Premarital sex is any sexual activities with an opposite sex partners or a same sex before he/she has
started a marriage life. The term is usually used to refer the inter course before the legal age of
marriage. In the course of experimentation, adolescents often in counter high risk situation, as
contracting STD /HIV/AIDS and often exposed to un intended pregnancy and illicit abortions. Objective:
This study was conducted to assess knowledge, attitude and practice towards premarital sex and
HIV/AIDS among students who are attending in MizanTepi University. Methods: A cross sectional study
was conducted from April 08-September, 08, 2014-in MTU, Mizan campus regular students. Stratified
sampling technique were used after making strata based on Collage and sex proportion. This study using
systemic random sampling. Data were collected by three Public Health interns, using self-administrated
questionnaires. Students from each Collage were being explained about the objective and
confidentiality of the study while distributing and collecting the questionnaires. Results: A total of 372
participants, 254(68%) were males and 118(32%) were females. All of the students know what cause
HIV/AIDS; majority of them knew major transmission routes. Sexual transmission mentioned as a major
routes transmission in our study by 281(75.5%) of students but knowledge was translated into practice
as 133(35.6%) approved premarital sex and practiced it. Conclusion and Recommendation: The study
participants have good knowledge of HIV/AIDS related to its cause, routes of transmission and also
about preventive mechanism by this knowledge was not practiced. The study participants were citing
religion as reason for not having premarital sex and this should include in their day to day teachings. The
HIV/AIDS agenda should an agenda for everyone and families should discuss with the adolescents and
According to WHO Sexual is a central aspect of being human throughout life and encompasses sex,
gender identities and roles. Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thought fantasies,desires,beliefs
and reproduction. Sexuality can include all of these dimensions, not all of them are always experienced.
Sexual is influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, ethical,
legal, historical religious and spiritual factors (WHO, 2006).Collins (2008).
Sex education is including information about family planning, reproduction, body image, sexual
orientation, sexual pleasure, values, decision making, communication, dating, relationships, sexually
transmitted infections and how to avoid them, and birth control methods’ and adolescent pregnancy is
responsible to this problem, this study seeks to investigate on the influence of sex education on
adolescent involved in premarital sex and adolescent pregnancy in Arusha City, Tanzania.
According to Carballo, (1991),Abraham Marlow on his theory of psychosexual, postulates that people
tend to choice what they need than what they want thus putting a basis physiological need, which
unless satisfied (together with other physiological needs such as air, food and water), human will
remain at that basic level seeking gratification. Sexual satisfaction at tender age may result into
adolescent pregnancy whose rate is 6.5% worldwide and 10% in Sub Saharan Africa(WHO,2008).Early
pregnancy is a serious problem of societal development.(Int J. Eric. Political. Red. Red 114)
According to the National system of STD surveillance from 1990-1998, the evidence of the eight STDs
increase 3.7 times and in 2004 gonorrhea and syphilis incidence ranked 4th and 5th among 27 not if I able
infectious diseases respectively at the same time, since the first case of HIV was identified in
1985,reported HIV/AIDS cases have been rapidly increasing in China, especially since 1997.While the
increase in the reported cases of HIV could partly reflects expanded surveillance with improved
reporting system, it also mirrors escalation of the of the HIV epidemic in China as the prevalence of HIV
infection has also increased among drug users from 1.95% to 6.48% and among commercial sex workers
from 0.02% to 0.93% between 1996 and 2004 .Some students have examined the sexual behavior of
adolescent students in China. A survey performed in Beijing in 1989 found that 13% of male students
and 6% of female students had some sexual experience. This study was conducted to obtain detailed
profiles of sexual attitudes and behavior and associated factors among secondary high school students.
The area has had one of the highest rates of HIV/ADs are Chinese provinces and reported cases
dramatically increased during recent years(Public Health 2006).
142 International Family Planning Perspectives and Mindanao). Third, it provides an estimate of serious
abortion morbidity (that is, the number of women hospitalized for abortion complications). Finally, it
provides for adjustment for underreporting, unlike most other methods. To account for some years’
incomplete data and for likely actual year-to-year fluctuations, we calculated estimates based on
averaged data for 1999–2001, producing estimates for the central year, 2000. •Calculating the total
number of women hospitalized for abortion. We used a three-step methodology to estimate the
number of women treated for abortion complications in all hospitals, including those for which these
data were not directly reported. For hospitals that reported abortion as one of the10 leading causes of
admission, we obtained the number from the hospital reports. For hospitals at which abortion did not
rank among the top 10 reported causes, we assumed that admissions for abortion complications
accounted for half as many patients as the number hospitalized for the lowest or 10th-ranking cause.
For all other hospitals (i.e., those that did not file a report or omitted data on abortion complications),
we entered hospital characteristics into a logistic regression to impute the number from hospitals with
information. In 478 hospitals—about one in four—abortion was one of the 10 main causes of admission,
so a direct count of the number of women hospitalized for abortion complications was available from
their official reports. For these facilities, there were approximately 71,500 annual hospitalizations for
complications of induced and spontaneous abortion;§the average annual number of cases treated was
150, and the range was 1 to 3,748. We estimated that 26,500 women were hospitalized for abortion
complications each year in the remaining 1,180 hospitals at which abortion was not among the top 10
causes, and 7,000 women were hospitalized in the 381 hospitals that had no submitted report. There-
fore, we estimated that a total of 105,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2000
(Table 1).•Estimating the number of women hospitalized for induced abortion. Some of the women
hospitalized for abortion complications had been admitted after having a spontaneous abortion. We
needed to subtract these women from the total to estimate the number hospitalized for complications
of induced abortion. Data reported by hospitals, however, typically do not distinguish between induced
and spontaneous abortions, both because symptoms are often similar and because of a reluctance to
expose patients to possible legal action. For these calculations, we used data on the biological pattern of
spontaneous abortion, established by clinical studies,14 and assumed that late miscarriages (those
at13–22 weeks) are likely to require hospital care.Mis-carriages at 13–22 weeks account for about 2.9%
of all recognized pregnancies, and are equal to 3.4% of all live births.†† A final adjustment is needed
because only a certain proportion of all women who need hospital care for the treatment of late
spontaneous abortion will have access to a hospital or use hospital services for this condition. We
assumed this proportion to be the same as the pro-portion of women giving birth who deliver in a
hospital: Nationally, 37% of women delivered at a health facility, 73%in Manila, 36% in the rest of Luzon,
29% in Visayas and23% in Mindanao.15 Applying these assumptions within regions, we estimate that
26,100 women were hospitalized Incidence of Induced Abortion in the Philippines TABLE 1. Measures
related to calculating the number of women hospitalized for abortion complications; and estimated
number of induced abortions, by multiplier to account for women not hospitalized for abortion
complications—all according to area, Philippines, 2000Area No. of No. of No. of All No. of women No.
of induced abortions women hospitals hospitalize- hospitalized aged 15–44 reporting tons for for
induced abortion* abortion† 5 6 7Philippines 17,711,810 2,039 1,658 104,993 78,901 394,506 473,408
552,309Metro Manila 2,705,350 194 163 29,881 23,309 116,544 139,853 163,162Rest of Luzon
7,496,277 958 761 45,147 34,018 170,088 204,105 238,123Visayas 3,373,065 295 258 13,642 9,337
46,685 56,022 65,359Mindanao 4,137,118 592 476 16,323 12,238 61,189 73,427 85,665*Calculations
were completed separately for each of the country’s 16 regions and then summed to obtain results for
the four major areas. All hospitalizations minus hospitalizations for spontaneous abortion. Metro Manila
refers to the National Capital Region(Susheela Singh).
GENERAL SANTOS CITY (Mindanao News / 14 March) — The Department of Education (DepEd) here has
expressed alarm over the rising cases of pregnancy among students in the last three years.
Mario Bermudez, assistant superintendent of the DepEd city division, said Thursday they already
recorded a total of 83 cases of teenage pregnancies in local schools as of yearend 2018.
He said the number increased by 17 from 66 in 2016 and with a Grade 6 learner as the youngest
documented case.
“This is alarming since the cases have been really on the rise,” he said in an interview over Brigada News
FM here.
To help address the problem, Bermudez said they have intensified their sexuality education campaigns
in all public and private schools, from elementary to senior high school levels.
The move is based on DepEd Order No. 31 issued in 2018 which provides for “Policy Guidelines on the
Implementation of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education.”
He said the order integrates sexuality education in the curriculum of elementary, junior high school and
senior high schools and strengthens their support systems.
Bermudez said these classes focus on teaching students the proper way of caring for themselves and the
disadvantages of early engagement in sexual activities and the resulting teenage pregnancy.
He said they also provide counselling sessions through trained guidance counsellors and teachers.
“We’re making the leaners become more aware of these risks and helping them make the right
decisions,” he said.
Bermudez said they partnered with the city government, through the city population office, for the
training of their teachers in senior high schools and guidance counsellors on sexuality education.
“Our goal is to integrate this in the regular curriculum and make it a part of the regular classroom
instruction,” he added. (MediaNews)
We choice this study because many young people have been affected in this situation in just an early
getting married and having STI,ADs and HIV and the age of young people who are trying to get RID of
the kind of woman and man.We conduct question about the issue if are agree, disagree or undecided
1.What do you think sex education is being helpful towards preventing among the youth?
2.How you feel the secured with the capability or teachers with regards sex education?
3.Do you supportive of sex education whenever other people not agree?
4.Do you believe sex education should be taught is secondary level?
Significance of the study
The influence of social media is everywhere understanding about premarital sex or sex before marriage
is necessary especially to the adolescents and young adults. Teenage pregnancy and unwanted babies
are the possible consequence of premarital sex and to stop having HIV/AIDs or STI's. The acceptance
of this consequence is pointless when there are still means to avoid it. The findings of this study may
serve significant role to the: Principal to understand what the value of having curriculum in subject
about sex education and to learn what are the most important lessons of sex education and also to help
young people to understand what are sex. Teachers through this study the teachers will be able to
become conscious on what approach to be administered to the students so that they would have a
better realization on the issue of premarital sex education. Parents trough this study they will be guided
on what to do to help their children understand issues about premarital sex. They will become aware
also on who in the family had the most influence most on their children. Students this will help them
identify what are the matters related to premarital sex to avoid. Avoidance of doing those that will
introduce harm to their plans will provide them better and brighter future. Future Researchers this
research paper may enlighten them to conduct further study on topics related to this piece.
The scope of the content of sex education is much greater than the term implying. It is more than under
derstanding sexual intercourse. It is more than fetal development, birth control or disease prevention.
While this information is important, if it is all that is included sex education is taken out of a personal
emotional, and social context. A major aspect of sex education is its focus on social relationships,
emotions, choice-making, and responsibilities to self and others. In terms of human existence, the
terms of human existence, the sex act itself has very brief meaning. In contrast, the attitudes, feelings
involvements, and consequences that precede 2nd follow the sex act have lasting impact.
act have lasting impact.
Definition of terms
SHS/JHS: Senior and Junior school there are many young people to get early pregnancy, getting married
at the age 16 above and also having HIV/AIDs or STI’s at the young 14 above.
Sexuality education - “is a lifelong process of acquiring information and forming attitudes,
beliefs, and values about identity, relationships, and intimacy. It encompasses sexual
development, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image,
and gender roles” (SIECUS, 1996).