Lean solvent
+ I L
Leansolvent + I
Yields: This process can exceed 98% recovery of the butadiene contained Commercial plants: Since 1989, six plants have been licensed with
in the feed as product. This product will meet all butadiene derivative a total capacity of 300,000 tpy.
requirements with typical specifications shown below. Licensor: Davy Process Technology, UK.
Component Value Units
1,3-Butadiene 99.5 YOwt. Minimum
Total acetylenes 20 ppmwt maximum
Methyl acetylene 10 ppmwt maximum
Vinyl acetylenes 10 ppmwt maximum
Propadiene 10 ppmwt maximum
1,2-Butadiene 10 ppmwt maximum
C5 hydrocarbons 200 ppmwt maximum
Commercial plants: Over 35 butadiene units have been con-
structed using the Shell ACN technology. Unit capacities range from 20
Mtpy to over 225 Mtpy.
Licensor: Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc.
Cumene Cumene
Application: Advanced technology to produce high-purity cumene Application: To produce high-quality cumene (isopropylbenzene) by
from propylene and benzene using patented catalytic distillation (CD) alkylating benzene with propylene (typicallyrefinery or chemical grade)
technology.The CDCumene process uses a specially formulated zeolite using liquid-phase Q-Max process based on zeolitic catalyst technology.
alkylation catalyst packaged in a proprietary C D structure and another
specially formulated zeolite transalkylation catalyst in loose form. Description: Benzene is alkylated to cumene over a zeolite catalyst in
a fixed-bed, liquid-phase reactor. Fresh benzene is combined with recy-
Description:The C D column (1) combines reaction and fractiona- cle benzene and fed to the alkylation reactor (1). The benzene feed flows
tion in a single-unit operation. Alkylation takes place isothermally and in series through the beds, while fresh propylene feed is distributed
at low temprature. CD also promotes the continuous removal of reaction equally between the beds. This reaction is highly exothermic, and heat
products from reaction zones. These factors limit byproduct impurities is removed by recycling a portion of reactor effluent to the reactor inlet
and enhance product purity and yield. Low operating temperatures and and injecting cooled reactor effluent between the beds.
pressures also decrease capital investment, improve operational safety and In the fractionation section, propane that accompanies the propylene
minimize fugitive emissions. feedstock is recovered as LPG product from the overhead of the
In the mixed-phase C D reaction system, propylene concentration in depropanizer column (2), unreacted benzene is recovered from the over-
the liquid phase is kept extremely low (cO.1 wt%) due to the higher head of the benzene column (4)and cumene product is taken as over-
volatility of propylene to benzene. This minimizes propylene oligomer- head from the cumene column (5). Di-isopropylbenzene (DIPB) is recov-
ization, the primary cause of catalyst deactivation and results in catalyst run ered in the overhead of the DIPB column (6) and recycled to the
lengths of 3 to 6 years. The vapor-liquid equilibrium effect provides transalkylation reactor (3) where it is transalkylated with benzene over a
propylene dilution unachievable in fixed-bed systems, even with expen- second zeolite catalyst to produce additional cumene. A small quantity of
sive reactor pumparound and/or benzene recycle arrangements. heavy byproduct is recovered from the bottom of the DIPB column (6)and
Overhead vapor from the C D column (1) is condensed and returned is typically blended to fuel oil. The cumene product has a high purity
as reflux after removing propane and lights (P). The CD column bottom (99.96-99.97 wt%), and cumene yields of 99.7 wt% and higher are
section strips benzene from cumene and heavies. The distillation train achieved.
separates cumene product and recovers polyisopropylbenzenes (PIPB) The zeolite catalyst is noncorrosive and operates at mild conditions;
and some heavy aromatics (H) from the net bottoms. PIPB reacts with ben- thus, carbon-steel construction is possible. Catalyst cycle lengths are two
zene in the transalkylator (2) for maximum cumene yield. Operating years and longer. The catalyst is fully regenerablefor an ultimate catalyst
conditions are mild and noncorrosive; standard carbon steel can be used life of six years and longer. Existing plants that use SPA or AlCI, catalyst
for all equipment. I can be revamped to gain the advantages of Q-Max cumene technology
while increasing plant capacity.
Yields: 100,000 metric tons (mt) of cumene are produced from 6$,000
mt of benzene and 35,300 mt of propylene giving a product yield $f over Economics: basis: ISBL US Gulf Coast
99.7%. Cumene product is at least 99.95% pure and has a BromineIndex Investment, USSItpy 40-90
of less than 2, without clay treatment.
Raw materials & utilities, per metric ton of cumene
Economics: Based on a 300,000-mtpy cumene plant located in the Propylene, tons 0.35
US Gulf Coast, the ISBL investment is about US$jYmillion. Benzene, tons 0.66
Electricity, kW 12
vpical operating requirements, per metric ton of cumene: Steam, tons (import) 0.7
Propylene 0.353
Water, cooling, m3 3
Benzene 0.650
Yield 99.7% The Q-Max design is typically tailored to provide optimal utility
Utilities: advantage for the plant site, such as minimizing heat input for stand-
Electricity, kWh 8 alone operation or recovering heat as steam for usage in a nearby phenol
Heat (Import), lo6 kcal 0.5 plant.
Steam (export), mt 1 .o
Water, cooling, m3 12 Commercial plants: Seven Q-Max units are in operation with a total
cumene capacity of 2.3 million tpy, and two additional units are either
Commercial plants: Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation, in design or under construction.
TaiWan-270,OOO mtpy
Licensor: UOP LLC.
Licensor:CDTECH, a partnership between ABB Lummus Global and
Chemical Research & Licensing.
Cumene Cyclohexane
Application: To produce cumene from benzene and any grade of Application: Produce high-purity cyclohexane by liquid-phase cat-
propylene-including lower-quality refinery propylene-propane mix- alytic hydrogenation of benzene.
tures-using the MobillBadger process and a new generation of zeolite
catalysts from ExxonMobil. Description: The main reactor (1) converts essentially all the feed
isothermally in the liquid phase at a thermodynamically-favorablelow tem-
Description: The process includes: a fxed-bed alkylation reactor, a perature using a continuously-injected soluble catalyst. The catalyst’s
fixed-bed transakylation reactor and a distillation section. Liquid propy- high activity allows use of low hydrogen partial pressure, which results
lene and benzene are premixed and fed to the alkylation reactor (1) in fewer side reactions, e.g., isomerization or hydrocracking. The heat of
where propylene is completely reacted. Separately, recycled polyiso- reaction v a p r i i cydohexane product and, using pumparound circulation
propylbenzene(PIPB) is premixed with benzene and fed to the transaky- through an exchanger, also generates steam (2). With the heat of reaction
lation reactor (2) where PIPB reacts to form additional cumene. The being immediately removed by vaporization, accurate temperature con-
transalkylation and alkylation effluents are fed to the distillation section. trol is assured. A vapor-phase fixed-bed finishing reactor (3) completes
The distillation section consists of as many as four columns in series. The the catalytic hydrogenation of any residual benzene. This step reduces resid-
depropanizer (3) recovers propane overhead as LPG. The benzene col- ual benzene in the cyclohexane product to very low levels. Depending on
umn (4)recovers excess benzene for recycle to the reactors. The cumene the purity of the hydrogen make-up gas, the stabilizationsection includes
column (5) recovers cumene product overhead. The PIPB column (6) either an LP separator (4)or a small stabilizer to remove the light ends.
recovers PIPB overhead for recycle to the transalkylation reactor. A prime advantage of the liquid-phaseprocess is its substantially lower
cost compared to vapor phase processes: investment is particularly low
Process features: The process allows a substantial increase in capac- because a single, inexpensivemain reactor chamber is used compared to
ity for existing SPA, AICI,, or other zeolite cumene plants while improv- multiple-bed or tubular reactors used in vapor phase processes. Quench
ing product purity, feedstock consumption, and utility consumption.The gas and unreacted benzene recycles are not necessary and better heat
new catalyst is environmentally inert, does not produce byproduct recovery generates both the cydohexane vapor for the finishing step and
oligomers or coke and can operate at extremely low benzene to propy- a greater amount of steam. These advantages result in lower investment and
lene ratios with proven commercial cycle lengths of over five years. operating costs. Operational flexibility and reliability are excellent; changes
Expected catalyst life is well over five years. in feedstock quality and flows are easily handled. Should the catalyst be
Yield and product purity: Thisprocess is essentiallystoichiometric deactivated by feed quality upsets, fresh catalyst can be injected without
and product purity above 99.97% weight has been regularly achieved in shutting down.
commercial operation. Yield: 1.075 kg of cyclohexane is produced from 1 kg of benzene.
Economics:Estimated ISBL investment for a 300,000-mtpy unit on Economics: Basis: 200,000-tpy cyclohexane complex, ISBL 2002
the US Gulf Coast (2002 construction basis), is US$15 million. Gulf Coast location with PSA hydrogen is US$7.8 million. Catalyst cost
Utility requirements, per ton of cumene product: is US$ 1.2lmetric ton of product.
Heat, MMkcal (import) 0.32 Commercial plants: Thirty-one cyclohexane units have been
Steam, ton (export) (0.60) licensed.
The utilities can be optimized for specific site conditionsleconomicsand Licensor: Axens, Axens NA.
integrated with an associated phenol plant.
Commercial plants: The first commercial application of this pro-
cess came onstream in 1996.At present, there are 11 phnts operating with
a combined capacityexceeding 4.7 million mtpy. In addition, two grass-
roots plants and an SPA plant revamp are in the design phase. Fifty per-
cent of the worldwide cumene production is from plants using the
MobillBadger process.
Licensor:The Badger Technology Center of Washington Group Inter-
national, Inc.
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