3.various Units of IOCL Paradip: 3.1. Avu/Srlpg Unit
3.various Units of IOCL Paradip: 3.1. Avu/Srlpg Unit
3.various Units of IOCL Paradip: 3.1. Avu/Srlpg Unit
Product Destination:
. LPG to FCC LPG treater
. Light naphtha to FCC
. Heavy naphtha to NHUT
. coke to coke pit
Petroleum is a mixture of pre dominantly hydrocarbons. The
mixture contains some very high molecular weight molecules that
will not vaporize even at the low pressures and relatively high
temperatures in vacuum distillation units. A number of procedures
are available to upgrade these residues to more valuable products
such as transportation fuels. These include vis-breaking, coking,
fluid catalytic cracking, hydro Vis breaking and catalytic hydro
The delayed Coker is an important residue conversion process. The
need for delayes coking is keep pace with the growing demand for
transportation fuels and more stringent legislation and the
opportunity of improvement in refinery profit margins. Delayed
coking is a key technology for residue upgrading or zero fuel oil
This sulphuric acid alkylation unit is first of its kind among all
refineries of IOCL. This unit is primarily to maximize the
production of Alkylate, having high RON, low RVP and low
benzene (<0.1 wt %) for blending in MS to improve quantity of
motor spirit in line with premium Euro-IV grade.
In Alkylation unit, Olefin and Isobutane are mixed with sulphuric
acid catalyst in the reactor and chemically combine to form
isooctane rich alkylate and it is designed to operate near the lower
end the temperature range (2-5.7) degree Celsius in order to
maximize alkylate yield and Octane.
The unit is designed for butylene’s feed from PRU for two feed
cases representing Butamer SOR and EOR operations.
In the drier circuits, both the feed and make up gas driers are
designed to operate at least 24 hours each before regeneration
operation. The lead generator must be regenerated once its effluent
indicates more than 1 ppm water. Drier regeneration operation is
fully in auto control. This unit is designed for a smaller catalyst
inventory; thus, catalyst capital requirement is reduced. Reactor
system is designed in such a way that, during short period of time
the reactor is out of service, the second reactor is capable of
maintaining continuous operation at design throughput, yield and
If the unit performance drops off and H2S is detected in the
stabilizer off gas in excess of 3 ppm, then Hot Hydrogen stripping
needs to be started in the reactor circuit. This operation is to be
initiated manually using regenerant super heater in service. Unit
will be under shutdown during this operation.
The spent acid re generation plant, single train and double
absorption is designed by MECS (Monsanto Enviro-Chem System)
to produce sulphuric acid @ 185 MTPD of 100% strength as 99.2%
minimum strength product. It is produced from spent sulphuric
acid generated in alkylation unit. The plant will process spent acid
(from alkylation unit), H2S gas (from refinery off gas), and (from
Sulphuric acid acts as a catalyst in alkylation unit. During the
reaction, acid soluble polymers are dissolved in sulphuric acid. Built
up of these polymers reduce equilibrium concentration of the acid
required for reaction to occur. So fresh H2SO4 , is used as make up
in the alkylation unit. The plant designed to regenerate the
sulphuric acid from the spent acid, and the balance make-up of the
capacity is from hydrogen sulphide generated from the refinery off
gases. The of rich- SO2 gas produces sulphuric acid to make up for
production requirements above the spent alkylation acid supply of
196 MTPD (90% basis) or 176.4 MTPD (100% BASIS). The
sulphuric acid in the feed stream is decomposed in presence of O2 to
SO2 purified in gas cleaning section, converted to SO3 and
absorbed in water to from sulphuric acid, which is returned to the
storage tank in alkylation unit.