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Stem 11-D English 1

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SOGIE is sexual orientation and gender identity and expression

LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.

L,G and B describe sexual orientation or the direction of one's desire and affection. L and G are
homosexuals, they are attracted to members of the same sex. B is one who is attracted to the members
of both sexes. T is a gender identity or one's gender self-identification regardless of the assigned sex at
birth. For example, a transgender woman is someone who was assigned male but identifies as a woman.

In an ideal world, these many letters are basically descriptions for preference, behavior and identity or
more essentially human conditions.

But in a heavily prejudiced and biased society, these letters result in discrimination and inequality.

The National Youth Commission (NYC) is against all forms of discrimination. Discrimination on the basis
of sex, gender, SOGI, socio-economic status, ethnicity, religion etc. is a deterrent to the full enjoyment
of an individual's human rights and hampers a person's full development. These values are captured well
in the letter (excerpts below) of the agency to Secretary Albert F. Del Rosario of the Department of
Foreign Affairs (DFA) requesting the Philippine Mission in the United Nations Human Rights Council
(UNHRC) to vote in favor of the resolution condemning all forms of discrimination on the basis of SOGI.

"Before us is a landmark United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) SOGI Resolution seeking
triumph over discrimination. Aligned with the position taken by the Philippines in other resolutions
related to violence and discrimination, the UNHRC Resolution follows a constructive and dialogue
oriented approach to address discrimination and violence against LGBTs. The Resolution does not create
new rights, it only reflects existing human rights standards and instruments.

The UNHRC SOGI Resolution corresponds with domestic developments on upholding LGBT rights.
Government agencies like the Commission on Population, Department of Education, and the Philippine
Commission on Women are creating SOGI-inclusive policies. Many local government units are enacting
anti-discrimination ordinances. Our Congress is moving forward with the anti-discrimination bill.

In order to eliminate violence and discrimination against LGBTs, we must resolve to support efforts for
policies that protect the rights and promote the welfare of people of all sexual orientations and gender
identities and expressions.
We fervently pray that the Philippines vote in favor of the inclusion of SOGI in the UNHRC Resolution."

And last Friday, the UNHCR resolution addressing violence and discrimination on the basis of SOGI was
approved. The NYC celebrates this landmark resolution because this is definitely an important step
towards greater sensitivity, equality and respect for diversity in the world. The NYC is grateful to the
UNHRC for making this very important landmark stand for LGBTs young and old everywhere.

What made this historical feat more meaningful is the affirmative vote of the Philippine Mission of the
Department of Foreign Affairs in the UNHRC in Geneva. The NYC is very glad the DFA heeded the call of
the NYC, other government agencies and civil society organizations to support the SOGI resolution. The
Philippine vote is a historic stand for LGBT rights and equal treatment.

It should be pointed out however that the country has yet to pass a law against LGBT discrimination. The
challenge now is to translate this international commitment into local legislation. The NYC is earnestly
urging our legislators to immediately approve the Anti-Discrimination Bill. This is long overdue.
How to explain 'SOGIE' to newbies

Imagine having dinner with your (extended) family. Everybody is chatting. Despite being open about
your lesbian identity, your mother is asking you again when you’re getting married. Your brother is
teasing you about the girl you are dating, and your aunt is telling him to stop. And then out of the blue,
your grandmother asks you, “What is SOGIE?”, making your father look up from his tablet, probably
wondering if the question has anything to do with drugs.

SOGIE, an abbreviation combining sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, has
become one of the main reference term to describe the LGBT (or lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender) community. It is now being introduced in many legal doctrines, in UN documents, and it is
becoming popular in social media.

Its usefulness lies in its inclusiveness: The term “LGBT” is specific to lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people, but SOGIE refers to characteristics common to all human beings because everyone
has a sexual orientation and a gender identity. Everyone also expresses their gender, not just lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Aside from being new, the challenge in explaining SOGIE is that it is that it is a complex term and one
that deals with subjects considered taboo in many cultures. But learning about SOGIE is crucial to
understand the situation of LGBTIs. Here are some helpful pointers for you if and when your grandma
pops the question:

1. Human sexuality is diverse.

Rigid beliefs on sex and gender put people in boxes (or closets), but these beliefs do not reflect realities
on human sexuality, especially how gender roles and expressions, sexual attraction, and sexual behavior
influence how a person views or lives his or her own sexuality. These notions favor male-female
distinctions and are biased against those who do not fit existing stereotypes on sex and gender.

However, diversity is a natural characteristic of human sexuality: in reality, sexual attraction can and do
happen between people of the same or opposite genders, and we do not always fit in gender roles and
identities expected of us.

2. Sex is simply the marker recorded in our birth certificates.

It is the biological difference that distinguishes people as manifested by a combination of anatomical
(our internal reproductive organs and our genitals), genetic, and hormonal distinctions, as well as other
sexual characteristics.

The term is problematic when used to essentialize sex as the totality of one’s sexuality. For instance, for
intersex persons, or individuals whose sexual anatomy does not conform with the above definition, this
could expose them to stigma, forced surgery, and other possible human rights abuses.

Many prefer to use the term “assigned sex” to contextualize that in many instances, one’s sex is often
imposed by a society to an individual.

3. Gender identity refers to one’s inner sense of self of being a girl/woman, boy/man, other genders, all,
or neither.

Our gender identity is not determined by our assigned sex. While the common assumption is that our
assigned sex and our gender identity are the same (male = boy/man, female = girl/woman), sex and
gender are two distinct categories. Sex is the body or container, while gender is the content or matter
that fills the container.

A person whose lived experiences do not match their assigned sex assigned is known as a transgender
person or gender diverse person.

A person whose assigned sex is male and identifies as a woman is a transgender woman or transwoman.
A person whose assigned sex is female and identifies as a man is a transgender man or transman.

A person whose gender identity matches his or her assigned sex is considered cisgendered, while a
person who relates to neither, all or a combination of genders is known as gender fluid, gender queer or
other categories.

4. Gender expression refers to how an individual expresses his or her sense of self.

Our gender expression is influenced by our assigned sex, our sexual orientation, and/or gender identity,
and it may or may not reflect a society’s expectations. So if sex is the “container” and gender is the
“content”, gender expression is the container’s decorations.
5. Sexual orientation refers to romantic and/or sexual attraction to men, women, both, or neither.

A person can be attracted to people of the opposite gender (“heterosexual”), to people of the same
gender (“homosexual”, “gay” for male-to-male, or “lesbian” for female-to-female), or to both genders
(“bisexual”). One can also be “asexual” (no sexual attraction to anyone) or “pansexual” (sexual or
romantic attraction is not limited to any particular sex or gender identity).

By the time you are washing dishes, your grandmother would either be too stunned to react or too
confused she is asking more questions. That’s alright. Expect this to be a continuing conversation. Use
your personal experiences (and your grandmother’s personal experiences) to explain SOGIE. The point
is, keep calm and educate.
12 Annoying Attitudes of Filipinos We Need To Get Rid Of

1. Crab Mentality.

crab mentality in the Philippines

Simply put, this refers to the behavior of preventing someone from achieving something due to jealousy
or envy. Instead of praising or rendering assistance, someone with crab mentality would think “if I can’t
have it, then you can’t as well” and will purposely try to bring his/her victim down. And just like the
crabs who could have escaped from the bucket if they only stopped pulling each other down, nothing
ever gets accomplished.

2. Ningas-Kugon.

ningas kugon

One reason why we sometimes exert half-hearted effort in our undertakings is due to this attitude.
Translated to “burning cogon grass” in English, this idiom is meant to illustrate how Filipinos initially
exhibit great enthusiasm at the beginning of a project. Our eagerness however, fades away just as
quickly as the fire is extinguished, leaving our work either half-baked or unfinished.

Also Read: 11 Filipino Slang Words With Surprising Origins

3. Mañana Habit.

Mañana Habit

It is ironic that the Spanish would accuse Filipinos of being lazy when they themselves taught us the
mañana habit in the first place. Known as “tomorrow” in English, the habit encourages procrastination,
an “ability” we Filipinos have since turned into an art form. Even the most urgent of projects and tasks
can be relegated for some other time; we are only forced to work on them when the deadline is near.
It’s a miracle we get things done in this country.
4. Filipino Time.

Filipino Time

Related to the mañana habit, Filipino time refers to the Filipinos’ own unique brand of time, which is
known to be minutes or hours behind the standard time. In other words, we tend not to observe
punctuality at all. This behavior usually drives time-observant foreigners crazy. While we Filipinos with
our easy-going ways have somewhat become used to Filipino time, it still is a bad habit that needs to be

Also Read: The Intriguing History of ‘Filipino Time’

5. Being Onion-Skinned (Balat Sibuyas).

Balat Sibuyas

We Filipinos are famous for being onion-skinned or easily slighted at perceived insults. While it’s
perfectly normal for us to taunt and criticize others, we can’t handle the same when it’s being hurled
back at us. Incidents showcasing our extra-sensitivity to insults usually involve a foreigner making either
a bonafide racist remark or a humorous jab at us Filipinos. True to form, our reactions would range from
righteous indignation to excessive grandstanding. While it is alright to feel incensed, throwing a fit in
front of the world would inevitably do us no good at all.

6. General Disregard For Rules.

negative traits and attitudes of filipinos

Why is it so hard for Filipinos to obey the rules? This social phenomenon is not exclusive to hardened
criminals either—a look at everyday life in the country shows Filipinos from the entire social strata
nonchalantly breaking the rules, whether it is something as benign as jaywalking or as dangerous as
beating the red light.

Also Read: 27 Things You’ll Only See in the Philippines

An interesting theory goes that the Filipinos’ penchant for law-breaking goes beyond mere lack of
discipline or failure to implement the rules. It is something that is ingrained in our very culture. Being
oppressed under the yoke of colonization for such a long time made our ancestors defiant of the rules
they believed to be discriminatory. Although such “self-righteous disobedience” may have been alright
during their time, the behavior would continue to manifest itself among the later Filipinos, resulting in
an utter lack of respect for the rules.

7. Colonial Mentality.

colonial mentality in the Philippines

Probably one of the biggest flaws we have as a nation is our colonial mentality, defined as a preference
for all things foreign over our own, a negative trait we acquired from our days under the Spanish and the
Americans. As a result, we Filipinos have been indoctrinated with the misconception that our culture is
inferior to that of our past colonizers.

Glaring examples of colonial mentality include patronizing foreign instead of local brands, favoring
foreign values over our own, and even desiring to look more “Western” (think whitening products). If we
can’t even have pride in our own country, then unfortunately we will always be stuck with this self-
defeating mentality.

8. Balikbayan Box Mentality.

Balikbayan Box Mentality

While there is nothing wrong with giving gifts to one’s family and friends (we Filipinos do highly value
them after all), it becomes a different matter when said family and friends either misconstrue or abuse
the OFW’s generosity.

In local parlance, this has become known as the “Balikbayan box mentality.” People ingrained with this
mentality either become exploitative or jealous of the success of the OFW, not knowing that he/she is
working hard away from his loved ones in a foreign country. Some also believe that the practice
undoubtedly contributes to the Filipinos’ colonial mentality.

9. Bahala Na Attitude.

Bahala Na Attitude

Roughly translated as “come what may”, this is the Filipinos’ own version of fatalism, the belief of
leaving everything to the hands of fate.

This attitude, while not inherently detrimental in itself, is still a double-edged sword. On one hand,
positive aspects of this behavior include belief in Divine Providence and national social responsibility. On
the other hand, the attitude can also promote a sense of helplessness and resignation of one’s fate at
the local level, and a countrywide lack of empathy and collective action on the national level. This is also
the reason why we tend to have amnesia over past wrongdoings committed by our leaders.

10. Corruption.

Corruption in the Philippines

One of the biggest social ills our country has continued to face since time immemorial is the issue of
corruption. Let’s face it, our “culture of corruption” is embedded deep within our system and reinforced
by a complex web of economic and social factors which include personal ambitions and a twisted sense
of loyalty to friends and kin. The Philippines is in for a long haul if our officials and we ourselves do not
get rid of this very negative habit.

11. Maintaining Double Standards.

double standard in the Philippines

This behavior can be observed in just about every sector of Philippine society, with the most common
example being the condemnation of an adulterous woman while applauding a polygamous man. On the
national scale, we see politicians spouting promises of reform and good governance only to break them
in the end. Long story short, some Filipinos are hypocrites to the core.

Related Article: 15 Weird Laws Filipinos Still Have To Live With

12. Excessive Partying.

bad habits of filipinos

Now there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a fiesta and party every now and then, it’s just that we
Filipinos tend to overdo it. Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and even somber funerals are
celebrated by Filipinos like there is no tomorrow. Sometimes we even make up the slightest of reasons
just so we could have an excuse to party. What’s more, a host would sometimes even strain his own
finances just to impress his guests.

As for fiestas, it seems that every LGU down to the smallest barangay in the country has a fiesta to
celebrate. Like we said, it’s alright to party, but we should really focus on austerity and working hard
Filipino mentality




image: https://www.philstar.com/images/authors/1804832.jpg

AS A MATTER OF FACT - Sara Soliven De Guzman (The Philippine Star) - August 20, 2018 - 12:00am

There is a problem with the way we Filipinos think. We are driven by emotions rather than by logic
supported by facts and data. Our ego is too big. We do not want to accept that we are wrong. Instead
we strengthen our stand by raising our voice, rallying in the streets and going crazy harassing people
until we get what we want.

The news that we read and hear are clear indicators of the way our leaders think. The discussions they
have and decisions they make are mostly a result of ego-tripping. Take the feud between the two
factions arguing about who lost the West Philippine Sea to the Chinese. Have we really lost it? Or have
we just given up our fight? The way the present DFA officials think shows how weak we are. They
continue to carry the Filipino mentality brought about by colonialism – that of submitting to richer
neighbors and just keeping quiet. On the other hand, the group that wants to fight for our rights is too
extreme to the point of losing ground.

In a democracy it is always healthy to have many sides. But what is more important is that we listen to
one another and create the best solutions instead of being too proud, too know-it-all, too boastful.
When do you insist on your own beliefs, when do you stop and listen, when do you build on your ideas/
decisions after listening and achieving the best answer but most important when should we achieve
unity, peace and harmony.

Since all our government officials seem to know everything to the point of manifesting narcissism, then
why is the country still poor, filthy, inefficient, full of criminals from the cadres of government? Why
hasn’t corruption stopped in every barangay, municipal office, government agency including in the
judiciary and legislative branches of government?
The recent headlines on the P6.8B worth of shabu slipping past Customs officials is not new at all.
Customs officials have had a reputation of acting dumb to make money out of different shipments. It is
embedded in their mentality that they will try to make money out of every shipment. They will find ways
to make things difficult for the person who either receives or sends parcels away. They will even create
technical issues to the point of bullying the clients. Come hell or high waters, they will do their best to
extort money even from Juan dela Cruz who barely even has money to feed their whims. This mentality
is happening in every government office, both local and national level, in private companies as well. It
begins with us. Remember the fiscal who refused to be ticketed for illegal parking last week? She was
wrong and yet she and her husband were rude and arrogant in trying to get away with the law.

* * *

Last week, the President issued Proclamation No. 556, Declaring Tuesday, 21 August 2018, a regular
holiday throughout the country, in observance of the EID’L ADHA (Feast of Sacrifice) without mentioning
the commemoration of Ninoy Aquino Day which is a special holiday by law. Susmariosep! Talk about
party politics.

The Ninoy Aquino Day is a national non-working holiday in the country created by then President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo thru Republic Act 9256. It was signed on February 25, 2004. Why did President
Duterte drop it like a hot potato? Why is the President doing this? Why is he confusing us? Is he using
his emotions over objectivity? As a matter of fact, Eid’l Adha celebration falls on a Wednesday (August
22). Although it starts after sunset on Tuesday (August 21), the world will celebrate this Islamic festival
on Wednesday while Filipinos are now forced to celebrate it a day before.


inRead invented by Teads

By the way, why is it so easy for the government (national and local) to proclaim holidays or no
class/work days? In Quezon City, Mayor Bautista suddenly declared the suspension of classes on all
levels today to commemorate the Birth Anniversary of President Manuel L. Quezon. This announcement
only came last Friday, August 17. And just like that classes are suspended. Aside from the number of
days classes have been suspended due to the weather, the Mayor whimsically decides to suspend
classes to remember a Philippine president on his birth anniversary. Can’t the students commemorate
this in the schools? How sure is he that students will even put their energies in trying to remember
Quezon? I’m sure there will be more students in the malls today. Another day put to waste!
The Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education should start to intervene. They
have the authority over the youth of this land. We are talking about the future of our country
continuously disturbed and distracted by all these holidays. Why can’t we celebrate significant events in
school? Many academic schedules are interrupted by holidays. I think we are one of the countries with
the most number of holidays, thus, leaving us lagging behind in achieving academic excellence. How do
you expect the young to be competitive in the world when they lack number of days in school? The
government does not seem to prioritize education at all?

* * *

Talk about the Filipino mentality. I don’t understand how the Metropolitan Manila Development
Authority (MMDA) came up with the High Occupancy Vehicle Lane Policy in EDSA? What a dumb
proposal. Can all their MMDA officers and personnel live by the rule? If they can, then there is ground
for it. But clearly, not even senators and congressmen who have drivers and bodyguards can fathom it.
So what gives? Why think in such moronic, senseless, ridiculous manner?

* * *

The “It’s more fun in the Philippines” tag of the Department of Tourism is losing ground. Tourism
Secretary Berna Romulo should quickly change this tag before it’s too late. Even as you push the tagline,
it’s not funny anymore. There are way too many inefficiencies. Tourists are not happy anymore even if
you want to believe otherwise. The only saving grace for tourism in this country are the natural wonders
that abound us.

Take the misfortune that happened last week when travellers were welcomed by an international plane
(ironically a Chinese plane) that skidded off the NAIA runway causing colossal problems. Yes, the plane
mishap was an accident. But boy did it take more than a day for the problem to be solved. NAIA
management wasn’t ready. They were incompetent. They didn’t know how to handle the accident. They
didn’t have enough equipment ready on standby to get the job done. Where was the crisis center? Was
there proper coordination with the airport team, the airlines teams and other aviation representatives?
The passengers were suffocating inside the airports in Manila, Clark and Cebu for 36 hours. There was
chaos and confusion. No order, no system, no sympathy, no efficiency at all at the ground level.

We better get our act together. We must learn from all these catastrophic experiences. We need to start
to think big! Think out of the box! Think country!
As our National Artist for Literature F. Sionil Josè put it: There should never be any room for mediocrity
in all that we do. We are a very talented people, capable of excellence, what we often term as “world-
class.” Although this excellence may go unrecognized, we must continue to strive for it to produce
better products, more food, a better government, and eventually and prayerfully, a much better,
prosperous and just country. This striving for excellence must be complemented by a strong tradition in
criticism, learned, profound but understandable so that our larger public will be enlightened.

The legality and use of the death penalty in the United States of America is a highly controversial issue.
Different people have different opinions, of course, which often stem back to morality, cost, or personal
judgement. Most of these opinions boil down to one decision: “Should the death penalty be outlawed,
or remain legal?” While both sides on the issue hold some amount of viability, the death penalty should
be refused under all circumstances. The decision of whether or not the accused should

The Death Penalty Should Be Outlawed Essay

853 Words Nov 1st, 2016 4 Pages

Show More The death penalty has long been used in the U.S to punish individuals for the most brutal
crimes committed. Its use has been justified on the grounds that it is a strong deterrent for crimes.
However, taking a life for a life has not greatly impacted the decline of crimes. The use of the death
penalty should be outlawed because its pros far outweigh its cons. High cost that is funded by taxpayer
money, the availability of other methods of punishing crimes, the possibility of wrongful convictions and
the ineffective nature of its use all serve to support the notion that the death penalty should be

As of 2013, 18 states have abolished the death penalty. These states include Alaska, Hawaii, Illinois,
Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York,
North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin, Connecticut, Washington, D.C
(Hubert, 2013). This means that more than half of the country still practice the death penalty. Compared
to other forms of criminal sentencing, the cost of the death penalty is significantly higher. The extensive
and long process of trials seeking the death penalty subjects it to more expenses than other trials. Cases
that seek the death penalty cost as much as $1.2 millions dollars whereas cases that don’t cost

Essay about The Death Penalty Is Justified

743 Words Dec 8th, 2016 3 Pages

Show More Death Penalty

Based on the dictionary “the death penalty is the decision by the judicial system that some should be
put to death as a result of crimes or offenses committed”. This penalty is reserved for only the most
heinous of crimes. Death penalty puts innocent people at risk, is more expensive than life in prison, and
it does not deter crime. Not to mention, it goes against the eight amendment and the constitution. I am
personally against death penalty and think that we should abolish it because there is a better
alternative. The federal government of the United States applies the death penalty for crimes such as:
terrorism, federal murder, treason, espionage, large-scale drug trafficking, and attempting to kill a
witness, juror or court officer. I strongly believe that we should abolish death penalty. First, it puts
innocent people at risk. A study claims that in United States, 4.1 percent of those sentenced to death are
innocent. One of the main reasons that lives of innocent people are being put at risk is the absence of
DNA. There have been cases of serious crimes where innocent people were convicted because the DNA
was analyzed incorrectly. Even if there is DNA to test, this can be misused or contaminated. Also, even
the system itself can make mistakes sometimes. There are many cases where it was believed that the
person was guilty but was find innocent years later. In 1992, Cameron Todd Willingham was convicted of
arson murder in Texas. He was believed to have…
Philippines’ ‘War on Drugs’

Since taking office on June 30, 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has carried out a “war on
drugs” that has led to the deaths of over 12,000 Filipinos to date, mostly urban poor. At least 2,555 of
the killings have been attributed to the Philippine National Police. Duterte and other senior officials have
instigated and incited the killings in a campaign that could amount to crimes against humanity.

Human Rights Watch research has found that police are falsifying evidence to justify the unlawful
killings. Despite growing calls for an investigation, Duterte has vowed to continue the campaign.

Large-scale extrajudicial violence as a crime solution was a marker of Duterte’s 22-year tenure as mayor
of Davao City and the cornerstone of his presidential campaign. On the eve of his May 9, 2016 election
victory, Duterte told a crowd of more than 300,000: “If I make it to the presidential palace I will do just
what I did as mayor. You drug pushers, holdup men, and do-nothings, you better get out because I'll kill

The Philippine Drug War refers to the drug policy of the Philippine government under President Rodrigo
Duterte, who assumed office on June 30, 2016. According to former Philippine National Police Chief
Ronald dela Rosa, the policy is aimed at "the neutralization of illegal drug personalities nationwide."[22]
Duterte has urged members of the public to kill suspected criminals and drug addicts.[23] Research by
media organizations and human rights groups has shown that police routinely execute unarmed drug
suspects and then plant guns and drugs as evidence. Philippine authorities have denied misconduct by

The policy has been widely condemned locally and internationally for the number of deaths resulting
from police operations and allegations of systematic extrajudicial executions. The policy is supported by
the majority of the local population, as well as by leaders or representatives of certain countries such as
China, Japan and the United States.[26][27][8][28]

Estimates of the death toll vary. Officially, 5,104 "drug personalities" have been killed as of January
2019.[29] News organizations and human rights groups claim the death toll is over 12,000.[30][31] The
victims included 54 children in the first year.[31][30] Opposition senators claimed in 2018 that over
20,000 have been killed.[32][33] In February 2018, the International Criminal Court in The Hague
announced a "preliminary examination" into killings linked to the Philippine Drug War since at least July
1, 2016
An extrajudicial killing (also known as extrajudicial execution) is the killing of a person by governmental
authorities or individuals without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or legal process. Extrajudicial
punishments are mostly seen by humanity to be unethical, since they bypass the due process of the
legal jurisdiction in which they occur.[citation needed] Extrajudicial killings often target leading political,
trade union, dissident, religious, and social figures and are only those carried out by the state
government or other state authorities like the armed forces or police, as extra-legal fulfillment of their
prescribed role.


Extra Judicial Killing is the killing of a person by governmental authorities without the sanction of any
judicial proceeding or any legal process [1] . Extrajudicial Punishments are unlawful by nature, because
they break the process of legal jurisdiction in which they occur. Most of the times Extra Judicial Killing
targets the leading politicians, religious figures, trade unions leaders and sometimes socially popular
figures. Extra Judicial killings are carried out by the state government or other state authorities like the
armed forces and police.

Extrajudicial can be written like this ex·tra·ju·di·cial , that means-

Outside the authority of the court

Outside of the usual judicial proceeding. [2]

If any killing occurs by the law reinforcement battalion of the country outside the authority of the court
will be known as extrajudicial killing [3] .It’s a violation in democracy. Cause Democracy is based on the
right of human. And thus it also termed with rules and regulation. Civil court has the authority to give
order on execution and it’s the highest state of the land. As a Democratic country Bangladesh is up
against extrajudicial killing.

Extrajudicial killing- History in context:

Extrajudicial killing basically started from the very beginning of civilization. When the lust for power
arose the killing began in the form of assassination. People like Julies César fell victim of extrajudicial
killing. During the civil war there is a term used as ‘lynching’. Lynching is an extrajudicial execution
carried out by a mob a, often by hanging, but also by burning at the stake or shooting, in order to punish
a alleged transgressor, or to intimidate, control or otherwise manipulate a population of people of
people, however large or small [4] .Today lynching is defined in the united state by some code of law
“any act of violence inflicted by a mob upon the body of another person which result in the death of the
person” [5] .

In Europe early example of a similar phenomenon are found in the proceedings of the vehmgerichte in
medieval Germany and of Lyford Law, Gibbet Law or Halifax law in England and Cowper justice and
Jeddart justice in Scotland. In Imperial Russia anti Jewish lynching’s called Pogoms occurred in the 19th-
early 20th centuries [6] .

In Britain a series of race riots broke out in several cities in 1919 between whites and black sailors. In
Liverpool, after a black sailor had been stabbed by two whites in a pub, his friend attack pubbed in
revenge. In response, the police raided lodging houses with black occupants, accompanied by an
“enraged lynch mob’. Charles Wotton, a young black seaman who had not been involved in the attack
was chased into the river Mersey and drowned after being pelted missiles thrown by the mob. The
Charles Wotton College in Liverpool was named after his memory [7] .

In 1944, Wolfgang Rosterg, a German prisoner of war known to be unsympathetic to the Nazi regime,
was lynched by Nazis in Paw Camp 21 in Comrie, Scotland. After the end of war five of the perpetrators
were hanged at Pentonville Prison-the largest multiple executions in 20th century Britain [8] . There are
also approximately 150 confirmed cases of surviving crew members of crashed allied aircraft being
lynched by German civilians, soldiers or police man. Nazi propagandists termed “Allied terror bombing”.
This was further promoted by Nazi officials through secret orders that prohibited policemen and soldiers
from interfering in the favor of the enemy in conflicts between civilians and allied forces or prosecuting
who engaged in such acts [9] .

Abortion is a hard and extremely sensitive topic, and to choose to be pro-life or pro-choice is a big
statement of opinion, but one debate out there is whether or not abortion should be legal in the united
states. Abortion is a highly controversial issue that is affecting our society. People feel that abortion is
evil because it is killing an unborn child. On the other hand, people believe it is a woman's constitutional
right to choose, but if one were to end an innocent child's life is not only unethical and inhumane, but it
is also morally wrong.

Abortion is the killing of a human being, which defies the word of God, spoken from the Bible. The Bible
states “Thou shalt not kill,” in Exodus 20:13. In all countries and among peoples, a natural instinct or an
unwritten tradition placed murder among the worst crimes, and made its penalty death. According to
the Bible, there is no fine line or conclusion drawn between a fetus or a baby. By definition, a fetus is an
unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular, an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after
conception, whereas a baby is defined as a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
Donna J. Harrison, MD, president of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and
Gynecologists, argues that if the prenatal being "is nourished and protected, it will proceed
uninterrupted through the developmental stages of the embryo, fetus, newborn, toddler, child, teen,
adult and aged adult: one continuous existence… The real argument in the abortion debate is whether
or not this human being is a 'person,' with all the…protections of 'personhood.'" She compares the
exclusion of prenatal beings from personhood to the exclusion of African-Americans. Other pro-lifers
connect the exclusion of prenatal life forms from personhood to the exclusion of other groups, such as
women, Latinos, Native Americans, people with disabilities, LGBT persons, the poor, and death row
prisoners. In other beliefs other than Christianity and catholicism, traditional Buddhism also rejects
abortion because it involves the deliberate destroying of a life. Buddhists are expected to take full
personal responsibility for everything they do and for the consequences that follow. The decision to
abort is, therefore, a highly personal one and one that requires careful and compassionate exploration
of the ethical issues involved, and a willingness to carry the burden of whatever happens as a result of
the decision. The ethical consequences of the decision will also depend on the motive and intention
behind the decision, and the level of mindfulness with which it was taken.

Our world today is full of unsolved, decisive and controversial issues. Most of them relate to our morals,
ethics, and religion, thus creating a very strong yes’ or no’, or good’ and bad’ side. Like the Chinese yin
and yang sign, abortion has a very prominent black and white side but also contains traces of each in the
alternating color. This shows that if you were to come to any kind of conclusion on abortion, there
would be a downside to it,and that is primarily why the world cannot agree on this sensitive and
emotional issue. Since nearly 60% of women experience at least one unintended pregnancy between
the ages of 14 and 44 (a percentage that includes women who don’t have sex at all, or who don’t have
sex with men, or who can’t conceive, which means that women who are actually at risk of an
unintended pregnancy have an even higher chance of experiencing one) and 43% of women (again, a
percentage which includes those who don’t have sex, don’t have sex with men, or who can not
conceive) will have at least one abortion at some point during their fertile years, we’re talking about an
extremely common dilemma and decision. While the majority of pregnancies are the result of
consensual sex, women periodically become pregnant as a result of rape. Should a woman who
involuntarily engaged in sex be forced to carry a child to term as a result? Pro-life Advocates say
absolutely! They believe that a woman must never terminate a pregnancy, no matter what the

Abortion can emotionally affect each woman differently. Emotional and psychological effects Following
abortion are more common than physical side effects and can range from mild regret to more serious
complications such as depression. A peer-review 2005 study published in BMC medicine found that
women who underwent an abortion had “Significantly higher” anxiety scores on the hospital anxiety and
depression scale up to 5 years after pregnancy termination. In a New Zealand study headed by a pro-
choice researcher, women who had abortions subsequently experienced higher rates of depression,
substance abuse, anxiety disorders, and suicidal behavior than women who had not had abortions, even
after controlling for pre-existing conditions. Approximately 42 percent of women with a history of
abortion had experienced major depression in the last four years (nearly double the rate of women who
had not been pregnant and 35 percent higher than those who carried to term). And an analysis of a
federally funded longitudinal study of American women found that, compared to women who gave
birth, women who aborted were 65 percent more likely to be at risk of long-term clinical depression
after controlling for age, race, education, marital status, history of divorce, income, and prior psychiatric
state. “These results suggest women who have experienced a previous induced abortion have
omnipresent anxiety and depression symptoms during a subsequent pregnancy, especially during the
first trimester.” The results also found that women who have had a miscarriage(s) were not at greater
risk of depression and anxiety in the first or second trimester of pregnancy when compared to women
who have not had a miscarriage. These results were found within a year of the prior loss.

Many believe that abortion should be legalized for the extreme cases of pregnancy due to rape and
incest. If a child is a product of violence, there is no need to harm another person’s life trying to heal the
pain of the woman. This only guarantees further emotional stress for the victimized woman in the
future. The disgusting descriptions and pictures available showing the dead baby after the process can
change one’s mind. The tiny, innocent looking little babies have suffered a great deal of pain in their last
minutes of survival. Because a brain, heart, and nerves have been developed, a baby is able to feel death
just as any other human would. A mother whose child is killed is always devastated with her loss. It is
natural for a mother to feel the same way after having her child aborted before having a chance to care
for and nurture her son or daughter who is a part of her. In conclusion, through research and evaluation
of data, we have determined that abortion is morally wrong and destructive in all circumstances. God,
the ultimate creator who decides the fate of all humans who come into existence, is the only One with
the ability to choose life or death for His people. For us to make this decision ourselves, we are taking
dominion over God and disregarding the Predestination that He intends for each living person.

There are around 41 million abortions a year which means 41 million hearts don’t get to beat. According
to Merriam-Webster dictionary, abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most
often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. The abortion rate is appalling in the United
States. That being said, abortion should be stopped and brought from 41 million lives lost to 41 million
first breaths taken in upon birth.

Science has proven that a new, human life begins at conception, at the moment when a human sperm
attaches to a human egg, generally in the upper portion of the Fallopian Tube, it becomes something
new, a Zygote. A zygote is the name of the first cell formed at conception, the earliest developmental
stage of the human embryo. (Conception & Pregnancy: Ovulation, Fertilization, and More) Therefore,
the argument that a baby is not living upon conception is invalid if scientific evidence proves otherwise.
Dr. LeJeune, a French pediatrician and geneticist stated, “after fertilization has taken place a new human
being has come into being.” He stated that this “is no longer a matter of taste or opinion,” and “not a
metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence.” He added, “Each individual has a very neat
beginning, at conception” (Scientists Attest to Life Beginning at Conception - Resources - Eternal
Perspective Ministries).

When women decide to get an abortion they don’t really truly know the consequences, the end result of
what they’re doing and the physical symptoms that come with it. Many abortions are performed by the
drug RU-486; this drug blocking progesterone, a crucial hormone during pregnancy. If a pregnant
woman's body doesn’t have progesterone, the uterine lining does not provide food, any type of fluid
and oxygen to the baby, therefore killing the fetus. ("How Are Abortions Done?). The drug has some
physical consequences that appear after the abortion, a few being nausea, severe cramping, vomiting
and bleeding. A woman whom was interviewed talked about the symptoms emotionally and physically
after her abortion. Yes, she stated there were physical repercussions, such as the pain in her
abdomen/stomach and the bleeding and horrible cramping for 4 days straight, yet the worst symptoms
were the emotional toll it took on her. The woman said she immediately was discouraged by herself and
disgusted by her own decisions. She knew that she had ended the life of a soon to be child. This woman
is now very Pro-Life and encourages people to choose other options rather than kill a soon to be
beautiful child. When a woman goes through an abortion the repercussions are immense not only
physical but emotionally, not only does the baby get viciously killed but they aftermath for the woman is

When a child gets aborted there is one less baby, for a family who wants a child, to adopt. When
adoption is chosen over abortion not only is a child getting to live but the hospital bills and even some
living expenses are paid for by the adoptive parents. A huge perk to adoption is the satisfaction that you
gave a baby a chance to live rather than killing the child; a woman can smile and know in her heart that
a child she gave life to is getting to live out his or her life. Put yourself in the shoes of a woman who does
not have the privilege of carrying a child. They would give anything to hold a baby in their arms and call
it theirs. The child that you are carrying can make someone's world better than you can imagine. A child
is so much more than just a little zygote in your stomach, it is a soon to be breathing baby that so many
women would die to have in their arms. 1.5 million or 6% of women in the United states are infertile
("ASRM: Quick Facts About Infetility) and millions of families/women waiting to adopt a child. If a child is
not wanted by his or her biological mother there is always a mother who has her arms wide open to
shelter and love the beautiful soon to be child.

Most people have been taught their whole lives that they are accountable for their own actions and the
repercussions that come of them. This being said, why is abortion an option. Besides rape, each woman
should be responsible for the fact that she is pregnant. Having sexual intercourse, even when
contraceptive methods are used, still has a risk of pregnancy (British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC),
"Responsibility of the Mother," bbc.co.uk (accessed Apr. 22, 2014)). An innocent unborn child should not
be held responsible for the fact that you didn’t use a condom or chose to have sex in general. “Sure a
woman has the right to choose whether or not to become pregnant. She makes that choice before
engaging in sex. To make that 'choice' after a pregnancy is underway, merely as a matter of birth
control, is an immoral act” (Mona Charen). 16 million girls ages 15-19 give birth each year. ("Teen
Pregnancy Statistics - Teen Help.") That means every 16 million teen mothers took responsibility for
their own actions. If these girls who are still in school and do not have a stable job can raise a baby and
give it the chance to live life, then any woman should. It is not the baby's fault that he/she was
conceived, the mother chose to have sex but shouldn’t be able to choose to kill their living child. Some
women demand complete control of their body, that being said they should control their bodies by
preventing the risk of unwanted pregnancy by using contraception or abstinence.

A Memphis man was charged after killing a woman Tamara Davis, who was shot to death and happened
to be pregnant as well. This man went through trial and was convicted with two counts of first-degree
murder (http://wreg.com/2016/02/05/man-arrested-for-triple-homicide-involving-a-pregnant-
woman/). Under law if a woman is killed or harmed while pregnant the person responsible would be
guilty of manslaughter ("Fetal Homicide Laws (U.S.)"). A man named Scott Peterson was convicted and
sentenced to death for killing his wife and killing his own unborn son, the law made it very clear that
fathers do not have the right to kill or terminate a pregnancy, even if it is their own child. However,
every mother in America has the right to kill her unborn children, until she is literally about to give birth
("Fetal Homicide Laws (U.S.)."). The government literally contradicts themselves in their laws. Abortion
is manslaughter. Abortion is no different than what Scott Patterson chose to do to his unborn son in the

There are doctors who refer to abortion as “termination” not “killing.” To put it bluntly, killing is “to
deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of” ("The Definition of Kill."), that being said every
abortion is a kill and every kill is a murder. A famous physician, Pastor E. L. Bynum, talks about how
abortion is murder saying “Abortion is murder. Each abortion snuffs out an innocent human life.
Tragically, doctors have deceived the American public. Referring to unborn babies as "fetus," "embryo,"
or "zygote," may be scientifically correct, but does not change the fact: These little ones are little human
beings. Though called "parasite," "blob," or "tissue," give each wee creature about 266 days after
conception and see what emerges from his mother's womb. It will be a human baby, not a zebra, a
trout, frog or an orangutan.” (Byum, A Physician Tells Why Abortion Is Murder). Like said before, a child
is living upon conception. In fact babies begin to start to hear by week 6 of conception ("What to
Expect.") and legally a woman can have an abortion at 6 weeks of pregnancy. Knowing that, the women
who claim the baby cannot feel it because they are not developed yet are purely incorrect. If a baby can
hear you it has developed his/her eardrums. Women are murdering their developed children and lying
to themselves while doing it so that they feel better about it. The truth is, there is no way around it.
They cannot make the fact that they are inhumanely killing an innocent child just go away. Each abortion
deprives an innocent baby of a full life. Think about this, each person who supported slavery was never a
slave… and every person who is for abortion wasn't murdered and got to live.
To any person who is for abortion or is contemplating having one of her own, think about this, everyone
who is alive got the chance to live and experience wonderful things. Your mother gave you this amazing
opportunity (or should I say gift, since life is a gift), pass it on…give the most precious thing in the
world…Life. There are babies dying every day, 910 to be exact ("Planned Parenthood Did One Abortion
Every 95 Seconds”), and those children are being inhumanely killed/murdered for something that they
are not responsible for. “Some babies die by chance, none should die by choice” (Society for the
Protection of Unborn Children).

Global warming has become a well conversed topic among scientists and peoples in the world today.
There are extremists who do everything possible to stop contributing to the warming, but the average
person does little to alleviate the issue and in many cases refuses to acknowledge that there is a
problem at all. Dating back to millions of years ago, even before humanity was born, the world has
always experienced one form or another of warming; so the warming seen today is not as bizarre as
many may think. The prevalent saying that history often repeats itself, is no joke when discussing global
warming. As to what is kindling the current warming, that is where a query is imposed. Scientists from
around the globe have theorized close to every possible contributor to the warming seen today, and the
conclusion that present occurrences of global warming are being evoked by human interference has
become evident.

Human existence and activities have proved to contribute immensely to the warming. When oil was first
becoming a major world energy resource, greedy capitalists actively pursued any and all measures to
profit from it. The expansion of embryonic corporations became the single most superior motive,
forgetting completely about the care of the planet. All aspects of oil production, including the:
extraction, refining and transportation generated considerable amounts of environmental pollution. Oil
spills from international transportation became a major concern and in 1990

Show More

Global warming has become a well conversed topic among scientists and peoples in the world today.
There are extremists who do everything possible to stop contributing to the warming, but the average
person does little to alleviate the issue and in many cases refuses to acknowledge that there is a
problem at all. Dating back to millions of years ago, even before humanity was born, the world has
always experienced one form or another of warming; so the warming seen today is not as bizarre as
many may think. The prevalent saying that history often repeats itself, is no joke when discussing global
warming. As to what is kindling the current warming, that is where a query is imposed. Scientists from
around the globe have theorized close to every possible contributor to the warming seen today, and the
conclusion that present occurrences of global warming are being evoked by human interference has
become evident.

Human existence and activities have proved to contribute immensely to the warming. When oil was first
becoming a major world energy resource, greedy capitalists actively pursued any and all measures to
profit from it. The expansion of embryonic corporations became the single most superior motive,
forgetting completely about the care of the planet. All aspects of oil production, including the:
extraction, refining and transportation generated considerable amounts of environmental pollution. Oil
spills from international transportation became a major concern and in 1990
Show More


This Country Is Challenging the Catholic Church By Giving Away Free Birth Control

By Claire Zillman

January 12, 2017

A homeless mother with her baby rides on

The new measure is aimed at giving poor women in particular access to reproductive health services.

Noel Celis—AFP/Getty Images

If Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte gets his way, some millions of Filipino women could soon have
access to free birth control and other reproductive health-related services.

The controversial president—best known for his violent approach to the nation’s drug war and the
obscenity he launched at U.S. President Barack Obama in October—this week signed an executive order
that implements long-languishing legislation called the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health (RPRH) Act of 2012. The law gives poor women access to reproductive health information and
services, stating that it “recognizes the right of Filipinos to decide freely and responsibly on their desired
number and spacing of children.” It estimates that some 6 million women in the Philippines—including 2
million who are poor—don’t currently have access to birth control. Duterte’s administration aims to
provide all poor women with contraception by 2018.

The law’s passages is especially notable since the Catholic Church vehemently opposes birth control—
and the nation is 80% Roman Catholic. On a visit to the Philippines in 2015, Pope Francis issued what
was then described as his strongest defense yet of the church’s ban on artificial contraception. He urged
Philippine families to be “sanctuaries of respect for life.”

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Affordable family planning measures are a vital issue in the Philippines. Birth control is available, but its
price makes it accessible only to wealthy or middle class Filipinos. Abortion is illegal. The nation has 24
births per 1,000 people—the 66th highest among 226 countries, according to the Central Intelligence
Agency. And according the United Nations, the Philippines is the only Asian country where the teenage
pregnancy rate has risen in the past two decades.
The country passed a universal birth control law four years ago after more than a decade of debate, but
a court order and budget cuts have hampered its full implementation. A July 2015 Supreme Court
decision in favor of anti-abortion groups issued a temporary restraining order halting the distribution of
birth control implants after 400,000 of the devices had already been distributed. Congress later slashed
the budget that was intended to fund free or low-cost contraceptives. Duterte’s executive order is an
effort to sidestep those hurdles.

Reuters reports that the country’s Catholic bishops have accused Duterte of pushing “anti-life”
measures, and they’ve asked people to join a “grand procession” next month to take a stand.

Duterte, who’s also Catholic, appears unmoved. Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial said his administration “is
bent on implementing these provisions to ensure that Filipinos’ access to family planning and means to
space and limit the number of children will not be curtailed.”

Duterte has made family planning a pillar of his anti-poverty agenda, vowing to implement the RPRH Act
during his tenure and accusing the church of relying on scare tactics while keeping citizens “in total
ignorance” about birth control. In his State of the Union in July, he said the law will let poor people
adequately care for their children, “eventually making [those children] more productive members of the
labor force.”

Divorce in the Philippines (Argumentative Essay)


Divorce in the Philippines has been an issue for several years. in fact, the Philippines is the only country
in the world besides the Vatican that does not allow divorce, mostly due to religion (de Leon, 2014).
Little do people know that GABRIELA Women’s Party has already proposed House Bill No. 1799 or the
Divorce Bill. If signed, this bill would allow individuals to be free of their unhappy and most of the time
abusive marriages and also gives guidelines for settling financial concerns as well as the custody of the
children, if any. But even though people should have the right to leave a bad marriage, divorce should
not be legalized in the Philippines.

First and foremost, what exactly is divorce and why do couples do it? Oxford Dictionaries (2015) defines
divorce as “the legal dissolution of marriage by a court or other competent body”. In this, many factors
can be blamed like a lack of commitment and equality in the relationship, infidelity, marrying too young,
and abuse (Utah State University, 2015). But what it all really boils down to is an unhappy marriage and
that is what divorce should be able to fix, if ever it would be allowed. If a person is stuck in a sad, or
worse, abusive marriage, then he/she should have the right to escape it. Based on the National
Demographic and Health Survey conducted by the National Statistics Office, one out of five women aged
15-49 has experienced physical violence and 14.4 percent of married women have experienced physical
abuse from their husbands. Statistics have also shown that wife battery ranked highest among cases of
violence against women at 72 percent in 2009, affecting more than 6,000 women (Umil, 2011). On the
other hand, a sad marriage is just as bad as an abusive one. According to the Philippine’s Solicitor
General’s office, there were 9,117 petitions for annulment filed in 2010, 61 percent of which were filed
by women. The pros of divorce definitely have good points, but the Philippine society, with its
traditional mindset, is not quite ready for it.

The biggest factor as to why the Philippines should reject divorce is religion. Roughly 83 percent of
Filipinos are Roman Catholics (de Leon, 2014). This means that the church’s opinion matters a lot to the
people, and the church firmly says no. Firstly, marriage is one of the Seven Sacraments that all Catholics
celebrate and hold dear. Marriage, according to American Catholic, is a public sign that one gives oneself
totally to another person. It is especially sacred to Catholics because having a church wedding means a
person is not only making a promise to his/her future spouse but also to God. An interview with
Archbishop Socrates Villegas, the president of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines
revealed the church’s opinion on the issue, saying that divorce makes a mockery of marriage. If divorce
is allowed, the sanctity of marriage will be lost. It won’t seem like such an important decision to some
because one can always “undo” and “redo”. Secondly, couples will soon choose the easy way out of a
situation. The simplest problems will have the power to break marriages apart because couples would
see divorce as an option, instead of working through the problem as a team. As a result of that, more
and more couples will end in divorce and will set a bad example for their children. Future generations
will put less importance on marriage when they mature and the cycle just continues.

Although legalizing divorce can save many individuals from bad relationships, it can also erase the
importance of marriage. The Philippines cannot lose the sanctity of marriage because majority of
Filipinos are Catholic and the family plays a big role in the Philippine culture. On the other hand,
individuals in failed marriages can always opt for an annulment or a legal separation from their spouse.
Aside from that, there isn’t really much of a reason to legalize divorce. People just need to be
completely sure of the person that they will be marrying to be able to sustain a happy and healthy

Divorce in the Philippines (Argumentative Essay)


Divorce in the Philippines has been an issue for several years. in fact, the Philippines is the only country
in the world besides the Vatican that does not allow divorce, mostly due to religion (de Leon, 2014).
Little do people know that GABRIELA Women’s Party has already proposed House Bill No. 1799 or the
Divorce Bill. If signed, this bill would allow individuals to be free of their unhappy and most of the time
abusive marriages and also gives guidelines for settling financial concerns as well as the custody of the
children, if any. But even though people should have the right to leave a bad marriage, divorce should
not be legalized in the Philippines.

First and foremost, what exactly is divorce and why do couples do it? Oxford Dictionaries (2015) defines
divorce as “the legal dissolution of marriage by a court or other competent body”. In this, many factors
can be blamed like a lack of commitment and equality in the relationship, infidelity, marrying too young,
and abuse (Utah State University, 2015). But what it all really boils down to is an unhappy marriage and
that is what divorce should be able to fix, if ever it would be allowed. If a person is stuck in a sad, or
worse, abusive marriage, then he/she should have the right to escape it. Based on the National
Demographic and Health Survey conducted by the National Statistics Office, one out of five women aged
15-49 has experienced physical violence and 14.4 percent of married women have experienced physical
abuse from their husbands. Statistics have also shown that wife battery ranked highest among cases of
violence against women at 72 percent in 2009, affecting more than 6,000 women (Umil, 2011). On the
other hand, a sad marriage is just as bad as an abusive one. According to the Philippine’s Solicitor
General’s office, there were 9,117 petitions for annulment filed in 2010, 61 percent of which were filed
by women. The pros of divorce definitely have good points, but the Philippine society, with its
traditional mindset, is not quite ready for it.

The biggest factor as to why the Philippines should reject divorce is religion. Roughly 83 percent of
Filipinos are Roman Catholics (de Leon, 2014). This means that the church’s opinion matters a lot to the
people, and the church firmly says no. Firstly, marriage is one of the Seven Sacraments that all Catholics
celebrate and hold dear. Marriage, according to American Catholic, is a public sign that one gives oneself
totally to another person. It is especially sacred to Catholics because having a church wedding means a
person is not only making a promise to his/her future spouse but also to God. An interview with
Archbishop Socrates Villegas, the president of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines
revealed the church’s opinion on the issue, saying that divorce makes a mockery of marriage. If divorce
is allowed, the sanctity of marriage will be lost. It won’t seem like such an important decision to some
because one can always “undo” and “redo”. Secondly, couples will soon choose the easy way out of a
situation. The simplest problems will have the power to break marriages apart because couples would
see divorce as an option, instead of working through the problem as a team. As a result of that, more
and more couples will end in divorce and will set a bad example for their children. Future generations
will put less importance on marriage when they mature and the cycle just continues.

Although legalizing divorce can save many individuals from bad relationships, it can also erase the
importance of marriage. The Philippines cannot lose the sanctity of marriage because majority of
Filipinos are Catholic and the family plays a big role in the Philippine culture. On the other hand,
individuals in failed marriages can always opt for an annulment or a legal separation from their spouse.
Aside from that, there isn’t really much of a reason to legalize divorce. People just need to be
completely sure of the person that they will be marrying to be able to sustain a happy and healthy
Divorce in the Philippines (Argumentative Essay)


Divorce in the Philippines has been an issue for several years. in fact, the Philippines is the only country
in the world besides the Vatican that does not allow divorce, mostly due to religion (de Leon, 2014).
Little do people know that GABRIELA Women’s Party has already proposed House Bill No. 1799 or the
Divorce Bill. If signed, this bill would allow individuals to be free of their unhappy and most of the time
abusive marriages and also gives guidelines for settling financial concerns as well as the custody of the
children, if any. But even though people should have the right to leave a bad marriage, divorce should
not be legalized in the Philippines.

First and foremost, what exactly is divorce and why do couples do it? Oxford Dictionaries (2015) defines
divorce as “the legal dissolution of marriage by a court or other competent body”. In this, many factors
can be blamed like a lack of commitment and equality in the relationship, infidelity, marrying too young,
and abuse (Utah State University, 2015). But what it all really boils down to is an unhappy marriage and
that is what divorce should be able to fix, if ever it would be allowed. If a person is stuck in a sad, or
worse, abusive marriage, then he/she should have the right to escape it. Based on the National
Demographic and Health Survey conducted by the National Statistics Office, one out of five women aged
15-49 has experienced physical violence and 14.4 percent of married women have experienced physical
abuse from their husbands. Statistics have also shown that wife battery ranked highest among cases of
violence against women at 72 percent in 2009, affecting more than 6,000 women (Umil, 2011). On the
other hand, a sad marriage is just as bad as an abusive one. According to the Philippine’s Solicitor
General’s office, there were 9,117 petitions for annulment filed in 2010, 61 percent of which were filed
by women. The pros of divorce definitely have good points, but the Philippine society, with its
traditional mindset, is not quite ready for it.

The biggest factor as to why the Philippines should reject divorce is religion. Roughly 83 percent of
Filipinos are Roman Catholics (de Leon, 2014). This means that the church’s opinion matters a lot to the
people, and the church firmly says no. Firstly, marriage is one of the Seven Sacraments that all Catholics
celebrate and hold dear. Marriage, according to American Catholic, is a public sign that one gives oneself
totally to another person. It is especially sacred to Catholics because having a church wedding means a
person is not only making a promise to his/her future spouse but also to God. An interview with
Archbishop Socrates Villegas, the president of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines
revealed the church’s opinion on the issue, saying that divorce makes a mockery of marriage. If divorce
is allowed, the sanctity of marriage will be lost. It won’t seem like such an important decision to some
because one can always “undo” and “redo”. Secondly, couples will soon choose the easy way out of a
situation. The simplest problems will have the power to break marriages apart because couples would
see divorce as an option, instead of working through the problem as a team. As a result of that, more
and more couples will end in divorce and will set a bad example for their children. Future generations
will put less importance on marriage when they mature and the cycle just continues.
Although legalizing divorce can save many individuals from bad relationships, it can also erase the
importance of marriage. The Philippines cannot lose the sanctity of marriage because majority of
Filipinos are Catholic and the family plays a big role in the Philippine culture. On the other hand,
individuals in failed marriages can always opt for an annulment or a legal separation from their spouse.
Aside from that, there isn’t really much of a reason to legalize divorce. People just need to be
completely sure of the person that they will be marrying to be able to sustain a happy and healthy

Divorce in the Philippines (Argumentative Essay)


Divorce in the Philippines has been an issue for several years. in fact, the Philippines is the only country
in the world besides the Vatican that does not allow divorce, mostly due to religion (de Leon, 2014).
Little do people know that GABRIELA Women’s Party has already proposed House Bill No. 1799 or the
Divorce Bill. If signed, this bill would allow individuals to be free of their unhappy and most of the time
abusive marriages and also gives guidelines for settling financial concerns as well as the custody of the
children, if any. But even though people should have the right to leave a bad marriage, divorce should
not be legalized in the Philippines.

First and foremost, what exactly is divorce and why do couples do it? Oxford Dictionaries (2015) defines
divorce as “the legal dissolution of marriage by a court or other competent body”. In this, many factors
can be blamed like a lack of commitment and equality in the relationship, infidelity, marrying too young,
and abuse (Utah State University, 2015). But what it all really boils down to is an unhappy marriage and
that is what divorce should be able to fix, if ever it would be allowed. If a person is stuck in a sad, or
worse, abusive marriage, then he/she should have the right to escape it. Based on the National
Demographic and Health Survey conducted by the National Statistics Office, one out of five women aged
15-49 has experienced physical violence and 14.4 percent of married women have experienced physical
abuse from their husbands. Statistics have also shown that wife battery ranked highest among cases of
violence against women at 72 percent in 2009, affecting more than 6,000 women (Umil, 2011). On the
other hand, a sad marriage is just as bad as an abusive one. According to the Philippine’s Solicitor
General’s office, there were 9,117 petitions for annulment filed in 2010, 61 percent of which were filed
by women. The pros of divorce definitely have good points, but the Philippine society, with its
traditional mindset, is not quite ready for it.

The biggest factor as to why the Philippines should reject divorce is religion. Roughly 83 percent of
Filipinos are Roman Catholics (de Leon, 2014). This means that the church’s opinion matters a lot to the
people, and the church firmly says no. Firstly, marriage is one of the Seven Sacraments that all Catholics
celebrate and hold dear. Marriage, according to American Catholic, is a public sign that one gives oneself
totally to another person. It is especially sacred to Catholics because having a church wedding means a
person is not only making a promise to his/her future spouse but also to God. An interview with
Archbishop Socrates Villegas, the president of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines
revealed the church’s opinion on the issue, saying that divorce makes a mockery of marriage. If divorce
is allowed, the sanctity of marriage will be lost. It won’t seem like such an important decision to some
because one can always “undo” and “redo”. Secondly, couples will soon choose the easy way out of a
situation. The simplest problems will have the power to break marriages apart because couples would
see divorce as an option, instead of working through the problem as a team. As a result of that, more
and more couples will end in divorce and will set a bad example for their children. Future generations
will put less importance on marriage when they mature and the cycle just continues.

Although legalizing divorce can save many individuals from bad relationships, it can also erase the
importance of marriage. The Philippines cannot lose the sanctity of marriage because majority of
Filipinos are Catholic and the family plays a big role in the Philippine culture. On the other hand,
individuals in failed marriages can always opt for an annulment or a legal separation from their spouse.
Aside from that, there isn’t really much of a reason to legalize divorce. People just need to be
completely sure of the person that they will be marrying to be able to sustain a happy and healthy

The purpose of this report presents the findings of that sex education should be implemented in schools
due to its many benefits to teenagers. The implementation of sex education in schools will provide
teenagers with the correct information to enable them to make the right choices in life. On the other
hand, some have claimed that implementing sex education in schools actually promotes the risk of sex
and is ineffective. However, based on various research findings, it is shown that sex education is
effective by reducing the rate of teen pregnancy, providing correct information and also decreasing the
number of HIV, AIDS and STDs cases among teenagers. Hence, sex education encourages healthy teen


“This is the real world, and in the real world, you need protection,” – Cherie Richards, a freshman in the
College of Arts and Sciences. (Antonuk, 2006)

In the simplest form, sex education is basically education about sexuality, contraceptive methods
(condoms, drugs or surgery), how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, the importance of
protection and last but not least, attitudes and principles about sex. There are also two kinds of sex
education which are abstinence-only programs and comprehensive education. However, both of them
also teach about the process of sex education which can lead to teenagers understanding about how to
make their choices and making them right. Teenagers need information and the right sources to help
and protect themselves. This is because when they have no knowledge or whatsoever, they turned to
media or even sometimes pornography to get information as their parents are not open enough about
Take this for example, at present time in the United States; the rate of teen birth and abortions is the
highest among other western countries with teenagers over a number of one million going through
pregnancy every year. The highest number of those having sexually transmitted diseases is also proven
in past surveys and reports with teenagers being the apparent source. Meanwhile, Sub-Saharan Africa
also has the highest number of teen pregnancy in the world. In Asian countries however, Thailand has
reported that a noteworthy sum of unmarried teenagers are sexually active with 25% of students
admitted to hospitals to undergo abortions. And even though the rate of teen marriage and pregnancy
has dwindled in Malaysia and Indonesia, it doesn’t change the fact that it is still considered quite high
compared to the others. For more developed countries like Japan and South Korea, their teen pregnancy
rates are at 4.6 and 2.9 respectively, which are the lowest in the world. (UNICEF, 2005)

And therefore, the question is – should sex education be implemented in schools?

Most definitely, sex education should be implemented in schools because sex education can reduce teen
pregnancy, it’s better for the teenagers to get information about sex and sexual protection methods
from right sources (schools) rather than from the media and sex education in schools can also protect
children and teenagers.

This report will show convincing and undeniable evidence of why sex education should be implemented
in schools. The majority of these research findings will be limited to the United States of America,
because the rate of teen sex and pregnancy is found to be the highest in this region.

2.0 Reduce Rate of Teen Pregnancy

Some had claimed that sex education does not have any effect on the rate of teen pregnancy. They said
that those who took up the virginity pledges denied the oaths five years later and had had sex during
that time. They argued that those who did take the pledges and those who didn’t did not have much
difference in not having sex. They felt that the information provided from the education was unable to
help the teenagers and could not prevent teen pregnancy. (Ostrow & Randall, 2008).

However, it is indeed proven to be true that sex education can reduce teen pregnancy and teen births.
Firstly, sex education has caused a plunge in the United States’ teen birth rate based on a report done in
California and Ventura County. The recently released statistics showed that the birth rate went from
36.2 to 34.1 per 1,000 births to adolescent mothers. (Ventura County Star, 2010). According to the
California Department of Public Health, the rate of teen births which was previously 37.1 in the year
2007 decreased by 1.9 per 1000 in 2008. Secondly, an epidemiologist with the CDC – Trisha Mueller,
found that sex education does work and it also delays teen having sex which inevitably leads to teen
pregnancy being reduced. Based on a national survey of 2,019 teens aged 15 to 19 in 2002, her team
found that teen boys were three times more likely to used contraceptive methods compared to those
who did not went through sex education. (Vann, 2007). Thirdly, for teenage girls who took sex
education, the risk of having sex before the age of 15 is reduced 59% while for boys’ are 71%, compared
to those who didn’t take sex education. (Doheny, 2007).

The evidences collected have pointed out that sex education indeed can reduce teen pregnancy.
Therefore, in conclusion, again it is emphasized that sex education should be implemented in schools.

3.0 Information about Sex from the Right Sources (schools)

Nowadays, sex scenes are heavily portrayed in some movies and TV shows which teenagers are
watching. Even on the Internet, when one clicks on a certain link to a website, adverts containing sexual
messages and pictures are posted to the side of the pages as if they were normal. Teenagers could have
strayed easily to such websites and unknowingly received incorrect information about sex. In movies
and TV shows however, though there is a limit to underage children, the older teenagers are accessible
to demonstration of sex scenes in this media. Sex scenes in the media are portrayed as casual and
harmless and seemed to bring no serious consequences, causing the teenagers to view such media to be
fooled by the producers who are using sex to promote their production. (Why Do Teens Have Sex n.d) It
should be noted that without truly knowing about it, sex can be dangerous. Parents’ discomfort about
discussing sex related issues with their children drives them to the Internet and other unreliable media
sources to find out more about the topic, as they have no other means to get more information. Hence,
it is important that sex education is implemented in schools so that teenagers can receive the
information they need from the right sources; namely, teachers who are well informed about the topic.

On the other hand, some claimed that sex education is ineffective and does not give out the right
information to help teenagers in making the right decisions for their sexuality. (Parents, teachers still
embarrassed about sex, 2010). A survey made showed that 26.4 percent of the students complained
that the sex education taught was not enough and the teachers who were responsible hardly discussed
about sex at all.

However, research has proven that sex education does indeed provide the much needed information
and reduces sexual activity as teenagers received correct information from the classes. Firstly, there is
much difference between those who took sex education and those who did not. (Moore, Furstenberg &
Peterson, n.d). Figure 1 below (National Survey of Children) shows the difference in percentage between
teenagers who are exposed to sex education and those who are not.

This is because when teenagers are exposed to the lie that sex is harmless, their sexual activity increases
as they have not covered sex education yet.
Secondly, getting the right information about sex can also reduce the number of HIV, AIDS, and STDs
cases among the teens. Teenagers can learn that one of the major causes of STDs is through sexual
activity. Even oral sex can be a pathway for the transmission of such diseases. (Williams, 2010) Sex
education teaches teenagers about the prevention of HIV/AIDS and that one should get their partner
tested for sexual transmitted diseases before undergoing any sexual activity with them. Sex and AIDS
education have been proven by research done that they delay sexual activity as well as they teach
students who are more sexually active to have safer sex. (School Health Education to Prevent AIDS and
STD, 1994)

4.0 Protecting Children and Teenagers

There are many sexually abused children who did not come to light or the attention of government
authority on what have been cruelly done to them. The wrongly placed shame, the guilt and the fear of
being blamed on have shied them away from confessions to parents or authority figures. This is mainly
because the victims’ incomprehension of ‘sexual abuse’ and their rights to reject such treatment. Sex
education has only recently become important in these past few years but child sexual abuse has existed
throughout human history. Thus, implementing sex education into schools can decrease the rate of child
sexual abuse and thus providing a way out for children and teenagers. (Carroll, 2010) Besides that, the
availability of sex education can also offer help and guidance to children with learning disabilities as they
go through puberty.

Child sexual abuse is defined as any form of sexual activity forced onto a child whether by a person
younger or older than the child. (Munro, 2000) Munro claimed that children and teenagers are
vulnerable and often can be exposed to sexual abuse without anyone knowing. And as they did not
receive any counseling or teaching, they do not have full understanding of being taken advantage of. It
also leaves them in a defenseless situation which they might be preyed on again. In America, there are
39 million of survivors from child sexual abuse at present. By their 18th celebration, one in four females
and one in six males are sexually abused. (Mish, cited in Mail Tribune) But sex education gives children
and teenagers information about how to prevent sex abuse, that sexual abuse do not occur to every
child and that they must seek help if they were victimized. It teaches children and teenagers to be well
aware of sexual abuse. There’s also have been one program that was organized in classes of sex
education in which students learned to say “NO” to such inappropriate acts committed by the other.
(Carroll, 2010)

It can be concluded that in order to decrease the rate of child sexual abuse, the implementation of sex
education in schools is practical as children and teenagers would learn about child abusers and sex
abuse and they could reject such offences upon them. Children and teenagers would be more aware of
the current situation in this modern society and they would know the actions to be taken if necessary.
Not only that, the victimized would be able to understand that they are not alone and many are willing
to lend a hand to their plight.
A child with learning disabilities received and processed data and information with a slower speed due
to some difficulties in the brain as well as the nervous system. (Kemp, Segal, & Cutter, 2010) Still,
teenagers with learning disabilities may be different from their counterparts but they still go through
growth and puberty. As they need help when studying or paying closer attention to lessons, these
children also need help in controlling their sex drives when they reach puberty in their teenage years.
However, the topic of sex and children with learning disabilities always seemed to be swept under the
carpet, ignored for fear that it would promote sex risks. According to Stephen Simpson (cited in
“Teaching sex education to children with learning disabilities”, 2007), those that have learning
difficulties are at a higher risk of getting sexually abused. Besides that, there is also evidence proving
that the implementation of sex education is desperately needed for children and teenagers with
learning disabilities. In reference to Leeds’ youth offending team, the 40% who committed any sexual
offence are teens with learning disorders. (Teaching sex education to children with learning disabilities,

For John who is a teenager with learning disability, he managed to control his inappropriate actions in
public and it decreased gradually. (NursingTimes, 2007) Obviously, this proves that as long as a person
with learning disorder obtained proper education about sex, he can reign in his sex drives based on his
surroundings and what he had been taught. It can be concluded then that sex education can help
teenagers with learning disabilities to control themselves as well as preventing others for abusing them
sexually. They can also understand better about sexual relationships and their body.

Thus, this shows that sex education is capable of preventing children and teenagers from becoming
victims of sexual abuse as well as being the perpetrator. Therefore, it can be concluded that sex
education aids teenagers in their sexuality and related issues at present and in the future.

5.0 Conclusion

Children and teenagers need good and correct information from the right sources about sex, sexual
relationships and various other related issues in order to make a right decision for their present and
future. They need to understand about what can happen if there are misconceptions about sex, it in
turn becomes dangerous. After all, “information is power, and in this current, risky world, they would
need all the necessary information they could get. For they will be our future pillars for the next
generation and the next. The implementation of sex education in schools will be able to prepare them
properly. Not only that, based on the evidences and research done as well as collected carefully, it
proves that sex education brings many benefits by reducing the rate of teen pregnancy, providing
teenagers with accurate and helpful information, and also protecting them from harm.

6.0 Recommendation

Looking into the creditability of the evidences and research done on this topic, it is safe to say that sex
education in schools is heavily encouraged on. However, it should be tested whether abstinence-only or
comprehensive sex education works better for the students. The collected results from the selected
schools will then only be analyzed and then implemented into schools. Not only that, parents should
also be encouraged to meet with the educators responsible so that they may know of the contents of
sex education and will be able to discuss easier about sex with their teenagers. The meetings can consist
of teachers explaining what they will be covering on with the students in schools. By accomplishing this,
parents would no longer be standing on the opposing side of implementing sex education into the
school curriculum.

One Child Policy: Destroyer of the Innocent (Argumentative Essay)

Posted on December 12, 2014 by cloevizcarra

Over the years, China has been going through a problem that has been affecting the country in several
ways. The country’s population has been rapidly increasing resulting to the implementation of certain
policies to control this issue. In the context of Japan, the problem is that there is a lack of numbers of
children, in China, their problem is the other way around. Every year, the number of children seems to
grow, thus, the reason for the creation and implementation of the “One Child Policy”. The One Child
Policy is an official program initiated in the late 1970s and early 1980s by the central government of
China, the purpose of which was to limit the great majority of family units in the country to one child
each. The rationale for implementing the policy was to reduce the growth rate of China’s enormous
population (Pletcher, n.d., Para. 1). Since the implementation of this policy, it has caused a lot of
negative effects which is evident already. The projected goal of this policy is for the greater good, but
the processes in making this happen made it unacceptable to society. The One Child Policy in China
should be abolished because it is against God’s will, it causes injustices with the people, it has negative
effects on China’s economy and it affects other countries in a negative way.

Way back in Jesus’ time, certain rules were put out to keep the society in good shape. One of the ways
these teachings were taught to people was through the Bible. In the Bible, certain verses show how
important life is to people and how we should cherish every breathing moment that we live. But with
the One Child Policy, a number of rules by God are being disobeyed. With this policy, abortion, through
the use of contraceptives and condoms are used to maintain the desired number of children. According
to the Bible, God is not in favor of those who shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:16-17). This bible verse
can be applied to the case of abortion. As defined in Merriam – Webster Dictionary, abortion is the a
medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus. Knowing that pre-born
babies are innocent, killing them due to abortion or pills are ways to offend God’s will. It is even stated
in the sixth commandment of God, “Thou Shall Not Kill”, and by abortion, a case of murder is being
done. The process of making this policy work makes it so brutal that it is against God’s will.

The One Child Policy causes injustice to the people. It causes injustice too women, men, children or
families. Many moms in China are forced into giving up their children regardless of what reason they put
forward. But what’s worse than being forced to abort the child you’re carrying is that it’s not just the
child who dies, sometimes, the mom does too. As stated by Demick (2012) in his article China one-child
policy leads to forced abortions, mothers’ death, “In 2009, a woman in Liaocheng, also in Shandong
province, died after being forced to get an abortion a week before her due date. Family planning officials
said that Feng Junhua bled to death during a staff shift change at the clinic” (para. 20). It is crucial
because it’s not the men who die due to abortion, it is the women who are dominantly affected. But at
some point, men too are affected emotionally by the loss of a child and the injustices in society.
Reportedly in China, A farmer and father of four in southwest China’s Guizhou province killed himself
after family planning officials fined him the equivalent of almost 3,500 USD when he tried to enroll his
children in school (Baklinski, 2014, para. 1). Their freedom on rights to whether how many child they
want to have are being violated as well. It’s unfair to have just one child when the parents want a
certain gender as a child. With a policy such as this, there can never be justice.

Another effect that the policy brings to China is on their economy. Since the number of children being
born per family is being cut, with the continuous activity done in a matter of several years, China will be
facing a few problems. According to Look (2013), China is beginning to face labor shortages. With the
number of young people in decline, growing the economy even at 7.5% could become a problem (para.
6). With lesser people working for companies, the lesser production of resources will be made for
businesses. If China continues to go at this rate of born babies per year, it was said to be possible that
they may face the same problems that Japan is facing regarding their population. A higher number of
death rate and a lower rate for birth rates within the country, thus show that China will be too, facing
the inverted population pyramid that Japan has (Look, 2013, para. 8). This policy does not only affect
people, but even the economy itself is affected.

The thing about this policy is that it shows a domino effect amongst nations. The One Child Policy
provides a worldwide negative effect. It has, at some point, influenced other people from other
countries to face abortion when not in favor of the idea of being parents or being pregnant. Some says
that the RH Bill in the Philippines was patterned in the structure of the One Child Policy, yet no claims of
it being true were given. Although if looked at it, they seem both have the idea of having control over
the population of the state. Going back to the policy’s effect on China’s economy, this too may have an
effect on other countries. Once the economy of China falls, the countries, including the Philippines,
could be affected in a harsh way – considering that China is considered as the worlds second largest
economy and the world factory.

The One Child Policy is not made to destroy humanity, it was made for a good cause. Yet, the ways of
making the project happen and the intentions of it are not in line with each other. Instead, they are
clashing. The One Child Policy should be abolished because it is against God’s will, it causes injustice, it
affects China’s economy and other countries in a negative way. There are other ways to resolve
problems about the population, but the idea of killing poor innocent children is devastating. Brutality
will never be the answer to our problem.
DAVAO CITY, Philippines – President-elect Rodrigo Duterte clarified his 3-child policy at a press
conference on Monday, May 23.

“I cannot force the people to follow. We are just suggesting that you are in good hands if you just limit
the number of your children,” he said days after reports of his planned 3-child policy were circulated by

Aside from promoting the 3-child limit to Filipino families, he said he would make artificial birth control
readily availably for all.

As Davao City mayor, he’s had experience implementing family-planning programs. Davao City was
among the first to distribute contraceptives for free and provide assistance to poor women who wished
to have tubal ligation.

Duterte said a more aggressive approach to family planning is necessary “because our resources cannot
meet the demand.”

At the same time, he continued his attack on the Catholic Church for opposing certain methods of family

“Napakabobo ng Catholic Church….Buti sana kung magbigay ang Katoliko ng honorarium. Sabi ko nga,
kung hindi makatulong ‘yang simbahan, huwag na kayo makinig diyan. Kabalastugan ‘yan,” he said.

(The Catholic Church is so stupid….It would be okay if it gave honorarium to poor families. Like I said, if
the church can’t help, don’t listen to it. It’s nonsense.)

He even joked that Filipinos should just convert to another religion.

"Lipat na lang kayo dito sa Iglesia ni Duterte (Just convert to the Church of Duterte)," he said, eliciting
laughter from the media.
The Catholic Church was among the loudest voices that opposed the passage of the Reproductive Health
Law which requires the government to provide universal access to contraception methods, fertility
control, and sexual education.

Argumentative Essay: Political Dynasty in the Philippines

Political dynasty has been a big issue in the Philippines for a long time. Since the

8th Congress (1987’), more than 50% of our politicians are members of the old political families. Political
dynasty can be defined as a sequence of rulers considered as members of the same family. Moreover, it
can be the same with Oligarchy which is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with
a small number of people. These people could be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties,
education, corporate or military control (Wikipedia, 2013). However, here in the Philippines, many of
lawmakers are proposing some laws like the Anti-Dynasty bill that might prohibit political dynasty and
even some Filipinos are against of this concept. In my opinion, political dynasty in the Philippines should
be abolished because it promotes unequal opportunities, causes corruption and defeats the purpose of

A lot of us may be against of political dynasty but if we broaden our minds, it also has
benefits for our country. First, the families would be able to finish the unfinished projects of the former
leaders. They would be able to continue the legacy that their family has left. It would be easier for the
next leaders to think of new projects since their families can help them and they are used to the
situation of the place they are handling. Second, the next leaders have enough background on politics.
They can have advices and suggestion from their relatives. Usually, if the parents are politicians, there is
a tendency that their children might inherit their parents’ sense of leadership. Another advantage is that
they are well-versed in governance. They are trained and well-educated when it comes to politics. They
know what they are doing and what they need to do for the betterment of our society.

Meanwhile, every positive has its negative sides. As mentioned before, a lot of Filipinos
contradict the idea of dynasty in our country. One of the reasons is that it causes corruption. Though,
corruption has been accused to our government a long time ago, the issues of dynasty worsen it. These
families just collect money and do not use it for the projects in their community. They just show that
they are responsible leaders when the election is getting near. They do not use the money that the
government is giving for good. They just use it for their selves and everyone can prove it through their
luxuries. Next is that it shows unequal opportunities for other aspiring leaders. Since all members of the
family are trying to have a position, other politicians are being refrained to continue running for the
elections. The worst part is that if the family is famous among the community. They will be having many
supporters even they know that they do not contribute to their community. Also, political dynasty
worsens poverty in our country. They seem to forget their promises after getting elected. They do not
put into actions whatever they said in front of many people. They just do good deeds if they know that
there is an exchange for it. In this country a lot of people believe that the poor people get poorer every
year. The politicians think that showing the media that they care for their community is enough but how
about their platforms? Does the community benefit from it? They only care for their image. Lastly,
dynasty defeats the purpose of democracy. It makes people lose their rights to vote and freedom in
choosing who they think is good for their place. They would not be able to choose if the same family
runs for election. The issue of vote buying also rises. Some of the politicians tend to pay people just to
win. They are willing to do something bad just for the sake of victory.

According to (Lincoln, 1963) the government is for the people and by the people. In
summary, political dynasty is not only affecting our government but also our whole country. Also, it
becomes the root of the misunderstanding within the government and society. Everyone must be ready
with changes like electing new leaders. We must use our right to vote wisely because it will also affect
our lives. We are also the reasons of the problems that our country is facing right now at the same time
we are the solutions. We should think twice on our decisions especially the ones that might affect many

The Standard of Beauty in the Philippines

Posted on May 21, 2010 by Bradley

Palmolive Naturals Advertisement

“I look white. I stay white.”

I took the above photo in a department store in Antipolo, but these kinds of ads can be found
everywhere, from in-store ads to billboards to TV and radio commercials. This slogan is the defining
characteristic of the Filipino ideal of beauty. To some degree, it applies to men as well.

Filipinos have a mixed heritage that can be traced back to Malay, Korean, Chinese, and Spaniard origins,
but the original inhabitants of the Philippines, called ‘Atas’ I believe, were dark skinned and had tight,
curly hair and flat noses. The Spaniards referred to these people as Negritos because they resembled
small native Africans.

During the course of hundreds of years of colonization the Filipinos began to associate power and
dominance with people of lighter skin tones, with long straight hair and sharp, ridged noses. The word
‘Atas’ became a derogatory slur hurled by children in the schoolyard to describe someone that was ugly,
dark, or to indicate a person that behaved in a primitive fashion.
Today, the average Filipino TV star, movie celebrity, music artist, and even sometimes politicians are
mestizo, meaning they’re of mixed parentage, with one parent being Filipino and one parent being a
foreigner, usually a Caucasian. This is also sometimes referred to informally as being tisoy or tisay,
depending on whether a person is male or female, respectively. In the old days of Spanish colonial rule,
these mestizos were placed on a higher social status, between pure Spaniards and pure Filipinos. That
idea of being in a higher social caste based on mixed parentage has survived in the form mentioned
above until today. Some mestizos take this mentality to an extreme and strut around with airs of
superiority that generally piss off everyone around them.

For everyone else, there’s whitening products galore available in every ‘sari-sari’ store, grocery store,
convenience store and department store in the country. Whitening soaps, whitening creams, whitening
bath salts, whitening deodorant, and even whitening cleanser for the genital areas. Also, the standard
hair treatment for Filipinas (female Filipinos) is to have their hair straightened and rebonded, which
leaves the hair hanging straight down and flat, as far from short and curly as possible. Also, nose jobs
are popular among the more well-to-do Filipinas to give them a more Caucasian looking appearance.

The end result of this is narrow ideal of beauty is that most Filipinas wind up looking the same. Oddly
enough, this is more true of Filipinas in other countries, like Singapore, than it is in the Philippines
themselves. I’ve seen quite a few Filipinas in the Philippines who are working hard to achieve this
standard look, but in Singapore I used to joke that the Filipinas there are part of a drone army, because
they all look the same and you can pick them out of a crowd from behind, without even having to see
their faces.

Men in the Philippines seem to have more leeway when it comes to standards of fashion with hair and
skin tone (as long as they’re not too dark), but nose jobs are still popular if affordable. Thankfully there
are soap products available for men that don’t whiten the skin. I’m white enough already. In fact, I’m
trying to get a tan. The sun in the Philippines is like the sun at the beach and I still equate a tan with
being healthy.
This is a matter of personal taste, but I always found that diversity breeds uniqueness, and uniqueness is
what’s truly beautiful. If everyone looks the same, with the same haircut, the same artificially whitened
skin, the same nose job, then there’s nothing special about that ‘look’ anymore and it becomes bland
and unappealing.

What are the beauty standards in the Philippines?

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8 Answers

Irah Ty

Irah Ty, I know a thing or two about the Philippines

Updated Aug 4, 2016 · Author has 113 answers and 897.3k answer views

In the Philippines, most Filipinos adore the following traits:

Fair skin - kids are told at a very young age to stay away from the sun because they will get dark and look
“ugly.” Hence the rapid incline of bleaching products and whitening supplements.

Long, straight black hair - which may either be natural or rebonded

Tall nose - when little kids are young, their parents pinch their noses frequently and chant, “grow, grow
little nose” so that the nosebridge may have somewhat of a shot of growing taller. Unfortunately,
there’s not much a nose pinch can do since you can’t fight genetics or biology. The most opted surgery is
the Nose job. Plenty of celebrities get their nose done to improve their looks.

Eyes, preferably slanted - the crescent shape eyes or the type of eyes that disappear when you smile is
much coveted. That’s what most Filipinos love about Chinitas / tos.

In other words, a very un-Filipino look. Some argue that Filipinos never really got over the colonial
mentality. Others say having dark skin is too common here or that it is the equivalent of poverty. (Which
is certainly not true!)

There are two types of beauty Filipinos fawn over as evidenced by what is presented by the media: The
Caucasian mestiza (Half caucasian with caucasian features) or the Chinita mestiza (Half Chinese with the
much adored “chinita” eyes)
Chinita mestiza example

The Caucasian mestiza example:

In the Philippines, these are much coveted looks. Personally I find that unfortunate. I find that the
naturally tan skin actresses such as Nadine Lustre and Kathryn Bernardo are just as pretty but due to
pressure from the media and fans, they ended up bleaching their skin.

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