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PCB Module Manual

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PCB Module

User’s manual

1. PCB Module in general ...............................................................................................................................4

2. Project database.........................................................................................................................................6
3. Application interaction and screen elements of “Artwork layout view” ...................................................8
3.1 Commands and interaction .................................................................................................................11
Immediate, modal and setup commands ................................................................................................11
Interaction with graphical elements ........................................................................................................11
Control of Graphic Screen and cursor movement....................................................................................13
Pop-up dialogs ..........................................................................................................................................14
3.2 Application Menu ................................................................................................................................15
3.3 Project Explorer and layer visibility control ........................................................................................16
3.4 Toolbars ...............................................................................................................................................19
Display control toolbar .............................................................................................................................19
Grid and snap toolbar...............................................................................................................................19
3.5 Command Tabs ....................................................................................................................................21
Home tab ..................................................................................................................................................22
Modify tab ................................................................................................................................................29
Create tab .................................................................................................................................................33
Setup tab ..................................................................................................................................................34
View tab....................................................................................................................................................36
Machining tab...........................................................................................................................................37
Add-Ins tab ...............................................................................................................................................37
Help tab ....................................................................................................................................................37
4. Imports .....................................................................................................................................................39
4.1 File and data formats for importing artworks, board outline and cutouts .........................................39
Formatting parameters for Gerber files ...................................................................................................40
Mixed polarity artworks ...........................................................................................................................40
4.2 File and data formats for importing drilling data ................................................................................41
Formatting parameters for Excellon files .................................................................................................41
4.3 Import Parameters pop-up dialog .......................................................................................................42
4.4 Importing artworks from Gerber files .................................................................................................43
Importing artworks from files in Extended RS-274X format ....................................................................44
Importing artworks from files in Standard RS-274D format ....................................................................45
4.5 Importing board outline and cutouts from Gerber files .....................................................................48

4.6 Usage of filters with import of artworks and outlines ........................................................................48
4.7 Importing drilling data from Excellon Format files .............................................................................50
Importing drilling data from Excellon Format Two files ...........................................................................50
Importing drilling data from Excellon Format One files ...........................................................................51
4.8 Importing drilling data from Gerber files ............................................................................................52
4.9 Plated and non-plated holes ...............................................................................................................53
5. Preparations for generating tool paths ....................................................................................................54
5.1 Tool Database and tool categories......................................................................................................54
5.2 Aligning layers .....................................................................................................................................55
5.3 Basic editing of PCB outline and cutouts.............................................................................................55
Assigning cutting mode ............................................................................................................................55
Inserting ‘break-out’ tabs .........................................................................................................................56
5.4 Design Rules Check (DRC)....................................................................................................................56
5.5 Setting up contouring and fabrication parameters.............................................................................58
Fabrication parameters ............................................................................................................................59
5.6 Introducing copper removal areas ......................................................................................................60
5.7 Optimizing tool paths ..........................................................................................................................63
6. Contouring ................................................................................................................................................63
6.1 Contouring Modes...............................................................................................................................63
6.2 Extra contours around pads ................................................................................................................64
6.3 Extra contours around tracks ..............................................................................................................64
6.4 Special considerations for copper pour polygons ...............................................................................64
6.5 Automatic reconstructions of copper pour polygons from stroke fill lines ........................................65
7. Editing .......................................................................................................................................................65
7.1 Usage of snap grid and snap points with editing ................................................................................65
7.2 Editing artwork images........................................................................................................................66
Correcting clearances ...............................................................................................................................67
7.3 Editing board outline and cutouts.......................................................................................................67
Re-creating missing board outlines and cutouts ......................................................................................68
Transferring outlines from artwork layer to Board Outline/Cutouts layer ..............................................69
7.4 Editing drilling data .............................................................................................................................69
7.5 Editing contours ..................................................................................................................................70
8. Fabrication output ....................................................................................................................................72
8.1 Outputting data ...................................................................................................................................72
8.2 Multilayer board..................................................................................................................................72

9. Machining environment ...........................................................................................................................73
9.1 Tool explorer .......................................................................................................................................74
9.2 Machining tab......................................................................................................................................77
Sub panel “Machining” .............................................................................................................................77
Sub panel “Board” ....................................................................................................................................77
Sub panel “Milling selection” ...................................................................................................................82
Sub panel “Move To” ...............................................................................................................................85
Sub panel “Material” ................................................................................................................................86
Sub panel “Configuration”........................................................................................................................86
Sub panel “Visibility” ................................................................................................................................87
9.3 Add-Ins tab ..........................................................................................................................................88
10. Handheld control.................................................................................................................................88

1. PCB Module in general
The purpose of this software is preparation and fabrication of printed circuit boards (PCB) on Colinbus
milling machines. Using data generated by the PCB Module, the machine is able to perform following tasks:

 Mill along the contours of tracks, pads (footprints) and other conductive elements on a PCB layer in
order to insulate connections from surrounding copper on the copper clad sheet of laminate.

 Optionally remove copper in those areas on the PCB where there are no connections

 Drill holes.

 Cut out the exact external outline of a PCB from the laminate as well as internal cutouts.

Source data for calculation and generation of tool paths are images of PCB layer artworks and drilling data
imported from files created by various software packages for PCB layout design (CAD EDA software).

Most PCB CAD software packages export PCB layer images in so-called Gerber format that was primarily
intended for rendering artworks on photo-plotters. However this became the industry standard and is still
used today. These images in their raw form are not suitable for passing directly to milling machines. They
require processing through a complex contouring algorithm in order to calculate correct tool paths. By the
term “tool paths”, we assume; lines that are visually and mechanically insulate the elements of the board
from the rest of the copper surface on a copper clad laminate once the machining has been done.

Drilling data is exported from PCB CAD packages in the format known as Excellon Program Format. In this
case, the program needs only to convert drilling information to format acceptable by milling machine.

The procedure for PCB fabrication consists of following steps:

 Import of artworks images (Gerber files), separately for each PCB layer
 Import of PCB outlines (Gerber files)
 Import of drilling data (Excellon files); There is also a provision to reconstruct drilling data from
selectively imported artwork elements in Gerber files

 Optional editing of imported data - it is usually necessary to edit only PCB outline and / or internal
cutouts. Other important editing step at this stage may be aligning imported layers to the common
 Setting up fabrication and contouring parameters (contouring strategies, tool sizes, required DRC
checks etc.)
 Defining areas where copper removal should take place (optional)
 Calculation of tool paths (contouring)
 Defining position of processed board on machine table
 Starting milling and drilling operations

The software provides also a set of advanced features that allow editing imported artwork images, drill
templates and – as already mentioned board outline and cutouts. Tool paths - the contours generated by
the program – may also be edited in cases where manual change (and eventual corrections) of
automatically obtained results is required.

Editing commands enable the user to remove, relocate or transform graphical elements in artwork images,
outlines and tool paths. Drilled holes may be removed and relocated. There are also functions for changing

geometrical properties of elements - lengths, sizes, diameters and shapes. Commands for defining shapes
and sizes of copper removal areas are also incorporated into editing commands set.

Apart from operating on imported elements, the user may manually add elements to artwork images and
create new holes. Quite often, it is necessary to create board outlines and cutouts without importing.
Commands for this task are also provided.

Graphical User Interface (GUI) of PCB module user interface provides a logical, readily accessible and
customizable command grouping. Most of the commands are organized in tabs at the top of the
workspace. For example, all the most frequent functions in the program are available in the “Home” tab,
and all machine related commands are available in the “Machining” tab. Commands are further organized
by logical sub panel groupings on each tab. Most of the commands are available as direct click commands,
while others live on dropdown menus.

The commands formerly located in the file menu are now located under the new application menu button.
Click the application button to see this menu. The application menu contains file specific commands such as
Open, Save and Board commands. This menu also provides access to recently open documents. For any
command for which you want frequent and instant access, just right click a command and add it to the
Quick Access Toolbar.

The complete PCB module database may be stored in a single disk file called project. User can create as
many projects as he wishes, save them and re-load them again. A project consists of at least one board. The
term Board represents an entity consisting of multiple layers that form a PCB. For example, a project with
double layer PCB consists of imported artworks for bottom and top layers, their calculated contours as well
as well as drill and board outline layers. Project Database contains also milling representation of the layers.

One Project Database may include one or more Boards, which can be processed and milled simultaneously.
The only practical limitation regarding number of boards fabricated at the same time is the size of the
machine table or the size of available material. Any Board can be exported to a disk file as a stand-alone
database and imported for inclusion to other projects.

PCB Module GUI provides means for navigation through entities of the Project Database in form of Project
Explorer panel. Project Explorer provides quick access to any Board in the database and its layers at
preparation stage of processing. Access to milling sequence in actual fabrication stage is arranged in similar
manner, by using the Tool Explorer.

Operation like loading projects, importing boards and layers, may be initiated by commands or simply by
dragging files from Windows Explorer and dropping them over PCB Module workspace.

2. Project database
Project Database consists of imported artwork images, drilling data and board outlines. Results of
contouring are also part of the database. Before any machining may commence the contours, board
outlines and drills are converted to actual tool paths that define trajectory of tool movements in the
process of milling.

Contents of the database – artworks, contours or tool paths - are graphically presented on the computer
screen within program’s workspace. This display – depending on current stage of processing or machining –
may also present elements of the machine environment like simplified image of table, material, and
location of mounting pins. Display is also used to illustrate progress of milling and to mark areas of the
material that has been already machined.
The database base is logically divided into separate entities called Boards, which are farther divided into
entities called Layers. A Board contains all data needed to fabricate one single-, double- or multilayer PCB.

Initially, the program creates empty database consisting of one Board with following layers:

Artwork Top Layer – intended for storing elements imported as artwork image of PCB top layer

Artwork Bottom Layer – intended for storing elements imported as artwork image of PCB bottom layer

Board Outline/Cutouts – intended for storing elements imported as PCB external outline and internal

Drill (Plated holes) – intended for storing drilled holes

Each of “artwork” layers has attached corresponding “contours” layer where results of contour calculation
for this layer are stored.

Depending on needs, six extra artwork layers (Artwork Inner Layer (A) to Artwork Inner Layer (F) together
with corresponding contours layers can be added to each Board in the Project Database. Since drilling of
non-plated holes is usually conducted as separate machining operation, these holes may be imported to
optional layer named Drill (Non-plated holes)

Images for each layer are composed of simple graphical elements, which are individually accessible for
editing. Depending on layer type, certain elements are allowed and certain are not. For example, element
“HOLE” is not allowed on artwork layers and Board Outline/cutouts layer.

Tool paths images are composed of lines only. They are presented superimposed over image of machining
environment. After generated they are clumped into hierarchical entities that allow access and execution
by board, tool category and layer.

Graphical elements of each Board layer or those composing tool paths are displayed with different default
colors. User has an option to assign any color to each of these layers. Other options allow selecting the
sequence of layer display order and the visibility.

Recognized graphical elements in Board layers are listed in the table below:

Element Properties Remarks

Style start line Contoured unless ‘Mill as line’
LINE end (X,Y)
"Solid" (X,Y) width property is assigned
Only on artwork layers. Contoured
Style height line
RECTANGLE A(X,Y) length (a) rotation unless ‘Mill as line’ property is
"Solid" (b) width
Style height
RECTANGLE A(X,Y) length (a) rotation Only on artwork layers
"Filled" (b)
Only on artwork layers. Contoured
Style Centre line
CIRCLE radius unless ‘Mill as line’ property is
"Solid" (X,Y) width
Style Centre
CIRCLE radius Only on artwork layers
"Filled" (X,Y)
Style Centre start line Contoured unless ‘Mill as line’
ARC radius arc angle
"Solid" (X,Y) angle width property is assigned
Only on Board Outline/Cutouts and
Style line
POLYGON contours layers. Closed shape
"Outline" width
consisting of lines and arcs
Only on artwork layers. Closed
POLYGON shape consisting of lines and arcs,
usually defining copper pour areas
Style line Only on contours layers. Open shape
"Solid" width consisting of lines and arcs
Only on artwork layers, marks
position of Gerber D03* command.
Small Position
PAD POSITION Useful in recognizing which
square (X,Y)
imported graphic elements
constitute pads (foot prints)
HOLE diameter
Vector position letter X letter Y line Not imported - can be added. Fixed
TEXT rotation
Font (X,Y) size size width ‘Mill as line text’ property assigned
True Type position Letter Not imported - can be added. Fixed
TEXT rotation
Font (X,Y) size ‘Mill as line text’ property assigned

Project Database can be saved to a disk file at any stage of work. These files have extension .PCBPROJ. This
feature allows working with the same PCB project in several sessions.

Individual Boards may be at any stage of work exported to a disk file with extension .CBJ. Boards saved in
this format may be also imported and added to Project Database. This feature has been provided for two
reasons. Import allows creating of new project with various sets of already processed (contoured) boards
and ensures upward compatibility with projects created in older version of Colinbus software for PCB
fabrication – ColiLiner & ProtoLiner package. Downward compatibility with ColiLiner projects is not

Also at any stage, the current contents of the Graphic Screen may be copied as color bitmap for pasting
into other documents.

3. Application interaction and screen elements of “Artwork layout view”

Picture below shows the workspace of the program. The workspace may be roughly divided into following

The operation of the program is controlled by selecting command from Tabs or in Quick Access Toolbar.
Certain commands are grouped in Application Menu. Project Explorer panel presents structure of the
Project Database and enables navigation through its entities.

Above view is displayed when one of the boards is selected for editing or contouring. The buttons that
represent the most important and most frequently used commands are represented with large icons.
Observe that tabs are further divided into sub panels that group commands of similar type. Commands
applicable to Boards (apart from Home tab seen above) are grouped in following tabs and sub panels:

Commands for various setup and viewing commands are grouped in following tabs:

The scene changes upon transfer of contours and drills to machining environment. At this stage user can
decide in which part of material boards selected for milling will be machined:

The scene changes again when actual milling and drilling operations are about to commence. At this stage
Project Explorer panel is used for selection of machining order, which may be by board, by layer or by tool
category. The software switches to then mode of direct control of machine movements and visualization of
machining progress:

Certain commands pertaining to selection of entries (Boards, Layers, Tool) in Project Explorer panel are
invoked from pop menu. This menu is displayed whenever an entry is clicked with right mouse button.

3.1 Commands and interaction
Immediate, modal and setup commands

Depending on behavior, the commands may be divided into three general kinds; immediate, modal and

Immediate commands invoke required program action directly upon selection. Example of such command
is New Project, which causes deleting of current database and creating a new, empty one.

Several of editing commands are modal. Such a command is activated upon selection but nothing
immediate happens. The program waits for further user’s action, which usually is selection of one or more
objects visible on the Graphic Screen. Example of such function is Align Layers. When command for this
function is activated, the program expects that user selects first a location in one layer and subsequently a
location in other layer with which the firstly selected location should be aligned. As long as modal
command remains active, the operation may be repeated. Modal command remains active until other
modal command in the same tab is selected or the tab is changed.

In all modal functions, the sequence of user’s actions is the same. The actual execution begins when the
object for interaction is selected by single left mouse button click when cursor points to the object.
Progress of execution is in various forms directly visible on the Graphic Screen - presented image differs
depending of function’s nature. For example, for function Move object it would be highlighted graphic
element glued to the cursor and following its movements.

Left mouse button should not be kept pressed while executing a modal function (for example, dragging or
relocating). All modal commands are activated by clicking and finish the execution on the following click.

Operation is completed by clicking left mouse button when cursor reaches desired new location for
relocated elements. Execution of modal commands can be at any time cancelled by pressing Esc key or
clicking Esc button located on the bottom left corner of the screen.

Setup commands are usually drop-down lists or text boxes, where user may either select one of possible
settings or directly enter setting’s value. Typical example is Line widths, a drop-down list, from where the
current line width for graphic elements added to artworks or contours may be selected or entered. Settings
that are visible in setup command containers remain valid until changed.

Interaction with graphical elements

Editing commands operate on single graphic elements or blocks of graphic elements. In case of machining
environment, editing commands may be applied to whole boards. There are some exceptions to this rule –
few commands call for selection of single tool path or block of tool paths. Most of editing functions are
modal. They are set active by clicking on the command’s button in the one of Command Tab sub panels.
Afterwards the program awaits further user’s action, which usually is selection of graphical elements.

Selection of single graphical elements

Single graphical element is selected by pointing with crosshair cursor and clicking left mouse button.
Optionally, elements may be highlighted when cursor hovers on their selection points. Following rules
apply to pointing different elements for selection (see picture below):

Lines can be selected by clicking at the center of the line. End of line that is closest to the cursor will be
taken as the handle for relocation or stretching.

Rectangles can be selected by clicking at the centerline of the side (not filled rectangle) or at the edge (filled
rectangle). Corner that is closest to the cursor will be taken as the handle for relocation or stretching.

Circles can be selected by clicking at the centerline of the perimeter (not filled circle) or at the edge (filled
circles). Centre of the circle is taken as handle for relocation. Circle is stretched by changing its radius
calculated as distance between its center and current cursor position.

Arcs can be selected by clicking at the centerline of the perimeter of an arc. End of arc that is closest to the
cursor will be taken as the handle for relocation or stretching.


Polygons and polylines can be selected by clicking at the on the edge (filled polygons) or at the centerline of
the segment. Vertex closest to the cursor will be taken as the handle for relocation or stretching.

Block selection of graphic elements

Block is selected by dragging bounding rectangle that completely encloses all elements that should be
included in the selection. Elements that are only partially covered by bounding rectangle shall not be
included in the block. Blocking consists of following steps:

 Placing cursor at location where bounding rectangle should start and clicking left mouse button. There
must not be any elements placed in this location.
 Rectangle may be now dragged diagonally until it covers the entire block.
 Clicking left mouse button again confirms block selection.

See picture below. The filled right hand rectangle is not completely covered by the bounding rectangle and
shall not be included in block selection:

All the bounding rectangles that define other functions such as:
 Screen area that should be copied to clipboard as a bitmap (Copy block to clipboard in Application Menu)
 Block Zoom area
 Rectangular Copper Removal Area

are dragged in the same manner as bounding rectangles for block selection.

Control of Graphic Screen and cursor movement

Numerous controls are provided for adjusting display on the Graphic Screen. Some of controls are grouped
as commands in the Display Control toolbar (Zoom In, Zoom Out, Block Zoom and Redraw Mode) and Grid
& Snap toolbar (Precision). See relevant chapters below. Same functions may be executed by pressing
following key combinations on the keyboard:

Keyboard shortcut Description

+ or Shift + U Zoom in

+ or shift + D Zoom out

Shift + V Refresh screen with current precision and coordinates

Shift + B Block zoom

Home Redraws graphics with such precision and coordinates that the entire project is visible
Centers display at coordinates of lower left corner of the imaginary rectangle that
Ctrl + Home
frames all graphical elements in the project.
Panning – centers display at coordinates of current cursor position. Same function may
Shift + Space
be invoked by pressing middle mouse button.

Mouse wheel operation

 Turning mouse wheel forward is equivalent to Zoom Out. Turning backward is equivalent to Zoom
 Pressing the mouse wheel initiates panning of the Graphic Screen

Movement of the crosshair cursor over the Graphic Screen is normally controlled by the mouse. In cases
when greater precision of cursor relocation is required, keyboard “arrow” keys (← ↑ → ↓) may be used.
When any of these keys is pressed, the cursor will be relocated in corresponding direction by single step
specified in Precision box in the Grid & Snap toolbar.

Pressing key combination Shift + Enter while cursor hovers over the Graphic Screen is equivalent to clicking
left mouse button.

Pop-up dialogs

Parameters for imports, contouring and machining parameters, layer and graphic properties are set
through various pop-up dialogs. These dialogs have usually the form as presented below:

Parameters are listed in tabular form. Cells in the left hand column contain names of parameters. Current
settings and values are displayed in the right hand column.

Cells displayed with light grey background present parameters or other additional information that cannot
be altered. Grey background indicates rows that separate various categories of parameters.

Settings and values displayed with white background in right hand column cells may be altered. Clicking on
these cells allows changing the current setting of the parameter. How actually the setting is changed
depends on the type of cell which is immediately shown when the cell is clicked.

Type Settings and values

Opens text box where value of parameter may be entered from the
Text Box cell

Drop-Down List cell Opens drop list where one of possible settings may be selected.

Parameter values may be either entered from the keyboard or selected
Combined Text Box / Drop-Down List cell
from the drop-down list.
Clicking on this cell either checks or un-checks the box which is equivalent
Check Box cell
to setting corresponding parameter ON and OFF.
These cells are displayed as button, which for example may be clicked to
Button Cell
open another pop-up dialog.

Most of the pop-up dialogs are resizable and the program remembers their sizes and positions after closing.
Tables are scrollable up and down with the help of scroll bars and/or mouse wheel.

3.2 Application Menu

Most of the functions accessible from Application Menu are duplicated as commands in Home tab. See
explanation of these commands below. Exceptions are seldom used commands Board Export, Copy screen
to clipboard and Copy block to clipboard. Application menu contains also list of recently opened files
allowing instant return to latest operation on files – loading projects, importing boards or importing
artworks and drills:

Board Export
This command saves stand-alone database of the Board currently selected in Project Explorer to disk file
with extension .CBJ. Boards saved in this format may be subsequently imported to other projects.

Copy screen to clipboard

This command copies bitmap of entire Graphic Screen to clipboard for pasting to other documents.

Copy block to clipboard

This command copies bitmap of a portion of the Graphic Screen defined by bounding rectangle.

This command gives access to “About window” and this user manual.

This command closes the program.

3.3 Project Explorer and layer visibility control

Project Explorer displays structure of the project and is used for navigation between entities. The actual
view presented in this panel depends on current stage of work with the project. The first stage is
preparation of source data for machining that includes import of artworks and drills, optional editing of
source data and finally contouring. Next stage is actual machining. Switching between views in Project
Explorer corresponds with switching views on the Graphic Screen. This switching is accomplished by
selecting tabs in Command Tabs panel.

Selecting either Home, Modify or Create tab sets the system in preparation mode. Machining tab switches
views for displaying boards that has been currently transferred to machining environment. In order to
increase Graphic Screen size, display of Project Explorer panel may be temporarily switched off by clicking
on the collapse/expand button:

In preparation stage, Project Explorer displays hierarchical list of Boards included in the project and list of
their layers. Clicking on any Board displayed in list makes it active. Layers of selected board are displayed on
the Graphic Screen. Graphic Screen displays only entities of a Board that has been selected as active.

Clicking on any Layer in the list makes this layer (and the Board to which this layer belongs active). Upon
selection the active layer are displayed on top and its visibility cannot be switched off. Setting a layer active
means that graphics elements included in this layer are accessible for interaction. With few exceptions,
access to elements from inactive layers is locked.

Boards and layers status is signaled in the Project Explorer by fonts and text colors. See example below:

Picture shows a project consisting of two boards – Multilayer6 and Controller. Currently active layer is
Artwork Bottom Layer (bold font) of board Controller (bold font, highlighted). Layers “Artwork Top” and
“Contours Top” are empty which is marked by grayish text color. Other layer in this board contain data and
are set to visible which signaled by normal font. In inactive board, Multilayer6, all layers contain data but
visibility of inner layers A to F is currently switched off (normal font, italics). To summarize:

Appearance Applies to Meaning

Black (applies to all other cases) Layers Layer has elements in it

Gray (applies to all other cases) Layers Layer is empty (i.e. no elements)

Bold Layers, Board Layer is the active layer (or in board case the board is active)

Italic Layers Layer is not visible.

Apart from navigation between entities, Project Explorer includes commands and features for renaming
boards and for control of visibility. Boards are assigned default name upon creation. Default names
comprises of the text string “Board” plus “#number” suffix. Boards can be renamed at any time by simply
clicking left mouse button on current board name and entering new name into text box that pop up. In
other words, this procedure is the same as renaming files in Windows Explorer:

Control of visibility is done by selecting entries in the menu that pop ups upon right button click with cursor
hovering over entity listed in Project Explore. This menu is different depending whether click is made
pointing a board name or layer:

In case of a right click on the board name, available commands are:

Show All
Make all board layers visible

Hide all but active

Make all board layers invisible with exception of currently active layer.

Active layer visibility cannot be set to invisible.

In case of right click on the layer information, available commands are:

Toggle visibility of pointed layer ON or OFF. Has no effect on visibility of currently active layer, which is
always ON.

Command applies to currently active layer only; it sets visibility of all other board layers to OFF.

Isolate layer pair

Command is applicable to artwork and corresponding contour layer pair whenever one of them is currently
active, for example Artwork Top and Contour Top layers. All other board layers are made invisible.

Undo Isolate
Command resets previously set layer pair isolations.

Command erases contents of selected layer

Remove from list
Command removes selected board layer; it applies only to inner layers and Drill (non-plated holes) layer.

3.4 Toolbars

Display control toolbar

Commands in this toolbar may be accessed and executed while interaction with objects in the database is
in progress – for example while relocating graphic elements.

Zoom In and Zoom Out

Zoom In increases display precision by set factor (see Preferences menu) and Zoom Out decreases it.

Block Zoom
Adjust precision and scroll to display a portion of visible graphics defined by bounding rectangle.

Redraw mode:

Current – refresh graphic screen with current precision and coordinates.

Center – redraw graphics with current precision, centered on X = 0, Y = 0 coordinates – center of coordinate
Project – redraw graphics with such precision and coordinates that the entire project is visible. This mode is
set by default when the program starts.

Grid and snap toolbar

Commands in this toolbar can be accessed and executed concurrently with commands in Modify and
Create tabs. They are used in conjunction with editing graphic elements in all board layers. There are both
buttons and drop down lists in this toolbar. Drop down list enable to select one of default values or as text
boxes for entering custom values.


Precision means the size of one pixel on the graphic screen (minimal mouse movement) expressed in
project database units. For example, precision value of 0.100 mm means that one pixel represents a step of
0.1 mm. It also means that cursor moves with this precision and graphic element may be relocated or
stretched in steps of 0.1 millimeters. Required precision may be directly entered into the box or selected
from drop-down list that pops up when this command is clicked.

Dot raster

Combined command for selecting type of visible raster, setting it ON and OFF and for setting raster interval.
Value of required raster interval maybe directly entered in the box or select from drop-down menu.

Snap grid and Angular snap

Combined command for setting orthogonal snap function ON and OFF and for defining snap step value.
Value of required snap step maybe directly entered in the box or selected from drop-down menu. When an
element is relocated or stretched, current cursor coordinates are rounded to closest multiplication of snap
value. Same principle applies when dragging bounding rectangles. Angular snap takes effect when rotating
elements or block of elements.

Line widths

This command enables setting of current line width for lines, rectangles (no filled), circles (not filled) and
arcs. Line width value may be directly entered into the box or selected from drop-down menu.

Snap points

These commands allow setting up to three (P1, P2 and P3) points on the Graphic Screen. Positions of snap
points are marked with triangles, respectively in three different rotations. Options specify in which location

the points should be placed. How these points are utilized depends on other editing function. For example,
relocated graphic elements snap to P1 position if this point is set. Snap points may be also used to specify
predefined exact positions and sizes of created elements. For example, when P1 and P2 are set then line
will be created starting at P1 and ending at P2. See detailed explanation in chapter Editing functions.

Create point at current click position

Snap point to grid
Point will be placed at grid position nearest to current cursor position

Set on hole/pad position

Point will be placed at position of selected hole (drill layers) or at pad position marker (artwork layers)

Set at element center

Point will be set at the center of selected graphical element

Set at element boundary

Point will be set at the boundary of selected graphical element (end or start of a line or arc, corner of a
rectangle, perimeter of a circle)

Set on board corner

Point will be placed at the corner of imaginary rectangle framing all layers that is closest to current cursor

Delete all contact points

Deletes all contact points.

3.5 Command Tabs

Most of buttons invoking program commands are found in Command Tabs panel. Arrangement of
commands in tabs reflects usual workflow when processing and machining boards. Main tab is Home and it
contains commands invoking basic tasks like loading projects, contouring and sending processed board to
machining environment.

Within tabs, the commands are farther grouped in sub panels according to usage. For example - sub panel
titled Relocate in tab Modify group commands allowing in various way to change location of graphic
elements in currently active layer. The sequence of tabs has also meaning. It is likely that after importing all
board layers (a process invoked by command in Home tab) there may be a need to modify imported
graphics by removing some redundant elements. That is why all commands for deleting has been grouped
in sub panel Delete of tab Modify and this tab is next in sequence after Home.

Depending on type of currently active layer, some commands may be disabled or enabled. For example,
commands grouped in sub panel Outline of tab Modify are enabled only if currently active layer is Board
Outline/Cut-outs since they are not applicable to operate of graphics element in other layers. Commands in
sub panel Polygon are disabled when working with any of drill layers because in this case polygons are not
valid elements.

Home tab

Sub panel Project

New Project
Clears all Boards (layers contours and tool paths) and creates empty Project Database.

Open Project
Loads previously saved Project Database from selected disk file (file extension .PCBPROJ)

Save Project
Saves current Project Database to a disk file (file extension .PCBPROJ)

Save Project As... (in Application Menu)

Saves current Project Database to disk file under a new name (file extension .PCBPROJ)

Sub panel Layers

Import layer
Opens file selection dialog where import file (Gerber or Excellon format) may be selected. After selection,
Import Parameters dialog pop-ups from where actual import is initiated. More details in chapter Imports.

Orders generation of milling contours for all artwork layers of currently active board.
Contour with spike removal and Remove all copper
Forced contouring strategies that override all strategy settings defined elsewhere. More details in chapter

Fabrication output
Moves currently active board to machine environment for further processing and machining. Results of this
operation are visible upon selection of tab Machining

Sub panel Visibility

Opens a dialog that allows selection of visible layers as well as top to bottom sequence in which selected
layers are displayed:

Checked layers are set as visible (Project Explorer is updated accordingly). Up and Down Arrow buttons
allow moving highlighted layer one-step up or down in display sequence order. Visibility of the layer that is
currently selected for editing cannot be switched off. Its place in display sequence order may be changed.

Toggles display of graphic elements on artwork layers between true size and centerline formats:

Same as above but for contours (calculated tool paths):

Contours displayed in true size (line width equal to the diameter of corresponding milling tool) and in
centerline formats (contour lines show exact trajectory of the tip of the milling tool).

Pad Position and Pad Frames
These two settings in combination with True size (Artworks) control display of pad positions on artwork
layers and holes on Drill Template:

Left: Hole and pad position with True Size, Pad Position and Pad Frames ON
Middle: with True Size, Pad Position ON and Pad Frames OFF
Right: with True Size OFF, Pad Position and Pad Frames ON

Switches the ruler ON and OFF

Sub panel Current layer modification

Design Rules Check – tool clearances

Invokes routine that checks whether insulation may be ensure with currently selected contouring tools.
More details in chapter Preparation for generating tool paths.

Contour active layer

This command that starts contouring currently edited artwork layer. Should not be confused with Contour
all layers task tool. The purpose of this tool is to allow contouring of a single layer with individually assigned

Mirror around X-axis and Mirror around Y-axis

Symmetrically rotates all elements in currently edited layer around respectively X and Y-axis. Assumed
symmetry axis is in the center of imaginary rectangle framing all elements in the layer.

Sub panel Align to

This sub panel groups commands that align currently edited layer with other layer. This operation requires
selection of alignment points (one on each layer) that after alignment should have the same coordinates.
Commands specify mode for selection of place in other layer that will be taken as the second alignment

Align to pad (position or hole)
Second alignment point at selected hole (Drill layers) or at pad position marker (artwork layers).

Align to snap grid

Second alignment point at snap grid coordinates nearest to current cursor position.

Align to end-point of graphic element

Second alignment point at selected at the boundary of selected graphic element (end or start of a line or
arc, corner of a rectangle, perimeter of a circle).

Align to center point of graphic element

Second alignment point at the center of selected graphic element

Alignment procedure is following:

 Select suitable command.

 Select element in currently editing layer. Position of this element is taken as first alignment point.
Alignment vector is visible on the graphic screen and follows movement of the cursor.
 Select alignment point in other layer by clicking on element on this layer. Coordinate of this element
(pad, center or end-point, depending on command) is taken as second alignment point
 In result of this function, all elements in aligned layer will be relocated by vector ‘first alignment point -
> second alignment point’. See picture below presenting alignment of Drill Template layer with artwork
layer using pad position on artwork layer as the second alignment point:

Sub panel Boards

This sub panel groups commands that are applied to whole Boards.

This command adds empty new Board with default layers to the project. If project consists of only one
board that is empty, this operation has no effect.

Imports stand-alone board database from file in .CBJ format. If currently active board is empty, then
imported board will be loaded in this place. Otherwise, imported board is added to the project.

Removes currently active board from the project.

Create Outline
This immediate command may be used in cases when there is source data with board outline to import.
Upon selection, rectangular board outline polygon is created in Board Outline/Cut-outs layer. Size of this
rectangle is calculated from frame of all elements in all layers in currently active board, increased by margin
equal to double of larger line size found artwork layers.

Clean up
Imported artworks include in many case redundant graphics like texts, tables and logos, which are located
outside of the board outline and should not be milled. Although delete commands allow for removing such
elements, such removal may be laborious, especially when it has to be done on several layers. This modal
command, available only when Board Outline/Cut-outs layer is active, enables to execute such clean up in
one operation. To execute, select this command and subsequently click on board outline polygon. All
graphic elements in all board layers that are wholly located outside rectangular frame of this polygon will
be removed.

Sub panel Properties

This command opens following setup dialog:

Unit of measure - Opens sub-menu for selecting current unit of measure:

Inches - coordinates and sizes are expressed in inches. All values pertaining to dimensions or
coordinates that are entered by the user are interpreted as in inches.
Millimeters - coordinates and sizes are expressed in metric units. All values pertaining to
dimension or coordinates that are entered by the user are interpreted as in millimeters.

Zoom In/Out Factor
Allows adjusting factor by which scale of display is increased/decreases for each Zoom In and
Zoom Out operation.

Ruler type
The program displays the ruler (Y coordinates on the left side of the graphic screen, X at the
bottom). Visibility of the ruler may be switched ON and OFF – see sub panel Visibility. User
may control the size of ruler intervals by selecting one of available options:

Auto - intervals are automatically adjusted to current display precision.

Fixed -1 mm or 1/16” intervals depending on currently selected unit of measure.
Grid - intervals are equivalent to currently selected raster intervals.
Custom - user defined intervals

Coordinates display mode

Cursor location is calculated as X/Y displacement or distance from one of following positions:

Centre - the center of coordinate system X=0, Y =0

Board Datum - lower left corner of an imaginary rectangle that frames all imported

Reference Point – user defined reference point. Pressing keys Shift P sets/resets reference
point at current cursor position. Combination Shift G snaps reference point to grid
coordinates closest to cursor position.

Display copper remove areas as filled polygons

Switches mode of displaying polygons that define copper remove area from single yellow
lines to filled yellow polygons. Filled polygons are displayed as background to other elements
of currently edited or visible layer.

Skip relocate with create

Interaction with newly created is done in to stages. First, a prototype element is created and
may be placed in desired location. In second stage, after anchoring at desired location with a
click, the element may be stretched to proper size by dragging its end. Setting this option ON
results in skipping of first phase. Element is immediately dragged from first click.

Dynamic elements highlight

Graphic elements in currently active layer are by default highlighted when cursor hovers
over them informing that it may be selected for interaction. This feature may be switched
ON or OFF.

Measure distance
This command switches ON the function for measuring distance from selected graphical element. This
function is especially useful for measuring gaps between edges of elements.

Select this tool or key combination Shift M
 Click with left mouse button on graphic element to select
 Message box displays distance between cursor position and the edge of selected element:

Measure function is cancelled by pressing Esc key or clicking Esc button

Layer properties
This commands results in displaying pop up dialog with active layer contents:


Element property
Modal command that opens pop-up (as below) allowing examining and changing properties of selected
graphic element or elements.

Highlight path
Highlights graphic elements that constitute uninterrupted path starting from selected element. See picture

Modify tab

Sub panel Delete

Deletes selected element or block of elements. Before element or block is deleted, the user is asked for

Clear currently edited layer.

Deletes all elements that form uninterrupted path starting from selected element.

Deletes selected segment of a polyline. Original polyline is divided into two separate polylines.

Sub panel Relocate

Move object
Relocates selected element or block of elements.

Each time this command executed selected element or block is rotated by 90 degrees

Free rotate
Allows rotating element or block by step specified in Angular Snap box.

Elements in block will be scaled by entered scale factor.

Mirror Y
Elements in block will be symmetrically rotated around vertical axis in the center of bounding rectangle.

Mirror X
Elements in block will be symmetrically rotated around horizontal axis in the center of bounding rectangle.

Sub panel Stretch

Stretch object
Transforms graphic element by dragging selected end. In case of circles changes the radius. In case of arc
calculates radius and arc angle from cursor position. Start- and endpoint of arc remain anchored.

Arc radius
Transforms arcs by changing radius

Arc by endpoint
Transforms arc by dragging selected endpoint

Applies to polygons and polylines. Allows dragging selected segment in any direction

Applies to polygons and polylines. Locks dragging of selected segment in horizontal direction only

Applies to polygons and polylines. Locks dragging of selected segment in vertical direction only.

Sub panel Repeat & Copy

Duplicates selected element or block of elements. Duplicated elements may be subsequently relocated to
desired location.

Step and repeat

Repeat element specified number of steps and X, Y displacement.

Repeat and rotate

Repeat and rotate element specified number of angular steps. Coordinates of contact point P1 define
rotation center.

Sub panel Items

Mill as line
Clicking on an element when this command is set toggles its property from ‘contoured’ to ‘milled as line’.
Status ‘milled as line’ is signaled by this element being displayed in with dashed line. ‘Milled as line’
elements will not be contoured but milled with tool assigned for Normal line milling.

Mill as line text

Clicking on an element when this option is set toggles its property from ‘contoured’ to ‘milled as line text”.
Status “milled as line text” is signaled by this element being displayed in with dotted line. “Milled as line
text” elements will not be contoured but milled with tool assigned for Normal line milling.

Sub panel Copper

Immediate command that sets ‘Remove all copper’ mode for currently edited layer. During contouring, the
program will calculate tool paths for removing copper from all spaces on the layer that there is no copper
defined in the artwork image.

Allows dragging bounding rectangle that defines an area on the layer where copper removal should take
place. During contouring, the program will calculate tool paths for removing copper from all spaces within
the rectangle that there is no copper defined in the artwork image.

Allows dragging bounding polygon that defines an area on the layer where copper removal should take
place. During contouring, the program will calculate tool paths for removing copper from all spaces within
the polygon that there is no copper defined in the artwork image

Allows dragging bounding circle that defines an area on the layer where copper removal should take place.
During contouring, the program will calculate tool paths for removing copper from all spaces within the
circle that there is no copper defined in the artwork image.

All types of copper removal areas (circular, rectangular or polygonal) are polygons added to a layer and displayed
with dashed line in yellow color. More than one area may be defined but they must not intersect. ‘Remove all
copper mode’ automatically substitutes all previously defined areas with a single polygon that frames the whole
board. All editing functions applicable to polygons imported or added to artworks apply also to polygons defining
copper removal areas.

Allows deleting selected copper removal area by clicking on one of the segments in bounding polygon.

Sub panel Outline

Commands in this sub panel are enabled only when Board Outline/Cut-outs layer is selected as active.

Assigns ‘Cut outside outline’ mode to selected polygon on Board Outline/Cutouts layer. The tip of cutting
tool will move on ½-diameter distance outside of the polygon.

Assigns ‘Cut inside outline’ mode to selected polygon on Board Outline/Cut-outs layer. The tip of cutting
tool will move on ½-diameter distance inside polygon.

Assigns ‘Cut on outline’ mode to selected polygon on Board Outline/Cutouts layer. The tip of cutting tool
will move exactly in line with the segments of the polygon.

Board outline and internal cutouts are defined as polygons that are directly converted to tool path calculated
according to one of above selected modes. See example below:

Transfers path of lines starting from selected line (in any layer) and converts it to polygon on Board
Outline/Cutouts layer. The path must form closed shape. More details in chapter Editing Functions.

Create tab

Sub panel Create elements

Command creates line

Command creates solid or filled rectangle depending on selection from drop down list. This command will
produce rectangular outline (for board and cutouts) if applied when Board Outline/Cutouts layer is edited.

Command creates solid or filled circle depending on selection from drop down list. This option will produce
circular outline (for board and cutouts) if applied when Board Outline/Cutouts layer is edited.

Command creates arc

Command creates polygon. Polygons on artwork layers are filled, on Board Outline/Cutouts and Contours
layers unfilled. Polygons are created by dragging from vertex to vertex. Minimal three vertexes must be
inserted for a valid polygon.

Command creates text – immediate command. Opens dialog for entering multi-line text blocks. User may
specify type of font, size of letters and pitch between lines:

Command creates polyline. Poly-lines are created by dragging from vertex to vertex. Minimal two vertexes
must be inserted for valid poly-line.

Breakout tabs
Command inserts/removes ‘Break-out’ tab inside selected segment of outline or cutouts polygons. ‘Break-
out’ tabbed segments will be skipped while cutting. Command is enabled only when editing Board
Outline/Cut-outs layer.

Command creates drilled hole in currently active drill layers; only applicable to drill layers.

Insert round miter

Command applies to polygons and polylines. Inserts arc at selected vertex between two line segments.
Miter radius may be entered in pop-up box or selected from combined drop-down list.

Remove arc
Command applies to polygons and poly-lines. Replaces selected arc miter with straight segment.

Remove miter
Command applies to polygons and poly-lines. Replaces selected arc miter with vertex at intersection of
adjoining line segments.

Sub panel Polygon

Add vertex forward

Command applies to polygons and polylines and allows inserting vertexes forwards from selected vertex.
This mode is default when polygon or polyline is created.

Add vertex backwards

Command applies to polygons and polylines and allows inserting vertexes backwards from selected vertex.

Delete vertex
Command applies to polygons and polylines. Removes selected vertex

Setup tab

Sub panel Configure

Opens pop-up dialog where for contouring strategies and fabrication parameters may be set. More details
in chapter Preparation for generating tool paths.

Opens access to tools database where milling and cutting tools may be selected and assigned to tool
categories. More details in chapter Preparation for generating tool paths.

Opens dialog for assigning colors to all objects in project database that have graphical representation.
Colors are selected from palette of 256 predefined colors. There is also possibility of assigning custom

To assign a custom color from the drop down list select the first element: Custom… This will open a dialog
for defining custom colors:

Layer extensions
CAD packages when exporting artworks in Gerber ASCII formats follow certain naming conventions for
these files. In most cases, file name extension informs from which board layer an artwork has been
exported. It may be for example .TOP for top layer and .BOT for bottom layer. Such artwork should be
imported to corresponding layer in the project. File extension facilities automatic artwork import to proper
layer without necessity of selection. Since these conventions vary between different CAD packages, file
name extensions have to be linked to layers in the project and this command open dialog provided for this.
Assigning file extensions to layers is optional.

View tab

Sub panel GUI items visibility

User interface
Allows the selection of the visible parts of the user interface:

Zoom toolbar
When selected toggles the visibility of the zoom toolbar.

Grid toolbar
Command when selected toggles the visibility of the grid toolbar.

Always show machine

Command toggles the visibility of the Machine control unit in such a way that the control is visible in the
“Artwork layout view” as well in the Machining layouts.

Special command is available in the machining tab to toggle the visibility of the Machine control unit in the
Machining layouts

Machining tab

Machining tab contains a set of commands used for manipulating boards transferred to the machining
environment, as well as a set of commands to configure the layout of machine. Since the explanation of
the commands in this tab require some understanding of the complete process this tab is explained in the
section “Fabrication output”.

Add-Ins tab

Add-ins tab is explaned at the end of the document since the information about this tab requires
understanding of the workflow with the machine.

Help tab

Sub panel Contact

Send mail command allows users to send the mail directly to the support personel with all required
information that the support personel needs to give you proper support.

Remote assistance command can be used when the support personel is asking you to give them access to
your PC. You will get more information on how to use remote assistance by the techincal support personel.

About command pop’s up the relevant information about the revision of the application

Sub panel Manuals

Software manual command opens this document

Machine manual command opens the relevant machine manual or opens the download link to the web
page where it can be downloaded if not included.

Tutorial command opens the Quick start guide that explains how to start working with the software and

4. Imports

Imports of artworks, drills and outline may be initiated by command Import Layer in Home tab or by simply
dragging the file from Windows Explorer and dropping it over the Graphics Screen.

Type of the file (Gerber, Excellon or saved Project Database) is automatically recognized upon selection.
Since there are no uniform naming conventions regarding Gerber and Excellon files, the program will open
files with any name extension. If selected or dropped file has name extension linked to one of Board layers,
this file will be automatically imported to this layer and displayed on Graphic Screen. Files with not linked
name extensions are before actual import to selected layer displayed in preview window of File Import

If Project Database (.PCBPROJ name extension) file is selected then no import takes place and the project is
loaded and displayed.

If Board stand-alone database (.CBJ name extension) file is selected then no import takes place and Board is
added to current project.

If opened file does not match one of accepted import formats, the program displays its contents in the
Notepad along with error message.

4.1 File and data formats for importing artworks, board outline and cutouts

Gerber data is a simple, generic means of transferring printed circuit board information to a wide variety of
devices that convert the electronic PCB data to artwork produced by a photo plotter. Virtually every PCB
CAD system generates Gerber data because all photo plotters read it. It is a software structure consisting of
X, Y coordinates supplemented by commands that define where the PCB image starts, what shape it will
take, and where it ends. In addition to the coordinates, Gerber data contains aperture information, which
defines the shapes and sizes of lines, holes, and other features.

Gerber Format, which is the format in which Gerber data is expressed, is actually a family of data formats
that are subsets of EIA Standard RS-274D. Extended Gerber Format, which is also called RS-274X, provides
enhancements that handle polygon fill codes, positive/negative image compositing, custom apertures and
other features. RS-274X also encapsulates the aperture list in the header of the Gerber data file and
therefore allows files to pass from one system to another without the need to re-input the aperture table.
RS-274X produces a variety of Gerber data called X data.

RS-274X is a superset of the EIA Standard RS-274D format. RS-274X supports some of the parameter data
codes (G codes) and aperture codes (D codes) contained in RS-274D, as well as codes referred to as mass
parameters. Mass parameters are plot parameters that define characteristics that can affect an entire plot,
or only specific parts of the plot, called layers. Mass parameters extend the capabilities of Gerber Format.
Their presence makes the Gerber data X data.

The program automatically recognizes whether selected Gerber file is in Standard RS-274D or in Extended
RS274X format. Files in both formats may be imported.

Formatting parameters for Gerber files

Following information needs to be provided for proper interpretation of Gerber files:

Aperture Table
Assigns sizes (line widths, pad diameters and shapes) to aperture codes (D-Codes) in the file.

Specifies units (metric or imperial) in which coordinates are expressed in the file.

Precision format
Specifies how many integer and how many decimal places to expect in the coordinate data. For example,
precision 2.3 specifies two integer and three decimal places. A maximum of four integer and four decimal
places may be specified (9999.9999). Different precision format may be defined for the X- and Y-axes.

Zero omission
Zero omission compresses data by omitting either leading or trailing zeroes from coordinate values. Any
given string of digits may be interpreted very differently depending on the zero omission specification.
Precision format also affects how zero omission is interpreted.

Leading zero omission eliminates all zeroes that precede non-zero digits but retains following zeroes. For
example, with 2.3 precision format, 15 would be interpreted as 0.015.
Trailing zero omission eliminates all zeroes following non-zero digits but retains preceding zeroes. For
example, with 2.3 precision format, 15 would be interpreted as 15.000.

Scale factor
Specifies coefficient by which coordinates in the file should be multiplied. Different scale factors may be
defined for the X- and Y-axes. Default X and Y scale factor is 1.0.

All this information is embedded in Extended RS-274X files and artworks in this format may be imported
directly. Import Standard RS-274D files is more complicated because all formatting information must be
entered to the program manually.

Mixed polarity artworks

PCB CAD systems use various methods for creating copper pour areas on the artworks. By far most
dominant (and time consuming with contouring) method is so called stroke fill, where areas are filled by
large amount of thin lines. Some systems take advantage of capabilities of Extended RS-274X format that
allows generating mixed polarity plots. Single PCB layer artwork is the result of plotting series of
superimposed images in positive and negative polarity.

Filled polygons defining copper pour areas are plotted first with positive polarity. Next superimposed image
is plotted with negative polarity. Pads and tracks with sizes increased by air gap that should insulate them
from surrounding copper are plotted in this stage as well as other shapes that will relieve copper on the

board. In the third step, the polarity is reversed again to positive and plot of pads and tracks in normal sizes
is superimposed on previous images. Photographically, the resulting image contains black copper pour
polygons in the background and black pads and tracks within transparent air gaps.

This program can process artwork images generated according to this method. See example of imported
mixed polarity image below:

Elements drawn in white color represent air gaps plotted with negative polarity. Copper pour area is
represented in green as well as tracks and pads within air gaps.

4.2 File and data formats for importing drilling data

Most of PCB CAD packages outputs drilling data in Excellon format. Basic drilling program contains
commands for tool (drill bit) change and coordinates of the holes.

Formatting parameters for Excellon files

Following information needs to be provided for proper interpretation of Excellon format files

Tool Size Table

Assigns diameters to tool code (T01, T02 … T0n)

Specifies units (metric or imperial) in which coordinates are expressed in the file.

Precision format
As in Gerber files. According to specification of Excellon format following precisions are used:

 For imperial units: 2.4

 For metric units: 3.2, 4.2 and 3.3

Zero omission
As in Gerber files but Excellon format follows opposite convention and specifies instead which zeros are not
omitted. Trailing Zeros (TZ) parameter means that coordinates contain trailing zeros and that leading zeros
are omitted. Parameter Leading zeros (LZ) means that coordinates contain leading zeros and that trailing
zeros are omitted.

Above information is absent in basic drill programs that are known as Excellon Format One and have to be
manually entered. This is not needed when importing drill programs in more advanced Excellon Format
Two where formatting information is embedded in the file in similar fashion as in Gerber RS-274X.
Therefore, Format Two files may be imported directly.

Experience shows that PCB CAD systems not always follow specification and output data in inches with
other precision format than 2.4. Sometimes also, the information necessary to accept a file as Format Two
is missing or invalid. In all such cases, the file is treated as Format One and missing parameters entered

4.3 Import Parameters pop-up dialog

After selecting file from Select File for Import dialog, the program opens Import Parameters pop-up dialog
where further import parameters are set. Import procedure and number of parameters to set differs
depending on detected file type and format.

Picture above shows Import Parameter dialog with opened viewing field presenting contents of Gerber file
imported to Artwork Top Layer.

Several controls on this dialog are common for all imports. This are:

File Menu
Opens sub-menu with two entries:

Open for Import

Usually more than one file is imported. This menu allows selecting another file in the same
import session.

Open for View

Opens any file for viewing only. This feature is useful for viewing so called report files that
are often generated along with Gerber and Excellon files. Report files usually contain
information that may be required for setting of formatting parameters.

Unit Menu
Opens sub menu that allows selecting unit of measure that is most suitable for pasting parameters values
(for example, drill tools diameters) from ASCII report files. This setting is valid only for this dialog.

Values of parameters will be displayed and may be entered in imperial units.

Values of parameters will be displayed and may be entered in metric units.


Command clears contents of recently imported layer.

View and Hide View

Command opens or closes viewing field for presenting contents of the file selected for viewing.

Show Filters and Hide Filters

Command opens or closes section of the parameters table that contains import filters. This button is visible
after import layer has been selected.

Command closes current import session and returns control to Graphic Screen. Last imported layer is
selected as active and on top of display sequence order.

4.4 Importing artworks from Gerber files

Apart from opening Gerber file, it is necessary to select the layers where the artwork from this file should
be imported. If user wants to import artworks to other layers than those that were created by default (Top
and Bottom) then an inner layer or layers has to be added to the project prior to importing session .

The import of opened file is executed directly upon selection of a layer from drop-down list in the right
hand cell for Import to layer parameter. Immediately after import (and re-import caused by change of
parameters), the layer is displayed on the Graphic Screen. Graphic Screen is at all time accessible and
display may be zoomed in and out, scrolled and panned.

This principle is valid for all types of imports. Whenever any parameter in Import Parameters dialog is changed, the
opened file is automatically re-imported applying all currently set parameters values.

Importing artworks from files in Extended RS-274X format

Since all formatting information is embedded in RS-274X format, the only parameter to set is Import to
layer. Usage of other parameters is optional.

Import Parameters for Gerber Extended RS-274X format

Parameter name Type Settings and values

Import File Name Button Path to currently opened import file. Click to open next file.
Import File Type Fixed Displays detected format.
Unit Fixed Unit of measure specified in the import file.
Omitted Zeros Fixed Type of zero omission specified in the import file.
Scale Factor X Fixed Scale factor for X-axis specified in the import file.
Scale Factor Y Fixed Scale factor for Y-axis specified in the import file.
Precision Format X Fixed Precision format for X-axis coordinates specified in the import file.
Precision Format Y Fixed Precision format for Y-axis coordinates specified in the import file.
Aperture Table Fixed Embedded - meaning aperture table is embedded in the import file.
Opens Apertures & Sizes dialog presenting all apertures used in the
Apertures Used Button import file. Apertures & Sizes dialog allows changing of aperture
sizes and modifiers.
Import to layer Drop-Down List For selecting import layer
Parameter is visible only when importing to Board Outline/Cutouts
Reconstruct polygons for
Check Box layer. If checked causes automatic reconstruction of polygons from
lines found in imported image.
Assigns display color for imported layer. Offers two options: Selected
Import in color Drop-Down List
from palette or Use default color
Imported image will be shifted horizontally by offset entered in this
Image X Offset Text Box
Imported image will be shifted vertically by offset entered in this
Image Y Offset Text Box
If box is checked then imported image will be symmetrically rotated
Mirror Image Check Box
around Y-axis.
If box is checked then imported image will be placed at its original
Original coordinates Check Box coordinates as defined in the file. Otherwise, the image will be
centered on center of coordinate system.

The type of import file and formatting parameters are in this case only listed as additional information and
cannot be altered.

Aperture table is embedded in the import file so normally it is not necessary to do any changes.
Nevertheless, aperture sizes for standard apertures as well as modifiers for special apertures and macros
may be changed in the dialog Apertures & Sizes. The same dialog may be called in order to examine
aperture details without entering any changes.

Aperture & Sizes dialog is called by pressing button for parameter Apertures used

Aperture & Sizes dialog for setting standard apertures. Aperture sizes may be entered either to “inch”
columns in inches or to “mm” columns in millimeters – whatever more convenient.

Aperture & Sizes dialog for changing modifiers for special apertures and aperture macros. Clicking on
aperture in the left hand table opens table that lists current modifiers values. New values may be entered
either to “inch” column in inches or to “mm” column in millimeters – whatever more convenient. Changing
modifiers requires advanced familiarity with Gerber Extended RS-274X format.

Clicking on button Update Artwork File & Return will effect in re-import of the artwork image using
updated aperture sizes. This function does not change aperture table embedded in the original import file.

When Gerber file is opened for import, the program preprocesses the image and stores it in intermediary file
TMP.ART (artwork file) in order to facilitate faster re-import with new parameters. All parameter changes affect
only preprocessed image in the artwork file.

Importing artworks from files in Standard RS-274D format

Formatting parameters and aperture table are obligatory information that needs to be provided for
successful import of files in RS-274D format. Initially, the program uses parameters that are remembered
after previous import session. Setting of formatting parameters should be done prior to assigning aperture
sizes since it always causes repeated preprocessing of original import file.

Import Parameters for Gerber Standard RS-274D format
Parameter name Type Settings and values

Import File Name Button Path to currently opened import file. Click to open next file.

Import File Type Fixed Displays detected format.

Unit Drop-Down List Select Inches or Metric - unit of measure for the import file.
Omitted Zeros Drop-Down List Select type of zero omission for the import file
Scale Factor X Text Box Enter X-axis scale factor for the import file.
Scale Factor Y Text Box Enter Y-axis scale factor for in the import file.
Precision Format X Drop-Down List Select X-axis precision format for the import file.
Precision Format Y Drop-Down List Select Y-axis precision format for the import file.
Opens Aperture Table dialog where current aperture table may be
Aperture Table Button selected and edited. This aperture table is used when Standard RS-274D
format file is preprocessed for import.

Opens Apertures & Sizes dialog presenting all apertures used in the import
file. Apertures & Sizes dialog allows changing of aperture sizes and
Apertures Used Button
modifiers. Setting made in this dialog override currently selected aperture
Import to layer Drop-Down List For selecting import layer
Parameter is visible only when importing to Board Outline/Cutouts layer. If
Reconstruct polygons
Check Box checked causes automatic reconstruction of polygons from lines found in
for Outline/Cutouts
imported image.

Assigns display color for imported layer. Offers two options: Selected from
Import in color Drop-Down List
palette or Use default color

Image X Offset Text Box Imported image will be shifted horizontally by offset entered in this box.

Image Y Offset Text Box Imported image will be shifted vertically by offset entered in this box.

If box is checked then imported image will be symmetrically rotated

Mirror Image Check Box
around Y-axis.
If box is checked then imported image will be placed at its original
Original coordinates Check Box coordinates as defined in the file. Otherwise, the image will be centered
on center of coordinate system.

There are three ways of assigning proper sizes to apertures found in the import file:

 Selecting and eventually updating already existing external Aperture Table.

 Creating new Aperture Table (in this case, some existing Aperture Table may provide suitable
Temporary assigning aperture sizes using dialog Aperture & Sizes.

Aperture Table, which is used in preprocessing, must contain sizes for all apertures in the import file. The
program is supplied with default Aperture Table (Default.APT) that is installed in \SYS folder. It is very
unlikely that apertures defined in default Aperture Table will match aperture in every import file. Same
aperture codes (D-Codes) may mean different sizes in different files or necessary aperture codes may be
missing in the Aperture Table.

Aperture Table may be accessed by clicking button for parameter Aperture Table

Current Aperture Table may be selected from the list on the left hand side of the dialog. It simultaneously
opens the table for editing. Aperture Table is arranged by sizes listed in inches and millimeter in ascending
order and for each size three different apertures (for lines, round pads and square pads) may be assigned.

New sizes in selected unit may be inserted by clicking on inch and mm buttons. Aperture codes (D-Codes)
are entered directly into cells in the table.

When new Aperture Table is to be created it is best to select one of existing that is the closest match. Set of
necessary sizes may be updated by inserting new and deleting old unneeded. Next step would be assigning
missing aperture codes.

Updated Aperture Table is saved under name entered in the text box Named As:

Creating own Aperture Tables may be worth the trouble in cases when RS-274D files from same source are
repeatedly imported. It most likely that set of aperture codes and their sizes are identical in all these files.

Simplest method for assigning sizes to apertures in RS-274D format files is through Apertures & Sizes
dialog, opened by clicking on button for parameter Aperture used.

Aperture & Sizes dialog for setting standard apertures. Aperture sizes may be entered either to “inch”
columns in inches or to “mm” columns in millimeters – whatever more convenient. Most practical is to
open ASCII report file (if available) with aperture, D-codes and corresponding sizes used in the import file
and paste the sizes directly into cells. Report file may be for this purpose displayed in viewing field of
Import Parameters dialog.

Clicking on button Update Artwork File & Return will effect in re-import of the artwork image using
assigned aperture sizes. This function overrides but does not change the Aperture Table that has been

Clicking on button Update Aperture Table & Return allows creating external Aperture Table from data
entered in the dialog. This is practical solution in cases when other RS-274D files from the same source will
be imported in this session. It is most likely that similar apertures will be used in those files.

4.5 Importing board outline and cutouts from Gerber files

Outline of the board and eventually outline of internal cutouts may be imported from Gerber files in both
formats. Parameters setup for import to Board Outline/Cutouts layer is identical as when importing to
artwork layers. One exception is parameter Reconstruct polygons for Outline/Cutouts.

Some PCB CAD systems generate separate Gerber files containing only external and internal outlines of the
board. In such cases, the import is simplified. It is nevertheless necessary to ensure that the outlines are
built of closed shape polygons, as only for those the program will generate tool paths. Any other shape
imported to this layer will be ignored in generation.

Board outline and cutouts may be reconstructed after import with help of editing functions. Imported
elements could be used as template and eventually removed from the layer when reconstruction is

Other solution is to order automatic reconstruction of polygons during import by checking box for
parameter Reconstruct polygons for Outline/Cutouts. The program will in this case scan all imported
elements to find out those that form closed no-intersecting shapes and convert them to polygon segments.
No other elements will be imported.

4.6 Usage of filters with import of artworks and outlines

Clicking on Show Filters button opens section of the parameters table that contains import filters. This
button is visible after import layer has been selected.

Although elements imported to layer may be removed with the help of editing functions, it may be practical
to omit them already at import stage.

By default, all types of elements are imported. Import of selected category may be suppressed by un-
checking corresponding check box in the section Imported Elements.

Section Apertures lists all apertures detected in the import file. Un-checking of checks box in this section
cause re-import of the image where all elements defined with corresponding aperture will be ignored.
Clicking on aperture description in the left hand column of this section highlights on the Graphic Screen all
elements defined with this aperture. This feature is especially useful before deciding which elements
should be ignored.

Some artwork images include elements (lines) that constitute board outlines. These elements should not be
contoured and have to be removed from the layer. Quite often, such lines are defined by certain aperture
that is not used for anything else. In such cases, suppressing import of elements with this aperture solves
the problem in advance.

Board outlines incorporated in artwork images may be imported to Board Outline/Cutouts layer. Here the
image contains too many unneeded elements. The automatic polygon reconstruction will remove most but
it may be time consuming, especially for artworks with stroke filled copper pour areas. Images of this kind
contain thousands of elements that program has to scan. It is therefore advisable to import board outlines
initially without reconstructing polygons and try to reduce as many as possible of unneeded elements with
help of filters.

4.7 Importing drilling data from Excellon Format files

When opened import file (Select File for Import dialog) is detected to be in Excellon Format One or Two, it
automatically implies import to Drill Template layer. In this case, selection of import layer is not needed
and the file is imported directly.

Importing drilling data from Excellon Format Two files

Since tool diameters and all formatting information are embedded in Format Two files, there is normally no
need to set any parameters. Usage of settable parameters is in this case optional.

Import Parameters for Excellon Format Two

Parameter name Type Settings and values

Import File Name Button Path to currently opened import file. Click to open next file.

Displays detected format. Allows switching to Format One in cases

Import File Type Drop-Down List when user wishes to override or correct formatting parameters
specified in the import file.

Unit Fixed Unit of measure specified in the import file.

Omitted Zeros Fixed Type of zero omission specified in the import file

Precision format for X and Y-axis coordinates specified in the import

Precision Format Fixed

Import to layer Fixed Drill Template

Assigns display color for Drill Template. Offers two options: Selected
Import in color Drop-Down List
from palette or Use default color

Imported holes will be shifted horizontally by offset entered in this

Image X Offset Text Box

Image Y Offset Text Box Imported holes will be shifted vertically by offset entered in this box.

If this box is checked then imported holes will be symmetrically

Mirror Image Text Box
rotated around Y-axis.

If box is checked then imported image will be placed at its original

Check Box coordinates as defined in the file. Otherwise, the image will be
centered on center of coordinate system.

Import parameters dialog contains section listing all tool codes and corresponding diameters found in the
import file:

Clicking on a tool code displayed in the left hand column in this section causes highlighting on the Graphic
Screen of all holes with corresponding diameter.

Only holes with non-zero diameter are imported so entering zero into hole diameter box acts like a filter.
No holes for corresponding tool code will be imported.

Importing drilling data from Excellon Format One files

Import in this format requires setup of formatting parameters and assigning diameters to tool codes
detected in the import file. All this information may be pasted from a report file if available.
In absence of report file and when formatting information are not readily available it is practical to assign
tool diameters first. Initially, the diameters for all tool codes are set to zero and no import results may be
visible on the screen. As stated before, the program imports only holes with non-zero diameters. With
diameters assigned, the formatting parameters may be adjusted by trial and error. In such case, it is useful
to import artwork layers before drills. Drill template display superimposed over artwork layers may provide
clues for adjustment of formatting parameters.

Import Parameters for Excellon Format One
Parameter name Type Settings and values

Import File Name Button Path to currently opened import file. Click to open next file.

Import File Type Fixed Displays detected format.

Unit Select Inches or Metric - unit of measure for the import file.
Omitted Zeros Select type of zero omission for the import file
Precision Format Select X and Y-axis precision format for the import file.
Import to layer Fixed Drill Template

Image X Offset Text Box Imported holes will be shifted horizontally by offset entered in this box.

Image Y Offset Text Box Imported holes will be shifted vertically by offset entered in this box.

If this box is checked then imported holes will be symmetrically rotated

Mirror Image Text Box
around Y-axis.

If box is checked then imported image will be placed at its original

Check Box coordinates as defined in the file. Otherwise, the image will be centered
on center of coordinate system.

4.8 Importing drilling data from Gerber files

Drilling data may be also imported from Gerber files in both RS-274X and RS-274D formats. This method
may be used when Excellon Format file is unavailable. It may be sometimes even easier to import drills
from Gerber than from Format One, especially when formatting parameters for the latter are missing.
Selection of Drill Template as import layer when Gerber file is opened implies automatically import of
drilling data. The file is immediately imported and results are shown on the Graphics screen.

Import of drills from Gerber files assumes that coordinates of holes correspond to coordinates of pads
defined by flash command D03*. Diameters are calculated from aperture sizes used for plotting pads. There
are two ways of calculating hole diameters. They may be adjusted to either pad sizes (0.5 of aperture
diameter) or assume explicit aperture size. For pads plotted with special apertures or with aperture macros
where sizes may be ambiguous, the assumed diameter is always 1 millimeter. Section Layer Import Setup
of Import Parameter dialog contains parameter Hole Diameter where one of above methods may be
selected from drop-down list.

Import Parameters dialog contains section Aperture Codes listing all pad apertures detected in file with
corresponding calculated holes diameters:

Holes diameters calculated by the program can be changed. In many case artworks image contains pads for
Surface Mounted Devices where no hole is required. In such cases, setting diameter to zero will suppress
import of holes for pad defined with corresponding aperture.

4.9 Plated and non-plated holes

Drilling of plated and non-plated holes is usually done in two separate machining operations. Therefore, the
machining program for drill has to be divided into two sections.

It is assumed by default that all imported holes are plated. Therefore, the program automatically selects
layer “Drill (Plated holes)” to store drill data imported from Excellon files. All holes from this layer will be
grouped in one section in the generated machining program. In those cases when a separated section in
the machining program is needed for non-plated holes, an additional layer – “Drill (Non-plated holes)” may
be added to the layer stack. This is accomplished by checking appropriate check box in the Fabrication
Parameters Setup pop-up dialog:

5. Preparations for generating tool paths

There is usually necessary to execute several tasks before contouring of artwork images and generation of
final fabrication data may take place. Amount of work at this stage depends on what has been imported.

5.1 Tool Database and tool categories

Tool Database containing all tools needed for fabrication of PCBs is installed along with the program. Tool
Database may be accessed from the program (Tool command in Setup tab) and user may add new tools,
remove tools unneeded or unused and change tools’ machining parameters.

The information that the program retrieves from Tool Database is tool diameters and tool identification
number. Tool diameters are needed for calculating tool paths and tool identification numbers are passed in
machining program to the software that controls milling machine.

Clicking on Tool command button in Setup tab opens dialog accessing Tool Database configuration:

The program recognizes six tool categories. Using this dialog, the user may select suitable tools from
available in the database and assign them to each of the categories. Physically the same tool may be
assigned to more than one category.

These six categories are:

Normal Line milling tool

Tool used for milling contours and for finishing copper removal areas at places where larger tools cannot

Fine Line milling tool
Tool used for milling contours in places that Normal Line tool could not access. On very dense boards where
insulation is not possible with Normal Line tool, all contour milling may be done will Fine Line tool.

Extra-large copper removal tool

Tool used in the first stage of copper removal milling.

Large copper removal drilling

Tool used in the second stage of copper removal milling.

Board outline cutter

Tool used for cutting outlines of the board.

Holes above 3mm mill with

Since the biggest tool diameter that one can load into the spindle motor has a diameter of 3mm, this tool is
used to mill out the holes that have a diameter bigger than 3 mm. The most common practice is to set this
tool to the same as used as “Board outline cutter”.

Tool Database contains drill bits. The program checks whether required drill bits are present in the
database and informs (during import) if some is missing.

5.2 Aligning layers

Sometimes images imported to artwork layers and drill data in imported to Drill Template are misaligned.

There are special commands provided (see Command Tabs, sub panel Align to) for relocating currently
edited layer by a vector between two points. First of these points is selected on edited layer and the second
on any of other visible layers. In result of this displacement, these two points will have the same
coordinates (by shifting currently edited layer). This is the principle for layers’ alignment.

Since most of the boards have at least few of SMD pads or via holes, it means that on the top layer there
will be imported pad positions that have corresponding pad positions on the bottom layer (and eventually
on inner layers). Moreover, most likely there will be a corresponding hole in the drill layer. Therefore, pad
positions and hole positions are best suitable for selection alignment points. In such case, command Align
to Pad should be used. There is also an option for aligning edited layer to snap grid coordinates nearest to
current cursor position: Align to Grid. In this case, the second point is not selected in other layer.

The alignment vector is calculated as distance between first alignment point (end-point of any selected
element in edited layer, pad position or hole) and snap grid coordinates closest to current cursor position.
This alignment mode may be useful when some editing including adding, relocating or transforming of
elements is necessary for this layer. Most of the PCBs are designed with certain placement grid but after
import, this grid alignment may be lost. Snapping elements to grid makes accurate relocation and
transformation easier. This option allows restoring grid alignment.

5.3 Basic editing of PCB outline and cutouts

Assuming that polygon that defines outline of the board and eventually polygons defining outlines of
internal cutouts are correctly imported and reconstructed, there are two operations that should be done
before generating tool paths for cutting.

Assigning cutting mode

In most cases, outer outline of the board is cut with cutting tool moving outside the polygon by distance of
half tool’s diameter. Internal cutouts are cut with tool moving inside of the polygon, also by a distance of
half tool’s diameter. Since the program cannot automatically recognize which cutting mode assign to
polygons on this layer, the required cutting mode has to be assigned manually to each of them. After
import, all polygons are assigned ‘Cut on outline’ mode meaning that tool’s tip will move exactly in line with
segments of the polygons. Commands in sub panel Outline of Modify tab allow assigning cutting modes
Outside or Inside outline to selected polygon. Procedure for assigning cutting mode is simple; select the
command for require mode. After this click on the polygon. Assignment is confirmed by cutting tool path
visualized outside or inside the polygon depending on selected option.

Inserting ‘break-out’ tabs

‘Break-out’ tabs are short sections in outline polygon segments that are not cut. This prevents material
inside of the outline from shifting while cutting is in progress. When cutting is completed, finished board
may be easily broken out of the surrounding material. Inserting of ‘break-out’ tabs is second of editing
operations that is usually needed to generate correct tools paths for cutting external and internal board
outlines. For this purpose, command Breakout tabs in sub panel Draw elements of Create tab is provided.

‘Break-out’ tabs are inserted by selecting segment of polygon and entering tab length into text box that
pops out:

Inserting is confirmed by a section drawn with dotted line in the middle of selected segment. Picture above
presents board outline polygon (‘Cut outside outline’ mode) before and after inserting a ‘break out tab’.

If entered length of the tab exceeds length of the segment, the tab is no longer placed in the middle of the
segment but is placed over the complete segment and is stretching equally through the previous and next

Function for inserting ‘break-out’ tabs works like toggle, which means that previously inserted tab is
removed if it is selected instead of a segment without a tab.

5.4 Design Rules Check (DRC)

Insulation (without shaving copper from contoured element) may be ensured only if the distance between
two contoured elements is equal to or greater than diameter of applied tool. Contouring routine performs
design rules check in order to establish whether elements’ sizes and locations allow for necessary tool

clearances. Depending on selected contouring mode, the program may apply various measures in order to
ensure insulation in any case.

Nevertheless, it is advisable to perform design rules check prior to contouring in order to detect possible
clearance violation. Knowledge about where and what kind of violation has been detected helps in
selecting suitable contouring mode. In certain cases, it is possible to fix the problem by editing artwork
image. In some cases, clearance violation is of such character that the artwork cannot be contoured with
selected set of tools.
Check for tool clearance violation is invoked by clicking on Design Rules Check command in Home tab. The
user is then asked for which of milling tools (Normal Line or Fine Line) the DRC should be performed. It is
also possible to enter custom size. If the DRC detects problem following message dialog is displayed:

Locations on the board where clearance violations were detected are marked with white arrows. Upper box
of the dialog contains list of all detected errors, informing of measured clearances and coordinates of faulty
element. Clicking on error in the list focuses display on the Graphic Screen to its location.

Lower box of the dialog presents suggestion about most suitable contouring mode to overcome the

In above case, with standard contouring mode applied, the insulation would be ensured by contouring
around element with Fine Line tool in the places where Normal Line tool cannot pass:

5.5 Setting up contouring and fabrication parameters

Contouring and fabrication parameters are set in pop-up dialog opened by command Fabrication in Setup

This dialog, apart from sections dedicated for entering parameters, contains also section that displays
current tool category assignments and section with statistics regarding number of graphical elements on
each layer. These information-only sections are displayed in rows with gray background color.

Explorer window on left hand side provides shortcut to Layer Property dialog for every layer in the project without
necessity of selecting layer as active:

All parameters in Fabrication parameters setup dialog are instantly stored by the program whenever
changed. Settings may be therefore reused in following sessions and apply to all layers (when command
Contour in sub panel Layer of Home tab). In some cases, it may be necessary to alter some parameters in
order to adjust contouring strategies specifically for one of the artwork layers (contouring may be executed
layer by layer (Contour active layer command in sub panel Current layer modification of Home tab), every
time with different parameters). Users should be warned that settings in this case are not temporary.
Return to values from before those set individually for a single layer have to be done manually.

Fabrication parameters

Parameter name Type Settings and values

Select contouring mode.
Standard contouring (default)
Forced insulation with Fine Line milling tool
Contouring Mode Drop-Down List
Forced insulation with Normal Line milling tool
Do all contouring with Normal Line milling tool
Do all contouring with Fine Line milling tool
See descriptions of each mode
Set interpolation step for arc tool paths. Tool paths for arcs are interpolated
Arc step precision Text Box
by linear steps. Entered value specifies length of interpolating line.

Smooth contours Check Box Set contours smoothing function ON or OFF

This row is visible if smoothing functions is ON. Tool paths will be smoothed
using entered value. Smoothing removes vertexes from tool path poly-lines
Smoothing step Text Box
that differ in co-linearity with neighboring vertexes by less than value of
smoothing step.
Property defines number of contours around pads. Only elements that were
defined in the import file with flash command D03* are considered as
forming pads. Multiple contouring will be applied only to such elements.
Contours around Options:
Drop-Down List
pads Single contour (default)
Double contours
Triple contours
Quadruple contours
This row is visible if multiple pad contouring is selected. Enter tool overlap
Overlap (0.5 to 0.9 of
Text Box coefficient for multiple pad contouring. Value is expressed as fraction of tool
tool size)
diameter selected for contouring.
Select mode for milling of imported copper pour polygons.
Milling mode for Options:
Drop-Down List
imported polygons Mill outside outline (default)
Mill on outline
Contour imported
If this box is checked then copper pour polygons will be contoured with Fine
polygons with Fine Check Box
Line milling tool.
Line milling tool
If this box is checked then the program will attempt to reconstruct copper
Group hatched
Check Box pour polygons from vertical and horizontal stroke fill lines. It may
copper pour
significantly reduce contouring time.
If this box is checked then polygons will be pre-contoured by tessellation.
Tessellate polygons Check Box
Advisable if artwork layer contain large number of polygons.
If this box is checked then sequence of tool paths will be re-arranged in
Minimize raised tool
Check Box order to reduce movements with raised tool. This option shortens milling
If this box is checked then program will attempt to link two or more
Allow linking of sequenced tool paths into one in order to avoid raising and lowering of the
Check Box
sequenced tool paths tool head. Length of tool paths link is defined by a parameter below. Linking
applies only to tool paths generated when removing copper.
If this box is checked, the program will attempt to link all tool paths located
Allow linking
within defined linking distance. This operation takes place before tool paths
neighboring tool Check Box
sequencing and may be time consuming with boards that are more complex.
This routine applies only to tool paths generated when removing copper.
Maximal length of
Text Box Enter value of maximal allowed tool paths link in range 0-50 mm
tool paths link

Select method for generating tool paths for copper removal.
Copper removal Parallel fill
Drop-Down List
strategy Expand contours
Mixed (parallel fill only with largest tool) (default)
Spike removal
Select sequence of tools used for copper removal.
Tool selection for Options:
copper removal Drop-Down List Start with Extra Large copper removal tool
(start) Start with Large copper removal tool (default)
Use only Normal Line milling tool
Select sequence of tools used for finishing of copper removal.
Tool selection for
copper removal Drop-Down List
Finish with Normal Line milling tool (default)
Finish with Fine Line milling tool

Enter tool overlap coefficient for copper removal. Value is expressed as

Overlap (0.5 to 0.9 of
Text Box fraction of tool diameter used in all three stages of copper removal using
tool size)
parallel fill method.
Select tool path pattern for finishing copper removal. Applies to all selected
Pattern for finishing
copper removal Drop-Down List
Plain hatch
Meander pattern preferred (default)
Zigzag pattern preferred
If this box is checked then all tool paths resulting from contouring with
Retain all 'Normal Normal Line tool diameter will be retained. Otherwise, Normal Line contours
Check Box
Line' Contours will be retained only in places where Extra Large and Large copper removal
tool paths cannot pass.
Remove copper in air Applies to mixed polarity artworks only. If this box is checked (default)
gaps (reversed Check Box cooper will be removed from air gaps. Otherwise, air gaps will be only
polarity elements) contoured.
If this box is checked, then on selecting different physical sides of the copper
Animate material clad laminate in the machining view, the application will animate the flipping
Check Box
flipping of the material. Clear this box on PC’s that don’t have high graphical
rendering ability.
Opens dialog Tool database configuration where physical tools from
Tool categories Button
database can be assigned to below listed tool categories.
Allow drill layer for If this box is checked, an additional layer for importing non-plated holes is
Check Box
non-plated holes permanently added to the layer stack.
Allow drill layer for If this box is checked, additional layers of multilayer boards may be
Check Box
non-plated holes imported.

5.6 Introducing copper removal areas

The program can optionally generate tool paths for removing copper in spaces on the artwork where there
are no elements. Areas where copper removal should take place are specified by bounding polygons. There
are several modes for introducing these polygons (see commands in sub panel Copper of Modify tab). In all
cases, the procedure is always the same and follows rules specified in Fabrication Parameters dialog.
Assuming for example, that parameter Tool selection for copper removal (start) is set to Start with Extra
Large copper removal tool and Tool selection for copper removal (finish) is set to Finish with Normal Line
milling tool; this procedure using strategy Parallel fill consists of three stages:

 Cooper is first removed by contouring elements within copper removal area with Extra Large tool.
When this is done, selected finishing pattern is applied in spaces where there is still clearance for this

 Contouring of elements within copper removal area is repeated with Large tool. This will farther
remove copper in places where Extra Large tool could not pass. When this is done, selected finishing
pattern is applied in spaces where there is still clearance for this tool.

 The board is contoured in selected contouring mode. After this, the remaining copper is removed with
Normal Line tool, applying selected finishing pattern.

Picture above shows contoured layer where copper removal area has been defined by bounding polygon.
Observe that copper has not been removed from circular cutouts at the bottom of the layer because they
are located outside bounding polygon.

Irrespectively to the way in which they were created (circular, rectangular or polygonal) all copper removal
areas are in fact polygons added to a layer. They are presented on the Graphic Screen with lines in yellow
color. More than one area may be defined for one layer but they must not intersect. ‘Remove all copper’
mode automatically substitutes all previously defined areas with a single polygon that frames the whole
board. All editing functions applicable to polygons imported or added to artworks apply also to polygons
defining copper removal areas.

Copper removal areas must be defined prior to contouring in case when forced strategy command “Remove all
copper” is not applied.

To allow for tolerances in tool diameters and ensure that copper is thoroughly removed, the tool paths
must slightly overlap. Tool overlap is controlled by value of parameter Overlap (0.5 to 0.9 of tool size) that
specifies spacing between parallel tool paths.

‘Meander pattern’ is recommended for finishing copper removal because it is most efficient in terms in
reducing raised tool paths.

If Expand contours method had been selected instead off Parallel Fill, the copper removal procedure would
also consist of three stages. In this case, the artwork would be contoured repeatedly with each tools (in
steps of half tool diameter) until there is no clearance left for tool to pass. This method takes more time to
complete but may produce better results in terms of less and shorter tool paths. A board with copper
removed by expanding contours is presented on the picture below:

In some cases, it may be more efficient to remove copper over large empty areas using mixture of both
above described methods - strategy Mixed (parallel fill only with largest tool).

Spike removal strategy removes copper around contours to avoid any sharp corners and so called “slivers”
of thin copper between tracks. These thin patches of copper may raise and cause shorts between closely
located tracks. Spike removal strategy may be either selected in Fabrication parameters setup dialog or
forced by Home tab command Contour with spike removal. In all cases, spike removal is done over whole
board area:

5.7 Optimizing tool paths

Generated tool paths may be optimized in several ways in order to shorten milling time and reduce wear
and tear of the machine. The basic optimizing is done by tool paths sequencing individually for each tool
used. The program arranges milling sequence by finding first the tool path that starts closest to the lower
left corner of the board. Subsequently, it searches for next tool paths that start at location closest to the
end of previous. This is continued until all tool paths are sequenced. Sequencing ensures that length of
movements with raised tool head between separate tool paths will be minimized.

Another method (in complement to tool path sequencing) may be used for boards where copper has been
removed. It may be in some case more time effective to move from tool path to tool path with tool down
instead of raising tool, moving to new location and then lowering it again. Copper removal produces large
number of closely located tool paths that may be linked in this way providing that the linking path does not
cut through the copper that must be left. With this condition and if the distance between the end and start
of two consecutive tool paths is less or equal than defined link length, the program will join these two tool
paths (parameter Allow linking sequenced tool paths).

Some tool paths may be easier linked before sequencing. This function may be ordered by setting
parameter Allow linking of neighboring tool paths on.

6. Contouring

Contouring routine is invoked with help of command Contour in sub panel Layers of Home tab. All layers
starting from Top to Bottom are contoured. Progress can be observed on the Graphic Screen. Contouring
may be cancelled at all stages except design rules check by clicking on Esc button or pressing Esc key.

Single (currently active) layer may be contoured by pressing command Contour active layer in sub panel
Current layer modification of Home tab. This feature is provided for cases when layers must be contoured
with individually adjusted parameters.

Contouring algorithm follow rules specified in Fabrication Parameters dialog or forced strategy specified by
additional commands dropping down from Contour button. Most important parameters for calculating
contours are diameters of tools assigned to categories Normal Line and Fine milling tool. Successful
contouring depends on whether there is enough clearance for tool paths between elements belonging to
different nets.

6.1 Contouring Modes

In accordance to selected contouring modes, the program applies various measures in solving clearance

Standard contouring mode

In this mode, the contouring algorithm calculates tool paths using diameter of Normal Line milling tool.
Before contouring, the program performs design rules check in order to detect possible clearance violation.
Elements causing violation will be contoured using diameter of Fine Line milling tool. In this case, the
insulation will be ensured if minimal clearance is bigger than diameter of smaller tool.

Forced insulation with Fine Line milling tool

In this mode, the contouring algorithm calculates tool paths using diameter of Normal Line milling tool.
Before contouring, the program performs design rules check in order to detect possible clearance violation.
Elements causing violation will be contoured using diameter of Fine Line milling tool after being forcefully

shrunk to ensure necessary clearance. Amount of copper shaved from those elements will be equal to half
size of Fine Line milling tool.

Forced insulation with Normal Line milling tool

In this mode, the contouring algorithm calculates tool paths using diameter of Normal Line milling tool.
Before contouring, the program performs design rules check is in order to detect possible clearance
violation. Elements causing violation will be contoured using diameter of Normal Line milling tool after
being forcefully shrunk to ensure necessary clearance. Amount of copper shaved from those elements will
be equal to half size of Normal Line milling tool.

Do all contouring with Normal Line milling tool

No design rules check is performed in this mode and tool paths are calculated using diameter of Normal
Line milling tool. Insulation will be ensured if minimal clearance is bigger than this diameter.

Do all contouring with Fine Line milling tool

No design rules check is performed in this mode and tool paths are calculated using diameter of Fine Line
milling tool. Insulation will be ensured if minimal clearance is bigger than this diameter.

6.2 Extra contours around pads

There is on option for ordering multiple contours around the pads. Which elements constitute pads is not
always clear from the data in imported files. In most Gerber files, the pads are defined by flash command
D03* but there are exception from this rule. Nevertheless, only this command allows the program to
recognize elements of the pads.

When data is contoured, a single contour will always be made. Value in this parameter determines how
many extra times the pad is contoured.

Recognized pads elements are indicated on the Graphic Screen by pad position markers (small rectangles)

To allow for tolerances in tool diameters and ensure that copper is not left between multiple contours, the
tool paths must slightly overlap. Tool overlap is controlled by value of parameter Overlap (0.5 to 0.9 of tool
size) that specifies spacing between parallel tool paths

6.3 Extra contours around tracks

There is on option for ordering multiple contours around the tracks. Tracks are considered to be, all
elements of the artwork layer. Therefore ordering extra contours around tracks also orders the same
amount of extra contours around pads.

When data is contoured, a single contour will always be made. Value in this parameter determines how
many extra times the tracks and pads are contoured.

To allow for tolerances in tool diameters and ensure that copper is not left between multiple contours, the
tool paths must slightly overlap. Tool overlap is controlled by value of parameter Overlap (0.5 to 0.9 of tool
size) that specifies spacing between parallel tool paths

6.4 Special considerations for copper pour polygons

With some boards, the program may have problems in ensuring insulation of copper pour polygons when
gap between some segments and neighboring elements is less than diameter of tool assigned for Normal
Line milling. In such case user may use parameters Milling mode for imported polygons and Contour
imported polygons with Fine Line milling tool in combination. By default, copper pour polygons are
contoured outside their outlines. Other selectable mode is ‘Mill on outline’

6.5 Automatic reconstructions of copper pour polygons from stroke fill lines

Some PCB CAD systems define copper pour by hatching areas with thin horizontal and /or vertical lines
instead of using more efficient mixed polarity artwork images.

Stroke fill creates problems for contouring algorithm by sheer amount of data, which results in longer
processing time. In extreme cases, the program may run out of available memory for storing intermediate
data during contouring.

This problem may be overcome by setting Group hatched copper pour parameter ON. The program will in
this case attempt to convert as much as possible of hatch-defined area to polygons.

7. Editing

Apart from selecting cutting mode for board outlines and inserting ‘break-out’ tabs in outlines’ segments,
no editing of source data for contouring is required in most cases. Introducing of copper removal areas is

Other editing functions have been provided for those rare occasions where corrections as well as
removing/adding of redundant/missing elements may be required. It is in fact possible to create simple PCB
layouts, complete with layer artworks, outlines and drilled holes with help of editing functions of this

7.1 Usage of snap grid and snap points with editing

Editing includes often relocation or stretching (transforming) of elements. During this process, the
highlighted element follows cursor movement on the Graphics Screen or its form changes following this
movement. The cursor moves over the screen in steps of one pixel. Depending on currently set display
precision, this step covers different distances measured in database coordinates. For example if precision is
set to 0.010 mm, then elements may be moved or stretched in steps of 0.10 mm.

It is often difficult to adjust display precision to required precision for cursor movement. This precision may
be forced by setting orthogonal snap grid step (see Grid & Snap toolbar) and switching the snap function
ON. Relocated or stretched elements will ‘snap’ to grid locations nearest to current cursor position,
irrespectively to display precision. Orientation with movement will be enhanced by setting ON display of
visible raster (see Grid & Snap toolbar) with its interval adjusted to multiplication of grid step. Snap
function takes also effect with dragging and relocating bounding rectangles.

Angular snap may be applied when single element or block of elements are rotated. All settings for raster
and snap functions may be changed while elements are being moved or stretched.

Sometimes an element has to be aligned with other element that is placed outside of the grid. In such
cases, it is convenient to set contact point the “off-grid” element (see snap point setting command in Grid
& Snap toolbar). Elements selected for relocation or stretching will ‘snap’ to first contact point.

Combination of Shift key and one of numeric keys can be used as shortcuts for setting contact points
without switching to Set contact point tool from other editing tools


Press Shift 1 and then click on the Graphic Screen to set contact at snap grid coordinates closest to the
cursor position.

Press Shift 2 and then click on pad position or hole to set contact point at coordinates of pad position or
center of hole.

Press Shift 3 and then click near the corner of board framing rectangle to set contact point exactly on this

Press Shift 4 and then click on the element to set contact point at the end-point of this element closest to
cursor location.

Press Shift 5 and then click on the element to set contact point at the center of this element.

Picture below illustrates usage of contact point in exact end-point-to-end-point alignment of two off grid
elements. (Relocate graphic element(s) function).

7.2 Editing artwork images

Imported artworks may contain elements that are redundant or that not need to be machined on
prototyped board. Not always, such elements may be filtered out in import because they are defined with
the same apertures as elements that must be imported.

Examples of such elements are texts, logos and other graphics that may be a part of artwork image but do
not constitute the actual circuit. There is no need to mill these if board is prototyped and may be removed
with help of Delete command in sub panel Delete of Modify tab.

‘Mill as line’ and ‘Mill as text line’ modes

The program has no possibility to recognize textual information automatically. Texts in artworks images are
composed of lines that normally will be contoured. This may be undesirable since it would considerably
prolong machining time. In some cases, machined text image may be difficult to read:

Picture above presents contours of elements composing text. Machining time may be in this case reduced
and readability enhanced by assigning this element ‘Mill as line text’ mode (see commands in sub panel
Milling modes of Modify tab). After this operation and repeated contouring, the tool paths for milling text
elements will be as on the picture below:

There is another command for setting Mill as line mode. It will produce identical results. Then only
difference is that tool paths for elements milled in ‘Mill as line’ and ‘Mill as line text’ modes are grouped in
two separate sections of layer block in the machining program. These sections may be skipped during

Correcting clearances

Another example that editing functions may help in obtaining correct machining results is correction of
design rules violation discovered in imported artworks. Picture below shows evident shortcut between two
nets. This shortcut could not be detected by program’s DRC that considers all overlapping element as
members of the same net path:

By slightly lifting up (0.2 mm) the line above shortcut pads, enough clearance has been provided for the
tool path to pass and ensure insulation.

7.3 Editing board outline and cutouts

Not always board outlines can be imported directly to Board Outline/Cutouts layer. In such case, it is
possible either to create necessary outlines from the scratch or to reconstruct those using elements on
artwork layers as template.

Re-creating missing board outlines and cutouts

Board outline and cutouts may be simply created as polygons (commands Polygon, Rectangle and Circle in
sub panel Add element of Create tab.

It can be sometimes difficult or laborious to transform newly created outline polygons to required
dimensions and forms. This problem may be solved by using elements of artwork layers as template.
Artwork images often include elements that mark boundaries of the board and cutouts. Vertexes of the
polygons may be dragged to these markers to obtain proper coordinates. Contact points are very useful for
this task

Picture below shows artwork image with markers indicating corners of the board outline. Re-construction
starts with creating a polygon (shown in white color on the picture) that roughly approximates the shape of
the board. Note that this polygon has the same number of vertexes as corners marked on the image.

Next picture show reconstruction process half way through. Four vertexes have been already dragged to
locations of respective corners with the help of Stretch object command. Contact point is set at upper right
corner in preparation for snapping nearest vertex to its exact position

Transferring outlines from artwork layer to Board Outline/Cutouts layer

Artwork images often contain board outline markings that form continues path. They are usually not
needed there and should be removed otherwise they will be unnecessary contoured with the rest of
elements in this image. Instead removing them, they may be transferred to Board Outline/ Cutouts layer
and converted to polygon. Example of such case is illustrated below. Left hand picture shows the artwork
image as imported with full board outline markings. Picture to the right shows artwork layer and Board
Outline/Cutouts layer after the transfer with the help of command Transfer in sub panel Outline of Modify

7.4 Editing drilling data

Necessity for editing drills may arise when holes must be added to or removed from the Drill Template
layer. Holes may be added with help of Drill command in sub panel Add elements of Create tab. The
program will ask to enter diameter for created hole:

Diameters for selected holes may be changed through Properties dialog (opened by clicking on hole when
command Element Properties is active) by entering new diameter or assigning other tool code from drop-
drop down list.

There is also a possibility to assign new diameter to a tool code, which will result in change of diameter for
all holes imported with this tool code. This function may be executed by entering new diameter for tool
codes displayed in dialog opened by clicking command Layers Properties:

7.5 Editing contours

In case when contouring fails due to clearance problems, it is possible to correct such errors by adding
filling segments to the tool paths. Tool paths that result from contouring are either closed shape polygons
or poly-lines. Polygons and poly-lines as well as single lines and arcs may be added manually after
contouring (commands Line, Arc, Polygon, Polyline in sub panel Add elements of Create tab).

All added element are considered as tool paths when final machining data is generated. Sizes (line widths)
for these elements may be selected from drop-down list in Grid & Snap toolbar. For contours layers, this
list contains diameters of tools currently assigned to all categories except Board outline cutter.

Picture below shows how shortcuts due to clearance problem may be corrected but adding two arcs with
line size equal to diameter of tool assigned to Fine Line milling category. Some copper would be shaved
from the shortcut pads and neighboring line but the loss is negligible in this case:

8. Fabrication output

8.1 Outputting data

When a board is fully prepared for milling (i.e. contoured), it has to be transferred to the “Machining area”.
In this machining part of the application, one can actually produce the PCB’s. In order to allow the users to
have more flexibility of making PCBs, we have introduced the “Machining area”. By contouring one board
the user can still in the Machining area make multiple instances of the same board at any position, as well
as make different boards.
Therefore, after contouring and prior to the machining, the board has to be me moved into machining

environment. This is accomplished by using the command Fabrication Output , located in sub panel
Layers of Home tab. Contours, drills and outlines from all layers in active Board are at this stage converted
into tool paths collected in an entity Board ready for machining. When Board(s) ready for machining are
available, the “Machining tab” will change its appearance by turning highlighted. Results of this transfer are
visible after switching to tab Machining. Scene presented on the Graphics Screen changes and shows tool
paths of all machined boards superimposed over the image of material and machine table.

Machining tab without boards:

Machining tab with boards for processing:

The board ready for machining is placed onto the Machine table at the current milling head position if
machine is connected, or at the X = 0, Y = 0 position. If the Board ready for machining already has an
instance in the Machining tab, the data will be updated, but the position will not be changed.

8.2 Multilayer board

A multilayer board is defined as a board that has any of the inner layers (A to F) imported and contoured.
Boards that have only top and/or bottom layer imported (regardless of the drill layers and board outline
layer) are simply transferred without any confirmation since the processing of these boards is

The term multilayer will therefore only be used for the boards that have an inner layer pair imported.
Multilayer board is transferred into the machining tab by several machined boards (depending on number
of layers). Each machined board contains tool paths of layer pair as specified in Define Layer Stack dialog:

Layer stack is automatically populated with the layers. After confirming the arrangement with OK button,
the board is passed to Machining tab.

9. Machining environment
Machining environment is invoked by selecting either Machining tab or Add-ins tab. Depending on the data
in the “Machining environment” the view can differ. The two view layouts are “layout view” and “milling

Machine layout view is used to organize the placement of the boards prior to machining. This includes
operations such as positioning, rotation, duplication, stepping etc.

Machine milling view is used to select which parts of the board(s) have to be processed.

While in “Artwork layout view” the left side of the screen, which was reserved for the Project Explored is
now reserved for the Tool explorer.

9.1 Tool explorer

Tool explorer is located in the left hand side of the screen in the place where the Project explorer is
located in the “Artwork layout view”. Below are the two possible representations of the Tool explorer:

When board is passed to machining environment, tool explorer is empty even though there are boards in
the machined view. After the boards are properly positioned and all the eventual instances of the board are
made, the user must “Build the tool list”. This is performed by clicking on the “Build tool list button”. Then
the tool list is created, as seen on the right picture above. This operation automatically swaps the GUI to
the “milling layout”. In milling layout the boards are as such ready for milling and any modifications on
boards is disabled (i.e boards cannot be moved, rotated nor another instance can be made). If a board has
been updated in the “artwork layout” and passed by Fabrication output command building of the tool list
will have to be done again. Only action that doesn’t require rebuilding the tool list is moving board(s).

When in milling layout the tool explorer has three possible views of milling data:

First is the Layer – tool – board layout, where the data is organized by layers and underlaying tools from all
boards. Fully expanded node of a tool looks as follows:

Here we can see for example that the “Drill from 0.8 mm” is in board Convertor and Convertor*1+ and that
the drill will make 2 holes.

Second layout is Board – Tool layout. Here the same data as in the previous view is organized by boards and
underlying tools

Third layout is Tool layout where all tools are listed from all boards in sequence in which they will be

Layer – tool – board layout and Tool layout are the two lists that tell the user in which sequence the board
will be made.

Swapping between the three views is done by clicking on the corresponding quick button:

Build tool list is duplicated in this place so that the tools can be rebuilt when the previous information
about the tools exists.

The main idea behind the three views is the ability to easily find the data required (processing step) and to
be able to suppres them from beeing processed. By right clicking on any elements of the Tool explorer a
drop down menu will appear:

Suppress command disables the item and all underlying items. Suppresed items will not be milled. In this
way users can easily control which parts of the board they want to mill. By default no tools are suppresed.
When a layer is suppresed all the tools in that layer for all the boards are also suppresed. When a board is
suppresed, all the tools and and all the layers for that board are suppresed and won’t be milled. When a
selected item is suppresed it will appear as strike thru text in Tool explorer. In the pop-up window,
Suppress command will be checked.

All drill layer tools suppresed:

Visible command hides the graphical information regarding layer, tool or board from the Graphic screen.
Visibility of the item doesn’t influence the processing of the board in any way, but provides a way of
inspecition of specific parts of the board, and can be used in selection of specific items for processing. This
will be explained in the “Milling selection”. Items that are not visible will appear as grayed out text in the
Tool explorer.

Clicking on a node in the Tool explorer will highlight the relevant information on the screen.

9.2 Machining tab
Sub panel “Machining”

All commands in this sub panel are available only in the milling view.

Command is used for starting the milling process. Application will guide you through the milling process. All
the suppresed elements of the milling will be skipped. More detailed information about the milling process
can be found under chapter Milling boards

Command is used to pause the movement of the machine or processing of a board. After the machine has
stopped (i.e. entered Halt state) the pause command becomes a continue Command. Clicking on the button
again will make the machine continue processing.

Command is identical to the pause command except that after stopping the move or processing cannot

Sub panel “Board”

Sub panel board is used for modification of the board position, orientation and instances. This panel is only
available in the “layout view”. In the case that user did modifications using Delete, Duplicate, Rotate and
Step, tool list will have to be re-build. The same applies for Properties if rotation has been changed. Using
Move, Align, To origin and To mirror line doesn’t require re-building tool list.

This command allows selection of a board for relocation to desired position on the material. Board
selection is done by clicking on one of tool paths in the board image or one of the corners of its frame. This
way of selecting boards applies to all other commands in this sub panel. Move command also supports
block selection for relocation of more than one board at the same time.

Moving board(s) doesn’t require re-building tool list

Display Properties pop-up dialog allowing for changing board rotation at any angle and entering precise
location on the material. All coordinates are expressed relative to machine zero.

If ony position of the board has been modified tool list doesn’t have to be re-built. If rotation is applied, the tool list
must be re-build.

Deletes selected board or block of boards from machining environment.

Deleting board(s) requires re-building tool list

Creates new instance of selected board and allows its relocation to desired position on the material.

Duplicating a board requires re-building tool list

Allows for free rotation of selected board by angle currently set in Angle Snap box

Rotating board(s) requires re-building tool list

This command repeats selected board by number of steps in X and Y direction. Stepping parameters are
entered through dialog shown below:

Stepping board(s) requires re-building tool list.

This command is used to align left bottom corner of board to left bottom corner of another board. This
command was provided mainly for aligning layer stack in case of multilayer boards:

Before and after alignment

Aligning board(s) doesn’t require re-building tool list

To origin
Snaps selected board to milling head position.

To mirror line

Snaps selected board to the mirror line with the X coordinate unchanged.

To origin and to mirror line doesn’t require re-building tool list

Sub panel “Milling selection”

All commands in this sub panel are available only in the milling view.

After the tool list has been generated, all the milling data is ready for sending to the machine. After milling
the board(s) in some rare ocasions it might be necessary to do only certain parts of the board again. This
can happen due to tool wear, tool breakage or some other accidental factor. Application provides a set of
commands that allow the users to select only parts of the board that should be milled.

By default, if no individual items are marked for milling, this means that all the items should be milled
unless the complete group is suppressed. Select item, Select path and Select block are the commands that
toggle the status of the items on the screen marking or unmarking them for milling. When just one item is
marked for milling, the application will ask the user when the tool is loaded if only the marked items should
be milled.

Board with no items marked for milling:

Select item
Command allows the user to select an individual item for milling. If the item was already marked for milling,
it will be un-marked. An item can be a single line, or a drill. Selection of items in cases of “milled drilling
holes” and “board outline contours” will act as Select path command.

Board with two drills and a single line marked for milling:

Any number of items can be selected for milling.

Select path
Command allows the user to select a path that has to be milled. A path is defined as a polyline (connected
lines) that starts at the selected item and goes backwards through connected items until the move with
raised Z ax is detected, and at the same times goes from the selected item forward through connected
items until the move with raised Z ax is detected. Selecting already marked path will un-mark the path for

Board with a path selected for milling:

Any number of paths can be selected for milling.

Select block
Command selects all fully covered items by a block and marks them for milling. If the items were marked,
they will become un-marked. By pressing shift key when selecting a block, the already selected items will
not un-mark (i.e. only adding items is performed). By pressing Ctrl key when selecting block, un-marked
items will not be marked for milling (i.e. only subtracting items is performed).

Clear selection
Deselects all marked items for milling.

Sub panel “Move To”

Position on machine
Command allows moving the machine milling head to a position specified by clicking on the position on the

Home XYZ
Command moves all axes to the zero position

Home position Z
Command can be found under drop down menu of the Home XYZ command. Command
brings only the Z axis home (retracts the head).

Command allows bringing the machine head to the bottom left corner of the board on the screen. After
selecting the command click on the board to which origin you want to move the machine to.

Command moves the machine to the Bottom-left corner of the selected board (see PCB

Command moves the machine to the Top-left corner of the selected board (see PCB

Command moves the machine to the Top-right corner of the selected board (see PCB

Command moves the machine to the Bottom-right corner of the selected board (see PCB

Command moves the machine to the calculated center of the selected board (see PCB

Command moves the machine around the bounds of the selected board (see PCB command)

Park position
Command moves the machine to the position specified as the Park position. Park position is used as a
logical position on the machine where the head should be positioned so that the user can reach the
material that has been machine or has to be mounted.

Sub panel “Material”

Place material
Command hides or shows the material on the machine.

To mirror line
Command positions the material in the center of the mirror line

Erase holes
Command erases milled holes that are stored when the board is milled out of the copper clad laminate.
Command is used for example when the new material is loaded.

Command flips the material around the mirror line. Command is used when the material on the screen is
flipped in comparison to the actual state on the machine.

Sub panel “Configuration”


Machine dialog allows the user to change the parameters related to the machine specific details like mirror
line position, zero position etc.

Command pop’s up the Mirror line pins configuration dialog.

Mirror line pins are the two physical pins on the machine that are used to mount the material. They also
form the mirror line that is used to position the layers when double-sided boards are made. These pins are
here for visual representation so that the user would not place the design over this unusable part of the
machine. There are always two pins. Y value cannot be changed as it is defined by the mirror line position.
X value can be changed for each pin in order to precisely represent the pin position on the screen. Diameter
of the pin can also be changed. Check box “On machine” allows the user to show or hide the pins on the
display. In this dialog, as well as in the color setup dialog, the color of the pins can be changed. After
changes have been made the user must click the save button to save the changes ( ). Dialog can be
closed by clicking on the close button ( ).

Command will disconnect the application if the application is connected to machine, and then try to re-
connect. On successful connection, the machine will be referenced. This allows the user to reset the
machine and connection.

Mill test line

Command starts the motor at the current head position, then moves down so that the Z axis is in the
milling position, and mills a line in the Y direction with length of 20 mm. After this the Z axis raises to the Z
zero position and the motor stops.

This command can be used to test or set the milling depth before the milling job starts.

Sub panel “Visibility”

Show move control

Command shows or hides the move control in the machining views.

Machined view
Command toggles the view of the application between the “Machine layout view” and “Machine milling

9.3 Add-Ins tab

Due to the different applications that can be performed with the add-ins functions, please refer to the
documentation regarding the extra features you have purchased.

10. Handheld control

Handheld control is a control created to allow users the control of the machine. It consists of the close
button (a small X in the top right corner of the control), status light, display, and move controls.

Close button
Command is used to hide the handheld control.

Status light
This visual control gives the user the information about the current machine status. Red color means that
the machine is either; not connected, in emergency state or active. Exact status of the machine can be
found in the status bar.

The display allows the user to see the current machine position and to see the current step values that will
be used when any of the move buttons are pressed. Double clicking on the any of the position values pop’s
up a dialog to move to machine to a specific position in X, Y and Z coordinate. Underneat the current
machine position there are values for the step size in user units. Double clicking on XY or Z step size a dialog
pop’s up allowing the user to change the step size for XY and/or Z moves.

Move controls
Move controls consist of set of the buttons allowing the movement of the machine. Upper 9 buttons allow
the movement of the machine in the arrow specified direction using step displayed on the display (XY step
size). Home button (in the middle of the arrow buttons) brings the machine in all 3 axes to the 0, 0, 0

Lower 9 buttons allow control of other functions for the machine.

Three left buttons (vertical) allow moving the machine in the Z axis in the direction of the axis. Step is
defined in the display (Z step size). Home button retracts the milling head.

Button allows moving the machine to a custom position on the machine.

Button moves the machine to the park position.

Button moves the machine to the selected board.

Button pauses the machine if the machine was moving. If machine is paused, this button is used as a
continue button.

Button starts the processing of the boards.


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