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Usually, choosing the auspicious time to do certain things in our life has become the
traditional part of Hindu formality and orthodoxy. For this, in astrology a separate part has
been created in the name of ‘auspicious time’. This provides the rules and also the right
time to perform the rituals and formalities. Prosperous time must be chosen before doing
certain things. This time is chosen based on Ayanam, maadham, Baasham, vaaradhi,tithi,
nakshatra, yogam, karanam, lakhna, thiyajyam, rahukaalam, yemakandam, kaalaorai,
gowripanjangam, vaarasoolai.

If we enumerate both auspicious and inauspicious time in a day, a complete felicitous day
will not exist. Both auspicious and inauspicious time will be intertwined together in all the
365 days of a year. Now a question may arise like, “how they are determining a day as a
good and bad one?” It is determined according to the number of good time and bad time in
a day. If a day has more of auspicious time it will be taken as felicitous day, if not, it will be
considered as unfavourable day. So the auspicious day is nothing but a day with much
auspicious time but not completely a felicitous one.

In the auspicious book, not only the appropriate days for rituals are given but also the days
in which the rituals must be avoided were also given. So these 2 things must be considered
while choosing the prosperous time. Just like, the auspicious things are done at prosperous
time; the inauspicious thing should be done at unfavourable time.

Below mentioned durations are considered as blemish less one to perform auspicious thing.

1. Performing Tithi during sunrise is not a fault.

2. No sins will occur in the stars at Abhijit time.
3. No sins will occur in Lakhna during dusk.

Following are the peculiar attribution of conducting Tithi in auspicious time.

 Tithi has one portion of attribution

 Karaanam has two portions of attribution.
 Yogam has three portions of attribution.
 Nakshatra has four portions of attribution.
 Vaaram has eight portions of attribution.
 Vaarayogam has sixteen portions of attribution.
 Auspicious Lakhna has 100 portions of attribution.

These are the 10000 portions of attribution in which it holds the planets in right position.

From the above mentioned things, we can get to know that Lakhna and the planets that are
facing Lakhna gains a significant place in assigning the auspicious time. In a slightly lower
level, if Lakhna,Vaaram, Vaarayogam and Natchathra is laid in prosperous time, then it could
be considered as auspicious day. Even when other things are not laid in prosperous time, it
can also be taken as auspicious one.


Mostly fasting is celebrated on certain days only. If they are celebrated on other days they
are not considered as fasting. They are called starving. Certain truths can be understood if
we analyse why fasting is celebrated only on certain days.

Generally, our body doesn’t get the adequate strength while starving. Hence the body
absorbs the required strength from nature during starving. That is, the body gets the
required strength through food. Body needs strength when we are not eating. This strength
can be compared to an empty vessel. Whenever the body is empty natural strength has the
capacity to fill the emptiness. A specific star or a specific planet will have a greater impact
on Earth at a specific time. Hence, we can comprehend the strength of a star or a planet
that we need by celebrating fasting. Thus it can be known from this that we can escape from
planetary blemish by undergoing fasting. Let us see the fasting to be celebrated to escape
from planetary blemishes.

1.New moon soma vaasa fasting:

Whenever new moon and Monday coincide during any month, this fasting has to be done. If
married women observe this fasting, they remain ‘ dheerka sumangali’. Women having
Maangalya dosha in their horoscope must observe this fasting.

2. Uma Maheshwara fasting:

This fasting has to be done during full moon day of September month. This fasting is
observed by men for the good health of their wives. If men have poor lifeline in their
horoscope, they can celebrate this fasting. Also, to prevent couples for separation and for
reunion with the separated wives, husbands can observe this fasting.

3.Kaaradaiyan fasting:

This fasting is celebrated during the last day of February month. This fasting was observed
by Savithri for longevity of her husband Sathyavaan and she was succeeded.

Kanji kamatchi worshipped Lord Shiva made out of mind on the banks of Kamba River. There
was a disturbance during that time. In order to escape from that disturbance she observed
this fasting. Shiva showed because of the efficiency of her fasting and she got married.
Because of Kaamatchi Aagambareshwar Thirukalyanam, it is also called Kaamachi fasting. If
women having Mangalya Dosha in their horoscope observe this fasting, their husband’s
lifetime increases.
4.Mangala Gowri Fasting:

This is celebrated during Tuesdays of August month. Women having Maangalya Dosha can
observe this fasting to strengthen their mangalyam.

5.Kedarishwarar Fasting:

This is celebrated during waning moon of October month. Gowri celebrated this fasting
towards Kedarishwarar and got Shiva’s half body on this day, hence it is also called Kedesa
Gowri Fasting day. If married women observe fasting on this day, their intimacy increases.

6.Sambath sukkira weekly fasting:

This can be observed during all Fridays. If women having puthira dosham observe this
regularly, they will soon bear a child.

7.Swarna Gowri Fasting:

This fasting has to be done during waxing moon Tithi of August month. It has to be
observed by women for strengthening maangalyam.

8.Chathurthi Fasting:

This fasting has to celebrate on all chathurthi days, mainly, when Chathurthi coincides with
Tuesdays. Women having marital problems in their horoscope can observe their fasting to
get good husbands.

9.Skantha shasti Fasting:

If this fasting is observed during waxing moon of October month for Lord Muruga, couple
can be blessed with a child. It has to be observed on Shasti of every month.

10.Sukkila shasti Fasting:

It has to be observed on the waxing moon and on shasti day of every month along with
Nagaraja pooja.

11.Pradosha fasting:

Every month during the time of waxing and waning moons and before sunset this fasting is
to be taken and then he must visit Lord Shiva temple at 33/4. People having maaraga dosha,
kandaga dosha can observe this fasting.

12.Naga panchami:

It has to be celebrated during waxing moon of July month. If people not having child
worships snakes by feeding milk, they can be blessed with the child.
13.Naga Chathurthi:

It has to be celebrated on Chathurthi day of July month. Chathurthi of July month is called
Naga Chathurthi. Hence, people having Naga Dosham can observe this fasting.

14.Panguni uththira Fasting:

This fasting is celebrated on Uththira star, full moon of March month. It is also called as
marriage fasting. Both unmarried men and women can celebrate this fasting.

15.Resource giving weekly fastings:

Fasting has to be taken to the appropriate planet to which the expiation has to be done for
planetary blemishes. During evening, the temple with the benefits of 9 planets has to be
visited and anointment must be done so that the blemishes will be cleared.

Sun – Sunday

Moon – Monday

Mars – Tuesday

Mercury – Wednesday

Jupiter – Thursday

Venus – Friday

Saturn – Saturday

Raahu – Saturday

ketu – Tuesday

It is good to do archana with the cloth, flower and grains of the appropriate planet.


If a person feels that his Dasa bukthi is not benefitting him, he can choose the appropriate
stanza from Valmiki’s Ramayana. This should be recited in a proper manner for 48 days. If
he does so, he can escape from the evil benefits of Dasa Bukthi.

He must wake up early in the morning and attend the nature’s call. After taking bath, he
should visit Rama temple or any Vishnu temple or he can sit in front of any God’s portrait or
in any clean place, then he must recite the appropriate stanza of Dasa Bukthi from Srimath
Ramayana with full involvement. The person who knows Grantha script and Sanskrit should
recite the slogans of Valmiki’s Ramayana with proper pronunciation. If not, he can read the
Tamil translated version.
In the beginning, he must show tribute and camphor to the appropriate head of the Dasa.
Then he should recite the general stanza praising the leader and then he must recite the
stanza of appropriate Dasa Bukthi. At the end of the recitation, appropriate praising must be

“The Little Flower Company” has published a book in the title “ Dasa Bukthigalum Srimath
Ramayana Parayanamum” in which they discuss about the Dasa Bukthi’s of 9 planets in a
cheap rate. This will be very useful to those who recite Srimath Ramayana Slogans.



Holy basil is the feature of Lord Vishnu. Another name of Basil is ‘Birundha’. Lord Vishnu
resides in a place where the Brindavan is located. So basically, the basil trees are set in the
yard. Basil plant has many medicinal values. The divine vibration from this basil plant cures
many diseases.


Sandal tree is the feature of Lord Vishnu. This tree is used in auspicious occasion and during
poojas. The divine power from this tree gives inner peace and promotes positive character.


Fig tree is the feature of Dattatireyar. Lord Vishnu also resides in this tree. The vibration and
magnetic waves emitted from this tree creates positive atmosphere and it gives inner
peace. Meditation will become successful when it is done under this tree.


This tree is the feature of Mahalakshmi. The vibration produced from this tree gives positive
atmosphere and so it is used in pooja. The leaf of this tree will be tied to the string during
auspicious occasions.


This tree is the feature of Lord Brahma. The vibration from this tree has a positive power. If
a person gets around the lighted lamp, he can get rid of infant blemishes.


This is the feature of Lord Shiva. The vibration emitted from this tree has the positive power.
Medication becomes successful when it is done under this tree. The branches of this tree
can cure the lack of libido.

Henna tree is the feature of Goddess Lakshmi. There is a positive power in the vibration
emitted from this tree. The nightmares can be avoided by placing the fruit of this tree under
the pillow while sleeping.


It is the feature of Lord Shiva. The vibration emitted from this tree has the positive power.
Rudraksha seed purifies the blood when it is worn. This reduces the anger and maintains the
blood circulation in a proper way. This also creates inner peace.


The snakes do not come near this tree, if the stick of this tree is tied to the body, snake will
not bite.


Amla tree is the feature of Vishnu. This tree has positive vibration. If a couple is fed with
food under this tree, the donator can get rid of all blemishes.


It is the feature of Sakthi. This tree has a positive vibration. This tree should be draped with
yellow cloth, flower string and then it should be applied with turmeric and vermilion around
the trunk. After doing this, a person should come around the tree with divinity so that he
can receive the power of Sakthi.


This tree is the feature of Lord Shiva. Praying to Lord Shiva with the arcuate leaves can cure
the blemishes.


This emits negative vibration. The conjurers use the vegetable and root of this tree for a
wrong purpose. Generally, the evil creatures will reside on this tree.


This is the feature of Lord Brahma. Some says, this is the feature of Vishnu too. This exhibits
the positive vibration.


This emits positive vibration.


This emits negative vibration. The shadow of tamarind tree causes disease. It is the belief
that evil creatures stay in this tree.


This is the feature of Lakshmi. This tree emits positive vibration. If a couple gets around by
lighting a lamp under this tree, their relationship will get stronger.


1. In a horoscope, if Lakhna gets debilitated and when Rahu stands on the geometry of
Lakhna, there is a possibility of occurring blemish to children.
2. Position of Rahu in the geometry of Lakhna causes blemish for life.
3. In a male horoscope, if Guru gets debilitated and when Rahu stands on the geometry
of Guru there is a possibility of blemish to occur to children.
4. For a male horoscope, the position of Rahu in the geometry of Guru can cause
blemish to the children.
5. In a female horoscope, if the Venus gets debilitated and when Rahu stands on the
geometry of Venus, it may cause blemish to the children.
6. For a female horoscope, the position of Rahu in the geometry of Venus can cause
lifetime blemish.

If a child is born with the above mentioned structure, Ganapathy homam, Navagraha
homam and Aayul homam can be done at the parent’s house so that the blemish occurred
in the children can be removed. Donating food can also increase the lifetime of the donator.
Without food and water no life exists. So donating food earns a good cause and it increases
the life span of a person. One who performs homam for the goodness of their life; they
should donate food atleast for 10 people.


1. If Guru, Rahu and Mars stand as a trilogy to one another in a male horoscope then
there is a possibility for that person to die out of unexpected danger.
2. If Saturn, Mars and Rahu stand as a trilogy to one another in a male or female
horoscope then there is a possibility for that person to die out of unexpected danger.
3. If lakhna, ettukudaiyavan and rahu stand as a trilogy to one another then there is a
chance for that person to die because of impending danger.
4. If Venus, Mars and Rahu stand as a trilogy to one another in a female horoscope
then there is a chance for that person to die because of danger.
People, who have the above mentioned structure in the horoscope, should perform
mirutyunjaya homam once in six years so that they can get rid of impending death, danger
and fear of death. Instead of doing homam they can also visit Lord Shiva’s temple and
perform ruthraabisekam so that they can escape from the above mentioned blemishes. The
person must undergo the first mirutyunjaya homam during his birth year.

This expiation must be done at the age of 6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54,60,66,72,80 only. Those

who have this blemish in their horoscope should not pluck or cut down the trees and plants.
They should not torture or harass any living beings. They must avoid the intake of meat and
other meat products.


The heir should perform the heck exactly in the particular month or tithi or at the time in
which their parent died. This is also named as pitru poojai, tharppanam, tithi and devasam.
Pitru pooja is observed as one of the 5 constituents of almanac and it is named as Tithi. The
5 parts of the almanac will constitute the 5 natural elements as its base.


Vaaram land

Tithi water

Natchathra fire

Yogam wind

Karanam sky

In almanac Tithi refers to water. Pitru pooja is always performed near watery areas. The
important feature of this pitru pooja is the person who performs this pooja will wet the
sesame and the rice with the water. The question is whether this wetted sesame and rice
reaches the forefathers or not? Let us see the philosophical answer for this question.


Land body feeling

Water mouth tasting

Fire eyes seeing

Wind nose smelling

Sky ears hearing

Here the natural element water refers to mouth. So we can consider that the wetted
sesame and rice reaches the mouth of dead forefathers. There is a saying that the dead
person will attain a position in vaikundam. Vishnu is the head of vaikundam. Vaikundam is
referred to as sea. There is a belief that the dead forefathers will take the form of fish in the

Those who couldn’t do this pooja properly, they can provide food to fish after taking bath in
the holy water. By doing these, dead forefathers will be satisfied and the person can also
relieve from pitru dosha.


Generally expiation is suggested according to a person’s horoscope. The problem arises

when the person do not have horoscope. They can also escape from the planetary
blemishes by following atonement.

1. People those who face obstacle in career, business and profession and those who
become the victim of other’s gossip can feed the dogs regularly. So that they are
free from blemishes.
2. Feeding the birds with 9 grains.
3. Feeding the cow with grass, hay and lettuce.
4. Donating food and clothes to those physically challenged deaf, dumb and blind
5. Feeding crows regularly.
6. Getting blessings from the old people by touching their feet.
7. Obeying and respecting parents.
8. In taking sweet Lassie before going out for important jobs.
9. Students who used to get confused during exams can take 9 pieces of orange peels
in their pocket so that they can avoid confusion.


The main reason to perform homam is to make the Angels happy and to get their
blessings. This is also called as yaagam and yakgnam. While doing Homam, food items,
delicacies, grains are dropped in fire. So the question is whether the delicacies in the fire
reaches the Angles or not? There is a philosophical answer for this question.

Fire is one of the 5 natural elements. The quality of the fire is that it stands on the air.
Whenever the fire is lit on the Earth surface, it makes a connection between the Earth and
the sky. The fire serves as a medium between sky and land surface. So there is a belief that
the delicacies in the homam reaches the Angels through the fire. The delicacies in the fire
can be made to reach the particular Angel by mentioning them in the prayers. This fire also
carries the mantra to the Angels. So we do not need to think that it is going to be in vain.

Generally, Navagraha homam is undertaken to clear the planetary blemishes. The

Navagraha homam is done in order to get the benefits from the planets that are present in
both the fortune and unfortunate place in the horoscope and also to get the blessings from
the great Angels. If any blemish that affects children or the life span of a person is found in a
horoscope, then he should perform the Aayul homam along with the Navagraha homam.
When a person is affected with breast pain or any danger after 60 years of age, they can
also perform Aayul homam. Mirutyunjaya homam is undergone when mirutya Dosha, kanda
Dosha and vibathu Dosha is spotted in the horoscope.

Ganapathi homam is done to remove all the restrictions caused by the planet Ketu in the
horoscope. There is a practise of doing Ganapathi homam along with Navagraha homam.

If Puthira Dosha is spotted in the horoscope then they should perform ‘puthira kaameshti
homam’. If Pitru Dosha or problems regarding bad spell is spotted in the horoscope then
they should undergo Mirutyunjaya homam or Sudharshana homam. Those who struggle to
get rid of long term diseases can also undergo Mirutyunjaya homam. It is better to undergo
the Mirutyunjaya homam or Sudharshana homam when a person’s horoscope has Dasa
Bukthi regarding their life span.

When the sojourn of Kotchara sani happens in the seventh or eighth zodiac sign, it may
induce the fear of death to that particular person. This can be prevented by doing
Mirutyunjaya homam. All things will be restricted during the period of Yezharai sani. So
during this period, it is better to undergo Ganapathy homam and Navagraha homam. In
order to prevent the restrictions of marriage suyamvara Paarvathi homam can be done. To
gain victory in dispute as well as in politics Sandi homam can be done.


Sri vaancha Ganapathy homam- this is done to fulfil the things that we wish.

Navagraha homam- this is done to escape from planetary blemishes.

Sri vidhya homam- to create peace in world

Amrutha mirutyunjaya homam- to expand the life span

Sri sookthi homam- to increase the wealth

Sudharshana homam- to get rid of the fear of enemies

Aavahandhi homam- to get rid of the evil effects of black magic

Varuna homam- to bring in rain


If a person wishes to get transfer to his preferable place, then he must get up early in the
morning and after taking bath he should perform sun salutation after the sun rise. While
doing sun salutation, he should offer 21 chilly seeds to sun. This should be continued for at
least 3 days. By doing this he can get his preferable transfer. During sun salutation the
following mantra must be recited.

Oom aadithyaaya namaha

Oom thivagaraaya namaha

Oom paasgaraaya namaha

Oom prabaagaraya namaha

Oom sahasthrnshavae namaha

Oom thrilosanaaya namaha

Oom haridhaasavayae namaha

Oom vibaavashae namaha

Oom thinakarunadhae namaha

Oom thvaadhaseth mahaye namaha

Oom thraiyi moorthiye namaha

Oom sooryaaya namaha


If a marriage is delayed for long time, they should undergo fasting for every Tuesday. On
Tuesday they should feed the ant with rice flour in the ant pit. This should be done regularly
for some weeks so that the marriage will happen soon. The planet that refers to ant is Mars.


Goddess Badrakali represents Rahu, which is one of the 9 planets. Each and every day, we
have 1 and half hours in which we are not supposed to do auspicious thing. This period is
considered as Rahu period. At this period, Sri Durgai (Angel of Rahu) must be worshipped by
offering fragrant flowers and lamps in order to escape from the planetary blemishes.

During Rahu, yellow flowers like Golden oleander, marigold, crepe jasmine and fruits like
yellow banana, mango, jack fruit and food items like lemon rice and yellow coloured rice
should be offered to goddess for every Tuesday.
Every Tuesday, he should visit Amman’s temple along with 5 lemons. After squeezing out
the juice on to the feet of Ambal, he should turn the lemon to its back and oil must be
poured. This must be lit in front of goddess Ambal. Like this 10 candles should be made.
Among 10, only 9 candles must be lit. to increase the life span of a person, Mahua oil can be
used in the place of sesame oil.

A person can receive the blessings from Goddess Ambal by reciting Rahukaala
Durgashtagam, Sri Lalitha Navarathna maalai, Thukka Nivaranashtagam and Sri Lalitha
Namam during Rahu kaalam.

If the female horoscope is spotted with the blemish in Mars or blemish in marriage, there is
the possibility for the husband to fall sick often or he may be affected with incurable disease
or else he may lose his life very soon. Some women may have been separated from her
husband because of misunderstandings. Women who suffer with the above mentioned
problem can undergo Rahu pooja to increase the life span of her husband. If the horoscope
has the blemish for children then they might not have any children or it might have born
with great struggles or it might die very soon. Those who suffer from these problems should
undergo Rahu pooja for every Tuesday.

Mentally challenges people and those who give up soon and those who are affected with
black magic and those who always meet with accidents can pray to Goddess Durgai for
relief. If a man undertakes fasting for every Tuesday during Rahu period he may get relief
from loan problems, diseases and troubles in career.


Sun + Rahu – during Sundays, karpesvarar must be worshipped at Rahu period.

Moon + Rahu – during Monday, Karumari Amman should be worshipped at Rahu period.

Mars + Rahu – during Tuesday, Goddess Durgai should be worshipped at Rahu period.

Mercury + Rahu – during Thursday, Rudhran must be worshipped at Rahu period.

Venus + Rahu – during Friday, Kamakshi must be worshipped at Rahu period.

Saturn + Rahu- during Saturday, Bairavar must be worshipped at Rahu period.


There is a belief that, Vishwamithirar preaches SriRama about the secrets of flowers.

1. If a person takes the sun flower and worships the sun Goddess during the day of
Ashwini Star, it is easy to do when he meets the superior ones.
2. If he worships Lord Shiva with Moringa flowers during the day of Mirugasrisha and
when few flowers are along with him, when he goes to buy new vehicle chances of
owning more vehicles will increase.
3. During the time of Astam star, he should take Taazhampoo and worship Goddess
Paarvathi. When he goes to buy gold or to visit bride, he may end up in success.
4. If he worships Lord Shiva with Mango flowers during the day of Anusha star and
when he takes few flowers with him, he could get profit in the business regarding
iron machines, Xerox machines etc.
5. If he worships Lord Perumal with Coral Jasmine during the day of Tiruvona star, he
could return successfully from foreign and he could also succeed in owning lands and
6. If he takes a journey after worshipping Lord Murugar with Agathi flower, during
Avittam stars, he could escape from accidents.
7. If he wants to be free from diseases, he should visit Lord Perumal with marigold
flower during the day of Poosam star.
8. A person can be free from struggles when he worships Lord Vinayagar with Hibiscus
flower and scotch grass during the day of Moola star.


Sun is the planet that culminates during Ashwini Star. Lord Shiva is the head of the planet
Sun. if a person tries to achieve something in a government sector, he can worship Lord
Shiva during the time of Ashwini star. Those who wish to get promotion, name and fame in
their career and those who wish to gain political importance should visit Tiruvannamalai and
worship Arunechaleswar during the time of Ashwini star regularly for 6 months.

Venus is the head of Barani star. The shape of Barani star resembles the female mark.
Women, who wish to mesmerise their husband, should take bath and apply the fragrance
while getting along with him during the day of Barani star. It is advisable to visit Kaanchi
kaamatchi at Kaanchipuram during Barani star so that the obstacles for getting married will
be cleared. This should be done regularly for 3 months at the day of Barani star.

The power of Venus’ zodiac is to give wealth and the power of Mars’ zodiac is to increase
debt. Kiruthigai star bridges these both zodiacs. It is good to undertake fasting and to
worship Lord Murugar during Kiruthigai star so that a person can escape from the problems
of debt and also it helps the unmarried man and woman to get married soon and it also
helps in the reunion of couples.

Performing lunar dharshan during the day of Rohini star can cure the eye defects. The face
will have good effect and it will be appealing. Undergoing fasting and worshipping Lord
Perumal during the day of Rohini star helps in overcoming poverty and hunger.

Deafness of a person can be cured if he undertakes fasting and worshipping Lord Muruga
during the day of Mrigasrisha star. A person can get help of others easily if he does the

A person can be relieved from the problems of black magic if he visits Shiva temple at
Thirunageshwaram, Chidambaram and Tiruvalangadu during the day of Thiruvadhirai star.
Snakebite and poison can be cured when particular Mantra is recited, also worshipping Lord
Shiva before undergoing medicinal procedures can cure any kind of diseases during the day
of Tiruvadhirai star.

If doctors worship Sriranganathar during the day of Punarpoosam, he can gain the name
“the man with Midas touch”. Sahadevan is one of the 5 Pandavas. He worshipped Goddess
Saraswathi who has the power oh 64 arts and her Guru Sri Hayagrivar with the string of
yellow coloured Marigold flower. As a result, he was well versed in Astrology, breakthroughs
and devour of astronomy. So worshipping Lord Hayagrivar with the string of marigold and
offering sugar candy to poor children during the day of punarpoosam star helps the children
to study well. Doing this regularly will enable the children to show interest towards learning.

The sin we caused in various generations can be removed when sani Baghvan at Tirunallar is
worshipped during Poosam star. This will also helps the people to be relieved fromm
uncurable diseases. When Siddha doctors plucks herbal leaf during the day of Poosa star,
the herbal leaf will gain a special power.

The other name is Sarpanatchatra because it resembles snake. Those who have Nagadosha
and Kaalasarpadosha in his horoscope should worship snake by pouring milk in the snake pit
at the temple and should anoint snake statue during the day of Ayilyam star, so that he can
be relieved from those blemishes. Women who were born during Ayilyam star must donate
grinding stone to get relieved from blemishes.

Those who suffer without a child should worship Lord Vinayagar at Pillayarpatti after
undergoing fasting during the day of Magam star, so that they will be blessed with a child.
They can also visit nearby vinayagar temple if it is impossible for them to go to Pillayarpatti.

Goddess Durgai is the head of pooram star. Worshipping Goddess Durgai by lighting candles
that are made out of lemon and undertaking fasting during the day of Pooram star helps to
get rid of blemishes and black magic. Goddess Aandal war incarnated during Pooram star. A
girl can get her desired husband when she worships Lord Perumal at Srivilipudhur at Pooram

This resembles the male mark. Lack of libido for a man can be cured if he worships Lord
Shiva after fasting during the day of Uththiram star. Those who have unsatisfied sexual life
and wishes to mesmerise their wife should take bath and apply fragrance like sandal while
getting along with her during the day of Uththiram star, so that she will be mesmerised and
this procedures suits only to the married couple.

The meaning of Hastham is ‘hand’. If a man worships Goddess Ambal during Hastham star
before going out for matrimonial purpose, he will get married soon. The contracts will soon
be fulfilled if Goddess Ambal is worshipped during the day of Hastham Star. Sahadevan is
one of the 5 Pandavas. He was born at the day of Hastham star. As a result, he was well
versed in Astrology, breakthroughs and devour of astronomy. So if a person wants to learn
astrology, it is better to start during the day of Hastham star.

Mars is the head of Sithirai star. Venus is the planet that debilitates during Sithirai star.
Husband who wishes to mesmerise his unruly wife, should worship Lord Muruga, Goddess
Valli and Deivanai after undergoing fasting during Sithirai star. The same should be followed
to succeed in Love attempts and to overcome the oppositions against love.
It is good to have sex during the day of swathi star so that they will be blessed with a child
soon. It is advised to worship Lord Shiva at Tiruvalangaadu during the day of swathi star to
get rid of Kalathiradosha, puthira dosha and Abichara dosha.

Vigneshwaran was born during visaagam star. It is recommended for the women who were
born during visaagam star to worship Vigneshwar to get married soon. During visaaga star, it
is advisable to worship Vinayagar and Shiva. The elephants in the temple should be fed with
rice, banana, jaggery, scutch grass, a piece of sugarcane so that all kinds of obstacles will be
cleared. Visaaga star resembles ‘muram’.

Anusham star is seated on the zodiac sign of scorpion which is the eighth house of Aries.
Saturn is the head of Anusha star. Saturn has the other name of ‘Ayul karagan’. The position
of Saturn in Maragasthanam and Ashtamasthanam in a person’s horoscope should
undertake fasting and worship Lord Shiva so that the lifetime blemish will be eradicated.

Goddess Lakshmi is the Angel of Anusha star. This star is placed on the eighth part of
kalaprusha lakhnam. This eighth part is responsible for increase in wealth. Those who try to
succeed in the lucky chance should worship Lord Shiva with arcuate leaf after undergoing
fasting during anusha star. If a person tries to find treasure, he can worship Lord Bairavar
after fasting so that his attempt may succeed.

Kettai star resembles spear. This is placed on the eighth house of kalaprusha Lakhna of
Aries. This eighth house is a place of life. Rahu is the planet that debilitates during ketta star.
‘Maranakaran’ is the other name of rahu. Those who have fear of death should undergo
fasting and worship Lord Murugan during the day of ketta star, to get rid of fear. They can
also donate a lance to Lord Muruga.

The above mentioned expiation can also be done by those face accidents often or those
who are near to death.

Women who were born during Moola star should feed the elephants with rice, sugarcane,
jaggery, banana and scutch grass during the day of moola star so that the blemish will be
cleared. If they could not feed the elephant they can feed to cow. Lord Anjaneya was born
during moola star. The blemish of moola star can be cleared by undergoing fasting and
worshipping Anjaneya during the day of moola star and also by feeding monkeys with
banana and guava. Monkeys can be hugely found in Papanasam that is located in the district
of Tirunelveli. Worshipping Agathiyar at Papanasam also clears the blemish and obstacles.

This resembles Baton. Only Rishi and Siddha will have Baton in their hands. This star is
seated on the ninth house of kalaprusha Lakhna of Aries. Ninth house denotes God devotion
and Guru Bakthi. So undergoing fasting and visiting the epitaph of Siddhar can cure many
blemishes. Lord Varunan is the head of this star. He is responsible for rain. Without rain,
there will be no river. So varuna is the reason for production of many holy rivers. Blemishes
will be removed by taking bath in holy rivers.

Job opportunity will increase when a person worships Lord Iyappan or Shankar Narayanar
after undergoing fasting during the day of this star. Any decision taken on this day will lead
to success.

Foreign trips can be made successful by worshipping Lord Perumal during the day of this
star. Moon is the head of Thiruvonam star. Moon represents travel and God of this star is
Mahavishnu. Worshipping Lord Perumal during this day enhances the development in
profession and business.

Mars is the head of this star. Lord Murugar is the God of this star. Mars reaches its zenith at
its own star Avittam. Those who often meet with accidents should undertake fasting before
worshipping Lord Murugar at this day, so that they can escape from danger. Visiting nearby
Murugar temple after fasting, helps to manage the business competition.

Those who have pain in hand, leg and joints can visit Lord Shiva shrine and worship him by
offering candles made out of mud to kaalabairavar, so that the pain will disappear. This
expiation can also be done to escape from the evil effects of black magic.

Praying to Lord Datchinamoorthi by undergoing fasting during the day of this star, helps to
get the desired job. ‘Kaamadenu’ is the other name of this star. So feeding lettuce and
scutch grass to cow at this day reduces poverty.
Inorder to enhance development in profession and career, ko pooja can be done at this day
of Uththiratathi star. Mercury is the planet that debilitates during this star. Vishnu is the
head of Mercury planet. Visiting Vishnu temple during this day increases wealth.

Venus is the planet that reaches its zenith during this star. Mahalakshmi is the Goddess of
this star. This star represents kalaprusha of Vishnu’s feet. Lakshmi is seated on the feet of
Lord Vishnu. Savings and earnings will increase when Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped at this


If a women’s marriage is being postponed for long duration or if it is being stopped for any
reason, she should save the following things after taking bath in Thursday morning.

1. Turmeric -7
2. Betel nut – 7
3. Jaggery – 7
4. Thread dipped in turmeric – 7
5. Yellow flowers – 7
6. Chickpea – 70 gms
7. Coins – 7
8. Yellow cloth – 70 cm.

Those saved materials should be offered infront of the portrait of Lord Shiva and Paarvathi.
Lord Shiva and Goddess Paarvathi should appear in marriage attire in the portrait. Women
should worship them to get married without any obstacle. She should pray by heart to
donate certain amount to God. Then the above mentioned materials and savings should be
tied to a cloth and it should be hidden from others. Shiva and Paarvathi should be
worshipped for 40 days continuously. She should pray inorder to fulfil her desired wishes.
She should visit the shrine of Shiva and Parvathi after taking bath in the morning for about
40 days and she should donate the above mentioned material and money to the priest of
the temple.

The following materials should be saved by male who’s marriage is being postpones for long
duration. This should be done after taking bath in the Friday morning.
1. Sandal piece – 7
2. Coins – 7
3. Sugar candy – 7
4. Rice – 70grm
5. Clove – 7
6. Thread – 7
7. White flowers – 7
8. White cloth – 70cm

Those saved materials should be offered infront of the portrait of Lord Shiva and
Paarvathi. Lord Shiva and Goddess Paarvathi should appear in marriage attire in the
portrait. He should worship them to get married without any obstacle. He should pray
by heart to donate certain amount to God. Then the above mentioned materials and
savings should be tied to a cloth and it should be hidden from others. Shiva and
Paarvathi should be worshipped for 40 days continuously. He should pray inorder to
fulfil his desired wishes. He should visit the shrine of Shiva and Parvathi after taking bath
in the morning for about 40 days and he should donate the above mentioned material
and money to the priest of the temple.

If this is followed whole heartedly, possibility of getting married will increase.


In horoscope, solutions for many problems have been given. Loan trouble is something
that should not affect the life of human but what to do if it exists? Are you worried that
you cannot repay the loan you have purchased? Don’t worry. If we follow our
forefather’s remedies with a strong belief, we can escape from debt.

Those who are worried for the purchased debt can repay that debt in instalments. So
that they can settle full amount in short span. Following are the days in which this can
be done,

1. When Ashwini star, Lakhna of Aries, Anusha star, Scorpion Lakhna coincides, it is
known as ‘Maithra Muhoortham’ when the debt is paid in instalment at this
auspicious time, he can get rid of loan troubles.
2. Debt can be settled in instalments when Tuesday, Navami Tithi, Sunday, Sathurti
Tithi, Saturday, Sathurti Tithi coincides with the time of sunrise.
3. When Shashti Karanam coincides with the sun during the above mentioned days,
the debt can be settled.
4. The debt can also be repaid when the Lakhna of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and
Capricorn dawns at the time of pradosha during Saturdays.
5. The debt can be settled before 90 days of sun dusk during Tuesdays of pradosha
6. When Rahu is placed in Lakhna coincides with viyathibathayogam, the debt can
be paid back.
7. When solar and lunar eclipse clears, debt can be paid.
8. Debt can be paid at Tuesday during Mars hora.

The above days can be chosen from Almanac. Those who know astrology can choose the
day by themselves. Those who do not know astrology can ask suggestions from astrologers
and get benefitted out of it.

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