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ResearchChapter 1

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This chapter presents the introduction, background of the study, objectives of the study,
statement of the problem, hypothesis, and significance of the study, scope and limitation and
definition of terms.


Reading is a cognitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at a meaning. It

has a big role in our live. From the vastness of the world down to schools and classrooms,
reading had been one of the main process we use to exchange knowledge and thoughts.
Nowadays, people obtain lesser and lesser interest toward reading. They prefer using the
skimming and scanning techniques and omit the in depth reading habit. In these days, a lot of
students read only the latest topics in their subjects to refresh their mind of their past lessons for
the sake of specific information they need for a later examination or test. Only a little number of
students finds pleasure in reading, most of them consider it as a duty. Students do read only to
catch up with the lessons. In Our Lady of Fatima University, you can observe that the library is
always crowded but you can see only few students trying to find an interesting book to read.
Most of them only visit the library for a place to do their assignments and group works, thus,
making the library a little noisy.
At present time, it is observable that people do not show much interest in reading books
and dwell to much in watching movies and other shows on T.V. Even in lecture notes and
classroom textbooks, poor reading habits are traceable among the wide scale of students.
Furthermore, the new teaching style, which is mostly using technologies such as projectors and
PowerPoint presentations has contributed in creating a huge gap between the students and a good
reading habit. Many parents and teachers alike are complaining on how little the comprehension
and reading skills their children possess.
The researchers think that one of many hindrances to the student’s reading habits is
perhaps, not their poor reading skills but their lack of interest.
The researchers comes up with the idea of finding a connection between the reading
habits at Our Lady of Fatima University students, specifically in HUMSS strand, to their
academic performances, the help of a good reading habit could do and the disadvantages of bad
reading habit if there is any to find out. The presumed contribution that the researchers have
come to think at once the research is done is that they will know if the reading habits has an
effect to their academic performances .They would be aware on what could they do to improve
their reading habit.
The researcher commits on studying the reading habits among the students of Senior
High School Level of Our Lady of Fatima University, specifically the HUMMS strand, and its
effect on their academic performances

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to find the relation between reading habit and the academic
performances of the selected Grade 11 Humanities and Social Science Students of Our Lady of
Fatima University.
More specifically, this study seeks to achieve the following goals:
1) To measure the reading ability and capacity of selected Grade 11 students
2) To know what the students do for past time
3) To discover the reasons why students tend to lose interest in reading
4) To examine the activities of the students when they visit the library
5) To ascertain the relationship between reading habit and academic performance

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to determine the scale of student's reading habit and how it relates with their
academic performances.

The objectives of the research were achieved by finding answers to the following research
1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:
1.1) Age
1.2) Gender
1.3) SHS Strand
1.4) Gen. Ave. during the first grading period of S.Y 2019-2020
2. What are the reading habits among students?
3. What do students tend to do during leisure time in class?
4. What are the obstacles do the students thinks that prevent them from having a good reads?
5. What are the purposes of the students when they visit the library?
6. Why do students engage in reading?
There is no significant relationship between reading habit and academic performances.
There is a significant relationship between reading habit and academic performances

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this present study is to examine whether or not relations exist between
reading habit and academic performance of grade 11 HUMSS students of Our Lady of Fatima
University. The researchers know that there are many factors or predictors which influenced
Academic Achievement i.e. cognitive, non-cognitive, psychological, social and environmental
etc. Among social and environmental factors, cognitive ability of a student is very much
important which exert great influenced on Academic Achievement of the students. Cognitive
ability of a student determines how broad their mind capacityis. Academic Achievement is the
final output in the school which determines an individual’s academic success or failure.
Therefore the researcher concludes that it is very important to examine the impact of Reading
habit of a student on academic life and scholastic achievement.
This study is considered beneficial to the following:
Students - As the one who is studying and experiencing gaining knowledge, giving more efforts
and their time to achieve such as their dreams in life. We, the researchers aim to give the students
an impact that studying is not just about how intelligent you are, how good reader, but rather on
how you can improve yourself as a priority.
Teachers- The given data would guide the teachers on what to do about the reading ability of
the students and its relationship to their academic performances. Teachers are the one who will
assist students with motivation and goal setting. By them, they will be able to modify the
problem and knows what to teach and has some ideas about how to do it to guide the students.
Future researchers- May also use this as basis or reference for their study towards formulating
a more developed program related to this study.

Scope and Limitations

This study covers the conducting of data in Grade 11 HUMSS students of Our Lady of
Fatima University and their reading habits . Also to determined their academic performances and
the relationship between the reading habits and the academic performance of the students.
On the other hand, this study will no longer cover the other variables that affect the
academic performance of the students. Also, the other circumstances that would happen will no
longer be entertained.
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of having an accurate, clear, adequate understanding and
comprehensive presentation of the study, the following terms used in the study were being
Cognitive- of, relating to, or involving conscious mental activities (such as thinking,
understanding, learning, and remembering)
Non cognitive- or “soft skills” are related to motivation, integrity, and interpersonal interaction.
They may also involve intellect, but more indirectly and less consciously than cognitive skills.
Soft skills are associated with an individual's personality, temperament, and attitudes.

Psychological- of or relating to the study of the mind

Social- relating to or involving activities in which people spend time talking to each other or
doing enjoyable things with each other.
Environmental- the conditions that surround someone or something
Skimming- Skimming is a strategic, selective reading method in which you focus on the main
ideas of a text.
Scanning - Scanning is reading a text quickly in order to find specific information, e.g. figures
or names.

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