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A Review of Aerodynamically Induced Forces Acting On Centrifugal Compressors, and Resulting Vibration Characteristics of Rotors

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D. Fred Marshall
Manager of Product Engineering
Dresser-Rand Company
Le Havre, France
James M. Sorokes
Team Leader, Applied Aerodynamics Group
Dresser-Rand Company
Olean, New York

vanes), and flow instabilities caused by impeller to diffuser

D. Fred Marshall is presently the misalignment, are all characteristic flow disturbances that can
Manager of Product Engineering at cause forced vibration. In fact, often the only indications of these
Dresser-Rand’s Operation in Le Havre, phenomena are found in the resulting rotor vibration signals.
France. He has been involved in the design, Several phenomena that can cause nonsynchronous vibration are
development, and analysis of industrial reviewed, and for each one background information, as well as
turbomachinery for more than 30 years at detailed descriptions of the flow field, or other source of the
Turbodyne Corporation, the Dresser Clark excitation, is provided. This includes the use of computational fluid
Division of Dresser Industries, the General dynamic (CFD) analytical results to describe the flow where
Electric Company, and the Dresser-Rand applicable.
Company. Mr. Marshall joined the Turbo The review also includes, when available, dynamic pressure
Products Division of Dresser-Rand transducer test data that can be used to verify the presence of the
Company in 1990 as Manager of Engineering Sciences. He has phenomena, and rotor vibration data indicating the presence of
authored four technical papers, and holds four patents. such phenomena. This includes test data of actual machines,
Mr. Marshall received his B.S. degree (Mechanical Engineering, indicating characteristics such as frequency and amplitude.
1969) from the University of Rochester (1969) and his MBA degree
from St. Bonaventure University (1979). INTRODUCTION
This discussion centers on forced vibration of rotors, the sources
and reasons for the forces involved, and the resulting vibration
James M. Sorokes has been employed at characteristics as might be revealed by noncontacting rotor probes.
Dresser-Rand (formerly Dresser-Clark) for To adequately cover this information, we must start with a basic
24 years, all of those in the Aerodynamics description of rotor vibration characteristics, and the response of
Group, in Olean, New York. He has held rotors to various types of excitation. Once this is complete, our
various supervisory positions since 1984 discussion will move on to descriptions of the causes of each of the
and is currently the team leader of the phenomenon of interest, and then to the resulting vibration signals.
Applied Aerodynamics Group. In this Fortunately, the primary rotor vibration characteristics of
capacity, he is responsible for the interest can generally be illustrated by reference to simple models.
development, design, and analysis of all This allows us to describe them without resorting to involved
rotating and stationary aerodynamic differential equations and their solutions. The description of the
components of centrifugal compressors. causes of the forcing phenomena is much more specific to
Specific areas of concentration include single stage rig testing, centrifugal compressors, as opposed to rotors in general. Here, the
aeromechanical phenomenon (i.e., rotating stall), practical forces that can be generated within the gas path are described, and
application of CFD, alternate design philosophies and techniques, the reasons for those forces are covered in detail. In some cases
etc. there are data available regarding the dynamic pressure fields
Mr. Sorokes received a B.S. degree from St. Bonaventure created by these phenomena, and where it is available, it has been
University (1976). He is a member of AIAA, ASME, and the ASME included.
Turbomachinery Committee. He has authored or coauthored more The resulting rotor vibration signals are the primary way we can
than 20 technical papers and has been an instructor at various become aware of these forcing functions. With an understanding of
seminars and tutorials at Texas A&M University and Dresser- how rotors respond to forces, and the potential forcing functions
Rand. He also holds two U.S. patents. they may encounter, the recognition of vibration due to such
phenomena becomes simpler than it otherwise may be.


There are several sources of nonsynchronous forced vibration of As noted above, we are fortunate that the vibration characteris-
centrifugal compressor rotors. Many of them are aerodynamic tics of interest can be described using simple one degree of
phenomena, created within the gas path of the compressor. freedom systems. The material below describing those characteris-
Phenomena such as impeller stall, diffuser stall (with and without tics could be extracted from most vibration texts, such as those

listed in the bibliography. It has simply been condensed and where, in addition to the definitions above:
described in a manner that is most relevant to the particular c = Damping coefficient
problem of rotors. x⭈ = Velocity
Ccr = Critical damping
Free Vibration p = As defined below
Free Vibration Without Damping µ = As defined below

For our purposes, the simple spring-mass system, as depicted in

Figure 1, can be used for much of our discussion of the features of
interest for a rotor system undergoing free vibration. Equation (1),
the equation of motion for this simple system, produces the general c k
solution defined by Equation (2).

⭈⭈ ⫹ kx = 0
mx (1)

x = X sin(ωnt ⫹ Φ) (2) m

ω n2 = k m (3)

m = Mass
x = Acceleration
k = Spring coefficient Figure 2. Simple Spring-Mass-Damper System.
x = Position/amplitude
X = Maximum position/amplitude If critical damping is defined by Equation (5), and one investigates
ωn = Natural frequency only the case where damping is less than critical, then a solution is
t = Time generated as defined by Equation (6). This solution has a harmonic
Φ = Phase angle component (cos(pt + Φ)) with a natural frequency given by (pt,
where p = ω n2⫺µ2 and µ = ), and a decaying component (e⫺µt),
with the rate of decay determined by the coefficient in the exponent
(µ). With any given initial position not at the equilibrium position
k of the system, the value of this exponent determines the rate at
which the vibration of the system will return to zero. The
coefficient over one period of vibration (µT, where T is one period)
is called the logarithmic decrement (log dec), and it is defined by
Equation (7).
δ = µT (7)

It is therefore evident that whether or not there is any damping in

the system, the system in free (unforced) motion will vibrate only
at its natural frequency. The amplitude is completely defined by the
motion at the natural frequency, and if damping is present, the log
x decrement defines the rate of decay.

Figure 1. Simple Spring-Mass System. Forced Vibration

While there are several types of forces that can act on
In the absence of damping or external forces, once such a system compressor rotors, they all can be characterized as either periodic
is moved from its equilibrium position, the vibration as described or nonperiodic (arbitrary). First harmonic forces will be discussed,
by the equations continues forever, at the harmonic frequency a subset of periodic forces. The more general case of periodic
defined by Equation (3). forces is then covered, followed by arbitrary forces.
Free Vibration With Damping Harmonic External Forces
The situation can both be complicated slightly, and made much Harmonic external forces can be represented by a simple sine
more realistic, by adding (viscous) damping. For the purposes of wave. The force is of the form shown in Equation (8), and results
this discussion, the simple one degree of freedom spring-mass- in an equation of motion for a damped single degree of freedom
damper system, as depicted in Figure 2, can be used to describe the system as shown in Equation (9). We get a general solution of the
features of interest for a rotor system with damping undergoing form in Equation (10). As shown by Equation (11), for a given
free vibration. Equation (4) is the equation of motion for this relative force level (D = F/k) the amplitude is dependent on the
simple system. relative location of the forcing function frequency to the system
natural frequency (τ = ω/ωn), as well as the amount of damping in
⭈⭈ ⫹ cx⭈ ⫹ kx = 0
mx (4) c
the system (ρ = ). As Equation (10) shows, the frequency of
Ccr = 2 km (5) the vibration is at the frequency of the forcing function, not the
system natural frequency. At low levels of damping, it is also
x = Xe⫺µt cos(pt ⫹ Φ) (6) apparent from Equations (10) and (11) that the amplitude response

to the force would approach infinity as the forcing function

frequency approaches the system natural frequency. This is the Amplitude
familiar concept of resonance.

s(t) = F cos(ω t) (8)

mx⭈⭈ ⫹ cx⭈ ⫹ kx = F cos(ω t) (9)

x = P cos(ω t ⫺ Φ) (10)

P= (11) Time
[1 ⫺ τ2)2 ⫹ (2ρτ)2] 1/2
where, in addition to the earlier definitions:
s(t) = Harmonic forcing function
ω = Forcing function frequency
F = Maximum of forcing function
P = Maximum of response amplitude

It is therefore evident that the steady-state response of a system to a

harmonic forcing function is harmonic motion at the same frequency Figure 3. Periodic Signal.
as the force, with maximum amplitude occurring when the system
natural frequency is in resonance with the forcing function. A
Periodic External Forces P
A periodic force is not a clean sine wave, but it does repeat itself I
over some time period, with a frequency of ω. In that case, the T
forcing function may be expanded in a Fourier series, and the force U
is described in the form of Equation (12). Any periodic signal can D
be expanded in this way, and this capability can be used every time E
we look at vibration spectrum data. It is this characteristic that
allows a fast Fourier transform (FFT) analyzer to translate a FREQUENCY
vibration signal such as that shown in Figure 3 into the frequency Figure 4. Frequency Spectrum from Periodic Vibration Signal.
domain, as in Figure 4.
impulse force. An impulse is typically a force of significant
⬁ magnitude that acts for a short but finite time, and can be
s(t) = Σ Fn cos(nω t ⫹ θn) (12)
1 represented by an equation of the form in Equation (15). When a
simple spring-mass system is excited by such an impulse, it

x = Σ Pn cos(nω t ⫹ θn⫺φn) (13) responds in free vibration with initial conditions of (x = 0) and
1 (x⭈ = F/m). This results in vibration as represented by Equation
(16), which can be seen to be at the system natural frequency, with
Pn = (14) an amplitude linearly related to the magnitude of f.
[(1 ⫺ n2τ2)2 ⫹ (2ρnτ)2] 1/2
f=冮 Fdt (15)
where, in addition to the earlier definitions: t
Fn = The nth multiple of the force
n = The nth multiple x= sinωnt = f g(t) (16)
θn = The phase angle related to the nth multiple force m ωn
Pn = The maximum of the nth multiple position/amplitude where, in addition to the earlier definitions:
φn = The phase angle related to the nth multiple amplitude f = The unit impulse force
Dn = The relative force level of the nth multiple F = The impulse force amplitude
The steady-state response of a simple spring-mass system to a force in g(t) = Response to the unit impulse force
the form of Equation (12) is shown by Equation (13). This indicates
the vibration occurs at the frequency of the forcing function and its Using the principle of superposition, excitation due to arbitrary
multiples (often called harmonics, and not to be confused with the external forces, as depicted in Figure 5, can be treated as a series
harmonic forcing function mentioned above). As shown by Equation of impulses. The resulting response is defined by a superposition
(14), the amplitude is maximized when the base forcing function integral, in the form of Equation (17).
frequency, or any of its multiples, equals the system natural frequency. x = 冮 f(t')g(t⫺t')dt' (17)
It is then apparent that the response of a system to a periodic external 0
force can be analyzed by decomposing the forcing function into its This means the general response of the system would be expected
components (Fourier series), and then analyzing the response of to be movement due to the forces themselves, plus vibration at a
the system to each of those components. The total response of the natural frequency, with varying amplitude levels, depending on the
system is given by the sum of the individual responses, which can timing of the impulses. The relationship of any new impulse force
be looked at as harmonic forces, as described earlier. to the existing vibration would determine the resulting vibration.
Arbitrary, or Nonperiodic, External Forces Summary
Arbitrary, or nonperiodic, external forces are transient in nature, The above description points out an important distinction
and the most common way to investigate them is to consider an between different types of forced vibration. Purely harmonic

mode shape. These describe the way the rotor vibrates when at the
f(t) particular natural frequency in question. The first four of these
mode shapes for a typical beam style compressor would be as
depicted in Figure 7. The result is a rotor system that has multiple
natural frequencies, or principal modes. When undergoing free
vibration, the overall vibration of the system is always some
superimposed combination of these modes.

t' dt'
Figure 5. Force Due to Series of Impulses.

forcing functions will result in vibration at the frequency of the

force, with the amplitude depending on the level of force and the
proximity of the forcing frequency to the system natural frequency.
The more general form of periodic forcing functions will result in
vibration at the frequency of the force, plus its multiples, with the
amplitude again dependent on the level of the force, plus the
proximity of the forcing frequency, or any of its multiples, to the
system natural frequency. In contrast, vibration due to a
nonperiodic, or arbitrary forcing function, will occur at the system Figure 7. Critical Speed Map.
natural frequency. The amplitude at that frequency will vary, and
other movement in response to the forces will appear as random Free Vibration With Damping
amplitudes and frequencies in the spectrum.
Again, in a multi degree of freedom system, such as a
APPLICATION TO ROTOR VIBRATION compressor rotor, the basic principles discussed above still apply.
With damping, the system becomes more complicated, but still has
A compressor rotor can be considered as a special type of multi
the same basic components. For calculation purposes, the rotor is
degree of freedom system. As such, it can exhibit both free
represented by the modeled rotor stations, with the spring and
vibration and forced vibration. Free vibration takes place when the
damper represented by stiffness and damping coefficient matrices
system vibrates due to forces inherent in the system itself. This
at any bearing and seal locations. A typical rotor system model
vibration always takes place at one or more of the natural
might look like the one in Figure 6 but spring and damping
frequencies of the system. Forced vibration occurs due to external
coefficients in multiple directions are considered at each bearing,
forces. If this force is periodic, as it often is, the system will vibrate
seal or other support point, as shown in Figure 8.
at some combination of the frequency of excitation and its
multiples, with amplitudes dependent on the position of the
excitation frequencies to the system natural frequencies. For
nonperiodic forces, the response of the system will again be at
some combination of its natural frequencies. The following should
illustrate these characteristics in more detail.

Free Vibration
Free Vibration Without Damping
If one has a multi degree of freedom system, such as a
compressor rotor, the above basic principles still apply. The system
is more complicated, but has the same basic components. For
calculation purposes, the mass is represented by the modeled rotor
stations, and the spring is represented by stiffness matrices
between mass stations on the rotor, and by stiffness coefficients at
the bearing locations. A typical rotor system model for an
undamped model of this type might look like Figure 6 without the
damping (C).
Figure 8. Cross-Coupling Coefficients.

For each degree of freedom in this system, there will be a

damped natural frequency, often called an eigenvalue, again with a
corresponding specific mode shape, and also with a logarithmic
decrement. Each eigenvalue has its own decay rate, as defined by
Figure 6. Rotor System Model. the log dec, which can therefore be used as a measure of available
damping. The result is a rotor system that has multiple natural
For each degree of freedom in this model, there will be an frequencies (eigenvalues), each of them having a specific mode
(undamped) natural frequency. Such a model can therefore be used shape and an amount of damping indicated by the log dec. Just as
to generate the familiar critical speed map, as shown in Figure 7, in the undamped case, the overall free vibration of this system will
where these frequencies vary with the spring coefficient applied at always be some combination of all the natural frequencies, and
the bearing location. Each of these natural frequencies also has a therefore of all the mode shapes.

Since, in the absence of any external forcing function, the

vibration of a system such as a rotor can only occur at its natural
frequencies, the dominant frequency of any vibration signal must
be one of these natural frequencies. The result is a very clean
vibration signal at typically one of these frequencies, with an
amplitude that can be substantial.
In the real world, the situation most closely resembling such free
vibration is rotor instability, where a mode (typically the first, or
fundamental) is caused only by the “passive” excitation,
represented by the spring and damping coefficients shown in
Figure 8. This same figure can also be used to illustrate that “cross-
coupling” coefficients (such as kxy) can drive the rotor in a
whirling motion.
Analytical techniques used to examine rotor stability can create
an “unstable” rotor model mathematically simply with these
coefficients at the bearing and seal locations. External forces are
not needed. The term passive is used because forces are only
generated in response to movement of the rotor, creating a self-
generating mechanism. The term instability is used because with
the right coefficients, the log dec of the mode of interest can go to
zero, or below, creating an unstable situation, with a constantly Figure 10. Amplitude Versus Speed Plot.
increasing amplitude. The vibration is unbounded, until
nonlinearity takes over (often as in contacting the bearing or seal). response frequency will also change, with the amplitude rising and
The characteristics of rotor “instability” are therefore a clean, falling depending on the proximity to the natural frequencies of the
single frequency signal, occurring at the rotor natural frequency, rotor. For a given system, with a given forcing function, one
with an amplitude that increases until bounded by other therefore has a relatively stable situation, with essentially no
constraints. This type of subsynchronous vibration can be a serious tendency to exhibit sporadic high vibration levels.
problem. It can cause severe damage. Fortunately, it is not as
commonplace as it once was. There are other reasons for Periodic Forces
compressors to vibrate at subsynchronous frequencies, however, Nonsynchronous forces acting on rotors are generally in the
and that is the primary topic of the rest of this discussion. form of aerodynamic forces. When these aerodynamic forces are
Forced Vibration periodic, they may or may not be harmonic, as well. A response
plot similar to Figure 10 could again be used to examine the
Harmonic Forces asynchronous response of the rotor to the force, or any multiples it
may have. From the discussion above on periodic forcing
An obvious instance of a harmonic force on a rotor is unbalance.
functions, it is apparent that at frequencies below a given natural
For analysis, the rotor model adds a rotating force, as shown Figure
frequency of the system, both the force and any of its multiples can
9. Its frequency is obviously equal to running speed, and the
excite that mode if they are either in resonance, or close to
familiar amplitude versus speed plots can be produced, as shown in
resonance, with the natural frequency. On the other hand, periodic
Figure 10, to measure response of the rotor to this external force.
forces at higher frequencies cannot be in resonance with lower
Since we are dealing with a multiple degree of freedom system, the
natural frequencies.
vibration mode shape will vary depending both on how close the
Just as for a single degree of freedom system, any vibration due
speed (forcing function frequency) is to the various natural
to such forces will be at frequencies equal to the forcing function
frequencies, and the location of the unbalance. The location used
frequency, plus any integer multiples. The amplitude will vary as
for measuring vibration introduces another variable, since the
the frequency varies, depending on the proximity of the
mode shape at any given frequency will determine whether a
frequencies to rotor natural frequencies, and resonance can occur
particular probe location can be used to adequately measure
with any of the natural frequencies and the forcing function or any
response of the rotor. Similarly, asynchronous response analysis of
of its multiples. Again, for a given system under given conditions,
a rotor to reduced frequency excitation can provide some picture of
this type of vibration is stable, consistent, and repeatable.
a rotor’s ability to withstand a specific subsynchronous harmonic
force. Arbitrary Forces
Arbitrary external forcing functions seen by compressor rotors
U are generally caused by transient aerodynamic activity. Since they
act as an impulse force, however, they may also cause vibration at
frequencies other than one of the rotor’s natural frequencies.
However, the reaction of a rotor to aerodynamic activity that can
cause transient arbitrary forces is not generally analyzed, since the
potential characteristics and locations of the forces involved are
innumerable. It is then left to evaluation of vibration signals to
determine potential causes of vibration, and whether they should
Figure 9. Rotor System Model Showing Unbalance Force. cause any concerns.
Just as with a single degree of freedom system, arbitrary forcing
A vibration signal due to a consistent harmonic external force functions can cause vibration at one or more of a rotor’s natural
would therefore be expected to be a steady vibration, with an frequencies. The amplitude at the natural frequency will vary,
amplitude dependent on the force and the proximity to a rotor however, as the amplitudes of the various impulses vary. Other
natural frequency. This characteristic would result in a resonance at movement of the rotor due to the impulse forces would appear as
each natural frequency that becomes coincident with the force. If random frequencies and amplitudes on a signal analyzer. Steady
the frequency of a subsynchronous force changes, the vibration vibration at any frequency will not occur, however. This type of

forced vibration can therefore be separated from unforced Must increase flow
“instability” when evaluating vibration data most readily by E beyond onset line to
H eliminate phenomenon
viewing real time signals, to separate relatively steady or F
constantly increasing vibration from unsteady vibration at multiple Y
frequencies. In real time, amplitudes and frequencies will S
constantly vary, with natural frequencies being the most prominent T
in most instances. Vibration levels will be determined by the P E
stiffness and damping of the system, and the amplitude of the O R
forces applied. E
One can see from these results that unforced subsynchronous F.
S. S
vibration (instability) will be a relatively clean signal at the rotor
natural frequency. Forced subsynchronous vibration due to a I
harmonic force will be a clean single frequency that is often not at S
a rotor natural frequency. Forced subsynchronous vibration due to
a periodic force will be at a frequency and its multiples, again Onset line when
usually not at a rotor natural frequency (although the existence of decreasing flow
multiples increases the chance of resonance). Finally, forced
subsynchronous vibration due to arbitrary (impulse) forces will be
at multiple, and continuously varying frequencies and amplitudes, Flow
with maximum amplitudes usually occurring near rotor natural Figure 11. Hysteresis Zone.
frequencies. With this basis, it is useful to describe the causes of
some of the harmonic, periodic and arbitrary forces that can create compressor’s minimum stable flow rate as the “surge line” (Figure
such vibration signals. 12). In fact, the minimum flow rate shown on most as-tested
AERODYNAMIC FORCES performance maps is dictated by stall rather than surge. Stall or
rotating stall tends to be a precursor to true surge. That is, as the
Definitions inlet flow is reduced, the compressor will experience stall before it
Before further discussions on the aerodynamic forces, a encounters a full flow reversal or surge. In some compression
definition of four terms must be presented so that there is no systems, the flow increment between the onset of stall and the
confusion as to their interpretation in this document. Those terms onset of true surge is very small and it may be impossible to detect
are surge, stall, rotating stall, and hysteresis zone and they are the stall without encountering full surge. In other systems, there is
defined as follows: a significant difference in the flow rates at which stall and surge
• Surge—is a system phenomenon that is not only dependent on
the compressor but on all components of the process; i.e., piping,
valves, pressure vessels, volumes, etc. Surge is defined as an
operating condition at which full flow reversal occurs; i.e., flow
progresses backward through the compressor section or stage and

comes out the inlet. (Note, it is possible for one stage within a
compression section to surge without the entire section surging.) It
GE "

is typically accompanied by high radial and axial vibrations as well

"S U R

as extreme fluctuations in inlet and discharge pressure and

• Stall—A more localized phenomenon than surge, stall occurs
when there is a localized region of reverse flow, reduced
velocity/momentum, depressed pressure, etc. Stall can occur
within a component of a stage and is frequently accompanied by an
increase in subsynchronous vibration as well as pressure pulsations
and a possible reduction in stage pressure rise. It is important to
note that stall can occur at any point on a compressor operating
map but is more common at very high or very low flow rates.
• Rotating stall—refers to that class of stall cells that rotate about
the compressor; typically in the circumferential direction. The term
is borrowed from the axial compressor world where it referred to
the progression of a stall cell (or cells) from one rotor passage to
the next. In the centrifugal world, it encompasses any stall cells FLOW

that move relative to the stationary frame of reference. However, it

is most commonly associated with impellers or diffusers. Figure 12. Compressor Map Showing “Surge” Line.

• Hysteresis zone—When reducing flow, a phenomenon will No further commentary will be offered on the system
appear at some flow rate. The phenomenon does not disappear phenomenon, surge. Rather, the discussion will center on stall and,
simply by moving back above that flow rate. Instead, the flow rate in particular, impeller and vaneless diffuser rotating stall.
has to be increased significantly beyond the onset rate to “wash
out” the stall cells (Figure 11). Stationary Stall
It is important to understand the distinction between surge and Before addressing rotating stall, a few comments are warranted
stall (or rotating stall). Quite often, turbomachinery engineers and on the stationary form. Stationary stall cells may or may not have
users misinterpret or misuse these terms, leading to confusion as to detrimental effects on compressor aerodynamic and mechanical
which of the phenomena are happening in a compressor. Much of performance. Much like its rotating counterpart, stationary stall
this confusion results from the common practice of labeling a causes nonuniform pressure fields or unbalanced forces that can

influence the compressor rotor. Stationary stall cells can form in vibrations or contribute to such by prompting the formation of
vaned diffusers, return channels, guidevanes, near volute tongues, rotating stall. For example, if stationary stall cells form in a return
etc. The most common factor that promotes the formation of channel or guidevane passage, the stall may disturb the flowfield
stationary stalls is high levels of incidence (i.e., the difference such that rotating stall would initiate in the downstream impeller.
between the gas approach angle and the vane setting angle, Figure Therefore, stationary stall cannot be totally ignored as a possible
13). High incidence occurs as a compressor or compressor stage is contributor to rotor excitation. However, no further comments will
operated far from its nominal or design flow condition; that is, near be offered on the subject.
surge or in overload. The separation cells create pressure
disturbances that influence other upstream or downstream stage Rotating Stall
components. For example, the impeller shown in Figure 14 would Rotating stall is best described as a nonuniform circumferential
be affected by the nonuniform pressure field caused by the flow pressure field that rotates at a speed other than the compressor
separation from the diffuser vanes. The interaction of the impeller operating speed. The nonuniform pressure field might exert
with this nonuniform field may be evidenced by an increase in unbalanced forces on the compressor rotor, sometimes resulting in
vibration at blade-vane passing. Obviously, diffuser vane angles asynchronous vibrations. Since the rotational speed of the pressure
must be set accurately to ensure that high incidence and the field is most often lower than the rotor rotational speed, the
resulting separation will not arise within the compressor’s required vibration frequencies are subsynchronous.
operating map. As noted, the two most common forms are impeller and diffuser
rotating stall. Both may have significant effects on mechanical and
aerodynamic performance. In most compressors, rotating stall does
not appear except at lower flow rates; i.e., very near surge.
However, in some cases, they have been encountered very near
design flow. Further complicating matters, some forms of
“interaction stall” actually are more prevalent at the high capacity
end of the performance map.
Confounding the situation even further, other components can
produce forces that affect the rotor vibration signatures,
approximating stall characteristics; i.e., seals and bearings.
However, these rotor effects are typically not as sensitive to
compressor operating conditions. Their response frequency is
normally evident over the entire operating envelope and remains
relatively constant despite changes in flow rate or discharge
pressure. It is important to rule out such effects before attributing a
subsynchronous rotor vibration to rotating stall.
Impeller Rotating Stall
Numerous researchers have investigated impeller rotating stall
and there are equally numerous amounts of theories and opinions
as to its nature and influences on compressor aeromechanical
performance. Much of this work was drawn from or based upon
studies done in the axial compressor world. However, the two early
Figure 13. Stationary Stall Cell in a Return Channel. works that gained some notoriety in the centrifugal fraternity were
those of Abdelhamid (1980) and Frigne and Van den
Braembussche (1984). Their efforts sought to classify the various
forms of rotating stall that could occur in a centrifugal stage.
Abdelhamid suggested that impeller rotating stall could result
from flow perturbations at the impeller exit that would not allow
the flow to follow the blading. These perturbations may be a
consequence of disturbances within the impeller passages (i.e.,
separation cells, Figure 14) or strong interactions between the
impeller and the diffuser (i.e., the diffuser walls interfering with the
impeller exit area through misalignment of parts, etc.).
Frigne and Van den Braembussche also studied the characteris-
tics of rotating stall (impeller and diffuser) and published a series
of criteria that have been widely used to distinguish between the
various types. Their study identified two distinct forms of impeller
stall; abrupt and progressive. They also felt that the abrupt stall was
the result of strong interactions between the impeller and diffuser
while the progressive variety was more the consequence of the
impeller flowfield itself. Their publication identified the frequency
Figure 14. Sketch of Flow Separation in Impeller Due to range for the two types as follows: Abrupt–26 percent to 31 percent
Interaction with Separated Diffuser. of running speed; Progressive–67 percent to 82 percent of running
Stationary stall formation can also occur when flow encounters Other researchers have identified the probable causes for
very tight curvatures. If curvature radii are too small in a return progressive impeller rotating stall as:
bend, guidevane, on a return channel vane, etc., the flow separates • Flow separations near the impeller exit;
from the highly curved surface and a stall cell can form.
Misalignment of parts in a compressor flowpath can also cause the • Incidence angles at the impeller leading edge; or
flow to separate or stall. All these phenomena might induce rotor • Pressure disturbances caused by the impeller blade geometry.

Based on a review of their published works, impeller rotating stall

can manifest itself as frequencies from 26 percent of running speed
up to 100 percent of running speed. It has also been suggested that

some investigators confused diffuser stall as impeller stall. In short,
though much has been published on the subject of impeller rotating
stall and though many claim to have complete knowledge on the
issue, the inconsistencies and contradictory nature of their Pressure Coeff.

guidelines, observations, and/or conclusions suggest that Efficiency

additional work is required before anyone can claim a total Work Input

understanding of this phenomenon.
Impeller Rotating Stall Characteristics
Compressors experiencing impeller rotating stall can exhibit
some or all of the following characteristics:
• The subsynchronous radial vibration frequency falls in the range
of from 50 percent to 80 percent of the compressor running speed.
Note: as suggested above, this range could be as large as from 26
percent to 100 percent of running, though the smaller range is more
widely accepted. FLOW

• The subsynchronous vibration frequency tracks with running Figure 15. Data from Compressor Stage Experiencing Impeller
speed. Stall.
• There is normally no hysteresis zone associated with impeller applying an excitation force to the rotor (Figure 17). Redesign of the
stall. That is, there will be a very distinct flow rate at which the impellers to an arbitrary bladed, full inducer configuration
problem will come and go. eliminated the stall and all related performance problems. These
• It may be possible to throttle through the indications of stall such results were reported by Sorokes and Welch (1991) and Sorokes
as subsynchronous vibration. That is, it may only occur over a (1993). In light of the problems with these impellers, new guidelines
limited flow band and disappear at lower flow rates. For example, to limit the amount of blade and cover turning were implemented.
when reducing flow rate, a subsynchronous vibration due to such a
stall may arise at some Q/N. The vibration persists with further
reduction in flow until a point is reached where it disappears.
• There may be a discontinuity or “droop” in the performance
curve associated with the onset of the subsynchronous vibration.
Unfortunately, as noted, there is no consensus on the character-
istics of impeller rotating stall. As such, it is difficult to provide
definitive guidelines for its identification. However, there is good
agreement on the various contributors to impeller stall; that is,
geometric configurations or flow profiles to avoid. All also agree
that detailed 2-D or 3-D analyses of the impeller and its associated
hardware can identify potential sources for impeller rotating stall.
However, how such stalls manifest themselves (i.e., characteristic
frequencies) is still the subject of much debate.
Examples of Rotating Stall Attributed to Impellers
In the past, high flow coefficient stages have been more
susceptible to impeller rotating stall. Some obsolete high flow
impellers have shown a drooping trend in the pressure coefficient
curve in the region between design and surge flow, especially when
applied at high tip Mach number, U2/Ao (Figure 15). This droop
was accompanied by an increase in subsynchronous vibration at
approximately 66 percent of the compressor running speed. Note
that this frequency falls within the guidelines for impeller stall Figure 16. Impeller CFD Analysis Showing Separation Zone.
published by Frigne and Van den Braembussche (1984). Also, the
general shape of the performance curve for these impellers agreed
with the trends observed by the two researchers.
One-dimensional analyses on these obsolete impellers showed no
obvious problems; i.e., relative velocity ratios, incidence levels, and
various other parameters gave no indications that these impellers
would suffer stall problems. Two-dimensional studies also yielded
satisfactory results, i.e., loading parameters and velocity
distributions fell within the generally accepted guidelines. However,
when 3-D flowfield analyses (computational fluid dynamics (CFD))
were performed, some clear shortcomings were observed.
CFD analyses showed that large separation zones were forming in
the impeller passages, prompted by high levels of turning both along
the shroud and on the blading (Figure 16). These separation zones
were coalescing into large wake regions at the impeller exit and Figure 17. Impeller Exit Mach Number Distribution.

More recently, a novel form of impeller stall was experienced

during full-load, full-pressure testing on a barrel compressor for Vibration Probe
high pressure gas reinjection. The unit exhibited subsynchronous
radial vibration at 91 percent of running. Of significance, the
subsynchronous only became apparent during the full-load, full-
pressure testing. There was no indication of any vibration problems
during the class III test; i.e., performed at reduced pressure, gas
density, and horsepower. Adding to the peculiarity, the
subsynchronous vibration only occurred when the second section
of the compressor was operating in a very limited flow range
(Figure 18). Also, there was absolutely no evidence of a problem Dyn. Press. Probe
in the performance of the compressor; that is, there was no
discontinuity in the efficiency curve or head coefficient rise
throughout the flow band in which the subsynchronous vibration
occurred. It is important to note that all the impellers, diffusers,
return channels, etc., had been used in numerous previous
applications without incident. Further, 1-D reviews had been
conducted on all impellers and diffusers to ensure that they
conformed to the guidelines for rotating stall avoidance that were
being applied at the time. In short, there was no reason to suspect
a rotating stall problem. Figure 19. Spectra from Dynamic Pressure Probe and Vibration
Probe During Impeller Rotating Stall.

91% 182% 273% 364%

Figure 18. Performance Map Showing Apparent Impeller Stall

Zone. Figure 20. Waterfall Plot Showing Shift in Frequency with Flow.

To identify the source of the excitation, dynamic pressure probes

were installed in the diffusers and second section inlet. During the
testing, pressure pulsations were discovered in the first and second
stages of the second section that coincided with the onset of the
subsynchronous radial vibration detected by the vibration probes 2 Cells
(Figure 19). When throttling the compressor from design to lower
1 Cell
flow rates, the pressure pulsations initiated at a frequency of 91
percent of running; i.e., exactly the same as the subsynchronous
radial vibration frequency. With further reduction in flow rate, the 91% 182%
pressure pulsation frequency changed to 182 percent of running
speed. Coincident with this pulsation frequency change, the
subsynchronous radial vibrations disappeared (Figure 20). With
even further decreases in flow rate, the pressure pulsation
frequency changed to 273 percent of running and then 364 percent
of running, yet the subsynchronous radial vibrations never 3 Cells 4 Cells
Dynamic pressure probes at the exit of one impeller clearly
showed that, when the 91 percent of running vibration appeared, 273% 364%
there was a single stall cell rotating at 91 percent of the rotor speed.
This resulting unbalanced pressure force above the impeller caused
the rotor response. When the stall mode shifted to two cells, the Figure 21. Orientation of Stall Cells.
probes proved that the 182 percent of running pulsation was
actually the result of two cells (180 degrees apart) rotating at 91 The observed behavior of the rotating stall experienced in this
percent of running speed. Because the two pressure disturbances compressor does not conform to any of the published characteris-
were diametrically opposing one another, the rotor forces were tics for impeller stall and yet it was obvious that the impellers were
balanced. Similarly, when the 273 percent of running frequency creating (or at least amplifying) the phenomenon. In an effort to
was apparent, the result of three cells (120 degrees apart) rotating identify the root cause of the stall, a CFD study was conducted on
at 91 percent, the pressure forces on the rotor were again balanced the impellers. These analyses did show larger than normal amounts
(Figure 21). of secondary flow at the impeller exit. It was concluded that leading

edge incidence (though within prior experience with this impeller) The stall may cause significant unbalanced forces on the rotor,
and the aerodynamic loading on the blading were contributing to especially when the vanes are closely coupled to the impellers
the high level of secondary flow. The impeller was redesigned to (Sorokes and Welch, 1992) (Figure 22). Consideration must be
address these two issues and the problem was resolved. given to the incidence swings that may occur as the end user
The reason for providing so much detail on this case is that the operates the compressor. If it is clear that one or more of the
original stage design adhered to all 1-D criteria existing at that time required operating conditions result in high incidence; i.e., in
for stall avoidance and yet a problem occurred. Further, the stall’s excess of 10 degrees; there is a high probability that flow
behavior was very unique and did not conform to any published separation and the associated stall will occur.
material regarding the characteristics of rotating stall in centrifugal
compressors. In short, this experience provided information on a
Diffuser Vanes
form of impeller rotating stall not previously encountered. Clearly,
more rigorous acceptance criteria were needed to properly assess Rotation
the potential for centrifugal impeller rotating stall. Such criteria
could not be based solely on simple 1-D calculations, though new
1-D guidelines were developed in light of this experience. The
more obvious solution that was implemented was to make more
Semi-Vaneless Space
effective (and frequent) use of 2-D or 3-D analyses.
Two more crucial observations must be made. First, as noted, the
subsynchronous vibration was only evident when the compressor
was run at full-load and full-pressure. Had only the class III test Impeller
been done, the stall would not have been detected until the
compressor was installed at the customer’s site. Resolution in the
field would have been far more difficult and time-consuming.
Clearly, there are significant advantages to performing full-load,
full-pressure testing prior to shipment of the compressor from the
vendor’s facilities.
Second, much of the research work done on rotating stall
(impeller, diffuser, etc.) has been done using low pressure test
vehicles; i.e., single-stage test rigs. As was seen in the above
example, it may not be possible to quantify the influences of stall
or even detect their presence during such low pressure testing.
Figure 22. Spacing Between Impeller and Diffuser Vanes.
Therefore, it would be more advantageous to conduct rotating stall
research using high pressure test vehicles.
It is difficult to characterize the radial vibration frequencies that
Diffuser Rotating Stall arise due to stall in the vaned portion of a diffuser. Unfortunately
(or fortunately), there are limited data available in which stall was
Though this section is intended to address the entire subject of attributed directly to the vaned diffuser. Some have reported
diffuser rotating stall, the primary focus will be on vaneless frequencies that are proportional to the number of impeller blades
diffusers or the vaneless portion of vaned diffusers; i.e., the portion or diffuser vanes; i.e., blade or vane passing. Others (nearly all
between the impeller and diffuser vanes (the “semi-vaneless associated with low solidity vaned diffusers, LSDs) have cited
space”) or between the diffuser vanes and the downstream subsynchronous frequencies in the same range as would be
component (return bend or volute). Some comments on the vaned expected for stall in a vaneless diffuser. In the latter case, it has
portion are offered but the majority of the rotating stall problems been speculated that the stall actually formed in the vaneless space
encountered in vaned diffuser stages arise in the vaneless portion between the impeller and diffuser due to either:
of those diffusers. Recall, problems associated with stationary stall
in vaned diffusers were noted previously. • Highly tangential vaneless space flow angles; or
Vaned Diffusers
• High levels of incidence leading to vortex shedding and stall cell
As noted, stall can occur in the vaned portion of a diffuser. The
primary cause is leading edge incidence, though poor passage area Examples of Stall Associated with Vaned Diffusers
distribution or vane design may also contribute. Regardless, the Despite building and testing a very large number of compressors
result will be flow separation from the vane surfaces or side walls. that employed LSDs and other vaned types (i.e., wedge, airfoil,
If the flow separation causes vortex shedding, this shedding may rib), the OEM has encountered very few cases of subsynchronous
promote the formation of rotating diffuser stall in the vaneless vibration or stall that were directly attributable to the diffuser. In
space upstream of the diffuser vanes. Regardless of whether the majority of these instances, the situation was rectified by
stationary or rotating, the disturbed flowfield can hinder the restaggering the diffuser vanes; i.e., adjusting the vane inlet angles
performance of downstream components, yielding higher losses to better match the impeller exit flow conditions. The frequency
and a reduction in operating range. The incidence or separation spectra resulting from the inappropriate setting angles showed both
effects can also cause disturbances in the flowfield upstream of the subsynchronous (12 percent to 25 percent of running speed) and
diffuser vanes (backflow) or may, in fact, be the consequence of supersynchronous (blade/vane passing) components.
some upstream disturbances; i.e., impeller secondary flows, etc. In There have been two cases in which restaggering the diffuser
fact, it may be possible to cause rotating stall in the vaned portion vanes did not eliminate the subsynchronous vibrations. In these
of a diffuser if the diffuser follows an impeller that is experiencing situations, the compressors were tested with one or more vaned
rotating stall. Since the stall cells exiting the impeller will be diffuser arrangements and, finally, with vaneless diffusers. When
rotational in nature, angular momentum will force the “cells” to the vanes were removed, the subsynchronous vibration was still
rotate through the vaned diffuser. Of course, as the “cells” impact apparent but at a reduced amplitude as compared to the test with
the diffuser vanes, they will likely be disturbed or even eradicated. the vanes installed. Consider the frequency spectra given in Figures
In short, the diffuser vanes may actually serve to “wash out” 23 and 24. The spectrum in Figure 23 was taken during a near
impeller stall cells. surge excursion with the LSDs installed. The spectrum shown in

Figure 24 was taken at the same flow condition after the LSDs Vaneless Diffusers
were removed. Clearly, the amplitude was reduced when the LSD Some of the earliest research into vaneless diffuser rotating stall
vanes were not present, yet a response was still evident. In short, was conducted by Dr. Willem Jansen (1964). Jansen was
the LSD vanes were serving as “reflectors” that amplified the investigating stall in vaneless diffusers caused by localized nonuni-
effect of stall cells thought to be forming in the semi-vaneless formities in the radial gas velocity. He determined that these
space immediately outside the impeller exit. With the vanes in nonuniformities lead to pressure disturbances or “stall cells” that
place, these stall cells or pressure disturbances were being rotate circumferentially around the compressor, subjecting the
reflected between the impeller and the diffuser vanes, causing rotor to unbalanced pressure forces. Jansen’s work showed that the
unbalanced radial forces on the rotor. Without the vanes to serve as onset of diffuser rotating stall was most strongly influenced by the
“reflectors,” the blade - vane interactions were eliminated and the diffuser flow angle. Once the diffuser angle exceeded some critical
rotor vibrations reduced. angle, rotating stall occurred. Depending on the flow conditions
and the details of the diffuser geometry, single or multiple stall
cells (i.e., two, three, four, etc.) can form. The rotor vibration char-
acteristics will be a function of this number of cells and their
rotational speed relative to the compressor operating speed.
The flow angle in a diffuser is a function of operating conditions
as well as the details of the diffuser geometry. Jansen’s studies
showed that the critical angle for the onset of rotating stall is also
a function of the diffuser geometry and the gas Reynolds Number.
To aid designers in their efforts to avoid rotating stall, Jansen
developed a series of guidelines or correlations that showed how
the critical angle would change for various diffuser geometries and
Reynolds numbers (Figure 25).

Figure 23. Radial Vibration Spectrum with LSDs Installed.

Figure 25. Jansen Criteria for Rotating Stall Avoidance in Vaneless


Subsequent research into rotating stall sought to further refine

Figure 24. Radial Vibration Spectrum with LSDs Removed. these guidelines or correlations. Among these were the efforts of
Senoo and Kinoshita (1977, 1978), Senoo, et al. (1977),
Calculations of the flow angles in the semi-vaneless space Abdelhamid (1980, 1985), Abdelhamid and Betrand (1980),
showed that, while incidence on the LSD vanes was minimal (i.e., Abdelhamin, et al. (1979), and Frigne and Van den Braembussche
approximately ⫺2 degrees), the flow angles exceeded the critical (1984). Y. Senoo published several papers in the late 1970s that
angle for vaneless diffuser stall (more detail in following sections). included criteria that became widely accepted by the compressor
The calculations supported the contention that the stall was industry. Professor Senoo had sought to identify other parameters
occurring upstream of the LSD vanes. that influenced the critical angle for diffuser stall. He found that
The diffuser passages were contracted to move the flow angle Mach number, Reynolds number, radius ratio, contraction ratio
out of the stall regime and new LSD vanes were designed to match (ratio of diffuser width to impeller tip width), and, most notably,
the more radial flow angles. Upon retesting the compressor, no velocity distortion at the diffuser inlet all played an important role
subsynchronous vibrations were encountered at any flow condition in determining the critical angle. This latter parameter is quite
within the required operating range. important because it suggests that the more disturbed the impeller
In summation, vaned diffusers can be the source of stall-related exit flow profile, the greater the likelihood that the downstream
phenomena; the result of high levels of positive or negative diffuser will stall.
incidence. They can also accentuate vibration resulting from stall Kobayashi, et al. (1990), and Nishida, et al. (1988), expanded on
cells rotating in the semi-vaneless area between the impeller and the Senoo work, investigating the effects of diffuser inlet profile on
vaned diffuser. The designer must be aware of these critical factors Senoo’s criteria. They found that the rate of diffuser pinch and the
and ensure that vane incidence and/or vaneless flow angles remain general shape of that pinch (i.e., the diffuser hub and shroud
within acceptable limits. entrance geometry) can have significant influence on the accuracy

of the Senoo methods. Interestingly, their work showed that frequency spectrum consisting of numerous harmonics of some
rotating stall could occur at higher flow (i.e., more radial flow basic frequency. The spectrum appears as would a “clipped square
angles) if there is excess area above the impeller exit. This situation wave.”
seems to be more critical in lower flow coefficient stages. Sorokes
(1994) supported this contention in his work based on CFD Examples of Stall Associated with
analyses of various diffuser entrance geometries. Vaneless Diffusers (or Vaneless Passages)
Despite all the published literature and ongoing research • Vaneless Diffuser—Rather than cite specific compressors that
(notably the Concepts ETI rotating stall consortium), like impeller experienced diffuser rotating stall, this section provides an
rotating stall, there remains no definitive set of criteria for rotating overview of the two most common reasons that the phenomenon
stall avoidance in vaneless diffusers. However, experience has arises in industrial turbomachinery. This section also describes
shown that conservative application of the Senoo criteria yields a how a stall can form in other vaneless portions of the flow passage
very high rate of success in avoiding diffuser stall. For example, and addresses two examples of such.
insuring that the diffuser flow angles do not come within three to Vaneless diffuser rotating stall can occur if designers do not
five degrees of the critical angle based on the Senoo criteria account for assembly tolerances within a compressor. Another
typically will ensure rotating stall avoidance in most cases (Figure common reason is improper calculation of the upstream impeller
26). Of course, it is crucial that the flow angles be assessed over the exit flow angle causing an inaccuracy in specification of the
entire required operating range for the compressor; i.e., from diffuser width necessary for stall avoidance. That is, the calculated
design flow back to the surge control line. impeller exit flow angle is more radial than in actuality, resulting
in insufficient diffuser pinch and a diffuser flow angle that is too
Returning to the subject of assembly tolerances, it is common
practice to allow machining or assembly tolerances on the parts
(return channels, guidevanes, inlets, discharge volutes) that stack
together to form the compressor flowpath. When the unit is
operated, any gaps between components (created by the machining
or assembly tolerances) will be closed as the pressure builds on the
walls of the various flow passages. All walls will deflect away from
the point of highest pressure within the machine. In a compressor,
the highest static pressure occurs in the last stage diffuser.
Therefore, the walls of that diffuser will move apart as any
machining or assembly gaps present in the remaining components
are closed. Failure to account for the growth of this diffuser width
can have significant consequences.
Most past occurrences of diffuser rotating stall encountered by
the OEM were caused by the deflections described above. At
operating pressures, walls deflected, the last stage diffuser width
increased, the diffuser flow angle increased (became more
tangential), and rotating stall developed. The machines exhibited
low frequency subsynchronous radial vibrations in the range of 6
percent to 33 percent of the running speed, though the majority fell
in a 6 percent to 18 percent range. The excess vibration typically
arose as operators throttled the compressor toward the surge
Figure 26. Senoo Criteria for Stall Avoidance Showing control line and, once present, would remain until the compressor
Conservative Line. was moved to much higher flow rates. Again, since the vibrations
come and go at different flow rates, the phenomenon is said to have
Vaneless Diffuser Rotating Stall Characteristics a hysteresis zone.
In all but limited cases, the stall was eliminated by reducing the
Compressors experiencing subsynchronous vibration due to diffuser widths such that, at pressure, the deflections would not
diffuser rotating stall exhibit some or all of the following charac- result in flow angles that reached the critical level necessary to
teristics: instigate rotating stall (refer to Figure 27 for typically corrective
• The subsynchronous radial vibration frequency is in a range of measure). It is clear that manufacturing tolerances and material
deflection under pressure must be accounted for to ensure stall
6 percent to 33 percent of running speed.
• The vibration frequency is sensitive to flow rate and, after onset, In a small number of cases, rotating stall was eliminated by
will typically increase as the flow rate is reduced. installing low solidity vaned diffusers. Such diffusers delay the
• The vibration frequency tracks with speed as long as Q/N is held onset of rotating stall by influencing the growth of secondary flows
fairly constant. and boundary layers that promote stall inception. LSDs are a more
attractive option when dealing with low flow coefficient stages. In
• There is a hysteresis zone associated with the onset flow rate. such cases, the amount of vaneless diffuser pinch necessary to
That is, when reducing flow, the phenomenon will appear at some
flow rate. However, the vibration does not disappear simply by ensure proper flow angles often would produce unacceptable
moving back above that flow rate. Instead, operators have to efficiency loss. The LSD eliminates this concern by allowing stable
increase flow significantly beyond that rate to “wash out” the stall flow to be maintained with wider passages. Of course, in designing
cells. the vaned diffuser, one must avoid creating different forms of stall
caused by vane incidence effects. (Refer to Vaned Diffusers above.)
• There may be sudden jumps in frequency as the stall progresses • Return Bend—Another form of vaneless space rotating stall can
from one to two to three cells, etc.
occur in the return bend (the 180 degree bend between the diffuser
• If dynamic pressure probes are available, their output shows a exit and return channel entrance, Figure 28) as reported by
response in the 6 percent to 33 percent range. They also show a Sorokes, et al, (1994). Though not typically considered part of the

despite having no prior experience with stall in a return bend, the

data indicated that the stall was occurring in the bends and not in
the diffuser passage.
In the first of the two cases, the stall was eliminated by reducing
the return bend passage widths in all stages. In this instance, the
diameter to the entrance of the bends was not changed; implying
no change in the tangential velocity component. The decreased
passage width effectively increased the meridional velocity and,
therefore, reduced the gas flow angle.
Piece to Pinch
Diffuser Width In the second compressor, in addition to a reduction in cross-
sectional passage width, the radius to the entrance of the return
bend was decreased. The change in radius and passage area caused
both the gas tangential and meridional velocity to increase.
However, the meridional velocity, being a function of both the
radius and the passage width, increased by a larger percentage than
did the tangential velocity. The result was a decrease in gas flow
angle of approximately five degrees at any given flow condition.
As with the first case, the stall and associated subsynchronous
radial vibration were eliminated from this compressor.
In these two cases, the machines exhibited characteristics that
could have been interpreted as diffuser rotating stall, yet the stall
was not caused by the diffusers. Without careful review of all the
geometry and available data, analysts may target the wrong
components for corrective measures.
Figure 27. Typical Diffuser Correction. Because of these experiences, it is now common practice to
assess the flow angles through return bends using much the same
diffuser, the return bend does constitute a vaneless space and, criteria as applied for vaneless diffusers. Logic suggests that if the
therefore, is a potential location for stall inception. In fact, since flow angles are too tangential for a vaneless diffuser, they should
area typically increases through the 180 degree bend, there is a likewise be too tangential for a vaneless return bend.
greater tendency for secondary flows to arise and form rotating
Interaction “Stall”
stall cells. Little or nothing can be found in the open literature
regarding rotating stall in this element. However, there has been Nonuniform pressure fields can be formed through the
strong evidence for such in at least two instances. interaction of components or the interaction of the pressure fields
created by adjoining components. It is not clear that these
phenomena should be characterized as rotating stall. Still, they do
cause a rotating nonuniform pressure field that imposes
Return unbalanced forces on the rotor and their influence on said rotor
Bend mimic those of true rotating stall. Therefore, it is appropriate to
associate these phenomena with rotating stall.
Impeller - Diffuser Interaction
The most common form of impeller - diffuser interaction occurs
when one wall of a diffuser abruptly overlaps the impeller exit gas
passage, causing an obstruction in the flowpath. The flow
impinging on the obstruction causes pressure disturbances that can
influence the rotor. Such a situation can be avoided by proper
flaring of the diffuser entrance, thereby ensuring that detrimental
overlap cannot occur. Of course, one must be cognizant of the axial
movement of the rotor during operation at various flow conditions.
Not surprisingly, this form of interaction stall is more prevalent
at the high flow end of the compressor performance map. At such
flow rates, the impeller exit flow angle is more radial and there is
more kinetic energy in the gas stream. Consequently, the energy
Figure 28. Return Bend (Vaneless Space). involved in the interaction is higher, resulting in greater forces
acting on the rotor. Further, as one reduces flow and the angle
In both cases, the return bend designs fell within previous becomes more tangential, it is easier for the flow to “slip around”
experience, implying that there was little reason to suspect any the obstruction without causing feedback to the rotor.
potential for stall. In addition, the diffuser widths upstream of the There are no generally accepted characteristics for impeller -
bends were very conservatively sized to avoid rotating stall. diffuser interaction stall. However, the following loose criteria are
Similarly, the impellers adhered to all known criteria for stall offered:
avoidance. Therefore, it was very surprising when subsynchronous
radial vibrations arose. The subsynchronous frequency was in the • The frequency range is approximately 20 percent to 50
range characteristic of vaneless diffuser stall. The frequency percent(?) of running speed.
spectra and waveforms also bore a strong resemblance to those • There is no hysteresis zone.
generated by diffuser rotating stall.
A review of the flow angles in the various stage components • The frequency is sensitive to flow rate but may not appear
sensitive to speed.
identified rather high tangential angles in the return bend passages.
While the diffuser flow angles were well below the critical level for • There is a greater tendency for this phenomenon to occur at high
rotating stall, the flow angles in the return bend were not. In short, rather than low flow rates.

Diffuser Volute Interaction Free Vibration

A second form of interaction stall that has gained interest in the As noted earlier, “free” vibration is typically seen only as what is
turbomachinery world is interaction between the diffuser and the commonly called “rotor instability.” A typical example is shown in
discharge volute. Some hold that this form should be lumped under Figure 30. The frequency of interest (66 to 72 Hz in this case) is the
vaneless diffuser stall since the phenomenon is caused by first natural frequency of the rotor. The signal appears at a relatively
interaction of diffuser stall cells (or the rotating nonuniform static low amplitude initially (top spectrum in Figure 30), but increases in
pressure field) with the volute tongue (or tongues). As with all amplitude as an operating parameter such as discharge pressure is
other forms of stall, the result is unbalanced pressure forces on the increased, until it increases dramatically on its own, without
rotor, leading to rotor vibrations. changes in operating conditions. Eventually, the vibrations reach
What makes this form of interaction stall so troublesome is that it trip level (bottom spectrum in Figure 30) and the unit shuts down.
can easily be misinterpreted as impeller stall because of the
frequencies involved. Recall that diffuser stall is characterized by
frequencies in the 6 percent to 33 percent of running speed range.
Suppose now that there are three diffuser stall cells (or three lobes
in the pressure field) rotating at 20 percent of running speed. These
“cells” will each interact with the volute tongue in one revolution of
the pressure field. Since sensitive to the interaction of each “cell”
with the tongue, the rotor response will be at three (the number of
“cells”) times the rotational frequency of the pressure field (20
percent of running) or 60 percent of running speed. The analyst
might be misled into believing the problem is impeller stall.
However, since rooted in diffuser rotating stall, the phenomenon will
exhibit a hysteresis zone, thus distinguishing it from impeller stall.
Other Components
Since rotating stall is the consequence of any nonuniform
pressure field rotating within the compressor, anything that
contributes to the formation of such nonuniform fields can cause
some form of rotating stall. Possible contributors include:
• Flow in impeller recess areas (the cavities that surround the
rotating impellers),
• Eccentric rotors (area varies circumferentially causing flow
velocities to vary resulting in nonuniform static pressure), and
• Nonuniform pressure fields caused by inlets, volutes,
sidestreams, etc.
In short, any flow carrying passage within a compressor (Figure 29). Figure 30. Spectra from Vibration Probe During Rotor Instability.

In this particular case, although no speed change of consequence

occurred to show the lack of relationship between the rotating
speed and the natural frequency, the change in the natural
frequency as it begins to increase and then dominate the vibration
of the rotor, demonstrates its independence relative to the rpm.
Also note the relative absence of components of the vibration at
other frequencies. All one can see of consequence is the natural
frequency and the running speed of the machine, which is the peak
at 173 to 175 Hz.
Figure 29. Compressor Cross-Section.
Forced Vibration
It would be nearly impossible to characterize all the frequencies,
waveforms, etc. that could result from the anomalies listed above. Harmonic Force
Suffice to say, if the more common phenomena (impeller and As discussed earlier, an impeller stall is a good example of a
diffuser stall) can be effectively eliminated from consideration, one relatively clean single frequency subsynchronous harmonic force.
must look elsewhere for the source of the forces causing In Figure 31 a signal is seen at 117 to 128 Hz due to such a stall.
subsynchronous vibration. The unit is running at 130 to 142 Hz, as indicated by the larger
synchronous vibration signal. Note that the subsynchronous signal
VIBRATION SIGNALS stays at a constant 89 to 90 percent of the running speed, changing
Each of the various types of vibration signals one might see are frequency with changes in speed from Figure 31a at 142 Hz
discussed below. It is assumed that an FFT signal analyzer is running speed, to Figure 31b at 140 Hz, and Figure 31c at 130 Hz
available, to put the signal in the frequency domain. Although the running speed. Other characteristics of note are the relatively
best way to visualize and describe these signals with such an steady amplitude at the stall frequency, and the lack of other
analyzer is to view them in real time, a reasonable alternative is to significant components of the vibration.
view a series of snapshots of the signals at varying times. This is Figure 32 illustrates the freedom of harmonics in this vibration
preferable to the often used “peak hold” mode of the typical signal. The same unit is running at 150 Hz in this instance, with the
analyzer, since it does not hide the variation in amplitudes and stall frequency at 134 Hz. The frequency scale is set at three times
frequencies that are occurring at levels underneath the maximum the running speed, making it evident that no multiples of the stall
amplitudes. frequency are present, at least at noticeable amplitude levels, in the

(a) 142 Hz running speed

(a) vibration spectrum prior to onset

(b) 140 Hz running speed

(b) dynamic pressure spectrum prior to onset

(c) 130 Hz running speed

(c) vibration spectrum after onset of impeller stall
Figure 31. Variation in Subsynchronous Vibration Frequency with
Running Speed.

vibration signal. Other characteristics specific to impeller stall,

such as the lack of hysteresis when changing flow, and the ability
to make the signal disappear by flow reductions (changing
numbers of stall cells) are difficult to present without live
presentations of the data.
(d) dynamic pressure spectrum after onset of impeller stall
Figure 33. Vibration and Dynamic Pressure Spectra Before and
After Onset of Impeller Rotating Stall.

Note that there are multiple harmonics (4.5 Hz, 9.0 Hz, 13.5 Hz,
etc.) in the dynamic pressure spectra in Figure 34(d). In this case,
the probe was not sensing many cells moving at different speeds.
Rather, the multiple peaks represent the FFTs rendition of the
typical “clipped square wave” appearance of a diffuser stall
waveform, which leads to multiples (harmonics) of the base
frequency (4.5 Hz).
Figure 32. Radial Vibration Spectrum During Impeller Stall. Also note that although the pressure signal in Figure 34(d)
indicates multiple frequencies present, on the vibration response in
Periodic Force Figure 34(c) only the primary and first multiple are evident, at the
same frequencies as in the pressure signal. This vibration response
Impeller and diffuser stall are both good examples of periodic
is larger at the lower frequencies due to high damping in the
forces. As noted previously, the pressure disturbances caused system, with relatively low stiffness. Such a result is evident from
during stall rotate at speeds lower than the rotor, resulting in solutions of simple systems, as shown in Equation (11) above. As
subsynchronous radial vibrations. Typical frequency spectra for indicated, when damping is a significant factor in the response
impeller and diffuser stall are given in Figures 33 and 34, equation, amplitude response for the same force will increase as
respectively. In each figure, the top trace (a) is the vibration probe the frequency is reduced. The high damping values that minimize
signal immediately prior to onset of the stall. The second trace (b), dangerous vibration response at higher frequencies allow greater
also taken just prior to the onset of stall, is from a dynamic pressure response at the low frequencies of this example. In fact, the highest
transducer in the diffuser immediately outside the impeller for the response is at the lowest frequency, while the forcing function is
impeller stall case or at the exit of the diffuser in the diffuser stall greater at a higher frequency.
case. The third trace (c) is from the vibration probe after onset of In the aero section introduction, emphasis was placed on the
stall and the fourth trace (d) is the dynamic pressure transducer difference between surge and stall. To illustrate the difference,
output after onset. consider Figure 35. The trace in Figure 35(a) is from a dynamic
Clearly, in the case of impeller stall (Figure 33), forced vibration pressure transducer in a diffuser passage when said diffuser is in a
is only occurring due to the stall at 133 Hz. Also note that the 1⫻ rotating stall mode. The trace in Figure 35(b) was taken while the
frequency (149 Hz) does not appear in the dynamic pressure probe same machine was in true surge. Note the extremely low
output. frequencies associated with the surge (approximately 1 Hz).

(a) vibration spectrum prior to onset

(a) diffuser stall

(b) dynamic pressure spectrum prior to onset

(b) surge
Figure 35. Dynamic Pressure Spectra—Stall Versus Surge.

(c) vibration spectrum after onset of diffuser stall

(a) diffuser stall

(d) dynamic pressure spectrum after onset of diffuser stall

Figure 34. Vibration and Dynamic Pressure Spectra Before and
After Onset of Diffuser Rotating Stall.
(b) surge
The associated raw waveforms for the stall and surge are given
in Figure 36. Frequency spectra for the vibration probes under the Figure 36. Dynamic Pressure Waveforms—Stall Versus Surge.
same conditions (stall and surge) are shown in Figure 37. The
distinctions between the two conditions are fairly obvious. Note
that surge results in a broad impulse excitation of the rotor that may
or may not excite the first natural frequency, depending on the
amount of damping in the system, whereas the response to stall is
primarily at the stall propagation frequency.
Of course, one must be very careful when attempting to identify
the cause of low order subsynchronous vibrations. Other forces
acting on the rotor can reflect frequency spectra and/or waveforms
like those of the various aerodynamic phenomena. For example,
the frequency spectra shown in Figure 38 might be mistaken for
diffuser stall. The spike at 63 Hz is the 1⫻ response while the spike (a) diffuser stall
or spikes at lower frequencies (5 Hz in Figure 38a; 4.5 Hz and 6.75
Hz in Figure 38b) are the subsynchronous response. Clearly, the
subsynchronous frequencies are in the classic range for diffuser
stall. However, the shift in the subsynchronous peak occurs at
constant flow conditions. In fact, the subsynchronous vibration in
this case is caused by a “rattling” seal ring and not by any
aerodynamic phenomena. Oil seal rings designed for high
pressures may not “seat” properly on the end face at lower pressure
test conditions, allowing oil to flow around the seal ring, not just
under it. This causes the rattle, which is easily uncovered by
adjustments in seal oil pressure. Onset is usually sudden, but as oil (b) surge
pressure is increased, the vibration amplitude will decrease, and
the frequency will increase. Figure 37. Vibration Spectra—Stall Versus Surge.

(a) lower seal oil pressure (a) 2 seconds before

(b) higher seal oil pressure

(b) Peak amplitude
Figure 38. Vibration Spectra—”Rattling” Seal Ring.

Arbitrary Aerodynamic Forces

Due to its transient nature, vibration caused by arbitrary forces
is very difficult to capture on a sheet of paper. It may be most
useful to compare a typically used “peak hold” spectrum with other
both specific and random spectra for the same signal. The peak
hold spectrum shown in Figure 39 is from 100 seconds of data with
a rotor undergoing such forces. It clearly indicates a peak response
to these forces just below 25 Hz, at the natural frequency of the (c) 2 seconds after
unit, with the other major amplitudes at the running speed and at Figure 40. Vibration Spectra—Arbitrary Aerodynamic Forces.
very low frequencies where the high system damping results in
high response levels (refer to earlier comments). Though all levels
shown were within specification requirements, the peak at the first
natural frequency could be a cause of concern if this plot is just
used for evaluation. More investigation is needed to determine the
true nature of the vibration.

(a) 10 seconds after peak amplitude

Figure 39. Peak Hold Vibration Spectrum—Arbitrary Aerodynamic


Figure 40 indicates the vibration spectrum at the time of the (b) 30 seconds after peak amplitude
highest amplitude at the first natural frequency, as well as the
spectrum two seconds before and two seconds after. Figure 41
indicates the spectrum at 10, 30, and 60 seconds after the peak
signal. These data show the transient nature, varying amplitude,
and varying frequencies typical of response to arbitrary forces. If
viewed in real time, such a spectrum would appear to be “dancing”
or “rumbling,” with amplitude peaks highest in the area of the rotor
first natural frequency (approximately 40 percent of running
speed). No “fixed spikes” exist at any frequency, and the various
peaks form and disappear in time, shifting in both amplitude and
frequency with no apparent correlation to any operating parameters (c) 60 seconds after peak amplitude
(i.e., flow rate, speeds, gas conditions, etc.). This is clear evidence
of a forced vibration, with the rotor acting in response to external Figure 41. Vibration Spectra—Arbitrary Aerodynamic Forces (10,
forces within the gas path. 30, and 60 Seconds After Peak Amplitude).

CONCLUSIONS Senoo, Y., Kinoshita, Y., and Ishida, M., 1977, “Asymmetric Flow
in Vaneless Diffusers of Centrifugal Blowers,” Transactions
The forces acting within centrifugal compressors can cause a
ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 99, (1), pp. 104-114.
variety of responses in the rotor system. A general discussion of
compressor rotordynamic behavior was presented including Sorokes, J. M., 1993, “The Practical Application of CFD in the
discussions on free and forced vibrations. Distinctions were made Design of Industrial Centrifugal Impellers,” Proceedings of the
between significant subsynchronous vibration characteristics, such Twenty-Second Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery
as rotor instability, and aerodynamically forced vibration of Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas,
various types. Ways to distinguish between these various causes pp. 113-124.
using vibration data were also provided. Sorokes, J. M., 1994, “A CFD Assessment of Entrance Area
The various aerodynamic phenomena that contribute to Distributions in a Centrifugal Compressor Vaneless Diffuser,”
increased radial vibrations were discussed including impeller stall, ASME Paper No. 94-GT-90.
diffuser stall, and interaction “stall.” A general description of the
flow physics was provided as were the commonly held Sorokes, J. M. and Welch, J. P., 1991, “Centrifugal Compressor
identification criteria for each. Finally, various frequency spectra Performance Enhancement Through the Use of a Single Stage
and waveform plots were offered to illustrate how the various Development Rig,” Proceedings of the Twentieth
phenomena may appear in vibration or pressure pulsation data; i.e., Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory,
on a spectrum analyzer or oscilloscope. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, pp. 101-112.
No single paper can adequately address the entire subject of Sorokes, J. M. and Welch, J. P., 1992, “Experimental Results on a
aerodynamic excitation of rotor systems. Still, it is hoped this Rotatable Low Solidity Vaned Diffuser,” ASME Paper No. 92-
document provides the reader with a good general overview of a GT-19.
very complex subject.
Sorokes, J. M., Kuzdzal, M. J., Sandberg, M. R., and Colby, G. M.,
REFERENCES 1994, “Recent Experiences in Full Load Full Pressure Shop
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GT-184. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, pp. 3-18.
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Kobayashi, H., Nishida, H., Takagi, T., and Fukushima, Y., 1990, Sorokes, J. M., 1995, “Industrial Centrifugal Compressors—
“A Study on the Rotating Stall of Centrifugal Compressors,” Design Considerations,” ASME Paper No. 95-WA/PID-2.
(Second Report, Effect of Vaneless Diffuser Inlet Shape on
Rotating Stall) Transactions of JSME (B Edition), 56, (529), Thomson, W., 1965, Vibration Theory and Applications, Prentice-
pp. 98-103. Hall, Inc.
Nishida, H., Kobayashi, H., Takagi, T., and Fukushima, Y., 1988, Timoshenko, S., Young, D., and Weaver, Jr., W., 1974, Vibration
“A Study on the Rotating Stall of Centrifugal Compressors,” Problems in Engineering, John Wiley & Sons.
(First Report, Effect of Vaneless Diffuser Width on Rotating Volterra, E. and Zachmanoglou, E., 1965, Dynamics of Vibrations,
Stall), Transactions of JSME, 54, (499), pp. 589-594. Charles E. Merrill Books, Inc.
Senoo, Y. and Kinoshita, Y., 1977, “Influence of Inlet Flow
Conditions and Geometries of Centrifugal Vaneless Diffusers
on Critical Flow Angles for Reverse Flow,” Transactions The authors acknowledge the following individuals for their
ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, pp. 98-103. help in generating the figures and other presentation material used
in this paper: Chuck Dunn, Jim Shufelt, Barry Clawson, Ed
Senoo, Y. and Kinoshita, Y., 1978, “Limits of Rotating Stall and
Thierman, and Dresser-Rand test stand personnel. We also thank
Stall in Vaneless Diffusers of Centrifugal Compressors,”
Dresser-Rand for allowing us to publish this document.
ASME Paper No. 78-GT-19.

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