on vocabulary instruction for English
learners. Language Learning & Technology, 23(2), 43–64. https://doi.org/10125/44682


Teens and young adults have been at the forefront of the rapid adoption of text messages (Anderson &
Rainie, 2012; Steeves, 2014). A Pew Research Center publication reported that Americans aged 18–24
texted most frequently (Lenhart, 2010). In six nation-wide surveys of Norwegians, a peak in text message
usage was found between the ages of 19 and 21 (Ling, 2010). Furthermore, a recent survey revealed that
about 96% of college students in the US owned a cellphone and that text messaging was the most-widely
used feature, with an average of 60 texts sent by young adults per day (Smith & Page, 2015). In the past
several years, there has been a shifting landscape in texting with the quick adoption of mobile technologies
among non-native English speakers. Texting has become enormously popular as an important means of
written communication among school-aged and college students worldwide, many of whom come from
different first language (L1) backgrounds (e.g., Kasesniemi, 2003; Spagnolli & Gamberini, 2007).
Because of the unprecedented acceptance of texting within the youth population, including the avid use of
text messages by non-native English speakers and English language learners (ELLs), researchers and
educators have endeavored to integrate texting into language instruction and self-regulated learning
interventions to help second language (L2) students learn different aspects of language (e.g., Cavus &
Ibrahim, 2009; Hayati, Jalilifar, & Mashhadi, 2013; Kennedy & Levy, 2008). However, in a systematic
review of the available research on intervention studies that used SMS or MMS messages to teach L2
vocabulary, we found several methodological shortcomings. These included the short duration of
interventions, isolated target words, a lack of statistically reliable measures of learning outcomes, and
limited or no reports on the scientific basis of the words taught. To address these issues, the present study

Copyright © 2019 Jia Li & Jim Cummins

44 Language Learning & Technology

examined the effectiveness of an intervention that we developed to teach ELLs’ frequently used academic
vocabulary—target vocabulary—within a learning context using text messages. In particular, it compared
ELLs’ learning outcomes with and without the intervention treatment in target academic vocabulary
learning (direct effect) and its subsequent impact on general academic vocabulary learning (transfer effect).

Literature Review

A growing body of empirical research has examined the effect of texting on vocabulary learning for English
as a foreign language (EFL) learners at the high-school and university levels. In a thorough literature search,
we located 16 experimental or quasi-experimental studies published from 2005 to 2016 in peer-reviewed
journals in English that examined the effect of SMS, MMS, or email messages via mobile phones on
vocabulary or idiom learning. At a minimum, these studies included either (a) a pre-test and post-test for
the treatment group or (b) a post-test for both the treatment and control groups. Coincidently, all of the 16
studies were conducted in EFL settings such as Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Cyprus, China, Iran, Thailand,
and Turkey (see Appendix). Except for the lab experiments of Chen, Hsieh, and Kinshuk (2008), 15 of the
16 studies were intervention studies, most with a duration of two to four weeks. With the exception of the
study of Thornton and Houser (2005), who taught students vocabulary on mobile phones using short email
messages that were comparable to text messages, 15 of the 16 studies directly examined the effect of SMS
(n = 12) or MMS (n = 3) messages on EFL students’ learning of English vocabulary (n = 13) or idioms (n
= 2).
The Effect of Texting-Based Instruction on L2 Vocabulary Acquisition
Previous intervention studies indicated an overall positive trend of vocabulary gains using texting to support
EFL students’ vocabulary learning. Of the 15 intervention studies, 14 reported significant learning gains
after the intervention using SMS, MMS or short email messages via mobile phone to support vocabulary
or idiom learning. The only exception was a 7-week study conducted by Derakhshan and Kaivanpanah
(2011) with Iranian freshman that reported no significant differences in students’ vocabulary gains between
the treatment and control groups. Of the 14 studies reporting learning gains, 13 showed significant results—
direct effects—supporting texting- over paper- or web-based instruction. The only exception was the study
of Lin and Yu (2016) that compared the direct effect of messages with different text, audio, and visual
content. There were two studies without control groups that showed significant gains in post-tests compared
with their pre-tests (Cavus & Ibrahim, 2009; Song, 2008) and 11 studies that showed significant gains when
comparing the post-test or delayed post-test scores of treatment and control groups. In these studies, the
control groups often learned target words or idioms through paper materials or web-based learning activities
(see Appendix). We were unable to locate any study examining transfer effects.
In their previous work, our colleagues in EFL settings have taken the initiative and have provided much
insight into this increasingly important area of texting-based instruction on L2 vocabulary acquisition. Their
results, however, fail to reach a consensus on the effect of texting on L2 students’ vocabulary acquisition
that is applicable to diverse L2 learners. In addition to the exclusive EFL contexts noted above, only eight
existing intervention studies clearly indicated participants’ proficiency levels, ranging from elementary to
intermediate (see Appendix). The other studies made no explicit report on their participants’ proficiency
levels. There is an urgent need for studies to explore innovative instruction and learning support to help
youth ELLs in English-speaking countries, as a large number of domestic and international learners of
English with varied levels of language skills are avid text-users and encounter tremendous challenges in
meeting the requirements of academic English, including academic vocabulary knowledge (e.g., Douglas,
Most of the existing research is plagued by serious methodological shortcomings. The majority involves a
small and convenient sample size. Of the 15 intervention studies, only four clearly indicated the use of
randomly assigned samples (Derakhshan & Kaivanpanah, 2011; Motallebzadeh & Ganjali, 2011;
Motallebzadeh, Beh-Afarin, & Rad, 2011; Suwantarathip & Orawiwatnakul, 2015). The rest of the studies
Jia Li and Jim Cummins 45

either reported using convenient samples or did not report on the procedure for participant selection or
group assignment. Of the 15 studies, 10 had a sample size under 50, including both treatment and control
groups combined (see Appendix). Small sample sizes often decreased statistical power (i.e., the probability
to correctly detect an intervention effect) and had an influence on the reliability of the results (Kline, 2004).
Although all studies reported p values informing whether treatment effects existed, only one study (Hayati
et al., 2013) reported Cohen’s d measuring the magnitude of the standardized treatment effect (Wilkinson,
1999). Moreover, these studies lacked reliable measures to establish baseline comparability between
treatment and control groups in terms of variations in students’ language proficiency and other demographic
characteristics (e.g., L1, age, gender, and duration of English instruction received). None of the 13
intervention studies which included a control group reported the demographic comparability between the
control and treatment groups. Only four of the 10 studies which administered comparability measures on
students’ language proficiency levels reported internal consistency reliability tests (Motallebzadeh &
Ganjali, 2011; Motallebzadeh et al., 2011; Saran, Seferoğlu, & Çağıltay, 2012; Suwantarathip &
Orawiwatnakul, 2015). Additionally, statistically rigorous measures to assess L2 learners’ learning
outcomes because of the texting-based intervention were also lacking. All of the 16 studies we reviewed
employed self-developed, mostly, multiple choice questions, and only six studies reported internal
consistency reliability indices for the tested items in the self-developed measures. Additionally, no studies
we reviewed reported inter-rater reliability tests for data coding consistency (see Appendix).
Furthermore, previous results on the long-term effect of using texting-based instruction on word retention
appeared to be inconsistent. Only six of the 13 intervention studies with control groups administered both
post-test and delayed post-tests. The delayed post-tests took place two to five weeks after the post-tests.
One study reported significantly greater vocabulary gains on both post-tests and delayed post-tests,
supporting MMS intervention over paper- and web-based instructional materials (Saran et al., 2012). Three
reported significantly greater gains in delayed post-tests rather than post-tests, supporting either SMS
intervention over self-paced learning using paper materials (Alemi, Sarab, & Lari, 2012; Zhang, Song, &
Burston, 2011) or enriched content presentation in text messages (Lin & Yu, 2016). One reported
significantly greater gains in post-tests and not delayed post-tests, again supporting SMS intervention over
paper materials (Lu, 2008). Finally, one reported no differences in vocabulary gains between the control
and treatment groups in either post-test or delayed post-test scores (Derakhshan & Kaivanpanah, 2011).
Better results with delayed post-tests over post-tests might partly have been due to the short duration of the
interventions, low texting frequencies, or a combination of both.
Lastly, we were unable to locate studies that investigated the transfer effect of vocabulary texting instruction
on students’ learning of non-target words or other aspects of English knowledge (e.g., reading
comprehension skills). Previous studies measured only students’ learning gains in target words or idioms.
The study with Iranian EFL adult learners by Motallebzadeh and Ganjali (2011) indicated significantly
greater gains on the total score of target words and reading comprehension, supporting the SMS intervention.
However, separate scores on target words and reading were not reported, and there was no information on
whether the reading comprehension questions directly tested the usage of target words embedded in the
reading or another aspect of reading comprehension, such as a possible transfer effect. Vocabulary
instruction needs to help students master a limited number of carefully selected “high leverage cross content”
words (Lawrence, Crosson, Paré-Blagoev, & Snow, 2015, p. 5), so that they can become autonomous
learners capable of learning new words on their own—a transfer effect. As Biemiller points out, there is a
“need for planned introduction and explanation of vocabulary plus various tools to help children become
more independent in dealing with new vocabulary” (2001, p. 27). This is equally applicable to learners of
any age. It is critical to understand how much instruction and what type of instruction text messages can
deliver to help L2 learners independently learn vocabulary beyond just target words.
Major Intervention Design Features and Texting Content
A few key design features emerged from the intervention studies examining the effect of vocabulary
learning using text messages. The majority of the interventions used the push model, a one-way
46 Language Learning & Technology

communication “where teachers [controlled] the frequency and the timing” (Stockwell, 2010, p. 96) as well
as the content of messages sent to learners. With three exceptions, the EFL learners sent their instructor
messages with sentence construction, fill-in-the-blank, and writing exercises using target words and
exchanged target word sentences with their peers (Derakhshan & Kaivanpanah, 2011; Suwantarathip &
Orawiwatnakul, 2015; Tabatabaei & Goojani, 2012). Though students in some studies said they preferred
two-way text messaging, interacting with their teachers and peers to create a more engaging and
personalized learning experience (Cavus & Ibrahim, 2009), the push mode proved effective in providing
students with a structured, practical, and convenient learning routine. This consistently enabled a small,
viable amount of vocabulary knowledge input and led to significant learning gains, as was reported in the
L2 reviewed intervention studies using the one-way communication push model. The push model can send
well-designed “multicasting messages to a group of mobile users with a common profile, thereby improving
the effectiveness and usefulness of the content delivered” (Motiwalla, 2007, p. 585). Moreover, it is easier
to implement than two-way interactive texting among a large number of learners. It can also better ensure
the implementation fidelity of the interventions.
Some of these studies’ intervention designs explicitly emphasized repeated exposures to target words,
which conformed to a key instruction principle proven to be effective for L2 learners’ vocabulary
acquisition (Hulstijn, 2001; Nation, 2001; Schmitt, 2008). For instance, Thornton and Houser (2005) sent
Japanese university students three mini-lesson messages daily in multiple exposures: introducing a word,
reviewing the word, and incorporating the word into a story. Cavus and Ibrahim (2009) divided 48 messages
into three clusters of 16 messages and sent them to students three times over nine days.
Frequent incremental vocabulary instruction (Barcroft, 2012) at spaced intervals (Braun & Rubin, 1998) is
another important cornerstone feature for some of the intervention designs. Of the 15 intervention studies,
six sent student messages twice or more per day (see Appendix), often during the day time, when students
were more receptive to text-based instruction. The highest texting frequency for spaced vocabulary
instruction was performed by Cavus and Ibrahim (2009) who sent their participants one email message via
mobile phone, at a pre-determined optimal interval, every half hour between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. In the
study by Zhang et al. (2011), university students received two messages per day, one at 12:00 p.m. and the
other at 5:30 p.m. Overall, these studies demonstrated the promise of texting to provide students with
repeated vocabulary exposures in structured and spaced intervals. This was more effective in supporting L2
learning than “massed practice” (Seabrook, Brown, & Solity, 2005, p. 107); however, most of the studies
were missing information regarding the texting time and frequency.
As to the content of text messages, the existing research seemed to be in agreement, focusing on teaching
students word meanings by providing word definitions in English or the L1 and sample sentences—
“discrete chunks readable on the tiny screens of mobile phones” (Thornton & Houser, 2005, p. 221). This
was not only feasible, but also effective, given that 13 of the 14 intervention studies with significant learning
gains included definitions or sample sentences in their text messages. It is also worth noting that some
studies, to varying degrees, emphasized teaching target words in context (e.g., Song, 2008; Suwantarathip
& Orawiwatnakul, 2015; Thornton & Houser, 2005). Song (2008) introduced students to new words
through personal experiences in the UK on four topics (nightlife, food, weather, or travel). Each topic
covered four days’ learning content, focusing on four to six target words or expressions per day. A website
that aimed to increase students’ exposure to target vocabulary also provided students with content resources,
such as an online dictionary and vocabulary and cultural tips. Meanwhile, target words or expressions with
brief explanations in Chinese and English were sent to students through SMS. However, most interventions
in these studies taught words in a decontextualized and isolated manner, only providing sample sentences
and definitions in the L1 or English. This, in turn, diminished students’ repeated exposure to target words
in context as well as their opportunities for further incidental learning of target and other words in authentic
contexts. It is reasonable to assume that if an intervention incorporates students’ other language learning
activities, directly supports classroom instruction, and teaches students words that meet their immediate
needs (e.g., assigned course readings), the intervention may effectively motivate students as well as bridge
their attentive vocabulary learning through explicit instruction in various contexts.
Jia Li and Jim Cummins 47

Finally, among the studies we reviewed, the intervention with the longest treatment duration (16 weeks)
had the lowest texting frequency (two messages per week; Alemi et al., 2012). The intervention with the
shortest duration (nine days) had the highest texting frequency (16 messages per day with one message
every 30 minutes; Cavus & Ibrahim, 2009). Other intervention studies had either a relatively short duration
or low frequency of text messages, so they lacked an optimal combination of duration and frequency.
Examples include two messages per week for four weeks (Lin & Yu, 2016), two messages per day for two
weeks (Lu, 2008), and four messages per day for 20 days (Hayati et al., 2013). According to research on
learning English as an L1, a single exposure to an unknown word results in a 10% to 15% chance of learning
its meaning (see Nagy, Herman, & Anderson, 1985; Swanborn & Glopper, 1999). For L2 learners, more
exposure is required to acquire a word (Nation, 2001). Thus, limited treatment duration and texting
frequency may be insufficient for students to achieve long-term retention of target words—something that
was not measured in most of the existing studies. The transfer effect (i.e., vocabulary learning gain beyond
target words or in reading comprehension) has not been investigated.
Research Questions
These studies have indicated the great potential of texting in facilitating EFL learners’ vocabulary and idiom
learning in a self-regulated format that can occur anytime, anywhere. However, beside the issues raised
above regarding the research methods and intervention designs, previous EFL research has focused
exclusively on learners with low to intermediate English proficiency levels. In the present study, we tried
to overcome these limitations and examined the effect of an intervention using texting on university ELLs’
learning of contextualized academic vocabulary. These ELL students had an advanced-low language
proficiency level (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2012). The study answers the
following two research questions:
1. What is the (direct) effect of the intervention using text messages on students’ learning of target
academic vocabulary?
2. What is the (transfer) effect of the intervention using text messages on students’ learning of general
(non-target) academic vocabulary?


Upon receiving ethics approval from two universities (one by the lead researcher’s affiliated university and
the other by the institution where the study was conducted), the students registered in six content-based
classes of English for academic purposes (EAP) and their instructors at a large Canadian university in
Ontario were invited to participate in the study. The students were provided with an informational invitation
letter about the project and a consent form with their instructors present. It was explicitly indicated that
student participation was voluntary and that they could withdraw from the study at any time and without
any impact on their grades.
Participants included 108 (49% female) undergraduate students (ages 18–25) from the EAP classes. The
L1s spoken by the participants were Mandarin (51%), Cantonese (14%), Russian (7%), Arabic (7%), Farsi
(7%), Korean (5%), Turkish (5%), Spanish (2%), and Lithuanian (1%). The duration of their residence in
Canada varied from two months to 13 years (M = 2.56 years, SD = 2.90). The years of English instruction
students had received previously ranged from two to 15 years (M = 9.27 years, SD = 3.57). The academic
majors of participants included economics, finance, business, accounting, computer science, biology,
communication studies, psychology, actuarial science, English, law and society, and sociology. Based on
the university admission requirement for English language competence, the participants met the
requirement at the lower end (i.e., 80+ for the iBT, 6+ for the IELTS) and often demonstrated difficulties
in reading comprehension of academic texts due to their limited academic vocabulary knowledge. It was a
challenge to engage the class in meaningful discussions unless difficult academic words were explained in
simpler English or in their L1s (e.g., Chinese, which a Chinese-English bilingual instructor was able to do).
48 Language Learning & Technology

Consequently, the students’ inability to support their arguments with well-integrated references and
paraphrases created barriers to effective academic essay writing. Overall, their performance in the EAP
program tended “to be uneven” (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 2012, p. 6)
across topics and language skills.
The Intervention Design
The intervention, Word Matters, aimed to teach university undergraduate English language learners “high
leverage” (Lawrence et al., 2015, p. 5) academic words in their assigned readings using text messages. It
was expected that this would increase their academic vocabulary knowledge, helping them approach the
reading comprehension threshold required for an academic text (Nation, 2001)—familiarity with an
estimated 95% of the vocabulary (Laufer & Ravenhorst-Kalovsk, 2010)—and, in turn, assisting their
learning of other academic words encountered in academic texts.
We used a randomized experimental design with pre-test and post-test data. The six classes, in which
participants were registered in two comparable EAP courses and taught by three instructors, were randomly
assigned to the treatment (n = 48, 44.4%) and control groups (n = 60, 55.5%), with three intact classes in
each group. The intervention lasted for nine weeks.
As part of the curriculum of the courses, students in both treatment and control groups were required to
read the same assigned readings and engage in class discussions of the readings with teachers’ instruction.
Students in the control group were asked to use online dictionaries and dictionary apps with their own
devices to check the meanings of target words and sample sentences. This design aligned with the control
conditions in the studies previously discussed using dictionaries (e.g., Alemi et al., 2012) or web-based
materials (e.g., Saran et al., 2012; Thornton & Houser, 2005) and self-paced learning (e.g., Zhang et al.,
2011). The control condition, which could be facilitated easily in class, combined instructors’ explanations
of words during class discussion with students learning the words by reading hard copies of articles or a
novel. This condition was similar to the learning activities that often took place in the intact setting.
The participants in the treatment group received an orientation email at the beginning of the project
explaining the purpose of the intervention and the detailed information they would be receiving via text
messages. The intervention included sending students information about three words carefully selected
from the required reading materials each day through text messages: one at 10:00 a.m., one at 4:00 p.m.,
and one at 8:00 p.m. Each text message included a target word, the title of the assigned reading where the
word appeared, the page reference of the target word in the reading, the part of speech, the word’s definition,
and a sample sentence (see Figure 1). Every evening at 8:30 p.m., students also received an email message
summarizing the three words sent during the day and containing a small quiz on the words learned a week
before (see Excerpt 1). At the end of each week and month, the students received a downloadable summary
of the words they had been sent for their own future reference. During the nine week intervention, a total
of 189 target words were sent to students through text messages, with three words sent daily, or 21 words
a week. Prior to the intervention, a trial text message and email message were sent to the students in the
treatment group who were required to confirm their receipt of the messages by texting and email. Students
reported that on average they read three text messages four days a week in the post-intervention survey,
which results are reported in a separate article focusing on students’ perceptions and experience of the
intervention (Li, Cummins, & Deng, 2018).
Jia Li and Jim Cummins 49

Figure 1. Sample text messages

Excerpt 1. A Sample Daily Email

Hello everyone,
How are you doing today? It’s super cold in Boston these days and I believe it must be even colder in
Keep warm, friends!
Let’s see what we have for today:
*principle* (from Crow Lake, p. 23)
n. A rule that teaches you what is right and wrong and that influences your actions.
It’s against my principles to cheat.
*glean* (from Crow Lake, p. 23)
v. To collect bit by bit.
At present we’re gleaning information from all sources.
*devotion* (from Crow Lake, p. 23)
n. A feeling of strong love or loyalty.
She has cared for the poor with selfless devotion.
50 Language Learning & Technology

~~~~~quiz~~~~~~word game~~~~~~quiz~~~~~~word game~~~~~~quiz~~~~~~word game~~~~~

Do you still remember these words?
Complete the following sentences with the words you learned last week. Write your answers on a piece
of paper and check tomorrow’s email for the answers!
1. She claims that she can ____________ future events.
2. If war broke out, it would be _____________ for the whole world.
3. I would like to offer a historical ______________.
Answer for yesterday’s quiz: 1. abandon; 2. marvelous; 3. entangle
Hope you enjoy learning these words today!
All the best,
Data Collection Procedure
All the participants in both the treatment and control groups were informed about the research procedures,
including learning conditions, number of tests, test times, and length. One week before and after the
intervention, both the treatment and control groups received a pre-test and post-test. To ensure accurate
comparable difficulty levels between the pre- and post-measures, the same vocabulary tests were
administered. These included a 60-item target vocabulary test developed by the research team based on a
selection of academic words from assigned readings that were texted to students during the intervention,
and a 30-item (non-target) general academic vocabulary test adapted from the vocabulary levels test
(academic level) by Schmitt, Schmitt, and Clapham (2001). All non-target words had appeared in assigned
readings. The participants were administered a pre-intervention survey that focused on their demographics
and technology use. A post-intervention survey and interviews were also conducted to collect information
on students’ learning behaviors during the intervention and their feedback on the intervention; those results
were reported in a separate article (Li et al., 2018). The pre- and post-vocabulary tests and the pre-
intervention survey were administered to the treatment and control groups in the classroom by the lead
researcher, a research assistant, or course instructors. Students were given 30–40 minutes to complete the
pre-tests or post-tests. It took about 15–20 minutes for students to complete the surveys.
Instrument Development
Pre-Intervention Survey
In order to develop a feasible and effective intervention, we first developed a survey to identify technology
applications that students often used and that were aligned with student interests or preferences. The survey
consisted of two parts: Part 1 asked for demographic information (i.e., major, L1, years in Canada, country
of origin, years of English instruction) and Part 2 asked participants to report the frequency of their
technology use (i.e., email, text messaging, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media). The research team
developed the survey in consultation with seven ELL students registered in the courses in the previous and
current school terms and three of their instructors. Three rounds of revisions were made in accordance with
their suggestions and comments.
The survey results helped the team design a user-friendly intervention. Participants reported their frequency
of using technology on a 5-point Likert scale (i.e., 1 = never, 2 = once a month, 3 = once a week, 4 = once
a day, and 5 = more than once a day; see Figure 2). They reported that the average frequency of using text
messages was approaching more than once a day. They used text messages (M = 4.84, SD = 0.43) more
often than email (M = 4.37, SD = 0.69), followed by Facebook (M = 3.37, SD = 1.68), WeChat (M = 3.00,
SD = 1.89), and Twitter (M = 1.49, SD = 1.02).
Jia Li and Jim Cummins 51

Figure 2. Frequency of technology use by participants before intervention

Target Academic Vocabulary Selection
Prior to the study, the lead researcher and author had taught the EAP courses mentioned above for two years
and observed the challenges that ELL students with an advanced-low competence level encountered when
processing assigned readings.1 The challenges were often due to students’ difficulties in comprehending
the meanings of academic and low-frequency words (Coxhead, 2000; Nation 2001). These words also
appeared in their assigned reading book, Crow Lake (Lawson, 2003), corresponding to a ninth-grade
reading level for native-English speakers. Our observation was later confirmed by the results of student
pre-vocabulary tests.
The research team used Cobb’s (2016) VocabProfilers to identify academic and low-frequency words and
determine the number of occurrences in the assigned readings. In order to optimize students’ vocabulary
learning and support their reading comprehension, the intervention focused on academic words and difficult
(low-frequency) words that met three selection criteria: (a) they were critical for the comprehension of the
assigned readings (e.g., inhabitant, disguise, segregate), (b) there were multiple occurrences of the words
in the assigned readings, and (c) they were likely to be encountered frequently by students in a variety of
academic domains (e.g., predict, perspective, demonstrate), as recommended by research experts in the
area of vocabulary, language, and literacy development (e.g., Baumann & Graves, 2010; Nation, 2001;
Snow & Uccelli, 2009; Stahl & Nagy, 2006).
A total of 200 vocabulary items were selected from the required readings on Canadian culture, language,
and social issues for the courses in which participants were enrolled. These included the book Crow Lake
(84 target words), a book chapter titled “Aboriginal People” (44 target words; Steckley, 1997), a journal
article titled “Managing Homeless Youth in Toronto” (46 target words; Gaetz, Tarasuk, Dachner, &
Kirkpatrick, 2006), and a newspaper article titled “Why Can’t We Talk” (26 target words; Erasmus, 2002).
Of these words, 117 were on the academic word list (AWL; Coxhead, 2000), and 81 were low-frequency
words (e.g., devastate, fidget, marvelous). Of the 200 total words, 189 were used as target words for the 9-
week intervention. Definitions of the vocabulary and example sentences were adapted from the contexts in
which they occurred in the readings or dictionaries. The research team carefully selected and modified the
definitions and wrote example sentences, ensuring their relevance to the students’ academic and daily lives.
Target Academic Vocabulary Test
The research team developed a 60-item target vocabulary test with multiple-choice questions through
random selection from a target pool of 189 words. The test was administered to students both as a pre-test
52 Language Learning & Technology

and as a post-test. Due to a timing conflict with students’ final exams, we were unable to administer delayed
post-tests. To examine the reliability of the scale, we applied Cronbach’s alpha to test the internal
consistency of the scale and an intra-class correlation test to examine the inter-rater reliability of the two
raters. The internal reliability index for the 60 items was .94, indicating excellent internal consistency of
the scale in measuring the students’ target vocabulary performance. We made three attempts to achieve
high quality coding for all the vocabulary tests. In the end, the inter-rater reliability was .99 with 15% of
randomly selected test scores, indicating an exceptionally high rater agreement.
General Academic Vocabulary Test
To assess student participants’ general academic vocabulary knowledge, a 30-item academic vocabulary
test was adapted from the vocabulary levels test by Schmitt et al. (2001). The original Cronbach’s alpha
reliability index of the vocabulary levels test was .96. The internal consistency reliability for the present
study using Cronbach’s alpha was .91 for the scale with 30 items, indicating excellent internal consistency.
The inter-rater reliability was .99 using intra-class correlation with 15% of randomly selected test scores,
indicating an exceptionally high rater agreement.
Data Analysis Procedure
The analysis involved three steps using the SPSS statistical package, Version 21. Step 1 was to test the
comparability of the control and treatment groups’ existing target academic and general academic
vocabulary knowledge prior to the intervention (i.e., condition, instructor, and course). One-way analyses
of variance (ANOVAs) were performed on the target academic and general academic vocabulary pre-test
scores to assess any statistically significant group differences. Comparability was established as the results
revealed no significant group differences for students’ target academic (F(1, 92) = 0.02, p = .90) or general
academic (F(1, 78) = 0.08, p = .77) vocabulary knowledge. The results of further analyses found no significant
differences in target academic vocabulary for condition (F(1, 90) = 0.23, p = .63), instructor (F(2, 90) = 0.75,
p = .47), or course (F(5, 90) = 1.32, p = .26). Similarly, there were no significant differences in general
academic vocabulary for condition (F(1, 78) = 0.08, p = .77), instructor (F(2, 90) = 0.37, p = .69), or course
(F(5, 78) = 0.17, p = .97). These findings showed the comparability for pre-test results between control and
treatment groups, between different instructors, and between different courses. So, the one-way ANOVA
was used for post-test data, and the pre-test scores were not used as a covariate.
To test the comparability of student background characteristics yielded from the pre-survey between
treatment and control groups, we used Chi-square tests for percentage data and univariate ANOVA tests to
compare variable means. The Chi-square tests revealed that the control and treatment groups did not differ
significantly in terms of age (p = .34), gender (p = .37), L1 (p = .87), or home country (p = .65) distributions.
ANOVA tests revealed that the control and treatment groups did not differ significantly regarding years in
Canada (p = .64) or years of English instruction (p = .61) or regarding frequency of using text messages
(p = .93), email (p = .30), WeChat (p = .08), Facebook (p = .25), Twitter (p = .06), or other social media
(p = .55). Therefore, none of these variables was included as a covariate in ANOVA tests for Research
Questions 1 and 2. Next, two separate one-way ANOVA were conducted for the pre-tests and post-tests on
target academic and general academic vocabulary scores to examine the intervention effect on students’
learning of target academic and general academic words with and without the intervention. Effect sizes
were calculated using Cohen’s d.


To answer Research Question 1, the ANOVA revealed that the treatment group performed significantly
better in their post-tests (M = 44.41, SD = 11.77) than in their pre-tests on target academic words
(M = 36.76, SD = 14.64, F(1, 80) = 6.47, p = .01, partial η2 = .08). The effect size calculation using Cohen’s
d revealed a medium intervention effect (d = .58). Participants in the control group, however, performed
essentially the same in their post-tests (M = 39.85, SD = 12.39) and pre-tests of target academic words
(M = 37.14, SD = 14.39, F(1, 107) = 1.10, p = .30, partial η2 = .01; see Table 1 and Figure 3). In the post-test
Jia Li and Jim Cummins 53

of target academic words, the treatment group performed significantly better than the control group (F(1, 97)
= 4.40, p = .04, partial η2 = .05).
Table 1. Means, Standard Deviations, and ANOVAs for Target Academic Words

Pre-Test Post-Test
Group M SD N M SD N df F p d Partial η2
Treatment 36.76 14.64 42 44.41 11.77 37 78 6.47 .01 .58 .08
Control 37.14 14.39 50 39.85 12.39 58 107 1.10 .30 .20 .01
Note. Though there were 48 students in the treatment group and 60 in the control group, not all of them took both tests.
For instance, there were 50 participants in the pre-test and 58 in the post-test for the control group.

Figure 3. Student performance on target academic vocabulary in pre-tests and post-tests

To answer Research Question 2, the ANOVA for general academic vocabulary test scores suggested that
there was not any significant difference for the treatment group between the pre-test (M = 25.16, SD = 4.27)
and post-test scores (M = 24.88, SD = 5.32, F(1, 67) = 0.05, p = .82). Similarly, there was no significant
difference in the control group between the pre-test (M = 24.80, SD = 5.72) and the post-test (M = 23.04,
SD = 6.55, F(1, 95) = 1.94, p = .17; see Table 2 and Figure 4). The findings suggested that no intervention
effect was present for general academic vocabulary, which was not instructed in the intervention. In fact,
the treatment group’s general academic vocabulary mean score in the post-test was slightly lower than in
the pre-test, with a mean difference (MD) of -0.27 (pre-test SD = 4.27, post-test SD = 5.31). Similarly, the
control group’s general academic vocabulary mean score in the post-test also was lower than in the pre-test,
with a MD of -1.76, (pre-test SD = 5.73, post-test SD = 6.55). However, the lower scores were likely caused
by random errors within reasonable fluctuation, and these decreases were not statistically significant or
Table 2. Means, Standard Deviations, and ANOVAs for General Academic Words
Pre-Test Post-Test
Group M SD N M SD N df F p d Partial η2
Treatment 25.16 4.27 32 24.89 5.31 35 66 .05 .82 -.06 .00
Control 24.80 5.73 46 23.04 6.55 49 94 1.94 .17 -.29 .02
Note. Though there were 48 students in the treatment group and 60 in the control group, not all of them took both tests.
For instance, there were 46 participants in the pre-test and 49 in the post-test for the control group.
54 Language Learning & Technology

Figure 4. Student performance on general academic vocabulary in pre-tests and post-tests


Effect of the Push Mode and Texting Content

The present results are consistent with previous studies which show significant learning gains of target
words and thus support the use of texting over web-based vocabulary instruction, self-paced learning, and
the independent use of dictionaries. In addition, the results reinforce active engagement and positive
perceptions of the intervention (see Appendix). Except for the study by Chen et al. (2008), all the studies
we reviewed were intervention studies focusing on measuring the learning gains of target words or idioms.
Nine of these studies showed that with texting-instruction students learned significantly more words when
compared to their performance before the intervention treatments and to their peers’ performance in control
groups (see Appendix). The web- and paper-based control conditions in many of the previous studies shared
the characteristics of the self-paced and independent learning (e.g., Alemi et al., 2012; Hayati et al., 2013;
Saran et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2011).
Additionally, two quasi-experimental studies (Cavus & Ibrahim, 2009; Song, 2008) without control groups
showed significant vocabulary gains by students after experiencing interventions. As was the case in the
present study, eight of the 11 studies mentioned above sent text messages containing vocabulary or idiom
instruction to learners. Therefore, the push model is clearly effective in supporting students’ target
vocabulary or idiom learning (see Appendix). Our 2-month intervention study showed a significant
difference in the learning gain of target words between the treatment and control groups (MD = 4.94). This
was comparable to some results of previous studies that had durations between two weeks and two months
(e.g., Lu, 2008: MD = 2.8; Suwantarathip & Orawiwatnakul, 2015: MD = 3.83; Zhang et al., 2011: MD =
12.5). It is worth mentioning that the present study taught more words than the three studies noted above.
Some students in the present study, however, did express a preference for text messages in a two-way
interaction. This echoes survey results by Cavus and Ibrahim (2009), who found that students believed that
two-way texting instruction would have been more effective than the one-way approach. However, unless
an adaptive, intelligent text messaging system can be developed, the push mode is more easily implemented
due to the labor intensity required for interactive texting.
The present study, focusing on carefully crafted word definitions and sample sentences using simple
language accessible to students, was in line with some previous studies (e.g., Hayati et al., 2013; Lu, 2008),
supporting the principle of comprehensible input (Krashen, 1989, 2003). That is, vocabulary teaching
content should be clear and comprehensible and avoid complicated explanations with unknown or less-
known synonyms or definitions (Nation, 2001; Nation & Newton, 1996). During the interviews, most
students in the present study expressed their appreciation for the simplicity and clarity of word definitions
and sample sentences. When asked for suggestions for future interventions, one student said, “I’d suggest
to do the similar thing … actually, sending text messages with simple definitions.” Hayati et al. (2013)
reported on Iranian EFL students’ appreciation of concise and helpful content of English idioms in text
Jia Li and Jim Cummins 55

messages. Similarly, Lu’s (2008) high school students appreciated the clear content presentation and
manageability of text messages and said, “The lessons are short and easily to read” (p. 521). On the contrary,
Chinese university students in the study by Zhang et al. (2011) complained that long messages (five target
words per message) were overwhelming, particularly when they were automatically segmented into mini-
messages sometimes sent in the wrong sequence by the system. Overall, the present study is consistent with
previous research results and further informs our understanding of the promise of push mode texting to
facilitate ELLs’ vocabulary learning. It also provides insight for the key principles in developing text
message content conducive to maximizing student vocabulary learning.
Transfer Effect, Intervention Duration, and Reading Comprehension
Our study did not find any significant transfer effect of the intervention. There was no significant difference
between the control and intervention groups in the learning of academic vocabulary not taught in the
intervention. The study by Motallebzadeh and Ganjali (2011) reported a significant gain on the total score
of 10 target vocabulary and 20 reading comprehension questions embedded with target words that might
have been perceived as a possible transfer effect. However, separate scores on vocabulary or reading
questions were not reported, and no information was available on the reading measure. We were unable to
locate any studies that reported on the intervention effect beyond the target words and idioms. Despite
empirical evidence to the contrary, the qualitative data and observations of the present study, appeared to
be supportive of the transfer effect. In the post-intervention survey, students reported that the intervention
was helpful for them to learn not only target words, but vocabulary in general (M = 3.41, SD = 0.85). This
disparity between empirical fact and student opinion may be due to the short term of the present intervention
that fails to make any statistically significant transfer effect on acquisition of non-target words. Students
further reported that the transfer effect of the intervention on their comprehension of assigned readings was
somewhat helpful (M = 3.03, SD = 0.82). This was consistent with feedback collected from the students
who participated in interviews. Most were satisfied with the content of the text messages, which they
believed was highly relevant to and helpful for their reading comprehension, as one student described in
When you have the page numbers (in the novel) for the words, it is very convenient for me to learn
them, I mean, you know, the reading becomes more zhibai (直白, straightforward). Because the novel,
Crow Lake, for some parts, is kind of yinhui (隐晦, obscure, hard to understand), when the words are
sent to us in this format, I feel it makes it easier for me to understand the reading.
According to Nation (2001), when learning new words incidentally through reading, L2 learners need to
know at least 95% of the words in a text, exclusive of proper nouns, to ensure comprehension and accurate
guessing. It is plausible that the 2-month duration of the present intervention was still too short to provide
students with sufficient repeated exposure to achieve long-term retention of target academic words. Also,
the 189 target words taught were probably not adequate to reach the 95% word threshold in students’
assigned readings that would enable them to learn other academic vocabulary autonomously through the
readings. Text messaging’s current technical capacity of 160 alphanumeric characters cannot provide more
space for content that would enable students to learn words incidentally through reading paragraph-length
messages. Therefore, longer durations with pre-determined optimal intervals and frequencies of texting that
facilitate repeated, spaced word exposures and that are compatible with the needs and texting preferences
of specific demographics of L2 learners are likely the key to enabling a transfer effect.


The unique contribution of the present study lies in its rigorous experimental design that substantiated the
positive results reported in similar previous studies. This design includes a longer duration of the
intervention treatment, a larger number of target words, and a randomly assigned, adequate sample size in
both treatment and control groups with comparable language proficiency levels. In addition, it measured
both the direct and transfer effect of the intervention and students’ learning gains through a self-
56 Language Learning & Technology

development target academic vocabulary test and a general academic vocabulary levels test (Schmitt et al.,
2001), the results of which were validated by internal consistent reliability tests. Many of these aspects
were lacking in the previous studies.
There are some limitations in the present study. First, no measurement of the long-term word retention
using delayed post-tests was made due to the time conflict with students’ final exams. Future research using
rigorous measures is needed to investigate the long-term effects of texting instruction, not only on students’
learning of target academic words, but also on their learning of academic and low-frequency words in
general. Though the present intervention, which lasted for two months and taught 189 target words, had a
longer duration with more target word items than most studies in the area, we believe that the duration was
not long enough to cover an adequate number of unknown words that would have enabled students to learn
new academic words independently—the transfer effect we expected to occur. In addition, and to our
knowledge, no other studies have reported on the transfer effect of texting-based intervention. Longitudinal
intervention studies that systematically teach academic words would provide more insight into the
pedagogical capacity of texting-based instruction to have a transfer effect on students’ overall vocabulary
acquisition and to develop reading comprehension skills. Furthermore, future studies on enriched MMS
messages are needed, as Chen et al. (2008) and Lin and Yu (2016) found that students who received
messages presenting word information in enriched multimedia outperformed those who received messages
presenting word information in text-only, sound-only, or picture-only modes.
To sum up, the distinctive features of text messages, such as mobility, easy access, instant communication,
and bit-sized modules, have great potential to help students learn vocabulary. The features in themselves,
however, do not automatically ensure optimal or motivated academic vocabulary learning among students.
In order to effectively enhance students’ learning, the design—particularly the content—of text messages
must be carefully developed (Levy & Kennedy, 2005) in line with the needs of specific demographic groups
of language learners to encourage their frequent reading of text messages that warrant their repeated, spaced
exposures of target words.


This study was funded by a Standard Research Grant of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada. We would like to thank all student participants and the research assistants Linying Ji,
Yan Wang, Qizhen Deng, and Amale Aldarwish. Special thanks also go to the anonymous reviewers for
providing us with detailed suggestions and comments during the revisions of the manuscript.


1. At the time of this study, the curricula for the EAP courses was unchanged from when the lead
researcher had begun teaching them.


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60 Language Learning & Technology

Appendix. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Studies on English Vocabulary Interventions Using Texting

Target Treatment Intervention Model and Baseline Measures and Item

Study Participants1 Proficiency Words Duration Treatment2 Control Comparability Test Reliability Index3 Results
Alemi et al. 45 freshmen Upper- 320 AWL 16 weeks • Push model, receiving Independently N/A Self-developed Significantly greater
(2012) from Iran intermediate words two SMS messages per looking up 10 post-tests and vocabulary gains
(treatment n = week words using a delayed post-tests only on delayed
28) • Each message included dictionary twice (40 AWL target post-test, supporting
10 target words, per week words) with ICRT, SMS intervention
definitions in Persian and Cronbach’s alpha
English, and example = .89 (pilot test)
Basal, Yilmaz, 50 freshmen Upper- 40 idioms 4 weeks • Push model, receiving 10 Handouts Self-developed pre- Self-developed pre- Significantly greater
Tanriverdi, and from Turkey intermediate from MMS messages per week including idiom test on 40 target test and post-test vocabulary gains,
Sari (2016) (treatment n = MCASE4 • Each included an idiom, meanings, usage idioms (40 target idioms) supporting MMS
25) definition, visual support, examples, fill-in- intervention
and at least three sample the-blank exercises
sample sentences.
Cavus and 45 freshmen N/A N/A 9 days • Push model, receiving 16 N/A N/A Self-developed pre- Significantly greater
Ibrahim (2009) from Cyprus SMS messages per day, tests and post-tests vocabulary gains
one every half an hour, (number of target after SMS
with three clusters of 16 words unknown) intervention
messages repeated three
days per week
• Each included words and
definitions in Turkish.
Chen et al. 156 university N/A 24 words 50 minutes • Push model with four See treatments Self-developed Self-developed Significantly greater
(2008) students from from the treatments screen test on 50 post-tests (24 target vocabulary gains for
Taiwan most • Student received target words words in two students with lower
common messages including (a) (Bauman, 1995)5 formats: recognition verbal and higher
2284-word words with their spelling, and recall) visual ability,
list (Bauman, phonetics, and Chinese supporting MMS
1995)5 translation via SMS; (b) intervention with
Treatment A plus a pictorial annotation
sample sentence via SMS;
(c) Treatment A plus a
picture denoting word
meaning via MMS; or (d)
Treatments A, B, and C
combined via MMS.
Jia Li and Jim Cummins 61

Derakhshan and 43 freshmen N/A About 200 6 weeks • Sending instructor SMS Equivalent Three vocabulary • Self-developed No significant
Kaivanpanah from Iran words from messages including a learning activities screening tests5 with post-test and differences in
(2011) (treatment n = Porter (2000) sentence using the target done in person and ICRT reported on delayed post-test vocabulary gains on
21) word and then receiving on paper three original tests (40 target words) both post-test and
feedback delayed post-test
assignment • Texting 3 partners to
exchange one sentence
• 15–20 words per class
meeting, two meetings
per week
Hayati et al. 45 EFL Intermediate 80 idioms 20 days • Push model, receiving Idioms and short One SD below and Self-developed Significantly greater
(2013) learners from (based on from Watson four SMS messages per passages with above mean on multiple-choice pre- vocabulary gains,
Iran MTELP)6 (2009) day exercises in standardized MTELP test and post-test supporting SMS
Ages 19–24 • Each included an idiom, printed pamphlet (50 target idioms) intervention
Convenient definitions, and sample
sample sentences in English.
Lin and Yu 32 8th graders Elementary 36 words 4 weeks • Push model, receiving See treatments N/A Self-developed Significantly greater
(2016) from Taiwan (9 for each two MMS messages per post-test and vocabulary gains
treatment week with four treatments delayed post-test only on delayed
mode) • Student received (18 target words) post-tests,
messages including (a) supporting
text only (i.e., word, part combined MMS
of speech, Chinese mode
translation, and example
sentence), (b) text plus
picture, (c) text plus
sound, or (d) text plus
picture and sound.
Lu (2008) 30 Grade 10 Intermediate 28 target 2 weeks • Push model, receiving Paper materials on N/A Self-developed pre- Significantly greater
vocational words two SMS messages per same content of 14 test, post-test, and vocabulary gains
students from (14 for each day other words delayed post-tests only on post-test,
Taiwan treatment) • Each included two target (28 target words) supporting SMS
words, Chinese intervention
translations, and part of
Motallebzadeh, 40 adult Lower- 50 words 5 weeks • Push model, receiving Board and paper Nelson English Self-developed pre- Significantly greater
and Ganjali female EFL intermediate three SMS messages per Language Test test and post-test gains on the total
(2011) learners from week (NELT; Fowler & (10 target words, 20 score, supporting
Iran • Each included three to Coe, 1976); ICRT, reading) with ICRT, SMS intervention;
(treatment n = four words, definitions, Cronbach’s alpha KR-21 = .82 (pilot no report on
21) and sample sentences. = .82 vocabulary test) separate vocabulary
and .71 (pilot or reading scores
reading test)
62 Language Learning & Technology

Motallebzadeh et 40 EFL Lower- 70 5 weeks • Push model, receiving Receiving paper Self-developed pre- Self-developed Significantly greater
al. (2011) learners from intermediate collocations two SMS messages per materials with the tests on 40 target multiple-choice pre- vocabulary gains,
Iran from Dixson week same content two words and the NELT test and post-test supporting SMS
(treatment n = (2004) • Each included seven times per week with ICRT, (40 target words) intervention
21) collocations, descriptions, Cronbach’s alpha with ICRT,
and sample sentences. = .82 Cronbach’s alpha
= .54 (post-test)
Saran et al. 103 university Elementary 80 words 4 weeks • Push model, receiving Paper- and web- Self-developed pre- Self-developed pre- Significantly greater
(2012) students from and pre- supporting MMS messages based instruction test on 80 target test, post-test, and vocabulary gains on
Turkey intermediate regular • Each included words, words with ICRT, delayed post-tests both post-test and
classroom pronunciations, Cronbach’s alpha (80 target words for delayed post-tests,
activities definitions, sample = .84–.85 each English supporting MMS
sentences, related visuals, proficiency level, intervention
and information on word respectively) with (however, only for
formation. ICRT, Cronbach’s the pre-intermediate
alpha =.80–85 group)
Song (2008) 10 adult EFL N/A Words about 16 days • Push model, receiving N/A N/A Self-developed Significant
learners from nightlife, four to six SMS messages multiple choice pre- vocabulary gains
Hong Kong food, per day test and post-tests after SMS
weather, and • Each included words and intervention
travel short explanations in
English and Chinese.
• A website included longer
explanations and other
Suwantarathip 80 university N/A 100 target 6 weeks • Receiving SMS messages Paper-based Self-developed pre- Self-developed Significantly greater
and students from words in a including fill-in-the- equivalent tests on 50 target multiple choice pre- vocabulary gains,
Orawiwatnakul Thailand textbook blank exercises and exercises in class words with ICRT, test and post-test supporting SMS
(2015) (treatment n = paragraph writing and teacher KR-20 = .79 (pilot (50 target words) intervention
40) exercises after class feedback test) with ICRT, KR-20
• Students sent the teacher = .79 (pilot test)
assignment complete assignments via
SMS during the week.
They received the
teachers’ instant feedback
via SMS.
Tabatabaei and 60 male high N/A About 65 2 months • Sending five to six SMS Writing sentences Self-developed Self-developed Significantly greater
Goojani (2012) school words from messages per 1.5-hour using target words multiple-choice pre- multiple choice pre- vocabulary gains,
students from Birjandi, session on paper test on 40 target test and post-tests supporting SMS
Iran Anabisarab, • Each included a sentence words with ICRT, (40 word items) intervention
and Samimi using a target word. KR-21 =.79 (pilot with ICRT, KR-21
(2007) test) =.79 (pilot test)
• The instructor replied
with feedback.
Jia Li and Jim Cummins 63

Thornton and 44 female 3rd- N/A 20 words 2 weeks • Push model, receiving Paper- or web- N/A N/A Significantly greater
Houser (2005) and 4th-year three mini-lesson emails based activities vocabulary gains,
college via mobile phone per day, supporting
students from five target words per treatment
Japan week
• Each introduced and
reviewed words in
multiple contexts and
incorporated the words in
Zhang et al. 78 N/A 130 words 3 weeks • Push model, receiving Self-paced Self-developed pre- Self-developed pre- Significantly greater
(2011) sophomores from the two SMS message per learning with test on 130 target test, post-test, and vocabulary gains
from China TOEFL day paper materials words delayed post-test only on post-tests,
Convenient vocabulary • Each included five words, (130 target words) supporting SMS
sample test part of speech, phonetics, intervention
Chinese translation, and
sample sentences.
If reported, either convenient sample or randomly assignment is indicated in the table; otherwise the study didn’t report on participant selection and assignment
Texting frequency is indicated in the table unless it was not reported in the study.
If reported, internal consistency reliability test (ICRT) either from self-developed or standardized tests is indicated in the table; otherwise ICRT was not reported
in the study.
MCASE = Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
Associates Test (Read, 1998), Levels Test (Laufer & Nation, 1999), and Academic Vocabulary Levels Test (Schmitt et al., 2001).
MTELP = The Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency.
64 Language Learning & Technology

About the Authors

Jia Li is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Ontario Institute of
Technology. She currently holds a John A. Sproul Research Fellowship at the University of California,
Berkeley. She was a Canada–U.S. Fulbright Scholar at the Harvard Graduate School of Education from
2011 to 2012. Her research focuses on data-driven innovative language and literacy instruction using
emerging technologies for linguistically diverse students.
E-mail: jia.li@uoit.ca
Jim Cummins is a Professor Emeritus at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of
Toronto. He held a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) and was a recipient of the International Reading
Association’s Albert J. Harris award. He also received an honorary doctorate in Humane Letters from the
Bank Street College of Education in New York City. His research focuses on literacy and multiliteracies,
technology and academic language learning, and English as a second language.
E-mail: james.cummins@utoronto.ca

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