Introduction to safety:
Safety is very important aspect for any industry as an accident free work environment boosts the
morale of the team members working in any hazardous situations. Recognising these facts industries
involving various hazards and risks industries prepare their own safety policy, safety manual and
have a separate department/section for safety so as to create proper awareness and provide the know-
how-about the safety.
Adherence to the useful information, rules, and mandatory requirements governing the safety and
guidelines will help prevent occupational injuries and accidents which constitute an unavoidable
and needless waste of human and material resources.
Safety means continuing and healthful living without injury. Safety is freedom from harm or the
danger of harm. The word safety also refers to the precautions people take to prevent accidents,
harm, danger, damage, loss and pollution. Safety also deals with improvement in working conditions
for better health. Management is responsible to provide safe working condition and individual’s
All of the BBS programs reviewed included multilevel teams. Some programs use them in the
assessment phase, some in observation and some in review. Some had all three areas using
multilevel teams.
Some argue that behavior-based safety must also have attitude adjustment to be sustaining as it has
been proven that "behavior influences attitude and attitude influences behavior".[5] The goal should
be small gains over and over again; continuous growth. BBS is not a quick fix. It is a commitment.
Safety policy - Prepare a statement, signed by top management, identifying the responsibilities
of management and employees for ensuring a safe workplace. Review this policy with all
employees on an annual basis.
1. Accident Investigation and Near-Miss Program- Develop procedures for investigating all
accidents and “near misses” (those incidents resulting in neither injury nor property
2. General safety rules - Establish written minimum safety standards that apply to all
employees and post them in areas where employees are sure to see them.
3. Safe operating procedures - Develop written guidelines for procedures and tasks involving
recognized hazards.
4. Essential job functions - Develop a list of essential job functions for each job category (for
employers with 15 or more employees). These lists help you properly place workers in jobs
and assign injured workers to transitional duties.
5. Ergonomics program - Establish an ergonomics program designed to maximize productivity
while reducing employee fatigue and discomfort. Educate employees about basic ergonomic
principles and proper body mechanics.
6. Self-inspection programs - Inspect your workplaces regularly to detect unsafe acts and
conditions. Keep an ongoing record of your findings.
7. Safety training program - Establish a written training program through which all employees
learn about general safety rules, safe operating procedures, claims management principles,
and ergonomic hazards.
8. Safety coordinator - Assign a coordinator who is responsible for implementing your
company’s risk management program.
9. Substance abuse program - Establish a written substance abuse policy to include supervisory
and employee education along with identifying an Employee Assistance Program.
includes the culture that the individual was educated or lives in, and the people and institutions with
whom they interact.
The interaction may be in person or through communication media, even anonymous or one-way,
and may not imply equality of social status. Therefore the social environment is a broader concept
than that of social class or social circle.
People with the same social environment often develop a sense of social solidarity; they often tend
to trust and help one another, and to congregate in social groups. They will often think in similar
styles and patterns even when their conclusions differ.
Natural/artificial environment
In order to enrich his life, man has used natural resources and in the process he has brought about
many changes in the natural environment. Human settlements, roads, farmlands, dams and many
other things have all developed through this. All these man made components are included in our
cultural environment, Erving Goffman in particular stressing the deeply social nature of the
individual environment.
Milieu/social structure
C. Wright Mills contrasted the immediate milieu of jobs/family/ neighbourhood with the wider
formations of the social structure, highlighting in particular a distinction between "the personal
troubles of milieu" and the "public crises of social structure.
Pumps and compressors should have system for shutting down safely in an emergency and
other provisions for maintenance without endangering other equipment or the repair crew.
The design of the building should be integrated with its function. For example especially
hazardous chemical in a warehouse segregated from less hazardous material by means of
a fire wall.
Electrical Systems
Minimum interaction between personnel and high voltage system should be allowed with
provisions to cope up with corrosive flammable atmosphere.
Purging Systems
Provisions are required for purging the noxious and inflammable gases, fluids from the
system for handing over the same for maintenance work.
In addition to the above, there should be a system to identify hazards as early in the design
phase as possible, and then to control the identified hazards.
Trade Union is an association of workers engaged in a particular trade and formed chiefly with the
object of helping the members in times of distress and getting their grievances settled and legitimate
a rights established.
They can register their union with Registrar of trade unions.
1.Respiratory system
Sulfur dioxide, aerolein, chromic acid mist and other chemical causes coughing initially
and chronic bronchiotis on prolonged periods.
Chlorine, phosgene, nitrogen oxides will cause damages to tissues of respiratory system
resulting in accumulation of fluids in lungs.
Repeated inhalation of fumes form coal tar pitch, nickel refining, fibres of asbestos may
result in lung cancer.
2. Skin
Prolonged contact of acid and alkali causes skin irritation.
Original solvents cause dermatitis by their irritant action.
Unrefined mineral oils, coal tar pitch and arsenic compounds causes skin cancer.
3. Eye
Eyes are vulnerable to attack by all air-borne contaminants. Eye surface is more sensitive
to mild compounds.
4. Blood
Lead and benzene causes anemia by affecting blood forming process in bone marrow.
Carbon dioxide and some nitrates react with hemoglobin and reduce the capacity if blood
to transport oxygen.
5. Liver
Carbon tetrachloride, selenium compounds have toxic effect on the liver, which may lead
to jaundice.
Vinyl chloride on prolonged exposure induces liver cancer.
Heavy metals can produce injury to the kidneys.
7. Bladder
Aromatic amines like naphthylamine and benzedine cause bladder injury.
8. Nervous System
Organic chemicals like hexane, methyl butyl ketone and tri-cresylphosphate damage
Some organ phosphorous compounds interfere with nerve impulses.
Safety training
Induction Training:
Induction Training should be given to all the persons prior to permitting them
to go to work.
Compensation Act; Indian Electricity Act 1910; Petroleum Act 1934 which governs the safety of
personnel and equipment in industrial units in the country.
But we know that legislation alone cannot ensure safety in industrial operations, unless effective
approach to prevention of accidents and promotion of safety consciousness in industry is achieved.
This is possible by adopting proper control measures including safe designs of machines and
processes, use of protection devices and personal protective equipment’s, effective safety
procedures and practices as well as creation of self-regulating system on the shop-floor.
To assure safety to workers and eliminating chances of damage to machinery and equipment, Indian
Standards Institute has done commendable job.
It lays down:
(i) Safety precautions to be taken during manufacturing operations.
(ii) Requirements for effective maintenance of tools and equipment’s.
(iii) Standards for proper layout, proper lighting and ventilation of factory building.
(iv) Guidance on safe welding and cutting, use of powered industrial trucks, belt conveyors fire-
fighting equipment’s.
(v) Standards and specifications of safe industrial operations and practices.
(vi) Classification of hazardous chemicals and use of accident prevention tags and pictorial
markings for handling and labeling of dangerous goods.
(vii) Safety codes for handling acids and other chemicals.
(viii) Safety requirements for personal protective equipment’s.
(ix) Standards for fire safety in industrial buildings and safety procedures to be followed in electrical
work and use of electrical appliances in hazardous area and explosive atmosphere.
(x) Specifications for protective clothing, safety helmets, face shields and safety equipment are for
eyes, ears, lungs, hands, feet and legs. These include eye and ear protectors, gas mask, gloves, safety
boots and shoes for mines and heavy metal industries etc.
Safety Programme:
Certain persons are made responsible for safety aspect in the organisation. Now-a-days, safety
committee concept is becoming popular. A safety committee consists of executives, supervisors and
shop floor workers. This also helps in creating safety consciousness. This is a body which deals all
matters related to safety.
programmes analyses causes of accidents, and takes remedial measures which aim at r educing
accidents and losses which might occur due to them. Safety programme is a continuous process and
minimises the factors related to personal and environmental which may cause accidents Safety
equipment’s are provided to save employees from accidents. Special trainings are imparted to
employees on safety aspects.
In order to create awareness, safety weeks are organised, safety instructions are displayed. It is also
necessary to make necessary safety rules and enforce them.
For effectiveness of the safety programmes in an industry, it is necessary to identify the causes of
accidents, study them, and take effective steps for their prevention.
For effectiveness of the plant safety programme, following areas should be covered:
i. Plant layout.
ii. House keeping.
iii. Maintenance of the equipment.
iv. Training programme for the employees.
v. Protective equipment requirement.
vi. Separate safety department, with proper communication system.
vii. Fire-fighting facilities.
Lack of training has been identified as one of the major causes of accidents. Safety awareness is the
basic requirement for reducing accidents. Most of the accidents take place due to adoption of short
cuts and/or ignoring the safety guidelines.
There is a need to prepare a safety manual which should include the mandatory use of personal
protection equipment, safety awareness training programme, fire protection, first-aid, safety
signages, accidenting reporting procedure etc., each operation has its own hazards and a safety
programme should be developed to mitigate the particular hazards.
Safety programme in an industry must receive the full support of an entire organisation beginning
with top management and continuing down through the ranks to include the managers, supervisors
and workers.
0.6 cubic metre of fresh air per man or sufficient enough to remove odour
Lifting of Load:
Although most works are done mechanically in the process of manufacturing, still many material
handling works involving load lifting are done manually. It has been experienced that a man can
easily lift about 22 kg and woman about 16 kg.
But while doing work continuously in a bent position even with a small load, there will be immense
strains on spine and back muscles that may result in injury especially for aged workers. Therefore,
efforts must be made to keep the material at a certain height so as to minimise the strain and fatigue.
Chemical Safety
Many processing and manufacturing industries use chemicals in one or other form. The chemical
are hazardous mainly for their toxicity, flash point below 100°F, their reactions when mixed with
other chemicals, and their decomposition under heat.
Therefore, extra care should be made and recommended safe practices should be adopted for the
receipts, storage, handling and disposal of chemicals and other hazardous materials. Where
necessary respiratory devices, protective clothing, safety showers, and eye wash facilities should be
used and located at suitable places, the use of exhaust hoods, air filtering and to provide protection
from gases and air borne hazards.
achieved with the smallest relative input. The best efficiency is attained when the greatest intended
effectiveness as a result of the output is reached through the relatively smallest amount of input.
When both the input and the output are measured in monetary terms, the efficiency can be expressed
as a cost-benefit ratio.
When the analysis is constrained to the boundaries of an enterprise one can talk about a financial
appraisal. However, a financial appraisal can also be conducted in public organisations. The so-
called new public management approach places a major emphasis on this principle. The problem
with public organisations is that their output is usually not subject to market demand, which can be
measured in the consumers' willingness to pay.
Therefore the true application of financial appraisal would require a use of some kind of artificial
pricing of consumer value. In general, the benefits of occupational safety and health (OSH) are
related to cost reduction, improved productivity and to the generation of new assets. According to
Chapman´s (2005) meta-analysis, the results of well-managed occupational health promotion
programmes can be seen in 27% less sickness absenteeism, 26% less health care costs and 32% less
insurance costs. On average, the benefit to cost ratio among these cases was found to be 5.81.
Cost reducing
Poor health and safety create costs for organisations. The most common costs are related to sickness
absenteeism, health care, individual productivity losses or presenteeism, personnel turn-over,
insurance and pension costs and indirect cost effects, such as hiring replacement, paying for
overtime, subcontractor work etc. The cost reducing effects of OSH are well documented. Taken
together, they send a consistent message: well planned and systematically carried out occupational
safety and health measures deliver economic returns which are 3-10 times greater than the monetary
investment. This appears to be the case even if there are difficulties in estimating exactly the positive
productivity effects of work. Systematic literature reviews have indicated that both small-scale
measures and comprehensive occupational health and safety programmes can be profitable to
organisations. Finnish intervention studies have revealed that there can be positive profitability
effects even without immediate measurable productivity effects, which indicates that the economic
benefit-mechanisms of OSH are more subtle than often assumed.
The economic approach to occupational safety and health can be divided
into macro and micro subtypes. In the macro approach, work related activities or phenomena are
analysed from a social or societal point of view, in contrast to the business economic or financial
approach used in the macro approach where the effects are analysed on real values and resources,
not only cash-flow effects.
Cost-effectiveness analysis
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is a commonly used macro economic approach to compare and
analyse alternative courses of action, usually related to alternative treatments of illnesses. In this
approach, the costs and related health effects of the alternatives are compared by calculating cost-
effectiveness ratios in the form of X effect units per $ or € spent. The alternative that displays the
most effect units per monetary unit is the most efficient choice. Although CEA is often used on a
macroeconomic level to analyse costs and effects at the national level, it can also be applied on
a micro level.
Micro approaches
The microeconomic approach to the management of occupational health and safety is concerned
with optimizing the resource allocation at the enterprise level. Microeconomic analysis can be
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applied also to public organisations. Micro approaches include management control principles and
procedures, financial appraisal and various calculation methods, and these will be considered in the
following paragraphs.
profits in the region of 600 M€. The subjective estimate made by the management was that the real
savings were much higher, around 60 M€.
Calculation models
Various calculation models have been developed to help in the estimation of the input costs and
related financial benefits. Two such models are The Productivity Model and the Potential Model.
The Potential model is an input-output model, or a before-after model. It compares two states of
affairs; the one before some measure is taken or investment made and the second after the
intervention is made. The effects of the differences between these two states are calculated in order
to establish the financial benefit, achieved by the investment. Also the cost of the investment is
calculated. Both the cost and the benefit are calculated on an annual basis.
For multi-period calculations annual effects are transformed to the present value, by taking account
of the interest rate in the calculation. The overall assumption when calculating the benefits is that
the real value of work equals the total cost of labour divided by efficient work hours. This
assumption is based on the principle that when a company is making an investment it has to be able
to cover its current costs by selling what is produced by its personnel, otherwise the firm would go
Based on this assumption, the calculation must include all labour costs, the number of all annual
paid work hours, and the number of all annual non-productive work hours. In basic terms the
calculation of benefits is based on the total cost of productive work hours. Ultimately, the benefit
will be dependent on changes in either productive hours or the unit cost of production. The
production cost of personnel turnover is calculated by applying the productivity gap concept.
The existence of the personnel turnover productivity gap is well known. It appears as a result of
departing individuals reducing their effort as a result of deteriorating motivation, cooperation and
morale, and slowly increasing productivity of newcomers. In the Potential Model, the productivity
reductions and increases are assumed to be linear. In order to calculate the value of the productivity
gap, only the number of annually departing and arriving people and the average exit period and
introduction period have to be entered into the model.
The model assumes the value of the productivity gap to be equal to the product of lost hours and the
value of a productive hour of the firm's time.In these models depreciated initial investments and
annual operations costs make up the annual input costs. The benefits include changes in productive
time (sickness absenteeism), overtime costs, subcontracting costs, personnel turnover costs health
care costs and productivity. The use of these models demonstrate that the total financial benefits of
occupational health and safety investments often greatly exceed the direct benefit effects.
A reduced number of sickness-leave days for instance often leads to reduced overtime-work and
less subcontractor work. In addition, reduced personnel turnover and increased individual
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productivity can be a by-product of health promotion projects. In some cases, the benefits related to
improved individual productivity have been the main effect. In several cases the actual productivity
effects have not been measured, though they have been assumed to be considerable. For instance
the Potential Model was used to calculate the economic feasibility of the so-called Druvan-project,
in which a 20-fold increase in OSH-expenditure lead to a 46% return of investment.
A safe and healthy workplace not only protects workers from injury and illness, it can
also lower injury/illness costs, reduce absenteeism and turnover, increase productivity and quality,
and raise employee morale. In other words, safety is good for business.
Looking after your employees' health will mean that your staff are less likely to suffer from:
the effects of noise and vibration
asthma - manage risks from substances which can trigger allergies or asthma
work-related skin disease
asbestos-related illness - key occupational health issues
Retain staff
If you reduce staff absence due to illness or accidents at work, you will save the time and costs of
recruiting and training a new member of staff.
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Good health and safety measures will help you to build a positive reputation with your clients and
staff and their friends and associates. The resulting good public relations could help to increase sales
and generate more leads.
people are far more likely to listen to a person who is to the point. Communication skills training
will help you learn how best to communicate effectively in a wide range of situations, and how to
be direct in order to get the most out of your dealings with others.
is to identify potential hazards and to recommend the safest way to do the job. Other terms used to
describe this procedure are job hazard analysis (JHA) and job hazard breakdown.
Some individuals prefer to expand the analysis into all aspects of the job, not just safety. This
approach is known as total job analysis. Methodoly is based on the idea that safety is an integral
part of every job and not a separate entity. In this document, only health and safety aspects will be
The terms "job" and "task" are commonly used interchangeably to mean a specific work assignment,
such as "operating a grinder," "using a pressurized water extinguisher," or "changing a flat tire."
JSAs are not suitable for jobs defined too broadly, for example, "overhauling an engine"; or too
narrowly, for example, "positioning car jack.
One of the methods used in this example is to observe a worker actually perform the job. The major
advantages of this method include that it does not rely on individual memory and that the process
prompts recognition of hazards. For infrequently performed or new jobs, observation may not be
One approach is to have a group of experienced workers and supervisors complete the analysis
through discussion. An advantage of this method is that more people are involved in a wider base
of experience and promoting a more ready acceptance of the resulting work procedure. Members of
the joint occupational safety and health committee must participate in this process.
Initial benefits from developing a JSA will become clear in the preparation stage. The analysis
process may identify previously undetected hazards and increase the job knowledge of those
participating. Safety and health awareness is raised, communication between workers and
supervisors is improved, and acceptance of safe work procedures is promoted.
A JSA, or better still, a written work procedure based on it, can form the basis for regular contact
between supervisors and workers. It can serve as a teaching aid for initial job training and as a
briefing guide for infrequent jobs. It may be used as a standard for health and safety inspections or
observations. In particular, a JSA will assist in completing comprehensive accident investigations.
Initial benefits from developing a JSA will become clear in the preparation stage. The analysis
process may identify previously undetected hazards and increase the job knowledge of those
participating. Safety and health awareness is raised, communication between workers and
supervisors is improved, and acceptance of safe work procedures is promoted.
A JSA, or better still, a written work procedure based on it, can form the basis for regular contact
between supervisors and workers. It can serve as a teaching aid for initial job training and as a
briefing guide for infrequent jobs. It may be used as a standard for health and safety inspections or
observations. In particular, a JSA will assist in completing comprehensive accident investigations.
Basic stages in conducting a JSA are:
selecting the job to be analyzed
breaking the job down into a sequence of steps
identifying potential hazards
determining preventive measures to overcome these hazards
Important to know when "selecting the job"
Ideally, all jobs should be subjected to a JSA. In some cases there are practical constraints posed by
the amount of time and effort required to do a JSA. Another consideration is that each JSA will
require revision whenever equipment, raw materials, processes, or the environment change. For
these reasons, it is usually necessary to identify which jobs are to be analyzed. Even if analysis of
all jobs is planned, this step ensures that the most critical jobs are examined first.
Factors to be considered in setting a priority for analysis of jobs include:
Accident frequency and severity: jobs where accidents occur frequently or where they occur
infrequently but result in serious injuries.
Potential for severe injuries or illnesses: the consequences of an accident, hazardous
condition, or exposure to harmful products are potentially severe.
Newly established jobs: due to lack of experience in these jobs, hazards may not be evident
or anticipated.
Modified jobs: new hazards may be associated with changes in job procedures.
Infrequently performed jobs: workers may be at greater risk when undertaking non-routine
jobs, and a JSA provides a means of reviewing hazards.
How do I break the job into "basic steps"?
After a job has been chosen for analysis, the next stage is to break the job into steps. A job step is
defined as a segment of the operation necessary to advance the work. See examples below.
Care must be taken not to make the steps too general. Missing specific steps and their associated
hazards will not help. On the other hand, if they are too detailed, there will be too many steps. A
rule of thumb is that most jobs can be described in less than ten steps. If more steps are required,
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you might want to divide the job into two segments, each with its separate JSA, or combine steps
where appropriate. As an example, the job of changing a flat tire will be used in this document.
An important point to remember is to keep the steps in their correct sequence. Any step which is out
of order may miss serious potential hazards or introduce hazards which do not actually exist.
Each step is recorded in sequence. Make notes about what is done rather than how it is done. Each
item is started with an action verb. Appendix A (below) illustrates a format which can be used as a
worksheet in preparing a JSA. Job steps are recorded in the left hand column, as shown here:
Park vehicle
And so on.....
This part of the analysis is usually prepared by knowing or watching a worker do the job. The
observer is normally the immediate supervisor. However, a more thorough analysis often happens
by having another person, preferably a member of the health and safety committee, participate in
the observation. Key points are less likely to be missed in this way.
The job observer should have experienced and be capable in all parts of the job. To strengthen full
co-operation and participation, the reason for the exercise must be clearly explained. The JSA is
neither a time and motion study in disguise, nor an attempt to uncover individual unsafe acts. The
job, not the individual, is being studied in an effort to make it safer by identifying hazards and
making modifications to eliminate or reduce them. The worker's experience contributes in making
job and safety improvements.
The job should be observed during normal times and situations. For example, if a job is routinely
done only at night, the JSA review should also be done at night. Similarly, only regular tools and
equipment should be used. The only difference from normal operations is the fact that the worker is
being observed.
When completed, the breakdown of steps should be discussed by all the participants (always
including the worker) to make that all basic steps have been noted and are in the correct order.
Potential hazards
Once the basic steps have been recorded, potential hazards must be identified at each step. Based
on observations of the job, knowledge of accident and injury causes, and personal experience, list
the things that could go wrong at each step.
A second observation of the job being performed may be needed. Since the basic steps have already
been recorded, more attention can now be focused on each potential hazards. At this stage, no
attempt is made to solve any problems which may have been detected.
To help identify potential hazards, the job analyst may use questions such as these ( this is not a
complete list):
Can any body part get caught in or between objects?
Do tools, machines, or equipment present any hazards?
Can the worker make harmful contact with moving objects?
Can the worker slip, trip, or fall?
Can the worker suffer strain from lifting, pushing, or pulling?
Is the worker exposed to extreme heat or cold?
Is excessive noise or vibration a problem?
Is there a danger from falling objects?
Is lighting a problem?
Can weather conditions affect safety?
Is harmful radiation a possibility?
Can contact be made with hot, toxic, or caustic substances?
Are there dusts, fumes, mists, or vapours in the air?
A second observation of the job being performed may be needed. Since the basic steps have already
been recorded, more attention can now be focused on each potential hazards. At this stage, no
attempt is made to solve any problems which may have been detected.
To help identify potential hazards, the job analyst may use questions such as these (this is not a
complete list):
Potential hazards are listed in the middle column of the worksheet, numbered to match the
corresponding job step. For example:
Sequence of Events Potential Accidents or Hazards
Park vehicle a) Vehicle too close to passing traffic
b) Vehicle on uneven, soft ground
c) Vehicle may roll
Remove spare and tool kit a) Strain from lifting spare
Pry off hub cap and loosen lug a) Hub cap may pop off and hit you b) Lug
bolts (nuts) wrench may slip
JSA is a useful technique for identifying hazards so that workers can take measures to eliminate or
control hazards. Once the analysis is completed, the results must be communicated to all workers
who are, or will be, performing that job. The side-by-side format used in JSA worksheets is not an
ideal one for instructional purposes. Better results can be achieved by using a narrative-style
communication format. For example, the work procedure based on the partial JSA developed as an
example in this document might start out like this:
1. Park vehicle
a) Drive vehicle off the road to an area well clear of traffic, even if it requires rolling on a flat tire.
Turn on the emergency flashers to alert passing drivers so that they will not hit you.
b) Choose a firm and level area for parking. You can jack up the vehicle to prevent rolling.
c) Apply the parking brake, leave the transmission in PARK, place blocks in front and back of the
wheel diagonally opposite the flat. These actions will also help prevent the vehicle from rolling.
a) To avoid back strain, turn the spare up into an upright position in its well. Stand as close to the
trunk as possible and slide the spare close to your body. Lift out and roll to flat tire.
a) Pry off hub cap slowly with steady pressure to prevent it from popping off and striking you.
b) Using the proper lug wrench, apply steady pressure slowly to loosen the lug bolts (nuts) so that
the wrench will not slip, get lost or and hurt your knuckles.
potential dangers of high-pressure technology can be kept under control if the necessary precautions
have been taken and a suitable material of construction is chosen for each specific application. Most
high-pressure units can be built with SITEC components. These stainless steel components should
be used whenever possible because of their proven reliability in many situations over a long period
of time. The pressure containing components are monitored at all stages of their manufacture.
Details of the tests may be known by use of the Heat-No which is stamped on each body part.
subjected to moderate temperature gradients across the wall. Pressure and temperature
induced stresses are additive and may exceed the safe operating strength.
• High-pressure tubing must never be heated for bending as this would reduce its material
• Emergency instructions have to be fixed visibly to the plant.
• Fire extinguishers and a first-aid kit should be ready at hand.
• Safety devices should protect the operating staff. They may range from a simple mirror-system
a list of some of the most dangerous household chemicals, including the ingredients to watch for
and the nature of the risk.
Air fresheners
Air fresheners may contain any of a number of dangerous chemicals. Formaldehyde irritates the
lungs and mucous membranes and may cause cancer. Petroleum distillates are flammable, irritate
the eyes, skin, and lungs, and may cause fatal pulmonary edema in sensitive individuals. Some air
fresheners contain p-dichlorobenzene, which is a toxic irritant. The aerosol propellants used in some
products may be flammable and may cause nervous system damage if inhaled.
Ammonia is a volatile compound that can irritate the respiratory system and mucous membranes if
inhaled, can cause a chemical burn if it is spilled on skin, and will react with chlorinated products
(e.g., bleach) to produce deadly chloramine gas.
Antifreeze is ethylene glycol, a chemical which is poisonous if swallowed. Breathing it can cause
dizziness. Drinking antifreeze can cause serious brain, heart, kidney, and other internal organ
damage. Ethylene glycol has a sweet flavor, so it is attractive to kids and pets. Antifreeze typically
contains a chemical to make it taste bad, but the flavor is not always a sufficient deterrent. The sweet
smell is enough to lure pets.
Household bleach contains sodium hypochlorite, a chemical that can cause irritation and damage to
the skin and respiratory system if inhaled or spilled on the skin. Never mix bleach with ammonia or
with toilet bowl cleaners or drain cleaners, as dangerous and possibly deadly fumes may be
Drain cleaners
Drain cleaners typically contain lye (sodium hydroxide) or sulfuric acid. Either chemical is capable
of causing an extremely serious chemical burn if splashed on the skin. They are toxic to drink.
Splashing drain cleaner in the eyes may cause blindness.
Laundry detergent
Laundry detergents contain a variety of chemicals. Ingestion of cationic agents may cause nausea,
vomiting, convulsion, and coma. Non-ionic detergents are irritants. Many people experience
chemical sensitivity to dyes and perfumes present in some detergents.
Mothballs are either p-dichlorobenzene or naphthalene. Both chemicals are toxic and known to
cause dizziness, headaches, and irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Prolonged
exposure can lead to liver damage and cataract formation.
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Motor oil
Exposure to the hydrocarbons in motor oil can cause cancer. Many people are unaware that motor
oil contains heavy metals, which can damage the nervous system and other organ systems.
Radioactive materials
Develop a detailed plan and practice with a dry run to rehearse the experiment. With planning you
will improve dexterity and speed and minimize the potential for a spill, decrease the time you spend
working with radioactive materials, and improve shielding.
Arrange your workplace and minimize the amount of unnecessary equipment. This lessens the
possibility of spills and/or contaminating a bench with radioactive materials.
Wear personal protection equipment, such as gloves, a laboratory coat, and safety glasses. Do not
wear open-toed shoes in the laboratory. Wear whole-body dosimeters (e.g. Luxel dosimeter) when
handling ANY radioactive material and extremity dosimeters (e.g. finger ring), if one is provided
by EH &S. Use an appropriate survey meter and probe while working with radioactive materials.
Monitor work surfaces and gloves regularly to maintain control over contamination and exposure.
Use remote handling devices (forceps or tongs) to handle stock vials, sources, or potentially
contaminated items.
Use potentially volatile chemicals/radionuclides in designated fume hoods. Use shielding
appropriate for the radionuclide. An effective shield should provide protection in all directions.
Place the radioactive material close to the shield to maximize the "shadow area" (area where
radiation is blocked out by the shield) cast by the shield. Check the work area and adjoining areas
for contamination with a survey meter. Perform a personal survey to check for contamination
(hands, hair, eyeglasses, clothing, etc.). Decontaminate all points of contamination. Click here for
what to do in case of a radioactive spill.
Accidents do not just happen. They are definitely caused by unsafe conditions or unsafe
practices. Well planned inspection procedure thoroughly and systematically applied is an effective
way of discovering hazardous conditions. The cost of inspection to discover hazards in advance is
much less than cost of discovering each hazard by the accidents it will inevitably bring if lest
uncorrected. To give an example insecurely piled empty drums in the working area may roll down
on a man working nearby. Adequate planning, instruction, training, and supervision would prevent
creation of such hazards. But even the best performance in these aspects has to be powerfully aided
by an effective safety inspection service. Such inspection can also be helpful in discovering unsafe
practices and procedures.
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is asked to undertake an inspection of his own establishment. Most of the discussed points on the
one call inspection are valid for the continued inspection work also.
Inspection schedule: In theory at least safety inspection should be added only where inspection
incidental to production is not adequate for safety
Safety inspection check list for a chemical plant.
(i). Pessure vents.
(ii). Relief Valves.
(iii). Control Valves.
(iv). Sparger – To disperse a gas through a liquid.
(v). Heat Exchangers and condensers.
(vi). Pressure vacuum stills.
(vii). Reactors.
(viii). Lagging.
(ix). Recorders, meters, gauges.
(x). Heating coils.
(xi). Drains,
(xii). Exhaust equipments.
(xiii). Manhole.
(xiv). Escape facilitates during emergencies.
Corrective Action
Prompt and reasonably through corrective action should follow the inspection findings. If this
does occur, the blame is on the management only. Each report should be kept active until every
item on it has received considerable and proper disposal.
Plant layout
It is the arrangement of machines within a factory, so that each operation is performed at a point of
greatest convenience.
Objectives: (I). Minimum Utilization of floor area
(ii). Lighting and ventilation of area.
(iii). Minimizing accidents.
(iv). Space for future developments.
(v). Safety of equipments, and personnel.
(vi). Better working conditions.
(vii). Easy supervision.
(viii). Neatness.
A good plant planning and layout is a big help in promoting safe working environment. Site
choice and planning, transportation facilities, layout etc., should normally receive detailed
consideration at the early stages of planning a new project. Safety requires constant attention to .,
(i). Storage and handling facilities for explosive and flammable substances as raw materials,
intermediate products and finished product stages.
(ii). Electrical equipment, wiring and installation lighting power supply including emergency stand
by power.
(iii). Boiler and other pressure equipments.
(iv). Ventilation, heating and air Conditioning.
(v). Fire protection.
(vi). Waste and effluent disposal.
(vii). First aid, medical facilities, personnel protective equipments, noise and sanitation etc.
The important points to be remembered in lay out are.,
(i). Segregation of hazardous process areas.
(ii). Provision of a separate area for storage of flammable and hazardous materials.
(iii). Provisions of separate location for furnaces, heaters etc.,
(iv). Using flame at a safe distance from areas where flammable and volatile materials are housed.
(v). Ventilation and lighting.
Plant layout is a “technique of locating different machines and plant services within the factory so
that the greatest possible output of high quality at the lowest possible total cost can be available”.
It signifies the arrangement of machines, work areas, material handling equipment’s, transport, and
storing of different materials, products, tools and fixtures etc. Proper plant layout is one of the keys
of success in factory management. The layouts for the same product may be numerous, but which
costs less in the long run is the best. Since plant layout is responsible for an orderly flow of materials,
productivity and morale of the workers, it is necessary to have systematic layout planning. This has
become all the more necessary with the increasing costs of the land, labour and building materials.
Layout should be such that, it can be changed without much difficulty due to expansion,
diversification, change in product design or change in technology. In such cases we need to
minimise the effects of dislocation i.e., the transition has to be made quickly from old layout to new
layout, so as to minimise the production loss.
Most of the handling operations are performed repeatedly throughout the course of production,
therefore, if shortest manner of handling is not adopted, this will result wastage of time and shall
loose total effectiveness.
Type of building-single storey or multi storey depends upon the availability of land and the type of
products to be manufactured and its manufacturing methods. Where manufacturing process involve
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the gravity flow of products such as chemicals, paints, sugar, refineries, fertilisers etc., multi-storey
building must be designed. A good layout minimises the handling time and efforts, saves the floor
space, shortens the travel of materials, increases production and reduces cost by utilising labour
more efficiently. If the layout is haphazardous, the products will not be economical and cost may
be very high resulting in losses.
places. These templates are so arranged as to give best layout. The changes if any, required are made
before making the actual layout drawing.
(e) Scale Models:
It is an improvement over the template method. In this tool, instead of templates, use of three
dimensional scale models is made. These models may be of wood or metal and when used on a
layout, series of additional information about the height and of the projected parts of the machines
are obtained. This is similar to a child’s doll house.
This technique is useful for complex layout, requiring initially huge investment.
In conclusion, plant layout is an important consideration. Hence various experts such as production
engineer, materials handling engineer, safety engineer and work study engineer etc. should all sit
together to arrive for final best shape of layout.
Generally the service centres are located where the space is available after planning for
manufacturing. The exact location is determined by its nature, number of persons to avail such
services and how much this service is made use of.
is often useful to maintain or enhance the effectiveness of the programme and to identify in an
objective and unbiased manner the areas where improvements may be required.
A secondary benefit is that an independent appraisal allows information on best practices from the
host country to be made available to other Member States.
The occupational radiation protection appraisal service is an assessment conducted by international
experts selected for their experience in such reviews, for their knowledge of international guidance
and best practices, and for their ability to recognise and understand the strengths of different national
systems and arrangements. Although the appraisal is based on international guidelines and best
practices, it is not prescriptive nor is it rigid: it takes into account the practical context in the host
country and emphasises the positive features of “how things are done” in that country
Strategic Plan
The most important step in the Corporate Safety Appraisal process is to determine what it is the
client wants to know about their company’s safety function.
Are losses due to injuries and illnesses increasing?
Have recent incidents suggested a problem with the implementation of the safety program?
Are resources allocated to the safety function being managed effectively?
Have changes in the company’s activities prompted an assessment of the safety program?
How is effective is the company’s safety philosophy & programs/policies being
communicated throughout the organization?
What input do employees have in the safety process within the organization?
Do employees feel the company is concerned about their safety and health while performing
their daily jobs?
Once the client’s motivation is determined, a strategic plan will be developed to ensure the desired
information is obtained and effectively communicated.
Ballistic personal protective equipment (or armor) is used in combat by military personnel and in
lesser conflicts by law enforcement.
A hazmat suit is an impermeable garment that covers the whole body, worn as protection from
hazardous substances. It is generally combined with breathing apparatus, and may be used by
firefighters, emergency personnel responding to toxic spills, researchers, specialists cleaning up
Sharp injuries
Meat packers and others who routinely use hand-held knives in their work may use mail gloves to
protect the hands from cuts. Those in other professions where sharps injuries are a concern often
utilize cut and puncture resistant protective gloves, and hand held safety tools that offer critical
stand-off distance between themselves and whatever they may come into contact.
Blunt trauma
Law enforcement and Corrections officers wear for crowd management, civil disturbances, cell
extractions, riot control, violent disturbances, and other emergency response operations. To assure
their equipment is safe, end-users and industry refer to standards:
Periodic inspection
A periodic inspection is an inspection and associated testing to check whether an electrical
installation is in a satisfactory condition for continued service. On completion of the necessary
inspection and testing, an Electrical Installation Condition Report will be issued detailing any
observed damage, deterioration, defects, dangerous conditions and any non-compliances with the
present-day safety standard which might give rise to danger.
Periodic inspection and testing should be carried out only by electrically competent persons,
such as registered electricians.
It is recommended that periodic inspection and testing is carried out at the following times:
for tenanted properties, every 5 years or at each change of occupancy, whichever is
at least every 10 years for an owner-occupied home
at least every 5 years for a business
The Landlords and Tenant Act 1985 requires landlords of properties with short leases to keep the
electrical wiring in repair and in proper working order. We recommend landlords arrange for
periodic inspection and testing to be carried out by a registered electrician at the relevant intervals
shown above.
Periodic inspection and testing of the electrics should be carried out more frequently on the places
and premises listed here:
3 years for a caravan
1 year for a swimming pool
Types of safety
It is important to distinguish between products that meet standards, that are safe, and those that
merely feel safe. The highway safety community uses these terms:
Normative safety
Normative safety is a term used to describe products or designs that meet applicable design
standards and protection.
Substantive safety
Substantive, or objective safety means that the real-world safety history is favorable, whether or not
standards are met.
Perceived safety
Perceived, or subjective safety refers to the level of comfort of users. For example, traffic signals
are perceived as safe, yet under some circumstances, they can increase traffic crashes at an
intersection. Traffic roundabouts have a generally favorable safety record yet often make drivers
Risks and responses
Safety is generally interpreted as implying a real and significant impact on risk of death, injury or
damage to property. In response to perceived risks many interventions may be proposed with
engineering responses and regulation being two of the most common. Probably the most common
individual response to perceived safety issues is insurance, which compensates for or provides
restitution in the case of damage or loss.
cannot be deduced by a single individual over a few decades. A knowledge of the literature, the
standards and custom in a field is a critical part of safety engineering.
A combination of theory and track record of practices is involved, and track record indicates some
of the areas of theory that are relevant. (In the USA, persons with a state license in Professional
Engineering in Electrical Engineering are expected to be competent in this regard, the foregoing
notwithstanding, but most electrical engineers have no need of the license for their work.)
Safety is often seen as one of a group of related disciplines: quality, reliability, availability,
maintainability and safety. (Availability is sometimes not mentioned, on the principle that it is a
simple function of reliability and maintainability.) These issues tend to determine the value of any
work, and deficits in any of these areas are considered to result in a cost, beyond the cost of
addressing the area in the first place; good management is then expected to minimize total cost.
Program Review
A review of the current safety program is undertaken to assess those activities and program elements
used by the client to manage the safety function. Information obtained in the Program Review will
be used in other activities to determine to what extent the safety program is being administered in
the field. Specifically, this will be determined through the Safety Perception Survey, Employee
Interviews/Site Visits, and Incident Analyses.
Hazardous-Area Classification
Area classification is the method of analyzing and classifying the environment where explosive
atmospheres may occur to facilitate proper electrical equipment selection and allow preparation of
safety procedures. Learn the various categorization methods and how to apply them.
Electrical-Equipment Protection
The basic safety concept of ignition protection is to eliminate the simultaneous existence of
possible ignition sources. The method of equipment protection will depend on the degree of safety
needed for your hazardous area. Equipment markings are also covered so you can identify
equipment with appropriate safety features.
Be tidy
Good housekeeping reduces hazards in theworkplace or your home.
Always put away tools when they are not inuse.
Reporting is important
Never fail to report accidents
Defective equipment.
Unsafe conditions.
Get first aid immediately
Neglect of the injury may lead to seriousinfection, even permanent injury.
Keep the floors clean, pick up scraps, wipe upspills.
A slip or trip can be fatal.
Back your safety program
If you have an idea you believe will reduceaccidents, tell your supervisor about it
Set an example by obeying safety rules.
Cooperate with your safety committee.
Aviod shortcuts & never take a chance
Be punctual at your Work Place
Accident costs
The realization that it pays to prevent accidents and the injuries they bring should be the
driving force behind the safety movement. Estimation of accident cost will let us know the
importance of safety activities.
There are two types costs involved in industrial accidents.
(i). Direct Costs.: Only 25% of the total accident cost.
(ii). Indirect Costs.75% of the total accident cost pertinent to the victims, management and society
which are invariably omitted out of ignorance while computing costs of accident.
Direct costs.
(i). Payment by way of compensation to the accident victims.
(ii). Medical expenses incurred by the management for the injured in the accident.
Indirect costs.
Indirect costs can again be classified into three subclasses.
(i). Employer Related.
(ii). Employee Related.
(iii). Government-Society Related.
Employer Related
(i). Cost incurred in the inquiry and preparing of investigation reports.
(ii). Cost of time lost by other personnel, than those involved in the accident who stop work
(a). Out of curiosity. (b). Out of sympathy. (c). To assist injured person.
(iii). Loss/Damage of machinery and its components or material,
(iv). Cost involved in recovery and salvage of damaged equipment and cleaning of accident spot.
(v). Overheads incurred during the downtime after the accident.
(vi). Loss of expertise and skill of the victims.
(vii). Payment to the injured persons when they are not able to give their full contribution.
(viii). Expenses of recruiting new employee and the cost of his training.
(ix). Loss due to low production due to new inexperienced worker.
(x). Loss of public confidence, prestige and hence revenue.
Exployee related.
(i). Loss of payment to the injured persons.
(ii). Degradation of morale among workers.
(iii). Cost of subsequent injuries that occurs in consequence of the excitement or weakened morale
due to original accident.
(iv). Exodus of skilled people to other factories due to accidents.
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(v). Loss of future earnings if the injury affects the moral advancement in his career.
Society – Government related:
(i). Escalation in the price of the products due to production loss which will change the consumer
(ii). Consequent reduction in Prices at the cost of quality which affects the consumers.
(iii). Loss to the government by way of reduced tax collection.
(iv). Resulting in industrial unrest and the interference of the government.
(v). Finally leading to the retention and lockout leading to the disturbance in the equilibrium of the
Unsafe acts
The unsafe acts or conditions that are normally encountered in industries are as follows.
(i). Working on moving or dangerous equipments.
(ii). Operating equipments without authority.
(iii). Failing to shut off or secure the equipment.
(iv). Making safety devices inoperative.
(v). Taking unsafe position.
(vi). Using unsafe equipment or the unsafe use of hangers.
(vii). Working at unsafe speeds.
(viii). Distracting and abusive actions
Hazardous arrangements
a). Unsafely stored or piled materials or tools.
b). Crowded work spaces.
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Improper Guarding:
a). Unguarded.
b). Inadequately guarded.
c). Lack of support.
Equipment defects
a). Rough and Sharp guarded.
b). Poorly designed or constructed.
c). Not strong enough
e). Worn or cracked.
i). An Improved inspection procedure.
ii). Improved training.
iii). A better definition of responsibilities.
iv), Pro-Job planning by supervisor.
Narrow interpretation of the domino theory would lead us only to accident symptoms but
not causes. If we deal only at the symptomatic level we will end up removing the symptoms leaving
the path free for further accidents.
Any sufficiently complex system is subject to failure as a result of one or more subsystems
failing. The likelihood of failure, however, can often be reduced through improved system
design. Fault tree analysis maps the relationship between faults, subsystems, and redundant
safety design elements by creating a logic diagram of the overall system.
The undesired outcome is taken as the root ('top event') of a tree of logic. For instance the
undesired outcome of a metal stamping press operation is a human appendage being
stamped. Working backward from this top event we might determine there are two ways this
could happen: during normal operation or during maintenance operation. This condition is a
logical OR. Considering the branch of occurring during normal operation perhaps we
determine there are two ways this could happen: the press cycles and harms the operator or
the press cycles and harms another person. This is another logical OR. We can make a design
improvement by requiring the operator to press two buttons to cycle the machine—this is a
safety feature in the form of a logical AND. The button may have an intrinsic failure rate—
this becomes a fault stimulus we can analyze. When fault trees are labeled with actual
numbers for failure probabilities, computer programs can calculate failure probabilities from
fault trees. When a specific event is found to have more than one effect event, i.e. it has
impact on several subsystems, it is called a common cause or common mode. Graphically
speaking, it means this event will appear at several locations in the tree. Common causes
introduce dependency relations between events. The probability computations of a tree
which contains some common causes are much more complicated than regular trees where
all events are considered as independent. Not all software tools available on the market
provide such capability.
The tree is usually written out using conventional logic gate symbols. A cut set is a
combination of events, typically component failures, causing the top event. If no event can
be removed from a cut set without causing the top event, then it is called a minimal cut set.
Some industries use both fault trees and event trees (see Probabilistic Risk Assessment). An
event tree starts from an undesired initiator (loss of critical supply, component failure etc.)
and follows possible further system events through to a series of final consequences. As each
new event is considered, a new node on the tree is added with a split of probabilities of taking
either branch. The probabilities of a range of 'top events' arising from the initial event can
then be seen.
Classic programs include the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI) CAFTA software,
which is used by many of the US nuclear power plants and by a majority of US and
international aerospace manufacturers, and the Idaho National Laboratory's SAPHIRE,
which is used by the U.S. Government to evaluate the safety and reliability of nuclear
reactors, the Space Shuttle, and the International Space Station. Outside the US, the software
RiskSpectrum is a popular tool for fault tree and event tree analysis, and is licensed for use
at almost half of the world's nuclear power plants for probabilistic safety assessment.
Professional-grade free software is also widely available; SCRAM is an open-source tool
that implements the Open-PSA Model Exchange Format open standard for probabilistic
safety assessment applications.
2. CO2 system:
These are used in enclosed areas, switchgear room, cable tunnels, and gas turbine/engine cells.
3. Dry chemical powder (DCP) system:
Dry chemical powder (DCP) system, used for control room, offices, electrical plant etc.
4. Foam system:
Foam system, used for fuel-oil storage tank protection.
5. Halon System:
This is used for computer room, cable tunnels, control-relay room and other light current auxiliary
system rooms.
6. Hydrant system:
This is used for general use throughout the plant.
7. Water Hose-reels:
Used in offices, stores, and workshop corridors etc.
Accident proneness
Accident-proneness, also known as clumsiness, is the conception that some people might have
predisposition, or that they might be more likely to suffer accidents, such as car crashes and
industrial injuries, than other people. It may be used as a reason to deny any insurance on such
Statistical evidence clearly demonstrates that different individuals can have different rates of
accidents from one another; for example, young male drivers are the group at highest risk for being
involved in car accidents. There also seems to be substantial variation in personal accident rates
between individuals.
However, a number of studies have cast doubt on whether accident-proneness actually exists as a
distinct, persistent and independently verifiable physiological or psychological syndrome. Although
substantial research has been devoted to this subject, there still seems to be no conclusive evidence
either for or against the existence of accident proneness in this sense.
10. Precautions against dangerous fumes: No person is allowed to enter dangerous places like tank,
pipe, pit etc., where fumes are likely to be present. Electric light above 24 watts should not be
permitted in such area. Workers after removing fumes with breathing apparatus should enter the
11. Precautions against fire:
(i). All factories are to be provided with emergency escape whose doors are not be locked or
(ii). All these escape ways are to be marked with in local language.
(iii). Effective means of giving warning in case of fire to every person shall be provided.
(iv). Suitable type of ire preventing equipments are to be installed at all sensitive places.
Fire Protection
Following precautions should be taken to avoid fire hazards on all oxy-acetylene cutting and
(a) Keep hose and cylinder valves free from grease and oil.
(b) Keep cylinders away from stoves, furnaces and other sources of heat.
(c) Only ‘Gas Lighter’ should be used to light the torch.
(d) Avoid use of oxy acetylene flame in confined spaces.
(e) For testing of leakages, use only soap water and watch for bubbles.
(f) Valve protection caps should be in place when cylinders are not in use.
2. Gas cylinders should be kept upright in approved safe place where they cannot be knocked over,
and well separated from furnaces and combustion materials. Loaded and empty cylinder should be
kept in separate places.
3. Oxygen cylinders should not be stored in close proximity to acetylene cylinders. In no
circumstances oxygen or acetylene cylinders should be stored under direct rays of Sun or in places
where excessive rise of temperature is likely to occur.
Foam Extinguishers:
These are of two types
(а) Foam (chemical) type
These have two containers, one inside the other. Outer container is filled to an indicated level with
an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate, while the inner container is filled with a solution of
aluminium sulphate in water. When the extinguisher is actuated by inversion, the two solutions are
mixed and produce the foam and a gas which acts as an expellant.
Foam Extinguishers
Foam extinguishers are most common type of fire extinguisher for Class B fires, but also work on
Class A fires as they are water-based.
Label Colour:
– Cream
Use for:
– Organic materials such as:
Paper and cardboard
Fabrics and textiles
Wood and coal
– Flammable liquids, like paint and petrol
Do not use for:
Kitchen fires
Fires involving electrical equipment
Flammable metals
How foam extinguishers work:
As with water extinguishers, foam extinguishers have a cooling effect on the fuel. On burning
liquids, the foaming agent creates a barrier between the flame and the fuel, extinguishing the fire.
Types of premises/business who may need Foam extinguishers:
Buildings constructed of wood or other organic materials
Premises where there are organic materials to be found such as:
Residential properties
Buildings where flammable liquids are stored
In fact most buildings need either water or foam extinguishers
expelled by the gas. This extinguisher type also consists of two containers- the outer one is filled
with water, whereas the central one has carbon dioxide charge and foam solution.
The central container has a plunger mechanism at the top which when depressed releases the
carbon dioxide and allows foam and water to mix.The foam and water comes out of the nozzle,
creating mechanical foam. This extinguisher is operated in upright position.
CO2 extinguishers are predominantly used for electrical fire risks and are usually the main fire
extinguisher type provided in computer server rooms. They also put out Class B fires (flammable
liquids, such as paint and petroleum).
Label Colour:
– Black
Use for:
– Flammable liquids, like paint and petrol
– Electrical fires
Do not use for:
– Kitchen fires – especially chip-pan fires
– Combustible materials like paper, wood or textiles
– Flammable metals
How CO2 extinguishers work:
CO2 extinguishers suffocate fires by displacing the oxygen the fire needs to burn.
Types of premises/business who may need CO2 extinguishers:
– Premises with electrical equipment, such as:
o Offices
o Kitchens
o Construction sites
o Server rooms
All work vehicles should also carry a smaller 2kg CO2 extinguisher.
Where to locate CO2 extinguishers:
– Place near to the source of the fire risk and/or near the fire exits.
Use for:
Organic materials such as:
Paper and cardboard
Fabrics and textiles
Wood and coal
Flammable liquids, like paint and petrol
Flammable gases, like liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and acetylene
Fires involving electrical equipment up to 1000v
Specialist dry powder extinguishers are only used on flammable metals, such as titanium and
Do not use for:
Fires involving cooking oil
Fires involving electrical equipment over 1000v
or in enclosed spaces, such as offices or residential properties
How dry powder extinguishers work:
Dry powder extinguishers smother fires by forming a barrier between the fuel and the source of
Types of premises/business who may need Dry Powder extinguishers:
Businesses using flammable gases for chemical processes
Premises where welding and flame cutting takes place
Garage forecourts
Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) dispensing plants
Premises with large, commercial boiler rooms
Where to locate Dry Powder extinguishers:
Place dry powder extinguishers near to the source of the fire risk.
Specialist Dry Powder extinguishers – what’s the difference?:
Specialist dry powder extinguishers work in the same way as standard dry powder extinguishers
but are for use with flammable metals only. There are 2 types of specialist dry powder
extinguishers – ‘L2’ which only tackles lithium fires, and ‘M28’, for all other flammable metal
e. Water Extinguishers
Water extinguishers are the most common fire extinguisher type for class A fire risk. Most
premises will require either water or foam extinguishers.
Label Colour:
Bright Red
Use for:
Organic materials such as:
Paper and cardboard
Fabrics and textiles
Wood and coal
are designed for use on Class F fires, involving cooking oils and
fats. They can also be used on Class A fires although it is more usual to have a foam or water
extinguisher for this type of fire risk.
Label Colour:
Use for:
Cooking oil/fat fires
Organic materials such as:
Paper and cardboard
Fabrics and textiles
Wood and coal
Do not use for:
– Flammable liquid or gas fires
– Electrical fires
– Flammable metals
The soda acid extinguisher is used to fight Class A Fires and can be found in accommodation area
of the ship.Sodium bicarbonate (soda) and sulphuric acid are the prime components of the
extinguisher. They combine to form a chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide gas, which is
used to smother the fire.
The arrangement of the extinguishers comprises of a container which holds the sodium bicarbonate
solution. A small glass bottle (phial) containing sulphuric acid is placed below a plunger mechanism,
which is covered by a safety glass along with a screw and cap at the top.
When the plunger is struck hard, the glass bottle breaks, resulting in mixing of acid and soda. A
chemical reaction takes place which produces carbon dioxide gas.
The carbon dioxide gas pressurises the space above the liquid (used for extinguishing fire) and
forces it out through the internal pipe of the nozzle.
India are not provided with any legal and healthcare protection in the instance of an accident on the
Ways to Prevent and Protect Against Workplace Hazards
The rising workplace accidents can be mitigated by consciously taking measures. Some of the safety
pre-requisites are as follows:
Employee responsibility of being alert and aware of volatile surroundings
Proper safety equipment for operating tools and heavy instruments
Reduction in stress and distraction in workplace through appropriate and timely breaks
Proper and regular maintenance checks on heavy machinery
Organising safety classes in workplace
Precautionary measures through healthcare aid and insurance policies for workers
Ease of accessibility to emergency exits and paths in case immediate evacuation is required
Coverage for risks in special environments involving chemical and other combustible
Accountability through reports sent to higher authorities even of the smallest inconsistency
concerning safety
While accidents by definition cannot be avoided, proper precaution can save lives and savings of
the people. Safeguarding the interests of the employees, employers can protect their workforce with
the appropriate insurance plans that cover accidents and diseases at the work place.
Head injuries
Knee injuries
Shoulder injuries
Skin conditions
Head and brain injury
Spinal injury
But there are some injuries that are more likely to occur in the workplace. These include:
Burns and scalds
Cutting or severing
Sharps injuries or puncture wounds
High-pressure fluid injection
Electrical injuries
Industrial Diseases
Industrial diseases are injuries or sicknesses resulting from exposure over a period of time to an
occupational hazard in the workplace.
The ‘occupational hazard’ will vary according to the type of work being carried out, but it could be
a harmful substance, such as dust or fumes, a harmful activity, such as using a vibrating tool of some
sort, or a harmful environment, such as one that is very loud.
Typically, workers are exposed to the harmful substance or working conditions over a period of
time, with the result that it has a serious impact on their body and general health.
There are many different types of industrial disease, but some of the most well-known relate to
asbestos. You’ll find more information on this in our asbestos-related diseases section. Other
examples of industrial diseases include:
Work related upper limb disorders
Industrial Deafness
Respiratory Disease
Occupational Asthma
Skin diseases are a common work-related illness. In fact, the latest Government figures estimate
that over 35,000 new cases are diagnosed each year.
Many of these cases turn out to be a condition called contact dermatitis, which is caused by
prolonged exposure to substances that dry out the skin. These substances can include detergents,
solvents, cements or even water.
Employers have a legal duty to provide protection against prolonged exposure to substances that
could cause dermatitis and to provide information on any risks involved. If they do not, and you
develop dermatitis as a result, you could be entitled to claim compensation.
Work Related Upper Limb Disorders
Work related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) are a common problem in the workplace. As the
name suggests, upper limb disorders refer to a number of symptoms affecting the upper limbs –
including the neck, shoulders, wrists, hands and arms – as well as the tendons, ligaments, soft-
tissues, muscles, and nerves that support them.
While not all WRULDs upper limb disorders are originally caused by work, the majority are
typically linked to activity in the workplace (and often made worse by it). In fact, according to the
Health and Safety Executive, musculoskeletal disorders accounted for 44% of all work related
illnesses and 40% of all missed working days in 2014/15.
They include conditions that do not have a specific medical diagnosis and result in gradually
developing symptoms such as pain, swelling, or difficulty in movement. Such conditions are
generally known as Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) and are commonly caused, as the name
suggests, by constant movement and overuse of the tendons and muscles.
Industrial Deafness
Occupational exposure to noise is a significant cause of hearing impairment and disability.
In the early 80s approximately 600,000 workers in the British manufacturing industry were exposed
to substantial levels of noise and, more recently, 11% of employed men and 6% of employed women
from a large community survey reported that they had to raise their voice to be heard in the
Another 3% of men and 2% of women claimed they left work with temporary deafness and ringing
in their ears every day.
Respiratory diseases
Exposure to harmful substances and processes in the workplace can casue a range of lung and
respiratory diseases.
According to the Health and Safety Executive, in 2017 41,000 people, who had worked in the
preceding 12 months, had "breathing or lung problems" they felt had been caused or made worse by
their work.
And of all people who had ever worked, an estimated 147,000 were suffering from "breathing or
lung problems".
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates that around18,000 new cases of respiratory diseases are
being reported each year.
Respiratory disease is a general term covering a number of conditions that can develop as a result
of exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace.
Occupational Asthma
It is difficult to say how many cases of occupational asthma occur each year – the Health and Safety
Executive thinks that its data sources substantially underestimate the number of people who are
suffering from the condition, and the number of people who begin to suffer from it each year.
Even so, the latest estimates suggest that there were anything between 8,600 and 13,000 people
suffering from occupational asthma over the last three years.
If you have developed asthma and this has been caused or exacerbated by your work then you may
be able to recover compensation as a result.
You might also help to prevent someone else from developing the condition.
If we see the history of worst chemical disasters, in industries the first thing that comes to our
memory is one at Bhopal
On the night of Dec. 2nd and 3rd, 1984, a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, began leaking. due to run-
away reactions, temperature and pressure rise and the safety valve lifted to the atmosphere. About
25-27 tons of the deadly gas methyl isocyanate spread through the city of Bhopal.
Half a million people were exposed to the gas. Protective systems that should have prevented or
minimized discharge were out of service. Refrigeration system to cool the reactor was down.
Scrubbing system to absorb the released vapour was not immediately available. Flare system to burn
vapours getting past the scrubber was out of service.
Lessons we learned form Bhopal Tragedy
1)Reduce inventory of hazardous material (MIC)
2)Keep all the safety related equipment in order
3)Keep residential areas away from the plant
4) Proper Management
St.Joseph’s College of Engineering 64 Department of Chemical Engineering
CH6703 Chemical Process Plant Safety 2019-2020
The expert committee investigated made the following recommendations to prevent any incident in
The pipeline, connected equipment and the accessories must be subjected to hydrostatic test as
required under the relevant provision of law;
Weldolet must be subjected to 100% examination to detect corrosion and the soundness;
Maintenance/repair works shall not be undertaken on line, it shall be done only as per standard
maintenance procedure drawn up before hand;
Permit to work system shall be strictly adhered to along with suitable personal protective equipment;
The on site emergency plan rehearsals shall be put to rigorous tests and practiced by updating the
weaknesses noticed from time to time;
The personnel including the contract workmen shall be put to rigorous training in handling chemical
emergencies particularly to bring a change in their attitudinal behaviour of over confidence.
Health hazards
Under factories act following operations are considered to be hazardous to health.
1). Electroplating-using electrolyte containing Chromic acid and other chromium compounds.
2). Manufacture and use of lead or certain lead compounds.
3). Generation of gas from dangerous petroleum.
4). Manufacture of chromic acid and bichormates of sodium, potassium and ammonia.
5). Use of acids, alkalis and other corrosive substances.
6). Use of acetone, Tetrachloro ethane, and other toxic and flammable solvents.
7). Manufacture and use of nitro and amino compounds.
8). Manufacture and use of Carbon sulphide and hydrogen sulphide.
9). Manufacture of Pesticides.
10). Compression of Oxygen and hydrogen produced by electrolytic process.
Occupational diseases
Importantly following diseases are associated with the chemical industry.
1). Poisoning due to lead and its compounds, Phosphorus, Mercury, Manganese, Arsenic, Carbon
disulphide, Benzene and its homologous including nitro and amino compounds, Halogens or
halogen derivatives and hydrocarbons.
2). Manifestations of chrome ulceration, anthrax, silicosis, Toxic jaundice, Toxic anemia.
3). Primary cancer of the skin due to radioactive substances, X-rays or radium.
St.Joseph’s College of Engineering 67 Department of Chemical Engineering
CH6703 Chemical Process Plant Safety 2019-2020
Safety organizations
The following organizations are playing an important role in safety propagation.
It arranges National level essay, poster and slogan competitions and gives prizes and certificates
to encourage a spirit of competitiveness and creative thinking.
Role of government
Parliamentary legislations
Following legislations were made by the government for making good industrial relations and to
take care of safety of workers.
1). The poison’s act – 1919
3). The mines act – 1952
4). The atomic energy act – 1962
5). The insecticides act –1968
6). The Pollution control act – 1981
7). The explosives act – 1984
8). The environmental protection act – 1986.
Factories Act
The factories act, which regulates the safety, Health and welfare, was enacted in 1948. But
amendments were made to the act in 1954, 1976 and 1987. These amendments were based on the
potential hazards associated with chemical industry.
Adult: Above 18. Adolescent: Between 15 and 18.
Child: Below 15. (iv). Calendar Year:12 months from Jan 1.
Young Person: Either child or Adolescent.
Week: 7 Days form midnight on Saturday.
Power: Electrical or other form of energy, which is mechanically transmitted and is not generated
by human or animal agency.
Prime Mover: Any engine, motor or other appliance, which generates or otherwise provides power.
Transmission Machinery: Any shaft, wheel, drum, pulley, coupling, clutch, driving belt or any other
device by which the motion of a prime mover is transmitted to or received by any machinery.
Manufacturing Process: Making, altering, repairing, ornamenting, finishing, packing, Oiling,
washing, Cleaning, breaking up, demolishing, treating or adopting any article or substance with a
view to its use, sale, transport delivery or disposal.
Worker: A person employed directly or through any other agency whether for wages or not in any
manufacturing process or in cleaning any part of the machinery or premises or used for
manufacturing process or in nay other kind of work incidental to or Connected with the
manufacturing process.
Factory: (i). Wherein 10 or more workers are working or were working on nay day of the preceding
12 months and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid or
(ii). 20 or more workers are working or were working on any day of the preceding 12 months and
in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried out with out the aid of power.
The person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory and where the said affairs are
entrusted to a managing agent such agent shall be deemed to be occupier of the factory.
Inspecting Staff
The act permits the state government:
(a). To appoint chief Inspector and other Inspectors to supervise the conditions in factories and to
see that the provisions of the acts are practiced.
(b). To appoint certifying surgeons to examine medically the young persons, to examine the
conditions in factory to find out whether any process or action in manufacturing is harmful to cause
any injury to the health of workers.
The act prescribes the following provisions for maintaining the health of the worker and
reducing the possibilities of injuries to their body.
1. Cleanliness: Every factory should be kept clean and free form gases arising from drains. Walls
are to be whitewashed or color washed once in 14 months.
2. Ventilation Temperature: Adequate ventilation has to be secured and maintained by the
circulation of fresh air in the workroom. Temperature should be kept as low as practical. Hot parts
of the machinery shall be insulated.
3. Overcrowding: No room in the factory should be overcrowded. 14.2 sq meters space should be
provided to each worker.
4. Lighting: Sufficient and suitable lighting whether natural or artificial or both shall be maintained
at he working place or passages.
5. Drinking Water: Drinking water should be made available to all workers, at some points marked
with “DRINKING WATER” boldly in local language. Such points should be 6 meter away form
any source of contamination like washing place, urinals etc.
6. Bath rooms: Sufficient numbers of bathrooms are to be provided if the work involves dirt.
7. Latrines and urinals: Sufficient number of separate enclosed accommodation for male and female
workers is to provide. One latrine for 20 females and one for 50 male workers are to be provided.
8. Spittoons: Sufficient numbers of spittoons are to be provided at convenient places. These are to
be washed regularly and kept clean.
Employees' State Insurance (abbreviated as ESI) is a self-financing social security and health
insurance scheme for Indian workers. This fund is managed by the Employees' State
Insurance Corporation (ESIC) according to rules and regulations stipulated there in the ESI
Act 1948.
List of laws & regulations Relating to Safety and Health of Workers
1. The Factories Act 1948 (Amended 1987) – An Act to consolidate and amend the law
regulating labor in factories
State Factories rules of respective States
2. The Mines Act 1955 (Amended 1984) – An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating
to the regulation of labour and safety in mines.
The mines Rules 1955 (amended in 1989)
The Coal Mines Regulation 1957
The Metallic –ferrous Mines Regulation, 1961
The Mines Vocational Rules 1966
The Oil Mines Regulations 1984 amended 1996)
The Mines Rescue Rules 1985
3. The Dock Workers (Safety, Health & Welfare) act 1986)
An Act to give effect to the convention concerning the protection against accidents
of workers employed in loading and unloading ships.
The Dock Workers (Safety, Health & Welfare) Regulations 1989.
4. The Motors Transport Workers Act 1961 – An act to provide for the welfare of transport
workers and to regulate he conditions of their work
The Motors Transport Workers Rules 1964
5. The Plantation Labour Act 1951 and Rules there under
6. The explosives Act 1984 (amended 1983) – An Act to regulate the Manufacture, Possession,
Use, sale, Transport, Import and Export of Explosives.
The Explosive Rules 1983 (amended 2002)
The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (unfired) Rules 1981 (amended 2002)
The Gas Cylinder Rules 2004 (replaces the Gas Cylinders Rules 1981)
7. The Petroleum Act 1934 – An act to consolidate and amend the law relating the import,
transport, storage, production, refining and blending of petroleum.
ii. To the welfare of the labourers operating any such machine and for payment
of compensation for death or bodily injury suffered by any labourer operating
such a machine.
The Atomic Energy (Factories ) Rules, 1996.
The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment &
Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1998.
17. The Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act 1983 – enacted
18. The atomic energy act 1962 (amended 1987) – An Act to provide for the development,
control and use of atomic energy for the welfare of the people of India and for other peaceful
purposes and for matters connected therewith.
19. The building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment &
Conditions of Service) Act,1996 – An Act to regulate the Employment and conditions of
service of building and other construction workers and to provide for their safety, health and
welfare measures and for other matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
20. The Indian Ports Act, 1908 (amended 2000) – An Act to consolidate the Enactments
relating to Ports and Ports-charges.
The Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1995.
The Insecticides Rules, 1991 (amended 1999)
21. The Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1995 – An Act to regulate the import, manufacture,
distribution and sale of drugs and cosmetics
22. The Shops and Commercial Establishments Acts enacted by respective State
23. The Insecticides Act, 1968 (amended 2000) – An Act to regulate the import, manufacture,
sale, transport, distribution and use of insecticide with a view to prevent risk to human beings
or animals, and for matters connected therewith.
24. The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 – An Act to provide for efficient use of energy and
its conservation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.