Po 20140910
Po 20140910
Po 20140910
Now online at pmc.platts.com Volume 37 / Issue 36 / September 10, 2014
Polyvinyl Chloride United States
US export PVC prices declined $5 week on week, to be
Europe assessed Wednesday at $930-940/mt FAS Houston, as
European polyvinyl chloride producers conceded the producer to trader offers were heard at $950/mt FAS
full drop in ethylene this week, a reduction from initial Houston range, against buying ideas heard in the $890-
offers for September contracts due to a bearish outlook 900/mt for possible second-half of September deals. A
on the remainder of the third quarter, sources said. The number of large traders were heard declining product
Northwest European PVC contract price was assessed at from producers firmly offering cargoes in the mid-900s, as
Eur825/mt, down Eur5/mt week on week. The September buying interest for product above the $940/mt-mark was
ethylene contract settled at Eur1,150/mt, down Eur55/mt heard nonexistent. Trading sources were heard liquidating
from the August CP — at 48% of PVC, the full impact of August product acquired at $980/mt FAS Houston $40-50/
the fall in ethylene, equivalent to a reduction of Eur26/ mt lower in September, as overseas prices continued to
mt, has now to all intents and purposes been realized. decline, following a weaker energy complex. “Naphtha [the
“We didn’t want to give back the equivalent [of the main feedstock for ethylene production] prices are falling
ethylene fall] but with demand not brilliant and other and PVC buyers in Asia stopped buying amid expectations
producers dropping [the full amount], customers are for a decline in PVC pricing, which is slowly taking place
expecting Eur25-30 [off contracts],” a producer source and that in turn is leading to reduced interest for higher
said. Sources said demand was weak. “In September [it] priced US-produced PVC,” a source said. In markets,
has not been fantastic despite converters rebuilding trading levels for US-made product were heard at $990/
stock [following few purchases in August], customers do mt CFR Turkey and at $1,050/mt West Africa and $1,020/
not want to risk buying too much,” another producer mt North Africa, which netbacks to the $930-940/mt FAS
source said. Customers have been buying no more than Houston level. Trading levels into Peru were heard at
necessary this month on the expectation ethylene is $1,030-1,040/mt CFR Peru, following offers heard at $1,050/
going to drop further, sources said. When ethylene last mt. In domestic markets, demand was also heard lower as
settled on August 29, feedstock naphtha was at $872.25/ seasonally weak fourth-quarter consumption approaches.
mt CIF NWE — Tuesday it was assessed $30.50/mt lower One trading source said that negotiations for the recent
at $841.75/mt. In addition to falling feedstock costs, bout of 2-3 cents/lb increases for September were still
ethylene is heard to be widely abundant following underway. Axiall, Formosa and Oxy Vinyl were the three
seasonally poor downstream demand, sources said. UK major producers to push August price hikes into September.
contract prices also fell this week, down GBP5/mt to Domestic prices were unchanged for the week, assessed at
GBP705/mt freely delivered — having fallen GBP18/mt 62-64 cents/lb delivered. In feedstocks, the initial settlement
the previous week — and continuing to track the drop of a 1.75 cents/lb increase for ethylene contracts was yet
in ethylene, a trade source said. Meanwhile in Turkey, to be accepted market-wide, prompting some ethylene
the spot price was assessed at $1,045/mt CFR, with market participants to indicate that a 2-month settlement is
market fundamentals remaining unchanged. Demand expected at this point. If the settlement is accepted it would
continues to be reported as weak and supply plentiful push the net transaction price for August to 51.25 cents/
as reserves among traders were at a high level, sources lb, its highest since the April 2012 level of 55.25 cents/
said. Offers were heard at $1,050/mt CFR Turkey from lb. In spot markets, September was heard traded in the
Europe, falling $20/mt since the first week of September, Wednesday morning at 70.5 cents/lb MtB Wms.
sources said. “Cheaper European PVC and a weak euro
against the dollar has seen an increase of European Asia
offers,” a trade source said. Although European Asian polyvinyl chloride prices were flat to lower this week
producers agreed they could export at competitive prices amid poor demand. The CFR India market dropped $38/
to Turkey, the low demand seen in country meant sales mt week on week to be assessed at $1,070/mt Wednesday.
to Turkey would not happen in volumes large enough to In bid to reduce inventory levels, a major Northeast Asia
impact supply in NWE, producers said. Elsewhere in Asia producer was heard to have concluded approximately
PVC prices were assessed flat to lower this week amid 10,000 mt late last week at $1,060/mt and below. This
poor demand. The CFR India market dropped $38/mt week, small parcels were heard concluded at around
week on week to be assessed at $1,070/mt Wednesday. $1,070-1,080/mt, inclusive of about $30/mt in anti-
In northeast Asia a producer was heard to have sold dumping duties. Most market participants were waiting
approximately 10,000 mt of PVC late last week at for October offers from Formosa, extending poor market
$1,060/mt and below. European-origin cargoes were sentiment this week. European-origin cargoes were heard
heard offered at $1,090/mt in the region, including an offered at $1,090/mt, including anti-dumping duties
anti-dumping duty of around $30/mt. around $30/mt. Buying ideas returned below $1,050/
mt. End-users were sufficiently covered by high import May 27 at Eur910/mt FD NWE as a result of the fall in
volumes in July and August, thus were able to wait amid energy markets. Expecting a further downside to prices in
low demand during the monsoon season, which ends in an environment of bearish feedstocks, LDPE converters
late September, said a trade source. The source expected retreated from the market. “Nearly all the offers are at
demand to resume in late October. The CFR China Eur1250-1280/mt FD NWE for both LDPE and LLDPE,”
marker remained unchanged week on week at $1,043/mt. one converter said. Dismayed by unenthusiastic demand
Discussions were thin as buyers were anticipating lower in Europe, with prices pegged mostly at Eur1,260-1,280/
October offers from Formosa, resulting in no trades heard mt FD NWE and GBP1030-1050/mt FD UK, sellers turned
this week. With lower domestic PVC prices and cheaper to look to for buyers in other geographies. European
US-origin PVC, downstream users were reluctant to pay a producers were able to export to Latin America, supported
premium for imported PVC, resulting in lesser demand for by a strong dollar against the euro, sources said. Ex-Europe
imports, added a Chinese source. In the Chinese domestic prices in South America were heard at $1,780-1,800/mt
market, ethylene-based PVC remained flat week on week CFR. “A lot of LDPE has been exported in August and the
at Yuan 6,950/mt Wednesday. Chinese carbide-based PVC trend continues,” one producer said. In Turkey, offers from
was unchanged at Yuan 5,950/mt Wednesday. Despite Western Europe were heard at Eur1250-1,310/mt CFR,
low run rates for operating ethylene-based PVC makers, sources said. Turkish converters were also receiving plentiful
a producer expected prices to fall eventually amid poor supplies from the Middle East, pulling LDPE prices down by
domestic demand and increasing inventory levels. The $33/mt to $1,652/mt. In the contract market, prices were
producer said demand was low because end-users preferred assessed down by Eur10 at Eur1,450-1,455/mt FD NWE. The
cheaper carbide-based PVC and re-export makers were prices reflect the full ethylene contract price decrease of
buying imported PVC for its guaranteed quality. The CFR Eur55/mt. Converters eyed decreases in excess of the Eur55/
Southeast Asia PVC marker was flat week on week, assessed mt in view of the upstream prices softening, they said.
at $1,038/mt Wednesday. No offers were heard as sellers One converter pegged contract prices at Eur1,440-1,450/
were still waiting for indications from Formosa’s October mt FD NWE, while producers said they were protecting
offers. Buying ideas remained below $1,020/mt amid cheap margins, aiming to contain the fall in prices to Eur45-50/
carbide-based PVC, heard traded into various Southeast mt, with one producer pegging prices at Eur1,470-475/mt.
Asia countries below $970/mt. A market participant said In production news, Serbian petrochemical producer HIP-
lower October offers would narrow the price gap between Petrohemija’s petrochemical complex in Pancevo began
ethylene-based and carbide-based PVC and possibly ease a two-month maintenance from September 5, a company
negotiations for ethylene-based PVC. spokeswoman said Wednesday. The complex includes a
200,000 mt/year steam cracker, 58,000 mt/year LDPE plant,
Latin America 90,000 mt/year high density PE plant and 45,000 mt/year
Latin American import assessments dropped on the week emulsion synthetic rubber plant.
with ample supply and weak demand in Asia and the
US pushing down PVC prices. The CFR Brazil assessment United States
fell $5/mt week on week, assessed Wednesday at $1,065- US low-density polyethylene export prices were assessed
1,075/mt. Market sources said a drop in crude prices, Wednesday at $1,764-$1,786/mt FAS Houston, unchanged
paired with ample supply and falling prices in Asia, led to week on week, as a limited amount of available product
expectations for lower PVC prices in Brazil. Trading levels was heard leading to few offers and deals for US sellers.
were pegged at $1,080/mt CIF Brazil, which included $10/ Bulk railcar prices from producers to traders were talked at
mt for insurance. The Peru assessment fell $15/mt on week 75-78 cents/lb, with bagged resin talked at 80-81 cents/lb,
to $1,030-1,040/mt on a CFR basis, with trading levels the same levels heard a week ago. Sources pegged the FAS
heard within the same range, while offers for US-produced Houston market in the $1,764-$1,786 range, with multiple
material were heard at $1,050/mt CFR Peru. Market sources sources noting that US offers stemming from those levels
attributed the falling PVC prices to declining global were mostly uncompetitive against other regions. An
demand following weaker energy complex and traders offer to Uragauy was heard at a level that would netback
with high levels of supply during the typically slow fourth to $1,820/mt FAS Houston, with another source talking
quarter, looking to liquidate inventories. prices for product into Central America and Mexico closer
to $1,760/mt FAS Houston. Domestic contracts remained
unsettled for September, with US producers pushing for
Low Density Polyethylene a 3-4 cents/lb increase this month. Sources have said
producers are likely to implement an increase as domestic
Europe demand has been strong and feedstock ethylene prices
European low density polyethylene spot prices slipped have risen. LDPE domestic contracts were assessed for
by Eur30/mt on the week to Eur1,250/mt FD NWE as August at 92-93 cents/lb ($2,028-2,050/mt) delivered-
the downward cycle in the energy complex continued. railcar basis, unchanged since a 4-cent/lb increase was
Feedstock ethylene spot prices hit a low not seen since implemented in February. In feedstock news, ExxonMobil
Chemical has started planned maintenance at its Baytown timing could not be confirmed at 20-40 days from time
Olefins Plant in Baytown, Texas, the company said via a of assessment. Meanwhile in Uruguay, offers were heard
community information line Monday evening. Market in the $1,770-$1,780/mt CFR basis range for Asia-origin
sources estimated the duration of the outage at five to six product. No such levels were heard for Brazil for the week.
weeks. ExxonMobil’s Baytown Olefins Plant has ethylene One Uruguayan buyer pegged US-origin product as high
capacity of 960,000 mt/year. as $1,900/mt CFR Uruguay. In export pricing, FOT Brazil
assessments rose sharply, $50/mt week on week, to $1,840-
Asia $1,850/mt on the back of tightening supply in the region
Asian low density polyethylene prices were stable to weaker and recent increases by the region’s main producers.
this week, amid weak demand in China. The CFR Far A Paraguayan buyer had Brazil-origin LDPE offered at
East Asia marker was assessed at $1,580/mt Wednesday, $1,980/mt CPT Paraguay. An Argentina-based source with
unchanged form last week, while the CFR Southeast Asia a major producer confirmed those levels for the region.
marker was assessed at $1,600/mt, down $10/mt over the Similar offer levels for Brazil-origin material were heard
same period. The domestic China LDPE price was assessed in Uruguay. “Prices are on an upward trend in almost all
at Yuan 12,250/mt, or around $1,600.50/mt on an import- countries in Latin America and there are limited offers
parity basis, down Yuan 50/mt from the previous week, due from the US,” a source said. Mercosur countries may not
to softening demand. Offers were heard at $1,590-1,600/mt see relief in supply availability any time soon as Braskem
CFR China, with deals heard concluded at around $1,580/ began a 35-day turnaround at its Sao Paolo steam cracker
mt CFR China. A Thai producer lowered its offer by $10/mt last week. The maintenance on the unit is expected to be
from last week to $1,600/mt CFR China this week. Demand completed on October 10.
was heard to be weak and most buyers were cautious about
making purchases. In Southeast Asia, offers were heard at
$1,610-1,630/mt CFR Vietnam with deals heard concluded Linear Low Density Polyethylene
at $1,600/mt CFR China. In South Asia, deals were heard
concluded at $1,640/mt CFR India. Europe
European linear low density polyethylene spot prices
Latin America slipped to Eur1,250/mt FD NWE, down by Eur32/mt on
Import pricing for low-density polyethylene in Peru fell the week, on persistent weakness in upstream markets,
$20/mt week on week, assessed Wednesday at $1,800- sources said this week. Feedstock ethylene spot prices
$1,810/mt CFR basis as the market was talked lower and hit a low not seen since May 27 at Eur910/mt FD NWE
offers for Europe-origin and deep-sea cargoes also appeared as a result of the fall in energy markets. “Converters are
to suggest downward movement. Buyers saw most of holding back, expecting the fall in prices to extend,”
their most competitive offers for Asia- and Middle East- a source said, pegging prices at Eur1,250-1,260/mt
origin material. US-origin LDPE continued to be talked in FD NWE. Most sources pegged C4 prices in line with
a range of $1,840-$1,850/mt CFR Basis. However, offers LDPE at Eur1,250-1,280/mt FD NWE. In the LLDPE c6
for Asia-origin material were heard at $1,820-$1,850/ and mLLDPE markets prices also softened. Prices were
mt CFR basis. Market participants also acknowledged heard at Eur1,290-1,300/mt FD NWE for LLDPE C6 and
that Spanish-origin product was being marketed to Eur1,330-1,340/mt FD NWE. The fall in hexene prices
South America at competitive prices. This Europe-origin was heard despite production issues continuing at Ineos’
material was heard offered at levels of $1,780-$1,800/ Feluy site. The Feluy oligomers plant, located south
mt CFR basis for loading in early September, though of Brussels in Belgium, which shut following a fire on
the delivery terms were unknown so the offer was not July 28, will restart in October or November, sources
considered for assessment as the cargoes could fall outside said Tuesday. The plant had been expected to restart in
Platts’ methodology specifications. Saudi Arabia-origin August. The reason for the delay was not clear, while
material, was heard offered at $1,790/mt CFR basis but Ineos was not immediately available for comment. The
similarly was not considered for assessment because its site produces 35,000 mt/year of polyalpha olefins and
delivery timing was unclear, with sources indicating that 200,000 mt/year of linear alpha olefins (LAOs). LAOs
the material generally takes more than 40 days to reach are used as comonomers in the production of PE. Ineos
Peru. One US-based trader pegged the CFR Peru price at produces LLDPE C6 at its site in Grangemouth, Scotland
$1,780/mt, although this level could not be confirmed and metallocene LLDPE C6 at its site in Cologne,
by close of assessment and no trades were heard at this Germany. One source said that Ineos’ supply of LLDPE
level. In Brazil, the CFR assessment dipped $20/mt week had been affected as a result. In the contract market,
on week to $1,800-$1,810/mt as buyers continued to prices were assessed unchanged on the week at Eur1,400-
look abroad to Asia and the Middle East for product and 1,405/mt FD NWE. So far this month prices have traced
sources talked regional prices lower. “US and European the decline equivalent to the ethylene price decrease of
prices are too high” a source said. LDPE offers for Saudi- Eur55/mt. Converters eyed decreases in excess of the
origin material were at $1,780 CFR Brazil, but delivery Eur55/mt in view of the upstream prices softening, while
prices softening, while producers said they were protecting were talked in the 74-79 cents/lb range. HDPE film from
margins, aiming to contain the fall in prices to Eur40-50/ a US producer into Uruguay was talked a price that would
mt. One producer saw contract prices for blowmolding at netback to $1,720-$1,740, though sources in the region
Eur1,370-1,375/mt FD NWE. In production news, Serbian said the price would be at a CFR level that would be above
petrochemical producer HIP-Petrohemija’s petrochemical offers from Asia. US prices into Peru were heard at a level
complex in Pancevo began a two-month maintenance from that would netback to $1,720/mt FAS Houston, but again
September 5, a company spokeswoman said Wednesday. had trouble gaining traction as the market there was below
The complex includes a 200,000 mt/year steam cracker, levels where US product could be competitive. Domestic
58,000 mt/year LDPE plant, 90,000 mt/year high density PE contracts remained unsettled for September, with producers
plant and 45,000 mt/year emulsion synthetic rubber plant. pushing for a 3-4 cents/lb increase that most market sources
expected to see implemented by month’s end because of
Africa strong domestic demand and increasing feedstock ethylene
The fall in the European spot prices triggered softening prices. Following flat August settlements, HDPE contracts
in the African prices, sources said this week. LDPE prices were last assessed for blow molding at 83-84 cents/lb
were assessed at $1,660/mt CFR down $10/mt on the ($1,830-1,852/mt) delivered-railcar basis; at 83-84 cents/
week. FOB NWE for LDPE was down $68/mt on the week lb ($1,830-1,852/mt) for injection; and at 86-87 cents/lb
to $1,533/mt, opening the arbitrage to Africa. Dismayed ($1,896-1,918/mt) for high molecular weight film.
by unenthusiastic demand in Europe, with prices pegged
mostly at Eur1,260-1,280/mt FD NWE and GBP1,030- Asia
1,050/mt FD UK, European sellers had already turned to Asian high density polyethylene prices were stable to
look to buyers in other geographies. European producers weaker this week as buyers kept to the sidelines. The CFR
were able to export to Latin America, supported by a Far East Asia marker was down $5/mt from last week at
strong dollar against the euro, sources said. Ex-Europe $1,575/mt Wednesday, CFR Southeast Asia fell $15/mt
prices in South America were heard at $1,780-1,800/mt to $1,605/mt, and CFR South Asia was flat at $1,650/mt.
CFR. Meanwhile, HDPE and LLDPE prices were pegged Sources said buyers were waiting for new offers expected to
stable at $1,00/mt CFR in North Africa. be announced in the next two weeks. “The monthly offers
are likely to be brought forward amid of the upcoming
United States holidays in China in the first week of October. Thus, people
US high density polyethylene availability remained limited are just waiting for all these offer to come and get more
for export with prices again talked at levels which made visibility of the market movement,” said a Chinese trader.
moving product increasingly difficult, even into Central In Southeast Asia, offers were heard at $1,605-1,610/mt CFR
and South America, sources said. “It’s difficult to see US Vietnam for Middle Eastern suppliers. Deals were heard
pricing working anywhere,” one US-based trader source concluded at $1,605/mt CFR Vietnam. Meanwhile, Thai
said. HDPE blowmolding was assessed Wednesday at material was heard concluded at $1,660/mt CFR Indonesia.
$1,698-$1,720/mt FAS Houston, up $11/mt week on week. Sources said demand was weak and most buyers were also
Railcar prices were talked in the 71-76 cents/lb range, with waiting for new offers to be announced. In South Asia,
most market participants heard pegging prices at 75 cents/ Middle Eastern material was heard concluded at $1,650/mt
lb for bulk cars, which would translate to an FAS Houston CFR India. There was demand for imported material amid
price of $1,708/mt after bagging and transportation to shortages in the domestic market.
the port. Sources talked export prices at $1,675-$1,742/
mt FAS Houston, with product heard offered to Peru at Latin America
a level that would netback to $1,720/mt FAS Houston High density polyethylene import pricing into Latin
once freight was deducted. HDPE Injection was assessed America dipped this week as Asia continues to push lower-
Wednesday at $1,709-$1,731/mt FAS Houston, up $11/ priced product into the continent. Sources have indicated
mt week on week, as product remained tighter than other that some Asian sellers are offering $20/mt discounts for
grades of HDPE, sources said. Sources talked prices about bulk orders. In Brazil, the HDPE film assessment dropped
a cent higher than blowmolding, with bulk railcar prices $10/mt week on week to a Wednesday assessment of
talked from 73-77 cents/lb. A market source said one $1,750-$1,760/mt CFR basis, and blowmolding and
producer had raised offers by an additional 3 cents/lb this injection were down $30/mt to assessments of $1,730-
week. Export offers were heard at $1,740-$1,760/mt FAS $1,740/mt CFR and $1,730-$1,740 CFR basis, respectively.
Houston to Mexico and Central America. A deal was seen Saudi Arabia-origin film is being offered into Brazil $1,770-
Tuesday on the Houston Mercantile Exchange at 82 cents/lb 1,780/mt while both blowmolding and injection were
DAP North America for two railcars. HDPE high molecular offered to $1,740/mt CFR Brazil. US-origin continues to
weight film was assessed Wednesday at $1,720-$1,742/mt be talked high with film heard offered in the $1,800/
FAS Houston, down $33/mt, as sellers were heard lowering mt CFR range by a Mercosur source. In Peru, film was
prices to become more competitive against product being assessed $15/mt lower at $1,765-$1,775/mt CFR basis, with
offered from Asia and the Middle East. Bulk railcar prices Thailand-origin material offered at $1,780/mt CFR basis
with an early September loading date. US-origin material on-month target was for more than the fall in propylene,
was pegged at $1,800-$1,820/mt CFR basis for all HDPE and that if he wished to settle in line with the propylene
grades, per Peru-based buyers. Blowmolding and injection drop, this was already achievable at the start of the month.
were also assessed $20/mt lower week on week at $1,745-
$1,755/mt CFR basis. A source pegged the market around Africa
$1,750-$1,760/mt CFR Peru, with multiple offers from North African polypropylene spot prices were unchanged
Asia heard at $1,765/mt CFR and higher. One buyer said this week, at $1,585/mt CFR N.Africa, as demand
there was a blowmolding offer for Asia-origin material remained seasonally poor, combined with an absence
at $1,720-$1,730/mt, however it could not be verified of developments in supply issues. The Ebola epidemic
and other sources had not heard pricing at that level. A continued to hamper trade, one trader said, adding that the
market source talked the market in the $1,730/mt CFR ethylene shortages in the market, attributed to production
Uruguay basis for material from Asia for all grades. In issues, continued to restrict copolymer availability.
Brazilian exports, market sources in neighboring countries
said offer prices moved higher as a producers was heard United States
implementing a September increase. The export price for With September contract pricing still unresolved for the
all grades was assessed Wednesday at $1,780-$1,790/mt domestic polypropylene market, at least one producer is
FOT basis, up $50/mt week on week. HDPE offers were already pushing for increases for October. LyondellBasell
heard to Mercosur countries in ranges of $1,940-$1,970/ subsidiaries Equistar Chemicals and Mexico City-based
mt CPT basis depending on the grade. No deals or bids Basell Poliolefinas on Tuesday announced plans to increase
were heard on an FOT Brazil basis, which is an export October polypropylene prices by 3 cents/lb ($66/mt) in
assessment to Mercosur countries. FOT basis pricing does addition to any change in feedstock contract pricing. The
not include freight costs, estimated by sources at $100- disclosure came via a letter to customers that was obtained
$120/mt. A Brazilian buyer said up to 10 Brazilian based by Platts. It followed a letter by another major producer,
companies could be preparing to purchase upwards of Total, that called for a 3-cent/lb increase for September
800,000 mt of product to take advantage of the shortage pricing independent of any change in monomer pricing.
in the region. Braskem’s Sao Paulo steam cracker began Market sources said Total was following in Formosa Plastic
a turnaround on September 6 that was expected to last Corporation’s footsteps and moving away from monomer-
until October 10, according to the company. Participants plus formulas for contracts, and a person with knowledge
have anticipated product shortages as well as less product of Total’s pricing strategy said it is the company’s belief
available for export. that PP pricing should reflect all market dynamics, not just
cost. Market participants have said any additional increases
announced in recent months by producers were unlikely to
Polypropylene affect buyers with monomer-plus contracts at least through
the end of the year, but that distributors and buyers with
Europe other contract structures would likely have to absorb at least
European polypropylene spot prices fell this week by some hikes given how tight the market has been the past
Eur22/mt to close at Eur1,260/mt FD NWE Wednesday, as two months or so. September contract pricing remained
the effect of the propylene contract price fall continued unresolved, because polymer-grade propylene contracts
to pull down PP prices. Buyers expected a price fall in had yet to be agreed marketwide, sources said. Platts last
the market, on the back of seasonally poor demand and assessed polypropylene contracts for August at 82.50-83.50
solid availability of material arising from the absence of cents/lb delivered-railcar basis for homopolymer grades and
any production issues, which hampered trading activity. at 83.50-84.50 cents/lb for fiber grade, up 5 cents/lb since
As a consequence, buyers were purchasing only what July on a similar movement by PGP. One nomination for
was needed, one trader said. In the contract market, the September PGP contract was heard at plus-1 cent/lb
prices were assessed Eur5/mt lower this week, closing over August, but spot trading over the past two weeks —
at Eur1,422.5/mt FD NWE, with PP contract prices for September was heard traded Wednesday at 70 and lower
September tracing the month-on-month fall in propylene. at 69.50 cents/lb delivered — pointed toward a rollover
One producer said that he was yet to settle contracts and settlement, sources said. Polypropylene contracts in the
that he was resisting a decrease in line with the monomer. US closely follow PGP contract pricing as a majority of
He added that order intake was very good and this was contracts remain on monomer-plus formulas. Distributor
due to a need to buy from customers, as a number of sources have in recent weeks talked August demand as
them held off purchasing in August on the expectation of healthy despite the increases, although other sources said
a price drop in monomer. The subsequent low inventory those increases had scared away buyers. Spot pricing in
forced them to return to the market, he added. Another the secondary market was last heard earlier this month
producer said that demand had improved in September, at levels of 85-87 cents/lb delivered for homopolymer
as buyers emerged from the holiday period. One converter material. Export talk has been scarce, particularly as current
said that he was yet to settle his contracts as his month- pricing renders US-origin product uncompetitive, sources
said. The FAS Houston assessments for homopolymer (180,000 b/d) refinery at Bhatinda to be fully operational
injection and co-polymer grades were stable week on week by the end of this month, a senior official said late Friday.
at $1,753-$1,775/mt and $1,775-$1,797/mt, respectively All units are restarting one-by-one, and the refinery should
on continued lack of availability and continued strength in be fully operational in another 15-20 days, HPCL’s director
feedstock PGP. No trade, bids or offers were heard by close B.K. Namdeo said at a press conference Friday.
of assessment. Export pricing into Mexico was last heard
talked in the high-70s to low-80s cents/lb range on a DAP Latin America
Laredo basis. Export pricing has in the past been talked Polypropylene import assessments into Peru were stable
at monomer-plus 10 cents/lb, which would translate into this week, assessed Wednesday at $1,690-$1,700/mt CFR
$1,753-$1,764/mt FAS Houston basis when accounting for basis for homopolymer material and at $1,740-$1,750/mt
spot trades at 69.50-70 cents/lb delivered, as told by sources. CFR basis for co-polymer material. Homopolymer offers for
India-origin material were heard at levels of $1,720/mt CFR
Asia basis, while a US-based trader said sellers were targeting
Asian polypropylene prices were mostly flat this week $1,710-$1,730/mt CFR basis into the region. Regional
amid thin trading. The CFR Far East Asia marker for PP producers were heard offering higher, with homopolymer
raffia was assessed at $1,500/mt, the same price as week talked at levels of $1,750-$1,790/mt CFR basis for Chilean
ago. “In the short term, it looks really weak. Most suppliers and Colombian material and co-polymer well into the
have stopped to offer, but I think maybe in one to two $1,800s/mt CFR basis, sources said. Brazil’s major producer
weeks they may re-offer,” a trader said. “No one wants to Braskem was also heard raising prices into the region, but
buy, everyone is cautious,” the same source added. Market confirmation could not be obtained by time of publication.
participants put the notional deal level between $1,500/ In Brazil, homopolymer assessments were stable week on
mt CFR FEA with a 90-day letter of credit and $1,520/ week at $1,690-$1,700/mt CFR basis amid slow demand
mt on L/C at sight basis. A deal was heard concluded at in the region, sources said. Offers were last heard in the
$1,500-1,510/mt CFR FEA on L/C at sight basis, but this $1,700-$1,760/mt CFR range. Co-polymer assessments
could not be confirmed. Offers were heard at $1,510- remained flat this week at $1,740-$1,750/mt CFR basis,
1,520/mt CFR FEA on L/C at sight basis. One source said with stronger demand seen in these markets ahead of a
he heard cargoes from Iran being offered at $1,480-1,490/ maintenance by a major regional producer, sources said.
mt on L/C 90 days basis, but this could not be verified. No deals, offers or bids were heard by close of assessment.
One Chinese end-user said: “I did not hear any PP cargo Elsewhere, demand was heard weak in Argentina. For
from Iran — PE very much, but not PP.” China domestic exports out of Brazil, FOT assessments for homopolymer
prices were assessed at Yuan 11,300/mt ex-works, down material were stable week on week at $1,655-$1,665/mt
Yuan 25 week on week, equivalent to $1,476/mt on an and $1,695-$1,705/mt for co-polymer, supported by import
import-parity basis. “Domestic prices are lower this week pricing and limited availability, sources said. No deals were
due to [weaker] oil and futures prices and an increase in heard by close of assessment. FOT basis pricing, which is
supply,” a Chinese end-user said. A trader in China said a for Brazil product exported to Mercosur countries, does not
methanol-to-propylene plant in Ningmei in the northwest include freight costs, estimated by sources at $100-$120/mt.
successfully started August 25 with an integrated PP
production capacity of 200,000 mt/year. He said another
plant in southern China’s Maoming started its PP plant Polystyrene
August 28 with 200,000 mt/year capacity, and a third
plant in Shijiazhuang in the north started August 20 with Europe
200,000 mt/year PP capacity. For the CFR Southeast Asia Northwest European polystyrene contract values were
marker, the PP Raffia grade was assessed $5/mt lower week sideways from the previous week, settling at Eur1,515/
on week at $1,525/mt. Most market participants said that mt FD NWE for general purpose grade and Eur1,595/
the market is softer than last week with some sellers saying mt FD NWE for high impact grade product. Upstream in
notional deal levels were between $1,520/mt and $1,530/ feedstocks, NWE styrene monomer spot prices slumped
mt CFR Vietnam. “The market is quiet from both buyer $39/mt from the previous week to $1,518/mt FOB ARA, and
and seller side,” one Southeast Asian trader said. In South maintained a bearish outlook going into October. Demand
Asia, prices for PP Homo held steady week on week at had yet to emerge from the doldrums of an August that was
$1,560/mt CFR. There was a deal heard done at $1,580/mt one of the poorest months in terms of sales for the market,
CFR India. But there was an offer still standing at $1,565/ sources said. Converters in the food and beverage packaging
mt CFR South Asia. One trader said he heard an offer and building and construction industries reported a year-to-
at $1,550/mt CFR India, but this could not be verified date decline in sales volumes of around 5-10%, and as such
immediately. A source said South Asia supply remained had lowered their own operating rates by the same extent
tight, particularly in India, where Haldia’s 350,000 mt/year to match those levels. Participants attributed the weakened
PP plant and HPCL-Mittal Energy’s 440,000 mt/year PP state of consumption to demand destruction brought
plant were still shut. HMEL expects its 9 million mt/year about by high outright prices of PS, that saw applications
slowly shift to using other substitute products like PP and United States
PET that were trading at a Eur250-400/mt discount to September domestic contracts remained unsettled this
PS. “Our customers are also selling less, also because PS week, but expectations were for a 2-4 cents/lb decrease
is so expensive,” said a converter. “We are selling more from August contracts, sources said this week. Buyers were
PET than we did two years ago and we have a new line, heard pushing for the decrease after September US benzene
so less and less PS even though it goes slowly.” Other contracts dropped 36-37 cents to settle at a 469-470 cents/
producers added that poor summer weather conditions in gal split, sources said. Sellers had been heard seeking a
Germany and some other parts of Europe contributed to the rollover for a second consecutive month, but sources said
reduction in demand. In the spot market, European offers this week that sellers were talking decreases in the 2-4 cents/
at Eur1,480-1,500/mt FD NWE were outshone by Russian lb range. With benzene spot pricing continuing to decline,
and Egyptian offers at Eur1,400-1,430/mt FD NWE but sources said another decrease in October might follow the
sources said going forward imports would be less attractive anticipated drop in September pricing, dependent on the
given a strengthening greenback. From the beginning of October benzene contract price. Domestic contracts were
August, the euro/dollar exchange rate sank 3.8% to 1.29 as last assessed for August at record-highs of 126-128 cents/lb
of Wednesday, giving European producers that equivalent delivered railcar for general-purpose polystyrene and 136-
edge over Asian offers. Spot prices were assessed Eur20/mt 138 cents/lb delivered railcar for high-impact polystyrene.
down at Eur1,415/mt FD NWE for GPPS and Eur1,500/mt Polystyrene demand was described as stable but slower
FD NWE for HIPS. Expandable polystyrene contract prices as the summer PS season has ended, sources said. Supply
were flat on the week at Eur1,550/mt FD NWE amid stable was heard tight, but buyers were not having issues finding
fundamentals. While demand and consumption volumes product, sources said. Polystyrene pricing has been at
in September marked an improvement from August, that record highs over the last several months after it followed
improved intake still disappointed raised expectations on feedstock benzene contracts higher. With benzene contracts
the back of an exceptionally poor August, local sources falling, sources said decreases were needed. Since settling
said. Early-month settlements were reported at a decrease at a record high of 528 cents/gal in July, benzene contracts
of Eur30-40/mt, but this was hardly representative as yet, have fallen 58-59 cents/gal, which is equal to just less than
sources said. The Turkish market was stuck in an impasse 6 cents of production costs for styrene and polystyrene,
this week, with prices assessed unchanged at $1,785/mt industry sources said, adding that 10 cents of benzene is
CFR for GPPS and $5/mt lower at $1,870/mt CFR for HIPS. equal to 1 cent in styrene and polystyrene production costs.
Market participants across the board said demand was weak, In production, Americas Styrenics declared force majeure
and expected to stay that way given that Egyptian suppliers on all polystyrene and styrene sales, effective August 1,
kept prices constant at $1,800/mt CFR for GPPS and as local according to letters the company sent to customers in July.
buyers still struggled with cash flow issues. Sources said the force majeure on both products was still in
effect, but confirmation from the producer was unavailable.
Africa In the export market, the GPPS and HIPS assessments both
North Africa polystyrene prices meandered $5/mt lower fell $50/mt on the week to $1,995/mt FAS Houston and
to close at an assessment of $1,780/mt CFR for general $2,095/mt FAS Houston, respectively. The last price heard
purpose grade product while HIPS values sank $40/mt out of the US on HIPS was 95 cents/lb ($2,095/mt) FAS
to settle at $1,830-1,840/mt CFR for high impact grade Houston, a trader said, adding that HIPS was just below
material. While demand and consumption volumes in the $2,100/mt FAS Houston and GPPS was just below the
September marked an improvement from August, that $2,000/mt FAS Houston level. US prices were still heard
improved intake still disappointed raised expectations on to be too high compared to other regions. Asian-origin
the back of an exceptionally poor August, local sources material was heard sold at $1,850/mt CFR Peru for HIPS and
said. Asian producers placed offers in a wide range $1,810/mt CFR Peru for GPPS.
between $1,800-1,900/mt CFR for GPPS, while European
producers held back on offers. The sharpest prices were Asia
from Egyptian and Saudi Arabian producers who offered GPPS: Asian general purpose polystyrene prices were
$1,780-1,800/mt CFR for GPPS and $1,830-1,840/mt assessed $30/mt lower week on week at $1,640/mt CFR
CFR for HIPS, but inspired little interest from buyers China Wednesday, and down $30/mt in Southeast Asia
and end-users who were still struggling to clear out old during the same period at $1,660/mt CFR, due to soft
stock from their warehouses, sources said. Local industry demand. A polystyrene producer was seeing bearishness
sources said that while trader and distributor inventories ahead as buyers were sidelined in the expectation weaker
remained lofty, market fundamentals are poised to stay styrene feedstock costs would see PS prices fall, which
stable heading into October. “Inventory is above the usual was leading to a drop in demand and a fall in prices. In
[level], I don’t think things will pick up in September,” addition, demand for PS was already seen as soft with
said a source. “I do not see any change.” Upstream in demand entering a lull season for general purpose grade
feedstocks, NWE styrene monomer spot prices slumped used in refrigerators and air conditioners, and for which
$39/mt from the previous week to $1,518/mt FOB ARA. demand is strongest during the summer months in the
northern hemisphere. HIPS: High impact polystyrene costs. CFR China was assessed down $20/mt week on
prices were assessed $30/mt lower at $1,704/mt CFR week at $1,925/mt CFR, while Southeast Asia was assessed
China, and $1,740/mt CFR Southeast Asia on the back down $15/mt at $1,940/mt CFR.
of weak demand, with many end-users hoping lower SM
prices would weigh on HIPS as well. FOB Korea for SM United States
closed at $1,457/mt Wednesday, down $6/mt day on The US acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene domestic assessment
day, and down $47/mt from a week ago. Co-feedstock fell 1 cent on the week to 123 cents/lb delivered railcar
butadiene rose $75/mt week on week to close at $1,510/ Wednesday on lower feedstocks. ABS domestic pricing
mt CFR China Wednesday. EPS: Expandable polystyrene was heard lower this week in the range of 120-125 cents/
was assessed down $25/mt week on week at $1,675/mt lb delivered and prices could fall further in October if
CFR for general purpose, and also down $25/mt for flame feedstocks - specifically benzene - continue dropping.
retardant to $1,725/mt CFR, both on an FOB Northeast Demand in September was heard steady and expected
Asia basis. Demand for expandable PS, used for insulation to remain stable in October, while supply was available,
in construction, was seen as weak in China and overseas, sources said. In feedstocks, styrene was assessed down 0.65
with producers lowering their offer levels this week. cent over the week at 68.40 cents/lb Wednesday amid a
quiet market and slow demand as arbitrages to Europe and
Asia remained shut, sources said. Upstream from styrene
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene in benzene, the spot assessment tumbled 39 cents week
on week to 422 cents/gal FOB USG on weak downstream
Europe demand and bearish sentiment as imports are expected
Northwest European acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene to arrive as early as late September and possibly flood the
contract prices ticked up Eur5/mt in the second week of market, sources said. In other feedstocks, US spot butadiene
September, to close at an assessment of Eur1,695/mt FD was down 2 cents week over week Friday at an assessment
NWE, primarily on an unexpected uptick in demand, of 58 cents/lb CIF USG as demand remained weak and tanks
market sources said. Early-month contracts were reported were full, sources said. US spot ACN was unchanged on the
concluded at a decrease of Eur15-20/mt from August week at $1,980/mt FOB USG as supply remained tight.
at Eur1,705-1,710/mt FD NWE, but the majority of
September contracts remained in negotiations. Increases Asia
in ABS bucked an overall bearish trend in the polymers Asian acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene prices were assessed
complex, as contract values for PS, PP and PE stepped lower on the back of weak demand, and partly lower
lower across the board, and was largely founded upon the feedstock costs. CFR China was assessed down $20/mt
weakness of the euro that bolstered the region’s exports. week on week at $1,925/mt CFR, while Southeast Asia
Since the beginning of August, the euro/dollar exchange was assessed down $15/mt at $1,940/mt CFR. Producers
rate has sunk 3.8% to 1.29 as of Wednesday, giving were seen lowering their offers to entice buyers, who
European producers that equivalent edge over Asian mostly remained cautious amid falling styrene monomer
offers. European producers cited significantly higher feedstock costs, which have dampened sentiment in the
order volumes in September, driven by firming demand polyester chain as well. Prices of major feedstock styrene
from the injection-molding sector going into appliances monomer fell to $1,483/mt CFR China Wednesday, down
and toys that were currently in peak seasonality ahead of $6/mt day on day, and down $47/mt from one week ago.
Christmas. “We are flooded with orders now, customers Over the same period, however, feedstock butadiene rose
seem to have not been buying or building much stocks,” $75/mt to close at $1,510/mt CFR China Wednesday,
said a supplier. “We see customers who have not been while acrylonitrile fell $25/mt week on week to $2,045/
buying for the last six months buying now.” The mt CFR Far East Asia on Tuesday. Based on those
specialties segment was also reported to be performing feedstock prices and a conversion cost of about $280/mt,
at healthy levels. “It’s really in contrast with the rest of the break-even price for ABS was estimated at $1,908/mt,
the polymers, but it is not as much underlying demand down $23/mt from a week earlier. Margins improved $3/
as it is shifting shares from Asia [producers] to Europe,” mt week on week to around $17/mt.
said a source. “There has been an Eur80/mt cost increase
for Asian producers, it’s not a short term blip perhaps.”
Asian producers, have increased their market share in Polyethylene Terephthalate
Europe from 20% in 2013 to 30% in 2014, on the back
of more competitive costs but that situation could alter Europe
going ahead if current currency trends persist, sources Lack of clarity on feedstock costs in August and September
said. Additionally, incremental supplies were few and mean that the negotiations over the contractual prices
far between with regional producers running at reduced for polyethylene terephthalate in Europe have stalled,
rates, sources added. Asian ABS prices were assessed lower according to sources. Contract prices were assessed at
on the back of weak demand, and partly lower feedstock Eur1,090/mt FD NWE and GBP890/mt FD UK Wednesday,
unchanged on the week. Meanwhile, the pressure from new was OK for the season, and that he was not suffering from
European capacities intensified, with spot prices slipping a stock build-up. However with the pressure coming from
further down. On the Continent the spot price was assessed the virgin side, it was likely that the R-PET prices would
at Eur1,055/mt FD NWE, down by Eur10/mt, and in the also have to go down eventually. In order to preserve the
UK at Eur870/mt FD UK, down by GBP8/mt. Delayed margin, recyclers would have to negotiate lower bale prices,
settlements of the PET feedstocks contracts perplexed many which could be problematic as a the availability of bales
participants, who could not finalize their August business, normally decreases in autumn. A UK recycler meanwhile,
nor properly plan September. There was still not even was more optimistic, saying that the weaker pound amid
initial settlement on paraxylene in Europe for August, with the Scottish independence vote was supportive for domestic
sources saying that this could potentially be reached later producers. As imports become more expensive, British
this week. In July after an initially split settlement, PX was producer could gain more breathing room, he said.
agreed at Eur995/mt FD NWE. Over August spot PX prices
shed over 8%, dipping to $1,200/mt FOB ARA at the end of US
August. Spot PX prices averaged in August at $1,254.1/mt, Spot polyethylene terephthalate prices were talked lower on
or Eur941/mt based on the Platts euro/dollar exchange rate. the US West Coast this week as sources said recent declines
Earlier this year the PX CP was settled at an 9-12% premium in Asian prices were pushing the market lower, even as
to the average spot price during the month. However, in freight prices were moving higher because of limited
June and July the disparity between the CP and average space availability on ships. West Coast spot prices were
spot price narrowed to just 2%. Should the August CP assessed Wednesday at $1,565/mt DDP US West Coast (71
settle at a 2% premium to the average August spot price, it cents/lb), down $55/mt week on week. Multiple sources
should be around Eur960/mt, down by Eur35/mt month on talked delivered West Coast prices in the 70-72 cents/lb
month. On MEG, there was still no full settlement for July, range. Asian markets were assesses stable week on week
let alone August. The initial July settlement was at Eur943/ Wednesday at $1,290/mt FOB Northeast Asia and $1,340/
mt FD NWE. There was an expectation of a decrease in mt FOB Southeast Asia, but have mostly trended lower
MEG for September following a decline in the ethylene CP. since July — with a few occasional spikes — as demand has
Contract prices were left unchanged this week, however, been heard weak and feedstock pricing has moved down.
consumers said that these should see a decline by the end As a result, the US market has seen a stream of lower-priced
of the month, when there is more clarity on feedstocks. PET imports entering the West Coast over the past month,
In the spot market, there was a significant differential according to market sources. September domestic contracts
between the offers from new European plants and already remained unsettled Wednesday, with market sources closely
established producers, according to sources. The former monitoring feedstock pricing and availability for guidance
were heard offering material at Eur1,045-1,050/mt FD NWE, on settlements. US PET contracts were assessed for August at
trying to increase their share of the market, sources said. $1,940-$1,962/mt (88-89 cents/lb). At least one US producer
Neither JBF — which launched a 475,000 mt/year PET plant has announced a 3 cents/lb September increases for all
in Geel, Belgium — nor Lotte — which recently started up grades of PET resin because of PTA shortages after BP shut
a 200,000 mt/year Teesside, UK, plant — were available to a line at its Cooper River, South Carolina, facility because
confirm these levels or to comment on the quality of the of a fire last month. However, other market sources have
material. Some sources suggested that the product could said declining paraxylene prices may result in a lower PTA
still be unsuitable for some applications, however, at least price, that could — in part — offset any potential problems
one consumer said that he had no issues with the quality, resulting from lower PTA availability due to current
and another said he was testing it right now. These offers allocations. US PX was assessed Wednesday at $1,190/
were not used for the assessment purposes. Nonetheless, mt FOB USG, down $60/mt from the start of September
they put pressure on other producers, whose offers were and down $120/mt from the beginning of August. Fellow
heard sliding down to Eur1,065/mt, the level which was feedstock monoethylene glycol contracts for US fiber and
used to assess the market. UK prices moved lower in line PET makers were assessed for September at 48.85 cents/lb
with the Continent, however spot business was heard ($1,077/mt) based on producer discounts for large-volume
done in a wide GBP860-890/mt range. The declining trend buyers, up 0.8 cent/lb from August.
meant that consumers preferred to delay their purchases
in anticipation of lower prices going forward. Sources said Asia
that the turnarounds scheduled for later September-October The Asian polyethylene terephthalate markers were
would help alleviate this pressure and delay further the assessed unchanged from the previous week at $1,290/
dramatic lengthening of the European market. R-PET: The mt FOB Northeast Asia and $1,340/mt FOB Southeast Asia
prices of the hot-wash flake recycled PET remained stable Wednesday, amid sluggish trading due to holidays in China
this week, as the discount to the virgin PET price continued and South Korea. Sentiment in the Asian PET market was
to be comfortable still at 16%. Prices were assessed at bearish due to falling feedstock prices, said sources. On
Eur890/mt and GBP735/mt on the Continent and in the Wednesday, the CFR China purified terephthalic acid price
UK respectively. A European recycler said that the demand fell $27/mt week on week to be assessed at $940/mt, while
the CFR China monoethylene glycol price dropped $34/ South Korean producers are expected to start offering their
mt to be assessed at $936/mt over the same period. In cargoes from next week. Due to falling feedstock prices, the
addition, bottle-grade PET demand was sluggish as the peak Asian PET margins improved slightly. The PET production
summer demand season has ended leading to lower PET margin basis Northeast Asia was calculated at plus $13.36/mt
plant operations in Asia. China’s PET producers are running compared to minus $21.42/mt in the previous week, while
their plants at 60%, said sources. Reflecting the weakness, the PET margin basis Southeast Asia was calculated at plus
domestic bottle-grade PET price in China fell Yuan 50/ $63.36/mt compared to plus $28.58/mt in the previous week.
mt from last week to Yuan 9,375/mt Wednesday. But PET In related news, South Korea announced that it will impose
producers were still reluctant to reduce their offers. South an anti-dumping tariff on PET film imports from Japan. The
Korean producers decided to take a wait-and-see stand 5.95% duty will be imposed for the next five years as local
following a holiday on Monday, while China-origin cargoes manufacturers are being undercut by the cheaper imports,
were heard offered in the high-$1,200s/mt FOB China. the Korea Trade Commission said in a statement.
Asia ($/mt)
Monthly Contract Price (Sep): 1150.00-1150.00 FD NWE (Eur/mt)
US (¢/lb) Spot Friday Weekly Average
CFR China 967-969 972.6-974.6
Spot Friday Weekly Average
CFR SE Asia 970-972 (1) –
FD USG M1 SEP 67.750-68.250 69.000-69.500
FD USG M2 OCT 66.250-66.750 67.500-68.000
MEG CP Nomination (SEP) – CFR Asia
MEGlobal: 1180 Sabic: 1150 Shell: 1160
Posted Contract Price (SEP ): NA-NA Delivered
Net Contract Price (SEP ): NA-NA Delivered (1) CFR SE Asia = CFR Indonesia.Note: *A/F denotes anti-freeze grade Asian ethylene glycol
assessments are basis L/C 90 days.
Asia ($/mt)
Spot Friday Weekly Average Polymer Feedstocks – Butadiene
FOB Korea 1489-1491 –
CFR SE Asia 1504-1506 1496.0-1498.0 Europe
CFR NE Asia 1529-1531 1529.0-1531.0 Spot Friday Weekly Average
Asian ethylene spot assessments reflect LC 0-30 days. CFR SEA = CFR Indonesia/Thailand. FD NWE (Eur/mt) 889.00-891.00 889.000-891.000
FOB Rdam ($/mt) 1129.00-1131.00 1129.000-1131.000
Polymer Feedstocks – Propylene
Butadiene Monthly Contract FD NWE SEP: 955.00-955.00 (Eur/mt)
Europe (Eur/mt)
US (¢/lb)
Poly Grade Spot Friday Weekly Average
FD NWE 1059.00-1063.00 1032.600-1036.600 Spot Friday
CIF NWE 1059.00-1063.00 1032.600-1036.600 CIF USG 57.50-58.50
Chem Grade Spot Friday Weekly Average
FD NWE 936.50-941.50 – Monthly Contract Price (Sep ) 56.00-62.00
CIF NWE 906.50-911.50 – Asia ($/mt)
Spot Friday Weekly Average
Poly Grade Monthly Contract Price (Sep): 1105.00-1105.00
FOB Korea 1449-1451 1404-1406
US (¢/lb) CFR Taiwan 1509-1511
Spot Friday Weekly Average CFR SE Asia 1469-1471 (1)
dlvd USG dlvd USG CFR China 1499-1501 1446-1448
Ref Grade 57.250-57.750 57.375-57.875
(1) CFR SE Asia = CFR Indonesia. *A/F denotes anti-freeze grade.
Poly Grade 69.750-70.250 –
Chem Grade 66.750-67.250 –
Poly Grade Contract Price (SEP ): NA-NA Delivered Platts Global Ethylene Prices ($/mt)
Chem Grade Contract Price (SEP ): NA-NA Delivered
Asia ($/mt)
Spot Friday Weekly Average
FOB Korea 1319-1321 1319.0-1321.0 1500
CFR Taiwan 1349-1351 –
CFR SE Asia 1264-1266 –
FOB Japan 1284-1286 –
CFR China 1369-1371 1375.00-1377.00
Asian ethylene spot assessments reflect LC 0-30 days. CFR SEA = CFR Indonesia/Thailand.
Polymer Feedstocks – Ethylene Glycol Assessments
Europe 1100
Spot Friday CFR FE Asia FD NWE FAS Houston
FCA NWE T2 (Eur/mt) 790.00-800.00
FD NWE T2 (Eur/mt) 820.00-830.00 15-Apr 12-May 05-Jun 30-Jun 23-Jul 18-Aug 10-Sep
CIF NWE T2 (Eur/mt) 785.00-795.00
CIF NWE T2 ($/mt) 1017.00-1027.00
Notes: All olefin prices reflect assessments at close of previous Friday.
Monthly Contract Price (Sep ) – (Eur/mt) NA-NA
Europe Asia
European monethylene glycol prices remained stable Asian monoethylene glycol continued to slide this week,
this week, closing unchanged Friday at Eur795/mt FCA falling $13/mt week on week to be assessed at $968/mt
NWE, as buyers limited purchasing while they awaited CFR China and $971/mt CFR Southeast Asia on Friday.
conclusions to the contract price negotiations, while Traders were trying to clear their stocks of prompt arrival
sellers did not reduce offer levels. One buyer said that cargoes by selling them down, while some were even
demand was flat because of the lack of improvement short-selling cargoes for first-half October, said market
in antifreeze demand. Antifreeze demand had not sources. Sentiment had been persistently negative amid
significantly improved as the mild winter meant that solid a sluggish downstream polyester market, with sales to
inventory levels remained in the market, one producer production ratios of polyester filament and chips heard at
said. Some sources commented on the premium prices in around 65%. Cargoes for arrival and loading in second-
the south compared to NWE, and that this was due to the half September were heard traded down progressively
lack of supply options in the region. Furthermore, one from $983-972/mt up to mid-week, before falling further
producer said that demand had picked up in the south on Friday to $970/mt. Meanwhile, traders were heard
as market participants emerged from the holiday period. to be short-selling first-half October cargoes, with deals
In the DEG market, prices were assessed stable week- heard on Friday for 1,000-mt parcels of Asian origin at
on-week at Eur1,125/mt FCA NWE, as demand failed to $967/mt and $968/mt CFR China. MEG inventory in East
significantly improve attributed to the seasonal lull. China was at 919,000 mt, down from 952,000 mt last
week, market sources said. Despite the drop in inventory, was heard concluded at 69 cents/lb MtB-pipe. Spot bids,
traders said there was little impact on falling prices, offers or trades for chemical-grade propylene were not
which are mainly due to the bearish polyester demand heard for the week. Therefore, the assessment also slipped
and weak polyester prices. In contract news, state-owned a half-cent for the week, assessed at 66.75-67.25 cents/
China Petroleum and Chemical Corp., or Sinopec, lb to maintain a 3-cent/lb discount to PGP. In contracts,
nominated its September Contract Price for MEG at Shell Chemicals nominated its September CGP contract
Yuan 7,700/mt, unchanged from its August settlement, a price at 71 cents/lb, itself a rollover from August, sources
market source said Friday. The September CP nomination said Thursday. The nomination followed ExxonMobil
is equivalent to around $1,014/mt on an import parity Chemical’s nomination for PGP and CGP September
basis. Sinopec settled August contracts at Yuan 7,700/mt contract prices, which called for a 1-cent increase at
ex-tank, down Yuan 200/mt from its August nominated 73.5 cents/lb and 72 cents/lb, respectively, multiple
contract price at Yuan 7,900/mt. Additionally, Shell sources said last week. Market participants expected
has nominated its September ACP at $1,160/mt CFR the September CPs would decline as much as 1-cent/lb,
China main ports, while earlier MEGlobal nominated following weak demand from polypropylene producers
its September ACP at $1,180/mt CFR China main ports, and refinery-grade propylene prices that were hovering
and Saudi Arabia’s Sabic nominated its September ACP at below the 60 cents/lb level. US propylene contracts are
$1,150/mt CFR China main ports. settled on a monthly basis between major producers
and buyers. The process includes price nominations by
producers and subsequent negotiations with customers.
Propylene The contract price is generally 2-3 cents above the
spot PGP prices seen at the end of the prior month
Europe and the beginning of the month set for negotiations.
Propylene spot prices rose by Eur33/mt this week, Additionally, RGP pricing is also considered, as that is the
to close Friday at Eur1,061/mt FD NWE, as demand source of a large volume of PGP.
improved following buyers returning to the market on
the settlement of the September propylene contract. Latin America
One trader said that propylene availability was not Propylene pricing in the Mexican domestic market was
particularly good, as crackers were not running at high steady to higher week on week despite a hiccup at a
levels due to the abundant availability of ethylene in the refinery, sources said this week. Pemex Petroquimica was
market. But a producer said that availability was good heard pricing chemical-grade propylene at $1,349/mt,
and that increased requests for material played a larger up some $4/mt week on week. Polymer-grade propylene
role in price movements this week. Three spot trades was stable for the period at $1,593/mt ($72.25 cents/lb), a
were heard done this week. Two spot trades were heard source familiar with company pricing said. Petrochemical
done at MCP 4% CIF NWE for 2,00 mt each, and the plants operated by Pemex were heard running at capacity,
buyer confirmed. In the CGP market, a spot trade was but a compressor issue halted production at Pemex’s
heard done at MCP -15% FD NWE for 1,000 mt, and the Salina Cruz refinery, a source with knowledge of company
seller confirmed. CGP FD NWE prices were assessed at operations said earlier this week. The company aimed to
Eur939/mt. In downstream news, PP spot prices fell this resolve the issue by the weekend, the source said. In Brazil,
week, following the decline in the propylene contract Braskem and state-owned Petrobras this week extended
price. Demand continued to be described as weak. The their contract by which Petrobras supplies Braskem with
spot acrylonitrile market in Europe fell $10/mt this week, feedstock naphtha for petrochemical production until
to be assessed at $2,060/mt CIF Med, prices declining on February 2015. The parties have been trying to agree on a
the back of poorer demand and a fall in feedstock costs. new contract for months, with Petrobras aiming to raise
Poor demand was attributed to customers waiting for prices on higher costs associated with having to import the
further price developments, according to one trader. feedstock, sources said this week. The temporary agreement
retains current terms of the most recent contract. Once a
United States new contract is finalized, pricing will be adjusted retroactive
US spot refinery-grade propylene declined a half-cent to September 1, Braskem said. “The extension imminently
week on week, assessed Friday at 57.25-57.75 cents/lb prevents Brazilian chemical and petrochemical sectors from
delivered, following thin trade and similar downward closing,” Braskem said in a statement provided to Platts.
move in polymer-grade propylene prices. No RGP deals Participants keeping an eye on the international markets
or offers were heard throughout the week, while buying saw the Northwest European September propylene spot
interest was firmly set throughout the week at 56.5 cents/ prices rise by Eur33/mt ($42/mt) this week, to close Friday
lb MtB-pipe for September. Spot PGP declined a half-cent, at Eur1,061/mt ($1,375/mt) FD NEW on improved demand.
assessed Friday at 69.75-70.25 cents/lb FD USG, following In the US, spot polymer-grade propylene dipped 0.50 cents/
September bids at 69 cents/lb MtB-pipe and Thursday lb ($11/mt) to 70 cents/lb ($1,543/mt) amid strong demand
offers at 70.75-71 cents/lb MtB-pipe. One November deal from downstream polypropylene.
Asia Butadiene
The CFR China propylene marker continued to decline this
week, falling $5/mt week on week to be assessed at $1,370/ Europe
mt as fresh supplies are expected to hit the market end- Northwest European butadiene prices were assessed at
September and first-half October. Offers were heard around $1,130/mt FOB Rotterdam and Eur890/mt FD NWE,
$1,380/mt CFR China. According to end-users bids were unchanged from last week, on a balanced market. Sources
at a maximum of $1,370/mt CFR China. A China-based reported that a combination of limited spot supply and
buyer said bid for an H2 October-arrival cargo at $1,350/ weak demand for export on limited arbitrage opportunities
mt, but this was not within the Platts Methodology which kept prices rangebound. In addition a recovery in
assesses cargoes 20-40 days forward, which is September Asian prices also kept NWE sellers out of the market in
25-October 15. Deals were heard done at $1,370/mt for CFR anticipation that export demand might return. Although
East China cargoes and at $1,380/mt for CFR North China. outright offers remained limited, one producer said that
Meanwhile, Ningbo Haiyue New Materials Co. has started notionally the market was being offered at around $1,150/
commercial production of polymer-grade propylene at its mt but no buy interest was was formally seen. The Asian
Ningbo propane dehydrogenation, or PDH plant in China’s butadiene market shot up $70-90/mt week on week Friday,
northeastern Zhejiang province, a source close to the matter as buyers were actively seeking spot cargoes amid tight
said Friday. The plant has a propylene capacity of 600,000 supplies as several butadiene plants are due to be shut in
mt/year. “Purity of 99.6-99.7% was achieved Wednesday. the region for annual maintenance, said trade sources.
They already have 1,000 mt of inventory and they are “Asian prices are increasing, so we expect increasing spot
building it up,” the source said. “Maybe they will start values in the next future,” a European producer said. Some
selling next week. They will be raising production [rates] consumer sources disagreed with this. however with one
next week and we will see a clearer picture then,” the source saying that Asian prices slumped by around 18% in August
added. Haiyue was using the same technology as Tianjin alone, which was indicative of weak derivative demand,
Bohai, which started up a PDH plant last year, the source cheaper natural rubber prices and thus ample supply.
said. “Tianjin Bohai is helping Haiyue and that is why it “Europe has to export as soon as they can. I know that Asia
was easier for them to get on-spec product,” the source is coming back up but it has recently received 20,000 mt
added. Tianjin’s PDH plant in China’s northeastern city of from the rest of the world. I don’t see why Europe should
Tianjin started full operations last November. Platts at the be above Asia,” the buyer said. Another shared this view
time reported it was China’s first PDH plant and the biggest saying he expected prices to fall as heading into the fourth
single PDH unit in the world with a capacity to produce quarter. “We might see a drop in spot going forward. It is
600,000 mt/year of propylene. Haiyue is expected to offer an artificially high market as there are no exports. They
all its propylene into China’s domestic market. It does not cannot keep the molecules for long as they will (otherwise)
have any derivative plants. Haiyue could not be reached have to reduce the operating rates in the cracker,” the
for comment. A C3 end-user said: “We don’t want to rush second consumer argued. This was unlikely to happen
buying yet. We bought some but we don’t want to buy a lot since ethylene and polyethylene economics underpinned
[because] maybe October prices will decrease further after cracker operating rates at around 80%, too high for crude
Haiyue achieves 100% run rates.” A second end-user said C4 market fundamentals, sources said. The Northwest
late Friday that Haiyue had began to “sell C3 to customers European crude C4 factor was assessed at flat to naphtha
nearby.” Taiwan’s state-owned CPC Corp. sold about 10,000 on the back of stable domestic butadiene prices this week.
mt of propylene Wednesday via private negotiations, With naphtha cargoes assessed by Platts at $858.25/mt, the
market participants said Thursday. The cargoes are expected outright C4 price was assessed at the same level. Sources
to load from Kaohsiung port in second-half September reported that despite the lack of available spot molecules,
and first-half October, a trader said. According to trade both local and export C4 demand remained weak with
sources, CPC sold the cargo at $1,320/mt FOB Kaohsiung. sources reporting reduced butadiene extraction rates.
“One cargo was sold to Sinopec HK, one to Sanyuan, one Sources continued to price C4 cargoes at a value of naphtha
to Jinshan, one to Marubeni. Volume for each could range flat this week, with no trade reported. The Northwest
at 1,500-2,300 mt. Also, Mitsui got one 2,500-mt cargo,” European butadiene prices were assessed at $1,130/mt FOB
one trader said late Friday. CPC could not be reached for Rotterdam and Eur890/mt FD NWE, unchanged from last
a comment. The prices were lower than CPC’s last trades week on a balanced market. Some sources felt that stability
done in second-half August when it sold about 4,300 mt could remain at current levels through until the end of
at $1,350-1,380/mt, according to trade sources. CPC rarely the year. Reduced cracker operating rates, which could
sells propylene on a spot basis, but started doing so after a prove supportive to firmer pricing ,were unlikely to happen
July 31 underground pipeline explosion in Kaohsiung and since ethylene and polyethylene economics underpinned
the subsequent shutdown of its downstream customer Lee cracker operating rates at around 80%, too high for crude
Chang Yung Chemical Industry Corp.’s 400,000 mt/year C4 market fundamentals, sources said. The European
polypropylene plant. Since August 1, CPC has sold about raffinate-1 factor was assessed at 1.21 this week on stable
27,800 mt of propylene on spot basis. crude C4 and butadiene sentiment. The factor held up
despite a fall in the value of MTBE versus eurobob gasoline. while downstream demand in the acrylonitrile-butadiene-
Sources maintained that molecules were still pricing above styrene market was improving due to seasonal demand in
the 1.20 mark. With naphtha cargoes assessed by Platts the automotive industry, sources said. In contracts, the
at $858.25/mt, the outright raffinate-1 price was assessed September US butadiene contract price settled 4 cents/lb
at $1,038.48/mt, down $16.94/mt from last week. The ($88/mt) lower than August at a 56-62 cents/lb ($1,235-
European MTBE factor was assessed at 1.2030, down from $1,367/mt) split, sources said. ExxonMobil settled 4 cents/
last week’s 2014 high of 1.28. The outright MTBE price lb lower than August at 62 cents/lb, and LyondellBasell,
was assessed at $1,133.50/mt FOB ARA Friday. Blenders Shell Chemicals and TPC Group also settled down 4 cents/
were said to be looking for material on Friday, sources lb at 56 cents/lb, sources said. Producer confirmation
said. Demand was also seen strengthening for T1 MTBE, on the settlements were not available by the time of
intended for blending for export to West Africa, a European publication. The settlements are void of any discounts or
trader said on Friday. A second trader source found the adders that producers might include, sources said.
market difficult to read at the moment: “We are changing
from summer to winter spec, so it much depends on where Latin America
gasoline is going.” Even though winter spec gasoline season Butadiene production in Brazil will be curtailed in the
is approaching, refinery maintenance in NWE has kept the short term as Braskem plans to stop its Sao Paulo steam
physical summer gasoline market strong, strengthening cracker for maintenance beginning Saturday. The stoppage
demand for high octane blending components such as at the 90,000 mt/year butadiene capacity plant is to
MTBE. The September/October gasoline swap spread also last 35 days, with a scheduled end date of October 10,
discourages holding winter volumes in tank due to the the company said this week. Braskem is Brazil’s biggest
steep backwardation as the seasonality switch is taken in producer of butadiene and the region?s main exporter.
account. A report by BNP Paribas showed that gasoline Spot markets in the region continued to be quiet, with
stocks in ARA went down 800,000 barrels for the week no exports from Brazil heard and no cargoes unloaded
ending September 3, a 12% change. The gasoline barge at Mexico?s Altamira, per port records. In international
market was assessed at $942.25/mt markets, the US butadiene spot assessment trended lower,
falling 2 cents/lb ($44/mt) on the week to 58 cents/
United States lb ($1,279/mt) CIF USG on continued weak demand.
US spot butadiene continued to trend lower, falling 2 Northwest European butadiene was flat week on week at
cents on the week to an assessment at a nine-month low Eur890/mt FD NWE. Regional market players keep a close
of 58 cents/lb CIF USG on continued weak demand. The eye on both the US and the Northwest European markers.
assessment was at its lowest since December 6, 2013,
when it was at the same level, according to Platts data. Asia
No import bids, offers or deals were heard this week The Asian butadiene market shot up $70-90/mt week on
as the arbitrage from Europe and Asia are both closed, week Friday, as buyers were actively seeking spot cargoes
sources said. The import market was pegged by sources amid tight supplies as several butadiene plants are due to
in the high-50s cents/lb, but sources said the butadiene be shut in the region for annual maintenance, said trade
market overall was quiet. In the domestic market, offers sources. The most active buyers in the market were South
were heard in the low-60s for September throughout Korean end-users. Some trading sources said a Southeast
the week, but on Friday, September was heard offered in Asia-origin cargo was sold at $1,500/mt or over, basis CFR
the morning at 59 cents/lb FOB pipe/barge/rail before South Korea this week. On an FOB Southeast Asia basis,
declining to 56 cents/lb FOB pipe/barge/rail. October was the traded value is equivalent to mid- to high-$1,400s/
heard offered in the domestic market at 61 cents/lb FOB mt. A trader also said a spot cargo was also sold in the
pipe/barge/rail Friday morning before dropping 1 cent to low-$1,500s/mt CFR South Korea. Supplies in South Korea
an offer at 60 cents/lb later in the day. The spot market were heard to be tight ahead of the turnaround season for
has been moving lower as tanks continued to be heard butadiene plants. No deepsea cargoes were offered in the
full and buying interest was not expected to improve until Asian spot market this week. The FOB Korea butadiene
October at the earliest, with several sources saying demand marker was assessed at $1,450/mt, up $70/mt from the
might not improve until the beginning of next year, previous week. The CFR China butadiene marker was also
which could lead to even lower prices. Large buyers were assessed up $80/mt at $1,500/mt CFR China Friday. Sellers
still heard to be good on supply, while smaller buyers were were reluctant to offer spot cargoes on a CFR China basis
the only ones looking to buy and only domestic product this week as they were able to achieve higher prices selling
was being sold, sources said. To ship product from Europe into South Korea. Buying indications were heard at $1,470-
to the US Gulf estimating freight at $220/mt, US pricing 1,480/mt CFR China, while selling indications were seen at
would need to be at $1,350/mt or around 61.25 cents/ $1,600/mt CFR China this week. The CFR Taiwan butadiene
lb CIF USG. No new imports were heard headed to the marker was assessed at $1,510/mt, up $80/mt from the
US this week. In downstream markets, derivative styrene- previous week, while the CFR Southeast Asia butadiene
butadiene rubber and SBS sectors were quiet, a source said, marker was assessed up $90/mt at $1,470/mt Friday.
But some market participants were still cautious as the assessed unchanged from the previous week at $2,020/mt
downstream market did not show much strength this week. Friday. Demand for spot SBR 1502 cargoes was limited due
For example, styrene-butadiene-rubber 1502 grade price was to a bearish natural rubber market.
United States
US spot paraxylene prices fell $10/mt on the week to 100
$1,240/mt FOB USG, on oversupply and after Asian
paraxylene pricing moved lower. Sources pegged the market
in a range of $1,220-$1,250/mt. Asian spot PX prices 80
dropped $23/mt week on week, assessed Friday at $1,255/
mt FOB Korea and $1,278/mt CFR Taiwan/China. There 60
was interest to export product to Asia and South America 19-Feb 19-Mar 16-Apr 14-May 11-Jun 27-Aug
because of higher inventories, sources said, despite arbitrage
economics being unattractive on paper this week. The
Notes: All aromatics prices reflect assessments at close of previous Friday.
MX-PX spread was around $189/mt to end the week, based
on Platts data, which sources considered a healthy spread.
In downstream markets, sources said spot PET demand origin. A bid was heard at $1,280/mt CFR Taiwan/Ningbo/
felt solid and production was limited because of tight PTA Dalian for an Asian origin cargo, which was normalized to
supply. In contracts, the August US paraxylene contract $1,274/mt CFR Taiwan/Ningbo/Dalian of open origin that
price settled down 1.25 cents/lb ($28/mt) from July to 68.5 Platts assesses. Discussions on H1 October/H2 October time
cents/lb ($1,510/mt), sources said. The PX contract for July spread were heard at $5-10/mt, hence Platts assessed the
settled at 69.75 cents/lb, sources said. intra-month October spread at $6/mt. There were no H2
September discussions. In other news, Japan’s JX Nippon
Asia Oil and Energy and South Korea’s S-Oil nominated their
Asian paraxylene prices were assessed at $1,255/mt FOB September Asian Contract Prices for paraxylene at $1,310/
Korea and $1,278/mt CFR Taiwan/China Friday, inching mt CFR, while ExxonMobil was heard to have cut its
up $0.50/mt from the previous day. Demand for PX September ACP nomination o $1,300/mt CFR. There were
was heard to have improved, given PTA production had no settlements for August. The last-agreed ACP settlement
increased with the onset of demand for textiles in winter. was for January at $1,415/mt CFR. In plant news, Jurong
There were no bids and offers during the Platts Market Aromatics Corporation in Singapore is understood to have
on Close assessment process. Off-screen during the Platts started commissioning its new aromatics plant, sources
MOC assessment process, an offer for a H1 October delivery close to the company said. The company source declined
cargo was heard at $1,285/mt CFR Taiwan/China, of open to comment. Asian isomer-grade mixed xylene prices
were assessed at $1,079/mt FOB Korea and $1,099/mt CFR benzene which also marked a four-month low. The 5-30
Taiwan Friday, with buyers and sellers remaining pessimistic day CIF ARA benzene benchmark shed $12.50/mt, to
about near-term trading amid uncertainties over the startup be assessed at $1,305/mt, leaving the styrene/benzene
dates of new downstream paraxylene plants. Southeast spread at $220/mt. Styrene weakness in Europe is being
Asia weekly prices was assessed down by $17/mt at $1,105/ compounded by EPS, where expectations for a post-summer
mt CFR SE Asia. Traders said Southeast Asia was traded at resurgence have not yet transpired. “September is [typically]
premiums of up to $26/mt over Taiwan based on freight a good month for EPS but it looks like it’s not there,” said
differentials between South Korea to Taiwan and South a source, adding that he was not upbeat about the outlook
Korea to Southeast Asia. Buyers however, said contract for Q3. EPS producers said the bulk of the weakness in
differentials were between $9-12/mt higher than Taiwan. consumption stemmed from an overall softness in large,
No bids or offers were registered during the Platts Market on developed European markets. “We detect that the markets
Close assessment process. Off-screen, bids were heard for H2 that are slowing down the most are the most developed
September and October loading at $1,065/mt FOB Korea, markets like Germany, Switzerland, Austria. Things are
for a 3,000 mt cargo with letter of credit of 30 days of reasonable in the East [of Europe], and not any worse in the
Asia origin. An offer for any October loading was heard at Med, it’s the big markets that are not picking up.” Bid-offer
$1,090/mt FOB Korea for a 3,000 mt cargo of letter of credit indications in the market were in a range of $1,500-1,540/
30 days of Asia origin. An offer for any October delivery was mt FOB ARA for September- and October-loading barges. No
heard at $1,100/mt CFR Taiwan. On a side note, an offer of trades were reported. Globally, Styrene prices also continued
$1,130/mt CFR East China for 3,000 mt for H2 September, a downward trend on Friday. Asian styrene monomer fell
with a letter of credit of 90 days, would work out to around $37/mt week on week to $1,479/mt FOB Korea and $1,505/
$1,125/mt CFR East China on a 30 days’ credit note. China mt CFR China, as demand in China remained low and
inventories have been heard to be low at 57,000 mt in the sentiment bearish. FOB US Gulf Styrene 3-30 day prices
east and around 6,000 mt in the south. This represented a were assessed at 68.75-69.25 (cents/lb) ($1521.38/mt)
2% drop in the east and a 54% drop in the south from a meaning the arbitrage to Europe remained closed.
week ago. Meanwhile, in the longer term, outlook for MX
remained bullish from the supply side. Asian MX has been United States
shown to be net short, importing around 800,000 mt/year US spot styrene fell to its lowest level in over 10 months,
last year, largely from US, sources said. Year-to-date statistics assessed Friday at 68.70 cents/lb FOB USG, a drop of
were not yet available. There were new capacities build but 0.80 cent on the week, on lower feedstock benzene. The
mainly to serve new PX plants in China, sources added. The assessment was at its lowest since October 23, 2013, when it
only plant which was able to supply free molecules into the was at 68.50 cents/lb FOB USG, according to Platts data. No
spot market was Japanese Showa Shell’s 200,000 mt/year firm bids or offers were heard this week and no deals were
MX unit in Yokkaichi in 2016 and the Dalian West Pacific heard on the week. Notional bids would be at 67 cents/lb
plant in northeast China’s Dalian in end-2014, observers and lower, sources said, while notional offers would at least
said. MX dynamics had been largely dependent on be in the low-70s cents/lb despite lower spot and contract
chemical usage, paraxylene, as it has more margin profits benzene. The higher offers would be from producers using
when channeled to PX production. However the latter ethylbenzene processes for making styrene because of
is influenced by purified terephthalic acid/polyethylene higher variable costs, while a producer using a propylene
terephthalate, and the textile industry bearish on back of oxide-styrene monomer process might be able to offer at
huge clothing inventories and sluggish economy. The new a lower price because variable costs were heard lower for
PX capacities in 2014 were heard to require additional that process. Arbitrage opportunities to Europe and Asia
200,000 mt/year of MX consumption, sources said. The remained closed this week, sources said, but supply was
blendstock demand for MX will have to depend on general heard less available as most producers were running reduced
economy and versus competing products such as toluene due to poor margins caused by higher feedstocks benzene
and ethanol, sources said. and ethylene prices. Westlake took down its Lake Charles,
Louisiana, styrene plant Monday for 4-6 weeks, sources said.
Producer confirmation on the shutdown was unavailable.
Styrene Downstream demand in polystyrene was steady to slowing
as the summer polystyrene season was ending, while
Europe acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene demand was improving due
Northwest European styrene monomer spot prices dropped to seasonal demand in the automotive industry, sources
$15/mt Friday to levels last seen in 2012, at an assessment said. In production news, Americas Styrenics declared force
of $1,525/mt FOB ARA. Supply remains prohibitively long, majeure on all polystyrene and styrene sales, effective
and an expected construction-led resurgence in EPS demand August 1, according to separate letters the company sent
has so far failed to materialize. The last time prices were to customers. Americas Styrenics’ lone styrene facility in
seen this low was November 23, 2012 at $1,504/mt FOB the US is located in St. James, Louisiana, with a capacity
ARA. The drop in Styrene was in unison with feedstock of 2.1 billion lbs/year. Sources said this week that the force
majeure for both products was still in effect. Styrolution will confirmed, despite a decrease in inventory levels of SM.
take down its 1.7 billions lbs/year Bayport, Texas, styrene Market sources said inventory held by traders in East China
plant at the end of September for planned maintenance was down about 10,000 mt to around 150,000 mt this week,
and expected to be restarted in early November, a company while total inventory held by both end-users and traders
source said. In feedstocks, the benzene contract price for was estimated to be around 250,000 mt, down about 10,000
September settled 36-37 cents lower than August at a 469- mt from previous week as well. In Friday’s SM market,
470 cents/gal split settlement, sources said. Spot ethylene the bid-offer range for October cargoes was heard around
was assessed at 68 cents/lb FD USG. Variable costs for $1,503-1,510/mt CFR China, while November cargoes were
styrene were estimated as low as 65.35 cents/lb and as high heard offered at $1,492/mt CFR China. Domestic prices
as 73.50 cents/lb, according to Platts data Friday. for prompt cargoes in East China were heard around Yuan
10,650/mt Friday — roughly $1,446/mt on an import parity
Asia basis — down Yuan 100/mt day on day and Yuan 200/mt
Asian styrene monomer fell $37/mt week on week to week on week. Meanwhile, in plant news, China’s Tianjin
$1,479/mt FOB Korea and $1,505/mt CFR China Friday, Dagu Chemical is likely to run its 500,000 mt/year SM plant
as demand in China remained low and sentiment bearish. in Tianjin at about 60% capacity after it restarts next week,
Prices tumbled $21/mt day on day for both benchmarks. a source close to the company said Friday. The plant was
Friday’s assessed prices were the lowest since late September shut August 20 for scheduled maintenance. The source said
2012, Platts data showed. A similar downtrend was seen weak demand for SM in China was behind the decision
in other aromatics, most importantly for benzene, which to run at low rates even after the restart. SM prices have
fell $18.50/mt day on day and $40.50/mt week on week been on a downtrend since July, falling more than 8% after
to $1,228/mt FOB Korea. Sentiment and demand in China hitting a high of $1,633/mt FOB Korea and $1,658/mt CFR
remained low this week, producers, traders and end-users China on July 23, data showed.
H1 October shipment. Chinese domestic PTA prices also 17-Apr 16-May 13-Jun 11-Jul 08-Aug 05-Sep
slipped throughout the week, to be assessed Yuan 150/mt
lower from a week ago at Yuan 6,930/mt Friday, equivalent Notes: All intermediates prices reflect assessments at close of Thursday,
with the exception of PTA CFR China.
to $908/mt on an import parity basis, in line with weaker
PTA futures, with September PTA futures at Yuan 6,900/mt
on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange. On Friday, deals September for nearly a month of planned maintenance.
were reported at Yuan 6,920-6,930/mt. In Southeast Asia, China’s Xianglu Petrochemicals will likely restart its 1.65
PTA fell $18/mt week on week to be assessed at $982/mt million mt/year PTA plant in southern China’s Xiamen from
CFR, while in India, PTA was assessed at $992/mt CFR, down mid-September, depending on the availability of power, a
$18/mt week on week. In plant news, Formosa Chemicals source close to the company said Thursday. The PTA unit
and Fibre Corp. will shut its 1.2 million mt/year PTA plant had been taken offline since July 22 due to a shortage of
at Ningbo in eastern China from September 10 for four power. Meanwhile, Japan’s Mitsubishi Chemical has shut
days of mechanical repairs, a source close to the company its 600,000 mt/year purified terephthalic acid plant at
said Thursday. Meanwhile, the 700,000 mt/yr No 3 PTA Ningbo on September 5 for around 30-35 days of planned
plant at Long Der in Taiwan will be taken offline from mid- maintenance, a source close to the company said Thursday.
one trading source said current buying interest from Asia EDC into Far East Asia, further pressuring down prices. But
would netback to levels below $360/mt FOB USG. The given persistently high feedstock ethylene prices, sellers
trading source estimated freight cost to Asia at $60/mt. saw little room for prices to fall. In Southeast Asia, weak
Offers from producers were heard $20-30/mt lower from spot demand continued to keep regional producers from
the $420-430/mt FOB USG heard in prior weeks, despite offering into the market this week, no trades heard. VCM:
the strong ethylene pricing seen since the beginning of the Asian vinyl chloride monomer was assessed at $900/mt
month, however sources said that there is no motivation CFR Far East Asia, down $5/mt week on week, and up $5/
for producers to push prices another $20/mt lower to meet mt to $945/mt CFR Southeast Asia Thursday. A September-
current buying interest from Asia. In ethylene, US ethylene loading cargo was heard concluded at $900/mt CFR China
contract prices for August were starting to settle Wednesday this week. Details of the deal were sketchy and could not
at a 1.75 cent/lb increase, sources said, pushing the net be confirmed. Offers were heard at $910/mt CFR Far East
transaction price (NTP) for August to 51.25 cents/lb, sources Asia, and $880-910/mt on a FOB basis, but were met with
said. If the settlement is accepted market-wide, it would muted responses. Market participants noted weak buying
bring contract prices to their highest point since the April sentiments for VCM due to a weak downstream market.
2012 level of 55.25 cents/lb, according to Platts data. The To limit further losses, ethylene-based PVC producers were
assessment was within market participants’ expectations either running at low rates or have temporarily shut their
of an increase of up to 2.5 cents/lb, following an actively plants, curbing buying for VCM, added a Chinese source.
traded August that pushed pricing to levels last seen in In Southeast Asia, market discussions were thin as eyes
April 2012. Spot ethylene prices rose to a 28-month high were now on the PVC market. No offers were heard from
Friday, following talk of production outages, tight supply Southeast Asia producers due to a lack of spot supply. A
and covering of short positions throughout the week. Spot trade source said VCM buyers were only able to source
ethylene was assessed at 70.75-71.25 cents/lb FD USG cargoes from Far East Asia or other origins, incurring higher
Friday, its highest level since the April 9, 2012, assessment freight rates, said a trade source. Although sellers were
of 74.125-74.625 cents/lb FD USG. Spot ethylene declined pushing for higher prices on extreme tight supply, low
1.25-cent on Wednesday, assessed at 68.25-68.75 cents/lb demand was similarly suppressing prices, resulting in thin
FD USG for September delivery, while October deliveries discussions, added a seller.
were assessed 1.5 cents lower to September at 66.75-67.25
cents/lb FD USG. VCM: Spot prices declined $5/mt for
the week, assessed Thursday at $735-745/mt FOB USG, News
amid anemic market activity. No spot deals, offers or bids
were heard throughout the week. Market source pegged
Taiwan’s Ocean Plastics halts operations
trading levels around $740s FOB USG, following weaker
downstream PVC pricing and sliding VCM demand in Asia. for 2 weeks on weak PVC prices
Downstream, US export PVC prices declined $5/mt week Singapore — Taiwan’s Ocean Plastics has halted
on week, to be assessed Wednesday at $935-945/mt FAS production for the next two weeks at its 150,000 mt/year
Houston. Producer to trader offers were heard in the $950- stand-alone PVC plant at Taoyuan on falling PVC prices and
965/mt FAS Houston range, against buying ideas heard in high production costs, a source close to the company said
the $920s/mt, with deals to traders concluded in the wide Wednesday. According to the source, plant operations were
range of $930-950/mt FAS Houston. In domestic markets, stopped earlier this week for unplanned maintenance, and
OxyVinyls was the first producer to announce a 3-cent/ would operate at 80% of capacity for the rest of September.
lb price increase for October, sources said. In operations, The company had similarly halted operations for two
OxyVinyls’ Pasadena, Texas, PVC facility was operating weeks in August, and then reduced run rates to 90%. High
without any issues, one company source with knowledge feedstock VCM prices and low PVC prices were the main
of operations said Tuesday. The company briefly shutdown factors behind the temporary shutdown, the source said.
two lines after a VCM leak on August 21. Falling PVC prices were squeezing margins on high VCM
prices as Ocean Plastics was buying spot VCM for PVC
Asia production. Anticipating a further downtrend this month,
EDC: Asian ethylene dichloride dropped $9/mt on the Ocean Plastics was not exporting to India and focusing
week to be assessed at $430/mt CFR Far East Asia, $430/ instead on domestic sales, said the source. Platts last assessed
mt CFR Southeast Asia Thursday. Deep-sea cargoes were VCM CFR Far East Asia at $900/mt on September 4.
heard offered at below $450/mt to Far East Asia this week,
against counter-bids at $400/mt and below. End-users were
Serbia’s HIP-Petrohemija petchem
not seeking spot cargoes this week on high inventory,
while some were heard delaying taking delivery of term complex begins two-month maintenance
cargoes because of weak downstream production, noted London — Serbian group HIP-Petrohemija’s
a market source. With the pressure of year-end inventory petrochemical complex in Pancevo began a two-month
tax in the US, a buyer expected an influx of US origin maintenance on September 5, a spokeswoman said
Wednesday. “The reason for the stoppage of production is barrels to 5.73 million barrels, according to the EIA data.
an overhaul in Oil Refinery Pancevo installations, which US stocks of propylene for nonfuel use decreased 103,000
is the main supplier of HIP-Petrochemical with virgin barrels week on week to 3.54 million barrels. Imports
naphtha,” she said. The complex includes a 200,000 in the reporting week that ended September 5 climbed
mt/year steam cracker, a 58,000 mt/year low density 60,000 b/d to 114,000 b/d. The US imported 11,000 b/d
polyethylene plant, a 90,000 mt/year high density PE plant, more than in the same week last year, the data show.
and a 45,000 mt/year emulsion synthetic rubber plant. Gulf Coast propane at the Enterprise terminal in the
HIPP receives 95% of its virgin naphtha from the Pancevo Mont Belvieu, Texas, hub was trading at $1.06875/gal on
refinery, which is owned by NIS. Russia’s Gazprom Neft IntercontinentalExchange Wednesday morning, some
owns 56.15% of NIS. 62.5 points higher than at 3:15 pm EDT (1915 GMT)
Tuesday. Conway propane was trading at $1.065/gal on
IntercontinentalExchange, which was 12.5 points higher
US propane, propylene inventories drop
than at 3:15 pm EDT Tuesday.
for first time in over five months: EIA
Houston — US propane and propylene stocks declined
Reduced EPS run rates at Austria’s Sunpor
78,000 barrels to 76.04 million barrels in the reporting
week that ended September 5, Energy Information continue into September: source
Administration data showed Wednesday. Before the most London — Austrian polystyrene producer Sunpor
recent week, US stocks rose every week since the reporting Gesellschaft will continue to operate its two expandable
week that ended March 28. The drop in the inventory polystyrene plants at 15-20% of capacity in September,
implies that the injection season, which started in April, a company source said Wednesday, as a summer lull
is at an end, sources said. Only inventories in the Midwest in construction-led European EPS demand lingers. “We
increased, rising 638,000 barrels to a total of 26.23 million decided to take some capacity down early August by
barrels. In the previous five years, Midwest stocks declined about 15-20%,” said the source, adding that these rates
an average of 489,000 barrels in the comparable week. will continue into September on the back of a weak
Stocks in that region now stand 4.04 million barrels higher European construction sector. “I don’t think EPS is price
than in the year-ago week. In the most recent week, related, it’s demand. Fewer building projects are being
the US Gulf Coast saw the largest regional decrease in started.” Sunpor Gesellschaft’s August reduction followed
inventories, with a 601,000-barrel drop to 40.96 million notifications in July that the company would trim rates
barrels. Atlantic Coast stocks also declined, sliding 162,000 by around 6-7% on lackluster demand. The summer lull
is now extending into September. “At the end of the Subscriber notes (continued...)
spring we sensed things winding down, and we were
expecting a second demand season starting in September, AAOSS00 LB Ethylene FD USG Mo02
but its not coming,” the source said. “If nothing happens
AAOSS03 LB Ethylene FD USG Mo02 MAvg (monthly average)
in October, the year is over.” Eurostat statistics show
that seasonally adjusted production in construction AAOSS05 LB Ethylene FD USG Mo02 WAvg (weekly average)
fell 2.3% in the euro area and 0.5% in the EU28 in the
year to June. Since the beginning of August, feedstock The daily assessment will appear on PCA 870 and weekly
styrene monomer spot prices have shed $112.50 (Eur87) average will appear on PCA 301. Please direct any questions
to $1,527.50/mt FOB ARA. In May, Sunpor brought on or comments to petchems@platts.com with a copy to
pricegroup@platts.com. Please provide a clear indication if
stream its newly expanded EPS plant in Radleberg of
comments are intended for publication by Platts for public
140,000 mt/year, while production capacity at the Polten
viewing. Platts will consider all comments received and will
site remained at 90,000 mt/year. EPS production is a
make these comments available on request.
batch process, with a turnaround time of two to three
days for increasing run rates, the source said.
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