HAUL Road Design
HAUL Road Design
HAUL Road Design
Title__________________________________________________________________________Page no.
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….5
2. Design Parameters…………………………………………………………………………..5
2.1 Haul Road Vehicles
2.2 Traffic Survey
2.3 Ground Survey
2.4 Geo-technical characteristics of Sub-grade & Road Materials
2.5 Drainage Characteristics
3. Design……………………………………………………………………………………………7
3.1 Geometric Design
3.2 design of haul road pavements
4. Construction of Haul Roads15
4.1 General Guidelines
4.2 Construction materials
4.3 Construction procedure
5. Stability of slope of Haul roads………………………………………………………19
5.1 Factor of Safety.
5.2 Protection of haul road slopes
6. Haul Road Lighting ..............................................................................................20
6.1 Types of Light Source.
6.2 lighting system.
6.3 Design Criteria for Lighting Design
7. Dust Control…………………………………………………………………………………...23
8. Traffic Control by Road Signs…………………………………………………………25
9. Haul Road Maintenance…………………………………………………………………26
10.Haul Road Drainage……………………………………………………………………….28
10.1. Side Drain
10.2. Cross Drain
10.3 Sub -Surface Drain
References …………………………………………………………………………………….…….32
India is rich with a total coal reserve of about 250 billion tonnes.It is
envisaged that with this reserve, the major share of country's energy needs
will be met from consumption of coal for few centuries. The production has
virtually increased on more and more emphasis on opencast operation.
The growth in open cast production has been possible by introducing
cost effective mechanization and with large capacity open cast mine s with an
annual production capacity of 10 to 11 MT. In this process, 85/120/170 tonne
dumpers are replacing 25/35 tonne dumpers. The higher capacity dumpers
with much higher axle load and larger geometric dimensions have become
critical in the planning, design, construction and maintenance of haul road.
"A vehicle of tomorrow is being driven on a road of yesterday by
today’s driver"-this phrase amply clarifies the present scenario of induction
of modern heavy earth moving machineries in opencast mines and outdated
haul road design criteria being followed by and large.
Study has revealed that a good haul road may increase production to
about 30%, increase of tyre life to about 30%, reduction in fuel consumption
to about 30% besides reducing mechanical wear and tear and driver’s fatigue.
A well designed, constructed and maintenance Haul road will also add to the
reduction in environmental problems.
2. Design Parameters
Identification of the Heavy earth moving machineries (HEMM) is a part of the
opencast planning which is conducted with due consideration to geo-mining
condition, targeted production, disposal of overburden materials and
envisaged location for coal handling plant, workshop etc.To commence with
the planning and design of haul road it is necessary to obtain detail
information about the following parameters:
Haul roads are mostly used by rear discharge and bottom discharge dumpers.
While coal is hauled through both types of dumpers. besides the dumpers
there are other heavy earth moving machineries like bull dozer, excavators,
loaders, motor graders, water tankers etc., which is frequently ply on the haul
road. The dozer path calls for special attention because of the tracked wheels.
Otherwise the dumpers with their mammoth dimension and heavy axial loads
govern the haul road design.
The geo-technical characteristics of sub grade soil and paving materials are
important for the design of flexible and rigid pavements of roads and airfields.
The Soil/rock profile along with water table fluctuation shall also provide a
good data for assessing the performance of road. So far the construction of
haul road is concerned the locally available
Following points should be taking under the geo-technical
(a) Soil Exploration
(b) Soil Classification
(c) Compaction Characteristics
(d) California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
(e) Modules of Sub grade Reaction
2.5 Drainage Characteristics
The survey should include the drainage characteristics of the formed ground
as well as the information regarding the discharge of the drainage water. Any
natural drainage course with its capacity shall be identified. Rainfall (run-off)
data for planning drainage is also needed. it is also of importance to obtain
information regarding fluctuation of water table and high flood level of any
nearby nallah/stream close to the Haul Road.
3. Design
The design of haul road may be broadly classified into two categories that are
geometric and structural.
Table 1: Road width/ Carriage way of Haul Road
(B) Camber
A level haul surface appears to be the ideal one for even tyre loading and less
driver fatigue. But camber or cross slope becomes necessary for drainage of
water from road surface. The camber is designated either as ratio of vertical
fall on horizontal length or in percentage.
The recommended camber for haul road is given in table No.2:
(C) Gradient
A minimum gradient is also required for proper drainage. The road gradient is
designed in consideration of topography, nature & intensity of traffic,
drainage, obligatory points and access to adjoining properties.
Unless specially required no road shall have gradient
steeper than 1 in 14. A gradient up to 1 in 10 may be allowed for designing the
ramps. A minimum gradient of 1 in 200 is recommended for drainage.
(E) Superelevation
(2) Introduction of centrifugal force to counteract the centrifugal force
permitting faster vehicle movement on the horizontal curves.
(3) Convenient drainage of water from road surface.
(4) Reduction of road maintenance cost at curves.
For the safe movement of vehicles, the aspect of visibility plays an important
role. The driver of a vehicle should be able to see clearly at least a certain
portion of the road length to avoid accident. It is therefore a necessity that the
sight distance is sufficient to enable a vehicle traveling at a certain speed stop
before reaching the hazard. Sight distance comes under two categories:
Safety in the haul road is the paramount importance. In the geometric design
it is advisable to incorporate some of the safety measures as discussed below:
1. Sidewalk-
A paved sidewalk may be provided for the movement of the people for the
safety of the persons and also to help unhindered movement of the vehicles. A
paved sidewalk shall be at least 1.5 meter wide but preferably 3.0 meter in
2. Road Signs-
Adequate road signs and signals are to be provided in the turning points
curve road crossing, railway crossing, important building, school etc. Vertical
post with proper indicator signs should be provided to guide drivers for
positioning the plying vehicles on the exact lane over the road particularly
during the night shift.
3. Median-
Medians are raised islands placed in between carriageways for up and down
traffic. This should be as wide as possible but on economic considerations may
be kept 3.0 meter wide. The height of median should generally be 400 mm
above pavement level.
4. Lighting-
To improve the transportation of mining material and overburden material
more efficiently, the adequately lighting arrangement is to be provided on
haul road and especially at the strategic points.
5. Parapet Wall-
Strong parapet walls or dwarf embankment of height not less than 1 meter in
height is to be provided where a haul road above the level of the surrounding
area for preventing vehicle getting of the road.
6. Lay Byes-
These are required on temporary haul road because of their narrower
roadway width to serve the following requirements:
(a) To facilitate crossing of vehicles approaching from
opposite directions.
(b) To tow aside a disabled vehicle so as not to crate
hindrance to the traffic movement on the main roadway.
7. Design Ramps-
Ramps are normally to be provided for marching of HEMM from one bench to
another. The stable width of a ramp should not be less than the outer distance
between track chains or tyres 3m on either side or it should be worked out
accordingly. As far as possible the ramp should straight and it should have
uniform gradient not exceeding 1 in 10.
(a) Angle of Crossing - Road should be made to meet at right angles as far as
(b) Camber - Camber should be avoided as far as possible. The whole areas
of road intersections should be in one level.
(f) Visibility - high level of visibility should be provided so that each driver
approaching the intersection can see vehicles approaching from other
The surface of the road way should be stable and non-yielding to allow heavy
wheel loads of traffic to move with least possible rolling resistance. Thesimply
earth road may not be able to fulfill the requirements during varying
conditions of traffic loads and weather. At high moisture content the soil
looses its strength in higher order and starts yielding under heavy loads. Due
to this it produces uneven and undulated surfaces and causes vertical
oscillations increasing the fuel consumption. This also increases the wear and
tear in the vehicle including operation cost.
With view to the above to provide a stable and even
surface for the traffic the road is suitably designed and pavement structure
constructed. Thus the pavement is a structure consisting of one or more layers
of processed materials and constructed over a prepared sub grade to serve as
a carriageway.
4. Construction of Haul Roads
Construction of haul road should be carefully planned and implemented to
satisfy all the design requirements. Attention should be given to the proper
selection of materials as pr the design, compaction of different road layer and
providing a smooth top surface with appropriate camber. Motor graders, road
rollers, vibratory compactors and rollers are very useful for construction of
haul road. A dozer can also be used for leveling, crushing and compacting
layers of Over Burden rocks used for road stratum.
The haul roads are constructed in cutting, filling or in partly cutting and partly
filling. The principal features of these three variations are illustrated in fig.
The points to be noted and implemented in the construction in elaboration of
the above figure are furnished below in table:
4.2 Constructionmaterials:
Selection of appropriate materials is very important for road construction.
The selection is based on material properties such as grain size distribution,
compressive strength, weathering characteristics and rigidity.
Table5. Advantages and disadvantages of various road surface materials
(B)Materials for Base and Sub-Base Layers
Base and sub-base layers are generally constructed from locally available
materials, but stabilization of locally available materials is required when the
design with current materials yields unacceptable thickness of layers and/or
the suitable construction materials are uneconomic to use (due to distance or
depth limitations or environment restrictions). Generally, pit run gravel is
used for the base layer. The sub-base is often constructed from interburden,
sand, siltsor sandy till, or other suitable materials. Usually the materials used
in base and sub-base layers are not crushed thus a particular particle size
distribution is difficult to enforce. However, the maximum particle size should
be limited to the 2/3 of the lift thickness. This can be achieved through
screening or visual inspection.
(C)Compaction Requirements
1. Proof roll the proposed road alignment with a loaded haul truck. Any soft or
weak areas that are observed should be excavated to competent ground and
backfilled with suitable material placed in 0.2m thick lifts and compacted to
95% of Standard Proctor maximum dry density.
Compaction will probably require about six passes of a loaded haul truck.
2. After proof rolling, the top 0.15m of the roadbed sub-grade should be
scarified and recompacted 95% of Standard Proctor using a sheeps foot or
vibratory compactor.
3. The road sub-base will typically consist of granular material placed in 0.2m
thick liftscompacted to 95% of Standard Proctor maximum dry density
utilizing about 6 passes of a vibratory compactor.
4. The road base consists of well-graded gravel placed in 0.15m lifts and
compacted to 98% ofStandard Proctor maximum dry density using a smooth
drum vibratory roller. The surface orwearing layer consists of a 0.3m to 0.5m
thickness of well-graded crushed rock placed in0.15m lifts and compacted to
98% of Standard Proctor maximum dry density using the smooth drum
vibratory roller. The surface layer compaction can be increased to 100%
Proctor if required.
5. During road construction, continuously monitor compaction and moisture
contents using anuclear densometer. For each material used in the road there
will be optimum moisturecontent that will yield the highest density and
hence, best resulting material properties.
Therefore, the construction materials should be compacted near their
optimum moisturecontents. A small deviation from optimum water content is
tolerable but wide deviations willlead to trouble.
6. Crown the completed road surface at about 2 to 3% slope to facilitate
drainage and slope the road sides at 3H:1V.
7. Provide drainage ditches on both sides of the road to ensure good drainage.
If the soil mass is located below the ground water level or under steady
seepage , it is necessary to consider the effect of pore water pressure,
effective stress should be used instead of total stress.
Stability analysis determines whether the given or proposed slope meets the
safety requirement: soil mass under given loads should have an adequate
factor of safety with respect to shear failure and the deformation of the soil
mass under the given loads should not exceed certain tolerable limits.
FOS = S/t
Similarly the factor of safety with respect to friction angle (φ) and with
respect to height (H) is also mentioned below:
6. Haul Road Lighting
The night use of haul road has considerable increased. A proper road lighting
system is a means of improving convenience and safety of night traffic
operation. The aim of providing fixed lighting system is to have suitable light
distribution to cover the road way, uniformity of illumination and avoidance
of excessive glare. The important factors considered in lighting design are the
1. Contrast.
2. Glare.
3. Lighting layout.
4. Luminance distribution of light.
5. Lateral placement of lighting poles.
6. Mounting height and overhang.
7. Selection of luminaries.
8. Initial cost.
9. Service life and maintenance.
Light source is the most important element of the illumination system. The
performances of various types of available light sources are compared on the
basis of the following four major characteristics:
1. Luminous efficiency.
2. Colour radiation or quality of colour.
3. Lamp life in number of operating hours.
4. Optical control
6.2 lighting system:
7. Dust Control
Considerable dust is generated in open cast mining due to drilling
and blasting as well as due to spillage from dumpers and abrasion and suction
under wheels of heavy earth moving vehicles. A heavy cloud of dust in the
atmosphere on dry haul roads results into poor visibility and also tends to
damage the delicates parts of the machinery besides being a health hazard.
Some of the important measures of dust control are given below-
(3) Mechanical Sweeping – It can be used for removal of dust from the
road surface manual sweeping will be time consuming and liable to
be a safety hazard.
8. Traffic Control by Road Signs
The road signs or traffic signs although quite important are most
used and least costly. Generally the signs are located on the left hand side of
the road. The roads signs come under following three categories:
(a) Guide or informatory signs.
(b) Regulatory signs.
(c) Warning or cautionary signs.
9. Haul Road Maintenance
Regardless of how meticulously a haulage road is planned and
constructed, its surface is bound to be deformed by the constant
pounding of haulage vehicles. Although deterioration may be controlled
to a great extent by the type of surface material employed, the mine
operator must still regard a road maintenance schedule as necessary to
safety and economics.
material is allowed en remain on the haulage route, unnecessary bumps
or mounds will exist. Therefore, every effort must be made at the
loading point to prevent equipment from being heaped beyond the limit
that can be held within the containing vessel.
10. Haul Road Drainage
The importance of efficient drainage is paramount for the life of haul road.
Adequate road drainage is an important factor governing stability and load
carrying capacity. The complete and rapid disposal of all surface water and
prevention of entry of sub-surface water into the road structure are basic
Following are the sources of water finding passage into the road
(a) Capillary lift of water from the sub grade below.
(b) Overflow of bridges & culverts during very heavy
(c) Percolation of rain water directly falling on road surface.
(d) Flow of rain water from the surrounding areas.
Improper road drainage leads to deterioration of the road in the
form of following:
(a) Washing out of road material.
(b) Damage to the road edge & shoulders.
(c) Failure of the bitumen surface at the top due to
(d) Failure of earth slope of embankment.
(e) Softening of the road structure due to submergence.
Essential requirements of good road drainage are the following:
(a) Surface water run-off from the surrounding areas should
be prevented access to the road.
(b) Water directly falling on the road surface should be
quickly drained off.
(c) The carriageway should be well above the highest flood
(d) All accumulated water should be quickly carried away
by well designed drainage system.
Drainage of the road should be good enough to keep the foundation
dry under the base & sub base even under heavy sustained rainfall. To ensure
this, side & cross drains are necessary besides proper camber & gradient.
Regarding the drainage of the haul roads following points are worth
(a) On benches the cross slope should drain inwards with
drain excavated along with the toe of slope above. In cuttings the drain
should be excavated on both sides of the haul roads.
(b) On field materials the drain should be provided on each
side of the embankment accommodating the haul road.
(c) The space between the road edge & the drain should be
graded towards the drain without any obstruction in between.
(d) The side slops of the drain should be 4:1(4 horizontal: 1
vertical) where possible with 2:1 (2 horizontal: 1 vertical) as a minimum.
(e) The drain cross section should be designed to handle the
predicted run-offs with due consideration of the material in which the drain is
excavated. For drains in weak erodable materials the flow rate should be low.
The flow rate may be controlled by appropriate gradient of grains.
The recommended gradients are as under:
Weak materials - 3%
Strong clats - 4 to 5 %
Crushed rock - > 5 %
(d) Lengths of downgrade haul road should not be too long;
this should be intercepted by lengths of flatgrade. At these places the drains
should be diverted to the natural drainage system or pit sump.
(e) Drains should be diverted by culverts at regular
intervals to the natural drainage system or a pit sump to reduce the flow in
the haul road drains.
(f) To minimize the erosion that my result from high flow
velocities of rain water, lining materials should be incorporated as the grade
increases. Liners may not be required for grade up to 3% excepting extremely
erodable materials such as sands, silts or highly weathered shales. At 3% to
5% grade the drain slopes may be protected by cross lining or turfing.At grade
over 5% the lining should consists of dumped rocks placed evenly on both
sides to a height not less than 150mm above the anticipated highest water
Side drain should be located beyond the shoulders so that water flowing
through the drain does not enter the drain structure. Thesedrains are also
useful in intercepting water flowing from the adjacent lands toward the road.
These drains are constructed with parabolic, trapezoidal, triangular
'V' shaped cross section. The parabolic section is hydraulically best & the most
erosion resistant .The trapezoidal section is easier to constructs& makes &
adequate & stable drain at most locations. The triangular shaped drain is
easily blocked with debris& is susceptible to erosion. As such the trapezoidal
shape is most widely used.
The side slopes of the drain should generally be flat (4 horizontal
to1 vertical to2 horizontal to 1 vertical depending on soil characteristics) &
their intersections smoothly rounded. The bottom of the drain may be 0.3m to
1.0 m wide depending on the hydraulic design parameters like quantity of
water flow ,gradient &length of the drain .In general the drain gradient follows
the road gradient .The drain bottom is kept 0.3m to 1.0m below the shoulder
level to keep the road dry & stable.
As a rule, drains satisfying these criteriashall have adequate
capacity. Furtherjudgment of their capacity can be made simply by observing
drains during &after intense rains. If necessary, the drain sections may be
increased based on the observations, otherwise hydraulic design will be based
on hydrological studies. The capacity of a drain can be increased as & where
found necessary. Uniform increased of the drain section through the entire
length is often not necessary.
A systematic cross drainage system is provided to collect water from the side
drains & discharge the same to the waterways. The cross drainage entails
designing of culverts located at natural stream crossing, low ground on haul
road alignment & crossing of road drain. The culverts are designed for the
anticipated moving loads with suitable allowance for impact due to
acceleration &braking .The requirement for RCC slab culverts for different
spans are furnished in Table 16 based on the following parameters.
(a) 170 Te rear discharge dumpers are the heaviest vehicles to pass
over theculvert after at least one year from the date of completion of
(b) The design strength of concrete is 20% more than its 28 days
(c) Concrete is of M20 grade.
(d) CTD bars conforming to IS 1786 are used as reinforcement.
(e) Live load impact factor is 20%.
(f) Density of wearing course is 2.2te/cu.m.
(g) The contact length of dumper wheel is 1.28m & the clear
distance between the wheels is 2.24m.
(h) The rear two heels along with the gap are considered to transmit one
indivisible load of 80 to having contact width of 2.18m.
(i) The load distribution is as per IRC specification. Load dispersion
through the wearing course is not considered.
(j) The culvert width is either 35m or 38m with no longitudinal joint
within this width.
1. www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/pubs
Search for ‘IC8758.pdf1977 USBM haul road design guidelines
2. www.smenet.org
3. www.circle.ubc.ca/bitstream/id/90332/Haul_Road_Design_Guidelines
4. www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/pubs/hrdcf
Search for ' Dust Control'